P. Fogg: A MEMOIRPart 29 free porn video

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PHILEAS FOGG found himself twenty hours behind time. Passepartout, the involuntary cause of this delay, was desperate. He had ruined his master!

At this moment the detective approached Mr. Fogg, and, looking him intently in the face, said: "Seriously, sir, are you in great haste?"

"Quite seriously."

"I have a purpose in asking," resumed Fix. "Is it absolutely necessary that you should be in New York on the 11th, before nine o'clock in the evening, the time that the steamer leaves for Liverpool?"

"It is absolutely necessary."

"And, if your journey had not been interrupted by these Indians, you would have reached New York on the morning of the 11th?"

"Yes; with eleven hours to spare before the steamer left."

"Good! you are therefore twenty hours behind. Twelve from twenty leaves eight. You must regain eight hours. Do you wish to try to do so?"

"On foot?" asked Mr. Fogg.

"No; on a sledge," replied Fix. "On a sledge with sails. A man has proposed such a method to me."

It was the man who had spoken to Fix during the night, and whose offer he had refused.

Phileas Fogg did not reply at once; but Fix, having pointed out the man, who was walking up and down in front of the station, Mr. Fogg went up to him. An instant after, Mr. Fogg and the American, whose name was Mudge, entered a hut built just below the fort.

There Mr. Fogg examined a curious vehicle, a kind of frame on two long beams, a little raised in front like the runners of a sledge, and upon which there was room for five or six persons. A high mast was fixed on the frame, held firmly by metallic lashings, to which was attached a large brigantine sail. This mast held an iron stay upon which to hoist a jib-sail. Behind, a sort of rudder served to guide the vehicle. It was, in short, a sledge rigged like a sloop. During the winter, when the trains are blocked up by the snow, these sledges make extremely rapid journeys across the frozen plains from one station to another. Provided with more sails than a cutter, and with the wind behind them, they slip over the surface of the prairies with a speed equal if not superior to that of the express trains.

Mr. Fogg readily made a bargain with the owner of this land-craft. The wind was favourable, being fresh, and blowing from the west. The snow had hardened, and Mudge was very confident of being able to transport Mr. Fogg in a few hours to Omaha. Thence the trains eastward run frequently to Chicago and New York. It was not impossible that the lost time might yet be recovered; and such an opportunity was not to be rejected.

Not wishing to expose Aouda to the discomforts of traveling in the open air, Mr. Fogg proposed to leave her with Passepartout at Fort Kearney, the servant taking upon himself to escort her to Europe by a better route and under more favourable conditions. But Aouda refused to separate from Mr. Fogg, and Passepartout was delighted with her decision; for nothing could induce him to leave his master while Fix was with him.

It would be difficult to guess the detective's thoughts. Was this conviction shaken by Phileas Fogg's return, or did he still regard him as an exceedingly shrewd rascal, who, his journey round the world completed, would think himself absolutely safe in England? Perhaps Fix's opinion of Phileas Fogg was somewhat modified; but he was nevertheless resolved to do his duty, and to hasten the return of the whole party to England as much as possible.

At eight o'clock the sledge was ready to start. The passengers took their places on it, and wrapped themselves up closely in their traveling-cloaks. The two great sails were hoisted, and under the pressure of the wind the sledge slid over the hardened snow with a velocity of forty miles an hour.

The distance between Fort Kearney and Omaha, as the birds fly, is at most two hundred miles. If the wind held good, the distance might be traversed in five hours; if no accident happened the sledge might reach Omaha by one o'clock.

What a journey! The travelers, huddled close together, could not speak for the cold, intensified by the rapidity at which they were going. The sledge sped on as lightly as a boat over the waves. When the breeze came skimming the earth the sledge seemed to be lifted off the ground by its sails. Mudge, who was at the rudder, kept in a straight line, and by a turn of his hand checked the lurches which the vehicle had a tendency to make. All the sails were up, and the jib was so arranged as not to screen the brigantine. A top-mast was hoisted, and another jib, held out to the wind, added its force to the other sails. Although the speed could not be exactly estimated, the sledge could not be going at less than forty miles an hour.

"If nothing breaks," said Mudge, "we shall get there!"

Mr. Fogg had made it for Mudge's interest to reach Omaha within the time agreed on, by the offer of a handsome reward.

The prairie, across which the sledge was moving in a straight line, was as flat as a sea. It seemed like a vast frozen lake. The railroad which ran through this section ascended from the south-west to the north-west by Great Island, Columbus, an important Nebraska town, Schuyler, and Fremont, to Omaha. It followed throughout the right bank of the Platte River. The sledge, shortening this route, took a chord of the arc described by the railway. Mudge was not afraid of being stopped by the Platte River, because it was frozen. The road, then, was quite clear of obstacles, and Phileas Fogg had but two things to fear- an accident to the sledge, and a change or calm in the wind.

But the breeze, far from lessening its force, blew as if to bend the mast, which, however, the metallic lashings held firmly. These lashings, like the chords of a stringed instrument, resounded as if vibrated by a violin bow. The sledge slid along in the midst of a plaintively intense melody.

"Those chords give the fifth and the octave," said Mr. Fogg.

These were the only words he uttered during the journey. Aouda, cozily packed in furs and cloaks, was sheltered as much as possible from the attacks of the freezing wind. As for Passepartout, his face was as red as the sun's disc when it sets in the mist, and he laboriously inhaled the biting air. With his natural buoyancy of spirits, he began to hope again. They would reach New York on the evening, if not on the morning, of the 11th, and there was still some chances that it would be before the steamer sailed for Liverpool.

Passepartout even felt a strong desire to grasp his ally, Fix, by the hand. He remembered that it was the detective who procured the sledge, the only means of reaching Omaha in time; but, checked by some presentiment, he kept his usual reserve. One thing, however, Passepartout would never forget, and that was the sacrifice which Mr. Fogg had made, without hesitation, to rescue him from the Sioux. Mr. Fogg had risked his fortune and his life. No! His servant would never forget that!

While each of the party was absorbed in reflections so different, the sledge flew past over the vast carpet of snow. The creeks it passed over were not perceived. Fields and streams disappeared under the uniform whiteness. The plain was absolutely deserted. Between the Union Pacific road and the branch which unites Kearney with Saint Joseph it formed a great uninhabited island. Neither village, station, nor fort appeared. From time to time they sped by some phantom-like tree, whose white skeleton twisted and rattled in the wind. Sometimes flocks of wild birds rose, or bands of gaunt, famished, ferocious prairie-wolves ran howling after the sledge. Passepartout, revolver in hand, held himself ready to fire on those which came too near. Had an accident then happened to the sledge, the travelers, attacked by these beasts, would have been in the most terrible danger; but it held on its even course, soon gained on the wolves, and ere long left the howling band at a safe distance behind.

About noon Mudge perceived by certain landmarks that he was crossing the Platte River. He said nothing, but he felt certain that he was now within twenty miles of Omaha. In less than an hour he left the rudder and furled his sails, whilst the sledge, carried forward by the great impetus the wind had given it, went on half a mile further with its sails unspread.

It stopped at last, and Mudge, pointing to a mass of roofs white with snow, said: "We have got there!"

Arrived! Arrived at the station which is in daily communication, by numerous trains, with the Atlantic seaboard!

Passepartout and Fix jumped off stretched their stiffened limbs, and aided Mr. Fogg and the young woman to descend from the sledge. Phileas Fogg generously rewarded Mudge, whose hand Passepartout warmly grasped, and the party directed their steps to the Omaha railway station.

The Pacific Railroad proper finds its terminus at this important Nebraska town. Omaha is connected with Chicago by the Chicago and Rock Island Railroad, which runs directly east, and passes fifty stations.

A train was ready to start when Mr. Fogg and his party reached the station, and they only had time to get into the cars. They had seen nothing of Omaha; but Passepartout confessed to himself that this was not to be regretted, as they were not traveling to see the sights.

The train passed rapidly across the State of Iowa, by Council Bluffs, Des Moines, and Iowa City. During the night it crossed the Mississippi at Davenport, and by Rock Island entered Illinois. The next day, which was the 10th, at four o'clock in the evening, it reached Chicago, already risen from its ruins, and more proudly seated than ever on the borders of its beautiful Lake Michigan.

Nine hundred miles separated Chicago from New York; but trains are not wanting at Chicago. Mr. Fogg passed at once from one to the other, and the locomotive of the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne, and Chicago Railway left at full speed, as if it fully comprehended that that gentleman had no time to lose. It traversed Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey like a flash, rushing through towns with antique names, some of which had streets and car-tracks, but as yet no houses. At last the Hudson came into view; and, at a quarter-past eleven in the evening of the 11th, the train stopped in the station on the right bank of the river, before the very pier of the Cunard line.

The China, for Liverpool, had started three-quarters of an hour before!

Chapter Thirty-Two

THE CHINA, in leaving, seemed to have carried off Phileas Fogg's last hope. None of the other steamers were able to serve his projects. The Pereire, of the French Transatlantic Company, whose admirable steamers are equal to any in speed and comfort, did not leave until the 14th; the Hamburg boats did not go directly to Liverpool or London, but to Havre; and the additional trip from Havre to Southampton would render Phileas Fogg's last efforts of no avail. The Inman steamer did not depart till the next day, and could not cross the Atlantic in time to save the wager.

Mr. Fogg learned all this in consulting his Bradshaw, which gave him the daily movements of the trans-Atlantic steamers.

Passepartout was crushed; it overwhelmed him to lose the boat by three-quarters of an hour. It was his fault, for, instead of helping his master, he had not ceased putting obstacles in his path! And when he recalled all the incidents of the tour, when he counted up the sums expended in pure loss and on his own account, when he thought that the immense stake, added to the heavy charges of this useless journey, would completely ruin Mr. Fogg, he overwhelmed himself with bitter self-accusations. Mr. Fogg, however, did not reproach him; and, on leaving the Cunard pier, only said: "We will consult about what is best to-morrow. Come."

The party crossed the Hudson in the Jersey City ferryboat, and drove in a carriage to the St. Nicholas Hotel, on Broadway. Rooms were engaged, and the night passed, briefly to Phileas Fogg, who slept profoundly, but very long to Aouda and the others, whose agitation did not permit them to rest.

The next day was the 12th of December. From seven in the morning of the 12th to a quarter before nine in the evening of the 21st there were nine days, thirteen hours, and forty-five minutes. If Phileas Fogg had left in the China, one of the fastest steamers on the Atlantic, he would have reached Liverpool, and then London, within the period agreed upon.

Mr. Fogg left the hotel alone, after giving Passepartout instructions to await his return, and inform Aouda to be ready at an instant's notice. He proceeded to the banks of the Hudson, and looked about among the vessels moored or anchored in the river, for any that were about to depart. Several had departure signals, and were preparing to put to sea at morning tide; for in this immense and admirable port there is not one day in a hundred that vessels do not set out for every quarter of the globe. But they were mostly sailing vessels, of which, of course, Phileas Fogg could make no use.

He seemed about to give up all hope, when he espied, anchored at the Battery, a cable's length off at most, a trading vessel, with a screw, well-shaped, whose funnel, puffing a cloud of smoke, indicated that she was getting ready for departure.

Phileas Fogg hailed a boat, got into it, and soon found himself on board the Henrietta, iron-hulled, wood-built above. He ascended to the deck, and asked for the captain, who forthwith presented himself. He was a man of fifty, a sort of sea-wolf, with big eyes, a complexion of oxidised copper, red hair and thick neck, and a growling voice.

"The captain?" asked Mr. Fogg.

"I am the captain."

"I am Phileas Fogg, of London."

"And I am Andrew Speedy, of Cardiff."

"You are going to put to sea?"

"In an hour."

"You are bound for-"


"And your cargo?"

"No freight. Going in ballast."

"Have you any passengers?"

"No passengers. Never have passengers. Too much in the way."

"Is your vessel a swift one?"

"Between eleven and twelve knots. The Henrietta, well known."

"Will you carry me and three other persons to Liverpool?"

"To Liverpool? Why not to China?"

"I said Liverpool."



"No. I am setting out for Bordeaux, and shall go to Bordeaux."

"Money is no object?"


The captain spoke in a tone which did not admit of a reply.

"But the owners of the Henrietta-" resumed Phileas Fogg.

"The owners are myself," replied the captain. "The vessel belongs to me."

"I will freight it for you."


"I will buy it of you."


Phileas Fogg did not betray the least disappointment; but the situation was a grave one. It was not at New York as at Hong Kong, nor with the captain of the Henrietta as with the captain of the Tankadere. Up to this time money had smoothed away every obstacle. Now money failed.

Still, some means must be found to cross the Atlantic on a boat, unless by balloon-which would have been venturesome, besides not being capable of being put in practice. It seemed that Phileas Fogg had an idea, for he said to the captain, "Well, will you carry me to Bordeaux?"

"No, not if you paid me two hundred dollars."

"I offer you two thousand."



"And there are four of you?"


Captain Speedy began to scratch his head. There were eight thousand dollars to gain, without changing his route; for which it was well worth conquering the repugnance he had for all kinds of passengers. Besides, passenger's at two thousand dollars are no longer passengers, but valuable merchandise. "I start at nine o'clock," said Captain Speedy, simply. "Are you and your party ready?"

"We will be on board at nine o'clock," replied, no less simply, Mr. Fogg.

It was half-past eight. To disembark from the Henrietta, jump into a hack, hurry to the St. Nicholas, and return with Aouda, Passepartout, and even the inseparable Fix was the work of a brief time, and was performed by Mr. Fogg with the coolness which never abandoned him. They were on board when the Henrietta made ready to weigh anchor.

When Passepartout heard what this last voyage was going to cost, he uttered a prolonged "Oh!" which extended throughout his vocal gamut.

As for Fix, he said to himself that the Bank of England would certainly not come out of this affair well indemnified. When they reached England, even if Mr. Fogg did not throw some handfuls of bank-bills into the sea, more than seven thousand pounds would have been spent!

Chapter Thirty-Three

AN HOUR after, the Henrietta passed the lighthouse which marks the entrance of the Hudson, turned the point of Sandy Hook, and put to sea. During the day she skirted Long Island, passed Fire Island, and directed her course rapidly eastward.

At noon the next day, a man mounted the bridge to ascertain the vessel's position. It might be thought that this was Captain Speedy. Not the least in the world. It was Phileas Fogg, Esquire. As for Captain Speedy, he was shut up in his cabin under lock and key, and was uttering loud cries, which signified an anger at once pardonable and excessive.

What had happened was very simple. Phileas Fogg wished to go to Liverpool, but the captain would not carry him there. Then Phileas Fogg had taken passage for Bordeaux, and, during the thirty hours he had been on board, had so shrewdly managed with his banknotes that the sailors and stokers, who were only an occasional crew, and were not on the best terms with the captain, went over to him in a body. This was why Phileas Fogg was in command instead of Captain Speedy; why the captain was a prisoner in his cabin; and why, in short, the Henrietta was directing her course towards Liverpool. It was very clear, to see Mr. Fogg manage the craft, that he had been a sailor.

How the adventure ended will be seen anon. Aouda was anxious, though she said nothing. As for Passepartout, he thought Mr. Fogg's manoeuvre simply glorious. The captain had said "between eleven and twelve knots," and the Henrietta confirmed his prediction.

Same as P. Fogg: A MEMOIR
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All In The Family – Chapter 1 The Beginning ++++++++++++++++++ I am writing this story as close as I can from the material shared by this amazing couple. They trusted me with their story, and I hope I have done them justice. With their consent, I have taken liberties with the sexual content and some of their dialogue in the interest of telling a more erotic story, but the basic settings and occurrences are accurate. I have chosen to tell it in my friend’s voice instead of as a narrator....

3 years ago
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A Bewitching Halloween Part 2

Walking home, I shivered in the cold Fall air, my arms and legs fully exposed and smooth, I envied Dana slightly for having a warmer costume than I did. I knew I should've bought a pair of tights for it! As we arrived home, Dana excitedly dumped her candy onto the living room rug and started sorting through it, while I plopped down onto the couch in exhaustion, still in the costume, I glanced at my nails, had they always been this long? And since when did I wear nail polish? The shiny...

5 years ago
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Woman In The Next Window pt 1

This is my first story here, hope you like it. PS! English is not my first language I rise my eyes from the computer screen to rest them. It's getting dark, the offices are closing down. Our eyes have met before, when we both look outside of our windows. Guess she's working late as well. I smile politely and she answers me with a smile of her own. I don't want to stare too long, so I get back to work. At least this is what it should look like. I have a peek from the corner of my eye and see...

4 years ago
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All Shall Be Well Again

Three naked bodies hit the water simultaneously and disappeared. A moment later, three heads broke the surface screaming in unison "Yow, it's cold!" Their traditional yell was truer than usual: notwithstanding the unseasonable heat of Indian Summer, October was pushing the limits of the season for their favorite swimming hole. "Why did I let you two talk me into this?" yelled Jill, her teeth chattering, mostly for effect. Holly's jaw dropped, also for effect. "Who talked who into...

4 years ago
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The Maid of Honour LoPR Part IV

The Maid of Honour Anwyn spent most of her time at Anthony's house now. When she saw what Angela had done for that Rugby player she knew that she really loved him and that she would ride the rough with the smooth when it came to Anthony's hobby. Besides she'd had an exhilarating experience the first time she'd become a man and she'd made him promise that he would help her achieve the kind of results that Anthony had when he became Angela or Claire. That day with the old woman at the...

3 years ago
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A Very Provocative and Loving Marriage Part 4

"Oh my God Michael look!" Michelle cried as she held her phone out to Michael showing the text messages that Brandon had left for her overnight. Michael counted four messages that Brandon had sent to Michelle last night, and it was only Saturday morning. Just as he was counting them another came in and they both laughed. He handed the phone back to Michelle and said, "Here, you read them, their your private messages hon.You can tell me what they say if you want." It was a thoughtful gesture,...

Wife Lovers
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Rendezvous IIChapter 38

Karen Ever wake up and it’s a whole new world? Yesterday was exhausting. Long miles and even weird miles. Who, in their right mind, allows alcohol and blackpowder in the same area? Said area being the shooting range. And then, just across the valley ... down range from the crazy people ... a bunch of elitists, but of the same ilk, shooting rifles that easily carry a thousand yards. Perhaps they’ll kill or main each other. I easily covered five hundred miles and never noticed. I spent a...

1 year ago
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What a vacation

We always had a great sex life. We liked all kinds of sex. Toys, role playing, anal sex, the works.We even liked to fantasize of having sex with the same sex. My wife told me maybe this year on vacation we would be able to fulfill a fantasy or two. Boy I sure hoped so. We left late and drove late into the night. It was about midnight when we stopped at a rest area. No one was there when we stopped. We got out and used the restrooms. When we got back to the car Sue, my wife, reached over and...

3 years ago
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Me My besties

Now, Patricia isn't taller than my wife but her boobs is 36C while my is 34C. She is very slim as well and her waist curve is model like. A petite hot asian girl like her is what a man ever dream for. I tried few times to resist cheating on my wife but she start teasing me, sending me pictures. She assure me that it will be fun. I went to pick her up at her bf house when her bf went to work. She got out wearing a tight dress. When she sat on my car, i knew she didn't wear any undies. She...

3 years ago
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Rugby Club

Let me tell you about a party at the local rugby club. It was many years ago, I had been to several parties there before, so knew it would be a pretty bawdy night. It was in the summer and I was wearing loose fitting dress. All was going well, food and drink flowing freely. One of the guys decided it was time to play a game. It was very simple, he spun a bottle, when it stopped, whoever it pointed to had to answer a question, if you got it wrong, you had to remove an item of clothing.I was...

5 years ago
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Blackmailing Preeti Teacher Went Wrong

This is raghu, I am from hyderabad, this story is about my sexual encounter when I was in my 12th standard. I am a doctor now in hyderabad and my age is 23, this story happened 5 years ago during my examinations. I was generally interested in becoming a doctor since my childhood so I was obviously not interested in maths. In my +2, maths was mandatory for us. I tried tuition with various teachers but nothing worked out. There was a woman in my neighborhood named preeti, she is 42 years of age...

2 years ago
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Friends with Benefits

Friends (with benefits) "Hang on... hang on, I'm coming..." I said cinching the towel around my waist, water dripping on the carpet. The knocking was incessant. This had better be an emergency. "What is it?" I asked, swinging the door open in annoyance, ready to punch whatever insurance salesman it was that thought it necessary to interrupt my shower. I immediately realized that the person on the other side of my threshold wasn't trying to sell me insurance at all. "Look," I...

3 years ago
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My Nieces High School GraduationChapter 13

“Here Emma, let’s switch places so your Uncle Jeff has a nice view to watch from,” Tanya said as she rose to her feet. Emma slid off the couch onto her knees and moved aside to allow Tanya to sit where she had just been. As Tanya turned around to face me, my eyes focused in on her glistening face, still wet from Emma’s drying saliva left by her cleaning tongue. I looked down at those beautiful round massive tits still tightly encased in her white ribbed turtleneck sweater. My God! ... they...

4 years ago
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Jeanine Part Four

The entire afternoon and early evening had gone well. Maybe it was the newness of the situation, but she seemed to cum rather easily. No complaints from me. In addition, she was comfortable talking about what she liked, disliked or tolerated. Only one or two subjects made her blush. Jeanine had been described as an aggressive lady when it came to wanting sex, and that would be an accurate description. What I did not know, but learned later, was that Jeanine became submissive when the time...

2 years ago
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DadCrush Alex Blake Stepdad Sausage With Her Eggs

Ever since my stepdad moved in with me and my mom, I have had a huge dadcrush on him. He seems like he has a huge dick in his pants and I want to taste it on my tongue. So, as soon as my mom goes on vacation, I am going to make sure I get exactly what I want. I mean, all I have to do is turn on some charm and he is going to do exactly what I tell him to. And since my pussy is already soaking wet, he is not going to have any trouble slipping his cock right inside. This morning, I make my way out...

2 years ago
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Free Drinks arent always free

Where is the line that separates having a little fun and taking advantage of someone?I’m not really sure, but if the universe didn’t want me to do this, then it would make it harder to manipulate guys for free drinks.It’s not that I’m a bad person, I think; I’m just a poor college student who dresses up as a woman to get men to buy me drinks. One trip to a thrift store landed me a wig, heels, and a dress; the grocery store had a cheap makeup kit. Online tutorials took care of the rest.It’s...

2 years ago
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No and YES

As the years have gone by, I have always thought I’ve gotten better and better at sex. I learned early on how to get a guy off, perfecting my blow jobs by listening to the breathing and grunting sounds they make. I paid attention to the way a guy would hold my head, gripping it and pushing it down on his cock as my throat and lips and tongue caressed it to the point of explosion. And I learned how to take an eager pussy-licker’s efforts and make them even better, when I would tell him … SHOUT...

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Finding WendyWhore

Emshon's Authors Note -- This is an older story of mine that was posted on Crystal's Story Site (R.I.P.) back in 2001. I'm going to consolidate everything here on Fictionmania. I hope you enjoy this oldie-but-a- goodie. Finding Wendy Whore It was late Friday night and I had enjoyed a few beers too many. As usual, I was feeling quite randy, so I decided to browse the internet and seek out a little cyber-action. I live in a small town some three hours outside of Dallas, so my...

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My Wifes First Sharring pt1

This is the story of the first time my wife ever had sex with another man while I watched and joined in. I know the story is a bit long, but I wanted to give you the sense that "you were there". I also hope that many people, who are just thinking about trying something like this, might be able to relate to how we felt as we went through this and maybe they can gain some courage from our experience to try this for themselves.My wife, Brandie, and I, had discussed the possibility of having a...

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Stunning Shwetha In Bangalore

Hi everyone, this is a story from my life that happened a few years ago. It was a time when I had just passed out of college and I had a job that most people would envy me for. This brought with it a financial freedom that made me more confident than ever before. Now to a quick discription of me. Im an average looking guy, surely not model material but not ugly. This is an incident that happened with a girl called Shwetha. One morning I was taking my bike of my home which I lived in along with...

4 years ago
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You Never Forget Your First Kiss

The following is from my newest book, My Nude Cruise. It was a busy and hectic day at work and I decided to take a break and check my social media site. (I won't tell you which one) As I was scanning through my messages, one in particular caught my eye. The message was from Nigel Langford and titled "How are you?" Nigel Langford was a boy in my 7th grade class when I lived in Queensland. I clicked on the message and all it said was. "Remember me?" I said out loud to myself, "Nigel, Nigel,...

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The Triad and the Village of Pregnant Beauties Chapter 3 Pregnant Twins

Chapter 3: Pregnant Twins By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Fiona – Mushroom Ring, Lesh-Ke Mountains, Kingdom of Haz I clutched my pregnant belly, my stomach twisting. It couldn't be Seamus's child. I licked my lips, the familiar flavor of cum coating my mouth. My breasts both ached. They had swollen larger, ripe with breast milk. The creamy liquid beaded at my nipples, mixing with the cum smeared across my body. “I'm filthy,” I said and...

1 year ago
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My wife Tina takes care of her needs

My Wife (Tina) and I have been married for 27 Years and she has been telling me how she would like to spice up our sex life after it has become doll. (Tina does go out and FUCK other guys but she says getting FUCKED in the bed of a truck or in a car or on a car hood does not take care of here needs not one COCK at a time it is a turn on but she says she needs more.) So I ask her what she would like. She said she would like to FUCK Two COCKS at the same time. So one night we were talking and she...

Group Sex
5 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 456 You No Mess With Lo Wang

Is it wrong to re-fill the energy she used in the gym, hitting my hands when trying to land a punch on me? When the girl jumped into my arms, crying, she had beaten the living shit out of every boy and girl who came into the suite that had ever sexually abused her. I did find that Crimilda wouldn’t stop until all of them were bloody, bruised, and had long gotten hit enough times for them to start begging her not to hit them anymore. When they were all crying and cringing, Crimilda turned in...

4 years ago
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Joerg IsebrandChapter 8 Joerg Isebrand Escapes Marriage and Makes a Man Happy

Over the next three years, Joerg Isebrand became a fixture around the Count Reinhardt. Wherever the nobleman went or rode, he insisted on Joerg accompanying him. Joerg was in no way connected to anybody in Merseburg, and certainly not to the Countess Irmgard. After two years, the Feldweibel Bodo raised Joerg to Corporal. The Captain Grumm was all for it, too, as he had come to appreciate the loyalty and the sense of duty the young man displayed. Joerg was never late for duty, was never...

3 years ago
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Rebel 1777Chapter 80 Three Fine Friskers

The three men bent over their horses' necks and galloping down the road may or may not have seen me as they came on in a rush, but they simply ignored me, and I was forced to scramble into the woods to avoid them. I cursed under my breath and watched as the Redcoat hallooed and his two German companions dug their heels into their steeds to keep pace. I cut back through the trees, urged my mare to leap a small stream and came back to the road in plenty of time to dismount, load a double shot...

3 years ago
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The Wish Shift Part Four

Part Four: Her Autumn Tears Like Rain Wish Shift: Chapter Thirty-Five The Stromium Connection Year 1 A.S. Day 191 Danny and Sam took the drugs that Danny had taken from Amy's bathroom with them to the police as soon as they left the advocate's office. After telling Kira and Dianne what they saw, Danny didn't have much argument from her. She had noticed it a couple of times as well and just thought it was odd that they were being so agreeable. She hadn't seen them take the...

2 years ago
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Pure Victory

Hey guys, this is my first time submitting my work. I wrote a lot but i normally lose interest and stop midway. So, in order to overcome my ‘short-term interests’ disorder (lol), I decided to submit my works here. Do forgive my English if I made any mistakes since English is my second language. I would definitely appreciate your constructive comments so I can fix and write better for you or myself. Thanks a lot and enjoy this prologue. I hope I don’t stop midway again this time. Xoxo *** ...

4 years ago
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My Minotaur Part 3

‘There’s something I don’t understand.’ I murmured before drifting off to sleep. We’d been on the open plains for the day, and having finally tired from walking, were bedding down for the night. Oluth was beneath a bunch of my dresses and finery as a blanket. I was curled next to him, his massive limp cock draped over me almost like a blanket, it couldn’t cover all of my flesh, but its pulsing heat was certainly enough to stay warm by. ‘What’s that, human?’ He asked, voice rumbling the very...

2 years ago
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Nellies Busy Saturday

I was bent over, my forearms on the kitchen counter, hands grabbing at the edge for support, trying not to knock over the cups and beer cans. My yellow dress was lifted to my waist, my ass up high, my polka-dot panties around my ankles, my feet up on its tippy-toes to match the height of the man behind me, thrusting his cock into me, like he was trying to hit the ceiling. My hair was flying with each thrust and I let out little squeaks and cries. His hands grabbed at my waist, my thighs,...

Wife Lovers
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OctoberIt's been a while since we talked. She's got cock on the brain.My roommate Leah's boyfriend Tom happens to be hung like a bull. She's constantly fucking him, that's half their daily routine. The other half is sometimes showing up to class, sometimes sitting around and talking about his dick. She sat me down and gave me a vivid description of her sucking him off in an alleyway near the theater she temps at. At first I contented myself to putting on my headphones during their many-hours...

3 years ago
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Suvarnayoung maid gets seduced 1

Hi,this happened last year. We had a new maid at our place and she was the kind who stay over full time.an old maid had sent her niece at uncles orders.when she came i was not much impressed ,as she was skinny around 21 but she had a gorgeous face and a harami cum fuck me kind of look on her face, still her skinny figure just discourages me.around two -three months passed and she was around the house ,i never kind of noticed her.then one night i woke up to drink water late in night and went to...

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