Mona Turns to be the Wildest Sex Queen in Long Island New York
- 3 years ago
- 32
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Characters from my vignette “OSL: New York” have prominent roles in this chapter. Prior familiarity with them will greatly enhance your reading experience.
-- SUNDAY, JANUARY 6, 2008 --
The sky outside was dark and gray, not only because “foggy” is the standard daily weather forecast for San Francisco, but it was still quite early, way too early for any reasonable 23-year-old to be awake on a weekend morning. At this hour, the sun would have just barely cleared the horizon, its rays not yet powerful enough to cut through the thick mass of hanging precipitation.
I stood at the east-facing floor-to-ceiling windows of our apartment’s great room, taking in the “view”. Despite being less than a mile away, the San Francisco Bay itself wasn’t visible at all through the mass of hanging water droplets that surrounded my apartment building, and the rest of the entire city for that matter. I remembered Mom telling me as a kid that fog was just a cloud that came down to the ground, so we could pretend we were “walking in the clouds”. But today I wasn’t walking in the clouds. The clouds were just one more thing in my way.
No matter; I wasn’t really looking at the view. My thoughts were inward, selfishly pointed straight at my own life. And my thoughts were also outward, five or six thousand miles away to Switzerland, where Adrienne and Sasha were right now on their latest vacation/modeling shoot.
They’d packed up and left on Tuesday, New Year’s Day, not long after what wound up becoming Adrienne’s “Coming Out” party. The party itself had gone really well. Those decorations and arrangements Adrienne had gotten so stressed about turned out just fine. The music was good, the drinks were flowing, and the fashions were fabulous. And then Adrienne went and dropped her bomb only a few minutes before Manhattan dropped the Big Ball.
A big projection screen behind the stage was playing the ABC telecast of Dick Clark’s Rockin’ Eve. Everyone knew we were getting close to crunch time, so it actually didn’t take very long to get the crowd to settle down and shut up when Adrienne stepped on-stage, grabbed the microphone, and called for the DJ to turn off the music. She’d started a speech thanking everyone for coming, and talked about celebrating the past year while looking forward to the next. She spoke of people making resolutions and sometimes giving up on them a few weeks later, ribbing some of her friends for knowing who they were. Then she declared that she was ending an era of her own, and starting something new for herself in the New Year. The room got quiet real fast, and from the back of the room I heard some murmurs wondering whether or not Adrienne was about to retire from modeling.
Instead, Adrienne extended her hand, and Sasha stepped onto the stage to take it. People started cheering even before Adrienne announced into the microphone that she was coming out. The cheers got louder when she announced that a formal press release would be given to the media tomorrow. And the room burst into a roar when she and Sasha kissed.
A few people nearby had noticed I was standing at the back, and they gawked and whispered to each other while rather obviously staring at me. I supposed I should just be glad they didn’t whip out cameras and start taking paparazzi shots of my reaction. I smiled, shrugged, and gestured for them to pay attention to Adrienne at the front of the room. A minute later, Adrienne and Sasha started the final countdown to midnight while the DJ cut in the audio feed from the ABC broadcast. The Times Square Ball dropped on tape-delay, confetti exploded into the air, and everyone started cheering and kissing and cheering some more.
I’d thought it would be a good time to slip away, to go back the apartment and unwind after everything that had happened tonight. But before I could leave, I was surprised to find both Adrienne and Sasha making a beeline for me through the crowd. And despite having announced both the end of our engagement and her public status as a lesbian in a relationship with Sasha, my ex-fiancée wrapped her arms around my neck and gave me a passionate nuclear kiss in front of two hundred of her closest friends.
Of course, ten seconds later she gave Sasha a passionate nuclear kiss as well. Ten seconds after that, Sasha gave me a passionate kiss too. But once the three of us stopped kissing each other, the newly-public lesbian couple wrapped their arms around each other’s waist and turned around to accept the congratulations from those two hundred closest friends of theirs while I stepped off to the side.
Most people claimed they already knew. They all had known that Adrienne and I had a very close relationship, but the rumors that I was merely her public beard had long been widespread amongst the attendees. Likewise, the fact that Sasha had constantly been by Adrienne’s side – especially at parties much like this one – while I’d been absent for the past year, had lent itself to its own set of rumors, now apparently confirmed. Still, everyone celebrated the couple taking this quite difficult, often scary big step. And for the next hour or so, Adrienne and Sasha spent all their time in one conversation or another getting encouragement and support for their decision to come out.
Still, Adrienne kept me close to her. Part of me still wanted to slip away, but the bigger part of me realized it would be more helpful to Adrienne for me to stay. Photos from this night would show up on social media soon, and Celebrity Sightings not long after that, so it was best that we make it clear this was an amicable split. It wasn’t that I felt uncomfortable with the situation, but I did get tired of repeating the same thing over and over again: that I only wanted what was best for her, and that we of course were still close friends, and that everything had been decided mutually. Every now and again, somebody would ask me quietly if our relationship had always been a sham for public consumption. I told them the truth: that what Adrienne and I had shared had been special and completely real, not just made up for the media. Unfortunately, it was over now.
The three of us didn’t leave the restaurant until after two in the morning. We were all tired, both physically and emotionally, but at least we hadn’t been drinking much. I let us into the apartment, closed the door behind them, and gently took Adrienne’s hand. I hugged her, pecked her lips, and told her I was proud of her standing up for herself like this. And then I wished the girls goodnight.
Adrienne and Sasha slept in the next morning, as usual, while I got up at my usual time to take care of my kid. When Adrienne finally showed up in the living room, she told me that she’d already contacted ICON, her modeling agency, to issue a formal press release. That’s when she also told me that she and Sasha would be leaving for Switzerland that afternoon.
“Running away again,” I’d muttered, unable to keep the bitter tone out of my voice.
“Giving each other space,” she’d insisted. “It’s not like we aren’t coming back.”
Helpless, I’d shrugged my acquiescence. There was nothing I could say or do to change her mind. Mom had called around lunchtime after hearing the news and seeing some of the social media photos. There was nothing SHE could say or do to change Adrienne’s mind, and she didn’t try. Really, Adrienne and I had broken up before Christmas. Nothing much had changed; our breakup was simply public record now. No big deal. We were all moving on.
A few hours later, Sasha and Adrienne were both gone.
Dawn came to the apartment thirty minutes after they left. I told her everything I could. Only afterwards did I break down in her arms.
Paparazzi met me in front of the JKE building on Wednesday morning. I told them the same thing I’d already told everybody else: That what Adrienne and I had shared had been special and real. Unfortunately, it was over now. Inside the building, my co-workers asked me more of the same. Dayna and Brandi came by for dinner and to make sure I was doing alright. I gave them the same answers I’d given everyone else.
Thursday morning, I got asked the same questions, but from fewer people overall.
Friday, both the media and my co-workers more or less left me alone. There wasn’t much of a story to tell with Adrienne and Sasha in Europe and me not being very camera-friendly. Friday night (and Saturday morning), Dawn and the twins came over to the apartment to cheer me up.
Saturday, Kim and I stayed in the house playing with BJ, just our little family unit alone. There’d been a lot of that this week, the three of us having the apartment to ourselves and me not in the mood to leave it except for work. It was kind of nice, actually, to enjoy our simple domestic situation for a few days without thinking too hard about the world outside. Just me, my baby mama, and our son. Of course, I could never forget Kim’s outright refusal to ever marry me, which somewhat tempered my sense of contentment, but I’d take what I could get.
Now it was Sunday morning. And I had some packing of my own to do.
“You’re up early,” Kim commented quietly from behind me, her voice sounding like it came from the hallway.
With arms folded across my chest and eyebrows furrowed, I glanced back over my shoulder towards the voice that had interrupted my reverie. Taking a deep breath, I exhaled slowly and shrugged while returning my gaze out the window. “Is BJ awake?”
“Not yet.”
“Then you should be in bed. Get as much sleep as you can.”
“I didn’t like falling asleep in your arms and waking up to find you were gone.”
I sighed, not having a response for that.
“Penny for your thoughts.” Kim slid in behind me, wrapped her arms around my waist, and pressed her cheek against my shoulder blade. She hugged me firmly, but not intrusively. Although her remark invited me into conversation, I could probably have gone on staring out that window for another half-hour without her further disturbing me, and yet her embrace told me with absolute certainty that she was here for me, in whatever way I needed, should I choose to ask for her support. I could stare out the window. I could turn around and talk to her. I could probably even order her to her knees to suck me off. She was simply ... here ... for me.
But I didn’t stand there staring out the window for another half-hour. And I didn’t order her to her knees to suck me off. I WAS interested in talking to her, tired of talking myself in circles. I figured I might as well talk HER in circles. Deep conversations with Kim were usually different from deep conversations with anyone else. They tended to be pretty one-sided in one direction or the other, Kim either lecturing me while I struggled to keep up, or me just rambling out my thoughts while she listened, soaked everything in, and verbally mirrored me in an attempt to get me to draw my own conclusions. From the way she’d invited me to do the talking with her “penny” remark, I figured we were due for the latter. Hopefully I could voice my inner thoughts, and she’d find a way to ultimately cut off my circular arguments and help me find some kind of resolution.
Turning within her grasp, I gently removed Kim’s arms from my midsection and gestured toward the couches. Kim obediently walked over to the nearest one, taking a seat on the middle cushion so that I had to sit next to her on one side or the other. Crossing her right leg over her left, she interlaced her fingers together atop her right knee, sat up straight, and gave me her full and undivided attention.
I didn’t know how long we’d have before BJ woke up, so I took a deep breath and started at the point I’d come to on my own.
“I’m not in love with anybody anymore,” I began. “I love everybody but I’m not ‘in love’ with anybody. Not Adrienne. Not Sasha. Not Dayna, DJ, or Dawn ... not you...”
“Understandable, since you’re not presently in committed romantic relationships with any of us. It’s only logical that you no longer feel ‘in love’ with any of us.”
Shaking my head, I sighed. “Thing is: I can’t figure out when I stopped being in love with them. Brandi and Dayna ... I guess I never really was. Brandi’s my sister, of course, so not being ‘in love’ with her is to be expected. Still, I wanted her to be happy, to feel pleasure, and to feel loved. I knew she could never be an official girlfriend, but she had nobody else and I never wanted her to feel like she had to take a back seat to the other girls just because we’re blood-related.”
“Not your problem anymore. She seems happy with Jared.”
I nodded. “She does, and I’m glad for her.”
“And Dayna?”
“Dayna was never ‘in love’ with me. We were casual. We were fuck-buddies, more or less, despite the official title. We were fun, and we were safe, and we enjoyed each other. Like Brandi, I always thought she deserved better than what I could give her, even though she never really asked for more.”
“Dayna was satisfied with what you gave her. Like you said: she never asked for more, and in this case, it really meant she didn’t need anything more from you. You didn’t let her down. You didn’t let Brandi down either. I hope you realize that.”
“Didn’t I let them down? If I didn’t let them down, then why aren’t they both still with me? Why did they choose to leave, if not for my failures as a boyfriend?”
“Both of them got everything they reasonably could from you. Both of them knew you couldn’t be their ‘forever’ man. Do you really think they left because you failed them? Or do you think they grew beyond you and moved on with their lives?”
“I’d like to think they grew beyond me.”
“I think so, too. That’s normal. That’s natural. You should feel happy for them.”
“Happy that they’re both no longer significant parts of my life?”
“They’re still significant parts of your life.”
“Not like before.”
Kim gave me a disapproving glare. “You mean they’re no longer part of your harem, ready and willing to bend over and pull their panties down at your beck and call.”
I scowled at Kim, but she shrugged and looked back at me with an impertinent expression.
“Poor Ben,” she continued. “Lost two pieces of fiiine pussy.”
I scowled at her again and shook my head. “It’s not about the lost pussy. Besides, if that was all I cared about, I’m rather positive I could go downstairs and Dayna wouldn’t deny me a hookup.”
“So what’s the problem?”
“The problem is that it’s not just about the ability to get sex. I’m feeling lost, abandoned, and alone... emotionally.”
“You felt lost, abandoned, and alone a week ago. Nothing’s changed.”
“Something’s changed. Adrienne’s not wearing her engagement ring anymore. And she’s in Switzerland.”
“The engagement ring was a sham for the media. Your actual engagement ended before Christmas. Her taking the ring itself off is irrelevant, at least in that regard.”
I shook my head and sighed. “It means she’s not coming back. Even though we ended the engagement before Christmas, in the back of my head, I sorta thought she and I might eventually work things out and get re-engaged. If she’d kept the ring on, as far as the public knew we’d have never been split up. But now it’s public. Now everybody knows we’re broken up. My sense of abandonment has only gotten worse now that the one last thread keeping our old relationship together has finally been severed. True, she’s coming back from Switzerland, but the Adrienne that had been engaged to be my wife is NOT coming back. And knowing that makes me feel worse than before.”
“Dawn’s still in your life, solid as ever.”
“As a best friend. The only way she’ll ever marry me is as a backup plan if all else fails. She doesn’t want to settle for me. It’s like a reverse situation with DJ. Sure, I think Dawn and I could be happy together, but I’d always know in my heart that she didn’t really want to marry ME. She’d only settled for me. And speaking of DJ, now I find out this Robbie guy made it to a second date with her.”
“His name is Robi, not Robbie.”
“Whatever. Now SHE’S moving on. And now I’m feeling even further abandoned.”
“You’re right. Everybody’s left you. Your life must really suck.”
I frowned at Kim.
“What?” She shrugged. “You were expecting me to blow sunshine up your ass?”
“Is this your way of telling me to maintain perspective on everything? Remind me that I’m clothed and sheltered in this palatial 35th-floor SoMa apartment with a full refrigerator, a great job, a growing bank account, and friends and family who still love me even if my romantic life isn’t going all that great at the moment?”
Kim blinked, smiled, and replied, “You said it, not me.”
I sighed and sagged against the backrest, staring up at the ceiling. “It just feels like my life had been going so well. I was engaged, I had two other girlfriends, Brandi had gotten over her moral barriers, I’d reconciled with both Dawn and DJ, my job was going great, and life was just...”
“Well I was gonna say ‘awesome’, but yeah, it was kind of perfect.”
“Perfect means ‘without flaws’. You really think your life before was flawless?”
“Well not flawless but pretty damn good. I’ll point out that it was you girls who started calling yourselves ‘the harem’, but I’ll admit it was a more accurate term to describe the arrangement of women in my life than ever before. And isn’t a harem the ultimate male fantasy?”
“Was having a harem really your ultimate fantasy? Or would you have traded it all to have just one committed love of your life by your side? If you had a choice for how to go forward from here, which of the two options would you choose?”
“It’s a straightforward question, isn’t it?”
I frowned and thought about that.
“Put it this way: You’ve been in both situations before. You had the harem recently, yes. You also had Tri-Delt West, which was a different kind of harem situation. But you’ve also had periods in your life where it was just you and a single committed romantic partner, like your junior year with Dawn, even if the two of you played together with others from time to time.”
I arched an eyebrow. “I also picked up a second girlfriend for a few months...”
Kim blushed, giving me a sheepish look as if she’d forgotten that she had been that second girlfriend the end of our junior year. But she soon sat up straight and gave me a serious look. “Which situation did you prefer?”
“Can’t I have both?”
“Didn’t you already have both?”
“You’re talking about right after I proposed to Adrienne. You’re talking about all that time she was my fiancée but I ended up splitting my time amongst all the harem girls anyway.”
“And how did that turn out?”
I snorted. “It turned out like this. It turned out with me right here.”
“Abandoned and alone?”
“And numb. I feel burnt out. I feel like I don’t even know how to be ‘in love’ anymore.” Shaking my head, I sighed. “Where did it all go wrong?”
“I tried to warn you.”
I arched an eyebrow. “When?”
Kim raised both eyebrows.
“The stuff about me being spread too thin?”
Kim continued to look at me expectantly.
“But you said June wasn’t supposed to tell me that.”
Kim sighed. “She wasn’t. I was hoping for a gradual course correction, not you diving into the piled-up mess without a plan or even a damn shovel to dig yourself out of the holes you were about to make.”
I frowned.
Kim took a deep breath. “Confrontation can often be the right course of action, but it can just as often not be. When problems arise suddenly, fixing them just as suddenly will sometimes be the right thing to do. A broken toy. An unkind remark. An accidental mistake. But when problems happen slowly, almost unnoticeably, it makes more sense to me to correct them just as slowly. Especially when the problems are emotional in nature.”
“Adrienne and I drifted apart. It didn’t happen overnight. It didn’t come after a major event, or one big explosive fight. I lost her without even noticing it happen. And by calling her on it, making a big deal over it, I scared her away.”
“Actually, I don’t think ‘calling her on it’ was the problem. Rather, it was your solution: forcing her to choose between you and Sasha.”
“What? I shouldn’t have asked my fiancée to actually start planning a wedding with me?”
“She wasn’t ready.”
“She wasn’t ever going to be ready.”
“And that’s just it, isn’t it? You never believed she’d ever be ready to marry you, did you?”
I sighed. “I guess not.”
“Then why’d you propose?”
“How many times do I have to say this? It was an accident.”
“So what? Rather than correct your mistake and explain to her it was accident, you just went along with the engagement? Would you have gone all the way through with it? Married her even though you never intended to propose?”
“I don’t know.”
“Bullshit. ‘I don’t know’ means ‘I know, but I don’t want to look like the bad guy’.” Kim gave me a hard look. “THAT’S why you didn’t push any wedding plans forward yourself. YOU weren’t in any hurry to get married either. You figured that SHE’D eventually get cold feet about settling down, moving to the suburbs, and popping out a few kids. You figured that SHE’D eventually end the engagement on her own, or give YOU a reason to end it. And with her falling in love with Sasha, you finally had your excuse to walk away without looking like the bad guy.”
I arched an eyebrow at the vehement tone in Kim’s voice, so unlike her usual tone in these conversations. “Adrienne accused me of the same thing. I wasn’t trying to walk away without looking like the bad guy,” I muttered. “I would have married her. We would have been happy together.”
“Sure, if something in Adrienne changed and she suddenly matched up with everything you ever wanted in a wife. But the kids thing...” Kim leaned forward, on a roll and ready to pounce. “I almost forgot you actually told Dayna that if Adrienne ultimately decided she didn’t want to have kids, you’d call off the engagement. You were WAITING for that time bomb to explode.”
“I wasn’t waiting for it to explode. Having kids has always been a condition for marrying me. I’ve made no secret about wanting to raise a family with my wife. YOU were the one who pointed out that I wanted the life my parents have, and that includes having children.”
“But you knew Adrienne doesn’t want them. And until she came around and changed her mind, YOU never actually BELIEVED you’d get married. So when you two broke off the engagement, you weren’t devastated the way SHE was. You were... relieved.”
“I wasn’t relieved. I was hurt.”
“Hurt, perhaps, but not distraught. Your whole world hadn’t been emotionally shattered the way hers was.”
“Yes it WAS,” I insisted angrily.
“Shattered by the loss of your harem, not the loss of your fiancée.”
Taking a deep breath, I shot Kim a harsh look and narrowed my eyes. “You weren’t THERE. You weren’t around to see what I was going through.”
“I WAS there when Dawn first broke your heart, saw the crushed shell of a man she turned you into.” She stepped up and touched my chest. “I was HERE – right under you – when DJ left you after the abortion and you decided to knock ME up then and there. Don’t TELL me I don’t know what a truly heartbroken Ben looks like. I may have missed Lake Tahoe, where you got into drunken orgies with Kenzie and Deedee, but I was here when you got home, spent Christmas with your family, and took the twins’ virginities. I’ve been here to watch you mope all week about feeling abandoned and alone, crying ‘woe is me’ because the three of them have all declared themselves out of your romantic life: Dawn, DJ, and Adrienne. Yes, you complain that your life sucks and you whine about how things aren’t going your way. But don’t even TRY to pretend that losing your fiancée has been the great epic tragedy of your life.”
I blinked at the fury in Kim’s voice. Leaning back, I gave her an evaluative look and asked, “Where is this anger coming from?”
“You didn’t LOVE her, your supposed fiancée. Maybe you did before, months ago before you got distracted by DJ and Dawn and started going over to Berkeley as often as you did, but by the time you two broke off your engagement, you weren’t in love with her anymore. That’s why Adrienne agreed to end it: not because of Sasha, but because she could tell your heart was no longer in it. You didn’t LOVE her anymore. You didn’t DESERVE her anymore. You didn’t deserve to marry her! The same way you’ll NEVER deserve to marry ME.”
My head rocked back at Kim’s last statement. There were tears in her eyes, and a second later, as she wiped at the moisture on her cheek, she looked just as surprised as me to see them. Staring at her hand in shock, Kim blinked several times before looking up at me. Her expression clearly said she only now realized that her emotions had gotten loose, and without a second’s thought, she bolted off the bed and literally ran down the hallway.
Great job, genius. Now you’ve gone and fucked up another relationship.
What did I do?
Just being you, dude. Just being you.
Should I go after her?
Chasing girls down and demanding explanations for their behavior hasn’t exactly been working for you lately, has it?
So what? I just let her supercomputer brain reboot and everything goes back to normal?
Something like that. She’s Kim. Let’s face it: despite her protests to the contrary, she really doesn’t need you.
What, she’s actually wrong about something, about needing me?
Not exactly wrong...
Well she is right about one thing, though.
What’s that?
I got greedy. I valued the harem over valuing Adrienne.
Adrienne was PART of the harem.
But she should have been above it. She was my fiancée. I thought I had the perfect life. I thought I had all the toys to myself. But beneath the surface, things were falling apart. I tried so hard to keep everyone in balance. I tried so hard to not lose any of them, because I wanted to keep ALL of them. Adrienne and Sasha ... Dayna, Dawn, DJ ... Kim and even Brandi. I wanted to keep them ALL. I wanted to love them all.
But you got spread out too thin.
I did. I got burnt out.
You got worn out.
I guess there really can be ‘Too much of a good thing’. I got spread out so thin, I spent so much effort trying to love everybody, that I ended up ‘in love’ with nobody.
Annnd you’ve now talked yourself in a full circle, right back to the same idea you first said out loud to Kim half an hour ago.
I did?
You need me to rewind your memories?
I’ll take your word for it.
So what now?
I dunno. Have to pack, I guess. My flight leaves at noon.
Something tickled my arm, so I pulled my arm away. My eyes remained closed, and the brief blip of consciousness melted away as I fell back asleep.
But that something followed my movement and irritated my arm again. My ears heard the sound of someone’s voice, but I ignored them and started drifting back to sleep.
Pain suddenly blossomed in my right hand, and I jerked upright instinctively, eyes flying open wide as I immediately searched for Professor Ice with an apology already on my lips.
“Ben! Wake up!”
June’s hissing voice was not part of my current perception of reality. Rather, it was a memory, already starting to fade. She’d said those three words alright, but they were a part of the recent past, like something I’d heard in a dream. But as I drowsily took in my surroundings, recognizing the long-haul domestic business-class seatback monitor in front of me, the airplane window to my left, and my co-worker to my right, I finally realized what the hell was going on.
“Sir, I’m afraid you need to elevate your seatback now,” the flight attendant in the aisle informed me, polite but firm.
“Right, right, sorry,” I muttered, still blinking the cobwebs out of my eye. I obediently raised my seat as requested, and after a big yawn, I glanced down at the red mark on the back of my hand where June had pinched me.
“Did you... ?” I began as I looked over at her.
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It was a beautiful sunny day in late August in New York City. I am a tourist and you are showing me your city. We browse the shop windows in the Soho district, eventually wandering down a tree lined street. I never dreamed that New York City was so beautiful. Even the bustle of New Yorkers pressing past does not impede on my pleasure. Nothing could improve upon this moment as I commit the picture of it in my mind. I turn to look over my shoulder at you as we walk along the New York street, we...
For Friends and Family Part 15 - Fairy Tale of New York I make no apologies for using this title at this time of year, it just seemed so right! I finished brushing my hair, I was totally naked, really enjoying the sight of my breasts gently jiggling as I brushed my tresses, after the talk with mum I was far more settled in my mind. After the 100 strokes, my hair was shining; I put on a peach silk nightdress with spaghetti straps and climbed into bed. I woke around eight the next...
Damn, NewGrounds 18+, that's a name that I haven't heard in a while. Don't get me wrong, this website is still popular today, but that popularity is nothing compared to the popularity the website had back in the why did this happen? Honestly, no one knows why the website isn't as half as popular as it was back then, but let me tell you one thing, the website still has some amazing pornographic video games, and I don't get it why people aren't talking about these more.I mean, they...
Free Sex GamesLife tends to be full of surprises and is much the better for it, some of these are good and some are not so good. I have been traveling extensively for business for the past f******n years and when I discuss my job with friends they always seem to think that I lead a glamorous lifestyle, little do they realize how hard and boring in can be. When I started traveling I thought I would be meeting exciting people, especially women, how naïve I was. For years nothing major happened, until one...
I was walking down a busy street in New York City. The hustle and bustle a far and distant cry from my own corn-shucking surroundings. Knowing that everything was an option for me now, I went walking down Broadway hoping for the off chance that I might bump into someone worthwhile. I had dressed comfortably, but more revealingly than I would have normally done. I wore a thigh length skirt that hugged my derriere and a deep purple blouse that revealed a great expanse of cleavage from my more...
When you wake up, the morning sun is peaking through your bedroom curtains. The smell of breakfast seeps through the air vents and you can hear your family going about their morning ritual of yelling about the news, laughing uncontrollably, and altogether being as Italian as possible. For a moment, you question why Mother didn't wake you up at seven as she always does, but then you remember: today is your birthday. You crawl out of bed and slip on a pair of underwear. Normally, you'd go ahead...
GayI was walking down a busy street in New York City. The hustle and bustle a far and distant cry from my own corn-shucking surroundings. Knowing that everything was an option for me now, I went walking down Broadway hoping for the off chance that I might bump into someone worthwhile. I had dressed comfortably, but more revealingly than I would have normally done. I wore a thigh length skirt that hugged my derriere and a deep purple blouse that revealed a great expanse of cleavage from my more...
Scott and Carol are an ordinary couple living in an ordinary middle class community on an ordinary street and in an ordinary house. Carol is an ordinary housewife and Scott is an ordinary nine to five vice-president at mostly ordinary advertising agency. He goes to work from Monday through Friday and Carol spends her time watching Oprah and soap operas. Their sex life has been ordinary as well but that is about to change. Actually, it has been Carol who has felt a slow but persistent change...
Hardcore18/male/slave seeks mature mistress in New York Columbia student, works out regularly, intelligent, somewhat shy, the guy next door type except for my interest in rope bondage, discipline, and pain seeks mature mistress who will make me her slave and instruct me in how to satisfy a woman sexually. ?PM me telling about yourself and why you want to be my mistress, include a photo. ?If we seem to click we will arrange a meeting in a public place of your choice in the city....
The flashing silver Lear Jet flew high above the giant city. Nikki couldn't believe her eyes; she had never imagined a city so large. All she could do was look down at it and wonder. Truly America was the land of opportunity, and this strange city called New York only proved beyond doubt that this was so. Growing up in a tiny village in the middle of the huge Zukov forests was no preparation for a sight like this. Ten minutes after spotting the east coast of Manhattan, the agency jet was...
A Fairytale of New York by Circe The full moon was low in the cloudless evening sky as the horse and carriage meandered through Central Park. Far away, yellow cabs honked their horns and festive music was piped out onto bustling streets. Here, the only sounds were the clip clop of horses' hooves and the sound of snow turning into slush underneath the faded red wheels of the carriage. The driver of the carriage glanced back at his passengers, under the pretense of checking a corner...
Sure, you love reading fucking comics. I’m talking about the heavy-hitters: Batman, Spider-Man, Calendar Man, they’re all fair game. But you also love looking at perverted comics. Those are the kinds of trades you don’t swap with your buddies. Or maybe you do – what the fuck do I know about your kink? I only review bad ass porn sites on the gold standard of other porn review sites, ThePornDude!So if you want to look at adult XXX comics that you can read in private or aloud to your friends while...
Porn Comics SitesHi ISS Readers. First of all thanks for your reviews and appreciation about my stories. I am so glad to know that you guys like me stories. I am back again with a new true story. As you know I am New York these days. I am going to tell you the story about one of Guajarati girl. Who is living in USA with her family, her two sons, her husband and parents? Her name is Lucy (name changed). Let me explain first how she looks like. She is only 34 yrs old girl with 36DD boobs and beautiful ass. One...
Life tends to be full of surprises and is much the better for it, some of these are good and some are not so good. I have been traveling extensively for business for the past f******n years and when I discuss my job with friends they always seem to think that I lead a glamorous lifestyle, little do they realize how hard and boring in can be. When I started traveling I thought I would be meeting exciting people, especially women, how naïve I was. For years nothing major happened, until one...
Dave’s departure from Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania, took a week. He’d forged a loving relationship with Mariah St. Clair and her daughter Skye. Much of the week had been spent in bed with one or the other, and then both of them as they began to loosen up to the challenges that he gave them, some of which involved incestuous sapphic sex. The challenges also included dressing sexy, omitting underwear, walking around the home naked even when a delivery or arrival was expected, and using earthy,...
This is a true story that happened back in the summer of 2009. I had spent the summer traveling over the USA coaching at different camps over the west coast. I am 23 years old and live in England but was enjoying myself in America ''living the dream'' as they say, but it all came true when me and two friends headed across to New York City on our 2 week break over the independence holidays.We stayed in a standard hostel in Harlem. The place was vibrant with young guys and girls ranging from 18...
Straight SexScott and Carol are an ordinary couple living in an ordinary middle class community on an ordinary street and in an ordinary house. Carol is an ordinary housewife and Scott is an ordinary nine to five vice-president at mostly ordinary advertising agency. He goes to work from Monday through Friday and Carol spends her time watching Oprah and soap operas. Their sex life has been ordinary as well but that is about to change. Actually, it has been Carol who has felt a slow but persistent change...
I watched the people as they walked through Times Square. I followed his instructions to the letter. I am wearing a black bolero sweater silk blouse, grey, his favorite colour and I am minus my 36-C bra (per his request), a size 8 black pencil skirt that falls just below my calf and had a back split up to my mid-thigh (sans panties again another request), black stockings and 3-inch open toe pumps to show off my perfectly pedicured steel grey polished toes. My caramel skin is glowing and my...
I watched the people as they walked through Times Square. I followed his instructions to the letter. I am wearing a black bolero sweater silk blouse, grey, his favorite colour and I am minus my 36-C bra (per his request), a size 8 black pencil skirt that falls just below my calf and had a back split up to my mid-thigh (sans panties again another request), black stockings and 3-inch open toe pumps to show off my perfectly pedicured steel grey polished toes. My caramel skin is glowing and my...
First TimeA Walk in the Park It was one of those soft, cool New York days that make everyone want to be outside, since such weather is so rare. Dave had decided on a sweater, though it wasn't absolutely necessary, but the last few blocks of his walk home would be on the lee side of Central Park, and the breeze might come up. Anyway, he loved wearing sweaters in the fall. The newspaper flew out of her hand just as he turned on forty ninth to walk over to fifth. It was almost a reflex action to take a...
Martin Parker had been Roger's first baby. Martin had been the reason why Roger had married a girl he didn't love. Years later, on that December 5, Martin was 25, beautiful, and in love. Her name was Jill Davis. She was a knockout. She was more than beautiful. She was stunning. She was blonde, with a fantastic pair of blue eyes and a big pair of breasts to match. She was tall. And she had fantastic legs. Jill was the most beautiful girl Martin had ever seen. Or almost. She was as pretty...
I avoided both Siobhan and Uncle James the next day, pleading a headache and eating breakfast and lunch in my room. I was both despondent and elated at the same time, trying to sort my feelings from all I had heard the previous night. I had not slept a wink since then. Could Uncle James truly have feelings for me that were more than those of an uncle for his niece? And if so, was Siobhan correct in believing that I had similar feelings for him as well? I allowed Siobhan to bring me down to...
This is a true story that happened back in the summer of 2009. I had spent the summer traveling over the USA coaching at different camps over the west coast. I am 23 years old and live in England but was enjoying myself in America ”living the dream” as they say, but it all came true when me and two friends headed across to New York City on our 2 week break over the independence holidays. We stayed in a standard hostel in Harlem. The place was vibrant with young guys and girls ranging from 18...
Well, I know a lot you guys don?t find Janeway hot and sexy but I happen to do ?Well, I know a lot you guys don?t find Janeway hot and sexy but I happen to do. Well when I was a younger man and she was younger. But I still find her kind of sexy for a mature woman. So sue me for using my talent to have a little fun with what I consider a hot older babe. I enjoyed writing it. How you enjoy reading it.???????????????????????????????? ??? ??????????????? CAPTAIN JANEWAY CAPTAIN?S...
Are you looking for a place where you can play adult sex games that come somewhere between porn and video games? You are in the right place cocksucker. You see, some of us just want to play that kind of games to the point that they are so drilled in our brains we feel like zombies. That’s one of the aspects of playing a video game anyway. It’s even better when such games combine fun with sexual arousal; I’m talking about sexy virtual babes ready to be fucked hard, and all you need is to use...
Free Sex Games‘Your love scenes just aren’t up to much,’ said the director. It hit her in her stomach like a red hot burning arrow. ‘Maybe you just need a break, Katie,’ he said gently, knowing that an actress’ confidence is integral to her performance, and if he ruined her confidence, his film would be in tatters. ‘We have had a fairly strenuous filming schedule. Take a week off – relax, don’t do anything stressful. Then come back and we’ll try again.’ On the way home in the limousine, she was on the...
Elisabeth Grey - Part 5: Autumn in New York. By Carmenica Diaz True to her word, Angela rang her music teacher and then gave me her address written on the back of an old envelope. 'Her name is Mrs Robinson and she's not far from here, you can walk if you like. I think it'll be a nice day.' 'Sounds lovely.' 'I'm off to get all the information from Sherry and I'm sure I'll come back with loads of gossip. Bye.' Time for a long bath, I told myself, humming as...
Introduction: Jenny and Mallory get Three House Guests Adult Passions – A family that plays together&hellip,. If you havent read my Young Passion and Young Adult Passion series yet. Look Up my old account Author name PASSIONFRUIT. I lost my account password so I cant access it anymore. This story is the first part of the THIRD SERIES. Hope you like. I have to post this as fiction just to protect myself. Enjoy. ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————- I personally...
This is a collage of some of my kinkier visits involving my favorite pass time. As I walked into the room I noticed there was a hallway that went both ways. There was a wall extending perpendicularly from where I stood that separated the two ends of the room. At the far end each direction was a large screen, the one to my left showing a gangbang flick and the one to my right showing a some what kinkier flick. The hallway to the left was almost blocked with guys standing (some facing one...
This is a collage of some of my kinkier visits involving my favorite pass time.As I walked into the room I noticed there was a hallway that went both ways. There was a wall extending perpendicularly from where I stood that separated the two ends of the room. At the far end each direction was a large screen, the one to my left showing a gangbang flick and the one to my right showing a some what kinkier flick. The hallway to the left was almost blocked with guys standing (some facing one...
"Oh Rhonda, your so sweet" laughing "Details?" "It's black tie, pick you up in a limo at 8 and your on your own" now my turn to laugh. "Sounds good to me" "Have fun Princess" and hung up as she laughed. Tanya had a German background, a natural blonde, blue eyes the color of widex and a body that just wouldn't quit. Now 19, she was going to a University to become a Lawyer with a percomality that made you feel comfortable, no matter male ot female. Quite a find for me and...
New York (Escordgirl findet ihre wahre Bestimmung) Die Straße war menschenleer. Jill klemmte ihre Handtasche fester unter den Arm, während sie in die enge Gasse bog. Vor einem Schaufenster, das ihre Aufmerksamkeit erregt hatte, blieb sie einen Moment stehen. Sie bewunderte die filigranen handgefertigten Figürchen aus Glas und bemerkte nicht, das sie selbst mit interessiertem Auge gemustert wurde. „Wunderschön“, die raue männliche Stimme ließ Jill erschauern. Nervös drehte sie ihren Kopf und...
Your name is Nick Jackson, and you are probably the biggest asshole in all of New York. You don't give two shits about your girlfriend (Though she stays with you - who knows why? Who cares, though? She's hot as hell!), you have sex with multiple women while still dating your girlfriend... Hell, you even raped a pregnant woman - a new low. So, yeah... you are the biggest asshole in the world. But people do say that assholes have the most fun. -- You begin your adventures in your average-sized...
I wasn’t sure I was going to ever fall asleep last night. Paris was calling my name. Thankfully Michael called me last night. He said it was because he wanted to hear my sexy voice, but I think he just misses me. The train is finally pulling into the station, and Paris is inches away. I’m ready to explore the city a little, eat something rich and decadent, drink wine with lunch, and whatever else tourists do. And of course, I want to get ready for a very special date tonight. Michael promised...
MasturbationMarianne wasn't the slimmest woman Gareth had ever made love with. In fact, as she unclasped her bra to let her heavy bosom fall loose, Gareth studied her full stomach with some hesitation. She wasn't fat exactly, not even plump, but by no measurement could she be described as slim. It wasn't as if Gareth could complain. Despite those few hours a week he found to attend the gym, he had definitely lost the slim figure he still sometimes imagined was just a temporary loss. He pulled down...
From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "The summer of 1890 was to be the start of my new life. At fifteen years of age, I was to be presented to society and I had expected that I would then be considered an adult. That, at long last, I would have a say in my own life, my own destiny. That was not to be, though. I was still just a doll to be dressed and used as decoration in the home of my powerful parents. I was made up and dressed and used to impress the visitors who came...
The traveler made his way up the darkened stairwell, careful not to disturb the layers of dust and cobwebs that had built up over the years. The building had been abandoned for years, probably even decades in fact. He had never so much as set foot inside this building before, and yet, it was as if he somehow knew his way. And so he carried on, curious to know about the strange figure who sat motionless atop the skyscraper each morning. After what seemed like an eternity in the dark, with only...
Paula is a small town girl from upstate New York. Like so many she moved to the city soon after high school with a girlfriend to find employment and ‘just maybe’ be discovered for acting on Broadway. She was the perfect daughter in a perfect middle class family. She had earned all ‘A’s’ and been the star in all her high school plays. Now, she is beautiful, shy, very courteous, is talented, is an excellent secretary, is struggling to survive and is depressed. Three times ‘wonderful,’ insightful...
We were standing at the airline counter, redeeming our tickets to New York. The clerk was going through his list of canned questions, looking up only to snatch glimpses of the Grand Canyon–the 16 inches of Millie’s creamy-white cleavage (I measured it while she giggled). She was wearing a shockingly short microskirt and an incredibly low-cut T-shirt top, with a stretchy sling bra that offered very little support for her swaying, wobbling football tits. Actually, they’re bigger than footballs....
I was eighteen when I finally graduated high school. a couple of friends and I decided to go up to New York for a week. We drove up on a Friday night after school got out. It was a two-hour drive into the main city. Since summer was starting we could only find one hotel through almost the whole city. We checked in at midnight and went up to the room. We had four beds in the room and two of my friends, Jason and ted, crashed immediately. My other friend, Andy, and I stayed up talking for a...
We touched down in Leon around ten thirty local time and I immediately called Bianca. "Hola," Bianca said in Spanish. "Hello, am I speaking to the beautiful Marquesa Bianca?" I asked. "This is Bianca, is that you Michael?" she asked. "Yes it is," I replied. "Are you back home from your cruise?" "Yes, we returned Thursday and put Rachel and her mother on a flight back to the US yesterday evening," Bianca replied. "Where are you now?" "Oh, sitting in a plane at the airport...
It was the year 2001. 15-year-old Newt looked at himself in the mirror. He could see some of his mother Laverne’s African American features looking back, but also blue eyes and a lighter skin tone that must have come from his unknown father. He growled, angry. Why didn’t his mom ever tell him who his father was? Her insistence that she didn’t know didn’t make any sense! She said that Newt didn’t look like who she thought his father was, and she hadn’t been with any blue-eyed white boys. His...
Our first trip to the new adult theaterIt was the weekend and we were looking for something to do and sex was the answer! The k**s were visiting their grand parents for the whole weekend with the promise of going to Disneyland! There was new adult theater in the next town over so we decided to try it out. Not sure what we would find there mini movies , glory holes or a full theater. My wife put on a almost see thru summer dress that came up to her thighs and had buttons all the way up and sheer...
From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "Langdon Beech-Thorndyke III was 'a catch.' Mother and Father thought that he would be a perfect match for me. He was twenty three and I was fifteen. My parents hoped that we would become betrothed that summer and then a grandiose wedding would follow in three years after I turned eighteen. This was my sister's summer, though. Miranda would be married in August to a Vanderbilt cousin who she barely knew. The opulent affair...
I’ve always considered myself lucky to have been able to grow up in the same house with an imperfect, but stable, family. My parents have the types of careers that allow them to stay in one place. Dad owns an insurance agency in a suburb of Madison, Wisconsin, and Mom owns a beauty salon. I always felt bad for the kids in school who were uprooted every few years while their parents chased their nebulous corporate dreams.After I graduated from college I married a beautiful girl that I met there....
TabooI had been dating quite a few women in my adult life but till now I had not found my sexual pleasure. I was single and horny and willing to go all the way with a woman, sexually. But unfortunately, I had a quirk. I didn’t like the smell of a woman’s cum. Some would say it’s weird or be like you won’t smell it when you are having sex with her, but it would get to me. I tried and tried hard to ignore it, find a woman who “smelled†nice or even holding my breath during the act! When it all failed,...
FetishOn his way home from high school, he saw her pull in to their driveway, and his heart began to beat faster. At the entrance to the York’s secluded home, he stopped, half-hidden behind a large tree. She had parked in front of the garage. He watched her from behind as she began unloading the groceries, the grey pencil skirt rising up over her long legs as she bent into the trunk. “Can I help you, Mrs. York?” he called. She straightened and turned to face him. Her crisp white blouse showed the...
TeenSeries 3, Episode 12: Kaye It’s picture postcard, travelogue time again as we take in a montage of the historical town of York. The old wall that wraps around the city center, the train museum celebrating the earliest days of steam, and finally the Jorvik Viking Centre, a museum celebrating the historical attacks on the city by the Viking hordes from over the North Sea. We’re in the museum on the pretense of shooting a documentary about barbarians. We’re watching a slim woman, approaching...
This is how I could probably get in so much trouble but as Iv'e heard that so called little voice in my head saying "if it feels good... do it". I guess my sexual urges got the best of me. I'm a sexy little sissy fem slut that loves to suck cock and take a nice long hard cock deep in my ass... There I said it. In order for me to live out these urges I needed to find a platform for me experiment with. At first I would dress up sexy and parade around my neighborhood usually very late at night...
Journey Into A Special World My name is Hannah Stone. I've been a reporter for a newspaper for years. A couple of days ago I ran into an old sorority sister and good friend Linda Hart. It's been a few years since we last saw each other and we decided to do lunch together. At the beginning of lunch we had the usual light chat. Then we sort of got on the serious side of chat, when I asked Linda how her marriage to Bob was going. "Oh, Hannah I divorced that bastard years ago. He was...