A Young Guy. An Older Woman free porn video

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I think I surprised even myself at how lengthy the story is becoming. It still has some way yet to go. Therefore, in order to maintain an interest I felt it best to post this part now. Should anyone feel the need for a part 2, feel free to let me know.

I hope, given they are little more than a reflection of the thoughts of the slightly, older, more mature woman, this will not deter readers from enjoying the story.

As always, I welcome your comments.

My name is Maggie, a married 50 year old who I guess you can say, until recently had lead a fairly sheltered life sexually.

Married to my hubby for a good many years, like everyone else we have experienced the usual ups and downs of marriage but for the most part we've always got along well.

Of course, being married as long as we have life has tended to become a little repetitive...mundane and though we both try to vary the things we do it's never possible to capture that first "flush of youth" , yet, even if the sexual side of things has become less and less of late the two of us are nonetheless able to share a great many things with one another.

That said, I guess my life might have continued along the same mundane path had it not been for a particular, recent event that altered my thinking completely.....but before I get ahead of myself I ought to tell you a little about me as a person.

As I have said, I'm a 50 year old married woman. I stand five feet four in stockinged feet. I have auburn, shoulder length hair with hazel coloured eyes, a feature for some reason my hubby particularly likes and I regularly work out at the gym in the hope I can maintain a figure that defies my age.

I'd like to think I am a fun person and easy to get along with and while I would never say I was the most experienced woman sexually, I am far from being a prude.

It's true I can occasionally dress a little too conservatively and maybe there have been some who see me as somewhat prim and proper. It's also true, before I married I had only one or two relationships and of those only one that was truly sexual but that said, I am not averse to trying new and exciting things, besides, marriage in itself is a learning curve and that together with the maturity of my years does have its advantages.

For my sins, I work in a nursing home as a carer and it's here that recent events gave rise to a change in my life.

About six months ago a young guy started at the home, joining the kitchen staff as a Chef. The fact he was a good looking guy was reason enough for him to have caught my eye, as it did for many of the women there, young and old.

I guessed he was around 19 years of age, slim, a good six inches taller than myself, short brown hair, an infectious smile and deep blue eyes you could lose yourself in. All in all he was someone you'd call a fit looking guy.

Over a period of time we started to chat to one another. At first, it was clear he was somewhat shy and our conversations were little more than a "Good morning" usually said in passing as we both went about our jobs but as the days went by the "good mornings" lengthened and we would spend a few minutes chatting to one another.

While I never made it obvious, it's fair to say I found Wade (the young guy in question) sexually attractive but at 50 years of age and despite the fact I consider myself in good shape, I am a realist and didn't expect for a moment those type of feelings would be reciprocated. I simply assumed he was being nothing more than polite. However, the more we chatted the more he seemed to come out of his shell and it wasn't long before I found he appeared to enjoy flirting with me.

Of course flirting is hardly considered the crime of the century and in most cases can be little more than some harmless fun....but for a 50 year old to have a twenty something flirt with you is very flattering as well as being more than a little arousing.....

I should say, it wasn't every time we stopped to chat we would flirt for it was often the case other members of the staff would be in earshot, and I suspect neither of us wanted to overstep the mark, but it was enough that I found myself looking forward more and more to those moments when we'd get to share a few words together.

In truth the conversations never amounted to much...I would ask about his weekend...his social life and he'd ask about mine...The replies would more often than not be very matter of fact...nothing more than a brief description of what it was we'd done that particular weekend or evening but as the weeks passed our chats allowed us an insight into one another's personal lives and of course when the opportunity arose there would always be this underlying feeling we were flirting with one another.

Over a period of time the chats continued until it got to the point a kind of unwritten rule kicked in where both of us would be sure to take our breaks, not just at the same time but also after the other staff members had taken theirs, thereby ensuring wherever possible, the two of us were alone. This in itself used to excite me for it added a kind of illicit feel about our meetings.

One day, on one such break I'd been asking him about his weekend and happened to casually mention if he had taken his girlfriend out somewhere nice. The strange thing was, this many weeks down the line I'd realised he'd never mentioned a girlfriend and I'd never asked. It was then he informed me he wasn't seeing anyone and that most of his time was spent out and about with his male friends.

I suppose I must have shown some surprise the fact he wasn't dating for he felt the need to explain to me he did sometimes meet and enjoy the company of girls but it was never anything serious and that he found many girls around his age to be somewhat immature. When I asked what he meant by this he went on to explain how he seemed to attract the two kinds. The ones who wanted to settle down, buy a cottage with roses around the door and have kids.....or the second kind who believed a good night out was nothing more than getting three parts to the wind or out of their heads on some uppers. He went on to say it was rare to find a girl who simply wanted to share a little fun time and added, because of this he'd always found older women more attractive. It seemed he felt they had gone through those phases and knew what they were about.

I have to admit, listening to him that day his words sent a chill coursing through my body and while I was careful not to show it, for the first time it entered my head his flirting with me may not have been entirely all in innocence.

Unfortunately, after this our conversations appeared to "cool" a little, I suspected he'd felt he may have overstepped the mark which was not the case at all. At one point I had even begun to wonder if he'd gone off the idea of flirting. In any event, if that were indeed the case there was little I could have done about it so I accepted how he felt it ought to be until one day I had cause to return some items to the kitchen.

It was around 7 pm, coming towards the end of my shift as I pushed my way through the kitchen swing doors. In truth I never gave a thought to the idea Wade might have been in there changing from his Chef's outfit into his everyday clothes in readiness to go home but, as I stepped through into the kitchen that's exactly what was happening.

For what seemed like an age the two of us just seemed to freeze. Him with his trousers halfway down his thighs...me open mouthed, my eyes drawn towards a pair of white briefs and an undeniably impressive manhood clearly outlined beneath the cotton material.

I guess we were stood there for no longer than a few seconds but at the time it seemed an age and throughout I could do nothing to avert my eyes.

When the spell was broken I quickly muttered an apology, placed the items I had returned on the worktop then turned and left, still with the image of his manhood burned into my memory.

That night, alone in bed, with my hubby as usual working away, I did something I hadn't done in a long while. I used my vibrator.

I lay there in my bed, a 50 year old married woman with my legs open calling Wades name out loud as I Fucked myself hard to the memory of his young cock, finally bringing myself off to a wonderful climax.

Afterwards yes, it's true I did feel some guilt but this was far and away outweighed by the pleasurable thoughts Wade had bought on.

It was a few days later before we next had the opportunity to chat to one another and though I sensed like me, he wanted to say something about what had happened that day we neither of us mentioned it.

We chatted again the following day....then the next and the next and it seemed to me, after the initial difficult period, the matter in the kitchen had proved something of a turning point. If I had any doubts about that notion they were dispelled once and for all the ensuing weekend.

It was a Saturday morning and with it drawing closer to Xmas, hubby and I drove to the nearest main town in order to do some Xmas shopping. To say the least, the weather was not at its best that day and on the journey back the rain was pounding against the windscreen causing us to drive far more slowly than usual, just in order to be able to see where we were going.

It was as we were driving through one of our neighbouring villages that I saw what I believed was a familiar figure walking along the roadside. As we passed by I turned to look back and pretty much yelled at my hubby to stop. It's a wonder we didn't crash.....

I quickly told him I thought it was Wade, the young guy from work, adding if it was then we needed to pick him up.

Sure enough, with hubby reversing back, as the figure drew closer it was indeed Wade.

He made a sorry looking sight as he headed towards our vehicle where I flung open the back door and ordered him inside.

The rain had been unrelenting all day and walking along the road as he had been, he was soaked through to the skin. Recognising who we were he thanked us for stopping and apologising for the rain dripping off his body he climbed inside onto the rear seat.

I told him not to be so silly and motioned for hubby to take us back home where I mentioned to Wade he could dry himself off.

A few minutes later we pulled into our driveway and leaving hubby to sort out the shopping, I ushered Wade from the car telling him to make his way into the house.

Once inside I removed my coat then took his from him hanging it up in the porch to dry as my hubby made his way in with the first of the bags of shopping.

"Let's get you out of those wet clothes while Mike makes us all a hot drink." I told him.

"That's ok Maggie. I'll be fine." he answered.

"Rubbish!" I told him. "You're soaked through to the skin. I can't have you going home like this. Follow me. I'll show you where the shower is and I'm sure I'll be able to find something of Mike's to fit you."

I looked towards hubby as if seeking approval. His nod towards me was confirmation he was happy enough to agree Wade needed to get out of his wet clothes.

Wade followed me up the stairs and along to the shower where I left him in no doubt what he needed to do.

"Now get yourself out of those wet clothes and into the shower while I go find something suitable for you to wear." I ordered.

He offered little argument and as he disappeared into the shower I turned and made my way towards our bedroom to begin searching through hubbys wardrobe where, as crazy as it might sound, just looking for something suitable for Wade to wear was getting me incredibly horny.

Five minutes later, having selected a crisp white shirt, a pair of Blue jeans and a pair of white cotton briefs I made my way from the bedroom back towards the bathroom. I stopped outside the door to listen and heard the tell tale sound of the shower running.

In truth, at that point my mind was a mix of conflicting emotion. I considered turning the handle and stepping right in but for the moment something held me back.

Still with my hand on the doorknob. I turned my head towards the landing aware my hubby was only downstairs. Just the thought of him reminded me we had a good marriage but this wasn't about marriage, this was about me...about excitement...about feeling wanted.

I turned back towards the door. I knew the best thing would be to call out, informing Wade I would leave the clothes I'd gotten him just outside the door then walk away but the truth was, stood there, outside the bathroom, I couldn't get the thoughts of that day in the works kitchen out of my head

Moments later I was bought out of my thoughts by the sound of running water ceasing. I gave a light knock on the door and though I waited for a response I knew perfectly well the knock had been far too light for him to have heard. I took a deep breath as I turned the handle and stepped into the bathroom just in time to see Wade was stepping from the shower.

Again my mind immediately filled with thoughts of that day in the kitchen, the difference being, on that occasion he'd been half dressed where now my entrance had been timed that he'd barely had time to grab a towel.

I was quick to note the look on his face as being one of shock but it wasn't his face that had caught my attention. He made a quick grab for a towel though of course by then it had been too late to prevent my witnessing what I have to say was a very impressive display of manhood.

I felt an immediate rush of guilt. Both for having walked in on Wade this way and for the fact hubby was only downstairs. I

The proper thing to do would be to simply apologise, turn and leave but despite suffering thoughts of this sensible option there was no denying, I'd known this was going to happen the moment I'd turned the handle.

I looked at across at Wade and saw him returning my gaze, albeit his was a somewhat shocked appearance. Any number of thoughts ran through my mind, not the least of which was, I felt pretty sure my hubby would remain downstairs, at least for the time being. With that in mind I turned to close the door behind me before taking the few steps towards Wade where I placed the items of clothing I had collected on top of the laundry basket.

"I'm sorry Wade. I should apologise. I bought these clothes for you. I imagined you'd have finished by now." I lied.

He didn't answer, just stood there with the towel draped around him and though for the moment he appeared lost for words it nevertheless struck me, his eyes were giving my body as much of a once over as mine had quickly done his....especially my breasts which today I knew looked good, my 36 inches moulded nicely beneath a body hugging, red, poloneck top.

Down below, the attention I'd been receiving from his eyes caused my pussy to tingle. I took another step, reaching out with both hands, pressing the towelling against his muscular body.

"But as I'm here now, I don't suppose it will hurt for me to help dry you off. Will it Wade?" I said as my hands gently moved in a circular motion, pressing the towel against his body.

"Errr! Do you think this is wise Mags?" he stammered, the effect of his shortening my name inexplicably adding to my arousal.

He was clearly still very nervous and uncomfortable as he pressed his body further back against the wall.

For the time being, undeterred, my hands continued to press the towelling lightly over his chest in a circular, yet undeniably sexual motion, his eyes were watching my every move.

"Hmmm! You're probably right Wade." I told him. "The two of us here alone like this isn't maybe the wisest thing but.... don't you think.....sometimes being wise isn't always for the best?" I almost purred, as down below the feel of his body against my hands had begun to stir my pussy all the more.

"But what about Mike?" he stammered, his nerves finally allowing him to voice his fears.

"Hmmmm! Don't you go worrying about him." I said, as I eased aside the towel and smoothed both hands over a still very damp, bared chest. "Right at this moment he'll still be dealing with all that shopping and I very much doubt he's thinking you're anything other than still in the shower while I'm still looking for something appropriate for you to wear."

I moved closer still, dropping my right hand back onto the towel at his waist.

"Besides! What kind of a host would you think me if I were to let you back downstairs still wet?" I teased.

I inched closer, close enough I could feel his breath upon my lips. For all the flirting we'd shared over the months, this was the closest we'd ever been. The room, still filled with steam from the shower, was also now thick with a sexual tension and it wasn't just me could feel it. Wade too could sense the change.

I let my right hand drop lower still until it was rested against his crotch where what appeared to be an impressive young cock was beginning to stiffen beneath the towelling.

"My my! What's this Wade? Is this what happens when you're all wet?"

I witnessed him close his eyes and let out a groan of pleasure as my fingers slid down the towelling, towards the outline of his shaft.

"We can't do this Lin!" he moaned.

"What can't we do Wade? Are you saying we can't dry you off?" I teased.

"Oh God! You know damn well that's not what I'm saying Mags!" he replied and once more I witnessed the look in his eyes as he momentarily examined the curves of my breasts.

"Then what Wade?" I whispered, quickly adding, "Did you not once tell me you favoured the older woman? Or was it you were telling me fibs?"

"No! That's not it at all." he replied.

"Then just relax.!" I whispered as my left hand began stroking the towel back and forth over his chest.

He leant back into the wall, as if thinking by doing so he'd move out of my reach. His eyes closed. I looked down at the towelling to see it nicely tented. I couldn't resist. I slid my hand over his tented outline and began stroking the towelling up and down his growing shaft.

"Please Maggie! Stop!" he moaned again, this time making a real attempt at pulling away.

As he moved so I followed until, with nowhere else to go, I had him pinned into the corner of the bathroom. Again he looked down, this time as I pressed forward, pushing my breasts against his wet body, both my hands now on his waist.

"Isn't this nice Wade? Did you not wonder how they would feel pressed this close when you were checking them out a few minutes ago?" I asked as I moved my body provocatively from side to side against his.

"I wasn't Maggie....Honest!" he stammered, not surprisingly, still more than a little flustered.

"Oh but you were Wade. I saw you. You were checking me out as I was doing the same to you. Don't worry Wade. I'm not annoyed. One of the things you'll learn about us older women is....there's nothing more exciting than the thought of a sexy young stud giving us the once over. We enjoy it. Believe me Wade. I did."

I took a step back and following his eyes, looked down at myself to see not only were my nipples jutting out firmly beneath the soft knitted top, but that the top itself was now wet from where my breasts had pressed against his body.

"Oh dear! Look what you've done!" I scolded him as I played the fingers of my left hand back and forth over my breasts. "You've got me all wet."

He uttered a soft groan as his eyes watched the movement of my fingers and hand playing back and forth over my breasts. Ordinarily, playing with my own nipples would not cause them to respond but under the current situation and with his presence they had already formed firm peaks beneath the top. I could almost taste the sexual tension.

"Did you also wonder how they would feel in your hands Wade?"

Not waiting for a response I reached out, took a hold of his right hand and lifted it up onto my breast holding it there with my own hand. My lips issued a soft moan when I felt his fingers give a tender, tentative squeeze.

"Is that how you imagined it Wade?"

"Oh God Maggie...Yes!"

I smiled at his response. "I think the truth is we both know what it is we want. I think we have since that day in the kitchen....don't you?"

Before he could answer I leant forward to press my lips against the side of his neck where my tongue flicked out, savouring the moisture still present from his shower.

"No Maggie. You've got to stop." he argued, even though his fingers still present on my breast were telling a different story..

I didn't need reminding how foolish, how ridiculous this all was .Wade had already voiced his own fears about what was happening and at 50 years of age, 30 years plus his senior, I, of all people, should most certainly have known better. That, together with the knowledge my hubby was only downstairs, should at the very least, have made me seen sense, have made me listen to what my head was telling me and to have walked away from this situation, but seeing sense over a long held desire conflict. The reality was, the attraction had been simmering for weeks and now, what with the intensity of the situation, the feel of Wades hand upon my breast together with the thrill of knowing someone young enough to have been my son was as keen for me, though he was yet to admit it, as I was for him, was sending my pussy into overdrive.

My lips slid from his neck. Looking down I could once more see the towel. Still damp and tented. I lowered my hand pushing it through the fold where, for the very first time the tips of my fingers touched his hardness. I both felt and heard Wade groan a fearful approval as my fingers curled around his stiff shaft. Younger...more innocent....despite his reluctance, he was as lost in this lust as I was.

I slid my left hand to the side of his face and looked deep into his sparkling blue eyes. Despite his nerves I could sense his body was alive like mine.

"Oh Wade!" I whispered. "You couldn't begin to know how much I have wanted this young cock."

For the moment I withdrew my hand and placing it on his waist I leant forward, pressing my lips into the side of his neck, wondering the effect my words would have. I was eager for our embrace to continue.

His body remained tense as my lips kissed and licked along his neck. I flicked out my tongue to tease at the lobe of his ear and when I did, he let out a quiet moan of pleasure and I felt his body relax a little.

I flicked my tongue out again, then started to kiss and nibble at his lobe, finally sucking it gently between my lips.

"Stop Maggie!" he said, but even before the words were out he'd tilted his head a little to allow me more access.

It was clear his nerves were beginning to take hold but I pressed on, confident I would win him around. I continued to kiss and lick and suck gently around his ear until again I felt his head tilt slightly, his body seeming to relax a little more. I slid my left hand around the back of his neck and parting my fingers, combed them into his hair, using them to tilt his head a little more.

I eased forward, my lips moving away from his ear, to kiss and lick their way down his neck, until I was planting open mouthed kisses under his chin, the fingers of my left hand still tilting his head to the side.

"Stop Maggie please! We need to stop," he pleaded once more.

I eased back a little to look up into his eyes. Despite his objection they were closed and as I listened I could hear his breathing had become ragged. I turned my attention to his lips. They were full, fleshy and I wanted to feel them against my own.

I continued planting wet, open mouthed kisses along his chin, his cheeks, while still caressing my fingers through his hair, but this time I moved my body closer, pressing my crotch against his stiffening member.

I felt his body tighten up once more and his hand press more firmly against my breast, as if ready to push me away, yet I could sense no conviction there. Even so, playing it safe, I returned my attention back to his neck.

The pressure of his hand on my breast eased. He seemed to relax and as he tilted his head a little more I resumed my open mouthed, wet kisses. Along his neck, beneath and up over his chin, each kiss drawing me nearer my goal...his lips.

My lips edged closer until I could feel the heat of his ragged breath, then curling my fingers firmly into his hair I pressed my lips lightly over his.

"No Maggie..." he moaned as he tried to turn his head but my fingers in his hair held him there.

"You want it Wade and I do too.." I whispered. I pressed my lips to his once more, this time offering a gossamer light peck.against his.

This time he didn't respond, but neither did he struggle.

I kissed him again, every bit as lightly as the first....then a second kiss.....a third.....a fourth.

By this time the fingers of my left hand were massaging sensuously through his hair, against his scalp and as my lips alighted on his for a sixth time I felt sure he'd started to respond.

It was almost intangible at first, little more than a slight parting of his lips. I pressed on giving him several more light pecks before moving my lips more firmly against his where, still putting the fingers of my hand in his hair to good use, I held him there as I probed his lips with the tip of my tongue, enjoying the fleshy feel of his lips, inwardly willing him to open up for me.

I heard him moan and for a moment wasn't sure if it were a moan of objection or one of pleasure. Moments later I received the answer when his hand moved from my breast to slide to the back of my neck, pulling me towards him, crushing my lips firmly over his as his mouth finally opened allowing access to my tongue.

It was the moment I'd been waiting for. The moment when all his tension was released.

I slid my right hand up over his body placing my palm and fingers against the side of his face as he finally responded to the kiss.

My tongue probed his, gently at first, seeking out the warmth of his mouth but now he fought back, his fingers holding firm against the back of my neck as he pressed my tongue back and his deep into my mouth.

We were both moaning aloud now, our situation temporarily forgotten as our heads turned from side to side, our lips mashing together, our tongues eager to duel.

I could our breaths coming in ragged short bursts.

"Ohhh Wade!" I murmured, as my hands pulled his lips firmly onto mine.

He pushed me back until we were looking into one another's eyes. I could see his lust burning in that deep blue hue just as I was sure he would see the same in mine. He grabbed at my neck and once more pulled me into a fiery, passionate kiss. Our tongues probed and fought, our heads bobbed and twisted, our breath no more than gasps as we each fought for air.

I pressed my body hard against his, the tell tale feel of his stiff member digging into my crotch. He responded, his hands sliding down my back, onto the cheeks of my arse where he pulled me hard against the towelling...against his swollen cock.

Another passionate, searing kiss ensued, our lips kissing, our tongues probing, our heads twisting and turning. It was as if we were both teenagers, our first time...our first such kiss. We stayed like that for several minutes, enjoying the closeness of one another's bodies until finally he pushed me away once more.

This time the room appeared to be filled with the sounds of us trying to catch our breath. I couldn't believe how aroused he'd gotten me, yet in truth I shouldn't have been surprised. I think I knew then I had wanted him right from the day I had seen him in the kitchen....dressing where that same night I had used my vibrator.

Aware of how out of breath I was I looked him up and down. His well formed abs, his strong, smooth chest, while down below, still hidden, his more than sufficient manhood.

"Ohh Wade! You have no idea what you do for me." I gasped.

His lips turned to a smile. "Believe me Mags. You have no idea the effect you've had on me these past weeks."

He reached out and grabbing at my waist, pulled me into yet another intense kiss, his hand sliding up to my neck, pulling me close, crushing his lips over mine once more.

We were both moaning aloud now though it would be fairer to say our moans were more like animal grunts as we continued to devour one another's lips.

Again he eased me back but this time I pulled him to me. I couldn't get enough of him...his lips. I was enjoying the way he kissed, for his expertise belied his youth. I grabbed at his hair, gripping it tight between my fingers as I sucked hard on his tongue, enjoying its slippery texture as he prodded and probed. I imagined it to be his cock, the cock that right then was pressing firmly into my belly.

He eased me away, his body every bit as flushed and breathless as mine.

"Ohhh Mags I want you so bad. I haven't been able to get you out of my mind since that afternoon."

Hearing his words I let out a groan .A few weeks ago the very idea this young, good looking guy had any real interest in me was nothing more than a fantasy on my part, merely the overactive imaginings of an older woman, now here he was telling me everything I had wanted to hear. His words sent a shiver coursing through my body. I reached out and using both hands released the towel from his hips letting it drop to the floor. He stepped back, a little surprised by my actions, which allowed me to admire what I had just revealed, a thick, lengthy, veiny cock with the most perfect domed head and sumptuous balls I'd ever seen.

I stepped forward, tracing a finger upwards along his manhood.

"I want you too Wade." I whispered as I fisted my fingers around his thick shaft.

He groaned as I began moving my hand slowly up its length.

"You know we can't do this Maggie. Not now. Not with Mike only downstairs."

"I know," I said as I stepped a little closer while moving my hand back down his shaft.

"He could come up at any time."

"Yes. You're right." I answered, my hand moving back up along his stiff dick.

"We'd best stop this now then." he told me, his hands reaching out for my waist.

"Absolutely!" I replied, stepping close to press my body against his.

Holding me tight and with the towel now on the floor the wetness of his body seeped into my clothes. It was yet another foolish action but I was too far gone. Far too aroused to care about such incidentals.

Our lips met, initially a flurry of light, rapid pecks. It didn't last. We both needed more. The passion building was far too intense. Our lips opened wide where our tongues began dancing, both inside and outside of one another's mouths. We embraced with a searing, passionate, sloppy French kiss and as I felt his hand slide up behind my neck, his fingers stroking. teasing I knew I wanted him all. His lips...his tongue...his mouth...his saliva....I wanted every part of him.....


We both heard it at the same time, Mike calling out my name from downstairs.

"Ohh Shit!" I moaned as I spun away from his arms, aware I had to get out of the bathroom and fast.

I pressed my lips quickly to Wades then not even having time to check my appearance I stepped towards the door. Opening it and closing it quickly behind me I made my way to the landing.

"I'm just coming!" I called out from the landing, where as my hands brushed down my clothing I realised too late, both my skirt, and more importantly my top, were still damp from my encounter with Wade.


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Lois Lane and Catwoman

Some comic characters mentioned in my stories could be the property of these respective comic book publishers, Marvel, DC, or Image. If they are being used, this a work of fictional parody. The story I posted last night was a scenario joining events from the Lois & Clark TV show and the Lois Lane comic books #70 and 71. I hope most of you remember some of the details I put out for background there. This story is derived from events in the story in LL #71. The opening paragraph...

4 years ago
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Watching girlfriend fuck older guy

The night in question was the night of my girlfriends 21st birthday party. She had organised a party for friends and family in a pub in our local town. I better first start by describing my gf. She is 5ft 4" in height and I must admit she has a great body. A body that gets her lots of attention, especially on nights out when she is all dressed up. She is very pretty with lovely blond hair, fantastic legs, great ass but probably what every guy notices is her large breasts. She really is blessed...

2 years ago
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Gotham City by Catwoman

[ Update: Free Use World !! The main storyline will continue. Please enjoy using Catwoman's lesbian anal fetish mind control Gotham City. ] Prologue: Batgirl struggled with the nylon ropes binding her in place. They dug deep into her costume across her nips and down the crack of her pert ass. There was little else she could do. The thin ropes bound her thighs and ankles together in kneeling position. Her arms were firmly tied behind her back and those ropes were tied to the ones around her...

Mind Control
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The sophomore and me an older guy CHapter 1

I'm Dylan, 22 and just starting to fill in and look more like a young man. I'm 6 ft but I decided to start working out because I always had a smaller frame. Thankfully, my mother, the cheer coach works at the high school in town and has a key to the weight room which is great for me since I've always been self conscious about my skinny frame. However, I had started putting on muscle and looking much better. One summer evening: I've started to put on some mass and feeling much better...

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Robin and the Catwoman

“Oh my head.” Robin whispered as he stirred awake. It took a few moments for him to fully regain consciousness. His last memory was of chasing someone across the Gotham rooftops, now he was in someone’s apartment. “I’ve been captured!” He screamed in his mind as he suddenly realized he was under restraints. Taking a deep breath, he willed himself to think calmly, just as Batman as taught him. Take stock of the situation, then form a plan of action. The room was in semi-darkness, illuminated...

3 years ago
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A young guy An older woman Not true story

We all of us enjoy sexual thoughts at one time or another and what follows is a fictional tale involving some of my own.I think I surprised even myself at how lengthy the story is becoming. It still has some way yet to go. Therefore, in order to maintain an interest I felt it best to post this part now. Should anyone feel the need for a part 2, feel free to let me know.I hope, given they are little more than a reflection of the thoughts of the slightly, older, more mature woman, this will not...

5 years ago
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The Keyholder Pt 2

What was she doing playing chastity games with a twenty something guy? She knew it was crazy, yet Amy was smiling to herself as she stepped off the bus and walked quickly to the address that Ben had given her, a two bedroom apartment in an upmarket development. She hadn’t seen Ben since they’d made love at the hotel a week ago, but she could still remember the feel of his body and his freshly unlocked cock. She hadn’t belted him when they parted the next morning. This wasn’t because Ben didn’t...

2 years ago
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The Keyholder

“Just that please,” Ben mumbled as he nervously placed the steel chastity cage and padlock on the counter. He was on his way back from drinks with the football team and the elation of winning combined with the alcohol had given him the courage to finally indulge one of his fantasies. Careful not to make too much eye contact, he glanced briefly at the woman behind the counter, who smiled kindly as she wrapped the cage for him and took the cash. He was now really starting to feel embarrassed,...

4 years ago
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Young Doctor seeks Older Man as a Lover

I'm 48-year old with salt and pepper hair, stand 6' tall and athletic. She thought I was around 30 when she first met me a year ago. She met me at a community social event and we hit it off as friends right away. Over time she would see me come and go and I was always nice to her and smiled but never once did she see me with a woman. After work one Friday she went to grab a bite to eat at a seafood place down the street and saw me sitting at a table by myself so she just came over to say...

2 years ago
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young man finds a willing older partner at work

It was going to be a long day, as Saturdays usually were. The weather was beautiful outside, which made me all the more bitter for being stuck at work. Library patrons always seemed more demanding on Saturday afternoons and doubly so on nice ones. They'd simply wave and beckon on me to attend to their needs. A dude has a to have a pretty strong stomach to deal with some of these people. The homeless people and the whores are always hooking up in this place. Saturdays are different, though. The...

2 years ago
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Older Woman

After I lost my virginity, I thought I knew it all, as far as sex was concerned, but I was wrong. I still really didn't have a clue about sex until I made it with the older woman. She wasn't older like, a lot, lot older, she was only three years older than I, but in terms of knowing about sex and how to really enjoy it, she was light years ahead of me. But, yes, I was eager, very eager, to learn from her and yes, she was a wonderful teacher. It might be hard to call a woman thats only three...

3 years ago
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The Womanizer

The Womanizer by X_Zero_23 Ye know my Lords and Ladies, of the tales of certain adventures in this and neighboring kingdoms. Warriors, students of magical lore, and even cunning thieves who have made a name for themselves in life and more often afterward with treasures won, villains vanquished, and beasts and demons beyond the ken of man overcome. All know the well-worn players of a thousand different names. Fighter. Paladin. Magic-User. Thief. Ranger, and Monk are some that...

4 years ago
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My Wife Fucks An Older Guy She Met Online

I like buying really revealing clothes for my wife. This is a story of one such adventure in some really sexy clothes. My wife has a really sexy body and even though she says she doesn’t, she loves to show it off. She chats with guys on these networking sites and sometimes they get very graphic. I made a condition with her that if she was going to flirt with hot guys she had to flirt with at least one much older guy, one fat guy and one friend. On one such chat she met this guy who happened to...

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“My libido is sky high, I have decided what my next challenge is,” Sarah told me as we watched some lesbian videos that night. “Lick me to orgasm while I tell you about it. Some of those older women having lesbian sex who we have watched fucking hung men are an absolute turn on for me. Lots of them appear to more comfortable with women than men. And I love watching them seducing younger women. “Lay on your back so I can sit on your face and watch the lesbian clip with that older, glamorous,...

2 years ago
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A black UPS driver delivers and receives the package of a lifetime from a very sexy older white woman

What I am about to tell you is a true story. It happened in the fall of 1997. Every year around September U.P.S. (United Parcel Service) hires a lot of new drivers. It’s a temp position for the Christmas holiday. I had just completed my commercial driving course and I needed a job. A friend of mine knew a supervisor at UPS. My friend Dave told me that his buddy might be able to get me a job. Dave called me later that night after he spoke to his friend. He said that I should go to the...

3 years ago
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It was late. I'd been arrested again. And, I'd been remanded in custody for the rest of the weekend... "Angela... ?" a female voice called. As I looked up, my cell-door opened to reveal 'Probationary' Constable Tania Margarson 23069 - the young policewoman entering the 'Female Cells' with a warm cup of coffee for me. "MMMM, " I sighed, smiling wickedely at the uniformed policewoman, "Thankyou, Constable Margarson!" "I thought, you might like a coffee..." she replied. The...

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Snowed in with an older woman

The drive home was pretty quiet. I noticed the plow had missed some of the side roads, and about 3 blocks for my neighborhood I noticed a small car that had bottomed out turning on to one of those side streets. I was feeling generous so I pulled over slowly and rolled down my window. And offered up a “howdy, need help getting unstuck?” I know there must have been such a shocked expression on my face but when the stranded woman looked up my way I immediately recognized her as the sexy older...

2 years ago
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Confessions of a Catwoman

CONFESSIONS OF A CAT WOMAN By Natalie Wilde Someone once said that the life changing events will not come when you expect them but rather will sideswipe you on a Friday at 3 in the afternoon. Well for me that was true, except it was Thursday. And what seemed like a normal October afternoon would soon have major implications. I am writing this, as way to try and make sense of the things that have happened to me and how my life...

4 years ago
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Night Skies Hotel XI Humanitys Birthright I In the Eye of the Beholder

Synopsis of the Night Skies Hotel Universe: Centuries ago, two world- spanning civilizations made first contact via technology that enabled access to multiple realities. Each civilization was unique in the sense that a single sex dominated it -- Terra's Patriarchy by males, and Gaia's Sisterhood by females. Gaia was the more artistic of the two, had closer links to nature and was more advanced than Terra in some of the sciences, such as biology and physics. Terra, on the other hand, had...

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Building site fuck with older guy gay

I'm Kyle 17 gay m uk About 2 months ago My Mu.ms boyfriend Matt got me a job on a building site with a company he works for , for the first few weeks I stayed with Matt and basically just helped him out , bringing him tools and material and just little jobs . One day matts foreman said he had a job for me , one of the lads was Off work Ill and he wanted me to cover him and for a day or 2 until he came back in . At dinner while we was all in the canteen all the lads were having a laugh with me...

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My fantasy with a very sexy older woman

I wrote this story for a friend on xhamster, we've been chatting for awhile so I wanted to share with her one of the scenarios I've had running through my mind. I've always had a thing for older women and she is incredibly sexy, so this was my story for her:My job is pretty boring. I'm a butcher at a supermarket, which even these days is a very male dominated environment. The guys are typical meatheads (excuse the pun, if you can even call it that) so they tend to do most of the actual cutting,...

2 years ago
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First time with a older woman

It was not long after I graduated from High School, I started working at a chain shoe store, a popular one at the time & sales were always good, I hustled, made lots of money for a k** my age, and worked my way up the company ladder to assistant manager. Though it meant more hours, it also meant more pay, and at 21, more drinking money! I had moved out on my own & and shared a apartment with another guy from work who was in the same position, only another store. Oh the late noght...

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Yes, my dream would have been more satisfying if it had gone along the lines of...a voluptuous red-headed noblewoman who lusted after one of her servants. She frequently sent him subtle hints of her desire; brushing up against him as she passed by, bending forward to show off her cleavage, and complimenting him on his strong build (when what she meant was his powerful legs and tight ass). She was sure that he felt the same way about her, as evidenced by his obvious erection during her latest...

3 years ago
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Karen an older woman

For as long as I can remember being sexually aroused (this probably started at about age 6) I have been attracted to older women. I'm not sure what got it all started; I do remember accidentally walking in on my mom as a young boy in the bathroom and seeing her bent over toweling off after a shower, totally naked. I was astounded at how big her tits were as they hung down and that she had a hairy pussy and nice soft thighs. Her nipples were brown and actually erect when I saw her. That image...

2 years ago
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My Young Wife With Much Older Guys

My wife Lynn and I got married when we were both barely eighteen years old. Soon afterward we had started exploring the swinger lifestyle, starting with nude photography, exhibitionism, and threesomes with a few of my friends. We had also started getting into watching porn movies, and in the late seventies, VCR's were just starting to come out. Finding adult movies in our small conservative city was impossible, so I'd been going to a larger city about fifty miles away to buy movies at an adult...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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older woman

2 yrs a go i met a woman a front off her house she ask me inside. She whas wearing a nice shord dress and highheels. We walked and she ask me iff i whas single and i told her yess i am. Than she told me thats she whas single to. She ask my age and i told her 35 and she ask me how i think how old she is. I anser 30-35. and she started to laugh very hard hahahahaha. NO muchs older she say and i anser 40. she say again NO and say thats she is 49 yrs. And i told her thats she look still so thight...

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My Sex Journal pt6 Older woman

Read my previous stories for this to make more sense. You will find them on my profile page. Please rate and comment, let me know how I am doing.I'm going to skip ahead a little now to when I was just under 18. As soon as I turned 16 I left care completley, turning down all offers of living assitance so I spent the next 16 months or so moving around from place to place where ever I could find a bed and a bit of work and sometimes sleeping rough. It's a time of my life I don't think fondly of...

4 years ago
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An older guy gets much closer to his young twin si

I guess I should start by telling you a little about myself first. My name is Peter MacAlpin. I am 43, I teach English at Meadow Wood University in Halfinrock Maine, a small town not far from Augusta. I am living in a double decker bus that I converted into a mobile the summer after my freshmen year of college, and have been living in it ever since. When I am not busy with teaching I am working at The Southern Maine Renaissance and Fantasy Faire as a storyteller and rune reader. Back when I was...

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BBC losing virginity to fat older woman

Ever since I was a young boy, I have had a condition where my dick would suddenly get hard and grow like crazy. Some days it would only happen once a day and other days it would happen up to 4 or 5 times a day. It didn’t really bother me at a young age. Sometimes my dick would get so hard that it did hurt a little bit, but it would never last for very long, so I never had to pay to much attention to it.It started getting worse when I was 14 years old. I don’t know what triggered it, but I can...

2 years ago
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The Keyholder Pt 3

The weekend in Paris had been fantastic, three whole days with Amy plus three consecutive nights of release. Returning to work had been hard, not least because he had now spent five continuous days inside the locked chastity cage. Nights were particularly hard as his cock had started to expect freedom. In the early hours it would throb and the pressure inside the cage would build. Ben would wake up and massage his balls while he watched his helpless red straining cock try to squeeze through the...

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Chastity with Ex as Keyholder Part 7

Chastity with Ex as Keyholder Ch. 07bychastity_sissy©The only light came from the crack at the bottom of the floor. I tested my handcuffs as quietly as possible, verifying there was no way to squeeze my wrists out of their cold, metal clutches. I was completely stuck.I could hear my Ex on the other side of the door. She was panting heavily. I could only imagine her Boyfriend's cock ramming her inside and out, over and over again.I guess I should back up just a little bit, although there is...

4 years ago
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Chastity with Ex as Keyholder Part 5

Chastity with Ex as Keyholder Ch. 05bychastity_sissy©Almost every time my Ex had sex with her boyfriend I had to listen. My Ex had decided it was mandatory and would quiz me on how many times she had an orgasm just to make sure I was actually listening, not to mention drive home the fact I couldn't cum.At least, so I thought.You have to understand that not having an orgasm for over a week doesn't sound like a long time, and I'm sure I've gone longer than that without wearing a chastity device....

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Cumming inside an older woman

When I was 34, I dated a 40 year old Puerto Rican woman I met through work. Getting alone time with her proved difficult, though, as she had three kids who, understandably, took up most of her time. When we did manage to have sex, it was epic – she had a body very much like Jennifer Lopez, so needless to say my mind fantasized a lot while we fucked! Sometimes we would go weeks without having sex, and this really bothered me. I didn’t want to be the guy who complained about it because her kids...

3 years ago
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Older Fat Gay Guy Got Horny

I was on Squirt, chatting with a guy about sucking and fucking each other. I am 76 yrs old, very overweight, at 270 lbs., and of course, not getting any relief from most all guys. I used to say I was BI, but have decided that I must be gay, because I enjoy watching gay porn so much. Mostly, guys fucking. Several years ago, I let a guy fuck me, and enjoyed it a lot. Although I had several occasions to suck cock and get mine sucked off, most just did me and left. Over the last couple of years,...

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I lost my Virginity to an Older Woman

Part 1: SpainThis is the story of a journey. It started in Spain, continued in France and finished (climaxed?) in London. It was a journey of discovery. This was when I first discovered the thrill of intimacy with a real woman. This was when I lost my virginity.This is a completely true story. It happened over 50 years ago but I can remember much of it as if it happened yesterday. (I have used a little “artistic licence” in filling in memory-gaps with actions that probably happened, anyway.)...

2 years ago
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An Eighteen Year Olds Affair with an Older Woman

Amy and her husband Mark had just moved to a new community several hundred miles from where they used to live. Mark was a pharmaceutical salesman, and this was their third move since they had been married fifteen years ago. They hoped this would be their last move, since they didn’t want to move their only daughter to another school. Amy had recently turned forty and was a bit on the conservative side. She was a beautiful looking woman; she had long blond hair which flowed down her back while...

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Cumming inside an older woman

Sometimes we would go weeks without having sex, and this really bothered me. I didn’t want to be the guy who complained about it because her kids were definitely more important but masturbating alone at home just wasn’t satisfying enough. I wanted that physical contact with someone. One night, after almost three weeks with no sex, I turned to “Old Faithful” – the Quest chatline, hoping to at least have phone sex with someone. I’d had moderate success with Quest previously – a few threesomes, a...

1 year ago
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Joey and the Older Guy Part III

My name is Joey. I live in an apartment with a roommate, Matt. I also work at a pizza place as a delivery boy. Over the past couple of months I have been saving up money to go to my sister’s wedding. I told Matt that I would be leaving for a few weeks to stay in California to see my sister get married. So I got on a plane and headed down to San Francisco. My sister and her fiancé, Evan, picked me up at the airport. She was thirty-six at the time and he was about to turn forty. No one in my family ...

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My First BiEncounter With An Older Guy Part 1

This is a true story about My first Bi-sexual encounter many years ago, id had fumblings with girls, heavy kissing sessions, playing with their boobs etc but id never had My cock touched by another person and I was desperate to get some experience.One Saturday afternoon me and my mates went swimmng and spent a few hours with the girls in the pool messing around and seeing if they fancied some fun afterwards, but as per usual we were left high and dry.My mates had had enough so said they were...

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Fucking An Older Guy In A Public Bathroom

It snowed here today. Not much fun. But it set my mind thinking back to an encounter one summer about ten years ago.____________Christ knows, it was warm enough when I left the house; after a few miles on the bike I was really feeling the heat.I was in my mid-20s and, having moved to the city a few years earlier, was making the most of the opportunity of a few days off work to get out and about on my mountain bike during a trip to the coast to visit friends.Not that I'd seen many mountains; the...

3 years ago
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Sex education from a much older woman

I have for some time been writing about a relationship with my partners, 76 year old, Aunty Jean and her daughter Jane. I feel it is time to commit to paper how my attraction for much older women started some 31 years ago when I was 19. Like a lot of young men of that age I was obsessed with girls and sex and spent most of my waking life thinking about and trying to get plenty of the latter. Having been brought up in a morally strict household the opportunities were few and far between and thus...

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An Older Woman

Introduction: Mature office lady gets some attention An older woman We were having lunchtime Xmas drinks on Friday at work to wrap up the end of year which was good as the holidays were approaching. I work in a small group with 3 guys and our customer service lady Paulene. Shaun and Paul are 33 and I am 29. I dont know how old Paulene is but she could be early fiftys possibly. She only works part time and I always look forward to the days that she is on, as I sort of fancy her, even though...

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My love for the older woman

I've been a fan of older women since I was 16. It was summer 1979 and in my local parkland area was a summer fete. Unusually for Scotland it was a fantastic hot day. I'd managed to get some beers some cigs and a porn mag and I was in hiding in some thick bushes drinking, smoking, reading the porno an watching the goings on at the fete. There was a path close by and every now and then I would here voices as people passed by. But they didn't bother me as I knew I was well hidden. Until I heard...

4 years ago
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Jake Makes Love To Dorothy A Much Older Woman

Dorothy Owens needed to get a gift card for a friend's birthday.  She drove over at three o'clock and walked into the restaurant.  The hostess took her information and told her to wait in the bar area while working on the gift certificate.She had a small talk with the bartender and asked for water with lemon.  She noticed two younger men who were about the age of her grandsons.  She smiled at them and gazed up at the television and saw a baseball game was on, and it was a team that she enjoyed...

3 years ago
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young boy taught by older women

As a young lad I always fantasized about having sex with a older women and one day I had the opportunity to live out my fantasy, it was a real warm day and my parents had gone out, I was on study leave as my A levels where starting in 2 weeks, I had done about 3 or 4 hours study and decided to take a break, being a hot day I decided to sit in the back garden and enjoy the sun.As I sat in the garden I could hear next door neighbor moving about Greta and Jezz (aka Jerry) where a middle aged...

1 year ago
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Much Older Woman

I had a female friend who ran an escort service. One winter night she called me and asked if I'd do her a favor. She had just received a call from a 61 year old widow who wanted to have a man visit her and asked if I'd call her. I had never done anything like this before, but was excited by the idea. I told her, "Yes." I was 33 years old at the time. The woman explained to me that her husband had died over a year ago and that she had not had sex in all that time and was "very horny and needed a...

Erotic Fiction
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White Guy Fucks and Older Jamaican Woman

So, it was about a year ago, I noticed an older Jamaican couple move into the neighborhood. I met them once and thought they were nice people and that was the extent of it. I never thought anything else of them, but did take notice to the fact that the wife ( late 60's ) was very healthy and youthful looking with a nice round butt and a set of tits with huge nipples on her. I would see her walking to whereever she was going from time to time and I would wave and say hello as I went by ( in my...

3 years ago
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Dominated By Older Guy First Time

My only experience with another man was with a hypnotist when I just graduated college. I met him at a seminar in a hotel conference room. The seminar was not well attended and it did not last very long, but during the talk he was paying attention to me. So after the talk we chatted and I was attracted to him but I didn't know why (I am a masculine guy and love women). He invited me up to his room and I accepted. He was confident, tall and handsome. As soon as the door to his room closed he...

2 years ago
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First older woman

Like most guys my age I had always fantasised about being with an older woman and I wasn't exactly having the best of luck finding a willing woman in day to day life, so I decided to join a dating site.After weeks and weeks of messing about I finally found a woman who seemed to be willing. We began talking online with the usual small talk, and me, being quite a straight shooter expressed my desire to be with an older woman. We continued talking until, one night, out of the blue she invited me...

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Double trouble with older guys gay

Hi I'm Kyle 17 m uk I'm 5 ft 10 , slim toned , I have dark brown hair , brown eyes and have a pretty dark tan Ive Got a 7.5 uncut cock , and trimmed pubes with a smooth ass hole .I've always had a thing for older guys it just turns me on knowing how old they are compared to me .I'm bottom and like to be treated abit rough and told what to do , I have met a couple of older guys in the past some just to give them blow-jobs because I can deepthroat or some to fuck me .Not long ago my mum and her...

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Older Woman

I would always cut thru my neighbor's yard to save me having to walk clear around the block. I would just jump the fence sneak past the bedroom on a small deck, jump another fence and I was in my back yard. the neighbors were never home anyway. This day they were and as I snuck across the deck past the bedroom, the door was open. And right there on a small table was the neighbor lady, Mrs. Keller, laying there naked legs up in the air with some guy fucking her, her big tities bouncing about. I...

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party with an older woman

party with an older womanAbout six years ago I went to a party at a friends neighbors house. While I was there i noticed several attractive older women whom I'm guessing were in their 40's. My buddies neighbors house was pretty big and had a lot of rooms. The owner was an older male who lived there alone, after speaking with him and introducing my self he asked me to go to the basement where the extra drinks were kept. Once in the basement I noticed a bathroom, I was drinking beer and I had to...

5 years ago
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Me two older guys who taught me

This took place in the distant past when I was just over eighteen years of age.I had a boyfriend at that time we had been seeing each other for about nine months, he was my first and only sexual experience at that time, he took my virginity about 6 months before. I realised from then that I was going to thoroughly enjoy sex. He was not an experienced lover but it was still nice.I have to say that I was often commented on as being attractive with a good figure, I am 5” tall, long slightly wavy...

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