Ashwini Aunty Ki Chudai
- 3 years ago
- 32
- 0
Uncle Bob was happy for me, but he wasn't as blown away by it all as I was. It took me a day or two to realize that when I moved in with Victoria, I wouldn't have access to him any more. Then I understood the look in his eye. Then the contract was delivered to me by this mousy man who said if I wanted to have my lawyer go over it, that was fine, but they needed it back in two days at the latest, because the biological mother had had some kind of contraction, and was getting close.
I cried when I read the part about living with Victoria, and touring with her. I was allowed one day off peer week, as long as I could express enough milk into bottles so that Angelina could be fed while I was gone.
But I'd be sleeping alone.
Uncle Bob asked me what was wrong. I told him, and he hugged me.
"We had a good time," he said into my hair. "But we knew it couldn't last forever. You have your whole life ahead of you and you're going to meet amazing and important people. You may even meet your new boyfriend."
"I don't want a new boyfriend," I moaned into his chest. "I like my current boyfriend."
"I'll always be your boyfriend," he laughed. "Just not your public boyfriend."
"Can I come see you sometimes?" I told him about my my days off.
"Yes, but with travel in there it's going to be rough. And I suspect your parents will want some of that time." he said.
"I'll tell them I only get a day off every two months," I sniffed.
He laughed again. "Don't you still need somebody to keep emptying your breasts?"
I looked up. "Yes," I said. "Do that now, please."
So he sucked me dry and then fucked me wet. And afterwards I cried some more, because I knew I was spoiled and would want this every day, but wasn't going to get it.
My folks freaked completely out when I told them what was going to happen. My dad thought I'd been taking drugs or something, and was hallucinating. I showed him the card for the doctor, with Victoria's number on it, and he said "That could be anybody's number."
There wasn't much I could do about it, though, so I made them write the number down, because in a week that was the only way they were going to be able to reach me. Then, a day later, one of Victoria's many go-fers brought me a cell phone and said for me to keep it on me at all times. I called Mom and gave her the number. They knew I was too poor to have my own cell phone. Mom had been trying to get me to move back home, in fact, because she was worried I wasn't eating right and so on and so forth.
Meanwhile, Uncle Bob nursed at my breasts every three hours, just like before. I know it sounds gross, but sometimes he'd suck and then kiss me and let my own milk dribble into my mouth while we kissed. It wasn't gross, though. It was delicious and I loved it as much as I loved sucking his prick and getting to drink his cum. I didn't do that all that often, though, because I knew I was going to have to go without his stiff dick in my pussy too, so I got it there as often as he could get it hard.
Exactly one week after I showed Victoria I could produce milk, I got a call from her telling me Angelina had been born, and that I could go to the hospital and begin feeding her. It was weird. The biological mother had not wanted to see her baby. Maybe that was because she didn't want to get attached to it. At least that's what I wanted to believe. But the nurses had been holding the baby so it got some human touch. When I got there they already knew who I was. They even had a picture of me that I didn't even know had been taken when I was at the gate of Victoria's house. They put me in a room with a comfortable chair and brought the baby there.
Because I was only eighteen, and because this was all new to me, I wasn't wearing a nursing bra. That would change quickly, because having a baby suckle at my breasts was completely different than having a grown man do it. First of all, she was adorable, so tiny and pink and perfect. My heart melted the second I saw her, and just seeing her made my milk come in in both breasts. So I leaked like crazy as I offered her Frick's nipple. She latched right on and took little gulps of milk, but she was finished long before she had emptied Frick. Meanwhile, Frack was spurting milk all over the place, and my T shirt was drenched. A nurse brought me a towel, and asked me the obvious questions, and we got into a very interesting discussion about what I was doing and why I was doing it. She wasn't judgmental about it, but she seemed shocked that I would just suspend my life to feed someone else's baby. I told her I was a little shocked by it too, and we both laughed.
Angelina had fallen asleep against my skin and they let me keep her for a while. Unfortunately, they weren't really set up to accommodate a wet nurse. A baby's mother was in a room, which meant she was available any time to feed. But they couldn't use up a room just for me. Instead, I had to leave and come back on pretty much the same schedule Uncle Bob and I had been on, every three hours, twenty-four hours a day. They did let me sleep in the feeding room during the night time hours, but it was only two nights and then Victoria showed up to claim the baby.
That's when the world found out that Victoria Anderson had adopted an infant.
It was insanity. Photographers were everywhere. Nobody knew how they found out. It was suspected that someone in the hospital system had sold the information. In any case, in the end, it was decided that I would take Angelina out as if she were my baby, and Victoria would take a rolled up towel inside another towel out. It wasn't above the press to jostle someone with a baby, just to get that exclusive picture of the baby's face, never mind that they might cause someone to drop the poor thing.
Victoria went out first, and the zoo followed her. I went out through the emergency room doors, where they had a car pick me up and whisk me away.
I ended up feeding Angelina in the car on the way to her new home.
Angelina was introduced to the world under carefully controlled circumstances, in a news conference in a part of Victoria's house that was designed just for that. Nobody ever thought to ask "Who's feeding the baby?" so my role in things never came up. Because I was with her so much, though, it wasn't long before pictures of me showed up in supermarket tabloids with headlines like "Mystery woman holds baby!" and "Who has Angelina?" Victoria brushed that off by calling me Victoria's nanny. It was one of those pictures in The Sun, by the way, that my mother saw at a supermarket checkout, and fainted at the sight of. That's when they decided to believe that I did, in fact, work for Victoria Anderson. She even called to apologize for doubting me.
I didn't tell my folks about my first day off. I took it on a Saturday, because that was the first day Victoria had to spend full time with her new daughter. I expressed twelve bottles of milk - the small ones - which was way more than she would drink. Dennis, the junior chauffer, offered to take me anywhere I wanted to go, so I had him take me to a particular hotel. I had already arranged for a room there for Uncle Bob and flown him in.
He was glad to see me.
I was more than glad to see him. We stayed in bed for three hours, and then got up to eat, and then went back to bed. It just felt natural now. I still thought of him as "Uncle Bob" but the meaning of "Uncle Bob" had changed rather significantly. Now "Uncle Bob" was still my friend, and buddy, but he also had roles as counselor and fuck buddy too. It was more than that, but I didn't want to waste time thinking about stuff. I just wanted him pinning me to the bed and giving me those glorious orgasms he was so good at.
I stayed all night, and got laid then too, but Dennis picked me up at five in the morning because Victoria had someplace she had to be at eight. So I went back to my new home and fed my new little best friend, and cuddled her. It was almost as nice as cuddling with Uncle Bob.
Victoria went on tour a month after she got Angelina. It had already been scheduled, and it was in England. I had to get a passport and some shots, but other than that all I had to worry about was taking care of Angelina. When the plane took off, she started crying. Victoria had her own chartered plane, with her own chartered flight attendants, one of which suggested I feed Angelina, since swallowing was the best way to equalize the pressure in her ears. It was the first time I nursed her in public. I wasn't prepared - I hadn't brought a towel or anything to cover up with - so I just acted like it was no big deal. In fact, Angelina covered everything up until she needed to change sides. So my nipple was exposed to "the guys" for a few seconds as we changed over. It wasn't so bad. Eventually I tried nursing with a towel, but it felt funny then, so after that I didn't bother. I didn't nurse her all that often in public anyway, mostly on the plane, and I already knew everybody by then.
Speaking of knowing everybody, just about every male who worked for her (and didn't have his girlfriend or wife along) made a play for me at one point or another. It did wonders for my self-esteem. But I told them I already had a man ... which I did ... even if they never saw him. Dennis had seen him, and knew him as "Bob" but that was all. Then there was Charlie. Charlie was this great, big, muscular black guy who was Angelina's bodyguard. It was hilarious, because he was tough as nails, and would happily take a bullet for the baby ... but he wouldn't hold her for any reason. I asked him to hold her while I did something one time, and he flat refused. He said "I don't hold babies." and that was that. I teased him about it mercilessly. He'd make faces at her and talk baby talk to her, but he would not pick her up. He also wouldn't change diapers. Her dirty diapers horrified him. He stuck to me like glue while Victoria was on tour. It almost felt like he was my bodyguard, except that when Victoria came to get Angelina and spend time with her, he left me and went with her. Wherever Angelina was, that was where Charlie was.
The tour lasted six weeks and then we flew back home. She rested a week and went out for another six weeks, this time to Australia and New Zealand. Accommodations on that trip were slightly different. We stayed in hotels, but they were older and smaller. Melody, who took care of Victoria's correspondence, had to bunk with Angelina and me, though she didn't mind. Angelina was a well behaved baby, and I had nothing better to do than play with her most of the time anyway, so we kept each other busy and she didn't cry all that much.
It was when Melody asked me if I had any extra tampons that I realized I hadn't had a period since I started lactating.
"I guess I don't have periods since I'm breastfeeding," I said.
"You guess?" she asked skeptically.
"Well I haven't had one since I started," I said.
"Oh," she said. She was one of the many who assumed that, because she never saw me with a man, I didn't have one.
And that was the last I thought of it, until I went to put on a pair of shorts one day to take Angelina out for a run in her stroller. Charlie ran with me and, seeing as how he was at least a foot taller than I was, had no trouble at all keeping up with me. But my shorts were too tight ... uncomfortably tight. I took them off and examined them. They had been sent out to the laundry, along with everything our group generated, and I thought they'd shrunk or something. Then I turned sideways and looked in the mirror.
I was getting fat!
I got a different pair of shorts. They were snug too, but not uncomfortably so. Charlie was outside my room, waiting for me. He had on a sweatband. It was hot in Australia.
"We're going an extra mile," I said. "I'm getting fat."
"No you're not," he said.
"Yes I am," I argued.
"You're in the best shape of any woman I know," he scoffed. He was around me all the time on these overseas trips.
"Well my clothes are getting too tight," I said. "Is your stuff coming back from the laundry shrunk up?"
"Nope," he said.
I pulled my T shirt tight over my abdomen. "See? Fat!"
"You don't look fat," he said. "You look like my sister did when she was about two months pregnant."
"Pregnant!" I laughed.
"I'm just saying," he said. As far as he knew I didn't have a man either. "Has Dennis been messing with you? 'Cause if he has I'll beat his ass." He also knew that, besides him, the only man in Victoria's employ that I spent any time with at all was Dennis. He took care of getting all the junior employees where they needed to go.
"No, Dennis has not been messing around with me," I said sternly. "He's a nice guy. Like you."
"Shit," he said. "Don't tell my girlfriend. That's the kiss of death." He grinned.
Then we went on our run. We did an extra mile, which Angelina loved. She laughed and burbled as we hit bumps in the road. I guess they don't have jogging carriages in Australia. We sure got a lot of stares as we ran.
It took me until the middle of the tour to figure out that I was, in fact, pregnant. Uncle Bob had knocked me up good and proper while he was getting my breasts to lactate. I couldn't believe that a girl could get pregnant in just a week - the first week she even had sex! But some of my other clothes were ill fitting too, and I finally went to see Nurse Nancy, who was a very nice woman in her fifties who went on the tour with us. She was an RN who knew more about medicine than most doctors in their residency stage.
"Is it possible for me to be pregnant?" I asked.
"Have you had sex?" she asked back.
"Yes, but not much," I said.
She knew who I was. She had a file on everybody. But I'd never actually been to see her before. I hardly ever got sick. "When was your last period?" she asked.
"Before I forced myself to lactate," I said. "I thought lactating women didn't have periods."
"A lot of lactating mothers don't," she said. "I never thought to ask about surrogates. Interesting." She went to her case of supplies and rummaged through it. She came out with a home pregnancy test and handed it to me. "You can use my bathroom," she said.
I followed the instructions and took it out and gave it to her. She read the box and then laid it down and put the probe on top of it. She turned back to me.
"It has to sit for a few. Have you had any morning sickness?"
I shook my head.
"Any swelling in your breasts?" She looked startled. "Sorry. I forgot. Never mind. Okay ... how about cravings for particular foods?"
"We've been overseas," I said. "I mostly crave the foods I'm used to, but can't get, you know?"
She nodded. "Tired lately?"
She went back to the test and picked it up. She looked at me.
"It's positive."
You know that dizziness she asked me about? It showed up.
Nancy got me in to see a real doctor and he pronounced me three and a half months pregnant. He wanted to give me a whole bunch of vitamins, but I had to explain about Angelina. He was surprised, but he had a pamphlet on diet and exercise. My diet was pretty good already, because of Angelina, and I was in better shape than I'd ever been before, so he said not to worry about it, but to get on board with prenatal care once I got back to the states.
I didn't know what to do. I was going to have a baby about nine months into my contract. I wasn't worried about having enough milk for both of them. I routinely expressed several ounces just to let the pressure off. It was at times like that that I missed Uncle Bob the most, because I knew he'd love to be doing that for me. Not to mention I loved having him do it.
I had been spending a lot of time with Victoria. She wanted to take care of Angelina as much as possible, but of course for feeding purposes she brought her to me. Quite often she'd stay and chat while I fed the baby and then take her back to go off and do things. It was during one of those sessions, early in the morning, that I told Victoria I was pregnant.
"That's wonderful!" she said. Then she frowned. "Isn't it?"
"It's not so great," I said. "That wasn't part of the deal."
She looked surprised. "Surely you don't blame me for this."
"Of course not," I said. "That's not what I meant. What I meant was that you didn't intend to get a fat, pregnant woman waddling around chasing your little girl."
"Is that what you're worried about?" She waved a hand. "I know how you treat my daughter. People tell me things, you know. I know what good hands she's in. As far as Charlie is concerned, the sun rises and sets on you."
"He just likes watching me breastfeed," I said. Charlie was around almost all the time, and I didn't pay any attention to him any more when it was time to feed. I just popped out a breast and let her suck.
"He admitted that," she said, smiling. "Because of you, he's trying to get his girlfriend to marry him and get pregnant, whichever comes first."
"Oh my!" I said.
"You may as well have the baby on my dime," said Victoria. "You're on the company health plan already, so you're covered." She frowned again. "Unless you don't want the baby."
"I'm still not used to the idea that I'm going to have a baby!" I moaned. "I don't know how to feel."
"How do you feel about the father?" she asked. "How come I've never met the father?" She looked surprised. "Have I met the father?"
I knew she was thinking it was somebody in the company, so I shook my head.
"I love the father ... but there are complications."
"He's married," she said, sounding sad.
I didn't know what to say. I wasn't prepared for this. "Something like that," I finally said.
"Foolish girl," she chided me. "Does he know yet?"
I shook my head.
"When are you going to tell him?"
"I don't know if I should tell him," I said.
"Of course you should tell him!" she yelled. Angelina jumped and stopped sucking, disturbed by the yell.
"If I tell him he's going to want to do the right thing," I said.
"Of course he should do the right thing!" she whispered loudly.
"You don't understand!" I whined. "It's complicated."
"All I know is you don't deserve to go through this alone. That's what happened to Angelina's birth mother. Some asshole knocked her up and then disappeared. Her parents threw her out and she didn't know what to do."
"He wouldn't do that," I said. "He loves me."
"Famous last words," she said. "Well, you can worry about that when we get back. For now, just know that this makes no difference to me. We'll take good care of you while you get all fat. I wanted to watch Angelina grow in the womb, but I couldn't. Maybe I can watch yours get big?"
I laughed a nervous laugh. "Nobody ever asked me if they could watch my belly swell up," I said.
She grinned. "And you give me the word and Charlie will go get this guy, wherever he is, and drag him to face you, kicking and screaming, if necessary."
That image horrified me. I shook my head. "Won't be necessary," I said. "I'll tell him when we get back from this tour."
"All right, then," said my boss, the world famous singer. "Is she finished yet? What a greedy little thing she is!"
By the time we got back from New Zealand, I was four months pregnant. I could still cover it up by wearing loose clothing, but I knew if I went to see Uncle Bob that I wouldn't be wearing any clothing if he had his way. And I really had no idea how he'd react when he found out. He had called me twice a week while we were on tour, both in England and this one, but the times change was weird, so we didn't talk all that long. So he was expecting me to take a day off as soon as we got back. I decided to just get it over with, and asked for three days off after we got back off. It was approved.
I took a flight, and then a cab to get to his house.
I pushed the doorbell button, and Uncle Bob let me in. I had called him to tell him I was coming. The first words out of his mouth were "What's wrong?"
"What makes you think something is wrong?" I asked, feeling sick to my stomach.
"You rang the bell, for one thing," he said. "And you look like you just lost your last friend."
I just pulled up my shirt and showed him my gently swelling belly.
"I have this problem," I said.
He stared. He stared for a long time. I was about to turn around and leave when his hands came out and gently clasped my waist. His thumbs were on my belly, and he smoothed them both up and down, like short windshield wipers.
"How long?" he asked.
"I probably got pregnant the first time I made you have sex with me," I said.
"You didn't make me have sex with you," he said.
"I insisted," I insisted.
"How unhappy would you be if I wanted to jump up and down and shout for joy?" he asked.
"What?" I blinked several times.
"How mad would you get if I was happy about this?"
"You're happy about this?" My voice sounded like I was in the sixth grade.
He lifted my chin and kissed my lips gently. Then, staring into my eyes, he said:
"Sweetheart, I've had a fantasy about fucking you pregnant since you were fourteen."
I was crying - tears of relief - so he ran the big bathtub full of warm water and got in it with me. He had me lay back against him, and his hands held my belly. It was so lovely.
"What are we going to tell Mom and Dad?" I asked.
"I actually have an idea about that," he said. "You may yell at me, but believe it or not, I've thought of this eventuality before."
"Are you saying you tried to get me pregnant?" I asked, tensing up.
"No. I thought you were on the pill. You were, right?"
"No, they inhibit lactation. The instructions I had said specifically not to take them."
"It would have been nice to share that with me," he said. I tensed again, and he added "But I'm glad you didn't."
"How can you be glad?" I moaned.
"Let me explain," he said. "Then you can scream at me, or decide to try my nefarious plan."
"You have a nefarious plan?"
"To get you ... for myself ... maybe forever?" His hands smoothed all over my belly. "You bet your sweet ass I do, sweetheart."
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Hey folks, it took a while to pen down my experience. Busy office schedule, appointments, travel had kept me busy. Check the author page for my other experiences submitted on ISS. This experience is penned by both Ashwini and myself. Happy reading. Feedbacks, appreciations, depreciations welcome at It was a cold day during the winter season, I wanted something hot. Not hot food or hot drinks. I was all alone at home. On such days when your partner is not around, it is very tough. I called my...
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(AdProvider = window.AdProvider || []).push({"serve": {}}); “So, tomorrow is your first day! We’re proud of you. How do you feel about it?” “Daddy, I feel great. It’s like I’ve got a new start, a chance to really do good.” “How do you feel about Darwin being an all girls’ school?” “Pretty good. Boys waste class time, like showing off and stuff. I think it’ll be more serious with all girls.” “Where’s...
"Winning is So Sweet" by Carousel Susan En~Rose copyright 2009 by Carousel Susan En~Rose / Girls With Big Eyes, LLC Carousel's short story is written in the "Shoujo Manga*" style of storytelling. "Winning is So Sweet" shares the First Place Gold Medal for the Reader's Choice Award at the 2009 Girltalk Creative SF Writing Contest. SYNOPSIS---Twelve year old Darla D'nell Ryan never expected such excitement to happen when she introduced a new game, a...
"Good morning Mom, isn't it a beautiful day?" Mom was at the stove turning with her ever present smile. "Good morning dear, it's easy to see your happy in not going back to that school" Both of us chuckled with Dad coming in the kitchen. "I thoiught you would have slept in to-day" smiling at me "She's overjoyed" Mom said serving Dad first "that school in finally finished. "Ah!" Dad smiled "So what kind of a summer job are you looking for?" taking a bite of his...
Wingman (Based on John Tucker Must Die) Kate Spencer, a long-haired blond girl, sat in the stands for her university basketball game as star player John Tucker made the winning basket. He was fairly tall, had an athletic body, short brown hair, pale complexion, and was often compared to as a Greek god. He also had that winning smile. After the game, John was interviewed by a school reporter, Carrie Schaeffer, a short-haired blond. John casually put his hand around her flirtatious...
TWINK NIGHT AT THE BATHHOUSE This is a (mostly) true story that happened on Tuesday, June 5, 2018. And I loved every second of it! So it turns out every Tuesday is Twink Night at the Seattle Steamworks bathhouse. Guys under the age of 25 get in free. I had never been to the place on a Tuesday figuring the whole twink promotion was probably a scam to get people my age in to see hot young guys who probably never actually showed up.But a few Tuesdays ago I had an evening free and I was horny as...
It was a damaging time for both of us and Terry and I bickered and rowed. We had never had any arguments before. Lovemaking dropped off to once a month, then stopped altogether. We had a final row, both saying upsetting things to each other that should have remained unsaid. My beautiful butterfly declared I had become a pathetic parasite hanging onto her cosmic coat tails, that I meant less than nothing to her any more and so I stormed out, vowing never to return. I said a few things I...
Cool crisp air filled the room as Kyle opened the window. There was a distant sound of birds chirping. To him, they sounded as a big brass band. The flowers were beginning to bloom, showing off their vibrant colors. Spring had finally filled come and admiring it was a great way to spend the morning. A fantastic morning was a good way to ensure a fantastic evening. Kyle was expecting an evening of spectacular adventures. Not long ago his friend of many months and moon phases, Jed, had informed...
Terry was exhausted, 16 hours later. Our third child, Jake, short for Jacob Henry Donaldson, the young challenger in the blue corner, who weighed in at 8lbs 12ozs, had completed his very first feed and had just been wheeled off to the baby care unit for a few short hours while his mother and I rested from the ordeal. We were alone for a few moments. Enough time to settle Terry down before I scooted home for a shower and a couple of hours sleep. Then collect our other two kids and...
I am counting the days until I win the lottery. Any day now, I will hit the lottery. ‘What’s the number? Does anyone know what the lottery number was last night?’ I’ve been playing the same loser lottery number now for more than 25 years, ever since the stupid thing started. Over the years, I’ve won a few dozen free bets, I won $10.00 a few times, and, once, I one $100.00. I deduced from my losing percentage in lottery winnings that I am not lucky in that regard. My luck, thankfully, comes in...
Winnie The Pooh Panties I have watched Charlotte, the adorable girl across the street grow up for a number of years. Our children are all grown up, married, and living on there own elsewhere. I see Charlotte almost every day going to school, coming home, and playing around the neighborhood in the evenings. As far as actual contact and speaking to one another, that is few and far in between. Once or maybe even twice a year she will bring over a brochure of items that she is selling...
Emmeline stood up abruptly. Her heels cli-click cli-clicked across the polished black granite floor, echoes emphasizing the emptiness of the cavernous lobby. Alex watched her hips snap with every step, her movements those of an uneasy predator. The shredded sheen of her stockings betrayed a harrowing night of tested limits. Reflections of halogen spotlights slithered over the perfect gloss of her blood-red coat like sparks in a flame. Alex wondered how much longer her flame could burn so...
Emmeline felt the panicked chill of sudden despair. This was a nightmare made real. Granddad had made it here after all, but the beast had beaten her so quickly that he'd had to face it without her, and he'd managed to get it bound, but now the bindings were failing and she didn't know what to do and Granddad wasn't moving and there was so much blood... Alex still had her arm over his shoulders; he pulled her forward. "Come on, Em, we've gotta go." He was right; all they could do now...
[Authors note: This story has a dual ending. You can read through the whole story, pick your preference or if you’re feeling adventurous, grab a quarter and play along. Each outcome starts at either “*** I Won!” or “*** I Lost!”. Enjoy.] My wife has the most incredible ass. Firm, round, with just enough padding to make it wiggle when she walks but splays open enough to show me her tight little pucker when she’s bent over. I’ve been trying to slip my cock in that entrance since our honeymoon....
[Authors note: This story has a dual ending. You can read through the whole story, pick your preference or if you’re feeling adventurous, grab a quarter and play along. Each outcome starts at either “*** I Won!” or “*** I Lost!”. Enjoy.] My wife has the most incredible ass. Firm, round, with just enough padding to make it wiggle when she walks but splays open enough to show me her tight little pucker when she’s bent over. I’ve been trying to slip my cock in that entrance since our honeymoon....
[Authors note: This story has a dual ending. You can read through the whole story, pick your preference or if you’re feeling adventurous, grab a quarter and play along. Each outcome starts at either “*** I Won!” or “*** I Lost!”. Enjoy.]My wife has the most incredible ass. Firm, round, with just enough padding to make it wiggle when she walks but splays open enough to show me her tight little pucker when she’s bent over. I’ve been trying to slip my cock in that entrance since our honeymoon. She...
It never fails to make me angry. Men from the US come over here and think just because they have money, they can take what they want from our culture and go away happy. Well I have a surprise for them My family has been in the slave trade for years now and I have not wanted any part of it. Our women here in the Orient are undervalued and sometimes sold off by their families to our family to do with them as we please. Many go into factories where they produce products for Americans and...
A wide smile decorated Jessica's face as she looked out the window of her hotel room, drinking in the sight of the ocean, and the beach.She could hardly believe that she was here, the hazy reflection of her red curls and green eyes staring back at her in the window. Nobody in the office had ever won a top safety prize in all of the drawings since she'd started at the warehouse. The free week of vacation and the all-inclusive resort were a dream come true.A summer vacation with all the...
Crystal touched crystal in threesome, adding to the sparse but happy din of the deck at our second favorite winery.“A toast to friends,” I inserted and Tina and the freshly seated Daniel repeated.The sun shone, the air was an agreeable temperature, Tina was comfortable in one of her thin cotton dresses that accentuated her bubble butt. We talked about normal things and our tentative plans for the afternoon if all worked out and we had already consumed a bottle by the time her long-awaited...
SwingersPulling up Swinger Zone Central in my browser, I was greeted by a sexy babe in red lingerie, the text imploring me to “Find the hottest people in your area.” Ah, another adult hookup site. Seeking out the local thots is always on my mind when I’m not cranking off to or filming porn, so I was certainly intrigued by the premise. The thing is, though, I’ve seen plenty of hookup sites, and they don’t always have the action I’m looking for. So what makes this one any better than the competition?I’ve...
Hookup SitesCamila thrust her hips furiously grinding down onto John’s jutting hard cock. Her tight young pussy began to throb and burn with raging unbridled desires. She was so close to release. John sensed his wife’s impending orgasm and did what she liked best; he pressed her nipples. The pressure on Camila’s rubbery erect nipple acted like a “start button”. The young woman felt a flush of intense heat sweep across her athletic body consuming her in a firestorm of lust. She whimpered and yelped before a...
Wife LoversWhen I rang our apartment’s door bell that Friday night, she answered the door with a smile and looked better than I had ever seen her. While I had lost weight, was pale and drawn, my ancient somewhat crumpled tuxedo, despite Mum’s best ironing efforts, was very loose-fitting and hanging off my shoulders, she looked amazing and was dressed to kill in a new sparkly black dress, cut strikingly low at the top and hitched mouth-wateringly high at the hem, with sheer black stockings and glossy...
So I had given my little spy twink what he wanted, and he wanted more! I had caught him looking through my basement window while I was stroking and brought him inside to choke him with my Cock and feed on his young Cum. He did not disappoint and after getting his tight ass fingerbanged while I sucked him off, he was in desperate need to have my thick shaft buried deep inside him as well! He had already fed on my hot nectar and having my seed pulsing into his tight little ass is a gift that will...
It was the summer of 2001. Kelly had been miserable for months. Her work life had been slowly deteriorating for a couple of years. As it seems is always the case, a good boss had left and the new one was an idiot. I had finally convinced her that it was okay to resign without a new job lined up. She’d worked since she was a young teenager, we were doing fine, and I hated to see her so miserable.She spent that spring cleaning every nook and cranny she could find in the house. By the time summer...
MatureI stood looking at her teach in the classroom as I sat at my desk. Her perky lips moved as did her nicely sized boobs as she maneuvered. My panties got wet again as deep breaths were taken in. Admiration had a lot to do with my attraction and getting over my crush wasn't an option. A few years before, I sat in one those student chairs in her math class. Even as I hated the subject, I always arrived in the classroom as an anxious woman. Two years after I graduated from high school, I came back...
TabooWinning backstage pass for Evanescence.Kita is reading the newspaper on a Friday morning in may, when she notice a prize-question for winning backstage pass for Evanescence next month on the pinkpop festival. She tells Dan about it and Dan answers back if she knows the answer?Kita has to take a chance with it, maybe she is lucky and wins the prize. She cuts the article out the newspaper,soo on her work she can email the answer to the newspaper. She gets back from work and keeps saying all...
Winning backstage pass for Evanescence.Kita is reading the newspaper on a Friday morning in may, when she notice a prize-question for winning backstage pass for Evanescence next month on the pinkpop festival. She tells Dan about it and Dan answers back if she knows the answer?Kita has to take a chance with it, maybe she is lucky and wins the prize. She cuts the article out the newspaper,soo on her work she can email the answer to the newspaper. She gets back from work and keeps saying all...
"You're the one who said you were getting bored and wanted to spice things up," Floyd grumbled. "I didn’t think you'd suggest a swinger's club," Melanie chuckled. "You used to say you loved me so much and that you'd never let another man have me." "Well I've separated love from sex in my mind now. If you aren’t satisfied with just me then we can just collectively swing. It's better than lying and cheating, isn’t it?" Floyd sounded tired. He was not really looking forward to...
© February 2002 As I sank the eight ball and won the third frame in a row, I felt a hot flush of pleasure course over me and not just because I'd simply won the match. Sitting at the bar was a rather pretty local lady - she'd been the object of the 'winner take all' bet - and I'd just won! It had started earlier in the evening. I don't shoot pool all that often - after all I'm a Brit; our game, on a table that is, is snooker. Bigger table, ball, cues and more balls, but I'd...
I am an older bi-sexual man who likes to be fucked roughly. Problem is the typical guy who fucks me is a one and done deal. In my times I have fucked a few twinks. Typically it was give and get but most preferred to be fucked. This recently changed. One of my best friend's girlfriend was upset. Her son announced on his 18th birthday that he was gay! She was talking to me not knowing I am bi but she knew her son enjoyed it when I did work around her house as we would talk. I didn't tell her that...
Swingers, we thought, were nasty. That is, until we ourselves became swingers. Our story like many stories starts with a marriage of 19 years. My wife Nancy and I enjoyed sex, but it had become predictable, not spontaneous, somewhat boring!Then we started considering becoming swingers, but not quickly and not all at once.We used to have fantasies of having sex with other couples while we would have sex. I would tell my wife that she was being fucked by another man as I was fucking her in her...
WINNERS AND LOSERS by Throne I'm a man in his early 30s, with an attractive wife and enough money that I'll never have to worry about anything as mundane as a paycheck. My bride Laurie is several years younger than me and quite a beauty. I have the time and money to indulge my hobbies, which include collecting antique art prints, fine dining, and the occasional concert of light classical music. But I also have another avocation, which is a longstanding and deeply ingrained interest...
I was alone, sitting in my Cock Temple performing my daily worship ritual, when I felt like I was being watched. For the past several days I had that feeling of being spied on, but I couldn't figure out why. This time I heard something at the little window of my basement but continued in my worship pretending not to have noticed. After a little while I got up and walked out of view of the window, then quickly snuck outside to see who was there.Still totally nude, I snuck around the corner of...
Ever wonder what winning the lottery might be like? Not just the paltry $1million dollar stuff but a really big Powerball hundreds of millions of dollars one. Well, I did and this is my story. I led a fairly normal life. At least for a practicing cross dresser with a bent for some submissive play now and again. I had visited many Mistresses in several dungeons in five or six states. The first session with each was always the best because of the unknown. What would this dominant do...
You first have to understand that the five of us have been friends for years. Troy and Austin and been in my platoon on the police department for more years than I care to count. It use to be the six of us but my wife had decided, last year, that she wanted to go "find herself". sad thing was I did not know she was lost! Now Troy is married to Alice and Austin is married to Linda. Let me tell you about them. Alice is short, maybe 5'-0" tall if that. She has black hair and brown eyes that remind...
BisexualMowing Mrs. Peterson's Lawn By billy69boyMy neighbor, Mrs. Peterson, lived down the block from me in a small house that had a secluded backyard. One summer she hired me to keep her lawn mown, as her husband was going to be away for most of the season. She was a very sweet person and always seemed cheerful, despite being on her own for long stretches of time while her husband flew all over the world as some sort of sales rep. She told me her cats kept her company and besides, she was a...
Reddit Swingers, aka r/Swingers! Swinging is not for everyone, and you fucking know it. But the fact that you are here reading this tells me you wouldn't mind getting down with any kind of swinger, cuckold, or hotwife situation. I don't know how you freaks pull it off. I mean, it takes an extremely fucked up individual to swap partners, don't you think? Well, that is if you have a partner that is down for that shit to start with. Some of you motherfuckers don't realize how fucking lucky you...
Reddit NSFW ListEvery week, since I turned 21 ten weeks ago, I started to buy a single lottery ticket from the same market between my apartment and where my folks lived. The numbers I'd always played were one of the last two digits of the year everybody in our family was born — there's my Dad, Jerry — born in '61 — Mom, Ruth — born in '65 — Me, Richard — born in '91 and my sister, Susan — born in '94! The final two numbers were my age, 21 and Susan's age, 18. We're all natural blonds and blue — eyed....
The smell of baking bread wafted from the kitchen into the living room and over to the front door as I came home. I love the smell of fresh- baked bread. Wally knows it, which is why he made baking his new hobby ever since he gave up on finding a new job. I put down my purse and drifted into the kitchen, clicking my tongue. "Wally, we've still got three rolls left from the last batch!" I gestured to the basket sitting on the counter that held three breads that resembled fat hot dog...