ShawnChapter 20 free porn video

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The therapy sessions were starting to help the newcomers. Even the four doctors were starting to come around, but only starting. Some of the things I was trying to accomplish were not in the approved category and the three men and a woman strongly disapproved.

I could feel somebody else watching us and I knew that something was up. There was a sense of excitement and even fulfilment but it was nebulous at this range. A ball of fire was pictured and I deduced the probable cause.

"Corporal," I called loudly. He came running up and saluted. To him alone I said, "Take some of the new explosive we got this morning and take all your men and fan out and walk down the hill. Get somebody but not you to drop a half a brick two hundred yards from me. Bring back fuel but keep your men away from the explosives. It will be used soon. Do it now but don't appear to rush. We have a spy and I don't want him too suspicious."

I sat down to eat again and my senses went out as far as I could. My eye went high and I looked for miles around for more than just the single observer.

Twenty minutes later the boys were far enough away and I had to just wait now. Trips back were from the other side of the hill and far enough away for safety. I called my army back and they started to play in the water but this time they were not happy and waited for something and didn't know what.

Seven miles away a very new and expensive jet fighter came at us just under the speed of sound. I blew up the explosives and before the cloud cleared a hot white light leapt from the crater and raced for the approaching aircraft at many times the speed of sound. At five miles the plane turned into a ball of plasma and the explosion moved us at even this range. Tents fluttered over and people fell.

I only knew this after. I had used so much energy that my mind and body could not take the massive drain. It was almost an hour later that I found the four doctors around me and Corporal Duniisai making sure they did nothing wrong for he had an automatic in his hand, ready to use at the slightest sign they were doing anything wrong.

My head ached like it never did before and my entire spine felt the same way. I groaned and tried to get up but was pushed back. I managed to get out, I think, that I was going to sleep for a while.

A few hours later I got up and found our base overrun and General Morris in command. When I awoke he came in and said, "How are you Shawn? What happened?" He helped me sit up and I held his shoulder.

"A fighter was coming at us and I released our missile. It seemed to be a little overkill."

"Is that what it was. The explosion was heard for fifty miles and must have been like twenty tons of explosives. What did you use?"

"Secret General. The plane had bombs and fuel too. I suspect napalm was the choice but that is only a guess."

"Shit. My men are going over the area and can't find anything larger than what a pair of tweezers would pick up. Any chance we can get a missile like that?"

"Not a chance. Help me up I have to see how my patients are."

"They are doing much better than you. They are mainly worried about you."

"Then help me up so they can see I am living."

I stumbled once but made it to the sun and took a look at the camp. It had been put back together. Sarah ran to me and almost smothered me in a kiss and a hug. Her breasts pushed into me and it felt wonderful but this time like how a mother would hold her son. I got her on my other side and with the General went to see the rest of the camp.

My soldiers stood at attention where ever they were and saluted. Their hands stayed in position until I passed. Even some of the girls did the same thing. Rhodesians under the General even saluted, but not with as much enthusiasm. There were four more helicopters and they were all flying a patrol around our base.

I pulled the General close to my mouth and whispered, "Pull the copters back a bit. I have an audience of one to escape."

"What?" He yelled.

"Search more to the west."

We made it back to the clinic and I found our ailing youngsters increased by two but Johnny made a supreme effort and sat up to see me. "You made it Shawn."

"Sure did. Who is going to take care of you if I didn't? Now lay back down before one of your nurses decides to spank you."

Others I found had been hurt in falling. One managed to fall into a fire but was not too bad.

I got three more days treating the patients with a cordon all around our camp. At the end the General's own men took the patients away. We had a very tearful parting and I knew that they were still going to need care for their bodies and their minds. I kissed my patients to the distaste of the doctors and was kissed back in turn.

Johnny and the more seriously wounded were flown out by Fredericks. He kept his other girl with him. His mind revealed that if possible he would adopt the girl if no family came forward to claim her.

Sarah was herself arm in arm with a young soldier and I figured one way or another she would get someone that would protect her.

I made it known that I was going to keep track of everyone. Those that were to go to an institution were to come to the farm instead.

When the General cleared out what equipment belonged to him, he said, "Shawn, what about all this military equipment you captured? Your boys need a place to stay too."

"If it is all the same to you I would like to form a convoy and move to our... my; farm and see what I can do to correct some of the damage done. I still expect a few tries on my life and don't want innocents hurt."

"What are you going to do personally?"

"The same as I have been doing for the last few weeks. Besides it is best you don't know."

"Oh... that bad?"

We got to the farm and set up camp. The hidden members of Mobutu's army were called out and joined their compatriots. Latrines were dug and a kitchen assembled. The camp took two hours to set up and I went home. The house was repaired and even the bullet holes were filled. Painting would have to be done later. The people of the village and later some of our wealthier former patients had done this for me. The plane was patched and once again in the hanger but blood stains were still on the seat.

The clinic was mostly empty and one of dad's doctors took care of the few patients we had.

Rudo and Banga came running to me. Both boys seemed different since the attack but seemed happy to see me. This was partially to take their minds from the loss of some of their family members. The new arrivals brought a different level of anxiety and I made sure the camp was on the other side of the house from the village.

The three native girls that had been abducted were still with me till their relatives could be contacted. All the white children had been taken while the blacks seemed to have less emphasis placed on their well being.

I asked Rudo, "How have the two of you been doing?"

Banga the more outgoing one, said, "Not too bad. We got the new boys to help and they were hurt too. They are not from our tribe but they are all right. After a week some wanted to play with me but my bum was too sore yet. Theirs wasn't sore and Rudo slept with three of them."

"I did not. It was two and I had to get back home to work."

"Was three. I saw the other one by the stream."

Rudo was caught and only smiled. He had a good tool, he thought, which he liked to check was in working order.

"Well, I see that much of the village has been repaired. Thank you for working on our house. I think that even when it gets painted it will never be the same to me."

Banga said, "We had lots of help. Even some white men came here for a while but didn't stay very long."

"Oh, when was that?"

"Just about a week ago I think. Do we get to see your new trucks Shawn?"

I knew something was nibbling at the edge of my mind, but I said instead, "I started my own army. If you want to join you can but you won't get special treatment by being my friends before the others."

"Do we get guns?"

"You get to join an army and learn to drive a truck, shoot a gun, cook food and how to fight so you can protect our village." They liked that idea very much and planned to get all the children into the army as a form of training like the children in Britain had.

I went back to the house and with a different perspective went through the building looking for things as if I were after information about the owner. Dad's files had been searched but put back but not quite as dad would have done. The current doctor would have no reason to check on the older patients. I opened the safe and found it disturbed. The family jewellery was gone and some of our records were missing. The safe was unmarked by the entry, so it had to be the work of a professional. I wondered how our house in the city had fared. It was just as vulnerable and had the large diamond necklaces of mom, Japera and Lusa. I had to stop for a moment as the vision of all three came to me. They were all smiling and then Jason unsteadily walked into the room helped by dad. They all looked at me as if to say they were all right.

I Searched the rest of the house after I recovered from my vision. The clinic produced nothing new. Old memories and those not so old assailed me as I walked. It was difficult to finish this job but I stuck to it until it was done. I went through the village and checked into their welfare and also searched for any leads to who had broken into our safe. With a lot of small pieces of information I got a fair look at the three men. There was nothing special about their automobile and nobody got clear look at the plates.

In the village that night I talked to everybody. I told them a cleaned up version of everything I had done. My army of boys and possibly a few girls were mentioned and I praised their efforts to help all the rest of the injured children. The villagers had been fair with the boys I left behind and would be even more so when they had more reinforcements now. I brought up the unpleasant thought that more raids could happen in the future and I did not want any of my people killed or even hurt. The children first and then the adults were invited to train to fight off any new attacks.

I had to fight some of the adult's ideas because they thought that fighting would bring more deaths and I had to patiently explain how this was a falsehood and would only encourage others to come here for 'easy pickings'.

My three new girls were introduced to perspective and temporary mothers. Like the boys before them they were encouraged to help even if they were hurt too. I said in no uncertain terms what I thought the children had to endure and also what they were not to experience. A plain description of what I'd done to one group of attackers made this vividly clear. We would have some semblance of civilisation here and everybody free to chose as long as they didn't infringe on anybody else's rights.

That night I flew the plane to Salisbury and found the house professionally entered and all the other pieces of jewellery missing. I knew some of the more wealthy dealers in stolen goods from having looked into some unsavoury minds over the years. After finding their addresses I searched their premises with my mind. I did find some new acquisitions but after going to the home of the business I found that they had been locally acquired. I did look to find any other leads to other 'merchants' but nothing was new.

I had some assumptions and my mind went to Internal Security. Not that they would or wouldn't be part of this conspiracy but that they also might have some of the answers. Records were a lot more difficult to search so I just waited two hours and rested before the executives of this organization showed up.

They ended up knowing less in many respects than I did. They had been alerted but had no leads. Their prospects, though tenuous, were also very numerous. I didn't like these people and their rationale but I liked the people I was looking for even less.

I made something to eat and remembered how good Japera's food was before the pain in those memories forced me to quickly return to my job. Right wing and fascist would imply the large businesses that employed many natives as another possible lead. I was aware of many owners of medium to large businesses and around four in the afternoon I found my first piece of evidence. Jason McIntosh headed a large publicly traded corporations and he had to go to a meeting tonight for his group. They were put out by the failure of their venture in destabilizing the present government.

I found five other names from the man's mind and found three of them within the city. Each was busy with the running of his business but his mind was open to be investigated too. It turned out that these were not even the ringleaders but others more important controlled their moves. Though they didn't know anybody's names, they all had assumptions on who they might be. After these had been scanned I checked the ones they thought as possibilities.

One, the Minister of Agriculture, the Right Honourable William Norton was one such man. He happened to be the only man in his group to know the identity of the man above him. In this case he was a minor functionary in the Department of Transport.

Every one thought they were doing the right thing for their business or for business in general and to help the country. Pain, suffering and even death was a minor matter to them as long as it was somebody else.

That night I went to the meeting with Jason McIntosh and his fellow conspirators. Arthur Bloomfield was one I couldn't find and I saw that he was still suffering from the loss of his experimental plane. It had been in the testing stages so that it could be sold to the government or any other that had the capital to afford them. The loss of the plane was tempered against the fact that no evidence could be found to identify it. He was angry at me because some of his own people had to die in an accident that hid the supposed theft of the aircraft.

He didn't know but the others planned to kill him tonight. The story of the aircraft theft was far to flimsy to satisfy an investigation. Since everybody had a breaking point they reasoned that a quick death would all save them from a similar fate.

The automobile that Bloomfield came in needed a little alteration and two men came into the parking lot and did what modifications they needed to ensure the man died somewhere far from the meeting place. My 'eye' indicated that it was a simple timer set for 55 minutes now. A phone call that went answered from a place not too far from the meeting was the code and the conspirators now knew they had to keep the meeting going for 45 minutes plus or minus two or the plan would fail.

I on the other hand had to consider a change in plan. I wanted the men punished for killing my family, friends and neighbours. When I had uncovered enough names the people owning them would die themselves. Governments and especially courts are malleable. A guilty but important man in a position not easily replaced would be found innocent so as to not disrupt the economy. Understanding this was the reason I wanted to remove these people from the body politic with the sharpest instrument available.

It actually looked like the rot went far into the business community and if all of those people suddenly died the effect on the people living here would be catastrophic. I wanted my vengeance but I didn't want everybody to suffer. Even the blacks would suffer when the business they worked for laid them off. Food riots and lawlessness along with loss of life would be too high a price to pay.

Bloomfield got into his car. As planned nobody was around so as to not bring notice to the group. At a stoplight I brought my kukri up from the back seat and put it to the neck of the man.

"Turn off the engine," I said in my most ominous voice.

"Wha... Wha..."

"Turn off the engine now or die."

"Sure... just watch that knife."

The car engine stopped and I climbed into the front seat and said, "Get out now." When we were on the dark street I prodded him to the front of the vehicle. "Do you know who I am?"


"You are lying and I think I will take a hand."

"Ok ok I know who you are."

"Open the hood now." He did as he was asked and I said, "Look on the firewall by the master cylinder. Tell me what you see."

He jumped back a few feet and just stared at the bomb. "The members of your cell thought your lies to the authorities would not float and decided to remove you so they would not be incriminated." I walked to the man and punched his abdomen, then his jaw when it came into range. He went into the passenger side and I drove on one of his probable routes home and got out. I dragged Bloomfield out and carried him across the road and behind a wall.

I slapped the man awake and he got wide eyes and tried to push me away. A quick thrust and the knife came into play. "Your car is around the corner in the middle of the street. Wait and learn."

It took only fifty or so seconds but the bomb went off and bricks fell all around and some would have hit us if I had not put my 'fingers' up to intercept them. I pulled the shaken man to his feet and pulled him to see his car. It was engulfed in flames and a nearby wall had fallen on the wreck. "So you want cheap slave labour and you get dead. Come with me now or you will wish that you had been in your car."

He didn't move because of fright and disorientation. This was a good enough excuse and I twisted the sensitivity in his brain up as far as I could. He fell with silent scream and the new pain put him completely out. I put the control back and awoke him again. "Move now, or you get more." The man quickly got to his feet but in his haste stumbled and fell. The second attempt was not much better and he had to hold a trash can to stand straight.

He followed me and at the same time running all the things that I had done before and added the new ones. Seven blocks away I called a very private number and got Samuel Jefferies out of bed.

My name was enough to keep him on the line and he quickly wrote down what I asked. I gave a list of Bloomfield's deeds and said how the five conspirators had tried to kill him.

"You can get your men down to the auto and seal it off and pretend there is a body in the car. There will be spies watching and you need to make it realistic. Use four men and keep them cloistered because some high ranking people will want to know how dead the body was. Others will try through the morgue. You better provide a body for the wife to recognize or it will all be seen as a sham."

"I know what I am doing."

"Sure you do. I found thirty seven conspirators and you found none. Follow my script and both of us can have a chat with the walking corpse beside me."

We walked for another hour and I grilled the man. At every lie and a few truthful statements I pushed a poorly hidden box that sent pain through the man. We came to the truck entrance of the Internal Security building. This was the same one that bodies had left by, not too long ago. There was an alarm and a lock. I opened the door and shorted out the alarm to make everything seem realistic.

Once inside I opened one more door and gave Bloomfield a tour of the empty room. The small morgue was empty and I walked through the cells. There was one guard and I caught him napping and after disarming him, placed him into one of the empty cells.

A beaten black man that had the audacity to stand up for his rights and then set fire to the building owned by the main political party was in another cell. Nobody had been killed in the fire, but there was a lot of damage. Two firemen were slightly burnt but not seriously. Bloomfield got another cell and I amused myself by looking through all the files I had only seen with my inner eye all these years.

The guard was making a fuss and even with the sound proofing I had to warn him of the consequences.

At seven, the guard's replacement came in. The previous guard now gained a cell mate. At eight fifteen Samuel Jefferies came into the building. Just as he sat the internal phone rang. "Jefferies here."

Using the name of the new guard and a rough voice, I said, "Sir the prisoner in the lower cells is talking about a conspiracy to topple the government. He is implicating many important men in the government."

As Samuel Jefferies came through the door with his aide, I took their weapons quickly before they knew I was here.

"Have a seat gentlemen and we can get down to our discussion." I didn't point the guns but they were held ready just in case. "Down the stairs and to the cells."

Bloomfield was almost a basket case and the two guards called so they could get out. "You can't do this," began the aide.

"I already have." To Jefferies I said, "The black goes free now and stays free. I have killed a few people with white skin and they are just as easy as black. Your skin is no harder to cut. Are we going to have a problem with this Mr Jefferies?"

"He can go."

I unlocked the cell door of the black then the two guards. "Give him his property and ten pounds and set him free." I reached my hand out to Jefferies and he reluctantly gave me the money. The black didn't have any idea what was happening but was more than ready to go.

To Jefferies I asked, "Are we going to get a tactical team in here now, or just some trigger happy flunkies from your department?"

"Joe, Bill both of you go and stay out unless called. If there are any guns out there I will fire both of your asses. This is just an unscheduled meeting and I do not expect to be hurt."

When we were more alone I began, "Here is a partial list of the conspirators. Some are government officials and some are business owners. One other is even here in the building handling your records." I handed them the sheets with a small paragraph or two about their dealings.

"Where did you get this?" The aid asked.

"I wrote it out in my own handwriting. If you mean the information it came from illegal wiretaps, the kind you people use and from some of the people I pay to find such things out."

They read for ten minutes trying to memorize all the information and sort it out. "None of this will stand up in a court. We need iron clad data or their lawyers will get the cases thrown out."

"I was going to kill all of them but decided to give the law a chance, even a corrupt law like you want in this country."

The aide started to object but I stopped him. "I will accept real sentences, where the man pays not where the government compensates him for his losses later. There has to be real punishment or I will do the job myself."

Jefferies said, "How can you do that? You are only a boy."

"Who got this information? Who brought this man to you? Who stopped an incursion form Mozambique? Who took out an assassination team and then an aerial assault Mr. Jefferies?"


"I can see that you mean, 'ok' till someone, perhaps even your department, kills me. If that is what you think will happen, then there would have to be a lot of elections to fill the empty seats. Do I make myself clear Mr. Jefferies?"

"Abundantly," came from him with a snarl.

I got a place in the planning of the raids and went through the possible men involved. The names I checked with the list in my head and found each. Some I crossed off as undependable or inept. One more got the word "spy" beside it. The judge was similarly labelled and we went through a list until I found one that was ethical enough to keep his mouth shut.

Bloomfield spilled everything he knew and this was used to obtain all the arrest warrants as well as the searches of their property. Since this was so wide ranging I asked, "Why not take our judge with us. If something unexpected crops up and we need to get into their office fast, we've got the paperwork available. A camera crew would also present evidence. This can be a two edged sword but the prosecution can't just lie and expect a jury to believe their words and not their eyes."

The army had to be called in because of all the manpower needs and any spy would have a hard time getting away when his men were looking for such action.

We didn't get a camera crew but I was active as all the warrants were issued. Phones lines were cut, troops cordoned off a particular area. The guilty people knew where the incriminating evidence was and that is what we took. House after house and even corporate headquarters. It took two days and the airports were closed and cars were stopped at the city limits.

I especially liked it when the Minister of Mines had his home safe searched and my family's jewellery recovered. The army had to keep all the prisoners and it looked like the country was at the breaking point. Even judge's homes were entered as iron clad information was discovered within them.

It took four months to even get started. I investigated all the lawyers for both sides and had informal talks about making sure that those found guilty would pay. The accused were afraid of me now. Not for my mind but for the way it came out that I was able to kill so easily. I mentioned that the judicial system should give them a punishment or I would. Now it came to bargaining so the punishment was less, but they admitted their guilt.

Now I manipulated the newspapers and my name was mentioned less and less. I gave them substitutes to follow that opened another facet of the case.

When the court cases were over I was given another diploma. I could now practice law if I chose fit. The uncleanliness of it would not allow me to follow this occupation. This profession like politics was not for me, even if I had to dirty my hands on some occasions. I fought for and was given by special statutes a backdated birthday that would give me the rights of an adult in the rest of the world.

Another law allowed me to be legally married to a black. I was trying to break the law altogether but I had few options left after all the men had been put in jail or hanged. The ones that were fined also had to provide me with their businesses' books for ten years to ensure that they were not given the money back or given other gratuities in compensation.

I was given a job that I pushed for. Rhodesia was under sanction but they still had diplomats. As a voice for the country I could tell the world what it was really like in my country. This was very hard to get because they wanted the blacks to be seen as little as possible and any dirty dealings could be swept under the rug. I planned to highlight the native African's culture and let the world see that it was as good as theirs.

Since I was home so little I wanted our family home protected. The government could levy any and all taxes they wanted but the same government had to cover those costs as well as protect the property even if it was to drive by four times a shift. Not too many people would try now to get me angry and the property was safe except some curious boys because of a naked woman hiding in the garden month after month.

An early morning a few days before my ninth birthday I strolled through the camp at the farm. The camp was still asleep but it wouldn't be for long. It had grown considerably in the last year or so. Paka was up early and came over to rub her head against my hip. She had grown a lot in the year and didn't take the guff that she had when she was younger.

We walked by Rudo and Banga tent and heard them and their two tent mates grunting hard. They liked girls but boys bums were much handier and there was no coercion at all. In fact most of the boys liked getting their prostrate stroked.

Sgt. Bristol and Sgt. Lunda were up early too and drinking coffee or tea and just wanting to have a peaceful breakfast before the barbarians attacked. Both had been retired and General Morris had recommended them when I asked for competent help. They still wore the official uniform of our army. Hawaiian shirts and clashing shorts. When they were all lined up in parade form. It actually hurt my eyes. The army was really an academy that trained the students to be good officers. There were presently 57 boys and 14 girls enrolled. The girls were fixed by me and couldn't get pregnant unless the procedure was reversed.

Strict rules were enforced and a dalliance had to be after hours and after homework was done. Those guilty of breaking the rules were always caught at first. Later they knew enough to just obey the rules.

They found out how much I knew about what they were doing and the state of their homework. My reputation when I first met the boys stuck even if they found it hard to believe now that I held twenty one of them up by their ankles at one time. My flying then was because I was a magician as I proved once a month when some boy needed some money for something special. Some still looked in others ears on occasion to see if any extra cash had worked its way out.

Sgt. Lunda, a large black man, was in nominal charge of things and Sgt. Bristol made it a point that he as a white man was subordinate. "Good morning Gentlemen. You are up bright and early," I said.

Same as Shawn
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A very good view P very good this video :-P I also had a good situation like in this video a day at home with my sister. One afternoon I am at home in my room, it was late summer-early of a mild autumn, I finish printing several sheets of computer paper and I go out of my room and call my sister who comes out of her room and she's wearing a tunic for the house white-cream-yellow (but not transparent :-P) a little...

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Fashion is Our Name Pt 01

Dear Readers – This is a modern story of love and danger in many parts. Enjoy. ***** Fashion is our Name – Part 1 – They had to carry on Chapter 1 – Philip Disappears Her hand on his shoulder woke him. ‘Let me in there.’ He sleepily moved over, saying, ‘I don’t have anything on.’ She was very cold and pressed herself to him. ‘Neither do I. Don’t worry about it.’ ‘How did you get so cold?’ His strong arms gathered her in. She was shaking and he discovered she was crying. ‘I miss him...

1 year ago
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CumDog meets the Girls

I had been under Suzy’s control for almost a year now. Although the last few weeks we had barely met or talked as Suzy was tied up with converting her friend’s barn into a massage studio.Then one day during my lunch break I got a text message from Suzy which read 'CALL ME ASAP' I knew that she would have seen the ‘read message’ sign and began dialling her number immediately.Suzy’s voice came on the line almost immediately "Good dog, I see you have been trained well." She remarked congratulating...

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Easy Money

I was seriously pissed off. My boyfriend had stood me up again, off with his pig-ignorant mates. He'd only texted me when I was in the shopping centre making my way to the multiplex. Well, fuck him, I thought. I went outside to smoke a ciggie, before I'd make my way home, maybe stop in at the club on the way for a game of pool and a cider. I sparked up, pulling my long black coat tight around me. My long purple hair was blowing in the wind, and I could feel the biting wind against my stockinged...

Straight Sex
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A Day at School

Writer's Note: Reading the few reviews of my first part of this story it seemed the main complaint was the rules of how the device worked and what happened at the end. The strangeness at the end where the device went haywire against Dave is something that will be explained later in story, it is strange that it did that by itself isn't it, really messed up Lavina's plan. The second part is how it works. The device can change basically everything about a person, their personality, age,...

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Plump sis

Well I guess we'll start with describing my s*s, who I dearly love and I really have no regrets about what happened because it was completely innocent. Her name is Julia and she's the awnry type. At about 5'5 215 she is quite voluptuous in a Latashay kind of way. Beautiful, large, round and very "scrunchy" big aureole with thick nipples resting atop two creamy melons, a bit of a belly nicely counterbalanced with a gorgeous bubblebut. Our first encounter happened when I had a friend over to...

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Meet and Fuck Tuesday Night

It was a long hard Tuesday at the office. The bosses were breathing down on us extra hard since corporate decided to come in with a full audit on our branch. I needed to unwind so I high tailed it on over to my favorite bar the minute I could sneak out of work. Maybe I would have invited my coworkers, but they were all still frantically trying to make themselves out to be the superstars of the branch. But I knew I was as good as downsized, so instead I was going to buy myself as many shots as I...

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Sweet Sorrow Ch 01

We arrive around 2:30 pm at Clandae High Montana. Thick forest around me would usually calm me, but today it filled me with despair and menace. I used to love the woods, so full of life and adventure, but now when I see it looming over me all I behold is death. Although, everyone likes to pretend otherwise, nothing would ever be the same again. I hand the driver his due, and as I step out of the taxi my flaming red hair billows around my face, blocking my eyes. Sounds… voices… whispers! Crap!...

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Beyond The Expectations

Hi friends, this Ajai from Vijayawada. This is my first story so please excuse me if there are any mistakes.If I talk about my physique, I have a toned bod body,broad chest with full of hairs,age 23,height 5.8 and finally my dick size is 7-8 inches.So far my family is concerned, we are 4 members including my parents.My mother got married at very younger and now her age is 38 and my sisters age is 21. I will describe their structures after sometime. I love my family very much. Coming into the...

1 year ago
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A Pair of my Own

A Pair of My Own Synopsis: A man recounts, in a diary, some of his jealousies and fantasies about breasts. Then, when a strange cocktail of chemicals and a mutant cold virus causes breast development ... [email protected] ********************************************************************** A Pair of My Own March 3, 05 Dr. Tripp suggested I keep this journal to help organize my feelings and thoughts. I've been going to see her for almost a year now,...

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College Matron Educates Young Men

Kathleen had been the matron for 4 years now at a private 13 to 18 boy’s school. The majority of the students were residential and it for her duty to supervise the dormitories each weekend. Unfortunately the school was in a remote part of Scotland and her isolation had virtually finished her social life.At 38 it had been some years since she last had a sex life other than with her own hands or with items she could find to push inside her pussy. She had a comfortable figure, Kathleen had...

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My Black Lesbian Traveling Companion

Chapter 1 Sue is a woman in her early 50s, and single, she has had several intimate relationships with men, but has always had an interest, although subdued in other women and secretly her fantasy is to be used and sexually abused by a young black woman! . She is an attractive “Full figured woman” with incredibly large 38” DDD tits and looks a bit younger than her age. She had recently been hired as an advertising agent which in itself was quite remarkable for this time in her life,...

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Strict Schooling 5 Alma Mater

“Well, Verity, it has been a while.”“Indeed, Headmistress.” The small stab of annoyance made Lady Vernon shift in her chair. Her name was the one thing she had been glad to leave behind with her school days. But no matter. She was back on a visit and it went with the place.“May I speculate that your life has been more settled of late? Young lover, perhaps?”It was useless to resist and the past pupil of almost twenty years gave a wry laugh. “I see that your mind-reading powers have not...

4 years ago
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The Rescue

1The Rescueby ariel emms (if you enjoy this story, please feel free to let me know)Why didn’t this one stop talking and get on with it, she thought to herself.  If it were over she could go back into her shell.  She had hardly emerged now - she barely could anymore - and she wanted back in.EMMS RUNNING FILE - DAY 1:From: Manager of Acquisitions To: Manager of MarketingBought this one at the latest auction - valuable acquisition, good price.  I’ve always said it pays to talk to the merchandise...

2 years ago
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Pretty Liars Pants on FireChapter 4

Synopsis: The clique falls apart after the leader of the group, Alison, goes missing. One year later, the remaining estranged friends are reunited as they begin receiving messages from a mysterious villain named “A” or “A.D.”, who threatens and tortures them for the mistakes they have made before and after Alison’s death. At first, they think it is Alison herself, but after her body is found, the girls realize that someone else is planning on ruining their lives. The disappearance of Alison:...

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Winning Streak

Another day of watching TV at home, flipping through channels of nothing but news, sitcoms and shitty reality shows. However, when the next channel comes up, it's playing a new show. "What would you do for a shot at a half a million dollars?" A tall, skinny man with brown hair and a shirt bearing the logo for the show appears on camera, holding a microphone. He's standing in a city park by himself. "My name is Kent Davis, and today, we're gonna watch as one lucky hopeful is gonna bare it all...

1 year ago
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Twenty Years to Life Ch 01

This story is a bit wordy and fairly long, so if you are looking for immediate gratification, you might want to look elsewhere. ————- ———————– The following story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance between actual persons, living or dead (or just confused) is entirely coincidental. Please do not copy/redistribute the story, in part or in total, without the author’s permission. This story takes place in the entirely fictional city of Springfield, California, so don’t go looking for it on a...

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Ruhi 8211 Maid On A Leash 8211 Pt 1 Punishment For Stealing

Ruhi had just turned 19 the previous day, which meant she was ready to take on her mother’s job now. Her mother, Sunaina, had always been a pitiful creature. She had led a tough life. But even such tiring circumstances had never made her dishonest. The passion with which she worked at hommes had been constant throughout her tenure of 20 years. Ruhi, on the other hand, was nothing like her mother. Ruhi always looked cheerful. She was childish. She looked at everything with a curious gleam in her...

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The Untold Love Story

Hi, everyone. I am Ram22-year-oldd studying in and I am from Bangalore. I am a regular reader of this site and I always wished to post my experience just like other writers but I never had a chance for that as I had no scene with any girl until last month. I was always horny and fapped at home reading stories and downloading and watching porn movies and pics, and always wanted to have a nice session with a girl.This was going on for nearly two years while few of my friends were already having...

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Muscle encounters 6 Mistress Treasure

Muscle Encounters 6 - Mistress TreasureBy lilguy Treasure escape from prison and meets her penpalTony was a black man who was single and lived in a small little house, on asmall little street. He went on a dating site to help out with a shy lonelylife and found a site called Prison mates. Where girls and guys could match upwith people in prison and become pen pals. Tony always been a bit submissive,so certain lady caught his eye.She was a Black Girl name Treasure. She had an athletic body and...

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CDs Magic Love Skin Cream

CD’s Magic Love Skin CreamBy J. J. ScribeNo one could have guessed the truth about CD’s obsessive sex life. Toany casual observer—or even a curious one—he appeared to be a perfectlynormal man. He was a junior partner at his firm in Philadelphia, with a solidfinancial future in front of him. Though he didn’t attend regularly,he was a member of the First Methodist Church, a friendly face atcoffee hours and social events.Though divorced for five years, he remained friends with his formerwife and...

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The Initiation Part 1

The sounds of laughter and music drew me towards the forbidden in the slightly-moonlit night. I knew I shouldn’t, but I couldn’t stay away. I crept forward, doing my best to avoid being seen – there was no chance I’d be heard over the din of the party. My heart beat in my throat. I was terrified. Still I crept closer, pulled deeper by something exciting but indefinable. I’d heard whispered talk, I’d had dreams, tingling, exciting dreams based on those whispers … I had to see! I hid myself...

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How Donna changed me Part 1

I had been married for 12 years and at 36, I had started thinking about my life. It was so boring, I missed excitement, admired, complimented, I wanted to feel alive, feel the sensation of a first kiss. One day, I invited my girlfriend Donna for drinks we were on our second glass of wine I told her about my situation, "Is it because hubby's away too much?" she asked, "Partly," I answered grudgingly. "And partly because when he is here, you're not getting' enough, right?" Donna grinned. I...

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Sexy Sister

As I peered through the door I saw my sister on the phone talking to one of her friends. To my delight she stood there in a very cute pair of blue polka dotted panties and matching bra. The fabric clung tight to her body and really gave me a great view of the great curves of her ass and the outline of her young cunt. As she she tcontinued talking she began to undo her bra which gave me a great view of her youn pert tits. They breasts were smaller, maybe about a handful, but the...

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one of my fantasys

My wife is gema shes a 27 yr old slim blonde and very attractive and sexy, Im matt a 28 yr old average white guy , i have a small penis and cant satisfy her. From statements she has made and hints she has given I know she would like to have sex with abigg hung black man. I have tried to encourage her but she insists she doesn't need anyone but me.She has told me a doctor who is a black guy she works with has made playful sexual remarks to her and I know he would like to fuck her. I have met...

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A few nights after I last saw Clarice a uniformed chauffeur approached me while I was in the rear offfice at the West End Hotel I worked security at. I then recognised him as Clarice, chauffeur. “Excuse me Officer, but are you Joe Carter?” he asked. “That,s me. What can I do for you?” “ Mrs Taylor, Clarice wants you to ring her on this number between 10 am and 7pm any week day, Sir. “ he handed me a note written in a neat hand that included a telephone number. “Thank You Er....” John, Sir. I,m...

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An Office Love Story

An Office Love Story                 They wanted each other………………… She walked into his office, looking very smart. She was about 5’6′ tall, with a trim, lean frame and a lovely swell to her breast making her about a 36C in bra size. Her waist curved in and she had full but not fat thighs and hips. Her face was classic with pouty lips and a roman nose, and her eyes were the bluest he had ever seen. They sparkled like a lake with the summer sun reflecting off them. Her hair was pulled back off...

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Glade and Ivory Ch 20

Chapter Twenty Glade was by far the villager least visibly upset by the discovery that the winter route was blocked. While the chief and his most experienced hunters spent the rest of the day and all the next exploring and evaluating the few limited options available to them, she was preoccupied in checking the health and well-being of the woman and children. While Ivory anxiously gnawed on the last morsel of aurochs meat when the village gathered around the fire at the end of the day, Glade...

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A horny Christmas tale white thighs and cupcake

When you stand 5' 7" at f******n, men can be excused for thinking you're older than your years, more so when your hormones kick-in and give you a nice set of titties and a fine fur on your pussy.Of course a girl is aware of men's interest, after all it's a two way process, as their cocks provide an interesting focus on out take of men and sex.So this Christmas leave started with a mad dash for the long train journey to Oban on the West Coast of Scotland.I arrived at the Queen Street Station...

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earthquake troubles

There are 4 main characters in this story the 42 year old Father, Frank Pierce, 18 year 1 month old daughter Mia, 5'9" tall 150 lbs. B cup breasts long auburn hair reaching to about the middle of her back, her 2 best friends Chyler 18 year 2 months old 5"6" tall 140 lbs. C cup breasts shoulder length brunette hair and Amy just 18 5"7" tall 145 lbs. D cup breasts long dark black hair reaching to her lower back. Other characters may be added depending on circumstances of the story. Father name is...

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Awkward Situations 2

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Mico freshened up in the bathroom after our long trip, I left the room. The last thing I wanted to see was his face. Outside our room - which was actually a rather isolated cabin on the shores of a sparkling lake - I met with our facilitator and asked to change rooms. "Hey, sir. Is there any way I could change rooms?" "Why? anything...

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Father and Daughter Fuck the Neighbors

The last year has been rough for my father and me. My name is Molly, and at the time of this story I was eighteen years old and it was the end of the summer before my freshman year in college. My father’s name is Dan, and he was forty-three years old at that time. He preferred that I call him by his first name. We had just moved into a new condominium complex in the Atlanta area, following his work transfer from Baltimore. He had requested the transfer in order to move away from my mother...

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Lisas StoryChapter 2

Philip and Lisa almost ran back to home holding hands.Despite slowing down of rain they both were completely drenched, however, both father and daughter were so wrapped up in their lust and eagerness to get to one another's body they hardly noticed their wet predicament. Philip somehow managed to open the front door and almost pulled his daughter inside kicking the door shut which locked on the night latch. Lisa melted in to her father's arms.Philip held his daughter's face in both hands...

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Fun Love And Romance

Hii..frnds How are you..?? I m nikhil from jaipur i am attractive and good personality. My height is 5’10 and my dick is of 7 inch. Yaha par mene kai stories padhi h…aur muje kuch stories accchi lagti h. Agar koi girl ya boy humko feedback dena chahte h to meri or meri gf ki id h. Plz comment jarur de. Me nikhil hu jaipur se meri gf priya bhi jaipur se hi h. Jab me 12 class me tha tab mene usko frndshp ke liye purpose mara tha aur usne muje ha bhi kar diya tha. Me us par bahut line marta tha...

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30 Firey Hot

I have never been so hot in my life. There were like twenty men all standing around me, their hands stroking their cocks while they all stared at me.Mark had convinced me to come to one of his parties, and so I did. I left my long red hair down, and dressed up in a hot little black dress with fishnet stockings and high stilettos for the night, and when Mark let me in I was ready to party.I was surprised to see all of those guys there, since I was the only girl. I asked Mark about it and he told...

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Alexis Spanked

I lay in bed, rubbing my sore bottom, crying my eyes out, feeling so terribly frustrated, so hard done by as it was just so unfair. Jaden, my sister, is two years younger than me but because our Mum says she is “The sensible one,” it’s Jaden left in charge and horrifically given disciplinary control over me, her older sister. It didn’t take long to come to a head. I only said she I going to stay up until the film ended. It wasn’t fair anyway that Jaden decided I had to go to bed at 9.30 pm....

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Married Woman Ishika8217s Sexual Invasions 8211 Part 2

After graduation, I joined an IT firm in Mumbai, away from home. I missed my parents, friends, and of course, wild fucking. We were eleven staff members in the office, eight cocks, and three cunts. Krish is the senior manager, Bob is the Assistant manager. Anil, Carl, Dev and Prem are senior colleagues. Jai and Vir are freshers like me, joined straight from college. Anita is a senior colleague and Kavya is a receptionist. Among cocks, Jai and Vir were bachelors. Anita was married and Kavya was...

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When Harry met Kelly

Kelly read the comment on her story and laughed. To say it was bad would have been an understatement. It is not often that she called a “stupid bitch”, and she had never been accused of not knowing a damn thing about men. This Harry guy was brutal. She could not help but giggle at his over the top comment and knew that she would have to defend the piece of trash that she had written. To be honest, she agreed with everything he had said, because it was true. A couple of weeks ago, a man had...

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Blue Light Special

Thanks to the knee doctor for editing help. Callie and I had been at it for two days now: arguing that is. One of our close friends, Ben Sorensen, was having a birthday celebration and my wife's old boy friend, Clay Bixler, was going to be there. Clay, Callie, and I all went to high school together. Callie and I became a couple after she broke up with Clay over something I don't even remember. Clay went to Yale and I went to MIT. Although Callie and I remained a couple, she still continued a...

1 year ago
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Starting My Classmate With Friends After Taking Her Virginity

Hello ISS, here is your Nani with a new story. This story is about how I fucked my classmate and it ended as a group sex. For feedbacks or any secret relationships, please mail me at Before getting into the story, let me introduce myself to new readers. I’m Nani, 21M with 5.11″ height, looking fair with good body. I’m from Hyderabad completed my bachelor’s. Let’s get into the story without wasting the time. This incident happened when I was in my final year of The heroin of the story...

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New Order of the AgesChapter 4

“So, the controllers are on the way, are they? It wouldn’t be too hard for them to help collar me to Dale then, would it?” Izzy stated, enjoying the idea that her mother would get to serve Dan, but wanting to be Dale’s in her case. “Same here,” Carly, Izzy’s sister added, “Dale would be a fantastic choice for a Master. What’s good enough for my sister and mother is good enough for me. How about it, Dale? You’ve been fucking us a lot the past couple of days, though so has Dan. It’s just that...

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last time with a maggot

the last time that i played with maggots i find a medium size maggot to play with on the garbage, i was looking for more to play but i didn't find any other so i run to the bathroom and pull my dick out that it was hard already, so i tuck my dick opener and i penetrate my dick very deep so i started to feel a little pain because the dick opener was hurting me a little bit so i take the maggot that was moving like crazy on my palm and put it on the head of my dick, so i waited to see if the...

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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 87

Rita and Robert's escapade on the office desk was interrupted by the persistent buzzing of a cell phone. "I forgot to call Regan," Rita admitted with chagrin. Her husband reluctantly let her arise and watched as she tugged her shorts back up her legs. She wasn't about to talk to their daughter while she was naked, he decided. Robert took the opportunity to pull his boxers up from around his ankles. Rita was looking at her phone when it buzzed again. "Camille's called a dozen times,"...

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Wife has been watching porn too

Linda had known I was a porn userfor some time. At first she was shocked by it, although after catching me a number of timesher attitude had softened. Because of Lindas attirude to me watching porn I hadn't really thought that it was a possibility for her. That was until I was using her iPad one evening and had lost a page on the internet browser. I clicked into the history and through curiosity clicked on the last few day, nothing there of any note and then I remembered that she was very late...

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Ill be a Mommys UncleChapter 6

There were many days of unease that followed. Mother's little girl and I fell back into our routine of once a week. Only this time, when my cock treatened to spout off, I would jack on it and have a great cum. It was rare that I actually spilled onto my mother's naked skin, but not for not wanting to. I had to respect my daughter's wishes, and she really didn't like the nasty stuff hitting her. Still, her incredible body was the thing that turned me on the most, and the closer she was the...

1 year ago
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RealSensual Jessie Lee Passion And Luxury With Busty Tattooed Babe

Sexy beautiful tattooed Jessie Lee shows up in our private room wearing luxury lingerie over her voluptuous body, big round tits, and spectacular huge butt. She starts to warm up and brings her lucky boyfriend. Jessie starts touching him and giving a passionate blowjob to begin, she sensually received back a sultry licking pussy, she whimpers and they begin penetration in doggy style, to continues with a widespread cowgirl until he asks for more blowjobs, and Jessie proves what a great cock...

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Prologue Stealthy Times at the Cafe

The vibe wasn’t uncomfortable, but Daisy couldn’t ignore its presence. Shaped roughly like a U, there were two halves molded to the contours of her body. The internal end was bulbous and about four inches deep. It was designed to stimulate her g-spot. The external half was slender with a flat, round end roughly the size of a quarter, which fit snugly against her clit.La Petite sat near the corner of Post and 3rd. It was one of Daisy's favorite places to study. The storefront overlooked 3rd...

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NubileFilms Elena Lux Hot Hook Up

Elena Lux has dressed to impress in a bra and thong that really highlight her tan and curves. High heels complete the getup. With Kristof Cale seated in a chair, Elena poses in bed with her hands moving from the treat of her tits to the lushness of her ass. Rolling onto her back, Elena spreads her thighs and then draws her knees back so she can fondle her pussy over her thong. When she returns to her knees, she runs her fingers through her long hair as she inches closer to the edge of the bed....


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