Living Next Door to Heaven 2100 Next Gen
- 3 years ago
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Well, shit. Spring break round the corner and no-one lined up. I dug my toes into the sheepskin rug and stared out of my bay window, feeling kinda pissed. Said it before: downside of being a slacker is you tend to let things drift. I could hear the kids upstairs, voices cheerful as they made their plans. I stomped into the kitchen and opened another beer. I'd been putting in gym time, reading kinda serious, but ... not enough, seemed like. Mebbe I hadn't been wanting hard enough. My ability sure hadn't thought to get off its ass. I took a swig and forced myself to calm down. Hell, you play the hand you got. Mebbe I'd go out later, see if I could find me a short term friend. I was wondering where to start when the phone rang.
'Yeah?' 'Doug? Doug Taylor?' The room seemed to spin for a second.
'Annie?' Hesitant laugh down the line 'Jeez, Doug, I'm sure glad you still got the same number.' 'Annie, where the fuck are you?' Pause, then gabbling.
'Idaho. Doug, I never asked you for anything in my life, but what I need is outa here. Can you wire me some money?' Her voice quivered. 'There ain't another soul in the goddam world I can ask.' Now I ain't one for throwing money about, but shit, she sounded kinda desperate; tell the truth, I always been sorta grateful about what she done for me, and I'd sure missed her some. For a skinny little hippy she sure had her good points, and she sounded in real bad shape. Philosophical Doug.
'Sure, Annie. You better promise to come down here though, lemme take a look at you, stuff like that.' Well, hell, she was so grateful, send it to Western Union, stuff like that, sounded like she was almost crying.
'Doug, I gotta go now. Send that goddam money soon as you... ' She hung up in a hurry and I was listening to that long distance hiss you get on an empty line. I turned on the laptop, sent a thousand bucks to the office she'd told me, some hick town a hundred miles outa Boise, wondered if I'd ever see it again. I realized my goddam beer was flatter than Kansas and went to look for a replacement.
The replacement slipped down real easy and a two hit bong as well, and I was laying on the sofa wondering what coulda fuckin' happened. Hell, last time I seen her she was marrying ol' Ray, moving to Idaho to raise kids, live happy ever after. And she'd said "tickets". Definitely plural. The grass was hitting me and I closed my eyes so's I could think a little better. Knock on the door. If it ain't one thing it's a goddam 'nother.
'Door's open.' I heard it open and close. Whiff of scent. 'Hi, Kirsty, Whaddya need?' Cautious Doug. Thanksgiving had been a bummer. Sure, Tanya was a knockout, but a fifteen year old knockout might as well be on Mars, far as I'm concerned, and making moves on her big sister while she was in the house seemed like way too much effort. Fuckin' ability was jerking my chain, I decided. Sure, I invited them to turkey and pie, but putting up with goddam High School prattle, trying not to think about what I could have been doing, I guess I wasn't much of a host. Kirsty hadn't said much since, and I'd kinda let it slide. I was finding fresh every so often, Chrissie visited a coupla weekends, so it ain't as if I was crawling up walls or nothing.
'Are you OK, Doug?' Slightly stoned was probably outside her orbit.
'Just dozin', Kirsty, wonderin' what to do. Whyntcha siddown, tell me what's on your mind.' She sank into a chair, nervous kitten look front and center.
'I need to apologize, ' she said solemnly. I opened the other eye.
'Real noble of you, girl, but you're gonna hafta remind me why.' Well, she started to explain how mean she'd been, leading me on and using me, and how I hadn't said anything, but she knew I was upset, and she knew it was because of her, and I was so kind and nice, and she'd wanted to say sorry, but she didn't know how to, and she really didn't want to offend me, and ... I put my hand up and she stopped. Fuckin' relief too. Small click. Hadn't expected that.
'Kirsty, you gotta stop thinkin' everything's your goddam fault. Jeez, girl, I'd realized smackin' that blonde bitch down good was all you wanted, hadn't misunderstood you, that woulda been cool too. So forget it, or I'll throw your ass out on the street. Landlord's promise. You wanna beer, coke, anything?' I started to haul myself upright but she jumped up.
'I can find stuff.' I listened to faint sounds from the kitchen, hoped she wasn't nosing about too much. She came back with the whole ball of wax: tray, bottles, glasses, napkins, potato chips, set everything on the table.
'Can I tell you something?' A woman says that, best not to argue. I hoped all this was leading somewhere, or it woulda been a good nap ruined.
'Sure, kid, go ahead.' That goddam red tide started in her cheeks, rolled down her neck.
'Uh, actually, getting even with Sonia wasn't really all I wanted.' I didn't react to that so she started explaining. 'You see, I hadn't thought about Tanya being so young, and that was dumb of me: I should have known you'd be responsible about that sort of thing, because you're that sort of person. And then when she'd gone and I wanted to talk to you some more you always seemed to be busy, and I had so much work, and it was hard to concentrate because... ' Her voice trailed away. What the fuck? Time for a little push.
'Why was it hard to concentrate, kid?' Interested Doug.
'Well, one thing was that people started inviting me to parties, boys mostly, and asking for dates and everything. That's never happened to me before, so I said yes to most of them, because that was what I'd wanted.' She stopped and looked at me carefully. 'I let them kiss me sometimes, but when they wanted to do more I told them that I was in a relationship already and some of them were OK about it and some of them were real mean but I didn't care. And I really do have a lot of work, and oh, yes, Sonia keeps asking me about you, and trying to be friendly, and that's such a good feeling, her wanting to know my secret I mean... ' She was wanting me to help her along I guess, but a head full of grass ain't the best foundation. Jeez, how she did talk. Beautiful voice or no, more than a semester would drive me clean outa my skull. She took a deep breath and started over.
'Uh, you have a lot of girlfriends, don't you, Doug?' Hell, not that question again.
'Nope. I got friends who are women, and I spend private time with some of them. Not all of them, and not always, and I don't talk about them none. Not ever. You probably seen one of them, blonde girl, well dressed, comes for the weekend sometimes, only four or five times a year I guess, but we're friends all the way.' I stopped and waited. She was thinking. You're smart, one of the things you make sure you learn at college is how to think about stuff clearly. Long as it ain't Liberty fuckin' University of course, but that's a different planet. 'And what's this stuff about bein' in a relationship, kid? Or you just say that to cool the frat rats down some?' She looked at me real nervous.
'I guess. I mean, everyone thinks I'm having an affair, so I can say that and I don't have to... ' I swear I never seen anyone blush so hard. Looked like she was ready to explode.
'Don't hafta what, girl? Jeez, you're makin' my head spin, dartin' about, one thing an' then another.' I struggled upright and popped a beer, took a long swallow. She was sitting quiet, staring at her hands. When I put the bottle down she looked up, kinda desperate.
'So I don't have to do things I don't know about and have everyone laughing at me again, and feeling stupid, and you're the only person who's ever not laughed at me, and... ' She paused, then swallowed hard, sounded like the words were being forced out of her. 'I was imagining spending private time with you and sorta finding things out and having someone explain without making me feel dumb.' Way to go, Kirsty. Ability doesn't give a rat's ass for anyone except me and it's finally pushed you to make the first move. Don't worry, kid, you're in good company. Patty Dukes, Kelly, Hazel, the others: they were all taken the same: Kelly was the only one had a real bad time though, and that wasn't intended. I put my hand up, self-defense mostly. Teaching her to shut up would be high on my goddam list.
'Kirsty, lemme get this straight. You feel that you don't have much, uh, experience, and you've decided I'm the person you want to, uh, show you the ropes, is that right?' Bashful Doug. Silence, thank God, but she nodded. 'Well, shit, girl, um, I mean, what exactly is it that you don't... ' She interrupted me, still blushing fit to bust.
'Everything. I've kissed people, but I can't even do that without bumping noses, and they always want to touch me, and I've read books and watched some films on the internet, but those were so gross, and I guess they're faked mostly, like everything on TV is.' She looked at her hands again. 'I've tried and tried, but I just don't understand.' 'Hell, girl, that kinda stuff, it's like playing the piano.' She didn't understand that either.
'What do you mean?' 'I mean, you can study music theory for years, pass all the exams, but you still won't be able to play symphonies and stuff less you practice as well, willya?' Keyboard Doug. It was out now, laying on the table between us, but she looked like nervous was still arguing with determined. Time to soothe her a little. Click. Well, there's a bonus.
'Kirsty, lemme guess: you've kept Spring Break clear, but now you're wonderin' if it's such a good idea. That right?' She didn't say anything, just nodded. I patted the couch next to me. 'OK, I ain't gonna hit on you, push you none, but if you get your ass over here we can talk comfortable, no more of this glancing up an' down.' I waited. After mebbe ten seconds she got up and moved across. I put a hand up, pulled her down gently, draped an arm over her shoulder, nowhere near anything sensitive. She tensed at my touch, but when I didn't move she leaned into me some.
'How come you're always right about how I feel?' Almost plaintive.
'I been thinkin' about you a lot, kid, but I don't know everything. You wanna tell me a little about who Kirsty really is?' You need a woman to relax, ask her to talk about herself; I gotta say, when she wasn't gabbling her voice was real nice to listen to. Usual story though. Parents fucked up their own relationship, felt badly about it, tried to protect their kids from going down the same route. Damn fools chose the church to help though, and so the God Squad got ahold of her, filled her head full of crap, persuaded her to wear one of those goddam rings. Result? She escaped, sure, but paralyzed, not knowing where to start, real unhappy about herself. Still, she'd squeezed my ass back in the tavern, so she wasn't a totally lost cause. No point in hurrying though.
'OK, girl, you go 'way now, think this through. You wanna cancel, fine, I won't say nothing. You wanna carry on, you be ready to get taken out for dinner tomorrow, like a proper date. We'll take it from there an' you call the shots. You wanna stop, take notes, run away screaming, that's OK too. Point about physical stuff, it's meant to be fun. It ever feels like a chore, you're with the wrong person or it's time to move on. That work for you?' She never said a word, just got up and left. Her back view looked kinda perky though, so I guess I said the right stuff. Better to be lucky than rich, but if you can manage both, that's prime time. And she sure did remind me of Ellen. I went to the window, took up position on the rug, wondered if she'd be the same in the sack. Couldn't make up my mind if I wanted that or not. Memories are memories, and you try to turn them into fuckin' roadmaps you're heading for trouble. Don't mean you can't take them out and look at them once in a while though.
That time between Thanksgiving and Christmas had been kinda difficult. Ellen and Candice making plans, searching out job openings, thinking visiting schedules so they didn't miss each other. Shit, wrapped up in love's young dream is where they were, and I didn't much want to butt in. When Ellen did spend down time with me she wasted a lot of it telling me what they'd decided, how they were gonna do stuff, all the crap I could care less about. Didn't tell her that though. When Candice started getting interviews they both went into a goddam frenzy and I pulled back, left them to it.
Christmas came and went, everyone kinda subdued, and then it was time for Ellen to go take up her new post. Damn, that was a sweet and sour weekend. We had one final night together, real intense, made me feel for a while that it was almost more than friends. That was sweet. But I kinda knew that she was doing it for me. They had the idea that they were moving on and I was stuck in my same ol' rut. Hell, I chose this goddam rut because I like it, don't take too kindly to being babied either. Didn't tell them that though. Too sour. Ellen wanted to say goodbye in style so I just made sure she was gonna miss one part of me at least.
Ellen gone, Candice took to spending her evenings polishing her dissertation, weekends up in Boston, time with me when she remembered. Not very dam' often though, so I started looking around. Shit, I'd had nearly a coupla years taking it easy, was carrying ten pounds too much and my mind was a swamp, so I decided to fix that, see what happened. Guys down the gym were sorta sarcastic at first, but so what? I started working out and the weight redistributed itself and they shut up real quick. Started reading serious too: talked to one of my old professors, made like I was finally wondering about a doctorate, could he suggest a program to clear away the cobwebs, maybe a theme I'd never touched on before? I thought he was gonna come in his pants he was so pleased, gave me a list of books, told me to call him any time. I thanked him, went home and logged onto Amazon, set myself thinking about getting some trouble free regular that wasn't gonna interfere with my lifestyle.
(For info about how Doug's erratic talent manifests itself, you should read the original 'Roomers'. Suffice to say that he usually gets what he wants, but not always the way he wants it.) Thursday afternoon, three or four weeks into the new routine I was reading, sipping beer, feeling kinda good. Definitely sharper, ready to see what life threw at me. My cell chirped: FRIDAY EVENING, TENSION TO BURN, CHRISSIE XXX.
That cheered me up for sure. Working out someone's tension was just what I fuckin' deserved. Ran round some the next day, changed the sheets, stocked up with her favorite wine, booked a late dinner at Tony's Casa Italiana, trimmed myself down below, all the stuff you do when you're planning quality time. Gave myself a little siesta too. Fact is, I was still on the couch when the doorbell rang.
I'd hardly got the dam' door open when she was in my arms, hanging on tight, nuzzling my neck. I worked one hand free, picked up her bag, her still mumbling and nibbling. Kicked the door shut with my foot, dropped the bag and staggered through to the bedroom. Lowered her onto the bed and she squirmed onto her back, pulled her skirt up. Shit, no underwear, just a sweet looking, damp looking pussy. Her legs parted and she tilted her hips.
'I took them off in the car, ' she muttered, 'and what are you waiting for?' Hell, a friend in need and all that bullshit. I didn't wait, just dropped my pants and climbed on board. She didn't fuck about: reached down and grabbed me, pushed up till I was right at the gates, then clutched my ass with the other hand and heaved. I slid into her wet grasp like a key into a lock and she inhaled sharply and went to work. I just hung in there, tried not to get thrown clear. Guessed I'd find out later what it was all about, but meanwhile a good friend oughta be helping her along, so I opened her jacket, began to nip her breasts the way she liked. Squeals as my teeth closed over one rock solid nipple, but her pelvis redoubled its dance and when I moved to the other one and chewed on that she lost it. Fact is, I don't think I coulda come if I'd wanted to, so I rode it out, letting her find her own way up and then down. After forever her muscles slackened and she sank down, breath whistling in her throat, eyes fluttering.
'Jesus, Doug, I needed that, but this skirt wrinkles real bad. Don't you dare go anywhere.' I managed to roll off her, shucked my T-shirt and pants while I had time. Guessed she'd wanna mouthful of cock, ride the tongue some, then slow and gentle before dinner. Her usual routine, and a dam' good one too.
'Jeez, girl, how long you been savin' that up?' She'd come back from the bathroom naked, crawled into the crook of my arm. She turned her head and licked my ear.
'You are the only guy I ever met who never disappoints. I been holding that thought for two weeks and getting hot enough to fry eggs. It's all been so difficult.' Well, I made like Tar Baby, said nuth'n, let it spill out at its own speed. Turned out she'd been seeing some guy, fallen for him hard, thought about it carefully, was all set to live happy ever after. Normal enough, except one day she found him with a vibrator up his ass and a very gay magazine in his free hand. She was kinda turned off, gave him back the ring, flushed it down the john she said, and they shouted some and she split. Taken her a while to calm down, and when she did she needed a friend.
'And that's you, ' she murmured, rolling out of my arms and down to my crotch. 'Because you do friend better than anyone.' My cock was at half staff and she ran her tongue along the length of it. 'And you never come the first time. Are you like that with the others?' I looked at her kinda stern and she made a face. 'Can't blame a girl for being curious.' After that she shut up, concentrated on the job in hand.
I gotta admit, Chrissie ain't the best head I ever had, but on the other hand she sure enjoyed the work. Always kept one hand for herself, touching her tits, rubbing her clit, getting herself ready for the next round I guess, and knowing what she was getting ready for always got me eager. Swallowed good too, and when the beautiful liquid glow spread through my groin and she felt my balls tighten, she pulled back a little, kept her lips clamped tight over the crown, looked up at me with her eyes sparkling and ran her tongue round the head. That did it, and as my body stiffened she milked me good, making sure she got a healthy mouthful, then swallowed luxuriously and suckled me gently, trying for the last drops.
'Yum. Now tell me what I want next.' 'Shit, Chrissie, nice cool drink, watch a little TV maybe? Me, I'm gonna roll over, go to sleep soon as my heart rate steadies.' I closed my eyes and relaxed, waiting, felt her squirming up against me.
'Please, Mister, please, I been a good girl, honest, I done everything right. Please, Mister, don't be mean.' There was laughter in her voice; hadn't been a lot of that lately and I felt a wave of warmth towards her.
'Crawl on board, Missy, and settle yourself. Sure don't want you gettin' no attitude problem.' Corny shit, and kinda embarrassing, but people do weird things in bed when they know each other well, and Chrissie and me, we went back a ways. She scooted up my body and kneeled over my face, hands braced against the wall. I made like a flight controller. 'Right... , right... , stop... , back a little... , stop... , OK drop your wheels.' She sank onto me, her clit rubbing my nose, her pussy fitting neatly over my lips.
'Do it now, Mister, or I'll give you reverse thrust, full gas.' You get that sorta threat, you buckle down to work real quick.
Someone once told me that an extra half, three quarters of an inch of cock didn't make any difference to her, but the same added to a tongue was a whole different proposition. She took sex pretty seriously so I believed her. Christ knows where I get the extra length from, but I can lick the bridge of my nose all day if I have to, and if I got pussy on my face and the angle's right I can usually manage to hit the bottom of the G spot. That, and a nose pushing the clit at the same time can get spectacular results.
Sure got results from Chrissie. She wasn't in such a goddam hurry any more so I took it easy too, teasing and probing, letting her find her own rhythm. She kept lifting herself, holding back, and I knew that she was waiting for me to harden up again, drill her straight after, the way she liked. Hell I can do that. She managed nearly twenty minutes, me getting a real unpleasant pain at the base of my tongue, then she began to tremble and mashed herself down, hips bucking, smearing my face and breathing short and fast. That lasted a while and when she began to slow I flipped her over and slid into her real gentle, pushed my pubic bone down onto her mound and started the rocking movement that always held her suspended on the edge. Tell the truth I wanted her wiped out so I could rest up a little for the after dinner session, but I got kinda involved with the balancing act, lost myself for a while there, and it was only when she heaved up, started going a little crazy again, that I came back, let her drag me with her as she raced up the hill for the second time. Fine by me and when she cried out and fell over the cliff I dived after her, let us spiral down together.
Afterwards we lay quiet. Her body was slack, breath still whistling slightly, and I guess I was much the same. She squirmed closer and I felt her soft lips on my ear.
'Worth the journey, big boy. But speaking as a grateful friend, you felt sorta needy as well. You want to spill on a warm shoulder?' Hell, after all this time she should know that ain't what I do. Smart girl though. No point turning her down flat.
'I dunno, Chrissie, it's been a rough few weeks, life gettin' complicated again. Nothing bad, but you know I hate when everything's unsettled. Tell the truth, I got your message yesterday, I was real pleased. The needin' was for you I guess. Good to see ya, kid.' She knew that wasn't all of it but she looked real happy, started chewing my neck some, and I let her carry on for a while. It was sure comfortable laying there, letting her fuss, and I felt kinda peeved when she pulled back.
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InterracialThis part has no transformations in it. If you are looking for the purely transformational stuff, go to part 2. PART ONE: A STRANGE NEW WORLD --- "Man I'm going to fail this test." I looked up from my textbook. My roommate, Marcus was leaning back in his chair. He ran his fingers through his dirty blonde hair. I shrugged. We both knew that studying for this test was impossible. But we had to try to pass. "Don't be so negative!" Macy sat up from the floor. Her notes...
I waited until Hannah was fast asleep, and slipped out from underneath the duvet. My heart was racing and my stomach was in knots. I went into the bathroom and turned on the light, hoping the brightness wouldn’t escape underneath the door and wake her up. I slipped out of my comfy panda pyjamas, and pulled on the sexiest underwear I’d brought with me. Considering I was on a school skiing trip in Italy, the choice wasn’t vast. I managed to find lacy French knickers and matching black bra. I took...
this is very true,few years back my mother passed away,left me a bunch of money,afterward,i now had money,but no family,so i was wild,parting,having alot of,hot man sex,by the way,im a chubby,very fem. tan, smooth,i look, act,an love to be treated,like a girl,an love it when a well hung horny man is turned on by me..i was at a riverboat casino,staying at a very nice hotel..i always,had plenty of very sexy,outfits an loved to dress up an leave the curtains,half open (pretending i didnt realize...
The Transformation by Mistress Lisa He sat at his computer, staring unseeingly into the screen. His mind kept slipping away, darting into the dark desires he kept hidden from the world.....or so he thought. He was daydreaming about a tight corsette and satin panties, when he felt her hands on his shoulders. He turned to face her and his eyes opened wide in surprise. His dear friend and lover stood before him, dressed as he had never seen her. His eyes met hers and...
I was just about to sleep when I heard a banging sound over my neighbor’s back yard. When I peeked through my window, I was startled to see my neighbor, Brian, standing up right pummeling his waist down onto my ‘so-called’ friend Sandra, who was bending over with her skirt basically over her head and her batty jaws were jiggling… Thank you pupa Jesus that rain did a tear and breeze did a blow cause when I did done laugh the whole neighborhood would swear I was dying. As I stood at my window...
But it's there, this totally consuming intense feeling that makes my whole body shake and my knees go weak, and I slump down on to the bottle with all my weight - reaching down with my hands to hold the serving set ring in an attempt to manage balancing my whole body on my pussy. My arms are pushing my breasts together in front of me, and I can't see past my cleavage and the lace, so all I can do is feel how my pussy is still stretched and yawning, the burning continuing as I slowly slip...
A few years ago, when I was in my prime,I was friends with the vicars daughter, and when I say friends, thats all it was for years.Then one night after a boozy party with some friends, we started talking about who had ever seen their parents fucking.When it was Judy's turn she gave us a very graphic description, of having seen her Mum get gang banged, by three guys at Bible Camp.She had seen her Mum sneak out of the chalet that they were staying in one night and followed her.Her Mum knocked on...
January 22nd, 1987 - January 5th, 1987 Leanne White probably had the highest IQ of anyone attending my high school for the four years I went there. She had so many scholarships offered to her and universities sending her their literature, she had to get a PO Box just so her parents didn’t have to spend twenty minutes every morning going through their mail. Okay, so she couldn’t have had that much mail, but that’s the reason her younger sister told everyone. Leanne was very active in...
"We're heading to Raleigh, North Carolina, next; but we're nervous about doing so. One of our people, Monique, hasn't contacted us after visiting Charlotte, North Carolina. If our people are endangered, we'll be forced to slow our outreach. Instead we'll be forced to travel fully armed, in pairs and wearing body armor. Needless to say, if that occurs, the speed with which we can reach people will be severely diminished, meaning we won't reach as many before winter snows people in and...
I saw her smile, and then I peeked back at him. "Would you like your schlong to slip into my pussy, Aaron?" I pondered, leaning towards him.He swallowed and licked his lips for a moment. "May I kiss you first, Rachel?"I brought my lips right to his and lied right on top of him. My hands slithered over onto his shoulders as his palms found their way to my lower back. My boobs pressed onto his chest and I noticed his rod rubbing on my stomach.He had his eyes closed for the time being, and I saw...
TabooI'd been going to ballet class twice a week for the last four months, and it was finally beginning look like I might actually quit tripping over my own feet and start moving with a little grace and style. I hadn't counted on being in this class at all, but I needed something to do with my time, and the four women that I called my 'best friends' had all agreed that we'd sign up for the class; get a little exercise, learn a few dance steps, maybe meet a hot guy or two. Fifteen minutes into the...
It all happened two months ago when I was awoken with my dru nk 32 year old mom falling up the stairs, laughing and shrieking at some man she must have picked up on her night out. I was used to it by now, mom fetching men home and having to listen to her getting fucked in the bedroom next to mine.It happens at least twice a week and I have see some odd balls leave the next morning. They are at it now, banging the bed against the wall as he fucks her hard and she is shrinking for more. It only...
“What about Amber – is she OK?” I blurted the worried question out without thinking. I saw the puzzled look on Marie’s face.“She’s… fine,” Marie said. I let go a breath which had been trapped in my lungs since Marie’s arrival. “She’s been suspended from school, but apart from that, she fine.”“Why was she suspended? I heard something about a fight.”“You know a lot about my daughter. She said she’d never spoken to you.” Amber had spoken to her mum about me?“I noticed she was missing and I heard...
NovelsIntroduction: A couple of quick scenes, mom gets frisky, and daddy CUMS home The next day their mom had off of work. Bailey invited her boyfriend over, her mom had told her she didnt care what they did, but the new rule was no clothes in the house for the three of them, unless its lingerie (not sure if spelled right sorry) they all decided against it for the day, nude felt better. Drake arrived, but Bailey and her sister were busy grinding on each other in her room. He smiled and let her do...
Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Body. I took a few sips from the champagne to calm my nerves and it was only now that I realised I was hungry. I looked round and found the intercom button for the driver. "Sorry to disturb you," I said. "No problem miss, how can I help you?" I was still a little unused to being called by female pronouns, but miss particularly bothered me. Inside I still considered myself a man in his mid-twenties, if men were called sir or Mr, then why are women...
BROCK “Loose!” I roared, and a hundred siege engines released at once, sending great boulders into the air. Those that were launched from the trebuchets tumbled as they arced, those that were launched from the catapults flew unspinning upon a line-drive path. The trebuchet boulders rained into Mid Fort, and the catapult boulders smashed into its walls, caving in the final few lengths of its eastern-facing side, revealing the inner sanctum, the citadel, and the high tower. Debris blasted in...
Amanda sat on the couch as Brian cleared his throat. He began to tell her the events that had happened to start with getting into the car. He told her how he carried her up the stairs. Then he told her about the conversation with Rebecca."Well," Amanda shrugged as she sat back. She tilted the bottle up as she took a swig of the water. "I will have to say she was both right and wrong."Brian shook his head. "I went into the bathroom, and the door was open," he stammered as he looked at her."I...
BisexualHow did this dream start, well I must have been asleep but it didn't feel that way. "Hi," she said, standing right in front of me. I had gotten my can of coke and was heading for the rest of my Plumbing group in our usual seats in the far corner of the refectory. "My name's Christina," she introduced herself. "Crissy for short." I felt my mouth open and close a few times but I didn't hear anything come out. "Come a sit with me," she invited. "Sure," I said but it didn't...
In my last sex story, I told you guys how things were getting naughty between me and my mother.Now this is the continuation of the story,sorry for late update I didn’t get time was busy on the job.And thank you for feedback and mails you provided hope my advice helped you guys.After the completion please mail me the feedback also at And any girl or aunt in Delhi interested can also mail me. So coming to the story now. Delhi aane ke baad me mummy ke baare me hi sochne me tha mujhe kaise bhi...
Just a number of nonsensical comments. My husband purchased a world map ... gave me a dart and said, “throw this and wherever it lands, I’m taking you for a holiday when the Pandemic is over”. Turns out we’re spending two weeks behind the fridge. If the past few weeks have taught us anything, it’s that Stupidity spreads a lot faster than the Virus ever could. The Department of Health is looking for couples that have been married for seven years or more, to educate people on social...
The room was large and had doors leading off it. There were slaves in different areas of the room, in different positions, some male some female. Each slave was in a position or area that had to do with what they wanted, or what they were good at. A petite female slave watched him from her place on the floor, a black collar on a thick chain forcing her to stay sitting on the floor, while a bar between her feet forced her legs apart by ankle straps. He smiled to her, but continued to gaze around...
Authors note: Not much sex, just a story. He couldn't face me. He knew what he had just done to me and he knew how much I was hurting. How could he not? My best friend since the third grade, the best man at my wedding, Brandon knew me inside and out. To make him feel easy I said: "Relax bud, we don't shoot the messengers anymore. You sure she didn't see you?" "I don't think she did, but am I sure? No, I can't say I'm sure. I saw her as soon as I walked in the door and I turned to go...
My friend Jess called me to her house. We were watching a movie. There was a seductive, sexy scene, when the guy has sex with the girl. Jess touched my hand and starred at me. She said," i've been waiting for this day all my life, i love you Zelda." I was going to say that i'm not comfortable but she suddenly kissed my lips. I got excited. She kissed my neck and reached my boobs. I suddenly pushed her. She tore my shirt and my boobs were revealed. She spat on my boobs. I suddenly felt pleasure....
LesbianI liked it, his arm that is, and appreciated his pride in my work. We stood there for some minutes just looking at the framed painting on his wall and enjoying the closeness. I said, “Let’s go to my place. I need to put some things on to simmer for supper tonight.” “Your wish is my command.” We went over to my condo and into the kitchen. I put on an apron. Jack said, “How can I help?” “Just watch and tell me things about you.” I saw him watching my moves as I prepared the sauce for this...
2015 “Your dad isn’t seeing it the way you are, Jen,” said James. “He still thinks you see him as a second string daddy at best if not just an uncle. But, the problem is the fact that he sees ‘himself’ as your ‘only’ daddy. He is clearly of the opinion that he’s earned that spot in the hierarchy.” “But, James he is so wrong. I do see him as my daddy. And Daddy Ron, well, he is my biological dad. I mean...” said Jenna. “You’re looking at things in a scientific if not in fact an emotionally...
VII lay there on top of Mom for a few minutes. We were silent aside from the noise of our ragged breathing. Finally, I pulled myself up on one elbow and looked down at her. “Told you, it’d be worth it,” I said, a drop of perspiration rolling down my forehead and falling to her throat.“Christ, Teddy, I think I just came twice. We need to talk about what you’ve been getting up to at college.”I smiled and rolled off, leaning down to pick up one of the discarded towels from the floor. Then I...
CheatingEvery now and again she would glance quickly in his direction,more often than not he would meet her gaze and they would smile at each other.She felt a strong attraction,as did he. As they sat in class that cold winter's day and listened to the endless lecture being delivered on Geometry by Sr.Fidelma ,Amy pretended to be interested but took every opportunity to glance at Paul when Sr.Fidelma was writing on the blackboard ,he smiled at her and mouthed something that looked liked ,"I want to Fuck...
I had been to a local bar getting a drink after college midterms. This was a just a normal bar, one that I had been to on a few occasions, and I was trying to unwind after all the studying I had been doing. All of a sudden a big muscular guy in biker leather walked up to the bar beside me and ordered two boilermakers. He looked over at me, looked me up and down actually. He asked if I would like another drink. I said no thanks, and that I was just about to leave, that I had classes earlier...
It all started when my mom discovered and got addicted to mom son incest porn. She started fantasizing about having sex with me. She now started wearing clothes with less coverage to gain my attention. My mom never wore shorts crop tops or hot lingerie. One day she said that I and her are going on a 12 day vacation. Initially I was feeling a bit awkward but it was an exotic and romantic location so I played along. Before that she wore knee high jeans and full T-shirts with sleeves. The next day...
IncestThe next three days became a somewhat tedious rerun of the first day's fishing expedition. Following Sam's schedule, Madeleine varied the sequence of her visits to the small city's meager commercial establishments, continuing to make modest purchases of necessary and unnecessary items. Some of these, by prearrangement, were picked up periodically from her room by an auxiliary police officer, who returned them to the stores for refunds. As on the first day, Madeleine's beauty and her...
Susan and I had been out several times. Right from the start I was amazed at how beautiful she is. It made me wonder how I could get so lucky. I knew she was out of my league. I know that I’m not that much to look at, and I’m pretty shy, so usually my dating choices are simply whether I want to do it with my right hand or my left hand.Up to now I had been a perfect gentleman with Susan and she showed no sign that she wanted it any other way.We had been out to dinner and I was dropping her off...
To be honest, Sir, I don't remember a lot of it; by that time I was in some kind of trance, wanting nothing more than to do whatever You told me to do in the hope of pleasing You. I do remember my mouth and jaw working for several moments without a single sound coming forth while you continued to stare into my eyes. Finally I managed a sort of hoarse whisper: "Pleeeeease..." You gave me the barest nod of encouragement as Your fingertip continued to circle and stroke my clitoris, now...
While sipping on her latte she imagined her being with GIS and what she knew about her future job. Then she remembered Jeanette’s revelation about the martial arts training, realizing her wardrobe was lacking any appropriate and suitable attire. Remembering the spark in Janette’s eyes when she had admitted she had no experience in any kind of martial arts made her feel excited, knowing she was going to learn something new. Natalia thought that Jeanette looked amazing and she was actually...
‘I didn’t expect to see you up before noon.’ From his slouched position at the cherry oak kitchen table in Jean’s leased house, Aidan squinted open one eye and scowled at his friend. He felt like hell. His head was pounding and he had the worst case of cottonmouth in recent memory. Taking in Aidan’s disheveled state, Jean laughed good-naturedly. ‘Too much champagne, I take it?’ Aidan snorted. ‘Who the hell gets a hangover from champagne?’ He ran a hand over his face and groaned deeply as...
Stacey & Michelle Part 2 Erica Wright Started 12/7/2007 Finished: 11/1/2013 This is a stand-alone story, but will make a little more sense if you read Stacey & Michelle Part 1 Friday couldn't come soon enough. As the days passed, the prospects of Friday only got better. Not only was my older sister going to be cheering at an away game all afternoon, but she was going to sleep over one of her friend's house instead of coming home. Thursday night brought what I thought was...
With everyone trying to recover from the avalanche of sex that the four had launched, Jim went to the kitchen and without asking, made everyone a much stronger drink, double shots of tequila for the girls and double scotches for the guys. Celia, nude except for a Tee top she’d thrown on after her watching Paul fuck her friend, and occasional lover, Joanna. Both men remained nude, while Joanna had a towel draped across her lower extremities. It wasn’t long before a second round was needed,...
My wife was reluctant at the idea, until one night at a local luxury hotel, I arranged a staycation, and got as nice suite. We spent the evening in the hotel lounge with live music. She wore her short denim shirt and black stay ups, as requested, and my favorite black silky top. I arranged a couple bulls from craigslist (the good ol days) and I asked them to hang in the lounge and wait til I pryed her with more wine, having them inspecting her from across the room. After about an hour , and...