Oh BoyChapter 15 free porn video

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I woke up smiling around seven, put my running clothes and shoes on without waking my sleeping beauties, and ran out to the beach. The tide was out, so I was able to run the packed sand at the water's edge. The morning temperature at just under seventy made for perfect running weather.

The girls were on the patio when I got back to the condo, and had the coffeepot out there. I sat and had coffee while they told me that they had meat thawed for my breakfast and would scramble some eggs.

I asked them, "While you girls are doing research, find a nutritionist to help me put some weight on. You must make them understand that I don't and won't take any form of pills or drugs, so to not even suggest any. I need the right food for muscle, and the weight so I can be a good ballplayer with endurance. They can either come here or I can go to their office."

Sherry told me, "I'll call the team's front office and talk to someone there for a recommendation. I'll also call the trainers to see if they might have someone they can recommend. They may know just the right person."

I ate my mega breakfast and prepared to leave for the big Ford dealership where Loney and I were going to appear. The girls wanted to come along, so I suggested we take Sherry's car as it was a Ford. I told them that I thought Loney had a big Ford Expedition, so we would now look like Ford people even if no one cared or observed.

We were at the dealership early and were able to visit with the dealer and the sales manager. They had moved some cars out of the indoor showroom and set up a couple of tables for us. The girls had several pens and a box of fine point Sharpies on the table. They said they were going to go out to the car for the photographs of Loney and me, and came back with two small boxes and a huge box that they put on the floor under the table. The two girls had both put on one of the T-shirts that they had made up with #19 along with 'Matt' over it on the front and back. The T-shirt was not a baseball club item, but something they had designed. The girls put a few T-shirts on the table with a small sign that simply had $20 on it.

I told them, "I don't know whether or not it's legal for me to do that. I think you better put those away until you find out whether the club will allow that."

Jeannie said, "There's not one place on that shirt that says the team name or your last name. These are the shirts we were wearing at the game yesterday. No one said anything other than ask where we got them. Let's see if they sell. We'll donate half of the twenty to Loney's organization. Please, let us see how they sell."

Loney looked at the shirts and said, "They really shouldn't be illegal, but I'll only allow you to sell them if I get one to wear. Come on, Matt, put one on. Give us both one Jeannie. That'll get people to buy them. We should probably jack the price up, but try the twenty today."

The girls handed us each a T-shirt and I pulled one over the T-shirt I was wearing. I did screw up the works as I had a Rays cap to wear. Loney did too, but said he usually didn't wear caps except on the field.

The signing was fun as a lot of people came through the line and the girls collected the buck a signature from the patrons and slid each of the dollars into a giant jar. They were also selling the T-shirts. I was amazed that they were out of them in less than an hour.

Loney insisted we count the money when we were done signing, and write our checks to match the take. The girls had a tally of the shirt sales, and had sold a hundred thirty-five of them. They separated thirteen hundred and fifty dollars and I wrote my check for half of the signature take. The dealer was taking pictures of us as we showed that we had taken in nearly five hundred dollars for signatures and Loney and I each matched half.

We were just about to leave when a newspaper guy came with a photographer and took some pictures of Loney and me with the girls and the money. The reporter said it would probably be in the Sports or Metro section as that is where stuff like this was printed.

I thought it was funny that Loney had a shirt on with my number and 'Matt' on it.

Before we left, the dealer asked if we needed to trade Sherry's car in. Sherry told the dealer that baseball didn't pay me much during the early years, so I might not be in the market until later. He guaranteed the girls he would work out something if I would continue to promote his store. Jeannie assured the man we would get back with him.

As we were leaving, Loney said, "Nadia, my lady, is in town. How about coming for supper? She will love to meet you three. She commented on your rooting gallery, Matt."

Sherry told James, "We'll need to go home to clean up first."

James told us, "Don't do that; come as you are, and we'll have a cookout or something. Let's have some fun."

Mr. Private Guy himself was going to share some of his private life with the girls and me. We followed him to his place where we met the very attractive Nadia, and enjoyed an evening with them.

The girls were talking at home later about how difficult it must be for Loney to have a home in California, but play ball in Tampa. He travels all the time, of course, so he goes back and forth often.

I was up at my usual early hour and running the beach by six thirty. We had time to cook in the kitchen when I returned to the house before the construction guys got there. It was possible they would finish by the weekend with the way they were coming along. I wouldn't be there, but the girls would have a good time filling the place with the furniture and the decorations they wanted.

I know I could have bought a big home somewhere nearby for probably less than I had paid for two beach condo units and the remodeling, but I was living on the beach with enough room to entertain all the family I wanted to.

We were playing Detroit tonight, and we had a pitcher who was having trouble. I thought Joe might assign me to the bullpen, but the lineup was already posted when I went in, and I was subbing for Will Meyers in right. I was surprised since I hadn't played right with the Rays yet. Joe apparently had my file in front of him to know that I had learned and played the position. There were other players who could have played right, but I was going to roam that area and enjoy it.

I loosened up after trying to wear out the batting cage machine, and used Scott to throw some pitches to. We went through my repertoire so he could evaluate my delivery. He was happy with my pitching, but said my speed was off. I really wasn't trying to get my speed up since I wanted to save the arm for batting practice and the game.

They did let me throw half of batting practice after I had batted from the right side. After pitching, I batted left and was connecting very well from that side of the plate.

Archer mowed 'em down in the first inning. Now the test as I was leading off. This was the first time that I had been leadoff batter since I was in little league.

I had watched the pitcher warm up and felt I had an idea about his delivery. You had to anticipate the pitch and be prepared to swing. The consensus was that he would either throw me a fastball strike, or a curve that bounced in front of the plate. The man gave me a knee that told me it was going to be a fastball. I used my hips and legs to put some power into the bat, and the ball went to the back of the second level in left center.

I was hoping that would help the guys following me get a rally started. It didn't and there were three straight strikeouts.

I shifted a little toward the foul line when some lefties came up, and it paid off as I caught two balls that would have been fair in the corner. The righties weren't catching up to the fastball, so their balls were going to right center or to me in right.

This lasted until in the fourth when Detroit began hitting Archer the second time through. Almost every batter was getting one over the center infield or between the zones. I was frustrated, as I couldn't cover the entire outfield. Zobrist even came out to me when I was near cussing because I couldn't catch up to a ball that Jennings should have had in center. I at least kept the game closer by keeping the hit to a single by backing him up.

I was thrown an intentional walk my second time up, because there were two out and a man on second. We died with two men on.

Detroit was leading five to two meanwhile. I faced a reliever my third time up, and he pitched to me. He had me at a full count when he blinked. He threw a slider that didn't slide, and I put it against the wall for a triple. I wish I could have homered, but I was lucky the centerfielder misjudged the ball off the wall to get a triple.

Jennings drove me home with a good single. That was it though, and we lost the game.

Joe came through the locker room and patted some of us on the shoulder as he went. I felt like I should have been able to do more, but there was nothing more to do. Our bats were quiet.

Wednesday night's game was all ours. I was the DH, and we were kicking butt from the first inning on. I only went three for four times up, with a strikeout and a walk, and no homers. The rest of the team decided to hit the ball, and drove in run after run until we had a nine to three win.

Thursday was my day to pitch, and I was nervous from the time I awoke until game time. I ran in the morning and ate as much as possible. I worked out in the gym, and then used the batting cages to relax.

Scott said he was told to let the Irishman, Hanigan, warm me up when I tried to get him to do it.

I went through my pitches and felt good about them. Both the split-finger and four-seamer were wiggling on the way to the plate, so I had two deceptive fastballs. My curve was working and the sliders were doing what they were supposed to do. The palm ball was dropping straight down on the plate, so that was going to work later.

I didn't get to hit during batting practice, as we were a little rushed to warm me up. I wasn't used to that since I was usually warmed up by Scott and ready for batting practice before warming up with the game catcher.

Jim Hickey could tell I was on edge and asked about it. I told him that something was wrong tonight. All my prep time was off or rushed, and I was still hungry. We didn't have time to eat before game time.

Joe and Jim laughed at that, but I was uncomfortable because I was hungry, so it made a difference to me.

The first inning was easy as everyone looked at a fastball strike, swung at a curve, and dodged a slider over the plate.

Joe had me batting fifth today, so we watched the Detroit pitcher convince our men to hit into easy outs.

My second inning wasn't as nice as I had to dive for a slow roller up the middle and just barely threw the runner out. The next batter hit a single over Zobrist, and then the next man hit a fly ball that advanced the runner to second. The next man laid down a good bunt that advanced the runner to third, and wasn't thrown out at first.

I threw as signed by the catcher and the batter did what he was supposed to do by hitting the ball straight up and it was caught by Escobar, the short stop. We were out of the inning without any damage.

They walked me when I came up with a man on second and two outs. Four straight balls were intentionally way outside. That's so frustrating. The man following me struck out, so it was a good strategy.

We still couldn't manufacture a run with two men on base.

I allowed a run on two singles and a long fly out. We were tied at one to one, and I could feel that my fastballs weren't cooking. My sliders were still working, but my curve was hanging a little. That's how I gave up the singles. I used my palm ball on the third strike on three successive players, and knew I wouldn't get them with it the next inning. They wouldn't swing once they knew it was coming.

Joe replaced me in the eighth and I left with the game tied and watched us lose three to one. That's such a hopeless feeling.

We were traveling to Minnesota right after the game. I talked to the girls on the phone before we took off, and was told to be good, but to enjoy the trip.

I hate to lose and it takes me a little while to get over a team loss. I shouldn't take it personally, but I did. Joe even talked to me to tell me that the guys just couldn't give me any run support today. It didn't help but I vowed to make sure I gave the other pitchers that run support.

The Minnesota games were fun and we won two out of three. We went to Cleveland where I would pitch the second game. The first game was all us and our bats. I was throwing everything perfectly the second game. None of the bats could find the slider or my curve. The changeup I had been working on worked today, and a fastball, changeup combination did the trick several times. It was in the ninth when I realized that I was still pitching, for one thing, and two, no one had hit me tonight. Hanigan was calling a good game that I agreed with as we reviewed batters between every inning.

The first batter of the ninth was the number seven batter. He struck out the previous times and almost got one past the infield on a curve. Zobrist intercepted the ball and threw him out. Batter number two swung at two backup sliders, and then couldn't catch up to a fastball.

The number nine hitter was batting .280 before tonight, and stood in at the plate as if he felt he could and would get a hit. Hanigan called for a fastball and I threw a four-seamer as hard as I could at the bottom of the zone. He didn't swing and it was a called strike. The man smacked his bat on the ground and voiced his displeasure at the ump. I kept remembering Earl and his sayings. He always said; make a man mad and he will make mistakes all night long. I threw a fastball inside enough to make the batter jump back and fall on his butt.

The man jumped up fuming that I threw at him. I did sort of, but didn't want to hit him. Hanigan called for a slider and setup inside so the ball would be right to Longoria if the guy hit it.

The ball went right at him again and he stood in to get hit. The ball didn't hit him but tailed over the plate for strike two. The guy was incensed and yelled at the ump when he made the call.

Hanigan called for the palm ball and I threw it the way it was supposed to be thrown. The batter swung at the ball while it was on its way to the ground. The ball tipped the bat, but Hanigan caught it and tagged the guy anyway. Game over and the batter smacked his bat on the ground hard enough to shatter the bat and shower the ump and Hanigan with pieces of bat.

I stood on the mound realizing that I had thrown a no-hitter. I didn't feel that good about it as we only had two runs, and one of those was a home run by me. Matt Joyce hit the other solo homer, so it was a Matt and Matt game. We did the high five for us and our fans in the area attending the game, and disappeared into the visiting clubhouse.

I was scarfing food down when I was called for a TV interview. A towel full of shaving cream smashed into my face on my way out of the clubhouse, while all of the guys were hollering their congratulations. I was handed another towel to wipe the stuff off and talk to the sportscaster at the same time. What can you say? No one could get hold of my pitches tonight, the defense was perfect, and I was able to hit one over the fence. That's about it.

I was finally able to get all of the shaving cream from my face and neck, but it took stripping in the shower and washing thoroughly to do it. I was stuffing more food into my mouth, to the amusement of my teammates, as soon as I was dressed. They told me that I was going to pitch all of my games hungry from now on.

I talked to the girls from the hotel room later. They were ecstatic that I had a no-hitter. They told me I was leading the American League in home runs, and the entire league in batting average. I told them that I should get some more instruction, and they were laughing. I kept thinking of how Earl always told me to keep getting instruction. I had to really work at not trying to pat myself on the back.

I had just ended the call with the girls on my cell phone, when the room phone rang. It was Loney. "Hey, Kid, are you still hungry? I could use something to eat. How about we get something somewhere?"

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Doing It For Dad chapter 8

DOING IT FOR DAD Chapter 8 I got into my car and then just sat there, dazed. My heart was pounding. My nylon-clad legs were shaking. I was breathing quickly and deeply, my fake breasts heaving with every breath. I could feel my bra digging into my chest. Then I began to think furiously about what had just happened. The whole situation had suddenly taken a dark and rather sinister turn. I only had myself to blame for the predicament I was now in. Dad had tried to tell me that he...

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poker her night

My good friend Bobcat the Poker Brat. Wanted me to share his story, so here it is!Poke her night.Five years ago, my friend Bryan and I met two lovely ladies at the bar on a Friday night, they were very keen on us, and share our passion for poker. We played for small change at the bar, where Bryan won the pot. The two women, one blonde and the other brunette, the blonde is called Sharon and the brunette Lynda. They were both thirty-two. Sharon had deep green eyes that wrinkled when she...

2 years ago
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Cabin In The Woods Part One

My mom decided to get married out at the state park, and we would all have cabins in the woods where we would sleep and eat. The cabins were nice, complete with electricity, stoves, and a fireplace. It was a six hour drive and I got there about an hour before the ceremony. My mom called be over to meet my new step brothers and one step sister. Now, I haven't been a teenager in a while so meeting my steps wasn't that big of a deal. Boy was I wrong. My new stepsister's name was Addie and she...

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The Hostess

Sara was angry and frustrated. She and her husband had invested their entire savings into this questionable project. They lived in a very little town just outside of Kansas City. It was halfway between Kansas City, and Lawrence, where the big state university is located. Lots of people would eventually move here to get out of the rat race, but still be close enough to commute into either place where there were plenty of jobs. Nemaha was a very little town, of about 200 people. The main street...

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First time with a married woman TRUE STORY Part

I'm going to tell you a couple TRUE of stories that happened 15 years ago when I was in my early twenties. Few information: English is not my mother tongue, and this is my first time to write ANY STORY.////////////////////////////////////////////////////I was working for a business consultancy company, and it was my first job, fresh out of college. I was a junior employee and big shots would hit a home run and leave me with customers, to finalize on the ideas and findings.We were working for a...

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Thursday Night part 2

While Stuart had invited me to stay with them tonight, I could tell Richard wanted Stuart all to himself and who could blame him. Stuart was not only a great looking guy but a great lover as well. As much fun as I have with those two men I didn’t want to stay there I wanted to fall asleep in Michelle’s arms. Although it was late she had called and asked me to come over no matter the time. I called her to double check it was ok to come over now and she had said sure. So I am headed over there...

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Wife Turns A Trick

Having been married for quite a few years and with adult children around the house, it's fair to say that our sex life had got a little monotonous. It should be said though that it was now a case of quality rather than quantity nevertheless a little more, a little more often would not go amiss!In adding a little spice around the bedroom one of the things I liked to enjoy was hearing from my wife Julie what her fantasies were. We didn't chat about them over a cup of tea and she only told me...

2 years ago
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Becoming Emily Part VII

After Megan left I laid in bed, exhausted, and felt the soreness from my escapades fully setting in. A long, hot soak helped alleviate the effects but I didn’t think I could take another 24 hours like that. I sent the rest of the day at home and I found, to my dismay and excitement, that I enjoyed things that I previously would have considered to be typical female behavior. When I got hungry I ate a salad, and I enjoyed it which was huge coming from someone that wouldn’t consider a meal...

3 years ago
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The Girl Whose Name I Cant be Forced to Remember

When I moved out on my own, I totally moved out on my own. Unlike your average twenty-something, I did not move in with friends, I just moved out on my own. I had a trailer of my own, with nobody else with which to share it. It took some getting used to, but I eventually grew to like not having anyone to mess with my things, or to tell me what I needed to be doing. Due to a deal with my sister, I still had someone once a week doing my laundry (while I wasn't home, but she was doing her...

1 year ago
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KarenChapter 2

Tuesday night I dragged Karen to a mixer. She resisted me at first, but it was my turn and I wouldn't let her say no. I always went with her and now it Karen's turn to indulge me. "Who knows?" I teased my best friend as I watched her get slowly dressed. "You might meet some hot blonde and..." "Named Bambi?" She giggled. "I was thinking Tiffany." I stuck my tongue out at her. "You should wear skirts more often. You've got great legs." "My short little legs?" Karen fixed the...

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Night thieves in the living room

I was home alone that unforgettable night; since Victor would not come back until Monday. I had been watching some porn movies, but finally I went to bed and passed out, tired after a wild heavy week at my office. In the darkness I heard a loud noise and I woke up a bit scared.Three masked men were down at the living room, stealing stuff…One of them saw me standing there at the top of the stairs and he quickly climbed up after me. I was not enough fast, since I went back to the bedroom and...

2 years ago
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The Cuckolds Reward Alistairs Story Part VII

It was 12.00pm, UK time, when Julie rang Alistair at his work. It was just a quick call to let him know that she and Abdul had returned to his apartment. He was pleased to hear her voice and glad to know that she was safe and well. “So you had a good time then?” he asked her. “Mmmmm,” she murmured, “a very good time.” “Oh yes?” “I’ll tell you in an email,” she told him, “but we all had a good time.” “All?” “Mmmmmm.” Alistair fell silent. He wanted to ask but his office door was...

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1000 Miles of Sex

When I was still married, my wife and I used to drive as team drivers for a large company. Most of the modern tractors have bunk beds, and many husband and wife teams use the top bunk for storage. We tried to keep everything stowed so that the top bunk in our truck was always in the up and stowed position; it gave us more head room in the sleeper.Throughout my life, I have always desired a little of the taboo side of sex. That is part of why I read the stories here. My wife accepted the fact,...

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Welcomed VisitorChapter 9 Unforeseen consequences

Well things rocked along in the neighborhood for a couple of months with no scares or tragedies to speak of. I had visits from Janet, Susie and sometimes both at the same time. Also I socialized with Grace and Kimberly to the point that we became good friends just like the three musketeers. To my surprise one of the benefits of being state champs was that the whole team got to go to cheerleader camp for two weeks for free. My two little angels jumped at the chance. The school provided a bus...

3 years ago
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YE EK ANOKHI STORY HAI SIRF DAILOGS KI MERI AUR MERI PRIYA BHABHI KI JO MUJHSE PEHLE CHANDIGARH MAIN SEX KAR CHUKI HAI AUR AB DEHLI MAIN HAI AUR HUMNE ROLEPLAY BHI BAHUT KIYA BHABHI HAI HI BAHUT KAMAL KI,OK AB STORY SHURU KARTE HAIN.AAPKO YE NAYEE STORY KAISE LAGI ZAROOR MAIL KARNA MUJHE OK MERA ID HAI Sam:i ring the bellpriya: kaun?Sam: Bhabhi main hoon samsam: aapkaa Naughty dewarpriya: arre devarji aappriya: aaj yaha kaise aana huapriya: bhabi ki yaad bahut dino baad aayisam: Bhaiyaa aur...

2 years ago
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A girl from the past rides like a blast

Hi, the name is AJ. At the time this takes place I was a junior in high school. I was single and not very experienced when it came down to getting to it. Needless to say, I was a late bloomer in the sex department. At the time I had only been with one girl in my life. It was the beginning of September and I was living at my Dad's. It was around 11 pm on a Saturday night, and being a junior in high school and a video game playing nerd, I didn’t have any place better to be than at home. Everyone...

Straight Sex
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A Mother Punishes Her Boy For The Last Time

Note : This story is completely fictional!John Meyers father died and now it was his place to take care of his mother. He hated the old bitch. When he was a little boy she caught him playing with his prick and spanked him and read the bible to him. She made his life hell when he was growing up. Every girl he was interested she called a slut because they didn't go to church. John moved in with his mother and took over the house. She was seventy and walked with a cane. He was going to make her...

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I was finished with my finals and had just entered the warren exercise room when one of my younger sibs slipped up beside me, "the council is meeting." I tensed, "they meet every week." He grinned, "they are arguing with grandfather about making you accept a mate they have chosen." I growled as I reached the weapons wall, "four years I have refused why would they think I would accept one now?" He chuckled, "they are demanding it since you are in the line." I pulled two...

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Inspiration Ch 05

DISCLAIMER: Any and all erotic asphyxiation displayed within these and all MY stories are highly recommended for those who are truly experienced in the breath play fetish. Please, educate yourself and your partner before attempting this fetish and, always, use caution and precautions. Education and safety are a must within this realm of fetish! ‘I’m meeting him at his place.’ Rosangela’s voice shouted as she darted about her bedroom gathering up a pair of black vinyl heels. Atop Rosangela’s...

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Tricked into Sissification

Rene: How do I get her to go out with me? Brittani: You dont! Hahaha. She is way too pretty for you. Rene: I know. It's just I really like her. Isn't there anything I can do? Brittani: I can put in a good word for you, but you have to do something for me. Rene: Oh that would be so great. I'll do anything please. Brittani: Hahaha you are such a pathetic loser. I think that's what I'm going to call you from now on. Get down on your knees loser. Rene: What? Brittani: Do you want me to put in a...

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Slave to Her Mistress

© 2002 Couture You're only sitting here because your computer at home is broken. Yes, the old 400 Mhz has surfed it's last erotic story site and taken with it every last story you archived to a hidden folder. "Thank God for libraries," you think, glancing around quickly to make sure no one is looking, before pulling up the latest Couture story. No, they aren't the best written stories out there, but they never fail to make you wet. Yes, there's a new one! You bring up MSN, and...

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Catching Up With a Friend

One Thursday afternoon after work I got a little pop up on my phone. It was a friend request from someone on Facebook. And to my surprise and excitement, it was Julie. Julie and I were close friends throughout high school. She was my high school prom date and my study buddy through the first year of college before she transferred to another school and we lost touch shortly thereafter. These were the days before Facebook and other social media and not everyone had email. We had met and gotten...

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FilthyTaboo Lolly Dames Replacing My Crazy GF With My Hot Stepsis

Ever date a crazy bitch that won’t leave you alone? The absolute worst. I was trying to outrun this stage 5 stalker when my stepsister Lolly Dames said she’d throw the ex off my trail. What a lifesaver! Lolly even told me (Peter Green) she’d hook me up with one of her friends. The truth is, I have eyes for my stepsister. She has an incredible ass & great big, fat tits. We get to talking and she eventually takes her massive tits out for me, so I show her my big cock in...

3 years ago
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Dirty Horny Family

Huma presents a new hot story of a dirty family. Hope all my kinky readers will love it. I am 26 years old photographer, married to a sexbomb named Sarita who loves sex. I have been fucking her in all positions and at all places, like, bathroom, kitchen, in the lawn and soemtimes in bed too. I live with my mother Sunita who is a gorgeous looking woman of 46. She has a few male friends who used to be my dad’s friends before my dad died two years ago. My wife tells me she fucks them like a whore....

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TETHERS (a transvestite fantasy) By ?c.c.? How you get involved with the group of submissive women known as "Tethers" is a case of everything just coming together by itself. You married your wife June knowing she was the submissive type, and you certainly enjoy tying her up, etc., but due to the pressures of your job as a research biologist, you don't always have time to indulge her. So when she hears about this informal group called "Tethers"?seven women who enjoy playing...

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Public Pillory 7 Sister Sister

The rest of the morning was boring compared to how it had started. No one had signed up for a full session, so it was a slow and steady stream of men or women wanting to use his mouth. While he did not like it, he got proficient at sucking one man off after another. The occasional pussy was a treat for him. Some sweet, some tangy, some small some big, bare, or hairy it did not matter, He would take a pussy in the face over any cock. Unfortunately, that was not his choice. Surprisingly, he...

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Sarah Carerra 202 Tonight with Sarah Carerra

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: August 9, 2010) Chapter 2 - Tonight with Sarah Carerra The next few days passed slowly, but I was glad for the calm that had settled after the concert was over. It was a good break from the full- throttle schedule that I had been...

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To Walk the ConstellationsChapter 3

MY RECOVERY I spent it in bed, drugged to the gills and swimming with nano. MY LOSS I only knew my recovery was done when Techne came to the bedroom that I’d been laying in – sweating, shivering, aching – and pulled up a diagnostic holo off my corset. She looked it over, her camera-eyes whirring as she whistled slowly. “God damn, Jesus Christ and all her saints, Stumble fucked you up, Venn.” She undid the nano corset and I started my career as a Liminal Knight and member of a...

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Manny Spare Parts

It began in March 2088 with a job interview at Xenotrax, a pharmaceutical giant who had made a huge splash in the twenties with significant advances in molecular technology for medical use, they gave hospitals machines that can run scans and strip people of cancer in a single afternoon, their magic machines can heal tissue damage and keep blood levels consistent eliminating anaemia. They have treated a variety of maladies for billions worldwide. I took the invitation to attend a jobs...

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Bestiality School Lesson 1 Cat Sex

Introduction: A young woman loses her virginity to a cat! —Prologue— I was an exemplary student. Always had, always would. I had managed to remain at top of my class for my entire student career and now that high school was over, I retired undefeated. Most people thought I would go on to college and become some big shot lawyer or doctor, but the truth was I had no idea what my future held. I had always been so focused on my schoolwork that I had never taken the time to get to know myself. And...

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