Peril The Fall
- 2 years ago
- 60
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A week later and things were once again going rather smoothly. Debby had gone into her pod with Vicky completely confused, but emerged ten hours later to pick up Orlando a confident and changed lady. She still was nervous approaching Orlando, but the young man refused to accept her protests and threw himself at her feet once he learned about her earlier ordeal. The next day the trio showed up for their welcome party arm-in-arm and glowing, which brought a cheer to everyone's lips. Debby blushingly accepted the cheers of the other concubines as they welcomed her into 'The Tradition'.
We did find that Debby and Mike had trouble getting along, but that soon proved to be a non-issue. Debby wanted to be active and became our second female sponsor fitted for battle armor. She struggled more than Xavier did in climbing the lasers, but her calm voice in the simulations made it clear that she was ready to participate in any action.
Yvette, Terrence and I were in the briefing room going over a few minor details when Candi called out. "I have multiple jump points opening near Isis. They appear to be from Confederacy jump engines."
I looked over at Yvette. "We don't have anything scheduled, do we?"
Yvette shook her head. "No. Randi, any communications from the ships?"
Randi sighed. "Not yet, none of the ships have completed their transitions."
I looked over at Terrence in surprise. "With transitions that slow..."
I heard a gasp from Randi and Candi as Terrence nodded. "Battle damage, probably severe."
Yvette and I burst from our chairs. "AI, give me the whole enclave."
There was the usual ping and I started calling orders. "Guys, we have multiple Confederacy ships arriving and it appears like they have heavy battle damage. I need everyone to get to their stations. Linus, Tyson, get the lasers ready just in case. Tamara, Tif, Louis, Gina, get to command. Timothy, I need you on your space defense station. Fred and Xavier suit up for the lasers. Brad and Debby can back you up."
Yvette joined in as we dashed out. Candi was still trying to refine the picture, but we could get a quick count. "We currently have eight jump points. Medical, we might not need you, but get the pods ready. Heather, I hate to ask, but can you and Philippe do your magic in the multi-use room again, we just might need the space. Bren, if you can, help them set it up for medical needs just in case."
The ships were starting to emerge and Candi managed to refine the scan on the second ship through. I could feel Terrence stiffen beside me. "Dear god! It hasn't blown up yet?"
I could not even nod as one of Candi's screens started to list the visible damage to the wreck of a Hero class battle cruiser. The damage readings were massive and I turned to Randi. "Anything?"
She shook her head, but then froze as Tamara dashed into the command post and started to assist Candi. A moment later Randi hit a couple of switches and a very stressed voice came out over the overhead speaker. "This is the battle cruiser Sigurd calling Ishtar control. Please come in Ishtar control."
I nodded to Randi who was staring at me and she calmly responded as the twins dashed in. "This is Ishtar control. We read you, Sigurd."
"Thank god," the voice said. "We need repair and rescue. All of us."
I looked over at Tamara who was rapidly hitting buttons. Suddenly she turned to Randi and Tiffany, who had followed her sister into the command post. "What's the name of the other Hero class and have they called in?" she shrieked.
The voice from the Sigurd spoke. "It's the Lugh? Why?"
Tiffany and Randi were both rapidly checking frequencies. "I've got nothing from them," Randi called out.
"No! No. Get the corvettes away from her and someone tell her crew to abandon. Now!" Tamara cried out.
The voice from the Sigurd snapped. "We have to save her!"
Candi hissed. "Oh god! No, no, no ... We've got a resonance between a damaged coil on her starboard rail gun and her fusion bottle. Do we have any signal from her!?"
Tiffany was checking. "No answer on any of our frequencies. All I get when I try to ping them is static. Even their IFF is out."
Tamara had tears streaming from her eyes. "We've got maybe thirty seconds. The resonance is too strong."
"Would a shot work?" I heard the Sigurd ask.
"Too late!" Candi screamed as a series of lights appeared indicating that some of the crew had come to the same conclusion and were abandoning their doomed ship.
"Maker!" shouted the voice from the Sigurd. I could see the other ships start to separate as a burst of static cut through the command post just as Timothy and Louis arrived.
I looked over at Tamara who was still trying to get a reading. "Fuck!" she shouted. "The Lugh took out most of our close-in scanners. We need to route new ones in so we can start scanning the damage."
Tiffany was checking the communications. "We've heard from the battle cruisers Sigurd, the Athena and the Morrigan. The carrier hasn't called in, Tam, do you know which one it is?"
Candi sighed. "We have no ping on its IFF. The corvettes are two Castle and two Patrician ships."
Louis and Timothy ran in and took over their stations. Louis immediately turned to Tamara. "I'm bringing the repair docks online, pass me details as you get them. I'll get the tug going, just tell me where to send it."
"I think ... I think ... Ishtar," a faint voice said. "This is Captain Hughes of the Corvette Pebble Beach. We took a hit on the bridge. My navigator just died and I know that I won't last much longer. We have no guidance. I can set up one more burn, but that's it."
The voice stopped and Tiffany gasped. "Sir! Captain! Damn! We lost the signal!"
"Which ship is that on the grid?" Louis asked. "I can send the tug and find out."
"Bloody hell," Terrence said. "This is chaos."
I nodded. "Everyone slow down for a second. We have a commander trying to call us, so let's take a moment and talk to him. Tiffany."
Tiffany nodded. "Sorry Sigurd, we are trying to get full details. You seem to be senior. What can you tell us about the situation?"
There was a sigh. "This is Commodore Sprague. I was commanding the screen for the carrier Andrew Jackson. Admiral Tirpitz commanded the task force, but I believe the flag bridge on the Jackson took a direct hit early in the raid. We had been sent to Wolf three-six-seven to root out a Sa'arm infestation. The plan was for us to clear space so that a second wave containing the marine assault ships could reach the planet. But we ran into two hive ships and more than thirty support craft. We lost the carrier David Lloyd George almost immediately and her screen was cut off. I have no idea what happened to them. I ordered Captain Smythe of the Jackson to aim for Ishtar and jump, but before their engines could cycle the Pollux and the Gilgamesh both blew up. We also lost both of our Africa class Destroyers, the Congo and the Libya."
Tamara sighed, "Sigurd, I've only got long range scans, but it appears your port rail gun is unstable. Do you have anyone who can shut it down? We don't need another magnetic field failure."
We could hear some shouting and the Commodore replied. "Sorry, damage control central is gone, and our in-ship communications are in flux. I have someone checking it."
"Damn." I sighed. "Well, we now know the carrier, and the two Goddess class cruisers have signaled back, what about the corvettes. We need to sent a report to Borneo."
There was a pause. "The other Patrician should be the Torrey Pines. The Castle ships are Pembroke Castle and Tintagel Castle. I have no scanners left so I can't see them."
"Anyone?" I asked.
Randi was shaking her head. "The Athena has lost all but her IFF channel and one telemetry channel. I know she's there but right now I'm signaling using a Morse pulse back on the telemetry channel."
"Maker," the commodore said. "What about the Morrigan."
Tiffany sighed. "Her IFF just failed. Someone on her has set up a feedback loop on her battle frequency. They can hear one frequency but that's it."
The commodore sighed. "Commodore Johnston warned that the Goddess class needed better protection for their communications relays. Anything on the Jackson?"
Candi shook her head. "When the Lugh's fusion bottle blew up it took out every scanner we had nearby. Right now we are routing in new scanners, but we just have long range and the resolution is poor. Right now it looks like she took hits on both the bridge and the flag bridge. I'm not sure she's got anyone controlling her."
"A dead stick?" Louis said. "I only have the one tug and it's on its way to the Pebble Beach. I need three hours before I can send it back out if you want the Pebble Beach brought in on this run."
Suddenly a very scared female voice spoke. "Um ... Oh god I hope this is going out ... This is Ensign Bernadette Werfel ... I'm in the auxiliary control station on the Jackson ... We need help."
There was silence in the command post for a moment and I sighed. "Ensign, can you give me a status?"
"Well..." the voice began. "I'm on damage control. This is my first cruise. The flag bridge is gone, and the main bridge took some strange metal shard missile. It's all blood and twisted metal up there. Auxiliary control appears relatively intact, but everyone is dead. A bulkhead gave way and sprayed the room with more metal slivers."
"Maker," the commodore hissed. "Ensign, have you any navigation training?"
"Some," the voice said. "And one of the reserve pilots is trying to make her way here, but it's bad. And the medical bay is overflowing."
"Commodore, we need to try to signal Borneo, it sounds like none of your ships have any long range communications systems up. After that hopefully Tamara and Louis will have a better idea of what repairs are needed and where to send each ship," I said.
"That sounds good, but what about medical. No ship's medical bay is ready to handle the volume we have up here. Can we send you some of our critical cases?" the commodore replied.
"Donna? You connected?" I asked.
"Yes," she replied. "We can take a few, but remember we only have eight medical pods, so if we take too many major cases we can't help much. Although Bren and Michael are setting up an infirmary in the multi-use room."
"Understood," I replied. "Commodore, we do have teleport capability here, How about you send four people for now, and we'll try to get status from the other ships."
"Thanks. I can contact my medical officer and have him get in touch with you about sending them," the Commodore replied.
Terrence moved. "Route that signal to the teleport room Tiffany, I'll deal with it there. Donna!"
"Gurneys on the way," she said.
"Got it!" Tamara suddenly shouted. "Randi, tell the Torrey Pines to hold vector for a moment."
There was a pause as Randi attempted to signal the ship. Silence reigned for a moment and then Tamara sighed. "Louis, I've got the readout on the Pines. I'm going to route her to Inanna. Minor damage, but we need to be careful. She's got a missile jammed in one of her port tubes."
Louis nodded. "Understood. I still need a reading on the others, although I see the Pembroke has managed to line up behind the Pines. Should I slot her in at Inanna as well?"
A new voice spoke. "Please, this is Lieutenant Mitchell on the Pembroke. We've ... Our commander is injured and in our medical bay. We've lost both turrets. Communications are spotty, but our navigation still works. We've been listening in and can follow the Pines."
Tiffany smiled. "Any telemetry channels left? If we can get your computerized damage report it will make repairs quicker."
The Lieutenant sighed. "We've lost just about all computer functions. My navigator is rewriting guidance code as we speak and working with the engineering crew who are making adjustments by hand."
I looked at Yvette. "This is bad," she whispered.
Just then Randi jerked. "James, I got through to Borneo. Admiral Himmel is on the way."
There was a moment of silence and then Admiral Himmel spoke. "I understand that we have an emergency. This better not be a joke!" he growled.
"Sir, this is James from Ishtar. We just had nine Confederacy ships jump into our space. We are still gathering details, but the reports we have so far is that a raid sent to Wolf three-six-seven ran into more than they expected," I reported.
"What?!" the Admiral snapped. "But that was a major attack. We sent two full carrier task forces. Who is in charge?"
I sighed. "We had contact with Commodore Sprague on the Sigurd, but his ship is a mess and we lost our connection. Our communication crew is trying to reestablish the link. We've only managed contact with half the ships that appeared, and some of that has been temporary. The two Goddess class battle cruisers in system have lost just about all communications, the corvette Pebble Beach signaled, but the officer who signaled was dying and said all bridge personnel were dead. The carrier Andrew Jackson took hits on the bridge, flag bridge and auxiliary control. Right now we have contact with an ensign who was on damage control and says that auxiliary control can be brought back up, but she's on her first cruise. We still have no signal from the Tintagel, but two other corvettes are under power and being routed to repair bays."
"That's eight," Admiral Himmel observed. "You said nine appeared."
"The Lugh managed to appear, but a resonance between her rail gun magnetics and her fusion bottle destabilized the fusion bottle. She blew up less than a minute after appearing in system," I replied.
The Admiral sighed. "Any other losses you know of?"
Tiffany replied. "We are trying to get battle reports through telemetry, but the Commodore confirmed the loss of the carrier David Lloyd George, as well as the battle cruisers Pollux and Gilgamesh and the destroyers Congo and Libya."
"God," the Admiral swore. "That's half of the task force, and doesn't include any of the George's screen. Any word there?"
Tiffany answered. "Sorry, Sir. We have had no contact with the ships of her screen. I've got a partial download from the Athena, it's one of her long range portside sensor scans. But it clearly shows a Goddess class battle cruiser making a jump escorted by a single Africa class destroyer. From the position it appears both were part of the George's screen, but the destroyer was bleeding air badly. The Goddess was fighting the whole way."
The Admiral sighed. "Goddess class ships are durable, but most likely her communications are out, which means we will be waiting until she can find a repair station."
I sighed as Randi froze. "Oh god. James, we have General Montgomery calling. What do I do?"
I looked around as the still frantic work by everyone trying to get detailed information on the ships in-system and sighed. "Yvette, we need to start breaking this problem down. Get Amanda, Mike and anyone else with communications and tracking experience and we'll start routing signals into briefing room stations. Each person can handle one ship until we get them docked."
"On it," she said.
The Admiral sighed. "I need a few minutes to alert the rest of the base and see if we can find our missing ships. Talk to the general and I'll call back."
Tiffany sighed as the connection was cut. "I'll try to get the Tintagel," she said. "Randi, put the general through while we have time."
I heard the ping and sighed. "General, I hope you can keep this short. We are extremely busy here," I said.
"That's just it. I just got some kind of priority alert that Ishtar was reporting damaged ships jumping in-system. What are you talking about?" the General snapped.
"Sir, a naval attack force arriving at Wolf three-six-seven was mauled and forced to jump out. Right now we have eight ships in system, and are trying to get them to repair docks. Two are currently dead sticks with no one handling navigation and only three have vocal communication working and none work consistently," I replied as I watched everyone.
"I found the Tintagel!" Candi suddenly cried. "Looks like her engines died. I have no power readings."
"Louis!" Yvette cried. "How long can the crew last without life support?"
He looked over in confusion, but Amanda was just arriving and paused. "What class?" she asked.
"Castle class corvette," Candi observed. "No air bleeds, but the engines are definitely out. The port one is gone and the starboard one lost the primary power coupling."
Amanda thought for a moment. "Six hours if there is no air bleed, but it will be freezing inside after four. Unless they have blankets many will die before the air runs out."
Louis moaned. "I've already got my only tug heading to the Pebble Beach. There is no way I can get her to a dock in time."
"Damn!" Candi cried. "It's not fair!"
"What about our remote teleporters? Could we send one and get the crew off?" I asked.
Louis nodded. "But I'm tied up and can't guide one right now!"
"Who knows how?" Yvette asked.
"Maggie does, she helped me develop the idea after the incident with the Nassau," Louis admitted.
I nodded to Yvette as I turned to Amanda. "Great help. Now take briefing station one and help guide the Morrigan to a dock, Tam will tell you which one."
The General was snorting and huffed. "Can you at least give me a bit more information?"
"Sorry, Sir," I responded. "We've added a couple refugees, but we still only have twenty-one marines down here, and this is a bit hectic. Again, the strike into Wolf three-six-seven failed. We've talked to the Commodore who was in charge of the screen for the carrier Andrew Jackson and it sounds like they ran into multiple hive ships. Right now our main concern is saving as many crew and ships as we can."
"Wolf three-six-seven?" the general hissed. "But we have two full assault ships boosting there. Sir Bors and Sir Ector! We'll lose all those marines! Can we alert them at the staging site?"
I hissed as well as Gina ran into the room, still trying to pull her top on. "Gina! Get to briefing station two, we need to contact the assault boats Sir Bors and Sir Ector and turn them around. They're probably in jump but keep signaling until they respond and turn back!"
Gina cried out. "That class has no fold-space comm. We can't talk to them! Do they have an escort that does?"
The General groaned. "They should have a small screen with one Hero class, they carry a comm., and I believe the plan is to stop just outside the system and wait for clearance. We'll try to signal the escort from here as well, but I'll have someone forward you the coordinates so you can send a signal. Anything more I can do?"
I looked at the chaos that was our usually quiet command post. "We'll need a new shipment of spares after this is done," I said. "Beyond that I can't think of anything right now."
"Son, if your people can save those ships, I'm sending your whole colony a ship full of booze. Make it happen," the general said.
"Signal cut off," Randi said. "We have renewed contact with the Jackson, no signal from the Sigurd."
Tamara sighed. "They had a small explosion from the rail-gun overload. Scanners indicate it may have cut the primary antenna for their voice communications."
"Terrence?" I shouted.
"They cut out while we were still organizing," he confessed. "I have a good contact with their teleporter."
"Try a teleport draw. See if they have anyone," Yvette cried.
Mike had just arrived and Yvette immediately sent him to the briefing room with instructions to set up as good a link to the Athena as he could manage. As she did Terrence activated the teleporter and gave a cry of victory followed by one of horror.
"Fuck! Medic!" he cried.
I turned to look and found three figures on the pads. One was a young female concubine standing over two prone and bloody figures. She looked down and then looked over at Terrence who was striding from the controls to check on the injured.
The concubine gave a gasp as Terrence ran up. "I'm sorry. I was just checking them. I thought..."
Terrence ignored her to kneel down as I took a quick peek outside to see if the gurneys had arrived. I could hear David shout in the distance and turned back to the teleport room. "David is on his way," I said.
The girl took a deep breath. "We need to be careful with them. Torvin here has taken metal shards through his chest. They appear to have missed his heart, but they hit just about every other organ. Lewis has massive tissue damage to his leg, we have a tourniquet on his leg to keep him from bleeding out, but he needs a pod now."
Terrence looked up. "Donna, did you get that?"
There was silence and I sighed. "I think we've overloaded our communications system," I observed as David burst into the room pushing a gurney.
"Nathan will be just a moment," David gasped. "Which do I take first?"
Terrence looked at the girl who pointed at the man with the leg injury. With a nod to David, Terrence immediately grabbed the gurney and they started to load the man. I waved to get the concubine's attention. "Excuse me, but do you know what's happening on the Sigurd?" I asked her.
She shook her head. "I help in the medical bay because I was a nurse on Earth and can save the medic's time by dealing with the minor injuries. All I know is that the crewman at the teleporter was swearing about communications being lost, so I stepped up to check on Torvin and Lewis and suddenly found myself here."
I nodded. "Go with David then. He'll take you to our medical bay. We'll return you to the Sigurd later."
The girl gave a sob and followed as David rushed the critically injured man from the command post. A moment later Nathan arrived with a second gurney and Terrence helped him lift the second man into his gurney and sent him on his way.
I stepped over to the communications station to listen to Tiffany. "Ensign Werfel, stay calm. We can guide you through this, but we need you to stay calm."
She saw me and switched the signal to the overhead. "I'm sorry ... its just there is so much blood ... and we lost so many," a sniffling voice said.
I nodded to Tiffany. "Ensign, I have to ask, do you have your pilot friend helping and who is in charge."
Another sniffle was heard. "Ensign Earhart is here, but she has to concentrate on navigation. We lost a lot of thrusters and she said that the ship isn't responding properly."
"Do you have a captain or lieutenant in charge?" I asked.
There was a sigh. "We have Lieutenant Watt down in engine room, but he can't leave. He said the fusion containment field is damaged."
"God!" Louis hissed. "If that loses stability the explosion will be massive."
I looked over the assembled figures. "Tam, get Paula in here to handle the Jackson as fast as you can. We need to get her into a dock fast."
Yvette smiled as I looked around. "So except for getting in touch with the Sigurd and the Tintagel we have all ships with someone on them. And the Tintagel we have Maggie running a teleporter to for now. What's the word on the Sigurd?"
Terrence who had returned to the teleporter and was attempting another contact gave a cry of triumph and we could hear the system cycle. We turned to find two more prone figures accompanied by a young ensign who saluted sharply. "Ensign Livingstone reporting! Who do I give the report to?" he said.
Yvette stepped forward as Terrence shouted down the hall for additional gurneys. "Step over here Ensign and we'll see what you have."
The young man looked around in surprise at the crowd of people in the command post, but then turned to look at Yvette as I joined her. "We have found a number of serious breeches that make travel around the ship unsafe. However, damage control believes that vocal communication can be restored in one hour," he reported.
I sighed just as Tiffany shouted. "Call for you James!" and switched on the overhead.
"James!" Admiral Himmel's voice cried. "Tell me you have status!"
I sighed. "Some good, some bad," I admitted. "The corvettes Torrey Pines and Pembroke Castle are heading to repair docks under their own power and control. We are a bit worried that Torrey Pines has a missile jammed in one of its tubes, but both corvettes appear to have only suffered minor damage. The corvette Pebble Beach is a dead stick, we have our only tug going to collect it and bring it in, but our last communication with her was that her bridge had taken a direct hit and all except the captain were dead. We have no telemetry. Tintagel Castle has been found, but her engines have failed. We are running an evacuation teleporter to her to get the crew off until our tug finishes with the Pebble Beach."
"Dear god," the admiral sighed. "Tell me the news on the capital ships is better."
"I wish I could," I admitted. "Athena and Morrigan are coming in, but we have no vocal communication with either. The Morrigan can receive and her helm responds to our instructions, but we have resorted to Morse Code over a telemetry link to talk to Athena. The Sigurd lost its communication capability when a coil on the portside rail gun overloaded. But we just teleported in an ensign from their ship who confirmed they should be able to restore it in one hour. The good news is that we have confirmed that the Jackson is back under control, but the highest ranking officer left alive is a Lieutenant working in engineering, so we are working through an ensign to guide her in."
"Any idea of a casualty count?" the admiral asked.
"None so far, unless Ensign Livingstone has one for Sigurd. Most of the other ships are so badly damaged we are just trying to get them to repair docks so we can stop the bleeding," I admitted.
Candi called out. "I have counts for Torrey Pines and Pembroke Castle. Neither has fatalities, but both have multiple critical and serious injuries. We do need to get one off the Pembroke. Their two medical pods are full and they have a crewman with serious bleeding from metal fragments through the lower torso."
"Louis?" I asked.
"I'm tied up and Maggie has two of our emergency teleports she's guiding to the Tintagel. We have two more, but I can't do it right now," he admiltted.
Tamara called out. "Claire! You worked with Maggie that one day, get into the briefing room and get a teleporter to the Pembroke!"
"On it," I heard Claire call out. I realized I had little idea of the comings and goings as the command post was once again becoming chaotic.
The Admiral coughed. "It sounds like you have it mostly under control," he said.
I coughed to hide my own laugh. "I wouldn't say that. This may be why we are here, but this definitely is a bit more than we expected for a first time disaster."
The admiral laughed as a female voice cut in. "Ishtar control ... Do you read me Ishtar ... Damn it Bell! ... Are you sure that this patch will hold? ... We can't wait much longer for Jessica and Tad!"
I looked over at the command post when Mike hissed. "It's the Athena. They've routed a vocal call through what's left of her IFF."
"Open the channel back; I hope they can hear me! Athena, this is Ishtar control. We read you. If you can get your two crewmen to a teleporter we have space here!"
"Ishtar control! ... Damn! ... What do we do, Bell! ... We can't hear them!" the voice screamed.
I called out to Terrence. "Terrence, how many teleport rooms does a Goddess class have?"
"One!" he called back. "Want me to try?"
"Do it!" I shouted back. "Mike, route the signal to your station. Report if it changes or you get through!"
The voice died immediately and I could hear the Admiral sigh. "Oh, we do have news. The Goddess class you saw jump out on the Athena's telemetry was part of the George's screen. She's the Sif. The destroyer with her is the Morocco and fired off its message drone after they emerged from the jump. They'll be making their way back to Borneo. The message we received did confirm the losses of the Goddess class battle cruiser Asase Ya, as well as three destroyers. They were the African class Egypt, and the Asia class Kashmir and Bangladesh."
"Any word on the second wave?" I asked. "General Montgomery was worried about his assault boats?"
"Nothing," the admiral admitted worriedly. "Even their escort has been silent."
Just then Gina gave a cry of frustration. "Commodore, this is no joke, break off the attack on Wolf three-six-seven. The first wave failed to clear the path. I repeat the first wave retreated with heavy casualties, break off."
"Gina?!" I called out.
"I've got Commodore Duncan. He claims to be leading the screen for the assault ships, and he doesn't want to listen. I can't convince him that the first wave failed."
Admiral Himmel spoke. "Guy speaks in a heavy Scottish accent? He should be on the Beowulf. Let him know that Borneo is aware and also repeating a retreat order."
"On it," Gina said.
Author’s note: This story contains crime, suspense, gunfighting, and killing, as well as love, joy, and happiness. It’s really about the interplay of all of those activities and the emotions that naturally accompany them. Human relations play a big part in it, and the importance of close friendships built on respect and trust. It contains almost no sex, the seven chapters contain 55,000 words and I’d hate to have you wade through all that looking for something that’s not there. The principal...
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BACK TO EDEN No matter what detours our conversation took, the Sheriff’s mind zinged right back to the strange business in the woods. ‘Tell me, Jack, what’d you make of the things those hoodlums were doing out there in the woods?’ ‘I watched the fat guy picking up some kind of bricks and tossing them into a cart. They had to be valuable for him to be handling them himself, but I couldn’t see any obvious signs of what made them special. They looked like adobe. They had to be durable because he...
You're a Detective Sergeant assigned to stake out detail. There have been a number of robberies at night in the warehouse district. Your job: catch'em. The story you're about to read is false, only the names haven't been changed to protect anyone. Dragnuts is brought to you by Chestyfields. As we've been telling for several weeks Chestyfields has been tested and the users check by an independent testing company. Their findings; Chestyfields cause no harm to the throat nose or sinuses....
Copyright, kayce69@fsworld Copyright, [email protected] ?????????????????????? Another story by Pagan.??????????????????????????? With respect to Templeton. ??????????????????????????????????????????? ?The Perils of Pauline Temple The rose tinted designer sunglasses slipped down the cute little button nose; Miss Pauline Temple stretched her long superbly shaped limbs, first one long leg then the other, wiggling her toes as she did; then she slid her hands up her body,...
Hello dear readers… Hope you are ready to be aroused by my new unexpected yet wonderful experience. Not delaying any more… here I start my experience :) I am a male bdw ;) and I am staying with my friends in a house. As many guys have that anxiety about woman and their hidden treasures, I was also curious about them and always wanted to have some fun with woman but never got a chance. So… why am I writing this post? It’s because every one is given a fair chance, I also got mine and that too in...
Chapter 1 It was after ten o'clock on a gloomy January night. There was a cold rain falling, and it was being driven by a stiff wind. It was a good night to stay in. I was sitting in front of my computer about to finish my data entry assignments for the night. I thought I would read a porn story or two after that. The only light I had on in the house was the one on my desk. Suddenly, I was startled by a knock on my door. Being naturally suspicious of such unexpected visitors at...
It had been about three months since I had given Khrystiana that first (and last) spanking. It was now the first week end of August. As we had done the previous three months, Khrys and I were getting together at her place to see how her finances were going. We had also had a number of ‘dates’ in which we had dinner, had gone to a concert, had a picnic at the lake or just spent some time together. The time we had spent together was 100% platonic. Both of us just simply enjoyed our...
SpankingThis occurred over 20 years ago... and I am still surprised, somewhat embarrassed, and quite aroused by my unexpected reaction to receiving my very first enema. Jim and I had been married about three years when we decided that it was time to live a more respectable lifestyle and start raising a family. If you have read my earlier stories, you know that up to this point our sex life had been nothing short of steamy and tawdry. Early in our relationship, Jim awakened an exhibitionist streak and...
FetishI had just met Parth yesterday morning as a stranger from some different school. But as already been shared with you, what a wonderful unexpected night I had yesterday. And how can I not mention the super kinky morning I had today ;) And also, the unexpected and harsh afternoon which had led to the red ass of Parth. It was going great. I was loving every bit of it. So as I had told you, even the night was unexpected. I thought I will make out with Parth and sleep, but that did not happen. It...
Gay MaleI haven’t been back to the movie theater where I work since last Thursday, when I had that unexpected, amazing romp with my manager in his office. But tonight is my first scheduled night back at work, so I’m headed up there now. I’m a little nervous. I haven’t heard from Rick all week, except for the message he left on my voicemail telling me what day and time to come back to work. Knowing I’m going to see him tonight, I tried to dress up, but it’s really hard to make those burgundy polyester...
Group SexSummary Bethan’s back from her first term away at uni, freshly-pierced, freshly-tattooed and now, it seems… freshly-bisexual. And what better way to shock everyone back home than showing off her sassy, rebellious, dreadlocked new girlfriend Emily? But when they visit her old school friend Jadie, it’s Bethan and Emily who’ll get a shock. And Jim might just have something to do with that… Jim’s had his ups and downs in life, a parent at sixteen, an orphan at eighteen and a widower at...
Introduction: The Journey Begins An Unexpected Journey – SociallyxxDistorted This story, plus the following chapters, is interwoven with a little bit of truth, fantasy, and fiction. Stories are what you make of them … the more realistic, the better. Due to editing problems, Im including the entire story here rather than separate chapters. If you are waiting for another chapter to be added, it will post soon! As always, all comments and suggestions are appreciated. All characters are of legal...
Reddit Unexpected Titty, aka r/UnexpectedTitty! Sometimes, we are lucky enough to be present during something unexpectedly hot, and that is basically what r/unexpectedtitty/ is all about. I think the name of the subreddit pretty much says it all, and you can expect a lot of unexpected titties or so to speak. With just a bit browsing, I am sure that you will get the gist of what r/unexpectedtitty/ is all about.Now, keep in mind that is a free website, and there are loads of NSFW...
Reddit NSFW ListMary's Unexpected Journey “MORE ALE, WENCH, MORE ALE!” the man cried, slamming his empty tankard on the wooden table, causing the flame from the candle in the centre to flicker. He and his three companions guffawed loudly and joined in a chorus of shouts for more, laughing, stamping their feet on the flagstones and banging their own tankards. With a benign smile, Mary filled two pitchers of ale from the barrel of beer behind the bar counter and then, ducking under the oil-lamps...
Introduction: This story was originally written for a competition on the XNXX Stories forum and is a relatively short story at 12,000 words. I hope you enjoy it. Authors note: This is a story, and the author is aware that it is not 100% historically accurate, although efforts have been made to ensure some degree of realism. It is a work of fiction, however, and intended to be no more than that. Marys Unexpected Journey MORE ALE, WENCH, MORE ALE! the man cried, slamming his empty tankard on...
To understand how totally unexpected the event of several months ago was, knowing my history, well my sexual history, is helpful. I am a twenty-four year old lesbian. Well, at least I was a lesbian, but now I'm probably bi. The change in sexual orientation is what this story is about. I learned I was attracted to girls when I first turned sixteen and began exploring the secret world of sex in high school. Earlier, I didn't think much about the subject, and it wasn't a topic at home. Some of...
LesbianHey this is Dhruv. This is my first sex experience which I want to share with u guys. This experience and situation was completely unexpected. Its with my best friend Tina. Tina and me are best friends from childhood.. but one unexpected night got us together physically too.. Coming to info about me I am a boy age 21, and I am studying.. and good looking. My best friend Tina is my childhood friend. Both of us played together, shared everything..but never had such feelings of getting physical....
Hi this is Arjun again for ISS. This is my second story for ISS. To get to know a little about myself and to know what happened before this story PLS check out the previous story “Unexpected Restroom lust”. The previous story had a few spelling mistakes and I think this will too :P. Pls bear with me. This story is a continuation of my first sexperience with my college mate JananiPriya, that too in our college restroom. Weird place to have sex isn’t it. So, with no time to waste; ill start the...
Hi friends… Gary from Calcutta. Thanks to ISS for publishing all my previous stories and the wonderful responses from the readers. I have been blessed amazingly in matters of love and sex, especially in last 3 years after coming to Calcutta. For those who are reading my escapade for the first time, I am a 34 year old guy with lots of sex drive. I love to keep myself fit by regularly gymming, and various sports. And being a part of a high end residential society, get many chances to interact...
Hi this is Rohi, I am gonna share with you a story of me and my School friend I use to live in a rented house in Mumbai alone. My daily chores include of morning office evening making dinner and day I was bored of going office so decided to skip by giving reason of not well. It was raining heavily outside suddenly I called my school friend Priyanka who was working in nearby area and told her to visit at my place as I was alone and bored . She came within an hour fully drenched in...
Hi, this is my first story at ISS. I have been a regular reader of sex stories over here and at last thought to pen down my real experiences. This is my first experience which I am writing here. I am not a descriptive writer so Please forgive me for my mistakes. Fair comments will encourage me to further share my other experiences in a better way. You can send your feedback on my mail address at I m raj at present 32 years of age, highly educated,well mannered, suave and articulate . I stand...
Unexpected Mommy - Part 1 By Trish5160 My name is Alex. I'm 14 and out of three boys born in my family, I was the youngest and like the runt in a litter of kitties. I am either blessed or cursed with gynecomastia, depending on your perspective. Gynecomastia is unexplained breast development in guys. No one really knows why this condition exists or what triggers it. There are a lot of theories, one being an imbalance of hormones at birth. A boy like me who's body has produced...
After that night with Kevin, I thought things would be wonderful forever, I was wrong though. For the next two weeks, Kevin and I stole every moment possible together fucking, sucking, and groping each other to multiple orgasms. More than one afternoon was spent at work with my pussy still twitching randomly after my orgasm. Just like everything else, this good thing came to an end shortly after our first time together, but not in a way I would have ever guessed it would happen; leading me to...
ExhibitionismAn unexpected turnHe was dressed in his impecable suit,going to join his male friendsin their meeting point bar and was late as usual.After several circles around the block, he thought he had finally spotted an empty spaceand started parking his huge offroad car. Suddenly, out of nowhere, with a shift manoeuvresomeone else has taken his spot! HIS spot! Furious, he rode on the pavement, got out of the carslamming his door and by almost running went to ask from explanations. Then he saw Her...
“Would you like to feel them, Michael?”Startled, I nearly tipped my drink all over the floor.It wasn’t an invitation I’d expected to receive. Certainly not from Mrs Robinson! I placed the glass carefully back on the table, not wanting to spill red wine on her valuable Persian rug.Reaching out, Catherine deliberately took my hands into her own, and placed them on her breasts…-----To say the events of that afternoon had taken an unexpected turn would be the understatement of my young life.As...
MILFI have always loved reading. I read all sorts of books, both fact and fiction. I like travel books, history books, biographies, mysteries, murders, in fact all sorts of reading material. My very favourite are short stories with a twist in the tale: Those clever stories that have an unexpected ending. A favourite author is Jack Finney whose tales are often about shifts in time. The titles of his various books on Amazon give the clue to his obsession with time - “Time and Time Again,” “About...
I was going home after a long day’s work and didn’t feel like driving in the crappy weather. It was raining cats and dogs, anything was hardly visible and roads were flooded. In that weather, I found a girl looking for lift. I had to stop and I watched her as she slowly walked towards my car. She stood at the window hesitating. I assured her I am not some kind of psycho. She smiled and slowly got in. I turned on the blower, she was dripping wet. I started the car and slowly drove around. I...
ShemaleAuthor's Name: Lee Anne Montgomery ([email protected]) Story Title: Woman Partner (Chapter 27, An Unexpected Turn of Events) ******************************************************************** This work is copyrighted to the author (c) 2003. Please do not remove the author information or make any changes to this story. You may post freely to non-commercial "free" sites, or in the "free" area of commercial sites. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to, and hope...
Unexpected Consequences A cross-dressing husband is caught, understood and surprised! My gorgeous wife had taken the weekend away to look after a sick friend of ours and would be away from Friday night to late Sunday. I had mixed feelings, being sad at her absence over the weekend but.............well my hidden 'special' needs were screaming out for fulfilment and here was a rare but opportune time to indulge them! Saturday mid-morning saw the sudden re-appearance of Claire. I heard...
Authors Note: I realise that it has been quite a while since the last story and I apologise for that, but my writing is very sporadic due to the way that life always has a way of getting in the way. As with all my stories, the initial concept comes quite naturally, the challenge is always bringing the story to a satisfactory conclusion. This is the 4th story I have published, but for every published story I think there are at least 3 or 4 unfinished stories left on the pad. This...
Chapter One: Prelude I was getting ready to move overseas for my job and since I had a month before leaving I asked my sister if I could stay with them for a month. While it was not ideal it allowed me to ship my things which needed the month for transit to South Korea so when I arrived I would be able to move straight into the company apartment I was assigned. I did not need furniture but there was my personal property that I would want with me. I work for a multinational IT firm and my...
Neha stood in front of the mirror, staring at her petite 5'2 frame, straightening her blue blouse, before moving to the shorts she had paired with them. Noticing a slight blemish on the right leg, she turned to change it, before stopping herself. It was an educational trip after all, that too with her elder sister and her friend. Dropping the plan to change her shorts, she began to apply sunscreen to her face, preparing for the hot sun that beat down outside. As she applied the cream...
Chapter 3 An Unexpected Intrusion In the previous two Chapters, two serial rapists have made their way into the luxurious home of Ray and Betsy and found them and their daughter, Emily “M” in the home and taken them prisoner. They’ve immobilized Ray and are having their way with the two women. As this story winds down be prepared for a very unexpected ending. Jake pushed Betsy away from his cock and told her we need to go and see what Bo is up to with your daughter. Betsy immediately...
I stood naked in front of my full length mirror. I absently stroked my shaven pussy as I thought about my evening with Gerald. It had been two weeks since we had our unexpected encounter. I constantly thought about seeing him again. He hadn’t come back the following day and I was beginning to think he was regretting what he had done. I didn’t completely blame him, I mean he did have a wife and kids. I’d better get dressed, I thought. I was meeting the girls downtown at our favorite bar. I...
It was 3p.m. Johan, a long, lanky young teenager in a blue sweat shirt and shorts went alone up the garden path to Mrs. Calders house, leaving his friend with his bicycle to wait uncertainly at the lampost outside. He was the same age and dressed in white with a white baseball cap. Johan had been here three times before. He had told his pal in lurid detail what had happened each time but his story had met with total disbelief. Julia had already spotted the boy coming up the path and...
My wife had passed away the previous year so I decided to retire at the age of fifty-eight. I quickly found that I was not the kind of guy to just 'retire' so I decided to do some volunteer work and also to become an Uber driver. I would go out a couple of days a week with Uber, starting around 11:00 am and ending around 4:00 pm. I enjoyed it. It got me out of the house, and I met some very interesting people and made, not a lot but little, extra cash.Recently I ran into a very unexpected...
SpankingTwo totally true stories from when I was much younger. Two different strangers (both of them hot by the way) try to hit on me. And they both succeed...Story 1: I was 22. Me and a friend walk into a jazz bar for one last drink to cap off a long night of bar hopping. A live jazz band was playing and they were very very good. The place wasn't crowded but it wasn't empty either. It had a great vibe going that night.I notice a very pretty woman with a hot body sitting on some much older guy's lap a...
Unexpected MorningWhen looked upon her eyes shined as if to radiate the passion for life which lay within. Eva stood in the cool morning air, her flesh tingling after the cold water of the lake. Every morning she took delight in the peace this sheltered lake gave her before the day really began. It made her feel centered and had the effect of purifying her of any worries she might have of what the day held in store. But as she stood there naked letting the suns spring rays dance on her body she...
It was a warm spring evening and the smell of the rains from that afternoon was still in the air. With the windows of my truck rolled down as I drove, I could smell the sweet smell of the spring plants mixed in with the wet stone smell coming up from the streets. I enjoyed the refreshing air. I had been home alone, bored, and decided to seek some excitement. I had no idea what awesome experiences were in store for me this night. In my head I had been going back and forth about where to go. A...
I had been house sitting for the last week while friends were away. A beautiful home that had a gorgeous pool and hot tub that I had been dying to use. Unfortunately terrible weather had prevented it until today. Today was perfect for a lazy day lounging by the pool and I intended to make the most of it. I slipped into my bikini, grabbed all the essentials for the day and made my way to a banana lounge where I could read, doze and work on my tan for as long as I wished. By mid-morning I'd...
Straight SexAnal Unexpected By billy69boyWhen I was in my late 20's I met a young nurse who worked at the community Crisis Center. I volunteered there one night a week, after my regular day job. We dated for a while and got along well enough. Neither of us was in a relationship at the time, so the arrangement was very convenient. She ended up moving out of her parents' house and getting her own apartment, which worked out great. I started staying at her place a few nights a week, and eventually our...
“Just a minute,” I yelled. Rolling out of bed I picked up some random clothes that where laying around, not bothering to check exactly what I was putting on and not caring at this time in the morning. Whoever was knocking had better have a good reason for waking me up early on the weekend. There's no way I'd be able to fall back asleep either. My German Shepherd was barking, it's tail wagging, no doubt happy I was starting the day early. I walked to my front door, running my hand through my...
Unexpected MorningWhen looked upon her eyes shined as if to radiate the passion for life which lay within. Eva stood in the cool morning air, her flesh tingling after the cold water of the lake. Every morning she took delight in the peace this sheltered lake gave her before the day really began. It made her feel centered and had the effect of purifying her of any worries she might have of what the day held in store. But as she stood there naked letting the suns spring rays dance on her body...
I'd been going out with a girl called Angela for a year and a bit, and her parents John and Lyn had got used to me. Well that wasn't the whole story; John and I were both bisexual, I didn't know whether Lyn knew about John, but Angela knew nothing about my love of cock. Normally I just liked to suck or be sucked by other men, but when John and I were alone in their house I became his slave, his sex toy. He had fucked me in his daughter's bed, in his own bed, in the shower, lounge, garage and...
BisexualThere is an old saying of "expect the unexpected" in all sorts of situations, particularly those with a degree of certainty. This goes for anyone.In the past year, my wife has adapted nicely to being a full-time housewife for the very first time after leaving a very stressful job. So that she doesn't get bored, I call and text her from work during the week just to keep her from being bored. Sometimes I'll do things such as texting a dick pic of myself letting her know what she'll get after I...
It was during the time of my college years that I was on the down low, my room mate Daryl would wake me in the morning during his physical exercises. That boy would do five hundred sit-ups and two hundred push-ups. I would lay there pretending to be asleep as he worked up a sweat, so many times he would leave the room to go and shower and I would dream as how it would be for the two of us to engaged in wild sexual acts. This morning classes were canceled due to heavy storms approaching our...
I came downstairs still groggy with sleep. I could hear Roger and Freddy and a strangers very deep voice laughing and talking about something on the television. I had turned to go grab my other robe when I heard Roger say. “ Here she is Miss America “ I cracked up and said yeah you wish.Where you going asked Roger? I told him to get my other robe. He said, oh you’re fine ( with a wink )come on down and grab us a few beers would you and watch some TV.? I wrapped my kimono tighter around me and...
As this is my first written experience, let me introduce myself. Male, 28, and the most important bit you need to know: I'm a passionate masturbator. Do not get me wrong, I love sex (with both genders) and as I've been told I'm quite good at it, but for some reason I prefer to play with myself. My personal history includes all kind of masturbation techniques, ranging from the most typical to the most kinky. I guess the best thing is to combine sex and masturbation in your life. Anyway, let's...
MasturbationHi guys, I’m Varun(name changed) from Bangalore. I’m a bisexual strongly attracted to men who are older than me. Possibilities do exist. So if you wanna know more about me and my experiences, get in touch with me. So this story is about an unexpected encounter that happened to me last year. I was 19 years old then. I was always fascinated to see new dicks and gave a fetish for underwears. Also, I like exploring sex in public places. This story outsets when I wanted to inquisitively experience...
Gay MaleUnexpected MorningWhen looked upon her eyes shined as if to radiate the passion for life which lay within. Eva stood in the cool morning air, her flesh tingling after the cold water of the lake. Every morning she took delight in the peace this sheltered lake gave her before the day really began. It made her feel centered and had the effect of purifying her of any worries she might have of what the day held in store. But as she stood there naked letting the suns spring rays dance on her body...
Hello guys …. My name is Rohit , I am from Navi- Mumbai, a suburb of Mumbai. I have been reading a lot of stories from here and I realised there was a specific pattern to all stories (intro-sex-more sex-sex again-sex reloaded-end)… But all I know is that in real world things don’t move on this fast .There is a lot of seduction and lot of situational events that eventually lead to the main action. So here is a similar story . It would be a long one but I am sure readers would like it. Everything...
When Jake first realised he was attracted to his mother, he had no idea that his lust would take such an unexpected turn, leading him down roads he never would have imagined in his wildest dreams. Jake was eighteen, and had just finished high school when he started planning to seduce his beautiful, 42 year old mother. Just the thought of sucking on Lucy's big, delicious breasts was enough to make Jake's uncut 7-inch cock stand up straight and start oozing with pre-cum. Following the advice of...
An Unexpected Reward Following graduation, I had moved to a distant state to take a job. A couple of years later, I received a note from the Placement Director of my former school, asking if I might help one of their current students get a summer job with the firm for which I worked, or in nearby town where the student's parents lived. The student was a young woman enrolled in a graduate program, who wished to obtain some experience in her area of study. I had some friends in the town where...
Quickie Sex