RoomersChapter 11 free porn video

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Well, shit. Spring break round the corner and no-one lined up. I dug my toes into the sheepskin rug and stared out of my bay window, feeling kinda pissed. Said it before: downside of being a slacker is you tend to let things drift. I could hear the kids upstairs, voices cheerful as they made their plans. I stomped into the kitchen and opened another beer. I'd been putting in gym time, reading kinda serious, but ... not enough, seemed like. Mebbe I hadn't been wanting hard enough. My ability sure hadn't thought to get off its ass. I took a swig and forced myself to calm down. Hell, you play the hand you got. Mebbe I'd go out later, see if I could find me a short term friend. I was wondering where to start when the phone rang.

'Yeah?' 'Doug? Doug Taylor?' The room seemed to spin for a second.

'Annie?' Hesitant laugh down the line 'Jeez, Doug, I'm sure glad you still got the same number.' 'Annie, where the fuck are you?' Pause, then gabbling.

'Idaho. Doug, I never asked you for anything in my life, but what I need is outa here. Can you wire me some money?' Her voice quivered. 'There ain't another soul in the goddam world I can ask.' Now I ain't one for throwing money about, but shit, she sounded kinda desperate; tell the truth, I always been sorta grateful about what she done for me, and I'd sure missed her some. For a skinny little hippy she sure had her good points, and she sounded in real bad shape. Philosophical Doug.

'Sure, Annie. You better promise to come down here though, lemme take a look at you, stuff like that.' Well, hell, she was so grateful, send it to Western Union, stuff like that, sounded like she was almost crying.

'Doug, I gotta go now. Send that goddam money soon as you... ' She hung up in a hurry and I was listening to that long distance hiss you get on an empty line. I turned on the laptop, sent a thousand bucks to the office she'd told me, some hick town a hundred miles outa Boise, wondered if I'd ever see it again. I realized my goddam beer was flatter than Kansas and went to look for a replacement.

The replacement slipped down real easy and a two hit bong as well, and I was laying on the sofa wondering what coulda fuckin' happened. Hell, last time I seen her she was marrying ol' Ray, moving to Idaho to raise kids, live happy ever after. And she'd said "tickets". Definitely plural. The grass was hitting me and I closed my eyes so's I could think a little better. Knock on the door. If it ain't one thing it's a goddam 'nother.

'Door's open.' I heard it open and close. Whiff of scent. 'Hi, Kirsty, Whaddya need?' Cautious Doug. Thanksgiving had been a bummer. Sure, Tanya was a knockout, but a fifteen year old knockout might as well be on Mars, far as I'm concerned, and making moves on her big sister while she was in the house seemed like way too much effort. Fuckin' ability was jerking my chain, I decided. Sure, I invited them to turkey and pie, but putting up with goddam High School prattle, trying not to think about what I could have been doing, I guess I wasn't much of a host. Kirsty hadn't said much since, and I'd kinda let it slide. I was finding fresh every so often, Chrissie visited a coupla weekends, so it ain't as if I was crawling up walls or nothing.

'Are you OK, Doug?' Slightly stoned was probably outside her orbit.

'Just dozin', Kirsty, wonderin' what to do. Whyntcha siddown, tell me what's on your mind.' She sank into a chair, nervous kitten look front and center.

'I need to apologize, ' she said solemnly. I opened the other eye.

'Real noble of you, girl, but you're gonna hafta remind me why.' Well, she started to explain how mean she'd been, leading me on and using me, and how I hadn't said anything, but she knew I was upset, and she knew it was because of her, and I was so kind and nice, and she'd wanted to say sorry, but she didn't know how to, and she really didn't want to offend me, and ... I put my hand up and she stopped. Fuckin' relief too. Small click. Hadn't expected that.

'Kirsty, you gotta stop thinkin' everything's your goddam fault. Jeez, girl, I'd realized smackin' that blonde bitch down good was all you wanted, hadn't misunderstood you, that woulda been cool too. So forget it, or I'll throw your ass out on the street. Landlord's promise. You wanna beer, coke, anything?' I started to haul myself upright but she jumped up.

'I can find stuff.' I listened to faint sounds from the kitchen, hoped she wasn't nosing about too much. She came back with the whole ball of wax: tray, bottles, glasses, napkins, potato chips, set everything on the table.

'Can I tell you something?' A woman says that, best not to argue. I hoped all this was leading somewhere, or it woulda been a good nap ruined.

'Sure, kid, go ahead.' That goddam red tide started in her cheeks, rolled down her neck.

'Uh, actually, getting even with Sonia wasn't really all I wanted.' I didn't react to that so she started explaining. 'You see, I hadn't thought about Tanya being so young, and that was dumb of me: I should have known you'd be responsible about that sort of thing, because you're that sort of person. And then when she'd gone and I wanted to talk to you some more you always seemed to be busy, and I had so much work, and it was hard to concentrate because... ' Her voice trailed away. What the fuck? Time for a little push.

'Why was it hard to concentrate, kid?' Interested Doug.

'Well, one thing was that people started inviting me to parties, boys mostly, and asking for dates and everything. That's never happened to me before, so I said yes to most of them, because that was what I'd wanted.' She stopped and looked at me carefully. 'I let them kiss me sometimes, but when they wanted to do more I told them that I was in a relationship already and some of them were OK about it and some of them were real mean but I didn't care. And I really do have a lot of work, and oh, yes, Sonia keeps asking me about you, and trying to be friendly, and that's such a good feeling, her wanting to know my secret I mean... ' She was wanting me to help her along I guess, but a head full of grass ain't the best foundation. Jeez, how she did talk. Beautiful voice or no, more than a semester would drive me clean outa my skull. She took a deep breath and started over.

'Uh, you have a lot of girlfriends, don't you, Doug?' Hell, not that question again.

'Nope. I got friends who are women, and I spend private time with some of them. Not all of them, and not always, and I don't talk about them none. Not ever. You probably seen one of them, blonde girl, well dressed, comes for the weekend sometimes, only four or five times a year I guess, but we're friends all the way.' I stopped and waited. She was thinking. You're smart, one of the things you make sure you learn at college is how to think about stuff clearly. Long as it ain't Liberty fuckin' University of course, but that's a different planet. 'And what's this stuff about bein' in a relationship, kid? Or you just say that to cool the frat rats down some?' She looked at me real nervous.

'I guess. I mean, everyone thinks I'm having an affair, so I can say that and I don't have to... ' I swear I never seen anyone blush so hard. Looked like she was ready to explode.

'Don't hafta what, girl? Jeez, you're makin' my head spin, dartin' about, one thing an' then another.' I struggled upright and popped a beer, took a long swallow. She was sitting quiet, staring at her hands. When I put the bottle down she looked up, kinda desperate.

'So I don't have to do things I don't know about and have everyone laughing at me again, and feeling stupid, and you're the only person who's ever not laughed at me, and... ' She paused, then swallowed hard, sounded like the words were being forced out of her. 'I was imagining spending private time with you and sorta finding things out and having someone explain without making me feel dumb.' Way to go, Kirsty. Ability doesn't give a rat's ass for anyone except me and it's finally pushed you to make the first move. Don't worry, kid, you're in good company. Patty Dukes, Kelly, Hazel, the others: they were all taken the same: Kelly was the only one had a real bad time though, and that wasn't intended. I put my hand up, self-defense mostly. Teaching her to shut up would be high on my goddam list.

'Kirsty, lemme get this straight. You feel that you don't have much, uh, experience, and you've decided I'm the person you want to, uh, show you the ropes, is that right?' Bashful Doug. Silence, thank God, but she nodded. 'Well, shit, girl, um, I mean, what exactly is it that you don't... ' She interrupted me, still blushing fit to bust.

'Everything. I've kissed people, but I can't even do that without bumping noses, and they always want to touch me, and I've read books and watched some films on the internet, but those were so gross, and I guess they're faked mostly, like everything on TV is.' She looked at her hands again. 'I've tried and tried, but I just don't understand.' 'Hell, girl, that kinda stuff, it's like playing the piano.' She didn't understand that either.

'What do you mean?' 'I mean, you can study music theory for years, pass all the exams, but you still won't be able to play symphonies and stuff less you practice as well, willya?' Keyboard Doug. It was out now, laying on the table between us, but she looked like nervous was still arguing with determined. Time to soothe her a little. Click. Well, there's a bonus.

'Kirsty, lemme guess: you've kept Spring Break clear, but now you're wonderin' if it's such a good idea. That right?' She didn't say anything, just nodded. I patted the couch next to me. 'OK, I ain't gonna hit on you, push you none, but if you get your ass over here we can talk comfortable, no more of this glancing up an' down.' I waited. After mebbe ten seconds she got up and moved across. I put a hand up, pulled her down gently, draped an arm over her shoulder, nowhere near anything sensitive. She tensed at my touch, but when I didn't move she leaned into me some.

'How come you're always right about how I feel?' Almost plaintive.

'I been thinkin' about you a lot, kid, but I don't know everything. You wanna tell me a little about who Kirsty really is?' You need a woman to relax, ask her to talk about herself; I gotta say, when she wasn't gabbling her voice was real nice to listen to. Usual story though. Parents fucked up their own relationship, felt badly about it, tried to protect their kids from going down the same route. Damn fools chose the church to help though, and so the God Squad got ahold of her, filled her head full of crap, persuaded her to wear one of those goddam rings. Result? She escaped, sure, but paralyzed, not knowing where to start, real unhappy about herself. Still, she'd squeezed my ass back in the tavern, so she wasn't a totally lost cause. No point in hurrying though.

'OK, girl, you go 'way now, think this through. You wanna cancel, fine, I won't say nothing. You wanna carry on, you be ready to get taken out for dinner tomorrow, like a proper date. We'll take it from there an' you call the shots. You wanna stop, take notes, run away screaming, that's OK too. Point about physical stuff, it's meant to be fun. It ever feels like a chore, you're with the wrong person or it's time to move on. That work for you?' She never said a word, just got up and left. Her back view looked kinda perky though, so I guess I said the right stuff. Better to be lucky than rich, but if you can manage both, that's prime time. And she sure did remind me of Ellen. I went to the window, took up position on the rug, wondered if she'd be the same in the sack. Couldn't make up my mind if I wanted that or not. Memories are memories, and you try to turn them into fuckin' roadmaps you're heading for trouble. Don't mean you can't take them out and look at them once in a while though.

That time between Thanksgiving and Christmas had been kinda difficult. Ellen and Candice making plans, searching out job openings, thinking visiting schedules so they didn't miss each other. Shit, wrapped up in love's young dream is where they were, and I didn't much want to butt in. When Ellen did spend down time with me she wasted a lot of it telling me what they'd decided, how they were gonna do stuff, all the crap I could care less about. Didn't tell her that though. When Candice started getting interviews they both went into a goddam frenzy and I pulled back, left them to it.

Christmas came and went, everyone kinda subdued, and then it was time for Ellen to go take up her new post. Damn, that was a sweet and sour weekend. We had one final night together, real intense, made me feel for a while that it was almost more than friends. That was sweet. But I kinda knew that she was doing it for me. They had the idea that they were moving on and I was stuck in my same ol' rut. Hell, I chose this goddam rut because I like it, don't take too kindly to being babied either. Didn't tell them that though. Too sour. Ellen wanted to say goodbye in style so I just made sure she was gonna miss one part of me at least.

Ellen gone, Candice took to spending her evenings polishing her dissertation, weekends up in Boston, time with me when she remembered. Not very dam' often though, so I started looking around. Shit, I'd had nearly a coupla years taking it easy, was carrying ten pounds too much and my mind was a swamp, so I decided to fix that, see what happened. Guys down the gym were sorta sarcastic at first, but so what? I started working out and the weight redistributed itself and they shut up real quick. Started reading serious too: talked to one of my old professors, made like I was finally wondering about a doctorate, could he suggest a program to clear away the cobwebs, maybe a theme I'd never touched on before? I thought he was gonna come in his pants he was so pleased, gave me a list of books, told me to call him any time. I thanked him, went home and logged onto Amazon, set myself thinking about getting some trouble free regular that wasn't gonna interfere with my lifestyle.

(For info about how Doug's erratic talent manifests itself, you should read the original 'Roomers'. Suffice to say that he usually gets what he wants, but not always the way he wants it.) Thursday afternoon, three or four weeks into the new routine I was reading, sipping beer, feeling kinda good. Definitely sharper, ready to see what life threw at me. My cell chirped: FRIDAY EVENING, TENSION TO BURN, CHRISSIE XXX.

That cheered me up for sure. Working out someone's tension was just what I fuckin' deserved. Ran round some the next day, changed the sheets, stocked up with her favorite wine, booked a late dinner at Tony's Casa Italiana, trimmed myself down below, all the stuff you do when you're planning quality time. Gave myself a little siesta too. Fact is, I was still on the couch when the doorbell rang.

I'd hardly got the dam' door open when she was in my arms, hanging on tight, nuzzling my neck. I worked one hand free, picked up her bag, her still mumbling and nibbling. Kicked the door shut with my foot, dropped the bag and staggered through to the bedroom. Lowered her onto the bed and she squirmed onto her back, pulled her skirt up. Shit, no underwear, just a sweet looking, damp looking pussy. Her legs parted and she tilted her hips.

'I took them off in the car, ' she muttered, 'and what are you waiting for?' Hell, a friend in need and all that bullshit. I didn't wait, just dropped my pants and climbed on board. She didn't fuck about: reached down and grabbed me, pushed up till I was right at the gates, then clutched my ass with the other hand and heaved. I slid into her wet grasp like a key into a lock and she inhaled sharply and went to work. I just hung in there, tried not to get thrown clear. Guessed I'd find out later what it was all about, but meanwhile a good friend oughta be helping her along, so I opened her jacket, began to nip her breasts the way she liked. Squeals as my teeth closed over one rock solid nipple, but her pelvis redoubled its dance and when I moved to the other one and chewed on that she lost it. Fact is, I don't think I coulda come if I'd wanted to, so I rode it out, letting her find her own way up and then down. After forever her muscles slackened and she sank down, breath whistling in her throat, eyes fluttering.

'Jesus, Doug, I needed that, but this skirt wrinkles real bad. Don't you dare go anywhere.' I managed to roll off her, shucked my T-shirt and pants while I had time. Guessed she'd wanna mouthful of cock, ride the tongue some, then slow and gentle before dinner. Her usual routine, and a dam' good one too.

'Jeez, girl, how long you been savin' that up?' She'd come back from the bathroom naked, crawled into the crook of my arm. She turned her head and licked my ear.

'You are the only guy I ever met who never disappoints. I been holding that thought for two weeks and getting hot enough to fry eggs. It's all been so difficult.' Well, I made like Tar Baby, said nuth'n, let it spill out at its own speed. Turned out she'd been seeing some guy, fallen for him hard, thought about it carefully, was all set to live happy ever after. Normal enough, except one day she found him with a vibrator up his ass and a very gay magazine in his free hand. She was kinda turned off, gave him back the ring, flushed it down the john she said, and they shouted some and she split. Taken her a while to calm down, and when she did she needed a friend.

'And that's you, ' she murmured, rolling out of my arms and down to my crotch. 'Because you do friend better than anyone.' My cock was at half staff and she ran her tongue along the length of it. 'And you never come the first time. Are you like that with the others?' I looked at her kinda stern and she made a face. 'Can't blame a girl for being curious.' After that she shut up, concentrated on the job in hand.

I gotta admit, Chrissie ain't the best head I ever had, but on the other hand she sure enjoyed the work. Always kept one hand for herself, touching her tits, rubbing her clit, getting herself ready for the next round I guess, and knowing what she was getting ready for always got me eager. Swallowed good too, and when the beautiful liquid glow spread through my groin and she felt my balls tighten, she pulled back a little, kept her lips clamped tight over the crown, looked up at me with her eyes sparkling and ran her tongue round the head. That did it, and as my body stiffened she milked me good, making sure she got a healthy mouthful, then swallowed luxuriously and suckled me gently, trying for the last drops.

'Yum. Now tell me what I want next.' 'Shit, Chrissie, nice cool drink, watch a little TV maybe? Me, I'm gonna roll over, go to sleep soon as my heart rate steadies.' I closed my eyes and relaxed, waiting, felt her squirming up against me.

'Please, Mister, please, I been a good girl, honest, I done everything right. Please, Mister, don't be mean.' There was laughter in her voice; hadn't been a lot of that lately and I felt a wave of warmth towards her.

'Crawl on board, Missy, and settle yourself. Sure don't want you gettin' no attitude problem.' Corny shit, and kinda embarrassing, but people do weird things in bed when they know each other well, and Chrissie and me, we went back a ways. She scooted up my body and kneeled over my face, hands braced against the wall. I made like a flight controller. 'Right... , right... , stop... , back a little... , stop... , OK drop your wheels.' She sank onto me, her clit rubbing my nose, her pussy fitting neatly over my lips.

'Do it now, Mister, or I'll give you reverse thrust, full gas.' You get that sorta threat, you buckle down to work real quick.

Someone once told me that an extra half, three quarters of an inch of cock didn't make any difference to her, but the same added to a tongue was a whole different proposition. She took sex pretty seriously so I believed her. Christ knows where I get the extra length from, but I can lick the bridge of my nose all day if I have to, and if I got pussy on my face and the angle's right I can usually manage to hit the bottom of the G spot. That, and a nose pushing the clit at the same time can get spectacular results.

Sure got results from Chrissie. She wasn't in such a goddam hurry any more so I took it easy too, teasing and probing, letting her find her own rhythm. She kept lifting herself, holding back, and I knew that she was waiting for me to harden up again, drill her straight after, the way she liked. Hell I can do that. She managed nearly twenty minutes, me getting a real unpleasant pain at the base of my tongue, then she began to tremble and mashed herself down, hips bucking, smearing my face and breathing short and fast. That lasted a while and when she began to slow I flipped her over and slid into her real gentle, pushed my pubic bone down onto her mound and started the rocking movement that always held her suspended on the edge. Tell the truth I wanted her wiped out so I could rest up a little for the after dinner session, but I got kinda involved with the balancing act, lost myself for a while there, and it was only when she heaved up, started going a little crazy again, that I came back, let her drag me with her as she raced up the hill for the second time. Fine by me and when she cried out and fell over the cliff I dived after her, let us spiral down together.

Afterwards we lay quiet. Her body was slack, breath still whistling slightly, and I guess I was much the same. She squirmed closer and I felt her soft lips on my ear.

'Worth the journey, big boy. But speaking as a grateful friend, you felt sorta needy as well. You want to spill on a warm shoulder?' Hell, after all this time she should know that ain't what I do. Smart girl though. No point turning her down flat.

'I dunno, Chrissie, it's been a rough few weeks, life gettin' complicated again. Nothing bad, but you know I hate when everything's unsettled. Tell the truth, I got your message yesterday, I was real pleased. The needin' was for you I guess. Good to see ya, kid.' She knew that wasn't all of it but she looked real happy, started chewing my neck some, and I let her carry on for a while. It was sure comfortable laying there, letting her fuss, and I felt kinda peeved when she pulled back.

Same as Roomers
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Another fine day at Patel’s residence and Ashok was devouring the amazing breakfast his wife Savita made for him. As usual, Savita’s mom Menaka was grumpy and despised Ashok. Savita was happy with Ashok except in bed. Uncle Ji was late. Savita thought Uncle Ji was depressed since he was the only one who didn’t get any action last day. Even though Menaka never liked Uncle Ji, she walked towards his room to wake him up on Savita’s request. Knocking a few times on the door, she grabbed the handle...

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The Story of Dave

A month passed since my first gangbang with John's friends, he had enlisted in the navy and was now going to do his basic training. We had arranged for a nice goodbye get together, but things didn't turn out the way we planned.My parents were divorced and my mom lived in a town, a few hours away. It was the weekend where I had to see her. We weren't close at all, years before I had found out she had cheated on my Dad with her now boyfriend, Dave. You see, I lived in a small town, one of those...

2 years ago
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You Be Woman Now

YOU BE WOMAN NOW by Joanna Michelle I was naked in a cage. Through the wooden bars I watched her every move. She was magnificent. She defeated all the males of her tribe in event after event. Foot race, spear throw, wrestling match, in all contests she finished triumphant. At last, as her final opponent was left crawling in the dust, she jumped up with a wild yell. She picked up a spear and a shield and danced around the fire. Her powerful muscles gleamed in the...

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Jenny Our Vivacious Pet Sitter

Our family decided to go on a short vacation to New Mexico. As a far as vacations go, it was a long awaited and much anticipated vacation. We are a cost conscious family, so I decided to look on line for a pet sitter for our very friendly great Pyrenees. I found an add on social media that read: “TEACHER NEEDING SOME SUMMER TIME FUN AND PAY- WILLING TO PET SET!” I texted the number and then looked up the person on social media. I was immediately struck by the profile photos of a strikingly...

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shemale looking for black

I was at the bar for the night. relaxing, putting down a couple drinks. I had started talking to another guy at the bar. we had a lot in common. after a good couple of laughs, a woman came up and joined in. we were suprised, she was really hot! we sat around for a cpl minutes, talking and laughing. as the bar was closing, me and my buddy needed to find cabs to get home. the woman offered to give us a lift, and we saw no problem, and agreed. on our way back, she said she wanted to drink more,...

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Seduced The Guys In The Train To Diphu 8211 Part 2

Continuation of ‘Seduced The Guys In The Train To Diphu’. We waited for about 10 minutes for the train to reach Diphu. I was sitting down and drinking my tea in my booth, with just Rajesh and Rohit in front of me. Our bogey was a bit empty and it was early morning with fog all around. Rohit went to the washroom. Suddenly Rajesh said, “Your legs are all smooth they look very nice with you wearing that skirt.” I smiled and asked if he likes it. He said yes and smirked. He then told me that his...

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The Home Cuming

Clive look around the room pleased with the results, chair positioned in the centre of the room with rope hanging from the back, gag and blind fold on the seat, second set of rope with pre tied loops hanging on the door handle to the room. Camera setup in the corner to record the subsequent action.Sarah had been away for a few days visiting friends but they had keep in touch via Whatsapp, every night they discussed what they would get up to when she returned. Clive liked his new found freedom...

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Anne And Mary Book IIChapter 2 Friday

On Friday, Heather was describing her progress with Virtual Jewelry, a product line she was developing for Still Waters Arts. In the past few months, she had found and exploited way to put colorful design transfers on the bare skin, making them into a kind of sensual jewelry. She had placed orders with a production house for test quantities of designs and graphic elements. Production was simple because the CAD designs went straight to a computer that turned them into silk-screen...

1 year ago
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Daddys Princess in Training Part Six

                                                     England   "As the morning dawns I lay here next to my sweet angel and I can feel her warmth and softness." "Her soft breathe tickles the hair on my chest as I hold her in my arms." "In rest I watch my beauty and try to see her as other men do." " I  see them watch her, under lidded eyes, captivated by her beauty, sweetness and a sensuality which exudes itself from every pore in her body as well as the core of her very essence." "I too am...

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For Arts Sake

The story of how I met Christine still amazes me.     Who knew the adventure I’d embark upon when the phone rang that Sunday afternoon?“Is that Mark?”   The voice was female, mid-twenties I guessed, but all business.“It is.” I kept up the business-like nature of the call.   “How can I help you?”“You’re in my league at the tennis club.   Would you like to play this week?   I’m Christine, by the way.”Under my breath I cursed my buddy Chad for getting me involved in the league.   Not...

Straight Sex
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ForeChapter 6

Ted knew the three upscale restaurants in the nearby area would be booked solid on a Saturday night. In anticipation of that he had phoned earlier in the week and made a reservation. When he broke the news to Joni about going out to dinner her initial response was that she hadn’t brought a dress to wear. He told her that she would look just fine in what she wore coming here. She wasn’t sure Ted was right in saying that but as it turned out he was since all the patrons dining there were...

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Daze in the ValleyChapter 51

It was the middle of the night when Adam awoke for some reason. He glanced at the other occupants of the bed and they all slept soundly – except Shelly on his right. She looked up him with a half-smile. Adam's hand was resting on her pert bottom and he gave the cheek a squeeze. Because of the minor surgery on Monday, she was wearing panties – but nothing else. Shelly's smile widened. "I'm horny," she whispered. Her hand lifted off Allie's butt and found Adam's dick, not far...

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BBCSurprise Alexa Kiss Be A Good Little Slut For Me

Alexa is back fresh off her ExCoGi debut and she’s here to take her first BBC on camera for y’alls pleasure. This girl loves cock and she wasn’t sure if she could take Isiah’s man meat today but she found a way and things start off with our lovely masturbating on the bed for what she thought was going to be a solo masturbation scene. You see she thought she was going to fuck Isiah but was fooled into thinking he couldn’t make it. Well a few orgasms later and surprise!!! As our stud Isiah...

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watching dad and mom act

Hi this is Raj, am going to submit a real story which happened couple of years ago. At that time my age was 18 years. My family consists of three. My dad, Raghu is 48 years, mom Rani (38-30-40) is 40 years, and me of Raj 18 years. We live in 2bhk flat a reputed city of Andhra Pradesh.My dad is a sex manic, I saw him ogle at many of aunties in my locality. He also had a crush on our neighbour aunty RadhaAnd I saw him flirting with her (I saw inbox of his mobile, messaging sexy things with her...

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The Last 24 HoursChapter 10

The woman has more balls than the NBA, NFL, MLB, The Canadian Leagues, and every collegiate team combined! And now she's going to trash my night with Beth... I don't think so! I took a moment to calm myself and to think for a moment. Josh's voice brought me out of my musings, "Alex? Are you there?" I turned back to the phone and sighed, I answered Josh, "Yeah Josh, I'm here. Do you have the paperwork I asked for with you?" He replied "In my valise as we speak." I told him, "Get...

4 years ago
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learning to eat my cream pie

I can’t believe it. Here I am in our car driving home to my husband Steve. I’d just spent the last two hours at a hotel with Ridge. I had a hard week at school and I needed to unwind and he definitely made sure that I did. He fucked me so well I had two very strong orgasms. Just the kind of unwinding I needed. But that’s not what’s so hard to believe. My husband Steve knows that I fuck him and he’s fine with it. Steve used to want to always be there to watch and join but lately, due to my...

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My GirlsChapter 22

I had pretty much figured Katie might faint; that was why I was behind her, with my arms around her. Between Becky's sudden appearance, a perfect image of Katie except for the orange flecks in her eyes, and Katie's fainting, things were pretty chaotic. I laid Katie on the nearest bed and sat next to her, stroking her hair, waiting for her to recover. Everyone crowded into the bedroom to find out what was going on. "Everyone, let me introduce Becky Thompson, Katie's sister. She also goes...

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Conversion Party

This is a story about a Conversion Party I found in the web (not my story - but I wish this for me)It's been a little over two years now since I got the letter that changed my life. Like any other day, I came home from work and checked the mail. There was a hand-printed envelope on linen paper. I opened all the other mail first, saving the best for last.Inside was an invitation to a weekend party. It was from Tom, a guy I’d met at the baths. Tom was an easy-going sort, who made me to open up to...

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“I want to watch a male and female blow you at the same time. While another man is licking and kissing my ass cheeks. With an audience,” she tells me with a big smile. “Promise?” I smile back full of anticipation. We arrived in time for lunch in our room after which we looked around to find the nude beach. We were the centre of attention as we undressed then held hands as we strutted about. “You two are going to be very popular, your lady’s glorious ass and your large cock, are both...

4 years ago
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Village Adventure

Hi ISS fans thanks for comment for my earlier stories and also thanks for my sisteres those who adviced me and also explained their experice on thier request I am sending another story herewith. If you want to advice or if you have experience please mail me at Hi I am Navya from Dharwad and this is my first story for this lovly ISS I am regular fan of ISS. I am 24 years old and I am in my final year when I was at 10th, my parents purchased a pc for me. I am a Student regularly I used to...

3 years ago
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Adoptive Mother Reporter slowly gets involved in story

And if you can believe this as well…I did come back the following day and as the day before she looked incredible. She wore a printed colorful dress which, to me, said it all. I couldn’t wait to hear more of her adventures about her and Max and what they done together, in bed, that would have me wondering about her and her lifestyle, desires, and let’s not forget her dreams as well. The woman, Cynthia, is for sure a charismatic woman. Her eyes alone, when she looks at you, you almost feel as if...

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while my parents were out

I waited for the door to slam. Finally they were gone. I grabbed my laptop and quickly switched it on. Im 19 and still living at home, i didnt want to risk them finding out i was a bdsm freak.It was my dream to have a master one day. I wanted to be controlled. So far i had only tried things out on my self. It wasnt as much fun as i hoped being punished by master would be. I watched a few videos on my laptop till i was very turned on. I took my clothes off and went down stairs. I was aware that...

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HandsOnHardcore Polly Pons Cheating Asian Housewife Polly Pons Stretched Out in BBC Double Penetration

After waking up alone and horny with her panties soaking wet, Asian housewife Polly Pons decides to call her fuck buddy Darrell Deeps. After having a bit of phone sex, Polly – who’s unable to get herself off – decides to invite Darrel over to her place since he has a massive black cock. A bit later, Darrel arrives at the house, and within minutes Polly’s lips are around his cock. When Darrel has his BBC deep inside of Polly’s pussy, her husband Tony walks into the room. Luckily for...

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Thursdays ChildChapter 16

It took ten minutes for Becca and Kim to bicycle to where Jane's team was working. They both clocked in with her. Kim went off to start work and talk to Penny and Anita. Becca asked Jane if she could borrow the van for a couple of hours. She did not explain why. Word would soon get round the girls and she did not want to keep Nicky waiting. She also borrowed the house keys from Anita. Becca was home again as promised within half an hour and found Steven and Nicky chatting happily at the...

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Aunty Se Kiraya Liya

Hi dosto main suraj badla hua naam main apko aaj ek kahani sunata hu jo ki mere ek dost ki ma ki hai tab main 18 saal ka tha aur 10 th me tha maine padhai ke liye mere ek dost ke yaha jata tha uske ghar me wo uski ma uski bahan sister rahate the uski dady ki height 2 mahine pahale hi hui thi. Uske daddy driver the unka rent ka ghar tha 2 BHK ek bedroom me uski ma aur daddy dusre bedroom me wo aur uski bahan uski bahan ki umar 12 thi abhi hum dono 10th me the is liye unke bedroom me hi hum log...

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For girls chp 1 part 2

Jessica would always manage to navigate the conversation to something sexy, sensual, and sensuous. Today was no exception. "I am so tired of the same old stuff," Jessica explained. "Day after day I shove that vibrator into my pussy to come and still I feel horny." Trisha coughed, nearly spitting out her vegetables. Susan opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. Sam was able to muster a reply. Jessica would always manage to navigate the conversation to something sexy, sensual, and...

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Sweet Rose Lake

1923, Bright sunlight soared down onto the ground running of a patch of red and white roses in Mrs. Duntae’s garden, as usual she was working on her roses even for a young lassie no man had ever taken a notice to her at all, their fore she stayed in her garden of roses and other flowers, Mrs. Duntae, whose name is actually, Rosa Louise Duntae. She was only 24 years old and with no husband or life, her virginity was still intact… too strongly. Late that evening when Rosa had gone into the...

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a familiar stranger

I soaped up and as my hands slid up my thigh my mind mind began to wander. I began to think of Kayla and the way she used to touch me. she always began by kissing my lips softly..she'd work her way down to my neck. Her lips always made me tremble and as she slid her tongue down my neck and to my chest brushing my cleavage I let out a soft moan. Her hands always seemed to know just where to go on my body as she kneaded my breasts, working my nipples adeptly with her tongue. She always got this...

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Third Time Sucking BBC Gay

I was on my way to a party with my cute blonde girlfriend, the host was a friend of hers from work. He was a short stocky gentleman of African descent. She had mentioned to me she though he was maybe gay, and she had also often noticed he had a considerable bulge in his pants.She knew this would pique my curiosity as I recently confessed my occasional desire to suck cock, not any cock, specifically big black cock. She also enjoyed watching this as she found it a huge turn on to witness my foray...

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The Second Child of Lisa Sarah and Greg

PREVIOUSLY IN THE SARAH AND GREG SERIES Sarah, Greg, and Lisa have a very non-traditional marriage. Sarah is a pre-op transgender woman, and they have a marriage of three people. ("Lisa Visits Sarah and Greg" and "Lisa Moves in with Sarah and Greg") Although they all believed that Lisa was not capable of having children, she got pregnant anyway, and now the three are parents to a beautiful baby girl, Amy Jillian Booth ("The First Child of Sarah and Greg and Lisa") A FEW MONTHS INTO...

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Candid Camera

Lindsay fastened the new lacy polka-dot bra at her back, straightened her stockings and observed herself in the three way mirror. “Very nice,” she said to herself and left her dressing room. Cade would be home any minute and she wanted to make sure all her preparations were in place. She walked down the long hall to the study, glancing at herself in the mirrors that hung along the walls. She smiled to herself, imagining the surprise and pleasure she would she on Cade’s face. She opened the...

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Youre So Perfect Bethany

The day was August 27, 1991. Seventeen year-old Bethany was listening to Nirvana's new hit-single, "Smells Like Teen Spirit", with her father, William. They were laying outside in their backyard, enjoying the last bit of the sunshine and blue skies for the year. "Turn off that ruckus, Bethany." "It's not ruckus, Daddy. It's art." "Whatever you'd like to call it." "Just calm down, Daddy. Smile a bit." She got closer to her father and used her fingers to make him smile. She then started making...

1 year ago
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One Dark NightChapter 15

"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?" Rick stood there staring at her. She looked up at him startled. Her gown up at her waist and her naked bottom exposed pleasuring herself and with the phone in her other hand. Laughing and joking with Curly on the other end. How long he had been standing there, she didn't know. He yanked the phone out of her hand and put it up to his ear. He could hear a male voice asking "Raven? Raven? What's going on? " but he couldn't place the voice. It sounded familiar...

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Nightmare HolidayChapter 15

Alex got out of the cab in front of La Casa de Los Angeles and paid the driver a dollar for the six-block ride. It was a time-honored Tijuana price for a ride to any casa de putas in the city. Outside it looked dark. Boards blocked the windows and only an occasional chink let light creep out into the darkness. He walked up to the door, and, only when he was inches away and it swung open apparently of its own volition, did he realize that there was a man's dark shadow behind the screen and...

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I was a wartime TV for the US Army

‘I was a Wartime Transvestite for Uncle Sam!               TJ Ryder                                            Chapter 1           Reform School Romance!     I couldn’t believe that all I got from my uncle Bill when he died after all he said to me about my being his favorite grand nephew was an old diary from World War II.    I mean I thought we got along pretty darn good, and its not like he had any money or anything, just another old geezer in an assisted care center who if he ever had...

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Affair With Maid

This sex story dates back to my college days when I had lots of free time during vacations and ibises to visit my home country. At the time living with my parents, they traveled a lot. Having a big house we had staff for cooking cleaning driving and other upkeep. Unhappy with the usual cleaners, new help had just been hired. I never really paid attention to her but once I was getting ready to shower and she just barged in to clean the room. Luckily or unluckily I had not taken my boxers off...

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Moms bad boy

Note: ——I am NOT the author!Well here I am at my mothers funeral. Im now forty-two, been married for 10years and have 3 beautiful c***dren. As I stand in the cold January wind, Ithink of growing up with mom.My first remberance of my sexual cravings was when I was 7 years old. I waslate for the school bus and had to get into the bathroom to brush my teeth.The door was closed, I knew mom was in there, so I screamed, "mom if you don'tget out of there now I'll miss the bus.""Serves you right for...

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Short Shorts

Short Shorts By Peg Thebois Like my last series of shorts, 3,000 words, but this time instead of trying to evoke what I wanted in 1,000 words per story I crafted a quartet of exactly 750 word tales. One of my stories is set within the world of the Vampire: the Masquerade Storytelling Game which is owned by White Wolf Publishing. Scenario One: Take Your Licks Tony pressed a handtowel full of of icecubes against his face desperately hoping it would help. Finally Dad shouted,...

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Unexpected love triangle

I watched him walk away. I was thinking of following him, but I thought that would be just a little weird. Instead, I stayed behind looking at his back, as he got farther and farther away. I sighed deeply. He would never be interested in me. I have light brown hair, which goes down past my waist and rests above my butt. My eyes are dark brown, my breast size is 36B, average butt, and flat stomach. My height is 4’11 and I weigh one hundred-twenty pounds. There’s nothing special about me. “I’m...

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Bound Wendy

Wendy squirms. I enjoy watching her squirm. She sits on her own settee in her own living room with bondage tape wound tightly around her ankles, calves and all the way up to her knees, where it meets a black pencil skirt. Her arms are behind her back, bondage tape wrapped tightly from wrists to elbows. More tape is wrapped around her torso, holding her arms in place and wound around a silky forest green, high neck top, forcing her ample bosom to bulge.I sit in an armchair opposite and watch her...

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Omnia Vincit AmorChapter 2

Claire was deeply disturbed as she drove away from John’s house on a sunny calm afternoon. It had been a sudden decision to visit him, born of her compassion for his bereavement, but as soon as she saw him all the old feelings had returned. She could not identify what it was about him that turned her emotional life completely upside down. It had happened exactly like that all those years ago. She smiled as she remembered how all her beliefs and convictions about love and sex had been...

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