ExperimentChapter 6 free porn video

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To begin with, Erik Holz was an assumed name. He was born in Warsaw of a Polish mother and German father, the name on his birth certificate being legal at the time, but he had changed all that before the end of the war when he rightly calculated an Allied victory was near at hand. In his youth, he attended the University of Warsaw and studied political history, supplementing his expenses by cleverly duplicating official documents and certain identifications for the more affluent students. He had picked up this talent as a boy, watching his father laboriously carving plates in his small print shop. His father never understood his industriousness and was always preaching right and wrong to him, never realizing that those in control are always right. During the years, he had developed this peculiar philosophy of life: the only truths lie in being right and being right was to be on the winning side, assuming everything is relative. And this philosophy, along with a certain amount of animal cunning kept Erik on top of the heap, although he did have a few close calls. But for the most part his theory proved to be a reliable formula.

After graduation, he had secured himself a small position in the Polish government just before the German invasion. Then later, discreetly approached the German Military Attache with his briefcase containing names of certain key Polish officials still giving aid to the last remnants of the Polish Underground. He was quickly rewarded for his efforts with another minor post in the German occupational government and that was when the money started rolling in. There had been many opportunities; blackmail, supplying information for a price to desperate refugees, and aiding their escape with forged documents.

At the time, he was lucky not to get caught playing his dual role, but he was beginning to enjoy his new position, he even married a German girl who worked at the German Embassy. Just when his future seemed the brightest, the war took a turn in favor of the allied forces, and when the fate of the German conquerors seemed doomed, he contrived a plan to leave Poland, deciding he had crossed sides once too often.

Before leaving Warsaw, he paid a visit to the registrar at the church of his baptism, and on the pretext of looking up details of an old friend, neatly removed the page recording his own name and birth. With the purchase for one thousand dollars, he bought his way on a merchant marine ship and was off to Sweden on the next boat, leaving no word of his whereabouts to his family or friends.

At the end of the war, he flew to Rio de Janeiro and established a lucrative trade falsifying papers for German refugees anxious to conceal their past. His price was high, knowing many of them would face death in war trials then being conducted in Europe if they were caught, and soon he became a wealthy South American businessman.

It was about this time that Erik, as he now called himself, decided that the quickest profit for his growing income would come from the wholesale trade of drugs, namely Heroin. He was right, and for ten years he remained in Rio, prospering on the sale of the drug. On one especially hot day, however, he decided to leave South America and seek a cooler climate. His blood pressure was lagging in the tropical heat, he was eternally perspiring, so he decided to retire in a more comfortable spot and pursue the finer things in life. The U.S. and an art gallery seemed to be the most reasonable answer, and still loving the great fun of making profit, he continued his drug peddling on a retail basis. His art imports from South America provided a perfect front to receive his wares.

After Thea's phone call, he replaced the receiver back on the hook, smiling to himself and began to stroke at his well-trimmed Van Dike methodically as he pondered over the opportunity that now awaited him. He had unmistakably detected the tone of desperation in her usually coolly controlled voice.

Erik found Thea to be an exciting, stimulating woman, despite the nasty habit she nurtured. He had often entertained wild erotic fantasies of having her completely under his control to do with her as he wished. Although at times he had made subtle advances, she had brusquely brushed them off as if shooing away a pesky insect. Now his excitement grew as he realized that tonight was the chance he had been waiting for. Tonight he was going to fuck that snobby bitch as she had never been fucked before, and to assure her grateful submission, he would have two important items working in his favor: the heroin and the powerful aphrodisiac that he had been saving for just such an occasion.

Thea's car drew up in front of Erik's gallery. The dim night lights inside displayed the latest oil imports from South America that Erik made a handsome profit on, peddling them to the summer tourists at cut rate prices. The main street was dark and quiet and there were no other cars around except for Erik's antique Rolls Royce, which was parked in the side driveway.

The apartment over the gallery where Erik lived, showed no sign of life, but as Thea approached the door, she could detect a small shaft of light coming through one of the heavily draped windows upstairs. She rang the bell and a loud buzzer sounded, releasing the lock from the inside.

Erik was waiting for her at the top of the stairway. He was dressed in an elaborate crimson velvet robe that tied loosely around his bulky form with a gold rope tassel. His sparse kinky red hair, expertly touched with gray at the temples for a costly fee from his hair stylist, crowned his over-sized head. Small white pustules caused by a constant constipation problem, budded beneath the thin layer of flesh on his pocked-marked face. He now stood smiling expectantly down at her, his watery blue eyes resting on the saggy pockets of flesh beneath them. The robe did not entirely cover his spindly legs, and they jutted out like two thin sticks mounted under the huge mound of flesh that made up his huge grotesque looking belly. The sight of him disgusted Thea, but she tried to hide her feelings, not wanting to antagonize him.

"Good evening Erik," she said stiffly. She was close enough to him now to hear his heavy nasal breathing.

"Well, my dear, you've finally come," he said mockingly. "I've waited a long time for you to accept one of my invitations. Come in and relax, and we'll discuss your problem." He ushered her into the plush living room, and directed her to the huge circular sofa situated in the middle of the room. Soft, seductive music came from hidden speakers in the wall, and the lights had been turned so low, that when Erik walked over to the portable bar, Thea could see only the burning ember of the cigarette he dangled carelessly from his thick lips.

"I've just come to get the 'H, ' Erik." Thea tried to hide the mounting irritation and was in no mood to try to humor him.

"Yes, I know. But first you must join me in a drink, I don't like to drink by myself." He crossed the room extending the glass to her, and raised his own glass in the air. "A toast, my dear, to a lasting friendship and satisfactory business transactions."

Thea tipped the chilled rim of the glass to her lips and sipped slowly at the dry liquid. She tried to hide her hands that were now starting to tremble. All over her body, the raw, ragged nerve endings were coming alive and throbbing. God, she thought, the methadone isn't going to hold me until I get back. I'll have to have a fix soon or I'll turn into a mass of jelly before this slob.

He walked over to the sofa and sat down close beside her, boldly leering at her body, undressing her with his lewd blood-shot eyes. Thea we sure now that he could see the trembling hands and beads of perspiration on her forehead, but he made no comment about it. She looked at his ugly puckered face for a sign of recognition, but all she could see were two hot coals in his eyes, burning with unmistakable lust. His thick moist lips quivered in anticipation at the beautiful woman sitting beside him. Finally, when he spoke, there was a smile in his eyes, and Thea knew that he was delighting in the power he was now holding over her by depriving her of the drug.

"You look nervous, my sweet. Would you like another drink?"

Thea nodded and looked down at her hands, wringing them with growing anguish as he refilled her empty glass. She took the second drink and gulped it down quickly, setting the empty glass on the coffee table. When Erik returned, he placed his body even closer to hers until their sides were pressing heavily against each other. His heavy breathing seemed even more pronounced with his intake of air coming more rapidly, as Thea felt the heat of passion expanding from his body and burning the side of her that was touching him. She could see from the way his eyes continued to rove over her hungrily that he was going to ask a high price for the drug this time, and even though her tortured body cried for relief, she wasn't sure if she were capable of giving herself to the salivating pig beside her. Thea sat motionless not speaking, knowing that it was useless to continue the conversation. Erik would give her the drug when he felt she had earned it and not before. From now on, he would call the shots and she would be helpless to stop him. She had to get relief fast, and he was the only person she knew who could help her.

Erik studied Thea over the rim of his glass, waiting for the effect of her second drink to take hold. It had been a very special drink, indeed, he thought, chuckling to himself. The tasteless powder should warm her up fast, it was known as one of the most powerful love potions that could be found in South America. On impulse, he leaned forward and breathed heavily in Thea's ear, talking to her in almost a whisper.

"Now Thea, shall we discuss our business transaction? Let's be practical. I've got something you want very badly and you've got something..." he leaned further forward and harshly sucked at her ear lobe between his tobacco-stained teeth, and then let go, "and you've got something I want." He finished his broken sentence and leaned back to continue his lewd penetrating stare.

"I've brought the money," Thea replied, fighting back the growing pain and another new strange sensation that shot through her like an uncontrolled fire the moment his thick lips had touched the lobe of her delicately curved ear. She made a concentrated effort to steady her voice.

"If you're low on supplies, I'm prepared to pay double the regular price." Then she made one last attempt to call his bluff. "Get me the stuff now or I'll go to another source, Erik. I don't enjoy playing games to satisfy your demented sense of humor," she said looking at him cold in the eyes.

Erik shrugged his shoulders in a gesture of mock defeat. "You may leave anytime you wish, Thea. The door isn't locked."

Thea could sense that he was stalling for time and it wouldn't be long now that the pain would overpower her will, soon she would be begging for relief. He must be crazy, thinking she would want to participate in any love games with him, she thought, watching him closely, waiting for him to make the next move. She knew she wouldn't have the strength or will power to stand up and walk out of the room without first satiating her physical craving for the drug. Thea shuddered at the thought of those thick hairy hands touching her body, but the pain was now steadily increasing and her knees had turned to liquid.

The perspiration on her forehead now built up into heavy beads, began to break and run down the side of her face. She took a lace handkerchief from her purse and dabbed nervously at them and leaned back further on the sofa in an attempt to steady her reeling body. A warm probing sensation enveloped her body, fighting back at the drug craving pain, and she swallowed hard to control the nauseous impact that racked through her body.

Erik continued watching her with an amused gleam in his eyes, visibly seeing the potion take control of her emotions.

"You truly look ill, my dear," he said with mock concern in his eyes. "Is there something I could get for you?"

Thea rolled her head back and a low soft moan escaped from her anguished lips, while her body began to slowly rise and squirm against the soft velvety material of the sofa.

The sight of Thea's shapely body completely out of control, writhing before him, incited deep lustful passions in Erik, passions that he had forgotten even existed. He reached under the fold of his crimson robe and began stroking his giant penis, until it grew to its full length, and protruded menacingly outside the robe. With his free hand, he untied the gold tassel and let the robe fall free behind him. Still keeping his eyes on the tortured woman, he spread his legs wide apart before her, now pumping at himself with both hands until his cock was rock hard and glistening in the soft light of the living room.

Thea's tightly shut eyes had not seen the lewd display, but now she could hear his distant voice breaking through her spasms of pain.

"Look at me, my love. I want to help you."

Thea dazedly opened her eyes and dimly gazed into Erik's face. He was grinning lewdly up at her between the unshaven stubble on his face, and feasting his eyes on her squirming curvaceous body.

"Look at me," he persisted, thrusting his hips up towards her. Thea lowered her eyes and saw the huge cock swaying in front of her like a cobra dancing for the tune of a snake charmer.

"No... no..." she stammered, "stay away from me.

But even as she pleaded with him, she could feel the strength completely leave her body with a burning sexual craving filling the void it had left behind.

Erik now began to boldly undulate his hips and she kept her eyes glued on the swaying penis, hypnotized by its rhythmic movement.

"Stand before me and remove your clothing. Stand here on the table before me," he slurred at her through his thick lips.

Thea stood up in a trance, completely under his control now, and kicked off her high-heeled shoes. Lifting her dress high over her knees, exposing her long, softly curved calves and thighs, she stepped up onto the teak coffee table, and stood waiting for him to speak. Her eyes remained glued on his large thick cock as Erik continued to stroke it in a teasing manner. The stereo music now engulfed the room with a pulsating Latin beat and her limbs began to unconsciously sway to the tempo in round circular motions.

"Now my love, I want you to slowly... gracefully, remove all your clothing and toss them down to me." His voice came to her pounding ears in short jerky rasps, as she mechanically began to unzip her dress.

Erik's beady eyes bulged from their sockets at the breath-taking erotic strip being performed on the table over his straining, throbbing penis. It took all of his control to keep himself from ejaculating his cum up at her. Her black dress slipped softly from her rounded hips and down to her narrow ankles. When she stooped over to step out of the material that encircled her tiny feet, he got a clear view of her ripe, rounded breasts, protruding over the lacy edge of her black silky slip. The music intensified to a faster tempo, and Thea, seeming to be controlled by the sound, writhed and jerked her lush body in more pronounced gyrations. Erik leaned over to the control panel by the side of the sofa and turned the volume up full blast until the music pounded and reverberated through the room with a maddening sound. Thea instantly responded, rapidly jerking off her slip and throwing it down at him in a frenzy, her body swaying back and forth while her head tilted back and her eyes rolled up at the ceiling. Small moans, barely audible over the beating drums from the stereo, rolled from her open mouth, now salivating tiny tickles of spittle down the sides of her chin.

Next, her trembling hands removed the black lace bra and her breasts sprang out with amazing resiliency, peaking forward with the tips pointed and throbbing passionately. Rotating her hips, in the circular motion of a belly dancer, she inched her panties over her hips, letting the flimsy material slide slowly down her contoured legs and fall to her ankles.

"Give me your pants," he commanded, leaning forward to retrieve the black silk and lace material. As Thea leaned forward to step out of her panties, her full ripe breasts dangled before his reach and he grabbed for them with both hands, viciously kneading and squeezing at them, ignoring her squeals of pain. Then he pulled her right breast down to his gaping mouth, almost throwing her off balance, and stuffed in as much of the soft white flesh as his mouth could hold, running his tongue around the ridges of her nipple. Slowing rising to his feet in a half-kneeling position, he ran his thick finger up between the inner thighs of her crouched legs, until they reached the hair-lined moistness of her cuntal opening.

His ugly face loomed before the stooped, drugged woman with his eyes void of pity. They shone into hers coldly, lustfully, cruel and unyielding, boring into the very depths of her wild dilated eyes. His fingers continued their probing until they found the opening between the vaginal lips. With a sadistic smile tightly pulled across his yellowed teeth, he gave a brutal up thrust, driving his middle finger into the depths of her passage.

"Aaaaaaaggggg," she screamed between clenched teeth, "I can't stand it... It's driving me crazy!"

She continued groaning as the exquisite feeling of pressure in her burning void further ignited and stimulated the uncontrolled longing that possessed her body. She strained the muscles of her thighs and began grinding her hips against his thick finger, trying to satiate the tormenting urge in her loins, while Erik slobbered maniacally over and around her soft full breast with his moist, hot mouth. Crouching lower and spreading her legs wider apart to give him more access, Thea groaned in frustration. His short stubby probe was doing no more but to drive her sexual urges to a higher peak, tormenting her hot clasping cunt.

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Boys Food! As a site that looks quite bad, I was surprised to see that boysfood.com actually has good content... I still prefer to subscribe to a premium site and have everything in HD, from the content to the site's design, but I also know that not many of us are able to just throw our money at premium pornography, which is why I am reviewing this free porn site.If you visit this site and mistake it for an ad, you should not feel bad, because honestly, that is how shitty Boys Food looks like....

Free Porn Tube Sites
1 year ago
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EvilAngel Lana Rhoades Cute Insatiable Fuck Doll

Naturally buxom brunette Lana Rhoades looks delicious in aqua lingerie. Her blue eyes seductively stare through the camera as she flaunts her delectable assets in a steamy striptease. Lana welcomes stud Manuel Ferrara with passionate kisses and a sloppy, cock-chugging blow job with lewd, bunghole rimming benefits! Gripping her gorgeous breasts, Manuel fucks her from behind and strokes her clit while Lana moans in bliss. He rewards his fully fucked sex doll with multiple cum streams on her face...

3 years ago
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My Cousin Mandy Part 3

It was after one o'clock in the morning and everyone in the house was upstairs sleeping, all except my beautiful cousin Mandy who was now waiting for me in the silence of her room. The guestroom was the only bedroom on the lower floor of my house; we would be totally undisturbed.As I approached her door I thought back over the events of the day. It had started with a shameful display of uncontrolable lust on my part this morning, rolling around Mandy's bed with her panties pressed to my face....

1 year ago
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100 Not Out

© Copyright 2004 Written for Lost Boys second competition and dedicated to the LB and his otherworldly work. Chapter 1: Preparations. Procol hummed to himself as he decorated the bar, all in all, he enjoyed celebrations - O.K. so it was more work, but always fun. Procol had worked for two full years at the 'Exotix Bar and Space Stop'; no it wasn't high powered, all that had gone, but hell it was fun! The tall Harumian slung the final banner over the glass rack at the front of the...

1 year ago
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Hot MILF gets a surprise

What a surprise, my neighbor, a 30 something married woman, asked me to lunch last week, so i said ok. We met at a nice restaurant and she then began talking about her sex life with her husband, whom she cannot get to make her cum. I was surprised to hear her open up to me, but she asked for advice, I told her that she needed a real hard cock in her pussy to make her cum, and that sucking a hot cock first would get her pussy wet. so she says ok, but who? I let her know my secret of being a...

2 years ago
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Meeting Ivory and our first encounter1

Quick intro here, Names Rocky 5'10, medium build with a fat 8 inch cock Her name is Ivory, 5'3 sexy from head to toe and them stunning blue eyes I'm not gonna bore you with much details but my god the day I met Ivory, my life changed for the better, she blew my mind like literally. Big stunning blue eyes, softest lips I've ever kissed and that beautiful stunning coke bottled body she has.. what a god sent.. Funny thing was we met on the dance floor, she was dancing with a few of...

1 year ago
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Girls in Yoga Pants Repost

This story takes place shortly after I discovered the website ?GirlsInYogaPants?. If you have not visited this site I urge you to do so. I was at my buddy?s house and shortly after viewing it, I had many girls I went to school with in mind but one for sure. The only problem was that it was my friends sister. Now let me describe her, she is about 5 foot 2 inches tall, brown hair that fell just past her shoulders, and she has the most gorgeous set of eyes, but it just doesn?t stop there. She?s...

1 year ago
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TeensLoveBlackCocks Aften Opal Tempting The Personal Trainer

Tiny teen Aften Opal has always had fantasies of pleasing a big black cock, and as her trainer pushes her to have a great workout, she starts to get some crazy ideas about what hes packing in his gym pants. When she stumbles onto his lap during the workout, the poor guy simply cannot resist her plump ass or her seductive hips. She grinds her booty on his cock and then opens her mouth as wide as she can to down his BBC. Then, she peels off her gym clothes and squeals as he stuffs her tiny white...

4 years ago
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Strange RelationshipsChapter 13 Nora Dines with Her Father

Nate was less than thrilled with Nora's plans for the evening, but there was no stopping them. Getting in front of Nora's Daddy was kinda like stopping to tie your shoe in front of a steamroller -- not smart. He took her home, and they necked a while, then he departed for home. Nora decided that Daddy rated a better than average turnout, so she did the whole dress thing, a nice cocktail dress in blue with a wide skirt that de-emphasized her hips, and matching heels, all left over from the...

2 years ago
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Facebook Se Whatsapp Se Bistar Tak 8211 Part 2

Hi guys and girls this is my second time I am writing story for Indian sex stories. It’s actually just second part of my first story ” facebook se whatsapp se bistar” And also wants to that’s all who replied. Jaan kar accha laga k apko meri story pasand aayi. Dosto 2 readers ne meri help bhi mangi. Unko bhi apni apni gf ka account chek karna tha I helped them too. Rakesh ji and johnty bhai apki maine apka kaam to kardiya but dono apna promise yaad rakhna haa main wait kar raha hun apke reply...

2 years ago
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The McKenzie CaseChapter 4

Tiny and I were lying in my bed, tired and sweaty, after our celebratory fuck. It didn’t hurt so much as usual. Perhaps I was stretching to accommodate him. “Do you think my breasts are too small?” I asked. “No, they’re perfect,” he replied, a little too quickly for my liking. “But what about Mrs McKenzie’s breasts? They’re spectacular. Surely all men prefer them that size.” “On your frame they’d look grotesque. Besides, yours are delightfully sensitive.” With a gentleness that belied...

3 years ago
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The Adventures of Reggie Starr Version 30

Reggie Starr Version 3.0 Those darn little nanites. I want to remind where Reggie came from. Reggie Starr was once a very good, but very unpopular MALE State investigator for the Mississippi state police. He lived one hour from the CBD in New Orleans. Reggie got the really bad assignments. His world changed when he was assigned to investigate murders of Transvestites in Memphis, Tenn. He was transformed into a woman by surgery, against his will, by the mob and now, is a...

4 years ago
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Alba Damned

So let me tell you a story I’m not even sure I believe happened… …About a week ago I was working on a lounge suite (I’m an upholsterer by trade) listening to the radio when the DJ asked what his listeners thought would be good New Years resolutions could be for celebrities. I’ll tell you he sparked some interest (among his listeners) and the calls came pouring in. Britney Spears should release another album, Lindsey Lohan should re-think her whole alternate life-style, and Angelina Jolie...

3 years ago
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Vickys Challenge

Copyright 2003 It was obvious to all concerned that Vicky was bored. And when Vicky was bored, she did something about it. Her full name is Victoria Helena Andrews-Hawkes. Yeah, her. One of the 'kids' inheriting the Lockhart fortune. Plus of course what she got when elderly hubby Reginald Hawkes died. We're not just talking jet-set here, we're talking rocket-to-the-moon-set. A 32 year old woman who has everything, including the requisite blond hair, blue eyes, and buxom shape kept nice...

1 year ago
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My 19th

This was during a time when I was sort of in an open relationship with a British girlfriend by the name of Jasmine. Despite the fact that I have direct Scottish descent and her being a Brit, we got along just fine. It was a Saturday on a dreary day, just the perfect weather for MY BIRTHDAY! It was my 19th, and I was kind of excited on what Jasmine would get me. She came over to my apartment in a normal mood. Our relationship was not based on sex, we just did normal things mostly. The beauty of...

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Heathyr Hoffman ghost hunters lesbian love story

After being chosen as the winner of the SyFy channel reality show "ghost hunters academy" in 2009 and given a permanent role as a co-host on ghost hunters and then later ghost hunters international, Heathyr Hoffman couldn't possibly be happier with her life as a reality television celebrity.Being on “Ghost Hunters International” was a blast. Heathyr Hoffman couldn’t imagine a better career than globe-trotting while looking for paranormal activity wherever it might occur. This enhanced a...

2 years ago
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Bathtime Blunder

Fuck Chicago, I thought bitterly. The City of Winds, yes ... and sudden, wildly inconvenient snowstorms in the middle of winter. I had been planning on flying out to tropical Fiji on a business convention for pharmacy assistants, all expenses paid there and back- but in my case, I was going to stay on a week longer. I'd been especially looking forward to soaking up the sun and enjoying some kava before returning to the icy grip of home. But no. We couldn't have that, could we? So out of...

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Star Wars Young Jedi Knights The Female Conspiracy

Disclaimer: Star Wars and the main characters within this story are property of Lucusarts Ltd. and are used solely for the purpose of entertainment and not for the gain of any moneys. The Female Liberation Movement/Army and named members; fem-troopers; the Rhenda's Haven resort; Sarrifiss; and the Jedi Mirram Moss are my own creations. Any questions or concerns about this work of fan fiction by Lucasarts or its representatives are to be directed to me, the author, and not the...

4 years ago
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My Curious Wife

I was chatting one evening on an adult site when my wife Susan happened to peek over my shoulder. “What are you doing? Who are you talking to?” “I’m just chatting with a few people online.” She watched for a while as the chat became progressively more sexual in nature. I was surprised when she pulled up a chair and joined me. One of the male chatters was asking some very personal questions to a female chatter. “Wow. That guy is getting pretty personal.” Susan said as she leaned closer to...

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Sex with sons friend

A few days ago in the evening on the street, I met a friend of my son, a student at Warsaw University of Technology. He often visited us as a high school student. He was always very polite and modest. Such a well-arranged k**. I had just a moment, so I accepted his invitation for a walk. We walked along the streets of Warsaw. Michał talked about studies, he recalled visiting us at home. I saw him looking at me from the side. It was obvious that I liked him. From time to time, as if by accident,...

4 years ago
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ChoicesChapter 4 The countdown

Before I left for winter break, I had to decide what classes I would be taking next semester. Since I needed only one more class to fulfill my academic obligations, I was looking for something with minimal time and work expenditure required. Ah, the beauty of graduate classes... however, the thought often forefront in my mind was that Liz would be leaving Hopkins at the end of January, and only coming for classes and special events. College had taught me the painful lesson that taking classes...

2 years ago
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brother Caught Peeking At sisters Pt 2

If you recall from brother Caught Peeking at sisters, f******n year old Jim had finally admitted to his mom that he peeked through an already open door and saw his three older sisters naked and playing with each other. He also admitted that he had his first erection and ejaculation and that his sister’s caught him. He told his mom that he was curious about sex and seeing his sisters, so his mom Ann, stripped naked in Jim’s room and taught him about a woman’s tit and pussy. She pointed out the...

3 years ago
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My Little VentrueChapter 95

~~Jack~~ It’d been two weeks since the incident. Two weeks since the news broadcasted Jack’s fuck up with the crows. Two weeks since Julias’s death, his mother’s embrace, and the capture of Sándor. Two weeks of futile attempts to understand what had happened to him. He’d stuck with journaling, organizing his thoughts and putting them to words, but it wasn’t working out very well. All he could manage to write were succinct paragraphs that were obviously bitter, cynical, and angry. Sometimes...

4 years ago
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Life Of A Teen Boy Part 2

( A short review of Part 1. Tom had gone to take a nap before going out on a date with Jane.)Tom and Jane were swimming in a pool naked. Tom had always wanted to go skinny dipping with Jane. They were splashing each other and laughing. They had a beach ball that they threw back and forth.Tom swam underwater towards Jane and came up right in front of her. He grabbed her, kissed her and pulled her close to him. He could feel her bare breasts against his chest which made his cock spring up.He...

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Lesbian girl dominated me by pushing the gas pedal

I met Roarie after she called inquiring about a pedal pumping video shoot. I ran an ad on craigslist looking for local fetish models in clearwater to drive and or rev up cars for a video shoot. She was interested and showed up with her girlfriend Leslie. Roarie was not really that sexy at first but once I showed her how to rev up a car and that it would not break the car she was all for pedal pumping. We immediately became best friends and were doing just about everything together minus...

1 year ago
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MomDrips Becky Bandini MILF Mind Games And Muff Stuffing

Ever since Becky Bandinis stepson broke up with his girlfriend, he has been a little down in the dumps. Becky is concerned, she is tired of seeing the poor guy mope around the house with that bleak look on his face! To make things right, she does a little mental exercise. She has the sad guy watch a pendant swing back and forth until he is ready to listen to anything his good old stepmom says. When he snaps out of it, for some reason, he pulls his pants down and reveals his hard cock right...

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My wife Joy fucks my buddies

I set Joy up with three of my buddies and told them to do what they wanted, just make her feel good while I watched and waited for my turn when they were done. Joy, Carl, Jack & Ron entered the bedroom and Ron pulled off the gown off her body and pressed a kiss against the pulse at her neck. “You don't have to do anything. Just allow us to make you feel good.” They were naked, their cocks as hard as steel, Joy went on her knees and wrapped her mouth around Carl's shaft with her tongue licking...

Group Sex
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The harsh downpour outside, slapped against the circular windows. It’s rhythm hard, and incongruous. Inside, the air was suffused with sounds of small talk, clattering of cutlery and cash registers. I tapped the edge of my coffee cup with my fingers; I had been sitting here for some time. He was late. I sighed and looked out of the steamy window. The sky was pitched black, and the streets were deserted like a ghost town."Excuse me miss," A feeble voice spoke out beside me. "You've been sitting...

4 years ago
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The School Nurse

Hello! I am somewhat new to writing as a whole, and this is the first chapter for any erotic fiction that I will be writing, so please bear with me. Please enjoy! Here I am, senior year of high school, turned eighteen tail end of the last school year, and half of all my friends have a significant other. That doesn't really bother me though because none of the girls really interested me enough to pursue anything beyond a friendship. There's only one that gets my attention and really lightens my...

3 years ago
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Marriage gift My pussy

Julie and I have been friends for years and have lived the same slutty lifestyle. However, Julie, a 34B, blonde, and now 24 years old, met Aaron, age 32, a few years back. They fell in love, and now want to get married, have kids and live happily ever after. They have been engaged for a year and their wedding is coming up next month. Both are lucky enough to be rich and thankfully, money is never an issue for them. This has created one complication for Julie though. She is slutty like me and...

2 years ago
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Teacher Ke Ghar Me Chudai

Hi dosto, mera naam utkarsh hai aur mai lucknow me rehta hu. Ye story meri aur meri ek teacher ke bare me hai. Uska naam pooja hai.Ye story tab ki hai jab mai class 12 me tha. Mera lund 6’7’’ ka hai. Pooja dekhne me bahut sundar aur kisi ka bhi khade khade gira sakti hai. Uska figure 36-28-36 hai aur uski umar 25 hai. Ab mai story pe aata hun.Pooja mam muje history padhati thi aur kayi bacche unke yaha coaching karne jaate the mera dost b unme se ek tha ek din maine pucha ki vo kaisa padhati...

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