332 mother begged him
- 4 years ago
- 24
- 0
How did they decide on one unisex area? The helpers are one thing, but the other kids?
After getting the girls the right bra fit, or training bras for the ones that didn’t need a bra except to keep their buds from showing through their shits, we had an influx of kids that stripped off everything they had on, threw most of it in the trash, went to shower, and then come back to find clean clothes. I didn’t even bother telling girls what size bras to get. Instead, I got the right one and put it on them.
I noticed they all had a base layer, long underwear, a thin wool layer, pants, and shirts two sizes larger than they needed, medium weight jackets, and then oversized heavy-weight jackets. Once they liked what they had found, they stripped to their underwear to throw on whatever felt the most comfortable. Some wore sweats while others wore PJs. I could see they were very relaxed now that they were somewhere safe with as much food as they wanted to eat. In their eyes, each had something nagging them.
My phone made some of them jump when I got a message from Molly.
“These kids shouldn’t have needed to sleep out in the cold to get away from their families. A few have an abusive, violent, and often drunk parent. The rest couldn’t get the help they or those in their family need. Each will call their family, and everyone that lives at the same place will come here, against their wishes if needed. Darren’s death changed the landscape of the elite’s world. Those running some families are children, not unlike those here, except they didn’t have anywhere they could go to get away that their fathers couldn’t reach. I made a simple request, and they provided resources that will ensure these families had a home where these children feel safe and loved. No one will be able to hide the reasons for their dysfunctional families,” Molly’s first message said.
The next told me, “It is beneficial that sufficient bathroom facilities are present at this location. Some behavior modifications will require them.”
Ah. Molly’s special sauce.
When we finally made it out to where we were going to eat, I saw over seventy kids in sweats or pajamas. Their ages were from nine to eighteen. They may all be starving, but are only getting small portions by the volunteers, or those whose parents volunteered them to help. Those with me also began being served small helpings.
“We have more food than any of you could eat in a week and are making trays we will take to those who don’t have the means to feed themselves properly,” a grandmother said as she put the trays out in front of the kids. “You can have all you want to eat, just tiny portions to keep you from getting sick from gorging yourselves.”
I, on the other hand, got bowls of everything and half a turkey breast.
“What the hell? How come you get so much, and we have to eat like babies?” a guy asked.
I smiled as I replied, “I burn a lot of calories, and this is a small meal for me. It doesn’t hurt that my mom brought me down here yesterday to help babysit the kids helping us to fill the trays of food we are giving to those in need. She wanted to give something back to the community after all they did for me after I had a devastating accident that put me in a coma for months. We planned to have busses transport people from all the shelters, the homeless, and anyone else who wanted to join us for a Thanksgiving meal. I think she said she found someone that wanted to provide blankets and sleeping bags designed for sub-zero temperatures. We had a whole food packing plant close down so they could come here to help. By midafternoon, this crew, their children, and grandchildren used up the truckloads of turkey, hams, and sides my mom had here for both days. Things then started arriving from all over. I don’t know who provided all the clothes or luggage to put them in. Someone else brought the jackets and shoes. Then we have all the nurses and doctors that are making sure all the kids here are healthy or making sure anyone that needs longer-term medical treatments get it, at no charge. What turned into meals-on-wheels morphed into helping all those we can find who will let us do what we can to help them.”
I soon finished eating what the grandmother put in front of me, as had those at my table. We had three more rounds of food before a different grandmother told them they now were going to do something they didn’t want to do. None had any choice about not contacting their families and telling them they are here, safe, and that their entire household will be here to have dinner. It didn’t matter if their family wanted to come here.
Soon a guy and girl came around with a cart filled with cellphones. Each fully powered up with a name and picture on the protective screen plastic. It was hard not to laugh when I watched the boy and girl’s rigid routine. Molly made a lot of new friends, I see.
The guy would get a person’s phone, move around behind them, place one of the kid’s index finger on the fingerprint reader, their thumbs, and finally their other index finger. Once sure each registered finger unlocked the phone, he put the phone in their hand, pulled their hand up to a specific spot, adjusted their heads, and then tapped the screen three times. He checked that the advanced facial recognition also unlocked the phone. Finally, he locked the phone, took their index finger and tapped out the code, or made a pattern, that each kid recognized instantly. After they put in that code, they found that they must have a finger on the reader and use the phone’s facial recognition to unlock their phone. No other way would unlock the phone. He would lock their phone and have them access their cellphone, repeatedly, until he felt they had it down. Only then would he put down two high-capacity solar battery chargers, a wall wort, and cables to charge it. He never said a word.
That was the simple part. That guy is so focused on getting their phones set up that he isn’t reacting to touching them.
Now the girl that came next wasn’t up to Molly’s level, but she was close. Not bad for a ten-year-old albino.
I watched her go to the person who just got their phone. Unlock it, and access one of Molly’s app screens, flick it a few times, and then hand it back to that person. When the albino girl got to Tawny, I watched the battle of will begin. It lasted all of a minute. The albino girl, Charlie, put a message up on Tawney’s phone that said she was to send the broadcast text to her family with this location. Then read the script, customize for Tawny and her family, to send them a video message. Finally, she had to call everyone on the list to tell them that she was ok, and they would be seeing her later today.
“My little sister and brother don’t have cellphones,” Tawny said when it was time to call them.
Her siblings were at the top of the list. Charlie was already very good at Molly’s technique of snapping her finger and pointing at the phone. When Tawny still resisted, Charlie picked up the phone, dialed the number, put to Tawny’s ear, and used her other hand on the opposite of Tawny’s face to keep pressure in to hold it there.
“Tawny? Are you coming home? You sent a message to this phone saying we would see you soon,” the little boy’s voice said through the phone. “I miss you. Dad cries a lot when mom isn’t here. He misses you.”
Charlie stayed there as Tawny then called her little sister, who missed Tawny too. She couldn’t wait to see her so she could show her the cellphone this nice man gave her for Tawny to call. Tawny called her dad, someone else, and then all she had was her mother left. A look from Charlie and Tawny dialed that number. Her mom answered. Not only was her mom drunk, but she was angry as hell at Tawny because these people were making her come here today, and she didn’t want to see her daughter. Charlie didn’t make Tawny say a word.
Tawny replied, “I will see you then. At least bother to find a water hose somewhere to wash the smell of barf, cigarettes, and shit off of you before you get here.”
Surprising the hell out of both Tawny and me, Charlie turned Tawny around, stood, pulled Tawny to her, hugged her tightly, and then whispered that she was so sorry about Tawny’s mother making her run away from the rest of her family who loved her very much.
I saw Charlie trying hard to fight the urge, and I’ve been around enough Autistic people to see the signs.
I got out of my seat, moved into the aisle, and held my arms open. Charlie launched herself at me. I had her arms and legs locked as tightly around me as she could manage. She kissed me on the lips, and I felt her body tense up before she went almost limp. I hugged her tightly to me as it happened three more times.
After the last one passed, Charlie whispered in my ear, “Molly told me I would find you, but nothing else. I will need this again soon. It slows me down while making me feel the wonderful tingles.”
As if a switch flipped, Charlie dropped stiffly from my arms to go the boy across from me.
I kissed Tawny on the forehead before telling her I need to be responsible and stuff.
When the guy giving out the cell phones finished the next person, I stopped him, turned him around, put my arms around him to hug him. He didn’t cum like Charlie, but I felt him wrap his arms around me in return as he luxuriated in being able to have this contact with someone.
Molly wouldn’t have you near me if you can do that and didn’t trust that you would keep it secret.
Connecting directly to where the link originated in his brain, I told him, “You’re very welcome, John. I know this is the only way we can communicate clearly without needing to write it out or use Molly’s app. Find me when you finish if you need to talk.”
He didn’t, at least not right then, because he still had cellphones to set up, but he pulled me over to a girl trying to push her body through a dark corner of the large eating area. She was holding her knees to her to make herself as small as possible. He pointed to her and told me over the link that she needed me, no one else, only me. I alone had what she needed so badly. He turned and went back to setting up cellphones. Before he closed the link, I found he tolerated physical contact when setting up the phones because it let him move a girl forward enough that he could look down her PJ shirt to see her bare tits. They didn’t mind because he knew exactly the spots to touch their hands that made the girls get aroused so he could watch their nipples harden. It was a bit of control that he found he had and was enjoying verifying how well it worked on the various girls.
When I got down in front of the girl, Leila, she began to softly whimper as she tried that much harder to merge with the concrete making up the corner. I did have to use the place in my brain to cause her body to get limp long enough to uncurl her arms and legs so I could pick her up. She started a scared whimpering and shaking in fear. I held her tightly in my arms as I went to one of the offices along the wall. This one happened to be an executive’s office, so there were curtains that I closed after setting Leila down in the corner farthest away from the door.
Good thing they have a private bathroom in here too. Leila isn’t going to like it, but she isn’t getting a choice.
Reaching down, I got my hands on her waist. I lifted her over my shoulder, and used the place in my head to get her to relax. I reached between us to undo the tie of her pants, slip them and her panties down, and then put her on the toilet. I closed the door right as she started to pee. She came out naked and went back into the corner to ball up again. I didn’t let her get there. I got her on my lap facing me and then pulled her in tight against my chest. She whimpered and squirmed a lot but didn’t fight to get free. It finally hit me that she was naked for a reason.
“Scoot back a bit Leila,” I told her, and she calmed down a bit as her butt cheeks rested on my knees.
Once my shirt was off, I gently started to pull her back toward my chest. She scooted herself up to push her bare chest and tits into me as she lifted to kiss me before settling against my chest for about two minutes. I let her get off my lap and waited to see if she was going back to her corner. Instead, she reached down to pull on the pockets of my pants. I barely had the snap popped open when she frantically grabbed at the zipper and then began trying to get them off my feet. She started to get a bit feral as I used my feet to get my shoes loose so she could slip my pants and boxer-briefs off me. Once I was naked, except for my socks, she rushed to the bathroom to get her socks. She did stop to check out my dick, briefly, before it moved down between my legs, and she got back in my lap.
“Better?” I asked.
“Ready to talk?”
Vigorous nods.
“Are you going to talk to me?”
Head shake no.
“Use your phone,”
“How then?”
She mimed going back and forth between our heads.
I felt you probing everyone looking for me and finding that you couldn’t read me.
“Does that work with people?”
I got a sad headshake no, as she looked down between us.
Connecting to her, without her even sensing I had done anything, I thought to her, “Is this better?”
Leila nodded excitedly and then got a puzzled look on her face. She closed her eyes to do her best to probe me and couldn’t. It was burning up a lot of that color of energy she needed to try to penetrate my mind.
“Leila, please stop before you give yourself one of those bad headaches,” I said out loud. “Besides, it is rude to dig into someone’s mind without permission first. You didn’t ask me first, but by trying, it means that I can reach into your mind too.”
Her eyes went wide, right before her hot pussy juices squirted out onto my legs.
That got a big smile and her trying to get as much of her naked body against mine. Then the floodgates opened. As she thought to me as fast as I could process it, which is a lot faster these days, she began unconsciously moving off my lap to get my dick from between my legs. She turned around, pushed her back to my chest, pulled my hands to her tits, and then began stroking the top four inches of my dick, trying to get me hard. She was slamming everything she wanted to say to anyone who could link to her, and so far, I was one of the few. At least I only gathered the bits of stuff that I needed to know and disregarded the rest.
When she had me hard, she subconsciously slid up and moved her through the pussy lips until she found the right place to go inside her. I heard her whimper and grunt in pain as she tried to get me into her soaked, but virgin cock tube. After listening to her getting frustrated, I pulled her hands to my dick, to hold it in place, and then pulled down hard on her hips as I thrust up. It tore through the barrier. We waited for her to relax before I began lifting her and pulling her down as I moved my dick inside her.
Once fully seated, I reached around to pinch her clit, hard, and push in vast amounts of natural and orgasm energy as I kept her getting off until I finally heard her say, out loud and in my head, “Fuck! Fuck Me! Oh, please, please fuck me.”
Well, that is what she tried to speak at least. It was good enough for me. I stood us up, turned around, put two pillows over the arm of the couch, laid her on the cushions, and proceeded to fuck her until I filled her with a big load of swimmers.
“Do you want me to let my sperm get you pregnant or make sure you don’t get pregnant this month,” I asked.
All she could say into my head was that she didn’t care. No one would care except me. Her parents loved her dearly, but long ago gave up trying to find ways to connect with her. The Molly Speaks app didn’t work for her because her brain didn’t work that way. That was all she said over our link before telling me to keep fucking her because she didn’t want to think about anything or want me to break our bond before we had no other choice.
I will keep fucking her until she gets bored and wants to stop. Her pussy isn’t sore or getting raw, and she keeps pouring out a lot of pussy juice.
When we finally stopped, she moved back off the arm of the couch to watch the cum run out of her pussy. Leila had the biggest grin on her face as I saw it peeking from between her legs. She turned to suck on my dick until I was stiff and then decided now it was her turn to make me feel good. I have to say, and she did a fantastic job of it.
As we sat with my dick buried inside her, I asked, “Do you want me to look in your brain to see if there are places that should be connected a specific way and connect them? I know a lot more than anyone else in the world about how brains work and the ways they connect.”
“Not yet,” she thought to me. “I must get my sisters. They aren’t like me in the head, but both are at the same unsafe time as me. They have been with boys and men, who all wore rubbers when they had no other way to have someone focus on only them. Our parents earn a fair amount of money at their jobs, but most of it goes to pay off my doctor bills. I feel so bad for being how I am because I take away my parent’s love from them. When I come back with them, you can check in my brain for broken places, but I think that did something as all that energy flowed from you into me when I felt the most fantastic thing I have felt in my life. I’ve never been able to make any sounds other than grunts and whimpers. One day I can tell my child, nieces, and nephews how my first words were naughty ones. I won’t ever tell anyone how special you are, David. Can you make me have two boys and a girl, or at least a boy? My parents wanted a boy and got girls.”
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Many girls crave attention on the internet, and you can give them just what they are asking for. You have a subreddit called r/needysluts/, and here you have loads of gorgeous women who love to post nude and seductive pictures that will make your woody rise. It is straightforward, and everyone is allowed to participate.Reddit.com is a free website, and this is just one of many other subreddits you can explore. There are tons of NSFW subreddits that are filled with porn, so if you are partially...
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Eva was a single mother. She loved her son. She loved nursing him and he has always slept naked with her in her bed. As he nursed she would put his hand on her other tit and he would always play with the nipple. She loved the way his sucking made her pussy tingle and she would get wet. Because she loved this feeling she never quit nursing him. She home schooled him so he could nurse morning noon and night. She never bothered to dress and he stayed naked too. As he nursed her she would finger...
Dear friends, this is Nalini (changed) again with my new story, and thanks for your comments on my previous stories, and please don’t forget to comment on ISS too, and male readers stop asking about my personal details and don’t invite me on hangouts.I am a newly married housewife aged 26 years with a 34b-26-36, enjoying and satisfied with my husband’s love making in bed, but still yearn for a feminine body touch which I am missing from collage girl friend during our golden collage days. I...
Eva was a single mother. She loved her son. She loved nursing him and he has always slept naked with her in her bed. As he nursed she would put his hand on her other tit and he would always play with the nipple. She loved the way his sucking made her pussy tingle and she would get wet. Because she loved this feeling she never quit nursing him. She home schooled him so he could nurse morning noon and night. She never bothered to dress and he stayed naked too. As he nursed her she would finger...
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Yesterday i had an incredible experience with my new friend Mr. K.We had been talking through email for a few days, and i really was getting excited to meet him since we talked a lot about naughty things... He came to my home straight after work, and asked me if he could take a shower first.I agreed and told him i could use the time to dress myself up for him.I felt extremely horny and decided to wear my short purple skirt, "open" pantyhose with a nice black thong. I also wore a white shirt...
This is an incident which took place between me and one of my students Anasua. I am 30 years of age, good looking and handsome. She came to me for private tuition on computer science as she was a student of B.Tech in computer science. She was bit bulky, with very well shaped breast and very attractive set of lips at first I started teaching her in batch, but after some days there was a problem with timing. She was from another college and the rest of the student was from a nearby collage. So I...
Did she want to do this or was she pulled down here by her mom and sister to get her so horny she would give me her virginity? I could tell right off that now her sister and mom were gone that she was incredibly nervous while still being very horny. The way she was squirming around I was pretty sure she wanted to feel what the others had felt. I didn’t want to let her do more than she was comfortable with so I took the tension away the best way I could. “It seems your mom and sister are...
How long have they been held by those people transporting them? The only difference between how the twins looked when they came out of the showers was the towel around the girl’s head. I checked both out. The girl had a nice set of firm breasts, each about the size of half baseballs and her pussy juices already making the inside her of thighs shiny. Her brother was sporting a boner about six inches long and a bit thicker than mine. Neither of them seemed to care that they were there naked in...
It isn’t what she is expecting. I had Tiffany sitting naked in the empty tub when her dad brought in a glass 1000cc enema syringe with three feet of tubing made to fit on the tip. Her eyes went even wider when she saw it. Her mom popped in with three douche bottles and said, “Who knows what else she has been sticking in there. Then we have the issue that she and her brother are trying to see who can go the longest between showering before someone takes them out back, strips them, and hoses...
Many years ago, in the days of Prodigy chat, you could go to chat rooms related to the state you lived in. I had been hanging out in the chat room of the state I lived in and had met a number of people on it - both in person and just to chat online. My wife was aware of most of the people I chatted with and would sometimes sit with me while I chatted. One person I began chatting with was a woman by the name of Amie. Amie lived about 35 miles from us and was a 38 year old single mom....
Eric wasn’t used to all the walking and exercise I put him through as we explored parts of the local wilderness. When we returned from the jaunt, Eric and Nicole broke into the beer he bought. I was satisfied with my whiskey and cola. After the kids were in bed, Eric asked if he could go into the spa and relax. Nicole and I joined him and put on some great CDs from the 80s and early 90s rock. It made for a very comfortable atmosphere. Nicole sat in between Eric and me in the spa. She...
Introduction: Wife and I have our first non-family threesome with my best friend I just experienced the most amazing week of my life! My best friend, Eric, came to visit me for four days. He looks very similar to me, and was mistaken as my brother by those who didnt know. My wife, the one who has bore two of her fathers children, has always been reserved about sex with anyone else outside the family, but this past week was a major step away from that trend. Eric wasnt used to all the walking...
Hi dear ISS voracious readers, This is my first sex story I am gonna present u, not my first sex…lol… I am a doctor, my name is shoban babu, 29 years, well built, muscular, fair complexion boy, I am from Tamilnadu, Salem district, this Is a real story, while I was pursuing a job in Bangalore private hospital, it is a Christian institution… I worked in medicine department, on the first day of joining I visited the medical department HOD, asst professors and staffs in the ward and finally went...
She answered so fast that it took a second before I said, “I don’t need help, but Emily is sounding like she is going to barf all over the place any second now.” I hope they make it time. They made it in time to make sure she didn’t suffocate in her vomit, but that did nothing to stop me from almost puking myself as I heard her from just a few feet away. Man, she is throwing up a lot. How can she have that much in her stomach? Emily had finally stopped the dry heaves and then told the...
The last thing I remember the fuckers have me tied down and hooked to an electric fence so the evil people could shock me as leverage to make Paula spill the beans. As I awoke, I found myself restrained. No longer filtering out the light, I couldn’t even open my eyes. I don’t even have the energy reserves to filter out the light. I may be naked and strapped down, but at least I am not I a hospital, again. Taking a deep breath, I concentrated hard on the place in my head. It was off now, and...
When someone came around to wake me up, I was still able to see the girl like me just by finding the egg I fertilized growing inside her. One thing I found about having this thing in my head was that I always felt full of energy and ready to go even if I just went to sleep. We could not have been asleep very long. When I found my jeans and boxers, they were still really wet, so I just got on my shorts. Even though everyone worried about bugs and sunburn, many of us decided we would risk it...
"So are you going to swim some more or do you want to go hang out together in the teen lounge," I asked a girl that I just remembered had been there with me a lot when I was off in one of my hiding places. She had pulled me down to the girl's locker rooms at least twice a week after gym class to shower near her. I think it was more to give her comfort to have someone else not showing any development there when the other girls teased her still having a little girl's body. She blushed and...
Polly was leading me quickly from the restaurant where I had eaten her as well as an omelet made to appear as a portrait of myself arriving at the resort. “Spectacular performance in handling that volatile situation with Ruth. It was about to end badly. She is an exceptionally good agent, but still way too green to pull off a mission such as this. The CIA really needs to spend more time finding young looking agents that can properly get into their cover identities. She just blew seven years...
As the girl with the huge tits tapped her way out of my room, I headed off to get something to eat. In the cafeteria I could hear a few kids in here eating, but it wasn’t as many I would have suspected if my floor had a group counselling session soon. I stuffed myself again and still no one had come to tell me to come back to the go to the session. When I was almost back to where I would have to surrender my pajamas, if I got them dirty, a nurse came to get me to take me to see a...
“David I don’t believe in destiny, but I’m sure that we were meant to meet,” Trudy said as she slowly slid off my piss hard-on when we woke up in the morning. “You are a really great friend David. I knew you would do everything I asked of you without complaint or demands anyone else would have made. In a strange way you feel like a brother to me. I never expected that at all when you dropped down in the seat next to me on the bus for our first day of high school together.” A hand reached...
Dad got his own full version of everything that happened at Trudy’s today as soon as he got home. I gave up on mom having time to fix dinner so I used my phone to dig up what everyone liked on their pizzas and how much they normally ate. I didn’t even need to put the payment details into the pizza ordering app, it was already there when I placed the order. Nelly asked me when we normally ate because she has been starving for hours. I got a big kiss on the cheek and a hug when I told her pizza...
Now what am I walking in to? “Come on David, hurry up,” Suzie told me. “Most of my friends have to be back in their cabins by two at the latest. For some it is midnight if they don’t want to get caught. All our parents are having an adult’s night out. My sister thinks they are going off to have a massive orgy, but they aren’t. When I snuck over last there summer I found they were sitting around drinking, watching movies and playing cards as they bitched about their kids. It really is only a...
Is there a plan here? What exactly are we doing with Ariel anyway? After double-checking that Molly was buckled well into her five point harness I got on the I-95. We had about an hour before sunrise and Molly shot me a message that there were no police scheduled to be on the interstate between here and Fayetteville due to shift change. We have about three hours before we would see any cops. We should put as much distance behind us as we could in that time. I started wondering if there was...
I guess there is a good side to screwing a girl so much she is too sore to have sex. Well that is if they come cuddle up like you are the most important person in the world, or at least in the room. Shawna had dozed back off by the time Sue came out of the bedroom. As soon as she saw all the stuff from her house her eyes went wide. She looked over at me and then really started to panic since I was still dressed from when her parents had come to the door. “I have no idea which of the girls...
So, with this herbal pill Molly gave me I will feel good, but I won’t cum or get hard. Will that actually still stop me from attracting girls who might be interested in having sex with me? After packing up we checked out before hearing from the airbase toward the Budweiser Brewery. Molly wanted to do the tour before we got back on the road. I was surprised when they didn’t bat an eye at us taking the tour without any adults chaperoning us. They even offered us small samples of the various...
Jon and Jan? Steve let them out into a storm like this already? Was it a test to see if they could handle it? Maybe control the storm? I didn’t remember going to sleep but I woke up to a pair of little hands around my morning wood. I noticed Cassie was sitting on my bladder holding my boner in her little hands. All the kids that had come in the room last night were sitting on the bed looking at the monster in the little girl’s hand. “Hey Cassie, can you let me get up to go pee so it will...
Today I headed to Annie’s dojo. It had been so long since my last visit here that I forgot to focus on not making mistakes as I went through my katas. Annie reminded me when she came over to appear to be helping me with my form. After karate we headed over to Annie’s house. I expected to sleep over as we had done before summer break. “David, I really need you right now, but I can’t. Not for a few months at least. I was stupid and went alone to a party where someone drugged me. Even drugged...
I think she liked me barging in on her. These beds are even better than I had imagined. Sara got permission to stay the night with Yui, so to hang out in the bunk bed together, so I headed back to Hinata’s house. When I started to head to the room where I slept, I got a good look at the adults that were here. Hinata’s mom glowed and would soon find she conceived last night. The aunts and uncles were equally showing they had quite enjoyed their time not having their older children hanging...
Yeah, I threw her under the bus. I did need to get back home. Dad texted to say we had a meeting with the school board in three days. While everyone was distracted, I went to get my clothes from downstairs and quickly got everything out into the car. I gave everyone, even the girls that were visiting and still naked, a big hug before getting on the road without them delaying me leaving. By not needing to stop for sleep and using a new navigation app, which marked every form of law...