Poodle ButtChapter 2 free porn video

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Three hours later I was exhausted. But ... it’d been kinda fun. I’d came so many times I’d lost count, and I was all wet and sticky down there. Darla and I’d even jumped in the shower for a second to try and wash all the cum out of our cunts. Jeezus, these boys were young and full of the shit. After we got out of the shower, I shut the door and took a healthy shit, because of what one of the guys had asked me. I hoped he could get it up again.

Back in the room I singled out Mr. WannaButtFuck. “I’m ready, honey,” I said, and crawled up on a bed. I smeared a little packet of hand creme on my asshole, and got ready for him. He looked fairly hard at least, and it takes a hard cock for butt-fucking. I felt him moving around behind me, and at last I felt the tip of his cock on my asshole. I tried to relax as hard as I could. He pushed in gently, and I appreciated his thoughtfulness. I’m not a really big fan of asshole sex, but I do it, and tonight, for some reason, I just seemed hungry to do crazy shit. I’d already let one guy shoot his jizz in my face, after I blew him. And they’d all watched me eat Darla’s pussy, not that I hadn’t done that shit before.

Anyway, I let that guy fuck me in the ass. I actually kinda enjoyed the feeling of him, inside me. He wasn’t no giant, just right for ass-fucking. Finally, I could tell he was cumming. I was fingering my clit, and I had yet another cum. I laughed as I looked over at Darla. She was watching TV as Mr. Whiney-ass took her from behind. I caught her eye and winked at her, and she smiled back. She looked worn out, and I figured I looked about the same. Sex is hard work, when you’re outnumbered two to one.

I finally looked at the clock. All the guys were resting, I think we’d pretty much drained them. I started rounding up my clothes and got dressed. Darla got up, and did the same.

“Well, boys, it’s been fun,” I said, “but the parties over. Anybody got any last requests?”

Nobody did, but the chief stood up.

“Listen,” he said. “Four hundred is way too much. Give us back half, and we’ll call it even.”

“No, we fuckin’ won’t,” I said.

“C’mon,” the chief said. “You guys were good, but you weren’t four hundred dollars good.”

I started to burn.

“A deal is a deal,” I said, reaching into my purse. He saw my hand move, and started for me. I yanked the gun out, and pointed it right at his face.

He stopped, and stared at it. Finally he said, “That ain’t real...”

“Try me, bitch,” I said. “Just fuckin’ try me. Listen, I’m probably goin’ to prison anyway, and it won’t hurt my feelin’s any to spend a few extra years for cappin’ your goddam ass.”

Mr. Whiney-ass was pretty agitated, and he started forward. I figured he’d probably put up most of the four hundred bucks, he sure seemed worried about it. I moved the gun until it was pointing at his face. He blanched, and backed up a step.

“Darla,” I said, “reach into my pocket and get my keys. Leave the room door open, and go start my car. Leave only the driver’s side unlocked. Scoot over after you start it. I’ll drive.”

I could feel her hands shaking as she reached in my pocket. She had looked totally freaked, she didn’t know about my gun. She disappeared out the door, and at least remembered to leave it open. Oh shit, I thought, I’m alone with five guys, and a fake gun.

Yeah, it was a fake. One of my old boyfriends, Frank, had given it to me. It was actually a “replica”, not just a cheap copy, it’d cost him like forty bucks. He’d taken it to work and drilled the plug in the barrel out, so it looked real when you were staring down it. And it was made before they started putting those goofy red things on the barrel. It was so real it even had a clip with some fake bullets, but I’d managed to lose that somewhere. But I held it like he’d shown me, with my left hand over the bottom of it, so they couldn’t see the clip was missing. It was a pain in the ass in my little purse, but I’d carried it for so long I felt naked without it. All that time, I thought, I carried this bitch all that time, for just right now.

“You little bitch,” said the chief. “That’s a fake. I can tell.”

“Well, come on then,” I said, wondering if I could hit him with the gun if he rushed me. At the moment I kinda wished the gun was real. I’m still not sure if a fake is worth the trouble. You gotta have big balls to bluff your way with a fake. Luckily, I have big balls, for a girl.

“Guys, it’s a fake. We can take her,” he said, growing more insistent.

Anyway, other than try and fight him, which I knew I couldn’t win, I’d do better to just run out the door behind me. “Are you so sure you wanna be shot in the face, motherfucker?” I asked him. I had the gun back on the chief by now. The other boys were frozen, staring at me like rabbits in a headlight.

“Listen, you dumb fucks,” I finally said, exasperated. “We made a deal, and we’re stickin’ to it. I’m not ripping you off or anything. This is all your doing. If you’d been straight with me, you’d never know I had a gun.”

“I still don’t believe you. It’s a fake,” the chief said, and I could see him tensing. I knew he was just a second away from coming at me. Holding the gun directly in his face, I yelled “Bang!” just as loud as I could, and was satisfied to see his whole body jump. I was even more satisfied to see a little wet spot appear in the front of his slacks where he’d peed himself a little. I had a hard time stifling my laughter. I felt like it was over, though. I felt like I’d won.

I hadn’t heard my car start like I thought I would, but I slowly backed out of the room, never letting the gun waver from the chief’s face. I turned and ran when I was out, down the row to where my car was, and Darla was waiting, anxiety on her face. She’d done everything correctly, and I jumped in, locked the door, slammed it in reverse, and screeched the tires the fuck out of there. The last thing we saw was the five boys rounding the corner of the building, staring after us.

“Shit, fuck, goddam,” Darla said, “how the fuck did you pull that off?”

“Gotta have brass balls, darlin’,” I said. My heart was beating like crazy, now that it was over. I felt like I was gonna faint. Darla laughed a sharp, hard laugh.

“Baby,” she said, “as much as I like ya, that was probably my last. I’m makin’ a comfortable livin’ at the Valley, I don’t need two hundred more bucks that bad. Shit fuck.”

I laughed. “Get the money out an’ take half of it, honey” I said, as we drove down 59th Street.

When I got back to the apartment Rachel was asleep. I was relieved, and took a quick shower, washing as much of the cum out of my pussy as I could. I had planned on taking a quick shower at the boy’s room, but that hadn’t worked out. I still hated to lie to her and felt like a bitch for doing it.

She mumbled and hugged me when I crawled into bed with her, and I wrapped my arms around her. When I held her all my problems seemed far away. I kissed her gently, and sighed. Next thing I knew it was morning.

I called the lawyer the next day, and explained my predicament to him. He seemed sympathetic, which of course is what he’s paid to do, and he seemed professional, something I didn’t expect from one of Terhune’s friends. Especially one with duck in their name.

“Did you say the cop had on gloves?” he asked me. Yes, I replied.

“Well, if there’s prints on the bag, that’s good, unless they are yours.” he said.

“No way. Honestly, I have no reason to lie to you. I never saw that shit before.”

“Well, prints are hard to take off plastic bags and such, but recent advances have made it possible. I’ll alert the police chief, whom fortunately I know personally, that we are going to expect the bag to be tested for prints. If yours aren’t on there, it’ll be harder to make the charges stick on you.”

“Good, good,” I was relieved. I hung up after some talk of this nature. I was pleased until he told me roughly what all this was gonna cost me, and then I cried in Rachel’s lap for an hour when she got home.

The week passed slowly. I worried about the college boys showing up at the Valley, but they never did. I hoped I’d seen the last of them. During the day I saw Rachel for our usual three or four hours, the time from when she gets home from work, and I go to work. I wish we were on the same schedule, so we could be together more ... but, I dunno, in a way, I think it makes us appreciate each other more. And we’re not together so long that we ever get on each other’s nerves. Still, it’d be nice. The problem is I can’t do shit other than dance, I mean anything else I’d do would be minimum wage. I make a shitload over minimum at the Valley. An’ don’t pay no taxes.

Rachel works at an insurance company, in an office. I dunno if I could take that shit either, she’s always telling about the shit that goes on there, the power plays and all the office games, I think I’d get canned pretty quick for breaking somebody’s nose or somethin’. At least she don’t come home stinkin’ like cigarette smoke like I do.

I have no idea how some straight-laced little city girl like Rachel ended up with a hard-drinkin’ party-animal country girl like me. Actually, I don’t drink much any more at all, I decided a while back I don’t wanna end up like my momma. Anyway, I met her at a block party at an apartment complex we lived in, and a few hours later we were in my pad, makin’ out. I’d made out with girls before, mostly girlfriends from the time before I had boyfriends, but she was a real virgin, she’d never been fucked, by a girl or a boy, as hard as that is to believe. And she still ain’t ever been fucked by a boy. Rachel is the kindest, sweetest girl in the world, and I’m lucky to have her. I made myself promise never to do shit again that might make her upset, or worst of all make her wanna leave me. I don’t wanna risk that.

Finally it was Friday. I got up, waited for Rachel to get home, we watched TV until our brains melted, and then I finally stumbled off to work. I got undressed and hit the floor. Within minutes Terhune flashed the stage lights, and I knew the door guy had seen the cops in the parking lot. Sure enough they came in, and thank god Larry was on duty tonight. I went right to him, I wanted to hug him but I didn’t, and he just laughed at the dead-puppy dog look on my face.

“Heard you had problems, Peebee,” he said, and I nodded.

“Yeah, I got set up,” I said. “Larry, if you can, tell me how much trouble I’m really in.”

He sighed. I hated to put him on the spot like that, but I wanted to know what he knew.

“Darlin’,” he finally said, “Although I’m assistant chief, that don’t really mean shit in the real world. The chief don’t tell me shit.” I saw him look at the other cop, and the man nodded. I assumed Larry trusted him. “Anyway, some high-powered lawyer dude called a few days ago, and stirred things up, I assume you know about that.”

I nodded. Good. The duck was on the job.

“So we’re getting the bag tested for prints. If yours ain’t on there, they might drop the charges. Dunno. They’ll wanna pin it on somebody’s ass, though. There was a lot in that bag.”

Yeah, that’s the only thing that bothered me, that somebody wanted my ass on a stick bad enough to waste that much dope on fingering me. But I guess they wanted it to be enough to get me for distribution.

“Anyway, darlin’,” Larry said, patting me on the back, “keep your nose extra-special clean for a while. No more fights in the dressing room, shit like that.”

“Yeah,” I said, laughing.

“Heard you busted that old gal up pretty good,” he said, and I nodded again.

“She had it comin’. She’s been riding my ass ever since she came here.”

“Well, try to stay calm. I’ll do what I can to help you, I know you’re clean on that dope charge, at least. Call me crazy, but I trust you on that.”

“Yeah, it was a frame-up,” I said. “My car was in the parkin’ lot all night, unlocked. I almost asked for it.”

He laughed and a few minutes later they left after checking the bathrooms to make sure nobody was whackin’ off, or whatever they look for in there. The fun finally started again.

I was glad to have finally talked to Larry, and he’d settled my mind a little from what he’d told me. I liked Larry, and I knew he liked me, though it wouldn’t have ever gone anywhere, even if I wasn’t hooked up with Rachel. I’d met him a time or two at the KFC on Shields and he’d bought me lunch, and we’d talked. He was happily married, so he said, and I think he just had an interest in me or something, he’d acted like my dad or my big brother, and told me to get out of the clubs and find a real job. I promised him I’d try, but of course I probably won’t. It’s always good to have friends, though, and having a cop for a friend could be a big help in the right situation, though it hadn’t really helped me in this mess.

Some people came in, and I looked at them. It was those two guys and Erik, from the other night. He looked around ‘til he saw me watchin’ them, and waved to me. I let them find a table and sit, and went over. Erik seemed a little more self-assured tonight, and I liked him a little better for it. I finally sat on his lap, and he put his arm around my stomach and held me. I talked to the guys for a while, and then I had to hit the stage. Erik had asked for a lap dance, so after I got down I dragged him over to the corner and waited for the next song to start.

“You said you’d let me take you out to dinner sometimes,” he reminded me. Yeah, I’d said that. I nodded.

“Okay,” I said, “gimme a time and a place to meet you.”

“Awww,” he said, “I can’t pick you up at your place?”

“Maybe next time,” I said, and he nodded.

“Okay,” he said, “how ‘bout the Hibachi House, tomorrow at five. You don’t go to work ‘til sevenish, right?”

“Yeah, that’ll work,” I said. I’d never heard of the place, I’d have to look it up in the phone book when I got home. The song started, and I turned and sat in his lap.

“You got a boyfriend, Peebee?” he whispered loudly in my ear. I giggled. I turned and rubbed his cock with my leg while we talked.

“No,” I said, “but I got a girlfriend.” His eyes almost bugged out. I think he knew instantly what kind of girlfriend I’d meant.

“You into girls then?” he said, an amazed look on his face. I giggled some more.

“Naw, just one girl.” I said. He nodded.

“That is the coolest sexiest thing I’ve ever heard of,” he said, “I never met a girl before that liked girls.” He paused for a moment, and seemed to get his courage up. “Is she as ... as sexy as you?”

I giggled. I’m sure he was afraid I’d say, no, she’s some dikey old bitch.

“Hell yeah,” I said, wishing I had a picture of Rachel to show him. “She’s way the fuck sexier. She’s fuckin’ hot. I ain’t gonna sleep with no skanky old ho.”

He giggled then, and I could feel his hard cock. I grabbed it with both hands. He seemed pretty good sized, no Darnell, but nice and fat feeling.

“Careful, honey,” he said. “I had an accident last time I was here, please don’t make me have to do laundry when I get home.”

I laughed and stroked. I knew there was no way he’d be brave enough to get it out, not like Darnell was. Oh well. I remembered my promise to Rachel, and sighed. Did I really wanna get mixed up with this kid? Not really, but I might play around a little. I wondered, I started wondering then ... the idea of me making it with another girl really seemed to get him off ... I wondered if I could let him watch me do it with Rachel, at least.

I looked at the clock. Shit. Over four more hours of this shit. I started making some plans.

“Erik...” I said. “What you gonna do tonight?” He looked surprised.

“Nothin’,” he said.

“Look, come back about one, if you can. You can follow me home, and I’ll introduce you to Rachel as an old friend of mine, or better yet somebody I went to school with. We can sit around and shoot the shit.”

That’d work. Tomorrow was Saturday, Rachel could stay up late, since she didn’t have to go to work in the morning. Maybe Rachel and I could play around a little for him, if she wasn’t squeamish about an audience. I knew guys liked to watch that shit. And just what I do for a living tells you what kind of exhibitionist I am.

Erik and his friends finally left, and he promised to be back at one. I got my usual eight-minute fuck from Darnell, and came, to my satisfaction. I felt pretty horny after that, and I sucked on an old man’s cock for a minute in the corner, after he got brave enough to get it out. A bunch of business guys were there, and one got up on stage while I was dancing and I rode on his back like a bronc rider, until Terhune threw him off the stage. A fight broke out, and Terhune and the bouncer had to throw a whole shitload of guys out the door, and it was kinda tame the rest of the night after that.

A few minutes ‘til one I went over to Terhune, and told him I was sick. He just gave me a disgusted look, and I whined at him, “C’mon, you don’t want me to barf in here, do you?”

“You better not be lyin’ to me,” he said, and I shook my head.

“Honest,” I said, “I ate some fuckin’ chink food, and it’s makin’ me sick.” He laughed at that, and finally waved his hand. I slipped him a ten, and went and dressed, and went out in the parking lot. I looked around for Erik, and finally he drove up from the end of the lot.

“Just follow me,” I said, and got in my car. He did, and I took us back to the apartment. In the parking lot I stopped and we talked.

“Okay,” I said. I felt bad about lying to Rachel, but I wanted this to look more natural than just bringing some strange guy home.

“We went to school together, well, I only went to tenth, but we know each other from that. From Mustang High, got that? Mustang High.”

He nodded, and repeated it.

“And whatever you do, call me Ruth or Ruth Ann. Especially not Peebee or Poodle Butt. Make it seem like you just met me, at the Valley, not that we’ve known each other for a week or two. Okay?”

He nodded. I led him up the stairs, and unlocked the door. Rachel was stretched out on the couch, I think she’d been asleep, but she raised up and regarded us with bleary eyes.

“Rachel, honey, sorry to do this to you ... but I met a guy I used to know tonight, and I wanna talk to him a while. Okay?”

“Sure, honey,” she said, yawning and stretching. She was just wearing a t-shirt, and she looked sexier than shit. I was proud of her.

We sat, or he sat in the easy chair, and I sat on the couch next to Rachel. I reached out for her, and she giggled and crawled into my lap, which is hard to do because she’s the same size as me. I held her and petted her.

“Rachel, this is Erik...” Oh shit. I had no idea what his last name was. Fuck. “Erik Smith. I went to school with him, when I went to school. I’ve known him since kindergarten.”

She nodded, and he nodded at her. After a moment he rose, and shook her hand formally. I giggled.

“How’s your folks, Erik?” I asked, hoping to hell he had folks.

“They’re just fine,” he said. “They still live in Guthrie. My sister still lives at home.”

“I see,” I said.

“And yours?” he asked.

“I dunno,” I said. “I’m kinda estranged from them, at the moment. Me and my mom ... got issues...”

“I’m sorry to hear, Ruthie,” he said, “but I understand, considering...”

“Yeah, you know the story,” I said. This was going well. That “Ruthie” was a nice touch, too. I was good at this shit, too good. I decided not to push it, though. Sooner or later we’d screw up.

“What you do now?” I asked.

“I’m at Tinker,” he said. “Apprentice electrician.”

“Oh, shit,” I said, “you rake it in, then.”

He laughed. “Not that much. But enough.”

We did some safe small talk, like that. He asked me how long I’d danced, and I told him the truth, a little over a year. Finally the talk tapered down to almost nothing. I looked at the clock. Barely thirty minutes had gone by.

On impulse, I turned my face to Rachel, and she turned hers. I pressed into her lips, my mouth open, and we kissed a nice long kiss. I said “Mmmm...” and we kissed again.

I put my lips against her ear, and whispered to her. “Honey,” I said, “Let’s blow his mind. Let’s make out. He’s safe, he won’t do nothin’ but watch.”

She giggled. “Are you fuckin’ insane?” she finally whispered to me.

“Hell no, it’ll be fun. You ain’t never done it with nobody watchin’?”

“Of course not,” she whispered back. “I ain’t never done it period ‘til I met you. You know that.”

I giggled. True. Our mouths met again. I reached up and grabbed her right tit and squeezed. She squealed and pulled away, but came right back. I squeezed it some more, and pinched her fat nipple, under her t-shirt. I tried to see Erik out of the corner of my eye, but I couldn’t. I could hear Rachel breathing, and feel the heat from her body. I was gettin’ more and more turned on, and I could feel my pussy oozin’.

“Rache, honey,” I whispered, my face in hers. “C’mon, fuck me...” She made that funny “Uh-uh” noise that she does, but her body was telling me a different story. Her arms were wrapped around me, and she was rubbing her tits on mine. I finally pushed her back on the couch, laying her down.

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Playtime Stories 24– Whore pt. 1 I returned to the city where I met John in the arcade parking lot and Tiffany and “Pet” in the arcade booths followed by some scorching action at her parent’s townhouse. Though I often came here on business, I always seemed to not know my schedule well enough to plan anything with Tiffany or Peter, or even John. I had always enjoyed myself though. I would get dressed up and go out to meet new friends, and get fucked by them. Sometimes I would use the motel...

1 year ago
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CowboyChapter 13

They slept peacefully that night. As expected, no-one thought of looking at the old ranch; had they done so they would have caught all three easily as they were all fast asleep. Cavendish woke to find the young girl curled up in his arms. She saw him for what he was, a decent man protecting her and her mother. Her mother saw him too – she saw the fuller picture of the decent man with normal libido; but she was grateful that his decency held sway where her daughter and she were concerned. She...

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Brad and TracyChapter 7

It was 9:00pm by the time I made it back to Janet's house. She and Jim had each left 5 messages on my phone asking me to come home so that we could talk, but since I did not turn on my phone until we left the beach, I didn't get the messages until I was on the way to Janet's. When I walked in the front door, Jim immediately started ranting about me being out of touch all day. "Why didn't you return our phone calls? We left you enough messages that you had to get at least one of them....

1 year ago
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Die Freundin des besten Freundes

Der Hauptcharakter findet die Freundin schon scharf seit sein bester Kumpel mit ihr zusammengekommen ist und versteht sich auch super, aber rein freundschaftlich mit ihr. Trotzdem löst der Anblick ihres heißen Körpers immer wieder Erregung in ihm aus und er hat sich schon oft auf Fotos von ihr einen runter geholt. Ihre dunklen Augen, die so verrucht gucken können, der schlanke Körper mit den großen festen 75D Brüsten und dazu dieser wahnsinnig knackige Po über den schlanken Beinen bringen ihn...

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The Booty Inspector of the Old West part 2

The Booty Inspector (part 2) by markfayerDick jones woke up with his tail between his legs – literally his schlong was tucked back up underneath his taint and was poking out between his butt-cheeks.“Where am I?” he groggily queried aloud.Then he noticed the 2 large feminine figures laying on either side of his naked body. He was inside what appeared to be a traveling Whore’s-Bedroom-Within-a-Stagecoach.The women were impressively striking – dark-skinned Nubian Zulu warrior Princesses. 6 ft. 2...

1 year ago
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A Sentimental Heart Ch 0203

Chapter Two ‘The dragon’ who was Mrs Rogers, turned out to be a middle aged lady of fifty plus, with iron grey curly hair, and watery blue eyes that peered suspiciously at you through her thick rimmed glasses. She was a tall thin woman who towered over Miranda’s own five foot four inches, and so gave that woman the chance to ‘look down’ on her. Miranda could see why they referred to her as the dragon, but she felt herself warming to the cantankerous old bat, as she saw the mountain of...

3 years ago
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Vacation on RehomeChapter 50

"That is a given. The video will have to be made here." "I see. Should be set up a branch office and studio in – what do you call it? – Metropolis? Perhaps there are more possibilities for recording there." "I am sorry to have to tell you, but the law of Rehome Colony prohibits branches of Earth companies setting up here. That includes offshoots of a company group. It is a measure to encourage the local economy to grow, as you will understand. There is nothing to stop you buying a...

3 years ago
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Being a University Student Part 2

Being a University Student – Part 2 As we sat down in the cab, Sophia seemed different. She seemed edgy, cold and wasn’t making any sort of eye contact. I placed my hand on top of hers to comfort her and find out what was wrong, but she pulled away. Completely confused, I thought about what we had done that night. Starting from the first moment we met to the kiss we shared outside the club. Nothing came to me. The whole night had just seemed so perfect. ‘It was too good to be true,’ was the one...

4 years ago
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B7 Chapter 6 Rhiannon Takes Over Rhiannon Transf

Chapter 6: Rhiannon Takes Over - Rhiannon Transformed "Well, what we saw earlier was fun, but there's no since putting this off any longer," said Rhiannon. She turned away from the Enchantress, and did her 'heavy breathing' for another minute. She placed her hands over her pussy and crotch, and focused all of her mental powers, channeling the energy in her body into that area, to create the desired effect. Suddenly, it happened. Rhiannon had changed from woman form to shemale form more...

1 year ago
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Heather Panics But All Is Well In The End

When Heather saw the headlights of her husband, Tim’s, truck as it pulled into their carport, she went into a panic mode. She took her hands off of my cock, jumped off of her air mattress and seemed to figuratively run on the surface of the water of my swimming pool, as she rushed to get out, find and put on her robe and run through the gate of my privacy fence, to her house. When she got home, Tim looked at her and asked where she had been, dressed only in her robe and why did her body look so...

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I Saw Her In Him The Beginning

I was flying up the highway in the old truck. Hoping to make it in time for Monday Night Football. My mind was wandering, when I was brought back to reality seeing a person on the highway. I let off of the throttle a little so as not to blow him off the road. He stuck out his right arm turning to see me head on. Not an axe killer by any means. Short and thin build college student type. He could use a couple of good meals, and a shower, but not an axe murder. I pulled up and let him in. “Where...

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Starting Over

I couldn’t tell you what day it was, or even the month with any certainty. All I know is tonight seemed a lot colder than it had been. I pulled the blanket tighter around my body, and put another log on the campfire. Shit. I only had a couple logs left, and it felt like the night had just started. I’m going to have to go search for some more firewood soon. The only problem is once that chill gets into your bones, it’s so much harder to get motivated to do anything, especially anything that...

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Orgy with a shemale Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

My friends and I were planning a weekend getaway to my lake house where I experienced orgy with a shemale. I didn’t know that they were planning my birthday party too. I packed up and all of us headed to the house. Soon it was evening and I hear the doorbell. “Surprise delivery!” my friend Sean shouts. I go to the door and see a tall blonde walk in. She is dressed well, some cleavage too and heels. She has a large paper bag in hand and she sets it down on the coffee table. We are four of us and...

4 years ago
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Beckys Marine Ch 07

This is it, the final chapter. Hope everyone enjoys. *********** Chapter 7 I sat in the reception office of Dr. Klein, having checked in a few minutes earlier than the email suggested. The room was like many others I had been in, with joined chairs covered in floral designs, end tables with magazines that nobody ever really reads and landscape art screwed to the wall. The receptionist was an older lady, probably in her 60’s. Her grey hair betraying the extensive makeup she wore to hide her...

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My InheritanceChapter 45 Programming Lisa

The three of them were sitting, holding hands. Then, Andy looked at me, realized I was there, and blushed. “He is watching us,” she whispered. All three of them looked at me with sheepish expressions. I grinned at them and rose to go outside to retrieve the liter bottle of chemical and the measuring cup. When I returned, I poured fifty cubic centimeters into the cup and set it down. “Andy and Mary, go outside and wait. I will call you when I am ready.” After they left, I motioned Lisa to...

3 years ago
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Ann and the HandymanChapter 41

The next day, Friday, I popped in to town to do some shopping. With the extra money I'd be earning from Trident, I thought I'd splash out on a new dress. I had a look in one of the more exclusive shops and found a beautiful long black dress in my size, 16. I tried it on and it was perfect. It came down to my ankles but had a very sexy buttoned slit almost all the way to the hip. The material was very clingy and showed my panty line. I realised I would have to wear thong knickers with it. It...

2 years ago
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Adventures at an Artists Colony Ch4

ADVENTURES AT AN ARTISTS’ COLONY CH. 4 Sisyphus I thought about the sexual adventure I was having with Angel, how wild, imaginative and honest it was. Role playing lets us be more uninhibited and explore places we might not otherwise go. I thought about how we played off of each other and got so fully into each other’s games. There was definitely chemistry between us and I found myself wanting to know her better and to take what started as play to another level. So that night when it was my...

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Izzy and Mr James p1

Izzy and Mr James First submission, comments welcomed (no characters in this story are underage) The one thing that Izzy hated the most about herself was her baby face. She’d always been teased about it. She had hoped that by the time she made it to senior year her ‘puppy fat’, as her mother called it, would have all gone away. But now she looked at herself in the mirror on the day of her PSATs and thought, what’s the point? College is all about falling in love, again and again. Who’s going...

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Ashley and Jason Part 41

Ashley let out a sigh and looked at him. "look at me" She said with her hands still on her hips. "Jason look. at. me" She said again. Jason nervously looked up and saw that Ashley's expression had changed. "I know it's hard but it'll only get harder as you stay here. I understand you're scared right now" Ashley said as she sat down on the bed and held Jason on her lap bringing his head into her chest. "I'm sorry for snapping at you. I just...I can be a bit parental inside a...

2 years ago
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The Neighbours Daughter Part 3

Part 3Mandy’s parents came home the day after the events in their bedroom, so things were a bit quiet, however Mandy was still occupying the majority of my mind, even when I was fucking my wife I was imagining it was Mandy’s hairy young cunt that my cock was sliding in and out of. My wife has nice large breasts so it was easy to imagine they were Mandy’s when I was grabbing two large handfuls.As for Mandy’s mum, well I saw her a few times out walking the dog and it was impossible not to picture...

1 year ago
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Webcam Boys Chapter 5

Introduction: Despite threat of blackmail, young love blossoms between John and William. All is not well though, as a few more people become privy to their little secret., and become part of a complicated situation b]Posters notes[/b] This is a series originally posted on Nifty by a friend of mine. On his behalf (because for some reason, he couldnt get an account here), Im posting it here. He reckons people who read here might like it too. The tags for this story arent specific to any one...

3 years ago
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Cousins Are We In Too Deep Part Two

Danielle had told me after dinner that she started using birth control pills two years ago due to having excessive monthly cramping which, I guess, the hormones are supposed to reduce. Anyway, she had said quietly that it was perfectly OK to cum inside her and that was a fact that I was liking quite a bit thinking about how the night was going to go. As we neared the bed, Dani climbed up on it, staying on her knees and facing me. The height adjustment was perfect as I now was looking...

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A roll of the die Part Two

((continued from part one here, )) Karen managed not to laugh and kept her tongue slipping up and down Lisa’s pussy. Lisa shifted and Karen looked up to see Lisa turn her head to the side and stuff Jeremy’s long hard cock into her mouth. Karen felt Dave’s fingers smoothing the edges of her pussy and she purred her delight into Lisa’s. It was official, she thought. It had become an orgy. The pleasure his fingers sent into her depths fed the alcohol coursing through her veins and Karen...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Knowing My Destiny

Knowing My Destiny By Mistress X This is the story of one Halloween when a long held tradition changed my life. I was laying on the couch on Halloween afternoon when I heard shuffling at the door. "I got the costumes!" yelled Mike as he finally wrestled his way inside. "Well it's about time," Steve complained as he came down the stairs. "Hey Pete, get in here so we can see what he got." I rolled off the couch and shambled over as Mike pulled three adult Halloween costumes from...

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Mindy and Me

Mindy and Me   Mindy turned out to be very much like her mother Melba had been. Of course Mindy was much younger than Melba had been, but she was wonderful company and she was hungry for sex because she was divorced with no "friend with benefits" in her life at that time. So, we were compatible with one another from the very first day we were together when she took me to visit Melba's grave and then invited me to visit with her for a while at the lake home she had inherited from Melba in order...

Straight Sex
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In Bruges

She first saw him in the dusky evening light on the far side of the deck. From a distance he looked like all the other scruffy truck drivers who had taken up residence on the windswept deck, the only place on the Cross Channel ferry where they could smoke their foul-smelling cigarettes, huddled in groups and muttering to each other in a strange language. Annie regretted her decision to venture out onto the open deck. Childhood memories of midnight crossings had given her a sense of adventure...

3 years ago
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Breakfast In Bed

You are cuddled under the covers as I sneak out of the bed. I start the coffee and begin to start to fulfill the promise of serving you breakfast in bed. I start to look for what I want to serve you for breakfast. I open the refrigerator to see what there is, I pull out a couple of eggs and some milk to make some waffles. I will need some fruit to go with it and I see the fresh strawberries and decide that sounds pretty good, and take the bowl with them out and see the whip cream and take...

2 years ago
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Black doesnt Stain

All Rights Reserved "BLACK DOESN'T STAIN" by tcs1963 Her skin was pale white, almost to the point of glowing. She was hitchhiking, with her thumb stuck out like a well-lit signpost. Her left arm cradling a small bundle very gently but protectively. I noticed her because her skin contrasted against the dark night sky. Almost as if luring me to pull over, like preteen children trusting the molester in a dirty white work van, holding a handful of candy. I had never stopped to pick up...

4 years ago
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Almost perfect

Inspired by Luv_Lucy ;) Thanks hun. xxxI’m a slut! Lol ever since I first touched a cock (the feeling of slutiness was exacerbated once I touched a pussy- but that’s a different story) Previously I never really wanted to share any details until I read Lucy’s story.I’ve been having sex with my fuck buddy- lets call him Mark for about 6 months now and to be honest sex is great- FANTASTIC! And I’m sure he’ll love reading this. Anyway I got him to read Lucy’s story whilst I gave him a blowjob one...

2 years ago
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Golden GuardChapter 10

Philippa stooped over her crystal ball. It had been a rattling good show last night! She had gone contentedly to bed after watching the unbeliever Roberta fight the bandit Alfonso and nearly die, her naked body sliced up time and time again before she forced the coward to give in, even though he wasn't hurt nearly as badly as she. She was without doubt a great fighter - quite the very best. Whatever weapons she used, sword, arrow, her own body or the whip, she always prevailed. But she...

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Past Present and Future

When a person emerges from a very long relationship with one person, life feels very different. Small things such as deciding whether or not to go out and socialise can feel massive. In my case, I felt like a small pale animal that had been hibernating for many years, blinking outdoors in the sunshine for the first time in a while. The world felt vast, and I felt alone. I found what I thought might be love quite by accident. My first man other than my partner in twenty years was a famous man....

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Good Morning Sunshine

Its New Years Eve. We’re dressed to kill. The boys are waiting for us in the lobby of the hotel. Tanya and I made our last check in the mirror. One last swipe of lipstick. Adjust boobs. Hotel card key in purse. And were out the door.  He drives my ass deep. I feel a twinge of pain at the end of each stroke as if he’s trying to get deeper and deeper with each thrust. My pussy is soaking. I can feel it dripping onto Tanya’s tongue below me as her boyfriend fucks my ass. Oh god, her tongue on my...

2 years ago
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Hi Pussy Nice to Finally Meet You

How can you expect a man to please you, if you don't know how to please yourself? echoes inside my head. Wiping my tears with the back of my hand, I stare into the grand mirror in front of me. As I sit on the extra fabric cascading across the floor, trailing off the chair, I pull the material up between my legs to cover Pussy. I am not ready to meet her yet. Looking away from the mirror, memories of my childhood wash over me."Sex is bad.""Masturbation is sinful."While these phrases were...

First Time
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The CureChapter 47

From orbit Gamappe was incredibly green and lush looking, dotted about with an incredible patchwork of lapis lazuli coloured small seas or lakes. “Lovely,” I murmured to Cass as we stood waiting for the shuttle to take us down. “Yes, a natural world, not terraformed as many of our worlds are,” she nodded. “We’re still being followed,” I added as an aside. “Yes, annoying. Not a lot we can do at the moment though.” “Will your wand work here?” I asked out of curiosity. “No, but I don’t...

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Euphorica Vacancy Chapter 2

Please read Euphorica: Vacancy, Chapter 1 first. This is the final chapter of this particular encounter with Valarie. Hope you enjoy! The moment that I had first seen Valarie, I knew she was going to change my life dramatically. That is why I couldn’t wait for her to return from the concierge’s desk of the hotel. The moment she had left the room I jumped in excitement, it had been a while since I met someone as intriguing as Valarie. I pounced off the bed and replaced the sheets with clean...

1 year ago
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Wife taken by her neighbors

Melinda stood in front of her next-door neighbor's front door, tears rolling down her cheeks. When Joe opened the door, the 35-year-old mother of three whimpered, "Ken is such a jerk."Joe quickly scanned Melinda up and down. Wearing a red spaghetti-strap minidress that accentuated the cleavage of her 36D tits, Joe quickly got a hard-on. He had always wanted to fuck Melinda but the 24-year-old was married himself. Melinda was much more fuck-worthy than his slightly overweight wife Jennifer but...

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Palantod Chudai Se Mai Mard Bana 8211 Part 1

Hi friends mai samar pyr se log mujhe sunaiz bhi kahte hai mai hu 24 saal ka zyada to nhi bs attractive hu mera penis to ku6 zyada hi gora hai ab bhot hua aapko bore kiya ab story par aata hu .. Mere college me meri friend thi jiske boobs 36 ke the aur ye baat hai 6 saal phle jb mai jwn ho ra tha yaani 18 saal ka ab boobs dekhe ban gya tamboo uska naam tha soni (name changed) wo bhot hi khubsurat uski mst figure thi 36-26-38 bade boobs patli kmr mst uthi gnd baal uske bhot lambe uski height...

2 years ago
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Consensual Barstool Event

I was on vacation in the Big Easy. I meandered into a crowded watering hole in the French Quarter, and planted my round bum on the sole vacant barstool in the joint. I gently gestured to the bartender who was busy preparing a slew of mixed drinks. She nodded and mouthed, “One minute.” I smiled again, adjusted my bra strap, and nodded back. Five minutes later, I ordered a hurricane and opened a tab. The room buzzed with light laughter and chitchat. I watched a smoke plume travel toward the...

3 years ago
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He is evil stay away

With a user name satanismo, satanismo2, satanismo3.So this user post a video, acting like what he sees in it must mean the male in is gay. So I will add the screen shot of how it will look when it comes up it is not intended as an form of piracy, using/posting with out permission etc. It just to show what title he put on it. And fyi I looked at his galleries, on of them is screen shots from xhamster live members. Which it says is not permissible. After the pic I will put screen shot of or back...

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Learning from Annie

Annie and I worked at the same place on a part time basis. It was a sports and rec facility where she worked the concession stand and I did whatever was needed. Sometimes I had to preside over the play area for the kids. Other times I was reffing soccer or putting together schedules for flag football leagues. It didn’t pay the bills by any stretch, but it was a fun and easy way to pick up some easy cash from time to time. I was considered the “Old Man” of the place at a whopping 27, but still...

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Caught flashing and severely punished

Caught flashing and severely punishedI was in a park which had a long winding path. I had stripped naked in the bushes and was walking along the path, my huge freshly shaved 10 inch long fat cock was rock hard, I was looking for women to flash to. I love flashing to women and girls, to wank in front of them and spunk as they watch. Suddenly I heard female voices approaching along the path. I jumped into the bushes and peeped out. Two young women aged around 19 rounded a bend in the path. When...

1 year ago
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Across Eternity Book 4 Chapter 10

After a whole night of hardcore sex, spending the day on horseback was the last thing Noah, Valia, and Elisandra wanted. Still, if they didn’t make it back to Sylphtoria before nightfall, the elves would assume the worst and send an army to find the queen, so they had to tough it out. Before leaving, they took their time in the purification pool to cleanse their bodies, clothes, and the blanket. They didn’t want the sharp-nosed elves wondering why the trio smelled suspiciously like cum....

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