Bev My Horny Girlfriend free porn video

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This a true story of my initiation into the world of non stop fucking and swinging with a woman 17 years younger. This story is based in an Australian city called Brisbane in Queensland.
First rate slut
I first met Bev when we were nursing together, Bev was 27 and I was 43. Anyway we seemed to hit it off straight away and as I was new to the hospital and we were “paired” as partners for the next few shifts it was her role to familiarize me with the various aspects of the ward.
Now I have to tell you when I first saw Bev the first thing I noticed was that her breasts were gently bouncing under her uniform blouse and the fact that the skirt she was wearing was ,to say the least was short by nursing standards. Bev came from a Samoan family background so her skin was dark and she had “Islander” features.

My first shift was proceeding without any unexpected dramas except for the fact that I couldn’t keep my eyes off her. It was during our lunch break when she suggested that we go to the small grounds area off the side of the hospital for our break instead of the canteen. It was a few minutes walk and that was why not many staff members went there as it took too much of there “eating” time to get there and back. Bev told me I had a few nursing procedural papers to read and sign so we could afford the time as the sister in charge knew we would be slightly longer .
When lunch time arrived Bev called me and told me it was time to go off and relax for a while. As we got to the spot she had picked out I sat down and looked up at Bev. She was standing sideways to me looking in her bag for her bottle of water and the sun was partly behind her but mostly behind the old tree. The sun had the effect of shining through her blouse and was silhouetting her very pert breasts revealing that she was braless. Fuck, they looked really nice and firm as she stood there for probable no more that a minute as she also checked her messages on the phone but the view was incredible and I could feel the reaction in my groin as it began to twitch.

Bev looked down at me and must have seen me looking at her because she knelt on the grass between myself and the tree and sat down with her legs to the side, we started small talk, asking me how my first day was going and if there were any questions I had, to which I replied I was feeling comfortable, NOT, except for the hard on getting out of control. Anyway she produced some forms and said enjoy lunch!! And laughed saying at least we were outside in the sun.
Maybe the forms would be a welcome distraction from her breasts which seemed to be straining against her blouse. So I adopted the most comfortable position which was lying on my stomach facing the tree and started filling them out. I must have been going for quite a few minutes when I got writers cramp and looked up. HOLY SHIT Bev was leaning back against the tree with her eyes closed soaking up the sun with her knees up and bent and her ankles slightly apart. Fuck fuck fuck... you will have to close your eyes and imagine, here I am lying on my stomach less than 3 feet from a woman that has her legs bent and ankles apart and is wearing absolutely no panties AND exhibiting a shaved cunt (well maybe a days growth but who gives a fuck!!), I later found out she only wears panties during her period.
Well that did it for filling out stupid forms so I dropped the pen and continued enjoying the view. Now the problem was an obvious one, what about the heat that was rising in my pants, so I TRIED looking away but that was no good. All of a sudden I heard a voice and looked up. Bev was looking directly into my eyes perving up her skirt, shit busted. All she said was, it must be hot out here you’re sweating and she just looked straight into my eyes as if to say enjoying the view.

Then she looked at her watch and said we better get going and offered me her hand and asked for a hand up, I took her hand, pulled her to her feet noticing that she was directing her gaze down to my crutch that was sporting an obvious erection , and Bev simple said ,even you’re hands are sweating and smiled.
As we walked back to the ward I felt awful, what would she think, new guy and on the first day she catches me perving her naked cunt lips under her short skirt. For the remainder of the shift, which was only a matter of about an hour and a half, she just carried on as normal and made no mention of the incident. I on the other hand made great efforts to not think about it lest I suffer the consequences again .All I could think about was getting home and releasing my cock and closing my eyes and visualize that naked pussy in my mind, grab my hard cock and masturbate releasing my spent up cum.
At the end of the shift came patient handover and report writing and Bev asked me to come over and she would show me what needed to be completed and she pulled a chair up next to her and I sat down. That in itself was ok until I sat down close to her left side , it was then that I saw that I was enjoying a spectacular view of her beautiful firm breasts and cleavage down her blouse, which was also one that had a gap between the buttons, I’m sure everyone has seen those.
We ,or rather she finished the reports often glancing at me and asking questions, and I’m sure seeing the distress I was in as I was moving around in the chair trying to get my erection comfortable without using my hand. As we finished she got up to file the reports and said we could go as Mary was going to hand over to the next shift. Bev was about 6 feet away with her back to me when I stood up and quickly grabbed my groin to adjust it when suddenly she turned around and saw me with my hand on my yet again hard cock in my pants. Our eyes met and I broke out in a sweat and I felt myself overheat with blushing, and all she said was, that’s twice today and gave me a very warm soft seductive smile.
We both walked to the staff room and collected our bags, when we got there I told her I was grateful for looking after me today , she turned and said , that wasn’t looking after you, just guiding you you’re an experienced nurse. As we started to walk down the stairs Bev asked me if I lived locally to which I replied yes up on the main road in the new complex, no kidding she said I live in the townhouse complex 500 yards before yours, its so handy for work, no parking hassles. She then asked me if my complex had a swimming pool and I told her it didn’t, well you’ll have to come and have a swim in mine sometime she said, she then asked if I would like to walk home with her ,to which I readily agreed.
We had to walk past a wine shop to get to Bev’s complex and she asked me if I minded her stopping to get a bottle of wine. When we got outside her complex she asked me in for a cold drink as I had obviously had a hard day and looked me straight in the eyes again, my first thought was you fucking teasing bitch. I thought she sounded sincere and it wasn’t just a gesture but I said I don’t wont to impose as your probably going out with it being Friday, Bev simple said I was going to the Gold coast but KC had to cancel as he is working so I cant go.
OK I said I’d love a cold drink, thanks as it has been a rather hard day returning her stare.
We walked the few hundred yards to her unit, the suspense was killing me and I had to know, so on the so way so I asked if KC was her boyfriend, she turned to me and laughed and I asked what was wrong. In a matter of fact way she simply said god no we just fuck and we go to the gold coast swinging which is were we were going tonight. Well I think I must have turned pale as I stopped in my tracks, Bev turned around as she was now a few steps ahead of me and asked if I was alright. I didn’t know what to say as she had caught me off balance but I just said I’m fine just thirsty but I think she got the picture. Bev grabbed my hand and held it pulling me along saying come on lets get that drink I think you need it.
When we got to the house she asked if I could hold her backpack, as she was fumbling for her keys in her bag with the bottle of wine in her hand. She looked as if she was about to drop the bag so I came forward and pulled it to me, it was caught on something and wouldn’t come free. Bev said shit it’s caught on my watch that is pinned to my top pocket and I can’t get to it as my other hand is tied up, can you please unhook me. The watch was right underneath the backpack and stuck fast. There was no nice way around it so I just put my hand underneath and started groping around; it was now quite dark as it was about 7.30 in the evening so I really couldn’t see what I was doing. Here I was with one hand around the front of Bev groping around trying to loosen the watch and my other hand was underneath her right arm coming up to the other side of the backpack. It was around about now that I confirmed to myself that Bev was indeed braless as my hands were brushing up against her breasts as I tried to unhook the damned watch. All of a sudden Bev said undo my buttons and see if it makes it any easier. So without thinking I undid the two buttons that were level with the backpack and watch.
As I undid the buttons her blouse fell wide open as the next button holding her blouse was about waist height, there was no way this position could be anything else but erotic for me. My hands were rubbing her breasts and her blouse was wide open and I could easily see the large dark brown button nipples and the large round areolas on the ends of her wonderfully pert boobs which at a quick guess would be around 36c.
Bev was still having problems balancing the bag so she said let me raise my knee and support the backpack on it. At this stage I am directly in front of Bev well within her personal space with my hands fumbling with her blouse, when her knee came up in front of me level with my waist. At this moment I had to adjust my position to try and see what was happening, this change in position caused her knee to come in contact with a rather hard cock. Bev’s commented… not again! You’re a very horny man aren’t you? I simply replied well I do have my hands in a rather nice position don’t I.
Just then the watch came loose and fell into her blouse. Bev looked at me and said well I can’t get it! I put my hand inside her blouse and fumbled around to find the stupid watch, this time deliberately touching her breasts with the back of my hands. Suddenly Bev’s hand came up and went around the back of my neck and she brought her mouth up to mine and started gently kissing my lips.
Without me seeing she had dropped the backpack on the ground but was still holding the wine. As her tongue started to lick and probe my mouth I put my hand onto her exposed breast and started to fondle it causing her to let out a gentle.. mmmm, yum and her right leg started pressing into my hard cock. I could feel her nipples getting harder so I started to pull them gently, harder, she said I love them being twisted.
Bev bent down and placed the wine on the floor which was a good move as I didn’t want her drop it, and as she straightened up I put my hands to both of her breasts twisting the nipples. She really liked this and I could sense she was getting turned on. .My hands undid the last two remaining buttons on her blouse which left her blouse wide open as it wasn’t tucked into her short demin skirt. I slid my left hand behind her and pulled her to me and our groins met, I was still groping her left breast and pulling the nipple hard.
My hand at the back of Bev drifted down to her hard buttocks and began squeezing and groping them causing her to sigh again and it felt as if she was trying to suck the tongue out of mouth. My hand went lower and didn’t travel too far before I came in contact with hem of her rather short skirt. Bev was almost panting at this stage so I slid my hand under her skirt and started to fondle the firm mounds of her naked buttocks and in reply she spread her thighs even wider. It was at this time that I could make out a pleasant smell and it took me a few minutes to work it out, it was Bev’s juices that I could smell, she was so horny her juices were flowing freely.
I continued fondling her right buttock and the hand that was groping her left breast started to travel downwards. It travelled over her skirt which had by now ridden well up towards her groin and if anyone was watching I’m sure they would have seen her pussy. Bev was expecting me to go straight to her cunt but instead I travelled further down her thighs kneading them gently causing involuntary movement from her. As I was kneading I noticed how wet, not damp they were, her pussy juices were dribbling down her thighs, it was literally as if I had spilt some water between her legs.
Fucking teasing bitch (her favorite word I later found out) she said put your fingers in my pussy, I’m on the edge. I sloooowly slid my hand up her thigh towards her cunt, again she called me a bitch. I stopped just short of her pussy and extended my thumb then gently continued upwards and didn’t stop until my thumb slid into her drenched her pussy lips, the upward journey was stopped by my wrist. Bev wrapped her arms around my neck , she wasn’t kissing me now, I think she needed oxygen !! and she started to grind and gyrate her hips bucking against my hand . CUMMMMMMING!!! was all she said , I felt her juices ooze out of her cunt all over my hands and she was almost in a spasm, it seemed like a very long orgasm. I gently slowed my movements within her pussy allowing her to come slowly down rather than abruptly pulling them out.
The smell was very strong and she told me, that it happens every time. I asked her if her juices had been flowing earlier today and she asked when in particular, I said outside when we were sitting having lunch. Well you were looking up my skirt at my pussy she said. I thought I recognized the scent I told her.
When she had recovered I said well, what would the neighbors think now if they saw us standing here .Bev replied still holding my head, do not look around but I can assure you that Alan has been watching from behind his curtains the whole time, the trouble is he doesn’t realize that he is silhouetted in the room and I can see he is naked and is masturbating and pulling his nipples watching us. I don’t think it’s fair that he has seen me and not you, her blouse was still undone and fully open. It has to be mentioned that Bev’s unit was almost at the end of the complex so not many other units around hers.
I asked her what she meant by not fair and she just put her hand down to my groin and said mmmmm nice package, I’ve been wondering what it would feel like, after all I’ve seen it hard 3 times today. She then grabbed my shirt by both collars and in one movement swung me around so my back was now against the wall and said I think it’s about time I saw it all.

Next thing I felt my zip being pulled down as she looked straight into me eyes, she undid my belt and without warning pulled both my pants and undies down at the same time. Here I was with my rock hard cock sticking up for the world, and Alan to see, with Bev groping it. Fuck I want that in my mouth she said and next thing I know my cock is engulfed in her warm wet mouth. Bev was running her tongue around the swollen oozing head of my cock, and as I looked straight ahead could and see Alan in his lounge pulling his cock furiously at the same time that Bev was sucking for dear life and fondling my balls.

As I looked down I could see Bev's legs spread and no hiding her wet cunt, and what I thought was a damp patch on the ground. I could also see both her breasts protruding from her blouse. I warned her that if she carried on I was going to cum, she took her mouth off my cock and said I want you cum all over my titties and started to masturbate me. It didn’t take long and I warned her I was about to explode she knelt upright and pushed her tits together just as I gave her a huge stream of white hot semen straight onto her breasts with some of it hitting her chin.
I was making a noise and moaning which prompted the response from her… god I thought I was noisy. My cock was still twitching and she scooped the remains of my juices onto her fingers, reached between her pussy lips, and pushed them deep inside mixing my juices with hers. Christ how erotic was that seeing her push my cum into her cunt.

After we had both calmed down I pulled my pants up and made myself respectful, Bev didn’t bother to button her blouse, instead she turned around to pick up her backpack facing directly to Alan’s house and stood there for a fairly long time pretending to look for her keys showing him her breasts and my cum dripping of them and her chin.

After she turned back to open the door she asked if I would like that cold drink now as my day seemed to be getting harder all the time, this is one hell of a cock teaser ,and I didn’t realize it but my life on the sexual front was about to change dramatically.

Bev went to the kitchen dropping off her backpack on the way putting the wine in the fridge, turning to me removing her blouse and said that was a real turn on and made me very hot and horny ,no shit I said I would never have guessed. As she was talking to me she was fondling a breast whilst her other hand was underneath her skirt obviously playing with her pussy evidenced by a wet squelching sound as her fingers slid in and out of her cunt lips, it sounded very wet indeed.
Glasses are behind you, pour us a drink and put some music on she said ,so I found a CD I liked and put it on ,turned around to get the glasses and saw her skirt in a pile on the floor and she was at the sink leaning over the bench top. I walked up behind her knelt down and began kissing her fantastic ass cheeks, they really were firm and round, Bev began moaning and thrust her bottom back into my face, and once more I could smell that all too familiar pussy scent and the stale day long smells emanating from her ass.

I placed my hands on both buttocks and gently pulled them apart exposing the forbidden fruits of her anus, as I did this her legs opened wider as if in submission and she leaned further forward and put her arms out in front. I blew gently on the small brown area that was almost in my face and again heard her moaning in pleasure. Then I leant forward and put my mouth on her cheeks and began nipping her mounds. I could smell the muskiness of a pussy and anus that hadn’t been washed for about 12 hours but it was actually a turn on.

She was really groaning now and she reached behind and grabbed her ass cheeks and pulled them fully apart leaving me no doubt as to what she wanted. I leaned forward again and flicked my tongue over her ass hole and saw it pucker in response.

At the same time that I was licking her ass hole I lowered my hands to her thighs and began running them slowly up from the backs of her knees to her cunt lips feeling her juices running down her thighs again. Bev was making a lot of noise as I kept flicking her anal bud. Abruptly I pushed my tongue into her hole and she went off, calling me a fucking cunt whore, telling me to stick it all the way , that’s right lick it bitch she said. I licked her asshole for another few minutes until my knees began to hurt from the tiled floor then I stood and pressed my hard cock against her ass and she responded by pressing back.

Undress, she ordered and she stood leaning against the sink holding herself steady. I was undressed in record time and came behind her and pressed my hard cock against her buttocks and reached in front of her and began fondling her tits again aiming straight for her sensitive nipples. She bent forward leaning against the sink counter and reached under her thighs grabbing hold of my balls and began massaging them, I like big balls she said it’s a turn on feeling them banging against me when I’m being fucked. Fuck this girl is fucking hot, horny and slutty, I can’t remember meeting a girl like this before.

Now you’re going to fuck me she said, hey I had absolutely no problems with that last wish. She leant further forward and pulled my hard cock underneath her and I could feel the tip against her outer cunt lips, they were absolutely soaking wet. I just stood there as she massaged my dick, suddenly she pushed backwards and my cock disappeared into her wet cunt and my pelvis hit her ass cheeks and I heard her moan, oooooh! I just love cock and being fucked, the more the better she moaned, little did I know what that statement really meant.
I just stood there absorbing the feeling of her warm moist pussy enclosed around my hard throbbing cock, she leaned back and pulled my head into her neck and said bite me. So I snuggled into her neck and started biting her gently, hard she said just grab a mouthful and bite me. So I bit hard down onto her neck and she stiffened and began grinding against me, don’t stop she said, then she started gasping for breath and I realized that she was at start of an orgasm, I kept my mouth locked onto her neck and bit her. As I was biting and she was cumming her cunt lips were contracting and squeezing around my cock and I could feel the build up in my balls. We were standing absolutely still and her cunt lips were doing all the work on me.

I told Bev that I was near to blowing and I could feel she was still shaking, she told me not to take it out, I want to feel your hot cum explode inside me, I started to pump her pussy and was really pounding her when I started to feel it, I’m cumming I said and she reached underneath and grabbed my balls and gently squeezed them as I blew my cum inside her wet cunt. We stood there for a while as we were both worn out, my cock still inside her throbbing pussy. I could feel all our juices trickling out and she said, I was right on the edge of another orgasm as you blew your load into my pussy.
My cock plopped out of her pussy and we both heard a wet plop and looked down to see a huge glob of cum mixed with her juices hit the tiled floor, yum she said. Bev turned around to face me and pulled me to her we started to kiss gently and passionately. She reached down and I thought, shit not already, but she took hold of my cock which was still semi erect , but not hard enough to penetrate her ,and put it under her pelvis and closed her thighs on me. I could feel all the pussy juices and my cum dripping out of her onto my cock and it was warm and wet and she started to gently slowly squeeze me. Just trying to get all that juice from you she said and put her hands on my ass and pulled me into her as she was grinding her hips.

As we were kissing she started to talk to me telling me that she really enjoyed that fuck and that she had a really intense first orgasm which seemed to go on forever. At the same time she was groping my ass cheeks and pushing against me. I put it down to the warmth of the location were my cock was situated but I could feel the blood start to rise in my cock again, I couldn’t believe it, but as I looked at Bev she was smiling and said, yum.
She pushed me away from her, took my hand and led me into the lounge and told me to lie on my back. I lay down and she knelt between my thighs and started to suck my cock again this time running her tongue around the whole of the body of my hardening dick. Then she leant forward and began rubbing her hard breasts over my cock and balls kissing my nipples at the same time. Then she stopped, looked down and said, oh look he’s ready again, funny that isn’t it.

She moved forward and straddled my legs and sat down on my hard cock, she wriggled about for a few seconds and I wondered what she was doing. She was positioning her cunt lips so that they were on either side of my cock and in effect had the underneath part of my shaft inside her but the head pointing towards me. She started to move backwards and forwards fucking my cock shaft and at the same time had one hand on a tit and the other playing with her clit.

You have to remember that she had told me that she was close to cumming when we finished at the sink so she must have been on the edge as we moved from the sink to the floor. All of a sudden she started to grind into me as if I didn’t exist and my cock was simply a thing that was underneath her for her pleasure. She leaned forward and put her hands on my chest I could feel her perspiration dripping onto my chest and she started breathing heavy again and was really grinding and moving those hips, suddenly she said I’m cumming, reached down grabbed my cock, lifted her hips and impaled herself on me and started to orgasm as I was just laying underneath her.
She stayed impaled on top of me for a few moments gaining her breath then she slid off and collapsed on the rug next to me. She turned towards me and threw her leg over me rubbing her very wet thigh against my cock, no way I told her no way, looking at her she had a huge grin on her face and I thought fucking hell she would IF I COULD!!
We lay there for a while and then she said, you STILL haven’t had that drink so she got up and poured the wine that she had bought. When she came back she stood with her legs on either side of my chest directly over me and I had a million dollar view right between her wet gaping pink cunt lips which were still coated with cum, then she bent forward and looked between her thighs, pushed her knees out and a glob of cum fell onto my chest. Then she bent down scooped it up, put her fingers in her mouth and sucked it all off followed by a mouthful of wine.
Yum she said I love the taste of men’s cum, the more the better, there was that statement again , she had a wicked look on her face that both frightened me and at the same time turned me on.
WELL THAT’S ROUND ONE SHE SAID……………………………………………..
Fuck, she going to kill me I thought and I’ve only just met the horny bitch. She knelt down again settling on top of me with her pussy now on my tummy and drinking her wine, which of course I couldn’t because of me laying down so I STILL hadn’t had my drink.
Barry.. she said with along pause……………………………………………………you know we are both off for the weekend, Bev had done the rosters so she knew I was off, yes I replied…. Again she was silent.

You know I said KC is working……. Yes Bev I remember……well how would you like to take me to the gold coast tonight, we can stay at a friends that KC and I both fuck when we are down there.
What! ,you both fuck. This person isn’t a hermaphrodite by any chance if your both fucking them no silly it’s my friend Sue what!!!. Sue she said, I’m bi and we regularly screw and put on shows for KC and others at the club.
Right about now I was highly pleased that I was on my back because I would have fallen over for definite, I looked at Bev and she was still looking at me awaiting an answer as if the information she had just given was ,like a normal everyday thing for everyone.
This club you go too tell me more about it.
Well it only takes about 45 minutes to drive along the freeway it’s called swing all night (not really, but it is on the Gold coast near Brisbane).Tonight, Friday is couples night and tomorrow all the single men come along, which, if your really horny is good as a female because I’ve never known one guy say no to a fuck, so you can have as many fucks as you like on a Saturday. Tonight couples come and either stay with their spouse or go off on their own. There are rooms, some with doors some without.
What’s the idea of the doors I asked, Duh!! I felt stupid asking. Well she said, if you close the door nobody can enter but if it’s a room with no door it means anyone can join in and fuck you. I thought fuck I’ve gone to heaven!!!! I better not have any wine then if I’m driving I said…..Bev bent over and gave me a fantastic kiss and said you will really like it stood up and appeared really excited. Oh by the way you better buy a box of condoms , your going to need them if you want to fuck other women, my cock started to harden again and she fondled it saying that we better keep it for later.
If there is sufficient interest I will continue on with the rude and disgusting antics of Bev after we got to the club, but be warned there is a small adventure before we even get there. But be warned you may not believe that they are really true


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My horny girlfriend

My first shift was proceeding without any unexpected dramas except for the fact that I couldn’t keep my eyes off her. It was during our lunch break when she suggested that we go to the small grounds area off the side of the hospital for our break instead of the canteen. It was a few minutes walk and that was why not many staff members went there as it took too much of there “eating” time to get there and back. Bev told me I had a few nursing procedural papers to read and sign so we could afford...

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beverlys holo fantasy

said the voice of Lieutenant O'Rourke. "In fact I can't remember the last time I went through a whole shift without someone reporting to sickbay for something or other." "It must be your Irish luck, Morgan." Beverly answered the disembodied voice coming from her com-badge. "But if anything changes, don't hesitate to call." "Don't worry Doctor," Morgan replied. "There's little short of a major disaster that we can't handle by ourselves. You've got us too well trained....

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Ultra horny girlfriend

Hello to all the readers of I have read number of stories and because I found most of them as fake or fantasies. I was encouraged to post something that was real as well as arousing. It happens to be one my finest encounter’s with a real horny pussy.i was in college .there was this girl named Mansi.whom I got to know through a common friend but things did not move further and slowly we lost touch. Couple of years later we met again. & on the very first day I fell...

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Beverlys Love

100% fiction! One day while I came back from high school, mum told me that my cousin Beverly was coming over to stay with us the next day as her new workplace is quite near to our house. I was so happy hearing this because Beverly is my cousin sis who's 3 years older than me, by that time I was 18 and she 21. She's super hot, with her big boobs and sexy looking ass. Everytime I masturbate, she's the one I fantasize about. Simply knowing that she's coming to stay with us had made my cock hard...

4 years ago
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Horny Girlfriend

I picked up some work for about 6 months in a small coastal town.The beaches are very quite day and night in the off season.So i brought my girl friend Ella up for a couple of weeks to give her a break from the city.Now i must say this Ella plus a day at the beach equals one VERY HORNY bitch.I had a 2 room unit in a block of 4 units it had a swimming pool and the beach was only a short walk away.I got Ella a small esky to take her drinks to the beach [she gets hornier when she drinks] and a...

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My Horny Bangalore Girlfriend

This is a true story of my ex girl friend. Just to keep her identity safe, I will be using only the initials. M was my girl friend since 7 years. When I first met her she was a virgin and by the time we broke up, she had sex with 4 guys. He vital stats are 34D-32-36. Height 5 feet 7 inches and very fair. She is a dream fuck for any guy she meets. Here I am going to narrate one incidence where she had a one night stand with a guy named A. M and me had different set of friends. We used to live in...

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Please fuck my Girlfriend

One of the hottest cuckold stories I have ever read!from: cuckottPlease Fuck My Girlfriend (M/F, wife, voy, asian, cuck)by Anonymous Author (Address withheld by request)***This is the story of a young man who has fantasies abouthis girlfriend having sex with other men, and once hisboss declares his intentions to fuck his girlfriend,events lead to him watching her screwing his boss'smassive cock and stealing her from him.***This is a story about how I asked another man to fuck mybeautiful...

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Taking Virginity Of Horny Girlfriend

I have a Girlfriend. She loves getting sucked n licked n gives a awesum blowjob .it all started when her family went to rajasthan and she stayed back for her college.we both had sex chats many times but never got a chance to do it practically.on the day her family left early morning and we decided that these can be the days wen we can finally have sex and satisfy each other. i went to her home by 12pm she opened the door and was looking sexy in her shorts and tshirt. We sat on the sofa and were...

2 years ago
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My Horny Mallu Girlfriend

First let me introduce myself. My name is Rishi I am from Kerala. I’m 18 now this happened about 2 months ago. Now my girlfriend is also 18 her name is Shakshi. She’s in my school so that’s how met and went into a relationship. She a typical mallu girl but very fair, long hair, big ass sexy curves not skinny type but has the right amount of flesh wherever needed. We became addicted to each other we can’t keep our hands of each other. I sucked her boobs in school. And he has given me a bj also...

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Haunted by the Futa Ghost 6 Banging My GenderSwapped Girlfriend

Chapter Six: Banging My Gender-Swapped Girlfriend By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 “You danced so beautifully in my dreams again,” my Ōjo-sama cooed in the steamy waters of the onsen. “You awakened such hungers in me, Sayuri-chan.” I blushed as I stood in the onsen's hot waters, my breasts rising and falling with the beat of my heart. We stood so close, our nipples almost touching, both hard. My pussy itched with the hungers shining in her eyes. “Thank you, Mitsuko-hime.” Her hand...

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The prude and my girlfriend

Chapter 3For the first time I was living in this town I went to church that next Sunday. Not many people were visiting the service, but I stayed at the back of the church. I could see Marjory sitting somewhere in the front of the church. The service didn't take that long, maybe 45 minutes. Afterwards they always drink coffee and I attended this coffee meeting. I knew some people and just mingled somewhat, until Marjory came up to me. She wore a nice skirt with low heeled pumps. I Gave her a...

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Camping with my girlfriend

Quick background info for those who haven't read any of my other stories.I'm a bi-bottom guy, and I'm submissive by nature. My submissive side was always a secret until I started to experiment with my girlfriend of 3 years which led to her becoming the dominant person in our day to day lives and led her to cuckolding me and also watching me being fucked.Now that the background info is out of the way we can start with the story.This story is about a cuckold experience I had with my girlfriend...

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threesome with the girlfriend

Introduction: Fantasy come true Ok so my girlfriend and I were watching porn. I will tell you about her now she is a little on the short side being 5ft5 but she has a smoking body. She has a b sized cub but she definitely makes up for it with that big black ass of hers. It makes heads turn when we walk down the street. I am your average white male with a 6 inch dick but she loves the way I can work it. My girlfriends name is Keeara and my name is Nick. Well lately weve been watching porn of...

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threesome with the girlfriend

Well lately we’ve been watching porn of threesomes. It can be either mff or mfm either way it seems like we fuck so much crazier afterwords. So I have always wanted to have a threesome with her but never really had the courage to ask her. So one night while we were watching this white get fucked in the ass while eating a black girl’s pussy out I was horny enough to ask her if she would ever consider a threesome, I said it kind of jokingly. But to my surprise she said yes. I was so excited but...

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Teenage Cuckold ndash Catching My Cheating Girlfriend

Let me start by saying I’m a white Jewish man in a cuckold marriage. I’m in my mid 40’s and I’ve been sexless for the last six years, while my wife has had many sexual partners and boyfriends over the last 16 years, most of them hung black men. Even though this is not how I expected my life to turn out, I’m content being a sexless cuckold and get turned on by the humiliation of my wife fucking other men, but it’s definitely something I’m not proud to admit to people I know! As I analyze my past...

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Night with my Exhibitionist Girlfriend

Let me give y’all a bit of backstory in case you don’t already know me. My name is Brian, and I’m dating this girl named Ashley. We’ve been together for a few years now. Ashley is a very… outgoing person. She’s not shy at all, and in fact, she’s a bit of an open book, especially when it comes to her sex life. I realize that’s a lot to tell you right off the bat, but it’s relevant to this story. Ashley’s adventurousness has led to us having a number of incredible experiences with other...

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Any reader old as me or any one that watches old tv sitcoms will know the Beverley Hill Billies, all about hill billy Jedd Clampett Who was out hunting raccoons with his coon hound in Kentucky and shit at a coon, but missed, but the shot brought up a fountain of black ooze which turned out to be oil or “Texas Tea”. He immediately sold his mineral rights for a fortune and decided to buy a mansion in Beverley Hills, California so loaded up his old 1929 Ford Truck with Granny, Jedd,s Daughter...

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My Sons Girlfriend

Joel Patterson was sitting at home alone watching television one Friday night. His wife, Julie, was gone to visit her mother for the weekend. Joel’s eighteen-year-old son, Jay, was out on a date with his sixteen-year-old girlfriend, Amy Holloway, when he got a call from his son. Jay had been arrested for DUI and would not be able to see the judge until Monday to set his bail. He asked his father if he would go to the police station and get Amy, because they had impounded his car until he made...

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Wine Night with my Exhibitionist Girlfriend

Believe it or not, Jordan (who is my best friend) and I had spent the first part of the evening drinking with Madison. One thing led to another, and Madison may have sucked our cocks, received a good face-fucking or two, and eventually let us fuck her in the ass several times. If that sounds like a lot, well, it was. I’m still kind of in shock that I spent the past few hours fucking my girlfriend’s little sister in the ass. If you’re interested in hearing about that -- or all the stuff that...

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Tammys New Girlfriend

TAMMY'S NEW GIRLFRIEND By Tammy Richards "Danielle, I need your help!! It's Jim. I don't know what to do." It was Saturday morning and I was sitting at the kitchen table enjoying a second cup of coffee when the phone rang. On the other end was my friend and neighbor Linda Peterson. It was clear from her voice that she was distraught and had been crying. "Relax Linda. I'm sitting here having a cup of coffee. Why don't you join me?" "Oh, thank you...

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Hot Surprise From Beautiful Girlfriend

I am Anand, aged 23, and working in a reputed MNC in Bangalore. This is my first sex story here. As I am new to ISS, I would like to introduce myself. I am medium-built, dark-toned and a bit short. I am blessed with a medium-sized dick. This story is about my very first sex with my girlfriend. I have divided the complete happenings of the day into two parts. Part 1 is all about the initial build-up and making out before the ultimate incident. It could be a bit slow for some people. I want you...

2 years ago
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Drunk Surprises Are The Best 8211 Night With Petite Girlfriend

Hi, this is Sid again. This is my second story on the site. Both are real incidents. If you have not read the previous one, you can check it out. A little bit about me first. I am 5’10 tall and have an athletic body with an average sized penis. I am from Mumbai. Coming to the story. One night my girlfriend and I were invited to a nightclub for an event organized by one of our friends. We decided to get a few drinks before and then meet everyone at the nightclub. Once we got there, it was a very...

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Raiders of Painted Skin Girlfriend

Disclaimer: I don't own anything, all credits to their creator 渡鸦10492. This is just a translation. Raiders of Painted Skin Girlfriend # 1 "March 7th, cloudy, 18 degrees... Forget it, it's meaningless to remember, I'm not writing a diary." Sitting in front of the computer desk, Lu Sheng stared at the screen with a complex expression, tapping his fingers on the keyboard , but always press and hold the backspace key after typing a few lines. A special document in an encrypted format was opened...

1 year ago
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Saturday night with room mate and his girlfriend

After the first time my room mate fucked me like his sissy whore, I took to completely shaving my body and wearing sexy lingerie all the time under my clothes. We hooked up a few time afterwards, eventually moving into a place together, while still being somewhat friends. He had a girlfriend but still enjoyed out little secret games, I would walk out into the living room/kitchen in nothing but tight panties. Occasionally if i was in the mood I would go all out and wear cute or sexy outfits,...

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Outdoor Sex With My Wild Girlfriend

I guys I’m vivek just completed my graduation as well as my girlfriend. Me and my girlfriend are both of Ranchi. We both are in relationships for around more then five years. My girlfriend is 5″5′, dark complex, black hair with a hot figure of measure 34-28-36. This incident is about 2 years back summer times. My girlfriend parents where out of town to attain someone’s marriage ceremony in chattisgarh. So we planned to have some wild sex at my girlfriend’s house. But everything changes when her...

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Master for me and my girlfriend

This is a fantasy story.I live with my girlfriend and she doesn't know about my fetishes and my need to submit. I also have a secret male Master that I go to and do whatever he tells me.One day he tells me he wants to fuck my girlfriend in front of me. I protest and try to change his mind. Tell him that my girlfriend doesn't know about this and she won't agree. But he soon silence me with some ass and face slapping and tells me that it's what he wants and I have to do it because I belong to...

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Second time with a guy and my girlfriend

Well, one day I was home alone, and my girlfriend was at the pool with her friends. I decided to kick back and relax. As I was flipping through the channels, I couldn't find a single thing on. I decided to go to my computer and look at porn, only to find that my internet was down. I then turned to the only video I had on my actual harddrive, the rest stop video. It had been some time since I had looked at that video, and it was incredible to watch again. As I was halfway through the...

4 years ago
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Erotic Sex With Horny 8216Online Game8217 Girlfriend

This happened when I had completed my graduation and was searching for a job. I had a lot of free time. So I used to play Clash of Clans (COC), an online game and I was becoming very good at it. So I decided to join a clan (a group of people who play that game) and came across an Indian clan. I joined that clan and things were going well. The people in that group were very friendly. They helped me out sometimes in that game, particularly a player who went by the name ‘Dragon Fist’. He was extra...

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Taking Virginity Of Horny Girlfriend

Hi guys and girls i have been reading stories here from many years and finally decided to share my experience with you all which i had with my gf priyanka.let me describe her to you all she has a figure to die for with 34-28-34 size. Our relation was not so kind of seriious one but we were friends only for any girl,aunty,bhabhi intersted in or physical sex can contact me on We both are from kolkata.this incident happened a few weeks ago before we broke up.she is quite horny in bed and can...

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Fuck Fuck Fuck My Girlfriend

Hi friends this is Mallic. I am new here so please bear my mistakes; this is a real incident which happen in my friends life I am going to narrate this story on behalf of him. I walk up to the door of my girlfriend’s apartment. As I start to slide the key into the lock, I can hear slight muffled noises from inside. As the door slowly opens, I am met by the sight of my girlfriend laying with her legs spread wide open on the couch and her super sexy friend Shayla, who I’ve always wanted to see...

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Beverly and Deanna

" ... and Ensign Murphy continues to show improvement following reconstruction of both his right tibia and fibula ... Crusher, Chief Medical Officer ... U.S.S. Enterprise." Beverly Crusher eased back into the soft padded chair behind her desk as the computer shut off her medi-recorder. Medical science might have advanced to the semblance of magic in the last few hundred years, but that arch enemy of all physicians —paperwork— remained -- even if it now resided on a computer disk. She...

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My Brothers Girlfriend

My brother wasn’t anything special in the looks department, but he was tall and played volleyball so he had a bit of muscle on him. I on the other hand was still short even for my age and people always said I got my looks from mom. I wasn’t weak or anything, but I was shy and tended towards wrestling in middle school, because the jocks of the football team weren’t my crowd. I remember when I was really young, a friend of mine (Brent) was a typical horny boy and he would invite me over to his...

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How I Fucked Friend8217s Gold Digger Girlfriend

Hello all, this is Prem and I am back with another one of my adventures. I would like to thank all the readers who have provided me with valuable feedback and because of which I am still writing these stories. A little bit about me, I am 24 years old, 5’8″ and have an average body. Let’s get to the story now. This one is a bit long. During college, I was living in my hometown of Nagpur. I moved to Mumbai in order to chase my dreams. I have always been a good story teller and so I decided to...

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3 Dirty Laborers Enjoy My Girlfriend

Hey, people, we are back with another sex story. This sex story is partially real and some fantasy added to it. My ex-girlfriend was always interested in sex the kinkier the better. We had a few experiences with laborers, beggars and young boys. It was all harmless fun and we had a great time doing it too. She was fair and about 5’5, long legs, curvy and had a cute face. Her figure was 36-30-36 and she looked good in any situation. We always shared our fantasies with each other and then fucked...

4 years ago
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Bevs Night Out

Barb, my secretary, stuck her head in the door and said, "Your wife is on line 2." I gave her a little wave to indicate that I'd heard her, finished adding the column of numbers I was working on and then picked up the phone. "Hey sweetie, what's up?" "Just wanted to remind you that I'm going out with Julie after work for dinner and a couple of drinks. I left your dinner in the fridge covered in Saran Wrap. Just put it in the microwave for three minutes on high." "Should I wait...

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The Futas MindControlling Panties Chapter 12 Futas MindControlled Cherry Girlfriend

Chapter Twelve: Futa's Mind-Controlled Cherry Girlfriend By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Chloe Quick I trembled as Stacey approached. My best friend had a nervous look on her face as she came up to me and Kendall, one of my mind-controlled lovers. I had my hand shoved into the pocket of my skirt gripping my wet panties. My nipples throbbed and ached against my babydoll t-shirt. My pussy clenched and my futa-dick throbbed in my panties. It was...

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Used Girlfriend

My girlfriend was hot, worked out a lot, and had a hard muscular body.She and I used to watch porn together.So I had figured out that she liked interracial porn.Once we were out at a club, and I went to the restroom.When I came back, this big very muscular black guy was chatting her up.I could tell that she was getting horny, just from the way she was breathing and her eyes were dilating.When she saw me she kind of turned away from that guy and I whispered that she seemed kind of horny. She...

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Wild Hot Sex With My College Senior 8211 Pt 2 Quickie With ExGirlfriend

Seeing me and her friend Sneha and all the mess we had created, my ex-girlfriend Swathi was fuming with anger. Swathi: Better tell me what is this all about? From when did this start? Sneha: Relax, Swathi. Swathi: How could you do this to me? Sneha: Come on, Swathi. You have not spoken to him in 3 years and you are married now. Don’t tell me you still want him and he can’t enjoy his life. Swathi: And you are engaged, Sneha. Does your fiance know this? And Rahul was my boyfriend for 3 years...

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Sex With My Girlfriend

Hi my dear Iss story readers Am a regular reader of Iss and am keep on reading the stories Here an incident of my true life where i experienced a heaven life with my girlfriend. Well coming into the story directly I had completed my graduation and my girlfriend had also completed the graduation at the same time and we both got a job in a same company also.Me and my girlfriend had got a nice relation ship between with as all lovers have.We used to have naughty chats too sometimes. One fine day...

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Foursome Anniversary Sex With Bisexual Girlfriend

It was three in the morning, and I was sweating profusely lying naked on my bed with two separate pairs of hands – one on my chest and the other caressing my cock with those soft fingers in an AC room. Yes, you read that right – AC room and sweating! I was trying to rewind the events that happened during the night and it was still something I couldn’t fathom and I’m quite sure I had lived every guy’s fantasy that night. It all started with me bragging to Madhu (yeah, she is the bike lady in my...

2 years ago
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Two Old Homeless Men Use My Girlfriend

Hi, I am back with another story which involves my ex-girlfriend, me and two old men who watch us from behind the bushes. This starts with me and my girlfriend trying something kinky. I and Neha were always open about sex and we loved to try new stuff. We had thought about outdoor sex where anyone could see us. We both liked the idea but had never tried it. One day we were both horny and couldn’t sleep at night. So we decided to go for a drive and see what we could find for kinky sex. We were...

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Nenu Naagirlfriend

hi readers na peru praveen age 26 chudadaniki avarejega vuntanu naku ammaielu ante chala ishtam enduko teleyadu kani adavallani chudagani na vollanta adola avutundi eestori nenu inter secound yearlo jarigindi memu appudu hyderabad vundevallam ma pakka flotlo oka famili vundevaru ANTI,UNCAL vallaku ieddaru kuturlu pedda ammai peru SANDYA enggnering 2nd year chadevede. rendo ammaie VINDYA ma collegelone 1st year inter chadevutundi pakka pakka flats kabatti chala closegane uvndevanne. vindyani...

1 year ago
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Shemale Tube Videos? Does your Winnie get hard with the thought of some hardcore tranny action? In that case, you might want to check out a site called, for obvious fucking reasons. The type of porn that this place has to offer should be rather straightforward, and I shall explain all the dirty details you might be interested in.A simple free tranny site.The thing most of you fuckers care about is whether the shit they have to offer is free or not, right? Well, it is...

Shemale Porn Sites
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African Sex Globe VIP has one of the catchiest titles I’ve seen on a porn site in a while. Very few pornographers come up with names of such sheer majesty. Before I’d even seen the joint, the brand name made me envision big-dicked black kings smashing the hottest African women ever to grace your laptop or iPhone screen. My daydream wasn’t far from the truth, as their landing page promises The Best of African Porn. “The prettiest models in Africa are on this page,” it reads, but you might not...

Premium Black Porn Sites
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Brothers Girlfriend

Simply put, my brother John’s girlfriend was a knockout. Her name was Katie Doe, and she was one of the nicest and sexiest girls at our school. She was in 12th grade, like my brother, and she was going to turn eighteen in two months. She had dazzling green eyes, cute freckled skin, and the most beautiful smile I’d ever seen. Her hair was red, and she wore it short in what I call Egyptian style--cut even across the forehead with long sides. She was tall and slender, with a nice chest and a...

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An Ordinary Teenage Sex LifeChapter 6 Girlfriend

July 2000, Summer Break "You should call your girlfriend." "Huh?" With red eyes, I blearily turned my gaze to my big sister Brandi. "Call Megan," she said. "You just got home and she'll want to hear from you tonight. Girls like that." "Oh ... right, right," I nodded. "Just looking out for you little bro," Brandi smiled and hopped up the stairs to her bedroom. I was simultaneously thankful and annoyed at her. Thankful, because it never would have occurred to me to call my...

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