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Everywhere around him, the innocuous sounds of imminent violence. The swishing of branches slapping back into place after being displaced by human forms caused Seth to cover himself in the just budding foliage beside the heavily trod path. He had been cowering in the brush for hours evading the metallic clinking of white man’s implements. Whispered words, close at hand, sending the knife edge of fear through him. At least four voices, too low to understand, but each a danger. Each human sound, possible immediate death. There were no friends in this awful wood, only enemies bent on his destruction.

The white men to his right suddenly got quiet, they too had heard the new person tromping noisily through the unending forest. Seth sucked in his breath and held it as the muffled footsteps and noise of disturbed branches came closer, mixed with a strange dragging sound. He silently checked the prime on his rifle and loosened the knife in his belt. His life expectancy shortening with each approaching step.

Hearing was his main sense. You couldn’t see more than a few yards in the heavy cover of the primal forest. He had spent months evading humans and his ears were finely tuned to the sounds around him.

When he saw her, he quietly let out his breath in a slight release of tension. He had known that it would be an Indian walking down the path, the muffled footfalls of moccasin clad feet had told him that. The noise she made contrary to the legends of deathly quiet sneaking warriors that he had grown up with. She was a danger, but not the same threat a hunting party would have been.

The Indian woman was young with a lithe figure and long flowing black hair. She wore buckskin leggings and a skirt adorned with colorful beads and buttons. Like her male counterparts, she was naked from the waist up. Under different circumstances he would have thought her a beautiful girl. She was on the move, behind her she drug a travois heaped with things. Trading or moving? Seth didn’t know, didn’t care.

The nearness of the white men made her dangerous. If she saw him, a single word would send them after him, intent on his destruction.

She moved past him without seeing him. The noise faded as she moved further down the path toward the white men he knew lurked quietly around the next twist of the trail.

He had expected to hear greetings, instead he heard a shrill female scream of terror followed by the heavy thump of a body being thrown to the ground. More screams followed and the sound of thrashing in the brush. Male screams of pain and excitement mingled with her guttural sounds. The girl was giving the men a good fight, but the outcome was clear.

Yells, screams, noise. The screams of the woman cutting through his very core. Anger welled up in him. There was a burning inside him that told him that he had to do something.

What in God’s green earth was he doing here? This was French territory and any American would be killed on sight, as he well knew. He could not know that the French and Indian War was only three years in the future. He could know that the fur rich Ilini country was alive with violence directed against any illicit American/English encroachment on French trapping claims.

His brother, his best friend, his sole companion for almost a year in this god forsaken land, had died only a week before. Died a horrible death of fever and pain, after some French trappers had found them. The knowledge of potential instant violence had been taught to him in blood.

He should close his ears and ignore the scene unfolding only a few yards away. The men’s yells were in English. He knew what that meant. They could not afford to allow her to live and bring down the wrath of other Indians. They were going to rape her and then they had no choice but to kill her.

Had they simply shot her where she stood, he would have come up to them and not thought further about it. They could have been his salvation from nearly sure death in the wilderness. But the screams cut through him. His anger boiled over.

He had no business being here. He should ignore the noises wait and approach them. He longed for home, and feared it as well.

The sounds were coming from 50 yards to his right, the scene hidden from view by the dense underbrush. He did not need to see, to know. The girl’s scream pierced him, causing almost a physical pain that shot through his soul, cutting through the agony and the grief that filled him. The sound of the thrashing brush, testament to what was happening, and that knowledge fueled his anger. Rage that burned through his despair and his fear.

This was not his concern, he tried in vain to tell himself. The law said he should not be here, and his presence had cost him a brother, now beginning to rot in the shallow grave Seth had dug with his own bare hands and watered with his tears, only a week before. The only thing he wanted was to escape this fearful land and get home to the disgrace of his family blaming him for Joshua’s death.

This was not his fight, and if he joined it, surely he would join his brother in death within the next few minutes. The girl was an Indian, a heathen, less than human, at least that was what most of eastern society would have him believe. He should not be so concerned about what happened to her.

She screamed again, and the sound of her foot connecting with one of her assailants echoed through the woods. There was an answering scream of foul language, a short laugh and the sound of a fist striking fragile feminine features.

The THUNK of the fist connecting with the girl burned through him. Seth could not turn his back. He could not walk away. He would die here in the Ilini country, die now, defending the honor of a girl he did not know. A girl of another race, some said only an animal. Seth did not believe that, the Indians were as much human as he. Even if they were not, no beast deserved to be raped and killed and he had no doubt that they intended to do both to her.

Anger replaced fear, but it did not cloud his thinking. Seth looked around him considering how to approach the rapists and their victim. The thrashing of the people fighting in the woods would cover any sounds he made, but still he could make better time along the worn game path, than cutting through the woods.

Seth’s blue eyes burned with anger as he stood. The path only five steps from where he had concealed himself behind the shaggy bush. He carefully checked the prime on his rifle, he made sure his vicious skinning knife was loose in his pants. From the sounds he knew there were several of them. He had heard four distinct male voices. Four against one. He had little chance. He would die in the next few moments, but perhaps the woman would escape. At least he would meet his end in an attempt to prevent a wrong, and he would not have to face his parents and tell them of Joshua’s death.

Seth was no stranger to death, he had killed his share of wild animals and butchered the family livestock. He had never killed a man before and he knew that he would have to. Blood lust was upon these men. The only way to stop them would be to kill them. He would not hesitate. He also knew he would not survive.

He pushed the clinging green vegetation out of his way as silently as possible as he stepped toward the narrow trail, of bare dirt, where the deer and other animals had worn away the low clinging plants to expose the soil. Humans had cleared the overhanging branches to make a walkway a person could traverse without fighting the leaves and branches. The loose soil was marked by many tracks. There were deer prints and other animals, with the tracks of moccasin clad feet and hobbled shoes laying over the top of the animal prints.

Months of practice sneaking up on game allowed Seth to move rapidly but almost noiselessly toward the sounds. It took him only a few seconds for him to get into a position where he could see what was happening. What he saw
disgusted him.

The Indian girl was putting up a valiant fight but she was no match for the four soldiers who held her pinned to the ground. Seth had expected at least one of the men to be standing guard, but the girls thrashing required them all to hold her down. The odds were better than Seth had expected but still he had little chance to survive.

He took in the scene for a moment, deciding how to proceed. The soldiers were all still fully clothed in their dirty red jackets, made filthy by months of wilderness hiking. Their white pants, now gray from the grime of the trail. Their long bulky Brown Bess muskets and other equipment were strewn several arm lengths from where they held down the helpless girl. One soldier pinned each arm, another sat astride her thrashing legs, his full weight and strength unable to keep her from moving. The fourth held a long fighting knife as he knelt beside her and tried to cut the soft leather of her clothing from her.

There was never any hope of dissuading them. No prayer of ending this without further violence. His only hope of survival was in brutally killing all four. There was little hope of that but he would try. The man with the knife was the biggest threat. Seth had only one shot and there would be no time to reload. He took careful aim at the head of the man with the knife. To shoot lower, risked the bullet passing through him and striking the girl.

The click of the hammer of the rifle being pulled into firing position was enough to alert the four soldiers but Seth pulled the trigger before any could do anything. There was a snapping sound and a small puff of acrid gray white smoke billowed from the pan, followed a moment later by the roar of the rifle’s discharge as a billowing cloud obscured his vision. It didn’t matter, Seth was already reversing the rifle to turn it into a club as he ran through the smoke.

The Sergeant’s dead body had not had time to fall before Seth was through the haze. A spray of blood and brains had splashed over the Indian girl’s face and upper body. The skin of her lower torso up to her breasts was exposed allowing a gory froth to cover the naked skin of her belly. The dead man fell over the girl.

There was little room to move along the path and not as much as he would have liked to swing the rifle. The gap in the trees that made up the trail was only about a foot wide. Seth closed on the man holding her feet. He raised the rifle over his head and brought it down on his head. There was a cracking sound as the man’s head was crushed and he rolled off the girls feet.

The two men holding her arms had already begun to move toward their muskets, each moving a different direction. There was no room to properly swing the rifle again, although Seth tried to put all his strength into a blow at the man moving to his right, but the soldier caught it as it struck him in the ribs. Seth let go of the long rifle that was actually in his way as he closed, drawing his skinning knife as he advanced, stepping nimbly over the dead man he had struck with the rifle. The knife flashed and the soldiers eyes sprung wide as the knife entered his chest below his breastbone and was pulled upward. The man was dead before he fell.

It had taken only seconds, but Seth knew it was too long. The fourth soldier, now behind him must have reached his musket by now. Seth expected to feel a ball smack into his back and hear the roar of the gun. He fully expected his next and last sight to be the forest floor rushing up to strike his face, his last sound to be the roar of the rifle, the last smell to be of expended gunpowder, and his last taste to be the sulfur of the smoke.

He did not wait for it, first he reached a discarded musket and then he spun to face the ball that should be hurling toward him even now. He was half way around when he heard something he had not expected. A masculine howl of pain. As Seth turned the soldier held a musket in one hand but he was falling, the fighting knife that the Sergeant had been using to cut away the girls clothing was stuck into his thigh to the hilt.

As the soldiers let go of her to face the new threat, the girl had kicked at the dead sergeant pinning her feet as she grabbed his knife. She could not get free from the dead weight quickly enough to rise to her feet but she did the best she could. She stabbed at his exposed legs with all her strength, lodging the knife in him. That thrust had caused him to lose his balance just as his hand found his discarded musket.

That wound had given Seth the seconds he needed. He quickly brought the musket to his shoulder and fired. When the smoke cleared, all four soldiers lay dead, the final man with half his head blown off by the ¾ inch ball of the musket.

Seth stood there, his chest heaving. The whole fight had lasted less than thirty seconds, but it had drained him totally. He had never been so tired in his life. It was all he could do to stand and suddenly he was thirsty, his mouth so dry his tongue stuck to the roof of his mouth. He turned back toward the girl and backed less than one step into the trunk of a tree and then slid down it to sit heavily on the ground. He was surprised to be alive, and yet it was not really a relief. He reached for his canteen to quench his thirst as he looked at the girl for the first time.

She was the first Indian of the Ilini country he had been this close to. He and Joshua had left their home on the edge of the wilderness in New York in the late summer of 1749 with two canoes packed with provisions and heads filled with dreams of riches. The two brothers had paddled for weeks and weeks it seemed, avoiding everyone both white and Indian.

They had been lured by tales of the wealth of the furs in the French country. The Spanish had first tapped into the gold of Central America. The French had claimed the far north, and its riches of fur. The English had taken the land in the middle, land that brought little to the European sponsors. It was rich in many ways, but none that brought the value of either the Spanish or French holdings.

Their very survival depended on avoiding people. The land was controlled by the French and the Indians they traded with. No American was allowed to tap into the riches. Any Englishman or American found by either the French trappers or their Indian allies were killed on sight. They had glided quietly through great lakes and up powerful rivers, lured on by the thought of riches, beaver pelts worth almost half a silver Spanish dollar, the coin of the America’s in that year.

They had no idea where they were going, only westward into French territories. Both the French and the Indians were hostile and Seth and Joshua did not belong. Either faction would kill them. They glided silently past Detroit, a small trading post where the big lake met the river, in the darkness. They had paddled on around the great peninsula until they judged they were as far from the post at Detroit as they could be and then they had turned inland on a river on the other side of Michigan.

They had trapped all winter, filling the canoes with pelts as they drained them of supplies. The winter had been brutally cold but the trapping good. Spring had finally come and they were jubilant. They were rich! Their canoes jammed to the gunnels with furs. They had almost 2000 pelts of muskrat and beaver. Perhaps 1000 Spanish dollars, a decades cash for an American.

Then disaster had struck. They were paddling toward the great lake, when what was perhaps the inevitable happened. A French trapping party had come upon them. They yelled greetings in French, but neither brother could reply in that language. No further questions were asked, the seven trappers had opened up on them with musket fire. A ball had struck Joshua in the chest and Seth had had no choice but to beach his canoe as he drug Joshua’s behind to the safety of the perpetual forest.

Seth had grabbed all he could and helped, half dragged Joshua into the brush. The Frenchies
had not bothered to chase them. They simply took the canoes and what was left of their supplies and deserted them to die in the wilderness. Joshua had lingered for three weeks but finally he had succumbed to the grievous wound that had left him to scream in pain and thrash in the delirium of fever.

Those three awful weeks still affected Seth. The helplessness of watching his brother, his best friend, die, withering in pain, burning in fever. Seth unable to do anything to help. Unable to sleep both because of Joshua’s screams, and the ones that yelled inside his head, replaying the moment of violence every time he closed his eyes. He had never been so forlorn. He had lost everything, his riches, his supplies, his best friend, and his way out of this god forsaken wilderness. He was lost, desperate and forlorn. His stomach empty. Despair heavy on his soul.

Few people walked through the heavy timber of the Ilini country. The trees and tangled underbrush too difficult to travel, navigation too hard. Any paths that existed were either wandering game trails that went nowhere, or worse human walkways that led to people who would kill him on sight. Avoiding those same paths, meant struggling through tangled briers and vines that made walking very difficult, even painful. It was so much simpler to travel by water in any kind of boat but his had been stolen.

For an American trapped in French country, the lack of a canoe was nearly a death sentence. If the hardships of the land did not kill him, the enemies of his country would. If he could escape this wilderness, then he would have to face his parents, and tell them of Joshua’s death, something he held himself accountable for.

Now he had added the deaths of four English soldiers to his list of sins. He drank the water from the canteen and looked at the girl for the first time. Strangely he saw beauty.

She had thrown off the dead body of the Sergeant and stood facing Seth, her eyes watching him, full of emotion. He saw fear, anger, relief, horror, and distrust of him. Her chest was heaving, the adrenalin slowly wearing off her as well.

Her long flowing black hair caked with dirt and leaves, her face smudged by mud and a red welt was rising on her jaw where one of her assailants had struck her. A trickle of blood ran from the corner of her mouth. Her dirty deerskin skirt slit nearly in two draped away from her body and was now splattered with blood and brains, the same gore that was stuck to the soft curves of her olive skinned belly and matted in her visible black pubic hair. She was young and lithe. Somehow Seth saw beauty through the wretched sight of her.

Keezheekoni watched him, wondering why he had saved her, what he wanted, what he would do. Her only contact with White men before had been a few vile French trappers who had come to her villages to trade. They had brought steel, and muskets and powder and beads, beautiful beads. They had been nice enough in the village, but her people had not really trusted them once they left their sight.

She watched him, taking her time to decide that the danger was over. He sat there, slumped in the exhaustion of the fight. He made no move toward her. Strangely, he did not seem to consider her a threat. The man made no move toward any of the scattered weapons. He just watched her. He may have been her salvation, but still she did not trust him.

She looked into his blue eyes for several minutes, finding no malice there. Keezheekoni knew that it was unlikely she could talk to him. She had no way to know that he felt the same depression that filled her.

Keezheekoni walked to the body of the man Seth had killed with his knife and kicked the body to roll it over, then pulled the knife from his chest. She felt nothing for the man. She was hardly sorry that the monster who had held one of her arms was dead. She felt Seth’s eyes watching her, but he made no move to protect himself. She wiped the blood from the knife on the soldiers dirty white pants, then reversed the weapon to grasp it by the cold steel.

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Chapter 28 Emily was discharged from the hospital later that afternoon. They had to wait a little while as the doctor had some paperwork to sort out. Then after giving her a clean bill of health and recommending a lot of rest (with a wink towards Stephen), the doctor let her go. "Here you are Honey," Stephen said as he handed her a cup of coffee from his thermos. "Thanks, babe," Emily replied as she took a sip. "This is lovely," She told him with a smile. Stephen beamed and...

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Demigod of WarChapter 50

Day 193-200: John had a problem, and Dulgan was its source. Oh, the Dwarf was a fine traveling companion. After departing the camp, the Dwimar led them to a well-concealed entrance back underground. The Obsidian Peaks were honeycombed with passages and caves where far more Clans than John had figured made their homes. They zig-zagged their way between Dvergyr and Dwimar clan areas, never moving in a straight line. At first, Dulgan’s inquisitive nature charmed John while they walked. The...

1 year ago
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Black Fantasy

Sometime ago, my husband and I decided to share our fantasies as part of our love making. My husband was always saying that he wanted to see me take a young black man and watch him as he made love to me to see his face when he was getting the best damn ass he had ever had. He would also say that he wanted to see my face when the young stud shot his black seed in me. He would ask me if I would do that and I would just blow it off as a fantasy. One night as we were making out in bed, he said,...

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Pantyhose Part 6

Pantyhose Part 6: So, I was once a man called Chris. I am now a woman called Christine. As a man I had issues with unemployed single mothers taking advantage of hard working single men like me to get access to benefits and housing. But thanks to my magic pantyhose I am now an unemployed pregnant single mother. I knew this was no accident. My pantyhose had brought me here. I smell of my next door neighbour's sperm. I have it on my inside legs and in my hair. I am dressed as a...

2 years ago
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Lorton Hears a Whooo

Were it quieter, one could have heard the soft pitter-patter of the rain off the metal roof. But it wasn't. There was scheduled to be 16 hours of this loud din, the hard vibrations, the shaking, the sudden lurching, and the bumping. CLACKITY CLACK CLACKITY CLACK! WHOOOOONK WHOOOONK! I was laying on my bed. I was happy. I wasn't sleeping, but boy was I happy. I was on the top bunk. I normally wouldn't sleep on the top bunk, but the light of my life, she had the tendency to fall out of bed...

4 years ago
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Futa Teachers Naughty WishChapter 2 Ms Marciersquos Taboo Pleasure

Visit my blog. My new cock—a gift from a naughty fairy called Bean Sidhe, but who insisted on being called B—hardened at the sight of my fourteen-year-old daughter Belinda walking into my classroom. She was in my first class after lunch, her brown hair in the cutest pigtails. She had such an innocent face, her blue eyes wide. She had inherited my breasts, and they were large, pressing at her pink babydoll t-shirt. “Hi, Mom,” she said then paused, cocking her head. “There’s something...

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Aliens and CowboysAsteroids

Sunday morning, Mark woke up and went up to his office, where he grabbed his coffee and started going through the daily reports and then his messages. When going through his messages, Mark had received many messages from governments around the world, castigating him about his statement of alternatives to current governments. They claimed his statement was inciting civil unrest, fuelling separatist movements, and encouraging revolution! Mark and Cricket did some searching and found that many...

4 years ago
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Good Neighbors Chapter 2

It had been two weeks since Todd, Julie, and Zach had spent their first evening together. Todd had fucked Julie's brains out that night and Zach got his first erection in the two years since his accident. Julie had not been able to get Zach off that night, but over the next several days, Zach had made remarkable progress in regaining the feeling in his lower body. They had gone to his doctor several times for tests in that two weeks and Zach had resumed physical therapy. It was going to take...

3 years ago
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Tommy Never Found Out And I Never Forgot

This tale is a direct result of a private chat I had with my girl Lindzy. I tried to keep it as real as possible to the chat as to how she recounted her experience. It aroused me and I hope arouses you too! This all happened when I was 17 for Tommy's 20th birthday party at his apartment. We had been dating for a year and he was my first. Not dating in the traditional 'going out to dinner and a movie.' We were fucking, every day, often several times. He had lots of parties but I never fucked...

Straight Sex
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Finding a New Life Ch 1112

I apologize for how long it took to get these chapters out … things have been busy lately due to illness and injuries. CHAPTER ELEVEN -2 weeks later- ‘So Grace, what are your wedding plans looking like?’ Lily wanted to know. ‘Mom said she’d kill us both if we tried to elope, and she’s decided to hire a wedding planner,’ Grace said, wrinkling her nose. ‘Who’s wedding is it?’ Tyler asked, snagging half of Grace’s turkey sandwich. ‘Mine,’ Grace said, sticking out her tongue at her brother. ...

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Best Summer ever revised

*** Hello Readers, Author Doragon here. In review of my own story, i noticed a major grammatical error, so i have revised the story and corrected the error. I am very sorry for any confusion if any of you had caught on, the revised story is as follows; My name is Michael. I will be a senior in high school this coming fall. Every summer, my cousin, James, and I visit each other's house for 2 weeks. I stay with my aunt, and he stays at my house. We have alot of fun. My aunt Cindy is a blast. We...

3 years ago
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Privilege pt 02

Various seemingly meaningless promotions followed along with steady salary increases. Then, two months ago, Misty had been summoned to the 25th floor. Alice’s secretary peered suspiciously over her bifocals at Misty, who sat primly on the edge of the chair in the anteroom to Alice’s office. Primly, because she was trying very hard to hide the fact she wore no underwear under the sort of short skirt that Alice demanded she wear. She entered her CEO’s office a ‘Loans & Mortgage Officer’ and left...

1 year ago
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HorrorPorn Belle Claire Amanda Lee Bad Santa

Peaceful Christmas full of love and happiness? Let’s just forget that! Christmas this year will be a terrible nightmare. Mad Santa came on Christmas Eve and picked a family that will receive his gifts. The man got it and also the wife, both got tied to the radiator and they had to watch Santa to fuck their innocent girl. The merry old guy, beloved by everyone, showed them his dark side. He fucked the beautiful girl with his huge cock and took her virgin asshole with a baseball bat. Crazy...

3 years ago
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The Holiday that changes us Part 1

? stano come una piccola decisione possa portare a grandi "cambiamenti". Tutto ? iniziato qualche mese fa. Ero in un centro commerciale con mia moglie e dopo aver pagato la spesa, la cassiera ci ha dato una cartolina per un concorso a premi. Il primo premio era un viaggio su un'isola nell'Oceano Pacifico in un resort esclusivo. Visto che non avevamo particolarmente fretta, compilammo la cartolina con i nostri dati e la imbucammo senza sperarci troppo. Alcuni giorni passarono e ri...

3 years ago
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On the Reeperbahn at half past twelve it was Part 1

On the Reeperbahn at half past twelve it was Finally time. The last boxes were unpacked and the furniture set up - Daniel had arrived in Hamburg. His studies started in two weeks and he was really looking forward to enjoying the time until then with his little secret. Living alone for the first time. Admittedly, his apartment in Altona was a bit small, but here he could live undisturbed. Daniel had a certain inclination for female clothing. He was particularly fond of shoes and...

2 years ago
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Court Record Chapter Five

Introduction: The saga continutes IN PUBLIC Clem froze. He had never considered the complications of really going out in public with her. A shopping trip was one thing, but a public restaurant was a completely different situation. The town was small. He had lived here a long time. Even though he stayed to himself, a few people knew him. There was a strong chance they would be seen together by someone who knew him. If they went into town he would have to trust her and her acting ability. Once...

2 years ago
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Revenge on Olly

Olly Martin was an absolutely ignorant horrid bastard. Trouble was he was the sexiest boy on campus and all the girls fancied him rotten. One of these girls was Ali King, but Olly was always mean to her and bullied her cos she read alot. "You know what?" She asked her best freind Kim, "I'm gonna teach Olly a lesson he'll never forget!""Pal you can't fight him, last time that lad you fought with nearly died.""That pervert shouldn't ave tried to get a feel up my shirt. Besides Olly so deseveres...

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Bengali Mom Becomes A Whore

I am a guy living in Mumbai, we moved here when we were very young. This story is about my mother, and for better or for worse I felt like sharing it. She got married when she was very young and had me when she was 19. Now that I am 18 myself she is 37 years old and is still a typical Bengali bombshell. We moved here in search of better opportunities, and it was good for a few years until my dad became an alcoholic. After that, he contributed little to the household. My childhood was not spent...

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LeefsticChapter 4

My hand moved convulsively to hold onto the chair so I would not go into the stasis pod I stopped the effort when I found myself in a completely dark environment. There were not even one of the sensor panels working. I was even drifting for there was no gravity as there should have been. "Borin, report!" I desperately needed to know our status. There was no reply. I repeated myself but I knew she would if she could. I looked around for anything but found only darkness but then I saw some...

4 years ago
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The Enticement Of Ceri Part 1

Ceri hadn't intended to travel alone. The tickets were bought but everyone else had dropped out so alone she had travelled. The concert had been good, well attended and there was no way she was going to get her car out of the car park anytime soon.As the crowd flooded out she saw a bar. She might as well grab a drink, she was going nowhere. The journey home was fifty miles, no need to rush as she settled into the bar stool"Enjoy the concert?"Ceri looked up at the woman who'd spoken to her....

1 year ago
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ConjunctionChapter 11 The Yawning Abyss

“Here it is,” Caden said, “the same symbol as on the map.” They had left the main chamber of the observatory, heading into a series of backrooms towards the rear in search of the door that was shown on the parchment. It wasn’t exactly hidden, it was clearly marked on maps that had been left lying around the pyramid, and no attempt had been made to conceal it. It was a simple marble door in a nondescript hallway, engraved with the sigil that Caden had come to associate with the ‘sunken star’,...

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My carving for a man

This about me my name is Jason and I decided I wants to find a good man to love me. I have black colored lengthy hair and medium girl like breasts with a nice figure as I was tall. I works around a lot of men but did not found one loving me and I was stuck up. I had no man in five weeks and this cause me sexualaches allover my body as i was gay i loveed men often and i was too femine too which men like . I would go out and flirt with men in the bar even go home with a good-looking one who liked...

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Public Agent

PublicAgent! If there’s one thing reality porn has taught me, it’s that random hot chicks are always down to fuck on camera for a little wad of cash. I’ve actually been emailing my lawyer a ton of links to my favorite videos in the genre, but he’s convinced I should just plead guilty to the solicitation charge. Whatever. I guess I’ll worry about that at my arraignment, but in the meantime, I’m going to keep shaking my dick at PublicAgent.Chances are, you’ve cranked it to fuck movies from...

Premium Amateur Porn Sites
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Wasps 1 Invasion EarthChapter 5

Now that John had worked out how the humans could use the antigravity belts and they had enough tubs and belts on hand, Bill wanted John to teach others how to pilot the ridiculous looking, but effective, craft. John reluctantly agreed to take time out from hunting Wasps to teach some new pilots, but he was in a hurry to get back to hunting down the enemy. Two men and one woman volunteered to be the first class of pilots, so John spent three days introducing each one to the controls and how...

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combattimento infinito

Martina vs Giorgia Martina: alta castana 13 anni piede 39 snella magra seno 4a Giorgia: media altezza 13 anni piede 38 nella norma seno 3a Tipo combattimento : colpi proibiti 1o round Inizia il combattimento con martina che si avvicina a giorgia e gli da una violentissima ginocchiata tra le gambe. Giorgia si accascia a terra tra gemiti di dolore e martina le sferra un altrocalcio tra le gambe che la mette ko 2o round Giorgia da un violento pugno sul seno di martina che per attutire il dolore...

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My busty aunt Rebecca

“It’s okay,” I smiled at her, “If anything happens again, call me.” With a wave of my hand, I turned around and walked down the street. It was a warm April day; a light breeze gently touched my face and body. I passed Jefferson Street, past the magnolia bushes. A sweetish smell hit my nostrils. Jackie lived here; she was my mother's work colleague. Once I was fixing her laptop too. Jackie is about 40 but have a very youthful appearance. An image flashed in my memory: Jackie in a white top...

3 years ago
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A Fantasy Come True

Fantasies and notions of group sex have ran through most our minds from time to time I imagine. After reading Martha Spacey's article about her experience on a gang bang or being put on the block by a Motor Cycle Gang had me going, in fact I read the article a couple of times more and had to admit it stirred certain carnal feelings in me and leaving a wetness in my pants. God... how could she have taken all those guys... how many had there been there that night, twenty she said? My mind going...

2 years ago
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And I never even got his name Part 2

As I was walking away all I could think about were images of what he had described. With every step my pussy throbbed and I felt my panties were far from dry. Even so, I told myself to keep walking. Of course it’s easy to just turn around, take his hand and tow him to the semi-privacy of one of the restroom stalls, but where’s the fun in that? Have I ever told you? I’m a bitch. I like the chase. I love playing the game of cat and mouse, whether I was the cat or the mouse didn’t matter. I...

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The English School 2 Stephanies Reminder

This story is for GrassmanRoss, who asked for it, and for Hot-C, who’ll probably relish it. Stephanie’s Reminder During the next week, Alice and I became very well acquainted indeed. We spanked each other numerous times, ropes and clamps had been applied to nipples and genitals, accompanied by much delightful licking and thrusting. Friday I sat at my desk, correcting papers, when there came a knock at the door. “Come in.” To my surprise, since she wasn’t in any of my classes, Stephanie entered,...

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Punjabi Professor Got Punished 8211 Chapter 1

Then the bus stopped at my college and I adjusted myself and the whole thing was over for now.But they were looking at me like it’s just the beginning of my humiliation. My name is Preet and I am a 23-year-old girl from Punjab and I am a fresh college teacher. I look fair and got nice face features with medium figure body.I am not too skinny, not too fat. But I got the nice bumps and humps. I got the job of teaching graduation class in a college, due to my friend rani. The story starts when one...

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In Your EyesChapter 3

They walked to the front door of the Winery the next morning, hand in hand. Amanda was practically bouncing as they walked into the reception area. "Hi Cheryl!" Amanda said excitedly. "Oh, uh, hi..." "Amanda. Amanda Wilcox at your service! This lug is with me. He is doing the software integration!" Cheryl looked at John and remembered him from yesterday. "Oh yes, Mr. Marshall. Mrs. Phillips is expecting you." John started chuckling, and Amanda knew why. "Cheryl, please call him...

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Pamela The Minister Recruits The Army ChiefChapter 3

The Minister stood naked and proud. His long and thick nine-inch cock pulsed and throbbed erect. He needed no stimulation to be hard and ready, not when the prospect of ripping through the cherry of a shapely white woman was in prospect. The younger the better, and sweet young Pamela was just perfect. He stroked his member slowly, and he looked across to Joanne. Her eyes were gleaming lustfully. He liked Joanna's attitude. She was only too delighted to watch while he debauched a new...

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The FreshmanChapter 9

At 11:00 I helped Ronnie, my second-shift busboy, clear all the tables. Then while he vacuumed, I wiped the tables and put clean tablecloths on them, filled the salt and pepper shakers and put packets of sweetener in the dispensers. “Ray, you’re doing my job,” he told me when we were through. “Ronnie, you worked my section last night and tonight on the second shift and you kept my tables ready for new customers both nights. We racked up because the tables in our section were ready, no...

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