Majorette 2 Night of Fire
- 2 years ago
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After I had emptied my cum onto Amanda, I climbed off her bound body and staggered to a chair. Without emotion, drained, I watched as Miss Rhee pulled her hands out of Amanda and took my place on Amanda's face. She took Amanda's face in her small cum covered hands and pulled Amanda's face into her cunt. All I could hear were the small liquid sounds of Amanda's lips and tongue working on Miss Rhee's very wet cunt. And Miss Rhee's moans. I don't know how long she rode Amanda's face. I watched Amanda work to satisfy Miss Rhee, bringing her organism after organism, the smell of two women in heat heavy in the air in that small room. I loved the smell of pussy in the night! I could feel it recharging my cock, getting me ready for another shot at Amanda. There was no doubt in my military mind that I had found the ultimate punishment for Amanda. There was no one was cruel to a woman as another woman. Miss Rhee definitely knew how to hurt Amanda in ways I'd never suspect! And to make her cum while doing it! But there was something about this which I didn't like. Miss Rhee was just a bit too possessive of my slut. Miss Rhee was going to need some sorting out. The thought of doing that made my cock even harder.
But before I had a chance to sort out Miss Rhee, a letter from Amanda's younger sister came. That put such a scare into me that I lost interest in either Amanda or Miss Rhee- for the moment. All I could think about was whether or not the sister suspected something. The letter worried me. It was so damn mysterious with its:
I have to talk to you. I think you know why. I am flying out to Korea space available. Since I'll be taking whatever is going in that direction, I don't know exactly when I'll get there or where I'll land. I'll call you when I arrive. Karen
I knew a little about Amanda's family from the letters and pictures I found in her room. And from the ones she received after she became my slut. Hard to open your mail when your hands are tied, so I would read her mail to her. I enjoyed reading those letters out loud to her as she lay there on the floor at my feet, gagged and in a hog tie, her eyes glaring at me as I read her little secrets aloud. So, I already knew that Amanda had a younger sister named Karen. I knew she was just out of college, so I guessed she was 21 or 22. I even knew that she had joined the Army too. There was a picture of her on Amanda's desk, all nervous looking in her brand new Class A uniform as Amanda pinned a second lieutenant's gold bar on her right shoulder. On the other side of Karen was an older man, hair white but still husky, pinning a bar on her other shoulder. He, I found, was their father; his name was Thor, if you can believe that. There was a family resemblance all right; they were a healthy looking bunch, typical Minnesota Swedes except for the dark hair. Karen had the same cheek bones and wide mouth as Amanda. She was almost as tall, the same sturdy build, and had some muscles of her own judging by another picture Amanda had with Karen in a victory pose with 3 other girls from her college swim team. Nice body- long, strong legs, slender waist, and a pair of breasts which almost matched Amanda's. She was a younger version of Amanda, though her shoulder length reddish hair softened her look compared to Amanda's butch cut. The hair and the lost puppy dog look in her eyes made her look a lot different from the self confident ball breaker her older sister had been. Softer definitely; weaker maybe. In her picture, Karen seemed to be asking you to like her. And afraid that you won't. Something Amanda would never do. I couldn't quite put my finger on, but it was there. The letters weren't any help. She wrote once a week, regular as clockwork, but there was nothing personal in any of Karen's letters, no sharing of secrets with her big sis. They were more like reports to her superior officer. I wished I 'd had some of Amanda's letters to her, but I sure wasn't going to have Amanda writing letters to anyone. I figured that was the problem. That little Karen must have become suspicious of the lack of letters from Amanda. The big question was, who had she told about this suspicion. The rational thing to do was run. I had a pile of money in that bank in the Caribbean by now. I could just disappear. I knew that was what I should do, but I knew that I wouldn't do it. I sweated about it for a day or so, then I just didn't care anymore. I was going to play this thing out, take it as far as it would go! By the time Karen's phone call arrived a day later, I was looking forward to introducing Karen to the new Amanda and was making plans with Miss Rhee on how to do just that. The voice on the phone didn't seem suspicious. I told her who I was and that her sister was "tied up" at the moment and could not come to the phone. Which was the truth; Amanda was tied up at the moment- in a tight hog tie, her hands and feet tied together to bend her nude body into a 'U" shape, a pair of my used underwear held in her mouth by a bootlaces, tied so that she was lying on her belly and breasts on the cold concrete floor of our room. Karen said that she had just arrived at the air base in Pusan and wanted to know what to do next. I told her that Pusan wasn't far from the station and that her sister would send the station's truck to pick her up. I told her to just sit tight and someone would be there in an hour or so. Then I alerted Miss Rhee- or "Mistress" Rhee as I had Amanda addressing her now- to make her preparation, grabbed Johnson to drive, and lit out in the cargo Humvee.
It didn't take us but a little over an hour to get to the Air Force base near Pusan. I sat there in the front seat, sweating every minute of it. The guard at the gate just waved us through. Now I really began to get nervous. Suppose this was a trap? At the terminal building, I looked around for men busy doing nothing before going in, but saw no one. The area was deserted. It was the same inside. I spotted a tall woman in the Army summer uniform easily enough. I knew it had to be her; she looked so much like a younger version of Amanda. The big difference was the hair. Her's was a bit shorter now but still longer, and redder, than Amanda's- framing her face and giving her that soft, feminine look. God, she was beautiful! Not proud beautiful like her sister, but prom queen beautiful. But I could sense something in her just from looking at her. Or rather the lack of something. Deep inside, I knew that she had none of her sister's iron backbone.
"Lieutenant Thompson?"
"No, I'm Lieutenant Lutgren" She replied with a serious expression. Then she smiled, and looked all of eighteen with her " please like me smile". It last about a second until she remembered she wasn't suppose to smile at the enlisted swine and went back to her serious, officer face, the one she must have learned from her sister.
"Thompson is my sister's married name. Are you from her unit?"
"Yes, Ma am. Sorry. Major Thompson..." It seemed strange to be referring to Amanda as Major Thompson. If I used her old rank at all, it was to call her Major Slut. " Major Thompson sent me to pick you up. I'll get your bags."
With that I grabbed her bags and started walking, all the while waiting for the shouts, the running men with guns. But they never appeared. She just stood there for a minute with her mouth open, uncertain what to do; then she followed me out to the Humvee. There were seats for three in the front of the Humvee, but it was close. So close I could smell her- the sweat and the perfume and the flower like scent of her hair. So close that she couldn't help but touch us every time the vehicle swayed. And I could tell that made her uncomfortable. I had her in the middle. She wanted to talk, even though that was next to impossible with the noise of the diesel engine. But she went on and on, almost shouting questions about Amanda, about Korea, about the commo station. The driver ignored her. He just concentrated on the road like I'd told him to do. I gave her short answers, mostly grunts, which I could see were making her uneasy. I didn't care. I was already thinking about the next stage, about breaking her just as I had broken her sister Amanda.
I didn't wait long to start my next stage either. As soon as we hit an empty stretch of road, I had Johnson pull over. I got Karen- I had already made the transition to thinking of her as Karen, my slut, rather than as the Lieutenant- to follow me to the cargo area of the Humvee. I told her some bullshit about how I smelled something and was afraid that a bottle of cleaning compound had broken and was going to soak into her bags. She climbed into the small canvas enclosed cargo area willingly enough. Threaten a woman's clothes, and she'll do anything to save them. But there was no cleaning compound, nothing back there except her two bags. When she turned to tell me that she didn't see anything wrong, I put the blade of my buck knife up under her chin. She froze! I slapped a handcuff on her left wrist and spun her around so she was facing the front of the Humvee. Keeping the knife at her throat, I ran the other cuff around a chain I'd secured to the spare tire which was bolted to the back of the cab and snapped it shut around Karen's right wrist. Then I forced her to her knees and squatted on my knees behind her, my body pressing her's into the tire, my knife still at her throat.
"Please don't hurt me." She managed to stammer. " I'll do whatever you want"
I knew that she would. There was no fight in her, no backbone. I could feel her eyes following the blade of my knife as I brought it up to her face and moved it in a lazy figure eight there. She followed it like it was a snake. I could feel her body shake with her fear. Satisfied with the impression I had made on her, I move the knife down her body, using it to slowly cut the buttons off her light green summer uniform blouse. I like the way she flinched each time the knife's blade slipped between her and the blouse. It must have felt cold as ice against her skin as it touched her. When the blouse was hanging open, I slipped the knife under her bra between her two soft, solid breasts. I let her feel the sharp edge of the blade against her skin as I slipped it in. That brought a whine from her, and a little whispered "no". She gave a little sob of relief when I turned the blade and used it to cut the bra instead of her. Then I cut each shoulder strap and pulled the whole bra off her, leaving her nude under her open blouse. The uniform pants were next. I unbuttoned them and forced them down to her knees. I used the knife on her panties- light blue ones I remember. Not very military. I cut each side of them and then pulled them free from between her legs. I laid them on the tire in case I needed them later for a gag. But first, I brought them to my face, covering my face with them, smelling that glorious scent of woman. It made my cock even harder. She didn't fight me, didn't struggle at all. Karen definitely didn't have Amanda's back bone. She hadn't said much so far, just whimpered and cringed as the knife played over her. But I knew that she would find her voice soon enough. I pounded on the back of the cab to let Johnson know to start driving. The noise of the vehicle would drown out most of the sounds she made. As the truck moved out, I left her for a moment to pull down the canvas at the rear of the cargo compartment so no one would see us. That left us in almost total darkness. I unbuttoned my pants and pulled then down to let my erect cock free. I pressed my self against Karen's back, letting my cock rest against her bare asscheeks. She jerked when my cock touched her- like it had burned her skin. I wrapped one arm around her again, resting the knife against one of her fear erect nipples, toying with it with the tip of my knife. I let the other hand roam over her bare skin, feeling her flat stomach, the weight of her other breast, the fine hairs between her legs. Karen flinched every time I touched her, her body shaking in fear. I could smell that fear in the sweat pouting off her now. I put my lips next to her delicate ear and whispered to her about how beautiful she was as I inhaled her scents- the cold sweat of her fear, her day old perfume, and the flower scent of her hair. But, business before pleasure. With the tip of my knife bending her nipple back- and my cock hard against her ass- I began to ask her some questions. I ask her why she had come, who she had talked to about her trip, what did she know about Amanda and me. She wasn't very coherent initially. She just kept begging me not to hurt her. But I was persistent. I kept asking the same questions there in the total darkness, whispering them into her ear in a lover's voice as my knife pricked her nipple. Eventually, the terrorized girl's answers began to make sense.
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I awoke feeling refreshed and opened my eyes to find David sitting at the computer, presumably unable to sleep as well as me because of his sore bottom. He wore only his pyjama shorts, his discarded jacket was still next to me on the bed. It had been quite a night of lovemaking. David was staring intently at the screen, looking occasionally at me but I kept my eyes half closed, wanting to delay him knowing I was fully awake because that would mean he and I going to his Mothers room for the...
Hello ISS Readers! Hope you all had a great Diwali. Hope you read my previous two stories about my sexual relationship with my aunty. This sex story is also real and the last one in the series. If you have not read my previous stories, please do read them as this is continuation of those. In short, my first story was about how my aunty and I started the sex relationship with an unexpected event and how it lead to a great blowjob at her house and then another one in the train while we were...
IncestTattooed Euro-babe Adel Asanty looks sensational in skimpy club-wear and sexy high heels. The lustful sex fiend teases and shows off her holes, and then treats Angelo Godshack and Christian Clay to drooling blowjobs. Christian’s cock bulldozes her asshole as she sucks Angelo’s meat, whimpering and talking dirty throughout. Intense, two-hole pounding leads to double-anal reaming as the studs simultaneously sink their pricks deeply into Adel’s sphincter! Raunchy double-anal...
xmoviesforyouDay 3 - Tues Mid-afternoon Dear Diary, Wow!! What a Rush (literally) the last 24 hours has been. I don't think I've ever sniffed or enjoyed anything more than this. Last night after dinner, we had another campfire. Everyone brought their popper sniffing projects from yesterday's arts and crafts. Those bottle lanyards are so great. I didn't have time to make a lanyard yesterday, but I sure want one as soon as possible. They are so handy. (If you remember,...
Deep in the wilds on the coast of Maine is the Mirthcrest Reformatory, a private institution used as an alternative for those in need of mental help. Used mainly for those of whom require some psychiatric assistance but are unable to find it in traditional therapy, the Reformatory also acts as an alternative punishment for the unruly. Several judges across the country have chosen it as an alternative to prison for those they think can benefit from the Reformatory's unique methods. You are a...
BDSM“You look good, I think I am going to enjoy you baby, I am going to call you baby until I leave,” she tells me as she takes my hand and leads me to the lavish bedroom with mirrors on all the walls and ceiling. “Do you like that?,” she asks as she places my hand on her arse. I was expecting the feel of leather, instead I am feeling bare flesh. As I look I can see there is nothing covering her glorious voluptuous, naked arse. “I purchased these slacks in Germany. Do you like them? When I...
Covering her face, the thought occurred to Gwen that maybe Falin felt the same about her as she felt about Falin. Gwen had done a lot more than kissing in her day, but never had she felt the electricity pulsating through her like she did with Falin. It was incredible. The little shocks went right to her core. It was all she could do to try and break the kiss. What she really wanted to do was shimmer Falin to her bed chambers and make use of that beautifully carved oak bed. Turning toward...
I and my wife were very happy with our married life. we were enjoying the sex very much. but after 7 year our sex life become boring. we started doing sex as our duty to keep our partner happy. nothing excitement was there. then one day my wife closest friend came to our house.she was very beautiful at the same time her husband was very handsome with blue eyes and good wife was very excited meeting her friend and her husband.i saw special look at pinki face when she talks to...
Hi readers, thanks for all your responses for my earlier incidents posted on the site.Those who are reading me for the first time i am 28yr old single guy from delhi working in an TOP IT MNC and enjoy my life to the fullest. The incident i am posting today is not mine but sent to me by a female reader of mine and i am just posting it for all the females reading it to make them realise that there is no problem to express your hidden desires and can go wild if situation require them to do...
"Wake up!" I hear a voice shout, startling me out of my slumber. "Huh?" I ask, blinking my eyes to try to focus them in the glare of the late August sun. "We've still got plenty to do," My husband says softly, waking me further with a gentle kiss before helping me lift my bikini-clad body off the sun lounger. "You know most 25 year olds DON'T spend their free time dozing off in the garden?" "Oh- shut up, you," I moan, before giggling as Stuart wraps a strong arm around my tanned...
Gradually Dave's naiveté slowly disappeared; a more confident Dave Segrove appeared. He had accepted her continued employment at the Pink Pagoda. He trusted her implicitly, and he knew Bobby wouldn't let anyone hurt her. His boys adored her, and loved it when she came over. Dave decided it was time for Nancy to meet his parents. He had already informed them of his new love, letting them know she had a rough childhood a harder time when she was a teen; leading to alcoholism, and drug abuse....
It is the end of the week, mom and I are off to meet and pick up Ann from camping. We are meeting Lisa, moms friend ,her daughter Tina and Ann at a Pizza Hut for dinner. We all arrived about the same time and we went in where we were shown to a table in the back. Lisa and Tina sat across from me and mom and Ann were on each side of me. We ordered drinks and a couple of large pizzas. While we waited for them the conversation was on the girls camping trip and then switched to a party mom and Lisa...
It was late. The air was damp with the smell of the storm. Raindrops hung from the branches like teardrops. I glanced again at the clock: 1.15 am. It was five hours since you left.You said you would be home by twelve.My cock ached from the weight of the cage wrapped around it. I had promised not to masturbate but you did not believe me.You looked fabulous when you went. The black see through panties clinging to your body, your freshly shaved pussy and mound raised, stretching the material taut....
CuckoldMark taps the security-camera app on his phone and swipes through cameras until he sees Mollie on the couch. She's asleep, as usual, with nothing to do while he is out of the house. Mollie's face-down, so he can only see her back. She has shifted in her sleep and one leg hangs off the bed, revealing her pussy to the camera, still flush from this morning's routine. NOTES: Hopefully the parallels to a pet are clear: Mollie is obedient and eager to please Mark loves and cares for Mollie and...
FantasyDad had taken us through the dark day of his and Mom’s younger years and we could better understand why they felt so strong about certain things. I ask if there were a lot of families like us. Mom told us that she thought maybe one family in every five hundred was like us. Dad told us the knew of three other families not counting Kim and Dave. Beth ask about Grandma Kate. Mom started crying again so Dad told us what happen. Kate got up early one morning to make coffee. Mom and Dad...
Wednesday, April 26 to Sunday, April 30, 2006 Wednesday morning, I spruced myself up in the camping ground's communal facilities, "wasted five minutes of my life shaving" (to quote Dad), then went job hunting. It was important I get a job because if I hung around in Corvallis without one, any future investigators might be suspicious that I had another reason. Having a job would also look good for the cops when I talk to them, because it'd be good for them to have no reason to arrest...
Holly Levine was hooked on Charlie,s Norse, cock as she savoured the hot fresh taste of his sperm rolling it round her tongue prior to gulping it down loudly so Charlie could hear as well as see her pay tribute to his prick. As she swalllwed she suddenly felt an intense surge of senses course through her body like a jolt of electricity and realise for a rare occasion she,d had an orgasm with just a cock in her mouth. She sometimes came with her titties being sucked and obviously tofingers, but...