Vermieter indian porn

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Der Vermieter das schwarze Brett

Die junge blonde Frau stand aufgeregt vor dem Vermietungsbüro. Ihre Freundin hatte keine Zeit also musste sie allein den Mietvertrag unterschreiben. Sie wartete hier nun schon etwa 15 Minuten. "Ich bin schon da" rief es hinter ihr. "ich bin leider total im Stress und hab auch nur wenig Zeit. Kommen sie doch bitte rein" Er war der Verwalter. Etwa 35 Jahre alt aber noch in Form. Als er ihr den Stuhl zurückschob streifte er ihren Hintern. "Sind sie schon fertig eingezogen? Ich sah ihren...

3 years ago
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Die Vermieterhure

Mein Name ist Nora Zeitlos und ich möchte ihnen heute meine Geschichte erzählen! Alles fing damit an, das meine Mutter das dritte Mal heiratete. Als sich auch noch Nachwuchs in form von Zwillingen ankündigte, mußten Felix und ich uns sehr schnell um eigene Wohnungen bemühen. Für meinen älteren Bruder war das auch kein Problem. Felix war damals schon 24 und hatte einen Beruf gelernt und stand im Arbeitsleben. Ich allerdings war grade 18, ich hatte das Abi versaut und jobbte nebenher in einer...

2 years ago
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Austauschsemester von Smaragdvenus Ich war verzweifelt ... jetzt war ich 4 Wochen in Rom und musste mein WG- Zimmer schon wieder r?umen. Das Geb?ude hatte einen Wasserschaden und musste komplett saniert werden. Anscheinend war das Fundament und Mauerwerk in Mitleidenschaft gezogen worden und alle Mieter mussten sich was Neues suchen. Ich wollte unbedingt nach Italien f?r mein Austauschsemester und Rom war wirklich ein Traum. Meine beste Freundin Vanessa hatte auch dort einen Platz bek...

3 years ago
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Mein Name ist Erika, und ich bin eine 42 jährige Jura-Professorin, bzw. war ich das einmal. Aber beginnen wir von vorne... Ich begann meine Karriere als Anwältin in einer kleinen Kanzlei in Berlin. Allerdings war mir eine Familie zu haben immer wichtiger. Mit 28 heiratete ich meinen Mann Paul und kurz darauf bekamen wir ein Kind. Für 12 Jahre lebten wir glücklich zusammen in einem kleinen Haus am Rande Berlins, bis mich mein Mann betrog. Darauf schmiss ich ihn sofort raus. Aber er, selbst...

3 years ago
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Lisa das Annoncen Luder

So ein Mist -- Lisa sah verständnislos in ihr Portemonnaie. Aber darin klimperten nur noch ein paar wenige Münzen Kleingeld. Und übermorgen würde Meier, ihr Vermieter, wieder vor ihrer Tür stehen. Eben hatte er nur gedroht. "Lisa," hatte er gesagt, "ich kann ja verstehen, dass euch Studenten manchmal das Geld ausgeht. Vor allem Mädels wie dir, du gibst bestimmt viel für deine Kleidung aus. Aber auch ich muss leben. Du bist mit deiner Miete jetzt seit zwei Wochen überfällig. Ich komme am Freitag...

2 years ago
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The Hollywood Files

Nicolas Brandon sahs im Flieger nach Amerkia und dachte darüber nach was als nächstes passieren würde. Er dachte aber auch darüber nach was bisher so alles passiert war. Er dachte über die Konsequenzen seiner Handlung nach. Er wusste natürlich so in etwa was denn passieren könnte, aber man kann ja nie wissen. Man kann die Situation einfach nicht einschätzen. Man kann nie wissen was das Gerät denn noch alles anstellen konnte. Denn so etwas gab es noch nie. Bisher noch nie - bis jetzt zuminddest....

4 years ago
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Der Flaschengeist Teil 6

Der unvermeidliche Disclaimer Diese folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum des Autors der in dieser Community das Pseudonym "Drachenwind" tr?gt und von ihm frei erfunden, ?hnlichkeiten mit real existierenden Personen und/oder Orten sind rein zuf?llig. Es ist ausdr?cklich verboten, diese Storie f?r kommerzielle Zwecke zu nutzen. Finanzielle Vorteile d?rfen mit dieser Storie nicht erwirtschaftet werden. Kurz gesagt, Ver?ffentlichungsverbot f?r alle kostenpflichtigen Foren oder Webs...

3 years ago
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Die WG Teil 1

The following story is a collaboration between Miss-Germany and me, the story is in german, given time i'll translate everything. Die folgende Geschichte ist eine Zusammenarbeit von Miss-Germany und mir, bei mir ist es der erste Versuch was L?ngeres zu schreiben, daher freue ich mich auf Kritik. -Jean Laura: Es war leicht. so leicht. Und doch unendlich feige. Ich hatte mit dem Gedanken gespielt, einfach ?ber das Gel?nder der Br?cke zu hopsen, auf der ich gerade ging. Besann mich aber e...

2 years ago
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Die neue Wohnung Teil 2 Gedem uuml tigt im Treppenhaus

Nur die Namen sind frei erfunden!Frau Weber und unser Immobilienmakler verließen lachend unsere Wohnung, die Haustür fiel krachend ins Schloss.Es herrschte Stille! Es war alles so surreal...war das eben wirklich passiert?Ich schaute zu meiner Ehefrau. Sie hatte das Gesicht immer noch voll mit dickflüssigem Sperma, ihr ganzes Gesicht war besudelt, ihre Titten hatten auch was abbekommen. Sie sah aus wie eine Hure, nur noch mit High-Heels bekleidet, völlig nackt stand sie vor mir. Ihre Wangen...

2 years ago
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Steffi jung fett dumm geil und in Schwierigkeiten

Reiner war früher ein ziemlicher Hengst gewesen und liebte es seinen Schwanz in alle erreichbaren Löcher reinzustecken. Jetzt war er doch etwas älter geworden und leider solo. Natürlich hatte er immer noch Lust zu ficken, aber wenig Gelegenheiten auf Sex mit einer Frau. Also schaute er sich Pornos an oder fotografierte heimlich Frauen und Mädchen, um sich dann auf ihre ausgedruckten Bilder einen runterzuholen. In letzter Zeit war seine Neigung auf Pornos zu wichsen etwas zurückgegangen und das...

2 years ago
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Die eigene Wohnung

Kaum volljährig geworden sind die beiden Freundinnen Antje und Sabine einfach von zu Hause ausgezogen und haben sich ihre erste gemeinsame Wohnung in der 80 km entfernten Großstadt gemietet. Die Dreizimmerwohnung in einem schäbigen, ausschließlich von Ausländern bewohnten Mietshaus ist zwar nicht sehr repräsentativ, aber geräumig und vor allem für die jungen Mädchen einigermaßen erschwinglich. Als erstes wollen sie sich einen Job suchen, um die demnächst fällige Miete bezahlen zu können. Ihr...

2 years ago
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Wie ich zur Hure wurde

Mein Name ist Karin. Ich arbeite seit etwa einem Jahr in einem exclusiven Club. Genauer gesagt, ich befriedige dort die sexuellen Wünsche der Männer. Ich bin eine Hure geworden. Wie es dazu kam, möchte ich hier berichten. Völlig deprimiert kam ich nach Hause. Wir hatten gerade erfahren, dass unser Betrieb in Konkurs gegangen war und das wir unsere noch ausstehenden Gehälter nicht bekommen würden. Unser Chef hatte sich ins Ausland abgesetzt und vorher alle Konten bis auf den letzten Cent...

4 years ago
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Nach geraumer Zeit habe ich mich entschlossen, doch wieder mal eine Story zu posten. Achtung, ziemlich hart, nicht für zarte Gemüter!Roman von MasostudRoman , © 1991 by Masostud bis -----------------------Menschenraub in ArabienGay, M/mm, S&M, Pony-Play, Slavery, breeding, interracialSadomasochistisch-perverse Sklaverei im 20. JahrhundertPrivatdruckVorwort:Jedes Jahr verschwinden in Deutschland an die zehntausend Personen beiderlei Geschlechts; auf das Vereinte Europa gerechnet sind es mehr...

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Die Ferienh uuml tte

Sie freuten sich schon seit einem Monat auf ihren Urlaub, schon seit dem Tag, an dem sie die kleine Hütte gebucht hatten, abgeschieden, an einem klaren Bergsee, nur umgeben von Wäldern und Bergen.Als der letzte Arbeitstag vorbei war, schwangen sie sich gut gelaunt ins Auto und fuhren zu der Berghütte. „Was ist denn da los?“ fragte Fred, als sie vor der Hütte ankamen. „Weiß nicht, vielleicht die Putzfrau … ?“ „Hallo, habt Ihr Euch verfahren?“ „Nein, wir sind schon richtig hier. Wir haben diese...

2 years ago
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Mein neues Leben

Tag 0 (Samstag) Mein Name ist Frank Heinrichs und ich bin reich. Ich bin nicht reich geboren, sondern habe mir alles hart erarbeitet. Erst als Investmentbanker bei Goldman & Sachs und anschlie?end selbstst?ndig. Au?erdem hatte ich Gl?ck, das muss ich ganz klar sagen. Aber ich habe auch K?pfchen und den Mut meine Pl?ne umzusetzen. Nun bin ich 38 Jahre alt und habe 150 Mio. Euro auf der Bank. Ich gehe nicht mehr arbeiten, sondern genie?e das Leben. Frauen sind meine gro?e Leidenschaft. Das Ge...

3 years ago
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Ein Urlaub der keiner werden sollte

Ein Urlaub, der keiner werden sollte... ( Katrin...2017) Teil 1 Einleitung Als ich nach getaner Arbeit meinen Arbeitsplatz verlie?, wusste ich damals nicht so genau, was mich im Leben noch so erwartet. Mein Urlaubsantrag war genehmigt worden, von der Gesch?ftsf?hrung und auf die Sp?tteleien, meiner Kollegen, wegen meines femininen Aussehens, reagierte ich schon lange nicht mehr. In meinen Gedanken fragte ich mich immer, was w?re eigentlich, wenn die w?ssten dass ich ein Transvestit, mit T...

3 years ago
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Rahel Erziehung einer Jungfotze

Rahel - Erziehung einer Jungfotze (Teil 1 - 27) =============================================== by Alphatier, © 2014/2015*         *kopieren, ausdrucken, reposten ist alles erlaubt Entgleist       Alles begann, als meine Frau mir vor drei Monaten heulend erklärte, dass es aus ist. Einfach so hatte sie plötzlich mit ihrem kleinen blauen Sportrucksack in der Küchentür gestanden und mich mit einer Mischung aus Schuldbewusstsein, Vorwurf und Selbstmitleid angesehen, während ich nur zitternd am...

4 years ago
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Menschenraub in Arabien GERMAN

Roman von MasostudRoman , ? 1991 by MasostudMenschenraub in ArabienSadomasochistisch-perverse Sklaverei im 20. JahrhundertPrivatdruckVorwort:Jedes Jahr verschwinden in Deutschland an die zehntausend Personen beiderlei Geschlechts; auf das Vereinte Europa gerechnet sind es mehr als f?nfzigtausend. Zwar tauchen knapp 90% der Vermissten ?ber kurz oder lang wieder auf, aber wo bleibt der Rest? Entweder werden sie tot aufgefunden, sind verungl?ckt oder durch Verbrechen zu Tode gekommen, ein Teil...

4 years ago
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Luzufers heimt ckischer Eros

Key-words: FemDom, Oral duty, cunnilingus anilingus, dirty, golden shower, consensual bugging & sex, cheating, pregn,. Luzifers heimt?ckischer Eros Von MASOSTUD ? 2010 by Masostud Alle Rechte vorbehalten / all rights reserved.  Inhalt/ Summary: Martin k?mpft um seine Arbeitslosigkeitsunterst?tzung, denn er f?hlt sich von einer hinterlistigen Frau ruiniert, deren Rache seine Existenz vernichtet hat. Aber zuvor muss er seinen ungew?hnlichen Werdegang mit sexuellen Perversionen bekennen.VORWORT: Das ...

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Die Rache

Die Rache (BDSM Hardcore) von anonymThema: F/Vergewaltigung/Fesselung/sado-maso/Folter/BruesteSeit fast 3 ? Jahren bin ich dabei diesen Plan ausreifen zu lassen und ihn zu perfektionieren.Immer wieder habe ich Kleinigkeiten gefunden, welche alles zunichte machen k?nnen.Immer wieder war die Angst gr??er als der Mut.Nun war es aber soweit, zu lange musste ich warten und zu lange wurde ich gedem?tigt.Wenn ich mich kurz vorstellen darf, ich bin Sven, 24 Jahre alt und Leiter einer Werbeagentur die ...

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Majas Ferienabenteuer Teil 1

Vor dem Haus standen einige Linden, dessen Blätter bereits dem Herbst verfallen waren und den Boden rund um das Haus herum bunt färbten. Wabernder Nebel umhüllte die kahlen Bäume und verlieh ihnen einen gruseligen und mystischen Anblick.“Wow, schau dir das an, Hannes. Das sieht ja wunderbar aus.”Mein Freund, den Blick starr auf die kaum zu sehende Straße gerichtet, lächelte nur. Er weiß genau, wie sehr ich auf Panorama-Ausblicke und Ferien fernab der Zivilisation stehe. “Das ist ein wirklich...

2 years ago
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FBMO Club For Black Men Only

(subbi42© gefunden bei und leicht abgewandelt)So hatte ich mir mein Leben nicht vorgestellt, als ich von zu Hause in die Großstadt in eine eigene Wohnung wegzog und endlich frei sein wollte. Schnell waren meine Ersparnisse aufgebraucht und vielfach vergeblich hatte ich mich um einen Job bemüht. Jetzt stand mir das „Wasser bis zum Hals" und meine Lage war mehr als verzweifelt. Ein Job musste her, egal was auch immer. In dieser Stimmung sah ich in der U-Bahn als ich einstieg ein...

4 years ago
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Sicher hat jeder schon einmal zu viel ?ber den Durst getrunken. Das erste Mal, das ich noch gut in Erinnerung hatte, war bei mir in den sp?ten Teens gewesen. Ich wusste Alkohol schlicht nicht einzusch?tzen, und versch?tzte mich gewaltig. An alles kann ich mich auch nicht mehr erinnern, gegen den sp?teren Abend wird es undeutlich, bis dann gar nichts mehr da ist. Die Folgen am n?chsten Tag waren nat?rlich katastrophal, das Leiden riesig gro?. Und trotz dieser h?chst unangenehmen Folgen passierte es...

2 years ago
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Die Forschungsreise

Die Forschungsreise (Katrin *2013/ 2014) Teil 1 Einleitung Die Schule war vorbei und ich hatte mal wieder Semesterferien. Mein Studium besch?ftigte sich mit den Mythen und Sagen der verschollenen Mysterien, die sich um die Mayas rankten. Das hatte mich schon immer fasziniert und aus diesem Grunde, hatte ich an einem verregneten Sommertag einen Termin in der B?cherei unserer Hochschule. Die blonde Bibliothekarin kannte mich inzwischen als B?cherwurm und begr??te mich, wie immer, wenn ic...

4 years ago
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Spass einer Vermieterin

Susannes Ehemann gehören mehrere Häuser. Die meisten davon hat er in kleine Wohneinheiten teilen lassen, die er an Studenten vermietet. Überteuert versteht sich. Die Verwaltung dieser Wohnungen überlässt er Susanne. Susanne hat eh nichts in die Ehe mitgebracht, sie sah nur einmal sehr gut aus und hat sich damals eine überhebliche Arroganz angewöhnt, weil sie dachte, ihr Aussehen hielte ewig. Inzwischen sieht Susanne zwar immer noch sehr gut aus - aber sie ist keine 18 mehr. Doch die Bürobotin...

2 years ago
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Partyfolgen 2

Vorwort Dies ist eigentlich eine Femdom Geschichte, wurde mir erstaunt klar. Wo ich doch Femdom nicht mag. Aber da sind vor meinem geistigen Auge die unz?hligen Geschichten, wo eine Frau ihren Mann knechtet. So eine Geschichte ist dies garantiert nicht. Trotzdem - ein Mann wird feminisiert. Nicht freiwillig, aber auch nicht so richtig gezwungen. Er wird manipuliert, stolpert von einem Ereignis ins n?chste. Aber ist nicht so unser ganzes Leben, manipuliert von der Werbung? Tina ...

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Outdoor Anal Fucking

Outdoor Anal FuckingBy: Londebaaz Chohan Now Frank was sure that his girlfriend; Julia was bisexual and like most men although, he was fascinated to watch 2 women having a good go at sex and not only having fun but also entertaining the spectators; he was not willing to share his girlfriend even with another girl and every time Julia tried to wheel him in for a FMF threesome with her confidant and lesbian play partner Molly, somehow he wiggled out successfully. So far so good but he was trying...

2 years ago
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A new world to explore

Ugh, another day of packing; I’ve always hated moving. When I started college, when I moved into my first apartment, when I moved in with my ex-boyfriend, that was a mistake, and now I’m moving in with my new husband. My new husband, oh how I love to say that, is at work and I’m packing up things in my apartment. I neatly place things in their proper boxes. This will go to the house, this will go to storage, this will go to donation or that will go to the trash bin. There’s a pile of clothes on...

Group Sex
1 year ago
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Vixen Kendra Sunderland Nia Nacci Sex Next To Me

It’s Kendra’s first summer back from college and a few high school friends have rented out a house for the weekend – it was meant to be a few girls and a little fun, but it turned into something a little wilder than that. Even though she can’t remember all the details, she knows they had a blast. After crashing out and waking up in the morning, she finds herself with some company – one of her friends and a really hot guy from the party the night before. The whole...

2 years ago
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The Untamed Shrew

This wasn’t her, she thought to herself as she allowed this handsome, rugged stranger to drag her through the back door of the bar. She wasn’t a slut, she wasn’t easy and she certainly wasn’t one to fuck in a back alley. She was classy, she was sophisticated and she was moralistic. Oh fuck it, she thought to herself. She was horny, she was desperate and she was definitely too far along now. Her petite frame was seized in his large, calloused hands the second the door slammed to. With an...

3 years ago
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Hayley s naughty night out with her sister

The door opened behind her and her sister, Chloe, walked into the room. A dirty blonde with a slim frame and big lips, she looked great in her sky blue trousers and a top that exposed her tight stomach. ‘Hey sis, ready to go?’ ‘Yep’ replied Hayley, adjusting her low-cut top to expose her breasts a little more ‘You’re not thinking of him, are you? Tonight’s not about him, it’s about you having fun’ ‘I know, I know’ said Hayley, hugging her sister tightly before pulling...

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3 Some Sex With Bhabhi Maid

In my previous story I told u abt how I first had lesbian sex with my newly wedded I am going to tell u about our encounter after 7 was the month of march in 1999 when i went to mamta’s house,in jabalpur with my son n daughter.she was also pregnant by now.she was waiting eagerly for me to come.though we used to do phone sex every day but it was not enough for us.we were waiting to become one.we reached her house at 2:30 children were sleepy so they went immediately to...

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Tea Party

I was 15 when I first landed in Jail, for the next hour I was bent over my bed and humped relentlessly....Sometimes I think my uncle takes Monopoly for too seriously... That was me far too serious about everything, until I met Harry one night on Willesden Junction station..thats my first story read that here first My first real time of being used for his pleasure. We met a couple of times after that always alone and his control over me was...

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Great experiance

Was posted by my company to a small town in Maharashtra. Good job that came with a decent flat. I was a single guy, 24 years old, living by myself. Wanted to get laid badly. Always had a thing for sexy maharashtrian women, particularly the voluptuous �bai�s� with their tight, curvy bodies, big tits, and long, long dark hair. Always fantasized about pulling open a bai�s �juda� or bun of hair and fucking her doggie style. I knew that I would do anything to fulfill that fantasy....

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Penis Shrinking from Chastity

Penis Shrinking from ChastityAfter losing my GF Eva to her lover big black cock, I was pretty depressed. I knew that my 2 inch skinny penis was not big enough to satisfy any experienced women. Sure it was fine as a teenager fucking young girls, but in my mid thirties I figured pussy for me was likely to be rare.While reading pornography on the web I discovered stories about small penis humiliation and became entranced, seeking out more and more. Eventually I encountered stories about little...

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Becoming A Slut Husband Ben

It came as a surprise to me that there are women who are willing to go to bed with a man simply because he is married and therefore considered "safe." It doesn't seem to matter to them whether he is good looking or ugly (well maybe not ugly, but not all that great looking), rich or poor, well dressed or in jeans and a T-shirt just as long as he is married. I've met several in the last two years and they all have the same thing in common; they want sex without any commitment and that...

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Nashik Aur Mumbai Ke Bich Bus Mein Chudayi

Hi. I am Kapil age 26 from Nashik city. I have submitted a few stories previously also. This story is a new adventure. Let me know if you like the story. my email is I am 5″10 in height, good looking, fair, strong urge for sex daily. I was once traveling from Nashik to Mumbai to get USA visa. My appointment for the USA embassy in Bandra Kurla complex was of morning 11 AM. But my XUV car did not start in the early morning as the battery got drained as the lights of the car were kept on all...

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Becoming A Sissy Slut Part 1

It was a Friday evening in late January as I walked through the lounge in the back of a bar in downtown Spokane Washington. A friend from work named Mark had invited me to come to his wife’s 30th birthday party and even though I didn’t know her, it was a good excuse to get out of my apartment. I had just moved to Spokane the previous fall, taking a job as an engineer for large road building company. At 21 years old and just out of college, I was pretty proud to start out with a $60,000 a...

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Written in Blood Prelude

Sunrise sizzled the morning dew that had settled on my bedroom window. In my arms, her once vibrant, naked body lay still and silent, bathed in warm dawn hues of pink and gold. Cold sweat dripped from her smooth skin, as I looked lovingly at her peaceful face. For the first and last time in our lives, my sister Jenny and I had made love, and nothing would ever be the same again. It was the morning of my seventeenth birthday, and like no other day, before or since, it looms large in my memory....

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Bhai Bahan

Hi dosto mai ajay ek baar phir aap logo ki seva me hajir hu ek nai kahani lekar waise to aap log mere baare me jaante hi hai is liye koi parichay ki aavashyakta nahi hai ham sidhe kahani par aate hai ye kahani ek aisi ladki ki hai jise maine uske bhai ke saath milkar choda baat aisi hai ki jyoti ek behad khubsurat ladki hai shant swabhav sidha sachcha bolchal samanya ladkiyon ke tarah rahan sahan lekin wo itani chudakkad hogi iska andaja nahi tha mujhe kya pata tha ki ek samaya ladki chudwate...

3 years ago
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The Story of Charlie

STORY OF CHARLIE I checked in the full length hall mirror before leaving the house. I was more than happy with the way I look. I locked the front door and strolled down the drive to my car, I got in and backed out of the driveway, no need to change my shoes, these are only three inch heels. As I drive to the railway station to catch my train to London. I smiled to myself realizing how much enjoyment I now get out of life. I am wearing a simple navy three quarter sleeve jersey dress,...

4 years ago
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Sex With A Tenant

Hi friends I’m completely new to this site comprising of sexual stories. Well, this is my first story which I’m going to share with you guys/chicks, but first I would like to introduce myself to u. My name is Allan(name changed)I’m an Soft Eng student I’ve completed my external courses such as grad,pgdca,dim. Let me not waste my time and make you feel restless. Here’s my story, I Live with my parents in Belgium (karnataka)in our own house, it’s a double stored building consisting two more...

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Love of PoliticsChapter 2 1991 A Political Junkie Finds Sexuality

Thinking it over - Home and Hearth "You were great last night, you sexy devil!" His-fresh shaved face nuzzled my ear and I smiled without opening my eyes. "I gave them their cereal, so you can sleep in for half an hour." David lingered and fondled my bare breasts while he nuzzled my neck. "Thanks. I'm almost awake," I said. "You're a brute. Just look at the state you left me in." He laughed with self-congratulating pleasure. "I gotta go, see you tonight!" I sat up and then...

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Shoplyfter Haley Spades Blondie Gets Caught And Searched

When Haley Spades is brought to the backroom for suspected theft, it’s the perfect opportunity for Officer Jack Vegas to coach fellow Officer Billy Boston and teach him how to do a proper interrogation, pat-down and cavity search. Haley denies even stealing everything but Officer Vegas assures her that they caught her on camera and demands that they search her backpack where Officer Boston finds a bunch of stolen merchandise. Now they proceed to do a strip search and a deep cavity search, and...

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A Spider s Web Ch 07

The characters in this story are property of Marvel comics. I have used them in honor of the comic series and admiration for the characters. This story is original and is in no way tied to any of the canons of the Marvel Universe (to save myself the grief of working with time lines). This story contains adult material of a sexual nature. If it is illegal for you to view such material, turn back now. This work is copyrighted to the author. Do not post this on any other site or use it for...

4 years ago
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Rwby Verse Reality Relic

"All characters in this story are at least 18 years old. In the event that they are canonically underage, their appearance here is in an AU in which they are of age." Once upon a time, a higher power of some kind made a very special item for some crazy reason, perhaps he was drunk or maybe bored because he decided to create an item that was granted the power so that whoever weilds it can change reality to suit their desires: Anything and everything can be changed and no one but the user of this...

Mind Control
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You Getting Any Pussy

She decided she’d done her official mourning long enough. She didn’t miss her second husband too much; he’d not been her best choice, kind of a dud in a lot of ways. Myra was a vigorous gal, just heading into her Social Security period and so had enough money to get by without any serious issues. It was time to make her life a lot more interesting than it had been for the last few years as she nursed her late husband through his dying. She went to the wellness center and started working out...

2 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 35

Beep ... Beep ... Beep... 'Someday I am going to hunt down the inventor of that beeping machine, and when I do, I'll kill him in his sleep, ' I thought as I swam towards wakefulness. "Man, Oh Man. What a weird dream," I said out loud. The next thing I heard was a loud squeal and things hitting the floor. The door flew open and two very large, menacing looking men stormed in with drawn guns, pointing at everything and nothing. Beside me a young woman stood shaking, looking at me like I...

2 years ago
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Neighbors Adventure 1

Neighbors Adventure 1 Your wife discovers your neighbor’s window curtains were open at night and she saw your neighbor Tom cross-dressed and primping in the mirror with his wife helping.My wife Sophie was excited when she came to me and said, “Harry, come and see what I am seeing,” and off we went to the bedroom window looking across our 30ft house separation into an un-curtained window. We both looked and our neighbors were having a fun time with Tina and Tom playing dress up, Tina was doing...

3 years ago
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The Dinner Party Part 2 It Begins

Each of the wives walked in smiling, handed their husbands a glass of wine, and sat beside each of them respectively.  Each couple sat closely together as if to say, “Of course I love who I came here with.” Charles spoke first.  “What took you guys so long?  Wait.  I just remembered; that wasn’t a long time for the three of you.  In fact, that was probably the shortest conversation the three of you have ever had!”  We appreciated the humor and the attempt to start things off on a friendly note....

Group Sex
3 years ago
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This is for Carole Pt 2

Suddenly, out of the blue, and earth shattering scream.... all 3 of us leap out of bed, instantly awake, and there stands the Chambermaid, eyes wide and towels and sheets on the floor between her feet.... OMG ...we forgot to put the 'Do Not Disturb' notice on the hotel room door..... Fuck !!!! what to do.... Roo being quick on her feet nips across and puts her arms around the frightened womans' shoulders.... erm Sorry Sorry we all say at the same time, and suddenly she starts laughing, really...

1 year ago
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Initiaton Into BDSM

*** Initiation into cock and pussy She lurched forward being led by the leash that was attached to the collar around her neck, as the cadence of the drum kept up its low beat. Bound, gagged and blindfolded she could only guess where she was being led. The cloaked men and women of the group known as C&P ( Cock and Pussy), stood in a circle as they watched. This young woman had agreed to this required ritual which was a necessity for anyone wishing to become a member. Now in the center of the...

2 years ago
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Fucking with lady coligue

Hi Friends,Im Sandeep(Name changed), 35 years old working for a MNC in Aurangabad.I want to share my experience at Europe during my stay.Every year our company sends me to Europe for technical Upgradations. Im Visiting our head office since 2003.In our department my German lady coliegue Barbara becomes friendly with in few days.She is 31 years old, brown hair and un married and most beatiful woman i saw. She is having good height of 5 F 10In. where im At 5 Feet 8 Inches. She is having Great...

3 years ago
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Fist time

]The best time I ever had sex was definitely my first. I was with my girlfriend on a date to see Alien. Nice long movie to get turned on by, and it was a horror, so I could start by holding her hand. I figured it wouldn't be good for IN the movie theater, but, you know..We went home, and we fucked each other. Hard.Anyway, everything went as planned. We made out in the parking lot for a few minutes, we watched the movie, I held her hand, and at least I got turned on in anxiety. When I drove home...

3 years ago
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Well dean picked us up at 8o'clock, from Carlisle as arranged. Emma jumped in the front, me in the back, sitting in the back was an older guy I'd not meet before called Dorian, he was in is 30‘s dean explained that he was a prop in the team, but we had to drop him off on the way as he had to get home to the wife. We'd only been driving a few minutes, before i felt Dorian hand sliding up my leg, and into my thong, and without hesitation, slipped a thick rough finger into me. He told dean to pull...

2 years ago
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Gemmas First Time

I tremble with nerves as I wrap my arms around his neck and lean into him. Jack leans down and kisses me, a soft, tender kiss which calms me a little, before entwining his fingers through my hair and pulling me in for a deeper kiss. He bites my lip and arousal sparks through me, dispelling the last of my nerves. I pull him down onto the bed and sit as he straddles me, hands roving over my back, my collarbone, my breasts, my stomach. He guides me into a vertical position and lies beside me,...

3 years ago
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Caught By Elder Sister

Hi friends this is Niralee from Ahmadabad. This is my first and real sex story where me and my bf caught having sex by my sister and later joins us. Mail me at for comments and reviews. A small introduction of the characters. Main Characters are: Niralee – Me 22 Years Sunny – My bf 23 Years Radhika (Married) – Elder Sister 26 Years Lets come directly to the story, this happens 1 month ago at my sister home. Me and my bf went at my sister home at 2 Noon for watching movies and some masti time...

4 years ago
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Die Hunde Sitterin

Die Anzeige lautete nette Hilfe für das Ausführen meines pflegeleichten Mischlings-Hundes gesucht. Alle männlichen Bewerber wurden sofort aussortiert. Einige der junge Frauen wurden nacheinander eingeladen. Ziel war es eine Mischung zu finden, die einen besonders hohen Stundenlohn wollte und möglichst dringend Geld brauchte aber auch vernünftig aussah. Vernünftig bedeutete in diesem Fall mindestens 1,7m groß Körbchengröße B bis C, keinesfalls größer. Tageslichttauglichkeit vom Gesicht her war...

4 years ago
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A Haunting LoveChapter 16

That night, when Ramona got home, she was preoccupied with wedding plans and sat at the kitchen table with stacks of lists and invitations and other things associated with the wedding. When Debbie offered to help her she waved her hand, saying that it was fun, even though she didn't look like she was having that much fun. Debbie took her brother and pulled him to her bedroom. "I love you." she told him, standing in front of him almost close enough that her breasts touched him. "I know...

5 years ago
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Cumming or Going

I prey on the helpless and the young. I prey only on those that are as beautiful as I am. I am not conceited. It's a fact. The more gorgeous they are, the sweeter their cum tastes. Every night I roam the dark lit streets searching. Sniffing the air for the smell of sexual heat and young hot hormones. Searching for that special someone that I could feed off and you never know one day, someone I could love. I have never met anyone yet who had the same sexual desires and stamina as I do. ...

2 years ago
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The SurrenderChapter 2

It had to be on a weekend of course. The townhome in the city was totally inadequate for my plans. For one thing, there was a citizen's crime watch, which really means a patrol of nosy neighbors that would not react kindly to a woman's screams in the middle of the night. No, that just would not do. I had to prepare everything. Later on, I would let Richard handle all the details; that would surely add to the excitement, the anticipation. Not this time; this time I had to do it myself. Not...

2 years ago
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my after school snack

Dear diary: yesterday keeps replaying in my head “Oh... Ohhhh yes fuck my tight teen pussy fuck it hard” was all I could say as I watched the muscular gardener plunge into my hot, wet hole. He was hammering me so hard I could feel it in my stomach. My panties are beginning to get wet even as I write this. Damn he was so fucking hot, I can cum just saying his name alone…Justin... oh fuck I want him again. It all started when I got home yesterday. I saw him in our backyard he startled me at...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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A very good view 3 P

A very good view i had with my sister always in the period that i am recounting from my previouses stories :-P. It was a late morning before the lunch, we were in autumn and not did more much hot it was started the cold but, in the house ... and when you have the sister hottie :-P (but anyway a good girl :-P), at a certain point i hear the voice of my sister from inside her room that she talks to the cellular and i don't know of who it was or a friend or a bf or a lover :-P, anyway seemed me...

3 years ago
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Benidorm SlutsChapter 2

Once showered and rested we chatted for ages, telling each other about our lives, family lives and sex lives. Geoff and Mags had three kids and now had four grandchildren too. They came from a seaside town in Yorkshire, England (Scarborough). I told them my hubby was originally from not far away in the North East of England (Newcastle Upon Tyne). We remained naked for the conversation and whilst that may sound odd, with the heat and the situation it felt really natural and comfortable. Mags...

5 years ago
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Snippets Susan or Virginity Lost

Susan technically took my virginity. I had done quite a lot with other girls by then, but never the deed. I'd rather not say my actual age, because it's a trifle embarrassing, but I was a bit older than I should have been. It was a plan, really. I asked Susan if she would like to go for a ride (I had a motorcycle) and after a few scheduling problems we finally found ourselves setting out one fine summer Saturday morning. I picked Susan up at her apartment. I had carried passengers before,...

2 years ago
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Double TakeChapter 47

“Because I didn’t cross universes to return to life, simply to die again.” —G.S. Jennsen, Requiem I WOKE UP on July Fourth with a wet shoulder. Em was crying and by the amount of slobber and tears on me, she must have been crying for a long time. Her hair was stringy and didn’t seem to be clean. I’d never seen Em not taking care of herself. I petted her and held her while she sobbed against me. “I don’t want to go! Why do they make us leave everything and go do fucking service? I don’t...

4 years ago
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Letting Loose

Last night we had a small pool party at our place with some sexy couples that ended up way more wild than we anticipated.   The event evolved into an incredibly erotic, suck & fuck-fest… We did our first full swap!   However, what happened after everyone left was just as hot! After everyone was gone, my husband and I were in the kitchen cleaning up the last of the party dishes. I was wearing my micro-bikini top and jean mini-skirt that wonderfully complimented my 34DD’s and sexy curves of my...

3 years ago
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Mama Ke Ladke Ne Gaandu Banaya

Ye tab ki baat hai jab mai garmi ki holidays mnane ke liye apne mama ke ghar jata tha..Mai us waqat kaksha me padta tha. Patang udaane ka shonk to sab ko hota hai.Mujhe bi tha. Mujhe patangbaji ka bohat junoon tha. Mai parents se chori apne dosto ke sath. Patang udata tha.:jab class ki summer holidays hui to mai hamesha ki trah apne mama ke pass holidays bitane chla geya.Mere mama ke do ladke the ek 30 saal ka aur doosra 19 aur 20 ke beech ka tha. Mama g ka bda ldka videsh chla gaya tha..Aur...

3 years ago
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twilight voyeur part 2

It had been almost three weeks since Ellen watched me through the gap in the fence. Each time I went out into the yard I looked to see if she was out there, hoping she might be waiting for another show. The memory of her watching me jerk off was stuck in my head, replaying time and again.Her blue eyes wide and bright, her gaze so focused on my cock as I stroked it. The intensity of the orgasm when my cock exploded and shot the huge load across my torso. The quiver she gave as she reached climax...

3 years ago
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Music of Change 3 We Could Be Heroes

Music of Change: We Could Be Heroes By Valerie Hope I, I will be king And you, you will be queen Though nothing, nothing will drive them away We can beat them - just for one day We can be us - just for one day I, I can remember Standing by the wall And the guns, shot above our heads And we kissed, as though nothing could fall And the shame was on the other side Oh we can beat them, for ever and ever Then we can be heroes, just for one day We can be heroes We can...

4 years ago
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Page SixChapter 16

Last seen: December 4. Eight high school seniors, mentioned multiple times, on a train to Yale. They would later hit Princeton, Harvard, Brown, and UPenn, all together. This would be soon followed by a trip to Tufts, Boston University, Colby, Amherst, Bates, Dartmouth, Williams, Vassar, and Bucknell. Interviews would come later. This time, it was all about the viewing the colleges and partying. Wow, we're going a lot of places ... Emma groaned. Of course they would only apply to a few....

3 years ago
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Massage RealityChapter 2 Debbie Crosses the Line Again

It had been several weeks since Debbie had her sexual encounter with one of her clients. At firs she was afraid that he was a state inspector and she would lose her license but as time passed she became more confident that he wasn't. Today she had two clients, both female. The morning appointment was at 9:00am and the afternoon wasn't until 5:00. At 8:45 the doorbell rang. Gina was right on time as usual. She has been a client for almost two years now and was never late. Debbie walked her...

3 years ago
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My Fantasy Fulfilled by My Asian Lover and Her Sister

I walked up to the door of my home and eased the sliding door open. I walked in and didn't see anybody in the living room, so I started toward the bedroom door. As I approached the door I heard Betty moaning. I eased up to the door and peered in and was surprised at what I saw. My wife was on her back naked moaning as Awn laid out beside her, with Betty's nipple in her mouth and her left hand between Betty's legs gently rubbing her clit. My eyes switched back and forth between Awn's mouth...

2 years ago
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My Sexy Slave Girl Chapter 4 Domination

I wonder how much I have changed ever since I came to Bastinia. Being brought up in the United States, I would never imagine about enslaving another human being, let alone hurting them like the times before the civil war. But for past week I constantly took advantage of my slave girl Korin, and even punished her which would have been un-imaginable in United States. May be this is where I meant to be. The fact that I did all these without an elevation of heart rate or even any remorse...

3 years ago
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My changing fortunes 04

She sounded happy but stressed at the same time. I was warned to watch out, about sex with strangers with no protection. Deep down, I knew of the hazards; but when I’m caught in moment I don’t think with my head, sometimes. Daniela mentioned she will be interstate for 6 more weeks. My ass was sore and my back ached, so I spent the day in bed. I walked like I was 100 and remembered thinking thoughts of; I’m not doing this again. It was Sunday before I went outside and was still ginger and...

3 years ago
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First Time at the Club

But she had been talking with her friend, Mary, a few days ago. Jessica was telling Mary about how she hated the fact that she was still a virgin. Mary's sister, Ella, happened to overhear and interrupted the conversation. She told Jessica that, if she really wanted to lose her virginity, and wasn't picky, to come and check out this club. Ella had said that there were always dozens of guys, most of them hot, who were ready and willing to deflower beautiful girls. So here she stood, near the...

4 years ago
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Helping Daddy at the camera club

Hi there, I'm Daisy, today I had a great day with my Daddy helping out at his Camera Club, so I'm going to write all about it in my diary so I don't forget. I always forget stuff, Daddy says I'm a silly dumb blonde girl but I don't mind because he always gives me a really big hug when he says it.Let me describe myself, I have natural straight blonde hair which is just a bit longer than shoulder length. I've just reached 5 feet tall in my bear feet. My boobs have grown quite a bit lately; I now...

3 years ago
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The Check up

It was a day like any other, well almost. Being a type two diabetic, I must have a check-up every three to six months to check on my blood sugar, cholesterol and such things. The thing is, because of my doctor's early retirement, I had to get a new doctor, the one that was assigned to me was a woman. Don’t get me wrong, I am not a sexist or a prude, just some of the things my old doctor talked to me about and checked, I was a bit uncomfortable talking to a woman about. To make matters worse, I...

4 years ago
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Shipwrecked Part 2

“Wow”, was all I could say as we collapsed together. “Wow indeed”, she responded, “Maybe getting marooned won’t be so bad after all”. And she kissed me, long and languorously, our tongues tasting and sliding gently, over and over, until the sheer sensuality of this stoked the fires again, and turning her over, I slid my hard again cock into her dripping pussy. Once more our passion built, and my cock pistoned into her belly, until her body shivered and pulsated in orgasm after orgasm, and...

Straight Sex
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Sex With A Bouncer With Ice cream And Pussy Juice

Hi Friends this is (Chodo naam mai kya rakha hai) imagine my name whoever you like the most to sleep with from Pune Let me come back to the story and about myself. I like fat and chubby girls. I don’t like thin girls kyu Ki unka chodna kam our chilana jaada hota hai. I am a Team leader in an IT company but on part time basis work as Bouncer for Big events because my brother runs an event management company and he asks me to go to different events when he runs short of Bouncers. Chalo lets start...

4 years ago
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I Fucked My Crush After A Saturday Night Party

Hello friends and my dear Indian sex stories readers. I’m Raj from Visakhapatnam of 21 years old. I used to read stories daily before I go to sleep, but today my own experience had made me write this. I would like to welcome all your compliments and comments on my experience and help me to improve the way I approach someone next time in my life. Let me tell you about my experience with my junior. Her name is Kezia (changed). She is in the third year and I’m in final year of B.Tech. I never...

2 years ago
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TittyAttack Sidney Alexis Studying For The Titty Test

Sidney Alexis was nice enough to tutor one of her friends from school. The only problem is that he focuses more on Sidney’s huge knockers than he does on the study material! This proved to be more evident than ever at today’s study session. Sidney caught him staring at her tits for the longest and he wouldn’t even respond to her questions! The only way to fix this is to let him get a taste. Sidney allowed him to not just rub, but taste and fuck her outrageous shoulder boulders. This was one of...

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CindyChapter 43

Wednesday was a good day, too. I walked out of my office and dropped a fresh CD on Sara's desk. "Gonna need that one printed out and in a binder, lady. Got the title page an' everything. Two copies." She laughed. "And nobody had to go beg you for it?" "I'm past the begging stage. How's Johnny an' the new job?" She smiled. "He's lovin' it. You don't know how happy I am that he's outta the construction game." "I can imagine," I smiled. "What do the kids think?" She...

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Deputy PorterChapter 34

The time seemed to be going by faster than before. I still hated the time I ran, every damn second of the thirty minutes. All I could hope for was that it passed quickly and it did. I looked for something to occupy my mind and it come lately in the form of the party at Gypsy Allen's house. The question was also in my mind was what in the world did they do there. What had gotten the 7year old killed was of course the big question. Of course there was alway the who dun it. By the time I made...

2 years ago
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A Saint and A Sinner Ch 12

Nick walked into his office whistling, in too good of a mood to let much bother him. Despite the lack of sleep, another body found, and his upcoming dressing down by the sheriff, he felt like a million bucks. He opened the door, pausing when he saw Michelle sitting behind his desk. Her head was leaning against her hand which was propped up on the wooden surface, her eyes were closed and her mouth was opened slightly. He could hear the deep, even sound of her breathing from here. He stood...

2 years ago
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Hannah s Desire Ch 02

Hannah couldn’t stop thinking about Ian’s cock all day. Because of her roommates alarm going off that morning, Ian had no choice but to leave her wanting more. As she was leaving her desk at work, Hannah left her mug on her desk. Stupid. After she parked her car and went inside, she threw her keys and purse on her couch. ‘Hello?’ She impatiently shouted. Nobody was home. What a sign of relief. Hannah carelessly threw her heels in her room, then headed towards her bathroom. A bath seemed nice,...

4 years ago
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Charlotte and the Chocolate FactoryChapter 5 Small Problem

"Wilco, can we sit down for a moment?" Mrs. Veetee asked. "This pace is killing me." "Not to worry, ma'am," Wilco stated as we turned a corner. "Transportation has been arranged." A large, oddly-shaped vehicle with various tubes winding throughout it stood in front of us. I saw those small women from before pouring liquid into it. "What is it?" Matt asked. "The Wilcomobile!" Wilco said enthusiastically. "It's powered completely by carbonated beverages. Now take your places,...

2 years ago
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Free Love

My parents are from the '60's generation of hippies. They were strong believers in free love and everything that comes with it. They had me when mom was about 22. So considering that I'm 24 now that makes her about 46, they never had another child, so I was growing up with no brothers or sisters. I grew up in what is very typical of such environment. Sex was never a taboo subject and always freely discussed in our household. Even my parents' sexual activities were never a secret. Their...

4 years ago
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DesiderataChapter 9

Penelope accepted Isobel's silence and did not pursue the conversation. She felt that Isobel was in a much better frame of mind even if she was still being stubborn about Gerry. At least she was over what Penelope had thought to herself as approaching suicidal. "Well now," she said, "Henry's going to be home in three-quarters of an hour or so. What would you like to do? Wait and see him? Go home now or spend the night? You'd be very welcome." "Oh no! That's a very kind offer but I...

2 years ago
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Photo fit

A little while ago I was thinking about replacing the mast on my sailing dinghy. It's a Mirror 16, well out of production, and the mast is ... well, elderly. So I got onto ebay and searched for a replacement, or at least something that would do. I found one that could be OK, but I needed some extra pictures of it because it was from a different class, and I wasn't sure where the fittings were. In the event I decided not to go ahead with the purchase because it was about 250 miles away and...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Anna Claire Clouds Lexi Luna March 2022 Fantasy Of The Month

Sometimes you have a neighbor that’s super hot like Lexi Luna. Sometimes that super hot neighbor can tell the couple living nearby has been fucking. Sometimes that super hot neighbor wants to join in. Lexi Luna decides the best way to get in good with her neighbors Anna Claire Clouds and Oliver Flynn is to make her intentions clear. She steps into a lovely sheer bra and thong, then grabs her cell phone. A few naughty selfies later, she chooses the hottest ones and texts them to Anna...

4 years ago
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Condo Living

I moved into a new condo lately. Just three weeks ago, in fact. It’s a nice place, you know, with all the facilities people like to have. Swimming pool, outdoor of course so only available for half the year. A weight room and sauna and what they called a Zen garden. In truth, it was just a short walkway in a space that could be closed in with huge glass panels in the winter like a greenhouse. There were ferns, a few smallish trees and large rocks and benches to sit on. All told, it wasn’t a bad...

4 years ago
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I have a tacit agreement with my man (he is eight-inches and thick) that I can please and be pleased sexually by another man around once a month. We set some basic rules a while back, outer sex only, no intercourse, my man can watch and masturbate. If the second man wants to blow my man I love to watch. Occasionally we have another woman instead of a man to pleasure us both, same rules apply. Something I insist on is the second man must be much younger than me, usually fifteen or twenty-years...

4 years ago
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A Correct DestinyChapter 11

Alaska Air Flight 366 arrived on time, the wheels of the 737 touching down on the runway of Sacramento International's Runway 16R at precisely 3:30 PM. The aircraft taxied slowly to Terminal B and parked at the jetway at 3:38. First class passengers were allowed to deplane first although this did not do them much good since the baggage unloading process moved at its own pace. As such, it was almost four o'clock before Ken, waiting at the bottom of the escalator that brought passengers down...

4 years ago
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The Alpha bet Ch 04

Authors note: This chapter is a little longer than the previous one, and it took a little bit more effort to develop, ’cause just like that saying, ‘Now, the plot thickens.’ Hope you enjoy it. ********** Part One (Against the wall) She was fuming, and just wanted to get home as fast as possible. He didn’t even dare to say a word during the trip to drop her off. She was boiling and any little thing could make her lid pop. He dropped her at the gate of the condo, and drove off. They...

4 years ago
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charity work

Its required every semesterI need to do some charity work for credirs its cold outside Im walking with food boxes from houses to houses on my listdress as a Xmass elf, knocking at door delivering food He shook my hand looking down at me from his 6feet4 his bug dark hand making mine disapear as i shook it''hi there little elf you brought me some food for my mom here i guess''''thanks its really appreciated, the office got offshored and Im only startting to work in a month, a bit hard to pay for...

2 years ago
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Adult Cinema experience

I was in Huddersfield, W Yorkshire a few days ago with a couple of hours to waste. Wandering around, I came across a set of dingy stairs leading up to a sign saying Empire Adult Cinema. I walked past, thinking I hadn’t seen a porn cinema in decades, didn’t know they still existed in the internet age. Just then the threatened rain began and I thought, well why not? I’ve got time to waste, no harm in looking. At the top of the stairs I pressed the buzzer and was let in. I nearly turned back...

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