Alumni: Dee Makes The Call free porn video

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In the days that followed Mr. Evans was unsure if he should take her up on the offer. It seemed a bit risky, to say the least, to be fooling around with his recent graduates, even though it was all perfectly legal. He was pretty sure neither the administration nor parents of his current athletes would look favorably upon the situation. If this event had come to light, he’d likely never be allowed to work in the field again.

Because of this he’d been very worried about how things would proceed. Much of him hoped it would be an isolated incident. The professional thing to do would be to not allow it to happen again, and hope that the girls would never speak of it to anyone, as they had promised to do. They liked and respected him enough to protect him, and were perfectly aware of the potential danger of their collective actions.

But another part of him was ecstatic at the prospect of what might continue to be. Dee had long been a favorite of his, and not simply because of the physical attraction. Almost all of the girls he worked with were attractive to some degree. They were athletes in the prime of their lives, how could they not? But between Dee and him there had been a tighter bond than there had been with the others. Their personalities matched up nicely, and she had all the traits that he looked for in a woman: smart, witty, energetic. Obviously she was far too young to be involved with, but he had the sense that if their ages were closer, had they been of the same generation, there would certainly be a strong chemistry between them. He harbored no illusions, however, and while it was pleasant enough to think about, he knew it was nothing to be hoped for. It simply wouldn’t, it couldn’t, happen.

So he decided not to pursue it. In the days since he thought constantly of Dee or Bobbi and what had happened, but he made no effort to contact either of them, and had begun to think of it as something to be cherished as a crazy event that would stick in his memory. So when he got the call in the evening later in the week he didn’t know what to say. As had happen the first time, it was Dee who moved things forward.

“Hi, Mr. Evans,” she said without a trace of suggestion when he answered his cell.

“Hey, Dee,” he countered flatly, although his heart immediately raced.

“How’re you doing?” she asked with the expected irony in her voice, ‘now that we’ve fucked each other silly’ the question continued unspoken.

“Oh, you know, really pretty good, actually,” he sort of laughed, trying to play along. “What are you up to?”

“Nothing much, just hanging around the house. I might see what Bobbi’s up to later and go out, but I’m not sure. Hey, I was wondering,” as if the thought just occurred to her, “should I still call you Mr. Evans, or can I call you Mark now?”

“You can call me whatever, or whenever, you like,” he responded, nonchalantly.

“Ok, then. Mark.” Then she giggled. “That feels weird to say; it’ll take some getting used to. I might still just call you Mr. Evans.”

“Suit yourself. I’m gonna keep calling you Dee,” he said to be a smart ass.

“What?? I’m not Miss Chandler now that I’ve graduated and am all grown up?” playing along in a wounded voice. “I thought I’d get to be treated with a little more respect than that, being all worldly wise and mature and all. Hmph.”

“Oh, alright, he acquiesced, “Miss Chandler. How’s that?”

“That’s better. But my friends call me Dee, so you can too,” she teased. “So, I wanted to talk about what happened the other day.”

Uh oh, here it comes, he thought. Either it was about to be all over, or all good, one of the two. “Ok, what about it?” he said, trying to conceal both anticipation and trepidation.

“Well,” she began slowly, “I’ve been thinking about it, you know, about how it was a whole lot of fun, and how I kinda want to keep doing that with you if it’s ok.” She paused for a second, then continued, “but before it happens again I want to get to know more about what you like.”

“You mean you want me to tell you what I like about sex?” he asked, encouraged by her direction.

“Yeah, I guess.” She thought a second for a better way to explain it. “It’s like, I know a little about what you like now, because you obviously liked everything we were doing. But when I started whispering to you, while Bobbi was on top of you, it was like a whole other part of you came out. You got so completely aroused by my talking to you, and it really turned me on to be able to do that to you. So I figure if we talk about it more it might make it even better next time. Plus, you know, I bet you know a bit more about it than I do at this point. Sex, I mean.”

He’d been with a number of girls before, all of them fun, some more adventurous than others, and each with her special attributes. But he’d never encountered a woman who had specifically asked him what he wanted point blank, much less everything. Now here was this sweet little vixen, for whom he was already having strong emotional feelings, on top of the pure, raging lust he felt, asking him to confess his every desire.

“You’re quite an interesting girl, Dee,” he said contemplatively. She really was turning out to be unlike anyone he’d ever been with. “So how do you want to go about this?”

“Well, here’s what I was thinking,” her voice perking up. “I’ll ask the questions and you give the answers, and when I feel like I know enough about you, I’ll come back over and we can have some more fun.”

“Ah, so you get to say when. I suppose that’s fair.” A woman in control, he liked that. “I hope I get to see you sooner than later, though. Hurry up and ask, already, will ya?”

“Jeez, calm down, big boy,” she said playfully. “I’ll be able to tell if your trying to rush it, so you’d better just relax and get ready to chat for a while.”

“Oh, alright, if I must,” he pouted. This could really be a whole lot of fun– sexual psychoanalysis with a hot coed. Then he thought to ask, “Hey, do I get to ask any questions? I mean, am I going to get to know what you like also, or do I just have to wait and find out?”

“Oh, you can ask, too. I have nothing to hide,” she said confidently. “Maybe I’ll even volunteer some stuff as we go along, but only if you’re a good boy an answer all the questions. So, ready? Question number one. Do you masturbate?”

“Well, yes, of course. Otherwise I’d go nuts, so to speak.”

“Ha, ha,” she droned at his lame joke. “So what do you like to think about when you do?”

“Well, first of all, I do it when I can’t have sex with someone else, it’s not like it’s my preference. It’s really done more out of necessity. As for what I think about, that totally depends on my mood.”

“Ok,” she said, “well, have you masturbated since we were over?”

“Yes, and of course I thought about you and Bobbi again.”

“How about before we came over. What was the last thing you were thinking of when you masturbated?”

“I was probably watching porn, which is almost always what I do. Girl-girl stuff, mostly. Sometimes just girls masturbating.”

“Oh really?” She seemed genuinely intrigued. “You don’t like watching regular girl-guy sex? I thought that’s what all guys were into.”

“Maybe sometimes, but I’m really more interested in watching the girls get off, so I usually just take the guys out of the equation. Plus girl-guy porn is so fake, I hate how unrealistic it is. Not that any porn isn’t totally fake, just that it doesn’t turn me on to watch some huge cock just banging away at a set of fake boobs. So I try to find stuff that either emphasizes the female enjoyment, or even better shows actual female orgasms.” He found talking about all this to be more easy and intriguing than he thought it might.

“Huh,” she pondered, “so watching girls get off gets you off?”

“Yep,” he continued, “It’s the same when I’m with someone. Turning them on and making them cum as much a possible is what does it for me. So I try to get them to cum as much as I can before I finally have to. I’ve never been really able to cum more than once unless there’s some time in between, like a few hours. So I make the best of it while I can, I guess. Poke while the iron is hot.”

She giggled at his continued deliberately bad jokes. It was part of his charm. “If you’re not going to take this seriously, mister, we don’t have to continue,” she chided.

“Oh, come on, it was a good joke,” he protested meekly. “I’ll be good, I promise, Miss Chandler.

“That’s better, Mr. Evans. I wouldn’t want to have to come over there and spank you, now would I?”

“Well, I would. And I’ve got the wood right here to prove it…”

“Enough!” she said, laughing and rolling her eyes on the other end of the line. “So, more about these girls you watch. Do you like to watch your girlfriends masturbate?”

“I would love that, but I’ve never had one who would do that for me. In fact, most of the girls I’ve been with don’t like or understand the whole idea of porn, and some of them didn’t even masturbate.”

“What??” she was surprised. “What kind of girl doesn’t play with herself? I’d never make it through the week!”

“Oh, girl, you’re killing me.” His pulse was racing at the thought of her hot little naked body lying on the bed, fingers between her legs, her eyes closed, cumming. “Do I get to see that sometime? Pretty, please?”

“Mmmmmaybe,” she toyed. “Keep talkin’ buddy and we’ll see how you do. So is that your favorite fantasy?”

“Hm, maybe. But maybe not. It’s just part of a litany of perversions I carry with me through the day. I don’t really have a favorite fantasy, per se. Just a lot of things I like doing to girls.”

“Like what?”

“Well, my favorite thing to do is probably going down on someone. I’m a big fan of a nice, smooth, tasty pussy. And it’s a really great way to get a girl off.”

“Yeah, I’ve noticed you’re pretty good at that. I was surprised watching you with Bobbi. No offense, you know, but you don’t expect your coach to be a world class pussy licker, right?”

“No offense taken. I think I’m going to surprise you in a lot of ways. Anyway, I’m always eager to devour a woman if she’ll let me. I like everything about them down there, and I just love, um, well, to put it bluntly, tonguing ass.”

“Wow, didn’t see that coming,” she said.

“Are being sarcastic?”

“No, not really,” she went on. “I mean, obviously you enjoyed doing that to Bobbi, who also seemed to like it. And you’ve already confessed to being a bootie man, so I guess it would make sense. But I don’t know, you seem like such a nice, normal guy. Who knew what your dirty little mind had been thinking all this time.”

“Well, you asked,” he said. “So let me ask you this? Would you like having my tongue in your butt?”

“Mr. Evans! One does not ask such things of a lady,” she said with mocking prudence, but then went on, “I guess so. I’ve never had it done to me, and it’s not something I ever really though about. I guess I might have rubbed it a bit sometimes playing with myself, but not really as a way of pleasing myself. Maybe that’s something I’ll learn from you.”

“The pleasure will be all mine. Oops, I mean yours. Dangit.”

“Ha, caught you!” she said. “So you are thinking about your own needs after all.”

“Well, yeah, but you know, I think the fun of sex should be that each person is trying to out please the other. That’s when it gets really crazy good.”

“Wow, what a great way to think about it. Makes me wanna come over and fuck you right now,” she said, knowing how much it would get him riled. “Ok, so tell me your next favorite thing.”

His mind had leapt forward to the thought of her over at his house again, underneath him, smiling as his rock hard dick pushed deep into her yummy slit, and he had to forcibly pull himself back. “You know, it’s not fair, you taunting me like that.”

“Fuck fair, Mr. Evans. I am here to taunt you mercilessly, and when I’m done you can fairly fuck me. Answer the question, please. What’s your next favorite thing to do?”

“Ouch.” He was completely distracted and aroused now, so he said, “Well, at the moment it would be to get myself behind you and fuck up against that marvelous little round butt of yours, if for no other purpose than to put you in your place, you tease.”

“Hee, hee. You ok over there? I’m sorry to get you all worked up. I’ll try to control myself. So is that your next favorite, from behind?”

He closed his eyes and concentrated for a second, letting out an exasperated sigh as he regained his thoughts. His was fully erect in his jeans now, and had momentarily thought he’d have to bring it out while her talked to her, but knew that would ruin the conversation, or at least his end of it. This girl was simply the most sexually charged thing he’d ever encountered, and it was clear to him that she had enormous power over him. It was equally clear that he was perfectly willing to follow her wherever she’d take him.

“Ok, calming down. Breathing…” He managed to return. “Well, maybe, but you know what I really like, in an unspecific sort of way? I like to see who I’m with smiling. You know? Being happy, really happy while we fuck. It’s the most amazing turn on to be moving in and out of someone knowing they’re totally enjoying it. I mean, of course when it starts to get really heavy and sweaty the smiles are replaced by moans and animal passion. But before that, sweet smiles from pretty girls get me going.”

“I know what gets you going even more.” She said.

“Oh yeah, what’s that?”

“Someone talking to you.”

She was right, of course. It was so obvious he’d forgotten. Even now while they were talking he was fully aroused. “Oh yeah, you’re totally right on that one. But hey, smiles are still good.”

“Ok, next question. What about clothes? I know you like the cute little shorts all the girls wear at practice. Anything else? Do you like sexy lingerie or anything like that?”

“I love outfits. And I love keeping them on throughout. A half dressed girl is a big turn on. Skirt hiked up, dress open, shirt up around shoulders or tank around waist. There’s something about ‘almost naked’ that beats ‘totally naked’ just about every time. But my true weakness is socks. Kneehighs. I don’t really know why, but girls in socks and nothing else just kills me.”

“Ok, wow, good answer. And you know what? I think I’m done asking questions for now. Do you want to ask me anything in return?”
He thought about it for a second. “Why are you doing this?”

“Because I like you, Mr. Evans. Mark. Whatever. I feel safe and horny around you at the same time, and I really like sex a lot. Not that I’m a raging slut or anything, but I’ve had some experience with it. But all the boys I’ve been with have been, you know, just boys interested in getting off. When me and Bobbi came over I had no idea what would really happen, I just wanted to hang out and tease you a bit, maybe fool around. But you turned out to be so good at it, and I can tell you really care about it while you’re doing it, and you’re really attentive to who you’re with. So I want to keep seeing you, both to enjoy it and learn from it.”

“You’re a dream come true, Dee. I’m happy to be here for you.” The understatement of the year, he thought. But he still had more questions. “Let me ask you this, then,” he started.

“Wait, how about this,” she interrupted. “How about I come over there and you can ask me more questions in person? Sound good? Good. I’ll be right over.” And with that she hung up.

“Jesus, what a fucking minx!” he said out loud, closing his cell. He got up and looked around his house. He knew where Dee lived, and even if she took her time she would be there in less than fifteen minutes. He did some straightening, put the dishes into the sink, and checked himself in the mirror. Tee shirt and jeans again, real class, he thought to himself. At least he couldn’t be accused of putting on airs. By the time he was considering whether or not he should change the doorbell rang.

And there she was, standing under his porch light; Dee, in all her diminutive, perky glory. Short braided pigtails in her straight sandy hair, just brushing the nape of her neck, a spaghetti strap tank over her easy going 34Bs with no bra, typically tight jeans showing off her tight, youthful legs, and all the way down, a pair of Mary Janes over cream colored socks. As he scanned back up she looked him straight in the eye, the way lovers do when they know nothing is concealed, and nothing needs to be said. Then she smiled.

“Hi, Mark. I would like to come inside and talk to you for a bit.” She opened the screen door before he had a chance to himself, and walked right past him into the living room, her heels clicking briskly on the hardwood floors. He half expected her to spin around and demand a drink, as a femme fatale ten years her senior would have done in the same situation. Instead she burst into a big smile, and flopped down at the far end of the sofa, with one leg drawn up.

“Have a seat,” she said, motioning to the opposite end of the couch. “I have an idea.”

“Oh you do, do you?” he said, unprepared for her dominant demeanor. “Before we get to that may I at least say how darling you’re looking this evening?”

She smiled big again. “You may. And thank you. And you’re just a cute in those jeans as you were the last time I was over here.” He winced a little at his own predictability.

“Yes, well, I’ve uh, been employing my imagination elsewhere lately,” he managed to say, as he sat as bidden across from her.

“I know you have,” she bubbled, “and very well, too.” She leaned forward excitedly, supporting herself with her hands clasped between her legs. “Here’s my plan. I know you have more questions for me, and I might for you too, actually. But I couldn’t wait to see you again after hearing everything you’ve had to say. And you played along so nicely that I’m going to reward you with a little treat while we continue the conversation.”

Having said her peace, she leaned farther still towards him, ending up on all fours in front of him, bringing her face right up to his. She stopped an inch or so away, looked him in the eyes and smiled broadly, obviously quite pleased with herself. Then she girlishly licked the edge of her teeth before shutting her eyes, closing the gap between them, and placing a perfect, passionate kiss on his lips. She held it to the moment when it would advance to something else, and rocked back onto her legs, scooching back to her end of the sofa with her legs now outstretched in front of her.

“So, what was it you were going to ask me when I hung up on you?” she asked as she undid the straps of her shoes, kicking them off onto the floor. She then proceeded to undo her pants, open the fly and lift her hips.

“I was…” his voice trailed off as he watched her. “What are you doing?”

“The show’s starting, mister, but don’t let me interrupt.” She inched her jeans over her hips and shimmied them down her legs. With her pants at her ankles she drew her knees up to her chest, and paused, arms clasped around her smooth pale shins. “What were you going to ask me?” she said, making it clear she’d go no further until he asked.

“Well,” he said slowly, “You said you had some experience with sex, and that you liked it. I was just going to ask you to elaborate a bit.”

She smiled her little smile and pulled her pants off her legs, tossing them to the floor, revealing a pair of light, sheer bikini panties and a pair of opaque knee high socks of a similar color. She pulled her socks back up, making a show of adjusting and smoothing them, running her hands up and down her calves, then lay back onto the arm of the couch, parting her knees a bit as she did so.

She looked straight at him, but his eyes didn’t meet hers. They were following the motion of her hands as they caressed her thighs, moving inwards towards her panties, through which he could see her cleanly shaven lips beneath a small patch of trimmed curlies. He became instantly hard in his shorts, realizing just what this mystery show was going to be.
“I’ve always like sex since a far back as I can remember,” she began. “Or at lest I’ve always been interested in being naked, and being attracted to other naked bodies. Once I discovered I could please myself I did it almost constantly.” The fingers of her left hand were creeping to the very top of her inner thigh, pushing against the side of her panties, while the tips of her right hand fingers were inching under her waistband. He stared, mesmerized, as her middle finger made tiny circles over her clit, almost unintentionally.

“Mmm,” she cooed. She’d never played with herself in front of a man before, and the reaction she was both getting from him and having herself was more exciting than she’d expected. “So I did this a lot all through junior high. Being as small as I am I was overlooked by the boys, but I never really missed them that much. I just couldn’t wait to get home from school and hide away in my room. What do you think of that?”

“I think I’m not thinking straight,” he all he could manage, trying not to pant too terribly hard.

He was ecstatic. He’d only minutes before confessed to her just a few of his desires, and now here she was acting them out for him, on his couch, in person. Honesty would now be his policy with her, first and foremost, from now on.

After stroking the full length of her lips beneath the sheer fabric for a short time, she then pulled it aside with her left hand and continued to run her slick fingers over her now open labia and firm clitoris, her wetness making audibly slick noises.

“Did you know, coach, that Bobbi and I used to masturbate in the hotel room on overnight competitions?” That made him look up and meet her gaze. He was both shocked and incredibly aroused at the same time. Seeing his surprise she grinned. “Mm, hm. It was a way to relax so we could sleep, and since we were always sharing a bed, we always kind of looked forward to it.” She paused to drop this last bomb on him. “Sometimes we’d finger each other, laying there side by side in bed.”

He let out a small moan. He’d imagined himself watching someone play with themselves for him, but now he didn’t really know what to do. So he sat there, frozen, staring, his dick hard and bulging in his jeans. Dee kept right on going. She was breathing heavier now, making faster circles then slipping her fingers within her dripping pink snatch.

“You know how we were always four to a room in two double beds? I think Lisa and Kim used to do the same thing I the other bed, but we never talked about it. We were always trying to be quiet.” Lisa and Kim were two other girls on the team who were going to be seniors in the fall. This new information, he concluded, was going to make future overnights far more difficult to deal with, knowing what was going on behind closed doors.

“I bet you can guess now that we used to talk bout you…,” she paused, breathing heavier now, “…in the room.” She was getting herself very close to cumming, pushing two fingers rapidly into her cunt and rubbing her palm hard up against here clit as she withdrew. “Mmm,… We’d discuss how cute you were, and what we thought you might be like in bed. Oh, god!” With her right hand pushed deep into her, and her left holding her panties clenched firmly to her thigh, she rose up from the sofa, her body tensing up as the orgasm came over her. Each inward thrust, now irregular but forceful, was accompanied by a gasp and a quick intake of air, which she then held until the next spasm released it. She did this four or five times until she relaxed her hands and let it subside.

“Oh, my god, excuse me. That was nice!” she panted. “I’ve never done it like that before, as a show. Wow.” She lay there, catching her breath for a moment, then said, “I’ll tell you more about Lisa and Kim if you let me see that nice long dick of yours.”

He’d been fully absorbed in watching her, ignoring the substantial hard-on in his pants, which had actually produced a wet spot on his jeans. He gladly undid his fly and pushed them down underneath him, allowing his rod to spring out. He grabbed it by the base with his left hand instinctively.

“Ah, ah!” she stopped him, “I didn’t say stroke it. You can just hold it for me while I continue. And in case it starts to soften, I’ll let you look at these.” She lifted her shirt up over her breasts, giving full view to her perfect, young peaches. She had tiny little stiff nipples, only about as wide as a nickel now that they were fully erect. She brought her left hand up and gave one a squeeze and a little roll of her nipple with her fingers.

Her right hand was lazily stroking outside her pussy, letting the pressure of her fingers pull it open, revealing how wet she was. She had a tiny, cute pussy, with thin straight inner lips that barely protruded past the outer, and were just the slightest bit more pink than the otherwise uniform paleness of her thighs. They had sharply defined edges that disappeared neatly under the hood of her clitoris, which became barely visible as she pulled upwards. Overall, it was young and clean and perfect.

“So, maybe I shouldn’t tell you this,” she continued as promised, “but Lisa and Kim are as much fans of you as Bobbi and I are.” This made his heart race anew, and he squeezed the base of his cock, moving his hand upwards a little in an unconscious stroking motion. Dee noticed this reaction and smiled at him. “Careful, now,” she cautioned. “We all decided you’re hot enough to get with, but the two of them were more adamant about it. Better watch out for them next year, mister.”

Lisa and Kim were about the same size as Dee in terms of height and weight. Lisa had tight, curly brown tresses she wore in a bob and slightly larger breasts, and Kim was of mixed race, white and African American, with loose curls down her back, and an even firmer, rounder butt. When she wore her spandex, they actually snugged up into her, creating two delightful little hemispheres, leaving almost nothing to the imagination.

She continued her taunt. “Can’t you just imagine going down on one of them, lapping up their sweet, tasty pussy?” She slipped her fingers back in a little, keeping her middle two side by side, forcing her opening wider. As she was doing this she noticed the large drop of pre cum running down the side of his cock.

She sat up and leaned forward, taking off her tank, then crawled slowly across the sofa again, catlike towards him, looking him in the eyes. “Can you imagine sweet little Kim wrapping her nice soft lips around your aching,” she crouched down, “dripping,” lowering her head, “hard cock.” She stopped in front of him, dropped her head and enveloped the tip of his dick with her mouth, squeezing it with her tongue, sucking out the juice. She released it with a loud sucking noise, “I bet she sucks a mean cock, Mr. Evans.” She bent down further, putting her mouth to the base of his cock, and licked fully up its length, taking with it the dripping trail that had escaped her first effort. Then she held just the tip in her lips, tickling the underside with her tongue. She placed her hand over his and wrapped it tighter around the base, pressing downward to add tension to the head while she sucked it hard, bobbing her head ever so slightly to let her lips move on it. After a few long moments she let it go with a ‘pop,’ and looked up at him, his eyes sleepy with her pleasure, her lips glistening. “Wouldn’t she look pretty wrapped around this nice cock, hm?” squeezing his hand again, tightening his dick. “I bet she’s home right now, lying in bed, sucking her dildo wishing it were you.”

“You are un-fucking-believable little girl,” he said, his mind and body swimming in lust and delight.

“Oh you think?” she cooed. “I haven’t even gotten started. I only brought those two up because as much as I’m sure you’d like to fuck them also, you’re only going to want to fuck me more.”

And with that she sat up on her knees, then stood up on the couch, stepping over his lap, her crotch right at eye level, naked save for her kneehighs. He was unable to take his eyes of her adorable snatch. She moved into him, “Who wants some kitty,” she said, bumping herself against his face roughly, not really allowing him to go after her. She grabbed his hair with her left hand and forced his face to her thighs, his eyes up to her neat muff. “Hm? Who wants some pretty pussy? Say please, mister, and maybe you’ll get some if you take your mind of Kim and her cute little body.” She tipped his head back, forcing him to look up at her. “I know what will clear your mind.”

She bent her knee forward into his chest and tossed his head back, sending him back against the arm of the couch. Turning around, she dropped back down to her knees, bending over all the way so her head rested against her arms on the cushions, her ass wagging in the air. “Now who are you thinking about?”

Unable to contain himself, he lunged forward towards her, grabbing her ass with both hands, burying his face in her offering. Pulling her into him, his tongue went quickly to her pussy, thrusting in as far it would go, his hunger for her uncontrollable. He sucked and licked with total abandon, as if getting the lust out of his system before he settled down to work on her clit. With a more relaxed pace he rocked her hips back and forth to him, his tongue passing back and forth over her wet button.

With his eyes open he was sucking her off enjoying a face full of the most perfect ass he’d ever been this close to. Fully engulfed in her musk, the left her clit and licked his way back across her lips and up to her dark, tight little anus. Moving in circles around he, he first press the width of his tongue against it, then tickled it with the tip, gradually working it in. She let out a soft moan as her hole opened to receive him, and he tongue-fucked her for a while, moving his head back and forth to meet her beautiful rising ass. She rocked gently with him, her moans becoming squeals of delight at the new pleasure he was giving her. He returned to licking her all across her ass, smothering his wet face in her total sex. Hungry to bring her to another climax he returned attentions to her wet slit.

She felt herself nearing another plateau of pleasure as her body warmed from her loins upwards. His hands felt so strong and wonderful, and it felt so good to be helpless in his grasp as her pussy slipped across his open mouth. It almost seemed like they were traded off who was getting the better of who, and she was perfectly willing to let him lead the way for a while, even though it was under her direction. She rocked back more aggressively as she felt the first small wave break in her, each motion backwards harder than the previous, until she was bucking into his face in the midst of her second orgasm. For his part he was happy to be face fucked by her incredible ass, eagerly sucking up her cum as he pressed his thumb into her well moistened ass, which eased open to take him in, then repeated flexed as she came on his face and finger. She squealed again with delight at this new sensation, before letting her body relax again as the waves receded.

He felt the tension easing out of her as her rhythm slowed, and he sat back up, looking at wet ass, enjoying the view. She turned her sleepy eyes toward him over her shoulder and smiled again. “Honestly,” she breathed, “I don’t know whether to thank you or fuck you.”

“I would accept both,” he smiled back, taking the liberty to remove his jeans completely now.

Without turning around, she inched her way backwards between his out stretched legs, bringing her ass right up to his crotch, her calves, wrapped in smooth fabric, tucking beneath his thighs. She lifted herself up a little and settled back onto him, the full length of his cock nestled between her moist cheeks. It was a fantastic sight for him and an even better sensation. Her tight butt, warm and wet and sexy, began sliding back and forth on him. He could feel her anus against his shaft, and the wet openness of her pussy against the base, her little lips almost tickling his tight balls.

“Ok, lover,” she began again, “time for more questions. Tell me why you like the bootie so much,” she pressed a little harder against him for emphasis.

He was reaching forward, hands on her thighs while using his arms to hold her lightly, trying to keep her pressed onto him. But she was resisting, and he let her set the pace. She arched her back, grinding back and forth, swiveling her hips as she went.

“Well, I’m finding it hard to concentrate, but I’ll do my best,” he said.

“Just watch my ass and tell me what you’re thinking about,” she urged.

“I’m thinking about fucking it.”

“Yeah?” she asked playfully, “you wanna put that nice big cock up in my little butt?”

“Of course I do. It’s to genuinely cute and fuckable. Would you like me to?”

“We’ll see about that. Let me play with you for a while first.” She sat up and reached behind her for his dick, holding it gently up to her, pressing the head against her as she slid along. She raised herself up more so she could get him all the way to her pussy, and tease him by letting him in slightly. Her soft hand on his dick felt so nice as she guided him where she wanted. She lowered herself down again, moving him back, now pressing his head against her anus. He let out an eager moan.

“Oh, yeah?” she whispered, childlike, “that’s where you want it, hm?” She held herself still, pressing him into her, enjoying the sensation of pressure. “You like my little pucker hole? Hm?? Does my big hot lover wanna slip his cock up in there?” Still teasing him, she was really beginning to enjoy it, and felt herself relaxing, even opening up to him. His stiff cock dripping into her hole made it nice and smooth for her. But at the point of letting him truly penetrate, she pulled him back out, lifted herself up, and repositioned him beneath her lips. In one fluid motion she sat back onto him, driving him all the way up into her. The abruptness of it, combined with the aching disappointment of not getting in elsewhere made him shout out, both in pleasure and anguish. But it still felt so good, and he wanted to fuck her so badly.

She gave him a few good long deep strokes, bouncing herself slowly yet determinedly down onto his hips. He pussy was such an incredible relief, and her ass looked so good in front of him. She hesitated for a moment, and, smiling broadly at him over her shoulder, she said, “See, I told you you’d want to fuck me. Now, tell me how good I am.”

“Oh, my god, you are so fucking hot!” he said exasperatedly. “Dee, sweetie, I want to fuck you all the time, for ever. Oh fucking jesus, you feel so good!” He was really having to concentrate hard not to blast his cum into his amazing little sex pot bootie girl, but his wantonness was getting the better of him, and he started lifting his hips up to meet her downward thrusts. His cock was as hard as it could possible get, and she began the easy approach to yet another orgasm. She could have stopped him to prolong his agony, but he seemed to be completely out of control now for her, which was every bit as exciting as controlling him. So she let him go, and she fucked him hard. Then she began to talk it out of him again.

“Oh yeah, just like that. Watch my cute little butt as your cock disappears in my wet pussy. Mmm, hm. Oh fuck! Fuck me, Mark. Fuck me harder with that big hard cock.” Fuck my little pussy good. Oh my god.”

She could feel him welling up in her, stiffing for the final shot. “Yes please, just like that. Keep staring at my ass and fuck it. Press that dick right up to her. Come on, come on, baby.”

And he did. It blew out of him with fantastic force, his eyes shut, his ears ringing. He heard himself shouting out loud as the cum kept cumming, each jet more exciting and pleasurable than the last. His fingers dug deep into her hips, her bucking body wracking with her own orgasms. It just kept going on and on, his dick the hot wet focal point of this beautiful young woman giving him the best fuck he’d ever had. It was overwhelming, and he just shut his eyes and lay back, letting it wash over him like he was drowning in the tide. He welcomed the suffocation of her sex.

She kept rocking herself onto him with each spurt she felt inside her, warm and delicious. It was like ripples of cum passing through her whole body. She had no idea it could be so good, some what in awe of her new found power and her new found friend. He seemed to have given in and gone off somewhere behind his closed eyes, so she let herself relax, and leaned back to lay down on top of him, trying to keep him inside. As he softened and ultimately slipped out, she let herself slip down beside him, and curled her happy body up to his, wedging between him and the back of the sofa. She kissed his face, but he didn’t react, he had passed out. She smiled at a job well done, knowing he would come back around in a minute or two. She kissed him again, and this time he stirred.


Same as Alumni: Dee Makes the Call Videos

4 years ago
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B5 Chapter 23 Dee Dees Magic

Chapter 23: Dee Dee's Magic The two girls left Dee Dee's quarters and headed over to her laboratory, which was located close by. "I want you to relax and lie on the padded mat of the machine, Jordan." It was the same place where Jordan had lain for her operation that had given her her new cock. Jordan climbed into it and settled down on her back. "I'm going to get started, Jordan." Dee Dee pressed a series of buttons on the control panel. Jordan heard the soft whir of machinery before she...

4 years ago
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Sexy Cousin Dee Loses Anal Virginity

I stand 5’10” tall, very fair with straight, dark long hair. I have a naturally athletic physique as I’ve been a soccer player since I was small. I belong to a conservative Muslim family and we live in one of the big cities in central India. We used to live in a huge gated, private building complex with my dad and his 7 brothers staying with their families comfortably together. We have a huge but close-knit family. Dee is around 5’6” tall, dusky complexion and had medium-length, wavy hair....

2 years ago
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Muslim Cousin Dee Gets My Dick

Hi all, its Ali here.I'm back once again, this time with the incident where my elder cousin sister lost her virginity to me and became obsessed with sex. Those who have read my earlier posts may know this but let me tell you a little about myself and my family so you will have a better idea of the whole situation.I belong to a very large and conservative Muslim family. We lived in one of the largest cities in central India. My father had 7 brothers and we all live in a huge housing complex...

1 year ago
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Muslim Cuz Dee Gets My Dick

How my horny, older Muslim cousin Dee seduced me to lose her virginity... Hi all, its Ali here. I'm back once again, this time with the incident where my elder cousin sister lost her virginity to me and became obsessed with sex. Those who have read my earlier posts may know this but let me tell you a little about myself and my family so you will have a better idea of the whole situation. I belong to a very large and conservative Muslim family. We lived in one of the largest cities in central...

2 years ago
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Cousin Dee Gets Her First Dick

I belong to a very large and conservative Muslim family. We lived in one of the largest cities in central India. My father had 7 brothers and we all live in a huge gates private compound. We have several houses and buildings attached to one other and this has kept us very close as a family unit. A little about me.. I stand 5’10” tall, very fair, with long, straight dark hair. I have been a soccer player since I was small and I have a naturally slim and athletic build.I love motorcycles and...

1 year ago
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Muslim Cuz Dee and My First Fuck

I'm back once again, this time with the incident where my elder cousin sister lost her virginity to me and became obsessed with sex. Those who have read my earlier posts may know this but let me tell you a little about myself and my family so you will have a better idea of the whole situation. I belong to a very large and conservative Muslim family. We lived in one of the largest cities in central India. My father had 7 brothers and we all live in a huge housing complex which is almost a...

3 years ago
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Widow Aunt Dee and I try BDSM 1

This is an account of events from the trip Aunt Sheen had promised to get her daughter Dee back home from Pune as she had moved for college last year. My earlier posts give the juicy details of how my widowed aunt and cute older cousin and I began a taboo sexual relationship. I have described the time my older cousin Dee seduced me and we lost our virginity to each other, and later on when her mother, the widowed wife of my father’s eldest brother seduced me and I discovered some sexual...

1 year ago
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Meeting Dee

being discharged from the army after my 3 year enlistment ended was somewhat bittersweet. i was stationed in germany at the time and had to leave my girlfriend of the last 6 months. ute had an increible body, the classic blonde hair, blue eyed, tall, big tit german. she was really good in bed and bi-sexual. she got a kick out of showing her girlfriends my big cock because it was circumcised. with a little alcohol and a couple tokes of hash, she was up for just about anything. however, she was...

1 year ago
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Clair Dee and the Visit

Clair, Dee and the Visit Clair hurried to Dee's home, feeling anxious. He had been told to arrive before ten. He has been ordered to be smooth and hairless, wearing his sexiest lingerie under his drab, male clothes. He was very keen to ensure that he prepared exactly right and had spent ages with depilatories, razors, lotions, creams and perfumes to ensure that his skin was as glossy and fragrant as he could possibly get it. He had managed to avoid too much onanism, saving himself for...

2 years ago
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Next Door DEE1

Hi all, This is my first story so if I make any mistake/s please bear with me.ME.......My name is Kamal and I'm the only c***d of my parents. I'm a 50 years young/old man now but this sexident took place when I was 21.I'm an average looking guy slim 5ft8 a college student and with an average size COCK 6 inches in length but bit thicker.STORY.....Next door to us lived a working couple in their 30s Jeet and Dee and their two daughters 3 and 4 years old. I used to call Dee... Bhabhi ( sister in...

4 years ago
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Dee secret meeting with several black guys and str

“But Ben won’t be happy if he finds out, you’ve never asked me to do this sort of thing, he will really want to be there!” I heard Dee talking on the phone. She thought I was out of the house, but I’d popped home for some documents. She was in the study, talking to someone on her mobile as I pressed my ear closer to the door.“This afternoon?” exclaimed Dee, “at Hightown park? How many of you?” the other person talked back to Dee. “But there is no cover around there, someone is bound to see? And...

1 year ago
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Dees Fantasy Part 1

After 35 years of intense work, I took an early retirement with an excellent severance package. During those years I have been just about everywhere and done just about everything that I ever dreamed of. I was also single again, and after a lot of thought I decided to leave the city and move back to the little Midwestern town I grew up in. I found a ridiculously under priced 2 bedroom villa that was perfect for me. It is in a good neighborhood and close to the reservoir that I used to frequent...

1 year ago
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Dee is explored in the rainforest1

Dee had been with her husband on this trip and they’d taken the long trip to Brazil to do a little exploration of the rainforest. Dee and her husband John were in their late 30s and this was to be a trip of a lifetime. They’d always talked about visiting the rainforest and now their dream had come true. They’d arrived at their hotel after a long flight and transfer and after some acclimatisation they were ready to make the short trip to the forest from the nearest town on the outskirts of...

1 year ago
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A Sissy Friend for Dee

*A Sissy Friend for Dee* *Part 1 - Bedroom with Cammi* "Say it!" "No! Never." "You think he's hot. What's wrong with that? I think a lot of my friends are hot and I tell therm all the time!" "It's different for a guy and you know it. Besides, you're bi anyway, but I'm definitely not!" "Bullshit. Say it." Cammi was stroking me, very slowly. She was spooning me from behind, pressed into my ass, her hand gently gripping my cock and very slowly moving up and down. It was...

1 year ago
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DeannaChapter 25 Dee Adds Six for Nine

We sat in the restaurant chatting, drinking whatever it was that was in front of us, and generally re-hashed old times a little. I was feeling a little better about things knowing that I had Dee. She is an amazing young woman and as much as I loved both Marie and Lisa, neither could really stand up to Dee in my mind. Some of the pain was slowly being washed away already. After a few hours, we decided to adjourn to the house and continue there. This could turn out to be a very long night....

3 years ago
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Dee takes on the football supporters coach

We had booked two seats on a coach to see our local football team play away. We had chosen the non family coach as everyone on this one was over eighteen (pub stops on the way to the match) and the other coach was for families. The game was one of the furthest trips of the season and the trip would take about an hour or more depending on how many stops were made.We arrived at the football ground and Dee was quickly checking out the other passengers as we waited for the coach to turn up. There...

2 years ago
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Dee humiliates Cal

Dee and I sat in bed one Sunday morning a couple of weeks before Christmas.“Ben, I’ve been meaning to tell you. I called a company the other day and they are sending round a guy for us to do a wine tasting. I thought we could buy some nice ones for Christmas.”“Okay, so when is he coming round?” I asked curiously.“Next Saturday lunchtime. It was fun, they add a personal touch and show pictures of the demonstrators they have.”“I bet you’ve picked a hunk.” I asked.“No.” Replied Dee, “Actually,...

2 years ago
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Robin and Dee

"Have you ever tested your own cum before?" We were at a suburban dinner party and I was sitting next to a lovely woman about my age, mid-50s, wearing a high-necked, glittery dress that was very short indeed, with dangling earrings and a silver necklace. She was blonde with streaks of pink and was very impertinent with her questioning. I was there because my neighbors needed a single man to accompany this forthright guest, and the rest of the guests were couples. "Uh, well, not to...

2 years ago
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Dee meets a stranger at the pool and ends up with

A trip to the local swimming pool is an activity that Dee and I do every week. We got there at 7:00 as usual and headed for the changing room cubicle. We stripped off with the usual banter with Dee taking the opportunity to fondle my cock and balls before sucking me off for a quickie. She loves the idea of knowing that people are passing by so close to us as she slurps loudly on my cock. This time however I could tell that she was particularly horny and she spun me round to spread my ass cheeks...

3 years ago
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The Neighborhood MILF Dee

I love the free spirits that seem to populate our neighborhood, but not everything is all fun and games. When you share your open lifestyle with multiple people, jealousy can always be a factor. I’ve been intimate with several men and women, and luckily my husband is very supportive. However, playing musical beds with your friends and neighbors can be a little tricky.My friends Dee and Krissy almost came to blows last week when we were fooling around together. It didn’t help that they never...

3 years ago
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B5 Chapter 22 Dee Dees Confession

Chapter 22: Dee Dee's Confession The incredible sexual encounters continued for both Jeanne and Jordan. Each girl was pushed to her limits on a daily basis, with a variety of partners, and constantly varying sexual acts. By the time the contest was near, each girl felt as though she could fuck the living daylights out of anything that lived. When she wasn't helping the other girls putting Jordan through the sexual wringer, Dee Dee continued to go through all the files and programs on...

2 years ago
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Casino Night Turns to Sweet 8220Dee Lite8221

Each and every time I travel on the New York state Thruway, especially around New Years I fondly remember an event that still excites me to a pleasurable erection My name is Randy and I am a businessman who travels extensively throughout the northeast with an eye open for a sweet wet pussy for company. This was the case on a very cold night just after Christmas some years back. I was on a business trip to northern New York State with two of my support staff when we decided that we would try to...

3 years ago
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Dee And Max

This is a story of HighSchool Cheerleaders Disiplining one of their own. It contains bondage, humiliation and beastiality. If this is not your bag, or you are not an adult stop reading now. ************************************************************************************************************************* Dee removed her sweat soaked uniform, and stuffed it in her gym bag. Naked she walked into the shower stalls. She did not notice at the time that none of her squad had changed...

3 years ago
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Dees homeless adventure

We had planned to join a group of volunteers to support a night out sleeping rough. We were raising funds for those less fortunate and living on the street. The plan was simple, we would eat at the local food stall, eating what was provided by the volunteers, mixing and socialising with the homeless. Then we’d prepared our bedding for the night. We’d got sleeping bags and I had constructed a frame from boxes and broken wood and covered it with a clear sheet of polythene. There would be little...

4 years ago
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Dees 500 guy marathon Part 3

Dee had got out of bed to clean herself up. I just lay there, recollecting what had just happened.She soon returned and nuzzled up beside me.“Did you know Will was coming round?” Dee asked me.“Sort of.” I replied.“How, Sort of?”“I saw you and the lads in the park this lunchtime.”I then explained to her exactly what had happened, how I found out and went to watch her perform with all those men.“So what is Will going to tell me tomorrow morning.” She asked when I had finished.“He wants to do some...

2 years ago
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Dee models for Amateur Photography Club

Dee had been looking through the local paper and passed it over to me. It was a usual Sunday morning, lying in bed and reading the papers.“What do you think? There’s a local camera club looking for models. They are looking for someone who might consider “Risqué” photography. You know what that means.”I looked at the ad, it was a mobile number so there was no idea where they were based. “But we might know some of the photographers; would you be happy to do risqué shots?” I asked.“That would make...

3 years ago
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Dee interviews Mr Beach

“Hello Mr Beach, please come in. Sarah, would like to get Mr Beach a cup and us a cup of coffee please?” Sarah left the office and Dee showed him to a seat at the table. Mr Beach sat down and looked around him.“Oh Mr Beach, or should I say Freddie, this is my husband Ben, he will be participating in our interview.” We shook hands and he sat down again.Sarah came back into the office with a tray of coffees and placed each one in front of us. She then turned to leave. “Oh Sarah, we might need to...

3 years ago
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Special Dee

The low, soft hum of the Quadrotor drone was drowned out by the squeals of delight of the children who had been invited to Dee-Dee's twelfth birthday party. Parents for Dee-Dee's five invited friends had dropped them off earlier and now all six of the girls were playing in our back yard as they awaited the announcement that the cake and ice cream were ready. I sighed as I thought about that – OUR back yard. Yeah, it had been OUR back yard up until the final divorce decree about two...

2 years ago
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Dee models for Amateur Photography Club again Part

I left for work on Monday morning. Dee had got up early saying she couldn’t sleep and gone to shower and get ready for the photo session to follow. I asked her to send me a photo of what she was wearing before she left.I got into work and set things up for our team meeting. It was hard to concentrate and thoughts went through my head thinking about calling a sicky. Just before the meeting started my phone bleeped and anxiously I went to my text messages. It was from Dee and the photo blew me...

3 years ago
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Dee cuckolds Ben

“What would you think if I invited a guy round to have sex with me? I’d let you watch.”I was astounded; I didn’t know what to say. Why an earth should Dee suddenly come out with something like that. OK, we had been watching Poldark and Dee certain has a thing about HIM. But, we have such a good sex life and neither of us has ever suggested anything like that.I sat for a minute to let it sink in. I must admit that I have enjoyed watching Dee with other men, but that has always been on equal...

1 year ago
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Mari and Dee

It was 1970. I had been divorced from my first wife for about three months and worked at a restaurant. I had two women friends who both had c***dren. They were both friends with each other and both were married. There came a day when Dee and I stopped being just friends. Mari seemed to be okay with it.It wasn't long before Dee told her husband to go live with his girlfriend. Mari coincidentally told her husband to leave on that very same day. That is who these two women stopped being casual...

2 years ago
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Dear Sweet Dee

Her name was Darlene Dimpledale, which is perhaps why she'd gone by the name Dee Dee, or simply Dee, for about as long as I'd known her. Which by now had been a very, very long time indeed. My parents and I had lived next door to Dee and her husband Frank for years. I was an only child, and as I came to find out early on, Frank and Dee Dee never had any either. Though the reason for that was something I never found out as to why. But as such, Dee had taken to me as a second mother of sorts,...

3 years ago
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Dees revenge

We had gone out for lunch for my birthday, a special treat and I knew she was feeling horny. We were going to go on to a local footpath where Dee had promised to do a bit of posing. But first we sat at this small restaurant, there was only us and another couple at a table fairly close by.“You see that guy over there Ben? He’s sitting with a woman that isn’t his wife. I know him through work. When he comes into my office he always has a grope with my bum. He’s a dirty sod, I think I’m going to...

2 years ago
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Dee abused in public

We had finished our lunch, paid and tipped the young waiter, we left, leaving the woman’s boyfriend, he sat on his own. He was on the phone, arguing, probably trying to make it up with his girlfriend. We took the short walk to The George. A nice little town pub with panelled walls and the doors at the rear open and a delicious breeze ran through the rooms. Dee sat down in the corner and I went to the bar to get the drinks. As I stood waiting, the front door opened and the woman’s head peered...

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Dee and Ben fuck Polly with Woody and friends

So the afternoon arrived and we turned up at Woody’s front door and rang the bell. A man opened the door and introduced himself as Woody.“Come on in, most of the guys have turned up already, there are a couple more to come and we can get started. Glad to see that you have come along too Dee. Are you going to join in?”“I hope so, I thought you guys might need me to fluff, keep you all entertained whilst Polly gets her abuse.” Dee smiled as she grabbed Woody’s crotch and squeezed him gently.We...

1 year ago
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Casino night Dee lite

*** A Casino Night Turns to Sweet “Dee Lite” Each and every time I travel on the New york state Thruway, especially around New Years I fondly remember an event that still excites me to a pleasurable erection. My name is Randy and I am a businessman that travels extensively throughout the northeast with an eye open for a sweet wet pussy for company. This was the case on a very cold night just after Christmas some years back I was on a business trip to northern New York state with two of my...

Group Sex
1 year ago
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Dee plays pool with the lads at the Working Men0

We were down the local working men’s club, where we were taking part in a game of pool. Dee was useless, but enjoyed the banter from the lads around her. The games were being played for drinks, the loser’s would buy the them so as you can imagine I was paying out every time we went on the table. Dee meanwhile was having drinks bought her at almost every game. I guess it was her little mini that she was wearing and she would make a point of leaning over the table to make shots. She would bend...

4 years ago
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This is an original work by Zeb_Carter and is protected under copyright by U.S. copyright law.[center]---- Dee ----[/center]Her name was Darlene, but I called her Dee. For our whole life she was Dee to me, except for the time she was married to that guy whose last name was Davis, then she was Dee Dee, until the divorce when she took her maiden name back. Dee was my cousin. First cousin. We were close. Very close. Dee was six months older than me. We did everything together when we were...

3 years ago
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Slut Dee Part 1

I first met Dee in 2002 at the side of the M90 not far from where I stayed. It was a typical working day for me in that I had risen early went to work in Edinburgh and at 2pm I was heading back over the Forth Road Bridge when my car went boom. It had just been for a service and MOT 4 days previously and this looked critical. Blue smoke from the rear of the car oil all over the windscreen engine bay and on the carriagway. The car limped in to the layby just in to the Fife side of the bridge. I...

2 years ago
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Aunty Dee and Ben

Auntie Dee and Ben Unexpected Ben dropped in to see his Auntie at about 5 o’clock one afternoon. He’d come straight from the beach and was only wearing a towel around his waist, a pair of board shorts underneath. His hair was casually swept back where he’d run his fingers through it, and it was still damp from swimming. His bare chest was chiseled as were his arms back and shoulders, and his stomach while not quite a six- pack of muscle was taut and flat. He was the picture of health, standing...

4 years ago
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Dees first dogging experience

So this guy Pete had set it all up for us. We arrive in our metallic yellow Fiat 500, park underneath the country park sign, flash our lights twice, wait for the light of the other cars to be turned on, then open the passenger door window and wait for the crowd to turn up. Pete would be waiting for us to film everything and although it wouldn’t be too dark at around eight there would be a good audience between 15 and 20 people.He said the videos and photos would be for his own private...

3 years ago
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Dees first dogging experience

So this guy Pete had set it all up for us. We arrive in our metallic yellow Fiat 500, park underneath the country park sign, flash our lights twice, wait for the light of the other cars to be turned on, then open the passenger door window and wait for the crowd to turn up. Pete would be waiting for us to film everything and although it wouldn’t be too dark at around eight there would be a good audience between 15 and 20 people.He said the videos and photos would be for his own private...

2 years ago
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Dee lets Ben choose a special partner

So tonight things were going to change. Rather than Dee calling all the shots, I had done a little research for myself and searched through my hamster friends to find someone to join me for the night. Dee was happy to go along with it all, I had thought about another couple but we’d done that. I fancied a sissy, but they had to be fairly convincing and I thought that Alicia fitted the bill. We had talked on hamster for a while, sharing pictures and had once had a c2c with me coming very quickly...

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Dee and Frank Just This Once

Back in the day my wife and I moved out to the country during the hippy back to the land movement. We built a house and raised our k**s. We had a large pond on our land and several of our neighbors were also hippies. We would have skinny dipping parties several times a year at our place. It was all good clean fun. Nice to look at other cunts and tits, but my wife and I were very committed and we never fucked around. The other couples weren't into fucking around either.One of the neighbors...

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The Neighborhood MILF Dee Dee Derian

Summer is always a fun time on our block, with the backyard barbecues and pool parties, and it just became more exciting now that Ken and Dee Dee had a new pool put in. I think everyone enjoyed watching Dee Dee mow her lawn in her skimpy bikini or cutoff shorts. Their new pool should give her plenty of opportunities to show off her slender body and tight ass. You didn’t need binoculars or a telescope to spy on her, she did a great job of flaunting her stuff the way it was.Last week I noticed Al...

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Dee My friends slut wife

Dee…My friends slut wife.This is a true story, with many more to follow, for the purpose of writing, my name is Micky. This all started in the 80’s I was 23, playing in a house band and loving all the pussy I was getting. “Chicks dig singers” I had a friend from high school, Jay, who was a long distance truck driver, gone for two weeks at a time. He had very boldly hinted that he wanted to have a 3 sum with me and his wife Dee. I was very straight back then and was a little worried about...

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Little IndiansChapter 10 Dee Discovers

Dee was surprised at how much she was enjoying the hedonistic lifestyle they all led in Mrs Beale's house. Dee made half a dozen choker charms every day, and Mrs Beale had begun to teach her something of a Healer's magic. Dee soon came to believe that Mrs Beale was holding something back. Her memories of her time with Mrs Beale, when her leg was broken, were hazy at best, and Dee was pretty sure that her memories were being suppressed by magical means. Dee enjoyed suckling Mrs Beale. The...

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Dee and Claire have more fun by the river

Claire and Dee finished off the photo shoot sitting on a bench near to where all the action had taken place earlier. Traces of cum had dried across their bodies as they now posed naked in front of me. Their back’s to the bridge behind them was in clear view and people were walking over it. Occasionally someone would spy that they might be naked and stop to look over the pa****t. If I saw them I would indicate to the girls that someone was watching and they would turn and wave, giving them a...

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DeehellipMy friends slut wife

This is a true story, with many more to follow, for the purpose of writing, my name is Micky. This all started in the 80’s I was 23, playing in a house band and loving all the pussy I was getting. “Chicks dig singers” I had a friend from high school, Jay, who was a long distance truck driver, gone for two weeks at a time. He had very boldly hinted that he wanted to have a 3 sum with me and his wife Dee. I was very straight back then and was a little worried about “Crossing swords” and kept...

4 years ago
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Dees first BBC and cuckolds Ben

Dee had told me to come home now, but before I came in I should look through the bedroom window. I made my excuses to leave early, got in the car and headed home. I arrived home and parked on the road outside the house. I stepped out of the car and looked up to the bedroom window. Dee had recognised the sound of my car and was now standing at the window, naked. She cupped her tits at me and tweaked her nipples between her fingers, she then rab her hands down across her tummy and down to her...

4 years ago
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Dee Doesnt Remember

‘You will pay attention for a time, and soon your thoughts shall all be mine. Watch the pretty coin of gold, and you will do what you are told.’ Snap. Dee awoke and stared straight ahead while her eyes adjusted to the bright lights. She had never had such a rejuvenating nap before, and it left her in a state of complete relaxation. Dee remained completely still as she took in the view ahead of her: the beautiful golden pendulum danced in front of her, occasionally allowing her a glimpse of...

3 years ago
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Milking Time B4 Chapter 4 Dee Dee And Tiffanyrsqu

Chapter 4: Dee Dee And Tiffany’s Plans "Take a look at the network monitoring program I’m downloading, Ebony," said Dee Dee. "What have you got in mind, Dee Dee?" "Once this is installed, I can set it so that I know anything and everything that happens on our network; coming or going. If it was on every PC in a major business, it would slow things down considerably, and people would bitch a lot. But since we’re on a smaller network, it’ll give us a much more detailed description of what’s...

3 years ago
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Dee came to visit chapter1

It was Saturday morning when I was sitting at the table sipping my coffee when the doorbell rang. I wasn’t really up for company but after whoever continued to ring it I went and answered it. I was ready to give whoever it was hell until I opened the door, being greeted by a cheerful voice. The arms of my younger sister (Dee)quickly wrapped around my waist and held me tight. A little bit about Dee, she is really my step sister . She is 31;,5’ 1 ,has brown hair and eyes ,She has a thin...

1 year ago
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Dee and I had some fun

After a sex filled evening Greg left us naked and used , thankfully he covered us up before taking his camera and left the room.I slightly remember some time in the night he returned urging Dee to come with him.But as Gina moved closer to me I paid little attention to Dee leaving .Some how some time later she ended up back in bed with us. Gina woke up first stretching and woke me up with her movements as I was snuggled against her breasts.As we stared at each other with glassy eyes she rolled...

3 years ago
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The window cleaners take Dee by surprise

Dee and I had taken a day off work. We fancied a day in bed together. I had suggested a bit of bondage and Dee was very keen on the idea.I could hardly sleep the night before, it was very hot, so with the window wide open and traffic rushing by was also quite noisy, but eventually slept and awoke early. I crept downstairs and opened a bottle of bubbly, poured two glasses and went back upstairs. I woke Dee with her surprise and we toasted the morning ahead. Dee then went off for a shower. I...

1 year ago
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Dee Dees Husband Responds

This is NOT the way I thought I would be spending the night of my twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. I'm sleeping in the guest room, alone--by choice. Monday, tomorrow, Cee-Cee, the 'Dee Dee' of her story, will be served with divorce papers and a proposed settlement. I think it's more than fair, and I hope she'll be smart enough to take it. I don't want a messy divorce--Frankly, I want the nastiest possible divorce with the lying, cheating bitch (I wish my vocabulary were sufficient to say...

2 years ago
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I met Lady Dee at a retail store. It was kind of a high end retail shop and Lady Dee was a floor manager there. She was dark skinned and very pretty. Her hair was always well kept and she wore two piece suits, skirt and jacket with stockings and sensible leather shoes. She was about 5'4", weight proportionate to height and very professional. She spoke perfect English in warm sensual vocal tones. I really liked what I saw and I let her know it but she remained professional at all times on...

2 years ago
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Visiting Mistress Dee Chapter 1

Arriving at my mistress’s home, I rode my bike into the small shed attached to the barn as directed. Releasing the kickstand, I let the big Harley rest after the enjoyable ride out in the country. Closing the doors, dropping the locking bolt into place, I removed all of my clothing, making certain I had followed all the directions I had been given to a “T”. As I was told there was only one other door available, I opened the door entering the small room, not much bigger than an average shower...

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