- 2 years ago
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Commonwealth Navy patrols were an occupational hazard of Cas’ job. They were, in the grand scheme of things, one of the less dangerous of those hazards.
Unlike some of the less savoury customers that Cas dealt with, the low-ranking blue caps assigned to inspect cargo and intergalactic transport papers were not especially dangerous. They tended to avoid going in guns blazing, least of all on innocent-seeming cargo ships being piloted by boyishly handsome and charming captains who honestly, officer, had never so much as even heard of “contraband”.
No, the problem wasn’t so much that they were dangerous as it was that they were pricks. Cas was having a stressful enough week without some sneering little insect of an officer crawling on board his boat and peering around.
He could imagine that expression already, a face like someone sniffing sour milk. Add to that the fact that they were pricks with badges, which meant they had the power to throw Cas into some very hot water if they so much as didn’t like the look of him, and Cas would have fancied his chances with any number of gangs, syndicates, clans and Triads than deal with this right now.
“God damn it,” Cas growled, still buck naked from the waist down with his cock still half-hard. Merc and Roxy had barely had chance to move from where they were sat before him, his cum still glistening on their skin, their hair a mess from the wild threesome that had just unfolded on the galley floor in Cas’ ship.
Hoisting his pants back around his waist, Cas marched straight from the galley to his room. He was so focused that he barely even noticed the way that the girls’ eyes followed his muscular ass as he exited, fully dressed by the time he arrived at his massive bed.
He knew he’d left his blaster here, hung on the wall in its holster before he’d flown out of Cortez. It had been right before Roxy had come out of stasis-- which was why he’d had to sneak around with that pipe wrench that Roxy herself eventually used to knock Mercedes off of him. A glance at the wall told him that the holster was empty, though. He saw nothing but the worn leather.
“God damn it!” he cursed again, louder this time.
That blaster was the only thing he’d inherited from his father-- or so his mother had told him. As far as he knew, his mother didn’t even know for sure who his father had even been. Still, family heirloom or not, it was his damn blaster. He’d need it in case things went sideways with the blue caps-- and knowing the blue caps, it was always a possibility.
“Alright. Which one of y’all took my gun?” He scowled at the girls, who had gathered in the doorway.
They stared back at him blankly.
“I never saw a gun, Captain,” Merc responded, flicking her fingers across the cum her cheek and licking them clean. “Would’ve noticed if there had been one, back when you had me tied to the bed.”
“Tied to the bed? Fascinating,” Val said, looking smug. “I can’t imagine why such a great liberator of defenseless women would need to resort to bondage-- can you, spacer?”
Cas redirected his scowl at Val. He didn’t need input from the uptight upperclass peanut gallery at the moment. But in Mercedes’ case, Cas believed her. He knew from experience that if Mercedes Skybreaker had a shot at you, she took it. No need for subterfuge or cleverness when you’d taken the only gun on board.
Pushing past the three women, Cas headed to the bridge. The soft padding of their bare feet against the metal floors told him that they were following him. But unfortunately, a quick glance around the cockpit told him that the blaster wasn’t there, neither.
“Figured the only shooter you had was the one between your legs,” Roxy expanded, seemingly unphased even as the Commonwealth ship drew into view, closing the cosmic distance between them in what seemed like mere moments.
Cas didn’t like that. She’d been out of the box the longest. Had he really left his damn gun back on Cortez? That hardly seemed like him.
“Well, damn it straight to hell,” Cas grumbled, unsettled by this latest surprise. He’d never liked surprises to begin with, and now that they were beginning to include things like unexpected run-ins with the Commonwealth Navy and missing guns, he was liking them less and less by the minute.
Cas’ thoughts were interrupted by a sudden crackling voice over the hailer. The patrol ship was now visible through the windshield at the bridge’s head, the squat grey bulk blocking out light from the nearest star, itself little more than a dim light on the cosmic horizon.
“Conveyor-class Adonia, you have five minutes to open your gangway hatch and prepare for officer boarding. Failure to comply will result in the sanction of your trading licence and potential seizure of your vessel.”
Cas weighed up his options. Even if he threw everything he had into making a break for it, there was no way he’d outrun a Commonwealth patrol ship. And if he did escape, they’d still know to be on the lookout for The Adonia in every sector of this quadrant. Starting a fight was worse. Mercedes might have been a seasoned professional, but he had no idea if the other two knew how to handle themselves. Winning would almost be worse-- they’d be cap killers, right at the top of the Cluster’s most wanted list more-or-less automatically.
“Alright. Alright.” Cas moved over to a console, pressing the buttons to open the hatch which would provide access to the ship. Mechanical shuffling and clanging echoed from the cargo hold. The officers would be aboard in moments.
While Cas handled the officers, Mercedes took charge of the girls, moving Roxy and Val down the passageway and walking them into Cas’ bunk. Cas followed a moment later, trailing at their heels with.
“Don’t make a sound. I’ll try an’ keep ‘em outta here. There ain’t no need for a routine stop to go pokin’ around a man’s private livin’ space.”
“Cas,” Mercedes informed him, an urgent look in her eyes. “If they figure out we’re here...”
“Yeah,” he responded, his tone as grave as hers. He looked at all three of them. None of them were cowering, but there was no pretending that the situation wasn’t a serious one. It hung over them all like a funnel cloud just before a twister, all heavy air and puke-and-piss skies.
Mercedes looked like she wanted to punch something, positioning herself in front of the rest of the girls. Val stood just to her right, chin stuck out in a show of proud defiance, like she planned on giving a royal spanking and a verbal undressing to anyone who so much as looked at her wrong in her makeshift finery. As for Roxy, she stood close to Cas’ bed, looking unphased as ever. She looked confident in him, even. Like there was a holo-flick about to play out before her and she was just waiting on her popcorn.
“Captain Cassius Dawson. Sir?” A male voice echoed from down in the hold. The officer must have come on board while Cas was still trying to make sure that the girls were protected.
“I’ll deal with this.” It was the most reassurance he could offer. Barely even thinking, he kissed Mercedes and Roxy one after the other. It seemed appropriate, somehow. Mercedes’ green eyes were sharp as a knife to the kidney. She kissed him back, firm and lingering. Like she was fully prepared for it to be the last time.
If he played his cards wrong, it very well could be.
“Captain,” she said, closing her eyes and giving him a nod as she backed away. Cas could respect that. If anyone knew what was at stake here, it was her.
As for Roxy, she kissed him back with a smile.
“Come back safe,” she said, voice full of confidence as she patted his scruffy cheek with her soft little hand.
For a second, his eyes slid to Val. After a long moment’s pause, he nodded at her stiffly. She grimaced and returned the nod. Wasn’t much, but it was something.
With no other options left, Cas turned and headed to confront the officer.
The man greeting him down in the hold was burly, fat layered over muscle such that he almost rivaled Cas for bulk, though Cas’ diet of protein packs kept him as lean as cheap steak. The man was dressed in the uniform of a Commonwealth Navy patrolman: a black leather vest with a badge insignia of four interlocking golden circles glittering on his chest. Under that, a deep blue shirt with black pants and, of course, a midnight blue service cap, the garb after which they took their name.
“Ah, howdy, officer,” Cas greeted, making his way down into the hold from the catwalk above. “What can I do for you today?”
“Just a routine inspection of your goods an’ cargo, Captain. Nothin’ to worry about-- unless you’ve got somethin’ to hide.”
That hardly put Cas at ease. He’d known men who were doing 40 years on Devil’s Basin for things discovered during routine inspections. Hell, he’d known men who were six feet under because they said the wrong thing to an itchy-trigger-fingered patrolman casually perusing a cargo bay. With blue caps, routine was doing whatever the hell they wanted and damn anyone else.
“Inspect away,” Cas replied, unable to do anything but offer the best hospitality, lest he wanted to end up like one of his dear departed comrades. “Y’all got a copy of my manifest? I uploaded it right before I flew outta Cortez. Three medical supply crates on their way to Liberty Terminal.”
It was half true. He filed the manifests with just enough detail to keep the blue caps happy. Doc Clayton’s operation generally made a point of packing the top whatever shit they were sending off in enough synthetic gauze that only a thorough dig would uncover anything more sinister.
The key to good smuggling, in Cas’ experience, was flying just below the radar. Never give them too much of an excuse to look too closely. No one questioned bandages and boxes of gloves when there were bigger fish in the Outer Rim to fry.
“Your manifest says there’re three loaded medical supply crates,” the officer pointed out, narrowing his eyes at the three cyro-chambers and kicking at one of them. Now that the girls were no longer contained within, the crates had returned to the same unassuming state they’d been in when they’d first been placed aboard. When introduced to the officer’s boot, though, the crate he’d kicked skidded forward a few telltale inches. “And yet what I’m seein’ is three empty boxes.”
Shit. Loaded-- Cas had forgotten he’d included that particular detail to explain the crates’ weight. In all fairness, he’d hardly suspected that what was within the crates would go springing out and sucking his cock, but giving too much away was always a dangerous game. That was sloppy. And now sloppy was going to get him into serious trouble.
The officer turned to Cas. To his credit, he didn’t seem the least bit intimidated by the much more muscular, taller man he was facing down. In Cas’ defence, the patrolman had a gun and he didn’t. “So, you wanna start tellin’ me where the rest of your cargo is, son?”
“Well,” Cas began, thinking fast. Not as fast as he would’ve liked, but he’d been put on the spot here. “Y’see, the thing about that is...”
He contemplated a number of options.
He could claim that he’d made an honest mistake, though given the draconian blue caps, that would still get him a hefty punishment and bring on attention he could do without.
He could claim that these were different boxes from the ones he had listed, empty crates that he hadn’t seen fit to detail, but that left the question of where the loaded crates were.
He could claim he had unknowingly been coaxed into shipping wild varmints, that there were now dozens of them all over the ship and the officer had better get out of there before they came back hungry. Touching the spot on his neck where Mercedes had bit him, he did figure he sufficient evidence that he might be able to pull that one off. Now that they’d gotten a taste of human flesh, maybe they’d developed a craving for blood?
But no-- too flashy. Too hard to corroborate if the officer turned out to be a little braver than he looked. Sometimes, the simplest lie was the easiest one.
“I got out of Cortez and decided to take a look at what exactly it was I’d been sent out with. An’ wouldn’t you know it, it was medi-gel.” Cas shook his head forlornly. “Now, what kinda idiot decided to put medi-gel in a cold storage crate, I dunno, but by the time I checked it, it’d already dissolved from the cold. Medi-gel, you know, it’s gotta be kept at--”
The officer didn’t waver for a second. He knew a rat when he smelled one. “Awful large crates for medi-gel. Awful expensive mistake to get cold storage pods for somethin’ that don’t need it, too.”
Cas was feeling cornered. Between his missing blaster and now this, he’d shot straight past suspicious right into paranoid territory. He’d not been stopped by a Navy patrol in more than a year, and that’d been by a half-wit who hadn’t known which end of his blaster did the shootin’ part. But now, suddenly they were taking an interest? Maybe he was being paranoid, but it didn’t hurt to be paranoid when people had gone reason to be after you.
“Look, this is all just a huge misunderstanding. You know, I got a bottle of Shimmer City gin tucked away back in my bunk. How about I go grab it and we puzzle this out together? Smart man like you, I’m sure we can...” Cas began to move toward the officer, raising one hand in a gesture of conciliation.
The officer was having none of it.
“You stay right there!” The officer’s hand went for his blaster with a draw faster than Cas would have imagined a checkpoint patrolman to be capable of.
This, at least, Cas knew how to tango with. It’d earn him a shot in the shoulder if he was lucky. A shot in the gut if he was less so, and then he’d be wishin’ that he had all that medi-gel he’d just lied about. Either way, he’d take his knocks if it meant getting to that blaster before the officer could fire again.
But with the officer’s fingers only inches away from his hip, all of a sudden the man froze up entirely.
Huh. That was new, then.
Moving like a sleepwalker, the officer closed his fist and stood peacefully. He blinked his eyes three times without speaking.
Cas didn’t say nothin’ neither. His damn mouth had already gotten him into enough trouble for one blue cap boarding, thanks.
“Gee,” the officer eventually said, his tone bright and perky but his face completely expressionless. “I’m sorry for the misunderstandin’, Captain Dawson. I see now you had your papers all correct and there’s no problems at all.”
It took Cas a second to catch on to what was happening. He turned and looked back over his shoulder, anticipating a flash of silver hair and finding it.
Val was stood on the catwalk staring down into the cargo hold, trembling, slender fingers pressed to her temple. Violet eyes closed, and an expression of serene concentration on her face.
Psykers weren’t common in the Outer Rim. There would be no reason for a Commonwealth Navy trooper to expect one, least of all on a ship with only one declared occupant. The officer was completely defenceless as Val ran roughshod over his brain.
“You have a nice day now, Captain Dawson,” the officer continued in that unnaturally bright, cheerful tone. “I’m gonna get back on my ship in an orderly manner, finish up my shift and go home to think about my life choices.” A flicker of confusion crossed his face for a moment, but then he turned on his heel and stumbled off like a varmint pulled fresh from a barrel of Lost Landing moonshine.
Without another word, the officer made his way back through the tunnel that had extended out to connect their ships, disappearing out of sight. Still feeling his heart pounding away inside his chest, Cas turned to Val, who was now looking paler than ever, breasts heaving laboured beneath her makeshift gown. She was good, he had to admit, but even so, the effort of maintaining such a psychic stranglehold had worn her out after only a few moments.
“I thought you were meant to be a ... a smooth talker, spacer.” Val chastised him breathily. By the time he reached her, her voice was as weak as her body looked. “Whatever ... happened to...”
Before Val could finish her jab at him, her knees gave out and she crumpled. Moving fast, Cas took her delicate weight in his arms without any effort at all. Her eyes stared up at him weakly for a moment, violet flickering like extinguishing neon, before her long, dark eyelashes fluttered closed. Lifting her up in his arms, Cas carried her through to his bunk, the faint scent of expensive perfume-- jasmine and roses, Cas thought-- still clinging to her skin.
“Looks like the princess just saved our asses, Captain.” Roxy commented, observing from the door as Cas gently placed her on the bed. “She gonna be okay?”
Val appeared to be sleeping soundly. Cas had read somewhere once that a psyker could burn thousands of calories when they were pushing themselves that hard. He’d cook her up some extra rations when she woke up.
“Reckon so, yeah,” Cas murmured, sat on the bed, his eyes locked on Val’s sleeping face, delicate and gorgeous once that haughty expression had faded. “Just needs some rest. I guess maybe she ain’t quite so determined to leave us all behind as all that.”
“Mm. And look at you, Captain,” Roxy cooed from across the room. She closed the gap between the two of them and stood in front of him as he sat on the bed, her tits jutting out, almost eclipsing his view of her face as he looked up. Her bare pussy hovered just inches from his face. He could smell the scent of her in the air. “Our big, strong protector from the blue caps, standing tall in the face of danger then taking such awfully good care of us.” Her nimble fingers caught his hair, pushing through the chestnut waves. “And here I thought you were meant to be some kinda bad boy spacer.”
“I am a bad boy spacer,” Cas insisted, a little growl reverberating in his throat as Roxy’s lips lowered to his cheekbone. “I’m a scoundrel and a bastard and...” Her lips dipped lower, kissing his collarbones as she unbuttoned his shirt. “And a no-good ... lyin’ ... thievin’...” Roxy’s eyes flashed up at him, deviousness glinting in the electric blue as she tugged at his belt. “Cheatin’ ... whorin’ ... Aw, fuck it straight to hell.”
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Melissa told me that the feeling of a man coming in her drives her over the edge and the warm gooey feeling of cum being shot inside of her drives her crazy. I already knew this fact, but with the exception of one or two of our playmates, most men don't cum in large amounts. We decided to put up an add seeking men who cum in buckets so to speak. After posting the want add, it was like a flurry of action. Every guy with a dick responded as we had posted a pic of Melissa's shaved...
(The response to the first chapter of this story has been overwhelming. I can’t thank you all enough for your feedback, votes and support. I can only hope that this ongoing story fulfills everyone’s desires. Keep that feedback coming, I’ve gotten a lot of really deep, personal thoughts and a few people surprised me by telling me how much this means to them. I’m thrilled that this means so much to you guys, it means a lot to me, but you are the reason people write in the first place, it’s all...
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The following chapter is the final installment for ‘Heavy Traffic’. I truly appreciate everyone’s support and patience as I submitted chapter after chapter. I learned several valuable lessons about the story submission process on Literotica along the way. I’m not sure if I will go with the chapter-by-chapter submissions in the future or revert back to posting a story in its entirety. Thanks again. ***** Chapter Twenty The fog that preceded full consciousness was filled with pain. The pain...
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Late morning traffic on interstate 475 in the middle of the week consisted of more semis than cars which was a dual-edged sword as Sean saw it. It made the presence of his three trucks less obvious, but made his vehicle as well as any police vehicles stick out much more than he would have liked. A passenger vehicle that purposely stayed in the right lane following slower moving trucks rather than passing them was hard not to notice. Sean turned on his emergency flashers, hoping that anyone who...
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Cas’ bunk wasn’t far from the hold. Just down the hall, take a left, and you were there. But for Roxy, despite her toned body and enduring bubbliness in the face of whatever misfortune had befallen her to land her on Cas’ ship, even the short walk proved to be too much. “Oof!” she whimpered, taking a step and finding her knees giving out beneath her. Her lithe, nude body crumpled to the ground in a way that half-broke Cas’ heart. The other half of it broke when he moved toward her and she...
Cas Dawson wasn’t often left at a loss for words. Hell, his mouth had always been even more dangerous than his blaster. On Lost Landing, they’d called him “Fast-one Cas” for the yarns he’d spun. At least they had, until at age 18 he’d caught the eye of Farmer Barnett’s eldest daughter at a barn raising one night. After Becky told everyone how Cas had blown his load on her best square-dancing petticoat, the nickname had taken on a sort of double meaning. Cas had eventually figured out how to...
“Alright, alright.” Cas looked around in the red half-light flooding the ship. That was a real stupid design choice. Almost as stupid as the smooth jazz bar in his bunk. Why would you suddenly want only 50% visibility during an emergency? He did his best to remain calm. Panic in a situation like this did no one any favours, and the only way they were going to make it through this one, it was only going to be by staying steely calm. Reminded him of breaking bucking broncos back on Lost...
Late morning traffic on Interstate 475 in the middle of the week consisted of more semis than cars which was a dual-edged sword as Sean saw it. It made the presence of his three trucks less obvious but made his vehicle, as well as any police vehicles, stick out much more than he would have liked. A passenger vehicle that purposely stayed in the right lane following slower moving trucks rather than passing them was hard not to notice. Sean turned on his emergency flashers, hoping that anyone...
“You’ve ruined me. You know that, right?” Sean looked up from the floor of the suite living room to see Amanda speaking to him from the door to the bedroom. “Ruined you how?” “You’ve created an insatiable physical need within me; a need to have you inside me. Please come back to bed,” Amanda pleaded. Sean patted Merlin one last time before rising from the floor where they had been playing after his breakfast and approached Amanda. “I love satisfying all your needs, Mrs. Wallace,” Sean...
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One of their cell phones was ringing, but Sean didn’t know which it was. Amanda jumped from her bed, entered Sean’s room and answered it without regard for which of them it belonged to. Glancing at the clock beside the bed, Sean saw that it was only 3AM. Whether it was his phone or Amanda’s that rang, any call at this time of the morning couldn’t be good news. He propped the pillows behind his shoulders and leaned against the headboard waiting, and listening to Amanda as well as the...
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Just prior to reaching Camilla, Georgia where they switched from Highway 97 to Highway 300, Sean received a second signal bar on the display of his cell phone and determined that he would be able to maintain a connection that justified pairing the phone with his hands-free Bluetooth feature in his car. Amanda watched as Sean paired his phone and silently demonstrated her appreciation by making a zippered motion across her lips, followed by a smile. Sean saw her motion and grinned as he nodded...
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‘Were you raised in the Methodist Church?’ Amanda asked Sean as they took the Peachtree Industrial Boulevard exit from the perimeter loop and headed north. Sean had told her where they would be meeting his grandmother. ‘From Sunday School through baptism and beyond,’ replied Sean. ‘I attended Wesleyan Schools from Kindergarten through high school. You?’ ‘Same with me, except as you know I was home schooled,’ confirmed Amanda. ‘The similarities between us really are amazing when you think...
Amanda finished her latest e-mail correspondence with Jeremy Thorndike and Bryce Pierre. She then stood and walked out of Sean’s office to see if Moe had assembled the personnel yet. She found the last few people just positioning chairs into the open area of the office and taking their seats. The chairs had been arranged in a manner where Amanda was the center of everyone’s focus as she exited the office. Moe stood and leaned against her own cubicle as Amanda addressed the staff. ‘Good...
Gail Bennett was not excited about letting her protectee drive herself, but she did understand Amanda’s desire to celebrate obtaining her driver’s license. The escort car led the way with four agents inside, and Amanda had promised to stay close enough to it so that no other car would be able to insinuate itself between her car and her protection. The trail car that Gail was driving had three additional agents, but her years with the Secret Service made her overly cautious. The escort vehicle...
Sean knew that he had never seen his Grandmother Wallace laugh so much, especially during a formal dinner. She started the meal in exceptionally good spirits, and that made her even more susceptible to the humorous tales that Amanda told about her life in Australia, as well as the anecdotes that Ben Evans shared about dumb criminals. Sean, Kirby, Wendy and Moe also struggled with timing every bite of food or drink of wine to avoid embarrassing themselves by laughing with their mouths full. In...
Sheriff Morgan Smith was perturbed that his attempts to contact the men making the movie were unsuccessful, but he wasn’t entirely surprised. The lack of cellular signals throughout large portions of his county was something he and his staff dealt with every day. As he made the turn onto the road leading to Glenn Parker’s cabin, Sheriff Morgan started imagining the positive aspects of him needing to communicate with the men in person. While he had no interest in watching the girl die at the...
When she took his hand, they both felt something different. It was like a switch had been thrown with her touch. Sean suddenly felt like he had more blood in his body than he had had just a minute ago, and he could almost swear that he felt it warming as it rose up his arm, through his shoulder, and further into his body and soul. He didn’t understand it, but he took notice of it and enjoyed brief thoughts of what it foretold. Amanda felt strength in Sean’s touch such as she had never...
Amanda let Carol lead her and Wendy through the house, pointing out antiques and other items of obvious pride or sentimental stature among all the furnishings and decorations. Graciously acknowledging the presentations while limiting her own questions and comments seemed to Amanda to be the best way to expedite the tour and allow her to get back to Sean. When Carol led them into the basement of the house, Amanda was prepared to excuse herself in order to bring the tour to an end. However,...
Sean and Mickey continued to discuss their tactics for the rescue as Amanda checked Sean’s e-mail and noticed a new message from Bryce Pierre. ‘Bryce Pierre has sent out an e-mail,’ she told Sean. Do you want me to read it to you?’ ‘Yeah, let’s see what he had to say.’ Amanda started reading aloud, ‘To: All employees of Wallace Enterprises From: Bryce Pierre – Attorney at Law Subject: Insubordination As the legal representative for Wallace Enterprises and its owner Sean Wallace, I have...
I was been waked up in the afternoon around 2 PM. It was the manager who woke me up. He asked me to get a bath and get prepared. I inquired and he said that I was going to the second client right now. I said that I supposed it to be a night only. He said that they are getting very much impatient and so they are forcing for it. I got a bath and freshened up. He gave me some stuff which was illogical to wear. It looked like I was going for some fancy-dress party. I got a knife holder around my...
What the hell was happening? They were taking my nude pictures and videos. I objected and texted my boyfriend. Within 5 minutes he immediately came to the rescue My boyfriend came into the room and said to leave me alone and he will pay the bills immediately. The manager looked annoyed and pretended like he was betrayed. He told me and my boyfriend to sit on the sofa. He passed me a towel so that I could wrap it around. As I sat there he said something to his troops. His troops searched my bag...
Myself Rakhi Janghel. I’m 27 years old. People say I’m an awesome bombshell, have perfectly shaped breasts, thick thighs, curved bums. I haven’t been a mother yet so my tummy is flat with a deep navel. Soft and tender lips, pink of color, fair skin beautiful face cuts, long and sharp nose. I don’t stuff myself with jewelry and use only a nose ring, just like Sania Mirza uses. It enhances my beauty. I’m a doctor by profession, a gynecologist to be specific. I’m married to a doctor. But he...
You are about to embark on an erotic journey; however, you do not know you are about to embark on any journey, erotic or otherwise. To you, you are Will Saxon, bachelor, unlucky in love, but lucky in attaining a broad range of averageness in most other arenas. By day, you are a self-employed IT security consultant, drawing on your years of experience as a data pusher at TechTitan. In your short time as a freelancer, you’ve enjoyed your share of freedom from the middle men – and your domineering...
Mind ControlMyself Rakhi Janghel I’m 25 years old, People say I’m an awesome bombshell, have perfect shaped breast, thick thighs, curved bums, as I haven’t been a mother yet so tummy is flat with deep navel. Soft and tender lips, pink of colour, fair skin beautiful face cuts, long and sharp nose. I don’t stuff myself with jewellery and use only a nose ring, just like Sania Mirza uses, which actually enhance my beauty. I’m a doctor by profession, a gynaecologist to be specific. I’m married to a doctor...
By the time they left the rest area, the worst of the heat had broken and a fine, misting rain had begun to fall. Thunder rumbled as they slid back into the turgid flow of traffic. "So," Fiona asked finally. "What happens now?" Jack pondered the question, "What do you want to happen?" It was a long time before Fiona said, "I think we should put this behind us. It was ... the sort of thing that could only happen once ... on vacation. I want to grow old with you, Jack." She shrugged,...
Cas had traveled halfway across the universe, mostly getting by on nothing more than a smug smile, roguish charm and a thick cock. From experienced hookers eager to please to dainty virgins, he’d been with every type of girl you could think of a dozen times. And occasionally, he’d been with more than one type of girl at a time. There’d been that threesome with those triple-breasted gene-mod twins he’d met in the Outer Rim. The four-way at the Redhorn Saloon after a particularly good payday...
When she took his hand, they both felt something different. It was like a switch had been thrown with her touch. Sean suddenly felt like he had more blood in his body than he had had just a minute ago, and he could almost swear that he felt it warming as it rose up his arm, through his shoulder, and further into his body and soul. He didn’t understand it, but he took notice of it and enjoyed brief thoughts of what it foretold. Amanda felt strength in Sean’s touch such as she had never...
Just before reaching Camilla, Georgia where they switched from Highway 97 to Highway 300, Sean received a second signal bar on the display of his cell phone and determined that he would be able to maintain a connection that justified pairing the phone with his hands-free Bluetooth feature in his car. Amanda watched as Sean paired his phone and silently demonstrated her appreciation by making a zippered motion across her lips, followed by a smile. Sean saw her motion and grinned as he nodded...
Sean and Mickey continued to discuss their tactics for the rescue as Amanda checked Sean’s e-mail and noticed a new message from Bryce Pierre. “Bryce Pierre has sent out an e-mail,” she told Sean. Do you want me to read it to you?” “Yeah, let’s see what he had to say.” Amanda started reading aloud; ‘To: All employees of Wallace Enterprises From: Bryce Pierre – Attorney at Law Subject: Insubordination As the legal representative for Wallace Enterprises and its owner Sean Wallace, I have...
Sheriff Morgan Smith was perturbed that his attempts to contact the men making the movie were unsuccessful, but he wasn’t entirely surprised. The lack of cellular signals throughout large portions of his county was something he and his staff dealt with every day. As he made the turn onto the road leading to Gideon James’ cabin, Sheriff Morgan started imagining the positive aspects of him needing to communicate with the men in person. While he had no interest in watching the girl die at the...
Sean stood in the vestibule of the Detention Center, watching the rain outside while waiting for Mickey to finish her meetings. He thought it was always interesting to observe the natural wonder of the weather from a dry, comfortable location. A person seldom had the same appreciation for thunderstorms while exposed to their elements directly, so Sean used the varying intensity of the rain as cloud cells moved past in the sky to focus his thoughts on the events of the day. He wanted to...
One of their cell phones was ringing, but Sean didn’t know which it was. Amanda jumped from her bed, entered Sean’s room and answered it without regard for which of them it belonged to. Glancing at the clock beside the bed, Sean saw that it was only 3 am. Whether it was his phone or Amanda’s that rang, any call at this time of the morning couldn’t be good news. He propped the pillows behind his shoulders and leaned against the headboard waiting, and listening to Amanda as well as the...
“Were you raised in the Methodist Church?” Amanda asked Sean as they took the Peachtree Industrial Boulevard exit from the perimeter loop, and headed north. Sean had told her where they would be meeting his grandmother. “From Sunday School through baptism and beyond,” replied Sean. “I attended Wesleyan Schools from Kindergarten through high school. You?” “Same with me, except as you know, I was homeschooled,” confirmed Amanda. “The similarities between us really are amazing when you think...
The one-hour time change allowed Sean and Amanda to arrive at the airport in Tennessee only minutes after their departure from Atlanta. Sean had previously arranged for a car and driver to meet them, so within five minutes of Jeannie Sexton opening the door of the aircraft for them, they were seated in the back of the car heading out of the airport. Sean had advised their pilot to check into the Wallace hotel property adjacent to the airport, where a room was reserved for her. He would...
Amanda finished her latest e-mail correspondence with Jeremy Thorndike and Bryce Pierre. She then stood and walked out of Sean’s office to see if Moe had assembled the personnel yet. She found the last few people just positioning chairs into the open area of the office, and taking their seats. The chairs had been arranged in a manner where Amanda was the center of everyone’s focus as she exited the office. Moe stood and leaned against her own cubicle as Amanda addressed the staff. “Good...
Amanda let Carol lead her and Wendy through the house, pointing out antiques and other items of obvious pride or sentimental stature among all the furnishings and decorations. Graciously acknowledging the presentations while limiting her questions and comments seemed to Amanda to be the best way to expedite the tour, and allow her to get back to Sean. When Carol led them into the basement of the house, Amanda was prepared to excuse herself in order to bring the tour to an end. However, when...
Sean knew that he had never seen his Grandmother Wallace laugh so much, especially during a formal dinner. She started the meal in exceptionally good spirits, and that made her even more susceptible to the humorous tales that Amanda told about her life in Australia, as well as the anecdotes that Ben Evans shared about dumb criminals. Sean, Kirby, Wendy and Moe also struggled with timing every bite of food or drink of wine to avoid embarrassing themselves by laughing with their mouths...
“Z17 is 10-41,” reported Sandy Springs police patrol Sergeant Debbi Proctor. She had just pulled her marked cruiser out of the police headquarters parking lot onto Roswell Road so informing Communications of her start of shift status was department protocol. Her start of patrol was always the last for the mid-day shift since she had to give the briefing to the other officers and make certain that everyone had everything they needed before she started her supervisory patrol. The immediate...