LessonChapter 6 free porn video

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Holly awoke in Marnie's arms.

Holly snuggled up against Marnie's lush body, Holly's butt still burning from last night's spanking.

She was a bad girl. She realized that now.

Not that she had done anything bad with John, not in their physical relationship. The sexual games were fun and being with John was wonderful.

But she hurt herself and she hurt others. She constantly berated herself and put herself down. And then she went off on John, hoping to be punished. And, instead, she had hurt him too.

Holly realized now why she had told John sometimes she didn't want Mercy with him. Because she wanted him to take control, to do what he wanted and not be so damned nice about it.

Like Marnie had done with her last night.

Marnie was sleeping, her full, sexy mouth slightly open, one of her lovely full breasts exposed by the mussed sheets. Holly moved up and kissed those full lips, gently but insistently moving her mouth on Marnie's, sliding her tongue along the edges of Marnie's lips, still sticky with sleep.

Marnie moaned and slid her arms around Holly, kissing her in return. Holly felt her body respond: She was in bed with this naked, beautiful woman, their warm bodies against each other, their breasts touching, their arms and legs moving to find each other.

Holly loved the feeling.

Their kiss became more passionate, and Holly slid her hand down, finding Marnie's cleft, feeling a thrill of arousal as she touched the clitoral ring in Marnie's cunt.

Marnie opened her eyes, and looked up at Holly, who had practically crawled on top of her now.

"That's an interesting way to wake up," she said, sliding her hand over Holly's breasts and down over her belly. Holly spread her legs as Marnie's fingers found her cunt, her center, and began to touch her, sliding into Holly's valley, her Cunnis Vallecula, finding Holly's clit and touching it gently.

"You're dry," Marnie said. But she did not quit touching Holly, she simply rolled over a bit and opened the drawer of her bedside table.

Marnie pulled out a container of lubricant, and then something long, black and flaccid.

Holly's cunt gave a squeeze as she realized what it was.

It was a two headed dildo.

"Let's fuck," Marnie said with an randy grin.

"Can I be on the bottom?" Holly asked. She realized that with Holly beneath her, she felt like the aggressor, which, of course, she was.

But she wanted Marnie to fuck her, not the other way around.

Marnie smiled and flipped Holly on her back, her full, sexy body now laying on top. Marnie poured some of the gel on her hand and slid it under the covers, cupping Holly's pussy with the slick, sexy substance.

"Ooooh," Holly moaned, "it's warm!"

She could feel Marnie's hand on her now slick cunt, sliding along her and up inside of her, wet and warm and greasy.

"Put some on me," Marnie told her, taking Holly's hand and filling it with hot lubricant.

Holly pushed her hand down and cupped Marnie's cunt (God, Holly loved that word!). Holly both lubricated and massaged Marnie's cunt, sliding the very slippery gel into every fold and crevice.

Holly's finger's found Marnie's opening and slid inside of her. The warm gel felt so sexy as it made Marnie's cunt slimy and inviting.

Marnie oiled the dildo and slid it into Holly's pussy. She moaned as the rather large prick entered her. Then she felt Marnie move, and moan as she put the other end into herself.

Marnie threw back the covers and lay back on the bed, so their pussies were nearly touching. Holly looked up at the ceiling and realized, with a start, it was fully mirrored. God, she hadn't even noticed last night!

Holly gazed up at the reflection of her and Marnie, laying naked on their backs, the black dildo connecting their cunts, and felt her arousal intensify.

"I didn't see the mirror," Holly said. Then she wished she hadn't spoken. The reflection was so exciting, she didn't want to ruin in with conversation.

But Marnie just opened her eyes, looking up into the mirror, and winking at Holly's reflextion.

Marnie thrust her hips toward Holly, pushing the fat dildo deep in her cunt. Holly moaned, and pushed back, which drove the dildo deeper inside of Marnie and further into her own cunt as well.

Marnie and Holly lay, moving their hips and bodies, fucking each other and themselves.

And watching themselves in the mirrored ceiling, their body's writhing and their skin beginning to glisten with the sweat of their excitement.

Holly groaned she felt herself getting ready to come, and she watched herself in the mirror as the orgasm hit, making her arch and tighten. Seeing her own reflection as she orgasmed made her even more excited, and Holly came again.

"Oh, fuck!" Marnie grunted as she began to come, and Holly watched in the mirror as Marnie came, twisting and arching and pushing the dildo deeper into her and Holly's cunts.

Their pussies were touching now, and Holly felt Marnie's cunt lips against her own and watched in the mirror as they touched and moved together.

Holly began to writhe, pushing against Marnie's cunt and filling herself with the hot, slick dildo at the same time.

Marnie was pushing too, and their cunt's were hard together, rubbing each other as they fucked each other as well.

Holly cried out as another orgasm hit, and she realized that, morning or not, she was creaming.

Holly could feel her hot fluids on Marnie's pubes, and she moaned and writhed as she ground her own pussy against Marnie, feeling Marnie's soft, full pussy lips pressed up against hers.

Marnie was beginning to make rapid little grunts as she fucked herself again Holly, pushing and pushing, again and again, their pubes slapping together and the dildo inside both of them fucking them as she did so.

Marnie's eyes went wide. Marnie cried out and ground herself hard against Holly's pubes as she came.

The feelings, and the sight of Marnie orgasming as their cunts touched was too much for Holly. She came off, hard and sudden, the whip-like orgasm that she loved, and she pushed hard against Marnie's cunt, feeling her juices soaking Marnie's cunt and her own.

Finally they just lay, looking at their reflections and letting the soft aftershocks of orgasm ripple through their bodies.

"Jesus, that was amazing," Holly said.

Marnie smiled up at Holly's refection.

"I love my dildo," she said. "Just the right length to get a good fucking and rub cunts together until you start a fire.

Holly laughed. Marnie had such an easy way about her. She made Holly feel okay about what she was doing.

Then she thought of John and realized he tried to do the same thing.

The phone rang, and Marnie laughed.

"Isn't that supposed to happen during the fun?" Marnie asked with a smile. "Someone's timing is a little off."

Holly chuckled.

"I think it was just right," she said.

Marnie moved away from Holly, pulling the black dildo out of herself and answering the phone.

"Hello?" Marnie said, and then she smiled.

"Donatien!" Marnie said excitedly. That was the extent of Holly's eavesdropping, because Marnie began to speak rapidly, in French.

Holly spoke enough French to recognize the language, but nowhere near enough to keep up with the rapid fire conversation. Marnie was both excited and very animated.

Holly watched as she talked on the phone. God, Holly thought, this beautiful woman she had just had sex with, sitting naked and totally unself-consciously as she spoke French with a friend.

Holly could feel her own butt, still hot and suffused with a delicious pain. She could think that now, she realized. She enjoyed the pain, it made her happy and made her feel, well, truly alive.

She smiled up at the mirror, looking at the reflection of her body, the black dildo looking quite obscene as it protruded from her.

A song began running through Holly's mind as she enjoyed her reflection, the sight and feel of the dildo inside of her, the wonderful, uncomfortable glow of her spanked ass, and Marnie, naked and lush, talking in French to a friend.

She smiled contentedly as she hummed to herself.

This could be the start of something good.

Marnie hung up the phone and turned to Holly.

"Donatien wants to meet you for dinner," Marnie told her. "John told him you are interested in the Club. He left a message on your machine. I would have told him you were here, but I wanted to give you the out, should you decide not to meet with him."

Hearing John's name brought back the events of yesterday. Holly's mind began to race. John must not have told his brother about the fight. Would she be welcome in the Club, now that she and John were on the outs? Would John be there, as he had promised?

Marnie apparently saw her doubts in her expression, because she bent over Holly and kissed her, bringing her back to reality with her luscious, talented mouth.

"Mmmmmm, that's nice," Holly told her.

Marnie smiled down at her.

"You are the one joining the club," Marnie told her. "It's not a couples thing. If you want to join, you should. Don't let this tiff with John mess things up for you."

Holly nodded. She thought this problem with John was more than a 'tiff, ' but Marnie was right.

It was her decision to make, and no one else's.

Holly smiled as she started to get up.

"I'd like your permission to speak with John."

Marnie looked over the cafeteria table at Holly, who was shifting in her seat uncomfortably.

Holly's ass was sore where Marnie had spanked her. Holly had checked it out in the mirror, red and bruised, finding the sight both disquieting and deeply erotic.

Holly found a comfortable spot, for now, and looked over at Marnie.

"You need my permission to talk to John?"

"I want to tell him what happened last night. I want to share with him what you said and what we did."

"I appreciate you asking me first," Holly told her.

Marnie smiled.

"What happens in this room stays in this room, remember?" she asked. "I can't break that confidence without your permission."

Holly nodded her assent, with a pang of sadness at the mention of that phrase, the comforting phrase she had thrown back in John's face.

"Sure, you can tell him. You can tell him you spanked me too."

"And that we had sex afterwards?"

Holly smiled.

"Sure. I don't think he'll mind."

Marnie leaned toward Holly.

"You may have to give some time," she warned. "I've never seen him in such a total relationship. He really loves and trusts you, and thought you felt the same way. You may have damaged that."

Irreparably?" Holly asked. She had never known someone who could see a relationship, sexual or not, in quite such a clear way as Marnie seemed to.

Except, Holly thought sorrowfully, John Holcomb.

Marnie looked at Holly softly. Marnie could see the pain she was in: Holly knew that.

"We'll have to wait and see," Marnie told her.

Holly was busy that day. A multiple car pile-up brought in eight traumas, three major, five minor, and she was running.

She saw John, but he only curtly told her which trauma's to take. Since they were so busy, they worked separately, trying to stabilize the most badly injured patients and, when two of them died, having to tell the families the terrible news as well.

She and Marnie worked well together, Holly noticed. Marnie was highly regarded on the Unit as an excellent nurse, as well as without doubt the most beautiful nurse in the hospital.

This had resulted in the same rumors as were circulated about John, with his blonde hair and male model looks: Their success was due to their looks and little else.

Yet anyone who worked with either of them knew better.

Holly saw John heading into his office, and followed.

She tapped at the door.

"Enter," she heard him say.

Holly opened the door. John saw her and his grey eyes became wary.

"Come in, Holly. Close the door, please."

She entered and sat in the chair facing his desk.

"John, we have to talk."

He looked up and nodded.

"I talked to Marnie earlier," he said, his face unreadable.

"John, I did something terrible to you last night," Holly said, her eyes filling with tears.

John nodded, without comment.

He rose and went to the door.

"Holly, I have a meeting I have to go to. And a social engagement tonight I can't miss. I'm sorry, but what happened between us is personal, not hospital business. And the Hospital has to come first, as I'm sure you realize."

Holly nodded. She was a doctor. She understood that medicine has priority.

This was a personal problem, and had to be put aside for now, hard as that was.

He reached out and touched her face.

"I'm not putting you off, Holly," he said gently. "I understand you're having a lot of doubts and fears. Hell, so am I."

He smiled at her gently.

"We'll talk, soon."

Then he turned and was gone.

Marnie was in the nurse's lounge when Holly went in for a cup of coffee.

"I just made it," Marnie said. Holly poured herself a cup.

Marnie got up and closed the door, approaching Holly.

"How's the butt doing?" she asked.

"It hurts like hell," Holly told her. "You'll notice I'm not sitting."

"Did you talk to John?" Marnie asked.

Holly shrugged.

"For about thirty seconds," she told Marnie. "He said he was busy."

"It's true," Marnie told her. "The Hospital is up for re- certification, and the heads of the various local E.R.s get together tonight for their annual meeting."

"Then he's not just putting me off," Holly said, relieved.

"No, but he is hurt," Marnie told her. "I talked to him today.

He basically said that, until you have a better control of your masochism, maybe he'd better cool it."

Holly's heart sank. Oh, God, she had blown it.

Marnie took her hands and looked into Holly's eyes.

"Holly, it's not your fault," Marnie told her. "You don't understand what you're doing. You are learning about it, and that's great. Its just that John has a real emotional investment, and that makes it difficult for him."

Holly nodded, her despair welling up. Well, it was quite possible she didn't have to worry about John's motives or her sexual hang-ups. John would just go on with his life and Holly would be left behind, just a footnote in John Holcomb's life.

Holly began to weep.

Marnie gently took Holly in her arms and held her as she cried.

Holly drove home after shift. It had been a very long shift and she was exhausted.

It didn't help that she had alienated the man she thought she was falling in love with.

When she went in the apartment, she checked her messages. One intrigued her.

"This is Donatien," the voice said with a definite French accent. "I understand you are interested in the Societie and I would like to meet with you, tonight if possible. I am only in town until tomorrow, so tonight would be best. Can you call me at..."

Holly wrote down the number and looked at the phone. Did Donatien know? Had John told him?

Or was this just another thing she had destroyed last night, in her bout of...

Of what, Holly thought. Insanity? Sanity? Was what happened yesterday a cry for help, a sane attempt to leave a potentially dangerous and admittedly strange relationship?

Holly looked at the piece of paper, then crumpled it and threw in the waste basket.

The phone rang and Holly ran to answer it. She hoped it was Marnie, just calling to see how she was.

But when she answered it was a man's voice.

"Holly, this is Donatien," she heard the voice say, in a soft French accent.

"Oh," she said.

"I'm sorry to bother you," he said apologetically, "but I did want to meet with you and I'm flying back to France tomorrow. I know it's very short notice, but I'm free tonight. If you aren't available, I'd completely understand, but I was hoping we could have dinner and talk."

Holly tried to think and finally just told him.

"John and I had a fight yesterday," she said.

"Ah, the vagaries of love," Donatien said gently. "Does that mean you are no longer interested in the Societie?"

Holly began to tell him yes, but her body stopped her. She thought of last night, with Marnie, of the rules she had learned, of what she was discovering about herself.

"No," she said. "It doesn't. I would be very interested in meeting you."

Holly drove towards the restaurant, kicking herself mentally.

John was supposed to be there with her. Now here she was, alone, going to meet a perfect stranger, a man who she was well aware was into things she could only imagine.

She pulled up at the front of Sebastian's, and the Valet took her keys from her.

Holly walked into the restaurant. She'd heard of Sebastian's: it was said to be both very, very good and very, very expensive.

She hoped tonight wouldn't break her.

The Maitre d' smiled up at her.

"Holly Jackson," she told him. "I'm here to meet a friend."

He nodded and motioned her into the restaurant.

"This way, please, Doctor Jackson. Mr. Holcomb is expecting you."

He led her through the restaurant and toward a corner table. She could see a woman was seated at the table, with her back to her. Her hair fell almost to her hips, brown and straight and beautiful.

Then the owner of the hair turned, and she realized this was a man.

The man stood and smiled. A little taller than John, a little older, with a neatly trimmed beard and moustache and piercingly blue eyes, there was no doubt this was John's brother.

The family resemblance was striking.

He offered her his hand.

"Doctor Holcomb, how nice to meet you," he said. "I am Donatien."

He held her seat for her as she sat down.

"I'm sorry you and my brother had a fight," he said. "John is very tightly wound. I'm surprised he doesn't go off more often."

Holly shook her head.

"I was most of the problem," she told him.

"Things happen. You have only been seeing each other a short time."

Holly nodded, realizing with a shock it had been less than a month, much less.

She smiled at Donatien.

"About three weeks," she told him.

"Was it John who told you about the Societie?" he asked, using the French pronunciation once again.

Holly nodded.

"Yes, and I've also met Marnie."

Donatien smiled.

"Ah, the lovely Marnie. She truly is beautiful, isn't she?"

"Yes, she really is," Holly agreed.

"So, you are interested in joining the Club?" Donatien asked.

Holly sighed.

"I honestly don't know," she told him. "John invited me to. It seems interesting, but..."

Donatien chuckled.

"Ah, there is always the 'but, '" he said.

Holly smiled.

"I wanted to find out more before I made a decision," she told him.

Donatien bent his head in assent. The waiter arrived and they ordered their food. Holly was relieved Donatien let her order her own meal: she worried he would order something unbelievably expensive.

Donatien looked back at her, with a gentle smile.

"What can I tell you about us?" he asked.

Holly looked at him.

"You're not French, are you?" she asked curiously.

Donatien shook his head.

"Born in America. My parents divorced when I was young and John and I were shuttled back and forth between our Father, in New York, and our Mother, who moved to Paris."

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Swybar stood in the cargo bay of the Red Dragon and watched as a gang of S10 robots stowed away containers with real Loki torpedoes. His Kermac associate stood next to him with an almost feverish stare in his eyes. It would not take much and he would actually drool. The Agent of the worm was nowhere to be seen, but he expected him to be around. The Kermac pointed at a large cylindrical object that an Octobot had just lifted into the bay.” Is that really what I think it is?” “Yes this is a...

2 years ago
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Bush Gangbang

You were eager for another park adventure but desired one grander than ever before. You posted an ad on craigslist and headed to the park for a night of white glory. You go dressed in cheap shorts and shirt, not even bothering for underwear knowing it won't matter for long. You waited, sitting near the spot you posted, twiddling the threads of your torn shorts. The spring air was cool, however moist and heavy. Your ears tingled at the rustling of branches, hoping to see a figure trek down the...

3 years ago
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Sex with elder sister

My name is Velu. My age is 22 I am from Chennai. My family consists of four persons, me, parents and my elder sister her age is 28. Her name is Subha. She is married and having one child. Her husband went to Kuwait to work. He will come once in a year and stay for one month and then he will go back. I am working in private company. My both parents r working. So they start by morning and they will come by evening only. Subha child also go to crèche and come by 2.00 pm only. So my sister Subha...

1 year ago
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You Should Try A Cock Ring

What if I told you I had an item that could make your erection harder, make your sexual sessions last longer, make sex feel better for both you and your partner (male or female) and would only cost you about $10 to $25 one time? Would you believe me? You should because it’s true. Let me tell you about the joys of a simple device, the Cock Ring.My adventures with this wonderful toy started with a simple gesture by my girlfriend. She wears about 12 industrial rubber belts around her wrist as...

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Moni and Marc introuble

True story A few years after we were married we took a road trip down to Phoenix , We were both young and carefree having been married for such a short time. We arrived in Phoenix late at night as Marc decided to not stop and get here quicker . We were both tired and also a little lost. We drove around looking for a place to stay but couldn't find any vacancies in the area we were.The guy at the last motel told us to try a place and gave us the address. We drove out looking for the place and...

3 years ago
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Mut ist der Anfang vom Glck

Es ist ein warmer Sonntag Abend in der neuen Stadt die ich nun mein Zuhause nennen muss, da mein Vater beruflich umziehen musste. Heute morgen sind wir in unserem neuen Haus angekommen, den ganzen Tag haben wir all unsere Sachen aus dem Speditions-LKW ausgeladen und ins Haus getragen. Ja und jetzt sitze ich hier in meinem neuen Zimmer, alles sieht noch so kalt aus. Nur mein Bett mein Schrank und meine Schreibtisch sind bereits aufgebaut und stehen in meinem Zimmer. Um ich herum türmen sich...

1 year ago
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Welcum Home

You unsling your bag off your shoulder as you step into your room and fall on the bed. Instantly, you feel something out of place; something hard beneath the sheets. You reach under and find a CD case with a blank CD inside; the words "play me" scrawled across the front. You frown, put it on, and smile as you hear the music of Metallica's "Welcome Home" start to flow from your stereo speakers. You look around, and shut the door, smiling to yourself. "How'd you do it?" I step out from the...

1 year ago
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Merry Christmas Mr Conlin

Merry Christmas, Mr. Conlin(A Loving Lizvette story)This is an installment in a series of stories about William Conlin, a married man of middle years, and his young love, Lizvette, who is a friend of William's daughter and who likes to call him Daddy. It takes place not long after their illicit Las Vegas marriage (which is described at length in the story "Polly Gamey") and tells of their first Christmas together. It is told in a single chapter.This is a work of fiction. All rights are...

2 years ago
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Laura my first big girl

I had met Laura through a friend of mine and to be honest I was not attracted to her at all. She was about 5.1 and 270 lbs blonde hair and green eyes and found out later she had 42DD tits.From day 1 she had been hitting on me and I kept refusing her advances because I was dating a girl at the time. Well a mont hor so went by and I had broken up with my girlfriend and Laura had found out. Well one saturday night Laura had invited me over and hinted that her parents were out of town for the week...

1 year ago
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LoveHerFeet Gia Derza The Slutty Party Planner8217s Feet

Gia Derza is a party planner. She is one of the best and definitely the hottest in the business. Jake Adams the famous DJ is planning his birthday party at one of Gia’s venues. While she shows him around wearing a super hot short dress with very sexy open toed high heels, the two get into a conversation and a few minutes in she reveals that she has seen him spinning in Ibiza and became a fan immediately. He is blushing to hear that. As he is looking around in the huge ballroom he notices...

1 year ago
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Rainy Day Exotic sex with teacher

Hi guys, my name is Ritesh . This incident of the sex with teacher happened 3 years ago. I was 21, and I was doing my college. During those days, I was so proactive that I used to… [email protected] Stay tuned for part 2 of this story.

2 years ago
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Finally we meet part 4

We did in fact finally reach the shower feeling very satisfied from hours and hours of great sex, fantasies fulfilled, and a nice high. In the shower we talked a lot and other than at brunch a few hours ago we hardly talked at all since we were too busy pleasing each other and trying to get as much sex in as we could in the short visit that was planned. We talked about how we actually did what we said we were going to do and both were completely happy with how things were working out. The time...

1 year ago
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Breif encounter

It had been a long boring day I had did shopping in town and was thinking of going home then I saw her. Walking in my direction very sexy curvy figure long brown hair wearing a skirt low cut silvery top and leather coat. Some how she seemed early familiar to be despite me never having met her before then she made a b-line for me. “Kevin is that you its me sexy minx from date mate.” it it me it was her she stays nowhere near here. “wow how long you been up here?” “all week I'm leaving today if I...

Erotic Fiction
2 years ago
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Red And Suzz Take On Four Black Studs

On Sunday afternoon, Justy and I reminisce about our weekend.It all started, well, last weekend really. Ani had just moved out to live with her new beau down in Romsey. I was not surprised really as we both needed to move on. Then Mikey left for the new year at Cardiff University, I was all alone.Never one to mope around at my misfortune I invited a couple of old friends to stay with me for the weekend. Well, we actually met when their cocks met my cunt at a party. They certainly passed the...

Group Sex
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X Club 7 2

X Club 7 #2Jo was sitting in her room that night thinking about what she and Rachel had done. It made her feel so very hot and horny. She wanted something to make her feel like Rachel was there, to make matters worse she was also waiting for her room service, as she was so hungry for food… and pussy.As she looked what was on the television she saw that they had porn, and always wanted to know what it was like. Thinking about it for a minute she decided to watch it. Siting back on the bed, with...

3 years ago
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siblings learn together

It was Jon's first day at his new college. He had been upset about transferring here for his junior year, but with his father's new job, there had been no choice but for the family to move. Money was a little tight, so he decided to transfer to a college near his new home and to commute.Jon missed his old house, his old friends, and his old school, but he loved his family and knew that he should be a good son and support them with the move. His father had lost his job the past winter when the...

3 years ago
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A Job Like Any Other

She carefully avoided the looks of the receptionists, who were too busy to pay her any attention anyway. There seemed to be a slight traffic jam in front of the elevators and she wished she could have taken the stairs. If only she knew where the staircase was without having to look for it and so drawing attention to herself. The security guard standing in the corner next to the huge leaved plant scanned her with his eyes and then looked away. Zoe sighed in relief. Of course employees...

3 years ago
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"It's the ideal woman." "I'll tell Gloria Steinem on you." "She won't care." "I'll tell Andrea." "Tattletale! If you tell my sister, I'll stop rubbing your feet." "I knew male chauvinists were stupid. I'm not going to tell her until after you've rubbed my feet. Anyway, once upon a time you would have noticed that more than my feet were bare." "I do notice. But people don't say: 'bare-torsoed and pregnant.' Can't think why. You do have cute feet..." "Swollen with...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Mackenzie Moss Young And Glamorous Super Slut Mackenzie Moss

Blonde babe Mackenzie Moss gets her pussy pounded by the man, Manuel Ferrara! Mackenzie is new to the industry but that doesn’t stop this tight spinner from taking on Manuel’s legendary cock. She’s looking hella hot in pink lace lingerie with black stockings as she teases out by the pool. Mackenzie takes off her bra and slides down her panties leaving her only in her garter belt, stockings, and heels then heads inside to meet up with Manuel on the couch. Manuel wastes no time and starts making...

1 year ago
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Sex with Sexy Women

Hello Everybody, This is Charan from Bangalore, India. I am 30yrs, Married, 5ft 10 inches male with average looks and good physique with strong sex drive to satisfy any women. This is the first story that i am publishing in the ISS. I am love women who have good navel, well shaped boobs and hips and who wants to enjoy the sex life with 100% secrecy. Coming to the story, this was happened when i was 28. I was working for a company in bangalore and staying a apartment alone. There was happend...

2 years ago
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Sex With Sister

I belong to a middle class family in Kerala. I was 22 years old at that time and was doing my first year PG course. I am the youngest in my family (eight child in my family) & i am of the same age of my eldest sisters daughter and I have been staying with my elder sister to go to school and later to the college. My sister had a son of 16 years age. He was staying in a boarding school and it was only during the holidays that he used to come home. Being the only boy in the family, everybody liked...

1 year ago
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Stresses of Studying

Sarah had started studying intensively for her exams a couple of weeks ago. She was locking herself in her bedroom trying to focus on her textbooks while the rest of her housemates were taking things a little less seriously. The differences in commitment had started leading to tension in the house. The boys were good for the first couple weeks, trying to keep things quiet, going out with their friends instead of inviting them over for drinks and video games. But just like their commitment to...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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What Choice Do I Have Part 1

What Choice Do I Have? - Part 1 Authors Note: This is my first attempt at writing a story, I hope you really enjoy this first main part. I have lots of ideas of where I want this to go and can't wait to share more chapters with you all! I welcome criticism and feedback so please send some my way, I am eager to know your thoughts and it's the only way I can get better at writing. Lastly I want to repeat what I said in the prologue, this story takes a lot of ideas from some of my...

3 years ago
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Finding HomeChapter 13

We’re up with the alarm, and we’re all quick to get ready. It’s not all that far to Washington, but the traffic can be murder. So we have to make a lot of allowances for delays, because we must be there on time for the commission meeting. Today’s breakfast has all of the usual suspects plus Kira, Mai, and her daughters. Rob often looks at Kira, he must be wondering where she came from, since she wasn’t here last night when we first went to bed, and I told Madeline not to say anything. I told...

3 years ago
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phone sex with her best riend

as i got home from work, i noticed the wifes car was gone, didnt think much about it. i went downstairs, showered, and changed out of my work clothes. i heard the TV on low, and could hear the wife talking, figured she was on the phone, as i went down the hallway, i could hear her moaning, so i went back to investigate...there she was laying on the couch, legs spread wide, her hand under her unzipped shorts playing with herself. i hesitated log enough to figure out she was talking to her...

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The Camera Loves Me

I become a porno star. You should know that I’m neither a recovering nymphomaniac nor an amateur easy-after-a- few-drinks-take-me-home-and-have-your-nasty-way-with-me nymphomaniac. Instead, I’m an ardent, unabashed, full- fledged, let-it-all-hang-out, celebrating, practicing, sucking, fucking, raging, roaring, whoring nymphomaniac. Mrs. Goddard looks very different out of her lacy see- through chemise and back in her librarian’s glasses, a simple navy blue dress with Peter Pan...

3 years ago
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A Game of InchesChapter 12

I laid around for a few hours watching TV, not much was on. I was just about to call it quits, when I ran across a program on the Sports Network pertaining to this year’s draft class. I decided to watch for a while, maybe get some useful information. As is usual with programs of this nature, the glamour positions such as quarterback, running back, and wide receiver get top billing. Finally after about two hours, they got around to the defensive side of the ball. As I had been told, there was...

2 years ago
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My third whore wife

I had already met my third whore before I got the divorce from the second cunt I married. I fucked around on that one because she was not going to be around very long after her father threw her ass out for having a black baby. Imiska was a beautiful black woman about 30 years old and had a 15 year old son and a 16 year old daughter. I have no idea of what her name means but if it means slut in the language it is from she is named right. I had my dick in her mouth fifteen minutes after we met...

1 year ago
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ChangesChapter 13

'Okay, everything is in place. The room at the top of the stairs is the one that is reserved for him.' Dana said giving Misty a hug. 'You be careful, ' she added giving her a kiss. Misty made her way through the crowd of people until she stood next to the governor. She leaned to his ear. 'I'm ready to find out what's down your pants, Sir, ' she whispered and gave him a seductive look. 'Oh Lord yes!' He yelled out as he slapped his hands together. 'You all will have to excuse me,...

4 years ago
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I Dream of Angels Pt 02

For the next several days, I tried thinking up names for the girl in my dreams, but none seemed to fit. Actually, it was like my mind wouldn’t accept and recognize what I picked to be her name. I would think up a name, and when I’d try to say it while imagining the girl and associating her with it, the name would suddenly become inaudible to me. I would hear that sound from my dreams, the muffling sound that always blocked out her name, even when I spoke it. I could feel my lips shaping the...

3 years ago
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Help Part 5

Introduction: A heart warming tale of a young boy who finds himself in a lot of trouble and needs a hero to cum and save him! Welcome to part 5 of Help!. This continues from Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4 and I recommend reading them before reading this if you havent already done so. Enjoy… *** Daniel had now been stuck in the horrible, old, smelly barn for what seemed to him like an absolute age! He was tired, he was hungry and felt like the whole world was against him, but above all he...

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Mini Ko Sardar Se Chudhuvayi Part 8211 2

Iss ki safi readers ko meri namaskar.Mem kumari fir ek kahani lekar aayi hum.Bahuth lok ki demand dhe mini ko sardar se chuthuwayi uski agale part likhne ko.Agar koi pahli part nahi pade ho tho wo padne bad hi ye part 2 pade. Usi dhin subedar saheb aur mini khane ke bad fi lage rahe.Ek bar meri samne saheb uski gand fi mara.Uske bad muje neend aane lagi.Mem sofa me letke soyi.Light off nahi ki dhi.Ek do ghande bad meri neendh khuli tho sardar nange lete hue dhe.Mini ko udhar kahi dhikhayi nahi...

2 years ago
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A Changing Life Chapter 3

After she had left to go back to work I sat quietly and painfully and sobbed, my emotions were in tatters and my frustration was driving me crazy. Deep down I wanted to run away, I couldn't take any more of this treatment, I couldn't debase and humiliate myself anymore, how could I have allowed myself to get into this situation, how could I have allowed that bitch to reduce me to this? Then, however I began to think of my wife, I loved her, I still loved her, I was so stupid to have...

3 years ago
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Total Woman Journal 05

The Caribbean island climate was always tropical and refreshing year-round. It was the perfect venue for indoor, outdoor and beach activities. Ned never checked the weather reports, it was a dismally boring exercise: sunny, passing afternoon showers. So it was strange that he was fully attentive and prepared to watch every facet of the weather prognostication that Paula was about to present in the small theatre room of the hostel. The projection booth at the rear of the room today would house...

3 years ago
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Minerva Ch 02 of 10

Minerva By Denham Forrest, The Wanderer Minerva chapter 02 I was twenty-one that summer, and I was making one of my twice yearly obligatory visits to my only surviving relatives. Uncle Ernie – my father’s brother – and aunt Gertrude his matriarchal wife – and latterly my surrogate mother – at their rather grand hotel on the south coast. To say my Uncle and Aunt were old fogies would be putting it mildly, but they had always been very good to me. Their hotel, set high on the cliffs...

1 year ago
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Celeste Spring Break

It was a year after I graduated, and spring was coming around. I had friends who lived in New Orleans. They had always told me it was a big party town. So I flew down there for a couple of weeks. When I got there, all we did was hit the beaches and got trashed every night. I didn’t have to work. I didn’t have to do anything but have some fun. I won’t remember the night I had the most fun. My girlfriends and I had gone to this rave. It was . There were hunks and hot chicks every getting down and...


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