Heavy Traffic Ch. 17 free porn video

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The only difference between the abandoned roadhouse called The Outpost and an over-sized outhouse was the absence of a crescent moon cut-out on the door.

Sean glanced at the CO monitor on the seat and then at his watch. Nine hundred and fifty parts per million had been displayed for the past twenty minutes. The sound of the men in the building complaining of headaches had ceased, but he could still hear the occasional vomiting attack through his headset. The transmitter in the building would not be affected by the carbon monoxide he was spewing into it from the tailpipe of the truck, so he was able to monitor the condition of the gang inside by their sounds.

Since the cinder-block building had been abandoned by the previous owner, the front doors and all the windows had been boarded up. The gang had been accessing the building through the one back door, which Sean had blocked when he had backed the truck up against it after he was certain that the last member of the gang had gone inside.

The intelligence that Rick Acosta had obtained confirmed that a Major Ellis still led the organized crime operations of all Black gangs in South Georgia, and that Ellis had accepted the contract from DeMarcus Steele to kill Sheriff Smith. Ellis had used his own son, Minor to kill Glenn Parker, burn down his and Sean’s cabins, and then to take the captured Mickey Anderson and deliver her to DeMarcus Steele personally.

The information on Minor Ellis indicated that he typically rendezvoused with his gang members at this location each night after 11PM to collect the money from their drug sales, prostitution, and extortion operations. Sean had arrived four hours previous to this and had time to reconnoiter not only the building, but the surrounding area as well. He had used commercially available spray cans of foam insulation to seal gaps around windows and doors, verified the amount of propane left in the tank behind the building, placed the CO sensors and radio transmitter in the building and prepared the method for the exhaust fumes to enter the building without detection.

While carbon monoxide is odorless, the exhaust fumes from the truck were not. The twenty six gang members in the building noticed the smell gradually, and when two of them discovered that the only door was blocked by something on the outside of the building, their situation became more obvious. Several of the men began vain attempts to find an alternate means of exiting the building, or at least a source of fresh air. Others turned to the only solution they had ever needed for any of their problems and began shooting the steel reinforced back door.

Sean turned off the engine and sat listening to the radio receiver for five additional minutes before getting out of the truck and disconnecting the tubing that had run from the tailpipe to the opening in the building. He considered sealing it with insulating foam, then decided that the air flow it allowed would serve his purposes better. Returning to the cab of the truck, he started it and pulled away from the building, parking close to the large propane tank that had once supplied fuel for the hot water heater, furnace and appliances in the building. It was still connected through underground pipes, and Sean made quick work of removing the padlock from the service handle using a bolt cutter. He left the handle in the ‘off’ position and returned to the back of the truck.

Donning the portable respirator that he had purchased earlier at a paint supply, Sean then approached the back of the building and opened the door. Stepping quickly into the building, he did not turn the head-mounted flashlight on until the door was closed again. The scene was just as he had expected, and he moved accordingly. There were pools of vomit next to every one of the twenty six unconscious bodies, so Sean took care not to leave any tracks by avoiding the mess. Checking the pulse of each man as he passed confirmed that all were still alive and breathing, which was the desired condition Sean had been seeking. He wanted them to be able to breathe enough smoke to explain the carbon monoxide poisoning any potential autopsies might uncover.

The gang had been using kerosene camping lanterns to light their hide-out, and all were still lit. Sean kicked over two particular lanterns, and while the flames extinguished, the fuel quickly spilled out and began soaking into the worn mattresses on the floor. Sean left the other three lanterns upright and lit. He wanted the flames burning when the propane reached them.

Dragging one of the old mattresses that didn’t have a body on it with him, he left the main room and entered what had once been a kitchen area. Sean found and turned on the valves for the gas lines that at one time went to the stove and water heater and laid the mattress directly in front of these.

With the interior of the building staged to his satisfaction, Sean retrieved the transmitter and CO sensor. He turned off the flashlight, removed it and the respirator, and then quickly exited the building. Placing the items back into the truck and closing the camper door, Sean then opened the service valve on the propane tank, climbed into the truck and drove past the collection of large SUV’s that the gang had arrived in and turned onto the highway just after midnight.

‘So you gentlemen like playing with fire,’ Sean said to the reflection of The Outpost in his rear-view mirror. ‘Have fun with this one.’

Sean almost chastised himself for these words, until he thought back on the conversations that he and Amanda had had over the past few days. She had been perceptive of his feelings and prophetic of his thoughts where their pending actions were concerned. Sean had killed before, and Amanda knew this, but he was not a ‘killer’. Twenty six men were about to die due to his actions, and together they had prepared mentally, emotionally, and spiritually to accept their actions as justifiable.

Each of the gang members currently lying unconscious within The Outpost had some culpability in the killing of Glenn Parker, the abduction of Mickey and the burning of the cabins, even if they didn’t fire a shot or light a single match. However, as Sean had explained to Amanda, he could not approach their mission merely as an act of revenge for what had already occurred. His justification needed to be more preemptive in purpose and in promise.

Would each of these gang members someday kill or torture another person if Sean didn’t stop them tonight? Sean and Amanda couldn’t be certain of that, but it was certain that none of them would ever get the chance. If a rancher spotted a wolf stalking his livestock, he didn’t wait to see if it would attack them, he took action to prevent it from attacking. Sean just made certain that this pack of wolves would never be a threat again.

As the truck reached the top of a slight incline on the highway, Sean could see the faint orange glow in the distance indicating that the flames inside the building had already reached the wood covering the windows. As this wood burnt through, additional oxygen would feed the fire and the roof would soon become engulfed as well. The flow of propane would not cause an explosion, but it would continue to feed the fire until the tank was empty. There was little chance that the fire would be noticed, or that emergency responders would get to it before the roof collapsed onto the charred bodies lying within the building. It was even less likely that the scene would be viewed as anything other than an unfortunate accident involving trespassers in an abandoned building falling victim to their own carelessness.

The view of the flames fell away as the truck began descending on its continued journey east. Losing sight of the building, Sean wiped the event from his mind and began focusing his attention onto his next part of the mission, and frequent thoughts of Amanda.


Stephan Mota didn’t even attempt to sleep. He knew it would be a frui
tless effort. Instead, he had spent the last six hours scouring the internet and every database he had access to in an attempt to learn all he could on Amanda Wallace. After all these efforts, she remained an enigma to him.

Her Olympic accomplishments were detailed, and there was cursory mention of her when her parents and then her brother had died. Glaringly absent were any details about her business philosophies or her personality in general that would provide some insight into how Mota might be able to deal with her.

It could be assumed that the acquisition of the Tri-Star Partners accounts were done for some reason, or reasons other than merely wanting to own these businesses. As Judge Menéndez had implied, the actions were those of someone seeking vengeance or retribution of some sort, and Mota knew that DeMarcus Steele had definitely brought Tri-Star Partners afoul of Sean Wallace, but that involved Wallace Enterprises not Wallace Holdings. Mota had done nothing himself to Amanda or Sean Wallace, but he wasn’t stupid. He knew that the old adage, ‘A friend of my enemy is also my enemy’ came into play here.

Sean and Amanda Wallace were obviously working together to a greater extent than Mota had been told, but who between them was calling the shots, and why these particular ‘shots’? The information on Sean Wallace that he had taunted DeMarcus Steele with had been provided by multiple sources that Mota had within various government agencies and was just summary data in every case. Mota had thought that the summaries would be adequate for his purposes, but now that he craved greater details on this man, would these same sources be willing to cooperate. He had his doubts.

Switching from his data search on Amanda Wallace to Sean Wallace, Mota decided to include photos of the man in his queries. If this was his enemy as Menéndez had implied, then he wanted to see what he looked like. Remembering the conversation with Menéndez, Mota now recalled hearing almost a sense of awe in the Judge’s voice as he detailed the influence that must have been brought to bear for his political and judicial dealings to be under review without any prior investigations or complaints. Mota knew that the level of the pressure, coming from the Justice Department directly rather than merely a field office also indicated that the influence was unlikely to have been brought by Amanda Wallace alone.

Photos of Sean Wallace were even more scarce than those of Amanda Wallace, but Mota didn’t need more than the one on his computer screen right now to grasp the understanding he had been seeking. A wedding photo taken at the White House identified Sean Wallace as one of the groomsmen. It was a grainy news file photo, but Mota could see in the eyes that Sean Wallace was going to be trouble. Becoming ‘an enemy to his enemy’ might be the best approach for Mota to take where Sean Wallace was concerned.


The nearest Wallace Enterprises hotel property was along interstate 75 in Valdosta. The two hour drive was worth it for Sean, because staying in one of his own properties provided him with the privacy he wanted. Following his earlier instructions, Monica had made arrangements for the ‘code-word’ check-in which eliminated him even having to show identification or a credit card to obtain a room key. He was completely anonymous to the hotel staff and would remain that way.

Sean took the time to relieve himself in the suite’s bathroom, and then brushed his teeth before removing his shoes and falling fully clothed onto the king-sized bed in the room. He set his cell phone alarm to awaken him at 6AM. Sleep came quickly and easily.

When the alarm sounded, Sean awoke refreshed. He contemplated calling Amanda straight off, but then decided to take a shower and get the in-room coffee maker started first. After the shower, he setup his laptop as the coffee brewed, and while it booted and connected to the hotel’s Wi-Fi service, he called Amanda.

Sean wasn’t surprised to hear from Amanda’s perky answering of the phone that she had been awake for a while. ‘Good morning Mrs. Wallace. While I don’t enjoy missing you, I do love having you in my life to be missed.’

‘I feel exactly the same, Mr. Wallace. Have you seen any of the morning news yet?’

‘Not yet,’ said Sean as he picked up the remote control for the television, pressed the power button and muted the sound. ‘What’s going on?’

‘Officials are investigating a building fire outside of a place called Thomasville, Georgia that killed twenty six people. The bodies were burnt beyond recognition, but a spokesman for the volunteer fire department thought they were all males. Since the building had been abandoned and boarded up, they are suspecting that the men were not authorized to use it. A propane leak is suspected as the cause…’

‘Did they give a name for the building?’ asked Sean. His local news channel was still providing a weather forecast.

‘Why do I think you already know the name?’

Sean sighed, ‘It’s not what I know or don’t know that matters, it’s whether the location gets announced so that the people I want to know finds out about it. Hang on…’ Sean paused as he unmuted the television to listen to the report that Amanda had mentioned.

The reporter didn’t have to mention the name of the building because it was obvious on the worn roadside sign in front of the burnt out shell of cinder blocks in the background of the video. Even better the burnt remains of several, what were obviously once Cadillac SUV’s were visible. Sean was satisfied that this would suffice for the time being.

Turning off the television and returning back to Amanda on his phone, Sean said, ‘Never mind, the video from the scene showed the name of the building on its sign.’

‘So you’re good then with the news?’ asked Amanda.

‘I have to be,’ said Sean. ‘My hope is that some other people aren’t good with it.’

‘Do you have your next move ready to go?’

‘I know what I want it to be, but I’ll need to get the right information back from Rick Acosta before I know if it will work. How are your plans progressing, Mrs. Wallace?’

‘Quite well actually, I have a lunch date today with Mr. DeMarcus Steele.’

Even though he and Amanda had discussed this eventuality, Sean’s skin still cooled at the thought of Amanda being alone with the man who most likely tortured Mickey. ‘Gail has everything setup for this?’

‘Everything is set,’ assured Amanda. ‘Mr. Steele will not be allowed to carry any weapons onto the plane, which unless he knows that private aviation has different rules regarding weapons than commercial flights do, will be a valid reason for him to surrender anything he has on him when he boards. He will be transported directly from the airport here to the house by Jeannie Sexton so he won’t have the opportunity to re-arm himself before we meet.’

‘What is the plan for your safety at the house?’ Sean asked.

‘There will be more than a dozen armed guards within what Gail considers ‘striking distance’ at all times. She has shown me the areas where the cameras will always have both Mr. Steele and me in view, and provided me with two different means of signaling for help should I require it, neither requiring verbal communication, although the microphones will be on the whole time as well to record our conversation.’

‘I still wish I was there…’

‘I wish you were here too, Sean, but for different reasons. We both agreed that for this part of the plan to succeed we need to put DeMarcus Steele at ease. Thinking he is alone with me, along with certain implied promises should accomplish that. Trust me Sean.’

‘I do trust you Amanda, but I couldn’t love you as much as I do without worrying about your safety.’

‘I understand that Sean, and I love you for it. Do you still think that you will be able to be in Atlanta tomorrow?’

‘It may be later in the day than I had hoped, but that’s still my plan. Have
you discussed flying down with Gail?’

‘I have, and she’s working out the logistics just in case. I can’t wait to see you.

‘Nor me you. I should probably check e-mail to see if Rick has sent me the information I need. Please call me after your meeting with Steele. I’ll be here at the hotel until sunset at least unless Acosta’s information gives me a good reason to venture out.

‘I’ll do that Sean. I love you.’

‘I love you too Amanda.’


DeMarcus Steele had been restless all night, and the reason was foreign to him. He couldn’t get his mind off of Amanda Wallace, and his thoughts of her were not what he expected them to be. Instead of thinking of how he would humiliate and degrade her – physically and emotionally – using her body solely for his own pleasure, he found himself thinking of ways to please her.

She had intrigued him with her proposition to buy his shipment, and placed him into a perpetual state of arousal since her hints of sexual exploration. He knew that the arousal was due to the thought of cuckolding Sean Wallace more than the thought of having sex with Amanda Wallace. Hell, he hadn’t even seen what she looked like. She could resemble one of them bizarre animals that lived in Australia for all DeMarcus knew, but it didn’t matter. He would do his best to make certain that when he was done with her, Amanda Wallace would be spoiled for his cock and resent Sean Wallace for being the Pussy everyone knew him to be.

Choosing a custom tailored taupe plaid suit to complement and enhance his dark skin, DeMarcus knew that his appearance would impress most women, regardless of their race. He had model-quality facial features, a tall lean, toned body and a captivating smile when he chose to display it. The uniformed sister approaching him now in the lobby of World Wings at Peachtree-DeKalb Airport would soon experience the smile, he decided.

‘Mr. Steele, my name is Jeannie Sexton and I’ll be your pilot this morning.’ She extended her hand towards him

DeMarcus did smile as he shook Jeannie Sexton’s hand and said, ‘I’m very pleased to meet you Jeannie. I look forward to traveling with you.’

‘We don’t currently have a magnetometer working in this building. Would you consent to a pat-down for any prohibited items, such as guns, knives, or other weapons?’

‘I’m okay with that,’ said DeMarcus as the man who had been behind the counter came around to frisk him. DeMarcus raised his arms and allowed the inspection without comment.

When Caleb had completed the search as he had been instructed to perform it, he nodded to Jeannie. ‘Excellent Mr. Steele, if you’ll just follow me to the plane we can be underway shortly.’

Raising his voice to be heard over the sound of various airport noises once they had stepped out of the lobby and onto the tarmac, DeMarcus asked, ‘How much do you charge for a flight like we’re taking today?’

Jeannie Sexton continued walking towards their plane as she responded, ‘It depends on several factors, such as the type of aircraft, lay-over duration, time of day, and number of passengers. Someone in the office could provide you a quote when we return if you’re interested, Mr. Steele.’

As they reached the plane and Jeannie started climbing the stairs to enter, DeMarcus got an eye-level view of her ass under the khaki pants she wore. ‘Fine!’ more than summed up the view in his mind. Following her up the stairs, DeMarcus continued their conversation, ‘A quote’s not necessary. I was just curious how much Mrs. Wallace was paying to have me flown in for lunch.’

Pausing at the door to the cockpit, Jeannie turned and faced DeMarcus. Smiling, she said, ‘Mrs. Wallace didn’t pay anything for this flight Mr. Steele. She owns the company. You are my only passenger, so please take any seat you would like and fasten your seat belt. We’ll be taxiing to the runway shortly.’

DeMarcus selected the first forward facing seat on the right side of the plane after recognizing that it provided a view into the cockpit and might allow him to talk with this fine lady pilot during their flight. The conversation he wanted to have was one of the most challenging for men. How to pry information from a woman about another woman while at the same time trying to make her believe you were interested in her personally.

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Heavy LoadChapter 2

Cas’ bunk wasn’t far from the hold. Just down the hall, take a left, and you were there. But for Roxy, despite her toned body and enduring bubbliness in the face of whatever misfortune had befallen her to land her on Cas’ ship, even the short walk proved to be too much. “Oof!” she whimpered, taking a step and finding her knees giving out beneath her. Her lithe, nude body crumpled to the ground in a way that half-broke Cas’ heart. The other half of it broke when he moved toward her and she...

3 years ago
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Heavy LoadChapter 5

Cas Dawson wasn’t often left at a loss for words. Hell, his mouth had always been even more dangerous than his blaster. On Lost Landing, they’d called him “Fast-one Cas” for the yarns he’d spun. At least they had, until at age 18 he’d caught the eye of Farmer Barnett’s eldest daughter at a barn raising one night. After Becky told everyone how Cas had blown his load on her best square-dancing petticoat, the nickname had taken on a sort of double meaning. Cas had eventually figured out how to...

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Heavy LoadChapter 6

Commonwealth Navy patrols were an occupational hazard of Cas’ job. They were, in the grand scheme of things, one of the less dangerous of those hazards. Unlike some of the less savoury customers that Cas dealt with, the low-ranking blue caps assigned to inspect cargo and intergalactic transport papers were not especially dangerous. They tended to avoid going in guns blazing, least of all on innocent-seeming cargo ships being piloted by boyishly handsome and charming captains who honestly,...

2 years ago
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Heavy LoadChapter 7

“Alright, alright.” Cas looked around in the red half-light flooding the ship. That was a real stupid design choice. Almost as stupid as the smooth jazz bar in his bunk. Why would you suddenly want only 50% visibility during an emergency? He did his best to remain calm. Panic in a situation like this did no one any favours, and the only way they were going to make it through this one, it was only going to be by staying steely calm. Reminded him of breaking bucking broncos back on Lost...

3 years ago
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Heavy TrafficChapter 5

Late morning traffic on Interstate 475 in the middle of the week consisted of more semis than cars which was a dual-edged sword as Sean saw it. It made the presence of his three trucks less obvious but made his vehicle, as well as any police vehicles, stick out much more than he would have liked. A passenger vehicle that purposely stayed in the right lane following slower moving trucks rather than passing them was hard not to notice. Sean turned on his emergency flashers, hoping that anyone...

4 years ago
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Heavy TrafficChapter 14

“You’ve ruined me. You know that, right?” Sean looked up from the floor of the suite living room to see Amanda speaking to him from the door to the bedroom. “Ruined you how?” “You’ve created an insatiable physical need within me; a need to have you inside me. Please come back to bed,” Amanda pleaded. Sean patted Merlin one last time before rising from the floor where they had been playing after his breakfast and approached Amanda. “I love satisfying all your needs, Mrs. Wallace,” Sean...

4 years ago
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Heavy is the Head

“Will you be needing any assistance in these trying times, my queen?” warbled a dusky warmth from behind her. In reply, the queen reached up and wrapped her own dainty set of digits around the knobbled sausage-thick fingers comforting her. “No. I have a kingdom to run now; my people will need me at my strongest. I cannot afford not to show my emotions – even the ones I bear most burdensome,” spoke the yet-unsworn ruler in her most practiced impression of confidence. It was, however, an...

1 year ago
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Heavy Traffic Ch 08

One of their cell phones was ringing, but Sean didn’t know which it was. Amanda jumped from her bed, entered Sean’s room and answered it without regard for which of them it belonged to. Glancing at the clock beside the bed, Sean saw that it was only 3AM. Whether it was his phone or Amanda’s that rang, any call at this time of the morning couldn’t be good news. He propped the pillows behind his shoulders and leaned against the headboard waiting, and listening to Amanda as well as the...

1 year ago
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Heavy Breath Ch 01

I would never be brave enough to be one of the real slaves. What they were doing right now was something I would never have enough courage for, even if I waited and let gallons and gallons of courage build up for my whole life. I wished though. I wished hard and I wished often. I wished I could do it. I wanted to know the feeling of giving myself completely, not only to one Master, but to many. If only for a moment like all of the other slaves were doing right now. I was at a slave auction,...

3 years ago
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Heavy Traffic Ch 18

As the crow flies, Jun Kim’s house on Woodlake Drive was probably less than ten miles from Stephan Mota’s own house, but due to the shape of Lake Lanier along its southern shoreline and the congestion caused by mid-afternoon traffic, it took Mota more than an hour to drive there. Exchanging nothing beyond the standard pleasantries until they had boarded Kim’s twenty-five foot pontoon boat and had reached a distance from the shore that would render parabolic microphones ineffective, the two men...

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Heavy Traffic Ch 10

The one hour time change allowed Sean and Amanda to arrive at the airport in Tennessee only minutes after their departure from Atlanta. Sean had previously arranged for a car and driver to meet them, so within five minutes of Jeannie Sexton opening the door of the aircraft for them, they were seated in the back of the car heading out of the airport. Sean had advised their pilot to check into the Wallace hotel property adjacent to the airport where a room was reserved for her. He would contact...

2 years ago
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Heavy Traffic Ch 07

Sean stood in the vestibule of the Detention Center watching the rain outside while waiting for Mickey to finish her meetings. He thought it was always interesting to observe the natural wonder of the weather from a dry, comfortable location. A person seldom had the same appreciation for thunderstorms while exposed to their elements directly, so Sean used the varying intensity of the rain as cloud cells moved past in the sky to focus his thoughts on the events of the day. He wanted to...

3 years ago
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Heavy Traffic Ch 01

Some men deserve to die, but these three deserved to spend the rest of their miserable lives wishing they were dead. Sean ‘Recon’ Wallace heard the woman screaming as soon as the doors to the van had opened. Noticing headlights in the pre-dawn darkness he had watched the van driving to the remote cabin of his neighbor Glenn Parker as he was cutting through the woods on his way to his own cabin about a mile farther into the southwest Georgia wilderness. The winding dirt road the van had chosen...

4 years ago
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Heavy Traffic Ch 15

‘Z17 is 10-41,’ reported Sandy Springs police patrol Sergeant Debbi Proctor. She had just pulled her marked cruiser out of the police headquarters parking lot onto Roswell Road so informing Communications of her start of shift status was department protocol. Her start of patrol was always the last for the mid-day shift since she had to give the briefing to the other officers and make certain that everyone had everything they needed before she started her supervisory patrol. The immediate...

4 years ago
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Heavy Traffic Ch 16

Elliott Greer had arrived early Sunday morning, which due to the time difference between Sydney and Atlanta placed his arrival only four hours later than his departure time – on the same day of the week. Jet-lag may catch up with him eventually, but being able to sleep on the flight greatly reduce the effects and also allowed him to get to work as soon as Samuel Baldwin had presented him with the Smartphone that Amanda had provided. Before exiting the Atlanta airport, Elliott had confirmed his...

3 years ago
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Heavy Traffic Ch 03

Just prior to reaching Camilla, Georgia where they switched from Highway 97 to Highway 300, Sean received a second signal bar on the display of his cell phone and determined that he would be able to maintain a connection that justified pairing the phone with his hands-free Bluetooth feature in his car. Amanda watched as Sean paired his phone and silently demonstrated her appreciation by making a zippered motion across her lips, followed by a smile. Sean saw her motion and grinned as he nodded...

3 years ago
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Heavy Traffic Ch 09

‘Were you raised in the Methodist Church?’ Amanda asked Sean as they took the Peachtree Industrial Boulevard exit from the perimeter loop and headed north. Sean had told her where they would be meeting his grandmother. ‘From Sunday School through baptism and beyond,’ replied Sean. ‘I attended Wesleyan Schools from Kindergarten through high school. You?’ ‘Same with me, except as you know I was home schooled,’ confirmed Amanda. ‘The similarities between us really are amazing when you think...

3 years ago
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Heavy Traffic Ch 11

Amanda finished her latest e-mail correspondence with Jeremy Thorndike and Bryce Pierre. She then stood and walked out of Sean’s office to see if Moe had assembled the personnel yet. She found the last few people just positioning chairs into the open area of the office and taking their seats. The chairs had been arranged in a manner where Amanda was the center of everyone’s focus as she exited the office. Moe stood and leaned against her own cubicle as Amanda addressed the staff. ‘Good...

3 years ago
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Heavy Traffic Ch 19

Gail Bennett was not excited about letting her protectee drive herself, but she did understand Amanda’s desire to celebrate obtaining her driver’s license. The escort car led the way with four agents inside, and Amanda had promised to stay close enough to it so that no other car would be able to insinuate itself between her car and her protection. The trail car that Gail was driving had three additional agents, but her years with the Secret Service made her overly cautious. The escort vehicle...

3 years ago
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Heavy Traffic Ch 13

Sean knew that he had never seen his Grandmother Wallace laugh so much, especially during a formal dinner. She started the meal in exceptionally good spirits, and that made her even more susceptible to the humorous tales that Amanda told about her life in Australia, as well as the anecdotes that Ben Evans shared about dumb criminals. Sean, Kirby, Wendy and Moe also struggled with timing every bite of food or drink of wine to avoid embarrassing themselves by laughing with their mouths full. In...

1 year ago
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Heavy Traffic Ch 06

Sheriff Morgan Smith was perturbed that his attempts to contact the men making the movie were unsuccessful, but he wasn’t entirely surprised. The lack of cellular signals throughout large portions of his county was something he and his staff dealt with every day. As he made the turn onto the road leading to Glenn Parker’s cabin, Sheriff Morgan started imagining the positive aspects of him needing to communicate with the men in person. While he had no interest in watching the girl die at the...

1 year ago
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Heavy Traffic Ch 02

When she took his hand, they both felt something different. It was like a switch had been thrown with her touch. Sean suddenly felt like he had more blood in his body than he had had just a minute ago, and he could almost swear that he felt it warming as it rose up his arm, through his shoulder, and further into his body and soul. He didn’t understand it, but he took notice of it and enjoyed brief thoughts of what it foretold. Amanda felt strength in Sean’s touch such as she had never...

3 years ago
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Heavy Traffic Ch 12

Amanda let Carol lead her and Wendy through the house, pointing out antiques and other items of obvious pride or sentimental stature among all the furnishings and decorations. Graciously acknowledging the presentations while limiting her own questions and comments seemed to Amanda to be the best way to expedite the tour and allow her to get back to Sean. When Carol led them into the basement of the house, Amanda was prepared to excuse herself in order to bring the tour to an end. However,...

2 years ago
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Heavy Traffic Ch 04

Sean and Mickey continued to discuss their tactics for the rescue as Amanda checked Sean’s e-mail and noticed a new message from Bryce Pierre. ‘Bryce Pierre has sent out an e-mail,’ she told Sean. Do you want me to read it to you?’ ‘Yeah, let’s see what he had to say.’ Amanda started reading aloud, ‘To: All employees of Wallace Enterprises From: Bryce Pierre – Attorney at Law Subject: Insubordination As the legal representative for Wallace Enterprises and its owner Sean Wallace, I have...

2 years ago
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Heavy Spiced SubStandard Experience 8211 Part 4

I was been waked up in the afternoon around 2 PM. It was the manager who woke me up. He asked me to get a bath and get prepared. I inquired and he said that I was going to the second client right now. I said that I supposed it to be a night only. He said that they are getting very much impatient and so they are forcing for it. I got a bath and freshened up. He gave me some stuff which was illogical to wear. It looked like I was going for some fancy-dress party. I got a knife holder around my...

4 years ago
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Heavy Spiced SubStandard Experience Part 2

What the hell was happening? They were taking my nude pictures and videos. I objected and texted my boyfriend. Within 5 minutes he immediately came to the rescue My boyfriend came into the room and said to leave me alone and he will pay the bills immediately. The manager looked annoyed and pretended like he was betrayed. He told me and my boyfriend to sit on the sofa. He passed me a towel so that I could wrap it around. As I sat there he said something to his troops. His troops searched my bag...

3 years ago
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Heavy Spiced SubStandard Experience 8211 Part 1

Myself Rakhi Janghel. I’m 27 years old. People say I’m an awesome bombshell, have perfectly shaped breasts, thick thighs, curved bums. I haven’t been a mother yet so my tummy is flat with a deep navel. Soft and tender lips, pink of color, fair skin beautiful face cuts, long and sharp nose. I don’t stuff myself with jewelry and use only a nose ring, just like Sania Mirza uses. It enhances my beauty. I’m a doctor by profession, a gynecologist to be specific. I’m married to a doctor. But he...

3 years ago
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Heavy Is The Head

You are about to embark on an erotic journey; however, you do not know you are about to embark on any journey, erotic or otherwise. To you, you are Will Saxon, bachelor, unlucky in love, but lucky in attaining a broad range of averageness in most other arenas. By day, you are a self-employed IT security consultant, drawing on your years of experience as a data pusher at TechTitan. In your short time as a freelancer, you’ve enjoyed your share of freedom from the middle men – and your domineering...

Mind Control
4 years ago
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Heavy Spiced Substandard Experience

Myself Rakhi Janghel I’m 25 years old, People say I’m an awesome bombshell, have perfect shaped breast, thick thighs, curved bums, as I haven’t been a mother yet so tummy is flat with deep navel. Soft and tender lips, pink of colour, fair skin beautiful face cuts, long and sharp nose. I don’t stuff myself with jewellery and use only a nose ring, just like Sania Mirza uses, which actually enhance my beauty. I’m a doctor by profession, a gynaecologist to be specific. I’m married to a doctor...

4 years ago
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Heavy TrafficChapter 2

By the time they left the rest area, the worst of the heat had broken and a fine, misting rain had begun to fall. Thunder rumbled as they slid back into the turgid flow of traffic. "So," Fiona asked finally. "What happens now?" Jack pondered the question, "What do you want to happen?" It was a long time before Fiona said, "I think we should put this behind us. It was ... the sort of thing that could only happen once ... on vacation. I want to grow old with you, Jack." She shrugged,...

2 years ago
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Heavy LoadChapter 4

Cas had traveled halfway across the universe, mostly getting by on nothing more than a smug smile, roguish charm and a thick cock. From experienced hookers eager to please to dainty virgins, he’d been with every type of girl you could think of a dozen times. And occasionally, he’d been with more than one type of girl at a time. There’d been that threesome with those triple-breasted gene-mod twins he’d met in the Outer Rim. The four-way at the Redhorn Saloon after a particularly good payday...

4 years ago
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Heavy TrafficChapter 2

When she took his hand, they both felt something different. It was like a switch had been thrown with her touch. Sean suddenly felt like he had more blood in his body than he had had just a minute ago, and he could almost swear that he felt it warming as it rose up his arm, through his shoulder, and further into his body and soul. He didn’t understand it, but he took notice of it and enjoyed brief thoughts of what it foretold. Amanda felt strength in Sean’s touch such as she had never...

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