A Correct DestinyChapter 11 free porn video

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Alaska Air Flight 366 arrived on time, the wheels of the 737 touching down on the runway of Sacramento International's Runway 16R at precisely 3:30 PM. The aircraft taxied slowly to Terminal B and parked at the jetway at 3:38. First class passengers were allowed to deplane first although this did not do them much good since the baggage unloading process moved at its own pace. As such, it was almost four o'clock before Ken, waiting at the bottom of the escalator that brought passengers down from the secured area, spotted Jo coming down with a suitcase in her hand.

Jo was dressed in dark slacks and a loose fitting cranberry turtleneck. Her hair was pulled back in its usual bun. She spotted Ken just as she mounted the escalator for the trip down. She smiled and waved at him and then trotted down the moving stairs, rushing across the carpet to Ken's position. She dropped her suitcase to the ground and threw herself into his arms, kissing him on the lips and cheek.

"It's so good to see you, Ken," she told him, giving him a few more smacks for good measure. "I've missed you so much."

"I've missed you too," he said, hugging her tightly, feeling the nostalgic allure of her curves beneath her bulky clothing. "How long's it been? Almost eight months now?"

"Eight months too long," she said, giving him one more kiss on the mouth. Her tongue flitted out just for a second, licking at his lips, before she broke the embrace and stood back. She looked him up and down for a moment. "You look good. Very good, considering ... you know."

"Yeah," he said with a nod. "I know."

"Don't worry," she told him, smiling happily. "Trust in me and everything is going to be okay."

"Okay?" he asked. "What do you mean by 'okay'?"

"You'll find out tonight," she said mysteriously. "Just keep your mind open and everything will become clear."

He wanted to ask more questions—the primary one being: where is all this Zen Buddha shit coming from?—but a group of three people were walking purposefully toward where he and Jo stood. All three of them appeared to be in their early to mid-forties, too young for any of them to be Jo's parents. Nor was there any sort of family resemblance, not even peripherally. The woman had light brown hair and rounded facial features. The man walking next to her had reddish-brown hair and was somewhat stocky. The other man, who was dressed in an expensive looking Italian suit and trailing slightly behind the couple, had olive skin and dark features, bespeaking some sort of southern European or northern African heritage. Ken's first thought upon seeing them was that this could not possibly be the group that Jo was traveling with.

It was a thought that turned out to be incorrect.

"Ken," Jo said, "I'd like you to meet my parents, Harold and Gertrude Baxter. Mom and Dad, this is Ken."

Ken couldn't help but blink a little in surprise. He recovered quickly, however, and held out his hand to Jo's father. "Mr. and Mrs. Baxter," he said. "It's nice to meet you at last."

"How do you do, Ken?" her father said, shaking with him. His grip was firm and strong. "And call me Harold, please."

"Okay, Harold," Ken said.

"And I'm Gertie," her mother said, holding out her own hand.

"Gertie it is," Ken said, shaking with her. Her hand was soft and dainty.

"We've heard so much about you, Ken," Gertie told him. "I must say, you are quite the handsome specimen, just like Josephine told us."

Ken actually blushed a little, suddenly wondering if Gertie and Harold had any idea what actually went on between their daughter and Meghan and him. Most likely not or they wouldn't be standing there so politely. "And I must say that you two had to have been quite young when you had Jo. You hardly look old enough to her parents."

"We hear that all the time," Gertie said with a pleased smile. "We're actually much older than we appear."

"Yes," Harold agreed. "Good living keeps us young. Lots of good living."

"I guess so," Ken said, detecting a hint of amusement in the way Harold had said that.

"And this," Jo said, pointing to the man in the Italian suit, "is the gentleman I told you about on the phone. This is Richard Crow, a good friend of the family."

"Dick," Crow said, holding out his hand.

"Nice to meet you, Dick," Ken said, shaking with him.

"You as well, Ken," he said. "You as well."

Dick, in addition to a large suitcase, also carried a briefcase. He kept it close to his side, as if it contained nuclear secrets. "That's a very nice suit, Dick," Ken told him.

"Thank you," Dick said with a smile. "I know that air travel has gone mostly casual in these modern times, but I was raised by parents who insisted one always dress his best when flying. I guess it's kind of stuck with me. I understand you're a pilot, like Josephine?"

"Well ... yes," Ken said. "Although I haven't done any flying in the past five weeks."

"Perhaps you'll be flying again soon," Dick said, patting him on the back.

Ken, figuring that Dick had not been told about his terminal illness, said nothing further on the subject.

They walked as a group out to the parking garage across the street from the passenger terminal. Ken offered to carry Mrs. Baxter's bag but she politely refused. They piled into Meghan's Lexus SUV and Ken drove them out of the garage and out onto Interstate 5 to begin the thirty-minute trip to Roseville.

There was little conversation as Ken piloted the SUV south on the interstate and then back north on a state highway that led through the rice fields of Sutter County and into Roseville via a back door that only a local would know about. There were a few comments from Jo about the weather and the ground fog and a few observations from Dick about how the area had changed quite a bit since the last time he'd been here.

"When was that?" Ken asked.

"Oh, a number of years ago," Dick said. "Back when they were still looking for gold up in them there hills."

This caused a few chuckles from Harold and Gertie—chuckles that sounded very much like those given in response to some sort of inside joke that Ken wasn't party to—and then silence descended once again. This gave Ken time to ponder how strange this whole situation was. Jo, who had always gone to great lengths to avoid staying too long at their house (he and Meghan had always suspected it was some sort of social phobia), suddenly invites not only herself, but her parents and another person to stay there for some unknown amount of time.

"They want to stay with us?" he'd asked Jo that morning when she'd called from the departure lounge at Fairbanks Airport. "In our house?"

"We all would," had been her reply. "If that's okay."

"Well ... sure, but we only have one guest bedroom. Wouldn't they be more comfortable at a hotel? We'll pay for it if that's an issue."

"I can't explain right now, Ken," she replied, "but it would really be for the best if we all stayed in your house. Doesn't the couch in your office fold out into a bed?"

"Uh ... yeah, but..."

"Then it's settled," she said. "It doesn't have to be the Waldorf Astoria. We just need a place to lay our heads that's close-by you and Meg."

Something very odd is going on here, he thought as he turned off Highway 99/70 and onto Riego Road. It almost feels like we're being set up for something.

Little did Ken know, the odd things had not even really begun yet.

Ken parked the SUV in the garage and they all entered the house through the connecting door. This led into the kitchen, where Meghan, dressed in blue slacks and a yellow blouse, was just putting a pan of homemade stuffed mushrooms into the oven. Jo, seeing her, once again dropped her suitcase to the floor and made a mad rush, actually squealing as she took Meghan into her arms and hugged her tightly. Then, to Ken's astonishment, she kissed her deeply, the length and passion of the exchange leaving no doubt that tongues were intimately entwined.

"Jesus," Ken muttered, glancing over at their guests. Dick and Harold seemed not to notice anything at all but Gertie was looking at her daughter and Meghan with an expression that could only be affection.

"Wow, Jo," Meghan said a little breathlessly when the kiss finally broke. She was blushing furiously and casting glances of her own. "I ... uh ... guess you missed me."

"You have no idea," Jo said, kissing her again, a briefer kiss but still a little more than what casual female friends usually shared.

The introductions were made. All three of the guests seemed somewhat taken with Meghan. Harold kissed her hand like a French gentleman in an old movie. Gertie gave her a hug and told her she was delighted to meet her at last. Dick seemed a little tongue-tied around her and was only able to mumble a greeting.

"I have some hors d'oeuvres in oven," Meghan told them all. "They should be done in about twenty minutes. And for dinner we'll be having chicken Parmesan, salad, pasta, and garlic bread. I hope everyone likes that."

Everyone assured her that they loved it.

"Let me show you to your rooms," Ken said. "After that, maybe we can have some wine. We have a few bottles of Chardonnay chilling in the refrigerator."

Jo's parents and Dick all shot a glance at Jo when he said this. Jo nodded and then turned to Ken. "Actually, Ken," she said, "would it be too much of an imposition to ask that we refrain from alcohol tonight?"

"Uh ... well ... sure," Ken said. "Of course." He figured that someone in the group must be a recovering alcoholic—perhaps Dick?

Jo seemed to read his mind. "There will be time for wine later," she told him. "For tonight, however, it's probably best if everyone stays sober."

"Uh ... okay," he said, sharing a quick look with Meghan. What the hell is going on here? was the message they passed.

No answers were forthcoming so they passed a mental shrug to each other. Ken led the guests out of the kitchen and into the living room. No sooner had they cleared the door than Hannah came running in excitedly, her tail wagging furiously, her eyes shining. Even though three of the guests were complete and total strangers to her—something she usually feared and cowered from—she seemed almost to be on sensory overload, as if she couldn't decide which stranger to greet first. She finally settled for Jo, whining happily at her and licking her fingers.

"Hey, Hannah!" Jo greeted, kneeling down to pet and hug the spaniel and kiss her on the nose. "How have you been, sweetie? Have you been keeping Mommy and Daddy in line?"

Hannah seemed to agree that she was doing her part to keep Mommy and Daddy in line. She then went to Gertie and whined happily at her.

"What a beautiful dog," Gertie exclaimed, kneeling down as well. She began to scratch Hannah behind her ears.

"Do you hunt with her?" Harold asked, bending over a bit and giving Hannah a few pets of his own.

"Uh ... no, I'm not much of a hunter," Ken said, astonished to see Hannah warming up to an entire group of people so quickly.

"A pity," Dick said. "It's what she's made for. When you let a creature follow its base instinct it will always be happiest."

Ken really couldn't argue with that logic. "I suppose that makes a lot of sense," he said. "Do you hunt, Dick?"

He smiled. "Oh yes," he said. "Hunting is something that is an integral part of me."

"I see," Ken said, a little disquieted by the way he'd said that. "So ... shall we head up?"

They headed up. Ken showed Harold and Gertie to the guest bedroom across the hall from their bedroom. They took their suitcases in and began to get settled in and unpacked. Ken then led Dick back downstairs and showed him to the office, where Meghan had already folded out the hide-a-bed and made it up with fresh linen.

"I wish we had better accommodations for you, Dick," Ken told him as he carried his suitcase and briefcase over to the corner of the bed and hefted it up. "You seem like a man accustomed to five-star rooms."

"Don't worry about it, Ken," Dick said. "I'm a man accustomed to hospitality, and you and your lovely wife have shown me a five-star level of that."

Ken nodded, unsure exactly how to respond to that. "Well ... uh ... if you need anything, just let us know."

"Will do," Dick assured him.

He and Jo left the room and walked back into the living room. Jo was still carrying her suitcase.

"Umm, uh, where should we put you?" Ken asked her, his voice almost a whisper.

She smiled. "The same place you always put me," she said. "Right in your bedroom."

He chewed his lip for a moment. "But your parents..."

"Know everything there is to know about me," she said. "They know that you and I and Meg are lovers."

"They do?" Ken asked, incredulous and embarrassed at the same time.

"In our culture, it's really not a big deal."

"What culture is that?" Ken asked her, not for the first time.

She smiled. "Pretty soon, you'll find out."

Thirty minutes later, the six of them gathered in the dining room for hors d'oeuvres and non-alcoholic drinks that Meghan prepared. Everyone exclaimed over her crab-stuffed mushrooms, her vegetable dip, and her bruschetta. The guests displayed a hunger for the food that bordered on the greedy at times and Ken could tell that Meghan was starting to worry that she hadn't made enough. And, in fact, when the feasting was done, there was nothing left of the tray except a few carrots and celery slices.

"You are a wonderful cook, Meghan," Harold told her as Ken gathered the plates to take them away.

"Hear hear," Dick agreed, raising his passion tea lemonade glass to her in salute.

"You simply must give me your bruschetta recipe," Gertie put in. "I don't believe I've ever tasted finer."

Meghan blushed and accepted their praise gratefully.

When Ken returned from the kitchen, he poured everyone a fresh glass of passion tea lemonade and then sat back down in his chair. When Meghan finished explaining to Gertie the particular combination of spices she used in her bruschetta, Ken spoke up, trying to turn things to a more serious topic. "So," he said. "I understand that there is ... uh ... some sort of important conversation that is to take place?"

The four guests looked at each other for a moment and then looked back at Ken.

"Yes," Dick said, answering for all of them. "The most important conversation you will ever have, I would venture. But it is not time for it yet."

"It's not?" Ken asked.

"It's not," Dick told him.

"When?" Meghan asked. "I must say, I'm dying of curiosity. This whole thing is ... oh ... mysterious."

Harold looked at his watch—a gold Rolex. "It is just after five o'clock right now," he said. "Sunset here is at 5:55, right?"

Ken blinked. "Uh ... I suppose," he said.

Harold smiled. "It is," he said. "I checked."

Meghan was looking at him strangely. "Do you make a habit of knowing what time sunset is?" she asked.

"Yes I do," Harold told her, offering no further explanation than that. "In any case, we will hold off on our discussion until after dinner. That is at six o'clock, correct?"

"Right," Meghan said. "Just like Jo asked."

"Excellent," Dick said. "We have some other guests who will be showing up at around six-thirty."

"Other guests?" Meghan said, alarmed. "I ... uh ... wasn't counting on more than six of us when I made dinner."

"They won't be eating with us," Dick said. "It is their job to be here. They're kind of a security team, if you will."

Ken's eyebrows went up about as high as physically possible. "A security team?"

"It's just a precaution," Dick said. "Nothing to be alarmed about."

Ken and Meghan shared another look with each other. They then turned their looks toward Jo. What in the hell are you getting us into? the looks said.

She gave them a reassuring smile in response. "Don't worry," she said aloud. "I know things seem a little strange right now, but they'll start to make sense after dinner. I promise."

The doorbell rang precisely at 6:30. Ken, who had just finished carrying all of the dinner dishes back into the kitchen, went to answer it. He wasn't sure exactly what the so-called security team would look like—maybe a couple of mafia types in trench coats with large caliber handguns in shoulder holsters—but he certainly wasn't expecting what he got. Standing on the porch was a young, dark-skinned black man dressed in a pair of denim jeans and a CSUS sweatshirt. His face was pleasant and friendly. He had a large black plastic case in his hand. Standing next to him, carrying a laptop case, was a shapely, petite blonde woman in her early twenties. She too wore a pair of denim jeans although her sweatshirt came from UC Davis. The two of them looked about as intimidating as a herd of butterflies.

"How are you doing, Mr. Patterson?" the male of the duo said. "We're the security team. I trust you're expecting us?"

"Uh ... yeah," Ken said. "Come in."

They came in, both of them taking a quick look around the formal living room.

"Thank you," the male said. "I'm Ralph Kroger and this is my wife and partner, Martha."

"Call me Marty," Martha said. "Martha is such an old-fashioned name."

"Uh ... sure, nice to meet you both," Ken said. "And you can call me Ken."

"Thanks, Ken," Ralph said.

"Do you ... uh ... have a business card or anything?" Ken asked.

Both of them laughed. "You're a funny man, Ken," Ralph told him. "Where are the others?"

"Uh ... right," Ken said. "They're in here."

He led Ralph and Marty into the dining room, where everyone was still seated at the table. He made the introductions. Gertie, Harold, and Dick all nodded politely at the security team but did not rise from their chairs or shake hands. Jo, on the other hand, did both.

"Thank you for coming," she told them.

"All part of the job," Marty assured her. "Is this where you plan to have the discussion?"

"Yes," Jo said. "Is it okay?"

She looked around for a moment, seeming to pay attention to the blinds and the cordless telephone more than anything. "It should do," she said analytically. She turned to Ralph. "What do you think, hon?"

"Assuming everything else checks out, should be fine," he said. "We will have to put a noise source in that window, of course."

"I figured that," Jo said. "Do you want us to bring in a radio or something?"

"We have our own," he said. "It's a satellite radio and we'll tune it to an obnoxious hard-rock station."

"Or maybe Howard Stern?" suggested Marty.

Ralph chuckled. "I don't think we need to get quite that obnoxious. In any case, since the radio is ours and is linked to the satellite radio in our van, we'll know it's not transmitting anything. And the noise it makes will eliminate the possibility of anyone using a laser mic on the windows."

Ken was quite wide-eyed again—or still. "A laser mic?" he asked. "What's that?"

"A stand-off listening device," Marty said. "An adversary could fire it at a window from down the street and hear what we're saying by the way our sound waves vibrate the glass. The extraneous noise from the radio will prevent that."

"Adversary?" asked Meghan, her eyes just as wide. "What adversary? Who would be listening?"

"Probably no one," Ralph said. "But paranoia is the name of the game tonight."

"Why?" Ken asked, exasperated. "Who are we worried about?"

"Anyone who might show an interest," Ralph said. "Now, Ken, can you show me where all the phone extensions and computer connections are? We need to unplug them all."

"Unplug the phones and the computers?" he asked.

Ralph nodded. "We're going to shut off every electronic pathway into and out of this house," he said. "Every visual and auditory one too. Meghan, would you be so kind as to pull all of the blinds? And after that, if you could close the fireplace flu as well?"

They did as Ralph and Marty asked. Meghan tightly closed every blind in the house while Ken led Ralph through the house, showing him where every phone extension and every fiber optic data cable from Roseville Telephone entered the house. Ralph made sure every cord was pulled from the back of every computer and then pulled from the wall socket as well. He shut down and unplugged Ken's wireless router in the office. He unplugged every phone extension and then unplugged and removed the back-up batteries from the wireless phone unit itself. He then collected every cellular phone from every person, shutting them off and removing the batteries.

"Anything else in the house?" Ralph asked Ken once all this was done. "Do you have any satellite radios, HAM radios, CB radios, or wireless network systems?"

"No," said Ken, who was feeling a little like Alice emerging from the rabbit hole. "I think we got everything."

"Well, let's go back in the living room and have a look. By the way, where is your dog?"

"Hannah?" he asked. "She's out in the backyard for the night. Jo suggested we put her out there before you arrived."

Ralph nodded in approval. "That will work," he said. "She doesn't have any sort of GPS locator on her collar, does she?"

"Uh ... no, just the identification chip."

"It doesn't transmit?"

Ken shook his head. Did this guy really think Hannah might be a spy? "It doesn't. The vet or animal control can scan it, but that's all it does."

"I'll probably go run a scanner over her just to make sure," he said.

"Uh ... okay," Ken said. "How did you know we had a dog?"

Ralph gave a little laugh. "That damn mutt of yours almost gave us away several times while we were surveilling you. I thought she was going to run right over to me last night."

Ken looked at him sharply. "That was you in the park?" he asked.

"Me last night," he confirmed. "It was Marty the other two times."

He felt his unease and discomfort deepen considerably. "You were watching us?" he asked Ralph. "For the last few weeks?"

"It's our job," Ralph said with a shrug. "We had to make sure you're who you say you are."

Ken had just about reached his limit. "What in the hell is going on here, Ralph? Is this all some sort of joke?"

"No," Ralph said simply. "No joke. And as for what's going on ... well, you'll be finding that out as soon as I'm done making sure the house is secure."


"It's not my place to tell you anything," Ralph said. "That's your friend Jo's job. Now let's go back and finish up, okay?"

Ken allowed himself to be led back out to the dining room. Jo, Gertie, Harold, and Dick were still sitting around the table. Meghan and Marty were sitting on the small sitting couch across the room, where Marty had opened up her laptop and was looking at the screen intently. Several devices that looked like antennas and satellite dishes were connected to the peripheral ports on the laptop.

"How's it looking?" Ralph asked Marty.

"Still getting four different stray signals," Marty said. "Three of them are from wireless routers belonging to the neighbors—two unsecured and one secured. The fourth is coming from somewhere in the south part of the house, bottom floor, but outside."

"Hmm," Ralph said. He looked at Ken. "Is there anything else in or on the house that would be transmitting a radio signal?"

Ken shook his head. "Not that I can think of."

Ralph looked at Meghan, who also shook her head. "Nothing I know of either," she said.

"It's a low-power transmission," Marty said. "Two point four-three gigahertz. Some kind of wireless device, obviously."

"I'll go take a look," Ralph said. "I need to give Hannah the mutt a quick scan anyway."

"You need to scan Hannah?" Meghan asked.

"Just as a precaution," Ralph said. "I won't hurt her." He opened up his large briefcase and removed a wand-like device. "Which way to the back door?"

Ken simply pointed in the general direction. Ralph seemed to find the way without a problem.

"Why is he scanning Hannah, Ken?" Meghan asked. It was apparent that she was more than a little upset by the happenings in her home.

"He's afraid Hannah might be selling nuclear secrets to the Iranians," Ken said.

"What?" Meghan said.

"Ken, Meg," Jo said from the dining room table. "I know this all seems like a bad dream, but there is a reason for it. Just keep trusting me, okay?"

They both nodded, but only reluctantly.

Ralph came back in a few minutes later. Some of Hannah's hairs were now clinging to his pants. "The dog is cool," he said. "And I found the wireless device. It was a temperature sensor mounted on the eaves of the house just outside the kitchen window."

"Oh yeah," Ken said, remembering now that it was mentioned. "It's a thermometer that transmits the outside temperature to a readout in the kitchen."

"An easy thing to forget about," Ralph said. "I pulled the battery out of it and set it on the table just inside the back door." He turned to Marty. "How we looking now?"

"Just the neighbors' router signals," she said. "Nothing outgoing."

Ralph nodded in satisfaction. "I guess that's about as secure as we're going to get." He looked over at Jo. "The ball is in your court now."

"I guess it is," she said with a slight smile.

"We're going to take up positions," Ralph said. "Ken, Meghan ... enjoy your talk and listen well, okay?"

"Uh ... sure," Ken said. "We'll do that."

With that, Ralph headed out of the dining room to the front door. Marty gave them one last smile and headed to the back. Once they were gone, Jo asked Ken and Meghan if they would come sit back at the table.

"It's time to tell you what this is all about," she said.

Ken and Meghan sat together at the head of the table. Jo sat next to them, just around the corner of the table. Gertie and Harold sat across from Jo. Dick sat at the far end. The table itself was clear of everything except their drink glasses and the pitcher of passion tea lemonade. All eyes were on Jo.

"Okay, guys," she said, her voice a little nervous. "The first thing I want to ask of you is that you keep your minds open, okay?"

"Open?" Ken said.

"Open," Jo confirmed. "I'm about to tell you things that you will not believe. You will think I'm crazy, that we're all crazy; you will think I'm schizophrenic or delusional, that all of us are. I want you to hear me say, right now, that we are not. All of us are perfectly sane, what I'm about to tell you is true, and, furthermore, I will prove to you that what I say is true."

Ken and Meghan shared another cautious look with each other. "Ummm, okay," Meghan said doubtfully.

"A partial reason we are here," Gertie put in, "is to help Josephine show you that she speaks the truth. We are here to support her and to support you through what is to come."

Ken licked his lips. "What is to come?" he asked. "Are we in some sort of danger here?"

"Not at all," Jo said. "All of the security measures you just saw are to protect us and others like us."

"Others like you?" Ken asked.

"We'll get to that," Harold said. "What Josephine is trying to say is that you are about to be told a secret. This secret may alarm you, may even terrify you on an instinctive level. We just want to assure you that we are all here to help you, not to harm you. What you've been taught and told will seem contrary to this, but we mean you no harm."

Ken and Meghan's hands found each other, his right grasping her left. "You guys are kind of scaring me," Meghan said.

"We know," Jo said. "Dad was trying to tell you that we understand and appreciate your fear, but that it is groundless. You must trust me."

They nodded, although both were a little slow to do so.

"That being said," Jo said, "let me get this started." She took a deep breath and looked at her parents for a moment. She then looked back at Ken and Meghan. "What would you two say if I were to tell you that I can save Ken's life?"

Meghan swallowed audibly. Ken looked into Jo's eyes to see what the joke was—the tasteless, inappropriate joke. Jo's eyes, however, were not joking. "I'd say," Ken said, "that you were..." He stopped, Jo's words: you will think I'm schizophrenic or delusional echoing in his head. " ... that you were mistaken. My life is beyond saving."

"But it's not, Ken," Jo said. "It's not beyond saving at all."

Meghan was shaking her head. "Jo ... hon, I love you dearly but this ... this is not funny or inspirational or ... or whatever it is you're trying to make it. It's offensive."

"It's also true," Jo said. "I have the ability to save Ken's life, to make his cancer disappear from his body forever."

"She is telling the truth, Ken," Gertie said. Harold and Dick both nodded.

Meghan opened her mouth to say something but Ken squeezed her hand, signaling for her not to. He fielded the ball instead. "Okay," he said. "I'll play along for a minute here. Just how do you propose to eliminate my cancer when modern medicine says that is impossible?"

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Correction the 5 way ebony way

Introduction: Melissa turns frigid on me so we get 5 black guys to warm her up Correction the 5 way ebony way Sitting in a bar talking to friends. You need to man up before its too late, Tom suggested as I explained that Melissa had insisted that I take her mother shopping instead of going to the game. Yeah, but shes beautiful, I sighed as I drank my seventh or eighth beer of the evening. Sos mount Fuji, Dan observed proving once again he couldnt hold his liquor. What beautiful? Tom...

1 year ago
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Corrections A BDSM fantasy between consenting adu

Do not read if controlled pain and power play offends you.“I don't think this is really the book you want me to publish, is it Lizzy? Why don't you come over this afternoon and we'll go through some ideas.”“OK Emma, around 2pm OK?” Lizzy was probably cowering on the other end of the phone. She had been writing good short stories for a couple of years but had tried her hand at erotica and frankly it looked like she had 'cut and pasted' her ideas off the net. It was all disjointed and with no...

3 years ago
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Corrections Officer

It has been the few months on the job as a corrections officer at the county jail. My assignment is the overnight shift in the women’s block. Although it is technically against the rules for inmates to be sexually active with each other to keep lover quarrels at bay, it is rarely enforced.Two that were always sexually active in the middle of the night were inmates Cece and Kay. As I would make my rounds, I would stand slightly out of view and watch them through the low light. I could hear their...

4 years ago
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Corrective Measures

Pia sat in silence, ashen faced and scared as her parents were hysterical. Their "guruji" sat cross-legged on the floor, muttering to himself. Her mother wailed, "How could this happen? We should've never left her alone with her friend." Her father tried to comfort her, but choking back tears, he asked the holy man, "Is there any hope? Can she be cured and rehabilitated?"Pia knew she was toast. Her mom had discovered the vibrator during a routine search of her room. She never understood why her...

1 year ago
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Knowing only what I had read about BDSM, I was intrigued enough to join several websites dedicated to the subject. Not entirely sure what I was looking for, I created a profile online listing myself as a straight 'switch', but giving few other details. I enjoyed browsing the profiles of women online, but never plucked up enough courage to open a dialog with one.Suddenly, one day he received a notification that he had a message waiting. Clicking the link, he saw that young Domme from New York...

3 years ago
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Corrective Measures

"Man, I still can't believe what a bitch my mom is. Jesus, I can drive. I can even almost buy a pack of cigarettes, but she still won't let me stay home by myself when she goes on vacation." "Relax, Bobby. So your mother likes to send her precious little baby to stay with his aunt while she goes on vacation. So what?" "Go to hell!" "Hey, don't yell at me. You're the one who has been on this topic for an hour, mama's boy." "This really isn't funny, Hank." "I don't know....

1 year ago
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Correcting a young coworkers mistake

I met Simone at work when she started as an intern during her final year of college. She was 20 at the time and I was 40. It took some time for us to start interacting since we were in different departments, but eventually after she was hired full time, we started to have some conversations and working together. I found her to be beautiful from the first time I saw her and thought there was no way she would ever be interested in a guy like me. She was young, long brown hair, around 5’4”, she...

4 years ago
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Correcting a young coworkers mistake

I met Simone at work when she started as an intern during her final year of college. She was 20 at the time and I was 40. It took some time for us to start interacting since we were in different departments, but eventually after she was hired full time, we started to have some conversations and working together. I found her to be beautiful from the first time I saw her and thought there was no way she would ever be interested in a guy like me. She was young, long brown hair, around 5’4”; she...

2 years ago
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Correcting Sissy

"So then, why are you wearing a bra?" "Because I am a sissy." "And why are you a sissy?" "Because you made me one." "What?" I asked unbelievingly. "I made you one?" My voice rising. "I'm sorry ma'am, that's not what I meant." The words just barely eked out as he realized his folly. "I meant that you have allowed me to realize the sissy that I am, of course," he said, blubbering, as he fell to his knees. "You know how grateful I am for that." He inched forward until his nose...

1 year ago
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Correcting My Stepdaughter

I became sexually aware at a young age and enjoyed sex with girls first and by the time I was a teenager I was dating boys and was willing to give blowjobs and as long as the guys wore rubbers I would allow them to fuck me. This sex story is totally FICTION! When I entered collage and got on campus there was a girl at the orientation meeting that I was attracted to. She was an attractive brunette with gray eyes and a knockout figure. I approached her and stuck out my hand, “Hi my...

3 years ago
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Correction Multiplied

David and Janet were getting on better and better despite, or maybe because of, the age difference.   Tessa living with them was fine, and David got used to being spanked by the 18 year old on a quite regular basis. There was talk of marriage and Janet reckoned she should get to know her mother in law to be so David’s Mother, Rita, came to stay for a month.     David said to Janet “it’s really nice of you to have Mum stay.”   Janet smiled at her fiancé. She just hoped things would work out...

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Corrected Behaviour part 1

I thought it was my lucky night when she struck up a conversation with me. I had been cruising a few bars looking to pick up a woman for a one night stand as usual and Rachel, as she introduced herself, was certainly my type. Curvy and voluptuous with shoulder length fair hair and mischievous green eyes, I was taken with her instantly. Her curves had been poured into a tight black pencil skirt, complimented by an equally tight white blouse that accentuated her ample bosom. Her sheer tights and...

3 years ago
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Kendras Way Part 3

Kendra pushed the elevator button and then took a step back, closed her eyes and listened to the music playing through her ear buds. It was Friday, the work week was done and weatherman had promised a gorgeous weekend. She was feeling good. It had been a couple of weeks since her meltdown episode with Danny and the disappointment at not getting pregnant. Since then she had been a little more doting a wife than usual, attentive to his needs and planned to continue over the weekend. Since going...

1 year ago
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Someones always watching Part 2

‘Are you sure it’s not too much?’ I asked my husband as I adjusted my thigh high boots and fishnet stockings. ‘I mean, it’s just a party at your friend’s house. Maybe we should go back so I can change?’ He looked over at me and led my hand down to the bulge in his crotch. ‘Babe, trust me, that outfit is perfect’ I immediately felt the heat spread from my belly down to my center. No point in letting a nice stiff cock go to waste, right? I removed my seat belt and shifted over in my seat so I...

3 years ago
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The plane banked as it gained elevation from the damp and wet London . Paul settled back in his first class seat with a frown etched on his face. He was irritated by a delay in take off. The fact that he had a major, in fact final fight with his girlfriend of 6 years added to the knot in his stomach. She had yet another excuse to avoid joining him on the short break to South Africa and when he confronted her about the late cancelation, she threw everything at him including a priceless Lalique...

2 years ago
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Lesson Surprise Part 2

Lesson Surprise part 2 To find out how I ended up in this situation read Lesson Surprise Part 1 ...... I looked at the clock on the wall - it was only 5 pm - it was going to be a late night. After all, during the last 4 hours I have been fucked twice by Brads 11 inch monster. I was standing there with huge EE false tits in a black lace bra, Black lace suspenders and fishnet stockings, red G string with black trim, a tiny black mini skirt and tight black top that enhanced the...

1 year ago
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Harem 3

Mona's eyes snapped open and her body stiffened atop her king. She had been grinding Levan's cock inside her lower body, gyrating her hips with him completely swallowed by her pussy, stimulating her clit against his pubic flesh, an orgasm brewing inside her pregnant body. When he spoke the words aloud, she heard a trio of gasps from around her, and her eyes sought out Levan's serious brown eyes below her, searching them for humor or lies, and finding none. The concept thrilled her, the...

1 year ago
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The Trailer Park The Fifth Year Part 2 Music and LyricsChapter 16

Monday night I got home about six. It was kind of nice. With football and the play done for the year, all I had to worry about was school and gymnastics. It was almost like having free time. I parked in front of the trailer and then walked Tami to her house, with Kelly beside us heading for her own. "Good practice," I said, swatting my favorite munchkin on the butt as Tami and I stopped in front of her house. "I don't think Cheyenne thought so," Kelly giggled. "Go!" I said, pointing...

2 years ago
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Our first

When I met my wife many years ago and started dating I knew she had gone out with a co-worker a couple of times. He was a slender black who was shorter than me, we became friends through work and he never mentioned he had gone out with her. We started dating for a few months and got married, one night we laid around talking about old flames. He came up in the conversation and she told me that they had had sex a couple of times while dating. I asked her how he was and she said he was great, that...

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Cinema Hall Me Maja Kiya Gujarati

હેલ્લો વાંચકો હું મીના છું, મને મારા ઘરના પ્રેમ થી મીનું કહે છે,મારી ઉમ્ર 36 વર્ષ ની છે, મારા લગ્ન ને લગભગ 12 વર્ષ થયા છે, હું ખુબજ સુખી અને સંપન પરિવાર માં છું,મારે એક સંતાન છે, હું ને મારા પતિ ખુબજ ખુલ્લા વિચાર વાળા છીએ જેથી કરીને મારા પતિ સાથે મારે ક્યારેય કોઈ જાત નો મતભેદ કે મનભેદ થયો નથી, આપને ખાસ વાત જણાવી કે મારે પતિ ને સેક્સ બહુ ગમે છે, અને મને પણ સેક્સ માં મજા આવે છે, લગ્ન પહેલા મેં સેક્સ કરેલું નથી પણ કોશીસ કરેલી, પણ મારો બોયફ્રેન્ડ ના આગ્રહ ને માંન આપ્યું હોત તો હું લગ્ન પહેલા કુવારી...

2 years ago
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Moni shared stories

Moni Shared Just Before Wedding After having long talks about what all we had done and been doing it was like we could finally tell each other anything. I had told her all my fantasies and she was starting to share hers with me. One night as we talked she shared that she always wanted to pick up some guys at a bar, total strangers and just let them fuck her.It was great for me to hear her say things like that as she had never been so open talking about things like this. But it turned me on to...

3 years ago
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Her hunger

She walks to the bathroom looking back at him as she walks away. Telling him to follow her with just a single look. Once in the bathroom she turns to face him and she lifts her arms in the air so he can remove her top. Once he has she then removes his. She reaches out and begins to tug at his pants and then he removes hers. She begins to kiss him passionately while moving her hands over his body. She wants him very desperately and she doesn’t know if she can wait. She wants sex now – she needs...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Jamaican Resort Day 4

We had breakfast with the usual crowd. They were all talking about Carol and the wet tee shirt contest. She was wearing the printed tee shirt she got as a prize, "Dangerous when Wet." For a bottom she wore her tiny white bikini. Carol sat back in her chair and thrust her tits out and spread her legs. On her left Bruce was caressing her thigh. Carol giggled. Everyone at the table started discussing their plans for the day. Carol and I had arranged a site seeing tour with Brian, the man who had...

Wife Lovers
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Northern Europe Holidays

The plane circled over the Mediterranean island.Back home for a few days! After getting to my place,overlooking a small rocky harbour,on the north of the island,I took stock and went to my favourite pavement cafe,to read and take a cup of 'cafe con leche'.I then took the small wooden tram to the nearby town,a journey of about 15 minutes.The weather was overcast,but warm,and storms were forecast,for later in the evening.My destination in the small,but picturesque town square was the Cafe...

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The Adventures of Karen Our First Time Conclusion

I could feel thepressure if her thighs against my ears, and if that wasn’t proof enough, her ragged breathing and ecstatic moans told me of her orgasm. Her hands both full of my hair, she pulled me up from her moist cleft. She thrust her hips against my face, saying, “Fuck me Grey! Fuck me now!” With a smile on my face and her essence on my nose and chin, I replied, “Not until I drink my fill from your cunt!”, and returned to my task of taking her over the edge once again. With my mouth...

Straight Sex
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mind reader

"Jet!..get up or you will be late for school"'fuck sake' was the first thought through jet's mind as he woke up to his mother's daily wake up call as she left for work, groaning he hauled himself out of his bed, rubbing his eyes as he stumbled to the shower. Like most mornings his 17 year old cock was suffering from the effects of morning glory. During the shower, where the warm water woke him up and relaxed him as it cascaded down him he started his own daily routine, beginning with wanking...

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Game of DominanceChapter 2

The metal door screeches open, waking Janice form a deep sleep that she has desperately needed. The first thing to come with range of her eyesight is a pair of feet—black latex covered feet. She pushes herself up onto her elbows and sighs heavily. Whatever happened to her sure took its toll on her. The door grinds shut and the owner of those black feet step to the side of Janice and then out of her vision. She groans as she crawls over to the door. She reaches up to grab the handle to use as...

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Furry Inc

"So you want to join our little family do you?" Said the buxom vixen behind the desk. "Y-yes madam." Replied the skunk before her. 'Hmmm...'The vixen thought. 'Nervous, but she has potential...' She surveyed the interviewee, admiring her. Pretty face, long brown slightly curly hair, and hazel eyes behind large glasses. Running a skilled eye over her body, she noted the generous curve of her chest and the shapely thighs, hidden though they were beneath a loose skirt and no-nonsense blouse and...

2 years ago
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The Dark Necessities of a Lonesome Chameleon

The Black Keys thunder from pulsating speakers as Rex scorches us across a parched stretch of desolation. Madness glints in his eyes as he ups the volume and floors the accelerator, pushing the jittery needle past eighty-eight. The engine spits and roars. In the mirror I see a cloud of black exhaust streaming from the ass end of the restored Tradesman. The imagery has me reminiscing of raven hair and eyes that smoldered like dying coals.“Fuckin’ wild!” Rex growls, hands drumming out a furious...

1 year ago
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Halloween Hayride MILF Part Two

Part Two: I finally heard Michael’s car drive up next door. I looked out of my window and was shocked when I saw the alien costume get out of his car. I was certain that I didn’t see anyone else in a costume like that at the bonfire. I was horrified at the realization that I might have fucked my neighbor’s son and his black friend on the hayride. He removed the mask as he walked up to his front door. Then I knew for certain that it was Michael. I could hardly wait to catch him outside on...

3 years ago
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Sororal Twins Part 1

Sororal Twins, Part 1 ? by: Miss Michelle "Mikey, can you come here for a minute." It was the unmistakeable voice of my twin sister Michelle. "Yeah, Michelle?" "I'm having trouble figuring out which of these dresses I like the best. Can you help me?" "Sure sis, no problem." "OK, I'm going to have you try the teal one and I'll try the pink one." "What's that?" "I want to see them both in the mirror at the same time - so I need someone else to wear one of...

1 year ago
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Flexible Act 1

Mellany comes home and hears her dad grunting and gets curious as to what could be happening. She walks to the back of the house and peeks into the doorway of her father's office. She gasps and quickly looks away but the image of her father stroking his long thick cock got her hot. Mellany wanted to feel a huge cock ramming all her holes but the thought of her father being that person grossed her out and she crept away. She opened and closed the front door and shouted "dad I'm home". Tom...

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Even with the air conditioner running full blast, the late July heat seemed to filter through the walls. Every time one of the children opened or closed the door to the rear yard, Gail felt the heat hit her back. Maybe she shouldn't have started this project today. The chemical sizing used in the fabric during the weaving process was beginning to sting her eyes. However, Mrs. Wagner wanted the denim skirt to wear to the big dance on Saturday night and was willing to pay for the rush job. Gail...

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Caitlyns Treatment Ch 11

The Auction About the auction itself I’m not sure how much I’m supposed to tell because it’s a private event for the BTS executives and this report is really mostly for John. You know as part of my therapy, the way I write things up after a visit. It helps track my progress, although it’s also because I forget so much in between. So I’m not sure how much to say. I tried to ask Barney the day after the auction but said he didn’t know. Later on after I got to know him better he said Jevon...

3 years ago
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Visit to the Spa with mature fuck buddy

Visit to the Spa with mature fuck buddyI don’t know how many of you have been to a naturist spa that also has playrooms for swingers. My friend and I go every few months to relax in the saunas and Jacuzzis and she also likes to have the men look at her naked. The clientele is a mix from those just using the naturist spa area. There are the guys you don’t pay attention to naked women, women in bathing costume bottoms and topless. Then there are the guys and couples there looking for sex, and the...

2 years ago
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Lazy Sunday

A sleepy stretch. My fingers and toes splayed as I glimpse the early morning light. I roll over to snuggle into you. My fingers lazily play on your chest, drawing soft circles. I look up at your peaceful face and see the drool running down your chin. ‘Hmmm. Very sexy,’ I giggle to myself. My gaze leads me down your form and I see the familiar curve of the blanket. I take a brief peek underneath and see that your cock is drooling as well. ‘Oh yes, very sexy.’ I slide down, careful not to wake...

3 years ago
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Lake District Holiday part 3

Lisa and I lay in each other's arms for a while and though I was relaxed my mind was racing. How could I release Lisa from Blackthorn's insidious grasp? How could I stop his blackmail? Just as it came to me, Lisa's phone went--she looked at the display. "Speak of the devil," she said. "It's him?" "Yes." "Perfect. Get him to come here, will you?" She nodded as she answered the phone. "Hi." I could only hear her side of the conversation. "Cleaning room 312." Pause. "I'll finish the rest of the...

2 years ago
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The Breakdown

Washing the muck and grime from my hands, I was feeling pretty good about myself. A man had brought a car into the garage, saying his gearbox had gone to the shitter and he could get only two of the five gears. Having been given the job by my boss, I started working on it after lunch, convinced it would be a late one. However, Lady Luck was on my side and it turned out to be an easy fix. Tightening the last nut, I looked forward to getting down to the pub with my mates and drinking the first...

Office Sex
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Pregnant from my hubby

author: unknownUnprotected sex while hubby is dining next room...Hi, I'm Linda and would like to tell you a little story about me and myhusband. It started three years ago an the last few month I decided Iwould love to share the experiences with readers of erotic stories. First a few details from me: Now I'm 28 years old, have shoulderlength,darkblonde hair, I'm 5'8'', and a weight of 135lb. OK, that are justvalues, but to most men told me I look real hot (and I use this to teasemen). ...

4 years ago
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The Private Detective and the Blonde Haired Brown Eyed Waitress

Private detective Craig King is on his way to his favorite diner for supper when he hits a traffic jam. After an hour and a half of sitting in this bumper to bumper traffic jam Craig arrives at the diner. After parking his car in his usual parking place he shuts down the car's engine, gets out of the car and walks inside the diner. Once he was seated at the table his favorite waitress and good friend Miss Ashley Russell a young woman with gorgeous blonde hair and brown eyes walks over to his...

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dance fantasy

Introduction: My wife and I go dancing This is a fantasy I share with my wife told from my point of view You and I are out dancing at a local nightclub. You have on a very short, clinging black dress. You never wear a bra with it. Your breasts swing seductively. When we were dancing to a slow romantic song you press your self to me. I feel a tap on my shoulder from a guy who wants to break in. You look at me and I smile. You put your arms around his neck and mold your body to him. He puts his...

1 year ago
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Suction Dildos

Reddit Suction Dildos, aka r/SuctionDildos! To be completely honest with you, I did not really know that there is such a big desire for this type of a subreddit. I am not saying that I did not wank off to it; all I am saying is that I had no clue that people actually specifically search for this. In case you would like to watch girls use suction dildos to pleasure themselves, you are welcome to explore what r/suctiondildos/ has to offer.I think that that pretty much explains what you need to...

Reddit NSFW List
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A Good Time Shell Never RememberChapter 7

Heidi sat in the waiting room for at least 20 minutes before she was called back to the doctor's office. Usually she'd be escorted to one of the examination rooms but this time he called her directly into his office and directed her to sit in the chair directly in front of his desk. "Heidi," he began. "I think it's time you were honest with me." "What do you mean?" she asked. "I've been reading your files, and those of your mother." "My mother?" she asked. "Yes. In order...

4 years ago
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CONFESSIONS PT 7These are confessions and stories people have sent me.Do you have a confession of something you did, or something you'd like to do?Private Message it to me and I'll post it. Don't worry about spelling, grammar, etc.======CONFESSION COMPILATION OF SHORT REPLIES I'VE RECEIVED FROM VARIOUS READERS======I love reading the confessions you have posted. Like most of the confessions I to started sniffing dirty panties as a young teenager I started with my mothers and sisters and then...

3 years ago
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Tammys Tale

Tammy's TaleAnticipation and Agony of the best kind setting in, you stare down at your phone as the screen is filled with our last Kik message: "Ok Babe, I'll be there soon". Biting your lip a bit and staring out the window of the local coffee joint, your foot rocks back and forth, trying to focus on something thats not sexually related, as the two years of lacking sexual contact is overriding anything else you would want right now. Putting on a strong face you adjust your seat, making a bit...

2 years ago
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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 19 The Third Attack

Now that this treasure, which had so long been the object of the abbe's meditations, could insure the future happiness of him whom Faria really loved as a son, it had doubled its value in his eyes, and every day he expatiated on the amount, explaining to Dantes all the good which, with thirteen or fourteen millions of francs, a man could do in these days to his friends; and then Dantes' countenance became gloomy, for the oath of vengeance he had taken recurred to his memory, and he...

2 years ago
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The Stranger

We had a plan. I was to be taken to a hotel, tied up, gagged, blindfolded and left alone until my man returned bringing with Him our guest, a man I had never met face to face. This was the first time we had invited someone else to play and I was a little nervous, no, almost terrified was a better way of describing how I felt but so very excited. We had discussed having a fun session with a stranger who would fuck me and use me while I was bound and gagged. That was about the extent of it...

1 year ago
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When the site is called Femdom XXX, it’s probably a safe bet that you’re going to be seeing a lot of beautiful, naked girls, and also that they’re going to be mean as hell. This ain’t the typical tube full of submissive chicks eager to please their men in cocksucking threesomes and buttfucking sessions. Nah, around here, you’re more likely to see a couple dominatrixes teaming up to step on a guy’s dick, or put dudes on the receiving end of those anal adventures, courtesy of strap-on dildos and...

Fetish Porn Sites
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Ein unvergessliches Wochenende Teil 2

Vorwort: Diese Story ist teilweise aus Wünschen/ Fantasien entstanden, alle verwendeten Namen haben nichts mit einer real existierenden Person(en) zutun....Die Story ist also (noch) nicht tatsächlich so passiert, hoffe aber sie gefällt euch.Als wir wieder zu Hause waren zogen wir uns aus und gingen erstmal wieder zu zweit unter die Dusche. Der Tag hatte uns sehr erregt und so hatten wir beim Duschen natürlich beide eine harte Latte. Wir rieben uns gegenseitig mit Duschgel ein und genossen dabei...

2 years ago
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25 August 2007Chapter 3

“Now that was completely unexpected,” Dan commented as they enjoyed their evening walk. “I am being rather naughty for the way we’re celebrating our honeymoon. I can’t help being sexy for you, my love.” “I can’t imagine what’ll happen to us next,” he anticipated. “Then you should walk me to Club Rouge so we can enjoy some more sexy fun.” Dan’s eyes took in the beauty of his love, and so did almost every eye, along the way. At the entrance to Club Rouge, Dan mentioned he had reserved the...

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Little Olivia

As time went on, we started spending more time getting to know each other. As a “family” we would go out to the movies and then afterwards for ice-cream. I started realizing that she was a pretty cool kid. I would stay over a few nights a week and she would come out in her pajamas to kiss Cindy goodnight, then she would sit on my lap and kiss me on the cheek. I was not sure how to react, so I would go with the flow and kiss her back on her forehead. Cindy seemed to enjoy that as she would...

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