MinervaChapter 8 free porn video

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Clarification:- Ginormous = extremely large.

As I lay resting, I realised that it wasn't only the money that I was there for. There was Kylie to add into the equation. No, not the Minerva who'd coldly greeted me at lunch that day. The Kylie I'd walked on the cliffs, swam in the sea and lain on those rocks with out by the headland of the bay below the Cliff Head Hotel. The young woman I'd found myself falling in love with, in such a short time.

You see that was the question that had forever been going around in my head. Who was she, was she Kylie I'd met, or was she Lady Minerva who I had sat and ate opposite earlier that day?

The Lady Minerva who showed no sign of embarrassment when she'd seen me enter the room. Not even the slightest flush ... considering what we'd done together by those rocks on the beach. Not that we'd seriously over stepped the mark, but we had ... yeah well, those private moments are for Kylie and me to know about, not all and sundry.

But I really couldn't understand the look in Kylie's eyes. Come on we'd gazed into each others eyes and I'd seen how they looked from across the Palm Court at the Cliff Head ... Something was wrong!

Suddenly I found that I was sitting bolt upright, and Bernie was staring back at me with curiosity in his eyes.

"Bernie, I need to speak to her alone ... in private!"

"Who?" he asked.

"Kylie ... Lady Minerva! I need to get her alone somewhere, where we can talk. I have to know why she vanished on me."

"Sorry?" Bernie asked.

Although he was aware that Lady Minerva and I had met in the past. Bernie had no intimate knowledge of the circumstances of our previous meeting; well I didn't think he had at the time. I briefly filled him in.

"And, she married that slimy Fabian character?" He said as I finished. It wasn't so much a question, as a comment.

"Yeah, you can say that again!"


"Yeah bugger, alright ... and I have to find out why. What was she doing, playing with my emotions or..."

"Bugger ... I'm sorry mate; but aren't we jumping the gun a bit. You know, she could be in on this attempted murder lark, with her uncle."

"That's something else I have to find out Bernie. Is she a pawn in this game, or is she one of the players?"

"Shouldn't we talk to John about it first?"

It was comforting to hear Bernie saying 'we' instead of 'you'. It appeared that he and I had bonded a little in the short time I'd known him.

"Probably I should, but I don't think he will go for the idea. Bernie, I'm not really here for financial gain you know. I think I'm here to find out..."

"You don't have to say it lad; it is written all over your face whenever someone mentions the lady. Hey, I ain't the dumb thick cluck, everyone takes me for most of the time!"

"Bernie, a tough looking bugger, you might be, but you definitely aren't dumb. Christ mate, you're one of the best actors I've ever met in my life; you should be on the telly.

"And my kids would never live it down at school. Besides I don't think actors get paid the kind of dough I get my hands on.

"Lets leave that side of your life out of it for now, Bernie. Now we've got to work-out how I can get Kylie alone somewhere."

"I'll do some reconnoitring Gil. You keep this door locked while I'm gone." Bernie said, and then he was gone.

I spent the next twenty minutes or so, going over Kylie's and my lunchtime meeting again in my mind; if you could call it a meeting? We'd barely said two words to each other, but there was something wrong about it; exactly what, I couldn't get my head around. Or maybe bring to the fore of my mind.

"Well, guess who's shown up again..." Bernie said when he reappeared, "William Burgess. It looks like this Clay Shooting party this afternoon, is all his idea."

"What a surprise!" I commented.

"Yeah, but he's delaying things, the staff are out there with all the gear set up. Maybe he's waiting for you to show, you know ... the main attraction. So's he can invite you along."

"Going to be disappointed then ain't 'e! I've never handled a shotgun in my life, and I ain't about to start now. Who else is..."

"Well, it looks like Fabian's going. He's all dressed-up for the part, anyway."

"And Kylie?"

"No I don't think so. She's in the drawing room, chatting with a couple of old biddies ... or rather attempting not too; she doesn't look too enamoured with the conversation anyway.

Whatever, I don't think those heels she's wearing, are suitable for a walk in the grounds, if you understand me? Or, that short dress, come to that. Mind you it shows those legs of hers off, quite nicely. But not the sort of thing for going shooting in; it's still quite cold and wet out there on the grass."

At that instant there was a rap of the door. After glancing from the door back to me again, Bernie straightened his tie, checked his jacket – he was really taking the gentleman's gentleman thing seriously – then he went over and opened the door, very formally.

"Gilroy, my boy. They told me you were here; how nice to see you again." William Burgess said as he came charging into the room.

"Good afternoon, Mr Burgess..." was as much as I got out, before he went on.

"William, please Gilroy. I had no idea that you and Tanya were acquainted the last time we met. Had you known her long?"

"Long enough ... William. Only I think I would say that Tanya knew me, far better than I ever knew her."

I could see that that answer confused Burgess a little, but he very quickly recovered his poise and went on.

"We are going to have a little fun shooting some clays this afternoon, Gilroy, and I was wondering whether you'd like to join us. You know ... get to know some more of the family. It seems that none of them have met you before."

"No, Lady Simpson and my relationship was ... well, a sort of business relationship really; not so much a social one. This is the first time I've ever visited the Hall."

Once again, just for an instant, Burgess looked confused. But it was only for a fleeting moment.

"Well happily there's plenty to do here, to keep one occupied until the...

"Mr Burgess, I'm here to attend Lady Simpson's funeral, not enjoy myself. I don't find anything to be happy about, in her demise. I definitely will not be shooting today or any other day; I've never handled a shotgun in my life. And, I doubt that I'll be doing much else than, bemoaning the loss of very good friend, and a very fine lady."

"Oh Tanya, wouldn't mind Gilroy, she always was a fun loving woman. A little bohemian for some peoples tastes sometimes, I'll grant you; but she knew how to have a good time, you know!"

"Well that's not me, Mr Burgess; I take her departure from this world very seriously. I nearly lost my life a few years back in a motoring accident ... that was a bit of a wake-up call for me."

There was just the hint of a flinch in Burgess's expression, when I referred to my accident. Not much, but maybe just enough, to confirm to me that it really hadn't been an accident ... and that Burgess could well have been behind it.

"So I can't talk you into joining us, then?"

"No thank you, William! But, I do thank-you for inviting me. Will we see you at dinner this evening?"

"Yes, I think so."

"And your niece."

"Oh yes, Minerva and Fabian will be there; they are in residence here at the Hall."

"But you aren't?" I asked as casually as I could manage. I was wondering what excuse he'd give for not being in residence.

"No, when I visited Tanya, I've always stayed at a nearby hotel; it has far better communications for my business interests. Besides, I always have a little group of dedicated staff from some my companies with me, as you will no-doubt remember. I need to be available to them all the time, well most of the day, anyway. There's far too many of them for them to all stay here."

I somehow doubted that, because Tarrent Hall looked bleeding ginormous to me. But it was possible that all of the rooms weren't in a habitable condition anymore. So many of those great family houses aren't what they should be, if you understand me.

As quickly as he'd come Burgess was gone again and that left Bernie and I staring at each other. We didn't speak, we didn't have too, Burgess's arrival at my room and his invitation to join the shooting party, confirmed everything we'd suspected.

Bernie made another foray to ascertain that the clay pigeon party had left the house, and to locate Kylie again. She hadn't moved far, and from Spooner, Bernie had learnt that she seemed to be ... Well, as Spooner put it to Bernie.

"She looks like she's trying to be seen, but not heard. I think the death of her aunt has upset her more than anyone; I think she just wants to be left alone."

"That doesn't make much sense. Why not hide in her room, if she wants to be alone?" I asked. Not that Bernie knew the answer to that question; but he did agree with me.

We sneaked back downstairs again and I once again took up residence in the library. The one or two relatives in there, vacating the room very smartly, after cursorily passing the time of day with me.

Not everyone's favourite house guest, am I?" I commented to Bernie once they'd gone.

"Are you surprised?" He winked back at me.

Then he headed off in search of Lady Minerva. Somewhat surprising me, a couple of minutes later Spooner appeared and showed Lady Minerva into the room. To say she looked a little bewildered, would be putting it mildly.

"Oh I'm sorry, Mr Spooner told me that Mr Mackintosh was in here and he needed to speak to me." She explained.

"He probably does, Kylie ... But I wish to speak to you, in private myself."

There it was, what I had been looking for, I think. An instant of ... I'm not sure what to call it ... nonplussment, I wonder if that's even a word. But there it was, at the mention of name Kylie, Lady Minerva had looked flummoxed, maybe confused, just for an instant.

Just long enough for me to believe that she was not used to being referred to as Kylie, or maybe she was not sure how she was supposed to react. But she did recover quite quickly.

"Kylie, oh my Mr ja ... Gilroy, I haven't been known as Kylie, since I was at school."

"You were Kylie to me, Kylie ... but can you recall what you called me?"

She seemed to hesitate just for a moment too long, before she replied.

"Of course! You like to be known by your initials GJ." She grinned.

"You are sure about that, Kylie?" I enquired.

"Oh yes GJ, you were adamant about it when we met at the Cliff Head Hotel."

"Good, now that only leaves me with one more question?"

"GJ, I'm sorry, but think that ... Well maybe you read a little more into our brief encounter at the Cliff Head than I had intended. I'm so terribly sorry, if you got the wrong idea."

"Oh no, Lady Minerva, I'm sure that I didn't get the wrong idea. I think I understand perfectly well now ... actually. Too well, I fear!"

"That's a relief, I have not been looking forward to this encounter. It's so easy for people to get..." but that was as far as I let her get.

"No, I'm sure you weren't, and I really can understand your ... reticence to run into me." I was choosing my words carefully. "Why do you think that is young lady? Were you worried that your briefing had not been good enough?"


"Look young woman, I don't know who you are. But there's one thing I do know for bloody sure, and that is that you are not Kylie!"

"What are you talking about? Of course I'm her!"

"Ah now, mistake number three ... or maybe it was number four. God, your act's been so bad that I haven't been able to keep track half the time. But one thing that I'll stake my life on, girl ... is that you are not Lady Minerva. Well not, the Lady Minerva who I met and fell in love with a couple of years ago down at the Cliff Head Hotel, you aren't. And by the way, the Lady Minerva who I now know for sure, fell in love with me."

A bit of a bluff, I know; but we were both playing a bluffing game, by that point.

"Where is Kylie; what have you bastards done with her? She'd better be alive, or I'll see that you never get out of prison alive, young woman!"

I must have been shouting by then, because Bernie, Spooner and Marco came rushing into the room.

The woman looked a little confused for a few seconds, and then for some inexplicable reason tried to make a run for the door. But that was a futile gesture, Bernie and Marco must have sussed something serious was up, and had stationed themselves to obstruct her path.

They didn't actually lay hands on her; they didn't have too. They just positioned themselves strategically, and had the right air about them. One look at those two buggers when they put that act on, and no bugger tries their luck; not even a woman.

I went on, hardly taking a moment to reassess the situation, now that I had back up.

"Look, whoever you are, someone has had several attempts at murdering Lady Tanya Simpson in the last year or so. Now, you turn up here purporting to be Minerva and I know for sure, that you are not her."

I could see expressions of understanding come on Bernie, Marco and Spooner's faces. Well at least I think they realised what I was making such a fuss about.

"Well you aren't my Kylie anyway, and a DNA test will very quickly prove that ... Now, whether you realise it or not young woman, you are mixed up some very nasty business here. Several murder attempts at least ... and when the perpetrators go down ... then you will go down with them! Either, for aiding and abetting attempted murder or conspiracy; one or the other anyway." I was pausing for effect as best I knew how, as I ranted on. "Whatever, it's life for murder you know girl ... and that's a very long time to spend in Holloway. And, I'm pretty sure that I've got enough contacts on the inside, to make sure that your stay there, will even more uncomfortable than it need be."

The young woman hadn't been quiet, but I'd ignored her denials. To start with, she had been trying to refute what I was saying, but the more I ranted on – and the other three guys nodded their heads in agreement -- the less sure of herself the woman appeared to grow.

Then, very suddenly, her resolve vanished and she began crying.

"I knew it wouldn't work, I told them!"

"Who?" I demanded.

"Fabian and his father ... and Mr Burgess. I know nothing about Minerva really. Well, not enough to impersonate her in front of her family. Even more so, an ex-boyfriend! All I had to go on were a few old home videos and a description of her that William Burgess supplied."

"So they paid you to impersonate her?"

"Yes, a few years ago I was in real trouble financially, and some guy who works for Mr Burgess offered me a lot of money; I couldn't say no."

"But how did they find you, you could be Kylie's twin."

"Just coincidence I think, I didn't look all that much like her at the time. I resembled her, or so they told me, but most of what you see is plastic surgery; done in California a couple of years ago."

"They couldn't do anything much about your height though, could they?"

"Is that how you..."

"Partly. Those ruddy great heels, and blocked soles, they just don't look right to start with. Oh come, they must be crippling you?"

"Not far off." she said, with – surprisingly -- a slight smile on her face, she kicked the shoes off and sighed with relief.

"Those heels and a few other things." I said, feeling relaxed a little myself by then, because she had caved.

"You were in love with her weren't you?" She asked.

"Yes! I think so."

"Then I never stood a chance, did I? I don't think Fabian and Mr Burgess realised that you two had fallen in love. Either that, or they just don't understand..."

"Most probably the latter, young lady. Now, exactly who are you, and what can you tell us about Kylie, Lady Minerva. Where is she, do you know?"

Same as Minerva
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The day was drawing to a close on that cold, December evening as Alya sat in the library. Although it was Friday night, she was cramming for a test coming up on Monday, so she had told Matt that she wouldn't be able to go out with him. He was very understanding of the whole thing, which was one thing she liked about him so much. He was always so considerate. Surprisingly, she didn't feel bad about it at all. She really wasn't in the mood to go out with Matt that night anyway; she probably...

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Opus OneChapter 34 Nocturne

Richard was grinning ear to ear as he stood next to Sandra and Emily in the green room. The audience had been larger than any of them had expected, and so was the crowd that lined up to greet them. Many Wexford students had come, including the violinist Jeff, for whom Sandra would be conducting in the fall. As promised, beside him was a mischievous looking friend who asked her to conduct for his recital as well. Sandra politely declined, eliciting a victorious fist from Jeff. Richard grinned...

2 years ago
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Telling Anthony My New Idea

My name is Gina and I’m going to share a little story with you. My husband and I have been married for the past year. I just don’t know if I’m cut out for to be a happy housewife. I thought it would be the next step since, we were going out for a few years. However, I’ll tell you a little secret. My husband has a very small penis. I mean I’m talking really small, you’d never believe it if you saw it. He’s a really nice person and I love him as a friend, but having sex with him is almost...

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Alternate Discipline Plan in EuropeChapter 107

Sandra felt small droplets running down her back and on other parts of her body. The woman still hadn't returned, and her body was aching. Her legs were trembling, and acidified muscles were complaining. Why she endured it all for this long? She had no clue about. For some reason, she just wanted to obey this woman and didn't want to disappoint her. Luckily, there were all those other women and girls who kept on looking at her. This boosted her willpower, because she loved how they made...

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The VolunteerChapter 7

Sometime before Las Vegas, Jimmy got quiet. “We’re coming to sin city, pardner. If you want out here, I’ll stop at Henderson and let you off, but I won’t stop any closer. I’m not a religious man,” he said, “but Las Vegas is filled with temptations that will destroy your soul. You think everything is a bargain. Free food, free drinks, and all you have to do is sit at a nickel slot machine and pull the handle for an hour. But the hour stretches to four and a girl who is not free catches your...

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My Girlfriend Is My Aunty

Hi all horny guys and girls, I’m really happy to enjoy and solve problems of many girls and aunties, I’m Arjun Rane from Nasik but at present in Pune and this happened just in Jan 2012 with my aunts sister (cousin) her name is Megha and I always use to imagine her and masturbate but I was not sure on my luck that it would change so quickly whenever I use to get chance I use to stare at her bobs her figure is 32 26 34.She caught me then onwards my luck changed her behaviour was a bit different...

1 year ago
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Kitty Kapers A Well Seasoned Woman

It was date night. That is what Kitty and Peter call the nights when all else was put aside and the only thing on the agenda was enjoying each other and lots of fun sex. Kitty was ready for a hot night with her man. She had spent part of the day tempting and teasing one of her online lovers and got herself quite worked up. Mid-afternoon, while preparing a salad for supper, the carrot she was going to use was so firm and so long, Kitty couldn’t resist working it into her pussy for a few minutes...

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In the beginning

Interspecies sex is as old as the hills. Well almost, but certainly has been happening since man began to domesticate wild animals. Wolves teamed up with humanoid hunters, using the superior brain of the biped to ensure a supply of meat and a security of existence. A partnership made in heaven for both parties. The wolf/dog benefiting from the union with regular meals and little competition, the man using the nose and hearing of his counter-point as well as its stamina to chase down and...

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A Horny Travel Writer

Sandy Evens was troubled. She was, for the first time in her fifteen years as travel writer, a successful travel writer at that, at loss for words. Standing naked in front of the hotel bedroom mirror, applying her mascara, Sandy couldn’t decide how to approach her most recent experiences in Cape Town, a city at the southern tip of Africa. Writing about Table Mountain, taking the cable car to the top, describing the beautiful panoramas of the city, the sea, the visit to Robben Island (where...

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Sex on the farm

Often, I would visualize the horses mating to help get myself aroused. Things got much better when I was twelve and had my first orgasm. I had felt funny all day and went down into the woods behind the north pasture. I thought of the most recent mating when a neighbor brought his mare over to be serviced by our stud. She was already in heat when they took her out of the trailer. Our stud caught a whiff of her arousal and almost went crazy. Fortunately, my father had tied him securely in his...

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His Infernal Majestys ServiceChapter 25

There in the corner was a huddled mass. In the darkness I couldn't make out more than that. I opened my senses and the cell exploded in psychodelic colors. The huddled mass was human. I took a chance. "Hello?" "Who are you?" A deep voice rasped. "My name is John. Who are you?" The huddled mass shifted and reformed becoming a man sitting with his back against the wall. "Ray, Ray Collier. What year is it?" "When I left Earth it was 2013." "2013? You mean, I have sat and rotted...

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BBC Gloryhole Adventure

by BBCAddictMy husband and I had been talking about glory holes and my husband Neil had wanted us to go visit a Glory Hole Club together for a while. I had never been that keen really but lately he had been pressing the issue more and more, telling me it was a fantasy of his to watch me play with lots of cocks. He wanted us to go along and watch and just see how we felt about it. Neil had discovered a Glory Hole Club in our local city. I was really hesitant about it not really liking the idea...

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Private Lullu Gun Hot Nurse Addicted To Anal

The sexy brunette Lullu Gun has come to Private Specials, Kinky German Nurses, armed with her kinky uniform, lingerie and wild sexual appetite as she visits the home of her lucky patient and real life partner Jason Steel to obtain a sperm sample. There’s no one better suited for the job than Lullu, she’s got all the necessary skills for such a task as she warms up with an amazing sloppy blowjob before having her tight tattooed body and ass pounded all the way to a hot facial. Watch now on...

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Anything For Georgetown part eightHoulihan finds out Monica danced at a party

Monica looked behind her. Some boys had come upbehind her, and she and Nick had been surrounded, but when Blake had tripped up the stairs, Nick had whirled around and two of the boys who had come up behind them saw the gun and backed away. She got up the stairs and burst out of the house. Nick followed behind her. Oh Geez, she thought. This was bad. This was very bad. Nick had asked her about the gun during their phone call, and she’d said yes, but she never thought he’d have to bring it out....

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Love Thy Neighbour Chapter Five

After Tom had kissed her goodnight and returned to his house next door, Cathy lay in her bed reliving the events that had taken her from an anal virgin to looking forward to her first foray into the world of swinger parties.Tom had told her he would be away for the next three days and would phone her every night. He had already introduced her to the excitement of phone sex and would make sure his balls would be full for her to empty every night.Soon she drifted into sleep. Her mind full of...

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Jake GillChapter 9

THINGS were frosty between them that week, Gill felt. Jake rang her as usual at her bedtime on Monday night, but he was dull and distant, clearly tired and troubled. When she asked what was the matter he just said he’d had to work really late because he had a lot of problems at work. Their conversation lasted only twenty minutes, half their normal night time call to each other. He called off short, saying he was tired and had an early start in the morning. At least they told each other, “I...

3 years ago
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My wife turns hot how it all started

As requested this is the story from when we met the trucker. Anyone who wants to critique my writing style can keep it to yourself please I'm not an artist, and my stories are real accounts.I was on this other website that is all about picture sharing, and quickly found my way to adult pictures. There was also the ability to send messages to people about pictures or anything. I expressed to someone my desire to have my wife flash her body inside a truck, and take pics from the outside, I just...

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I love you grandpa

I am NOT the author.am simply sharingshort story about a granddaughter's love.My parents knew that I visited my grandpa often. We told them I was doing chores for him around the house in return for some pocket cash because at sixteen, they knew I needed it. This wasn’t exactly the truth. The truth was that my grandpa and I had been having sex most days after school.I’m about to tell you one of my favorite stories. As I drive to his house I become very horny. I’ve been thinking about this all...

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Black Night

Edited By Barney R. Messed with by me. Author’s note: This story was inspired by some somber events in my life and the song ‘Black Night’ sung by Dr. John and written by Jessie Mae Robinson{br} A dark night, a dark mood, and a cabin in the woods. March 1988 It was a cloudy night in mid-March in the Manistee National Forest. It was after midnight and my mood was blacker than the outside night. There was a good fire going in the fireplace, but the flames did nothing to soften my...

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EvilAngel Gia Derza Brash Anal Vixen Gapes

Eager for hardcore sodomy, cute, angelic Gia Derza shows off her chunky butt in purple lingerie. The brash vixen greets star stud Markus Dupree saying, ‘I want you to fuck my ass.’ They share passionate kisses. Markus’ big cock slams her sphincter, Gia trembling through a vigorous anal reaming. The fevered encounter delivers colossal cornhole gaping and a vulgar, slobbering, ass-to-mouth blowjob. Gia laps Markus’ balls as she strokes his thick shaft, and Markus rewards...

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Miss Feeley in the Ghetto

Megan Feeley was excited to be moving to the big city to start her very first job. She always wanted to be a teacher, but after obtaining a liberal arts degree with a major in education from a small womens-only college, she received almost no job offers. The only one she got was as a student teacher at a place called Blackmount Technical. They did not seem troubled by Megan's mediocre grades or total lack of professional experience, and from Megan's perspective, she figured she could further...

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Your Master Requires Your Attendance

Your Master Requires Your Attendance In the Elevator She wouldn't tolerate it any more, Laura told herself as the penthouse elevatordoors closed. Frank could be so stubborn and infuriating at times, but thiswas too much. She loved him more than life itself and would do anything forhim, but he had to respect her need for her own space and time. Tonight ithad come to a head, first his smug declaration that she would attend the partywith him, then his refusal to let her stay home after she had...

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Hot and steamy

The gym was busy, that’s when I first saw her, her feet pounding the treadmill at a speed that would put a marathon runner to shame. The beads of sweat pouring off her brow, dripping onto her cleavage and down between her large amply breasts disappearing from view and then reappearing as a wet patch on her pink vest. Bead after bead poured from her, again the same route taken. I watch in ore as she intensified the pace. Other members around were training hard, some not so hard, some just damn...

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Young male fuck mature married counterparts in the

Young male fuck mature married counterparts in the shower in her pussy and ass: office romance began with a series of continuous orgasmsThe long, seemingly endless, travel trip consisted entirely of some training and business lunches. She was sent there in the company of four male colleagues. Three of them are married, single, and one to a very good-looking, but she would never have allowed myself to have office romance, because she is married, and a daughter. Yes, she and her husband did not...

1 year ago
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HQ porner is exactly what it sounds like—a site dedicated to high-quality porn aka HQPorn and often misspelled as "hdporner". And it does not disappoint at all in that regard. I fucking love porn sites that are no-bullshit, and this is definitely one of them. From the moment you land on the homepage, you have immediate access to the best scenes from the web’s top production studios. I’m talking Brazzers, Reality Kings, Penthouse, and Playboy, just to name a few.The site boasts about how “You...

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From Candace to CandyChapter 3

The more she talked the harder my cock got. She told me that starting at the age of 8 when I tied her up, she would go to her room afterwards and play with her slit. When she was 9 her clit made its' first appearance and she began getting mini orgasms. By the time we quit when she was 10 she was having orgasms while I was tying her. That was one of the reasons she quit, she was getting embarrassed about it and didn't want me to see. She continued to play with herself, but to make up for not...

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Foot sex in the steam room

Introduction: Yea, I had no idea you were Swingers Foot sex in the steam room I go to a racquetball club / spa twice a week I have a friend Jill who Ive been playing racquetball with for years. After we played for an hour we relaxed in the steam room and she asked me about my vacation. We are good friends and she doesnt know or talk to anybody in my family or work so I was safe, but I still told her this doesnt leave this room she said my lips are sealed. I told her everything that happened...

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Mom Me and Our Adventures with Spunk part 2

"What do you mean you missed?" Mom stared at me with a puzzled frown on her face as I stood there in the bathroom like a dumbstruck lemon trying and failing to explain my first attempt at measuring my spunk. "Uh, well," I mumbled as I held up the empty measuring beaker for her to see, "I kind of, what I mean is, I couldn't aim straight. With my uh, thing. When I was, you know, uh, masturbating." Mom blinked and looked at me with her hands on her hips like I had just stepped off the...

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Cell Phone Ka Kamal 8211 Part II

Mayra nam Gurya hay, aaj may 1st time apni aik private story aap logo say share karnay ja rahi hoo. Mayri kosish to hay k apni bat aap logo tak pohcha sakoo laikin Q k yeh mayri pehli write-up hay is lea is may jo b mistake ho for that I apologize with all of you. Sub say pehlay may apnay baray may aap ko batati chaloo k may aik slim 27 yrs ki pure mashriqi larki hoo aor abi tak virgin hoo. Mayra size 32 hay lakin bilkul tennis ki ball ki tarah tight. Aaj say aik mahinay pehlay tak mujay sex k...

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Mistis Adventures Part 86

The four lovers had exhausted themselves completely, and barely staggered back up to the house. It was, now, almost 2 in the morning. Not wanting to disturb Cathy, Billy and Robbi had gone into the bedroom across the hall from Cathy, and showered and went to bed. Rick and sue had gone into the bedroom next to them and had done almost the same.They had quietly talked while they showered, feeling they had much to discuss, and, possibly to get straightened out. Rick had asked the young girl about...

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Lizzies Mistress

"Give me your daughter," The woman said with a feral smile to the trembling man in front of her, as she sat on his couch, wearing a fancy blouse and plaid skirt, with only a chemise on underneath. She figured that it'd come in handy later to not be hampered, but that was for later."What.. My daughter?" Mark Saulsky said with a strange tone. The woman in front of him was the one that was currently causing pretty much all his problems in life; the one that owned almost a hundred thousand dollars...

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Tips to get pregnant faster

Once you've made up your mind about having a baby, visit a gynaecologist to get a check-up done. There's a lot you need to learn and know about pregnancy and getting your doubts cleared by an expert is a good idea. Ask your doctor about prenatal vitamins that contain folic acid, which will decrease your risk of having a baby with neural tube defects. If you have any medical problems, they need to be brought under control before you become pregnant. Familiarise yourself with your cycle. Each...

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