Sacrifice 250
- 5 years ago
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I wonder if they are going to count our grades as part of the curve? If so, we have crushed the scores for the rest of the student’s taking that exam.
All of us were sure we aced our first exam. We did each of our next three as a group too. I don’t think any of us were in those three exams longer than forty-five minutes before handing in our papers. One was multiple-guess with a trivial essay question. We got a lot of whispered comments about us being kids and not being able to do the exam when we left that one after thirty minutes.
Joke’s on them.
We had a late lunch before our group split off to do different exams. Fran, Keisha, and Tina were going with me, the rest with Karen. I kept waiting for something challenging that made any of the three of us pause to figure it out, but so far, I hadn’t found it. When we were waiting to get in the exam or sitting in the classroom waiting to start the test, I kept hearing how worried a lot of people were about needing to do well on this final exam to pass the class. For some, it would be the line between graduating on time or having to wait to retake it next spring.
Only Karen had said her final was a bit of a challenge. Everyone else in our group who took it didn’t have any problems. It went like that until Friday. That was the day we all had to do foreign language exams. Shawn and Keisha got to use a computer-aided system that let them type in what they needed to say. It was all the device does. Luckily Karen didn’t have any finals that day so she could be there to chaperone the rest of the group while I got grilled, or at least let them try.
From eight in the morning until nine at night, I was taking foreign language exams, only getting a break long enough between them to raid the vending machines.
First thing Saturday morning, I had to go to do a language lab exam. I spent the entire day being asked questions in dozens of languages by people who came and went. Fortunately, I didn’t have any that I didn’t already know, versus having to pull it from their brains. They seemed to be happy that I didn’t fail to impress.
By Monday, people had mostly finished their finals and were moving out of the dorm. Some had gotten themselves ready to go as soon as they finished any exams they had this final week of the semester. Shawn and Keisha had one on Monday before heading back home. Fran had met up with some church group to go off with them to their destination.
Wednesday, I woke up to see Vicki riding my dick with Birthday Girl printed on the hat she was wearing. She and I didn’t have anything until noon, so Vicki decided she wanted to screw all morning.
She doesn’t have any discomfort and is really into fucking me like she has had a lot of experience. Guess Shawn didn’t have any problems with her touching him.
With it being Vicki’s birthday, I did take those of us still here out to celebrate. We had a great dinner at Vicki’s favorite upscale chain restaurant followed by cake and ice cream at one of the places where they make the ice cream in front of you. Vicki got so horny at one point that the girls helped get my dick out and ready for her to slide down on it as she was sitting in my lap. It wasn’t enough for either of us to cum, but she loved the thrill of it all the same.
That night was the last night for Lena, Karen, Vicky, Sam, and Tina to be here with me. Some of us had an exam at two in the afternoon, and then the girls were leaving. I had another at four, so they would all be heading home except for Karen. We had one last final together at eight on Friday.
Why did they say this would take almost four weeks? It has barely been two.
The girls all decided that since Karen and I could be together, alone, tomorrow night, the four girls and I were having an orgy. Every one of them wanted to have a big load of my sperm inside them before they had to go home. I screwed each of them as much as they wanted until they were too tired to keep going. Vicki was the last woman standing and the first on my dick the next morning. Each had a fresh load inside them before heading off to their final exams. They all said it was the best time of their lives and they wouldn’t forget it. Each made a special effort to thank me for not ignoring them to sleep with the women in the dorm. There were no tears, though, just a lot of hugs. We had all exchanged contact information shortly after we met.
The only tears and reaction to me leaving was Karen.
“David, this couldn’t have been any crazier if I had tried to create a fantasy about it. Who would have believed that a guy built and hung like you would ever end up staying in all women’s restricted-access dormitory? It had been the best time in my entire life so far. I wished you didn’t have to leave. My parents tried hard to get it so that I could come home for a few weeks this summer, but they didn’t have the money for even a bus ticket. I can get myself a ride back to school, just not home. Everyone I know that passes even close to my home left last week,” she told me as the tears ran down her face.
I pulled her into a hug and said, “You need to pack all of your clothes. I have a rental car with unlimited mileage. If you don’t mind an overnight stay at my house, in my room with my parent’s full permission, then I don’t mind taking you to your home. I mean it. You could tell me that you never want to have sex with me ever again, from this moment forward, and it won’t have any effect on me taking you home. I can even use it as an excuse to drive my car to your home and back. It has been sitting in the garage, waiting for me to take it for a road trip.”
So, her jumping up to start throwing things in a bag must mean that she is going to let me take her to her home. She is going to go crazy when I go through her almost worn-out clothes replace them with the stuff in my closet and dressers.
She didn’t need me to tell her twice. Everything that was of any real value, like her laptop, she packed into a hard-sided suitcase. The rest of her stuff went into duffle bags. She had a lot less than everyone else, but that is because she was coming back in two weeks, and her room was a long-standing part of her scholarship at the university. Once we were in the car, she directed me around to places where we could get junk food, candy, sodas, and gas-station food for the road. We were going to stop along the way to get some fast food for meals.
According to the GPS, we had a day and a half worth of driving if we only crashed for ten hours tonight. With any luck, I could find a nice, clean hotel that had a restaurant. We could get dinner, shower, and get to bed early. I wanted to be back on the road by four in the morning, if possible. Our trip took us into some areas that had heavy congestion during the morning drive. If we could be on the other side of the first one before seven, then we would have time to stop to get breakfast, gas up the car, stretch, and get a bathroom break. Since she didn’t have her learner’s permit, I couldn’t even let her get any experience on the long drive.
Luck was on our side because the exit we decided to take for food and gas turned out to be a little hidden resort area with dozens of golf courses. When I looked for a place to stay, I found that my phone had was now updated so that any properties owned by Elena’s father are highlighted and had a tab for them. When I clicked one, I found that they were in order by the ones that had the most days since Elena and her father had visited. While I put gas in the rental car, and Karen took a bathroom break, I texted Elena and her dad. It took them a few minutes to respond. Instead of texting back, Elena’s dad called me.
“David, I think I’m going to have to start paying you to go around to check out my restaurants and resort hotels,” Elena’s dad told me. “Even with the firebombing at the bar in Spain, I’m still in the black for that place. If you two hadn’t gone in there, the place would still be losing me more than it has ever made. After a suggestion by your friend Paula, I have had crews going to every property to install cameras so I can see every inch of the restaurants, except for stalls in the bathrooms, with high-end digital cameras that have advanced noise-canceling built into the. Three days after I had them put into one of the kitchens, the computer brains in it had learned the everyday sounds of making meals, but not voices. In that one test location, I found out that the chefs and managers were ordering in the high-end cuts of meat expected at that restaurant. That matched the invoices. Unfortunately, the head chef and manager’s families owned a steak house two doors down that only ordered select and choice cuts of beef. They swapped those out with our inventory. They swapped out a lot of our inventory items. When I had someone check that place, I was surprised to find their prices were twenty-five to fifty percent more than my restaurant. Can you believe they even made the maître de their scapegoat? As you have already seen firsthand, my restaurant wouldn’t be a quarter occupied, but the waiting area was packed. While pricier, they rarely had a wait longer than fifteen minutes. Customers waiting for a table at my place would leave to have their expensive dinner at theirs. My hotel is doing quite well, even if it is more because of high school kids who save up for a month to get a night there to hook up. The restaurant stays in the black without having to rely on the bar to carry them. People who would drink at the restaurant, drink at the bar in the hotel instead. Both are wired up with cameras so I can observe the way they treat you two. Being underage is going to make things interesting. Don’t worry about covering the costs, as I will comp them out. If you happen to have a female traveling companion, schedule her for an early morning complete spa package, and you sit by the pool. I know that may interfere with your driving plans, but as hard as you were stressing your brain lately, you need that break to relax.”
It sounds like a good deal to me. We will only get one night at my house instead of two.
Since he took care of getting our room reserved, I called in a dinner reservation for an hour later. We headed to the hotel to check-in and to start the fun.
“May I help you, sir,” said the condescending prick behind the desk at the hotel.
I replied, “I have a room reservation.”
“I doubt that,” he said.
When he saw I wouldn’t leave, I told him, “Here is my ID. Can you please check your system? I very sure I have a reservation.”
“Oh. Here it is. Are your parents going to be here soon? You aren’t old enough to rent a room,” he told me, sounding like a complete dick.
I smiled and said, “Huh. I was sure that everything had been taken care of already. If I read this right, I have the presidential suite, whatever that is. My message told me that if there was an issue to have you call the person who booked the reservation. They knew my friend, and I are only fifteen, and said it wasn’t a problem.”
“As no real customers are waiting, I can endure a bit of your childish nonsense,” he told me as he picked up the phone to dial Elena since her dad said to me that was who to contact.
This call is going to be interesting.
I whispered to Karen, “I gave a girl a ride home from the performance driving school we had both attended. Her father owns this hotel and restaurant. He is watching and hearing this all live. Condescending assholes like this guy cause him to lose money because they had some crazy idea that only certain people, with a specific look, can have a room or eat in their restaurant. He asked me to be a customer as a favor.”
“One moment please,” the ass at the desk said in a still condescending manner as he went through the door at the back of the counter. “The manager will be arriving shortly.”
He still has no idea who he had on the phone.
The very overweight, suit stretched to the maximum, soda in hand manager came to the front desk. He was told that the person on the phone sounded like a teenager to him who was trying to make him believe that Karen and I had a reservation for any room here. It was the presidential suite no less.
“Hello. Yes. We can do that,” the manager said before I heard the familiar ringing sound from a video conferencing app.
I heard Elena’s voice coming through computer speakers as she said, “You really should read the handbook gentlemen. In fact, why don’t you get one right now? There are plenty under the counter. I’ll wait.”
The manager looked pissed that he needed to bend over, so he told the front desk clerk to do it for him.
“Great. You have the copy published this spring. If you look at page seventeen, you will see the block, highlighted in red, that says you are being monitored and recorded anywhere you go in the hotel except for in customer’s rooms,” Elena told them. “Yes. I am a child by your standards, though this is no joke, this is business. If you could please look inside the back cover, I believe you will find you have made a critical mistake in judgment. Don’t you think so, daddy?”
“I do think so dear, a terrible mistake in judgment. I see that this hotel has the latest updates on their registration systems. I wonder how they missed that you made the reservation and the notes about David being our guest. I am reading the same screen they have displayed, and I see it,” Elena’s father asked.
“Yes, daddy. That is the one on their display. It clearly shows in red that I made the reservation and my cell phone number. He had to have read that to call me. All three checkboxes show clicked, and the notes are in bold red. See the box at the bottom that is flashing. It says VIP with an unlimited amount he can charge to their room for services and meals,” Elena told him. “I even pulled up their employee files, and their work required physicals. Neither show any red-green or blue-green color blindness. Their monitors were replaced in February as part of the computer systems refresh.”
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JOE’S BLOG: APRIL 24 2008: 23.50 Oh man, being single sucks. It’s now been 9 months 12 days and 14 hours since Bobbie moved out and the house still feel so damned empty. Actually, I have been thinking that maybe it’s time for a move. I have always felt the house is too big for me. I should have sold it right after Mum and Dad died but I wasn’t in a place then where I could bear to let it go. It held so many memories, it still does, but now, instead of reminding me of the innocent days of...
THE LEARNING CURVE – FULFILLMENT It all followed from a late-night call that Mel took while I was in the shower. When I came out, I could see something had changed. “Tell me,” I said. “It was Celia. She says Rob has offered to baby-sit next time – if it would be OK with us if she came instead. She thinks she might be bi, and wants to find out.” “Seriously?” “Yes.” And then, carefully, “It changes things, doesn’t it?” In order to understand just how the situation would change, I need to go...
Learning CurveBy: Londebaaz ChohanI did not have nor I have now anything against gays or being a gay. If sucking a man’s cock is gay; then I might as well be a gay but I cannot explain and I cannot convince anybody but I do not feel comfortable putting my cock in somebody’s ass or allowing anybody to put his cock in my ass. Where then, did the interest of cock sucking came into me. I have no clue but if I have to guess; it could be something to do with the big collection of porn magazines and...
THE LEARNING CURVE - FULFILLMENT It all followed from a late-night call that Mel took while I was in the shower. When I came out, I could see something had changed. “Tell me,” I said. “It was Celia. She says Rob has offered to baby-sit next time - if it would be OK with us if she came instead. She thinks she might be bi, and wants to find out.” “Seriously?” “Yes.” And then, carefully, “It changes things, doesn’t it?” In order to understand just how the situation would change, I need to go back...
BisexualAlice was seated at the breakfast table reading the newspaper. She worried – the final demand on her car payment had come through, and she was overdue on her mortgage payments with no job and no prospects of a job in the near future. She scoured the jobs pages – all the ads were seeking skilled labor, she had no skills or qualifications. Then something caught her eye “WANTED Actresses required for new film. No previous experience necessary. Must be prepared to do any...
I'd only been exposed to the "Average Joes" show after I'd overheard discussions about "CAP scores" used to measure how successful a person was, or, I guess, could be. Until I'd heard about the use of such a test I didn't have any interest in the show, and, to be brutally candid, once I'd skimmed an episode of the show, my apathy returned to its more normal state with me doing a little more reading on the subject of CAP scoring via the InterNet. 'CAP' is a TLA, a three letter...
The two people are known to us and have asked us to write this story for them. They want to let others know that if you focus on exactly what you want, and are patient, it can happen. We have obviously changed names and one or two other details to protect their identity. There is more which we are allowed to tell if readers would like it. We needed your feedback: tell us what you like about the story (if you do) and what it does for you. If there is the right response, we will work on the...
Erotic FictionDildo shopping. I didn’t need another dildo, it was more of a “want” kind of thing. And I was bored. I’d finished my work for the day, had a little dinner and a couple whiskeys, and needed to get out of the house. Now I stood in front of the dildos at Amazing Superstore, trying to make a tough choice. The 8” All American Whopper had an intriguing curve to it, but had kind of a small head. The James Dean Realistic Cock had a nice head and a thick shaft, but was really pricey. I had one in each...
After a rather eventful night of ‘firsts’, I awoke early, around 8 a.m. the next morning. Melissa was still sound asleep next to me. She was lying on her side, facing me. Her full breasts, with those succulent nipples, only inches from my face. I thought about giving them a nice long lick, since I was still a bit horny despite the fucking we did only six hours ago. She looked like a naked sleeping goddess with such wonderful sexual curves. But, I was hungry as can be, so I decided to let her...
First TimeHer name is Olivia. She is the most beautiful, wonderful, amazing girl who I have ever had the pleasure of meeting in life. I’m proud to call her my own.She walked slowly towards me, half undressed, as was I, Her breasts being emphasized by her tight, pink, laced Victoria’s Secret bra. I lay on the bed as I watched her as she twirled around for me. She was 5 ft, 10 inches tall, with long wavy blond hair that went past her shoulders. She had huge, beautiful green eyes, that sparkled in the light...
Whoever this girl is was right about them just asking me to take a sleeping pill instead of being sneaky and putting it in my food. When we stopped outside a pair of sliding glass doors, someone helped me into a wheelchair. I noticed I was wearing the super soft pajamas dad had gotten me. No one said a word to me as we got on an elevator to ride up the nineteenth floor. When the doors opened, I saw a sign saying “Hospitalized Patient Consultation - Optical Patient Entrance Only.” In the...
Dinner time! Ellen, Leigh, and Kirsten had enlisted the six boys from earlier to be responsible for having the women cooking here teach them to cook pork chops. The girls were finishing up the rabbit stew. Ivy was nowhere around, but Juniper and Willow were both here and showed they knew they were in deep shit. Their mom would go over to them periodically to tell them to wipe off the cum leaking out her their pussies, again. Aspen went over and hugged her mom, which just about made her mom...
After placing the last box in the trunk, she slammed it shut and then loaded all of her bags into the backseat of her car. Picking up her kitten, she looked around a bit wistfully. Leaving her home would be hard, but she was happy that she was moving to a familiar place, a place she already knew and loved, with the man that she knew and loved. She gave Meeko a little kiss and said, ‘Well, are you ready to hit the road?’ He purred as she nuzzled against him. After saying goodbye to her family,...
Hi people.Im Rahul,22yrs old male,athletic body,5.8 inches tall,quite fair.Im a final year MBBS student.My family is settled in Chennai.This is a real incident that happened last week.I’m not really into posting my experiences,but since this was the most fascinating one,I thought you will all love it.. I stay abroad.we have our vacations during December month.I was all set and happy to go back home and enjoy every bit of India.There I was at the airport,waiting eagerly to board the flight(to...
After placing the last box in the trunk, she slammed it shut and then loaded all of her bags into the backseat of her car. Picking up her kitten, she looked around a bit wistfully. Leaving her home would be hard, but she was happy that she was moving to a familiar place; a place she already knew and loved, with the man that she knew and loved. She gave Meeko a little kiss and said, "Well, are you ready to hit the road?" He purred as she nuzzled against him. After saying goodbye to her...
What was your most incredible night or day of sex? What made it so fantastic? This is mine, four years ago. When I bought my duplex in the suburbs of Minneapolis, it meant I was here to stay for a while and I was really happy about it. A young married couple in their early twenties was renting the other part of the duplex. I had just turned thirty-two and I already felt like I was a generation ahead of them. I had a small party to get to know the neighbors and twenty or so people...
Yesterday i had an incredible experience with my new friend Mr. K.We had been talking through email for a few days, and i really was getting excited to meet him since we talked a lot about naughty things... He came to my home straight after work, and asked me if he could take a shower first.I agreed and told him i could use the time to dress myself up for him.I felt extremely horny and decided to wear my short purple skirt, "open" pantyhose with a nice black thong. I also wore a white shirt...
This is an incident which took place between me and one of my students Anasua. I am 30 years of age, good looking and handsome. She came to me for private tuition on computer science as she was a student of B.Tech in computer science. She was bit bulky, with very well shaped breast and very attractive set of lips at first I started teaching her in batch, but after some days there was a problem with timing. She was from another college and the rest of the student was from a nearby collage. So I...
I Love Being NaughtySugar Luv, I wanted to share with you that last night with all the pussy and clit stimulation done in my car, I blew up. No, I mean I literally exploded while undertaking my final touch in bed. I teased my puss and stopped. I fingered her then stopped, I rubbed her and my clit altogether then stopped. I repeated that all evening last night while chatting with you.Before going to bed, I made sure to have handy all I would need for my stimulation. (I keep forgetting to buy my...
Jo was going to go to the same local college that I did and we both had about two weeks before registration started. I guess because of her nervousness about starting this new phase of her life and our new found closeness, we were together almost the whole time. The part I enjoyed the most was when I took Jo and three of her friends out to the lake three times to swim and water ski. Being the only guy with four pretty eighteen year old girls in tiny bikini’s was just the right ego boost for me...
Ben was sixteen-years-old and Emma was twenty-two-years-old.Much to Ben’s amazement, Emma was his girlfriend after they had met at a friend’s party. Emma was the older sister of someone else invited to the party and a few older brothers and sisters were there. Emma struck up a conversation with Ben and at the end of the evening, it was Emma who asked Ben out.“You were the best of a bad bunch,” Emma joked.Ben didn’t mind the joke as he thought Emma was so gorgeous looking and he was more than...
SpankingDid she want to do this or was she pulled down here by her mom and sister to get her so horny she would give me her virginity? I could tell right off that now her sister and mom were gone that she was incredibly nervous while still being very horny. The way she was squirming around I was pretty sure she wanted to feel what the others had felt. I didn’t want to let her do more than she was comfortable with so I took the tension away the best way I could. “It seems your mom and sister are...
How long have they been held by those people transporting them? The only difference between how the twins looked when they came out of the showers was the towel around the girl’s head. I checked both out. The girl had a nice set of firm breasts, each about the size of half baseballs and her pussy juices already making the inside her of thighs shiny. Her brother was sporting a boner about six inches long and a bit thicker than mine. Neither of them seemed to care that they were there naked in...
It isn’t what she is expecting. I had Tiffany sitting naked in the empty tub when her dad brought in a glass 1000cc enema syringe with three feet of tubing made to fit on the tip. Her eyes went even wider when she saw it. Her mom popped in with three douche bottles and said, “Who knows what else she has been sticking in there. Then we have the issue that she and her brother are trying to see who can go the longest between showering before someone takes them out back, strips them, and hoses...
Curious to see what PrimeCurves is all about? So what if someone asked you to choose between boobs and ass and you only had to pick one? Well, how about both? Why would anyone subject you to such torture anyway? It is a big ask putting any man (and woman) on the spot like that. I mean, who hates boobs? Big tits, huge fucking areolas staring right at you, exquisite nipples, should I continue? And what sane guy with a functioning libido doesn’t love some pictures of big ol’ booties? It’s 2023,...
Naked Girls GalleriesBuck's Big Boob Bed Time Stories....It was a slow night at the club. I was sitting in the far corner. I was tallying up the receipt for the night. It was about an hour before closing time. Nothing much had happen all night. The new girl I hired last week was working out just perfect. She was very voluptuous. You need to have curves to dance for me. She had all the right curves, in all the right places. I love women with curves. I was not sure how the customers would react. But she worked two...
Many years ago, in the days of Prodigy chat, you could go to chat rooms related to the state you lived in. I had been hanging out in the chat room of the state I lived in and had met a number of people on it - both in person and just to chat online. My wife was aware of most of the people I chatted with and would sometimes sit with me while I chatted. One person I began chatting with was a woman by the name of Amie. Amie lived about 35 miles from us and was a 38 year old single mom....