Incredible ChangesChapter 175: Correcting Changed Paths free porn video

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Hmm. That would explain her being able to take my dick. Could she be telling the truth about having puberty start at seven and then stopped?

After what Fern had told me I looked inside her using the place in my head. It showed me that she really had ovulated a bunch of times years ago, even that she had gotten a few eggs fertilized, but her uterus wasn’t ready to do anything with them.

I was next guided to see the places the medicines to reverse her puberty had short-circuited places in her brain. My focus zoomed in on a place that showed where energy was trying to get a signal across, but it couldn’t because the two ends of the brain cells weren’t able to let the signal flow anymore. Not knowing how exactly I was doing it, with the cells in her brain. Using a piece of the same types of cells, that wasn’t doing or connected to anything, I pulled it down to twist it around the broken ends. It locked right into place and the energy started to flow over the new bridge between the two brain cells. I repeated that for every pair of disconnected brain cells the place in my head made me focus on.

Will that fix whatever was causing her not to get breasts like she could? Was I being a God to help her that way?

Before I could think more about the effects of how what I did would affect her manifest destiny, I had to react quickly to catch Fern before she slammed her head in to the floor of the shower. I knew I hadn’t harmed her so I got her up on the bench in the shower, washed myself and then started to wash her. She finally came to enough to stand while I tried to get her good and clean.

Did she feel any of what I did in her head?

“Whoa. What happened? I was telling you about the things the doctors did to make me have the body of a little girl again and then my head starts to feel funny. I felt myself starting to fall and wake up to you molesting me with a wash cloth,” Fern said saying the last part with a smile. “Whatever happened, it is causing my body to start tingling, burning, throbbing, and feeling sore everywhere at the same time. I feel completely exhausted and that scares me so much I don’t want to go to sleep. Can you stay up with me in case something is really wrong with me?”

Nothing is wrong with you at all Fern. If you ran a hand over your chest you would feel the breast buds sucking what they need out of your body for them to catch up for lost time. Not that I fixed the broken places in your brains, the drugs the doctors pumped into you to try to force your puberty to restart are causing your body to really go haywire now. I can see the baby fat going from around your waist up into your breasts. Shit! How fast is it safe for your body to change without causing major issues with your bones and muscles?

I moved Hailey to my bed and then had Fern lay on the couch with her head on my leg.

As I felt her breasts growing, slowly, under my hand the place in my head showed me her uterus maturing quickly. It was getting itself ready for the multiple ova she was maturing every two days, and sometimes daily. With the repairs I made in her brain, she was going to ovulate multiple times a day for a while.

Suddenly the place in my head set off a big alarm in my brain. Her body had stored the stuff her body needed for puberty, but now her body was using it up faster than her body could replenish it.

I can get her calcium via milk, but what about the other stuff?

As I watched her body start to burn through what she had in reserves, I had my goggles connect to the place in my head to make a list of what she was using up, had already used up, and how fast she was using it.

To save time I had the place in my head use my goggles to push everything the place in my head knew about what Fern needed. I didn’t understand even a tenth of what it was putting in the 911 message to Molly. She told me that if I wanted her help, I had to let her have full access to the place in my head via the connection to my goggles.

I don’t care how long she remotely controls me through my goggles. She will tell me when she finishes.

Once Molly let me have control of myself again, she told me to get us both dressed to meet the courier that would be here in twenty minutes. The pool was the best place to take Fern so no one noticed the huge increase in her food intake.

“One more thing David,” Molly said directly, and very sternly, into my head through my goggles. “Fern will need to have intercourse with you frequently over the next fourteen hours. If you try to fight it, I will make you do it myself. There is no way for you to disconnect me David until I do it myself. I will explain more soon. You have to dress you both and wait for the courier.”

What the fuck? I’m so not going to have anyone take over my mind.

“You don’t have a choice David. By doing as you thought was right you bear the responsibility for seeing this though,” Molly told me in my head. “You went at this alone instead of asking your friends for help. We could have done this together to do it properly and in a slower fashion. It will be best if you make sure to have your other guest sleep in tomorrow. I don’t think you want to have to explain to them what is going on.”

That doesn’t mean you have to read my every thought!

A rush of relief hit me and then a surge of endorphins before I heard, “I don’t, but it is rather nice seeing how a thought processes through your head compared to my own. When my hormones return to as normal for me as they get, we will have to do the whole ‘my mind to your mind’ thing.”


Fern barely had the energy reserves to help me get her dressed. I had to carry her down the stairs and out to the pool area to set her on a lounger. My goggles got a message the courier would be at the door by the time I got there and opened it. When they confirmed my address, they started carrying in warmer bags of food. I carried them out to the pool. When I got back to the front door they were gone, replaced by four of the huge coolers you see at football games. I carried them out to the pool as well.

“The red cooler goes over by Fern. You will gently squeeze the contents of the pouches inside into her mouth as quickly as she can swallow them down. Once they are all gone, do the same with the blue cooler. When she finishes everything in the blue cooler, she will need to use the bathroom, urgently,” I heard Molly thinking right into my brain.

When I tried to wake Fern up enough to get her drink the stuff from the red cooler without success. Molly never steered me wrong before. I put the end of the tube connected to the first pouch and gently began to squeeze it into her mouth. When she swallowed it down, I squeezed a bit harder. Before long she was sucking them down all on her own like a baby nursing in their sleep. All I only had to put the straw in her mouth and hold them.

In no time we were down to the last four pouches in the blue cooler. I carried her to the changing room, stripped her, and myself. From the nearest bins I grabbed some one-piece suits as I took her to sit on the throne. She was awake enough in her brain to wiggle her body around enough to pull her butt cheeks apart enough to do her thing. I hooked the top straps of the suits around the flush handle connector and top of the chrome commercial toilet parts. The crotch of the swimsuits I pulled under her arms and around behind her to also hook back around on the top part of the chrome toilet parts. This had her held back against that part of the toilet. Molly used my hands to do a few more tricks to help be sure that Fern didn’t fall off the toilet. Once she was all set, I gave her the last four pouches from the big blue cooler.

When I took away the last pouch her eyes flew open in shock. She had no control of her body at all. Her piss was spraying out of her as fast as her body could make it go. Two minutes later she was still pissing like a river was running through her body and out between her legs. When the odor from her piss hit me, she added a long, loud fart the building stench in the stall. With my shield now blocking out the smells coming out of her, I was able to lean in to flush the toilet a few times as she emptied out her bowels. I don’t remember her pee stopping, but it started hard again when she stopped pooping. When she seemed to have finally emptied out her bladder and intestines, I had her hold onto me as I freed her from the swimsuits.

“Can you stand,” I asked and she nodded.

I didn’t bother to even pat her dry or wipe her butt. I just pulled her into the shower to use my hands to get her clean in the front and back.

I’m going to be doing this a lot aren’t I?

“Only if you want. She will be able to take care of herself when she pees from now on,” Molly said into my head.

We found her the smallest bikini we could to cover her to minimum mom required. In the other two coolers I found smoothies and chocolate vitamin shakes. The heat bags had foods we both loved. Molly reminded me that I was still very low on the same things as Fern from what happened to me in Gatlinburg.

I knew that I would still be hungry if I ate everything in the food bags and in the two coolers. Whatever I jump started inside Fern was now letting her do the same thing. About half of the food made it into her intestines to digest and absorbed by her body, but only what her body couldn’t digest or didn’t need made it to her colon.

As I watched her eat the place in my head made me not see her bikini. I saw her breasts pushing out from her chest as they were as round as baseballs, but still cone shaped. Between her legs she had hair sprout in her mons. It looked like I was watching Kudzu grow as they grew to half an inch long before stopping. Those were small changes compared to the big ones going on inside her.

Ok how can it even be physically possible to have this much of a change so quickly?

“Her being overdosed on meds by her endocrinologist. They increased her dosage to four times what she should have needed to begin showing outward signs of puberty and only resulted in early stage pubic hair growth. Without the proper pathways in her brain to guide the artificial hormones, they continued to build up in her body. When you reconnected the pathways in her brain, it overloaded her pituitary gland, which caused it to have her body release a large surge of hormones to cause her to start puberty again. Her body is so confused it is trying to catch her up to where it expected her to be already but was unable to do itself. So now her body overdosed her on hormones that are mixing with the large amounts of artificial hormones built up in her body waiting to do their jobs,” Molly said into my head. “Basically, this is on par with how your penis, and your fathers, went from miniscule to full sized overnight. Breasts are comprised partially from fatty tissue and the artificial growth hormones were causing her body to store up fat. You weren’t really able to tell because of how her body was distributing it around her body so well that she didn’t appear to be ten pounds over the healthy weight for a girl of her height.”

Fern and I continued to eat as Molly controlled how the place in my brain was tracking the nutrients going to her bones, muscles, brain, and anywhere her body needed. Each time I got something from the warming bags I was sure her legs were an inch longer. Her head even looked to have move an inch higher. Molly corrected me by saying that this was because she had used up the baby fat she had been storing in her body. Now we had to wait until the natural fats in the foods we ate digested. By the time her body caught up to where Molly wanted her to be, she would be almost ready for an A-cup bra. Right now, her breasts were almost ready for an A-cup bra. She had grown six inches taller and would grow two more before her body had finished burning through the overload of hormones in her body. At that point she would be back on track to where she should be for a girl in puberty. Everything we were eating now was strengthening our bones and refilling the reserves in our bodies to let us grow normally.

I don’t know where the thought came from, but I asked Fern, “You’re really their big sister, aren’t you?”

Fern went pale and focused on eating so she didn’t have to talk about what was going on.

Take your time, if you even want to talk about it.

“How did you figure it out? No one has ever made the connection before,” she said softly, not really wanting an answer. “I don’t remember it all, only that right after I turned four something went really wrong in my body. Ralph wasn’t quite one yet. I went to a lot of doctors, but no one could figure out what was wrong with me. Hailey was six months old and Ralph was three when they took me to a special hospital in Germany for the doctors there to try to figure out. Two years later my mom had another baby girl. In every picture we looked identical at the same ages. When I was seven my body hit puberty. The doctors said it might be a tumor, that would explain the other problems happening to me too. My parents heard so many times that I was likely to die anytime, they decided it was best to remove the pictures of me, including those with my siblings. They didn’t want to have my brother and sister watch their older sister get sicker and sicker until she finally died. As you can see, I didn’t die. By the time I was eight, my youngest sister and I looked so identical that we could have been twins. One day she was playing outside at recess and just collapsed. She was dead before the first person got to her. Hailey and Ralph loved Fern more than anything in the world. Her death would have seriously fucked their minds up for a long time, if they could ever even get over their loss. My parents were already struggling with how to tell them they had an older sister they had hidden from them most of their lives because I was supposed to have died. The hospital declared me cured and scheduled to release me days after Fern died. According to the doctors, we were identical in every way, except that I didn’t have her memories, and was, well, alive. They asked if I would take her place. It would make things easier for all of us. They told my brother and sister that the doctors found something wrong in my head, but the doctors fixed it when I was in the hospital, which was the truth. So was my not remembering some things like I should. It wasn’t long before no one seemed to notice the things I didn’t remember but should have. Since then I have been Fern.”

Do I buy her story? It isn’t like I didn’t have something much more unbelievable happen to me. I know she is very smart, so is this just all a mind fuck to get me to screw her?

“She isn’t lying. I have seen all the records. I don’t comprehend their need for deception. Death is a natural part of the life cycle. Small children easily handle loss and grief,” Molly thought to me.

I didn’t question Fern anymore about it as I got us both more food. We sat silently as we ate.

“David, I know this is really, way the hell out there and hard to believe, but it worked out so well for Ralph and Hailey. I had minimal schooling when I was in the hospital, but I already knew what I should for when I took Fern’s place. My real birthday says I’m seventeen and a half, but as far as everyone is concerned, I’m Fern’s age. Only a very damn good DNA test would be able to say anything different. You already know I’m very smart,” she told me. “The only thing that I think kept me sane was that my doctors expected me to die any time, so they were always honest for me. Unless my uterus matured quickly too, the eggs you fertilize in me today, and tonight, will die off like all the ones from when I was seven. A month ago, I started getting the same cramps I did back when I was seven, even though these don’t hurt as bad. I told my doctors and they found that each cramp was me ovulating. Some days I have three to four of those cramps, some days it is one, then there are some days in a row with none. I had one when we were at the ice cream shop and another when Ralph’s dick inside me was filling the second rubber. His dick didn’t do anything for me. I only let him use my pussy so that Chrissy had some chance of more than a ten-second-long screw. You saw how well that worked out. She never knew about either time because I was eating her. When they wake up today, I’m going to push his face between her legs to munch on her, quite tasty, muff until he has made her cum three times. By then he won’t even need a rubber because he won’t be getting off for at least a few hours, according to the details on the desensitizing lotions I found.”

She blushed deeply and stuffed her face before finally stopping to look up at me.

With a tear in her eye she said, “I really like you a lot David. Please don’t hate me because I’ve done things with my brother and sister that people say is wrong. He really has had a big issue getting off, so he made me a deal one night after Hailey went to bed. He would lick and finger me all I wanted, if I let him jack off while doing it. I remember how sex was with the boys in the hospital. Him getting me off repeatedly while he tried to cum was a win for me. There was no harm done to either of us. Between me desensitizing his dick and her medicines, Chrissy and Sharon are going to get it on for hours until they are both screwed out. If he is lucky, he might cum once. So far, he has only ever cum twice in the same day and that was when he had been too sick to take his meds for three days in a row. He only came three times last night because he thought he was my first time, then he was Chrissy’s first, and then thought he was my second time too. You were my first since I started puberty again. I think you already knew I was older than I said, but you were questioning what your brain was telling you since I’m starting seventh grade next year.”

Seeing that Molly and the man in the machine confirmed she wasn’t lying, I had us both drink one of the shakes and sports drinks before we went into the changing room.

Fern was hot and ready to go as soon as we were naked. I buried my dick in her and fucked her silly until I gave her a big load of live swimmers. She got me hard and rode me as she worked to get me to cum in her again. She wanted my sperm inside her because she was sure both ovaries ovulated when she was fucking me. When I came in her the final time, I saw my sperm fertilized the two just ovulated eggs and they were dividing rapidly. The other two my sperm found also started dividing rapidly. Her uterus showed that it was ready and waiting for them to implant in its lining. Each had a color of energy that Molly told me meant they were going to keep maturing to ensure Fern’s body kept developing as she should be, then they would join her shed lining during her first period.

“Do you want to get pregnant? What about babies? If we got you pregnant somehow, would you keep them or try to get rid of them,” I asked her.

“Really David. You know how this all works. As much as I have been ovulating lately and the amount of sperm you put in me, there is very little chance my eggs inside me aren’t getting fertilized. It only takes five minutes to do the job. I would never abort a baby after how much I cried about never being sure I would never be able to have any back when I was seven because of the stuff they do to make me back into a little girl. I wish Hailey was able to get pregnant already. I would to have her baby playing with however many you just put inside me. Then there are those your sperm are swimming around waiting to fertilize those I will ovulate over the next couple of days, if I keep ovulating like I have been doing recently. Do you think you are up to giving me one more load of your sperm before Ralph decides we have to go home so Chrissy and Sharon don’t wear his dick down to a nub? You know Hailey is going to want to do it a few more times as well. I can’t tell about Sharon. She looked really well screwed after last night,” Fern told me. “I don’t remember ever having any problems when I was seven, but now I get the whole walking side to side thing because of too much sex. I know you already know this, but now that Chrissy had gotten laid, she is really going to be after your dick. She wanted it like no girl I have ever heard about before. I don’t know what happened when she tricked you, but there is no reason you didn’t slide to the hilt in her easily.”

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"So then, why are you wearing a bra?" "Because I am a sissy." "And why are you a sissy?" "Because you made me one." "What?" I asked unbelievingly. "I made you one?" My voice rising. "I'm sorry ma'am, that's not what I meant." The words just barely eked out as he realized his folly. "I meant that you have allowed me to realize the sissy that I am, of course," he said, blubbering, as he fell to his knees. "You know how grateful I am for that." He inched forward until his nose...

1 year ago
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Correcting My Stepdaughter

I became sexually aware at a young age and enjoyed sex with girls first and by the time I was a teenager I was dating boys and was willing to give blowjobs and as long as the guys wore rubbers I would allow them to fuck me. This sex story is totally FICTION! When I entered collage and got on campus there was a girl at the orientation meeting that I was attracted to. She was an attractive brunette with gray eyes and a knockout figure. I approached her and stuck out my hand, “Hi my...

2 years ago
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Johns Property Part 2 Correcting Mistakes

I woke up the next morning when my phone chimed with a text. Noticing it was from John, I quickly grabbed my phone and opened it.-Forget something?I started to rack my brain for what he could be talking about. First, I thought about my gear, wondering if I had left something behind. When I was sure that wasn’t it, I began to replay the night before, that’s when it dawned on me. The video! John had instructed that if I masturbated, I had to send him not only pictures of the aftermath, but also a...

Gay Male
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Sex With My Sister RewrittenChapter 14 Correcting The Mistakes of Others

I yawned before rolling over and looking at my alarm clock. It clicked over showing exactly two minutes before it would go off and I would have to get up. I reached over and turned it off before pulling my legs over the bed. I sat there for a moment and scratched my head, then I stretched and yawned. It was gonna be a long day, and I had a lot to do, or at least a lot planned. I stood up and yawned again and walked over to my closet. I opened it up and looked in the mirror. For a 16 year old...

2 years ago
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Angel of Love Crossing Paths

This is very loosely based on a couple real events and how I would imagine the dialog playing out. Please vote and comment. Thank you! -L2RL #### Karen James was reviewing work emails on her phone and not paying attention when she bumped into Joan, almost knocking her to the ground. Although she hadn’t seen her in fifteen years, Karen still looked pretty much the same and Joan recognized her almost immediately. ‘O my goodness, I am so sorry ma’am. Are you alright.’ ‘Yes, I’m fine. How have...

4 years ago
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A Familys Different Paths

You have the option to be one of 7 people (currently). Each journey will be different but all involve the other characters. Please add any chapters you like to any path to further the story! Characters are: THE SISTER - 22 years old slim body. Brunette who has a very direct mindset! Everyone wants a piece of her perfect ass! THE BROTHER - 18 years old. Always lusted over his sister and mum for very different reasons. They have no idea. THE MUM - 55 years old average body. Quite slim with huge...

3 years ago
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The Rise of AzkovalChapter 51 Darkened Paths

“Where does this lead?” Elizabeth asked, pointing to a corridor that sloped downward. “The dungeon,” Elena answered. “Truly?” Julia wondered. “I’ll bet you two had quite the time tormenting the prisoners!” “The cells were almost always empty,” Joseph said with genuine bitterness. “Perhaps if my father had kept them filled to capacity he might still be alive.” “I know you do not believe that,” Genrico said, putting a hand on Joseph’s shoulder. “You have had ample opportunity to have the...

3 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 19 Not In Kansas Anymore

Whoever this girl is was right about them just asking me to take a sleeping pill instead of being sneaky and putting it in my food. When we stopped outside a pair of sliding glass doors, someone helped me into a wheelchair. I noticed I was wearing the super soft pajamas dad had gotten me. No one said a word to me as we got on an elevator to ride up the nineteenth floor. When the doors opened, I saw a sign saying “Hospitalized Patient Consultation - Optical Patient Entrance Only.” In the...

1 year ago
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The War Against Sociopaths

Like the Bon Jovi song says, who is my Superman tonight? Um, that’s hard to explain but my Superman is a woman. Let me explain a bit. My name is Stephen LaCroix, and I’m a big and tall young man living in the City of Toronto, Province of Ontario. I was born in the City of Miami, State of Florida, to a Haitian-American father and Puerto Rican mother. I came to Canada to get to know my father’s side of the family, while studying Criminology at the University of Toronto. I don’t really know much...

4 years ago
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Dealing with Sociopaths

I must confess something. If I could blow up the entire planet, with everyone and everything in it, me included, I’d do it in a heartbeat. Am I insane? Did someone do something to make me mad? Nope. This is just how I feel on a perfectly normal, mundane day. In case you’re wondering who this is, the name is Cal Thompson, short for Caleb. I was born in the City of Toronto, Ontario, to a Jamaican father and French Canadian mother. These days, I attend Seneca College, where I study police...

3 years ago
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Incredibles birthday

It was Violet Parr's 18th birthday, and she had no intention of letting her day be a boring, work filled drag. Instead she came up with the most scandalous plan for making her 18th the most remember-able. At least to superhero standards. You see, Violet wasn't part of a normal family; as much as she had dreamt, she was part of a family of superheros. Her father was the famously strong Mr. Incredible, her mother was Elasta Girl, and her two brothers were Dash and Jack-Jack. They were all endowed...

3 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 449 Hasenpfeffer

Dinner time! Ellen, Leigh, and Kirsten had enlisted the six boys from earlier to be responsible for having the women cooking here teach them to cook pork chops. The girls were finishing up the rabbit stew. Ivy was nowhere around, but Juniper and Willow were both here and showed they knew they were in deep shit. Their mom would go over to them periodically to tell them to wipe off the cum leaking out her their pussies, again. Aspen went over and hugged her mom, which just about made her mom...

3 years ago
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Incredible Time with girlfriend and roommate

After a rather eventful night of ‘firsts’, I awoke early, around 8 a.m. the next morning. Melissa was still sound asleep next to me. She was lying on her side, facing me. Her full breasts, with those succulent nipples, only inches from my face. I thought about giving them a nice long lick, since I was still a bit horny despite the fucking we did only six hours ago. She looked like a naked sleeping goddess with such wonderful sexual curves. But, I was hungry as can be, so I decided to let her...

First Time
2 years ago
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Incredible Olivia

Her name is Olivia. She is the most beautiful, wonderful, amazing girl who I have ever had the pleasure of meeting in life. I’m proud to call her my own.She walked slowly towards me, half undressed, as was I, Her breasts being emphasized by her tight, pink, laced Victoria’s Secret bra. I lay on the bed as I watched her as she twirled around for me. She was 5 ft, 10 inches tall, with long wavy blond hair that went past her shoulders. She had huge, beautiful green eyes, that sparkled in the light...

4 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 152 Outfitting Housemates

How long have they been held by those people transporting them? The only difference between how the twins looked when they came out of the showers was the towel around the girl’s head. I checked both out. The girl had a nice set of firm breasts, each about the size of half baseballs and her pussy juices already making the inside her of thighs shiny. Her brother was sporting a boner about six inches long and a bit thicker than mine. Neither of them seemed to care that they were there naked in...

1 year ago
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Everywhere around him, the innocuous sounds of imminent violence. The swishing of branches slapping back into place after being displaced by human forms caused Seth to cover himself in the just budding foliage beside the heavily trod path. He had been cowering in the brush for hours evading the metallic clinking of white man’s implements. Whispered words, close at hand, sending the knife edge of fear through him. At least four voices, too low to understand, but each a danger. Each human sound,...

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The numbered doors crept by. The bland, dimly lit hallway seemed to stretch on until the floor met the ceiling at some point off in the distance. 1702. 1704. He had always hated traveling. 1706. He liked it at home. He liked his office. He liked his car. He liked his family close to him. He liked having sex with his wife in the middle of the morning, or afternoon, or whenever the mood struck them. 1710. 1712. Commuting was bad enough. On the rare day when he had to leave his home...

3 years ago
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The Girl With No NameChapter 20 The Great Fire of 1755

Silvitya was worried that the Grand Duke might somehow find out about her conversation with Protector Bulashckt, given his talent for figuring out people’s secrets. However, living two years in the castle had made her as talented at hiding her emotions and thoughts as the ruler was for discerning them. Besides, he was distracted by a secret project. He constantly wrote letters and studied mysterious architectural plans. At first she thought he was still worried about expanding the city wall,...

4 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 164 Touristy Things

So, with this herbal pill Molly gave me I will feel good, but I won’t cum or get hard. Will that actually still stop me from attracting girls who might be interested in having sex with me? After packing up we checked out before hearing from the airbase toward the Budweiser Brewery. Molly wanted to do the tour before we got back on the road. I was surprised when they didn’t bat an eye at us taking the tour without any adults chaperoning us. They even offered us small samples of the various...

3 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 118 Coasting Until Summer Break

“David I don’t believe in destiny, but I’m sure that we were meant to meet,” Trudy said as she slowly slid off my piss hard-on when we woke up in the morning. “You are a really great friend David. I knew you would do everything I asked of you without complaint or demands anyone else would have made. In a strange way you feel like a brother to me. I never expected that at all when you dropped down in the seat next to me on the bus for our first day of high school together.” A hand reached...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 160 On the Road Again

I guess there is a good side to screwing a girl so much she is too sore to have sex. Well that is if they come cuddle up like you are the most important person in the world, or at least in the room. Shawna had dozed back off by the time Sue came out of the bedroom. As soon as she saw all the stuff from her house her eyes went wide. She looked over at me and then really started to panic since I was still dressed from when her parents had come to the door. “I have no idea which of the girls...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 255 Meeting Karens Family

It isn’t what she is expecting. I had Tiffany sitting naked in the empty tub when her dad brought in a glass 1000cc enema syringe with three feet of tubing made to fit on the tip. Her eyes went even wider when she saw it. Her mom popped in with three douche bottles and said, “Who knows what else she has been sticking in there. Then we have the issue that she and her brother are trying to see who can go the longest between showering before someone takes them out back, strips them, and hoses...

4 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 477 Birthday Cake

When I got out of the Rolls Royce, they ignored me. When I came onto the porch, the boy’s eyes looked at me like a piece of meat. Two of the three blew their wads in their pants when I flexed my muscles. “David,” Trudy said. “You have a go-bag in the trunk of the Rolls Royce. I know you don’t care if you ruin your new clothes, but you should change anyway.” Tate invited me inside and showed me where I could change clothes. I found a pair of biking shorts, a t-shirt, sneakers, and socks. It...

1 year ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 137 Happy Birthday to Me

Dad got his own full version of everything that happened at Trudy’s today as soon as he got home. I gave up on mom having time to fix dinner so I used my phone to dig up what everyone liked on their pizzas and how much they normally ate. I didn’t even need to put the payment details into the pizza ordering app, it was already there when I placed the order. Nelly asked me when we normally ate because she has been starving for hours. I got a big kiss on the cheek and a hug when I told her pizza...

3 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 316 Daddy Daughter Day

You don’t even know that I sense them now, and I’m not going to tell you. I knew now why Elena decided we needed to take the long walk around the perimeter now. All three sets of triplets were together in the big nursery with the other toddlers and young children. Paula was here too, playing with the children in the play area like a child without any siblings. When we finally made it to the resort building with the nursery, Elena didn’t get to tell me that my nonuplets were here. April beat...

2 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 493 Screw Science

Fucking for science, that is a new one. I moved behind the first of the girls and gently placed my hands on her tits. Her nipples were already rock hard. Over the heavily padded thing there, she bent forward and reached between my leg to put my dick in her mini volcano. A backward push slid two inches inside her. She started rocking her hips to get more of me in her. When she started doing all the work, to fuck her pussy with my dick, I got a good hold on her hips, and then we got into the...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 23 Mission 1 What the hell happened

The last thing I remember the fuckers have me tied down and hooked to an electric fence so the evil people could shock me as leverage to make Paula spill the beans. As I awoke, I found myself restrained. No longer filtering out the light, I couldn’t even open my eyes. I don’t even have the energy reserves to filter out the light. I may be naked and strapped down, but at least I am not I a hospital, again. Taking a deep breath, I concentrated hard on the place in my head. It was off now, and...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 62 Field Trip Night 1

"So are you going to swim some more or do you want to go hang out together in the teen lounge," I asked a girl that I just remembered had been there with me a lot when I was off in one of my hiding places. She had pulled me down to the girl's locker rooms at least twice a week after gym class to shower near her. I think it was more to give her comfort to have someone else not showing any development there when the other girls teased her still having a little girl's body. She blushed and...

3 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 157 Take the Long Long Long Way Home

Is there a plan here? What exactly are we doing with Ariel anyway? After double-checking that Molly was buckled well into her five point harness I got on the I-95. We had about an hour before sunrise and Molly shot me a message that there were no police scheduled to be on the interstate between here and Fayetteville due to shift change. We have about three hours before we would see any cops. We should put as much distance behind us as we could in that time. I started wondering if there was...

1 year ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 185 Nanny Candy

Today I headed to Annie’s dojo. It had been so long since my last visit here that I forgot to focus on not making mistakes as I went through my katas. Annie reminded me when she came over to appear to be helping me with my form. After karate we headed over to Annie’s house. I expected to sleep over as we had done before summer break. “David, I really need you right now, but I can’t. Not for a few months at least. I was stupid and went alone to a party where someone drugged me. Even drugged...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 317 Old Acquaintances

I liked the food and services here, but it is less stressful at home. After running the bionic twins around the perimeter of the resort, until they were on their backup batteries, I speed fucked their pussies raw, got a shower, grabbed my bags, and went to get April and my siblings. All three conked out before I made it onto the main road going to the interstate. When we got home, they were well-rested. After lunch and a change, Molly, Dolly, and Chrissie took them into the pool to swim. I...

1 year ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 397 Swapping Slum and Scum

“Good afternoon, David. I hear that you want to save the city the trouble of placing a lien on your property to cover our costs to find the skeletons in your closet,” an older, soft-spoken man said. “A transaction of this nature is highly unusual, which is why Janet got us involved. You not being eighteen drastically complicates matters. One block from your property, we have a three-story building that the city took possession of when they failed to pay three years of back taxes. By state...

2 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 492 Time To Get Off This Trip

Is that such a bad thing? Would these elite kids keep caring about their partner being ready to fuck and ensuring both get to cum at least once? Faith worked it out with April. In exchange for letting April put herself into a sugar coma, Faith could babysit her. Ellen wanted to go to the kid’s dinner and dance. Dee and Tee were going too. On the other hand, I went to the dinner and dance for sixteen to twenty-one-year-olds. Both dances were like the ones I remembered from previous years. As...

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Incredible Night

What was your most incredible night or day of sex? What made it so fantastic? This is mine, four years ago. When I bought my duplex in the suburbs of Minneapolis, it meant I was here to stay for a while and I was really happy about it. A young married couple in their early twenties was renting the other part of the duplex. I had just turned thirty-two and I already felt like I was a generation ahead of them. I had a small party to get to know the neighbors and twenty or so people...

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Incredible experience with new friend

Yesterday i had an incredible experience with my new friend Mr. K.We had been talking through email for a few days, and i really was getting excited to meet him since we talked a lot about naughty things... He came to my home straight after work, and asked me if he could take a shower first.I agreed and told him i could use the time to dress myself up for him.I felt extremely horny and decided to wear my short purple skirt, "open" pantyhose with a nice black thong. I also wore a white shirt...

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Incredible Session With My Student

This is an incident which took place between me and one of my students Anasua. I am 30 years of age, good looking and handsome. She came to me for private tuition on computer science as she was a student of B.Tech in computer science. She was bit bulky, with very well shaped breast and very attractive set of lips at first I started teaching her in batch, but after some days there was a problem with timing. She was from another college and the rest of the student was from a nearby collage. So I...

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