Fifteen Forever Girls from Outer SpaceChapter 27 Brainwave
- 3 years ago
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Rose had understood Google Maps straight away - in fact she probably thought it was quite primitive - so luckily Grace had been able to just drive the humvee and go where Rose pointed. It could probably go literally anywhere, by the feel of it, but there were dusty tracks to follow, that were just about wide enough. So now they were at the little cove between Blind Beach and Blue Beach, where hopefully Mia and the others were going to pick them up, probably the following night. It wasn’t that near to Cuba, but it wasn’t too close to the main base either.
She drove into a load of scrubby bushes, that there were plenty of, and they were as high as the humvee, so with it being dull green army colour hopefully it wouldn’t be spotted. The monster car just bent the bushes to go over them, so they’d be springing back up behind them. She went in a few metres then quickly turned out the lights and switched off the noisy engine. Silence, nearly. No lights were chasing after them. Some waves were lapping on the beach, about 100 metres away down at the end of the track.
Can you swim?” she asked the Striteracians. They might need to. They didn’t reply, but Grace ‘felt’ a question in her head ... oh god, she was sensing them!! They were so close, in fact Cyan had leaned over so her hair was touching hers. She conjured up an image in her mind, of herself swimming, doing breast stroke, then crawl, in water with little waves.
‘Yes.’ She felt an image of Cyan swimming, in her head. Breast stroke. Wow. She gave a pleased feeling back or tried to.
The English-speaking captain was waiting at the disguised gate back into Cuba. “Not all your young friends?” He looked closely at Mo and Zara in the lights of the jeep.
“They have moved her, my daughter,” Zara’s head was at least clear enough to speak her lines. “I thought they were going to kill me. Thank you, for helping.”
“Is okay. Where they take your daughter?”
“We think Vieques,” Mia answered. “There was a map with a place circled.” That direction, the Virgin Islands, had seemed like the best bet, in the few moments she’d had to search for ‘US base’.
“A base. You go there? We cannot help you, in US territory.”
“I know, it’s okay. We can get ashore and then see.”
“Okay. You invade the USA again, in your Navy Seal outfits, good luck USA! Hahaha. Is insane but I wish you the best. Be safe. We take you to your boat and your academic, get in.”
Thirty minutes later they were back with the cigarette boat, which had gathered a little crowd of admiring soldiers in the harbour, even at half past four in the morning. Zara was having an emotional reunion with Claude.
“How about fuel?” Mia asked the captain. “Can we get some? We can pay.” Now she had Internet again, she could see Vieques was over 1000 kilometres away, a bit farther than she’d realised, and there were only 67 gallons left in the tanks. The British Virgin Islands were just beyond, which was good with being out of CIA direct control, but no use if they couldn’t get there.
“How much do you need?”
“Perhaps five hundred gallons? Or more, would be ideal.”
The captain sighed. “The store here is only two hundred. For more you have to go round to the north side.”
“How far is that?”
“About three hundred kilometers.”
Mia shook her head. Shit. 600 kilometers there and back, six hours or more, would mean they’d be sailing up to rescue Grace and the aliens near the US base in daylight, in about the most suspicious-looking boat ever, after Toyboyski and the others had been found. Or hanging around Cuba with the Mafia looking for their boat. “It’s too far.”
“Too far for what?”
“Er,” Mia couldn’t help hesitating, “we need to get away from Cuba quickly, because we shot a couple of them.”
“Seriously?” the captain smiled. “Okay we did hear a couple of shots. Still, what is it you are not telling me?”
“There’s nothing I’m not telling you,” Mia smiled back confidently.
“Alright, never mind, I like you, fighter girl who shoots Americans. Let me go ask someone, maybe we can help another way.” He walked off briskly.
“Let’s plan,” Mia got Paul and Mo aboard, separated Claude and Zara, and got them round the table in the narrow cabin. “Where can we go? We don’t have much fuel and this thing drinks it.”
“How fast is it?” asked Zara. “It looks like it’ll only be efficient up on the plane.”
“Hahaha,” Claude laughed, “it’s very fast, but we have to arrive somewhere ma cherie. Somewhere safe.”
“An island?” suggested Paul.
“Let’s look,” said Mia.
Rose grinned at Grace, and gestured towards the sea. An image of Rose swimming appeared in Grace’s head. Cyan and Emerald had got out and come round, and were sharing that same energy, somehow.
“It’s the middle of the night!” Grace had to grin too. But they were on a mission, not a schoolgirl midnight breakout from a dorm or something!
“We...” Cyan started in words, “ ... not permit...”.
Grace felt an image grow ... it was a row of male Striteracians barring the way, preventing a female from passing. They were surprisingly ‘male’, being taller and with broader shoulders, slimmer hips and a distinct bulge at the top of their legs. Well, was it surprising? Convergence, Rose had said. But: “Oh, normally, on your planet, girls aren’t allowed to swim?”
A muddled picture appeared, then clarified as Rose’s transmission apparently was the one the others gave way to: a female with a male alongside, wading into water.
“Oh, you have to be chaperoned,” Grace realised.
The aliens were all grinning, nodding, and facing back towards the track, ready. Well alright why not? It’d be a treat, as well as practice for if they had to swim to the boat. They’d see Mia coming in plenty of time, and if she didn’t come they’d be nice and refreshed for hanging out all day.
Down at the end of the track, the warm sand squidged between her toes, reminding her of holidays when she was little; carefree holidays when she just had to run around and laugh with her friends while her mum and dad took care of everything. Now she had to take care of everything. But the Striteracians were happy, paddling and watching her, to see what she did. No swimsuits obviously, and the air wasn’t so warm yet that they should be in wet clothes afterwards ... well it was deserted here, and they were all girls together after all.
She took off her overalls and draped them over a rock. She followed with her shoes and socks, then top, bra and panties. They were all watching her. Faking insouciance she strolled into the warm sea with its little waves. “Don’t get your clothes wet,” she smiled. Oh. She thought a picture: of a girl in dripping wet clothes, shivering.
The aliens giggled - really human-style giggled - and ran over to the rocks. They only had a skirt and top to take off - and Rose not even that - so next thing they were clustering round her, naked, waist deep in the sea. There was a bit of light now, reflecting off the water, so it was pretty clear their bodies really were brand new and perfect! And the pale blue of their skin looked especially appropriate in the water. The red freckles were making Grace want to touch them, but she had to focus.
She dipped into the water and swam a few strokes, then turned onto her back, inviting the others to copy her. They did! Breast stroke just the same. Well of course frogs swim breast stroke, so it must be pretty natural when you have two arms and legs. She did a few strokes of crawl, but they didn’t try to copy that, so she went back to breast stroke.
It was good to get some exercise again, and the sea felt lovely flowing over her skin, everywhere. The Striteracians were doing alright, so she swam out, out of their depth, right out to where the boat might come to. The others came with her, then back to the shore. They were all puffing, but only gently. So - good: when Mia came, and her mum and the others, they’d be able to escape even if there wasn’t a dinghy.
She stood up in waist depth, keeping her immature-looking bush covered, though at least it wouldn’t be squashed flat by now. The others had pretty good bushes, she’d glimpsed, that matched their hair colours. They clustered round her again, grinning. Rose stroked down her arm!
Grace could only shake her head mutely. How was she supposed to know where she was? Somewhere in Cuba, for some reason. “You’re in Penny Lane,” sneered Boris. He didn’t seem to mind losing his sleep. Grace stared at the box. She had no idea where Penny Lane was, though obviously this wasn’t a lane. “First of all there was Strawberry Fields,” he smirked, “because it was Forever. Forever as in: you never leave. Now there’s Penny Lane, which is kinda down a lane, and luxury believe me, by...
“Hi,” Mohammad greeted Paul as he arrived in the car park, at just before four o’clock the next day - Tuesday. Mia had texted the plan, after Grace had finally replied “OK” to his fifth apology late last night. The gang would ride out to the junction, then Grace and Paul would go left while Mo and Mia went right, and wait at the first and third junctions each way. Mo knew Mia was keeping him away from Grace. Grace was just bound to have told Mother Hen all about it! Anyway he’d got his new...
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Grace couldn’t stop thinking about her mum’s terrible fake laugh. She and her mum had been really close since her mum had kicked her dad out. Now it was the two of them, together in the world. Grace’s one remaining parent was her only rock amidst the shifting sands of different countries and homes and schools: her mum’s job was so specialised they just had to go where it took them. Now there was this secret coming between them, and Grace didn’t like it. It was making her feel lonely and...
There was one big problem of course. “Can you drive?” Mia asked Paul. “Not really,” he gave a little grimace. “But you know about lanes and signs and lights and everything like that? Where we’re supposed to go?” “Yeah I guess so.” “Okay,” Mia was more decisive than ever as the tension rose. “We’ll do it between us. Grace you’re driving, as long as the seat goes forward enough for you. You just work out the controls. It’s an automatic at least. Paul you go in the passenger seat telling...
After a few minutes the joggling ride became rougher and the jeep slowed down. In another three or four minutes it stopped, started again, and stopped. The driver switched off the engine and it went quiet. Lights came on outside. Boris got out, opened the back door, grabbed Grace and hauled her out by her elbow, so roughly that she’d have fallen except that he held her up. For a couple of seconds she dangled completely off the ground, at an angle, while Boris showed off his strength and...
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Paul had been half afraid of something like this: Mia was flirting with them. Them, plural. Mo and him. “They’re with me,” Mia was even seeing off a girl who’d been dancing a bit close. “See?” she grinned at him and Mo, as the girl moved away to safer territory, “you’re the hottest guys around.” She’d had a few drinks and was looking a bit wild. That would also be why she was calling him hot, he could only guess. She’d got them into a licensed restaurant and now into this club, and was...
As the door locked behind her Grace turned on the light and burst into tears. Those people! They just had no feelings at all. She could cry, that was okay. Anyone would, after that. In fact it was weird how she hadn’t felt like crying while it was going on ... well Xenia wouldn’t have cared and Boris would’ve got off on it. But she had to not be a victim. Well, she could be a victim, as long as she worked at stopping being a victim. And she wasn’t here as a victim anyway: she was here as a...
Shit! Grace watched a yacht deciding to come and sail almost into their cove. A big catamaran with white sails. Were they allowed to? Grace had been assuming the US military would be keeping everyone away; but perhaps not, or not straight away? She’d better get dressed anyway, though her orange overalls weren’t exactly the best camouflage and they probably made her look exactly like an escaped prisoner! She stepped into her panties, left her bra to save time, slipped on her tee and struggled...
By dinner time Claude had sent Cyan the login, and it was mission accomplished: Cyan would be installing her space-age virus and stopping the transmission that might have been guiding the bad guys to Earth. The meal was a celebration. Later on though, lying cuddling on the bed with Mia, Grace found herself replaying the meal, and wondering if Claude had been quite as joyful as the rest of them. “Do you think it’s really the end?” she asked. “I don’t know. Probably, why not?” Mia was...
Claude hadn’t realised it would be so violent. It had been impossible to be below or even think straight, while they’d been crashing up and down at eighty miles an hour into the swell and wind, with the engines bellowing. And for ten hours, nearly! The kids had thought it was great of course, even with half of it being in the dark - rocketing into pitch black relying on the radar, and gambling there wouldn’t be a rogue wave. Luckily the sea had been a little calmer than forecast. The one...
Mo rode in a fury through the car park after Grace. It was just typical of that brazen Italian bitch hoe that she’d tricked him into saying he already had a bike, so that he’d be the only one on a mountain bike, with its huge, slow knobbly tyres, while everyone else had a road-racing bike. He didn’t even have cleats on his shoes, so he could only push the pedals on the downstroke while the girls could power the upstroke too. They’d pulled that trick on Paul as well, he could see. Well ......
Grace gave her mum a big squeeze, before freeing herself so she could focus. “Mia is coming,” she told her, “and Paul and Claude, to get us out. We need to be ready, with a plan. An escape plan. She mustn’t come and find us not ready.” “How do you know she’s coming? ... Oh! Grace! You didn’t seriously get yourself captured on purpose? And go through that...” “It was the only way. And I had three trackers, I kept one secret, so Mia won’t go to the others wherever they are, she’ll come...
Paul turned the wheel hard towards the cigarette boat and opened the throttles, doing a U turn as though he’d forgotten something. The powerboat whipped round in a tight semicircle. He didn’t see Mia being thrown off the left side of the cockpit surround behind him, where she’d been sitting. Claude was next to him, and didn’t see either. Mia crashed into the water upside down. It took her a few seconds to get upright, and by that time the boat was 30 or 40 metres away with the engines...
After dinner they were all tired again, and only Claude was allowed in the bar, so they were all retiring to their rooms. Grace had wondered about inviting the others to watch TV in their room, but Mia wasn’t showing any sign of doing that, so she didn’t. She suspected Mia would be wanting her to try on her new pyjamas, since she’d actually said how she was looking forward to it! They were shorts and a short-sleeved jacket; plain sky blue, but in a faux silk that was very thin and soft. On a...
The next afternoon, Thursday, they were all back in the gloomy, secret little stone house with the aliens, and this time Grace’s mum was there too along with their erstwhile quarry Claude Simon. Grace knew the story, the basics anyway, and was waiting to see what Mia made of it and to hear it from the aliens themselves. Dr Simon had smiled at them, with his longish hair and little beard, and told them to call him ‘Claude’. He was obviously a kind person. He’d said it was rather clever how...
“Wow you have a big room,” Mo looked round. All kinds of girlie scents flooded his senses, presumably emanating from that big dresser with tiny bottles and makeup things all over it. It was all luxurious. “Well mum and dad both work, you know, and they’re both quite senior I think, so...” “Your mom and dad seemed pretty cool about you having guys in here,” Paul was looking at the bed. Maybe it was left over from previous owners or something? Otherwise what kind of parents would get their...
In the morning Grace came down for breakfast, with Mia, having talked it over and cooled down a bit. Her mum shouldn’t have to have her permission to start dating again, should she? It was understandable she was nervous about telling her and had put it off. And she herself liked Claude too, so it was quite natural from that point of view and it wasn’t for her to be jealous and spoil it. She’d ask her mum about it and her mum would explain and it would all be okay. And having a dad again could...
“Okay,” Mia indicated the agents. “Let’s get their guns and wallets and radios, and dump them at the top.” “They might die,” Grace objected, as she struggled into her robe. She was afraid one of them was dead already, at least. She was trying not to think about it. Mia was hunting through the pockets of the one who’d shot Mo. She pulled out something from his ear. “Okay we’ll use one of their radios to tell them. They must know it’s gone wrong already.” They took the lift to the top,...
“Why do you want a tracker?” asked Mia. “We can’t find my mum by looking, can we?” “But we can’t plant a tracker on the agents,” Paul pointed out, “they’d notice even if we could get close enough somehow.” “I don’t like the look of that,” Mia was looking at a big off-roader that had come up on their left side. Grace made herself not look. “What is it?” “Big SUV,” said Paul, “Ford Explorer. Gray. Two guys in it, same type as in the lift - big, open shirts, and looking a bit serious....
“How are you feeling?” Grace asked Mo, over their second coffee. It was the third time she’d asked. “Okay thanks,” Mo smiled. “Thanks to you.” “I didn’t do anything.” “I know what you did.” “I helped get you shot, and now I’m helping you get captured. Are you sure you won’t go back and be with the others?” “I’m not going to leave you on your own.” “Okay. Thanks.” Grace smiled into his eyes and gave his hand a squeeze. “Perhaps we should go out and walk a bit? They might not want to come...
They were parked outside Radio Shack in Vacaville, with three freshly purchased Trackimos, all on charge in the nice modern rental’s USB ports. Mia was searching for a ‘clinic’... “Okay, this looks perfect: ‘Vacaville Urgent Care. Special pricing for cash-paying customers. New patients can register quickly and conveniently.’ We have to ring, but then we can go straight there.” Half an hour later Grace had a new backpack with some essentials in. Her gun was in the backpack, with one tracker,...
The next day Grace woke to the sound of boots scrunching past on the path. She slipped her robe on and got to the window in time to see Cyan and Emerald being taken along past her cottage towards the interrogation building. They looked tiny and scared, next to the burly soldiers, in orange overalls that were far too big, with the sleeves and legs rolled up. She had breakfast and her shower, before settling on the bed to watch for the aliens being brought back. But when they were, at almost...
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BisexualThey drove down the open two-lane freeway in the most beautiful place on Earth. The rental car they were in didn’t move fast, and that was okay because the couple was on Hawaii Time. That meant no watches and no making plans, just going with the flow. It was their first vacation in ages. They had looked forward to getting away from the daily grind and decided the best way to do this was to travel to a tropical location where technology couldn’t distract them. Their choice was the island of Maui...
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Chapter One: On the beachThe weather had finally cleared, a week at the beach and it had taken until Thursday for the sun to come out.Bill dropped his towel onto the hot sand, kicking of his shoes and shorts he slid his T-shirt off before lying face down on his towel."Better put some sun cream on Billy or you'll burn"He turned his head to look at his mom who was spreading a towel beside him."I guess""Here I'll do it"With that Mary Price knelt beside her teenage son, squirting sun cream onto his...
The white-foamed spray leapt up in a shower as the blunt bows of the dingy thumped into the swell. Robbie knew he had to put a couple of kilometres between himself and the point. Otherwise the in-rushing tide will trap him inside the reef. He'd come to Blackner's beach now for three summers. The beach was a wee bit of an open secret in the area. Secluded, remote and only accessable by sea or farm track, it had all the qualities Robbie desired. Old man Blackner would have closed the track...
Nude beach experienceWe took a visit to California and my husband wanted me to go to Black's Beach, a nude beach near San Diego. Although we had been to the French Caribbean and I had been topless and nude on a more secluded beach I had never been to one in the United States. I told him okay but I had a condition, he would have to be nude and do something for me while we were there. He eagerly agreed to my request whatever it was. My plan was to embarass and show him off at the beach. We left...
Introduction Oh what a difference two months can make! A little over six weeks ago, I was a shy, normal forty two year old housewife and mother of two living a comfortable life in Barcelona, Spain. I had never had intercourse with anyone other than my husband, Oscar. We had a good, albeit somewhat boring, marriage. I was not sexually satisfied, but I never thought about it much. Sex just wasn't a huge priority in my life. I felt sex was a duty I fulfilled for my husband. I seldom climaxed. When...
Cuckold"This is a sex vacation," Tommy said."You know what that means."I was quiet and did not reply feeling both excitement and trepidation atthe prospect of another beach vacation."I know you know what that means," injected Tommy into the silence."Yes," I said."So be prepared."Tommy had purposely given me 10 days notice of his intentions. 10 days towonder. 10 days to speculate. 10 days to be anxious. 10 days to thinkabout our past two beach vacations. One thing I knew for sure: I would be naked...
The beach was deserted and lonely, the sand cold and damp. Even the waves looked frigid as they broke across the dark, hard packed sand. The skies were slate grey with low clouds scudding across the horizon and my footprints were the only ones in the sand; solitary dents trailing behind me as I trudged along. The winter wind was brisk, tearing at my clothing, seeking for any gaps between my coat and my body so it could whisk away what little warmth was trapped inside. I leaned forward a bit,...
"You're sure that that's what will happen Mr. Barnet?" "Please, call me Frank. And yes, if I know Vikki, and I think I do, that's exactly what I think she'll do." "And you're sure I can't talk you into telling me what song she'll be doing Frank?" "Sorry Justin, that's one part of her surprise it would be more than my life's worth to divulge. And unfortunately we don't have a copy of the song you mentioned, we are however big on Cliff Richard so we will have the song of his...
Down in the Virgin Islands there is a beach, it is a small, somewhat remote beach and is accessible by four-wheel drive, and then only when the path isn’t washed out from a recent rain. It is near the famous Megans Beach, and is shown on maps only as Neltjeberg Bay. I know it as Eleanor’s Beach. It is one of the most beautiful beaches in the Caribbean, or at least of the beaches I have seen; and yet few people know of it. Or, perhaps, they are simply afraid to speak of it. I had been working...
First TimeRobot Ponygirls Robot Ponygirls?By Sarah ??????????? Sarah and the rest of the cheerleaders at PonygirlUniversity were special.? They were the best of the best in the school, when it came to being proper show ponies.? But not everything at Ponygirl University was as it seemed.? Soon, the new freshman class would learn just what life was like at the University. ??????????? Jennifer and her friends got off the PonygirlUniversity bus, and stared at the imposing statues flanking...