MayhemChapter 5
- 3 years ago
- 31
- 0
I woke up at what the clock said was six AM. There was no way the rest of the guys would be running this morning, but I needed to run. I needed all of the normal exercise my body was used to if I pitched today.
I went downstairs to the back of the building and was doing my stretching when one by one, the others that I ran with yesterday came out and began stretching with me. I asked Loney, "How did you know I was out here?"
He said, "The Bell Captain has a video monitor of back here, and told me there was one lone guy out here stretching."
We ran for our hour, and came back to the hotel to use their gym. We agreed to meet for breakfast a half-hour after we finished in the gym.
The girls were up and dressed when I came in to shower and dress for breakfast. They talked to me while I showered, shaved, and dressed. Jeannie hugged me when I was dressed, and softly asked, "Do you remember what I asked you last night?"
I kissed her forehead and just as softly said, "I want a baby, too. I hope this isn't too soon for us. You do know that we can wait a while if you want."
Jeannie had a funny look in her eye and said, "I'm not sure, Matt. I need to prove to you that I'm yours and only yours. I've told you so many times that I'm a slut and want to fuck every swinging dick I can find, but I want you most of all. I keep thinking that a baby would keep us together."
"A baby would be wonderful, Jeannie, but we're still young and full of fire. Maybe we should wait and have a baby when our lives are a little more settled. I know we won't have a private life for a while, but I want us to enjoy our baby or babies together. How about waiting a while and we'll plan on when we want our baby to come."
Jeannie and Sherry both hugged me, giving me kisses as they mauled me. Jeannie told me, "You have to be my one and only by the way you show me what the right way is all the time."
Sherry kissed me and winked at me as we left to go to breakfast.
I left for the ballpark right after breakfast since the game began at noon. I pushed my way into the batting cages as soon as I was at the ballpark, and punched fifty balls out from each side of the plate. Knowing that I would need to warm up regardless, I found Scott and had him help loosen me up. I was just beginning to throw off the mound when Hanigan showed up. He took Scott's place and had me throw my pitches. When I thought I had thrown enough, Hanigan said, "Joe still hasn't picked a pitcher, but you're the only one ready."
Cobb, Archer, and Hellickson were loosening up, so they could be pitching as well. I worried about Hellickson because he didn't seem to be all that sharp since his surgery. I know he's been working hard, but he didn't look confident when you watched him. He probably shouldn't be on the mound until next season.
Bedard and Odorizi should now be the long relievers along with Boxberger, since Cobb filled out our starting rotation.
Jim Hickey called us all into the clubhouse when Archer and Hellickson left the bullpen area after warming up. With the entire pitching staff sitting and standing together, Joe said to us, "Half of me wants to pitch Matt, and the other half wants to pitch either Archer or Cobb. I think Jeremy needs a little more seasoning before facing people like Oakland. You're all standing there wanting to yell 'pick me, pick me' and I don't blame you. That other team is going to be out for blood from the first pitch today."
Joe sat on his tall stool as he looked at all his pitchers. What Joe said was a surprise, when he said, "Escobar came up a little lame this morning after he was running and stepped off a curb wrong. We have another utility man to play short, but I want Matt's bat and I think his glove, so I'm going to play Matt at short and have Cobb throw the first three to four innings. Archer will throw the next three or four, and then we'll let Peralta and McGee finish it. Balfour told me his thumb is bothering him, so good ole' Matt may have to finish on the mound if it comes to that. Now go out there and play the best damn baseball of your life, and we'll be two games up going home."
You could feel the tension ripple through the clubhouse as every man in there knew what he needed to do. The guys spilled out to the bullpen to begin getting loose and warmed up. They all knew that any sign of weakness on the mound and they would quickly be yanked.
We had some live batting practice after Oakland had theirs. I only hit from the left side before going to the field to glove every ground ball that came near me. My throws to Loney were on the mark, so I felt ready to work the position. I thought to myself, why would I think 'work' the position? This is my life's game. I'm going to 'play' the position.
Joe didn't change the lineup and I was now batting sixth after Loney, and before the rookie, Sands, who was the DH and really getting hot lately.
The game seemed to finally get started after a very long National Anthem sung by someone who was embellishing the words and melody by singing slow. I think half of the local Marine Corps were on the field, standing at attention while they played the Anthem, and it took forever to get everyone off the field.
Oakland's pitcher took advantage of it and had more time to warm up. It also gave me time to watch the man's delivery and compare it to the pitchers' book. This guy had a great curve ball that wanted to look like it was going to be high and outside to right-handed hitters, but came back across the plate every time. His fastball was usually high and in the high eighties, but he had a changeup that wandered across the plate in the low seventies. His slider sucked, but he threw it anyway. His tells were right rubber; fastball or slider, and center rubber; curve or changeup. I think a batter should just watch if he was to get on the left side of the rubber.
Everyone was crowded around the pitchers' book and I told Jennings and Zobrist, "The guy is really working on fastball command. He was trying his curve or changeup about every third practice pitch, so watch which side of the rubber he stands on. He slides his foot to the side or center when he gets ready to throw."
The man set up for a first pitch fastball as Jennings was known to watch a pitch. He was ready since he had been watching the man warm up, and powdered the ball into the left field corner for a double.
Zobrist was batting left against the right-handed pitcher, and was waiting for what was going to be a curve or changeup. The curve didn't arch much and Zo put the ball in the right field corner. Jennings danced across the plate.
Myers was the real test, as he and Longoria almost always took the first pitch. The pitcher and catcher had that noted and Will was thrown a very sweet fastball that he took to the left field stands. Two more runs scored.
Longoria was another first pitch taker so the pitcher thought he would do a number on him and send a soft curve in for a strike. Longo put the ball between third and short, and reached first without a throw being made.
Loney had told me before he went to the on deck circle, "Don't let me die on base, Rookie. Move me along if I get on."
Loney promptly hit one between the first and second basemen, moving Longo to second. It was my chance to do something, and I had to wait while the pitching coach came out to talk to the pitcher. The entire infield went to the mound, but the conference didn't take long.
The man set up to throw a fastball or slider, and let it go right at my body mass. I was able to move away and frown at the pitcher. I told the catcher, "I'm going to make every effort to put one in his stomach if he throws at me again. Do you want to warn him?"
"Yeah, right, like you can direct a ball into the guy's gut."
Sure enough, the next pitch was about the same as the first. It was a little slower as he was trying to throw at my chest area. I was able to move out of the way. I smiled at the catcher and told him, "You were warned."
The ump backed off and said to me, "I'll know it was intentional and you know you could be ejected if you hit the guy."
I had backed out of the box and softly said, "Then I expect you to act as well if he throws at me a third time."
The ump coughed, but set up over the catcher to watch the pitch.
The catcher called time and trotted bowlegged out to the pitcher. They didn't have a long conversation, but whatever it was it had some emotion on both sides, complete with arm waving.
I couldn't remember ever batting against this pitcher, so he shouldn't have a bone to pick with me. I had a couple of homers and two five for five games the last time I was in Oakland, but it wasn't against him.
Getting hit by a near ninety mile an hour baseball isn't pleasant and can do bodily damage. I had a season ended because of a ball on the wrist. I just couldn't think of a reason not to attempt to try to place a ball right at the pitcher. I finally got back in the box and set up, but intended to just try to hit the ball.
A curve was coming and it was going to be way outside. I reached across the plate and swung as hard as I could. The ball carried all of the way past the center field wall. As I ran for first I hollered back to the catcher, "That's better than slamming the guy."
We were up ten to nothing in the top of the first by the time Oakland had someone warmed up. The new pitcher was able to get out of the inning, but suffered another run to give us an eleven run lead.
The dugout was jubilant. There was enough high fives for an entire season.
Cobb was untouchable in the first three innings. I think the little leg lift and catch he does throws batters off. You have to watch the hand and not the pitcher.
Archer relieved in the fifth when Cobb put two on with one out. Archer did his intense walk around the mound and then threw his blazing fastball. His slider was working too, so he was able to finish people off without a problem.
The game ended in an embarrassing fourteen to one Rays' victory. We didn't do a lot of celebrating; only a quick high-five parade before going to the visitor's clubhouse. The girls had come down to say hi and bye as they were heading to the airport to fly home. They said they would see me when I got there as the convertible was at the players' parking area.
There wasn't much of a food selection in the clubhouse, but enough that I was able to fill up some cartons as well as my mouth. I selected several protein shakes and tested all the caps. None of the cap seals were broken, so I should be okay. I stuffed some pieces of fish into my mouth as I got ready to leave for the plane.
We were taking off by six local time, which would put us home around midnight local or three o'clock in the morning eastern time.
The atmosphere on the flight was subdued, but we were anxious to play the next game. We would have Monday off and play game three at eight PM Tuesday. That was tough on folks in Oakland as it would be five out there but starting at nine local wouldn't be good for attendance here. I think everyone dozed off trying to get some sleep on the way home.
I finally made it home at nearly five in the morning. The girls said they made it home about three. I was hungry and the girls said they could eat, so we headed to the Village Inn that wasn't far. This was nuts because we should have been in bed, but it was also important to get enough fuel in my body to keep me going.
We were a little lethargic at home later, and only kissed and hugged until we were asleep.
I woke up at noon and considered rolling over and going back to sleep. The longer I lay there thinking about it, the more awake I became. I put running clothes on once up, and went to the door to check the tide. It was out, but appeared to be coming in. I should probably print a tide table out and keep it on the patio.
The hour run energized me and I was feeling good. I'd really like to do my lifting, but hesitated as the girls might want to do something today. I made coffee and was outside on the patio when a voice from above said, "Are you interested in going in and throwing today?"
I saw Scott's face as he leaned over the railing. I went out farther and told him, I'd like to throw, but the girls may have something going today. We've been gone for a long time. Scott agreed, but said, "I feel guilty not going in. There probably won't be anyone in today, but I always hate to miss a day of practice."
Sherry came out and told me, "Sit, I need a lap."
Scott said he would talk to me later.
I sat and Sherry settled on my lap to hug and kiss me. She said, "You've been good with Jeannie and her whims. She thinks she wants a baby, but it's for the wrong reasons. If she'll run around without a baby, she'll run around with one. Our plan before was to have babies together. I kind of thought we should wait until you hit free agency to see where you will be."
"That's probably what we should do. The Rays may feel they have to trade me if my value goes up too high."
Sherry kissed my cheek and told me, "You know it will. The front office is going to be deluged with offers. Just keep doing what you're doing and we'll have houses in all the major cities. Jeannie and I may have to stay home wherever we decide that'll be when we do have babies, and have to wait for you to be with us. I think that we should be able to have a home in whatever city you're playing in if you make enough and we get you enough endorsements."
"You two are my home wherever it may be. Help me to remain in shape and in practice, and we'll have real estate all over. I'm hoping to stay right here if possible. It's probably not possible, but who knows. They may decide to work with me."
Sherry told me, "We'll have to watch what they do with Price. You know you could be gone too if he's traded over the summer."
"Well, first things first, Sweet Thing, let the team go to the Series and we'll go from there."
I had finished my workout and was rounding Scott up to catch my warm ups after having a very good steak house lunch the next day, when Joe came out of the dugout, walked to me, and said, "I want you to pitch, but I think I want you to, ah, ah, play short again. Escobar is still a little lame. Are you going to be OK going another day between pitching?"
"Who're you going to pitch, Joe?"
With some confidence, Joe said, "It has to be either Hellickson or Odirizi. Hellickson should have a shot at a game, and Odirizi should too, but I'll start Hellickson and do like we did with Cobb. If Jeremy has trouble, I'll immediately put Odirizi in. I'll use the bullpen to clean it up from there."
I still threw my pitches to Scott. Everything was working, so I knew I would be in control, or to use the new buzzword, in 'command' of my pitches if I had to relieve.
Hellickson began the game by striking out the first batter. You could see his confidence building. The second batter put one between first and second, so batter number three came up with one on. Hellickson now already looked worried. Instead of relaxing and throwing the way he can, he threw a slider that didn't slide and it went over the left field wall.
The cleanup guy did exactly the same thing, and we were down three to nothing in just a couple of batters.
The next two batters grounded out to give us a chance to make up some runs in the bottom of the first.
Jennings struck out. Matt Joyce grounded out. Myers put one against the left field fence, but it was caught.
The second inning wasn't a problem for Hellickson. He was able to get through the inning, but had to throw over twenty pitches to get there.
Longoria came up to bat and put one past third for a single. Loney followed with a single up the middle. Zobrist hit into a double play, and I was up with Longo on third. I had to hit a single or better to score Longoria.
The first pitch was a dirt ball, but the catcher was able to handle it. The pitcher was really watching Longoria and he tempted the catcher to throw to third while he wandered down the line. The pitcher came back to focus on me and threw a curve that I fouled off to my right down the first base side. According to the pitchers' book, this pitcher was going to throw a slider that was usually outside when he setup on the right side of the rubber. I was ready and when the slider didn't slide, I hit it over the shortstop for a decent single. Longo scored.
The third base coach was signing hit and run and steal. I don't steal. Whose idea was that? I had watched the pitcher enough to know he still put his leg up high when he was going to throw his slow curve, so I was watching intently with a good lead off when he threw to first. I dove in and was safe. We did the whole routine again. I had my lead and the pitcher's foot was where it should be to throw his curve. The leg came up and I took off, focusing on the bag and how I was going to slide in. I slid in waiting for the call, but none came. I looked at the home plate ump to see him call a foul. Damn, all that for nothing.
Back on first, the first baseman was holding me close with the left-handed pitcher looking right at me as I took my lead off. I stretched my lead another foot and was headed back to the bag when he stepped off the rubber and threw to first. The ball went over the first-baseman's head, so I took second and was watching the third base coach who was winding his arm. I ran hard for third, watching the coach for a down sign to slide, but he kept winding. He suddenly yelled, "Stop, holdup as I rounded third.
I dug in and leaped back to the bag. My hand was on the bag before the third-baseman's glove hit my arm. I was surprised to hear the ump yell "Out."
I stood up looking at the ump, but Tim Foley, the third base coach was already arguing. Joe Madden came out and gently said to the ump, "I'm going to challenge this one." The ump was indignant, but couldn't refuse the challenge. He looked at me and said, "You might as well go in, you're out," before he left for the sidelines and headphones.
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Introduction: More of the story between Mr. Rich and Chavina That was the most incredible thing I have ever felt in my life. How did you learn to do that? Trying hard not to laugh I smile down at her and reply practice lots of practice, and thats just the start of what I would like to do to you. Really? She smiles up at me looking absolutely shocked at the possibilities. Oh yes I tell her watching her face as I can practically see the thoughts racing through her mind. If it feels that good you...
Once recovered, I looked over at Emily who had collapsed on the couch with the sweetest smile of satisfaction I’d ever seen her display. It was time to take her much deeper and begin the real reprogramming. “Emily, tell me how you feel.” “I feel better than I have ever felt before. I love you so much. Did I make you feel good?” She seemed sincerely concerned. “You did great. Did my cum feel good on your face?” She giggled just a bit. “It really did. It was so hot a creamy and watching it...
In the process, Honey Bee was given the old Pocket Pistol and taught how to use it. Fortunately, this pistol fit her hand well enough so that she could control it. Spring Flower could hear whenever Honey Bee had to use her pistol and promised to rush to her sister’s aid. I figured the two pistols were going to be all of the protection the girls needed, but I was not going to say anything. The other women certainly needed the bodyguards, and I did not want to ruin a good thing. Our village...
Hi, this is Seema with a story for all gay lovers I got good response for my previous postings I hope you’ll enjoy and have a immediate jerk off after reading this. Send me your comments or wants The first time that I tasted a mouthful of male sperm was last summer. I have been a cross dresser for many years and had started to venture outside, always away from the public view. Usually in the woods or on a long since used back road. One afternoon last summer I...
LesbianFrozen Loveby Abe As soon as I realized I was floating free, in micro-gravity, I knew something was terribly wrong. I tried to figure out where I was and how I got there. Charles and I had only been married for three weeks, two of them in hiding, when he was arrested and tortured for being a member of the Liberty Party. While I suppose they might have suspected me, too, my father was a recent appointee to the Cabinet, and it would have embarrassed the President, if they had...
Just before my high school senior year started her family moved to the suburb I grew up in. Melinda Lynch. Mel. Tall. Slim. B sized breasts. A perfect pear shaped ass. A deceptively angelic face framed by thick dirty blonde hair clipped loosely behind her upper back and reaching just above that perfect ass as if pointing to it. A mischievous glint of her eyes and a smirk often made the deception less. My shy glances and longer stares when seeing her backside when she wouldn’t notice were...
I stood up in the bath, water dripping off my naked body. The spa jets still creating surging waters beneath me. That personalised ring tone Andrew had insisted on putting on my iPhone. Corny. Tacky. Horrible. But, still, I stood up, obediently, ready to answer it. But being well brought up, manners wise, I couldn’t bring myself to step out of the bath and run across the carpet to answer it. Not dripping wet. I remember thinking to myself, Damn! I forgot to call home earlier! I was too...
CheatingArmani X had plans to hang out with her friend Brie, but when she shows up to her place, the only person home is her friend’s brother Apollo. He’s a massage therapist and is in the middle of getting the room prepped for one of his clients. Armani convinces him to give her a massage since her friend ditched her and Apollo’s client isn’t there yet either. As he works his magic on her body, Armani get horny and lets him rub her asshole and wet pussy. Eventually they agree...
xmoviesforyouA cold wind blew across the parking lot of the Western Missouri Correctional Center. Katie Jackson ran her hand through her soft brown hair as she examined herself in the rear view mirror of her SUV. Her favorite song was playing on the radio and usually she would have hummed along but today the hot wife felt uneasy and nervous. She glanced out of the car window at the barbed wire fence in front of the red brick wall, her thoughts drifting back to the events that had led her to this...
Tuesday at work was a long day. My wife was gone, I had no idea where, and Jacqui had left for Montana. I had no idea when we might be together again. Thank goodness it was a reasonably quiet day, no irate customers. I might have done or said something to get myself fired. When I got home to my quiet, lonely house, I sat down and turned on Fox News. O’Reilly was about half over. I was lost in my thoughts and had no idea what was on his show. Michelle was gone; she'd said just to think, but that...
Wife LoversAt some point in the night, Alice had rolled away from Aidan’s body heat to cool down, but didn’t notice until she began to get a bit cold. As she rolled over to snuggle into his body heat, she curled one of her arms under her head and the other around his chest. Pressing her body into his back, she allowed her hand to run down Aidan’s stomach. Her hand reached just below his waist when she felt the tip of his semi-hard cock. Moaning softly at the back of her throat, Alice slid her hand...
FetishMy wife, Galatea, arrived in L.A. the night before me. She flew in from New York, where she was working and visiting friends for the past five days. I took the train from Flagstaff, as I have always loved the calm relaxed nature of the train over the rush rush rush of flying. We often travel this way as reuniting in an unfamiliar place sparks all kinds of excitement. The pent-up sexual energy just seems to explode a bit more fiercely when you are away from home and all of the interruptions of...
Wife LoversThis story follows "Watching Jessie "Jessie was so out of it I had to help her get her pants on. I guided Jessie to her car but it was obvious that I would have to drive us to her house. I suggested that we go to the hospital where Jessie could get the morning after pill. Jessie didn't talk to me on the ride home, other than to say that she didn't want to go to the hospital. My suggestion of the hospital had only made her colder to me. I could have stopped the guy from fucking Jessie in the...
“Ugh. Ugh. Ugh. Yeah. Damn,” Sam Prescott said with lust. He was penetrating Kayla with all his being, taking her virginity. Kayla looked back at him, moaning.“Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! Oh, fuck..." She said with want. She never felt this feeling before. She didn’t want it to end. However...It was for “Taste of Kayla.”Her hustle was growing. Her popularity was growing. She was riding high, in multiple ways.“Ugh, fuck my pussy! Ugh! Fuck it! Ugh!" Kayla said, as her breasts bounced perfectly.As she...
TeenI Ally entered her apartment, struggling to hold back her tears. She was carrying a heavier bag than usual as she had to clear her desk, like many others that day. Mass layoffs had finally arrived at her company, and after 14 months of being productive and being a model employee, she was one of 20 who were let go that afternoon.She had nowhere to go to. Her family had cut her off, following her decision to move to ?the decadent, immoral big city? and her choice of boyfriend at the time. They...
Will woke up with a raging boner. After dreaming all night about having sex with Sarah, his hot classmate from college, he needed some relief. He looks at the clock and sees it is 4:52am. He wonders, Who is going to relieve him so early on a Saturday morning? Well, he can’t touch Valerie yet, Melanie is at a sleepover, Megan is still upset with him for some reason and Kelly would kill him if he woke her up this early. He arrived at the only person who would unconditionally relieve him of his...
DeAnn's Submissive WeekendPART SIX============================================================================After our steamy shower, Suzy went to the closet and decided I would bewearing a pair of sexy black pumps with ankle straps and a black, snap frontshirt. This was to be my outfit for lunch. Of course, I still had my redcollar on but Suzy removed it and put a black collar on me in its place. A veryuncomplicated outfit. This would be a very interesting lunch no doubt.So, I put on some...
It was the middle of summer break. I was babysitting Scout. Our parents had gone out of town together again, and Forrest was at another friends house this time. So for the week, it was just me and Scout. I didn't mind. I was getting paid, and I had someone to play with. I live in the middle of nowhere, and non of my friends live near me, and I am 15, so I cant drive. Scout was nine, and was about a foot shorter than my 5'6”. I guess she was good looking, not that I would notice. Aw,...
Her life was a boring hellish existence Her life was a boring hellish existence.? She stood in front of the sink doing the dishes for the hundredth time this week.? As she moved her eyes to him she sighed.? Look at him!? He?s fat and lazy.? He was quite a catch when they first started dating. ?Fresh from the military he was strong and buff.? He had a mission and was determined to make a good life for himself.? They dated for 5 years before he finally broke her down and convinced her to...
Tales of the Enclave: Moaning Lisa Sings the Blues Tales of the Enclave: Moaning Lisa Sings the Bluesby kinkston (On a secluded estate an hour's drive north of New York City lies a highly exclusive retreat known to its wealthy and decadent members simply as the Enclave. Here rock stars, investment bankers, potentates and plutocrats come to dominate and be dominated in privacy and safety, assisted by an elite staff of expert dominatrixes. Also in residence is a select stable of submissive...
Hi doston main monika apni kahani puri karne aayi hu .Main bhiya ki god me nangi soi rahi subah niche bell baji to main jaldi se uthi aur bra panty pehna aur bhiya ki di hui red net wali dress pahni aur niche jane lagi bhiya bole darwaja khol dena niche ja ke maine kaha are bhaiya mere kapde to dekho bole khol ke hat jaana maine kaha theek hai us ghar me kam log aate the jitendra ke office ka bhi koi nhi aata tha maine darwaja khola to ek aadmi bag liye bhiyya ko pucha to maine unhe uper bhej...
I had just gotten home from work,and Id**g my tired sore body to the shower.As I stood under thehot waterfall,all I could think of, was to finish showering, crawl into bed,and drift off to sleep.As I was drying myself off,the phone rang.It was John.I answered the phone,and all he said was, put on the pair of satin shorts,a tee shirt and flip flops,and get down to the book store.I tried to explain to him how tired I was,but before I could, he said now, and hung up.I finished drying off, puton my...
Marie Gerard was never a very popular girl, sure during her school years she was well liked and had friends but she was no one people anyone ever thought off. Well that's what she thought before the whole Voldemort returns thing. Her parents owned a small shoppe in Diagon Alley, they fixed pretty much anything that was broken. The day the deatheaters attacked the alley was the last day she had seen her parents. They sent her to some close family friends, though Marie wasn't aware they had been...
Beautiful all-natural, Kira Noir is having the most awkward first date ever with all-natural stunner Brenna Sparx. They just don’t seem to be connecting, but Kira knows there is chemistry between them, and she had a naughty idea that just might bring out their fiery attraction… Kira cannot wait to have hot lesbian strap-on sex with Brenna! The two begin to kiss and their sexual attraction is unleashed as they finger and suck each other’s cunts with boundless enthusiasm. Kira...
xmoviesforyouOkay, another idea popped into my head. I'd love FM to post this. BTW, for you Ranma fans out there, could someone PLEASE try to find a way to fit lines like these into a much longer story? Thank you. Just Another Day A drabble by Roy Del Frink "Excuse me, sir, but by any chance have you seen a teenage boy with a pigtail, an old man wearing a handkerchief on his head, a teenage boy wearing a headband, a teenage girl with long, flowing hair, and a teenage boy wearing long, flowing...
Marcos was away on business for a few days and when he got home he discovered his house was covered in dust! He called a cleaning service and they sent over one of their best girls – Liz Rainbow. Now, Liz isnt the best cleaning lady in the business but shes very thorough. After he offered her a little extra cash to clean naked she had to think about it, but after a little while she was game – as long as he didnt tell her boss. Later on, Marcos offered Liz even more money for a...
xmoviesforyou“Oh, it’s my turn is it?” I said as I felt the handcuffs clip around my wrist holding my arm to the iron bedhead.“Uh-huh!” Jenny said as she pulled my other arm up and cuffed it to the other side of the bed. “Consider it our nine month anniversary present.”Jenny and I had met at work and moved in together within three weeks. At eighteen she was a beautiful woman and the target for lots of the guys we knew but for some obscure reason she had chosen me. I have no illusions as to my macho image....
That left the three of us with a decision to make about when to move on or even if. If we moved on, where would then become a necessary subject for discussion. We all watched the news and the Weather Channel. The Weather Channel was now predicting that we would have an early, cold winter over the entire nation starting no later than the middle of August. That was a month away but preparations needed to start and we needed to think about staying in Canada or trying to make it home. From what...
Hi xHamsterians. To see what Kat looks like, and what a netball uniform looks like, check this gallery. and please send a comment.-------Kat stood in the car park of the PCYC scanning the grills of a multitude of cars looking for the distinctive four interlocked circles of her fiance Dan's Audi. Her iPhone vibrated in her hand as Dan sent her a message saying 'Up the back near the soccer field.' She looked up to see his hand...