- 4 years ago
- 32
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Another school day was over. It was the quiet time when most kids were either at home or trying to avoid go home for as long as possible. Bill Baker was sitting in his classroom finishing some paperwork before heading home. He had been staying at the school as later as possible over the last few weeks. There was no comfort for him at the house anymore. He was slowly making his way through the stack of essays on his desk, trying not to be too critical of their work. He knew that he was in a bad mood, but his students didn't need to suffer because of it.
When he heard the knock on the door, he sighed, even though a distraction was something that he really needed. Three sharp raps and then the door opened. His visitor wore blue pants with a gold stripe, making it clear what he did for a living. Constable Douglas Scott had been assigned the Baker case the day Bill had called to report his daughter missing. There were too many questions that bothered Doug about the case. The phone call he'd received that morning was just the icing on the cake.
Looking up at the familiar face, Bill said, "Doug, I wasn't expecting you here. Do you have any news?" He really didn't want an answer to the question, but it had become the normal greeting to the RCMP constable.
"Mr. Baker, I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions?" the constable asked.
Bill immediately became suspicious at his formal tone. "Of course. I'd be happy to help."
"As a routine part of my investigation, I found some rather disturbing facts," started Doug. "The first of which is the reason you left your previous place of employment." He paused for a moment to let the statement sink in. "I'd like to hear your side of the story before I add it to the official record."
"My prior employer and I had a difference in religious beliefs," he explained, picking his words carefully. "I was no longer comfortable working in that environment and I gave them my resignation."
Doug made several notes on his tablet before asking, "Would you care to explain why the college has quite a different explanation of the situation?"
Bill gave a puzzled expression as he said, "I'm not certain what you mean? What is it that they've said?"
"I contacted Upper Canada College. The administration staff hasn't been completely forthcoming with details. However, they made it clear to me that you were given the option of resigning or face criminal charges. That resigning your tenure with the college was not your decision."
Bill struggled with his emotions for a moment. Part of him wanted to admit to everything, but another part was afraid of the consequences of his actions. He had gone too far down a long road to be able to turn back now. He finally smiled at the constable before saying, "I'm not sure who you talked to, but I can assure you of this, my leaving the college was a mutual decision. I was not forced out at all."
Constable Scott stood before asking his last question. "I've been continuing my investigation since Elizabeth's disappearance. Some evidence has become available that might shed new light on things. Are you sure you have no knowledge of where your daughter went that night?"
Bill just shook his head, "No, I wish I did. I imagine there's not much chance of finding her now, is there?"
Doug made a few last notes on his tablet before answering, "Oh, you never know. Stranger things have happened." After making his way to the door he added, "I'll let you know if this leads me anywhere, and if you can think of anything else, call me." He closed the door before Bill could say anything else and walked out the side exit of the school.
As he left the school, Doug wasn't surprised to find Annie waiting for him. She couldn't wait any longer and started to ask questions. "Did he say anything? Did he admit what he did?"
"No," Doug answered. "Did you really expect him to?"
"But Beth will be home in a couple of days," she replied. "I thought you were going to arrest him."
"Unless he confesses to something," he explained, "or Beth does get home and files a report, there's nothing I can do yet. I don't have any evidence. Besides, I didn't tell him that you got a call from her," added Doug. "And I don't want you to tell anyone, either. Do I make myself clear? No one."
She looked at her boots as she answered, "Yeah, I understand." Annie had never been good at keeping secrets, and her mom was the worst one at worming them out of her. She always seemed to know when Annie needed to talk and would get it out of her somehow. "Can I tell my mom? I hate keeping secrets from her, and she always knows when I am."
"If she asks too many questions, have her call me," he answered. "I'm not telling you to keep secrets from her, just that I want to be the one to tell her. Okay?" Doug needed to keep control of his investigation. Even after working in Iqaluit for so many years, people still looked at him as an outsider at times. They would tend to resolve issues in their own way, instead of calling him in. "And if Beth calls again, ask her to call me, okay?" he added before climbing into his SUV.
Annie stood beside the car and said, "I'll tell her. If she calls. But she sounded really angry when we talked. I don't know if she will call again."
"That's what I'm afraid of," Doug said just before he pulled away.
When the sun slowly made its way over the horizon, its light woke Rob and his dad in their tent. Their tent may not have been a traditional one, like grandfather's, but it was still set up in the traditional way. The door of their tent faced east, toward the rising sun. In addition to being tradition, it was also a handy alarm clock.
After pulling on his outer pants and coat, Rob unpacked their small camp stove and unzipped the door of their tent. He was greeted by Beth's smiling face as she held a fry pan filled with fresh bannock cakes.
Smiling, she said, "Morning. I hope you're hungry."
"I'm starving," replied Rob. "I usually eat last when it's my turn to cook breakfast." Looking at Beth cooking, Rob was surprised to see that there wasn't a fire or even a camp stove. "How are you cooking that without a stove?"
"The same way that I boiled your tea last night," she explained. He looked at the large, heavy cast iron fry pan again. He noticed that she was handling it with her bare hands, and likely heating it up from the handle.
"Well, I'm glad you're getting better control of the heat. That seems pretty hot."
"Oh yeah, I had a grease fire earlier," Beth added as she flipped the cakes over with her fingers.
"How did you put it out?" asked Rob. He knew that a grease fire had to be smothered. Anything else would usually make it worse.
"Oh, that was easy," she explained. "I just cooled it down until it went out." She pointed to their camping kettle, adding, "There's hot water for tea or coffee, but I couldn't find either in the sledge."
"How are you heating that up?" asked Rob.
Beth smiled and said, "It's sitting on a rock I heated up." Their blue, enamel coated kettle was sitting on a flat rock that was about the size of a small suitcase, steam slowly coming out of its spout.
"Cool," Rob said quietly. He pulled a plastic bag full of tea bags out his pocket and dropped three into the kettle. While it was steeping on its hot rock, he walked over to the kamotiq and pulled out some dried fruit and meat. As he was returning, both his dad and grandfather came out of their tents. He said, "Morning," to both with a smile.
Rob's grandfather poured two cups of tea. He traded a cup of tea for a bannock cake from Beth. "Morning, Beth. Did you sleep well?" he asked, while watching her cook.
"Yes, I did. Thanks," she answered. "Sis really liked that dried meat you gave me."
"I'm glad she enjoyed it."
Rob's father was standing with his tea while Beth and Anilnik talked. "Sis? You mean the other bear that Ukalik told us about?" Aariak seemed a bit nervous about there being a bear nearby, and wondered if they should start moving out sooner.
"Yeah, but she wandered off this morning," explained Beth. "I think she's heading to the coast. That's the direction that she went." Aariak sighed in relieve from her news.
They all ate lightly and packed up the camp, before continuing their journey to the coast. Unlike the day before, Beth was prepared for a rough and bumpy ride. Fortunately, the worst of it must have been behind them. The ground was relatively smooth and flat. The salty air continued to get stronger for Beth as they travelled west. After coming over a small hills that separated them from the coast, Beth was able to make out a few new odours. She could smell seal meat, unfortunately it was overpowered by the stronger, more unpleasant odour of people.
Leaning forward she said into Rob's ear, "Are we getting close?"
He turned his head, slightly, to be able to answer, "Yeah, you should be able to see the coastline ahead. We have about another fifteen or twenty minutes to go."
When the coastline came into view, Aariak stopped his ATV, pulled out a set of binoculars and started searching. Anilnik and Rob pulled their two ATV's up alongside his and stopped as well. Beth climbed off Rob's ATV and walked for a few steps to stretch her legs.
"I can't see them," Aariak said quietly.
"Who?" asked Beth.
Rob answered, "We left my uncles here hunting seals before heading inland to the lake."
"Oh, okay," replied Beth. "In that case, you're looking in the wrong direction."
"What?" said all three of them at once.
"I could smell them as soon as we came over that hill," she answered, pointing to the hill behind them with her thumb. Beth pointed into the wind and added, "Since the wind's blowing from that direction, they must be over there."
"You're telling me that you can smell them from here?" asked Aariak. It was a question, but his tone made it clear that he didn't believe her.
"Seal meat and body odour. You mean you can't smell it?"
Instead of answering, Aariak lifted the binoculars again and started to look in the direction that Beth had pointed. It took a while to find what he was looking for, but he finally found them. He handed his binoculars to Rob and said, "It looks like they'll need your help, Ukalik You'll have to go get them."
Rob lifted the binoculars to his eyes and searched in the direction Beth had pointed. "I don't see them, where are they?"
Aariak said, "Look directly into the wind at the shoreline."
"I am, but I don't see them."
"Now look at the sheet of ice a few hundred meters off shore."
Rob refocused the binoculars before saying "Oh shit!" He handed his dad's binoculars back to him as he said, "Show Beth how to drive my ATV and you can catch up." Beth was just about to ask a question when Rob disappeared. She was looking right at him and then, he was gone. She thought she saw something a few hundred meters away, but it was gone before she could make out what it was.
She turned to Aariak and asked, "Where did he go?"
He handed her the binoculars and said, "Look into the wind at the shoreline, where the open water is the narrowest."
Beth focused the glasses on the spot that Aariak had told her to, but didn't see anything. She was just about to ask what she should be seeing when Rob popped into view. He stood there for a moment and she wondered what he was waiting for. If he was a teleporter, why didn't he just pop out onto the ice? Why wait at the shoreline? Before she could ask anyone, Rob disappeared and reappeared on the ice, beside the three people and all their gear. They hugged for a brief moment before Rob and one of the others disappeared from the floating sheet of ice, only to reappear at the shoreline.
"Come on, we need to get moving, and fast," explained Aariak.
Anilnik was standing between his ATV and Rob's when he asked, "Have you ever used one of these before, Beth?"
"Once," she answered as she walked closer, "but it was electric, not ethanol." The controls looked similar to a friend's ATV she had tried at her cottage one summer. It shouldn't be too difficult to figure out.
"Well, other than the smell, they're almost the same. I'll stay behind you, and Aariak will be in front. Just follow in his path."
After stalling the motor a few times, Beth was able to get it moving properly. Aariak led the three of them toward the shoreline, over the rock and ice covered ground, with Beth following him, and Anilnik behind her. After making their way to the shoreline as quickly as possible, they found Rob sitting in a snowdrift with an energy drink. He finished his drink before putting the empty bottle down beside another in the snow. Aariak and Anilnik ignored the three men standing near by. They both went to Rob to see if he was okay.
"Are you alright?" asked Aariak.
"Dad, I'm fine. I'm just a bit tired." he answered. "I'll be okay in a few minutes. It just takes a lot out of me, that's all." Rob noticed that Beth was walking closer. Picking up his empty energy drink bottles, he pulled himself to his feet. She smiled at his attempt to look strong in front of a girl, but it was obvious that he was still a little weak after exerting himself like that. Beth had never met anyone who could teleport before, but had read about them. She had read that they could make a huge amount of money by joining some sort of group or union, and provide it as a service to companies wanting to ship people or material.
Instead of mentioning anything about him looking tired, Beth asked, "If you can teleport, why do you ride an ATV?"
"Because my range is only about a kilometre, on a good day," he explained. "I burn through calories like crazy when I hop like that, too, so it's not really a good way to travel. But in an emergency I can cover a lot of ground a lot faster than riding." Rob and Beth walked over to the group of men standing a short distance away. They were all talking Inuktitut with each other, but changed to English as soon as Beth got closer.
"We found her at Long Lake," Aariak informed the others. "She had been travelling with a bear and its mother."
Rob interrupted their conversation to introduce everyone, "Beth, this is my Uncle Nauja, Uncle Jack and Uncle Taliriktug. They were hunting seals in an inlet north of here while we went to Long Lake."
She smiled and said, "Your dad has a lot of brothers."
"Actually, I'm an uncle by marriage, and Talik is an honorary uncle," Jack explained.
Talik stepped closer to Rob, "I've known Ukalik since he was a first able to walk." He gave Rob a brief hug with one arm before saying, "But I'm glad he was here today."
"What happened? Why were you out there?" she asked while looking at the ice flow with all their gear on it.
"The ice started to break up last night and we got stuck out there," said Nauja
"We knew that the others would be coming to meet us, so we just waited," added Jack. "It was a large sheet of ice, so we knew that we weren't in any danger."
Beth looked at Rob and smiled before asking, "Are you going to get all that gear too?"
He just shook his head and answered, "No, I can't. I could get some of the gear, but the ATV's weigh too much for me to move. And without the ATV's, we don't have any room for the additional gear."
"But don't you need your gear? And what about your meat?" asked Beth. She knew that a lot of people didn't just hunt for recreation. Hunting, for many people in the north, was a means of putting food on their dinner table, as well as being a tradition going back hundreds or thousands of years. She might not like the idea of hunting bears, but understood the need for it in a harsh climate.
"There's not much we can do about that," answered Aariak. "Rob's granddad and I are planning on staying here, while the rest of you go back to town and see if you can get help."
It seemed like a lot of work for questionable results. Six of them would have to ride three machines back to town and hope that someone came up with a solution in what time was available. All their gear was still out there, and it was still moving. At some point they wouldn't be able to reach it, or the ice might break up by the time they returned with equipment to retrieve their things.
Beth wanted to help, but couldn't think of a way. She took a few steps closer to the water and looked out, hoping to think of an answer. Her emotions had been on a roller coaster ride ever since waking up beside that frozen lake. After so many days of being angry with her father, Beth felt sad and helpless at the water's edge. These people had offered her help without any questions, or expecting anything in return. She wanted to help them more than anything, but just didn't know how. Standing near the water, Beth noticed that the air temperature was dropping. She wondered if that might be an answer to their problem.
"I have an idea, but I need everyone to stand back a bit," she said without turning to face the others. She didn't need to look, as she felt their body heat move as they were stepping back, giving her more room. The water was so cold it was teetering on the edge of freezing anyway. All Beth needed to do was to drop the temperature a few more degrees to turn it into ice. She closed her eyes and concentrated. She could sense the water's heat, almost sensed its molecules vibrating. In her mind, she tried to calm its vibrations, tried to cool the water even more than it already was, and push it over the edge so it would freeze.
Taking a step forward, Beth placed her bare foot onto solid sea ice. She had done it! Another step and she placed her other foot onto solid ice again. Opening her eyes, Beth looked at all their gear in the distance and continued to walk slowly. Each footfall landed on solid ice. After almost a dozen steps, she turned and looked at the men standing on shore, "I think I can freeze it hard enough to get your ATV's if you want to try."
"The air is too cold for us to get any closer," said Nauja. "We'll follow after you get further out."
Beth turned again and looked at the scene she was creating. Sea ice was all she could see on either side of her for more than ten meters. If the water was frozen for ten meters out, she hoped that it was ten meters thick, as well. It would be solid enough to easily hold the weight of the men, their machines and all their gear. It was an odd image as she walked across her ice. With each step forward, the sea water would freeze further out, building a bridge of ice. Continuing to walk slowly, Beth made sure that the ice was frozen completely. After almost twenty minutes she was standing beside all their gear, waiting for them to follow behind her. Nauja, Talik and Jack quickly gathered their equipment and started the ATV's engines. Once they gathered on Beth's ice bridge, they went across, one by one, until Beth and Talik were alone.
"Would you like a ride back to shore?" he asked with a smile. Beth climbed onto Talik's ATV and held onto his waist while they rode the short distance to shore. After getting to shore and killing the engine, Talik turned to Beth and hugged her tightly around the waist. If she was a little shorter and lighter, he might have attempted to pick her up as well. "Thank you so much for that. I was worried that we would lose everything."
After briefly returning the hug, Beth smiled and said, "I'm happy that I could help."
Rob stepped beside Beth, grinning. "I should have warned you. Talik is a hugger," he said. "If there's any reason to hug someone, he'll take it as an invitation."
"Hey!!" Talik protested.
"It's alright," Beth replied. "I don't mind." The appreciation of these men filled her with a warmth that she hadn't felt for a long time. She had always thought that people in town were cold and distant to her, but these men were different. Beth wondered if their different attitude was caused by her changes, or if she had just never allowed anyone to get close to her. Her thoughts soon led to Annie, and how she had been such a good friend, even from the very beginning. Annie had been looking forward to seeing Beth during her changes, and help her deal with MORFS. She still didn't even know what Beth looked like. Their short phone call yesterday would have given her a few clues.
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Hello Everyone. I am Rahul from Pune. This is true story happened last month. Guys and girls please let me know your feedback at as it is my first story. I would really appreciate your feedback. Let me start, her name is Sunita. She is my neighbor and married. I am also married. She is housewife and very good friend of my wife. She is average look, 29 years old but nice body 35-28-34. Her husband works in gulf and comes once a year. I never had any bad thought until one day I saw her...
Sit down. Please, stay a while by my fire. I have a story to tell you. A story that takes place a long time ago. It all began on the day I died. Even after all these years, I remember that day like it was yesterday. The sun rose that morning over the ocean, just like it always has. I was already at the docks; I watched the first rays breech the horizon and turn the black water gold. All day I worked and sweated on those docks, and by the time I had finished, the sun sank red behind the...
My girlfriend, Rita, Is one hell of a woman. She loves to fuck, suck, and whatever. But she is basically monogamous although I believe she might participate with others if the opportunity came along. I knew she was very hot and could get so hot she couldn't stop herself. She is very sexy, with great legs, 36 d breasts with huge nipples. She took a job as a secretary at a law firm after her divorce but didn't enjoy it so she went back to teaching high school. She got a job at a mostly black...
Your name is Andrew Brown and after living together for a couple years, a few months ago you finally popped the question and got engaged to your beautiful girlfriend Jill. She was what you considered a blonde bombshell. She kept herself in great shape and had big and perky DD cup breasts which other men were constantly ogling with envy. She was very kind with an infectious laugh and she seemed over the moon about the prospect of marrying you, and of planning the wedding. She wanted to go all...
"Now you're eighteen we think that you should live on your own two feet, we would like you to move out, John." Your mum says. You stand there unable to talk, your mum and dad have just told you to fuck off, you have no job and no source of income. That's one of the first things that comes into your mind, you had never been that clever in school although you has been labelled a nerd. You would only just pass exams and papers. You were called a nerd because you looked like one, you were a little...
Well that just about brings things up to date, although it wouldn't hurt to add that Mackenzie and I have discussed Codi, and the weird things she did, very often since she's been gone. Mackenzie has come to her own conclusions about why Codi behaved as she did and has tried to explain them to me many times. It appears — or so Mackenzie has been trying to convince me — that Codi really did love me, but she had always had a sort of self-destructive streak. She'd been an extremely...
This is a story about how I landed my current affair with one of my accounts secretary’s who is the perfect kinky cheating milf.So I work in sales and part of my job is to get into accounts. Well it just so happened that this account in Illinois had a smoke show of a secretary. Early 40’s Mexican,, fit, take tits, tight little ass, and an attitude to match. She was always nice when I’d come in to speaks with my contacts.A little to nice so I’d flirt with her and make small talk. I asked for her...
At 10:15 Nancy Watts, a bookkeeper for Hubbard & Associates, got up from her desk and took off her skirt. After considering things, she took off her nylons and panties too. That felt better. Smoothing down her sweater, she sat back at her desk and went back to the spreadsheet she'd been working on. "What are you doing?" Charlotte, her co-worker hissed, looking at her in shock. "You're naked!" Nancy looked at her, a confused look on her face. "What do you mean 'what am I doing?'...
Charlotte crumpled up the letter with both hands. “He's such a gutless, fuckwit,” she groaned. I laughed and said nothing. “ Get this crap,” she snapped, “Liam, my hot shit, wannabe lover dreams of my warm lips and fragrant hair.” She didn't pause for breath. “For fuck's sake, if only he dreamed of tearing my clothes off and cumming all over my tits.”She broke off and howled like a she wolf and we both collapsed onto the rug and cackled like demented witches.The afternoon air was warm and still...
HardcoreFreefalling Freestyle By Elliot Reid "What are we going to do with you?" the woman asked, flatly. There was no answer to that. I stared at my fingernails. They were long and well-manicured, though unpainted and unpolished. They were also unfamiliar. They belonged to a teenaged girl I'd never met. I was trapped in a duplicate of her body, powerless. I saw no way out. I was sitting in a bare office with closed blinds obscuring the neon New York night. The glazing kept out the traffic noise...
Mary PT 1 My Wife's Friend Mary (FF/M) From: [email protected] (Otkfme)My wife has always spanked me to keep me "in my place", as she says. It has always been a private thing, and up until recently, no one else had really known about it. My wife always has me strip down to my birthday suit when I am spanked, and she usually starts with an over the knee spanking, and then continues from there. I am usually spanked for doing something that annoys her or that she feels is "naughty". I have...
SpankingEven though the shades were drawn, the sun still managed to shine in through a gap in between them and the window, lighting up the bedroom just enough to fill it with a subtle early-morning glow. The room was fairly large, but still felt cozy due to the amount of furniture that filled it. There were two beds, one on each side of the room, and two desks on opposite walls, as well as one large closet that was basically overflowing with clothes, which were also strewn about the floor. The house...
IncestOne afternoon Farah returning from school threw her school bag in a corner, "Oh God, I'm going to die." Maya, who was cleaning the room with Mala, asked, "Farah, is something the matter?" "Yes, since morning I'm feeling so horny. I've fingered myself four times in school," Farah said, "Still my choot is itching." "Go wash you choot with cold water," Maya suggested, "You'll feel better." "I have washed my choot so many times in school but it didn't help," Farah...
Our time apart was finally growing short, and I was looking forward to a joyous reunion. I knew that I would likely have a little explaining to do, but I felt that the two orgasms at the hand of Clara's Mistress didn't really constitute cheating, at least from my point of view. I suspected that she might not be quite as understanding, but I was prepared to accept my lumps, and was certain that we could work through it. I was a little concerned at the paucity of communication that I had...
"Help, oh help me please!" Screamed Amanda as she hurtled into the lab at a tremendous pace. Even the cool, collected Jenna jumped. "What on earth's wrong Mandy?" Jenna asked. "Its TOM! He saw me with Kate, I think he's had a heart attack - hurry" just a quickly Amanda had vanished. " But where?" screamed Jenna after her. With an agile leap she cleared the desk in front of her grabbed all the first aid stuff she could find in her arms, and dashed to the door, swiveling her head...
I smiled up at my best friend, dressed up in sexy lingerie and smiled, "Can i dress up too?" i asked in a hopeful tone of voice. "Oh, wow, really? Yea sure!" brian answered with excitement in his voice. "Go into the guest room, my sister keeps all her clothes in the dresser and the closet, and pick out soemthing you like!" he said, "Pick something really sexy" he whispered as i slipped out the door and into the guest room.Going through the dresser i found a drawer full of panties, i felt a...
Have you seen my bra? Part III Mother and Miss Robins sent us to my room to practice dressing and undressing for a while. Mother instructed me to show Jack her panty and bra drawers so he'd be comfortable with seeing women's lingerie, this being his first day of handling such intimates and all. We walked up to my room and practiced undressing and dressing. Mother had me carry up the bag she'd pulled my maid outfit out of and instructed me to empty the remaining items into my 'lingerie'...
While I had been busy finding and setting up the sting for Gary, Sally and Janey had also been busy. I should have known better than to leave the two of them alone with my sister. Although it still isn't clear what part Marion played in all of this, I suspect it is far greater than any of the three of them have ever admitted to me, especially considering what happened as a result. To begin with, Janey had recognized the girl at the opera as a student from her school. From there it was a...
Bambino is stuck behind the washing machine, and instead of helping her stepbrother out Nina Nirvana laughs and takes pictures. She puts her pussy in his face, then leaves him there to wait until their parents get home. The next morning when Nina is doing laundry in a miniskirt with no panties, she gets stuck in the dryer. Bambino helps her out, but not before sliding his dick into her from behind. When Nina lets him know that she wants him to keep going, Bambino starts rocking his hips in time...
xmoviesforyouChapter 8 - Just A Local GirlThe morning started in its usual way, the sun came up, and so did I. Lying there, half awake, staring at the ceiling with a throbbing erection. The things you do to me in my sleep. Lately I have been waking up like this, mainly because you love to cuddle, and hold something. This morning was no exception. You stir, slowly sliding your hand up and down my cock making him twitch. Still half asleep you look up at me, smile and then down at him. Quick as a flash you...
1. Wear the right kind of after-shave lotion or perfume. But remember, not too much, not too less!2. Though you would like her to think of you as a toughie so she feels protected in your presence. This particular attitude puts off a lot of girls. Most of the times guys are so consumed with acting macho that makes girls think you are not sensitive enough! So, take it easy!3. Most of the men don't think they have to pay attention to the way they dress. Well...you may not want to apply make-up...
When I do take time to think about my old life before I met my Mistress, which is very rare nowadays, I am astounded how easily I fell under her spell. I chuckle to myself when I think how I used to believe she had either d**gged or hypnotised me to give myself so easily and readily to her.It started one day when I received a job to repair a couple of windows at her very palatial home for the little family company I worked for. We did mainly high class work for rich clients and prided ourselves...
Bena was very beautiful. She was slim, with graceful smooth neck, high cheekbones and raven hair that fell almost to her waist. Her skin was smooth, light brown and spicy. In short, Jack always got his mind wondering what he would do with Bena once he managed to somehow seduce her. Jack was lucky, because Bena liked him too. They met in the park after class and Jack simply kissed her on impulse and she responded with passion that made him fly. Jack's tongue explored her mouth and she tasted...
Breakfast was filling as usual; since it was before dawn I was barely moving. The women were a chorus of efficiency led by the grand matron as conductor. I repeated my request of extra changes of clothes for Meri. Kira, hearing this, took off crying. Damn, I'd hoped that Grandma Kira had talked to her. I pointed to Meri, "Go find Kira and tell her that I request her presence here, then find Grandma Kira and ask her to come here too. You can finish your breakfast when you return." She...
On a wooded path, i approached a shirtless man.From behind, I could see the leather of his trousers, stretched taught across his hips, as he crouched, bent at the knees among ferns, just off the edge of the path. And there was an inviting gap at the waistband, just above his behind.Cautious, but unrelentingly aroused, I approached him as quietly as my bare feet could carry me over the dirt path... avoiding stones and sticks, in quick almost dance-like steps.As I drew closer, he slowed in his...
Don’t you just love developers that make their software open source? You can use it to do whatever you want with it and you can even modify it if you’ve got the brains for it and make your own personal application out of it. JDownloader.org is one of those programs that helps you with your downloads, and it’s completely free as well as open source. It doesn’t matter if you’re just a user looking to make your life easier by managing your downloads better for whatever reason (that reason probably...
Useful SoftwareI opened my eyes and instantly regretted it. Fuck, my head was pounding. As the faces of my two alarm clocks began to merge and become a single one again on my nightstand, I saw that it was just before eight, in the A.M. I guessed. I gulped, Jesus, my mouth was dry. It felt as though my throat was full of salty sand, I could barely swallow. I spotted a bottle of water on the nightstand and reached out to grab it, desperate to slake my thirst. I leaned out to grab it and instantly regretted...
Shelby stood on the edge of the platform at the Dupont Circle Station. The warning lights in the floor began to flash, informing passengers that a train was approaching. The speeding subway train swished to a stop and sent a whirlwind underneath Shelby’s full knee length skirt exposing her naked ass a bit and cooling her sodden throbbing pussy. The doors parted and she located two seats at the very end of the train behind a half barrier that would hide her activities. She planted her bottom in...
This is real story of a two friends where we exchanged our wife with each other for bit lengthier live in relationship. Usually in swinging/exchanging wife with others, generally people will exchange partner for just a fucking session in just a week end visit or night visit to one of the couple’s home. In our case, to make our life spicy and have more thrill and adventure, we have decided to do this for bit longer period of time, where my wife will be with my friend for 2 months and where as...
Hi guys and girls! This is my first story here. This is a real sex experience that I had with a mature aunty in Bangalore whom I found on Tinder app. My name is Anirudh and I live in Bangalore. I am 24 years old and working in an MNC. I have an athletic body with a 6-inch tool. Let her name be R. She was 43 years old. She was divorced and she stays alone in a single bedroom house. A little description about her body – she is a little plump but her figure is 42-32-40. I have a profile on...
Thursday morning I left a little early, because I wanted a few minutes with dad. I turned into a rest area, stopped the car, and concentrated hard. Sure, a minute later he was there. "Did I disturb you?" "Not at all. I already told you that. Can I help you?" "I don't know if you can, dad." I told him about the success with the shop assistant, which made him chuckle. "So what's your problem?" "I'm a little out of ideas, to tell you the truth. I have decided to follow your...
She walked in the room where she kept the three naked men. She looked them over and chose one and grabbed his dick and led him to her private play room. In the room she bent him over the fucking bench and strapped his hands down. Then she bound his cock and balls tight. She spread his legs wide and strapped them down. She used the baster and injected the gel into his asshole. She used two fingers to rub all over the inside of his ass. She put on her biggest strap on with the huge dick. She got...