Journal Of An AgentChapter 28: Neve Campbell free porn video

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Jacob bounded toward me, knife in hand, and I stepped out of the way quickly to avoid being struck. Jacob lost his balance, but only for a step, spinning back around for another pass. This time I was more ready for him, blocking his arm as it came down at my head in a stabbing motion. I landed a quick punch to Jacob's stomach, but it didn't seem to phase him. Although he was smaller than me, I knew that his party-hard lifestyle and peak physical shape demanded that he be able to take a punch.

Crashing into the wall, the knife Jacob held dug itself deep into the plaster of the hallway, tearing off shreds of wallpaper. Yelling savagely, he yanked the knife back out and moved towards me again. I was off step a little and couldn't brace for the impact completely as his hand slid underneath my shoulder and the knife made contact with my skin, sinking inside deeply.

For a moment, there was no pain as I felt the blade slide into my insides. But then like an electric shock, a dull warmness and a throbbing ache began to fill up my whole side. Jacob yanked the knife out without hesitation and I saw that it was a deep crimson red, matching the color of my shirt. A large red stain had started to spread down beneath my arm and chest, soaking into the material that I wore. My body felt like it was on fire now as I stumbled against the wall while Jacob positioned himself to go at me again.

Panting hard, I put my hand over my wounded side and felt the sticky blood coat my fingers, almost hot as it leaked out of me. I couldn't tell how deep it had gone but I knew it was not going to be pretty.

Satisfied with his initial hit, Jacob moved towards me again, but this time I was ready. Waiting until the last possible moment till he was right atop of me, I landed an uppercut to his jaw using the hand that had been holding my side. It was just like in the movies, his whole body flew backwards down the hall, knocking him off his feet. The knife that he had been holding clattered innocently against the side of the wall, the blade leaving a slight crimson streak on the tan wall paper. I reached for it, but Jacob was too quick, back on his feet and his mouth full of blood. He kicked me hard in the side, right in the spot where he had stabbed me and I saw stars, feeling like I was going to black out any second. I collapsed to the floor as Jacob towered over me, the blood from his mouth and swollen lips falling to the carpet like some kind of rabid beast. He grinned wildly again and grabbed the knife from the floor, panting hard as he stood over my sprawled body.

Bending down to one knee, he traced the blade against my chest playfully, trying to decide I suppose, where to stab me next and finish me off. Grabbing the handle tightly in his hand, he lifted the knife in the air like a killer from a horror movie and plunged down towards my chest quickly.

Time seemed to slow as my head spun from dizziness and the coldness that was slowly moving through out my body. I felt for sure that I was done for, but with one last effort (and some perfect timing), I threw one final punch directly for his face, hoping to knock him down once more.

I missed his face, but managed to hit him directly in the neck, right by his adam's apple. As time crawled, the expression on his face changed from one of sheer rage to a look of panicked confusion. His arm came down on me, but the knife fell limply from his hand as he put both hands to his throat, struggling to breath.

I had managed to hit him somehow in a pressure point directly at the base of his neck, cutting off the supply of air to his throat. Jacob collapsed to his knees in front of me as his eyes went wide, trying to get any bit of precious air he could into his body. I watched him land on his legs but not for long - I managed to stagger to my feet, my body hunched over at the waist and stood up just enough to land a kick directly to his face. I heard his head snap back on his neck as he collapsed on the floor, unconscious or dead, I didn't really care.

Still on my feet but very woozy, I stumbled down the hall towards one of the guest rooms. Grabbing the phone off the side of the bedstand, I yanked it down to the floor with me. I pushed 911 and gasped loudly into the phone.

"911, what is your emergency?"

"Stabbing... assault... he tried to kill me... 4173 Oceanside Drive... help" I gasped into the phone. The operator's voice faded away from me as I drifted into unconciousness, the phone falling from my hand like a heavy weight that I was no longer able to hold.

I awoke painfully sore in a hospital bed. The rush of morning traffic slowly drifted into my ears as I re-entered the waking world and took in my surroundings. It hurt to breath, much less move but I realized then that I was thankfully still alive. I lay in bed for what must have been a few minutes, remembering in as best I could what happened. Moving my hand slowly down to the side where I had been stabbed, it felt painful and swollen to the touch. I could feel stiches holding my skin together tightly, but they throbbed as I ran my fingers over them.

A nurse walked in, diverting my attention. She was frumpy and a little overweight, her eyes conveying all the pain and sorrow she had seen. To my surprise, she was followed by a uniformed police officer, LAPD's finest, who had taken his hat off when he walked in. He showed no signs of any emotion at all as the nurse picked up a chart at the foot of my bed.

"Mr. Simonds, how are you feeling?" she said, all business as she scanned the clipboard.

"Like shit, thanks. What day is it?" I asked, my mouth dry and raspy as my tongue slurred the words together.

"It's Thursday. You came out of post-op about 12 hours ago. You are a very lucky man Mr. Simonds, that you're assalint didn't hit any major arteries or organs," the nurse replied.

"Assailant... Jacob. What... where is he?" I asked. My head was groggy, probably from the pain killers they had me on, and I now noticed that I was handcuffed to the bed on my left side.

"The other Mr. Simonds? I'm afraid he didn't make it. Head trauma," the nurse said non-chalantly. I felt a wave of emotion run over me, as I was torn between feeling sorrow or pleasure over the fact that Jacob, the half-brother who had made my life hell for the past week, was dead.

"Why am I handcuffed?" I asked.

"Talk to officer O'Reilly about that. He needs to ask you a few questions anyways," the nurse said, setting the chart back and leaving the room. The officer moved to the foot of the bed and adjusted his belt, putting his hands on his hips.

"Mr. Simonds, can you tell me what happened up to the time you called 911?" he asked gruffly.

"I had just woken up from a nap with a lady friend of mine and as I was walking her out, I heard a crash upstairs. Because it was raining at the time, I thought it was a tree branch through a window or something. I went upstairs only to find Jacob, my half-brother, waiting there for me with a knife. He had broken into the house through a window and was obviously there to try and kill me. We scuffled a little bit, during which he stabbed me in the side. I managed right before he tried to put the final blow on me to hit him in the throat. That stunned him, at which point I got up and managed to kick him in the head before dialing 911 and passing out," I said, panting for air as I recollected the event. "I didn't know I killed him,"

The cop didn't even look up from his paperwork. "Uh-huh. You snapped his neck I'm afraid, but if your story checks out, it was a case of self-defense and you won't be charged," he said, writing something down on his clipboard and slipping his pen into his pocket.

"So then you will take these handcuffs off, right?" I asked.

"When you are ready to check out, I'll leave the key with the stationed officer. I don't believe you to be a flight risk Mr. Simonds, but procedure says we have to hold you while we still can. Chances are you'll be free to go by tomorrow when you leave," the cop said. The nurse had re-entered the room.

"Officer, Mr. Simonds needs his rest after surgery. Are you almost done?" the nurse asked.

"I am done," he said, walking past her. "Thank you for your time Mr. Simonds,"

I laid my head back on the soft pillow as the nurse moved next to me by the bed.

"Do you need anything else Mr. Simonds?"

"No, I'm fine, thank you," I said. She smiled and turned off the light by my bed, walking out into the busy office corridor. I laid there trying to contemplate everything that had lead up to my second trip to the hospital in less than a week, but the meds I was on were too much and I felt my thoughts drift away and my mind slip into a deep sleep.

I awoke the next morning feeling sore and stiff, but much better than when I had first opened my eyes. The day was bright and promised to be hot, I knew. Glancing down at my arm, the cuffs were gone, as promised. Using my good arm, I managed to prop myself up with some effort. I felt a little dizzy as the blood rushed to my head, but I was able to very carefully plant my feet on the cool linoleum floor and stand up.

Just as I did, another nurse came in. This one was much younger than the first one I had seen last night, which now felt like some sort of surreal dream thanks to the waning effects of the painkillers.

"Are you ready to check out Mr. Simonds? We can have a wheel-chair brought around for you to take you to a taxi," the nurse asked. She was vibrant and perky for so early in the morning, but I couldn't help but smile at her youthfulness and her beauty. She wasn't gorgeous by any means, simply an ordinary girl who was sure to be able to find an ordinary husband someday (if she didn't already have one) and lead a nice normal life, taking care of people who got themselves mixed up in all sorts of things, like me.

I filled out the required paperwork and waited out front of the hospital in a very stiff wheel chair for the cab the hospital had called to arrive. The morning was still a little damp with the morning dew, but everywhere the sound of birds mingled with the far off interstate and it's rush hour traffic. I was startled back to reality from this serene setting by the grumbling engine of the cab, driven by a cabby who looked like he could care less about me or the stiff pain that I was in.

Arriving home, I noticed the police tape around the entrance to my house, bringing back eeiry similiarities to when Julie, my former assistant, had stalked and tried to kill me. Shaking it from my head, I paid the driver and walked very slowly and very rigidly into the house.

Making my way up the stairs was a chore, causing my forehead to sweat and my skin to feel sticky as I passed more police tape inside, blocking off an entire corner of the hallway. I was surprised that they hadn't cleaned it up yet, but a note on the hallway said that they would arrive later in the day for the mess. The blood looked far less horrifying in the light of the day now, a maroon stain in bizarre shapes dotting the walls and in a big dry puddle by the floor. I half expected a chalk outline of where Jacob's body had been to be traced into the carpet, but there wasn't one. Only in the movies I thought to myself, only in the movies.

Collapsing onto a guest bed, I simply kicked my shoes off and lay on my good side, exhausted from the car ride home and the entire week, the overdrive my body had been on finally easing back into a more manageable state.

The phone rang many hours later and I sat up in bed, struggling to sit up and grab it from it's night stand. I felt much better now, still sore but definetely on my way to recovery.


"Hello Mr. Simonds. I'm calling from BT&T long distance and I was wondering if you are happy with your current calling plan..." the voice on the other end said. I hung up the phone and yanked the cord from the wall, the base of the phone getting one final ring in as it clattered to the floor.

Getting up, I walked around and stretched. Before I left the hospital, they had given me a sheet of minor stretches to do and a prescription for mild painkillers in case the pain got a little too intense for over the counter medicine. Following the sheets instructions, I worked the muscles in my side for a few minutes and by the time I was done, felt much better and definetely ready to return to normal.

Showering, I went downstairs and devoured some leftovers I had in the fridge. It was Monday evening now, I knew everyone at the office would be gone. Popping a pain killer just in case that my muscles started to ache too much from the exercise, I sat down on the couch and watched tv for a bit.

After about 30 minutes of this or so, I grew restless. The painkillers were supposed to make me feel drowsy but instead seemed to make me want to go out and do something. I felt alert and awake, my body running on all it's cylinders again. I decided that what I needed was a good, stiff drink. Checking the liquor cabinet only to find it just about dry, I went to the garage and got into my car, heading out onto the freeway.

I headed towards downtown, but thought better of it, feeling awake and alert and yet still not ready to deal with clients or a crowded bar after the hell that I had been through. Pulling off an overpass, I pulled onto what was essentially a one street town just outside of LA, the sign with the city name passing so fast I missed it when I blinked. I drove down the main street of the city looking for somewhere to stop. I found it at the only place that seemed open besides the gas stations (it was approaching 10 now, I guess the residents of sticks-ville or whereever I was went to sleep pretty early), in a place called the Rowdy RoadHog.

Despite the name, the place was actually pretty tame once I got inside. It was mostly a couples bar - meaning, it was a place where couples went to be alone, or desperate men went to find women, or anyone willing to take them home for that matter. It was smoky and smelled like stale beer, the jukebox in the corner warbling some warped country record as I took a seat at the bar. This was just the place I wanted, even though I was overdressed in my jeans and sports coat.

Ordering just a beer, rather than my usual scotch, I downed it fairly quickly and promptly ordered another. I saw some of the other people seated at the bar glance me over as I drank, but they didn't seem to give me a second thought. I didn't care. I just wanted to be left alone, to relax and think about things by myself.

I don't know how long passed, maybe half an hour. I was on my third beer by then and with the combination of the pain pills was feeling pretty buzzed. Normally I'm not the type of person who likes to lose control of their actions, but for once it felt nice to feel uninhibited and just let go. Which is probably why I was a little bleary-eyed when I finally noticed a brunette sitting in the seat next to me.

She was very attractive, although dressed in a way that wasn't very becoming; overdone makeup and a trashy looking outfit made her seem garish even against all the other trailer trash in the place. She caught me looking and I turned away, finding myself suddenly interested in the health warnings on the back of the bottle. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her scoot her seat down next to me.

"Hey there handsome, I couldn't help but notice you looking," she said. I looked up and our eyes met, suddenly bringing about a moment of shock and revilation to both of us.

It was Neve Campbell, the star of the now classic horror series "Scream" and one of the main characters from "Party of Five". Her normally pale skin was looking even more pale in the light of the bar but there was no doubting it was her. I had talked with her some at various parties and get togethers and we seemed to get along ok, but the relationship had stayed as friends-of-friends and nothing more.

"Neve!" I said a little loudly.

"Dean! Shit, I," she said, her face turning red even under the heavy eyeliner and lipstick she wore.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Shh... not so loud," she replied, bringing her head closer to the bar. I did the same.

"What? What's the matter?" I said. My words felt a little slurred but I was still sharp enough to be puzzled by what she was doing in a dump like this.

"I... well, here's the thing. This guy I'm dating, Matt, he well, likes seeing me pick up other guys and then... you know..."

"No, I don't. What?"

"Have sex with them back at a motel," she blurted, her voice almost a whisper now.

"So you came to try and pick me up?"

"No! We came here because it was so far away from the rest of Hollywood and I thought that it would be a good place to blend in and not get noticed by anyone who knew me,"

"Funny, that's the same reason I came here," I said, sipping my beer. The whole story seemed really funny to me and I laughed to myself, but Neve was obviously very nervous.

"Go ahead, laugh it up. You have no idea how shocked I am to even find you here," she said, not appreciating the humor of the situation.

"I've had a rough few days," I said quietly.

"Well, I'm sorry. But this is the first time I've ever done anything like this and without pissing Matt off I'm not sure how to handle things. Oh shit! Here he comes!" Neve said, turning back around to the bar.

I heard footsteps behind me and looked up to see a massive guy towering over me. He was dressed in raggedy clothes and his face was unshaven. His bleached blond hair looked out of place on his disheleved frame, like he spent more time on his hair than on anything else.

"Hey baby," he said, squeezing in between us and giving Neve a kiss. "So, I see you've found a new friend. Would he be interested in what we have planned?"

"Honey, the thing is, his name is," Neve started to say but I cut her off.

"My name is Jacob. And yes, from what your lady tells me I think I might be interested," I said, the alcohol taking over in my rational thinking. Normally I wouldn't get involved in something like this - past experience in my college days told me that they only ended badly. But I was pretty sloshed and I was starting to feel a bit horny, so I decided to roll with it. Neve shot me an evil glance that only I picked up on.

"Great! Well then, shall we go?" Matt said, giving me a slap on the back. I almost chipped my tooth on the bottle, as he caught me in mid-sip, but I played it off pretty coolly and stood from the bar. Neve looked apprhensive as she too stood up and we started making our way out of the bar to the lot outside.

Once we were out of the noisy din of the place, Matt reached into his pocket and handed me a key.

"This is for room #8 in the Cactus Snooze Inn about 4 miles down the road. If you are still interested in our little rendevous, meet us there in 20 minutes," Matt said, leading Neve to his Eclipse at the end of the lot. I felt a little woozy but thought I could make it four miles.

"Ok, I'll see you there!" I called after them. Neve gave me a look that was hard to describe - it was mixture of disgust, of anger but also of puzzlement as to why I was doing this. The truth was, I didn't know. But with all my problems solved for the time being, it seemed like a semi-sane thing to do.

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Chapter 28: Neve Campbell Videos

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Journal of an AgentChapter 7 Catherine ZetaJones

The least fun part about being an agent out here in Hollywood is having to do damage control when some sort of bad press happens to one of your clients. They say that any news is good news, but I have to disagree. Sometimes a celebrity can do something so stupid that it damages their career for the rest of their life. That is of course, if you let it happen. I was faced with one of those situations now and my mind was racing as I tried to grasp what to do. Sitting in front of me in tears was...

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Journal of an AgentChapter 8 Kirstie AlleyShelley Long

Bored on a slow Sunday afternoon, I decided to do a little cleaning around the house. Since I inherited this house when my father died, I had only used rooms that I had to. The mansion was massive: 7 bedrooms, a study, a huge den and a gigantic pool out back, just to name some of the features. One of the rooms I had not been in was my father's bedroom. It had been four months since he died and when I opened the door, I could smell the dust and settled air of the room. Checking out...

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Journal of an AgentChapter 9 Elizabeth Hurley

Stretching my legs out in front of me and yawning quietly to myself, I settled in my seat for a long ride. I was headed over to England to meet with Elizabeth Hurley about landing a role in another film. Elizabeth was often times called one of the most beautiful and most photographed women in the world, and given the publicity she recieved in the British tabloids, it was not hard to see why. Some of the actresses I have dealt with while I was out in Los Angeles, famous or not, have been major...

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Journal of an AgentChapter 10 Portia De Rossi

"Glad you could come in Portia," I said as I reclined in my chair. "Not a problem Dean, what's up?" Portia replied. Portia De Rossi had become a client of the firm through ruthless dealings by my father, who had lured her away from her two-bit talent agency before, and who had been hugely influential in landing her the role as Nelle Porter on the hit TV show "Ally McBeal". "Well actually, we do have a problem. Do you remember the photographer Rob Akens?" I asked, folding my hands...

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Journal of an AgentChapter 11 Jennifer Love Hewitt

Straightening my light blue bow tie, I ran my hand down my chest, straightening out my cummerbund. Putting on my black tuxedo jacket, I grabbed my keys and wallet and hustled out the door. I was going to be escorting the buxom and beautiful young actress Jennifer Love Hewitt to the premiere to her new movie, "Heartbreakers". This was my first movie premiere in the six months since I began running my father's talent agency out here in L.A. and though I've been to many black tie events...

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Journal of an AgentChapter 12 Jennifer Aniston

****RING RING RING**** Struggling to reach over and grab the phone, I almost fell out of bed as the phone startled me awake. Glancing at the clock through sleepy eyes, I saw that it was 6 AM. Way too fucking early. "Hhhello?" I managed to croak into the phone as I tiredly lifted it to my ear. I was greeted by an overwhelmingly enthusiastic voice on the other end. "Dean! What's happening baby! How's my favorite half-brother!" the voice said. "Jacob, I'm your only fucking...

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Journal of an AgentChapter 13 Britney Spears

Exhausted from my flight to New York City, it was nice to finally be back in L.A. and in my own house. I needed sleep, but I wasn't tired so I decided to surf the channels to see what was on. I finally stopped and found something on E! to watch, but just as I tuned in, it went to the commercial. I was about to change the channel when the new Britney Spears Pepsi commercial came on. "Just enjoy the ride, don't need a reason why..." Britney sang as she pranced around in first a Pepsi...

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Journal of an AgentChapter 14 Denise Richards

Looking at the clock on the dashboard of my BMW X5, I watched it change from 12:00 to 12:01, thereby officially making me late for my meeting with Denise Richards. Punching in the numbers on my cell phone, I had Julie, my assistant, give me Denise's cell phone number. I nearly hit the car in front of me as I reached down to write it down on my notepad. Hanging up with Julie, I dialed. To my surprise, the driver of the car in front of me (a compact fire red Mazda Miata) picked up a phone and...

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Journal of an AgentChapter 16 Penelope Cruz

With the media whirlwind regarding Natalie Portman and myself being attacked by my deranged former assistant Julie becoming just a fading news headline, I knew I had to move on and change a few things. The first of which was that I needed much higher security for the stars and myself. I had been living in a fantasy world when I didn't have any sort of bodyguard or escort for Natalie or myself that fateful night, so I knew I should perhaps look to an outside source for security. After...

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Journal of an AgentChapter 17 Winona Ryder

"Are you sure you have everything Dean? Briefcase, luggage, passport, tickets..." Damon said, rushing around my office in a fever of activity. "Yes Damon, I'm fine. I have everything. And if I don't, I'll just call you on my cell phone and have you FedEx it, ok?" I replied, standing at the door waiting on him to finish looking around so he could take me to the airport. Damon stopped in the middle of the room, dropping his hands to his side and smiling weakly. "Sorry, I just know...

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Journal of an AgentChapter 18 Lucy LiuZhang Ziyi

Sometimes I wonder how I get myself into these situations. Most normal people don't find themselves in such awkward situations as the one I am in right now - frantically trying to get rid of this suitcase bomb sitting on my hotel bedroom. I can hear two women screaming around me, freaking out - Lucy Liu and Zhang Ziyi. I'm trying to ignore them and concentrate on cutting the right wire, or at least figuring out a way to stop the timer, but it's hard to focus. My mind keeps wandering back...

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Journal of an AgentChapter 19 Halle Berry

The past few weeks had been hard to concentrate on business at all. World events brought my industry to a halt and even big events like the Emmys had to be postponed, leaving agents like myself sitting around with nothing to do but call and check on clients to make sure they were doing ok. Several clients stopped by through out the week, including one who turned the head of my assistant Damon pretty sharply, Halle Berry. She had just come by to talk and kill time, production on her next...

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Journal of an AgentChapter 20 Angelina Jolie

I sat across from Angelina Jolie in my office. Angelina was wearing a white "wife beater" t-shirt and a pair of tattered blue jeans as she stared at me with a sort of dissident gaze, absentmindedly flicking the ash from her cigarette onto the carpet of my just-cleaned carpets. I didn't want to bring up the issue of not being able to smoke in an office building in California, I had bigger fish to fry. I rested my head on my hand as I sat in my chair across from her in my wooden desk. We...

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Journal of an AgentChapter 21 Ashley Judd

It's been almost a year now since I took over my father's talent agency, abandoning my life at the time to come out and try to maintain his very profitable business - meeting and well, sleeping with, a pretty big amount of celebrities. I had told myself that after six months I'd call it in and go back East to the lifestyle I grew up in. But now, I think that at least a little more time spent in Hollywood might be in my best interest. I stood right now in the airport lobby, having just...

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Journal of an AgentChapter 23 Sarah Michelle Gellar

My head was spinning. I felt confused and a little angry that this stranger would approach me with such a claim. I tried to poke holes in her story. "That's impossible. I'm an only child. I think I'd know if I had a sibling running around somewhere," I said preposterously, snorting at her claim. "That's the same way I felt too. That is until my father passed away last year and I found this in his old photo album," she said. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a photo. What I...

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Journal of an AgentChapter 24 Julia stiles

One of the celebrities I'm most proud of at the agency is Julia Stiles. Not only was she a fairly esteemed actress for her generation but I had taken a special liking to her. You see, when her career began to take off was right around the time I took over my father's firm. I felt like a proud parent when she had risen to become a pretty well known actress. When her breakout hit "Save The Last Dance" had burst onto the scene, I knew that she had finally made it, that even though she...

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Journal of an AgentChapter 25 Alyson Hannigan

It's true what they say about your life flashing before your eyes right before you think you are going to die. For me, that happened in those few seconds right before my BMW landed like a breaching whale into the dark ocean off the California coast. I saw lots of things and lots of people - my family, my friends, the girls who had broken my heart, the girls I had fallen in love with and all the flings and one night stands in between. I could see nothing in front of me beyond the black...

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Journal of an AgentChapter 26 Reese Witherspoon

The light was very dim inside, the only illumination coming from the streetlight that seemed miles away down the street. The older, decrepit building had indeed been an apartment at some point, although since then had fallen into great disrepair. The front door inside was off it's hinges and lay against the wall at an angle, the wood of it long since rotted through by termites and was dotted in what appeared to be bullet holes. Heading towards the shaky looking stairs, I noticed the graffiti...

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Journal of an AgentChapter 27 Kirsten Dunst

Jacob and his goons waited for me outside the locker room as I dressed. I pondered just making an escape through one of the gym's high windows, but besides being a few floors up, I knew that I wouldn't make it far before he found me again. With a hesitant sigh, I put on my pants and headed back out into the deserted lobby to follow Jacob out. As we passed the front desk, the girl gave me a puzzled look, but I tried to act as calmly and coolly as possible. I didn't want her to tip off the...

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Journal of an AgentChapter 29 Cameron Diaz

"Come on asshole, didn't you see me trying to get over?" I yelled at the car in front of me, banging my hand on the steering wheel in frustration. I was stuck in rush hour traffic and the car in front of me - some soccer mom who obviously didn't belong on the Los Angeles freeway - decided that it was acceptable to cut me off in order to gain a measly one car length on me. Settling back in my seat with a frustrated grunt, this was not how I wanted to start my day. I sat idly in my car,...

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Journal of an AgentChapter 30 The Finale

"So tell me Damon, where do you see yourself in say, 10 years?" I said to my assistant as we both munched down some bagels during an impromptu breakfast in my office. "Mmph!" he replied, finishing chewing, pausing to swallow before he continued. "Well, I'd like to stay here at Shooting Stars. Of course my dream is to direct a film, even a low budget indie one. I want to get higher up in the Hollywood hierarchy," "Then you want to move to behind the camera, rather than ushering stars...

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Lady GuinevereChapter 52

Eddie was hugging me when I woke up the next morning. While we slept in the same bed, we were too tired to do anything else. The evening on the boat had wiped us out and as hard as we tried, we just weren't into making love. I slipped from under his arm and went to the bathroom. After taking care of my bladder, I jumped into the shower. While I shampooed my hair, Eddie came in and stood in front of the toilet. "Don't you dare flush until I'm finished," I yelled. Eddie laughed and then...

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Lady GuinevereChapter 36

After cleaning the boat, I decided to take a shower and lay down before dinner. When I was finished in the head, I slipped on a long tee shirt, went to the master stateroom and stretched out on the bed. I was alone for about a half an hour and almost asleep when I felt someone crawl into bed with me. "You still awake, Little-bit?" Brad asked as he circled my waist with his arm. I rolled onto my back and said, "Sort of." "Are you tired?" Brad said as his hand slid down my stomach to...

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Lady GuinevereChapter 40

It felt good to be home, back in our house and on solid ground. I helped Eddie and Dad unload the van, sorted the dirty clothes and took my suitcase to my room. Once my bag was emptied and everything was put away, I flopped on my bed. After kicking off my boat shoes, I pulled my legs onto the bed and nestled my head into my pillow. I lay quietly for a while, got up and removed my clothes, putting on an old comfy tee shirt. I went out to the living room and sat on the floor, my back against...

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Journalist Visits Swingers Club

It's not easy being twenty-two, fresh out of university with a degree, and not being able to find a job. You feel self-assured with the graduation certificate, why wouldn't you? It's all you have been working towards for four years. I really thought journalism was different, but I, like my friends, had a taste of reality, and along with it, great humility.I changed tactics and applied for any job that may get me in the door, so that one day I may be lucky and get to do some real journalism...

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Lady GuinevereChapter 50

I heard giggling and woke up. It was still dark in the salon, but I could see Erin and Frank as they scurried to the door leading to the cockpit. "What time is it Erin?" I asked, sitting up and trying to adjust to the darkness. "Four o'clock," Erin said. "Why did you to get up so early?" Erin told Frank to wait a minute, came over to me and whispered, "We've been up all night, Jen. Frank and I have been making love all night." I giggled. "You two are going to be beat...

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Lady GuinevereChapter 21

The next week seemed to drag as I waited for Sunday and the chance to go fishing with my brother and the others. I was glad we were going to have the Gordon's along to teach us, but I also would liked it if it was just the family so I could go topless. My brother and I ran every morning before school. I started leaving my bedroom door open a lot more and would get all giddy when Eddie saw me prancing around in my underwear or naked. Because we were so busy with school and sports, my brother...

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Lady GuinevereChapter 39

I wasn't all that interested in the movie and decided to have a little fun. I started to rub Brad's leg, slowly working my way from his knee to his crotch and back. Brad slipped the arm he had on my shoulders down, cupped my boob and began to massage it through my top. I slid my hand over his hard cock and squeezed it through his cotton shorts, moving my fingers along its length. "Are you playing with my brother's dick?" Kathy asked, giggling. "Yeah and he's playing with my tit," I...

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Anticipating Geneveve

The air was filled with the sharpness of perfume, and that perfume brought Brian instantly to full alert. ‘She’s here again,’ he thought. ‘This time, Geneveve will have a stay she will never forget.’ Brian loved her name, it was so unique and different, just like her. Rather exotic in a way. Brian worked on staff in the Renaissance Hotel, downtown Chicago. Geneveve was a fairly regular patron, as she had to work with some of the local architects on a regular basis. She was a freelance editor,...

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You are sleeping in your bed, having a great dream about you and Angelina Jolie in a very swanky hotel in Venice, having wild sex on the balcony, overlooking the canals. The dream ends. You think you hear a tiny little voice say, "And sprinkle this one good. I think Peter and Wendy need something to break the logjam. This one will do nicely." In your sleep-stupor, you open one eye a bit and see a glowing moth hovering over your bed. The moth's body looks strangely like a person. Then you go...

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The Neverending Dare Game

The four of them had been inseparable, best friends since elementary school. Now, having just graduated from high school, it made perfect sense for them to get an apartment together in the city. On their first night in the apartment, Stace breaks open a bottle of champagne and calls for an apartment meeting. Stace was the ringleader of the group, she had the strongest personality and usually had set the tone for their activities together. She was a curvaceous brunette with a rockabilly style,...

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Neverwinter Nights

Ah YES! The lands of Toril! What a place. A land of myth, and lore. A land where dangers, and adventure are around every corner. The infamous Spine of the World, Baldur's Gate, Helmsdeep, Waterdeep, the Underdark, Undrentide, Luskan, Amn, and Nevewinter city are just a few of the places any adventurer would seek. Some would go to these places to gain power, wealth, or even fame. Some go to these places to do villainous acts of evil, and some, heroic deeds of good. But for THESE 4 adventurers,...

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Anticipating Geneveve

The air was filled with the sharpness of perfume, and that perfume brought Brian instantly to full alert. ‘She’s here again,’ he thought. 'This time, Geneveve will have a stay she will never forget.' Brian loved her name; it was so unique and different, just like her. Rather exotic in a way. Brian worked on staff in the Renaissance Hotel, downtown Chicago. Geneveve was a fairly regular patron, as she had to work with some of the local architects on a regular basis. She was a freelance editor,...

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Nevelle Longbottom and the Sneaking Spell

Two days before Harry's discovery of the Sleeping Spell, he had suggested making certain members of Dumbledore's Army privy to the power of the Sneaking Spell. His friends had agreeed, but advised keeping the number low to prevent their weapon falling in the wrong hands, In the end, two members were chosen: Ginny Weasley and Nevelle Longbottom. Ginny wondered aloud whether Harry had used the spell to spy on her. In fact, he frequently had, as had Ron and Hermione. Harry and company wisely chose...

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Fornever in Blue Genes a Wish the Heart Makes

A Wish the Heart Makes: Fornever in Blue Genes by Tigger Copyright 2000. All rights reserved. Fictionmania and Nifty may archive this story. Anyone else, ask me first. From Walt Disney's "Cinderella": "A dream is a wish your heart makes When you're fast asleep. In dreams you lose your heartaches Whatever you wish for, you keep. Have faith in your dreams and someday Your rainbow will come smiling through. No matter how your heart is grieving If you keep on...

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