Late For DinnerChapter 71 WWJD
- 4 years ago
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Remember that phrase all the religious nuts were using? Carol Ann Meyers came up to me one day in the hall at school senior year when I was having a particularly bad meltdown. I hardly remember what it was all about at the time, but it seems to me that it might have been the day I found out Sid got Laune pregnant. I couldn’t believe how stupid either of them had been. It wasn’t like I still wanted to date Laune, but she had been kind of special during my freshman year and every once in a while, when no one was looking, she’d still open up her vest and show me the hard points of her nipples sticking into her t-shirt. Then of course, she’d follow it up with some catty little remark like “Too bad you didn’t have a driver’s license,” and sigh. She’d run off and join Sid someplace and I’d be standing in the hallway with a boner.
It’s just that Mary Beth had taught me really well. First, to keep my pants zipped and if I couldn’t do that to keep my cowboy covered. Her friend Beckie had real problems that summer she got pregnant. Mary Beth took her to Cheyenne and got an abortion, but then Beckie got so depressed that she almost killed herself. She didn’t go to college that fall like she planned to with Mary Beth. Instead, she went back to fooling around with the same guy that knocked her up the first time and this time when she got pregnant she told him and he married her. I saw her the next summer and she was carting around a little baby and had a big bruise on her cheek. I could just see Laune and Sid being in the same situation only worse. They weren’t even out of high school yet. What the fuck was she thinking?
Anyway, I guess I was taking it out on my locker when Carol Ann came up beside me and laid a hand on my shoulder.
“There, there, Cole,” she said. “WWJD?”
“What would Jesus do?”
“Oh.” Only what I heard got jumbled up a little and I started thinking immediately, “What would Jason do?” I kinda liked Jason Bourne. I’d read all of Ludlum’s books. You gotta have something to do when you’re riding herd up on the ridge. Hell, he’d just pick up a ballpoint pen from a desk and jab it into Laune’s gut, right into the fetus so she’d abort. Then he’d use the same pen and jam it into Sid’s eye so far it came out the back of his head, the stupid fuck!
Except Jason was way too cool for that. He’d just walk away. Laune was nothing to him and she looked happy. Sid was going to suffer enough on his own. What was it to Jason Bourne? It’s not like one of them is going to hunt him down.
And that’s where I differed with Carol Ann. Apparently to her, what Jesus would do was to loudly lecture Laune and Sid in the hall about the evils of premarital sex and how they were cursed to a life of misery because they didn’t follow the Lord.
I guess Jesus and I were both wrong and Jason was right. Last time I heard, Laune and Sid had three kids in three years before they figured out what caused it. Sid went straight out and got clipped. They moved up to Casper and Sid fixes computers for a living. He was always good at that. I guess they’re happy. What Jason would do is just walk away.
It’s what I should have done with Kyle.
First GirlfriendFor a while there, I thought that I was going to get transported to the 1800s every time I had sex, but Mary Beth and I disproved that the first weekend of August when I got down from my time with the herds. There isn’t really a whole lot to do up there unless something spooks the cattle or a few wander off. Mostly the dogs take care of things, but there’s always a rider nearby. The worst things we watch for are thunderstorms and cougars. Thunder and lightning are the things most likely to spook the cattle into a stampede. Cougars? Well that’s where some of the wandering cows end up. You gotta be careful to keep the dogs away from the cougars, too.
But when I got back, I had two days off before I had to start baling the second cutting of hay. I called Mary Beth the day I got home and told Mom and Dad that now I had my license, I’d like to go camping for the weekend. Dad tossed me the keys to the truck and told me I had work to start on Monday and not to be late. How cool is that? I loaded my camp gear in the back of the truck, and hung my rifle from the rack in the rear window and by dinner time I was on the road. I knew where to drive to, though, and it was straight through Centennial. Beckie lived just beyond Miller Corner and that’s where Mary Beth had her Cavalier parked with all her gear. We tossed it in the back of the truck and headed for the mountains.
We made a stop at the first truck stop on I-25 to get another box of condoms and then high-tailed it to Boulder. Mary Beth wanted to show me where she’d be living this fall and we both just wanted to be a long way from where anybody knew us or knew that we were related.
We set up camp in the state park on the Front Range in a place that might not have been completely legal, but once the tent was up and the air mattress was inflated, we hardly came out of the tent again all weekend. At first, I was a little nervous, but it hadn’t been all that bad the first time I traveled back, so maybe it wouldn’t be this time either. I didn’t need to worry because we made love all weekend long and I never left the tent with Mary Beth. Apparently, it wasn’t sex that sent me time-traveling. I was tempted to tell Mary Beth all about what happened, but decided that this was one of those things that you just don’t tell anyone. Besides, who wanted to put a damper on that weekend?
We did get up and broke camp on Sunday afternoon. We drove into Boulder to walk around the campus. I was a little sad and maybe jealous that she’d be gone in just a few weeks. We wandered around and ended up in this big circle area in front of the library. Mary Beth looked around like she was getting her bearings and then stood right in the middle of the courtyard. She called me to her.
“Kiss me,” she said.
“No. On my lips. Come on. I want a really good one.”
There was still a summer session going on and people were walking around, but I walked over to her and started a slow easy kiss. I remembered what I’d done with Laramie and just caressed her lips with mine, tickling them with my tongue. It didn’t stay slow and easy all that long. We got pretty hot, even though I tried not to let my hands get carried away. I could hear some laughs and a rude comment or two, but I just ignored it. This was what Mary Beth wanted.
When she pulled away she looked into my eyes. I called them witch’s eyes. Green with those gold flecks. You’d think she could see right through you.
“Every day I’m here on campus, I’m going to come to this spot. I’m going to close my eyes and think of you kissing me right here—on the lips. And you’ll know how much I love you, Cole.” She just took my hand and led me back to the truck. You gotta love a pickup truck with a big bench seat and a middle seatbelt. She was tucked under my arm all the way back to Beckie’s.
Well, the end of August came and Mary Beth moved. I volunteered to drive her down, but her parents were pretty set on doing the job themselves. The night before she left, we both left our houses and met in the big pasture halfway between us. We made love out under the stars until it was almost dawn.
“Cole, you got to promise me that you’ll not sit there moping around all winter. You got a driver’s license now. You can go into town and pick up a girl for a date and have some fun. I want you to do that, Cole. I might meet someone I want to have some fun with, too. Remember, we aren’t a couple no matter how much we love each other. We’re never going to get married and have babies. But honey, I’ll always be your lover.”
My sophomore year in high school started kind of sad, but I saw the sense in what Mary Beth said. I’d pretty much finished my growth and was 6’3” and a slim 195. But I was strong and wiry from working on the ranch all summer. I guess some girls like that look.
One of them was Geneive Murrieta. Her dad ran a Basque restaurant in town and it had a really good reputation. It was the kind of place where they just seated you at a long table with everyone else who came in and served most of the food except your entree family style. She was pretty damned cute, too. I suppose she wouldn’t have seemed so short to most guys, but her 5’1” put the top of her head just below my collar bone. I could put an arm around her waist and carry her on my hip like a baby. Everything about her was tiny. Tiny feet. Tiny hands. Tiny titties. Yeah, you guessed it. A tiny pussy, too.
I found that out on our third date. We went to a movie and when we got back in the truck, she was all over me. She had the cowboy out of my pants and her tiny mouth around its head before I got out of the parking lot.
“Easy there, sweetheart,” I said. “I don’t want any accidents if I hit a pothole. I’d like to keep that cowboy intact.”
“You better find a good place to park then, boyfriend. Otherwise I’m going to straddle your lap right here and plant my pussy all over your friend.”
I didn’t think it was that great a movie, but who understands chick flicks? Once I got us out of town and onto a nice quiet farm road, Geneive was naked in a flash and pulling at my clothes. I got stripped down which involved moving out from under the steering wheel and being practically thrown on my back. I had a condom out and barely got it rolled on before Geneive was sinking down on my pole.
“What’s got into you, sweetheart?”
“Yeah. I sure am and you are tight around. I’m not going to last long at the rate you’re going.”
“Go ahead. Fill me up. I wanted this from our first date. Third date is the charm.”
She was a vigorous lover and even though her titties were small, compared to, say Mary Beth or some of the girls who sported double-Ds already at 16, they were really sensitive and she came three times before I finally unleashed a load. Geneive collapsed on top of me, protected by my arm from hitting her head on the steering wheel. She just lay there panting until I started to shrink out of her and reached down to grab the condom.
She looked at it like she hadn’t known it was there.
“Why’d you put that on?” she asked. “You think I’ve got a disease?”
“Condoms prevent lots of things besides disease,” I said.
“I don’t care if I get pregnant. I love you.”
“That’s not a one-sided decision to make, sweetheart.”
“You mean you don’t love me so you wouldn’t get me pregnant?”
“I care about you just enough to make sure neither of us gets saddled with a kid when we’re not even seventeen.”
“I still wouldn’t have cared. I hate school. I’d rather sit at home with a baby.”
“And eat what?” I asked. “Is your daddy going to just feed you from the restaurant every day without you lifting a hand? Or did you think I’d marry you if you had my baby and go to work at Walmart so you could stay home with that precious little one?”
“You wouldn’t do that, would you?”
“No, I wouldn’t. So, the best thing is not to have a baby. Now, I’ll practice with you all you want. You’re pretty amazing and I could really fall for you. But this cowboy don’t go in that corral without rubber boots.”
I pretty much figured that ended our fucking and probably our dating, but I was in for a surprise. Geneive pushed me back and slurped my soft cock into her mouth. I started to respond almost instantly.
“We don’t need rubber boots for this, do we?” she asked, grinning.
“No sweetheart. You can have as much of that as you want. I’ll even return the favor.”
“Really?” There was a mad scramble in the truck and somehow, we managed to fit a sixty-nine around the steering wheel. There was a little leftover taste of the rubber on her pussy, but that disappeared pretty quickly and was replaced by a flood of sweet juices that were all hers.
I wasn’t very proficient at pussy-licking. Mary Beth and I had done it a couple times and it wasn’t like I didn’t like it, it’s just I wasn’t always sure I was any good at it. Based on Geneive’s response, though, I seemed to be doing pretty well. And all the noise she was making as she sucked on my cock was sending a bunch of new thrills up and down my spine and straight through my balls.
“Sweetheart, I’m about to come. I can’t hold back.” She didn’t change her rhythm or her position so I just relaxed and buried my nose in her puss while I let ‘er rip. I swear, Geneive came with me, even while she was swallowing my load and bathing my face.
I’m not much on sports. I’ll watch a football game and cheer for the Cowboys just like anyone else, but when it comes to playing sports I figure if it isn’t done on horseback why bother? In case you’re a Dallas fan, you should know I’m talking about the University of Wyoming Cowboys, not the North Dallas 40. Mostly, though, that just means that I’m a tall skinny guy who doesn’t play basketball. Kind of narrows down the dating pool. With Geneive that was a moot point. Once in a while I’d attend a high school ball game if there seemed like a reason to—like I was meeting Geneive at the game and then leaving. She became really special to me really fast. It seemed she’d set her sights on me the first day of school and I wasn’t complaining.
We used ballgames as an excuse to date and Dad raised his brows a little at my sudden interest. I noticed he never got more specific than “Who won?” the next morning. I always remembered to check in with Sid to find out before I went home. We’d managed to stay pretty good friends in spite of the fact that Laune still teased me once in a while.
“I guess you really like us girls with tiny titties,” Laune whispered to me in the hall one day. “Do Geneive’s stand up in little points and push her t-shirt out when you look at them like mine do?” Then she giggled and ran down the hall to grab Sid’s hand before I could respond. Sid, what did you save me from?
Of course, she was right. There was something about those little bumps on Geneive’s chest that just cried out for me to catch them in my lips and tongue them until she came. And for Geneive’s part, I think she caught Laune one day because the next day I couldn’t help but notice there were no bra straps showing through her t-shirt. She was wearing a pair of bib overalls over the t-shirt—it was all the fashion among the town-girls—and it seemed like every time I looked at her, one tit or the other was poking her t-shirt out just to the side of the bib. I walked around bow-legged all day.
I never will understand girls and fashion. There were at least a dozen city-girls wearing some form of bibs that day—full overalls, shorts or cut-offs, and even one who’d cut the crotch out and sewed it into a mini-skirt. The ranch girls all hated the idea of wearing ‘work clothes’ to school and even though we had a pretty fair selection of skin-tight blue jeans, they were usually some Guess or Gloria somebody brand and not the usual work Levi’s or Wranglers. And those tight jeans were always topped by a cute shirt, sweater, or blouse. A lot of country girls came to school in dresses, but some of those were forced to by their parents. We still had some pretty strict notions of propriety on the ranches.
Well, as it happened, this was a Friday and I had standing permission to stay in town on Friday night to go out with friends after school and then to whatever ballgame there was that night. The fact that Geneive and I seldom actually made it to the game didn’t matter.
“Well, hers or mine?” Geneive asked as we drove away from the school. I glanced over at her trying for just a second to figure out what she was talking about. She’d pulled off her jacket when she got in the truck and unbuckled the straps on her bibs so the front fell forward and just the dangling buckles were over her shoulders. She’d worn a white t-shirt and her dark tits were clearly visible under it. I swerved and got my eyes back on the road. “Well?” she asked again.
“Darlin’, I don’t know what ‘her’ you’re talking about. I can’t see nobody else but you.”
“Sweet-tongued devil. You know what I’m talking about. Laune’s been showing you her tits for over a year now. Even her boyfriend knows about it. She spent half the day today pointing him at mine. So, you like mine better or Laune’s?” she repeated.
“I’m stickin’ with what I said first. I mighta looked at Laune a little. It’s hard not to. But I got eyes for nobody but you.”
“Good. Let’s go out on Comanche Road to that abandoned barn you showed me. I want you to get a better look at these.”
I swung north out of town like she told me to and when she slid over to sit in the middle seat I put my arm around her. I had to look again, ‘cause all I felt was skin. That t-shirt had come off as fast as her bibs went down. She pulled my arm around her as she leaned against me and put my hand on her right tit.
“I love that you love them, Cole. I love that you want to look at me and touch me. I love that you always want to make me feel good. You’re different than anybody else, lover. You’re gentle and still get a little rough when we both get going. Just enough most of the time.” Her hand was in my lap and had unzipped my pants to ease the pressure down below. “Don’t you know I want to do everything with you?”
“God, Ginny, we do just about everything and I can’t get enough of you. Just let me get us to that barn before I drive off the road.”
I did get to the barn and Geneive showed me a bunch of stuff that we hadn’t done yet for the next six hours. I know you’re thinking I should know all this stuff by now, but besides Geneive, I’d only been with Mary Beth and that one amazing time with Laramie. Mary Beth and I were learning the basics from each other, but neither of us had much experience to teach the other. Laramie had scarcely known what sex was and had never been kissed when we met.
I didn’t want to ask about where Geneive got all her knowledge. She’d say something about “online” or “I saw this on a site.” But I didn’t think that could all come from just browsing the web.
Like kissing.
I know I talk a lot about screwing Geneive, but that wasn’t all we’d do. There were times when we’d just lie there together for a while and kiss and kiss and kiss. She had the softest lips ever just caressing and loving at me. And then she’d turn into the most insistent open mouthed and all-tongue kisser on the planet. I never knew what to expect when her lips touched mine.
Tonight, she wanted me to do a kissing tour of her body. Of course, I spent a long time on her lips. But I guess I spent just as long kissing up her face, her eyes, her ears—that little spot just behind her ears that always seemed to drive her crazy. Then down her neck and throat that was vibrating the whole time with her moans. Oh yeah, that hollow in her shoulders at the base of her neck—some reason that’s like a huge target for me and I just loved that she was letting me or actually asking me to kiss her all over. I was afraid she might be ticklish there when she scrunched her head to that side a little but she pulled it back upright to give me better access and just whined as I let my soft lips move under her shoulder bone to the top of her chest.
I love to kiss and suck her tender nipples, but I had the feeling she wanted me to try everyplace else instead of focusing on them. I couldn’t resist just a little tongue lap across those hard points she’d been showing off all day. Then I continued down her sides and across her belly.
“There! Cole. Oh God! Right there. What are you doing?” I was just kissing her sort of above her pelvis to one side. She tensed up and moaned long and loud. “I loved that, Cole! I loved that! I didn’t know I was so sensitive right there. Oh Lord! that was intense. No, not again. Don’t touch it again right now. It’s too sensitive there.” I glanced up at her face and from where I was, I could see the hard points of her nipples sticking out even further than usual.
Do you know how many little hollows there are on a woman? I mean places where there’s a little dip in the skin like the top of the shoulder and under the shoulder bone on her chest and at the base of her neck and the little indent I’d found that was so sensitive above her pelvis and that spot where her thigh muscles have a tendon that connects and there’s a hollow spot on either side of it and behind the knee and at her ankle. Every single one of them seem to have nerves that are right at the surface and each time I found one, Geneive would moan and lift up off the seat of the truck arching her back. And when I finally reached the center—when her legs fully parted and she let me find the source of the heat I felt on my face—I touched the sweetest nectar I’d ever known. I kept up with just kissing for a minute but I couldn’t resist dipping my tongue in and bringing it slowly up across her clit. When she screamed this time, she was shaking all over and I quickly moved up to hold her in my arms while she sobbed against me.
“Oh Cole. I love you, baby. I don’t know how you did that to me. I just loved it.”
“You told me what to do, Ginny. I never would have known. I loved that I could do something to make you so happy.”
“Do something else to make me happy,” she said. “Get that cowboy dressed and put him in me. Make love to me some more, honey. Tell me how I can make you happy.”
By nine o’clock, we were both pretty damned happy—and hungry. We drove in to the Sonic on Grand in town. We ate, but we did as much feeding each other and cuddling in the truck as we did eating. I don’t know what that carhop thought when I rolled down the window for her to take our order and the smell in the cab rolled out. Her eyes kind of shot open in surprise, though, and I think she blushed. Could have been just the color of the lights in the drive-in, though.
I had a long talk with Mary Beth over Thanksgiving. Geneive and her folks went to visit relatives over the holiday. Mary Beth said she was happy for me and that I should have all the fun I could with Geneive. She wanted to know if I wanted to stop seeing her.
“I don’t know what to say to you, Mary Beth. I love you. Sure, Geneive and me have a lot of great sex, but we’ve never really talked about being anything more serious than we are. I don’t want to cheat on her, but I don’t feel the same about her as I do about you.”
“How about if we just cool it until Christmas and see if you develop deeper feelings for her, then,” Mary Beth suggested. That might sound real generous and all, but the fact was we were lying naked in each other’s arms in the hay loft of the horse barn at the time. It was Saturday night and Mary Beth was headed back to Boulder Sunday. I grinned at her.
“Yeah. Maybe we should not do this again until you get back at Christmas. After tonight, I mean.”
“After tonight. Show me that thing you did on our sides, again, honey. I think I’ll need to remember that when I get back to school. Like every night.” We rolled together again and I made love to Mary Beth softly and gently until we fell asleep under a big quilt we’d brought along.
The chat never came. I got out of school December 18, but Mary Beth didn’t get home until Christmas Eve. Any thoughts I had about getting together with either of my girls were shattered when Dad came in and said we had a sick herd. We had about 900 steers in the feedlot with over three hundred nearly ready for January market. A virus could kill our chances at January income if not kill our cows altogether. We had over five hundred yearlings in the back pasture getting ready for the spring drive to the upper range. Dad opined that some of the cows he bought at auction were sick and had spread the disease through the whole herd.
When your herd is sick there ain’t no holidays.
We had to administer antibiotics and vaccine to every single one of them. Mom was out in the pen with Dad and me and the two winter hands. Mom kept track of the tag numbers as we shot the cows up. I was sent out with the front-end loader to dig a hole and scoop up the dead cows and dump them in the pit. We couldn’t put them in the pasture, so I had to dig the pit in frozen rocky ground nearly half a mile south of the feedlot. It was pretty brutal. We lost fifty head, mostly from the young stock we’d just bought.
But it got worse. Uncle Angus called on Christmas morning and said his stock was coming down with the same virus. We hustled over and shot up another eight hundred head.
I was beat. So was everyone. We’d heard from half a dozen other ranchers that the virus had hit all over the county. Vaccines and antibiotics were getting to be in short supply and it was going to wreak havoc on all of us this winter.
I drove the front-end loader back to the equipment barn after I finished covering in the pit where I’d dumped eighty head. It was dark and before I reached the barn I slowed the tractor to a stop and looked up the snowy mountain where we’d have cattle this summer. I felt his presence before I heard his call.
Traveling: CaitlinKyle was riding into town on Bolt and I was riding in the back of his mind. He jerked his head around as if he heard someone talking, but just shook it off and sped his buckskin up as they headed toward town.
I guess I was so exhausted when I stopped the tractor that it didn’t throw me as much to be inside Kyle’s mind and body. He was just riding—a comfortable position for me. I just settled back to watch what was going to happen. It seemed Kyle was exhausted from a long trip, too. I’d almost come to believe it was a one-time thing and would never happen again, but here I was in a Wyoming that had no cars or trucks.
That didn’t mean there was no traffic. Kyle guided his buckskin around a mule train and handed the reins and a couple coppers to a stable boy to go take care of. He just grabbed his saddlebags and went into the saloon. He was hungry and had an itch that he wanted scratched. I wondered where Laramie was. The only reason I wanted to come back was to see her. But I didn’t know where she was so I’d have to ride along with whatever Kyle had in mind for a while.
What he had in mind was a steak and a couple beers. It was way too burned for my taste, but Kyle thought it was as good as it gets. As soon as he finished eating and paid with a silver dollar, he headed around the bar and showed a token to the doorkeeper. He was let through and I found myself in a roomful of half-naked women and a few cowboys.
There was a squeal from across the room and a little redhead came launching herself into my arms and planted a mouthwatering kiss on my lips and deep into my mouth.
“Mmm. Caitlin, you little wildcat. Get me a bath and scrub my prick. I want it buried deep in your cunt in half an hour.”
“You sweet talker, Kyle. I saw you come in to eat and got a bath ready. It’s in our room. Come on, stud. Make me scream.”
I followed Caitlin up the stairs, staying just outside Kyle’s consciousness. That little ass sure looked good as she tugged us along. I decided to just let this play out. Caitlin was out of what remained of her clothes and stripping Kyle out of his as quickly as she could. Something had changed here. My first trip into Kyle, he didn’t care how dirty he was or what he smelled like. Now, before he even thought about bedding this very willing and perky girl, he wanted a bath and he wanted his clothes washed.
Caitlin got right into the tub with me and started scrubbing the dirt from my face and hands. Then she moved down and kept washing, grasping my cock, and stroking it to full erection. She ground herself against me and captured my mouth with her lips and tongue again.
Kyle stood up in the tub, holding Caitlin up by her ass cheeks, and stepped out. Caitlin dropped to the floor and grabbed a towel to start drying him. She dried herself when he was finished.
“Come on, wild one. Let’s get that sweet cunt of yours in bed where it belongs.” He picked her up and deposited her in the middle of the bed climbing in after.
“Oh Kyle. Kiss me. Do all those things you do to me. I missed you so much.” Damn. Is this a whore or is she his girlfriend?
“Now you just settle down and let old Kyle take care of you.” With that, Kyle started kissing on Caitlin. When he got down to sucking on her nipples, Caitlin was writhing in the bed, moaning and pleading for more. His fingers dipped into her folds and began smearing the fluids around, paying special attention to her little bud. Caitlin was rapidly rising to an orgasm.
“No one makes me feel like you do, Kyle. Yes. Just a little more.” Caitlin tipped over the top and Kyle prepared to mount her. The damn prick was using all the things I taught him with Laramie to make the whores go apeshit over him. I read in his thoughts that Caitlin was only one of several who competed for his time, though she was his special girl. I figured it was time to up the ante a little and make him work more for his praise. I slipped past his consciousness and took control of his body before he could thrust into her.
“What are you doing, Kyle? You can fuck me now. I’d do anything for you.”
“And I love that about you, Caitlin,” I said. “I love it so much I’ve got something special for you tonight. You just lie back and enjoy.”
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Hello friends Raj here again for you. I’m here after a long period and sorry for that, I got a lot of message from girls and boys from different cities and I’m really happy to see good response from your side. I’m 22year old smart boy and I’m 5’11 tall and have built body my dick is 6inch long n 3 inch thick according to my point of view and the girls satisfied by me that enough for real sex and enjoyment. Okay now come to the story, I’m writing my story in Hindi because every1 don’t know...
Pushing in and out. My 13-year-old daughter's tight cunt was such a pleasure. Even though it was just a few minutes after we started, Suzie and I were close to our ultimate climax... The story about how this started is still amazing to me. I didn't plan it. Still, I wouldn't trade it for the world! It all started three years ago. At least it did for my daughter. I had a habit of sleeping late on Saturday mornings. My wife was an early-riser, so she would wake up and then send one of the...
Es war eine schwüle Sommernacht. Tiffani stand mutterseelenallein an der U-Bahn Station. Es war spät geworden. Zu so später Stunde fuhren nur noch wenige Menschen mit der U-Bahn. Tiffani hatte mal wieder Überstunden gemacht. Sie trug das übliche Businesskostüm bestehend aus knielangem Rock, Jackett, weißer Bluse und Pumps. Das Jackett hatte sie ausgezogen, die Ärmel der Bluse hochgekrempelt und die obersten Knöpfe am Hals geöffnet. Trotzdem schwitzte sie. Die Nacht war ungewöhnlich...
The day started as normal, wake up get dressed, have breakfast,but today was going to be anything but any normal day.I decided that i would take the day off work and visit a local sex cinema,i had never been to one before and was a bit aprehensive but i thought sod it let's just do it.Upon reaching the cinema i stopped as my heart started to race,after a minute or so i carried on in and paid my money and went inside.I took my seat about 3 rows from the back there were a few people inside but...
The therapy sessions were starting to help the newcomers. Even the four doctors were starting to come around, but only starting. Some of the things I was trying to accomplish were not in the approved category and the three men and a woman strongly disapproved. I could feel somebody else watching us and I knew that something was up. There was a sense of excitement and even fulfilment but it was nebulous at this range. A ball of fire was pictured and I deduced the probable...
It was nearing the end of the school year and I wanted some extra money to get a car. Looking through the want ads I seen an ad for young models. I've always looked younger than my age so I decided to give it a try. Friday after school I went to the address and went inside. Finding the door I went in. The woman at the desk asked what I was looking to do. I told her I never did this before and was willing to do what they ask. She told me to go to the dressing room and change into the bathing...
September 2, 1847 We have been traveling through the desert area again but with one difference. Like a cheerful blue jay, Willy has been circulating through the train talking the entire time. The boys are fascinated with him and his stories, while their fathers are more leery. One of the Simeroth boys especially seems fascinated with Willy and his stories. He is hanging on every word of his tales of Indians and the areas where he was the first white man to enter. Johan listens to his tales...
The Beast Within A hidden appendage to his loins, it lies reposed, hanging limply against my thigh; dormant and flaccid, innocuous and benign, it poses no threat, offers no succour and satisfies no desire. A beast, a sleeping beast, hidden beneath Calvin Kleins or Homs or Diesels or other underwear but, just as a dog sleeps with one eye open,the Beast is alert and ever watchful, and is easily stirred by circumstance and events; real, perceived, imagined or encouraged by deed or word; spoken or...
Straight Sex"Never been warned, never felt glad like this before!" Rankin' Roger 1985 January 1980, a young man of 16 years of age is stuck at his Junior high school because of his bad grades of the prior semester, all his friends has gone on to the high school, once in a while he sees them, but feels inadequate, around them, and he finds new friends in the the younger classes, but he doesen't know them like his own that he's growing up with, so he goes on, counting the days for he's trying to...
READER BEWARE TOTAL HARDCORE DESCRIPTIVE PORN. The weekend was a total surprize for me as it hadn’t seemed planned, I was going to spend the Friday at Al’s place having only met him once as described in my recount of meeting an xHamster member, he picked me up around 3pm and after an hours driving we arrived at a huge set of secure gates which lead down a small tree studded driveway to a huge motel like building surrounded by beautiful tropical gardens, Al parked the car and we walked into the...
Neeo is going to help Lola Shy with her homework, but Lola has other things in mind as they cuddle on the couch. With seduction her number one goal, Lola uses soft touches and teasing caresses to divert Neeo’s attention to where she really wants it. Neeo gets the hint soon enough, and soon he’s making out with Lola and pulling down her shirt to pinch her puffy nipples. Lola can hardly wait to get down on her knees and wrap her soft lips around Neeo’s hardon when he whips it...
xmoviesforyouThis story starts with the new house I was working on, you see I am a plumber and were fitting out a new house with all the plumbing you know putting in the taps and building the new showers. Any way it started with the house next door it was also a new home that had just been built, I had been on the job a few days before a bloke from next door asking if the was a plumber that could take a look at a problem he had with the double shower and felt that there was a leak. I told him that I would...
ReluctancePanty Pictures For my birthday my daughter gave me a hand painted rock that could serve as a paperweight on my desk at work. She gave me a kiss and then she whispered in my ear, “I put a camera disc in your suite coat pocket. Don’t let Mommy see it.” Then I got another kiss. I checked my pocket on the way to work and sure enough there was an envelope in there. I waited until after my first break to look in the envelope. There was a note in there that read: “Hi Daddy. I have heard...
Just then, a loud clap of thunder was heard that had Emily screaming and diving under the blankets for cover. "What are you doing in my room Heather?" "I'm looking for my sister. It's a nasty sounding lighting storm, she's afraid of thunder and Mom is not here. I was wondering why she hadn't joined me yet. Now I can see why. How long has this been going on?" "Get lost. She's afraid of the Thunder and my room was closer is all." "Yeah right. If she ran in here in fear, explain...
After Gail had enjoyed the aftermath of her orgasm, I reached out for her hand and led her to the bed. Gail sat while I undressed. When my manhood popped out, she stared at it. “Mmmmmm,” was all that she said. I never concerned myself with questions of a big versus a small cock. A woman knows what she likes. And, much depends on a man’s ability to satisfy his partner, whatever his size. That being said, it has been my experience that a large erection makes for at least an enjoyable visual...
While the boys were away in Indianapolis, the girls did play. Both Brenda and Connie did not subscribe to the theory propounded by Fergie of the Black Eyed Peas that for a girl to make love to another girl is akin to cheating on your boyfriend. Instead Brenda and Connie believed that girl-on-girl sex is a good substitute for the real thing i.e. heterosexual sex, similar to masturbation although certainly better. When Brenda and Connie first met, they indulged in girl-on-girl sex for the...
The Tuesday Before: John read Mack’s email with interest. Mack said he bought tea, pineapple chunks, pears, and pistachios. Although not convinced, Mack was willing to change his diet to try this tasting experiment. Mack also wrote John about the Foshay cameltoe. Mary had been hot and her cameltoe could be seen by most people at the Foshay. Mack went into detail about the looks on men’s and women’s faces as Mary walked through the bar. It was exciting to showcase Mary, he said. The photos were...
NovelsThe house looked little like my memories. I’d expected to find a sprawling mansion rather than a rather ordinary sized cottage. That said, there was a quaintness about it, not surprising as it was nestled away on the edge of a secluded wood some many hours north of London. Grandmother had always been a bit… well, eccentric. Victoria thought she was crazy. Then, again, my posh and proper sister thought I was crazy as well. Myself? I thought she was kind of cool. I should mention that she wasn’t...
NovelsIt took a month to get the rest of the crossbows converted and to get the 50 new bolts made. Joe now had enough money from the meat business to contract with the woodworker to make new crossbows. It was his intention to have everyone in the family or on the tavern staff reasonably proficient with the weapon. Even though King Philip's War was nearly over, Joe knew from his history lessons that more wars were coming, and these wars might actually involve conflict with formal army...
Calista could feel herself growing warmer. She had always had sexual fantasies that involved her and other girls, but she was always too afraid to admit them. She usually hung out with Jen, known as Jennifer, in hope that someday they might be a little more than just "friends". It seemed to her now, that her hopes had come true. Finally she got the courage to answer. " I will do whatever you want " She replied. " Good" Jen said with a sly look on her face. " Let's...
Hi readers this is Tron again, after great fun with Aunt and her daughter, there is another incident which happened 3 years ago, which I'd like to share now. Just a bit of info on myself. Iam male 23 from Mississauga, Ontario having 5'8 ft height with handsome personality so if any house wife's, gals and/ or aunty wanted to satisfy their sexual urge then contact me on [email protected] this is my real experience hope u like it.I have internet friend name Kamini "name changed" she's 28...
Back at Ms. E’s place, Marvin Gaye suggests they get it on. The lovers take a break from dinner preparation to dance to his classic love jam and consider his suggestion. Candles provide soft light to the room and flicker with delight as the couple circles by. She wears a tight black top, a string of white pearls, a short black apron, and black heels.Her bootie and legs are naked; her love cove barely covered by the white lace adorning the apron hem. They join Marvin for the chorus and then kiss...
InterracialRight now, I can’t talk because I’ve got my mouth on Farah Al-Rashid’s ear and we’re making out in a movie theater but I’ve got a tale I’d like to share with you. My name is Dwight Hollister. I’m a young Black man living in the City of Ottawa, province of Ontario. I’m originally from the City of Boston, Massachusetts, but got sent here by my parents for school because I was having too much fun at Emerson College down in the Bean. Ever since I came to Canada’s Capital region, I’ve been obsessed...
Her relief was short-lived as the Monsignor took a knout from a drawer in his desk and offered it to her. "This is what you will use to purge yourself of any sins you may feel you have committed, Sister. Here it replaces confession; when you believe you have purged yourself sufficiently, you are absolved of the sins you have remembered, just as if you had confessed them and performed the penance set by the priest," he said. She took the whip and looked at. She had never seen its like...
It is difficult to tell with hitchhikers. I mean you only get about 10 seconds to suss them out, before you are past and on to the next one. (I do like the way they space themselves out on the slip road, though.) I usually go for a girl. No, not for the reasons you are thinking. God, when I look back; ten years on the road; hundreds of towns, and thousands of miles. Christ knows how many hikers and how often have I gotten lucky? Two one night stands; you know, great at the time, but the...
I asked her an important question... that was on my mind ever since I got to know her better. Now I was observing her reaction. She didn't leave her neko maid role even now. I have to admit that she looked charming wearing elegant black maid dress, cat ears and the obligatory glasses. Her long hair neatly tied fitted the cosplay perfectly. — B-b-b-bakaaa! — she exclaimed stuttering. The usually pale skin on her face flushed immediately. Her expression was a clear indication of how flustered...
I recently broke up with my boyfriend and was feeling a little down. On my way home from work, I decide to stop off at a bar. I get a drink and find a table and sit down. A woman approaches me and tells me her name is Linda. I tell her that my name is Victoria. Linda is beautiful, and about my age and asked if she could buy me a drink. I tell her that would be great. We are drinking our drinks and getting along great. We have so much in common. I think to myself, that I have never been...
The room was lit with only the light outside as dawn approached. A small beam of sunlight pierced through the blind and rested on my face, warming it and waking me gently. I moaned in protest because in my dream I was with him and together we had been making passionate love and I didn't want it to end. I knew when I opened my eyes, he wouldn't be there and the bed beside me would be empty but inside my dream he was with me and making love to me in ways I had never felt before in my entire life....
The leather coat was sprawled where I’d tossed it on my bed. I squirted some perfume on my upper thighs and considered the coat. Hot memories of my sexually charged fantasy licked through me, making my nipples stand straight up. I had a feeling I’d wind up comparing Bradford to the major all night. At least I’d be horny, I thought, staring at my breasts and the obviously erect nipples topping them. Even though it was much too warm for it, I shrugged into the coat and went downstairs to wait for...
Cute, blue-eyed blonde Lisey Sweet shows off her pert, natural titties and phat, wobbly ass for the camera, excited about her backdoor threesome with older studs Mick Blue and Ramon Nomar. The lovely girl gags on their big cocks, treating them to expert blowjobs. Ramon and Mick fuck her pussy and rail her plump ass, and Lisey bounces up and down as they DP her holes! The studs deliver nasty double pussy penetration and double anal penetration! Lisey enjoys ass-to-mouth cocksucking and a big cum...
xmoviesforyouMy mom Nirmala is a dominant nature lady. She came from a very big rich family. She has a long, sharp nose, heavy hips. She likes free sex. At home also she walks nude always. We have 8 servants at home. Mom treats them as feet slaves. She calls them as pig, donkey, rascal, dog, idiot, stupid like that. She always carries either a whip or a cane. Whenever she tells some work, first she beat the servant and tells work later. She uses two of them as ponies. He likes only one servant boy,...
Incest"Feel the bump M" Caroline purred at him.M ran his palm over his sister's swollen Tummy with wonderment."Now Claire's" Caroline urged him.Claire's tummy was naked. She had decided to wear only a crop top and cargo pants. M's hand could take in the texture of Claire's stretched skin and traced the dark line of her line nigra that ran from her navel to her cunt. Not that M could see Claire's cunt that is; cunts were sort of off the radar as far as M was concerned.Caroline sensed that M's hand was...
Hi everyone, this is my first story on ISS. It is about how I took the virginity of my best friend turned current girlfriend during my engineering days at MIT. The girl in the story is named Priya, she is a very shy girl from a reserved family. We met each other on the second day of college and became friends immediately. I myself coming from a reserved family understood she felt insecure and found it difficult to trust people initially. So after being patient for 2.5 years, I finally managed...
Step-cousins Aliya Brynn, Ellie Eilish, and Ms Faris aren’t thrilled at having their former stepbrother, Codey Steele, come to stay with them for the summer. Codey has been a jerk to the three of them in the past, so now that he’s coming back the girls decide that it’s time to get some payback. They dress in their hottest outfits as they await Codey’s arrival. When Kayla Paige lets her ex, Brock Doom, and Codey Steele in, Ellie and Aliya wait quietly on the couch. Codey...
xmoviesforyouLet me first describe myself to you. I am Mehak, 18 years old. I stay in Mumbai (India). I am 5 feet 4 inches, fair in colour, more then average looks. My vitals are 33-28-34. This is a real story of incest, which happened 4 years ago. It was in the year 2008, at that time I was studying in 8th grade, in one of the prestigious college in Delhi. Let me tell you, I was a sportswoman during my school days and used to play badminton and table tennis. My body was not that developed at that time and...
IncestI travel to India on business every 2 months. My stays have become somewhat boring as there is not much to do in your off time except to visit bars and look at all the beautiful Indian girls. Lately I became friends with a well known Bollywood actor and at his home the one day we had been drinking and having a good time. I teased him and some of his friends that although there were close to 10 million females in Mumbai they had failed to organize me any. Well that is when they surprised me....
He lived in the village all his life, he excelled at the village school and yet when time to leave school came he approached me for a position. “But young man you can surely do better than enter service?” I enquired and when he replied with some unlikely tale I offered him a position of footman with a ridiculously low salary which he accepted with alacrity. I suspected from the start the attraction was my daughter Lavinia, all swirling hair, girlish laugh, sparkling eyes and full of life,...
Samantha looked forward to celebrating Christmas this year. Despite her joyous sprit, she was also lonely. Randall, her husband of 25 years, had just passed away last year from cancer and Katya, their 24-year old daughter, was away in New York at college. Her large, cozy house was decorated with Christmas lights and everything. Christmases with the two of them were always joyous and fun because they were all together. When it comes to Christmas, she loved the holiday parties, the shopping, the...
Cyprixxia Dantooine System Dantooine Dressed in a tight black leather singlesuit, the front open to her navel, Iliyana stood beside Tremar. Her lightsaber hung from her slim belt, and her blaster was holstered under her arm. They had come here, to Dantooine, to begin Tremar’s plan. Below them, the planet looked sleepy, peaceful, spinning in space. Relics of the old Jedi Order were buried there, along with the long forgotten star map. On the navigation deck behind them, Larian stood, dressed...
The next day was a Saturday, and with no work to go to, and no school either of course, we all set about dealing with Becky. The living room had become our HQ for sex, with plenty of space and two big sofas and two armchairs, and the only windows looking onto our private garden. We took Becky through there, stripped off our clothes, and fucked her all morning. I fucked her with my big eight-inch cock and the girls fucked her with the vibrators, massaged her with the baby oil and molested her...
Hi to all ISS readers and this is Muthu from Chennai. I am studying plus two now in a college. I am vivid fan of this website and read so many stories that erect my 6 inches penis and I do masturbate every day 4 to 5 times and I would like to share my experience happened in my school when I was studying 8th class to 10th class. If you like this please sends your feed back to me at We belong to a rich family. Dad is a business man and he is always on tours. Mom’s name is Nirmala and she is a...
*** Everyone in this story is over 18 and its fiction. Hi Id like to tell you a story that happened to me when I was 18.I had just graduated high school and still lived at home.I was raised by my dad and grandparents. My fathers brother lived about a mile away with his wife Nancy who id known since I was a kid. My uncle worked a lot of hours for years,Basicly ignoring her. She use to ask me to go to the drive in (when they still had them) and I liked going she had always treated me like an...
IncestVan Wylde shows his buddy Alex Mack some land where he’s going to have a new house built. Alex is impressed, saying that he’s sure Van’s wife Gabi Paltrova will love it. Speaking of wives, Van thinks Alex’s wife Lexi Luna is pretty hot, and he knows that Alex thinks Gabi is hot. Van suggests that they swap wives for just one time, so that way both couples could spice up their lives a bit. Alex is shocked at first, but then admits it sounds hot. Luckily, Van has an idea...
xmoviesforyou“We had a fight.”“And it only took seven months.”I brushed past a sparkly vampire and plopped onto the barstool between Stella and Pan. My gray koala tail poked my bottom. “I guess the honeymoon is over.”Stella snorted. “Honey, what could you two love birds possibly squabble over?”“We don't agree on everything,” I insisted, trying to make my voice heard over the din of the holiday party inside the drinking establishment.“Your noses are usually so far up each other's butts sniffing for roses....
Love StoriesWalking into a restaurant with my husband, finally having a date night after months of trying. For this day I dressed up, a little black dress showing all my small curves. The hem of the dress barely covering my upper legs. Semi-high heels and stockings, you will notice the stockings when I cross my legs. A little bit of make-up on my face, not too much only highlighting my big blue eyes and lush lips.You are already in the restaurant with some colleagues, they're making a lot of noise and you...
I taped shut the last box and attached the address labels. Then, I carried them up from the basement and loaded them into the trunk of the Oldsmobile. I should sell this and buy a truck, I thought. Hopping behind the wheel I drove to the local UPS depot and unloaded the boxes onto the receiving dock. Back home I glanced at the clock display on my microwave oven. Five, I thought. Lize would be along shortly. I sat and waited. Five-thirty came and went. Then six o'clock. I was about to...
My name is love I live in delhi,I have a business in delhi only,I am married and enjoying my life I am 27 years old ,I am 5’11 in height and with average body with really soft skin its like a soft toys’. This incident held few months back her name is komal she is my wife best friends she is also from delhi only she got married in march and her hubby is from uk, so after marriage her husband went back to uk and she applied for the visa 2 but it was taking some time so it was march mid time .let...
After Naomi's Party – Masturbation PartiesFictionMy name is Jenny. I like to wear sport clothes and to touch myself in them without panties. I'm cute, blond, 6 feet tall, 150 pounds. Naomi is a splendid brunette, the same size as me but is only 140 pounds. She is as me very sportive looking.I fell in love with my cousin Naomi at her party. She had just moved and held a party to celebrate her newly gained liberty. We were 22 at this time. We kissed in front of the guests and then shut ourselves...
This is the second of my two sexual experiences with people in wheelchairs. It's the gay one...A couple of years ago there was a guy I chatted to a few times in a bar. He was about 30 and in a wheelchair due to MS. Being a gay bar we'd talk about the other guys as they came and went. Although I was tempted I never hit on him. One day I brought a couple of ripped porn disks for him as our previous conversation had been about our collections. He had the same idea and he gave me three disks. One...
Angela was having a bad dream. She was dreaming that she got kidnapped and raped, and was never to see her family again. She screamed and awoke with a start. She wanted to wipe her eyes but she couldn't. She was strapped to a bed in a room she only began to recognise. Then it hit her: it was no nightmare, it was reality. She looked up and saw the tall guy staring at her with a crazed look in his eye. She wanted to scream, but her mouth was covered in duct tape. She thought of Constance and...
After Jerry went to work on Friday, I went into his office at home. He always leaves his computer on as it is connected to the servers at his company. I found the security folder for his new surveillance cameras and verified that they had just recently been installed. What did surprise me was to discover that he had placed 3 cameras out back by the pool instead of 1. I pulled up the file of my session with Otto from yesterday and didn’t realize just how hot and arousing it was. No wonder Jerry...
The next morning when Penny got up she had voice mail about the second bedroom. As she listened to it she jotted down notes about the caller. It was a woman named Laura who said she saw the flyer in the lobby on her way to work and was currently looking for a place closer to the downtown area. When Penny called her back they spoke for a few minutes and agreed to grab lunch together today and get to know each other and discuss the living situation.At lunch time Penny waited down in the lobby for...
LesbianSharon and Tracey were two very close friends. They danced to the same music. They liked the same kinds of films. They both bleached their hair and dyed it the same outrageous blonde shades. They even dressed much the same: very tight short skirts, tee-shirts or tank-tops that clung tightly to their chests, and teetering stilettos that threatened to throw them off balance. And neither of them ever ever wore knickers. They weren’t the two prettiest girls you could ever have hoped to meet, but...
I stared at Zoe for a minute, my brain still in a post-coital haze, letting the words sink in. Once they did, I managed to snap back into reality and reached for the dangling phone receiver. "Hello?" "Cas, it's Judy. Tina needs help." "What's happening?" "She is acting strangely, like, not all there. Steve dragged her into a bedroom with some guys, and locked the door." "Where are you?" She gave me an address that was on the other side of the sub-division. "I will be right...
“I want you to bring her home,” Aunt Mary said. “What!” I exclaimed, incredulously, “but they’ll send her back to the hospital.” “David, I’ve recently realised what I think you have, too, that my daughter is nothing but a childish selfish, bitch with a huge sense of entitlement,” she said, “I actually don’t like my own child any more. What she needs is a huge shock to her world view. Bring her home.” “I think you’re wrong, and I’m sorry, I won’t bring her home yet,” I replied, “and before...