HermanChapter 3 free porn video

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I'd had a thought over the weekend concerning the money I'd found under mom's bed. Figuring that some people are just naturally nosey and if the cleaning crew that came in on every Wednesday had someone like that I'd best move the money.

Just before leaving the house to take Linda to the airport I'd stuffed what was in the metal box into a backpack. After dropping Linda at the airport I headed for a different bank than the one where mom had her safe deposit box and opened new checking and savings accounts and rented a safe deposit box. I felt relieved as I left the bank and headed for my first class of the day.

I rang Sam's doorbell at six-ten and she greeted me wearing high heels and an apron. "Just in case you wanted dessert first" is what she said as I entered the house.

I pulled her into my arms, kissed her and said, "I'll have dessert after dinner, but I think I will have an appetizer before dinner" and I picked her up and carried her into the bedroom. It was the start of a long night and Tuesday was another day when I had to run to make my first class on time.

Tuesday evening was a very tiring experience for me. I had to shoot three different scenes making love to Celia. The first time was on the desk in the home office so that it looked like we were making love at work. The next two were n the bedroom on the king size bed. There was a quick clothing change between scenes so it would look like different days.

Making love to Celia was hard work. There was concern on Sam and John's part that I wouldn't be able to fuck three times in just a couple of hours so I had to stop just before cumming and pull out while someone ran in and did the turkey baster thing. Believe you me it is hard – damned hard – to quit just as you are getting ready to bust your nut. Sam and John's strategy backfired on them. The third time Celia and I made love I was so ready that I came a minute after I slid into her. Then the call went out for a fluffer and that was another trip. Fran had taken the day off and so Ivy had to do the fluffing and she was not happy about it at all, but she had to suck it up (pun intended) and do her job. It took her a while before I got up again and got the shoot over with.

Sam wanted to stick around after every one left, but I was too exhausted to do her any good and I told her so. She understood.

"Making love under the hot lights isn't as easy as it looks is it" she said. "But I know that you can use a good morning wake up so I'll stay if you don't mind."

Her good morning wake up consisted of waking me up with a blow job and then leaning against the shower wall while I took her from behind. She gave me a passionate kiss when she left after telling me that she would see me that night.

That night I was sandbagged!

The way it was supposed to work was Celia, after falling madly in love with me, was going to confront Bonnie. They would get in a cat fight, Bonnie would subdue Celia and turn Celia into her bitch and then they would both laugh at me. I would make an impassioned speech about how wasn't going to put up with Bonnie's shit any longer, tell her that she was welcome to Celia, that I would be seeing an attorney the first thing the next day and then walk away.

In previous scenes we had established that Celia and I were falling in love and that we would both tell Bonnie that I was leaving her for Celia. Celia wanted to drive the message home so we decided that the confrontation would take place when Bonnie came home and found Celia and I making love on our bed.

Celia and I made love only this time I didn't have to stop and pull out. I came in her and when I was limp and pulled out I fell next to her on the bed. She reached for my cock and was playing with it when Bonnie came into the room. She took in the scene and then yelled:

"What the hell is going on here?"

"I knew from what Bobby told me that you were a stupid bitch, but I never thought that you were so stupid that you couldn't figure out what you are looking at."

"Who the fuck are you?"

"I'm the woman who is going to take your husband away from you and treat him like the treasure he is."

"Over my dead body!" Bonnie exclaimed.

"My pleasure" Celia said as she jumped off the bed and went for Bonnie. The two put on a pretty good show, but then instead of Bonnie subduing Celia per the script I thought we were following Celia got Bonnie down on the floor in a hammerlock and said:

"You want more bitch? All I have to do is add a little more pressure and I'll end up breaking something."

"Enough. Enough!! Stop hurting me."

Celia got up and left Bonnie lying on the floor and then said to me, "Get dressed Bobby and lets get out of here. You can come back for your things later."

We both dressed and as we were heading for the door Bonnie cried out:

"Don't leave me Bobby; please don't leave me. I love you Bobby; please don't go."

I had no idea why Sam had made the changes, but I did know that the episode was supposed to end with me showing some balls so I adlibbed.

"You don't love me Bonnie and I doubt that you ever did. What you loved was shitting all over me knowing that I would take it because I loved you and didn't want to lose you."

"No Bobby, you're wrong. I only did what I did because I thought it was what you wanted. If you would ever have just said "Stop this Bonnie" I would have done it in a heartbeat."

"Bullshit Bonnie. No way you could have believed that I wanted to be shamed and humiliated in front of my friends and the guys I work with. And if you really loved me there is no way that you could constantly deny me what you so freely gave to everyone else. I overheard your phone conversation with Abe the other day. I heard you tell him that if you ever found a "real man" you would put me out on the curb with the rest of the garbage on trash pickup day.

"I loved you Bonnie and you will never find anyone else who will love you more than I did, but you killed that love. You drove a stake through it and killed it and I'm out of here."

I took Celia by the arm and we walked out of the room as Bonnie cried out:

"Please Bobby; please. Please don't leave me."

I heard John call "Cut and that's a wrap" and I turned and walked back into the room.

"What happened here Sam?"

"The series ends without you in it so I just decided to change the ending a little. This way you showed that you had some stones and you got the girl. A happy ending for you." We can always re-shoot it the other way if you want."

"No; I'm cool with it. I was just curious."

"Another reason is that it leaves open the possibility of your coming back if circumstances change. We can play it that you loved me so much that you couldn't stay away. I'll be all sweetness and light, but gradually get you back under my thumb. The difference will be that you are only a wimp with me. We can have you punch out a couple of guys to show that you are not a wuss except with me."

"Not likely Sam. Linda was pretty definite in her wanting me to quit and I have to agree with her thinking."

"I do too. I would have stopped when you first told me about it."

"I know, but I promised you I'd stay through the series and to me a promise made is a promise kept."

"Are you satisfied with the ending? We can change and have you punch out someone to make you appear more macho."

"No need. I'm good with it."

"The series ends with this episode, but I do hope I'm going to see you from time to time."

I remembered what Linda had said and I decided to be a little bold.

My mom was forever telling me about a woman's intuition and that "Women know these things." I've gotten the same from Linda. Especially the "women know these things" part. Just before she left she asked me if she was going to have to look for a new bed partner when she comes to town and when I asked her why she told me that she "just knew, just immediately knew" that when you were talking about your perfect mate that you were talking about me. I told her that she was crazy and she gave me the "women know" bit. Was she right?"

Sam was silent for a bit and then she said, "Would it be so bad if she were right?"

"You mean that she is?"

"Yes. She is right on the money."

"But why me? You could have your pick of guys who would kill to have you. Why me?"

"I've already told you. I need someone who will accept me for not only who I am, but who can also accept me for who I was. I can accept you knowing that you were a male prostitute and I believe that with that background you can accept me. Am I wrong?"

"No, but what about love? I like you Sam; I like you a lot, but I don't know that I love you."

"Bullshit Herman If you can make love to me the way you have been doing you can love me. I know that I'm falling in love with you."

"I don't know what to say."

"Don't say anything baby. We will just take it as it comes. You know my schedule and what nights I can date. I'm betting by the time I finish my program and have my degree that you and I will be what is called 'an item' and once I have that degree I am done with porn. I will be ready to live a normal life and I want to live that life with a guy who treats me the way you do. Let's just play it by ear, okay?"

No way was I going to say no. Sam was a great bed buddy; she was smart, witty, was a damned good cook and I did like her. I liked her one hell of a lot and I knew I could do worse – a lot worse – when it came to picking a mate for life. I couldn't throw stones at her for what she did given what I'd done before I met her so I said:

"Okay Sam; one day at a time.

Over the next two months I dated Sam between Linda's visits and we got along fine. I closed on the house and put the money in the bank. I had a year to do something with it to avoid having to pay capital gains on it.

Linda invited Sam over every time she was in town and the two of them talked about me like I wasn't even there. Sam told Linda she was going to marry me as soon as she got her degree and Linda asked me if that was true and I just shrugged. Sam laughed and said:

"He just hasn't gotten used to the idea yet."

Every time the two of them got together they talked about gangbangs and I was beginning to believe that Linda was actually going to do it.

Summer break came and I decided to work for Linda's company as an intern rather than take summer classes. The work was interesting and I got some real world experience to compliment the classes I took for my major.

Sam and I got together two or three nights a week and at least one of those nights ended up in a sleep-over at either Sam's place or mine. Sam was done with her degree program and all she had to do was submit her dissertation and defend it. I picked her up one Monday night and she told me that she could start seeing me every night of the week from then on.

"I posted my last film on Saturday. I'm all yours now baby."

That night's sleep-over lasted until Thursday and I did have to admit that waking up next to Sam every morning and then starting our day together was very nice. That night when I picked Linda up at the airport she asked me if I had missed her and I said:

"You know I have."

"Really? Sam hasn't been keeping you too busy to even think of me when I'm not here?"

"I do spend a lot of time with Sam, but you are never far from my thoughts."

"That's a sweet thing to say, but I know that my time with you is short. Sam is determined to marry you and now that school is over for her she is going to put on a full court press. The two of you are perfect for each other."

"The problem is that even though I like her a lot I don't know that I love her."

"So what? There are more people out there than you realize who weren't really in love when they married, but love grew between them. Bob and I weren't in love when we got married. It was a marriage of convenience, but by the time he died I would have killed for the man. You and Sam have unique backgrounds that make you a perfect couple. I know it and Sam does too.

"Let me put your mind to rest on something. You dumping this old broad to marry Sam isn't going to change my plans for you. I'm still going to expect you to come work for me."

"What's with this 'old broad' crap? You are one hell of a sexy lady and what surprises me the most is that you are wasting your time on a young dude like me when you could have your pick of dozens of men who would like to put a ring on your finger."

"The problem is that most of those men who want to put a ring on my finger want to do it more for my money than for me. Oh I'm sure that there might be a couple who want me for me, but do you have any idea how many I would have to wade through to find those guys? And what happens if I choose wrong? No lover' I'll stick to you young dudes. You have fast recovery powers. More to the point I'll stick with you as long as you'll have me. I've grown real fond of you."

"As long as I'll have you? I've got news for you sexy lady. I'm yours until you tell me goodbye. I won't be the one who ends what we have."

"Oh? What about Sam?"

"To be bluntly honest Linda; I can't choose between you. I want you both."

"Oh dear; this could get sticky."

She was silent the rest of the way to the house. When we got there Linda helped me make dinner and after we ate we sat on the patio and had margaritas while we watched the sunset. After a bit Linda said:

"I like Sam."

"So do I."

"I really do think the two of you make the perfect couple."

"I've heard it said by some who have seen us together that you and I look like the perfect couple."

She laughed and said, "I know bullshit when I hear it, but thank you for the thought."

"It is not bullshit Linda. I look older than I am and you look years younger than you are and while we may be a May-December couple there doesn't appear to be all that many years between us."

"I'm older than your mother was."

"And I had the hots for her too."

"Oh Hermie; whatever am I going to do with you."

"Keep me around is what I am hoping for."

She reached over and patted my leg. "Come on baby; I need to show you how much I like what you say."

She tore me up that night and I did not want to get out of bed in the morning, but she had put me to work at her company and I did need to carry my weight. We rode into work together and on the way she told me that we would be going out that night after work. "Where" I asked.

"It is a surprise sweetie. You get to spend the day trying to think of what it might be."

Work was so busy that day that I didn't have time to think about it. At work our relationship was strictly business and I rarely saw her as she went from meeting to meeting. She had lunch with a client and I didn't see her again until quitting time. As we settled into the Escalade she asked:

"Ready for your surprise?"

"I don't know. Is it a good surprise or a bad one?"

"You haven't an idea of what it might be?"

"Not a clue."

"Good. That means that no one spilled the beans."

She changed the subject to things from work and I was so busy talking that I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. "We're here" she said and I looked up and saw that we were in front of Sam's place. I looked at her questioningly and she said:

"Can you figure it out now?"

I looked at her blankly and she said, "You have a choice. You can be the engineer who starts the train moving or just a passenger along for the ride however I do expect you to be the brakeman riding in the caboose."

It finally dawned on me. She was going to do a gangbang. "Are you sure about this?"

"I am. I've wanted to do it ever since I saw the films of Sam. I think about it all the time. The kinkiest thing I've ever done was make love to you while Bob watched and I decided that I wanted to do something really wild before I'm too old to enjoy it. You are going to be part of it right?"

"Your wish is my command."

"Good. I want you to be the engineer and the brakeman."

"What does that mean?"

"I want you to be the first and the last and as many times in between as you can manage."

Sam answered the door when we rang the bell and she gave Linda a big smile.

"Good. I was afraid you would chicken out and I'd end up having to take care of the guys."

"How many?"

"You said six counting Herm so I have five here for you."

We went in and I was surprised to see John and Terry there behind all ready set up cameras. I turned to Linda and asked:

"Are you sure about this? What are your clients and customers gong to think if they see you on a porn site?"

"This isn't going up on a porn site sweetie. Sam assures me that here will only be one copy and I'll have it. It will be something for me to look at when I'm old and gray and need to be reminded that once upon a time I had what it takes."

She turned to Sam and asked, "How do we do this?"

"Just get naked and get it on."

"No" I said. "We will take it slow. I'll undress you and when you get down to stockings and heels I'll go down on you. While I'm doing that one of the others will step up and present his cock to your mouth. When I think I've gotten you ready I'll make love to you and whenever I'm done whoever is in your mouth will take my place and from there things should take on a life of their own."

I undressed Linda and she undressed me and then I went down on her. I knew what buttons to push and I ate her to an orgasm while she sucked Stan's cock. After she came I mounted her missionary and was able to give her another climax before I came. After I pulled out Stan moved to take my place and Ray moved to her mouth. As soon as Stan started banging away Sam pulled me into the living room and said:

"She wants you to be the first one in her ass and she wants you as many times as you can get it up tonight so tonight I'm your fluffer."

She went to her knees in front of me and took my cock in her mouth. As soon as she had me up she told me to go and tap Linda's ass so the three holing could start.

"That's what turned her on the most when she watched me. She wants to be 'airtight' so go do your duty sailor."

"Aye aye ma'am."

When I walked back into the room Stan had finished and Roy had moved from Linda's mouth to her pussy and Mike had had taken over Linda's mouth. I had the guy's pull out of her and I had Roy lie down on his back and had Linda climb on his cock and lean forward to take Mike in her mouth. I walked over to the dresser where Sam kept her KY, got the tube and went back to Linda. I worked on her butt hole with KY on my thumbs and finger for a couple of minutes and then I eased my cock into her ass. Mike and I worked up a rhythm and I fucked Linda until I came. I pulled out of her ass and George moved into take my place.

I went to the bathroom, washed my dick and then went into the living room and 'my fluffer' got me up again. I got Linda two more times before backing off to just watch. Sam wanted to get me up again, but I told her no.

"Linda wants me to be last so I have to save up enough to be able to do it."

Then came the biggest surprise of the night. John put down his camera and joined in. I'd never seen him take part before. He actually went three times on Linda. The first time he took her ass and the second time he went in her pussy. I was watching him plow Linda's pussy when Sam came up to me.

"I don't believe it" she said. "In the three years I've worked with John he has never taken part before."

John's third time was the shocker. The guys began to fade and they started to dress and leave. Soon there was only Sam, Linda, John and me. Linda called Sam and me over to the bed and said:

"I need a very big favor from you guys."

"Sure" Sam said, "What do you need?"

"Can Herm stay here with you tonight?"

"No problem; right Hermie?"

Before I could answer Linda said, "Please Herm? I know I said I wanted you to be first and last, but now I want John to be last and he wants to take me home. Please?"

I shrugged and said, "You know I'll do whatever you want." I bent and kissed her and said, "Take care and have fun. Call me when I can come home."

As Sam led me to her bedroom she said, "I hope you have enough for me. I got real horny watching Linda live out her fantasy."

"I can give you once, but that's about all. I saved myself to be Linda's last, but that's all I have in the tank."

"Betcha I can get a little more out of you."

"I sincerely doubt it."

Naturally she just had to prove me wrong, but it took her almost thirty minutes to do it.

When I was lying exhausted next to her I said, "Care to speculate on what happened tonight?"

"I haven't a clue. Like I said, in the three years I've worked with John he has never taken part in anything we did."

We fell asleep shortly after that. At noon the next day Linda called and told me that I could come home.

"John drove me home so the car is still there."

I told Sam I was going to leave and she said, "Linda told you she would explain when you got home. You make damned sure you call me and clue me in. I'm dying of curiosity."

"I need to know something. Does John know who she is? I mean does John know about our relationship?"

"As far as I know all he knows is that she is a very good friend of mine that I helped live out a fantasy. He knows she came with you and from hearing what she told you he knows that you expected to be going home with her. Why do you ask?"

"Because Linda is extremely wealthy and she has men coming after her for her money and not her."

"I doubt that John knows that. He'd never seen her before last night at least as far as I know. What are you going to do?"

"It isn't what I'm going to do; it is what is Linda going to do? Don't forget that all I am to her is her kept boy toy."

"You are more than that to her Herm."

"Another one of those "Trust me, a woman knows these things?"

"Precisely. Call me" she said as she stood on her tip-toes and kissed me.

When I got to the house I found Linda sitting at the kitchen table drinking coffee and working the New York Times crossword puzzle. I poured myself a cup and joined her at the table. She put down her pencil and said:

"I guess I owe you an explanation."

"No you don't. We both know what our relationship is."

"Oh? And just what is our relationship?"

"I'm your every other weekend boy toy. We are friends with some damned good benefits."

"Is that what you really think?"

I shrugged and she said, "You are much more than that to me Herm. You know that I used you exclusively up until you dropped out of site. I've used an escort service every weekend I've come to town and I've had dozens of escorts. Some of them more than a couple of times, but you are the only one I've ever offered to set up in an apartment. If you were fifteen or twenty years older I would have been trying to get you to marry me. To be absolutely honest there have been times when I thought seriously of putting the age thing aside and asking you to marry me anyway.

Same as Herman
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Jills Story

Jill’s Story By Paris Waterman Jill loved to watch Evan come. She had a particular fascination with watching his face as it scrunched up as he clenched his teeth. It was almost a ritual; the cheeks of his ass would clamp together, his eyes would roll up in his head and he would emit the longest groan as he ejaculated. Because of this she would ask him to cum on her abundantly sized breasts or her face, if she were particularly aroused. But now that they had been married four months the...

Wife Lovers
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The Rise of AzkovalChapter 78

Liala was certain that she had never been this cold before. She wasn’t positive that anyone had been this cold before. According to the list of days that she had kept since their departure from Azkoval, the season should be late spring or early summer. The temperature had not risen above the point where a person would stop seeing his breath in front of his face. There was a constant wind howling from the north that cut through to her skin regardless of the weight of the furs she wore. The...

2 years ago
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New Beginnings Pt 2 Ch 6

Lisa stirred, and sharp agony answered the slight movement she’d tried to make. “Wake up, my darling Elsa,” the loving, venomous voice whispered again. “I’ve have a surprise for you.” “S’prize?” she murmured, still half asleep. “Whaz’it?” She took a breath to try and wake up more so she could see her new gift. A piercing agony speared her deep inside her lungs as she tried to inhale. “Ahh, yes!” she heard Vlad gasp with aroused wonder. “My gift to you works very well… Lisa...

3 years ago
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Little Sister Ass Pounding

Anybody that's read anything that I have posted knows that I have a baby sister that is roughly 4 years older than my oldest daughter who is 19. and she has a little baby face perfect tits perfect everything. I love nothing more than stretching out a girl's asshole with my cock. There's something that's just taboo and kinky nasty filthy just fucking dirty about it. I love it. I don't care how nasty and messy it gets or if it doesn't get that way at all. Something about having a cuties shit ring...

3 years ago
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The scene is a beautiful hotel in the wilds of the Somerset Levels. It is a warm, late summer evening and the sun is setting over the hazy landscape. It is the occasion of my friend, Jess’s hen night and it is a quiet and small affair of perhaps nine of her closest friends. Relaxed and informal we have been sitting, talking and drinking in the lounge overlooking the hotel’s garden and across the fields beyond. I found myself alone with Jess. She thanked me for organising the party and I told...

2 years ago
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Master PC The ProtectorChapter 53 Flying to the Rescue

Erin struggled. She fought with and yelled at Mike. She knew it was him but she hadn't seen his face. She spat curses and screamed for help as he carried her to his car and put her in. However, for some reason no one came, no one noticed her. Mike pushed her in and across, not allowing her alone in the car for too long. She watched the scenery go by, buildings, cars, people. She yelled and called, screamed and slammed herself into the door, but nothing stopped what was happening. She was...

3 years ago
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Wet Dream

I look at the clock as I step into the bedroom and sigh as I give up the idea that you will be with me tonight. I have yet again lost you to a life that consumes your every waking moment and even though I know that you are content with what you have, I can't help but wish you would want for something more. To be here with me. I hurriedly strip off my clothes and slip into the warmth of my bed before the cold of the room can chill my flesh. 'Maybe you'll just be late be a little late', I...

1 year ago
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Mrs Samuals exposure

There is this black woman naked mrs Samuals who is a teacher at a all girls school with her top A student name cindy. Through out her day rather it's school or home she winds up naked and is seen by cindy. Mrs samual when naked is known to have some bush on her pussy. Anywhere or everywhere she in with Cindy, Cindy alway has Mrs Samuals striping naked in public. What does mrs samuals teach? And were does her day start?

3 years ago
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The CatalystChapter 34 Unintended Complications

[“Lenny, oh my darling Lenny, they told us you were dead ... I’ve missed you so much, I still love you!”] “Where are you ‘Eyes’? “I’m at Bob Swenson’s house in St Charles. He’s marrying our daughter!” There was nothing but stunned silence for what felt like an eternity. Iris was trying to contact Dad, but with no response. I was getting worried, as I knew he was probably driving. Mom was flashing in hysterics, “Charlie, help us, I think Lenny had a heart attack!” “Where are...

4 years ago
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Angels Tale Part 12

Angel's Tale: A MORFS Universe Story By Joreymay Part 12 Sometimes, you can't win. Angel got home at an unreasonably early hour (for a summer Friday night party), got right to bed, and still woke up feeling like she had spent the night in the business end of a street sweeper. She dragged herself out of bed and went through her morning routine. 87 hours later, give or take a lifetime, she was clean, dressed, groomed, and on her way to breakfast. She started pulling things out of...

3 years ago
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The Clean Up

This is the follow up to Laundry Day. I hope you enjoy and tell me your thoughts please.Amanda was the first to stand and helped Ariel to her feet. They went to the bathroom where they have a jacuzzi tub big enough for 2. Ariel sat between Amanda's legs placing her head on her cheast. "I still can't believe we haven't done that before. I liked it more then I thought. Hell I loved it." Ariel chuckled. Amanda was still taken in by the whole experiance and getting horny all over again just...

3 years ago
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Dirty Girl and Guitar Guy

    I don't know what happened! I just showed up to see my friend's band play and just so happen to find out that he would be there, that his band would be there. I didn't have anything else to do that day so I stayed and watched his band, his long, curly, dark hair that framed his gorgeous face and haunting green eyes so perfectly, his toned, lean arms that led to his heavenly fingers that played every beautiful note so effortlessly on his electric guitar.    Sure I was flattered when his...

Straight Sex
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The Exhibitionist Competition In Gym

Hi All, I am back with another experience of mine. This is one of the few experiences I recently had in Surat. For those who are reading me for the first time, I will introduce myself. I am Darshan working with a private firm and travel across Gujarat for my official work. I have an inclination towards fitness and health. You can post your feedbacks on I have been posted in Surat for temporary deputation. I was still in Hotel provided for a week till I settle down in Surat and started working...

2 years ago
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I am gay…I m out to my family, friends and relatives, no fear of the social structure of the world. I have always been attracted to men and this opportunity came when we were getting our house renovated and had a team of carpenters come for making the furniture. The whole team comprised of rajasthani men who by profession are carpenters and they r expert at it. Coming back to the story in this team of old as well as young men a guy stood out, he was particularly good looking, curly hair and was...

Gay Male
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My first experience with a manmen

My first experience with a man/men.I was 20 when i decided to visit my first porn theater. I went late, the theater was dark no one was in there, i sat down on the second row from the top, and started to get into the porn. a guy walked in sat down a couple rows in front of me, then walked out looking at me as he went by. next thing i knew he is sitting down next to me, i started to get nervous, (thinking that he wanted something) sure enough, i felt his hand on my jeans rubbing my cock, i...

2 years ago
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HomelessChapter 4 New clothes and a first kiss

The next morning, she came down to go to work in one of the miniskirts and the white blouse and blazer. She was bare legged and wearing her old loafers. I asked her if she liked her new clothes and she blushed a deep red but nodded. As she looked down at herself she smiled at the new clothes she was wearing and actually did a little twirl for me. "Do I look nice?" She was wearing the pleated mini and, while it had come up a bit as she twirled, it wasn't nearly enough for me to see...

2 years ago
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Darling Darling Darling

I don’t love you anymore actually I don’t think I ever did. You make me angry all the time, well most of the time and we bicker too much. The sex is good though and when I’m hurting about something well you won’t tell me anything I don’t already know but you’ll hug me because you love me. We sit down and watch the television together when I’m home, which is rare because normally I am out with friends or by myself silently wishing that my life could be different, that you are different. ...

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Fucking in open air

Dear readers I am Raj a new iss reader. I have many sex encounter in which one of is here. Now I have turned 25 years old. This is the story when I was 21 year. Let me tell u about me first I’m fair 6′ tall and handsome. This story happened in December 2003. This is a story about how I satisfied a woman 26 years old I’m using word woman as she was married and was not living with her husband. Her name was Preeti and she was my school mate’s sister who later became my good friend. She is a very...

2 years ago
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His parents condo day 1

I arrived at the station a little lost and confused. I wasn’t sure where to go or what to do. I stood there looking around till I heard “Conny! Conny, hey!” I turned around and there he was. The guy I have been waiting to meet for a long time. John waved his hand in the air as he practically ran towards me. I smiled the second he said my name. He stopped in front of me smiling. He had the cutest smile and his dimples were just adorable. I just wanted to jump on him so badly but decided to hold...

3 years ago
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HunterChapter 7

On Monday, I had Harlow drive the team pulling the freight wagon. The windlass had been transferred to the new wagon, and having Harlow along sure did make it easier to load the dead hogs. I had all four dogs along with us because I wanted to use this as a training session for Judy as well as getting the hogs I needed for my customers. For the first hog, I sent all four dogs out hoping that Judy would do what the other dogs were doing, kind of as a way to let her get the idea of what her job...

3 years ago
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Fucked Her to My Hearts Content

Hey All, this is Shakib here writing my first of hopefully many stories on the site. Just writing this story made me relive this experience and I hope you all enjoy it as well. My girlfriend and I had been dating for a year before she moved away to attend a new college for studies. To describe her she is 21 about 5’4, fair, with a nice ass and 34c boobs. I am 23 5’7 medium build with a thick 6 inches. While dating I would conveniently find myself grinding on her ass whenever I could and have...

1 year ago
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My ExWife Part One

Looking down at her as she ran her tongue over my cock, I couldn’t believe we were here. Jan and I had split up a few years previously but had remained friends. She was older than me by around twelve years and when we first met, we were thirty-two and forty-four respectively. We were in similar social groups and saw each other at various parties from time to time which was fine, until we both had new partners who found our friendship hard to handle. This created issues for us both and we began...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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The Producers

Warning: this story contains graphic rape and murder. Don't read it if this isn't your cup of tea. Conversely, if this is your cup of tea, so much so that you think you should try hurting someone in real life, please reconsider, as you are too stupid to get away with it and too soft for prison, where you will be raped more savagely than even my twisted mind could imagine.If, however, you are somewhere in the middle, then please enjoy...The ProducersMargie was always on the lookout for new...

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Slutty neighbour vandana

In life people always like to partake in a little bit of risk. Just enough to feel a rush, but not enough to get caught or noticed. Here is a story of a slutty teasing aunty. Vandana was no different. She was a beautiful 27-year-old woman working a relatively unassuming entry-level job at a fortune 500 company. The pay was nice, but her job was boring and provided very little excitement. So to bring a little excitement into her life, Vandana began to dress sexier. First it started off very...

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Secret Treasures

* based on a true story. I am Jessica female30yrs. The rain pelted down on the Victorian style home . Legand was it was haunted. Lights would turn on without cause.. dripping faucets.. drawers creaking Open. But, it was beautiful. I loved the home. My cat and I were ready for bed when a knock at the door startled. It was aunt Kim. Come to visit.’ Your father asked me to look in on u..’ she said. Ok Kim..make yourself comfortable.as my cat and I went to bed. The rain on the window pane pelted...

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In the Hands of the EnemyChapter 3

Their departure from the Hawaiian Islands was delayed slightly due to reports of a new Japanese armada sneaking in from the North. Heidi thought it might be better to be out on the open sea rather than in the constrained harbor but kept her amateur military opinion to herself. An additional contingent of about two hundred medical personnel who had flown in from San Diego came on board at the last moment and their compartments were bursting at the seams with new faces. About one third of the...

1 year ago
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A Game of InchesChapter 2

Ashley was lying back on the sofa, my Father had his face buried between her legs. She was wearing a tee shirt, her panties were around her right ankle. Her head was tilted back, her eyes were closed, and her hips were moving against his mouth. I stepped back in the hallway, wondering what to do. I knew I should go back to my room, they deserved their privacy, but I couldn’t seem to make my feet move. I leaned in again, peering around the corner. Ashley was now moaning softly, her finger’s...

3 years ago
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My sister when I sleep

CHAPTER ONE – The Surprise Visit I tossed and turned in my single-sized bed, unable to fall asleep. It just wasn't going to happen. Not tonight. I just knew it. I wasn't even remotely sleepy.Just as that thought process began to run itself tirelessly in my head as if to taunt me, I heard a faint creak of floorboards outside my door and I instantly stopped my restless movements. Laying completely still, breathing as little as necessary so as to listen as best I could, I waited.*CREAK* I heard it...

4 years ago
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The Displaced Detective Part 7

The Displaced Detective - Part 7 by Limbo's Mistress It felt like nearly an hour before the room to the door opened again. After the woman, with her cryptic warning about cooperating with Armitage, left, I laid my head back against the padded rest and tried to be, like, patient. After all, it wasn't as if I was going anywhere soon. What was Armitage's plan? He didn't want me dead, that much he'd come right out and told me. Even if he hadn't, though, I could have figured that...

2 years ago
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Mexico Honeymoon

This story happened about six months ago while my husband and I were on our honeymoon in Mexico. We decided to go to Cancun because of its nightlife and beach. I met my husband while I was in college at a bar near Atlantic City, and ever since then we have loved to go out, get drunk and dance without a care in the world. He was out of college with a new career as a salesman living on his own, so we always had somewhere to go afterwards and fuck each others brains out. Let me describe myself, I...

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How I Fucked My Mom

My name is Frank im a twenty year old student living at home with my mom,dad,brothers and sister.The incedent happened three weeks after my eighteenth birthday when I was in my room on my day off work having a good pull on my cock watching Amber Lynn Bachs tits bounce on my laptop screen while everybody was away to work or.As I was pulling my cock I noticed that it was hard as a rock but my spit was drying up and I needed a drink to make more spit. So I decided to go down stairs to get a drink...

2 years ago
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There was no strange lightening bolt, no mysterious dream, no dull lamps, just a sudden, inexplicable feeling of power while riding home after school on the bus. As an eighteen year old with no control over your life this undeniable surge of power is all consuming. You feel you can enact every fantasy you've ever had, no matter how crazy, debase, or pointless it may be. You're somewhat logical though, so you decide you need to test things out first. You start with yourself, toning out your...

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Debbies awakening

When they arrived at Marion's she parked the car on the drive and the three girls entered the house. Debbie was leaking down below with excitement remembering what had just happened and what was still to come. Her hands were still stinging from her caning but her mind was in overdrive remembering her own and the other punishments. Her mother Susan looked at her daughter's damaged palms and as she kissed them told her she loved her and thought she had been really brave.Susan herself was in a...

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How My Mom Saved Nude Day

How Mom Saved Nude DayI live at home with my dad, mom and sister. We live on the outskirts of the city in our four-bedroom house with a big backyard. My sister Sandy and I were homeschooled, but my sister is a year older and is now attending a community college in the city. She still lives at home and drives mom's car to class. I'm finishing up my home studies which are the equivalent of a senior year in high school.My dad always had a free spirit. He considered himself one of the baby boomers...

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Here there be monsters

Green light pierced through the darkness of space, a single pin prick of light surrounded by a million others in the vast emptiness of space. Two gas giants and a single large planetoid orbited the small young green star, their distance keeping an elliptical orbit from the star yet close enough that they appeared at risk of colliding if not for the fact that they were still millions of miles away from each other’s pull of gravity. The Echidna sector was a small neglected part of explored space,...

2 years ago
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Desert SonChapter 6

On arriving in Kashgar everyone was very busy. Vedeya was cornering the date and sesame market, getting all the supplies she could before the vendors realized there was a market force to drive the price up. She also purchased all the honey she could find. She had Tuk for her face, and the guards as her porters, and soon they were wheeling the carriage full of her supplies to a bakery she had rented. There were six bakeries in town, so the owner was easily persuaded to take a three week...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 1 The BabiesChapter 5 Baby Steps

December – Year 1 We walked to the door and I gave her a hug and another good night kiss. Lynn took the opportunity to softly slide her tongue into my mouth as her left hand reached down between my legs. I returned the kiss and moved my hands behind her and let my hands explore her ass. It was firm, and both her cheeks fit nicely into each of my hands. My cock was growing straight up the inside of my pants and Lynn was softly stroking it up and down. As the kissing became more intense, her...

4 years ago
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Dawn of the Breasts

The following story chronicles the fall of human civilization in the near future at the hands of an unknown force. A plague it seemed was loosed upon humanity which radiated out in great waves and mutated whomever it infected. Think of a tidal wave, and each time that tidal wave hits something, it absorbs it and adds it to its strength and power until it circumnavigates the globe and takes everything with it. That was how the plague worked, assuming it was a plague, there were no humans left...

1 year ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 9 KamiChapter 41 Oranges are Omens

March 3, 1996, Chicago, Illinois “Steve, do you have a minute?” Jodie asked on Sunday afternoon. “Sure. What’s up?” “I’m working on a project for my advanced software engineering class and I’m having a problem with refactoring some code.” I chuckled, “You’ve come to the right place. Dave’s mostly had me working on refactoring old code off and on for the past two years because I can’t usually commit enough hours to work on new modules. Let’s take a look!” We spent about an hour going over...

3 years ago
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CeCes Gurls

Ms CeCe “Hi Chubby Chick”, Alton said. CeCe aka CC replied “aren't you're supposed to be flying the plane”? Alton laughed saying, “did you get my flowers, Birthday gurl”? CC replied “yes, thank you Sweet Heart”! He grinned telling her that he was an hour out with more presents! CeCe was a plump gurl, heavy thighs, wide curved ass, thick tits and round faced. Her brown hair and deep blue eyes made her rather cute. Alton had sweep her off her feet after chasing her even when she told him that...

1 year ago
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A letter to Ms Mikki

Dear Ms. Moorehead,You are correct in stating that androgyny is a turn on, I find a person such as yourself, must be fully aware how she entices and excites someone like me by appearance alone. In my perfect fantasy world I would like nothing better than to visit you & you open the door dressed in a high collared, buttoned blouse & a black pencil skirt with a slit at the side, black rose printed stockings & knee high black boots.I don’t approach you immediately. I need to drink in...

2 years ago
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1964 The Dairy of DesireChapter 33 Forgiven

That afternoon at milking I was worried Branch would remain upset with me about the experience with the bull during the day. I wasn’t sure about how to approach the subject, was still very embarrassed for being a fool and, I was sure, had lost her respect. I had to bet myself they all knew, were totally aware Betty and I had fucked an amazing amount in the pasture. I was surprised, however, none of my milk mates were acting as if anything was different, as if anything had happened to upset...

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