Major Luness Pt 2 free porn video

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"So...?" Megan looked Tray over as he dried his hair. They were sitting on the end of their bed, Tray had a towel about his torso and one on his shoulders as he absent mindly brushed his long blond hair out, slowly. "There are a couple methods- people that have been body swapped that have gotten righted. Right now what I need most is to get some allies together so that we don't lose our bodies if we get pulled from our bodies by a person that wants to keep them-" Megan knelt before him- "When?" "Tomorrow," Tray answered looking towards the bathroom. Casey had been in the shower about five minutes. They were pretty sure that Casey was handling Tray's equipment again. 'Like four times in the last thirty hours or so,' Tray thought. Megan gripped Tray's hand- "Just... I want my husband back. What we did earlier was okay, but.... I- it's not me anymore," she admitted. "You seemed pretty happy when I left? What changed?" Tray asked touching his wife's face. He was a very sexual creature in his own body, but now in Casey's he was not feeling the need to kiss and feel and such. Megan took the extra towel he had for his hair and wrapped his head and his hair, putting a turban on his head. 'Something happened?' Tray thought watching her. "Nothing... I liked it, I did," she was looking down for a little bit then she looked into Tray's eyes, "I want to do it again, but.... that's not me anymore." 'She wants a baby,' Tray thought, 'she knows its a bad idea.' His wife sat beside him again and Tray touched her cheek, kissing her lips, his towel- the one about his chest fell open. They looked at it and at Tray's naked body. "It's reality that I am in here," he said. "Are you still in love with me?" Tray asked, feeling his heartache, hoping against everything that she still loved him. 'Never ask a question you do not want to hear the answer to,' he thought, 'just please confirm what I believe.' "I love you, no matter what you look like or who you are," she said stroking Tray's cheek. "Just... I am not- I-" 'She wants to do it. What the hell?' Tray was confused by the signals he was getting. There was a sound from inside the shower along with a foot slipping on the floor. They stared at each other then Tray slid both hands around the back of Megan's neck and drew her in. It was a kiss of hunger and passion, they only stopped when the shower turned off. They all slept separately- Megan in her and Tray's bed, Casey was in the guest room, and Tray was on the couch. Laying there trying to sleep half the night Tray had plenty of time to hear Casey- at first it was the unmistakable muffled sounds of someone tending to their own needs then it was tears. Hours passed before Tray heard the same pattern again. Between Casey's.... exploration Tray lay there thinking for a long time, slowly feeling the roundness of Casey's breasts- the breasts that were on his chest, that he could feel soft hands feeling- ghosting over, then rubbing and- There was so much of him that wanted to go further but his depression, fear, and even loathing drove him to think about the future- tomorrow, and the days that followed. It was terrifying to him to think that he might be stuck in Casey's body for the rest of her life. He thought about her life, her brothers and sisters, and their parents and the crap about her father. Lovers, friends, and interactions- There was no doubt that he would never be able to pull off a long term con, that he was Casey- people would see through the lies as soon as someone asked him a question- "you remember when we were in the seventh grade?" Bam- done for. Or the simple- "I thought you said you hated peanut butter?" Did she attend the seventh grade and if so where? Was she allergic to peanut butter or what? He did not know. Tray did drift in and out of sleep, like the other two sleep was something he just could not get a handle on. The next morning Tray and Casey got Tray's plan moving. Tray dressed in a mix of Megan and Casey's clothes then got on his computer and went to work sending out emails, looking for help without telling anyone what was happening. Casey talked about her roommate, her doormen, and the things she needed. It was all dragging her down- depression, fear, and anxiety. After breakfast she sat on the couch texting with Clockwork through her new goggles, crying and generally trying to keep her sanity together. Megan was gone by the end of breakfast- she had gone to catch a work out class or two. She had told them she would be back before lunch but made no promises or stated any clear plans. As she left Tray realized that she had said only "bye," and had not given him or Casey a kiss. It juvenilely discouraged him. "You guys okay?" Casey asked. Tray was about done going over his log and updating his files. "I don't know," Tray answered honestly. When they were ready to go Casey walked Tray through everything he would need to know then he caught a cab, headed for the bus station, there he walked half a block and caught a different cab. He arrived at Casey's apartment building, smiled at the guard in the lobby- "hay, Barney," he waved a little finger wave at the old man. "Ms Cassidy," he nodded as Tray got into the open and waiting elevator. 'He suspects nothing,' Tray thought looking at his new reflection in the metal doors. 'Okay, I am a pretty female, with a father who screwed millions out of the working class, I am rich, I have super powers, and I am a hero,' he thought taking a breath. 'And I have a really nice pair of breasts- thank God they are not bigger,' he thought glancing at his profile in the metal sidewall. The reflection was pretty bad, but he could see quite a bit. 'She's a flirt, a.... sexual creature, and I.... I like cumming in her body, but I do not want to live like this.... okay, stop, just stop- thinking about this will only drive you into depression," Tray took a breath. 'Play the part.' Tray had opened his blouse a little to much, revealing a little to much cleavage. It was a suggestion of Casey's- "show here and they might forget what you say." He saw the wisdom in using her tits to distract people from their present problems. He was just not accustomed to doing such a thing. The elevator took him to the twelfth floor. Tray exited the elevator to the right, focusing on his walking- one foot in front of the other to twelve fifteen. A man walking towards him smiled- "hi Cassidy, how are you today?" "Good. Yourself?" "Good," he smiled, "wanted to thank you for the recommendation- Pier's was good." 'Pier's?' Tray thought, then noticed the guy was barely looking at his face, he was more focused on the cleavage below his face. 'Dude, look at my face... wow, do all guys do this?' "I had a feeling," Tray said moving past him. He could feel the guy's eyes on his ass, it was weird and annoying.... and gross. From the back pocket of his skin tight jeans he extracted a key. Casey had a couple hid-a-keys about the city, this one however had been in her costume. Casey had wanted to go with him, but that idea made Tray nervous and so he had explained- "Luness and Major hanging out together then you and Tray Larson start hanging out together? Anyone that had a suspicion before would be sure after that," he had said over breakfast, "and think about those guys that are watching you.... bad idea." "Cassy-!" Casey's room mate- Irena Byron, a Canadian born model, raised in France smiled at Tray when he came in. Irena was painting her toenails while sitting in the corner of their over stuff couch. 'Holy shit- she looks... wow,' Tray tried to keep it together. Irena was tall- almost six foot, stick thin, straight brown hair to her shoulders, big green eyes, and a sweet, naive look. She had not a bit of make up on, her hair slicked back as though she had just gotten out of the shower. She wore shorts and a tee shirt with a tank top over that. Their apartment had all the right stuff- TV, big fluffy couch, coffee table, some art work, big bay windows looking across the city, hard wood floors with the right number of rugs, and an open kitchen- all of it was perfectly spotlessly clean. And almost all of it was lightly colored over white so that it gave a more up beat feeling to the apartment. "Hi," Tray smiled at her. "I did not hear you leave? Were you home last night?" "Oh, I have been in and out," Tray lied heading for the hall and the bedroom on the left. "Did you come home last night? Your Detective was by, he was worried," Irena called to him. Casey's room was stylish in the sense that it was done up as a super hero shrine- posters to the greats and even a few picture of the not so great. Tray did not immediately see any pictures of Major but saw a news article with his picture. 'Upper closet shelf on the right side,' he went into the closet and went in. Casey was not exactly well organized, there were a few clothes on the floor, and shoes scattered about. "The Detective asked if you had been by," Irena stated. She was speaking louder to be heard from the living room. "I heard you," Tray called to her. He grabbed the suitcase, dropped it on the bed and opened it, finding two duffle bags inside. He opened the larger bag and went through her drawers, grabbing seven of everything- panties, pairs of socks, pants, shirts, blouses, and bras. He grabbed a couple sweaters, belts, a skirt, shoes- heels, running shoes, boots, and nylons. When he closed the drawers he felt as though had taken nothing from them they were still so full. He zipped the duffle closed and took it to the window. "Cassy," Irena was coming down the hall. Tray quickly dropped the bag out of sight from the door and went to the bed to get rid of the suitcase, but Irena was there before he could put it away. "Are you going to- where are you going?" Irena asked looking at the suitcase. "Away for a couple days," Tray said, hoping that would be enough. "Who is it?" Irena asked with a smile. Tray wanted to tell her it was none of her business but shook his head instead- "At least a gender?" "I don't want to talk about it-" "Are you finally hooking up with Michael- oh, he is so geekish. I think you should you know, just give him a good ride-" "Irena-" "No, seriously, you have shagged- five different guys and two women this year, you should just bite the bullet and give him a little," Irena moved in, avoiding clothes and things on the floor so she could sit down on the bed. "Or maybe-" she worked her tongue against the inside of her cheek. "You are into that. Do not deny it." The idea of his mouth being used to give blow jobs as going to make him throw up. "Irena- stop," Tray did not know how they normally talked to each other. "I need to get away for a while- just watch the apartment and take care of the.... stuff around here," Tray could not recall the mention of a dog or cat or anything. 'I forgot to clean the litter box at home. Crap- I hope Megan did it. She probably did,' Tray thought. Irena looked concerned only for a few seconds, then she said- "okay, be a bitch, fine, whatever," got up and headed for the door. "Oh, and by the say- your Detective, really good in the sack." "Irena- don't-" "You started this shit-" "Stop! Just... stop..." Irena looked at him. "I'm sorry, okay, there is a lot on my plate right now...." Irena nodded- "not really sorry for shagging your boyfriend. He made me do that doggie sound." 'Doggie sound-?' "Its a casual thing anyway," Tray dismissed her thought that Casey would be hurt by her fuck buddy held any emotional attachment. Tray honestly had no idea if Casey liked him or not, she had not said much about him. Irena nodded a little- "share-?" Tray had no idea what he should say- "For right now." She said something in French. Tray put the bag into Casey's closet up on the shelf. On the way out he grabbed a half dozen shoes and tossed them towards the shelf where the shoes were suppose to be stored, tossing clothes from the floor into the hamper near the door- even though it was full he still did it. The little duffle he took to the bathroom while Irena watched. 'Stuff on the right side of the sink is mine,' Casey had said, 'and the yellow brush which Irena always steals- grab that.' Tray left the yellow brush, grabbed the toothbrush, mouthwash, deodorant, birth control pills- he paused looking at Casey in the mirror. He started to shake, emotion bubbling up until he wanted to scream- "Cassy-?" Irena was holding him. "I can't do this," Tray was shaking so badly, his emotions completely out of control. Irena was talking to him in French, trying to calm him, but Tray had no idea what she was saying, he did not speak French. 'Casey speaks French and I don't and people know that- oh, crap this is a major sticking point,' the thought ran through his head. "What-?" Irena had asked him a question, it was the same question she had asked just before that, but it was in French. "Are you pregnant?" Irena asked in English. "Wha-?" Irena picked up the little packet and took a pill from it- "do you need these for the next nine months? Or has God got you covered?" Tray took the pill and dropped it into the back of his throat watching Irena- "thanks," he said feeling incredibly uncomfortable. She asked something in French again as she clicked the packet closed. Tray had no idea what she said, but he felt she just wanted to know what had happened- "I... don't know. Just not feeling right," he said as they got up off the floor. He could not look at the mirror, it was mentally impossible for him to look at her in the mirror. "Do you need to go spend some time with your vibrator?" she asked, giving the last word a thick French accent that by the look of her face was meant as a joke. Tray chuckled and shook his head, grabbed Casey's hair drier and dropped it in the bag. Irena grabbed the yellow brush and tossed it in- "I bought another one," she said. Tray nodded a thank you and left the bathroom in a hurry. He closed the bedroom door, leaning against it, breathing, then sliding down the door, tearing the poster off the back of the door he sat there and tried unsuccessfully not to cry. "What happened?" it was weird hearing his own voice on the phone. "I.... I am not doing so well," Tray found it hard to admit. Tray was hitting an emotional low. It was because he'd seen the birth control pills, the idea that he only had six more left in the pack also really bugged him (because it meant Casey's period was coming up). "You are the one that told me we can't be around our friends and such, so get up, get my boots on, and get back here," Casey said sounding like she was trying to be encouraging while at the same time she was battling to stay ahead of her own depressed feelings. "There is a book bag by the door or in my room, grab that for me," Casey asked. The original plan had him placing the duffles on the window ledge outside the window so that Irena would not ask a bunch of questions about him leaving but she knew Casey would be leaving so Tray did not see a point in him walking out with the three bags. Tray pushed his hand into Casey's long blonde hair again, looking at it the tears would not stop. "You have to get up, Tray, come on." "Okay- okay, I am getting up," he said turning to his side he managed to get up, take a breath. "Be back in twenty minutes." "Good," was all Casey said before she hung up. Tray stood there looking down, trying to get his brain wrapped around the idea that he was a woman, a twenty something year old young woman when he saw something- the poster that had come off the back of the door- it was of Major, it was one from about eight years ago. He nudged the poster open with his toe to look at it- he had seen it a few times, it was a really good picture that someone had taken at a fight, he was bare chested, powerful looking. He took a breath- "I will have you back," he said to his body. When he got outside he noticed that there were a couple of men with cameras taking his picture from afar. He got into a waiting cab and watched for a tail- there was not one but two. Six blocks away he paid the driver and hurried with the bag down an alley. The cameramen followed on their motorcycles. Tray ran into an offshoot alley and stepped onto a platform and shot straight up into the air over the building, covering himself in armor. He was pretty sure he was not seen by them, he just hoped that no one said- "I saw Luness at," where ever the heck he was, and the guys on the bikes heard about it. Luness used a force field look that people could see through, but Tray liked the idea of armor, the look was thicker looking then a force field and when he was wearing heels gave him a more stable foot. Something that bugged him about Luness was the force field and the floating platform. She was often seen without her force field just flying around. He wondered why he could not just fly without the platform, just by using the force field to carry him- or in his case, the armor. So he floated up off the platform and flew that way, getting rid of the platform all together. He decided that he would need to ask Casey about that. Megan sat with him when he got home, there were a lot of tears, and Tray was trying to figure out whatever was running through his head, but Megan nailed it when she said- "you are just scared that you won't get your life back." "What has she been doing all day?" Megan looked at her houseguest across the room- "reading mostly, watching TV without watching more often then not. She is having a lot of trouble with this was well." "And-?" "Ya, lots of that too," Megan nodded. Casey liked the male orgasm, Tray concluded, but did not like being in the male body. "Has she made any moves on you?" Megan nodded- "she did." "And-?" "We had wild, mind numbing sex," Megan said with a flat monotone voice. Tray had to smile a little, but there was something in the way she had spoke that made him feel there was something to that. "You need to get your head into the things you have to do, and get her moving, this-" she gestured at him, "is not you, even in your present condition you should not be this down and lost." That helped him to start pulling himself and Casey out of the well of their emotional distress. Unfortunately, for them, almost all of their day was shot. They sat down to eat an early dinner- "I had classes today, and you blew them off," Casey told Tray. "Sorry, get your homework done, and get me your schedule- if we are still like this Monday I will go in," Tray said. "You should video the classes so that she can actually attend," Megan suggested. "And what about going out? It's Friday, and I want to go out-" "Not tonight, we are going to see a friend of mine later-" Tray consulted the clock on the wall, "we are probably going to be late, so eat up." Megan waved them out as she cleared the table- "I have this- go," she told them. Tray kissed her cheek- "thank you." "You owe me big buster," she said in a manor that said she was joking as much as she just wanted her husband back. They went into Tray and Megan's bedroom where they changed into their costumes. "You ever think about...." Casey was looking at Tray's rear in the mirror that was behind Tray as he zipped up his boots. "About what?" "You..... me.... you know," Casey said hoping he would catch on. Tray looked down at his body then at his real body- Casey was shirtless still. "You mean....?" "Ya," Casey said with a nod and a smile that made Tray think she wanted to just do it right there. "You have my libido," Tray told her, "much as I hate the idea of you handling my..... junk I understand it." Casey nodded, a little embarrassed so she continued to get dressed in silence. They were late for their meet with Allura. They landed looking about the rooftop, Tray was sure she had gone. Allura stepped into existence on the roof next to Tray. "What happened?" she asked heading right for Major. "Allura- I am Major, he is Luness," Tray gestured between the two of them. Allura was strikingly beautiful, hourglass shape, dark skinned, long black hair, she was in fantastic shape, and she loved Major. She wore her typical knee-high boots, gypsy style dress, and a half fingerless glove that some how kept her fingerprints from being identified. "Say again?" she asked looking between them. "Luness," Casey pointed. "Major," Tray followed suit with a point. Allura nodded- "a body swap-?" "Yes," the both said as one. She looked between them then at Tray- "Major?" Tray nodded- "remember the fight last year and what happened afterwards?" Allura and Tray had been in a big fight with a villain- Leviathan, he had drowned Allura. Tray had rescued her, gotten the water out of her by holding her by the feet and flying very quickly away from the massive monster. He found a place to hide and did CPR on her. Within one or two breaths she was French kissing him, Tray had not wanted to but he had wanted to at the same time. He had told Megan about the kiss later, and how he had turned her down. Allura had been disappointed but thankful that Major had finally told her why he was not interested in her. "You said you were gay," she supplied. "I am married not gay- I told you that just before we went back into the fight," Tray said taking a breath. At the time she had thought he was gay because he had turned her down so many times. "No, just a loyal husband," he told her then and now. She looked them both over. "Could we..." Casey threw out there. "No," Allura and Tray both said as one. Casey shrugged and rolled her eyes. "I know," Casey said, probably just responding to Michael's comments. "Telepathic connection? Have each other's skills? You flew in a force field so the body's powers are with the body. Who did this-?" Tray stopped her- "No telepathic connection. As far as I know all of our mental and spiritualness went into the other's body and the body has the power. And, it was Majestic- he was trying to summon up spirits to possess political figures," Tray answered, "there was a blast, it...." "It put us in these little vials on his waist- when I knocked Major's vial loose he ended up in my body- I was hit just when.... well when I did that, and I ended up in his somehow," Casey answered. Allura walked over to a plastic chair that was sitting on the roof and sat down, thinking. Tray created a couch and sat down on it, Casey sat next to him, both of them facing Allura. "Tell me what this blast looked like and tell me about the vials," Allura wanted details, and asked in depth questions. It was almost an hour before she said- "I have no idea what spell that is, but I am pretty sure can switch you back, I have a spell, if its magic. Let me try this, first." She stood, and they stood. "Hold hands. Now if this works you are going to feel weak, just hold on to each other and let go- but not of each other," she said then smiled at them both. 'She is thinking about bedding Casey right now,' Tray thought. Allura reached into the air, speaking words softly and clearly, then she placed her hands on their heads. Both of them felt nothing. "Nothing?" "Nothing," they both confirmed. "Okay, its a permanent spell, this I can work with," she said, as she stepped back, "I am going to need some materials. Can I meet you.... I need someplace quiet." 'Bring her here, I can get out of here and your guys can do your thing. Give me twenty minutes,' Michael texted to them both. "Twenty minutes okay?" Tray asked Allura. "Twenty.... maybe, lets call it thirty," she was thinking about if she could get everything together, it was pretty clear she doubted twenty minutes when she made the counter offer. They were waiting for her on the roof when Casey's phone rang- "caller ID says Binky?" "I can't talk to her," Casey said thinking. "Who is Binky?" "A friend.... I should text her at least," Casey said and started on that. "Tomorrow, I have an appointment with the Williams, I need that to work out...." Casey gave a little nod, working the touch pad with a stylist because of her gloves. "I will," she said, "if we are still stuck that is- God, I hope this is over tonight." "Me too," Tray said. His heart ached for his body. This was an interesting jaunt away from reality but he was really wanting out of it. The text was done and they waited. "Time?" Tray asked. Clockwork put up the time and date for him, and a timer that said Allura was five minutes late. "Are you okay with getting your body back?" "Oh, God, yes, I am so ready," Tray said quickly. "You?" "I am starting to like standing when I pee," Casey smiled at him, "but I want my life- fucked up as it is- I want it back. And... you are older then I am, like fifteen or twenty years." He pushed his hair back from his face, back over his shoulders- "ya-" Allura stepped into focus. She was not there then she was a little there, then a little more, becoming more solid with every step she took towards them- about four or five steps total. "Sorry, should I go?" "No," they both said quickly. Allura laughed, then they laughed, both a little embarrassed. Downstairs they found that Michael had left his table and two chairs. "This will work," Allura replied looking about the large open room- open except for the center column. That was the last thing either of them recall her saying before they woke and the sun was coming up. They just sat there in the office chairs looking at themselves without a mirror. It was minutes of sitting still before one of them moved. Casey bent over at the waist and threw up on the floor. Tray pushed back, getting out of the spatter very quickly. He was feeling weird, groggy, and.... Casey moaned as she vomited the contents of her stomach, coughing as she finished. Tray got up, stumbling, then falling to the floor, his head spinning, he rolled onto his back, hair across his face, wanting to retch as well, but not feeling like he could move. "Are you okay?" Allura asked. She was beside Casey, her hand on his shoulder. "Ahh- no, I feel like crap," Casey said, "weak and the world is spinning. What happened?" Allura walked up to Tray and knelt down- "Major?" Tray nodded to her, then closed his eyes, the world was spinning so fast. "That was five different attempts," she said, her hand on Tray's shoulder, trying to comfort him. "So you can't do it?" She shook her head, speaking softly in that language again. Tray instantly felt the world bounce back, recoiling to a set position then past and locking in so that the world was not spinning anymore. "Better?" Slowly Tray sat up. He felt very uncomfortable- more then he recalled the night before with regards to his chest, he looked down, then at his hands- "what happened to-?" he gestured to his chest. "Ahh- yes, that- you do not recall what happened?" Allura moved to Casey and spoke those same word to her. Casey seemed lost for just a second then he sat up. Tray looked at his former body- he looked smaller, older, less.... handsome. "The last spell- it.... it switched your powers," she said. "What-?" they both asked. "Whow-" Casey was looking at Tray, "and... what gave me a cup size?" Tray opened his blouse some, readjusted the closure of it- "feels like.... ya, this is not comfortable." Casey's chest was trying to burst from her bra. Tray wanted to take the dammed thing off it was so uncomfortable. "You agreed. You both agreed when I told you it was all I had left to try," she said. Casey formed a dustpan and scooped up all the vomit into a jar and sealed the container- not with a cap, but just by closing it. Tray floated up off the floor, floating about the massive room then landing next to Allura. It was nice to have his powers back. "I'm sorry, it just did not work. I can switch your powers back if you find another way.... if you find a magical method.... well it should go when you go," she told them both. "So what is it?" Tray asked. "Whatever that spell is.... it took you from your bodies, and somehow, for some reason locked you in those bodies- I am sorry, but magically there is nothing I can do until I find out what that spell is," she said, "my suggestion- find Majestic's spell books." Tray shifted from straight on to profile- "I thought a thirty four C was big," he said looking at her bare breasts in the mirror over his dresser. "They are perkier," Megan said then looked at Casey. "I... ya, that...." she nodded, "and my hair... I mean, his hair, it looks.... fuller." "Prettier too," Megan said. 'Hornier too,' Tray thought, 'God, I hope Megan wants to have some fun tonight, I have one wet pussy right now.' Casey stepped up beside Tray, he was still in great condition, but he looked older, less.... something. Megan handed Tray a tee shirt- "I'll go buy you a bra," she said looking at Tray in the mirror. "You okay?" Megan asked him. Tray pulled the V neck shirt on, then cleared his mass of hair from the back of the shirt- his hair felt smoother, like silk. "Ya... Ya, I am fine. I have that appointment with the Williams at noon, would you go get that bra- yesterday it was a thirty four C, so I guess its going to a D and maybe a DD," Tray said looking down the tee shirt. Megan nodded to him. 'She wants me, I can friggin' see that in her eyes,' Tray thought looking at her. "You want Casey to go with me?" she asked. 'Oh! She knows I am horny as all hell,' Tray considered. "It's fine, I should start-" "Casey- would you come with me?" Megan said, "the public should see us out, we can do some grocery shopping as well." In the hour and a half that they had been gone he had masturbate half the time away and the other half he had spent writing notes for the meeting with the Williams. The first session Tray had orgasmed very quickly once, so he kept going, getting a second and third in rapid succession. It had felt so good. After that he worked on the notes, but only managed about fifteen minutes of work before he went at it again. By the end he was eight orgasms deep and had a half page of notes written as well as his pages of work out and on the table. It was after the second session that Michael called the house phone- "I left a package downstairs for you." "What is it?" Tray asked working at getting dressed. "Concealable comms, and a wireless pen camera," he answered. "Its for me? Or Cassidy?" "Cassidy or your wife and Tray can get it- hay, umm- what does Tray stand for?" "Tracy," Tray answered, feeling for the first time that the name actually fit. "You don't have a middle name?" "Levee," Tray answered. There was a long pause- "so... ya, I can see why you go by Tray. No offense but your parents must have made your childhood hell with that." "You have no idea," Tray said then said his good-bye. He slipped on some shoes, grabbed a spare key and headed for the door, pausing only long enough to look at himself in the mirror near the door. Casey looked spectacular- her face glowed like an angel, her breasts almost to big for her body, her waist impossibly narrow, and her jeans- tight the day before were lose about the waist but tight against her ass. Tray wanted to have sex with her so badly he could taste it- in fact he had. He smelt his hands- he could smell the sex so he washed his hands again because the smell was making him horny. He grabbed one of Megan's windbreakers and headed downstairs. He pushed the down button and waited, got on board and pushed the first floor button. On the third floor the car stopped and the doors opened- Matt Weiss opened his eyes and looked up from his phone, the door were about to close when he realized he needed to get onto the elevator. He stepped on still staring at Tray- "hello," he said putting out his hand, "Matt Weiss, three oh one." Tray almost said his name- "Casey," said and they shook hands. "Casey-?" "Just Casey," Tray wanted to avoid Matt's advances but he could tell that was going to be a problem. "Well, Casey.... I am having a little get together at my apartment around six-" "Sorry, I am seeing someone," Tray said just as the door closed. Tray went to looking at his reflection in the not so shiny metal door. "Oh, emm- well I... ya, sorry, I guess I came on to strong. It's just.... I have never seen a woman that actually glows like you do- you are beautiful," Matt told him. "Thank you," Tray just wanted to smash him in the face. They rode in silence to the bottom then when the door opened Tray stepped out, aware that Matt was watching him walk away. 'My god this is disgusting, I have to get out of this dammed body,' he thought. Danny watched him, blinking, confused at the beautiful woman that walked from the elevator to his little desk. The lobby was about twenty feet square with mail boxes to one side, a couch and tables for waiting guests, and even a bathroom. Danny had a small TV hidden behind the top edge of his desk, earphones kept it from being loud. Danny stared at Tray as Tray closed the distance to him, then he suddenly remembered that he should be standing. "Hi- I was told there was a package here for me." Matt who had waited to long to get out of the elevator was walking across the lobby when he heard Tray say that, he tripped and almost fell. "Ahh- a.... package?" 'Okay, this is plain stupid, I have to get Allura to give us back the other powers, I can't live like this,' Tray thought. "Eight oh one- the Larson's, a man came in and left a box for me," Tray said. Danny looked down then at the package on his desk- "ahh- I-" Tray looked down below the man's belt, the obvious bulge was pronounced- "oh, my God- Jeez, Danny-" Danny sat down quickly looking about as embarrassed Tray had been when he was in the ninth grade and the girl to the side of him was playing with her eraser and her cleavage and the teacher had called him up. "I am so sorry... I- am.... I meant nothing by it," he looked like he was about to cry, "please, I- it was.... an physiological response to.... I can't lose my job." Matt was gone. Tray leaned in, deliberating letting the man look at his cleavage- "package." Matt could not take his eyes off what Tray was showing him, but some how he did manage to grab the box and hand it to Tray. Quick enough to toss his hair, Tray spun and walked for the elevator. Inside he clinched his fists, he wanted to hit something, but he had been a super to long to know that was a bad idea. Upstairs Tray tore open the package, inside was a pair of small hearing aid sized communication devices and a pen- a regular, functioning pen that had instructions on its use. It took Tray a moment to program his computer but was finally getting a signal. It was then that he got the text alerting him that they were five minutes away. Tray stripped down, pony tailed then pinned Casey's mane of hair up then stepped into the shower for a quick rinse of her body to get the smell off- he felt that he smelled of sex. He was dried, and dressed when Megan peaked into the bedroom- "food- whow- you look stellar. Did that help?" "Ya- thanks," he said taking a breath. "We only have about forty minutes so you have to hurry up," she said. Tray stepped to her and kissed her- "I love you." It was not unexpected but Megan caught him a little off guard with a hug. They held each other, Megan was tearful, but then suddenly broke off their contact and left the room. Tray searched through the bras- he found five, three different brands. The second one he tried on fit comfortably, so tried to remember the brand and the size. From the bag he had put together at Casey's he took out a silk blouse and pulled it on, buttoning it as he left the bedroom. Casey was sitting on the couch looking upset when he entered the living room. "What's the matter with Casey?" Tray asked looking over the boxes of food they had brought back. "She knows what you were doing, and it pissed her off," Megan answered. "You are going to need a new costume and a new code name- you realize that?" "Ya, I figured we could tell people that our powers got switched," Tray explained. He felt better, more secure with the bra on, it was weird feeling like that but it had been a weird couple of days. "We need to get back on the hunt for a way out of this-" "After your noon meeting, you have a plan for that?" Tray nodded, reaching up he elevated his wife's chin then kissed her. They kissed for a long moment. They were both hungry for each other. "This is pretty weird," he told her, then saw Casey in the doorway of the bathroom, standing there staring at him. "Casey-" "No, its fine- I get it, let's work on your life and screw mine. I have been going over your notes and I think I can pull this off. Afterwards I want to go out and get some dick though- that's if you don't mind?" "Casey- you have been jerking off like a teen-age monkey, I have only a couple times-" "And the sex you had with her on Thursday," Casey said. "Casey-" "No- its fine-" Casey was almost calm. Megan snapped stepping around Tray- "you asshole!" It startled Tray, because his wife seldom got angry. "You sneak in here in the middle of the night and pretend to be my husband and seduce me, and you jerk off ten times a day, and you are make a stink about me kissing my husband in your body when rumor has you have been with men and women all over the city- yes, your brothers and sisters are all over California doing the same thing-" Tray grabbed Casey by the throat, shoving past Megan, slamming Casey down on the floor with ease- "you had sex with my wife?!?!" "Tray!" Megan grabbed him, "stop! You'll kill him and then you never get your body back." Tray backed up. "We did it okay, she was curious, I.... after the fact I was not happy, but I knew it wasn't you.... that... she needed to know what it felt like. I knew that- I was going to tell you when this was over-" "What happened- I want to know details." Megan told the story while Casey got up and sat at the table looking ashamed of herself. "So she comes in, says 'baby I am back,' and you two go at it?" "Pretty much the short version. I was... I had a feeling it wasn't you with the first kiss, but it was the.... I could not imagine your oral skills increasing that much after a day of being a woman. And by the time.... when she wanted to do something we had never done.... I knew, but I figured it was her and I figured she had a right to try it." "What have we never done?" Megan nodded down slightly. "Anal-? You let- oh, come on-" Tray was upset. Megan was a little embarrassed but she managed to continue- "Tray- because of your libido I do everything, and anything for you when ever you need it or want it, even when I do not," Megan said touching her husband's cheek, "I love you, and if.... if I have to be on the spot with a blow job or sex or whatever I will do it. You mean that much to me." "Plus she really likes sex-" "Shut up!" Tray and Megan snapped at Casey. "Probably as much as I do," Casey muttered. Tray could not believe his wife was telling him that she had cheated on him, but then he knew her past and knew what he had done, and he figured he owed her a pass. "Casey-" Megan reached out, "please, we can get through all this. My husband is in your body, he is a sexual creature, and by the way he and you are and were acting I can see that it was his powers more then anything." "You conned my wif-" "Tray- please, stop, if we do not have unity in this we are doomed. She needs you to keep her life in order and we need her to keep your life in order, now please- I am not mad about the con- a little angry with myself and.... okay, I am a little mad, but its over. Casey wanted to have sex as a man as badly as you wanted to have sex as a woman. It was better to do it with me then someone else- which can create complications. Its over." Tray was angry, and Casey was angry as well as embarrassed or ashamed of what she had done. They had a long moment of silence, time for individual thoughts. "Casey- we need you to help us, this client is a important to our life so please." "I want my life tended to as well," she said. "You have something that needs to be done today?" Megan asked her. "Homework," she answered. "Can't help you with that unless you need a proof read or something, that is all on you," Megan told her. Tray agreed that they needed to work on Casey's life too. Tray fed Casey details from the bedroom through the ear bud, watching the areas that Casey pointed the pen at also helped a great deal. It took them almost an hour to go over the changes, after that Casey pretty well had the socializing and the conning down. It helped that she had some artistic skills. Finally, they were gone and Tray exited the bedroom. "Thank you," Tray said. "Can we go and get our bodies back now?" Casey asked. "This was a brain wave transference device," Professor said going through the storage room. The storage room was an extra dimensional space in Professor Reeves' lab, there were stacks of shelves with odd looking things, some covered, some in boxes, and all of them looking like they should be in a more secure location. "Will that work on us?" Casey asked. "Well.... that is the question- the people that this was designed to right were not transferred by magic, this was a transference of memories and thoughts- two of the people that were transferred were not the people that.... well, the emotions did not go with. There was a husband and wife and their bodies were still in love despite having two men that had no life experience together- it made for some uncomfortable times with the two until I managed to get this device built-" "No, if that is the best you can do with it-" "Major-" "No," Tray said firmly to Casey, "I am not transferring my thoughts and memories to my body and not taking my spirit or emotional attachments with me- no." Professor Reeves watched them for a moment, then asked- "you have seen Allura?" "First stop," Tray answered. Professor Reeves had been in the super business for almost forty years. His wife had been unfortunate enough to be caught in a blast of energy that had sent her just outside of our home dimension. The effect was that she was present- able to talk to him, but touch nothing. It took him ten years to get her back to the material plane. "Emm- this is not the machine, I might be able to alter it- that will take time however. I have two more projects, so maybe a week or two tops," he said looking at a device the size of a very small car. Tray nodded- "we are going to continue to look for another way." "Oh, please, yes, I expect you to do that, I am not sure I can do anything to help you. Might I get some tests done first however?" "Can I get that costume you offered?" Tray asked. Professor Reeves looked Tray over then nodded. Sense his wife's passing he had not been near or with a woman, and Tray's present body was.... sexy and beautiful. "Oh, surely," the old man looked at Tray. He was not quite so bad as the other men around him, but he was eyeballing Tray a little more then Tray was comfortable with. They moved to a different area of the storage area, locating a booth where the Professor asked. Their bodies were scanned inside the booths then when they came out they went to a fabrication machine, watching it work in a flash it took the machines minutes to make them each a new costume. The new costume was made of the same material that Tray's costume was made of- NeoNan. Professor Reeves had created the cloth to help him with his wife's situation, it had not helped other then it was tough enough to make it to her dimension so she could have some different clothing then what she had been sent there wearing. Tray liked the new suit- no heels. He was not a fan of capes but he took one this time, it would help to hide his ass from prying eyes. The facemask was a nose and mouth thing with his goggles over that. No cleavage so there was a bonus in that, but it still felt wrong. "Thanks, Professor," Tray said. Casey had also changed costumes back to Tray's classic costume- black pants, knee high boots, short gloves, sleeveless shirt with an open double vested shirt, a domino mask under the goggles was what the public saw but there was the wig hood part that covered Tray's red hair and made him a blond. After that they had their brains scanned. Each scan was a precursor to the transfer, so the machine could be calibrated to them. Each scan was a twenty minute process. "Feel like my brain was scrambled," Casey was sitting on a platform. "It was just a brain scan," Tray said floating a few feet off. He too felt like his brain had been scrambled. Casey seemed to notice the snippiness that Tray had in his tone and that made her stop, which brought Tray to a stop. They were several hundred feet above the city, just a few blocks from Professor Reeves' building. "We need to talk-" Casey said. "I know you guys are about to get into something personal, but there is a traffic snarl on the ninety five south, just south of Port, looks like there might be robots involved," Michael said. They turned towards the west and flew quickly towards the snarl. "I'm going ahead." Tray flew much faster, or so he thought- his mastery of Casey's powers was not as complete as he would have liked. When they arrived at Port they could see the snarl, the backed up traffic on both sides of the highway. Flying south they found a nasty looking accident- a semi had jumped the center divide, blocking northbound traffic completely and half of the south bound traffic. The trailer of the truck was being torn to pieces by six legged spider like robots about the size of mini motorcycles. "Look for the controller, or someone that is lacking interest in this," Tray ordered Casey. Tray flew down grabbing one of the six legged creatures by the head. He had not quite gotten use to Casey's body and fighting in it was odd to him, but he was back to his old powers- hitting things. He crushed the robot's head, then kicked it in the rear. The robot shattered, flying into hundreds of pieces. Two jumped at him- he caught one by the forelegs, breaking its legs but the second caught him in the belly knocking him to the ground. He wrapped his legs about the second and squeezed, breaking it's thorax. The other one started stabbing him with its pointy foot but it had little effect. The two of them wrestled for a moment then Tray rammed his fist through the robot's belly and tore the mechanical guts out of it. Three jumped at him, slamming him to the ground, knocking his feet out from under him again. He elbowed another but did little or no damage, kicked another- it shattered. 'It's so nice being super strong and tough again, I hated those other friggin' powers, they sucked,' he thought. Though he knew it was not about the powers sucking it had to do with his mastery of them. There were four on him now- he head locked one, giving it a knee to the torso as he twisted its head to the side ripping it off in one slick move, then shoving it away with his foot. An elbow to a knee, then a grapple for the neck as the robot lost its footing, he ripped the robots neck open with his fingers. "You do not look like you are doing well?" Casey said through their radios. "This is fun, but I think I might have made a tactical error," Tray said taking to the air. There was still one holding on- about his waist, he gave it a kick and it flew across four lanes, impacting with a barrier. He stopped moving there. Casey gestured from one to another to the next, spiking them straight down, punching through armor like it was nothing. "Show off," Tray said watching the area. The spider creatures tried to get at them, but could not get high enough. One tried to throw a tire at them, but did nothing more then get spiked and killed. There were people still in their cars, a few recording the fight on their phones. But there were none that seemed to be controlling the robots. "Clockwork- can you scan for EM in the area?" "Ahh- no, I... the goggles are just-" "Ahh- they are probably programmed anyways," Tray gave up on the idea. The last of the robots was dead. Tray flew down and landed on the back of the truck looking around at the damage. "The- wait, ahh- Major, go to your- left, forward." Tray followed the orders looking for something. "There- that wall, see the damage?" Tray knelt down and looked at the damage to the side of the trailer. "Emm- interesting," he said. Casey moved over and looked at it- "what-?" "The robots made their move from the inside out. We need to find the driver and any paper work he had on this load," Tray said noticing two police officers headed towards them, guns drawn searching the wreckage. "Major- what happened?" Tray started to speak then looked at Casey. "Oh, ahh- sorry. The robots were inside the truck, it seems they broke out of the trailer through here," she gestured. With ease Tray floated up and over to the cab, he found the driver with his throat torn open, blood all over the inside of the cab. "Oh, wow- gross," Tray pretended to hold vomit in. In his career he had seen more dead and injured people then he cared to recall and he had become hardened to it. "The driver is dead," Michael said, "don't look Luness. You need to maintain the air of callousness. No offense Major." "The driver-?" one of the cops was asking him, both were staring. "Dead," Tray answered. "Major- now that you have my powers you might find it's easier to help people in accidents and stuff." "Good idea. Officers," Casey nodded to the two cops and went to check the nearest cars for injuries. "Who are you?" "Luness," Tray answered landing on the ground near the two cops as they ogled him, "Major and I.... we had our powers swapped by Majestic a few nights back." "They found Majestic's body at a fire on the wharf," one of the cops said. "Yes, we- I am sorry, ahh-" Tray was trying to play Casey, it was hard to flirt and hard to act like someone you were mad at, but he had to do it, "we were there, we... the power he used was a pretty disorientating, its taken us a few days to get use to the new power set." The older cop- older by five years was still younger then Tray. "The cape is a nice addition," he said. "Ahh- thank you," Tray was trying to flirt, he did not think he was pulling it off. "I should help- check on the wounded and stuff," he gave a little finger wave then headed off to find Casey. "I know you do not want to hear it Major, but you are doing pretty well at pretending to be Luness," Michael told him. "Rather be myself." There was only one car that was damaged, and no one inside was hurt, so they went down the line of traffic and checked for anything they could do. Casey slowly drifted down to the roof beside Tray. "Goggles off," Tray said. Tray's goggles shut down. A moment later Casey's were also shut down. "So.... when we were at Michaels you went off to have sex with my wife?" "No- there were a couple car accidents, you we asleep, I handled them, but I got gas on me, I went to change costumes. On my way there.... I thought.... I was really horny, and she looked so cute and-" Casey looked bothered by it, "I would say I was sorry, but it was an incredible experience, sticking this thing in her was way better then anything I can do for myself." Tray wanted to hit her. "Ever occur to you that the other two people in the relationship might not think it was so cool?" Tray asked, "that it was technically rape." "Not before or during- I wasn't thinking, it was like this thing was just pulling me around.... I guess I understand that thing about guy's dicks making their decisions for them," she was trying to be cute, but it was coming off all wrong and it really bothered Tray to see his body acting like that. "You touch Megan again....." "And what-? You kill me? Tray, you are not going to kill your own body-" "Touch my wife again, and I will live out my days in your body. Oh, I will feel bad, but I am not going to worry to much about it," he told her. Casey stood there looking at her own face, looking into her blue eyes. Tray gave nothing, he just stared angrily ready to punch if she said just about anything. Finally Casey swallowed and backed down. It bothered Tray to think that the bulged in Casey's pants had not been there when they started talking and not was there. He hated this whole thing even more. "What about sex?" "You can have none-" "Not fair-" "No, its not, but I can't have my body running around having sex, catching lord knows what, getting how many girl pregnant-" "I wasn't going to stick to just women-" "Absolutely not!" Tray snapped. Casey laughed at him- "little homophobia?" "I am not an asshole-" "Prude then?" she was still laughing at him just without the laughter and smile part. "I am bisexual, I like men and I like women, that is who I am, and in your body I am a man and I want to be bisexual here as well-" "I said- no," Tray said firmly. "Why?" Casey asked. "Because I do not want my body used that way," Tray said. "And if I tell you not to rub one out?" "Then you too must give up-" "Okay, then I get to have sex-" "No!" "Give me something besides self performed hand jobs," Casey said watching Tray. Tray was giving it some thought. Sense he was twelve or thirteen he had been giving himself hand jobs, and his powers came into being, and with every jump of power he seemed to need it more. "We have one more stop to make before we go back to the apartment," Tray said. 'How sick is that? Giving myself hand jobs? Wait- is that gay? Screw it- I am not doing that, she can made a thing to fuck or- oh, God I better not suggest that she might use a construction to fuck her own ass- g'ahh. Now I am going to have that in my head all day.' "Okay, it's a ritual spell, pretty mind blowing shit. It comes from Fin'Da Ma'Shota," Harris Connors said as he searched through his vast library, thousands of books looking for the right title, "in the.... nineteen thirties, my grandfather's partner used it to switch bodies with an Heiress- ya, dude became a woman. She was holding the land for her own development project. Anyway it was the land where the portal to Fin'Da Ma'Shota opened," he paused to look for a book on a shelf then decided the title was wrong, "a weak spot in the dimensional-" he paused to look at a book. 'Have we looked into finding Majestic's lair?' a text came in from Michael. "He wanted to make sure that the portal opened the next time on a protection circle- it worked, in the nineteen seventies," he slowed to look at another shelf but that too was wrong, "the protection circle allowed small creatures to come through, but shredded the big uglies." Tray worked at texting- 'no. Great idea, can you start that process.' "What happened to your grandfather's partner?" Casey asked. Harris Conner changed the glasses on his face for the ones on his forehead so that he could look at Casey- "died of cervical cancer in the sixties. Survived by five children, one of which was my father- ahh, here it is," he grabbed a different book as he changed glasses back. "Emm- yes, the writing is wrong.... ahh, ah- yes this....." he was skimming more then reading the pages, right to left, the second pages started at the bottom, "emm- I did not know that. No, the spell will not work, and I will not help you," he said closing the book with a snap. "Why?" "Blood magic," Harris said, "requires one of you to bleed out to fuel the spell or you to each kill a small child- and by small I mean- new born." Tray took a deep breath, the two males in the narrow ile looked at his chest then at him- "Harris- is there anything you can think of?" "Allura, Reeves," he went through the prospects. "Unless you want to go to the super villains?" "Who could do it?" Tray asked. 'No,' Michael's text had emotion in it. "Rover, Jendrik, Majestic is dead, and....." he was thinking, "and Titan- Titan built a machine." "Remember that- Titan built that machine.... oh, ten years ago. He kidnapped some racist bastards and put them in the bodies of people they were oppressing. Funny as all hell.... right up until that one lady killed herself and the baby she was carrying.... then the- hay, LAW has the machine- you could ask them." "I destroyed that machine the moment it was captured, I knew it would not be a good idea for that particular agency to have it," Tray admitted. "Emm- kind of a shot in your own foot there." Tray rubbed his chin. "Anyone else-?" Harris was lying when he said- "not that I can think of." "What about the spell we described?" "Combat- fast spells, I do rituals," Harris told him. As Harris put the book back he considered something- "Majestic is dead. Allura could spy back through time with her Clairvoyance spells and see- though, Majestic being Majestic I would think he would have some protection runes up to prevent that. Worth a try though." "Thanks for coming," Tray said as he landed next to Allura. "Anything for you," she said looking concerned. "You have a time spying spell?" "Had- Time Master came and took it from me, said I was coming very close to getting time travel," Allura said with a shrug, that Tray found very cute. Allura was beautiful, and she had a great personality. Tray had always wanted to hook up with her but he was married and doubted that they would make a good couple longer then a few weeks. "Emm- is there anyway that you can.... track or look at the spell.... anything?" Allura walked around the random roof they had met on, she was thinking. "No, I really can't.... I wish I could help you." "Detective Rogers-" Tray said with a 'ahh, crap,' sound to his voice. "Yes, he would be the guy that would know," Michael stated. "Okay," Tray said. "So if you have sex with Brian do I get to have sex with Megan?" Casey asked. They continued to fly along. "Have you been texting him?" "Ya- a little bit, I guess I have to show you the texts?" Casey asked. "A few," Michael mocked, "you might get eye strain if you try to read them in the goggles." Tray waited in the elevator shaft while Casey changed then put her- his bag, on its hook in the shaft. Then she stepped out. The red light was lit in the shaft, which meant there was someone in the apartment that did not know Tray's secret. "I'll pipe the small comm into your goggles so you can help Casey, and if she remembers to get the pen you can get video too," Michael said. They separated. Minutes passed after she had left the shaft then a voice came on, talking to Megan. It took Tray a moment to recognize the voice- his stepbrother Drake. He was selling something again. His stepbrother was older then he was by a few years, when their parents met and married Drake was on his way out of the house, into the military. He left the Navy under some bazaar circumstances that Tray had neither interest nor patience to hear about. Drake was a user and a loser. "Treat him with a whiff of distain and ask him few questions, and do not let him spend the night," Tray told Casey. "Okay," Casey managed to work that into the conversation. "Megan will get you through- I am going to see Brian." Tray had purchased a pair of pants, blouse, and shoes along with a bag for his costume. Then he'd changed clothes and shown up at Detective Roger's apartment. Brian opened the door and smiled, letting Tray in. "I need some help with something-" Brian turned and pushed Tray against the wall, kissing him- Tray shoved back- "wow- ya, not interested," he said wiping his mouth. "What-?" Brian was confused. The Detective was in his 'day off' mode- jean shorts, tank top, and house sandals. In his waistband was a Glock, Tray imaged the gun was added to answer the door with. "Come on, sit down, I guess I have to tell you," Tray said. "So.... you are not Luness? You are Major?" Brian asked then took a sip of his whiskey. Tray nodded. He saw no reason in telling Brian his identity so he had stuck to code names. The detective's apartment was basically one room. The kitchen was the first area you went through when you entered, the living space was about double the size of the kitchen. To one side was a curtain over a double door entry, inside was a queen sized bed and little else. Tray sat with a leg folded up under him on one corner of the couch while Brian sort of faced him from the other. The couch faced the TV and the only external wall. Brian was really thinking about what Tray had told him. "So when I gave Luness the disc... that was you-?" "You gave me the video on the garage," Tray confirmed with a little nod. There was another long pause then Brian said- "you want what?" Tray had already told him what he needed. "Majestic's lair- he had books or scroll or something with his spells-" "He did- does," he said as he took a breath. Another long pause- "Detective, we are both here to protect the city. I will continue to protect this city either way, but I would really like to have my life.... my body back," he said, "and by having my body back I would give you back the woman you love." "Thing about Cassidy that you don't seem to get is.... she'll never settle down- I want a wife, children," he paused, taking a breath and another sip. "I can talk to her, explain...." Tray was not much into drinking, with his metabolism he could barely get a buzz if he drank a case of whisky. He was getting nervous and that meant his mouth was dry so he took another sip of his own drink. "I'm kinda curious," Brian said looking at Tray. "About-?" 'He wants to have sex with me,' Tray thought, 'not because I am Casey, but because I am a guy in a woman's body. What the fuck am I going to do? I don't want to do that. Would be interesting to try though. Does that make me gay? Probably. Fuck, fuck, fuck- please God I do not want to do this, just let him help me out of the goodness in his heart, please, I don't want to do this.' "Come here," he gestured Tray closer, "sit," he patted his lap. "I am a man-" "You want my help you are going to do a few things," Brian said with a look that said- 'don't try me.' Tray set his glass on the small coffee table then got up and straddled Brian's legs as he directed with his hands. Brian slowly unbuttoned Tray's blouse- "you married?" "Eleven years this year," Tray said hoping this did not go where he thought it was going. "Happily?" he asked opening Tray's blouse. "Very- you are aware that I have no interest in whatever you are about to do?" Tray asked him, "and extortion is also a means of rape." Brian did not seem to care, he unhooked Tray's bra. "His spells are in lock up, you are not getting to them without my help, and to get my help you are going to have to do something I would wager you have never done before, without coming forward and asking the courts for help, and that would be months if not years away. With your secret getting out, and I bet your identities." "So you would rather I submit myself to sex with you in exchange for your help?" Tray asked as Brian felt Cassidy's breasts, slowly, gently, he ran his hands over them. 'At least his hands are soft, and... God, dammit that kind of feels nice. What the fuck am I thinking? This guy wants to rape me- I have to think about this....' Brian leaned in and took one of Tray's nipples in his mouth. 'Don't hit him, just figure this out,' Tray thoughts continued to be the only thing of com

Same as Major Luness pt 2 Videos

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NORFOLK 1953After breakfast Stella & Dawn went back to their room.Where they discussed what they were going to be doing whilst they were in Norfolk. Well I've always wanted to visit a little place, oh what was it called now? Said Stella. Pot, poter, ryme, no, that's not right, I believe you can hire a boat for a day there. It'll come to me, its not far from Great Yarmouth. Can you steer a boat then Stella? Asked Dawn. Yeah sure my brother and I hired one once, from there. Just wish I could...

2 years ago
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Majorette Mirage 2

Anyone looking for easier reading of this chapter can message me at [email protected] for the raw file using Microsoft Notepad. Majorette Mirage 2 The next morning I awoke to Talitha's gentle nudges. "Jamie Lynn, it's time to rise sweetie." I rolled over on my side wanting to sleep more but she pulled the covers off of me and cracked my pantied ass. Crack! "Come on Jamie Lynn get up we have to get breakfast and then go over the routine." I...

3 years ago
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Major SlutChapter 3

I nodded, and Jones stepped against her ass. He guided himself into her still open, slimy asshole and sank inside her in a single stroke. I watched with some interest, taking in the look of humiliation on Amanda's face as well as the look of pure, dumb pleasure on his. It was too good a scene to miss; I got the VCR recorder out of my bag of toys and began filming. The boys were too wrapped up in Amanda to object. The scene was even better on the small screen of the viewfinder. Particularly...

2 years ago
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Majorette Mirage 1

Started writing this years ago and lost interest after getting the Gossip Girl stories going. Those of you who do not like the way the story is broken apart when FictionMania publishes it can email me directly at [email protected] to get the raw file for easier reading using Microsoft Notepad. Majorette Mirage 1 As I sat on the edge of Talitha's bed watching her tap her foot on the carpet, I tried to come up with a solution to the huge problem we...

2 years ago
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Major Mistake

Thanks to the Hip and Knee doctor for editing assistance. I wasn't expecting it, but at least she had the decency to confront me and not screw around until I caught her. I really didn't know what to say. Was I mad? Yes. Was I confused? Yes. Was I going to try and stop her? No way. "George. I am not being unreasonable. Go see a lawyer if you feel it is necessary. The only thing that I am asking for is that you continue to pay for the kids college education. Other than that, I want...

3 years ago
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Major SlutChapter 5

After I had emptied my cum onto Amanda, I climbed off her bound body and staggered to a chair. Without emotion, drained, I watched as Miss Rhee pulled her hands out of Amanda and took my place on Amanda's face. She took Amanda's face in her small cum covered hands and pulled Amanda's face into her cunt. All I could hear were the small liquid sounds of Amanda's lips and tongue working on Miss Rhee's very wet cunt. And Miss Rhee's moans. I don't know how long she rode Amanda's face. I...

3 years ago
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Major Makeover

Major Makeover by Throne "Stop fidgeting, Pinky," the tall woman said in an exasperated tone. "I'm sorry, Aunt Fiona. It's just that this whole project, putting me into dresses and everything, isn't easy for me. And if you could please call me Parker, like before, it might be better." "If I called you by your boy name, it would only work against everything we're trying to accomplish." She patted the tight bun high on the back of her head, into which her long black hair had been...

1 year ago
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Major in Trouble

"Great job boss. You've created just the tool you needed to take care of that bitch!" Your thugs cheered you as you crushed a heavy metal cylinder with a mere squeeze with your hand. "Let's test the armor now" You ordered. Your thugs brought a shiny armor suit and you picked up the .50 caliber Machine Gun and fired several shots. There was not even a single dent! "Perfect. The time for my vengeance, has come." The memory of your first encounter with Major Motoko Kusanagi flashed in front of...

3 years ago
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Majorrette Mirage 3

Those of you looking for an easier reading story can email me directly at: [email protected] to get my raw file using Microsft Notepad. Majorette Mirage 3 The next morning came with bright sunshine for the last day of competition. The girls were up before me and had already used the bathroom. When I made my way out to greet them Mrs Carter came over and gave me a hug. "So how are we feeling this morning Jamie Lynn?" "My ass is still really sore but...

1 year ago
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Major David Watson MC MBE Retired Part 2

There were always fifteen boys in the sixteen age group and the same number in the most senior group. There were also only ever six Madams and they came from six different countries. They were the very best and all had PHDs. In the school's long history, no boy had ever been disrespectful to a Madam. The punishment for such a thing would have been severe and followed by the disgrace of expulsion. Within a couple of weeks, Mr. Watson reverted back to Major Watson. For reasons best known to the...

1 year ago
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Major David Watson MC MBE Retired Part 1

I followed my father and grandfather into the parachute regiment when I was eighteen. I married my cousin Susan Haylock when I was twenty-one. We have three children and five grandchildren. I served with the regiment for twenty-seven years before I was forced into retirement by Government cutbacks in the number of Army personnel. I was a Major at the time and I had high hopes of becoming the regiment's commanding officer.Susan and I were in a very comfortable middle age. She had her interests...

2 years ago
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Major Decisions

Life: it's all about making decisions, of that I'm sure. The problem is figuring out who makes those decisions, and in my whole life, that hasn't been me. At twenty-one years, I'm still the victim of my controlling parents, unable to do what I want, nor when, nor where. So this is a big step for me: finally moving away from home to a college of my choice for a major that -I- control. It's even bigger than that because I did it all without permission. Small wonder, then, that I'm suffering...

3 years ago
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major foot fetish

i love men’s feet! i’m over 35 & i’ve turned into a dirty sock sniffer. i don’t know how it escalated to this level. i’ve stolen friends dirty socks, never got caught! i’ve become so brazen that now after i sl**p with some one i ask them for something to remember them by, an article of clothing,their socks, to their reply,they’re probably stinky.Then i think to myself, God I Hope So!

4 years ago
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Major RunIn

The clock strikes 12. You are about to begin the quest to the rendezvous point to deliver a package even yourself does not know. But a little about yourself: You are a secret agent but is low in the ranks. That means you are at a title called courier. Your body-height between 5' and 6'; fair but darkened skin (little vacation perhaps?); dark blue eyes; 34C breasts; curvy waist; long, straight brunette hair; little patch above your pussy-is, to no apparent reason, not an excuse to have a higher...

3 years ago
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Major Cunt Minor Prick

Hi i am Ravi Bhushan a 26yr old man from Nagpur. I work at Noida as a technical expert in a factory. I live in a rented flat in Noida. The flat opposite mine is occupied by a young beautiful lady who lives with her son. Her age is around38-40 yrs. One evening i went to visit her flat. As she opened the front door i saw she was wearing a very transparent negligee it was so transparent that her black bra and black panties were clearly visible. She took me inside me and i sat on the sofa. We...

3 years ago
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major foot fetish

i love men's feet! i'm over 35 & i've turned into a dirty sock sniffer. i don't know how it escalated to this level. i've stolen friends dirty socks, never got caught! i've become so brazen that now after i sleep with some one i ask them for something to remember them by, an article of clothing,their socks, to their reply,they're probably stinky.Then i think to myself, God I Hope So!

4 years ago
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Major Sexual Events of the SLA

Ah, the memories!! And, the sex!!! How foolish we all were, white kids with a belief that our lives were pale and inauthentic next to the lives of black revolutionary leaders in the 1960's. Deep down, I suppose, we believed that "the revolution" was a trendy game and that all our damage would be forgiven if we were ever caught. Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Bill Harris, former "General Field Marshall" of the Symbionese Liberation Army. I took the name, Teko, when I joined the SLA....

1 year ago
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Antelope FreewayChapter 33

I woke in the cave after four hours of sleep. A'moth was gone. I lounged around for a while, thinking about life. A'moth's story about Chungieran sex really shook me up. Not just my personal situation, but the fact that the dominant male gender on her world intentionally changed their reproductive act to be unpleasant. Somehow, I can't see the guys of Earth jumping on that bandwagon, no matter how crowded life got. But then again... Oh, I don't know. It was just that I was face to face...

1 year ago
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GangbangCreampie Ophelia Kaan G311

The Cocksmen begin Ophelia’s FIRST GANGBANG EVER eager to have a feel of Ophelia. The hands start wandering over her dress until they inevitably pull it down to reveal her firm 32Ds with their permanently erect nipples. Her nipples aren’t the only thing erect in the Gangbang Station as Ophelia finds herself surrounded by FIVE COCKSMEN, more men than she has ever had at the same time before. All of them are hard and ready to fill her with creampies, thanks to her amazing performance...

1 year ago
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AssParade Ebony Mystique Squirting on thy Neighbor

Ebony Mystique was doing her daily jogging run when Jay Bangher saw her running by. He dropped what he was doing and ran after her. Quickly he convinced her that to get the best benefit of jogging you need to get a massage right after. And surprise, he was a licensed massage therapist. Ebony fell for it and invited him home. Here she started to twerk for him and insisted he would start to massage her butt. In no time he was eating her butt and then her pussy. Then of course they fucked. They...

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JulesJordan Adriana Chechik Tori Black Try Out Sex Toys On Each Other

Wearing sexy shimmering body tape Adriana Chechik and Tori Black tease each other for the camera. They giggle as they take turns biting nipples and using their hands to explore every crevasse of their beautiful bodies but as they get hornier Adriana starts spanking Tori’s ass cheeks. She leaves perfect red marks on both cheeks and to thank her Tori dives between Adriana’s legs to lick her wet pussy. Tori pulls out a metal dildo and sucks Adriana’s horny pussy with it while licking her asshole...

3 years ago
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Threesome with the virgin

Donna had got off work later than usual she'd been doing a bit of overtime, so I'd picked her up at 8pm at the store. She came out with a young man, he was Cameron, 18 years old and apparentley still a virgin. they got in the car and on our way home he was quite chatty about his non existant sex life, he'd never been out with a girl ever.He was slim, brown hair around 5'8" and probablt weighed 10 stone. When we got home I made them both a drink and Donna went in the shower as Cameron and I were...

2 years ago
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Peter and Helen are Dom and Sub respectively, they have known each other for around 2 years, they are both married but not to each other. They are both in their 50’s with voids in their family life which is what brought them together. They are experienced in BDSM going back about 10 years. It was a Friday evening, Peter had booked their usual Motel room, nothing special but it was discrete and clean. Peter had a game plan for this meeting which included breast tying and some deep anal...

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Earl Grey and two sugars

No vehicles had gone by in either direction for over 45 minutes. The sun was starting to go behind the hills and I was thirsty. I got out my stove collected water from the creek near by and started a brew of Earl Grey with two sugars. The water was just starting to bubble when a car pulled up, a rather fine lady in her late forties got out and came round to stand in front of me and said “Well you look like you’ve given up trying for a lift. Tell you what, you make me a cup of tea, I might make...

First Time
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A Night Of Lust With A Stunning Lady 8211 Part 1

Hi everyone! I have been reading ISS and other sites for stories from a long time back and really love to read the stories. I have started to write but am not sure whether I would post it or not, if you are reading this than you can be sure that my urge of sharing my sexual experience with you has defeated my reluctance. About me, my name is Rajib, age 29 and I am from Guwahati (Assam) and a bachelor. My physical attributes won’t allow me to boast highly about myself none the less I can be...

4 years ago
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Sonya Blade Femmefatality

She would get her chance to avenge her partner’s violent death by participating in an interdimensional tournament, where an evil sorcerer named Shang Tsung hoped his army of monsters from the Outworld would secure a tenth consecutive victory, allowing him to invade Earthrealm. Somehow, Kano was her opponent, as he came from a stone-built structure into the circular area covered in ochre sand. Already visibly disdainful of Kano, the American Special Forces operative became even angrier when...

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Deus Ex Machina

Author's Note: Deus ex machina is a Latin phrase meaning "God from the Machine." It's been historically used to describe an unexpected or improbable character, thing or event introduced suddenly in a work of fiction or drama to resolve a situation or untangle a plot. In modern times, deus ex machina also has come to describe a device that emerges unpredictably and solves a seemingly insurmountable problem. This story may not be re-posted without the permission of the...

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Moving to a Retirement Community

Chapter 15 I woke up the next morning with Barbara going down on me. Her hot mouth hand enveloped my entire hard-as-steel rod and I opened my eyes and watched as she bobbed her head up and down on me, taking me all the way into her mouth with each downward movement. "Damn! What a way to wake up!" I thought to myself. Eventually Barb realized I was awake and locked her eyes on mine, as I continued to watch her movements. She reached down then and grabbed my balls, gently squeezing them with...

3 years ago
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The Annual Black Friday Party

For sometime now they have labeled the day after Thanksgiving "Black Friday". As it is defined, it is the day where retail merchants get out of the red and back into the black as sales and profits go up due to start of the Christmas Season.Well, friends of ours we met in 2012 started a tradition of their own with an annual Black Friday party. There is nothing about this party that has anything to do with retail merchants or money. This party was originated for like minded people to get...

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Great Time With Aunty

Hii everybody …. I am arvinzz from Malaysia. I had been a avid reader in this site for few years already now.. And this is the first i am writing down my story, so if there is any mistakes please forgive me. Let me tell about myself, i am 21 yrs old normal physique without any six packs.. If any girls like to become friends pls email me The story is about my aunty , she is 38 yrs old, fair complexion, good looking, and with a stats of 34-30-36. She always wears saree at home and in that she...

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Sex on the couch

Last weekend my brother invited his friend for movies. I have a little crush on him. I was in my room playing xbox. In that while my brother call me and asked me to stay with his friend as he needs to go to drop my parents to the relative's. So his friend came to my room. In that time i was feel so excited to see him. I was not able to focus on my game. He was wearing shorts and a t-shirt. He saw me playing game and asked me if he can join me. Then i offered him to play with me. Then he started...

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Taming Jasmine

Our meetings became more frequent following the blow job event. We started to see each other on a more or less weekly basis and always ended our chats with some form of sex act. Some times without leaving the premises, furtive fingering or wanking under the table when we felt we could get away with it. Other times we'd sneak into the toilet and fuck or give each other oral relief. Occasionally we would take a drive to a more remote location just outside the city, walk a while then indulge...

4 years ago
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Erotic Sex With My Horny Neighbour

Hey guys! Shikhar here and this is my first story in ISS. I have been a regular reader of stories here but never got a chance to post anything. But I finally got a chance today. So this is a real story about how I seduced my horny neighbour and how I managed to explore her holes. So she was my new neighbor and newly married lady. She was just 24 and already married. About me, I am a medium-built guy with 6.5′ dick. She was a beautiful and elegant woman, slightly dusky but had flesh at the right...

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Maam Pazha Kadai Selvi

Vanakam sunni matrum pundaigale, indru kathaiyil pazha kadai pennai ilamaiyaana paiyan usar seithu matter seigiraan. Athai evvaru sex seithu ookiraan enbathai ikama kathaiyil paarkalam, vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam. En veetil pakathu uuril pazha kadaiku sendru pazham vaangi vara sonaargal. En peyar Vishnu vayuthu 25 aagugirathu, enaku innum thirumanam aaga villai. En amma pakathu uuruku sendru maam pazham vaangi vara sonaargal, naanum bike eduthu kondu mathiya nerathil sendren....

3 years ago
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Porn cinema fun

As i said in my previous stories i had discovered cock fun in my teens and no one was aware of this side of me esp my mates who i watched and played football with! My first trip abroad was to Amsterdam in 1985 to play some local teams and have a piss up, and on our first night we explored the red light district, had a few beers, visited a few hookers and strip shows [all the usual things english blokes do abroad!] on the way back to the hotel some of the lads went into a porn cinema and the...

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How I Became a Sissy Baby Girl

"How I Became a Sissy Baby Girl" By SubTonya "Well, here we are," I thought, as I parked my car in the driveway of the house. Yep, the address was right: 136 Pinecrest Drive. Taking a deep breath, I grabbed my bag, walked up to the front door, and pushed the doorbell button. After a few seconds that seemed like hours as I stood waiting, the door opened, and a gorgeous brunette smiled at me. My breath caught; I had seen her photos online, even some...

2 years ago
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Juvenile Sexuality by Jim Stanley Chs 1011

Juvenile SexualityByJim StanleyChapter 10Bernie and MeI excused myself at the end of the pinochle game. "Goodnight everybody,"was my exit cue, to which everyone responded, almost in unison, "Goodnight,sleep well." I went up the stairs and immediately undressed, lying nakedbeneath the covers, awaiting Bernie's warm body and his 10 inch hard cock.I had no idea how much longer the game would continue and lay theredry-mouthed anticipating all that would transpire between Bernie and methat night. My...

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I'd been talking to our neighbour about this and that, she was 72 years old, around 15 stone and lived with her husband. We were just passing the time of day when it started to rain, we said our goodbyes and I came in the house. I was looking on xhamster when I decided to have a good long wank as I was gagging for it, and the wife was at work.So there I was stroking my rock hard cock, when there was a knock on the door, I ignored it and carried on in my own little world watching my favourite...

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Small Town Girl

As I open the door right away I feel the cool of the apartment. Texas summers are so hot and brutal. I throw my purse and keys on the sofa and kick my high heels off. I can already hear Sasha's moaning. I take off my glasses and jacket and lay them both on the table. As soon as I walk into the bedroom I see Sasha lying naked on the bed, her legs open and Charles kneeling eating her pussy. I walk over and rub his back and give him a kiss on the lips. "Hi, baby." He fingers Sasha's pussy as he...

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I let him Watch me Jack Off

Over the past few years I have become aware of my bi-sexual side and the pleasures of exhibitionism, especially for other guys. My only outlet for this for a long time was the webcam; I am more than a little apprehensive about the "park bathroom". Besides they smell. Most guys I have cammed for love the show and I really enjoy having them in my room. I drive for my job, not a big rig but a pickup. Sure allot easier to get in and out of parking lots. I love to get naked while I drive but have...

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Amber Lamps

Amber absently toyed with a lock of her strawberry blonde hair as she watched the streets pass by outside the bus window. Her stop was fast approaching, and she was psyched to finally spend some time in her new apartment. She still couldn't believe that Rachel had conned her parents into renting it for them and moving their things. No more parents rules, and no more dorm rules. They were free to live the college life to its full extent now. With only a block or two left until her stop, she...

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Millies TransformationChapter 4

When the door bell rang Millie knew, even before Judith spoke, that she would have to answer the door with her pussy peeking out from underneath her ultra short skirt. Despite her facade of calm, Millie felt like a trembling, scared, child on the inside as she reached for the door knob. The two women standing at the door were complete strangers to Millie. The each held a wrapped gift and were dressed in white dress shirts, thin black ties, short plaid skirts, knee high hose, and patent...

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An anal retentive couple tries anal

"Darling, I had the most unusual of thoughts last night, while I was redoing my sock drawer. Just as I had re-rolled all the gray socks and arranged them according to their respective light wavelengths, I found myself daydreaming. Daydreaming in a sexual way, as a matter of fact." said Charles. Charles was 33, enjoying a successful career as a CPA, drove a BMW that he washed on Fridays, Sundays, Tuesdays, and only if it needed it, Thursdays too. Everything in Charles' life was immaculate...

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My friend wifethe train journey

Of late I had lost appetite for sex coz I get too tired and fall sleep as soon as I find the bed. Though Jaspreet would not complain but off late I find her behavior turning nonchalant. Whenever I try to hug her she would turn indifferent and say – aap to aab khali jafi pane layek ho. Lagta hai mujhe aab koi dusra mard dekhna padega. When she would say this my deep fantasy of seeing my wife fuck other men, would come alive. However one thing led to another and I started fantasizing Jaspreet...

3 years ago
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His Little Forbidden Fruit

I am so frustrated with you and your lack of caring for me. So, I am going to write a farewell letter to my fake ass secret lover.Before I write the letter and send it to you, I want to try and remember why I am with you, to begin with, and why I should stay. It will help me decide if I am going to send it or not. As a Social Psychiatrist, I should know better than to allow myself to get into this situation.One of my favorite times ever spent with you was when we were coming back from a...

Love Stories
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Shemale Fantasy

I had wanted to be with a she-male for some time. I had purchased several she-male DVDs and found that being with someone as sexy as that really turned me on. I would fantasize for hours on end about being with one of those ‘special’ girls. Several of my male lovers couldn’t understand my attraction to these women. They didn’t see why I would want to be with a she-male when they were more then ready and willing to fuck my tight ass anytime I desired. Well the big thing for me was the fact that...

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Jane Part III My Aunt Jane

After two very different but equally dirty sessions with Jane, again I was left wondering what was next. However, what was abundantly clear about our “relationship” if you could call that, was the fact Jane had the clear upper hand in it. She knew where I stayed, my full name and even where I worked as I had shared this information with her, but she seemed extremely reluctant to do the same and I was learning things about this granny in very small amounts, with the fact she was a teacher the...

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Yep Iam a Cock Whore Gay

The wind whipped about wildly outside the window of his dorm room, causing the trees to sway back and forth. It was a miserable night outside, cold, rainy, and just a bit creepy. Tyler stared out the window wishing he were anywhere but at home on a Friday night. Class was out for Christmas vacation but the roads were all closed due to the weather and it was impossible to get anywhere.His room mate was at his girlfriends house just off campus probably getting drunk, and he was stuck here...

4 years ago
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400mm of Mrs HansonChapter 10

I drove Kala home and walked her to her door. Her mother met us at the door and invited me in. She told me she’s been talking to my mother and she’s really looking forward to meeting my parents tomorrow. I grinned and said, “You know that once you meet my parents it’s the same as if Kala and I are engaged.” She surprised me. She didn’t look the least bit worried. She said, “Kala could do worse. I have to warn you, though. If you try to get married before you graduate my husband will...

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TouchChapter 25

Congratulations, Daddy," Emma said to her husband, upon entering their little hut on Tahiti. She had gone to a doctor earlier and came home to break the news to her husband. "I knew you had it in you." "You are pregnant?" Tim had that shocked look on his face. "As pregnant as any girl could be," she plopped himself into his lap. "How?" "I don't recall exactly but I think it goes this way. You have this thing between your legs, I have an opening between mine. You stick that...

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EdenChapter 55

For several weeks they had enjoyed benign weather. Leaving aside the omnipresent smog, the skies had generally been comparatively clear. Occasional rainshowers temporarily drove the humans under the pavilion's cover, or made them wish they were there—a particularly drenching downpour woke Meiersdottir and Igwanda in the middle of one night's sleep too far away from the pavilion to make it worth while retreating and left them with sodden sleeping gear and clothing—but for the most part it...

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A Teacher and Her Student a Forbidden LoveChapter 2 Its Saturday

The next morning Alice woke up groggily, confused to where she was. Damn it ... I fell asleep on the couch, again. At least it's Saturday. Oh wait ... It IS Saturday! Sitting upright she suddenly remembered that John was supposed to come over later today. Glancing at the clock, however, she saw that it was only ten a.m., it'd be another four hours until he would come over. Alice turned off the TV and after that she went to the toilet to do her business. She was relieved that her ankle...

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How to Fuck a Woman with a Large Ass

For those of you who read my account of my heavenly experience with Kit in 'How to Eat Out a Woman with a Big Ass,' here is an account of the next time we rendez-voused and had intercourse.To reiterate, Kit was a large, very pretty woman with an especially large ass. She also had extremely bulbous labia majora that completely shrouded her labia minora. It was difficult, but by no means impossible to access her clit and opening with my tongue, but as my previous post revealed, it all worked out...

1 year ago
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Marriage is not enough to mend my sex life Cheating Sex Stories

Hello, I am Gerard, and this is my story. Let me start with a little introduction. I am a 35-year-old millionaire and self-made. I would not say I am past my prime time but then, I am married now. During my bachelor days, I enjoyed immense popularity among women and my sex life was pretty awesome. My bed partner would change occasionally after every few weeks. But all that came to a stop when I met Kelly. She was the love of my life, and I was ready to give up anything to be with her- or so I...

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Family Road Trip

A few years ago my parents decided to take all their children on a cross country road trip to visit all our relatives. I was 19 and a freshman in college at the time so I had been away for the past year. My older sister Karen was 23 and was also attending school. This left only my younger sister Sarah at home. Sarah was 18 and was a senior in high school. She had two weeks off for spring break which was when the trip was going to be. I didn't have any classes that semester but had elected to...

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Hamari tenant priya

Hi dosto main rohan ab tak uncountable ladkion ke sath sex kar chuka hoon par maine abi tak apko 3-4 stories hi batayi hain. Aaj mai apni ek aur kahani apke samne pesh karne ja raha hoon. Ye kahani aaj se 3 saal pehle ki hai. Jis ladki ki main baat kar raha hoon wo mere ghar me rent par rehti thi. Wo ek student thi aur amritsar se patiala mein bsc(nursing) karne ayi thi. Us waqt uski umar 19 saal thi. Wo dekhne mein bahut sunder ladki thi lambi jyada nai. Uski height 5’3” thi lekin figure bahut...

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