SeleneChapter 3 free porn video

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Not very many men get to have sex with an fouteen year old girl. Fewer still get the opportunity to fuck that fourteen year old girl in the ass. Fewer than that even has an fourteen year old girl who not only actively encourages you to fuck them in any orifice you want, whenever you want, but enjoys doing so, welcoming your hard stiff penis with enthusiastic passion.

That, for most men, is only the subject of fantasy and illusion. Something wished for, and never in their lifetimes realised, to their sorrow.

Two men, standing on a sidewalk will watch a teen girl walk by. Both of them will check her out, and subliminally, that girl will know that they're watching her. So she'll walk a little sexier, maybe, depending on whether or not she's in a flirtatious mood. Without really knowing how, or why, she's responding to the pheromones in the air, and creating some of her own.

In their minds, those two men will have had sex with that girl, but will never admit it, not even to each other in that shared moment. It will be their deep dark dirty secret, and the memory of their illicit fantasy will haunt them for the rest of their lives, a case of 'if only.'

Don't hate them. Pity them if you must, but remember this, you will have to hate or pity yourself, because you have now joined them in their fantasy.

Selene was weaving a spell over me, and inch by inch, moment by moment, I was falling into her web, a helpless prisoner, but a willing one. She snared me with her body, her personality, and her skills. Like a dumb ox, I followed her to slaughter. She was my goddess, and I her eager disciple.

I was a member of an exclusive club, I suppose you could say. Once you've had sex with a teen girl, once you've stepped over that thin dangerous line, that's it. There's no going back. You're lost in the darkness.

Suddenly, I began noticing young girls all over the place. Everywhere I turned, there they were! Blondes, brunettes, brown hair, red hair, black hair, short, tall, fat, thin, every shape and size imaginable was walking, sitting, running, and playing!

'Where the fuck did they suddenly come from?' I wondered. I thought it strange that I'd never noticed teen girls before.

Selene noticed me noticing, of course. She watched me constantly, even when it looked like she had her attention elsewhere. She'd bring me up short if I stared too long at a tasty morsel.

Don't ask me how she knew, and I suppose, deep down, I really didn't want to know, but when Selene and I would walk down the street, the main drag of our town, she'd grab my hand, link her fingers in mine, and lean into me and whisper, giggling 'Uncle Robert! See that girl over there? She gives a great blowjob!' or, 'Uncle Robert! See that redhead over there, the one with the snooty parents? She fucks like a rabbit! If only her parents knew about the gangbangs with the boys from school she's had!'

That particular girl was about thirteen or fourteen, and dressed very demurely.

Selene would sometimes touch girls on the shoulder as she passed them by, giving them a smile and a penetrating knowing look. Some would give a start, guilty looks on their faces as they looked at her, then hurrying away wild-eyed, and some would smile in greeting, their smiles genuine. Those she took note of. Some would look at her blankly, slightly confused. But, there were some girls who would snarl, angry and defensive, flinching away but not saying anything to their enquiring parents.

I had enrolled Selene into the local school. She didn't want to go at first, and the arguments we had about that were long and loud. But, I argued with more authority, and so, the outcome was inevitable. Selene was going to school.

Once she was there, however, she settled in immediately. She was an intelligent girl, and her grades started their uphill climb rather rapidly. I couldn't believe it. Selene would come home after school, make a snack, and as she ate, she would be doing her homework.

Every school day, without fail.

She'd notice me watching her, a pencil in one hand, a sandwich in the other, a hot drink in the centre of the table, but within reach, her head cocked to one side as she concentrated. Then she'd look up at me and say, deadpan, 'What?'

'I'm just proud of you, ' I'd say, or just say nothing at all, giving her a fond smile. I could have watched that girl all day.

Selene had started to make friends at school, and one day, she brought one home with her. This girl was a blonde, her hair flowing down her back, wearing a short skirt, about mid-thigh, stockings, black shoes, blouse and blazer. Her breasts were slightly bigger than average for a girl her age, which I guessed was fourteen or so. This girl, Amanda, when introduced to me, gave me a brilliant smile with dancing blue eyes, a warm handshake, and I swear, she almost bobbed in a curtsey!

Then the girls went to Selene's bedroom, left their bags there, came out to the kitchen to make a snack, then disappeared into the bedroom again.

Our routine was this. During the working/school week, Selene would get up at the same time I would. She'd shower, get ready, and then wait there at home until it was time to go to school. I, by this time, would have left for work. I knocked off around half past two in the afternoons to be home for Selene. The part-time manager became a full-time employee. He'd proven himself, so I had no worries about leaving the business in his hands.

We had separate bedrooms, across the hall from each other. Selene would sleep in hers, me in mine. My door was always open to her, and four times a week, on average, she'd walk through it, nude. Afterwards, she'd kiss me, then get up and shower before going back to her room. Sex with her never got old.

This particular night, as it was getting near to dinner-time, Selene came up to me, and put her hand on my shoulder.

'Uncle Robert, is it okay for Amanda to stay the night with me? She wants me to help her with some assignments that are due tomorrow, ' she asked.

I shrugged. 'Sure, ' I said. 'Your friends are always welcome here.'

I gave her a hug, and in a pleased voice, I said, 'I'm proud of you, honey. You're wonderful for doing this for her!'

'Not really, ' she said self-deprecatingly, 'but thanks anyway!'

She went back to her room, and I heard the murmur of Amanda's voice as she called her parents. At least, I guessed that was what she was doing. I got up to start dinner, then not long after that, the girls came into the living room, and seeing me in the kitchen, Amanda stood there watching me.

She turned to Selene.

'He cooks?' she inquired.

'He's actually not bad, ' Selene replied.

Both girls just stood there, studying me.

'I'm glad you two are here, ' I told them, without looking up from what I was doing.

'Why's that?' Selene asked, curious.

I lightly tossed the potato peeler at Amanda, who caught it in surprise, and stepping out of the kitchen, I inclined my head to what I had started, and said, 'Your turn!'

Selene looked at her friend, and in a disgusted tone she growled, 'I knew that it was a mistake, coming out here!'

Amanda giggled, and grabbing Selene by the arm, she towed her friend into the kitchen, and set to.

I helped them, of course. Together, the three of us had got the dinner prepared in no time at all. I noted that both girls crowded me, rubbing themselves against me, turning to do this, stepping past me to get that, until I was sure that our clothes would have been rubbed off our bodies if we'd kept that up.

I know that Amanda's blouse was severely mussed, and most of her white bra was showing!

Amanda's breasts were large and firm, and even though they were encased in a bra, I felt the points of her nipples drag across my upper stomach and back as she moved around the kitchen, sliding past me.

I had a large kitchen, but I let them go, enjoying the game they played as they teased me unmercifully.

The scent of these two young girls was intoxicating. I couldn't help myself; I soon had a very hard erection in my pants. They both giggled a lot, darting looks at my crotch, their faces flushed, and swapping knowing looks.

We cleaned up, and leaving the dinner to cook, I left the kitchen, taking a coffee with me. I went and sat down on the couch. Mainly to relax and get my breath back, as those two minxes had wound me up, and I was in a state of heightened sexual arousal.

Amanda had a vibrant, bubbly personality. She had a ready smile, and with her dancing eyes, she was a joy to have in the house. She kept me talking all through dinner, enquiring about me, asking me questions, about me, about my life, and before I knew it, I realised that she knew more about me than I was prepared to have told her to begin with.

Selene had sat through all of this, a crafty smile on her face. She kept in the background, deliberately, it seemed, letting her friend draw me out, as if gathering information. Her eyes followed the conversation, moving back and forth between us. She had a habit of cocking an eyebrow at any piece of information she deemed important, her eyes narrowing as she tucked that bit of intelligence away.

Whatever her reasons however, she noticed me getting uncomfortable. Dinner was finished by this time, so standing up, she nudged Amanda saying, 'Come on, let's get these dishes done! We have that assignment to do, remember?'

Amanda gave her a blank look, and then grinning naughtily, she bounced to her feet off her chair and followed Selene happily into the kitchen.

The girls chatted merrily away as young girls do, and somewhere along the way, I tuned them out. I looked up from the book I was reading to realise that the house was quiet. Turning, I saw that the kitchen was empty, the lights out, and the girls nowhere in sight. Listening for a moment, I heard the soft murmur of voices that told me they were in Selene's room.

I caught a movement out of the corner of my eye and turning my head, I saw both girls going into the bathroom. Both of them looked my way, and stopping a moment, they shared a look and giggled, then went through the door, closing it behind them.

Nothing unusual in that, I suppose, but the fact that both of them were naked made me gasp in astonishment.

Amanda's breasts were everything I'd imagined them to be. High, full, and round, with strawberry tips. She had a fine dense mat of dark hair between her legs, showing me that she wasn't a natural blonde. The hair covering her vagina was long, hiding her lips from sight. Her limbs were finely sculptured, her belly flat, her legs long and rounded, with no puppy fat that I could see.

Her ass was small and firm. My hands itched when I thought of holding those flesh coloured globes.

I had decided to ignore them when they came out of the bathroom, but it was not meant to be. Something was shoved under my nose, and lifting my head to get a better look, I saw that it was a hairbrush, but not one of Selene's.

I looked up to see Amanda holding the brush out to me, saying, 'Selene says you know how to brush hair. You can do mine, if you like!'

Both girls were wearing damp towels, their hair wet and tangled. Amanda's towel was wrapped around her body, closed in front, her hand grasping it to stop it opening, I thought.

'Take a seat, ' I told her, pointing to the floor between my feet with the hairbrush. Selene said, 'Wait a minute!' and grabbed a cushion, and placed it on the floor where I had been pointing.

Amanda stepped carefully around my feet, and coiling her body carefully so as not to let her towel open, she lowered herself, to sit on the cushion, facing away from me. She had her legs straight out in front of herself, but that got uncomfortable for her, so she crossed them instead. I had started to brush her hair as I had done with Selene's, starting at the bottom, carefully jabbing at the tangles to remove them. I slowly worked my way up to her head, until the brush was gliding through her blonde tresses in long sweeps.

Amanda tilted her head back, sighing in pleasurable bliss as the brush made sweep after sweep through her hair. Selene got tired of waiting for me, so she began to do her own hair, tilting her head from one side to the other as the brush went through her own tresses. She was watching us the entire time, her eyes missing nothing. She smiled as she saw me lean forward, ostensibly to change my stance a bit and straighten my back, but the main reason was to try and get a look down her friend's front.

The globes of Amanda's breasts were still hidden by the towel, but the dark valley between them fascinated me. I desperately wanted her to let the towel fall, so that her breasts were on proud display for my feasting eyes.

The girl had tucked the towel ends between her legs, so I was unable to see anything down there, except the expanse of bare leg flesh.

I glanced at Selene, and she smirked at me.

'Soon, ' she mouthed.

I nodded. It was up to her if and when she was going to let me near her friend. That didn't stop my erection from straining my pants, however.

Finally, Amanda snapped out of her reverie, and looking around as if she'd been sleeping, and had woken up, she got up hurriedly, and went to go back into Selene's room. But before she went, the young girl smiled at me, and blushing slightly, she said, 'Thank you, Robert, I mean, Mr Allison! That was nice. Not even my own dad could brush my hair without it hurting!'

I smiled, handed her the brush handle first, and told her, 'You're welcome, Amanda. Anytime. That's a promise!'

She grinned, shot a look at Selene, and skipped away, happiness radiating from her.

'Looks like you've made a friend, ' Selene said in a low voice, not quite a whisper. 'She's nice and juicy, and almost ready.' She looked at the door Amanda had gone through, and leaning toward me, she said quietly, 'Soon, Robert. She wants you, I know she does, trust me on this. I'll let you know when.'

Then she straightened, dropped her towel, and bunching it up, she walked slowly away from me, her bare ass rolling sexily.

I was breathless, looking forward to that particular assignation eagerly.

I went and had my shower, my erection drawing my hands more than the rest of my body. But I didn't masturbate, though. I knew that if I waited, if I had patience, all good things would very soon be coming my way!

The girls had their door closed, and putting my ear against the door, I could hear the sound of their voices, but no actual words. I stepped into my room, closed the door, and climbing into bed, I lay there in the darkness, thinking.

I must have drifted off, because I felt a warm body slide under the covers, and hold me. I could smell her body, and that told me it was Selene next to me.

'I can't be gone long, Robert, ' she said, whispering.

She sighed, one of frustrated longing. Selene slid her hand down to my penis, and manipulating it, she brought it to full hardness. Without saying another word, she pulled the covers over her head, and with her soft hair tickling my stomach, she took me into her mouth, and began to lick and suck my member, her hand working its magic on my shaft.

My climax didn't take long, after the teasing that the girls had given me earlier. The warm waves of ecstasy rolled over me, and I managed to grit my teeth to stop the groans that threatened to escape my mouth.

Selene sat up, the blankets falling from her nude body. She cupped her hand on my cheek, and whispered, 'Sorry, love, gotta go!'

Then she stood, reached for something on the bed, and then slipped a nightdress over her head, smoothing it down her body. Then without a backward glance, she slipped out of my room, closing the door softly.

I still slept well that night.

The girls were up and about before me the next morning. Selene told me they'd gotten up early so that I could shower before going to work. We had breakfast together, making small talk, until it was time for me to go. Giving Selene a kiss, and Amanda a smile, I left.

When I got to the office, Trina, the lovely secretary that took care of my office for me looked up from her desk, and held out a piece of paper.

'Message from Allen, ' she said. 'He won't be in today, something to do with family problems! He asked me to give you his number; he's expecting your call.'

I took the slip of paper, and sitting at my desk, I reached for the phone and dialled his number. He picked up, and his voice was worried.

'Hello, Robert? Is that you?'

'Allen, yes, it's Robert. What's happened? Are you okay?'

'Not really, ' he said. 'My wife's mother is on her last legs. We have to go out of town, probably for a few weeks. Sorry to do this to you Robert, but, well, there's nothing I can do about it, we have to go and be with her.'

Same as Selene
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'I want you to pose naked for me.' 'I'm sorry. Did you just say... ' 'That I want you to pose naked for me, yes.' I looked again at the rather elegant woman in the business suit standing before me, and tried to make some sense of the situation. 'But I just crashed into your car, and... ' ' ... and you have no insurance, yes, you just told me.' She smiled at my obvious confusion and discomfort. 'You've told me how sorry you are... ' ' ... and that I'll pay for the...

4 years ago
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Speedo Fantasy Lived Out

One of my online chat buddies wanted to meet up before I left. We had met online over a year ago and he would put on some hot cam shows for me in his different speedos and we would also do phone sex in our speedos. We swapped cummed speedos back and forth. It was hot wearing someone else’s stained speedos, blowing in them and sending them back. As I lived some distance from him, we had never been able to meet. This was pretty horny though as we would have hot phone and cyber sex coming up with...

1 year ago
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Getting My Car Registered

It was mid summer. I was 18 years old at the time. My car's registration had expired and I had to go register it.I came to the Vehichle Department of my area, and entered the building. I found the waiting line to get my number. I filled out the form given to me at the door. Half an hour later I was sitting down waiting for my number to come up.Finally it was my turn, so I went to the desk specified next to my number on the board. Just so you know, when I was going to the desk, I was not...

1 year ago
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A Chat With Maxine Part 2

‘Debbie said that when I first started chatting to her,’ I teased. ‘Did she?’ Max asked a little concerned. ‘Not really, she was already shagging a guy she’d met on the Internet when I got in touch with her. I used to be at school with her and found her on Friends Reunited. I never really liked her much at school, she was always a bit prim and proper and I was more interested in girls that would suck my cock! We started off with email then Yahoo chat, just reminiscing about school and people we...

1 year ago
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Private Kaisa Nord Yoga And Sex

Debuting for you today in Private Specials, Sensual Yoga Retreat is the stunning redhead Kaisa Nord, an eager young teen who loves sex just as much as she loves yoga and after warming up with some poses Kaisa’s favourite thing to do afterwards is of course fuck. Watch this sexy girl in action with her man Potro de Bilbao as she has her juicy pussy eaten before getting on her knees for mouthful of cock. Then enjoy the sight of Kaisa’s incredible body as she takes a hard pounding, riding and...

3 years ago
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MFelixSprite present Whores Lies and Sinker

Friday 8:36 AM Charlotte knelt on the king-sized bed, her slender legs parted, her soft white ass nestled between her thighs as she went about the task of folding laundry. She quietly hummed while listening to the shower door slide open, glancing once towards the bathroom as she deftly folded a pair of green lace panties. She listened for the sound of the electric shaver, smiling to herself at how well she had memorized her lover’s routine. Shower, a quick shave and a thorough brushing of the...

2 years ago
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Taming Kat

You have been living with your girlfriend for many years. Kat is a graduate student, she’s very cute, with long brown hair and blue eyes. She is a little self-conscious about her body, but you love her voluptuous curvy hips, her bouncy little breasts, and her firm round ass. Your relationship has been fine in recent months, but it’s fair to say you are not ready for marriage—you were barely ready to move in together, but your financial situation required you to live with your girlfriend. While...

1 year ago
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Private Gabi Gold Sophie Evans Thanksgiving Day Fuck

Thanksgiving is here and today we celebrate it by introducing you to new girl Gabi Gold, a super sexy blonde that has plans to invite her boyfriend over and meet her in-laws, Clarke Kent and Private legend Sophie Evans. Whilst preparing the turkey things heat up in the kitchen between this horny teen and her father in-law, and soon after she’s straight down on her knees giving a blowjob. Watch then as Gabi lays back to have her pussy eaten before enjoying a hard fuck on the counter and...

1 year ago
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Saturday night escapades 3

During the course of the next week, Jess got a raise and suggested that rather than just coming over to my place, we go out and celebrate her raise with a Saturday night out (though not the whole night, because what would be the fun in that?). I proposed we go to a combination bar/restaurant/dance club about a half hour from my apartment that we hadn’t been to in at least a couple years (might have even been over three years, we couldn’t really remember). It’s actually a pretty decent...

3 years ago
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RewindChapter 3

When I rang our apartment’s door bell that Friday night, she answered the door with a smile and looked better than I had ever seen her. While I had lost weight, was pale and drawn, my ancient somewhat crumpled tuxedo, despite Mum’s best ironing efforts, was very loose-fitting and hanging off my shoulders, she looked amazing and was dressed to kill in a new sparkly black dress, cut strikingly low at the top and hitched mouth-wateringly high at the hem, with sheer black stockings and glossy...

3 years ago
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Mr Wang And My Chinese Customers What Ill Do To Close An Order Part 2

I settled into my new job and reviewed all the open quotations with our Chinese customers.  I knew I would have to go to China.  And I knew some of the CEOs from China came to visit our operation when a big job was in the works. I planned to learn some Mandarin so I could at least say hello in Chinese.  I know a little effort goes a long way to make a favorable impression.I received an email from Global Enterprises that their CEO, Mr. Wang, was scheduling a visit to our company.  I knew it was...

Wife Lovers
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The Queen of the Office LoPR Part V

The Queen of the Office Anwyn couldn't believe it. She had only been engaged for a single day and she was already arguing with her fianc? Anthony. "What the hell do you want with this?" She pointed at the mask of her own face that was in her hand. "You have one of me," Anthony evaded. He was still dressed as Angela in a sexy angel outfit with a pair of wings, a halo and white heels. "That's not the point. Why do you want to look like me? I checked the suit and it was made for a m...

3 years ago
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The Conference A Halloween Story

All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. All characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18 or do not understand the difference between...

2 years ago
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Celestial MattersLust

(Outskirts of Paris 1623) -Maria- Consciousness returned to me slowly. I stretched out on the black arm chair, and sat up. The room was warm, but the fire had all but gone out. A few smoldering coals provided nothing but a dim light to see by. A faint outline of a man was visible. Sitting on an identical chair was the demon. His glittering red eyes were trained on me. "Glad to see you in the land of the living," he said sarcastically. I blushed. "Umm, good morning," I said. He...

1 year ago
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MyDirtyMaid Michelle Martinez Dirty Maid Sucks My Cock Clean

This past week I called up a maid service and they sent me this petite latina. I decided to film all of it and gave her a bullshit excuse as to why. However, as time went by I noticed how desperate for money she was. I offered her some extra money to clean my house in just her bra and panties. Not too long after that, she was cleaning my house completely naked. This chick seemed to get hornier by every single thing I offered her. Eventually she dropped her supplies and jumped on my cock. She...

3 years ago
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Our Only Hope Chapter 01

I could have run this through my regular publisher and made a couple hundred dollars, but I am posting it instead because many more people read my posts than buy my books. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses...

1 year ago
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The Girl Next Door

My neighbor, Sam, washes her car every Saturday. I know because watching her spread the sudsy water over the classic lines of her Chevelle is a highlight of my week. The car was left to her by her dying father. It was his pride and joy, outside of his only daughter. So, naturally, the car means everything to her. She treats it like it's her baby. You don't see that often in women, like you do men, but damn is it hot. Caring for that car is like a religion for her and she is extremely devoted....

3 years ago
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Sometimes Secrets Need To Be Shared

JeremyIt was like old times. After half a lifetime, and a phone call out of the blue, Dominic was here, in my home for the weekend; it was as if he’d never been away.For years, he’d been my best friend—and more! Yet we’d somehow lost touch after my job took me elsewhere. I didn’t really understand why.I’d forgotten what he could be like; a real ray of sunshine, he was full of fun, opinionated, forceful, and lewd—all of which had Trish giggling like a teenager again.My wife, Trish, had been very...

Oral Sex
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Lucky Josh part 13

His reverie was broken when a sporty looking blonde popped up from behind the reception desk. “Oh sorry sir” she started “I didn’t see you come in, how may I help you?” She was a good looking woman of maybe thirty years of age, in excellent shape and dressed in form fitting workout clothes, her long blonde hair in a ponytail and her smile was warm. Her name tag read Amber and had a black four after her name. “I have an appointment with Burt” he said followed by a softer “among others.” A...

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The American River Bike Trail Two Horney People

The American River Bike Trail Those of you that have read my stories know that over the years, I love to take her parking mostly with a blindfold and her hands tied. When we lived in Northern California there were a number of places I would take her. The American River bike trail was only one. She never new where she had been, as I would almost never take the blindfold off until we were on our way home. To have a woman who not only wants to, but allows this sort of thing to be done to her...

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MylfExtras Summer Hart A Big Black Adventure

Summer Hart is an adventurous MILF, so when she is in Vegas on a business trip, she wants to have some fun. She meets our stud and is immediately intrigued. She has always wanted to be with a black guy, so she is excited to go up to his room later on. The only problem is, she does not really know the guy. She is a little nervous, but she makes the leap anyway. She heads up to his room and strips down, showing off her tight MILF bod. This stud loves the way her red hair sways back and forth as...

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Started In Bus

HI this gautham i,m from salem.i,m 24 male., i,m regular reader of this site it really makes me hot & let me to dream for a chance, here i come to the story once i went to coimbatore to visit my friend by saturday while returning on Sunday it was 9 m in the bus stand i was sitting opposite side of driver second seat to my front it was a single seat suddenly a girl around 23 with her mom came to the front seat & the girl occupied the single seat her mom was standing to my side when the bus...

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BangbrosClips Kira Perez Voting For That Pussy

Milan really wants a piece of Kira Perez’s pussy. He keeps spying on her every chance he gets. This time around, Kira caught him red handed. He started begging her to let him slip inside her tight little pussy. She hesitated but ultimately she agreed , with one conditions he had to go vote and bring back an I voted sticker in order to get to fuck her. So Milan took off running to the voting booths. After she was done with her showering he showed up super happy wearing an I voted sticker. Once...

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The model

The Model irishmik60 I’ve been a freelance photographer now since I was in my late teens. I am now 61 and have had many interesting shoots over the years. From your normal studio high school shoots, to glamours, nudes, erotica, outdoor, weddings, etc. Keeps life interesting to say the least. About a year ago a new restaurant opend in my home town. I live in a small agriculteral community in eastern Michigan. This was but a small mom and pop eatery. One of the waitresses (I’ll call her Anne...

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Emma Ch 48

XLVIII Sunbury hadn’t always been a naturist resort. For most of its history it had been a fishing village, blessed with a beautiful bay at the foot of some hills, with a small pier and a few dozen cottages. However, exhaustive fishing brought a collapse to the village’s economy, and its secluded and relatively remote location made it an ideal place to satisfy the growing market for naturism and other related nature-loving lifestyles. It was now quite a reasonable sized town, dotted with a...

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Breaking in Lisa Bose on her Wedding Night

I had been dating/living with Lisa for about 8 months and we finally got married in August. After our reception party I told her i had an awsome suprise for her. Lisa fell asleep in my car while i drove to the suprise i got for us. A room at the Holiday Inn Black out in the county. I had new toys and an outfit for her when we got there. When we got to the Holiday Inn she half slept on my shoulder and I could tell she was really really drunk. I asked once we where in our room if she was alright...

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I Watched My Wife Get a Massage Parlor Surprise

Martha joined a workout club and also has a massage every two to three weeks at a massage parlor about 10 miles out of town. She has always enjoyed getting massages but is somewhat shy and always has had a female masseuse.Let me describe Martha to you: She has small breasts with thick nipples, an incredibly sexy body and a very thick hairy bush. Her ass is nice and firm and very, very sensitive as are her nipples. I have given her massages at home and when I start rubbing her ass she...

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A Lucky Meet

She was beautiful, I saw her across the street, a complete bomb shell and I knew that I had to talk to her. I approached her and she tells me 500$. I was shocked! I pulled out my wallet and paid her immediately, blonde blue eyes double D’s about 57 130 pounds what more could one ask for. We walked down the street and went to her apartment. As soon as we got into my room we started to kiss. I started to pull her shirt off, she then began to kiss my neck, we continued to undress each other...

She Males
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Just a little fun between friends

Paige climbs out of my bed after our first session of morning sex. We had spent the night together despite the fact that she wasn't my girlfriend. It was only my second night as a free man since me and my (now ex) girlfriend had broken up. She gets up and looks back at me with a look of lust and content before heading into the bathroom to fix her hair. I jump out of bed and fix the sheet that had torn loose from the mattress earlier that morning, then unplug the small extension cord from an...

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A Sissy Is Born

A SISSY IS BORN A SISSY IS BORN Preface This story is dedicated to the Lovely Lady Sarah, my Goddess, and my Mistress.? She is truly the Woman I worship.? The characters in this story are all fictional.? Any resemblance to any real people is totally coincidental ? or is it?  CHAPTER 1 The day was Tuesday, September 5.? The year was 1966.? I remember it vividly, because it was the day that my life changed forever.? It is a day that I shall always cherish, yet at the same time, it is a...

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Debby and her first vibrator

It was Friday which was her day off. After the boys had left the house to go to school Debby quickly took the dog out for a walk. Underneath her jeans she was wearing lacy top hold ups and a thong. The thong felt tight against the crack of her bottom and she liked the rough feel of the material of her jeans rubbing against the cheeks of her backside as she walked along. She also liked how the tops of the hold ups felt against her thighs. Normally she would only wear ordinary knickers when she...

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Trying to quit smoking

This was a story written by a friend of mine. I really enjoyed it when I first read it. I hope you like it to:Jasmin had smoked a cigarette again tonight after having had a few drinks with her friends. She only smoked one in maybe a month but she detested smoking. At times she just couldn't stop herself. As soon as she lit up she regretted it and told one of the friends she was drinking with. Her friend gave her a card of a hypnotist that she had used to stop smoking and told Jasmin that he had...

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