The ArrangementChapter 12
- 4 years ago
- 25
- 0
Three hours later I was exhausted. But ... it’d been kinda fun. I’d came so many times I’d lost count, and I was all wet and sticky down there. Darla and I’d even jumped in the shower for a second to try and wash all the cum out of our cunts. Jeezus, these boys were young and full of the shit. After we got out of the shower, I shut the door and took a healthy shit, because of what one of the guys had asked me. I hoped he could get it up again.
Back in the room I singled out Mr. WannaButtFuck. “I’m ready, honey,” I said, and crawled up on a bed. I smeared a little packet of hand creme on my asshole, and got ready for him. He looked fairly hard at least, and it takes a hard cock for butt-fucking. I felt him moving around behind me, and at last I felt the tip of his cock on my asshole. I tried to relax as hard as I could. He pushed in gently, and I appreciated his thoughtfulness. I’m not a really big fan of asshole sex, but I do it, and tonight, for some reason, I just seemed hungry to do crazy shit. I’d already let one guy shoot his jizz in my face, after I blew him. And they’d all watched me eat Darla’s pussy, not that I hadn’t done that shit before.
Anyway, I let that guy fuck me in the ass. I actually kinda enjoyed the feeling of him, inside me. He wasn’t no giant, just right for ass-fucking. Finally, I could tell he was cumming. I was fingering my clit, and I had yet another cum. I laughed as I looked over at Darla. She was watching TV as Mr. Whiney-ass took her from behind. I caught her eye and winked at her, and she smiled back. She looked worn out, and I figured I looked about the same. Sex is hard work, when you’re outnumbered two to one.
I finally looked at the clock. All the guys were resting, I think we’d pretty much drained them. I started rounding up my clothes and got dressed. Darla got up, and did the same.
“Well, boys, it’s been fun,” I said, “but the parties over. Anybody got any last requests?”
Nobody did, but the chief stood up.
“Listen,” he said. “Four hundred is way too much. Give us back half, and we’ll call it even.”
“No, we fuckin’ won’t,” I said.
“C’mon,” the chief said. “You guys were good, but you weren’t four hundred dollars good.”
I started to burn.
“A deal is a deal,” I said, reaching into my purse. He saw my hand move, and started for me. I yanked the gun out, and pointed it right at his face.
He stopped, and stared at it. Finally he said, “That ain’t real...”
“Try me, bitch,” I said. “Just fuckin’ try me. Listen, I’m probably goin’ to prison anyway, and it won’t hurt my feelin’s any to spend a few extra years for cappin’ your goddam ass.”
Mr. Whiney-ass was pretty agitated, and he started forward. I figured he’d probably put up most of the four hundred bucks, he sure seemed worried about it. I moved the gun until it was pointing at his face. He blanched, and backed up a step.
“Darla,” I said, “reach into my pocket and get my keys. Leave the room door open, and go start my car. Leave only the driver’s side unlocked. Scoot over after you start it. I’ll drive.”
I could feel her hands shaking as she reached in my pocket. She had looked totally freaked, she didn’t know about my gun. She disappeared out the door, and at least remembered to leave it open. Oh shit, I thought, I’m alone with five guys, and a fake gun.
Yeah, it was a fake. One of my old boyfriends, Frank, had given it to me. It was actually a “replica”, not just a cheap copy, it’d cost him like forty bucks. He’d taken it to work and drilled the plug in the barrel out, so it looked real when you were staring down it. And it was made before they started putting those goofy red things on the barrel. It was so real it even had a clip with some fake bullets, but I’d managed to lose that somewhere. But I held it like he’d shown me, with my left hand over the bottom of it, so they couldn’t see the clip was missing. It was a pain in the ass in my little purse, but I’d carried it for so long I felt naked without it. All that time, I thought, I carried this bitch all that time, for just right now.
“You little bitch,” said the chief. “That’s a fake. I can tell.”
“Well, come on then,” I said, wondering if I could hit him with the gun if he rushed me. At the moment I kinda wished the gun was real. I’m still not sure if a fake is worth the trouble. You gotta have big balls to bluff your way with a fake. Luckily, I have big balls, for a girl.
“Guys, it’s a fake. We can take her,” he said, growing more insistent.
Anyway, other than try and fight him, which I knew I couldn’t win, I’d do better to just run out the door behind me. “Are you so sure you wanna be shot in the face, motherfucker?” I asked him. I had the gun back on the chief by now. The other boys were frozen, staring at me like rabbits in a headlight.
“Listen, you dumb fucks,” I finally said, exasperated. “We made a deal, and we’re stickin’ to it. I’m not ripping you off or anything. This is all your doing. If you’d been straight with me, you’d never know I had a gun.”
“I still don’t believe you. It’s a fake,” the chief said, and I could see him tensing. I knew he was just a second away from coming at me. Holding the gun directly in his face, I yelled “Bang!” just as loud as I could, and was satisfied to see his whole body jump. I was even more satisfied to see a little wet spot appear in the front of his slacks where he’d peed himself a little. I had a hard time stifling my laughter. I felt like it was over, though. I felt like I’d won.
I hadn’t heard my car start like I thought I would, but I slowly backed out of the room, never letting the gun waver from the chief’s face. I turned and ran when I was out, down the row to where my car was, and Darla was waiting, anxiety on her face. She’d done everything correctly, and I jumped in, locked the door, slammed it in reverse, and screeched the tires the fuck out of there. The last thing we saw was the five boys rounding the corner of the building, staring after us.
“Shit, fuck, goddam,” Darla said, “how the fuck did you pull that off?”
“Gotta have brass balls, darlin’,” I said. My heart was beating like crazy, now that it was over. I felt like I was gonna faint. Darla laughed a sharp, hard laugh.
“Baby,” she said, “as much as I like ya, that was probably my last. I’m makin’ a comfortable livin’ at the Valley, I don’t need two hundred more bucks that bad. Shit fuck.”
I laughed. “Get the money out an’ take half of it, honey” I said, as we drove down 59th Street.
When I got back to the apartment Rachel was asleep. I was relieved, and took a quick shower, washing as much of the cum out of my pussy as I could. I had planned on taking a quick shower at the boy’s room, but that hadn’t worked out. I still hated to lie to her and felt like a bitch for doing it.
She mumbled and hugged me when I crawled into bed with her, and I wrapped my arms around her. When I held her all my problems seemed far away. I kissed her gently, and sighed. Next thing I knew it was morning.
I called the lawyer the next day, and explained my predicament to him. He seemed sympathetic, which of course is what he’s paid to do, and he seemed professional, something I didn’t expect from one of Terhune’s friends. Especially one with duck in their name.
“Did you say the cop had on gloves?” he asked me. Yes, I replied.
“Well, if there’s prints on the bag, that’s good, unless they are yours.” he said.
“No way. Honestly, I have no reason to lie to you. I never saw that shit before.”
“Well, prints are hard to take off plastic bags and such, but recent advances have made it possible. I’ll alert the police chief, whom fortunately I know personally, that we are going to expect the bag to be tested for prints. If yours aren’t on there, it’ll be harder to make the charges stick on you.”
“Good, good,” I was relieved. I hung up after some talk of this nature. I was pleased until he told me roughly what all this was gonna cost me, and then I cried in Rachel’s lap for an hour when she got home.
The week passed slowly. I worried about the college boys showing up at the Valley, but they never did. I hoped I’d seen the last of them. During the day I saw Rachel for our usual three or four hours, the time from when she gets home from work, and I go to work. I wish we were on the same schedule, so we could be together more ... but, I dunno, in a way, I think it makes us appreciate each other more. And we’re not together so long that we ever get on each other’s nerves. Still, it’d be nice. The problem is I can’t do shit other than dance, I mean anything else I’d do would be minimum wage. I make a shitload over minimum at the Valley. An’ don’t pay no taxes.
Rachel works at an insurance company, in an office. I dunno if I could take that shit either, she’s always telling about the shit that goes on there, the power plays and all the office games, I think I’d get canned pretty quick for breaking somebody’s nose or somethin’. At least she don’t come home stinkin’ like cigarette smoke like I do.
I have no idea how some straight-laced little city girl like Rachel ended up with a hard-drinkin’ party-animal country girl like me. Actually, I don’t drink much any more at all, I decided a while back I don’t wanna end up like my momma. Anyway, I met her at a block party at an apartment complex we lived in, and a few hours later we were in my pad, makin’ out. I’d made out with girls before, mostly girlfriends from the time before I had boyfriends, but she was a real virgin, she’d never been fucked, by a girl or a boy, as hard as that is to believe. And she still ain’t ever been fucked by a boy. Rachel is the kindest, sweetest girl in the world, and I’m lucky to have her. I made myself promise never to do shit again that might make her upset, or worst of all make her wanna leave me. I don’t wanna risk that.
Finally it was Friday. I got up, waited for Rachel to get home, we watched TV until our brains melted, and then I finally stumbled off to work. I got undressed and hit the floor. Within minutes Terhune flashed the stage lights, and I knew the door guy had seen the cops in the parking lot. Sure enough they came in, and thank god Larry was on duty tonight. I went right to him, I wanted to hug him but I didn’t, and he just laughed at the dead-puppy dog look on my face.
“Heard you had problems, Peebee,” he said, and I nodded.
“Yeah, I got set up,” I said. “Larry, if you can, tell me how much trouble I’m really in.”
He sighed. I hated to put him on the spot like that, but I wanted to know what he knew.
“Darlin’,” he finally said, “Although I’m assistant chief, that don’t really mean shit in the real world. The chief don’t tell me shit.” I saw him look at the other cop, and the man nodded. I assumed Larry trusted him. “Anyway, some high-powered lawyer dude called a few days ago, and stirred things up, I assume you know about that.”
I nodded. Good. The duck was on the job.
“So we’re getting the bag tested for prints. If yours ain’t on there, they might drop the charges. Dunno. They’ll wanna pin it on somebody’s ass, though. There was a lot in that bag.”
Yeah, that’s the only thing that bothered me, that somebody wanted my ass on a stick bad enough to waste that much dope on fingering me. But I guess they wanted it to be enough to get me for distribution.
“Anyway, darlin’,” Larry said, patting me on the back, “keep your nose extra-special clean for a while. No more fights in the dressing room, shit like that.”
“Yeah,” I said, laughing.
“Heard you busted that old gal up pretty good,” he said, and I nodded again.
“She had it comin’. She’s been riding my ass ever since she came here.”
“Well, try to stay calm. I’ll do what I can to help you, I know you’re clean on that dope charge, at least. Call me crazy, but I trust you on that.”
“Yeah, it was a frame-up,” I said. “My car was in the parkin’ lot all night, unlocked. I almost asked for it.”
He laughed and a few minutes later they left after checking the bathrooms to make sure nobody was whackin’ off, or whatever they look for in there. The fun finally started again.
I was glad to have finally talked to Larry, and he’d settled my mind a little from what he’d told me. I liked Larry, and I knew he liked me, though it wouldn’t have ever gone anywhere, even if I wasn’t hooked up with Rachel. I’d met him a time or two at the KFC on Shields and he’d bought me lunch, and we’d talked. He was happily married, so he said, and I think he just had an interest in me or something, he’d acted like my dad or my big brother, and told me to get out of the clubs and find a real job. I promised him I’d try, but of course I probably won’t. It’s always good to have friends, though, and having a cop for a friend could be a big help in the right situation, though it hadn’t really helped me in this mess.
Some people came in, and I looked at them. It was those two guys and Erik, from the other night. He looked around ‘til he saw me watchin’ them, and waved to me. I let them find a table and sit, and went over. Erik seemed a little more self-assured tonight, and I liked him a little better for it. I finally sat on his lap, and he put his arm around my stomach and held me. I talked to the guys for a while, and then I had to hit the stage. Erik had asked for a lap dance, so after I got down I dragged him over to the corner and waited for the next song to start.
“You said you’d let me take you out to dinner sometimes,” he reminded me. Yeah, I’d said that. I nodded.
“Okay,” I said, “gimme a time and a place to meet you.”
“Awww,” he said, “I can’t pick you up at your place?”
“Maybe next time,” I said, and he nodded.
“Okay,” he said, “how ‘bout the Hibachi House, tomorrow at five. You don’t go to work ‘til sevenish, right?”
“Yeah, that’ll work,” I said. I’d never heard of the place, I’d have to look it up in the phone book when I got home. The song started, and I turned and sat in his lap.
“You got a boyfriend, Peebee?” he whispered loudly in my ear. I giggled. I turned and rubbed his cock with my leg while we talked.
“No,” I said, “but I got a girlfriend.” His eyes almost bugged out. I think he knew instantly what kind of girlfriend I’d meant.
“You into girls then?” he said, an amazed look on his face. I giggled some more.
“Naw, just one girl.” I said. He nodded.
“That is the coolest sexiest thing I’ve ever heard of,” he said, “I never met a girl before that liked girls.” He paused for a moment, and seemed to get his courage up. “Is she as ... as sexy as you?”
I giggled. I’m sure he was afraid I’d say, no, she’s some dikey old bitch.
“Hell yeah,” I said, wishing I had a picture of Rachel to show him. “She’s way the fuck sexier. She’s fuckin’ hot. I ain’t gonna sleep with no skanky old ho.”
He giggled then, and I could feel his hard cock. I grabbed it with both hands. He seemed pretty good sized, no Darnell, but nice and fat feeling.
“Careful, honey,” he said. “I had an accident last time I was here, please don’t make me have to do laundry when I get home.”
I laughed and stroked. I knew there was no way he’d be brave enough to get it out, not like Darnell was. Oh well. I remembered my promise to Rachel, and sighed. Did I really wanna get mixed up with this kid? Not really, but I might play around a little. I wondered, I started wondering then ... the idea of me making it with another girl really seemed to get him off ... I wondered if I could let him watch me do it with Rachel, at least.
I looked at the clock. Shit. Over four more hours of this shit. I started making some plans.
“Erik...” I said. “What you gonna do tonight?” He looked surprised.
“Nothin’,” he said.
“Look, come back about one, if you can. You can follow me home, and I’ll introduce you to Rachel as an old friend of mine, or better yet somebody I went to school with. We can sit around and shoot the shit.”
That’d work. Tomorrow was Saturday, Rachel could stay up late, since she didn’t have to go to work in the morning. Maybe Rachel and I could play around a little for him, if she wasn’t squeamish about an audience. I knew guys liked to watch that shit. And just what I do for a living tells you what kind of exhibitionist I am.
Erik and his friends finally left, and he promised to be back at one. I got my usual eight-minute fuck from Darnell, and came, to my satisfaction. I felt pretty horny after that, and I sucked on an old man’s cock for a minute in the corner, after he got brave enough to get it out. A bunch of business guys were there, and one got up on stage while I was dancing and I rode on his back like a bronc rider, until Terhune threw him off the stage. A fight broke out, and Terhune and the bouncer had to throw a whole shitload of guys out the door, and it was kinda tame the rest of the night after that.
A few minutes ‘til one I went over to Terhune, and told him I was sick. He just gave me a disgusted look, and I whined at him, “C’mon, you don’t want me to barf in here, do you?”
“You better not be lyin’ to me,” he said, and I shook my head.
“Honest,” I said, “I ate some fuckin’ chink food, and it’s makin’ me sick.” He laughed at that, and finally waved his hand. I slipped him a ten, and went and dressed, and went out in the parking lot. I looked around for Erik, and finally he drove up from the end of the lot.
“Just follow me,” I said, and got in my car. He did, and I took us back to the apartment. In the parking lot I stopped and we talked.
“Okay,” I said. I felt bad about lying to Rachel, but I wanted this to look more natural than just bringing some strange guy home.
“We went to school together, well, I only went to tenth, but we know each other from that. From Mustang High, got that? Mustang High.”
He nodded, and repeated it.
“And whatever you do, call me Ruth or Ruth Ann. Especially not Peebee or Poodle Butt. Make it seem like you just met me, at the Valley, not that we’ve known each other for a week or two. Okay?”
He nodded. I led him up the stairs, and unlocked the door. Rachel was stretched out on the couch, I think she’d been asleep, but she raised up and regarded us with bleary eyes.
“Rachel, honey, sorry to do this to you ... but I met a guy I used to know tonight, and I wanna talk to him a while. Okay?”
“Sure, honey,” she said, yawning and stretching. She was just wearing a t-shirt, and she looked sexier than shit. I was proud of her.
We sat, or he sat in the easy chair, and I sat on the couch next to Rachel. I reached out for her, and she giggled and crawled into my lap, which is hard to do because she’s the same size as me. I held her and petted her.
“Rachel, this is Erik...” Oh shit. I had no idea what his last name was. Fuck. “Erik Smith. I went to school with him, when I went to school. I’ve known him since kindergarten.”
She nodded, and he nodded at her. After a moment he rose, and shook her hand formally. I giggled.
“How’s your folks, Erik?” I asked, hoping to hell he had folks.
“They’re just fine,” he said. “They still live in Guthrie. My sister still lives at home.”
“I see,” I said.
“And yours?” he asked.
“I dunno,” I said. “I’m kinda estranged from them, at the moment. Me and my mom ... got issues...”
“I’m sorry to hear, Ruthie,” he said, “but I understand, considering...”
“Yeah, you know the story,” I said. This was going well. That “Ruthie” was a nice touch, too. I was good at this shit, too good. I decided not to push it, though. Sooner or later we’d screw up.
“What you do now?” I asked.
“I’m at Tinker,” he said. “Apprentice electrician.”
“Oh, shit,” I said, “you rake it in, then.”
He laughed. “Not that much. But enough.”
We did some safe small talk, like that. He asked me how long I’d danced, and I told him the truth, a little over a year. Finally the talk tapered down to almost nothing. I looked at the clock. Barely thirty minutes had gone by.
On impulse, I turned my face to Rachel, and she turned hers. I pressed into her lips, my mouth open, and we kissed a nice long kiss. I said “Mmmm...” and we kissed again.
I put my lips against her ear, and whispered to her. “Honey,” I said, “Let’s blow his mind. Let’s make out. He’s safe, he won’t do nothin’ but watch.”
She giggled. “Are you fuckin’ insane?” she finally whispered to me.
“Hell no, it’ll be fun. You ain’t never done it with nobody watchin’?”
“Of course not,” she whispered back. “I ain’t never done it period ‘til I met you. You know that.”
I giggled. True. Our mouths met again. I reached up and grabbed her right tit and squeezed. She squealed and pulled away, but came right back. I squeezed it some more, and pinched her fat nipple, under her t-shirt. I tried to see Erik out of the corner of my eye, but I couldn’t. I could hear Rachel breathing, and feel the heat from her body. I was gettin’ more and more turned on, and I could feel my pussy oozin’.
“Rache, honey,” I whispered, my face in hers. “C’mon, fuck me...” She made that funny “Uh-uh” noise that she does, but her body was telling me a different story. Her arms were wrapped around me, and she was rubbing her tits on mine. I finally pushed her back on the couch, laying her down.
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I thought I would tell you of what I have got myself in to as I still cannot believe it myself! My name’s Sue & work at a printers factory in Derby’ Have been marred for many years with not that much exciting happening along the way as it were! I thought our sex life was ok but that it & me thinking his Cock was an ok size of around 5 inch’s & sex lasting around 5mins being the norm’ The only excitement I get is knowing the lads at work like to get a look at my arse when I am...
Emily Mena is a hot busty Latina maid. While cleaning Mr. Stallion’s crib she noticed the bathroom door was cracked while he was in the shower. What, is she not gonna take a peek? Of course, she does. This is a porno. There through the cracked door she saw the biggest dick she has ever seen. Unfortunately, he also saw her peeping. She was shy and denied it at first, but her boss wasn’t mad, he just wanted to give her a better look. Once she saw it, she had to touch it. Once she touched it, she...
xmoviesforyouHello my dear readers of the ISS forum and I hope you are all doing well and eager to read the story of a 27 year old nymph bi sexual girl. Needless to say, I enjoy sex a lot and experiment with various partners. I am very choosy about the people I sleep with though and so don’t you go around developing nasty thoughts for this girl whose story you are about to read J I usually spend a lot of time in the act and I also like to spend a lot of time chatting about sex in various chat rooms....
Yeh story aaj se 2 saal pehle ki jab me holi pe apne gaon gaya tha. Me bahut khush tha ki mein gaon me holi manane ja rha tha. Isase pehle me kabhi bhi gaon me holi nahi mana paya tha. Me gaon pahunch kar bahu khush tha. Waha ghar me bahiya, Bhabhi, bade papa, padi mummy rehte the. Bhahiya k ek ladka bhi tha jo 10 saal ka ho chukka tha. Wo bhi un sab k sath gaon me rehta tha. Holi k din me so rha tha. Mene kisi tarah ki koi planning nahi kar rakhi thi holi khelane ki, kyonki gaon me mera koi...
It was a beautiful summer evening; I had arranged a date with a young Bengali girl I met on a dating app. We had started talking 4 months prior but this was our first meeting.I made a booking at a well-known restaurant in central London, I put on my best suit and made my way there, I got there 8pm and got seated, my date had texted me and said she was running late so I sat there looking over the menu, 10 mins had past and I thought I was stood up, was just about to leave when in she walks a 5’6...
I know this may be mild to some degree but if you knew this woman, you would be just as shocked as I was. I was amazed at how things can change in a person after several years. I met my wife when she was only 15 and we were married shortly after her 16th birthday. I was not but two years older myself. When we met, she was a bit more experienced sexually than I. She had experienced by having more sexual partners and was willing to teach me things that I loved learning. After the birth of our...
EroticIntroduction: This is not a first time experience kind of story. I figured there are enough of those. Also, our first time is a little foggy to me, as it had been a gradual process. This is just a recounting of one experience we had shared. As usual, if this disgusts you to the point of leaving negative feedback, then dont read it. I notice there is some hypocrisy concerning incest stories between two males versus heterosexual incest stories. Youd think that no kind of incest is acceptable to...
After the first day of meetings we headed off to a private part of the resort for a reception and dinner. As often is the case, there was drinking and socializing going on and laughter could be heard at every corner of the room. The food was of southwestern Tex-Mex variety and the beer and mixed drinks flowed freely. I had been hanging around some of our reps from our western region and they had decided to move to the back part of the restaurant where there were a couple of pool...
"Jesus!" Erica said softly. "I would've never thought Adele had it in her." Erica was feeling a little warm after Rebus' story. Rebus was good with words and Erica could see the action going on in her mind's eye. She closed her legs tightly together. Rebus noticed it and laughed. "What's the matter, baby? You getting a little warm. His huge hand came up and cupped her titty. His fingers found her nipple and massaged it to hardness. "I can tell you liked my story," he said....
So it's a hot, sunny, summer afternoon. I've finished work, and am hot and sticky, just the type of day for a swim at a friends pool. I drove out into the country and turned up into the driveway, my friends live pretty far out of town on a secluded country lot, so it was a surprise when I saw her car in the driveway. Walking back to the pool, I found her reading on one of the chaise lounges located around the pool, stretched out with her feet up, and dressed in a modest one piece bathing suit....
Oral SexCockatoo Part 43 "Jamie, you all right, babe?" Shane squatted down, pulling up his balaclava so I could see his face. "Stay there for a moment while we clear the boat. We think we've got them all but we need to be sure." I wanted to hug him, but he stood up, waved his arm, and the men moved on in the crouching walk all special forces use, their automatic weapons at the ready. They allowed us to get up from the floor but all I could hear was the whining voice of the...
This is NOT a true story. as much as I wish it wasOnce I had locked the bathroom door I made my way to my Cousin Lin's wash basket I was hooked on sniffing here panties. This was before thongs and g-strings came out and they were all either lacy or cotton panties which were still very small and sexy. I must of unloaded hundreds of times in her bathroom whilst sniffing her panties and chewing on her crusty gusset.I had just turned Eighteen and Lin was Twenty Eight, she had a slim body and medium...
Hello, everyone, this is Chandan from Bangalore. I am 25 years old, decently built, a tall guy now working in a mnc. Names are changed for obvious reasons. Coming to the story, well this is not a story, it’s a real life experience. This is long one, so have patience. This is about me having phone chat and phone sex with my friend’s sister. In 2010 I was in my 2nd year of engineering. I remember, one Sunday I got an sms to my mobile saying just ‘hi’. It was from an unknown number but I replied...
This is a story about how close I came to having sex.I stood in the mirror of the bathroom, fixing my hair and straightening my appearance. I was at a restaurant late at night, where I had stopped to take a break from my long, solo road trip to see my family. I pulled my hair back into a side ponytail and zipped up my green jacket. I took a sideways step, trying to conform the tampon I had just inserted in myself to fit my comfort zone. I was applying some chap stick when a woman emerged from...
She had hips that rolled like the ocean. A constant, unstoppable churning that was trying to drag him under. All he could do was hold on. She smiled down at him with one black eyebrow raised and a smirk on her face. She rolled her hips harder. Something inside her squeezed.“Holy fuck!” he said through clenched teeth.“It is kinda like that, isn’t it,” She laughed. Her laughter sent ripples through her whole body. The tremor pulsing through her inner muscles stole his breath.“Where did you learn...
Fantasy & Sci-FiI was 20 and went with some friends to Florida. Seven of us in a two king bed hotel room. We split sleep duty that first night by separating the mattresses and box springs. The next day we went to the beach. Spent most of the day getting a sunburn. About 2PM we went to the room to get "refreshments" and we were getting low so I and a friend went out for more. When we came back there were a few girls that another friend had invited in. He was a ladies man type so it was easy for him to meet...
The Price of Innocence by captv8td [email protected] 1She stretched herself under the bed covers and then curled up, hugging a fluffy pillow to her body as the morning sun streamed through the window. She sighed happily and smiled. Life was good. She couldn’t imagine being any happier.It had been a month since she was married and she felt very fulfilled. At twenty two, Innocence was living life beyond any of her dreams. Everything was perfect.Her husband, Richard, was twice her...
My vision reduced to the few inches of screen. It should have felt restrictive but it was infinite. For so long I’d repressed it, but my body’s sexual appetite could now be free. My chest was wound tight, my world was wound tight. My heart beating so fast that my beats blurred into one immense momentum revolving in my heart: I was swept up. I felt my hands hover over the keypad - just do it.“16 Cadzow Place” appeared as if watching someone else type.2 minutes...“Postcode?”“EH7 5SN”2 minutes......
‘What are you doing up?’ ‘I couldn’t sleep so I thought I’d join you for a swim. Thought you could teach me butterfly stroke..’ ‘I can’t really do that, it’s pretty hard.’ I was lying, I just didn’t want to give him reason for physical contact. He swam over to the opposite end of the pool and kicked off the side to start his freestyle. I had to laugh, he wasn’t the best swimmer. ‘Don’t laugh at me!’ he swam over to me and pushed my head under the water. His hands were big and strong, he...
Chapter 4 Alan sighed contentedly, closing the last window, and shut down his computer. He stood to stretch. ‘Heading out a bit early for the long weekend?’ Laurel asked, turning from her screen. ‘Yup,’ Alan said, pushing in his chair. ‘I’ve saved up enough hours, so I’d go into overtime if I stayed much later, anyway.’ ‘Yeah, I wish I’d done that. Too many long lunch breaks.’ She shrugged. Her silky royal blue top, the same that she wore for that day in the mother’s lounge, emphasized the...
"Morning mom," Sarah announced her and Cassie's presence. "Good morning... dears" She smiled a reassuring smile, hoping her slight hesitation wasn't noticed. She knew it would be a little awkward, a new experience for everyone, and will need getting used to. "Morning auntie." "You look lovely Cassie." "Thank you," Cassie said, smiling nervously. Boy, was this new. For Anne and Cassie, and Sarah felt it too, but things became more relaxed and 'normal' after a little while...
Part 2, being a maid and was sexually shared by house owner and his best friend [email protected]
GroupMy mother held up the childish, pink jumper skirt and the brown dress. I really didn't know which one to choose. I knew that I was going to be forced to wear a petticoat with one of the dresses anyway. I chose the longer skirted one, the brown dress. Just so it wouldn't be so bad with a flared out skirt. "Excellent choice, Emily. Now hands up," my mother said. I resigned throwing my hands up in the air. A brown, long sleeve shirt was pulled over my head and down my body. Next were the...
Dallas Cotter snuggled into her sleeping bag as the wind howled and the snow swirled menacingly outside of her tent! To an outsider, Dallas would have been considered out of her mind to go camping in the High Sierra's in the middle of January, but for the past ten years she had looked upon it as a challenge to face everything "Mother Nature" could throw at her and keep coming back for more! So adept was she at surviving in this harsh climate, she thought nothing at all at spending two or three...
Dear Brandi, There are so many things that I need to say. There are so many things that I see in you, that you don’t see in yourself. The nature of it all sits so well in your being. You can’t see past your hurt and pain to see what’s in front of you. I know we both have our differences, and I know that what you see in me is not what you’re looking for. But what I feel for you is more than I’ve ever felt in my whole life. I can feel my entire soul flow with love every time I think of you, see...
Nettie my girl friend was a lovely girl with nice blonde hair, a slim figure and a lovely almost wicked sense of humour. Both Nettie and I were brought up very strictly in the Methodist Church by our parents. She was the Ministers daughter, and somehow fate always ensured that we always seemed to gravitate together, whether it be with chapel outings, sitting next together in Sunday School or on organised evenings out. Naturally we grew very close in many ways and somehow it always seemed to...
He’s at it again. Yack, yack, yacking. How can one man be so dense that he can’t see that my eyes are glazed, my mind, now nearly full of stuff that I may never need has begun to turn to mush. I have just become a receptacle for his useless, endless chatter. I am so far beyond caring what is streamed into head that I now make no effort to take in and process all of the facts that are being introduced against my will into my subconscious and conscious mind. If I sit within talking distance...
I wake to my head pounding horribly, making me moan. Eyes still closed, I suddenly realize my shoulders feel achey from the way my arms are pinned above my head- Pinned? I try to jerk my arms down to no avial as metal bites into my wrists, bruising. My eyes snap open but all is still dark and panic starts to rise in my throat making me choke. Where am I? When did I even go to sleep? I panic. It's then I feel my nipples harden as a small chilly breeze brushes them and I realize that I am naked....
I woke up this morning.... again..... In the line of work I’m in the only thing worse then going to sleep and never waking up is going to sleep and just finding myself still here. See there’s a prison on the moon, a place so damp and dark it’s more detrimental to the staff then the prisoners. Only the worst of the worst find themselves here, a wide assortment of lab experiments gone wrong to visitors from other worlds to actual literal demons. In all there must be around 1000 prisoners at any...
Non-EroticAnyway, we meet up and smoke on the way there. Im nervous af hoping to God that whatever dick presents itself is nice sized and tastes even better. We get there and the person in charge gives us a tour of the theater and arcade. It was dark and there were plenty of guys there jerking off and enjoing themselves. After the tour, he hands us our tokens for the arcade and we roam around looking for booths to play in. We find one with a nice sized hole and my friend J steps in. I thought him and...
I so much appreciate the great feedback I got for my first story. I am excited to write this on. This is also based on a true story but it did not happen to me but to a girlfriend of mine. She told me about this experience so I am writing it from her perspective. It is so hot I just had to write about it. I was on a business trip. I had took my seat in first class and had been sitting there for 20-30 minutes. First class passengers are allowed to board first so I was waiting for some time to...
"So how was it?" the cute receptionist asked Adam. "It was fantastic," Adam said, grinning. "Welp, here's your check." She handed him a check for $20. "Thanks," Adam said and then walked out the door, whistling. He got in his car and was about to put the key in the ignition when a pair of arms grabbed him from behind. "Ah! What the hell?!" he said. "Relax, it's just me," Sabrina said, sitting in the backseat. Adam turned around and looked at her, dumbfoundedly. "Wha- you-...
Hi, chinni here! I am a new author here and am reading iss stories from the past 4 years. About my description, I am 25 years and height of 5’9 and weights 70kgs. I am basically an athlete and medium build person. This was my third real incident which happened recently in January 2017. I had posted an advertisement on a site that I was interested in aunties and to have Discrete relation with them. I got a call after 3 days and a man spoke to me and he said that he was looking for a couple to...
Bill recently separated from his wife of twenty-five plus years. He moved into an apartment flat close to where he worked. Bill was not sure what was going to be the outcome of the separation. His wife seemed to no longer love him, and their sex life near zero. Their home was an hour drive from work, the new place he moved into was five minutes away from work. It also provided some distance for them to sort things out without running into each other. The kids were now out of the house, which is...
BisexualYancy floats up to his mom for intimate docking in their pool. Based on art from Pandora's Box - email me if you want the drawing. Veronica remembered a line from Auntie Mame, “... all the girls crouch down on the floor and pretend to be lady fishes, depositing their eggs in the sand ... and all the boys do what gentlemen fish do.” Of course, she wasn't on the floor, but in the pool. However, her son, Yancy, certainly was about to do what gentlemen fishes do: fertilize her eggs....
German Embassy, Moscow 11:01PM December 31st, 1928 Leona Graaf tried to adjust her tiara for the fifth time. She failed miserably. ?Arrgghh!!!!? she screamed at the empty washroom. She stamped her foot, damn Peter, damn him! She sighed and looked in the mirror again. The tiara remained at a drunken angle on her head, mocking her efforts. Worse, some more of her fine blonde hair had come loose and fallen across her face. Trembling with anger she tried again. First she put the hair back in...
Meet your party. You are standing in a cool, musty room, about the size of an average high-school classroom. The walls are made of smooth, grey stones, and there are patches of moss sprouting from the corners of the room and between some of the rocks. A small leak is present in the far left corner, creating an ambient dripping sound on the hard stone floor. To your left stands an intimidating red-headed girl, her beautiful hair tied back into a long ponytail and bound with an orange ribbon. She...
FantasyA few weeks later and I'd almost forgotten my little crisis. My period had come on time, a day early even, but it hadn't interfered with work at all. It just gave me a week long vacation which was nice. I felt so relieved that you wouldn't believe it, or maybe you would if you've ever been a teenage girl who didn't know if she was pregnant or not. It occurred to me later that maybe Phil had been telling the truth about his vasectomy, and so maybe I'd let Deke knock me up by accident....
I have this story for you to read, and hope it gives you nearly as much pleasure as it has for My Wife Jade, My old Mate Tony, and myself, the memories are fantastic, and it changed all our lives for the better.....A long story, but I think it is worth reading!!! Jade and I met 2013 when we were at a mutual friends 21st party, we hit it off straight away, we chatted all evening and drank lots, Jade told me she was 18 years old, and worked in a local hotel/pub called the Red Lion, we danced to...
"Captain, so good you could make it," the commander said from behind his desk. Logan had been asked if he would like to meet with the man in charge of Tortora station and not wanting to be impolite, had accepted. His arrival the day before had been met with great fanfare and people wanting to see the scout who had discovered the first system with a habitable world in it in the last century. What was more amazing was that it contained three of them. Though technically the House Rodgers'...
She knew nothing of bathroom scales, or diets, or why they might exist. It wouldn’t have mattered if she did. In her world, knowledge of that kind had no value. Neither did the words ‘maybe or might be’. Things either were…or were not. She was either, hungry, or not, thirsty, or not–alive or not. Being large for her kind would help her stay alive, the knowledge of being large…would not. She sat in the sun, on the highest outcrop she could find, her eyes roaming the landscape, she was the...