HermanChapter 2 free porn video

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Sam wiped her mouth with a napkin and said that she needed to use the ladies room. As soon as she was out of sight I felt a tap on my shoulder and a familiar voice said:

"How have you been stranger?"

I turned and saw Linda standing there.

"I don't want to intrude, but I do want to talk to you." She hand me a slip of paper. "My cell phone number. Call me, okay?"

"Tomorrow morning good?"

"Anytime after nine."

She walked away just as Samantha came back.

"Who is the foxy lady?"

"A friend of my mother's. She saw me here and came over to say hi."

"I was afraid she wanted to take you away from me tonight."

"Take me away from you?"

"I told you I wanted to use you in some of my other films. Can't take fresh talent and put it to work without seeing how they perform. I took the liberty of getting us a room here for the night. How about it Herm? You ready for your audition?"

The woman flat wore me out. If it could be done we did it and more that once. I thought Linda had taught me well, but Samantha taught me things that were probably against the law in most states. She would not quit until she couldn't get me up any more. Talk about being rode hard and put up wet. That was me.

As we dressed Samantha said, "I definitely want to use you in some of my other films. Of course that assumes that you are interested."

"I'll have to think on it some. I'm not sure that I want to be a porn star. What I have done so far isn't going to make me to noticeable. I'm more like background than anything else. But I do have to say that I could stand a steady diet of you and what we just experienced."

"You weren't so bad yourself. Think on it. I really would like to use you in some of my other projects."

She dropped me at my house and I set the clock for eight and hit the sack.

I was up at eight, showered and dressed and on my way to my shift at the cafeteria at eight forty-five. My meals were a fringe of the job so I ate breakfast and then looked at my watch and saw that it was ten after nine. I got up, cleared the table and then went in the back to use the phone to call Linda.

"Where have you been baby? I've called and called and I've never been able to get in touch with Sarah. I miss seeing you on my visits to your fair city. I'm here till Monday. Can I see you tonight?"

I saw my boss giving me an impatient look so I said, "I'm at work and my boss is giving me nasty looks so I've got to hang up and get back to work. Tonight? Same time and place?"

"I'll be the woman with the big smile on her face. See you then."

I was at the Hilton at seven and when I walked into the restaurant I saw her and she did indeed have a big smile on her face. When I got to the table I bent and kissed her on the cheek and then took the chair opposite her. She said:

"I thought that I would never see you again. I called and called and could never reach Sarah. Why wouldn't she ever return my calls?"

Mom was gone so I figured that it wouldn't hurt to let Linda know the truth. "Mom was killed and everything I did was set up through her. She didn't keep a client list so I had no way to get in touch with the ladies she set me up with."

"Your mom? Sarah was your mother? Oh wow! I'll bet there is one hell of a story behind that."

The waiter showed up at that point and we ordered and after he was gone I told Linda the story that had eventually led me to her.

"Wow! Your mom. I'd never would have guessed it. So what do you do with yourself now that you don't have all of us old ladies to play with?"

I told her about school and my job at the cafeteria. I didn't tell her about my gig with Samantha. Then she asked me what my major was and I told her it was Business Management.

"How long have you got to go?"

"I'm just finishing my sophomore year."

"What are your plans for when you graduate?"

"Find a job and get on with life."

Our order came and we made small talk as we ate. She asked me if I had a girlfriend and I told her no. She asked why not and I told her I couldn't afford one on what I made at the cafeteria. At the end of the meal and over Bailey's Irish Cream Linda said:

"I once offered to set you up in an apartment, but you said no."

"I didn't want to move to Chicago."

"What if I set you up in one here?"

"I don't need an apartment here. I'm still living in our house until I can sell it."

"How much are you asking for it?"

"Two hundreds thousand."

"I'm not leaving until tomorrow. Any chance I could see it before I go?"

"If I'm right you didn't ask me to be here tonight just for dinner so unless there is some reason that you need to use your room here we can go to the house instead of your room."

"Let's do it."

When we left the Hilton I asked the door man to get us a cab and Linda said:

"You don't have a car?"

"Can't afford one on student cafeteria wages. What I make is just enough to keep the gas and lights turned on at the house."

Linda told the doorman to cancel the cab and told me that we would take her car. We walked to the Hilton's parking garage and got in what looked like a brand new Escalade and I gave her directions to the house.

At the house I took her on a tour of the place. "You are only asking two hundred thousand? I would guess it to be worth around two forty."

"It was appraised at two thirty-six, but I priced it to move because I needed the money. I need a car and I've still got two years of school left to pay for and I would dearly love not having to work at the cafeteria. Unfortunately the housing market is flat right now and I've only had a half dozen people even look at it since I placed it on the market."

We were in mom's bedroom when Linda said, "You never gave me a direct answer when I asked if I could set you up in an apartment. You just said that you had a house, but what if you sell it? Come on Hermie, we both know what I'm asking here."

As she was speaking she was unbuttoning her blouse. No dummy I, I immediately said:

"I know what you are asking and the answer is yes."

I was surprised I was able to take care of Linda after the wringer that Samantha had put me through the night before, but she seemed satisfied when we fell asleep.

Linda woke me in the morning with a blow job that led to a love making session that led to a joint shower which turned into another love making session. I didn't have much in the way of food in the house so Linda drove us to the Village Inn. After we ordered she said:

"Here is the deal. I come to town every other week. I usually get in on Thursday night, take care of business on Friday and then spend the weekend getting my needs met and then fly out on Monday morning. I'd want you available from seven p.m. on Thursday until I leave on Monday. Sound okay to you?"

I nodded a yes.

"Instead of setting you up in an apartment I'm going to buy your house."

"You can't be serious."

"Of course I am Hermie. My company is an investment company and I see your house as a good investment. I pay two hundred for it and use it instead of staying at the Hilton. That alone puts me ahead almost fifteen hundred a month and when the market turns, and it will, I'll sell for what the house appraised for. In addition I'll have my weekends covered. Sound good to you?"

"I'd be an idiot to say no."

"There is more. My car sits in the Hilton garage when I'm not here. You can use it and park it in your garage. You will need to pick me up at the airport when I fly in and take me to the airport when I leave. I'll hire a maid service to come in once a week and I'll stock the pantry so I don't have to eat all my meals in a restaurant. That's what I'll do. You all ready know what your part will be. Do we have a deal?"

"If you are really serious about this then I'm in."

"Good. Give me the name of your real estate agent and I'll get the ball rolling when I get back to Chicago. The rest of the deal starts now. You get to drive me to the airport and then keep the car until the next time I come back which will be the week after next. Do you have a cell phone?"

"No. I can't afford one."

"You can now."

She opened her purse and took out her wallet. She handed me five one hundred dollar bills and then gave me a business card.

"Get a phone – a good one – and then call me with the number. I'll need to keep in touch with you. Unless you have any questions I need to be headed for the airport."

"I'm sure that I'll think of several, but none occur to me right now."

On the way to the airport I said, "I imagine that you and Bob will use mom's bedroom for yourselves. Anything you want me to do to get it ready?"

"Oh God; I'm sorry, I didn't tell you. Bob had a heart attack and passed away eight months ago. It will be just you and me in the room. It will be your room when I'm not here and our room when I am. One thing I am going to do is order a king size bed for that room. I don't know how Sarah could stand to sleep on that waterbed. It has to go."

I dropped her off at the Delta departure area and headed back to town. As I drove I thought on how my life had changed in just twenty-four hours. It seemed too good to be true so I was going to treat it that way. I wouldn't be giving up my cafeteria job until the deal on the house went through. I didn't doubt that Linda meant what she said since she had given me the keys to the Escalade, but the impression I got was that she was a very busy lady and might not get to it right away. She might get busy and not remember about it until it was time for her next visit.

I had two classes that morning and then a four hour shift at the cafeteria followed by two more classes so it wasn't until five-thirty that I could get to the AT&T store on Fourth Street. I bought a phone and called the number on the card that Linda had given me. My call went to voice-mail so I left a message with my new phone number and then went on home.

Now that I knew that I wouldn't be moving anytime soon I decided to start moving from my room into mom's old bedroom. It was twice the size of my bedroom and it had its own bathroom. Before I could move in though I needed to get the full sized waterbed out of the room. I set it up to drain into the bathtub and got the process started.

While it was draining I started cleaning out mom's walk-in closet and bagging all of mom's clothes to give to Goodwill. I was putting the last of mom's shoes in a bag when my new cell phone made the noise that passed for ringing. I answered with a "Hello?" and heard Linda say:

"Hi baby; miss me?"

"You know I do."

"Just calling to tell you to call your realtor to give him your new number so he can reach you. My manager of Acquisitions will be calling him tomorrow. Also I need to know when you will be home so I can set up delivery of the new bed and when you can be there so the girl from Merry Maids can look at the place. You will also need to get a couple of keys made. One for the maid service and one for me."

"Just give them my phone number and have them call me."

"I have a dinner meeting that I need to get to so I'll talk to you later. Bye-bye sweetie,"

So much for my thinking that she wouldn't get to buying the house right away. The bed was still draining so I went to make myself a sandwich and as I was spreading the Mayo it occurred to me that I should call Samantha and give her my number. As soon as she heard my voice she said:

"I hope you aren't calling to cancel on me. I need you Herm. The response from the first video has been fantastic and I have over four hundred emails asking for more. I've never gotten a hundred on any of the other stuff I've put up on my sites."

"No fear dear lady. After Saturday night I've got to hope and pray for more and that means I have to stay on the good side of you. I'm just calling to let you know I now have a cell phone and I wanted to give you the number."

"Good. That will make things easier. Tomorrow at seven? Same place."

"I'll be there."

By the time I finished my sandwich the mattress had drained so I wrestled it down into the garage and went back to the bedroom to take the rest of the bed apart. I'd put it up on Craig's List and see if I could make a buck on the deal and if I didn't I could always donate it to Goodwill or put it out on rash pick-up day.

When I lifted the plywood up off of the slats I saw a gray metal box about 12x12x12 and I wondered what was in it and how mom got access to it. It would have been a huge pain to try and lift the mattress and the plywood to get at it and then I mentally smacked myself for being stupid. No way would she do that. I bent down and took a close look at the bed skirting. There were what I thought were carved decorative panels along the length of the base and the one just in front of the box popped out when I pulled on the edges.

I picked up the box and opened it. It was packed full of hundred dollar bills and there was also a key chain with a key on it. I counted the money and it came to $118,600 dollars. I wondered why mom hadn't put it in the bank and then I realized that she couldn't. That much money would have raised questions about where it came from and I'm sure that mom wouldn't have wanted people to know what she did to earn it. Also if she didn't want to pay taxes on it she wouldn't want to put it into a bank. I wondered about the key and then it occurred to me that it might be a key to a safe deposit box.

I set the box on top of the dresser and finished taking the bed apart and moving it to the garage with all thoughts of selling it gone. I didn't need the money anymore so I'd give Goodwill a call. I took six hundred out of the box and then put the box in the bottom drawer of my dresser under my underwear and socks.

I had Tuesday off at the cafeteria so after my last class I drove downtown to the bank that mom had kept her accounts in. I asked for Mr. Byrns who was the man who had handled things when mom died and I had to get access to her accounts. He confirmed that the key I had was to one of their safe deposit boxes and since he had been the one the attorney had dealt with he knew I had the legal right to the box. He turned me over to a woman who took me to the room where the boxes were and then left me in private.

I opened the box and found more money. A quick count showed that there was over a hundred and fifty thousand in the box and there were also several gold coins and a few small gold bars. I had no idea what the gold was worth, but with the box I found under mom's bed and what was in the safe deposit box I had over a half a million dollars and I still had 200K coming from the sale of the house. Talk about a turn-about in circumstances! I put everything back in the box and treated myself to a steak dinner before going to meet Samantha.

When I got to Samantha's she said, "Tonight we will shoot the episode where Mike brings over a friend of his with him. We will start with you eating me out after the two men finish with me. I've made a change in the way we are going to shoot the actual threesome scene. They are going to ridicule you and I'm going to lay there smiling as they do it. Then one of them will say something about you not being man enough or maybe not having a dick big enough to satisfy a woman like me.

"I treat you like shit because you are mine and I can, but you are my husband and I have to draw a line on how others treat you so I will tell you to drop your pants and show your package which is bigger than Mike's and his friends. Then I'll call you over to me and take you in my mouth and then say that you taste better too."

She was silent for a moment and then said, "No. Never mind the taste thing. I'll do that the night I pick up the two men at the bar. Do you think you can do the cock insert thing tonight?"

"I did it before and it didn't kill me."

"I'll want you to prep my ass for one of them. We good to go?"

"Can do."

We shot the scene where I had to suck the goop out of her and then we shot my opening the door and letting Mike and his friend in. I did put Mike's cock in her and I prepped her ass for the guy playing Mike's friend and I even guided him into her. Then I went and let Fran take care of my hard on. I got nasty looks from Ivy, but I ignored her.

Then Fran and Ivy had to go to work on Mike and Ralph (the guy playing Mike's friend) and get them up again so they could finish the shoot. While that was going on I went and saw Samantha to give her the bad news.

"I'm not going to do any more after the cuck series. I've finally got a buyer for the house and I'm not going to need the money."

"You are going to stay with me until we finish the series right? I mean even if we go beyond the original six?"

"I'll sty until the end. I have an idea for the girl's night out episode."

"What is it?"

"I assume you have other female actors?"

"I do."

"Bring one of them home with you from the girl's night out. Her and maybe three guys instead of two. She does one while you do the other two. She finishes hers and wants more. She sees me leave the room and while you aren't looking she follows me out to where I'm sitting on the couch. She tries to seduce me and I fight it and make a big speech about how I can't cheat on you."

"Okay, but how about this. She listens to your speech, but then gets aggressive. You put up a token resistance and she gets your cock out and starts sucking it. You let her get away with it for a while before pushing her away and getting up and running out of the room. We can use it to set up your affair. Your thinking will be that if Mimi could get you up and into doing it even after your speech some other girl could do it also, but you would have to do it away from the house where I wouldn't know about it. Then you rationalize it believing that the only reason you ran away from Mimi is because you were afraid that I would come into the room and catch you."

"That will work."

"I don't need you any more tonight, but see if you can come over and hour or so earlier tomorrow. I have some things I want to talk about, but right now I have to get back to work. The envelope on the dresser has your five hundred for this week in it."

I got the envelope and on my way out I stopped and asked Fran if she was doing anything Friday and she said she wasn't so I asked her out and she said yes. We set a time and I left.

The next day after my first two classes I went to the cafeteria and gave them a weeks notice. They weren't upset because it happened all the time as a student's circumstances changed. Also they had a waiting list of students who needed financial aid.

I was on my way to my next class when my phone rang. I answered it and it was Tony from Empire Realty.

"I've got an offer on your house and it is for the full asking price."

"All I've got to say to that is when do we close?"

I had to turn the phone off before I went into my class and I didn't remember to turn it back on until I was on my way home after my last class. I had two missed messages and a voicemail. I listened to the voicemail first and it was from a furniture store wanting to set up a delivery date. They were also one of the missed messages. I called and set up a time for them to make their delivery on Thursday. I called the other missed message and found that it was from Merry Maids and I set up a time to meet their representative at the same time as the furniture delivery.

Wednesday after classes and my cafeteria shift I went over to Sam's place and got there an hour and a half early. She greeted me in a bathrobe and I could see that she had on high heels and nylons. When the door closed behind me I heard her say, "Herm?" and I turned to look at her and saw that the bathrobe was on the floor.

"I don't have anything to talk to you about Herm. I just want to ask you for something."


"I want you to make love to me. I don't want to be fucked. I want to be treated the way you treated me that Saturday night. Please Herm? Make love to me?"

I was going to say no?

As we dressed and got ready for the crew to arrive I had to ask, "What just happened here?"

"I told you. I'm paying my way to my PhD by fucking on film, but that's all I ever get is fucked. I'm just a piece of meat to the actors and I'm no different from most other women in that I want some tenderness, some sort of emotional connection. I got that from you our first time and I wanted more."

Just then we heard, "Anyone home?" from the front room. The crew had started to arrive. I got another surprise that night. The girl who was going to be the one to come home with Sam from the girl's night out was Diane who was a girl who was in two classes with me. I had asked her out several times and she had always politely turned me down. She was as surprised to see me as I was to see her. I wondered how many of my other fellow classmates Sam had on her payroll.

The first scene was done quickly. Bonnie told me that she was going out for the evening with her girlfriends.

"I probably won't be coming home alone so don't go to bed early. I might need you."

"Yes dear" I said and the scene was over.

The next scene was me sucking the goo out of Bonnie after she had fucked the three guys who came home with her. I was getting used to the mixture from the turkey baster, but it was never going to become a favorite of mine. The next scene was the five coming home from the night out and then the five of them undressing. When Bonnie was naked she told me to:

"Come on over here Bobby and get me ready for Rod."

"Yes dear" I said as I knelt and licked her pussy for a minute and then she said, "Put him in me Bobby and then go sit on your chair."

I did it and then sat on the chair as Bonnie and Mimi (Diane's film name) and the three guys played on the bed. Watching did get me hard and I got John's attention and pointed at my crotch. He got the message and the camera swung toward me as I took out my cock and started to beat my meat.

Bonnie was doing two and the third guy was doing Mimi. The two guys on Bonnie came and when they got off of her she said:

"That was nice wasn't it Bobby? Did you like watching?"

"Yes dear."

"Be a good boy Bobby and get us some refreshments. I'll have a white wine and I suppose Mimi will want one too and you can get the men some beers."

She put emphasis on the words 'boy' and 'men' and I meekly said, "Whatever you wish dear" and I left the bedroom. I came back with a tray that had two glasses of white wine and three Pabst Blue Ribbon on it. The five sipped their drinks and then Bonnie started sucking one guy and another moved behind her and started taking her doggie. Mimi was trying to get the third guy up, but the camera angle made it look like he wasn't responding.

I got up and left the room and went into the living room and sat down on the couch. The crew came in and started setting up and while they were doing that Sam was explaining to Diane what was supposed to happen in the scene. While all that was going on Fran and Ivy were working on the three guys in the bedroom. John looked at me and asked if I was ready and I nodded a yes and he called out "Rolling."

Mimi, still naked came into the room and sat down beside me on the couch. She reached over and ran a hand over the bulge in my trousers as she said:

"My guy left me hanging baby. Can you help me out?"

"Help you? How?"

"You've got a stiffy under those pants honey and I've got a nice warm place where you can put it."

"You mean have sex with you?"

"Good idea huh?"

"Oh no; I couldn't do that. I can't cheat on Bonnie."

"Get serious! She's in the next room cheating on you wholesale and you are telling me that you can't do a little of what she is doing? She's married to you and fucking other guys honey and that's called cheating."

"But it isn't cheating. It is her way of testing my love for her. Letting her do what she wants without complaint shows her how much I love her."

"So she should let you do what she does so that you can see how much she loves you right?"

"Oh no. She told me that if I really love her I'll never look at another woman."

"So don't look at me honey. Just close your eyes and I'll do the rest."

She pulled my zipper down and reached in for my cock, but I pushed her away and said:

"No! I can't" and I got up and rushed out of the room. Just as I cleared the doorway I heard John call out "Cut!"

I went back into the room and John came up to me and said, "Sam tells me that you are bailing out on us."

"Not until this series is done."

"You won't reconsider?"

"I might. I just don't know. I only got involved because I needed the money, but I don't need it any more."

"I hope you change your mind. You are a natural and you have a feel for it. Got some damned good ideas too."

Diane, the girl playing Mimi came up and said, "I saw you sitting on the chair whacking off. It looked good to me. Will I ever get the chance to try it?"

"I've asked you out a half dozen times over the last year and a half, but you have always said no."

"That was then. You are part of my life now. I hold myself to only dating guys I work with. I love sex and if I didn't hold only to guys I work with and who I know aren't going to be running around and blabbing about me I'd have reputation that no girl in her right mind would want. So, what do you say?"

"Can I have a rain check? Right now I've got so much going on that I don't know what night's I'm going to have free."

"Just keep me in mind sugar."

"I will. I promise."

And I would, but I'd already committed to Fran for Friday and I was hoping that Friday night would lead to Saturday, but then I thought with Fran I'd only be getting blow job. With Diane I would be able to get some pussy. I asked her for her phone number and she gave it to me.

The next night was the poker night gangbang and it went pretty much like the first poker game only with some differences. We did the usual eat out Bonnie after her being fucked scene and then as we played cards the guys talked about how hot my wife was and how lucky I was to have a babe like that. About five hands into the game one of the guys asked where she was and I muttered:

"In the bedroom."

"Why is she there? She should be getting us some beers."

Just then Bonnie walked in wearing a bathrobe. "You want beers?" she asked. "I thought I'd offer you a different kind of refreshment" and she let the robe fall to floor and stood there naked except for high heels. I got a stricken look on my face and said:

"Please Bonnie; don't d..."

"Stop whining Bobby. You keep whining and I'll start getting the idea that you don't love me. Deal each man a card Bobby. High man goes first and then the rest according to their cards."

I sat there staring at her until she snapped, "Do it Bobby!"

I kept my head down as I dealt out the cards. "Hot damn!" one of the players said. "An ace and I thought I wasn't lucky at cards." He got up and Bonnie led him to the bedroom. Then the other guys all got up and followed to watch.

There was a short break while the crew set up in the bedroom. One camera stayed on me and after everyone had followed Bonnie into the bedroom she came back alone and said:

"I'm going to need you in the bedroom Bobby."

"Why are you doing this to me Bonnie? I work with these guys and I have to face them every day."

"Get in the damned bedroom Bobby or you won't be getting any pussy for a month!"

She turned and headed for the bedroom and when she was out of the room I muttered:

"Maybe not from you."

I stared at the door for a minute and said out loud to myself, "I'm beginning to wonder if you love me at all" and then I got up and followed her.

All the guys were naked and Bonnie and Bonnie said to me, "A couple of these guys aren't sure that you are okay with this Bobby. Show them that it is all right with you."


"You know how Bobby."

I stood there and stared at her until she said, "Don't you love me any more Bobby?"

I swallowed, walked over to the guy who had drawn the ace and who was standing by Bonnie. I took a deep breath and then took his cock and guided it into Bonnie. Once he was in her and stroking Bonnie told me to go sit on my chair until she needed me to do something. I did as I was told, but this time I didn't pull out my dick. I sat there and tried to have an unhappy look on my face.

The first guy finished and the second guy took his place. Halfway through the second guy's turn a guy said:

"She can do more than one. How about we make her airtight?"

The second guy finished and joined the first guy in the living room where Fran and Ivy went to work on getting them ready to come back for more.

On the bed the other three guys worked an unresisting Bonnie into position and then they took her ass, mouth and pussy. I decided to do some play acting and I sat on my chair and watched and tried to look like I was crying. Trying to fake crying isn't easy, but I think I managed to at least look like it was what I was feeling.

Same as Herman
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Yvonne woke up early the next morning with a pounding headache from having too much to drink the previous night. She was beginning to recall some of the stuff she’d said to Janice when she spotted Edward from the corner of her eye, he was dressing for work. ‘I was horrible last night.’ she croaked. ‘Yes, you were.’ Edward didn’t turn to face her, focusing instead on adjusting his tie. ‘How mad is she?’ ‘She isn’t anymore. I dropped her home last night and then we had a chat.’ ‘What did...

4 years ago
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Rileys Bar Chapter 7

When I got back to my apartment there was a message on my answering machine to call my brother. I called him and he told me that what we had talked about at the courthouse was doable and I told him to go ahead and do it. Then I went to bed and slept like a log. Friday was a busy day at work and even though I had my hands full trying to finish the job I was on by the end of the day I was still able to think about my evening with Susan and Gary and wonder if I would ever do something like that...

2 years ago
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Mummy Ke Saath Yaadgaar Orgy 8211 4

Hello friends mein raghav phir se apni story ko aage bhadaate huye aapke liye agla part le kar aaya hu. Doston agar aapne shuru ke parts nahi padhe hain toh meri aapse guzaarish hai ki aap pehle un parts ko padhein taaki aap iss part ka behtar lutf utha sakein. . Toh doston pichhle part mein aapne padha ki mummy ka khel unhi par ulta pad gaya aur raju ne unhe bhi apni maa hema ke bagal mein haathon ke zariye deewaar se baandh diya. Ab mummy aur aunty dono hi raju ke saamne apni 40 ki gaand...

2 years ago
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The GiftedChapter 7 The Discovery

Gail and Sharon walked up to the front door of the old mansion and unlocked the door. The house, originally built back in the late 1800s, had been modernized during the early nineteen twenties by the owners, and then again in the early nineties. Walking inside, they headed for the kitchen where Gail grabbed a soda out of the fridge, then walked to the back wall. There Gail flipped a series of hidden switches and they watched as the center of the floor slid out of the way. "That is so...

3 years ago
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Bebe in LaLa Land 5

FINDING A NEW PATH -or- SHE GENERALLY GAVE HERSELF GOOD ADVICE "Oh, my God! He's gorgeous!" Annie's voice came through the FaceTime connection on John's phone. "You dated that guy!?" Cassie was incredulous! "You're not even a star, yet!" She teased. "You shouldn't be able to get a guy like that until you're a mega-star! Like Jennifer Lawrence, or something!" John giggled. "I didn't 'get' him! We just went to the movies together." "And homecoming!" Cassie corrected. "Yeah,"...

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Monicas Hormone Pills

There is only one thing I love more that having a man stuff my pussy full of hard fat cock and that is taking my thoroughly fucked pussy home and having my simple minded stupe of a husband eat me out. He never wonders where all to goo comes from, just takes my word that it is my normal discharge - my cum- that flows whenever I'm horny. I'm probably not being fair calling Harold a simple-minded stupe. With any other woman he would probably catch on pretty quick, but Harold loves me, worships...

3 years ago
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Erotic Force

Inhaling deeply, Jasmine closed her green eyes as she savored the sweet perfume from the vase of pink roses centering the kitchen table. This was her weekly pleasure she indulged in. All her friends enjoyed getting their nails done or massages, but she enjoyed the aroma of fresh roses each day. As she straightened her back to get ready for her day, she wrapped the floor-length, white satin robe tighter around her. The temperature had been steadily dropping all night as winter was fast...

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A Quest In The Wasteland

The year is 2277, approximately 200 years after The Great War that led to the creation of the aberration that is the Wasteland: the remains of the United States after nuclear war. The Capital Wasteland lies over where Washington D.C once stood, the ruins of the once great city now filled with nuclear beasts, scavenging survivalists and warring factions venturing for technology. There are all sorts of things happening in the Wasteland, big and small. People are venturing out to rescue the future...

2 years ago
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Seduced First time sucking cock

So I had meet Eric at work. He was a big man, and about 7-8 years older than me. I was still in school. He had talked me into going to the drive in movies with him a few weeks earlier ( you can read about that in an older story I posted ) Eric ended up sucking my cock that night and I was hooked. The feeling of his touch was electric and fillling his waiting mouth with my cum was addictive. I think Eric had bigger plans for me though.One evening, as we were parked, I got the courage to ask if I...

3 years ago
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Older sister younger brother story

We never thought we would be telling anyone about our love, but we finally decided to let the world in on our little secret. It started about a year ago and has continued through the school year. In fact, almost everyone thinks we’re married, instead of brother and sister. We’ll tell our own stories so you can understand how it all started… HIS STORY: I thought I knew my sister, having grown up with her and having spent so many hours together. I have always considered her...

8 months ago
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NubileFilms Bonnie Dolce Sofi Otis The More The Merrier

Bonnie Dolce and Sofi Otis are back from a girls night out. The girls are feeling super relaxed and horny as they sprawl on the couch in their clubbing clothes. When Bonnie begins to get handsy, Sofi doesn’t say no. She lifts Sofi’s shirt and goes for the glory of Sofi’s nipples as her sexual hunger overcomes her. Sofi is eager to let Bonnie do whatever she wants. Leaning back on the couch, she spreads her thighs so that Bonnie can really get in there. That makes it easy for...

3 years ago
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Mrs Robinson0

“Shit! I don’t believe it! That’s Mrs. Robinson!” Greg gasped as we turned the corner on our way home from the gym were we both worked. “Mrs. Robinson; like in the movie?” I asked. “Not really. I told you about Karen, didn’t I?” he continued, “this is her mum,” as we walked towards a middle aged, tartly dressed, bottle blonde, woman who was just the right side of being fat. “Oh! Karen!” I grinned as stories of Greg’s teenage sexual conquests shot through my mind. “Mrs....

2 years ago
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Castaway ExplorerChapter 7 Empire Day Dance

The annual Empire Day party was in full swing. I had to keep it together because Merritt looked stunning, and pulling her into my cabin was all that was on my mind. However, Merritt wanted her chance to show me off to her sophisticated and influential friends and I didn't want to ruin her fun. The nightclub was packed. As we worked into the crowd, the heat seemed to creep up and up as there were so many bodies in such small space. Merritt wrestled with her dress, trying to keep her small...

4 years ago
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while she sleeps

I arrived home about 10.30pm after a long day at work, I shut the door behind me and kicked my shoes off and decided I wanted to get a beer and relax in a hot bath.As I walked into the front room there she was, asleep with her face buried into the sofa with her back to me, I walked through into the kitchen and got a beer from the fridge and walked back into the front room and sunk onto the 2 seater sofa.I sat and watched as she slept, she never stirred for the 10 minutes I sat there looking at...

1 year ago
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Blacked JAV was the very first thing I pulled up on my laptop this morning. It’s a Monday, and I figured, what better way to start my week than with a little interracial action starring some little Asians getting filled up with big BBC? It’s hot as hell watching white girls take on black monster cock, but the girls here might be a little tinier and a bit tighter. Oh, and don’t even get me started on those sexy noises the JAV idols make as they’re getting banged. I may not understand every word...

Interracial Porn Sites
1 year ago
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SRU Family Squabble

SRU: Family Squabble By Morpheus "Stop picking on your sister, Chris" Nancy screamed at her 11 year old son. "I'm sick and tired of hearing you two fighting" "But Mom" Chris whined, "Lizzie started it" "Don't give me any of that" Nancy said, glaring at her son, then at her 9 year old daughter Lizzie, "I don't care who started it, you're both grounded" Both Chris and Lizzie stared at their mom in surprise, and anger, then turned around and left, knowing that it was...

3 years ago
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Maggie Mae DGHChapter 3

The next couple of months were great. Sam stayed at her cousin's and we saw each other almost daily. She went to my exercise class with me. She sure got the looks from everyone but I made it known she was with me. She just laughed. We went everywhere together. The zoo, movies, amusement parks. A lot of times Marge and Jim went with us. It was amazing how much Sam and I still had in common. Especially the music. We were both still crazy about the old rock and roll tunes that our parents grew...

2 years ago
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Once Youre Rubbed by Amy

(Apologies to Maurice Chevalier) It would be more interesting if I could say that it started out as a normal day, but it didn't start that way at all. This is the story of how I met this fascinating woman, her best friend, and her dog. The story also involves Brad Pitt, but his involvement is sorta beside the point. Perhaps I should stop for a moment. I'm sure he's NOT beside the point to lots of the women who are reading this. Already, just at the mention of his name and the prospect of...

3 years ago
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Mom at the ABS

I have been sexually attracted to my mother since I was 11 or 12years old. I would often watch her bathe when I was very young butshe started bathing in private when I was about 13. I think thatshe noticed my little prick getting hard when I watched her in thetub nude. After that, she was sometimes careless about closingdoors when she was dressing and I would have to jack-off frequentlyafter seeing her nude. She has a very nice sexy body that any malewould enjoy seeing.Mother was divorced from...

2 years ago
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Recycling Day

Author’s note This story is a work of fiction and any resemblance between characters and any real person living or dead is purely coincidental. I am deeply indebted to Juicy Starchild for her critique, editing and generally making my story a better read * It was 7.45am on a Friday and I could hear people outside, putting out their bins ready for the rubbish collection. I sat up, swung my legs over the side of the bed and was about to get up when I felt her hand on my arm. ‘Where are you...

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Ranchland Chapter 7

[b]Ranchland - Chapter 7[/b] Ben surveyed the Longhorn herd’s survival after their first Chinook experience. There had been some losses, but nowhere near as bad as he had expected. Out of a herd of two hundred head, they’d lost six. Maybe, he thought, these Longhorns would prove to be more adaptable than most of the local cattlemen believed. If, by spring, they had proven themselves, there’d be a strong market for calves, with a little marketing on his parrt. As Amy had the only sizeable...

1 year ago
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it has been quite a day but somebody up there lik

i myself woke up this morning, & whereas lately once again person of my same self have had to practically, &/or possibly likewise still at times have to force that being of my person out of bed, call it laziness, call it what you will, no, i myself am not lazy, maybe unusually tired that much more at times if not all of the time, but then nevertheless i myself say, &/or state for that being of the record that i am most certainly, definitely am not lazy, & even within that being...

3 years ago
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The Dragons Of ArborChapter 5 Bonds of Brotherhood

There is no vacation at the Academy. You are there until the Instructors decide you know what you need to know. No weekends off, no vacations or holiday trips back home. Oh sure, now and then a cadet goes home to attend an important function, a wedding, a funeral, a coronation, but those are the rare exceptions. Even the seasons barely seem to pass here in these central climes. But we are able to mark the passing of the years with the passing of our fellows. Eight months after my arrival,...

1 year ago
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My First Time

We arrived at house just before midnight. After several minutes of awkward introductions and chit chat it was decided that Sandi and him would go upstairs. And I would wait downstairs for fifteen minutes to allow them some privacy before I could go watch them fuck. I watched them ascend the stairs and disappear out of view. From the downstairs couch I waited, listening to the sounds of her moaning. To be honest the wait was one of the longest in my life. As the appointed time limit had expired...

1 year ago
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Chronicle 1 Pretty Office Ass

This is a true sex story based on my life events. I am telling it in the third person. However, the point of view is mostly hers. She left the office at 4 pm, walked to the bus stop right across the road, and took the 4:14 bus towards downtown. The bus dropped her at Pilkington Avenue in 25 minutes. She got down, walked for ten minutes, and entered her apartment building. This is what she had been doing every weekday, for the last two years. She was a disciplinarian and did not like change....

2 years ago
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Large Family Large Secrets Part 1

Introduction: This story follows mostly its main writer the only male of the story and thus shows alot of it from his perspective, this is based loosely on a true untold story. READ HERE FIRST This story was written elsewhere and copied over to this website, there maybe parts that should have spaces when they dont, though weve checked, there could still be 1 or 2 mistakes. This story is based loosely on a real familys story, there are parts that have been removed or simply not written, parts...

3 years ago
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New Holly Potter Part 3

NEW HOLLY POTTER Part 3 BY PAUL G. JUTRAS Getting off the train with Luna and Ginny, Holly looked around for Ron and Hermione. Before them was a hundred or so stagecoaches that took the students from the second year on to the castle. The creatures pulling them were like reptilian horses and gave Holly a cold shiver as she passed them. She slowly climbed into the same coach her friends decided to ride in. "Are you okay, uh, Holly?" asked Ron. "Just a little nervous," Holly...

2 years ago
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Mums Birthday Present to Me

My name is Mark and my fithteenth birthday is tomorrow. I’m glad tomorrow is Saturday so that I don’t have to attend school and mum will be home. She usually comes home from work to make dinner, does house work and then goes to bed. But tonight, I noticed she had been to the beauty parlor to have her hair done and she put on a dress. Evidently she wanted to look nice when she gave presents to me. I gave her a small gift and she hugged and kissed me to thank me. I think she is a little depressed...

4 years ago
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My Elder Sister Roshni 8211 Part II

This was all started 4 yrs before in Pune where we both brother n sister use to stay in same rented flat for our education far away from our home town Nasik. After my become I took admission for Mba in Pune where my elder cousin sister was already doing her studies and use to share a flat with her 2 friends. When I shifted her was last yr and mine 1st yr, our parents told to stay together. As life started with new college n new friends, in evening she use to take me with her whatever she has...

1 year ago
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Scouting For Clothes

Emily Winters was getting ready for a work Christmas party. A tall dark-skinned girl with a good figure and lots of confidence, she was certainly the life of the party. She had her outfit ready, her makeup was planned and she was in the mood. The music was pumping through her headphones and she felt great. "tonight is gonna be a good night!" she exclaimed, smiling. She pulled her headphones off her shiny brown hair, rested them on her neck and started getting her makeup on. Blusher with bright...

3 years ago
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What am I going to do with her

“I’m sorry, sir, for doubting your knowledge” the Office Communicator Instant Message from Allison said. She had earlier chosen not to take my advice on how to do something, and after wasting several hours and having to work late, had just now taken my advice. “That’s I’m sorry, MISTER Sir.” I typed back, with a smiley. “I’m sorry, MISTER Sir. So very sorry, MISTER Sir.” She typed back. “Ok, that’s better.” I replied. “I’m glad we’ve had this little chat!” “I’m sorry, Mister Sir,...

4 years ago
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Body Swap Remote

Your name is Alex and you are 18 years old. And recently, there were big changes in your life, as soon as you got the swap remote. You were having breakfast in the kitchen this afternoon when you heard the doorbell ring. You got up and opened it, but when you looked around, all you saw was a box on the doorstep. You decided to take it home and examine it in more detail. You took it to your room and began to examine it, forgetting about breakfast. You sat and looked at the box in search of any...

4 years ago
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OK……lets teach you all how to have GREAT ANAL. So read on, print off and take these tips to the bedroom....or wherever takes your fancy.1) Get yourself clean before getting dirty: Use a douche if you have one and that obviously will get you really clean. It makes for the best Anal too.2) Get really horny: Lots of foreplay works well so she is really hot.3) Be relaxed: If you or your partner is uptight it isn’t going to go well and may ruin it. Also if it doesn’t go well the first time...

2 years ago
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Cleanup on AisleDamn

Ever have one of those days when you just craved humiliation? When your husband or boyfriend teases your body out in public and all you want to do is fuck the shit out of him the moment you get back to your car? I do, my name is Dawn and I've been married to my high school sweetheart for six years now. We have a very happy marriage, for the most part at least. One of our favorite little 'adventures' was our trips to the grocery store. On these little trips, my husband had me wear a little mini...

4 years ago
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Life and LoveChapter 5 The second lesson

The following days passed quickly for Catherine as she organised the house and bedrooms for the arrival of Charlotte and her daughter. She also wrote letters to her own two daughters telling them of the plan to have Jonathan tutored at home and offering the same option to them. Rebecca jumped at the chance and in her reply asked her mother when she should come home, Cathy sent a reply suggesting the end of the month. Elizabeth was less sure of home tutoring; she asked if she could stay at the...

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The ProtectorChapter 22

When I awoke the next morning, I felt like I had been reenergized somehow. I got washed and headed for the kitchen for my first cup of coffee. To my utter astonishment, Myrna wasn't there. I had already started a pot of coffee before I made the mistake of looking at the clock. It was only five in the morning, but I felt like I had slept for ten hours. Neither my shoulder nor side was hurting, which I was happy about, because I had a full day today. I was taking my first sip of coffee when...

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Enjoying Pregnancy

I was on a business trip to another city. As always I was horny and bored after lunch. While reading the local paper I saw a classified article from a pregnant woman looking for discreet sex. I called the number listed and reached her on her cell phone. She said she couldn't talk but was I keen to meet. We agreed to meet at 3pm that afternoon at my hotel room. Michelle arrived as promised and I was really taken aback. She was about 18 or 19 years old, with blonde hair and a pretty pixie-like...

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My Reluctant Sister0

“Let’s have sex.” Her eyes widened in surprise “What the hell? What did you ask me? Sex? No way! Get out, no, I’m not going to do that.” “Hey, we’re alone, mom and dad will be gone for hours.” “Are you insane? Get out of my room!” “Come on Dee, I know you aren’t virgin, Paul has been screwing you so it’s not like you’re giving up something precious.” My sister bloomed red in the face and sat up straight on the bed, she shouted “What? Has that bastard been talking about us? What is he...

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Quote the Raven1

Because for the majority of Raven's life it has just been the two of us and since we live out in the country she has lived a very sheltered life and has been hone schooled her whole life. As far as I know she is still a virgin cuz to my knowledge she hasnt shown an interest in boys, with it being just the 2 of use we tend to take care of eachother she takes care of the house work and I work and pay the bills. I was sitting in my office jerking off to some porn vids that I...

1 year ago
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Never To Old To Start Some New Fun pt 1

Sex life takes a turn for the better after a guy at work lends me a porno then a new "blacklad" starts work! It turned me in to a gangbang party slut for Blackcocks to do as the please with! Never To Old To Start Some New Fun, pt 1 randysandy June 09, 2020 | 6 Views I thought I would tell you of what I have got myself in to as I still cannot really believe it myself! My name’s Sue & work at a printers factory in Derby UK, Have been marred for many years with not that much very "Sexually"...

1 year ago
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CherryPimps Alexia Anders Alexia Masturbates Thinking of Her Stepdad

Lovely Alexia is a very busy student, and finds a note from her stepfather Charles Dera! He and her mother could use some help with chores around the house, and he left her some laundry to do. She happily starts working on her stepdad’s clothes, sniffing his shirts and enjoying his scent. She didn’t expect to get so turned on, and simply started rubbing her pussy over her panties, right then again there! He walks in to find her in his shirt, while she’s playing with herself....

1 year ago
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TeensInTheWoods Alissa Avni Caught On Camera

Smoking hot teen whore Alissa Avni rents a cabin for some private time. Little does she know the cabin owner Bruno has hidden a camera in the room. He watches while the sexy slut mmasturbates. Later she turns on the tv and discovers she’s being recorded. When she starts investigating, Bruno appears and convinces her to put on a show for him. She is quickly tied up and gagging on his thick Latin cock. He brutally pounds her tight, wet pussy in several positions. When he’s done with...

3 years ago
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DreamweaverChapter 28 All Gods Children

Sunday morning was just another miserable September day in Southern California, sunny, about thirty percent humidity and temperatures expected in the low hundreds. It had been quite a while since we had been to church and our Sunday morning routine wasn't really up to the challenge. Fortunately Tom and Karen knew us well enough to plan for the later of the two service times. Figuring that the greatest challenge would be parking, people trying to leave while others were still arriving, we...

4 years ago
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The Wanderer and His First SlaveChapter 9

She groaned theatrically before we started to walk down the steps, together and one at the time. I had to let go of her arm, even though I had wanted to find a way to slip my hand kind of naturally into hers. But I couldn't. The stairway was not very wide, and it was almost cramped as we walked down. My senses told me we should be fleeing instead, fleeing with the money we, if not had earned, then at least did deserve. Instead the light was slowly fading with each step we took downwards,...

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Watching and reclaiming1

Crystal and I left our house early, eating breakfast on the road. The drive is over an hour to,get to Robert's, and though we made small talk we didn't say much. The drive runs us along the bays and inlets of the coast and we arrive at a small house tucked in off the main road. Robert has coffee waiting and is watching tv. For the first couple of hours we just sat making small talk and watching a movie. Nothing exciting, just Sci-fi. After the movie ends Robert stepped outside for a...

1 year ago
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Maid In Oaxaca Mexico 1

MAID IN OAXACA - MEXICO By Monica Graz PROLOGUE Patricia Martinez Torres is a pretty and highly intelligent Mexican girl in her mid twenties living in New York. Her father Diego Martinez Torres is a high-ranking diplomat serving at the UN Mexican delegation. Her mother Alicia Martinez Torres is 'old money'. She is the sole inheritor of vast pieces of land and properties in the southern state of Oaxaca at the vicinity of the town of Juchitan. In the district of Juchitan is the...

2 years ago
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FORWORD: This was my first story. I wrote it several years ago when I really didn't know what I was doing (not that I entirely do now). A number of FM readers have asked about it but I've been reluctant to post it here since it was poorly written. I've now patched it up in a (successful?) attempt to make it a worthwhile read. So for whatever it's worth here it is. This story may not be re-posted without the permission of the author. Alaina By Lana B. The day started out as any...

3 years ago
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Supernatural Nation A Second Furry Encounter

Chapter 4 "Sunshine I need a favor," Anthony said as they exited the council building. "Anything," she said winging her way over from Jessica's shoulder to sit on his hand. "Can you find the fairies in the area," he asked. "Sure, but one monarch asking another's subjects questions without the others permission is considered rude," Sunshine explained. "Could you take us to the Fairy Queen of the area...

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It all started in 1938, when the first superhero, the Gladiator, appeared. He claimed to be from the distant future where Earth had exploded. Due to experiments his father had performed on him, Gladiator possessed superhuman strength and bulletproof skin. He used his powers to fight crime in Cleveland. Then another vigilante, the Shadow emerged in 1939, operating in New York. He could not have been more different from the Gladiator, sticking to the shadows. Not much was known about him, many...

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After School Special

Billy had long admired the pleasing curves of his older sister Lynn.He was shy around the freshman girls in school who were his age of fifteen,but she had always helped him with his homework after school because their parents both worked second shift.Lynn had the routine of always showering after school.Billy's sexuality was beginning to awaken,he had begun masturbating usually twice a day since he was f******n.He was curious about his sister and one day after school he decided to sneak in his...

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Legal Issues Ch 06

Lynn sat in her car. She'd worn a large t-shirt over a bra that didn't at all fit properly, even at the furthest clasp. She wore her black yoga pants and the fabric stretched over her ass. Her tail rasped slowly over the wide elastic band around the waist as it moved. She'd tried to hide the tail in the pants but it hurt to have it bunched up. She couldn't pull them up high because of her udder. A baseball cap she'd received from a previous client hid her ears and her face from casual view. Her...

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I have posted several stories about mom, thought I would jump in with how it affected me when I got married, following is a recount of first few years married In 1975 we had been married 3 year's, I was 24 she was 21 and had lost her virginity 2 weeks before we started dating. I found out quick that she liked to wear mini skirts,heels and semi sheer tops with french bras, at the time she was 5'9",36dd,24,32,dark blonde with blue eyes and she liked to show off when we drove skirt up high,...

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