Military Training with the Big Bar Maid
- 3 years ago
- 23
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Clarification:- Ginormous = extremely large.
As I lay resting, I realised that it wasn't only the money that I was there for. There was Kylie to add into the equation. No, not the Minerva who'd coldly greeted me at lunch that day. The Kylie I'd walked on the cliffs, swam in the sea and lain on those rocks with out by the headland of the bay below the Cliff Head Hotel. The young woman I'd found myself falling in love with, in such a short time.
You see that was the question that had forever been going around in my head. Who was she, was she Kylie I'd met, or was she Lady Minerva who I had sat and ate opposite earlier that day?
The Lady Minerva who showed no sign of embarrassment when she'd seen me enter the room. Not even the slightest flush ... considering what we'd done together by those rocks on the beach. Not that we'd seriously over stepped the mark, but we had ... yeah well, those private moments are for Kylie and me to know about, not all and sundry.
But I really couldn't understand the look in Kylie's eyes. Come on we'd gazed into each others eyes and I'd seen how they looked from across the Palm Court at the Cliff Head ... Something was wrong!
Suddenly I found that I was sitting bolt upright, and Bernie was staring back at me with curiosity in his eyes.
"Bernie, I need to speak to her alone ... in private!"
"Who?" he asked.
"Kylie ... Lady Minerva! I need to get her alone somewhere, where we can talk. I have to know why she vanished on me."
"Sorry?" Bernie asked.
Although he was aware that Lady Minerva and I had met in the past. Bernie had no intimate knowledge of the circumstances of our previous meeting; well I didn't think he had at the time. I briefly filled him in.
"And, she married that slimy Fabian character?" He said as I finished. It wasn't so much a question, as a comment.
"Yeah, you can say that again!"
"Yeah bugger, alright ... and I have to find out why. What was she doing, playing with my emotions or..."
"Bugger ... I'm sorry mate; but aren't we jumping the gun a bit. You know, she could be in on this attempted murder lark, with her uncle."
"That's something else I have to find out Bernie. Is she a pawn in this game, or is she one of the players?"
"Shouldn't we talk to John about it first?"
It was comforting to hear Bernie saying 'we' instead of 'you'. It appeared that he and I had bonded a little in the short time I'd known him.
"Probably I should, but I don't think he will go for the idea. Bernie, I'm not really here for financial gain you know. I think I'm here to find out..."
"You don't have to say it lad; it is written all over your face whenever someone mentions the lady. Hey, I ain't the dumb thick cluck, everyone takes me for most of the time!"
"Bernie, a tough looking bugger, you might be, but you definitely aren't dumb. Christ mate, you're one of the best actors I've ever met in my life; you should be on the telly.
"And my kids would never live it down at school. Besides I don't think actors get paid the kind of dough I get my hands on.
"Lets leave that side of your life out of it for now, Bernie. Now we've got to work-out how I can get Kylie alone somewhere."
"I'll do some reconnoitring Gil. You keep this door locked while I'm gone." Bernie said, and then he was gone.
I spent the next twenty minutes or so, going over Kylie's and my lunchtime meeting again in my mind; if you could call it a meeting? We'd barely said two words to each other, but there was something wrong about it; exactly what, I couldn't get my head around. Or maybe bring to the fore of my mind.
"Well, guess who's shown up again..." Bernie said when he reappeared, "William Burgess. It looks like this Clay Shooting party this afternoon, is all his idea."
"What a surprise!" I commented.
"Yeah, but he's delaying things, the staff are out there with all the gear set up. Maybe he's waiting for you to show, you know ... the main attraction. So's he can invite you along."
"Going to be disappointed then ain't 'e! I've never handled a shotgun in my life, and I ain't about to start now. Who else is..."
"Well, it looks like Fabian's going. He's all dressed-up for the part, anyway."
"And Kylie?"
"No I don't think so. She's in the drawing room, chatting with a couple of old biddies ... or rather attempting not too; she doesn't look too enamoured with the conversation anyway.
Whatever, I don't think those heels she's wearing, are suitable for a walk in the grounds, if you understand me? Or, that short dress, come to that. Mind you it shows those legs of hers off, quite nicely. But not the sort of thing for going shooting in; it's still quite cold and wet out there on the grass."
At that instant there was a rap of the door. After glancing from the door back to me again, Bernie straightened his tie, checked his jacket – he was really taking the gentleman's gentleman thing seriously – then he went over and opened the door, very formally.
"Gilroy, my boy. They told me you were here; how nice to see you again." William Burgess said as he came charging into the room.
"Good afternoon, Mr Burgess..." was as much as I got out, before he went on.
"William, please Gilroy. I had no idea that you and Tanya were acquainted the last time we met. Had you known her long?"
"Long enough ... William. Only I think I would say that Tanya knew me, far better than I ever knew her."
I could see that that answer confused Burgess a little, but he very quickly recovered his poise and went on.
"We are going to have a little fun shooting some clays this afternoon, Gilroy, and I was wondering whether you'd like to join us. You know ... get to know some more of the family. It seems that none of them have met you before."
"No, Lady Simpson and my relationship was ... well, a sort of business relationship really; not so much a social one. This is the first time I've ever visited the Hall."
Once again, just for an instant, Burgess looked confused. But it was only for a fleeting moment.
"Well happily there's plenty to do here, to keep one occupied until the...
"Mr Burgess, I'm here to attend Lady Simpson's funeral, not enjoy myself. I don't find anything to be happy about, in her demise. I definitely will not be shooting today or any other day; I've never handled a shotgun in my life. And, I doubt that I'll be doing much else than, bemoaning the loss of very good friend, and a very fine lady."
"Oh Tanya, wouldn't mind Gilroy, she always was a fun loving woman. A little bohemian for some peoples tastes sometimes, I'll grant you; but she knew how to have a good time, you know!"
"Well that's not me, Mr Burgess; I take her departure from this world very seriously. I nearly lost my life a few years back in a motoring accident ... that was a bit of a wake-up call for me."
There was just the hint of a flinch in Burgess's expression, when I referred to my accident. Not much, but maybe just enough, to confirm to me that it really hadn't been an accident ... and that Burgess could well have been behind it.
"So I can't talk you into joining us, then?"
"No thank you, William! But, I do thank-you for inviting me. Will we see you at dinner this evening?"
"Yes, I think so."
"And your niece."
"Oh yes, Minerva and Fabian will be there; they are in residence here at the Hall."
"But you aren't?" I asked as casually as I could manage. I was wondering what excuse he'd give for not being in residence.
"No, when I visited Tanya, I've always stayed at a nearby hotel; it has far better communications for my business interests. Besides, I always have a little group of dedicated staff from some my companies with me, as you will no-doubt remember. I need to be available to them all the time, well most of the day, anyway. There's far too many of them for them to all stay here."
I somehow doubted that, because Tarrent Hall looked bleeding ginormous to me. But it was possible that all of the rooms weren't in a habitable condition anymore. So many of those great family houses aren't what they should be, if you understand me.
As quickly as he'd come Burgess was gone again and that left Bernie and I staring at each other. We didn't speak, we didn't have too, Burgess's arrival at my room and his invitation to join the shooting party, confirmed everything we'd suspected.
Bernie made another foray to ascertain that the clay pigeon party had left the house, and to locate Kylie again. She hadn't moved far, and from Spooner, Bernie had learnt that she seemed to be ... Well, as Spooner put it to Bernie.
"She looks like she's trying to be seen, but not heard. I think the death of her aunt has upset her more than anyone; I think she just wants to be left alone."
"That doesn't make much sense. Why not hide in her room, if she wants to be alone?" I asked. Not that Bernie knew the answer to that question; but he did agree with me.
We sneaked back downstairs again and I once again took up residence in the library. The one or two relatives in there, vacating the room very smartly, after cursorily passing the time of day with me.
Not everyone's favourite house guest, am I?" I commented to Bernie once they'd gone.
"Are you surprised?" He winked back at me.
Then he headed off in search of Lady Minerva. Somewhat surprising me, a couple of minutes later Spooner appeared and showed Lady Minerva into the room. To say she looked a little bewildered, would be putting it mildly.
"Oh I'm sorry, Mr Spooner told me that Mr Mackintosh was in here and he needed to speak to me." She explained.
"He probably does, Kylie ... But I wish to speak to you, in private myself."
There it was, what I had been looking for, I think. An instant of ... I'm not sure what to call it ... nonplussment, I wonder if that's even a word. But there it was, at the mention of name Kylie, Lady Minerva had looked flummoxed, maybe confused, just for an instant.
Just long enough for me to believe that she was not used to being referred to as Kylie, or maybe she was not sure how she was supposed to react. But she did recover quite quickly.
"Kylie, oh my Mr ja ... Gilroy, I haven't been known as Kylie, since I was at school."
"You were Kylie to me, Kylie ... but can you recall what you called me?"
She seemed to hesitate just for a moment too long, before she replied.
"Of course! You like to be known by your initials GJ." She grinned.
"You are sure about that, Kylie?" I enquired.
"Oh yes GJ, you were adamant about it when we met at the Cliff Head Hotel."
"Good, now that only leaves me with one more question?"
"GJ, I'm sorry, but think that ... Well maybe you read a little more into our brief encounter at the Cliff Head than I had intended. I'm so terribly sorry, if you got the wrong idea."
"Oh no, Lady Minerva, I'm sure that I didn't get the wrong idea. I think I understand perfectly well now ... actually. Too well, I fear!"
"That's a relief, I have not been looking forward to this encounter. It's so easy for people to get..." but that was as far as I let her get.
"No, I'm sure you weren't, and I really can understand your ... reticence to run into me." I was choosing my words carefully. "Why do you think that is young lady? Were you worried that your briefing had not been good enough?"
"Look young woman, I don't know who you are. But there's one thing I do know for bloody sure, and that is that you are not Kylie!"
"What are you talking about? Of course I'm her!"
"Ah now, mistake number three ... or maybe it was number four. God, your act's been so bad that I haven't been able to keep track half the time. But one thing that I'll stake my life on, girl ... is that you are not Lady Minerva. Well not, the Lady Minerva who I met and fell in love with a couple of years ago down at the Cliff Head Hotel, you aren't. And by the way, the Lady Minerva who I now know for sure, fell in love with me."
A bit of a bluff, I know; but we were both playing a bluffing game, by that point.
"Where is Kylie; what have you bastards done with her? She'd better be alive, or I'll see that you never get out of prison alive, young woman!"
I must have been shouting by then, because Bernie, Spooner and Marco came rushing into the room.
The woman looked a little confused for a few seconds, and then for some inexplicable reason tried to make a run for the door. But that was a futile gesture, Bernie and Marco must have sussed something serious was up, and had stationed themselves to obstruct her path.
They didn't actually lay hands on her; they didn't have too. They just positioned themselves strategically, and had the right air about them. One look at those two buggers when they put that act on, and no bugger tries their luck; not even a woman.
I went on, hardly taking a moment to reassess the situation, now that I had back up.
"Look, whoever you are, someone has had several attempts at murdering Lady Tanya Simpson in the last year or so. Now, you turn up here purporting to be Minerva and I know for sure, that you are not her."
I could see expressions of understanding come on Bernie, Marco and Spooner's faces. Well at least I think they realised what I was making such a fuss about.
"Well you aren't my Kylie anyway, and a DNA test will very quickly prove that ... Now, whether you realise it or not young woman, you are mixed up some very nasty business here. Several murder attempts at least ... and when the perpetrators go down ... then you will go down with them! Either, for aiding and abetting attempted murder or conspiracy; one or the other anyway." I was pausing for effect as best I knew how, as I ranted on. "Whatever, it's life for murder you know girl ... and that's a very long time to spend in Holloway. And, I'm pretty sure that I've got enough contacts on the inside, to make sure that your stay there, will even more uncomfortable than it need be."
The young woman hadn't been quiet, but I'd ignored her denials. To start with, she had been trying to refute what I was saying, but the more I ranted on – and the other three guys nodded their heads in agreement -- the less sure of herself the woman appeared to grow.
Then, very suddenly, her resolve vanished and she began crying.
"I knew it wouldn't work, I told them!"
"Who?" I demanded.
"Fabian and his father ... and Mr Burgess. I know nothing about Minerva really. Well, not enough to impersonate her in front of her family. Even more so, an ex-boyfriend! All I had to go on were a few old home videos and a description of her that William Burgess supplied."
"So they paid you to impersonate her?"
"Yes, a few years ago I was in real trouble financially, and some guy who works for Mr Burgess offered me a lot of money; I couldn't say no."
"But how did they find you, you could be Kylie's twin."
"Just coincidence I think, I didn't look all that much like her at the time. I resembled her, or so they told me, but most of what you see is plastic surgery; done in California a couple of years ago."
"They couldn't do anything much about your height though, could they?"
"Is that how you..."
"Partly. Those ruddy great heels, and blocked soles, they just don't look right to start with. Oh come, they must be crippling you?"
"Not far off." she said, with – surprisingly -- a slight smile on her face, she kicked the shoes off and sighed with relief.
"Those heels and a few other things." I said, feeling relaxed a little myself by then, because she had caved.
"You were in love with her weren't you?" She asked.
"Yes! I think so."
"Then I never stood a chance, did I? I don't think Fabian and Mr Burgess realised that you two had fallen in love. Either that, or they just don't understand..."
"Most probably the latter, young lady. Now, exactly who are you, and what can you tell us about Kylie, Lady Minerva. Where is she, do you know?"
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Sometimes things did not turn out as well as it could have.Of course what one person would see as a losing situation someone else would see,and use,as a good deal.It was all a matter of perspective. She had always been excited by pain.From being tied up by the boys when they played Cowboys and Indians,where she always would be tied to the stake,to looking forward to her birthday spanking.It was an old boyfriend that spanked her playfully once and it turned her on so much she let him do...
She spent the next hour kissing him over and over again, her lips hungry on his, and he was completely astonished to feel rigidity coming back to his prick. Then she stopped and got the script, demanding that they go through the words. He wanted to laugh when, as they got to a place they had already "rehearsed," she described that, in her own words. She described how she had felt, and how she thought the dialogue should have been written, but then always said the words the author had put...
Story: #43 Copyright ©2009 Written: March 21 2009 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed By: KaosAngel Story Named By: Ay-Wun Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ******************************************** Noise and the rumbling of a truck coming to a stop can be heard from outside the house, "Looks like someone finally bought the Wilks house next door" Steve said looking out the window as the new neighbors unpacked the moving van, "I wonder what...
Emma Hicks walks into the massage room to find Sophia Grace meditating on a table. She says hello but Sophia doesn’t hear her; she’s in a deep state of trance and has left the material world behind. As Emma’s about to leave Sophia snaps out of it apologizing that she was meditating deeply. Sophia asks her if she is there for an atonement session but Emma looks confused…she booked a regular massage and has no idea what Sophia’s talking about. Sophia explains what...
xmoviesforyouThe Intern. Ch.05.I eventually crawled under the covers and fell asleep. At some point she must have done the same because when I woke the next morning she was spooned into my back. For a few minutes I lay in the warm comfort of her embrace then I reached behind me and tugged the duvet off her. She woke at once with a startled grunt. I lifted her arm away from my waist and pushed her to the edge of the bed.“Can’t sleep all day, girl, time to make some coffee,” I told her, “get a move on while I...
Ini was sat in the small corner shop his family owned, at 68 years old he had lived in London for 10 years and regretted having moved from his home town in India, the local residents had gave him the nickname Ini which he liked. Ini looked at his 12 year old grandson who had been given the nickname nip by local residents, nip pointed at the door as 2 local yobs entered, Ini knew they were trouble and was proofed right when they started mouthing giving racial abuse and making threats. The door...
Ch. 03 A Unique RelationshipWe finished up dinner and I admired Lori. Her sandy blonde hair cascaded over her shoulders, and she wore a yellow dress that buttoned all the way down the front. It reached just past her ass. She was wearing black leggings and showing some nice cleavage. Candle lit dinner under the stars, and Lori loved it. "So Lori, are we seriously a couple now?""I think so, don't break off things with that girl your age, but I'd like to be yours."I stood up and went to Lori's...
MILFWaif A Short Story By Maryanne Peters I chose to live in Paris because to me it is the best city in the world, even if I cannot fully enjoy it. I choose to live three floors up because I want to be above the street but still feel a part of what goes on down there, even though it does create problems for my mobility. The small lift, so typical in Paris, is too small for my wheelchair, so I am largely confined to my apartment. But I live in the heart of Paris. My apartment is...
To say that JoAnne G. was a household name would be a gross understatement. But to a pretty cashier in London, Ontario named Stacey Staples, JoAnne was much more than that. To begin with, JoAnne was a hometown girl, born and raised not far from where Stacey now worked. But that was just the start. Within twelve years of her 18th birthday, JoAnne had now sucked just shy of 60,000 cocks, at least one quarter of these blowjobs having been enjoyed by males with names like Bucky, Pluto, and Big...
Group Sex"Dude, I need your help, and it's gonna sound crazy, okay?" Caleb immediately said as he opened his front door to let his friend in.His best friend Adam has just arrived after receiving a frantic phone call from Caleb only twenty minutes earlier explaining that it was an absolute emergency and that he needed him to come over immediately.Caleb lived not too far away on the other side of the campus and so he quickly threw on some runners, his jogging shorts and a gray sweater and headed over to...
The sixth day of Hrive ‘Isia ‘Your Highness – a pleasant surprise, please come in. I will admit I did not believe you were courageous enough to step over my threshold again.’ Gilraen handed a bundle of coins over to Ireth’s open palm. ‘I wasn’t sure if I were brave enough either,’ the princess admitted. ‘I do not have a companion at this moment, so I cannot demonstrate anything for you, so I am not sure what I can help you with.’ The Princess took a seat that Ireth offered, and settled...
The Castle of Erlenburg was in deep mourning. Rudger, Lord of Erlenburg had died the night before, at fifty years of age. When his wife, Helga, had gone home to the Divine Maker one year ago, it was as if she had taken his will to live with her. He simply wasted away. His three sons sat with their father's trusted advisors, discussing the difficult situation. The oldest, Gøtz, was the heir to the castle and the lands. He was close to thirty, and he was admired as wise beyond his years. He...
Hi indian sex stories dot net readers Manoj was an engineering student. He was in 2nd year. He started reading ISS stories and once replied to me after reading one of my stories. He started chatting with me. He was more curious to know about my experiences and wanted me to mentor him on the technical side as well as the personal side. I am also from a software background and senior professional, which impressed him to get closer to me for my mentorship. One day we met in a mall for lunch. He...
Backstory:It was about a month after the birthday where I finally could get my driver’s license. Took the tests on my birthday and passed both. I work at a small, local, family owned grocery store on the other side of town. Haven’t saved up enough to buy my own car so the only car my parents let me drive is mom’s minivan. Yeah, not a real chick magnet. Every Sunday I have to go in to work early morning to do all the stocking of shelves before the store opens. The owners and rest of the...
Consuela strutted towards me and I was mesmerised by her semi flaccid cock. Even soft it was bigger than mine! As she got closer I picked up the scent of Mistresses pussy and my heart beat faster. My cock throbbed painfully and I whimpered like the sissy bitch I was. Consuela removed my muzzle and allowed me to lick her cock. The taste was all Mistress with the slightly salty after taste of Consuela. Soon I was sucking the softy hot meat avidly into my mouth. This had the effect of...
Darrington Hall was an impressive building set in its own grounds and the first in the area to have the new-fangled electric light fitted in some of the larger rooms. Sir Charles Darrington was particularly pleased with himself for that, and as the summer of 1884 turned into autumn he looked forward to outsiders seeing his windows ablaze with its light.“Come,” Sir Charles looked up as following a timid knock his study door opened and the slight figure Mary, the downstairs chambermaid entered...
Group SexI had been going out with Kirsty for about 2 years, things were ok but they could have been better. There wasn’t much sexual activity, about once a weak which mean that I had to go solo most of the time. Then the new neighbors moved in next door and I couldn’t help notice the two girls who were moving in, one looked about 18 and the other 16. They were clearly sisters as they looked nearly identical. The older one had blonde hair which was tied at the back, a really tight top which exposed...
The next day at school (day after Luke had received his first blow job) Jane told him her parents were going away for the weekend and asked him to ask his stepmother if he could stay the weekend at her place. Luke enthusiastically replied yes. That evening Luke asked his stepmother if she would be OK with him staying with at the Patterson place all weekend. Renee said yes, but added, "You and Jane seem to be getting along great. Remember that talk we had?" Luke knew what she meant...
I warn him, "If you come before the fifteen minutes are up, you'll regret it." I know that my husband will never last. Maybe if it had only been one day since he last had sex, but it's been three. That was with his new mistress. She's fucked him a few times now, but they're still in their honeymoon phase. So he's had three days to reminisce about their time together, and a whole week to think about what might happen tonight, during our Freaky Friday date. I know that it's not likely that he...
Hardcore“I did it!” Gwenpool yelled as she triumphantly held up Thanos’ Infinity Gauntlet. “I beat Thanos just like Squirrel Girl did that one time! Or wait...did she beat a clone?” Gwen pondered that thought for a moment and she took of her mask to reveal her blonde hair with the tips dyed pink, her hair brushed her mid back while she walked towards the superheroes and villains who had all united to fight against Thanos. “Soooo, why had you guys never thought of cutting off his arm before? Like, it’s...
Lee was asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. He dreamed about Penny, about going for long walks with her and driving around Signal in his FJ40. And he dreamed about bacon... bacon? Wait he thought, that wasn't a dream that was a smell. Lee woke up and slipped his pants on and went to the bathroom across the hall and took a quick shower. After putting on the clean clothes he had brought in last night he followed his nose to the kitchen. "Good morning, Mr. and Mrs. Brown," Lee said...
#English / #Engels- a sequel to: went to the front door and quickly looked through the window, to see who it was. My fear was proven right. It was Leather master Mike. He indeed knew where I lived. "Fuck," I thought, "Should I open the door? And damn, how does he know where I live?" Of Course I knew that I should not have gone to that private club without an invitation. Let alone screw with that boy there. And now Mike was...
Part IIThere was a knocking at the door. Jeff looked a little surprised but it only slowed his fucking by a little bit. “Expecting some one?” he asked. “Oh yea dad, Caitlyn said her dad had that thing you need done, and was going to bring it by today.” Jessica breathed in between Jeff's thrusts into her love slot. “Should we move some where more private?” Jeff asked. “No, Caitlyn's cool. If your lucky maybe she'll join you,” I said putting the camera down and walking to the kitchen to answer...
IncestArt, part two. Ch. 09 Dr. Lisa and Art find a possible new beginning for him. Suddenly Heidi said, ‘Well hello ‘Lees’, you’re late.’ Lisa from somewhere behind me said, ‘It doesn’t look like I was missed. Heidi, you and I need to talk.’ When I sat up the two women were looking at me, so I said, ‘OK, I’m out of here.’ What else was there for me to say? Then it dawned on me I was still naked, ‘Heidi, where are my clothes?’ ‘They’re up in my workshop. Grab one of my large T-shirts in the top...
Several weeks had passed since Dale's last visit to Spirit Mount. He trusted that Vyagar and Fang were still capably moving forward concerning their plans for R.U.M.M. as well as further preparing Jessica and Cynthia for their new roles in life. He was also moving forward with many of his own plans: expanding the size of his house, adding several new buildings and amenities to his property, looking for a qualified tutor to home school Lizzy for the upcoming year, and getting ready for his...
Hi friends, indru kathaiyil 19 age teen pen udan nadantha kama anubavathai ungal idam pagirugiren. En sunni vinthai kathali vaaikul iraki kudika vaithu vitu aval kuthiyil viral pottukondu irunthen. Aval kuthiyil athigamaaga mudi irunthathaal enal naaku poda mudiya vilai. Avalidam adutha murai mudiyai shave seithu vai endru solinen, ithai soliyathum aval sari seithu vaikiren haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa endru munarinaal. Miga sexiyaaga aval kuthiyil mundru viralgalai aazhamaaga vitu...