Army Camp
- 2 years ago
- 27
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The girls got up early the next morning, Tuesday, and teased their men about their staying in bed. Both Tony and Paul complained about their dry sacs and aching balls and hid under the covers. The girls called down to room service to bring up their breakfasts.
By 8:30, though, both boys were alive and moving. They met John and Caitie and hustled over to the Municipal Airport and were there at nine o’clock to meet yet another inbound Executive Aviation jet, this one arriving from South Bend. This was one instance, Little Bit realized, when a private aircraft was really a time-saver. First of all, the straight-line distance between Hillsdale and South Bend is only about 85 miles. While South Bend has some scheduled air service, Hillsdale does not. In fact, it would have been a pretty long drive from a commercial airport to Hillsdale. But beyond that, though, there was airport security, early check-in, and so forth, none of which applied to private aircraft. The fact was that the plane left South Bend only a few minutes before they left Days Inn.
After the door opened and the boarding ladder unfolded, five young men got off the aircraft. John Taylor greeted them and brought them over to meet his new friends. Little Bit and Ann were particularly impressed with John Running Deer and Tim Johnson. The guys were followed off the plane by four utterly beautiful girls who were still chattering away.
Since their group by then numbered 15, they needed another van to hold everyone. Ann took care of that problem, although it required some help from me. It seems that car-rental companies are not too happy about renting a vehicle to anyone under 25. When the girl at the counter objected, Ann called me on her cellphone and I called the chairman of the company. And since I owned the damned thing...
The group went off to the Coffee Cup Diner for breakfast. Little Bit and Ann couldn’t decide whether to have another breakfast or just coffee, so they compromised by ordering a breakfast and splitting it.
John Taylor was expecting a problem with his friends regarding going to Hillsdale rather than Notre Dame, but there was none. In fact, they seemed to be relieved.
Donna Morning Star summarized the group’s feelings when she sighed, “Thank God!” Then she added, “Now what?”
“Now I guess we take you all to the President’s office and see about getting us accepted at this place,” John replied.
During the short drive over, Donna was sitting beside Ann who was driving. All she could think of was that the Indian girl certainly lived up to everything Sam Johnson had said about her. She was utterly gorgeous.
When they all arrived, the girls were teased by President Arnn. “Good grief,” he grumbled, “you people are really causing me trouble. Don’t you realize the problems you’ve already caused? You do know that a college president’s principal function is fund raising. And because of you kids, do you know what’s happened?”
Little Bit, Ann, and Caitie all slowly shook their heads while valiantly trying to look suitably sympathetic. That was hard to do, and even my talented little sisters couldn’t pull it off too well.
Arnn continued, “I had this whole series of really nifty, effective fund-raising letters all set to go out.” His face fell as he continued, “But they all said essentially the same thing: ‘The very survival of Hillsdale College depends on your generosity.’” He shook his head sadly and said, “In light of $1.5 billion in new gifts, we decided that ‘survival’ would be too strong a word; it now lacks a certain ... credibility ... might I say? So now we have to rewrite all of them! And it’s all your fault, too!”
“Gosh, we’re so sorry,” Caitie said. Then with a cheerier look she added, “Do you want to give the money back? Then you can use those letters that are all set to be mailed.”
Larry Arnn tried valiantly to look thoughtful. Finally he said, “No ... We’re all really a bunch of masochists. We’ll just suffer.” Then with the joking over he asked, “Now what can I do for you?”
John introduced his friends, explained the situation at Notre Dame, and concluded by saying that all nine of them would now rather go to Hillsdale if it were possible. Because they had been discussing courses of study at Notre Dame, all of them had their high-school transcripts with them.
Arnn quickly read through the transcripts and finally let out a soft whistle. “Golly, John,” he finally said, “you’re really leaning on me pretty hard, aren’t you? I mean ... We do have standards, you know. And these transcripts... ! How incredibly dull! There’s nothing on them but A’s” He grinned at them, winked at Donna Morning Star, and said, “For you football players, an A is one of those tepees with a line through it.”
The guys all chuckled at his quip.
“Then there are the SATs,” Arnn continued. “Dull, dull, dull! Not a single score as low as 1550 combined.” Then he looked up at them and asked, “How much financial aid will you need to come here?”
“Nothing, sir,” John Deer replied. “Actually, we’ll be saving money. Hillsdale is significantly less expensive than Notre Dame, and we’ll be paying full freight.”
“You’re a Mohawk Indian, John. Is that right?”
John just nodded and replied, “Yes, sir.”
“And, Donna, you’re a Seneca?”
“Yes, sir.”
“And your fathers are both tribal chiefs, right?”
Again the two nodded.
Arnn’s teasing came to a sudden stop. “I can’t tell you how utterly delighted I am to welcome two American Indians to our school. As you may know, the school was founded in the 1840s. Notwithstanding that slavery was still legal at the time, we had a Negro in our very first graduating class. Unfortunately, we’ve had few Indians.” Then to John he said, “John Taylor tells me you’re an outstanding football player. Are you fast?”
“He would never tell you, sir,” Tim Johnson interjected, “but he does the 40 in 4.2 seconds. That’s about as fast or faster than anyone does it.”
“How neat!” Arnn commented. “I can see it now. There will be an ad with John sitting on the seat of a tractor with the caption, ‘John Deer on his John Deere.’ And after all, for years they’ve been saying, ‘Nothing runs like a Deere.’ John, you’re going to give new meaning to that line.
Everyone laughed and Donna kissed John gently on his lips.
They were about to leave Arnn’s office when the door opened and a beautiful young woman of about 23 came storming in, followed by Arnn’s futilely protesting secretary. “What’s a lady have to do to dump some money on this school?” she complained.
Arnn just looked at her, utterly nonplused. “And you are... ?” he finally stammered.
“I’m Vangie Bradley,” the girl declared. She was angry! The kids could almost see smoke coming out from both ears. “Sisters!” she nearly screamed. “I should just kill them all and be done with it! They just have to monopolize everything.” Looking at Arnn she said, “I’ll bet all the neat new buildings are already spoken for, aren’t they? But do you have anything left? A new gym, maybe? A new stadium? A golf course? Isn’t there something I can build?” she wailed.
“Damn them all to hell and back!” she continued, barely pausing even to take a breath. “If it wasn’t for having to wait for FedEx to deliver the dumb cashier’s check, I could have maybe at least beaten Andy. But no ... That’s what comes of living out in the sticks!” She fished in her purse and pulled out a crumpled piece of paper. Almost crumpling it into a ball, she dumped it on Arnn’s desk.
Having heard her mention a cashier’s check, he carefully picked it up, smoothed it out and found that it was a cashier’s check drawn on Morgan for another half a billion dollars. In just a couple of months the school had received two billion dollars from only four donors, as well as a number of new buildings.
“Can you use it?” Vangie asked with her eyes wide. “I hope I’m not too late.”
“Well,” President Arnn began with a warm smile, “I’ll be able to tell the kids that their financial aid will be renewed in full for next year.” Then he added, “As you may know, Hillsdale rejects all Federal aid, regardless of its form. We refuse to subject ourselves to Federal control of any kind, and since the courts have held that even accepting Federally-guaranteed student loans would bring us under those controls, our kids don’t get them, either. It’s been a struggle, but we’ve managed to cover their requirements from our own resources. Your very generous gift ensures that it will continue to happen.”
Then he again changed the subject and asked, “May I ask the reason for your gift? Not to look a gift horse in the mouth, of course...”
“For years I’ve been very impressed with your school. And ... and ... I have some young children who will be looking for colleges before too long. So maybe there will be a place that will look over their applications with some care.”
Arnn just shook his head. Then he changed the subject. “Mrs. Bradley, you referred to your sisters. Who are they?”
“Ali Clifford and Andy Taylor are two of them,” Vangie replied. “Although I guess you haven’t met Ali yet.”
“I don’t mean to be too personal, Mrs. Bradley, but how old are you, anyway?” Arnn said. “You’re Ali Clifford and Andy Taylor’s sister, but...” Then he shook his head and said, “The fact of the matter is that I don’t understand any of you. Andy Taylor, for example, is Caitlin’s grandmother, and yet Andy appears to be about 23.”
“Without really answering your question,” Vangie said, “I will tell you that I am a real honest-to-God grandmother. I actually gave birth to my daughter, Cathy — which is more than Andy can say about Kelly — and Cathy’s eldest is significantly older than my own.”
Turning, for the first time Vangie looked around at the young people. Seeing Caitie Fitzpatrick, she squealed, “Caitie! It’s been such a long time!”
Caitie moved out of the crowd and went into Vangie’s outstretched arms. The others, including Larry Arnn, were amazed at the power of the kiss the two exchanged.
Easing apart, Vangie looked around, found John Taylor, and the scene was repeated.
Then Vangie asked, “Are the Harris twins here?”
Caitie handled the introductions, telling the girls that Vangie was her aunt and lived in Deerfield, Illinois. When my sisters each gave Vangie kisses back to back, the woman was light-headed. She just murmured, “Wow!”
Then Vangie said, “I got a message from Kathy Carlson. She said there would be a shipment at the Municipal Airport arriving at noon today. She strongly urged you four to be there to pick it up.” She snapped her fingers and added, “And by the way ... You had better bring two vans with lots of room in them. From what Kathy tells me, you’ll need it.”
The result was that my sisters and their fiancés along with John Taylor and Caitie Fitzpatrick went back out to Municipal Airport in the two vans they still had. Just as they arrived, yet another EA jet flared out and touched down. They watched as it taxied over to where they were standing next to the two vans.
Again the door opened and the ladder unfolded. But then things changed. A stewardess came down the steps followed by a giant tiger. My sisters watched in increasing amazement as a total of four tigers came down the steps followed by a second flight attendant. My sisters were frightened at first, but then relaxed when they glanced over at Caitie and found she was watching the scene with delight.
To the girls’ amazement, the four tigers came over to them and sat down in a row. They noted that two tigers who appeared to be slightly smaller than the others stayed slightly behind and to the side. The truly surprising thing was that the giant carnivores appeared ... scared! And, although neither girl knew much about tigers, both had the distinct impression that they feared absolutely nothing alive.
“Okay,” Caitie said, “now who is who? And relax, would you? I’m Caitie Fitzpatrick, and your families know me ... or know of me, anyway. Why the fearfulness?”
My sisters were then stunned when they heard the largest of the tigers reply, although, they realized, the communication was mental. “Divine One, we are used to kings and queens, and even emperors and empresses, but to meet someone ranking above the angels... ! It’s just too much.”
“Well,” Caitie replied, “it’s clear that you’ve been well trained. You’re sitting there so perfectly!” The giant felines were sitting in a row in a classic house-cat pose, back on their haunches while sitting up straight. Remarkably, they even had their tails carefully wrapped around their forepaws.
“Now who is who?” Caitie asked. “As I said, I’m Caitie Fitzpatrick, and this is my fiancé, John Taylor.” Then indicating the others she said, “The blue-eyed blonde is Little Bit Harris, while the tawny-haired green-eyed girl is her twin sister, Ann. The two guys are Tony Kramer and Paul Christian. Now who are you?”
Clearly, the girl’s introductions had helped. The tiger who had been acting as the spokesman for the little group communicated, “My name is Augustus, Divine One, although, I regret to say, I am known as Gus. Beside me is my mate, Sheba.” He paused and then said, “We are supposed to serve the Harris twins.
“My colleague is Siegfried and his mate is Brunhilde.” The animal slowly shook his head and added, “My poor friend’s nickname is even worse than my own. Everyone knows him as Ziggy, and his mate is called Hilde or Hildy.” Amazingly, he actually rolled his eyes and then added, “It’s really an awful nickname, but that’s the way it goes sometimes. “Ziggy and Hildy are to serve you and Mr. Taylor.”
Before they could move to board the vans, the tigers turned back to see the flight crew. By that time, the engines had been shut down and the pilots had disembarked, too. It turned out that the four-person flight crew was composed of two husband-and-wife teams.
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Chloe Couture needs her stepbrother Bambino to help with her homework. She initially wants him to do it for her, and eventually they strike a bargain that if Chloe makes him cum he’ll help her out. Chloe kicks things off by dropping to her knees and wrapping both hands and her naughty lips around Bambino’s cock. Sucking him like a hoover is a good start, as is the brief titty fuck between her small boobs, but Bambino needs more to cum. Peeling off her clothes, Chloe turns around and...
xmoviesforyouMy computer was playing up it was running slow and I was getting annoyed with it. A mile from where I live is a shop that deals with problems like I was having so I took the computer down to them, they said they'd have a look at it and ring me with a diagnosis. Two days later they rang and said they'd fixed it and would deliver it the next day.A knock on the door and there stood a chubby young lad with my computer. He came in and set it up and was telling me in computer jargon what he'd done...
On the day after my roommate, Tonia and I watched each other masturbate, I went for a very long swim in the campus pool. Swimming was my usual form of exercise and relaxation. That morning, I swam the most laps that I had done since I stopped training for competition.When I emerged from the pool, exhausted but relaxed, I sat on the edge for a while catching my breath. The swim had calmed me, but thoughts of the previous evening still lurked. I was still not sure what this erotic encounter in an...
College SexIntroduction: Being a Youth Camp mentor to city kids had been a rewarding task over the years. These kids had parents with money or grandparents that had money. They had money but not enough time with their kids. I had my fun with some of the other mentors over the years with after hour parties and sex sessions. But having given up three weeks a year every summer for over 20 years and getting older the sex fun had dwindled to an occasional roll in the sack with one of the butter...
I spent hours in a long silent conversation with Searcher. I was apologizing for taking up their time when I knew they were busy with repairs. I learned that time as I thought of it was an an entirely different concept to them. By my clock, the repairs would take years and my infrequent requests were considered a mild diversion. They had the benefit of being hidden safely in a cooperative host, the very least they could do was to keep their host happy. They had only one request, that I...
I should have listened to Eddie. This is fuckin' stupid, sitting in the dark, freezing my arse off in the middle of the night absolutely busting for a pee. What for? An old fart who couldn't have hurt a fly. 'Two' had just kept repeating over and over again not to become conspicuous and to keep operational discipline whether I felt this was all a waste of time or not. I did not know what our 'superiors' overall strategy was, the aim of the operation or the outcome if I failed. Actually...
"Is that you, Bob?" "It's a burglar. I've come to steal a kiss." "Guess what ... Mmmmmph." "Mph, yourself. That kiss was worth stealing. And I love your outfit." "Must be the shorts. You painted in the shirt when it was yours." "Your style in bra. Besides you do things for the shirt." "'Off' isn't a style. I saw that gynecologist today, and guess what?" "She said that you've been overusing your genitalia and to give them a month's rest?" "No-ope!" "She...
“We should go for a swim.” Jan jumped up and stumbled over to the pool. Joel and I just looked at each other smiling. The three of us had been drinking all afternoon, and into the evening. Jan was a light weight and had been trashed most of the day. Joel stood up and shook his head. “I didn’t bring my suit.” Jan just laughed. “Go in your boxers. I’m going in my pants and bra. What about you Carmen?” she winked at me as she pulled her top off. She knew I had a thing for Joel. He was 5’11...
Shawn could not stand Larry. He felt some obligation to the guy on account of they had been best friends since junior kindergarten and it was hard to avoid him since they lived next door to one another. Still Shawn could not stand him. The problem between them could be summed in two words; "Nancy Winters". She was the girl next door, or at least across the street. Nancy had also known the two boys since early childhood. Nancy was innocent and trusting. She had a way of unintentionally...
I was young and like all teenage boys, all I thought about was sex. I wanted someone to suck my cock so bad that I began to realize it didn’t matter too much who did it. It wasn’t long before I met Eric. He was much older, mid twenty’s I think and seemed to be attracted to me right from the start. It started with a touch, just his hand on my thigh, but it was electric. His touch shot bolts and tingles through my body and mind that I had never experinced before. This was a state of arrousal on a...
This was written by request the material is rough but the best I could come up with. The year is, as near as I can tell, is 1840. I am nearing the Trading Post where I will trade my furs for my possibles which includes Bacon and coffee. Next on the list will be powder and ball for my long rifle. Then and only then a shot of whiskey... well maybe two. Of course maybe a woman … If one is available. I have 2 pack mules loaded with beaver and other furs. Other trappers have told me that...
Henry Ruiz-Costa slowly walked up the stairs to enter the building he had not seen in over ten years. Things had changed he thought. A uniformed porter was sitting behind bulletproof glass and there was a walk-through metal detector for visitors. "I'd like to speak to Lord Lambert," he told the porter. "I'm an old friend of his. The name's Henry Ruiz-Costa." The porter was polite. "Would you please take a seat, Sir? I shall check with His Lordship's secretary." Inwardly, the...
Chanel Camryn is dressed nice and slutty for pajama day at school. Her stepbrother, Jason, calls her out on the crop top and short shorts. He tells her she can’t wear that to school because all his friends are going to want to fuck her. Chanel points out Jason’s obvious boner and says that’s because he wants to fuck her. The stepsiblings go back and forth for a while, with Jason insisting Chanel change and Chanel getting closer and closer to that nice stiffie. Eventually,...
xmoviesforyou[ Inspired by real events, but interspersed with the authors own experiences, and imaginary additions. ]My name is Rashid, and I was born and raised in the Congolese city of Kinshasa. Population around twelve million; but I left there and now live and work in Marrakesh, with a population of less than a million. I live and work as a builder of houses here. I'm 42 years of age. I have four c***dren, but am divorced. So now I work hard all day, and at night I love to go out into the city and find...
Making Love To You Is Always So Sweet Before I even opened my eyes that morning I could hear the gentle sounds of rain hitting the roof. I sighed softly and snuggled closer to you, feeling the comfort of your warm body near me as you smiled in your sleep. I love to watch you sleep, you look so calm and serene as your dreams play out and distant looks of happiness and hope cross your face. I sometimes like to think that it’s me you’re seeing in your dreams, because I know that you tend have a...
It had been a while since I was a center at one of Mark's parties. Due to work and well life I wasn't able to until recently. I got a phone call from Christie as I did just about once a week. She's always checking up on me and making sure I'm doing well. She's definitely a dear friend. Anyways, when she called me this time she asked if I were available for a party this coming Saturday. I checked my calendar and sure enough for the first time in ages, I didn't have to work. It had gotten to the...
August 2017: I was feeling excited, horny, and a little apprehensive, as I had just hit send on another email to a 'new slut' who had contacted me recently about my stories and experiences, and how they had affected her. A very sexual woman, we shall call her Jenna in this re-telling, had shared her intimate fantasies with me over a series of emails, igniting the dark lust in me. She made me want to stray from my more vanilla 'normal' life and once again taste that excitement of being so damn...
Hardcore“What am I doing?” You say to yourself. You had been seeing Mike for a couple of months. He had always been so kind and considerate, never demanding. Sometimes you thought he was too nice. Was something wrong that he was hiding? But the text you received just an hour ago was so out of character. Maybe his true nature was showing through. Maybe the wooing was over. The text had been short and vague, with no pleasantries at all. It was so unlike him. It read, “meet me at the following address......
I WAS SO EXHAUSTED after my near-all-nighter and another late night on Friday that I spent most of Saturday in bed. I couldn’t leave it alone even then; my mind kept flitting back to how I got started in this business. Embezzlement, fraud, and computer files were the constant of my career. It started on a Monday in September fifteen years ago. It happened to be the day after my forty-second birthday—unmarked and uncelebrated. Don’t feel sorry. I just don’t do birthdays. I’d spent the...
Jodie had always had dreams of competing in wrestling and making it to the big leagues. But not everything worked out as she planned. She was a star in the gyms but couldn't make it much past that so she started having to look else where to try and break into the main circuit. She continued searching until she saw an ad for a new rising tournament. 'Queens Rumble' All female fighting circuit She looked at the flyer and took it to her hand. She memorized the address and went to find the Gym....