BethChapter 31 free porn video

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July 27, 2017

Dear Ms. Diary,

The first sight upon opening my eyes this morning was Rhee’s face looking down at mine; she was smiling. I smiled back.

“Good sleep?”

“Oh, yeah,” I replied softly. I then thought of the others. “We need to see how the others’ sex-traveganza went. Come on!”

I pushed up, threw off the covers, and rolled out of bed. With Rhee at my back, we quickly opened their door and stepped inside.

“Aww, look at them. Aren’t they so cute all cuddled up together?”

I spoke quietly, but I was afraid that I’d already woken Liya, but she just turned a bit and re-settled. I noticed that Rhee was no longer with me, but I had a sneaking suspicion I knew why. When she re-entered holding her phone, my suspicion was confirmed. Rhee took her time and composed the picture, taking a horizontal from where we first saw them and a vertical from the foot of the bed.

The pictures would have been PG, but for Gracey’s left boob being visible on Heather’s left shoulder, as Gracey was on her right side, her left arm over Heather’s chest over the covers. Liya was snuggled into Heather’s left side.

I indicated to Rhee that we should leave, so we quietly departed and closed the door. I went back to my room and donned minimal clothing, just in case one of the girls woke up and found us downstairs naked with Dad and Mom. Rhee copied my actions.

Dad and Mom were chatting over coffee at the kitchen table, but I interrupted them.

“Mom, you have to come see this. Sorry, Dad, you’re not allowed. If you’d said ‘yes’ last night, you would have been allowed to see the sight this morning. Hurry, Mom, before they wake up.”

The three of us then traipsed quietly back upstairs and snuck open the door, pushing it wide.

“Oh, that is precious. Thanks for coming to get me. I also see why Charlie’s not allowed here. Did you get a picture?”

“Yeah, Mom,” answered Rhee.

Mom turned back to us and shooed us back out the door, which we closed, to our room.

“Rhee, Beth,” she said. “No matter what Gracey and Liya say, that scene right there is worth much more effort than Charlie and I put into those girls’ benefit. We were not exaggerating how thankful we are that you girls visit. We really do think of all of you as daughters and we value greatly the light you bring to our lives and the job you do in filling that hole that the lack of additional children of our own made. We are very happy, fulfilled.”

We nodded in understanding. I changed the subject.

“Mom,” I asked, “was Dad planning on making breakfast? We can help if he is, or we can do it if not.”

“He’s probably started already.”

“Okay. Please tell him that Rhee and I will be down shortly to help.”

Mom nodded, then started down the stairs.

Their bedroom door opened and Liya stepped out.

“G’morning, Ms. Exquisite-Ass.”

Liya rolled her eyes at me, then grinned.

“Oh, yeah,” Rhee exclaimed. “Your new initials are ‘EA.’” Her face went into thinking mode, briefly, then broke into a huge grin. “That also could rhyme with ‘See ya!’ I like it! ‘Liya Eeyah!’”

She then reached around and palmed that naked, exquisite ass.

“Hey! Hands off the goodies!”

Then Liya’s face changed from a very serious look to that incredible, sparkling-eyed grin she lets loose when very happy.

“Oh, god,” she continued, “last night was incredible. I lost track of how many times we made Heather cum. She can just go and go and go. Or, I should say, ‘cum and cum and cum.’ She’s also very good at returning the favor. But I suppose that you already know that.”

We nodded emphatically.

Her expression changed to something softer as she said, “I woke up in the middle of the night and was so happy when I could feel both Heather and Gracey there with me. You guys certainly know this, too, but it’s so much better sleeping with someone you love than alone. I certainly sleep much better when Gracey’s with me, and that was true even before we started having sex. It’s even more true now, though some or all of that may be due to the pre-sleep orgasms.”

That beautiful smile came out of hiding again.

We could hear movement in their room and, as one, we turned back to their room and entered to find Gracey sitting up, Heather still tucked under the covers, but awake, her crystal blue eyes smiling at us.

“A little birdie told me that you had your world rocked last night, Heather.”

“Oh, god, yes! They just about wore me out!”

I turned to Liya, saying, “You’re going to have to keep better count, else how can we have a fair competition?”

That grin returned.

“What,” Heather started, “are you talking ... Oh. No! You are not going to have a competition to see who makes me cum the most!”

She might have just about convinced an incredulous six-year-old that she was serious, but her sparkling grin also came out to play, ruining her serious act.

“Unfortunately, Dad will probably have breakfast ready soon, so if you want to avoid Dad and Mom smelling sex on you, you might want to take your showers soon. Rhee and I are jumping in, now.

We played Paradise at home today, our last regular-season game. We’ll have practice five days next week and then the tournament on Saturday.

Before the game, a girl came up to Rhee and me shortly before Coach arrived. We were hoping that Civia Palecek would show up and introduce herself to us. While this girl looked young enough, maybe, to be Civia, she seemed too tall to be an 11-year-old. Her slightly swarthy complexion was topped by rich dark hair not quite to her shoulders with the front in a headband braid.

“Rhee? Rhee Devlin?”

“Yes,” Rhee answered, “I’m Rhee. Are you Civia?”

When the girl nodded, Rhee said, “Wow. I didn’t expect you to be so tall. What are you, 5’3” or something?”

Civia nodded, then said, “A half-inch shorter than that; I’m the tallest in my class.”

“I’d guess so. Civia, this is Beth Williams, our team captain.”

“Hi, Beth. You’re ... you’re really pretty.”

“HAH! Yes, Civia, she is, but she’s not really sure that she believes that.”

I punched Rhee in the arm, though not hard. “Thanks, pal.” I stuck out my hand for Civia to shake it, but she gave a wishy-washy return. I thought about it, then decided to go for it. “It’s nice to meet you, Civia. I know that this will sound weird, but my first bit of advice for you concerns your handshake.”

She looked at me, her eyebrows raised, her expression guarded.

“We hear that your coach thinks that you’re good at this game and your dad told us that you wanted to try out for this team next year. If you’re good and you wind up filling Rhee’s shoes, you’re going to meet a lot of people, so you need a better handshake, one that befits your hoped-for status.”

I explained about firm handshakes, and Rhee and I demonstrated what we meant. We also explained about looking in the eye of anyone with whom she was shaking hands.

“Okay, Coach just arrived, so let’s catch her before she gets busy trying to corral this lot of ne’er-do-wells. Coach has something of a reputation as fierce, but she’s actually really nice, as long as you don’t piss her off.”

We walked her over to Coach and introduced her.

Coach said, “Oh. I’ve heard good things about you, Civia, but I hadn’t heard that you were a giantess. How tall are your parents?”

“Thank you, Ma’am. Dad...”

Coach interrupted, saying, “Call me ‘Coach.’ I don’t know how to be a ‘Ma’am.’ I’m too ... earthy to be a ‘Ma’am.’”

Civia smiled, then continued. “Dad’s 6’3” and Mom’s 5’9”.”

“So, you still have some growing to do.” With Civia’s nod, Coach continued. “That’s interesting. Height can be good, but you’re a bit scrawny. As you get into the older divisions, the play gets rougher. A lot of things that would be fouls at your current level are not at older levels. One of the reasons that Rhee is so good is that she’s very physical and quite strong, so she can bang bodies and come out the winner. Would you be interested, at least willing, to start a training regimen that will help you increase your overall strength?”

Civia looked a little worse for wear. First, I had taken her to task for her handshake and now Coach was saying she was scrawny. She looked at her feet, then looked up.

“I really want to keep playing soccer and see how far I can take it. I really enjoy it and I think I’m pretty good. I know that I can get even better, but I need to be on a team that challenges me and whose opponents can challenge me. This summer was too easy. Coach, do you really think that such training will help me?”

“There’s no doubt about it, Civia. If you’re going to grow even just another six inches, and you may have more to go than that, if you don’t get your body developing outward as well as upward, you just won’t have the strength to mix it up with the older girls. They’ll run over and through you, even if you’re a lot more skilled than they are.”

Coach looked calmly into Civia’s eyes waiting for her response. I did, too, as I was seeing another aspect of coaching that Coach seems to have down cold. I really like learning how she does what she does.

“Coach, if you say so, then I have to believe it. It’s just that I’ve spent so much time building my ball-handling and shooting skills and learning how to play the game, I don’t know where I’d have found the time to do this.”

Civia could see a response coming, apparently, in Coach’s face, so she held up a hand in the ‘Stop’ sign.

“I know. Effort breeds success. My Dad’s told me that a lot. That’s what got me putting so much time into learning how to do what I can do. He also says that none of us can have everything we want, that we need to prioritize among our desires. I guess that I just didn’t know how much work some goals take to achieve, because just learning what I’ve learned seems to have taken most of my free time.” She looked at her feet, again, then back up. “Yes, that’s an exaggeration, but that’s really the way that it’s felt at times.”

Coach said, “Hang on a second, Civia.” Then she yelled over her shoulder for Ann, who came jogging up. “Ann, please get them going on stretching, calisthenics, and the usual drills.”

Ann nodded and headed back to the knot of players; we heard, “Gather ‘round.”

Coach then turned to Rhee. “Why don’t you join the team. I’d send Beth, too, but she needs to be here.”

Rhee nodded, and jogged over to the rest of the team.

“Civia, are you feeling sorry for yourself?”

“Uhh, no Coach. I really want this, and I’ll do whatever you say I need to do. I want on this team, while Rhee and Beth and the rest of this incredible offense is still here. I’ve seen your last few home games, and I know that I can learn a lot from this team.”

“Okay, Civia, I’ll take your word on that. I’ve already shown you the stick, now I’ll offer the carrot. Do you have anything taking up your mornings for the next couple weeks?”

“Not really.”

“If you want and have the time, you are welcome to practice with the team as long into the post-season schedule as we last. Interested?”

I already knew that she was interested, as her eyes got brighter and brighter toward the end of Coach’s offer.

“Oh, yes! Really? You’d really let me practice with you?”

“Yes, but you have to make a commitment. If you’re just going to show up every so often, the offer is rescinded. However, if you’ll be here every day. On time. Ready to give everything. Then, yes, you can practice with us.”

“Okay. Yes. I’m in.” Then her face fell a bit, but she pulled a Heather, gritting her teeth, and continued. “I’ll have to figure out how to get here. Both Mom and Dad work and it’s too far to walk. I can look into buses, I guess.”

“Where do you live, Civia?”

“Near the Old Theater.”

“Oh,” I cut in, “that’s over by Ann and Gracey.” I raised my eyebrows at Coach; she nodded. “I’m sure that you could catch rides with one of them. Your mom brought you, yes?” At her nod, I asked, “Is she still here?”

“No, she dropped me off, because she couldn’t take the afternoon off. I’m to stay here until she gets out of work.”

Civia looked a little nervous when Coach wandered off to the team.

“I see you have a phone. Would your mom be okay with it if we got you a ride home after the game?”

She grimaced slightly. “I don’t know. She’s kind of nervous about that sort of thing.”

“Okay. How ‘bout this? Could we call your dad and ask him? He knows me, and I could introduce him to Coach on the phone. Would that work? We could do FaceTime if he wanted to be sure of all of us.”

Her look got happier. “I think it might. Thank you, Beth. Um, don’t you have to warm up or something?”

“Besides being the Team Captain, I’m also the Assistant Coach; I’m wearing that latter hat right now. This is exactly the sort of thing that assistants do to make the coach’s job easier. Besides, this is more important.”

Civia’s face beamed. “I’m more important than being with the team before your last regular-season game?”

“Sure. It’s more important to get the team’s future star striker lined up than it is to go through one more warm-up session. One more question before we call your dad. Can you also make it to our post-season games? Are you even interested?”

“I’m definitely interested, but isn’t the sectional tournament in New Paris?”

“Yeah. Is that a problem?”

“Well, I’m sure that my parents would let me go, but would you guys really want a kid tagging along?”

“No, we wouldn’t. However, we would want a provisional team member that might cause Rhee to actually work for her position as the starting center forward next year to join us on the road at the section championship.”

I was surprised when she squealed and hugged me. Pleasantly surprised. So, I hugged her back. She then let go, very tentatively, and stepped back.

“I’m sorry for being so forward.”

“I’m not. We’re a hugging kind of team, so you’ll fit right in. Now, let’s grab Coach and we’ll call your dad.”

The team was doing calisthenics when we walked up, so I corralled Coach. Everything worked out with Civia’s father, particularly since he’d already at least seen Gracey. Civia’s dad would clear things with her mother. I gave Mr. Palecek my phone number in case he had questions or problems. I pulled Ann and Gracey out of warmups and introduced Civia to them and explained the need for rides for her. They said that it should be no problem for her to ride with them.

“You’re welcome to hang out with the team during the game if you’d like, Civia.”

She nearly squealed, “Really?”

“Sure. You’d earn another brownie point or two if you offered Coach your help if she needs anything. You should also take the time to introduce yourself to other team members. You can tell them that you hope to be a teammate next year, if you want. Be careful, though, some of these girls can talk your ear off. Don’t let them, as Coach really wants the backups to watch the game so that they’ll be prepared when they go in. Of late, we’ve been getting all or nearly all into games.

“See the girl on the left end of the front line. That’s Lissa, she’s a co-captain. You definitely should introduce yourself to her. She knows everyone else quite well and lives and breathes soccer. She’s our best dribbler and she and I have spent no little time talking strategy and tactics. If those are the sorts of things that you like, you’ll enjoy talking with her. Ann, one of the girls that lives near you, is the other co-captain.”

I’m looking forward to seeing how much game Civia has.

I did my stretches and a quick warmup and then joined in the various mundane drills that we always ran before a game. When Coach met with the officials, I called out, “Gather ‘round.”

Once I made sure that Civia had also come to the rally call, I started into the usual pre-game recap of the game plan.

“We haven’t seen this team since early in the season. Likewise, but perhaps more importantly, they haven’t seen us since early in the season. From looking at stats and game summaries, Paradise doesn’t seem to have changed much. They’re a good team. Quite a good team. However, we’ve become a great team. Our D has become very stingy, while our O has become something of a ball hog. We want both those facets of the team to continue today. If we play like we’ve been playing this month, we’ll come out ahead and avenge our one loss of the season.

Same as Beth
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"Ladies and gentlemen: All rise. It is a great honor for the Edinburgh Horse Show to welcome Elizabeth II, Queen of Scotland!" At the announcement, Elizabeth entered the Royal Box, specially constructed for the occasion. She remained standing as the band played God Save the Queen. Then, instead of taking her seat, she remained standing as Karla, Mary, and Ann entered, followed by Princess Anne and then by the Duke of Northumbria. Although she had invited Barbara, Ali, and the others to...

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They wont accept us Chapter 1 missunderstood

I see one of her favorite shirts and I grab it and shredd it. Grunting out I hate her! She ruins everything, one day she'll ruin me completely. I pause, someones at the door... Damien! I exclaim. I tip toe over to the top of the stairs and listen. She's not here. If she were would you let me see her? No! Why not Mrs. Stark? Because your too old and she's to young. I'm just.... her tudor. Bullshit damien, my daughter is a straight A student, she needs no tudor. He sighs, we've...

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Flat Tire rescued by BBC

This past spring I decided to drive up to our summer cottage on the lake. I packed cleaning supplies in anticipation of spending the day cleaning and getting the cottage ready for the summer season that was soon to be upon us.My summer place is about two hours drive from the city where I live. The cottage used to belong to my grandpa; when he died a number of years ago, he left it to me. I have such fond memories as a c***d spending weeks at a time every summer at grandpa's cottage; swimming in...

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Aggy Book 1Chapter 70

"Caine? Peter Scott. Carlton and I want to see the Admiral, unofficially, next couple of days if you could find a time? Can't do it? Let me think." Scotty turned to Carlton and got inspiration, "When does she go to Gym? Ask her if she will have an informal chat with Carlton who will just happen to be getting fit again." "Admiral" started Carlton as he passed a towel "Scotty coached me what to say." Carlton took a deep breath, looked upwards, closed his eyes and began, "Commodore...

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Robins New Look Mockingbirds Rebirth

HOLD ON TO YOUR HATS, DON'T CHANGE THAT CHANNEL, THE BEST IS YET TO COME..... First a note of thanks to those in the next paragraph Wow.....thank you, Cindy, Anon, MB Fan, Daphne, Mikerpen and Princess for your kind words and review of this storyline. I took note that so far there have been over 3000 individuals who have read the story and wish to make sure that you who have reviewed the storyline get credit for taking the time to write a quick review. I hope that all readers would...

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Looking forward to a well deserved night out on the town with my husband. We work hard and like to play just as hard. Believe me…I already knew what the night had in store for him. I put on my favorite tight black satin mini dress, the one with the low neckline and my 5 inch heels that made my calves a sight to see. I love the feel of the cold night air as it flows up in between my legs when I don’t wear panties.I sit on the very edge of the bed with my legs slightly open, just enough so he...

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Exchanging a few hot message with my lover Nick

It was tuesday morning as it was reaching the end of January when I receive a message from Nick asking how I am and that he misses the fun we have together. I replied back saying that I'm all good and that I too am longing to see him. He replied asking shall I come over and fuck you now or is it safer to wait for when your husband is away on business. I replied saying that it's safer to wait for my husband to be away on business as it is sometimes unpredictable to when he might pop home early....

3 years ago
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Luck and Love IV

“How was school today Michael? Did you have detention again?” His mother looked up from her book and smiled at him before returning to her ‘reading’. He stepped off the stairs, desperately thinking of how close he was to being safe in his room. He moved slowly over to the table and sat down next to his father. “No, I was at a friend’s house. We had a project.” He thought of the ‘project’ that he and Rose had actually worked on, and instantly a hard-on began to form in his pants. Luckily...

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Rex of Great Cross Chapters 1 and 2

The town of Great Cross was named for a towering monument that never existed. The founders had talked of making a bid to become the state capital, and the cross was meant to be a declaration of their ambition. The ambitious talk was more fun than the actual work of building would have been, however, and no great cross ever materialized. The town reached a stable population of about four hundred, which varied up or down by only a few dozen as decades and generations came and went. Few who...

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Transport Trouble

It was a normal morning in the Creneth household. And by that, we mean two redheaded bombshells with ridiculous proportions were sharing a shower with a hideous black-schaled monster with an equally big monster- sized erection. It was comital to hear the impotent and annoyed growls as the monster had to squeeze into the open shower, even in the end restorting to laying on its back as it crawled into the showering space. It was covered in various male and female body fluids from top to...

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The Way I Dreamed It Part 1 Chapter 2

Just so you people know I do NOT own Naruto, oh how I wish I did. plz RnR Normal speak Thoughts Written by Dragon of the Underworld Revised by Evildart17/Darkcloud75 On to the story. this chapter contains a LEMON with deep descriptions, all though I dont think you care, thats probably the reason your reading this story, right. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The Way I Dreamed It Part1 Chapter 2 Naruto and Hinata had made it to his apartment and...

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A Friends Discovery

Sheri and I have been best friends since we were kids, and have always been really close, as we are still today. Our senior year of high school, we had both dumped our idiot boyfriends and were sick of boys, so we decided to just wait until college to date older guys. Sheri and I were always very close, wherever one of us was, you could count on the other being right there as well. Sometimes when we were out, people questioned if we were a couple because we were so close with each other. We...

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Bowling for HeartsChapter 41

Tamara's ringing phone woke me up that Friday morning. I heard her answer, and then felt her leave the bed. I rolled over and saw her walk out the bedroom door. She quietly closed the door behind her. I was curious; was she being quiet to not wake me or was it she didn't want me to hear her conversation? I couldn't believe I was doubting her. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom. When I came out I could hear her yelling. I opened the door and started down the hall. As I turned the...

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Sex With Maid

Hi guys I am ovel (name changed) from bangalore. I am a fair guy, 5’8” with a good athletic physique. The story I am going to narrate is about one of our maids. This is a true incident which goes back about 3 years when I was newly joined for degree. Just after a few months from my joining date, my parents had to go to my native place to be with my grand parents. There was some function and I was not interested to go for that function in my native place. Everybody had to go to the function so I...

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High and Dry Part 3 Youre Gorgeous

 Affairs began to hit their stride between Emma and me after that Queen’s Birthday long weekend. We had spent much of the remainder of that weekend either in or around my bed: we made love a few more times, but much of the time was spent just cuddling up under my quilt. Eventually on the Monday I dropped her off at her mother’s house, our parting kisses taking even longer than ever.While her and her sister Amber’s living arrangements reverted back to fortnight-long stretches with each parent,...

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My first time with an older woman and man

When I was a senior in highs school I used to work for them , doing odd jobs around the house, move the lawn clean out the attic etc, one day it was hot and he and I was working in the attic and he told me dam it is out isn't it , I said yes sir it is, well take off some of these clothes and it will feel better, so we got down to our shorts and I looked at the bulge in his and man I wanted to see it and he looked at me and told me we are both man now take off all of it and I did, I was hard and...

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Mom and Daughters Panties

Gary awoke and stared at the clock radio on his night table. Without his glasses he could see that it was two o’clock, but he wasn’t sure if it was afternoon or the middle of the night. Swishing his legs under the covers, he could tell that his wife Evelyn was not in bed with him, and could only surmise that she had either gone to the bathroom, or was still at work.With a fumbling hand, he searched the table and found his glasses. The display told him it was still the afternoon. That meant...

4 years ago
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A King and His QueenChapter 6 Bambis First Time

When Andrew said that he would take care of lunch, Amber figured that meant he was going to cook something or at least put out sandwich makings. When she entered the kitchen, he was sitting in the booth doing nothing. She looked around and didn't see anything even remotely like food being prepared. Curious, Amber asked, "What's for lunch?" Andrew looked up appreciating the tight sexy clothes she was wearing. It was hard for him to believe that he was going to be living with this...

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Lover To My Widowed Aunt Pt 1 Alone With Aunty

Dear friends, I am writing a story about my past after a very long time. By the way, I am Rajesh (changed) aged 45 years and currently residing in Bangalore. Ladies, girls and unsatisfied married women can contact me on to talk about their sexual experiences. Maybe I can give some sex advice which I have learned from my past. This incident happened when I was studying Engineering and was around 19 years old. My dad asked me to go to Madras (now Chennai) to his sister’s house to give her...

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Chachi Ki Chut Or Gand Mari

Mera naam amit h or me mumbai me rehta hu me aaj apni 1 sachi ghatna pesh krr raha hu jis ne mera jiwan hi badal diya k kaise mene meri chachi ko choda meri chachi ka naam anita h (name changed) wo itti sexy h k unko dekh kr kisi ka bhi land khada hojae unka fig 36 32 36 h.To ab me sidhe story pr aata hu me bohot dino se meri chachi ko chodne ka moka dhund raha tha lekin kabhi koi moka hi nii mila 1 bar gao me shadi thi to sab ko shdi me jana tha par mere exam the to me ghar par hi ruk gaya...

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My Girlfriends Sister

Introduction: A visit to my girlfriends over the summer turns out to be so much more Im Michael Cho, who just about to finish my third year at UCSD. Im from San Diego but my girlfriend, Haley, who I started dating in September and she is from a small town, about a four hour drive from campus. Haley is a thing of beauty. She is 53 tall with milky white skin and shoulder length dirty blonde hair, sporting a pair of 32Ds. Spring break is here and Im going back with her to some 60th anniversary...

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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 16 Taming the Rakshasa Princess

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis ñ Ankush, the Queendom of Naith Pyrriah’s hand snatched the dagger from the air before it could slam into my face. I swallowed at that point quivering an...

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Shaving His Daughter

Mason kept dragging the razor gently over the pouting mound between his fourteen-year-old daughter’s open thighs. Josie’s skin was already smooth as a plum, and he was only gazing at her pussy with awed fascination now. Her complexion made him think of butter melting. It was deep and creamy and already tanned after only the first couple of afternoons at the hotel pool. Being the first time for both of them at a nudist resort, the ripe, youthful girl’s supple skin was tanning over her usual...

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The Mystery of the Mountain

Clyde Barlow exhaled an enormous cloud of fragrant pipe smoke, pulled at the brim of the filthy, brown cowboy hat, and smiled a toothless smile. “So, you bought that old lodge up on Crippled Pine Creek? That’s a piece o’ Teton County hist’ry ‘f ’ere ever was one. Yessiree, been there since WWI, and afore that, it’uz mining country. Up in them mountains there’s a whole bunch o’ old, rotted-out cabins and them little mines them prospectors dug lookin’ fer gold. I suppose your lookin’ to get away...

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Powercut Ne Sexy Didiko Chodneka Mauka De Diya

By : Akashdas145 Hi friends of ISS. I am Akash. I am 5ft 10 inch, slim. This is my first story. Please give comment and send me email in . Today I am here to share a true story of life with you. It is the story of that time when I was in my 12th grade. I just gave the board exam of 12th grade. So I was free that time. Now I am going to narrate this story in Hindi for better understanding. To ekdin main shopping mall mein ghumne chala gaya kyunki us time main free tha. Actually mera ilada tha k...

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Other Side Of Best Friend Part 3

Hello Everyone, I’m Arya back with another set of incidents that happened in my life over the past few months which are exciting and fun-filled, also sex filled. Before I start thanks to all those who have mailed me their valuable comments and opinions on my previous writings, and for those who are reading mine for the first time, I’m from Hyderabad and 22 years old, well-built 6’ft tall guy. For those who want to chat with me or give their opinion on my writings can contact me on Please not...

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All holes filled

Hi as some of you know from Mike’s stories I’m Chris; since he put the first story of how I became the slutty wife many of you think I am I’ve enjoyed reading them online. Sam and Ben were at first a little pissed but seeing the read count has given us all a buzz. One thing about me and Mike is that I might not tell him straight away what’s happened but he knows as soon as. Anyhow Mike suggested I use the logon as this was my story so here goes. Our neighbours Bill and Chris have a corner...

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Midnight at the Oasis of Love

Mandy was super intelligent. She was a post graduate student at Columbia University and she believed in all those new ideas and modern thinking that her parents didn't have a clue about. Most of her friends were female but that was kind of normal in her circle of friends and associates. Of primary interest was the fact that at 23 years of age Mandy was still a virgin. She had all the requisite encounters with horny schoolmates and even a very strange interlude with an inquisitive male...

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I fucked tom8217s wife

Hi, i m 29 yrs, i m 6 feet tall, i m fair and handsome, 32″waist, 72 kg…atheletic shaped body stature and 6″ tool and thick…. Possess decent personality traits.. I believe in making good friends.. And loves to explore new horizones of life… As far as my fantasies r concerned.. I love to spend time with like minded loves to get in to a sweet relationship which must me secure and descret.. I would welcome the oppurtunity to meet bm and like minded cpls and females for casual or one...

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The Witness

The Witness By Sheila Anne Morgan 1 Richard Marks had followed his father into the family business, the Mob. His father had been killed several years ago. Now the FBI had enough on him to send him away for a long time. "Listen, Punk, as I see it you've got two choices. Either you cooperate with us and we put you in the witness protection program or we put you on trial and you go...

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Extra Credit

From the moment she walked into his classroom, Naomi was wildly attracted to her Professor. He sparked something within her, ignited a sexual flame that she never knew she had. She spent his lessons fantasizing about him, wondering what was underneath his clothing, the image of her bent over the desk with him behind her, played in her mind. This man was responsible for starting her personal sexual revolution. Something within her was awoken when she first laid eyes on that man.Of course he...

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