A Reluctant VoyeurChapter 3 free porn video

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October 29, 2014:

I'm not just chronicling the mind probes, now. I'm trying to keep a running account of everything that has to do with my apparently unique ability, and that includes today's meeting with doctors Christy and Austin. It came off rather strangely, beginning with a phone call from Janet asking if I could meet her and Dr. Austin for lunch at a restaurant on South Havana, not too far from the labs near the Denver Tech Center.

I told her on the phone that I had rather a full day ahead of me and wondered if we could put it off until the next day, but she was insistent, saying they had something important to discuss with me regarding the testing we'd been carrying out. It was all somewhat mysterious. I told her I'd try to shift a couple of appointments around and meet them at two o'clock for a late lunch. She agreed. She also asked if Carol might be able to join us.

I was ten minutes late and found them settled into a booth on the far side of the room. Since the lunch hour had passed, the room was mostly empty. Carol was there, and they'd already decided what they wanted for lunch, so I just went with a chef's salad and tea to speed things up.

"OK, now what's all the mystery?" I asked Janet as the waiter walked away.

"Yeah," Carol chimed in, "I was wondering the same thing."

Dr. Austin took a sip of his iced tea and began, "Chuck, exactly how many people know anything at all about your abilities?"

"Only the ones you already know about. Carol, of course, yourselves and Jeff Romero."

Janet leaned forward, "And your positive there's nobody else."

"I'm pretty sure. Not unless Jeff or one of you blabbed it to somebody. Why?"

She leaned back, looking a little more at ease. "I met with Jeff in my office this morning. I feel confident he hasn't betrayed your secret, not even to his wife. And I made it clear to him that there could be dire consequences if he ever did."

That got Carol's attention. "Wait a minute! Are you saying you threatened him?"

Janet shook her head and answered, "No, Carol, I didn't threaten him, but now he understands how important it is that nobody ever hears of this. That's why we asked for this meeting; to make sure you understand that as well."

Carol looked a little perplexed and said, "Well, I can understand why Chuck doesn't want this floating around, even as a rumor, but you guys are acting like it's a matter of national security or something. What gives?"

Dr. Austin answered her question. "You're right on the mark, Carol." He took a deep breath, looked around the room to ensure no one was near, and lowered his voice and spoke to Carol, "Look, this is something you both need to understand. All our tests, so far, have indicated that Chuck's abilities are the best we've ever seen."

Turning to me, he went on, "Now, we still don't know the full extent of your talents, but as far as we know, you may be unique in all the world. I don't mean to sound paranoid, but I wonder if you've given any thought to what that might mean to certain, um, government agencies. You must appreciate how incredibly valuable you are to the scientific community. Well, you'd be just as valuable to other disciplines like intelligence agencies, domestic and foreign. There are no known interrogation techniques that are capable of actually getting inside a suspect's mind. How far do you suppose some of those agencies might go to make you one of their own, with or without your consent? And consider this: If any agency were to employ your services and word ever leaked about what you can do, by default, you'd be considered a high-value target by their opponents." He sighed and added, "I don't think I can make it any clearer."

This line of thought wasn't entirely new to me. Over the past few weeks, the more I considered what was happening in my brain, the more I knew the way I'd been playing around with it was a bit naive. In my mind, I breathed a small sigh of relief that I hadn't actually communicated with anyone but Carol. Yeah, I'd teased Kevin and Dannie a little bit, but not to the extent that they could seriously believe the messages were coming from outside their own brains.

The conversation died as the waiter arrived with our orders and topped off coffee cups and tea glasses. When he left us, I said, "Actually, I've been thinking along these lines since we began the tests. In fact, I was thinking we should institute some security measures around our communications with each other. Is that why you wanted to do lunch? To take it out of your offices?"

Janet answered, "Exactly! Frank suggested and I agree that we shouldn't do any more testing at the school for a lot of other reasons I won't go into right now. Frank has access to a private lab we can use." She looked at Carol and asked, "When you're doing mental communication with Chuck, are you sure you pick up only his words and nothing else?"

"That's right," Carol agreed. "All I can do is think of a response to the words I'm hearing in my mind. I'm not aware of anything else that might be going on in his. In other words, I'm talking to him in my mind, not his."

Janet turned to me and asked, "Would you do a little experiment with me right now?"

"What kind of experiment?"

"I'd like you to connect to me mentally, and see if we can communicate like you and Carol do."

"Sounds easy enough." I recalled the 'sound' and focused on her aura.


A few seconds delay. "Chuck? Are you hearing me?"

"Very clearly. Is this enough?"


I broke contact and asked, "What do you have in mind, pun intended?"

That broke the tension and we all laughed.

Except Austin. He looked uncomfortable, preoccupied.

I asked, "Is there something on your mind, Dr. Austin?"

"Huh? Uh, no. I just hadn't fully appreciated the facility with which you could communicate mentally. Look, here's what I think we should be doing from now on. I don't think there should be any phone calls or e-mails between us that discuss this matter. We don't want any paper or electronic trails, at all. Any documentation of our tests and our results are, and must remain highly encrypted. That includes your journal, Chuck. Do you have encryption software on your computer?"

"Yes, because I access files from my office and e-mail back and forth with my boss from time to time. Everything is encrypted at both ends."

"And there are no accounts of your abilities anywhere other than your computer?"

"Of course not!"

"Good, good!" he went on. "This is what I recommend. There's no way any mental communication can be detected or tracked. Now, we need to do much more extensive testing on that aspect of your abilities, but for the time being, it should be restricted to Carol and Janet. Will you agree to that, Chuck?"

"Of course. I promise, no more teasing the kids."

Austin looked confused. "What do you mean by that? What kids?"

I felt a little embarrassed explaining it, but I did. Everybody but Dr. Austin smiled through the story.

When I was done, he reached across the table and grabbed my wrist. Hard. "And you're absolutely certain neither of those kids have any idea that it might have been you in their minds?"

I pulled away from his grasp, a little irritated. "Yes, I'm sure! How could they?"

He backed off, "Oh, uh, forgive me, Chuck. It's just that this thing is much bigger than you might realize. Keeping it under wraps is extremely important."

I looked at Carol and saw that she was with me. "Sure, we get it. I'm guessing you want me to set up any future testing sessions with you through Janet, using mental contact, whenever possible. You understand that I really don't know what my physical range is, so that may require some trial and error."

Janet laid her hand on mine. "All we're saying is that, in order to avoid any unwanted interest in your abilities, we all need to be extremely cautious about how, when and where we communicate. A lot of people know that Frank and I are neuroscientists and a lot of people know he's done extensive studies of ESP claimants. If you're seen in our company too often, it wouldn't be too great a leap for someone to wonder what our association was all about. We have to employ all the safeguards we can think of and then some."

There was something about Austin that was bugging me, but I couldn't put my finger on it. I was half way tempted to try to probe into his mind, but opted against it because there needed to be a certain level of trust in our relationship. I could appreciate his concerns, but I felt they bordered on paranoid.

On my way home that evening, I got a call from Carol, asking if I'd stop by her apartment. When I stepped in her door, Jeff was sitting on the couch sipping a cup of coffee.

"Hi, Jeff. What's up?"

He stood up to shake hands. "Hi, Chuck. I just wanted to talk to you and Carol about this, uh, thing we talked about earlier. She said you know about the meeting I had with Dr. Christy this morning."

I was already beginning to feel bad about Jeff being involved with this in any way. "Yeah, well I'm really sorry about that, Jeff. You and your wife sure don't need something like this complicating your lives, do you?"

He jumped in to reassure me, "No no, Chuck, that's not a problem. In fact, Karen doesn't know anything about it. I just wanted to get with you two to make sure of our strategy. You know, make sure we're on the same page. Personally, I think it's exciting as all hell!"

I wasn't nearly as enthusiastic. "Jeff, if I could figure a way to do it, I'd erase any knowledge of this from your brain in an instant. I know it's interesting and exotic, but it may well turn out to be dangerous knowledge. And here's the simple truth of it: The more people that know about it, the more danger we're in."

He looked a little irritated. "I get the picture, Chuck. I'm not an idiot."

I put my hand on his shoulder and said, "I know that, Jeff. I didn't mean to imply anything like that, but we all have to consider the consequences of even the smallest slip of the tongue. Now, I don't know if Dr. Austin's concerns are over the top or not, but it's probably not a bad idea to assume he knows what he's talking about."

"Sure, I know what you're saying. I guess I was envious, at first, but not any more. Just tell me what can I do to help?"

"For the time being, just keep it to yourself. If I think of anything else, I'll sure let you know."

That night, I begged off a tumble in the sheets with Carol because my mind was overflowing with the events of the day. She understood I needed some time to myself to just sit and think. No doubt she had a little reflecting to do, herself. Besides, one thing I learned from my ex: Don't make love to a woman when you're preoccupied with other things. Anything less than your full attention is an insult and will lead to days and days of those looks.

I brought up an album of romantic adagios on the iPod and dropped it into the dock. I hadn't played the 'singing bowls' album since I learned to initiate the effects without it. Somehow, it didn't relax me like it used to; it made me feel anxious.

I lay back in my recliner, sipping on a cognac and trying to put everything into perspective. One thing I'd already decided since our meeting with Janet and Dr. Austin; I had no intention of spending the rest my life looking over my shoulder. I made up my mind that there would be no more testing, no more imaging of my brain, no more documentation of my condition. I wasn't sorry I'd submitted to what tests we'd already done because, at least, I knew it was all for real. But now that it had been confirmed, I didn't see any need to pursue any further proof. The more testing we did, the more of a trail we would leave. I'd contact Janet in the morning and let her know. She wasn't going to like it.

So the real question is, What now? I was reminded of a character in Steven King's novel, 'The Shining'. Danny Torrance, a kid born with the ability to see ghosts and feel evil all around him. I didn't have Danny's particular 'gift', but I was wishing I could have coffee with Mr. King some day and ask him just how much he really knew about paranormal abilities.

The simple fact that I could do these things demanded that I use my gift, but how? In what capacity? To whose benefit? And finally, how do I keep anybody else from finding out about it? The simple truth is that I'm at the mercy of the other four people who already know. I have no choice but to trust them. The good news is that they seem trustworthy; maybe Frank Austin a little less than the others. I don't much care for him as a man, but Janet holds him in high regard and I have to trust her judgment.

I still don't know how I do this thing, and it's unlikely that further testing will answer that big question? What is it that's unique about my brain that gives me the ability to pick up otherwise undetectable signals from someone else's brain? How does my brain suddenly become a hypersensitive antenna when I stimulate it? How can the mere memory of a sound kick off such an incredible response? The MRI showed no abnormalities in my brain tissues, no tumor, nothing to indicate any pathology. I can just do it! Why?

As I lay there sipping my cognac and pondering my fate, the thought occurred to me that there was one avenue we hadn't explored yet, and that was genetics. I wasn't aware that anyone in my family had any special talents of this sort, but for the sake of exploring all the possibilities, it wouldn't hurt to make a few discrete inquiries in the right place, i.e., my mother. She's the de facto family historian, and if anyone knows anything strange about anything, it'll be her.

On impulse, I dug my cell phone out of my pocket and called her.

She answered. "Hello, Duncan residence."

"Hi, Mom, it's Chuck."

"Well, what a nice surprise! What's happening in the big city?"

"Nothing worth reporting, Mom. I'm calling to make sure you and Dad are planning to be home this weekend. I thought I'd come up for a short visit, maybe bring a friend along, if you don't mind."

"Of course we don't mind. Your friends are always welcome here. You know that."

"I know, but it's a lady friend, someone I'm starting to feel serious about. I didn't know how you'd feel about that."

"My land, Chuck, it's been over two years now! It's about time you crawled out of your cave and got serious about someone. You just bring her along and give us a chance to get to know each other."

"Thanks, Mom. I knew you'd understand. Is Dad there?"

"He's out in the barn working on that old Ford tractor. I swear he thinks more of that old pile of junk than he does of me."

"It's his hobby, Mom. Besides, do you really want him shuffling around the house getting underfoot all the time? Just tell him I said 'Hi', OK? I'll see you Saturday around noon."

"Wonderful! I'll cook a nice pot roast and we'll have an early dinner. What's your lady's name?"


"Carol. I like that name. Tell her we're anxious to meet her."

"I will, Mom. Bye."

As soon as I killed the connection, I recalled the 'sound', found her aura, and announced myself. "Carol?"


"Care to run up to Sterling to meet my folks on Saturday?"

"I'd love to! Thanks for asking."


"I love you."

October 30, 2014:

I called the office and told them I'd be about an hour late, then I drove to the UC Denver building and parked across the street in the lot. There were so many minds and colors floating around that it took a while to identify Janet and make contact.



"Doctor Christy?"

"Is that you, Chuck?"

"Yes, it's me. I'm parked across the street from the main entrance. Can you come out and talk?"

I felt her organizing her thoughts for a few seconds, then, "Yes, give me a few minutes to close out this document. What are you driving?"

"Black Lexus SUV."

"See you in a few."

It was about ten minutes later when she stepped outside and looked around. When she looked toward my car, I raised my hand to catch he attention and waved her over.

As she closed the passenger-side door, she chuckled and said, "I can't tell you how strange this feels, Chuck. It's like I'm in a sci-fi story."

"Yeah, I've been feeling like that for a while, now."

"I'm sure you have. What did you want to talk about?"

There was no reason to beat around the bush. "I'm not going to do any more testing, Janet. If I let it, this thing will take over my life and I don't intend for that to happen. I know you and Dr. Austin still have a million questions, but I've decided if other interested parties are watching anybody, it's you and your program. If there are any breakthroughs coming down the pike in the form of paranormal communication, it'll be from research institutions like yours, not from a John Doe like me. I plan to get below everybody's radar and stay there."

As I expected, she was disappointed. "Are you sure, Chuck? From my point of view, and from Frank's, we've hardly begun. There are so many things we need to learn about your abilities and there's just no other resource. We've taken every precaution to see that your identity isn't compromised."

"I'm sure you have, but I wonder if that's good enough. Here's what I think: I'm guessing a lot of your research is funded by government grants, isn't it?"

"Yes. We wouldn't have much of a program without it. But that doesn't mean the feds are privy to every test we run."

"Maybe not, but when you request renewals of your grant funding, don't you have to submit at least a synopsis of what you've accomplished to date?"

"Yes, of course."

"And if the person reviewing your documents sees something like an investigation into ESP, aren't they going to want to know some details?"

"Yes, Chuck, they will, but you have to understand that's only one small part of our research. It's easy enough to say the research is still in its early stages and nothing concrete has come to light yet."

"What about what you've already documented about me? I'm pretty sure that's not on your personal computer."

She was looking a little distressed. "No, of course it's not on my personal computer, it's on the main frame! It's essentially Frank's research and he does all the documentation and data entry. But all that is encrypted, and everything pertaining to you is identified only by number. Your name appears nowhere."

"I'm sorry, but that's not good enough for me, Janet. I'm taking what Dr. Austin said to heart. If the right people want that data, they can get it. You won't be able to stop them. I want that file to end now. Make up a couple of tests to add to it that shows your original findings were in error, that the subject found some way to scam the system."

Her temper flared. "Chuck, you can't seriously be asking me to falsify data, can you? If that were discovered, we'd never see another dollar of grant funding!"

She was right, of course, and I felt duly chastened. "No, I don't want you to do that, but I do want out of this program, however you decide to do it."

Her shoulders slumped as she looked out her window. We sat quietly for a couple of minutes, then she turned and asked, "Would you agree to a six-month moratorium? We'll put everything on hold while you think about it. Frank and I can use the time to do more background preparation and come up with better security measures. Chuck, you're the only test subject we've ever found who is undeniably legitimate. You're too important to science to just drop out of sight. We need you!"

I sympathized with her completely, but I had no interest in being anyone's guinea pig. Still, so far as she and Austin knew, I was the only resource available if they were to pursue their research. Rock and a hard place; that's where I was. I thought about it for a few minutes. The silence was deafening.

Finally, "OK, Janet, six months. But when that time is up, I want to hear some pretty damn tight guarantees. I want to be buried so deeply in your files that a world-class hacker can't find me. That's my condition and I won't budge from it. Can you agree to that?"

"I'll agree to that and so will Frank. Thanks for not bailing on us, Chuck. We'll work something out, I promise. Stay in touch ... mentally, I mean."

She got out of the car and headed back across the street. I hoped she was as good as her word.

November 1, 2014:

Dad was walking across the yard from the barn when we pulled up in front of the house. He hurried over to open Carol's door and beat me to the introductions, "So, you must be Chuck's new lady." He stood back and looked her up and down as she exited the car. "The boy might have his faults, but he sure knows how to pick pretty women!"

I felt embarrassed for Carol, but she just laughed. "What makes you think it wasn't me that picked him?

I stepped in, "Dad, this is Carol. Carol, this is James (Tactless) Duncan, my father. At least, according to my mother."

He ignored the barb and took her arm, leading her up the steps to meet Mom who had just stepped out the door. "Hey, Muriel, look at the nice present Chuck brought us!"

Mom hugged her and said, "Just ignore him, Dear. He's harmless. Come on into the house and out of this cold wind."

The smell of Mom's cooking filled the house and brought back a lot of memories. I kissed her on the cheek and sniffed the air. "If you could bottle that smell, you could get rich and give up farming."

"Give up farming?!" Dad barked, "When I'm a cold, dead corpse in my grave, maybe!"

Carol was sympathetic. "Mr. Duncan, my folks were migrant farm workers and farms like yours provided a living for them for a long time. You just keep right on plowing those fields."

He smiled and kissed her on the cheek. "That's my plan, young lady."

All in all, it was a very pleasant afternoon. By the time dinner was put on the table at three, we were all famished and made short work of Mom's pot roast, buttered parsley potatoes, corn on the cob and peach cobbler. I ate like a pig, but then I always did when I visited Mom and Dad. Carol was her normal charming self and made a really good impression. Mom even had that look in her eye like she was already planning a wedding.

All afternoon, I was trying to think of a way to approach the subject occupying my mind: Was there anybody in our extended family who claimed or showed any inclination to any special abilities like mine? It's not the kind of thing you come right out and ask, if you're trying to avoid the wrong kind of curiosity about your motives. Carol and I talked about it on the way up I-76, but we hadn't come up with a way to broach the subject.

Apparently, she came up with a plan on her own. We were in the living room in front of a blazing fireplace, sipping coffee and catching up on all the latest news. Dad was complaining about water issues as always. Mom was telling us about her involvement in the charity work and youth programs in Sterling that took so much of her time. Neither of them were the kind of people who could sit idly by when there was anything that needed to be done.

Mom got around to asking how Carol and I met, as I knew she would. Carol took the lead and cleverly introduced our ulterior motive for coming.

"You know, Muriel, it's the strangest thing! Chuck and I live in the same apartment tower and we'd seen each other in the hallway and on the elevator from time to time, but we never said anything more that 'Hi'. Well, last spring, my ex-husband and I split up, rather messily, I'm afraid. It wasn't long after that, that he was shot and killed. I was devastated, of course, and there was no one around to help me through the crisis. Then, one evening, I just had this premonition that my neighbor from down the hall was going to knock on my door. I couldn't imagine why he would do such a thing, but my premonition was right, and that very evening, he did just that! He introduce himself and said he'd learned of my husband's death and offered to be of help in whatever way he could. Isn't that strange?"

The exact order and timing of events wasn't quite right, but her story served to move the conversation in the direction we needed.

Mom agreed, "My, yes, that is strange! Do you often have premonitions like that?"

"Um, not that I'm aware of. I mean, I suppose we all feel like we have a connection with someone from time to time, but that was a complete surprise. Do you know of people who can do that?"

Mom didn't answer the question, but turned to me and asked, "What about you, Chuck? You must have been feeling some sense that Carol needed some comforting."

I shrugged and said, "Mmm, not sure, Mom. I saw her in the elevator right after her husband left and I noticed the bruise on her face. I guessed he hit her. I suppose that's when I knew she was having some real problems and could probably do with a friend. I can't even guess how she knew I'd show up at her door."

That's when I took my shot. "As far as premonitions or ESP are concerned, I don't think that kind of thing runs in the family, although I was always convinced you had eyes in the back of your head every time I tried to get away with something."

Mom laughed and said, "That's because you were so transparent, Dear. Besides, your were always trying to get away with something. But you're wrong about that kind of thing not running in our family. Your Grandma Daisy always seemed to know what was going on anywhere in the family before anybody ever got around to telling her. I swear, there were times when she knew exactly what I and my brothers were thinking before we did. It was spooky, how she did that."

Carol and I looked at each other. I guess I'd heard tales of Grandma Daisy's uncannily keen perception as I was growing up, but I didn't remember any of it until Mom brought it up. I guess I'd just filed it away as one of those family myths.

We let the subject drop and talked about other things, but I couldn't help but wonder if we hadn't uncovered something important. Could there, in fact, be a genetic component to my peculiarity? Family gossip hardly qualified as evidence, but it was something to think about.

Mom had replaced my old single bed with a queen, and made my bedroom into a guest room after I got married. Carol and I lay in it side by side, listening to the ever-present wind whistling around the house.

I was in her mind and she was thinking, "Do you think it's possible that your grandma had this same thing?"

"I suppose it's possible, but it's probably more likely she was just one of those incredibly perceptive people. I don't know that she ever claimed to be psychic or anything."

"I guess there's no way we'll ever know for sure."

"No, but when the kids come out for Christmas, I intend to experiment a bit and try to discover if either of them have any special abilities worth investigating."

I felt a shift in her mood. She thought, "You know what I think you should investigate?"

I grinned as I turned on my side and slid my hand up her belly to cup her breast. "I seem to be getting a mental image of my dick investigating the inside of your pussy."

"Oh, you really are good at this, aren't you? There's just something extra sexy about fucking in the room where you grew up. It feels deliciously wicked!"

"Let's try not to wake up Mom and Dad. I'd be embarrassed."

"Then maybe you better stick a sock in my mouth, 'cause I'm feeling highly turned on. My emotions might get out of hand."

November 6, 2014:

I've pretty much gotten over the jitters, and I feel like I'm starting to come to grips with this thing. I guess I just needed some time to put it into perspective. I'm convinced that as long as I play it smart, as long as I don't abuse this special thing, there's no reason it can't be employed to some positive end. Unless I specifically announce myself, there's no reason anyone should ever suspect I'm in their personal space.

Sure, the safest way to go would be to never touch another mind, but that would be like trying to give up using one of my other five senses. It's there! It's part of me! I can't NOT use it!

For a while, I guess I'd been hoping that I'd wake up one morning and it would be gone, evaporated as quickly as it arrived, but now I know that's not going to happen because it just keeps getting stronger. It's a part of me and it's here to stay. The question is, what the hell do I do with it?

Over the last few days, I've found myself utilizing my edge more and more in my daily interaction with people. I'm not doing serious mind probes, but I can't resist popping in for a quick look-around when I'm speaking to anyone about anything serious. I suppose I do that to verify they're being honest with me. The way I figure it, since I can do it, it would be kind of stupid of me not to do it.

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It was a great Thanksgiving. She was tired from the very long day and all the alcohol. She laid down in the livingroom and passed out cold.Her mouth gaped open and she began breathing heavily. She was sleeping really hard now.My cock started twitching in my pants as my mind wandered...I brushed her hair with my hand and got no response at all. I did it again just to check, nothing.I put my finger in her mouth. She was sound asleep. It must be the turkey...I took my pants and shorts off...

2 years ago
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Reluctant Convert

Reluctant Convert by Suzi K Part One "Look after things, David, won't you. And you will be sensible?" David's mother called anxiously from the car. She was setting out to her sister in Bradford who had fallen ill and needed looking after and help with her two young children. 16 year old David was being left behind. It was the first time he had been left on his own and his mother was anxious. "I've asked Harry, Mr. Adamson next door to keep an eye on you. And if there are any...

1 year ago
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Reluctant Convert 2

Reluctant Convert ? by: Suzi4th Part 2 David woke to bright sunlight and a gentle stroking of his forehead. It took him a moment to register that he was not in his own bed but next door in Sally's, in her father's house, and that Mr Adamson was stroking his forehead. He was sitting in the same chair as last night and David blushed a deep red as he remembered all that had happened. Mr Adamson smiled at him as he stirred and tried to move his hands and found he could not, that...

1 year ago
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Reluctant Wife

A church going wife gets caught embezzling at work she shouldn't have and becomes the reluctant play thing of a fellow employee. (M+/F, reluc, slutty-wife, D/s, blkmail, preg) ***My name is Kimberly. I'm a thirty-two year old mom, married eleven years, with two c***dren. I work for a financial services corporation where I commute to work from our quiet, conservative little town. I'm active in my church group as well as our civic organizations. I've always tried to uphold the values of my...

2 years ago
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Reluctant Model II

The Reluctant Model II "Now, come on into the kitchen and let's see what we can do with that hair." She did the hair of a few of her friends at home and had outfitted a corner of our spacious kitchen as a little mini-salon complete with a salon chair and all the tools of her trade. As I followed her to the kitchen I was actually kind of looking forward to whatever was coming next. My erection hadn't subsided a bit and I found myself trying to sway my hips just a little extra to...

4 years ago
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Reluctant BoyGirl

Reluctant Boy-Girl by Pat T. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ My mother divorced my father because he beat her. He was rich, though, and got custody of me. My mother refused to turn me over, contending he beat me too. This simply wasn't true, but I guess Mom didn't want to give the bastard any satisfaction and I felt too sorry for her to tell anyone the truth. My mother hid me at one of her childhood friend's houses in Texas. The judge...

3 years ago
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Reluctant Rendesvous Part 2

Reluctant Rendezvous Part 2 I knocked on the hotel door. I hear a voice tell me to enter. He sat in a chair in the corner and directed me to the bathroom. My name is Dave and I did something really stupid a few months ago. I stole some money from work. Now, one of my co-workers is blackmailing me into something I could never have imagined. If I don't follow through, I know I will go to jail. I entered the bathroom. I put my makeup bag down on the counter. I took note of...

3 years ago
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Reluctant Train Ride

“Oh my God I hate trains” whispered Becky as even more people packed in tighter at the last station before her stop. It didn’t help that over the weekend after a party in which they had all had a great time she had tried to seduce her husband. He didn’t even try to make an excuse this time, just said he didn’t want to and she had debased herself grovelling to try and get him to do it with her. It had been months now since they had been intimate. She particularly hated Monday mornings as she...

1 year ago
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Reluctant Hero

Prologue This story is a rewrite of a story I previously wrote entitled “Coming Home.” I have used many of the same characters but the plot has changed significantly. It is as far as possible historically accurate although of course the characters and the plot are fictional. The Nazi U Boat threat in 1941 was gradually strangling the UK supply lines and Merchant shipping was being sunk faster than they could be replaced. The Germans were using their U Boats to great effect, and had introduced a...

Erotic Fiction
1 year ago
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Reluctant Holiday Anal Sex

It was a great Thanksgiving. She was tired from the very long day and all the alcohol. She laid down in the living room and passed out cold. Her mouth gaped open and she began breathing very heavily. She was sleeping really hard now. My cock started twitching in my pants as my mind wandered...I brushed her hair with my hand and got no response at all. I did it again just to check, nothing. I put my finger in her mouth. She was sound asleep. It must be the turkey... I took my pants and shorts...

Drunk sex
3 years ago
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Reluctant Wife

My wife Ellen had been adamant that we would never have a threesome. I had always fantasized about her having sex with another man , I wanted a black guy, She was not having anything to do with it and that was that. years had passed and she had never given in and she was now 62 and I figured it would never happen now. She still has a great figure working out at least three times per week. Our sex life had been pretty low for the last few years and with my medical problems requiring a lot of...

2 years ago
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Reluctant Lesbian Parts 1 and 2

Part 1 (re-edited)Despite our differences, Louise and I liked to take vacations together. She is a tall, redhead with a great figure. She dresses in such a feminine manner that you wouldn't guess that she was gay. I on the other hand am a petite gym rat who likes to wear jeans or sweats. Not only am I straight, but I never harboured any attraction to other women. I guess that Louise and I got along so well because neither of us posed any threat to each other. While on a Caribbean cruise, we...

2 years ago
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Reluctant Stripper

Jack leered at the strippers undulating on stage as he downed the last of his beer. This was his first visit to this new nude dancers bar. He was intrigued by the fact that all of the employees of this club were beautiful women. All the bartenders, servers, and of course the strippers. He had run up a sizeable tab, ordering how many, 10 or 12 beers? He had long ago lost count. He was getting tired, an alcohol-induced drowsiness was beginning to take hold and he decided it was time to...

1 year ago
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Reluctant Photographer

"Why not?" my younger sister screamed at me, "mum it's not fair, he won't take any pictures of me." It was my birthday and I had received the Digital Camera that I had requested but Jill, my 15-year-old sister was bugging me to take some picture of her. "Look who wants to take pictures of a scrawny thing like you," I said nastily. "Mum, he's being horrible to me," she shouted. "Pete, be nice to your sister and take a few shots," said my mother. "Yeah ok," I said somewhat...

1 year ago
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Reluctant Stripper

Shortly after my birthday Kat, who is as mad as a March-Hare and works in the same office as I do, talked me into going to a house warming party. I didn't particularly want to go, for one thing I didn't know the guy who was having the party so it stood to reason that I wouldn't know anyone else either, except Kat, and that was part of the problem. I knew Kat would probably desert me as soon as we arrived, or shortly after so I tried every excuse I could think of, but Kat wouldn't take no...

2 years ago
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Reluctant Model

It was the first of the month, and Andrea knew the rent was due. Andrea Smith was a 18 year-old high school cheerleader and had just moved out from her parents. She said she needed to be independent and on her own. She was 5' 7", 107 pounds, with long, naturally blonde hair and shapely, tan legs; a baby face on a woman's body. She had found a part-time job as a secretary to pay the rent, but then she got layed off. She hadn't paid it in over three months. She knew the landlord would be...

4 years ago
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Reluctant HeroChapter 4

Occupied territory One of the initial problems they encountered was the question of how would they get out of the country together. Anne-Marie was a double agent, and that could be easily arranged, but Tony could not just book a passage. It was with some difficulty that he convinced the RAF controller that he was just going for the flight to finish briefing Anne-Marie, and would return on the plane, that he was reluctantly allowed to board. After boarding the Lysander just after dark, the...

3 years ago
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Reluctant wife

Well to tell the truth what happened was all my fault if you are looking for blame. I am not sure just when I first began to fantasize about watching Laura have sex with another man but even though I was surprised at my desires to watch her with another man in between her legs the desire persisted Laura and I were married about three years and had one child that was a year old and I controlled my desire for several months until one day she confronted me wondering if I was guilty of something...

4 years ago
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Reluctant Assassin Pt 1

I am Vincent Frau Hacku and I will kill Ayanami. I fought alongside my men in battle. My violet eyes shining, sword flashing in the sunlight as I charge forwards with the front line to meet my foe. We were the best army in the world, ranked first of six run by the Chancellor in protection of his people. “Hacku’s Guard” they called us, and I fought for my men as much as they did for me. They wanted to please me and I was popular with them all. When I became general of what was known as...

3 years ago
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reluctant wife

At 55, Bob Mitchell was an unhappy camper! For the last six months, he hadn't been able to keep an erection long enough to satisfy his young wife. His dick would get hard, but wouldn't stay that way. At first Viagra had helped, but now, even that potent d**g no longer worked.Sitting alone in his study, he was trying to think of when his problem had begun. He knew what was wrong, but not how to do anything about it. When sexually excited, his dick began leaking pre-cum, not only pre-cum, but...

2 years ago
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Reluctant Wife Gets Blacked

At 55, Bob Mitchell was an unhappy camper! For the last six months, he hadn't been able to keep an erection long enough to satisfy his young wife. His dick would get hard, but wouldn't stay that way. At first Viagra had helped, but now, even that potent d**g no longer worked.Sitting alone in his study, he was trying to think of when his problem had begun. He knew what was wrong, but not how to do anything about it. When sexually excited, his dick began leaking pre-cum, not only pre-cum, but...

3 years ago
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Reluctant Booth Wife

Not in a million years would I have ever dreamed I would be sitting at a keyboard and typing this account of what happened only a few short months ago. I had thought about putting this into words several months from now, but decided I needed to do this now, not only because the memory is fresher, but also due to the fact that I will soon be pre-occupied with a situation you will soon read about. I don't quite know where to start, and I don't want to bore you will meaningless historical details...

2 years ago
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Reluctant Seduction

Pushing damp strands of chocolate coloured hair from her forehead, Melodie fought against the humidity which was also making her clothes stick to her body uncomfortably. She couldn't believe how hot it was and though she wore a thin cotton shirt and three-quarter jeans, it might as well have been a thick blanket. Yet she was determined to have a good time as the fair was an annual event and this was her second time in ten years. "Melodie? We're going to sit under that big shade over there"...

4 years ago
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Reluctant Porn StarChapter 4 Carol Lobegeiger

My next movie assignment both interested me and troubled me at the same time. My co-star was to be Carol Lobegeiger, a 35 year old mother of one, who had run up a gambling debt which she had been unable to pay off. It was interesting because I knew Carol. She was a very sexy looking MILF who stood 5ft 6 ins tall, with a slim body dominated by a large rack of DD-cup tits. She had short wavy black hair that framed a beautiful face which was often smiling. I'd often wondered what she would...

3 years ago
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Reluctant CoupleChapter 3

Roger awoke slowly Saturday morning, as if he were gaining awareness by degrees. His temples throbbed agonizingly, and there was a chalky, almost lacquered taste in his mouth. He groaned slightly, raising one hand to shield his tightly closed eyes against the bright, grayish light of dawn which burned against the lids. He rolled onto his side, facing away from the window, and his hand reached out instinctively to search for the warm, pliant body of his wife. It touched only cool, empty...

4 years ago
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Reluctant CoupleChapter 5

Diane came out of the bathroom and walked into the bedroom, wearing her long nylon nightie, her blonde hair long and flowing down her back. Roger was lying on the bed, his hands clasped behind his head, smoking a cigarette. He wore only his jockey shorts. Diane swallowed into her shame-dried throat as she stood just inside the door, looking at him. His eyes were on the ceiling. He hadn't looked at her or spoken to her since they'd left the Cord home in Peacock Gap that afternoon. She had...

3 years ago
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Reluctant SwappersChapter 2

"Weren't the Greens nice?" Sharon said again, as she and Ron walked into the bedroom of their small, but tastefully furnished home. "I was certainly glad to meet them." "Saved the night, that's for sure," Ron agreed. He sat down on the bed and removed his shoes, rubbing his feet. "If it hadn't been for them, I would have climbed the walls. There's simply no reason to put up with people you don't like, and I always feel like an absolute fool when I do anyway." Ron chided himself....

3 years ago
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Reluctant Escort

My name is Anita. I am a 23 year old es-panic female, 5 ft 5 inches tall, 115 pounds, 32 B breast, 22 inch waist, and 32 inch hips. This is my story of several first for me including bondage, pain, pleasure and anal. My live in boyfriend dumped me a few months back telling me that I was not open minded and adventurous enough sexually and he had found a woman that pleased him much more than I. I was left with the lease on our apartment and all the utilities which put me in a heavy...

2 years ago
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Reluctant Top revised

I was asked to help move a boat to a town about 18hrs sail away. I loved sailing so I readily agreed. I was only 20 and very fit and tanned from many outings on boats. My mate George and I enjoyed a great day's sailing and as the sun was heading for the horizon decided to overnight at a small county port. We anchored out in the harbour to avoid paying any jetty fees and once dinner was done we started making up the beds. Unfortunately the starboard bunk was soaked from a leak and...

3 years ago
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Reluctant Assassin Pt 2

We approached a tiny grey one-story building squatting in the trees. It had no windows, only two torches on the wall on either side of an iron-enforced door. The moonlight filtered weakly through the dense overgrowth as I was led across a small clearing and into the maw of the building. Inside was pitch black, and my eyes took a long time to adjust, but before I could fully adjust to the twilight, I torch was brought inside. The warm glow didn’t seem right in such a horrific place. The room was...

2 years ago
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Reluctant Desires

For the last couple of months, my boyfriend has been trying to get me to come to his work and have sex. He's begged and pleaded, even tried bribing me with foot massages. There is no fucking way I am having sex in the library. For me, sex is private. We've all got things we don't want the public knowing about, so the idea of having sex in such a public place gives me the whiggins. My name is Corey. People say I'm good looking, but I look nothing like the tanned blond bimbos that fills...

4 years ago
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Reluctant Shower

She unlocks her penthouse apartment, complete with original wooden floors, floor to ceiling windows, and a view that is well worth the real estate price. It has very little furniture, more of a modern, clean interior design that reflects her no-nonsense - almost anal - mentality. Closing the door behind her, Veronica begins to walk across her living room, the heels of her red 5 inch stilettos clicking on the wooden floor. She drops her Coach purse, and she takes off her jacket, a partner to...

3 years ago
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Reluctant Veronica

The steel-gray sky seems oppressively low this morning, and the streets are slick from a recent rain. Veronica stands on the steps to her flat, surrounded by luggage, as a cab pulls up that will take her to Heathrow airport. Her husband has left her, and now she will leave the UK. She flies to America this morning. An administrative job awaits her at the University of Wisconsin. In the cab, Veronica is still brooding about her divorce. She wishes she could think about something else. Her...

3 years ago
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Reluctant Pleasure Ch 06

Amethyst stretched her cramped muscles as she looked down at the ruined dress. The threads that had kept the dress this side of decent had snapped in the night with her restless slumber. She slid out of bed making her way swiftly to the bathroom and was stopped short by her reflection in the vanity. Her mussed hair and bare thigh were bad enough, but it was the red puffy raccoon eyes that made her realize she was in over her head. She couldn’t remember doing it, but she had obviously been...

2 years ago
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Reluctant Adventures

At last I was here, far away from my office and my mundane life. A chance to be Me if only for a few short days. I felt bad, lying to both family and colleagues, but I needed a break, boy did I need a break. My feeling was that it was better to take some time out, just for me, rather than carry on as I was and end up breaking out for good. So, here I was, booked into a lovely cottage, unseen by the few that ventured along the Sky Road. This was in my birthplace: of Clifden, in the lovely...

3 years ago
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Reluctant Shower Sex

“Spunk up on my bum.”That is the horniest instruction my wife ever gave me.We were on holiday in Spain I think and at an all-inclusive resort, we were sharing the room with our three kids. Not ideal for romance but necessary to fit our tight budget requirements.I was as horny as could be, the resort was awash with bare boobs, swollen pudenda and flirtatious behaviour. Everywhere I looked was a camel toe, bare boob or other distraction.In due course we found ourselves back in our room before the...

4 years ago
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Reluctant Vamp

Hello there! My name is Jane. Let me start by telling you a bit about myself. I was born and raised in a small town hanging somewhere on the skirts of the Rockies. Until my twenty sixth year, I had a pretty regular life. Like everybody else, I started by shitting my pants, then I went to school. I had a pretty boring time there. Once I graduated, I found a secretary … sorry personal assistant job in an office in my home town. It was kind of boring too but the salary was enough and I was never...

4 years ago
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Reluctant Housewife

This is a fantasy story based on picture sets of my wife. I'll start to add the illustrations shortly. Sadly the ones in the public domain will have to be masked, although I occasionally allow a private viewing if people are interesting to talk to. If you have requests about things you want to do/see/know please let me know, I am happy to alter the scenes for admirers of her. My email is [email protected]x.com The game will not be very balanced until I get to revisit the numbers once the story...

4 years ago
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Reluctant to Hot Wife

My wife has a hot little chinese pussy that needs a bull for first time hot wife date . She likes to suck dick and have her sweet little pussy eaten . She is shy and needs a lot of encouragement . The thought of her getting ready for a date makes my dick hard . I love Asían , Ebony and Latina women . Looking for first time swinger of hot wife date night . I will pick out her snow white lingerie which gives only a hit of her sweet little pussy . Her tits are fairly big and 100 natural . You men...

2 years ago
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Reluctant Wife Gang Fucked with Hubby

Amsterdam in late May.  It's a beautiful city; evocative, cool, fun and the weather was glorious.  We had only been there for a day and had already reached saturation point for gorgeous babes on bikes...  it is a saddle sniffers paradise, that's for sure.'We' were a party of guys from Scotland, celebrating my nephew's 21st birthday.  He's not really my nephew, but I've been close to his dad since we were at school, and he's always called me 'Uncle Funghi'!  haha.  When he introduced me to his...

3 years ago
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Reluctant Wife used

I'm always amused when I read stories that involve black men, and how all of them are so well endowed. I think that the writers of these stories have not seen very many black men naked, or they have a very vivid imagination.Having been in college athletics for four years, I have seen a large number of both white and black men naked, and in my opinion there is essentially no difference in penis size between white and black men.However, there are some rare notable exceptions in both white and...

3 years ago
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Reluctant Kimberly

My name is Kimberly. I'm a thirty-two year old mom, married eleven years, with two c***dren. I work for a financial services corporation where I commute to work from our quiet, conservative little town. I'm active in my church group as well as our civic organizations. I've always tried to uphold the values of my religion, and to be a good Christian wife and mother. This is how I became corrupted, and betrayed myself, as well as my husband. It started at my job. There was a man there, named...

2 years ago
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Reluctant Mistress

I need to be bound and tormented. My wife doesn't need to be dominant at all. She's tried over the years to make me happy, but she just doesn't like to dominate me. I've tried to suppress my needs, but I found myself depressed. We finally came up with a way for me to be bound and tormented, while making it as easy for her to dominate me as I could. My wife works as the night manager of the local Blockbuster, from five p.m. to midnight. When she decides she doesn't mind dominating me, she hangs...

3 years ago
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Reluctant Slave

?The girls asked me why you were always doing things for me, if we were ?just friends? For years, I'd fantasized about being locked in a chastity belt. I never found a mistress to act as a key holder, though. Until one night of tequila, then it all changed. I was drinking with a friend of mine named Angela. About halfway through our second bottle, she did the unthinkable, she took the unguided tour of my mind. That's how she found out about my fantasy. I've wanted Angela since we first...

4 years ago
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Reluctant Husband Sucks My Cock

We arranged a date. Our date night came along and we met at a bar in town after dinner. Lots of photos had been exchanged online beforehand and they looked like their photos. They knew I am bisexual and they said that the husband is 'open minded'. After just one drink, we were getting along great and the wife suggested we should head back to their place for another drink. It sounded good to me as I was getting a hardon in my jeans already. Their house was only a five minute walk from the...

2 years ago
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Reluctant panty sissy pt 1

I pulled off into the small parking area and put the car in park. My hands were trembling as I turned the ignition off and began to nervously look around. I was early and he wasn't here yet. On the seat beside me was a zip lock bag with 6 of my wifes dirty panties, neatly folded and packed tightly into the bag.A few days earlier I had posted an add on a local adult site with the subject 'let's meet and sniff my wifes dirty panties'. I received a surprising number of replies, but only one seemed...

2 years ago
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Reluctant Panty Sissy pt 2

The next morning, my wife had already showered and was getting dressed for work when I woke up. I laid in bed and admired her large frame as she bent over to pull on her full cut nylon pink panties and then struggle to fasten her bra. Her shoulder length blonde hair was perfectly done, as usual, and her makeup was on point. She was a stunning, curvy bbw, even at age 55. Despite the workout my cock got yesterday, I started to get hard while watching her and reached down to rub my little morning...

4 years ago
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Reluctant Sir Becoming

Almost a year had passed since Marta had come to live with him, and Joe was as happy as he could remember being. Only a couple of things kept his life from being perfect. Marta still wasn’t speaking to him and ... well, we’ll get to that in a minute. Joe’s sister-in-law, Jacqueline, or Jacky, had asked Joe for a favor one day, one that would change his life for the better. He didn’t know that at the time and had been fearful, but he felt an even deeper debt of gratitude now than he had felt...

3 years ago
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Reluctant Rescue

© Copyright 2003 I first saw her in the checkout line at the supermarket in the strip mall near my house. Her features, beneath the baseball cap, were pleasant to look at. The few lines on her face spoke of habitual smiles, but it was her eyes that captured me. They too were surrounded by smile lines, but when she wasn't talking to anyone, they held a haunted, faraway look. Everything she wore, the cap, the crisp white man cut shirt, the skintight jeans, and even the pristine white...

1 year ago
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Reluctant Rescuer

I was returning to Addison after four years in the service. I had been a scout more because of where and how I grew up. I had a day before the shuttle dropped and was sitting in the merchant walk watching vids of the forest on the planet. Like always the station announced a shuttle lifting from the planet. Since it was an imperial diplomatic shuttle I was not interested. Five minutes later the station alarms when off, "attention all personal proceed to evac stat..." It shut down and I...

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