Late For DinnerChapter 71 WWJD
- 4 years ago
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Remember that phrase all the religious nuts were using? Carol Ann Meyers came up to me one day in the hall at school senior year when I was having a particularly bad meltdown. I hardly remember what it was all about at the time, but it seems to me that it might have been the day I found out Sid got Laune pregnant. I couldn’t believe how stupid either of them had been. It wasn’t like I still wanted to date Laune, but she had been kind of special during my freshman year and every once in a while, when no one was looking, she’d still open up her vest and show me the hard points of her nipples sticking into her t-shirt. Then of course, she’d follow it up with some catty little remark like “Too bad you didn’t have a driver’s license,” and sigh. She’d run off and join Sid someplace and I’d be standing in the hallway with a boner.
It’s just that Mary Beth had taught me really well. First, to keep my pants zipped and if I couldn’t do that to keep my cowboy covered. Her friend Beckie had real problems that summer she got pregnant. Mary Beth took her to Cheyenne and got an abortion, but then Beckie got so depressed that she almost killed herself. She didn’t go to college that fall like she planned to with Mary Beth. Instead, she went back to fooling around with the same guy that knocked her up the first time and this time when she got pregnant she told him and he married her. I saw her the next summer and she was carting around a little baby and had a big bruise on her cheek. I could just see Laune and Sid being in the same situation only worse. They weren’t even out of high school yet. What the fuck was she thinking?
Anyway, I guess I was taking it out on my locker when Carol Ann came up beside me and laid a hand on my shoulder.
“There, there, Cole,” she said. “WWJD?”
“What would Jesus do?”
“Oh.” Only what I heard got jumbled up a little and I started thinking immediately, “What would Jason do?” I kinda liked Jason Bourne. I’d read all of Ludlum’s books. You gotta have something to do when you’re riding herd up on the ridge. Hell, he’d just pick up a ballpoint pen from a desk and jab it into Laune’s gut, right into the fetus so she’d abort. Then he’d use the same pen and jam it into Sid’s eye so far it came out the back of his head, the stupid fuck!
Except Jason was way too cool for that. He’d just walk away. Laune was nothing to him and she looked happy. Sid was going to suffer enough on his own. What was it to Jason Bourne? It’s not like one of them is going to hunt him down.
And that’s where I differed with Carol Ann. Apparently to her, what Jesus would do was to loudly lecture Laune and Sid in the hall about the evils of premarital sex and how they were cursed to a life of misery because they didn’t follow the Lord.
I guess Jesus and I were both wrong and Jason was right. Last time I heard, Laune and Sid had three kids in three years before they figured out what caused it. Sid went straight out and got clipped. They moved up to Casper and Sid fixes computers for a living. He was always good at that. I guess they’re happy. What Jason would do is just walk away.
It’s what I should have done with Kyle.
First GirlfriendFor a while there, I thought that I was going to get transported to the 1800s every time I had sex, but Mary Beth and I disproved that the first weekend of August when I got down from my time with the herds. There isn’t really a whole lot to do up there unless something spooks the cattle or a few wander off. Mostly the dogs take care of things, but there’s always a rider nearby. The worst things we watch for are thunderstorms and cougars. Thunder and lightning are the things most likely to spook the cattle into a stampede. Cougars? Well that’s where some of the wandering cows end up. You gotta be careful to keep the dogs away from the cougars, too.
But when I got back, I had two days off before I had to start baling the second cutting of hay. I called Mary Beth the day I got home and told Mom and Dad that now I had my license, I’d like to go camping for the weekend. Dad tossed me the keys to the truck and told me I had work to start on Monday and not to be late. How cool is that? I loaded my camp gear in the back of the truck, and hung my rifle from the rack in the rear window and by dinner time I was on the road. I knew where to drive to, though, and it was straight through Centennial. Beckie lived just beyond Miller Corner and that’s where Mary Beth had her Cavalier parked with all her gear. We tossed it in the back of the truck and headed for the mountains.
We made a stop at the first truck stop on I-25 to get another box of condoms and then high-tailed it to Boulder. Mary Beth wanted to show me where she’d be living this fall and we both just wanted to be a long way from where anybody knew us or knew that we were related.
We set up camp in the state park on the Front Range in a place that might not have been completely legal, but once the tent was up and the air mattress was inflated, we hardly came out of the tent again all weekend. At first, I was a little nervous, but it hadn’t been all that bad the first time I traveled back, so maybe it wouldn’t be this time either. I didn’t need to worry because we made love all weekend long and I never left the tent with Mary Beth. Apparently, it wasn’t sex that sent me time-traveling. I was tempted to tell Mary Beth all about what happened, but decided that this was one of those things that you just don’t tell anyone. Besides, who wanted to put a damper on that weekend?
We did get up and broke camp on Sunday afternoon. We drove into Boulder to walk around the campus. I was a little sad and maybe jealous that she’d be gone in just a few weeks. We wandered around and ended up in this big circle area in front of the library. Mary Beth looked around like she was getting her bearings and then stood right in the middle of the courtyard. She called me to her.
“Kiss me,” she said.
“No. On my lips. Come on. I want a really good one.”
There was still a summer session going on and people were walking around, but I walked over to her and started a slow easy kiss. I remembered what I’d done with Laramie and just caressed her lips with mine, tickling them with my tongue. It didn’t stay slow and easy all that long. We got pretty hot, even though I tried not to let my hands get carried away. I could hear some laughs and a rude comment or two, but I just ignored it. This was what Mary Beth wanted.
When she pulled away she looked into my eyes. I called them witch’s eyes. Green with those gold flecks. You’d think she could see right through you.
“Every day I’m here on campus, I’m going to come to this spot. I’m going to close my eyes and think of you kissing me right here—on the lips. And you’ll know how much I love you, Cole.” She just took my hand and led me back to the truck. You gotta love a pickup truck with a big bench seat and a middle seatbelt. She was tucked under my arm all the way back to Beckie’s.
Well, the end of August came and Mary Beth moved. I volunteered to drive her down, but her parents were pretty set on doing the job themselves. The night before she left, we both left our houses and met in the big pasture halfway between us. We made love out under the stars until it was almost dawn.
“Cole, you got to promise me that you’ll not sit there moping around all winter. You got a driver’s license now. You can go into town and pick up a girl for a date and have some fun. I want you to do that, Cole. I might meet someone I want to have some fun with, too. Remember, we aren’t a couple no matter how much we love each other. We’re never going to get married and have babies. But honey, I’ll always be your lover.”
My sophomore year in high school started kind of sad, but I saw the sense in what Mary Beth said. I’d pretty much finished my growth and was 6’3” and a slim 195. But I was strong and wiry from working on the ranch all summer. I guess some girls like that look.
One of them was Geneive Murrieta. Her dad ran a Basque restaurant in town and it had a really good reputation. It was the kind of place where they just seated you at a long table with everyone else who came in and served most of the food except your entree family style. She was pretty damned cute, too. I suppose she wouldn’t have seemed so short to most guys, but her 5’1” put the top of her head just below my collar bone. I could put an arm around her waist and carry her on my hip like a baby. Everything about her was tiny. Tiny feet. Tiny hands. Tiny titties. Yeah, you guessed it. A tiny pussy, too.
I found that out on our third date. We went to a movie and when we got back in the truck, she was all over me. She had the cowboy out of my pants and her tiny mouth around its head before I got out of the parking lot.
“Easy there, sweetheart,” I said. “I don’t want any accidents if I hit a pothole. I’d like to keep that cowboy intact.”
“You better find a good place to park then, boyfriend. Otherwise I’m going to straddle your lap right here and plant my pussy all over your friend.”
I didn’t think it was that great a movie, but who understands chick flicks? Once I got us out of town and onto a nice quiet farm road, Geneive was naked in a flash and pulling at my clothes. I got stripped down which involved moving out from under the steering wheel and being practically thrown on my back. I had a condom out and barely got it rolled on before Geneive was sinking down on my pole.
“What’s got into you, sweetheart?”
“Yeah. I sure am and you are tight around. I’m not going to last long at the rate you’re going.”
“Go ahead. Fill me up. I wanted this from our first date. Third date is the charm.”
She was a vigorous lover and even though her titties were small, compared to, say Mary Beth or some of the girls who sported double-Ds already at 16, they were really sensitive and she came three times before I finally unleashed a load. Geneive collapsed on top of me, protected by my arm from hitting her head on the steering wheel. She just lay there panting until I started to shrink out of her and reached down to grab the condom.
She looked at it like she hadn’t known it was there.
“Why’d you put that on?” she asked. “You think I’ve got a disease?”
“Condoms prevent lots of things besides disease,” I said.
“I don’t care if I get pregnant. I love you.”
“That’s not a one-sided decision to make, sweetheart.”
“You mean you don’t love me so you wouldn’t get me pregnant?”
“I care about you just enough to make sure neither of us gets saddled with a kid when we’re not even seventeen.”
“I still wouldn’t have cared. I hate school. I’d rather sit at home with a baby.”
“And eat what?” I asked. “Is your daddy going to just feed you from the restaurant every day without you lifting a hand? Or did you think I’d marry you if you had my baby and go to work at Walmart so you could stay home with that precious little one?”
“You wouldn’t do that, would you?”
“No, I wouldn’t. So, the best thing is not to have a baby. Now, I’ll practice with you all you want. You’re pretty amazing and I could really fall for you. But this cowboy don’t go in that corral without rubber boots.”
I pretty much figured that ended our fucking and probably our dating, but I was in for a surprise. Geneive pushed me back and slurped my soft cock into her mouth. I started to respond almost instantly.
“We don’t need rubber boots for this, do we?” she asked, grinning.
“No sweetheart. You can have as much of that as you want. I’ll even return the favor.”
“Really?” There was a mad scramble in the truck and somehow, we managed to fit a sixty-nine around the steering wheel. There was a little leftover taste of the rubber on her pussy, but that disappeared pretty quickly and was replaced by a flood of sweet juices that were all hers.
I wasn’t very proficient at pussy-licking. Mary Beth and I had done it a couple times and it wasn’t like I didn’t like it, it’s just I wasn’t always sure I was any good at it. Based on Geneive’s response, though, I seemed to be doing pretty well. And all the noise she was making as she sucked on my cock was sending a bunch of new thrills up and down my spine and straight through my balls.
“Sweetheart, I’m about to come. I can’t hold back.” She didn’t change her rhythm or her position so I just relaxed and buried my nose in her puss while I let ‘er rip. I swear, Geneive came with me, even while she was swallowing my load and bathing my face.
I’m not much on sports. I’ll watch a football game and cheer for the Cowboys just like anyone else, but when it comes to playing sports I figure if it isn’t done on horseback why bother? In case you’re a Dallas fan, you should know I’m talking about the University of Wyoming Cowboys, not the North Dallas 40. Mostly, though, that just means that I’m a tall skinny guy who doesn’t play basketball. Kind of narrows down the dating pool. With Geneive that was a moot point. Once in a while I’d attend a high school ball game if there seemed like a reason to—like I was meeting Geneive at the game and then leaving. She became really special to me really fast. It seemed she’d set her sights on me the first day of school and I wasn’t complaining.
We used ballgames as an excuse to date and Dad raised his brows a little at my sudden interest. I noticed he never got more specific than “Who won?” the next morning. I always remembered to check in with Sid to find out before I went home. We’d managed to stay pretty good friends in spite of the fact that Laune still teased me once in a while.
“I guess you really like us girls with tiny titties,” Laune whispered to me in the hall one day. “Do Geneive’s stand up in little points and push her t-shirt out when you look at them like mine do?” Then she giggled and ran down the hall to grab Sid’s hand before I could respond. Sid, what did you save me from?
Of course, she was right. There was something about those little bumps on Geneive’s chest that just cried out for me to catch them in my lips and tongue them until she came. And for Geneive’s part, I think she caught Laune one day because the next day I couldn’t help but notice there were no bra straps showing through her t-shirt. She was wearing a pair of bib overalls over the t-shirt—it was all the fashion among the town-girls—and it seemed like every time I looked at her, one tit or the other was poking her t-shirt out just to the side of the bib. I walked around bow-legged all day.
I never will understand girls and fashion. There were at least a dozen city-girls wearing some form of bibs that day—full overalls, shorts or cut-offs, and even one who’d cut the crotch out and sewed it into a mini-skirt. The ranch girls all hated the idea of wearing ‘work clothes’ to school and even though we had a pretty fair selection of skin-tight blue jeans, they were usually some Guess or Gloria somebody brand and not the usual work Levi’s or Wranglers. And those tight jeans were always topped by a cute shirt, sweater, or blouse. A lot of country girls came to school in dresses, but some of those were forced to by their parents. We still had some pretty strict notions of propriety on the ranches.
Well, as it happened, this was a Friday and I had standing permission to stay in town on Friday night to go out with friends after school and then to whatever ballgame there was that night. The fact that Geneive and I seldom actually made it to the game didn’t matter.
“Well, hers or mine?” Geneive asked as we drove away from the school. I glanced over at her trying for just a second to figure out what she was talking about. She’d pulled off her jacket when she got in the truck and unbuckled the straps on her bibs so the front fell forward and just the dangling buckles were over her shoulders. She’d worn a white t-shirt and her dark tits were clearly visible under it. I swerved and got my eyes back on the road. “Well?” she asked again.
“Darlin’, I don’t know what ‘her’ you’re talking about. I can’t see nobody else but you.”
“Sweet-tongued devil. You know what I’m talking about. Laune’s been showing you her tits for over a year now. Even her boyfriend knows about it. She spent half the day today pointing him at mine. So, you like mine better or Laune’s?” she repeated.
“I’m stickin’ with what I said first. I mighta looked at Laune a little. It’s hard not to. But I got eyes for nobody but you.”
“Good. Let’s go out on Comanche Road to that abandoned barn you showed me. I want you to get a better look at these.”
I swung north out of town like she told me to and when she slid over to sit in the middle seat I put my arm around her. I had to look again, ‘cause all I felt was skin. That t-shirt had come off as fast as her bibs went down. She pulled my arm around her as she leaned against me and put my hand on her right tit.
“I love that you love them, Cole. I love that you want to look at me and touch me. I love that you always want to make me feel good. You’re different than anybody else, lover. You’re gentle and still get a little rough when we both get going. Just enough most of the time.” Her hand was in my lap and had unzipped my pants to ease the pressure down below. “Don’t you know I want to do everything with you?”
“God, Ginny, we do just about everything and I can’t get enough of you. Just let me get us to that barn before I drive off the road.”
I did get to the barn and Geneive showed me a bunch of stuff that we hadn’t done yet for the next six hours. I know you’re thinking I should know all this stuff by now, but besides Geneive, I’d only been with Mary Beth and that one amazing time with Laramie. Mary Beth and I were learning the basics from each other, but neither of us had much experience to teach the other. Laramie had scarcely known what sex was and had never been kissed when we met.
I didn’t want to ask about where Geneive got all her knowledge. She’d say something about “online” or “I saw this on a site.” But I didn’t think that could all come from just browsing the web.
Like kissing.
I know I talk a lot about screwing Geneive, but that wasn’t all we’d do. There were times when we’d just lie there together for a while and kiss and kiss and kiss. She had the softest lips ever just caressing and loving at me. And then she’d turn into the most insistent open mouthed and all-tongue kisser on the planet. I never knew what to expect when her lips touched mine.
Tonight, she wanted me to do a kissing tour of her body. Of course, I spent a long time on her lips. But I guess I spent just as long kissing up her face, her eyes, her ears—that little spot just behind her ears that always seemed to drive her crazy. Then down her neck and throat that was vibrating the whole time with her moans. Oh yeah, that hollow in her shoulders at the base of her neck—some reason that’s like a huge target for me and I just loved that she was letting me or actually asking me to kiss her all over. I was afraid she might be ticklish there when she scrunched her head to that side a little but she pulled it back upright to give me better access and just whined as I let my soft lips move under her shoulder bone to the top of her chest.
I love to kiss and suck her tender nipples, but I had the feeling she wanted me to try everyplace else instead of focusing on them. I couldn’t resist just a little tongue lap across those hard points she’d been showing off all day. Then I continued down her sides and across her belly.
“There! Cole. Oh God! Right there. What are you doing?” I was just kissing her sort of above her pelvis to one side. She tensed up and moaned long and loud. “I loved that, Cole! I loved that! I didn’t know I was so sensitive right there. Oh Lord! that was intense. No, not again. Don’t touch it again right now. It’s too sensitive there.” I glanced up at her face and from where I was, I could see the hard points of her nipples sticking out even further than usual.
Do you know how many little hollows there are on a woman? I mean places where there’s a little dip in the skin like the top of the shoulder and under the shoulder bone on her chest and at the base of her neck and the little indent I’d found that was so sensitive above her pelvis and that spot where her thigh muscles have a tendon that connects and there’s a hollow spot on either side of it and behind the knee and at her ankle. Every single one of them seem to have nerves that are right at the surface and each time I found one, Geneive would moan and lift up off the seat of the truck arching her back. And when I finally reached the center—when her legs fully parted and she let me find the source of the heat I felt on my face—I touched the sweetest nectar I’d ever known. I kept up with just kissing for a minute but I couldn’t resist dipping my tongue in and bringing it slowly up across her clit. When she screamed this time, she was shaking all over and I quickly moved up to hold her in my arms while she sobbed against me.
“Oh Cole. I love you, baby. I don’t know how you did that to me. I just loved it.”
“You told me what to do, Ginny. I never would have known. I loved that I could do something to make you so happy.”
“Do something else to make me happy,” she said. “Get that cowboy dressed and put him in me. Make love to me some more, honey. Tell me how I can make you happy.”
By nine o’clock, we were both pretty damned happy—and hungry. We drove in to the Sonic on Grand in town. We ate, but we did as much feeding each other and cuddling in the truck as we did eating. I don’t know what that carhop thought when I rolled down the window for her to take our order and the smell in the cab rolled out. Her eyes kind of shot open in surprise, though, and I think she blushed. Could have been just the color of the lights in the drive-in, though.
I had a long talk with Mary Beth over Thanksgiving. Geneive and her folks went to visit relatives over the holiday. Mary Beth said she was happy for me and that I should have all the fun I could with Geneive. She wanted to know if I wanted to stop seeing her.
“I don’t know what to say to you, Mary Beth. I love you. Sure, Geneive and me have a lot of great sex, but we’ve never really talked about being anything more serious than we are. I don’t want to cheat on her, but I don’t feel the same about her as I do about you.”
“How about if we just cool it until Christmas and see if you develop deeper feelings for her, then,” Mary Beth suggested. That might sound real generous and all, but the fact was we were lying naked in each other’s arms in the hay loft of the horse barn at the time. It was Saturday night and Mary Beth was headed back to Boulder Sunday. I grinned at her.
“Yeah. Maybe we should not do this again until you get back at Christmas. After tonight, I mean.”
“After tonight. Show me that thing you did on our sides, again, honey. I think I’ll need to remember that when I get back to school. Like every night.” We rolled together again and I made love to Mary Beth softly and gently until we fell asleep under a big quilt we’d brought along.
The chat never came. I got out of school December 18, but Mary Beth didn’t get home until Christmas Eve. Any thoughts I had about getting together with either of my girls were shattered when Dad came in and said we had a sick herd. We had about 900 steers in the feedlot with over three hundred nearly ready for January market. A virus could kill our chances at January income if not kill our cows altogether. We had over five hundred yearlings in the back pasture getting ready for the spring drive to the upper range. Dad opined that some of the cows he bought at auction were sick and had spread the disease through the whole herd.
When your herd is sick there ain’t no holidays.
We had to administer antibiotics and vaccine to every single one of them. Mom was out in the pen with Dad and me and the two winter hands. Mom kept track of the tag numbers as we shot the cows up. I was sent out with the front-end loader to dig a hole and scoop up the dead cows and dump them in the pit. We couldn’t put them in the pasture, so I had to dig the pit in frozen rocky ground nearly half a mile south of the feedlot. It was pretty brutal. We lost fifty head, mostly from the young stock we’d just bought.
But it got worse. Uncle Angus called on Christmas morning and said his stock was coming down with the same virus. We hustled over and shot up another eight hundred head.
I was beat. So was everyone. We’d heard from half a dozen other ranchers that the virus had hit all over the county. Vaccines and antibiotics were getting to be in short supply and it was going to wreak havoc on all of us this winter.
I drove the front-end loader back to the equipment barn after I finished covering in the pit where I’d dumped eighty head. It was dark and before I reached the barn I slowed the tractor to a stop and looked up the snowy mountain where we’d have cattle this summer. I felt his presence before I heard his call.
Traveling: CaitlinKyle was riding into town on Bolt and I was riding in the back of his mind. He jerked his head around as if he heard someone talking, but just shook it off and sped his buckskin up as they headed toward town.
I guess I was so exhausted when I stopped the tractor that it didn’t throw me as much to be inside Kyle’s mind and body. He was just riding—a comfortable position for me. I just settled back to watch what was going to happen. It seemed Kyle was exhausted from a long trip, too. I’d almost come to believe it was a one-time thing and would never happen again, but here I was in a Wyoming that had no cars or trucks.
That didn’t mean there was no traffic. Kyle guided his buckskin around a mule train and handed the reins and a couple coppers to a stable boy to go take care of. He just grabbed his saddlebags and went into the saloon. He was hungry and had an itch that he wanted scratched. I wondered where Laramie was. The only reason I wanted to come back was to see her. But I didn’t know where she was so I’d have to ride along with whatever Kyle had in mind for a while.
What he had in mind was a steak and a couple beers. It was way too burned for my taste, but Kyle thought it was as good as it gets. As soon as he finished eating and paid with a silver dollar, he headed around the bar and showed a token to the doorkeeper. He was let through and I found myself in a roomful of half-naked women and a few cowboys.
There was a squeal from across the room and a little redhead came launching herself into my arms and planted a mouthwatering kiss on my lips and deep into my mouth.
“Mmm. Caitlin, you little wildcat. Get me a bath and scrub my prick. I want it buried deep in your cunt in half an hour.”
“You sweet talker, Kyle. I saw you come in to eat and got a bath ready. It’s in our room. Come on, stud. Make me scream.”
I followed Caitlin up the stairs, staying just outside Kyle’s consciousness. That little ass sure looked good as she tugged us along. I decided to just let this play out. Caitlin was out of what remained of her clothes and stripping Kyle out of his as quickly as she could. Something had changed here. My first trip into Kyle, he didn’t care how dirty he was or what he smelled like. Now, before he even thought about bedding this very willing and perky girl, he wanted a bath and he wanted his clothes washed.
Caitlin got right into the tub with me and started scrubbing the dirt from my face and hands. Then she moved down and kept washing, grasping my cock, and stroking it to full erection. She ground herself against me and captured my mouth with her lips and tongue again.
Kyle stood up in the tub, holding Caitlin up by her ass cheeks, and stepped out. Caitlin dropped to the floor and grabbed a towel to start drying him. She dried herself when he was finished.
“Come on, wild one. Let’s get that sweet cunt of yours in bed where it belongs.” He picked her up and deposited her in the middle of the bed climbing in after.
“Oh Kyle. Kiss me. Do all those things you do to me. I missed you so much.” Damn. Is this a whore or is she his girlfriend?
“Now you just settle down and let old Kyle take care of you.” With that, Kyle started kissing on Caitlin. When he got down to sucking on her nipples, Caitlin was writhing in the bed, moaning and pleading for more. His fingers dipped into her folds and began smearing the fluids around, paying special attention to her little bud. Caitlin was rapidly rising to an orgasm.
“No one makes me feel like you do, Kyle. Yes. Just a little more.” Caitlin tipped over the top and Kyle prepared to mount her. The damn prick was using all the things I taught him with Laramie to make the whores go apeshit over him. I read in his thoughts that Caitlin was only one of several who competed for his time, though she was his special girl. I figured it was time to up the ante a little and make him work more for his praise. I slipped past his consciousness and took control of his body before he could thrust into her.
“What are you doing, Kyle? You can fuck me now. I’d do anything for you.”
“And I love that about you, Caitlin,” I said. “I love it so much I’ve got something special for you tonight. You just lie back and enjoy.”
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One Friday night, when I had been working late, I came home to find Max on my doorstep. “What's wrong, Max?” I asked. “Trina dumped me” he said. Max had been seeing Trina for 3 months, and even though I thought that she was a conniving slut, Max had been madly in love with her. “Come inside and tell me all about it” I said. Max went into my house and sat down heavily on the sofa. “She dumped me” he said. “I love her. And she dumped me!” “Let me get you some water?” I...
For years I had so wanted to experience the next step up in the enema chain, so one sunday afternoon I finally did it. I went and received my first colonic. After paying I followed the doctor into the room. He instructed me to remove my clothes and to put on the hospital gown. After changing clothes, he came back in. Having me lay on my left side, he informed me about the process, after being instructed, I could hear him applying KY Jelly both to the speculum and his glove, then to the...
“You have a sister,” she said matter-of-factly. “What?” she exclaimed, as her heart began racing while beads of sweat rimmed her brow. “Yes, according to our records, you have a sister… a twin,” the clerk continued in the same dead pan tone of voice. As she turned away from the counter and walked aimlessly toward the elevator, her mind raced through all the probabilities, potential problems and consequences. She hadn’t counted on this. What would she do now? Should she go on with it? How would...
IncestHi and this is Ravi here working as a software engineer and it is the first time and I am narrating a real story of mine. I am a big fan of ISS and I stay in Hyderabad in a good locality and staying alone in a single bedroom house. I am 5ft 4inch fair with average body. Here comes the real story 2 years ago I met a girl in Orkuther name is Priya name changed for privacy from my home town vizag and we started chatting and later exchanged phone numbers, we used to talk daily on phone and I found...
Well guys, and galls alike I suppose, looking back, I imagine t had to happen. I’m pretty busy with clients and stuff these days but yesterday was cleaning day and I decided to work at home. You know the set up. I’m in my office and Theresa comes in on her own every two weeks.The temperature yesterday was 89 degrees and humid. I have to admit I was looking forward to seeing what she would wear and I wasn’t disappointed. White T-Shirt, as usual, lacy bra, as usual but this time transparent. You...
Concluding the story of Patrick, Rachel, Snake and Jerry. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. * Patrick sat in the courtroom dock looking across at the members of the jury that sat to his left. He scanned them trying to access whether they looked like they were likely to find him guilty. There were a couple of older woman who were looking at him as if he was something that had crawled out from under a stone, and one younger one that had been appraising him as if...
None of us was in a good mood when we walked out of RFN’s building. Dom and Brian led the procession with Liz and Ryan right behind them. I was a few feet behind with Jill and Skye. I had held the door for everybody since it was about the only contribution I could make. My head jerked up at the sound of screeching tires and metal striking metal. A white panel van had jumped the curb and knocked over one of the metal pylons that separated the sidewalk from the one-way street in front of...
I came home early that afternoon, finding Anita naked and stretching out on our bed.My sensual wife smiled at me, saying she was just beginning to touch herself; so she was happy I had come back earlier.I sucked on her heating pussy and fucked her brains out; but, after spending me, my sweet unsatisfied babe said she was still horny, aroused and not truly done after such a fuck.My wild bitch Anita then surprised me, saying she wanted to get a touchup on her little spade tattoo drawn on her...
"We need you to watch us fuck first," She said. "It makes him feel better about what I'm going to do with you later. Isn't that right, lover?" She grinned a little and winked at him."Hmph," he grunted, but grinned back."So adorably jealous."Her goading of her husband was starting to make me a little uncomfortable. I guess it was just part of the game, though, because he didn't seem angry at all. If anything, he seemed even more turned on."He'll mark his territory, then we'll move on to..." she...
Mike changed into one of his political t-shirts and left the Parking Enforcement office. He walked to the political science building, enjoying a cool October breeze that carried a hint of the nearby Pacific Ocean. His mind wandered to Chicago, where he had been studying the year before. I guess that's one thing Davenport has over Chicago, he thought to himself: it's still nice here and it's already getting cold there. He remained in a moderately upbeat mood until he ran across a sight...
The life of a pirate wasn't always hectic. It was just that the less hectic bits didn't capture the attention of story-tellers quite the way that the exciting fights did, with epic finishing moves and heart-stopping back and forths. It always surprised people to hear how rare those fights actually were- three or four a year at most. The vast majority of their time was taken up by either traveling- and that took up a fair portion of time, given how their vessel was wind-powered- or preparing for...
BDSMIrony By shalimar "Come in. It's open!" I said when I heard the doorbell. My ex-wife entered and walked over to where I was sitting on the couch. My feet were up on the couch and I was just sitting there, bleary eyes. "Hi, Roberta, thanks for coming." "You've been crying, Alice," she said as she sat by me. "What's going on?" "This is weird. John wants to be a woman." "Oh, shit." "Yes, he told me he is going to the doctor I use, Wednesday, and will start to...
Fuck For Grades - Jason Fleming?Do you remember everything now? Or shall we go over it all again???No?no?I have it all now. I have it. I’m ready.? ?And you remember what I have said – I ask the questions and I get full answers???Yes. Yes. I know what you want.??Well, it’s what you want, isn’t it???Yes. It is. It’s what I want. I just?.I just didn’t know how much I’d have to do.? She wiped away the last of her tears.He turned the camera around on its tripod and pointed it at the naked, pretty...
So due to Covid-19, I’m unable to attend interviews in person. Therefore, I had a scheduled Zoom Interview. Usually I dress fairly revealing for interviews as that’s both fun and also helps me get the job and sometimes a little extra. This year I had all my interviews online via Zoom, 16 in total. I did dress fairly revealing for all of them so far. However, I was always distracted during them. For my last interview, I dressed up as usual. I wore a deep V-neck Lingerie slightly see through top...
A couple of weeks had passed since that special day and I’d been torn by a mix of guilt and ecstasy, every day, reliving those moments with Mrs G and Mrs O. My high school days were coming to an end and next year I would be in college. I had not been asked to babysit at any of the three houses since Mrs G and Mrs O had taken me. So, I’d had to fantasise about wearing lingerie at night when I pleasured myself. The long weekend of June 24th approached, usually the O’s spent this weekend at their...
Gay MaleAnother True Story, Getting caughtThis happened about 3 months after I got caught at a rest area. This time I decided on my trip up to northern Wisconsin, I would change my route. I dressed as usual and started my drive. The sun was just about coming up, and as always when I drive to Greenbay, I dress up. I love passing semi's and hope they look down into my truck and see me dressed. I would even hike up my skirt to show the top of stockings, especially on my right side with a little skin...
Wednesday morning around 10am, It is a warm summers day and I enjoy the heat of the sun bathing my face in its heat. The train platform is quiet with only a couple of people waiting to board the train.We have been talking for a while about an adventure and finally decided upon something daring and exciting. As I hear the clack of the wheels with the approaching train my heart beat races and I feel excitement in my stomach………wondering…….The announcement sounds with its usual predicatability and...
It had been a little over a month since Beth (under the screen name emmahott4u23) had first encountered razr242 on the amateur webcam site. Since then, they'd kept a regular Friday night ritual. Beth, always competitive, had made a game of it. If she was able to get him to cum before she did, she considered it a win for her. If, on the other hand, she came first, then the points went to him. So far, she was ahead three to one (and that one had been close. Seeing her orgasming on camera had sent...
ExhibitionismHii friends, I am back.Mera naam prince hai meri age 23 saal ki aur mai good lookng hu body bhi achi hai aur mere lund ka size 9ince aur 3 inch mota hai.Yakin na to mail krna dikha dunga.Maine phele bhi bhut chudaiye ki bhabhi,girls ki. Ab mai sidha story pe aata hu ye meri phele story ka gf k sath bhabhi bhi chud gaye ka 2nd part hai. Ek aur baar bata du bhabhi k baare mai unka naam pooja unki age32 saal ki hai aur unka figure 34d 30 34 hai wo bhut hi sexy lagti hai. Unko dekh kr kisi ka bhi...
My wife and I have been married for 15 years as we are both in our late thirties. We are both professional as Amy is an office manager and I'm an engineer. You could say that we are a power couple and very routine in our every day life with one exception. I was not able to get an erection. This has put quite a strain on our marriage. We never fought about finances or anything about the house but we had fights all the time regarding this. I did n't know what she wanted from me as I saw ...
How do you like me now?All throughout college I could not keep my mind off her. Ellie was her name, she was a petite brunette with beautiful eyes. I was crazy for her, but she always refused my advances. She wasn’t perfect, a little on the short side, and her chest was a bit on the small side as well. Nevertheless I still was crazy about her. One night we were at a party together when I made a move, I was promptly shut down with a slap to the face and a beer in the face, boy was I embarrassed. ...
I have a very nice, comfortable home life although I travel way too much for my wife’s liking. Sex has always been great but in the past year things have taken a downturn due to a physical issue my wife has. While she enjoys the intimacy I bring through my hands, cuddling, kissing and oral, she doesn’t have enjoyable intercourse with me due to this ailment, as in her walls are drying up and medication hasn’t helped much yet. Even a finger penetration causes pain. I’ve always been...
Spence peered between his legs at dangling boobs, rows of dangling boobs. His down dog yoga stance had him looking backward at his nude yoga session mates on the pool deck of the Total Woman Excursions resort facility. His own hanging appendage read ‘6 o’clock’. The instructor directed that the practitioners move to an up dog pose and then stand. Spence lost the panorama of breast but was nonplused, there was plenty of session to go. The instructor said ‘Now let’s partner up for tantric yoga...
It was a blisteringly hot day. Jen had been making the most of this and had been sun bathing in her back garden all afternoon. Jen was a beautiful 20 year old girl, fresh out of university and home for the summer visiting her parents. She had long brown hair and bright green eyes, she was about 5”5 in height and had a gorgeous thin body and flat stomach that she didn’t have to work hard on to keep. Jen hated sports, she ate well but again didn’t deny herself a pizza if she felt like one. She...
The ride to the appointment was quiet and relaxing. The one thing I had learned to count on from Milena over the last month had been that she would not to push any issues if I didn’t want her to. Of course, there was the issue between us. She was one of my Fonti, but more than that she was also under the effects of a spell cast on her specifically to make her more agreeable to anything the resident of my apartment wanted. There were things I could ask of her that none of my other Fonti would...
My first step into pub management saw me running a club, not a very glamorous job but as with most jobs, I needed the money.There wasn't much managing to do and was a glorified barman, in such hiring and firing was done by a committee. We had a few young girls working behind the bar around my age (21) who were at university and an older woman who was married to the chairman of the club (More of her in a future story). After a while, a new barmaid was brought in. Clare was a couple of years...
First TimeAuthor’s note: Sorry for the wait on this chapter, guys. I was on vacation. I’m back now though and I’m gonna work on getting chapters out on a regular basis again. This chapter introduces a few new characters with a lot of sex! As always I’d love to hear any feedback or suggestions you might have. Please rate and comment! Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, places and characters are products of my imagination and used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual people and...
I have a confession to make. You’ve read my story about my online seduction? The one I called short and sweet? Yes, that story. So now that I have your attention, I’ll ask your indulgence, as I tell you the rest of the story, or at least what I know so far.My confession?I was wrong. So very wrong. But now I have a chance to correct my errors.I thought the online seduction had been short and sweet.Wrong.I thought that what was left unsaid was actually more evocative than what we had actually...
Oral Sex“You work here?” I said.“Yeah,” my cousin Raven responded. I looked back at Lillian, incredulously. She had the same look.“You’re related?” Lillian questioned, tilting her head.“Yeah,” I said.“Distantly, but still…” Raven added.“Raven… you are a waitress here, right? You don’t strip?” I asked her.~~~My phone vibrated. It was Daisy. It read… With clients right now.I thought: 'Clients?'~~~Meanwhile…“Uh, about that…” Lillian chimed in.“Oh, shit, another one?” I asked.“Actually, all of us got...
MoneyI sat on the couch of Mr. Thomas’ house watching TV. I wondered to myself where Mr. Thomas was, since it was already 11:30pm and he had told me he would be home 2 hours ago. I didn’t really care though. The kids had already gone to bed hours ago and I had pants in the dryer. I had accidently spilled some tea on my pants a little while ago and so I threw them in the dryer. I didn’t have any underwear on so I just picked a pair of Mr. Thomas’ basketball shorts out of the clean laundry bin and...
When Margie slipped through the downstairs bedroom door and closed it behind her, she felt like her mind had gone through deep tissue massage, painful during the massaging but looser or more at peace afterwards. Scanning the large dining room/living room, she saw her sister/wives Mary and L immersed in conversation with Denise and Joe's sister. It seemed impenetrable to her, and she preferred not to be in the outsiders' company anyway. Joe and Marta had disappeared as had Roger and Carol....
A Friend in Need Part 11. Christina the Parting In this episode I am back to Christina's story, re-starting from after the attempted rape, through the parting. As far as Tony is concerned we will join him later. Thank you for your reviews, they keep me on track and are much appreciated. Mother's day 2013 I had enjoyed a lovely day with my family and now my baby daughter was in bed and I was snuggled up to Clive my gorgeous husband, my mind once again drifted back to when I first...
Hello, friends, I am Rohit, 29 Male from Rajkot, Gujarat yet again with another sex story. My last story “Got Sexually Lucky with a Catering Girl in Rajkot” got an amazing response and had some really sensuous moments with 2 Bhabhis but that I will narrate someday later. Today I am going to narrate a sex story about my girlfriend with whom I was in a life in a relationship. Hope you will like it. Any girl/lady/Bhabhi/aunty seeking a romantic sexual secret relationship can email me at Secrecy...
Sexy big tit redhead stepmom Lauren is showing her different Halloween costume options to her horny stepson Codey for a winner to wear to tonight’s Halloween couples party with his dad. Codey so jealous that his dad was able to find such a sexy girl to marry and be a swinger just like his mom was. Lauren now in her sexy hot cop outfit decides to ease his mind and balls with her big juicy tits all over his face and cock. Lauren grabbed his cock and sucked it balls deep getting his cock...
xmoviesforyouSuddenly the theatre went very dark as the screen, the only illumination in the place, went black. Moments later it went bright white before the film began playing again. “Shit! Everyone get dressed, now.” I looked around to see who had spoken; it was the girl who had been entertaining the guys when we first walked in. She looked frightened but I’m sure I looked just as confused as everyone else. “That’s the signal that cops are coming in, move it!” That sure got everyone moving. She took off...
ExhibitionismHi friends, this is Sam, 23 yrs old and I am from Ahmedabad but stay in Hyderabad as a bachelor. My height is 5’10”and my weight is 68 kgs and I love watching porn. I m emotion driven person. Very soft by heart and believe in serious relationships…For the loving person, m lovable and for wild person m wild on bed… so I m very flexible… Any women, girl, can approach me…for mental and physical relief…try it u will not lament…My email id is abhi jo ghatna mein batane jar aha hu wo ek sachi...
Paw tole me "Iffen ya wants yer own man ya gots to be ready to get off the pot and find him by ya lonesome." Ya'll kin call me "Sadie" even iffen my Christian moniker be Drusilla. I never abided by that silly name cause it sounded so evil-like. Us'en Hawkins folks are unusual strange and that's a fact. None of my kin has got any book-larning like the normal folks down in the holla cause us'ens scarce leave the mountain. That's the way of it and that be no lie. My mam looks powerful...
“Carter?” “Hm?” “Do you mind if I take my pants off?” I lay there motionless, stunned. Whether or not the question should have come as a shock to me, I really couldn’t say – but it did. I tried to think of how I ended up in this situation. Jennifer had always been my favourite cousin, but now things were getting as close to the edge as they could. For the last few years as she had navigated through puberty, I had found myself strangely and wildly attracted to her more and more...
My pulse was pounding as I flew down the shaded gravel path. Did I lose him? Looking around, I saw only the peaceful forest. Ah! There it is! The lone oak tree on the hill stood proud in the distance. All fatigue seemed to flee my body as I rounded the curve to start up the hill. Just before I reached the halfway point on the grassy mound, I felt something slam into my back, forcing me to the ground. Panting hard, I flipped onto my back to see what had caused my fall. Lo and behold, there he...
There's nothing quite like looking down on a girl on her hands and knees while trying to get your big cock into her little slit only to realize it bottoms out about 1/3 of the way in. So now you have this tiny pink butthole winking up at you, a little pussy stretched to its limits trying to manage this fat meat pipe of yours and the sounds of her whimpering with her face buried in a pillow. Grab her hips and try to impale a little more of your veiny throbbing cock into her super tight pussy...
Clare posted two scouts and sent another pair on opposite orbit patrols and once notified there were no other craft in the vicinity, powered "Sundowner" to the hyper. Again she dispatched scouts to investigate above the layer before translating. Once through, the crew were stood down to normal duties. The crew soon wished they were back at departure stations as the output from Shirley Wood's planning was made known. PE and unarmed combat training — the only humans on board excused were...
October 2, 1994, Chicago, Illinois The attendance at the Rap Session was better than I’d expected. Most of the kids from the spring returned, though one or two had graduated. Elizabeth, Claire, Becka, Marie Annette, Laurie, Ben, Mike, Carissa, Wanda, Stacy, Ted, Bev, Henry, Gaby, Trish, Kajri, Cèlia, and Cindi were all in attendance. Ken and Joan didn’t show up, which didn’t surprise me. And of course, my wives, Michelle, and Elyse were in the great room as well. I’d thought more about...
Hi ISS readers, this is shiva with a real incident. Currently am working in Canada with Ted’s outsourcing company. This incident happened with my Teacher Sheby’s Daughter Pressie exactly after 1 week of having sex with Sheby. She was in 11th when this incident happened. I had mentioned a story involving sex with Sheby. This incident happened exactly a week later. Pressie was a good looking student with a nice dimple and an awesome boob to die for. Her Ass was exactly as her mom, Sheby. I went...
Hi all. I am Sam from mumbai. I am doing MBA after my engineering and I am a fitness freak. Please do read this sex story and provide me feedback. Any ladies who want to get in touch for some touchy sessions are most welcomed.Please send your feedback on The heroine of the story is Salma who is a housewife and a mother of 2 children. She is 36 years old and a sex bomb .She is a modern women and usually dresses in western outfits that will make any guy hard instantly. She is a rich bitch and a...
IncestI woke up under the sheet and there was he sleeping beside me. It was a night of fury for us. I glazed around the room. It was the 15th floor of this posh hotel, a suite room. There lay my sari on the sofa and my torn blouse flunked aside on the other side of the room. I searched for my inner but then remembered those were already thrown out on the way here. The man beside me was a beast whom I had provoked. How this started is a different story but our following encounter is something I want...
“What were you two doing up there?” Harry asked. “Nothing” Ron answered guiltily. “Oh come on you to we’ll be late for McGonagall’s class.” Hermione said in a breathless voice. They all went out the portrait hole and continued on to Transfiguration. Harry still curious as to what Ron and Hermione had been doing. They arrived at Transfiguration just in time and they quickly took their seats. McGonagall walked in and called everyone to order. “Today we are going to learn how to transfigure a...
Claire sat cross-legged in the middle of our large bed in our Nashville home. She was naked, but then so were the rest of us: Crystal, Ellen, Nadia, Dan, and Terry. We were experiencing our afterglows from an active love making session that involved all of us. Dan and I were in the best physical shape, so we'd recovered ahead of the others, a positive statement to our exercise and meditation regimes. Dan asked, "Claire, I know you're sensitive about what you told us about your earlier ......
While Hawk and Maria were on their way to San Diego, Brenda dropped Benji off at the Sky Harbor Airport, and returned to the ranch. Finding the number she’d written on a pad the night before she followed Hawk’s directions and called Bobby Bright Feather. On the second ring a female voice answered, “Hello.” “Could I speak to Bobby, please?” The woman on the other end of the line seemed to be on edge as she asked, “Who’s calling?” “My name is Brenda Gilford. Robert Gray Hawk asked me to...
Having been introduced to some of the guys in the camp in the nicest possible way on day one, both Mike and I were anxious to widen the circle! Waking up early Saturday morning, I decided to head over to the shower block without waking Mike. As to be expected it was a communal shower, but as it was early, there did not seem to be anyone else around. Turned the shower on and was soaping up, turning around under the water, as you do. And then I saw that I was not alone in the showers; another guy...
EroticMany years ago, when I was 35 years old and my wife Joan was 32, we decided to hike a section of the Appalachian Trial, starting in Hot Springs, North Carolina, and heading north. We lived in Knoxville, Tennessee at the time, so it was only a short drive to our Hot Springs starting point. It was the beginning of the summer, and our two kids, ages eight and six were at summer camp, and we were both able to take two weeks off from work for this adventure. We had done some camping with the family,...
The doctor (true story)ok, this would seem like a dream fo any of you, but it was true, though when i think about it and I get a hard on because of it, I'm a too close to make another appointment.I need to say a few things before I start with the actual facts.I've been appointed to my general doctor since a few years, and for some reasons, sometimes i had to go to see her quite often, nice serious but colds, flu, pains, etc.and although we treat each other, as Sie (german form to treat people...
The first summer of their relationship was, for Sophia and Warren, all in all, idyllic. They worked. They went to the beach. They went to parties. Warren, under Nick's tutelage, started lifting weights-and Sophia even started a bit, also. Warren had a noticeable improvement in two months-on and off the ice. They skated. They hung out together, at the mall, at one of their houses, wherever. They made love as much as possible. Warren got Sophie hooked on the computer, and she met a lot of his...
"Johnny, what is wrong with you tonight? "is there trouble at work?" "don't you feel good?" "JOHNNY ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME?""Yes Mom, I'm sorry I'm fine, just tired"""you sure sweetie,? you haven't said a word or have you touched your food" "I bet you have a fever"With that being said mom sprang from her chair and walked over to me and placed her check on my forehead"Why baby your burning up, your forehead is dripping wet""Mom I'm ok Im just warm from working outside all day"I wanted to tell...