Graduation Doctors Visit
- 4 years ago
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Doctor Eberhardt Schmidt was a small man, past middle-aged, balding with a dark gray fringe of closely-clipped hair, who wore silver-rimmed glasses with small round lenses. His magnified eyes stared intently at Jon'a-ren and Michael sitting across from him at the Masi'shen Embassy conference room table.
"I am aware that your forces have been providing air cover and ground support for several months now, assisting the United Nations aid mission in central Africa," Schmidt stated.
"That would be the Peace Rangers," Michael replied. "They are based in Canada, an organization manned primarily by First Nations and Native American peoples."
"Yes, but their sponsor and their technology is..."
"Masi'shen, yes. That would be us," Michael interrupted. "You should also realize that the Peace Ranger mission is just that--peaceful and non-lethal--in support of United Nations relief and peace-keeping missions. They have no Masi'shen agenda, absolutely none whatsoever outside of resolving conflicts and supporting humanitarian relief efforts under UN auspices."
"Yet you cross borders and establish camps and conduct operations in warring states without their permission. When they attack, you destroy their forces," Schmidt continued.
"As your own tragedies and expulsions, the deaths of your Medecins San Frontieres volunteers have shown, Doctor Schmidt, permits and permissions are often used as fetters and snares to confine, restrict and frustrate your mission, rather than allow it to succeed."
"Yes, agreed. But that has always been the price of admission. Otherwise we could provide no aid at all."
"A high price; a bargain with the devil, I'd call it," Michael responded.
"It is no secret that your world, you Masi'shen, are behind the intercession in central Africa. It is also no secret that many political and religious factions bitterly resent and oppose the fact that you--an alien presence--are there, opposing them."
"I wonder which they resent more: our opposition to their crimes against humanity, their jihads and terrorism, or are they more frightened and enraged by our alien existence. It was a hard shock for humans to wake from a long slumber to confront the fact of other sentient worlds, other peoples, and perhaps ... other gods?"
"No matter. It is a simple fact. Wherever we go or whatever we do, there's no shortage of suspicion and anger. We accept it. We hope that in time this world will accept it," Jon'a-ren replied.
"In such areas as central Africa, where we cannot perform our mission," Dr. Schmidt said, "we face a difficult choice. We could go back and re-open clinics and hospitals. But we could do so only with your protection. And that would expose us to a more general threat. We have always maintained the strictest separation from any side; we have observed the strictest neutrality. Only in this way have we mostly avoided attack from warring parties. I think we dare not be seen as beneficiaries or allies of the Masi'shen. That would invite attack against us in many areas where we are at least tolerated. It might cost us the lives of our volunteers. We cannot permit that," Dr. Schmidt reasoned.
"Nor should you," Michael concurred. "However, you are able to conduct your missions in areas under UN Peacekeeping control, is that correct?"
"Largely correct, yes. And sometimes we and the UN peacekeepers are both attacked, and forced to withdraw. But that is not a matter of a breakdown in neutrality, but a result of unchecked aggression and violence."
"Dr. Schmidt, there are several hundred refugee and displaced persons camps in central Africa. These camps hold from forty thousand persons, down to temporary camps holding a few thousand. The logistics of providing food, water, shelter, sanitation, civil order, record-keeping and census procedures, all of that is difficult, costly, and resource-consuming," Michael said.
"Yes, there is little doubt that is a huge burden. You are fortunate to have excellent support from the United States and other wealthy nations."
"You notice I did not mention health and hospitals," Michael grimaced. "We do have aid stations and we are able--just barely--to avoid contagious disease outbreaks. Clean water and careful waste management are an essential part of that. Yet we do not have sufficient medical support. Have any people from your organization visited these camps recently?"
The Dart uncloaked as it settled to rest inside the Peace Ranger mission base. Michael and Doctor Schmidt emerged, together with several MSF staff from their Geneva center.
"The portable hut that you can see just ahead of us, is new," Michael explained. "It is designed to be transported on a standard flat-bed trailer, or inside a cargo plane, or underneath one of our cloaked Peace Ranger carriers. It is completely self-contained, including a power generator. Let's step inside."
Despite the intense heat of the day, the hut interior was cool and dry. One end contained two racks of patient cots, an end-wall of medical supply cabinets, and fittings for monitoring and treatment devices.
The center section where they entered was divided into several head-high cubicles for patient screening with work counters, computer stations, and chairs.
Michael led them to the rear section, screened from view of the central area.
"This is our newest adaptation of the Masi'shen healing chamber," Michael said. "It is modular and designed for immediate deployment in the field. It breaks down into three components: program control unit, chamber unit, and power module. Setup takes less than five minutes. It is self-diagnosing and field-repairable. The power supply is good for at least two years of continuous use without refueling. It generates no hazardous emissions or wastes. One trained medical technician can operate the device, although we prefer three for normal staffing. We can arrange a demonstration, if you like?"
The MSF people heard sounds outside; a camouflage-suited woman wearing a UN helmet gestured for the group to stand clear. Behind her, two more Rangers carried an obviously wounded and unconscious native woman. They gently settled her onto a wall rack near the chamber. The UN-helmeted woman reached into a cabinet for a hand-held device and began scanning the victim.
"Vital signs remain stable, field treatment holding" she called out. "Ready for insertion, now."
The two Rangers grasped the litter extensions, twisted and folded them inwards to lock into a bar handle spanning each end, then lifted and lowered the litter and patient into the chamber. After setting her hand scanner back into its wall rack, the uniformed woman moved to the chamber's control panel. A heavily-instrumented lid lowered and sealed the chamber; display screens illumined with flashing readouts and symbols.
"Treatment commencing; scans indicate all trauma within treatment range; estimated time for healing, two hours, fifty-three minutes. Advise standard nutrition and hydration pack fifteen minutes post-emergence."
Doctor Schmidt stood unmoving, shocked and unbelieving. Two of the Geneva staff stood white-faced, barely containing their nausea. Another had fled outside and was bent over, vomiting. One stood behind Schmidt, holding her hands over her face, visibly shaking.
In the brief moment they'd seen the victim on her litter, the terrible extent of her disfiguring wounds bore bloody witness to a savage machete attack. Gaping wounds were flooded with a green-colored gel, but the pale ends of severed and exposed arteries continued to seep blood. Doctor Schmidt and the shaking woman behind him had seen other victims at other aid stations, slashed and mutilated. Few had lived to receive more than morphine and words of final prayers. Now they were seeing a miracle; this woman was alive, out of pain, stable, and now seemed to be resting inside that strange enclosure.
"I'm told that she was attacked in her village many miles east of here," Michael explained, after receiving a private message. "Our Rangers on routine patrol interceded. This woman was among a few severely injured; two others are receiving treatment elsewhere in camp. It's a grotesque coincidence that their arrival comes now. We had arranged for a malaria victim for this demonstration, a young child. We'll treat her later after this poor woman is healed."
"Excuse me, Sir," the shaking woman behind Schmidt interrupted.
"Yes? And please, who are you ... your name?" Michael asked.
"I ... I'm the ... the volunteer trauma nurses ... coordinator. I help ... I assign and assist them in this region. I ... we see a lot of that ... the attacks, the machete wounds," she stammered. "I'm Sara, Sara Thompson ... from New Jersey."
Michael glanced to the woman Ranger who remained at the head of the chamber monitor, but now could ease up a bit to watch Michael and their guests. She caught his glance; his lips formed silent words. She reached up to another supply cabinet, pulled down a small bottle, and handed it to Michael.
"Sara, please take this and drink it. It's a mild sedative. It's gentle but very effective. It will settle your distress.
"Everyone, I must apologize for this awful scene. Believe me, we had no such intention. I'm so sorry to catch everyone off guard like this," he said.
Sara uncapped and upended the small bottle; she drained it in two gulps. She handed the empty back to Michael and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.
"I wanted to ask," she said after a moment, visibly much calmer, "how in God's name did your Rangers manage to control her bleeding, to stabilize her so quickly? What was that greenish gel in her wounds? How did they seal those severed arteries? I've never seen ... we've nothing like that..."
"Let's move to the front, and gather around in the bunk area," Michael interrupted. "Ranger Sergeant Marjorie Adams, here, will demonstrate for you. Marjorie? You're up!" Michael said.
Marjorie gestured to one of her Rangers: "Jack, would you bring me an Aid kit from the Llama supply stores? Thanks. While you do that, I'll start explaining."
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Introduction: It is kind of a mix, there is a bit of true story and then, the rest is figment of my imagination. Hope u guys njoy just as much I njoyed writing. The article Doctors sexamination I was not feeling too well and so I informed my mother I was going to see the doctor. He was the same guy we had been going to since I was a baby. This is almost 20 or so odd years. I took a half day from work since I was not feeling too well and got on the tube and the bus, then I walked for another 5...
Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: January 10, 2011) Chapter 24 - Doctors and Pop Stars and Music Videos, Oh My! I awoke late Wednesday morning, but I was thankful for the extra sleep. Waking up early and getting home late yesterday had been enough to make me glad...
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Forst off this is all made up i heard a story similar to this one but i made it better it is fake but i loved writing it because i have always had fantasys about doctors touching me in a way..It all began on a one by me hanging out with a few friends one day. We were going somewhere walking when we passed by a rehab one of my friends saw a needle/synrige on the ground we thought it was ironic seeing it next to a rebah center for d**g addicts. At first i didn't believe that it was real cause it...
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Lee had been a medical student at The Medical College of Georgia for two years now. So it was no substantial surprise for the professor to give assignments pertaining to them being doctors within the medical field for their Christmas break. However, this time it was a little different than he had expected. Use a friend as a test subject? What in the world was this guy thinking!? Lee shook his head, deep in thought, his fingers trailed down the page reading the directions in all its entirety....
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The following morning she wore a smile which rested on her face almost all night long. Amanda, after having orgasmed four times the night before, due to what Lucas had done for her now was in another world. That smile on her face remained there all day long. Throughout the following day, she could still feel them. His fingers, up inside her pussy like they’d been, and moving about endlessly, turned her on and turned her on some more as she got wetter and wetter and came for almost forever. He...
First TimeWhen you wake up, you will be fucking back hard and fast, you will crave another climax, you will desire to climax one more time or die trying to climax. I will wake you up, and you will scream for me to keep fucking you harder, and harder. You will only come when I say the word "NOW." You will remember that all this is, is a sex education class on just how you can be a whore, so you can be the perfect wife for Peter. I am a Doctor, so this is very normal for a doctor to teach his patience...
Mary was looking quite fetching in her black, short skirt and blue blouse as we walked out of the house, through the ruined front door. Fucking FBI. Bad enough they had to raid my house, did they have to smash down the door? Desiree was tracking down a contractor that could get the door replaced today while I ordered five of the sluts to go get their pussy's waxed at the Heavenly Creature's Salon. Violet, Fiona, Karen, Chasity, and Thamina all needed bare cunts. They could have landing...
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"So you're going to do it, tell him," he said. "I have to, Jerry; he deserves that much, and it's little enough; we both know that," she said. "Hollie, it's going to kill him. More, it's going to kill our relationship with him in all its forms. He will never speak to either of us again—ever," he said. "You don't give him enough credit, Jerry. He'll understand. If the tables were reversed—" she started. "You're kiddin' yourself, Hollie. He loves you more than his life, same...
It did not take Dr. Harris long, he was ready to cum. He wanted to prolong his pleasure so he pulled his cock out of Linda and told Peter to open his mouth and get him wet. He pushed forward into Peter's mouth, where he fucked it for a few strokes and then back into Linda's warm hot cunt. He shoved himself as deep as he could inside of Linda. He just buried it all the way inside before he came inside of her. Peter could see the doctor's balls churning in his nut sack as he fed his wife his...
Sunday morning I was sleeping in. We’d had a little orgy in the bedroom the night before, and it was after one o’clock before I zonked out. What made me aware of Sunday morning was the warm mouth trying to swallow my cock in its entirety. Whoever it was seemed eager for results, and had the skills and technique to suck a basketball through a garden hose. My hips twitched, and I inadvertently jammed my body upwards thereby pushing my cock all the way into the mouth of my fellatrix. I heard a...
My friend Paul and I worked together for at least 17 years, we knew each other well and often hung out together on weekends. Our kids were also good friends so we also got together for birthdays and BBQs. We were opposites but in many ways we complimented each other, he was the planner, meet the deadline and get things in order and I, free living, enjoy life while you can. We trusted each other and often confided in each other about men’s stuff, at one such gathering he pulled me aside to...
The following morning I had a lay in, I had nothing planned apart from the good doctor’s visit. I showered and then pondered what to wear, hell it was hot so a pair of baggy shorts and tee shirt would fit the bill.My morning was full of anticipation, I can’t tell you how many times my cock got hard just thinking of the Doc and how I was determined to get into her panties.Time was dragging but the afternoon arrived and I waited patiently for her arrival, I heard a car pull up and dashed to the...
This happened in 2009I needed to see the Doctor quite urgently, I rang up and explained the situation to the receptionist she told me to come down and the Doctor will see me when the surgery has ended. At 5:30pm I was sat in the waiting room, on my own,as the Doctor was out on an emergency call, there was no-one else there except the receptionist who I'd known for around 5 years since she started.At 5:50pm her husband rang to ask when she'd be finishing she told him she wasn't sure as surgery...
My wife told me about this lat night (it's 100% true, she was almost crying when she described what happened) so I suggested she write it down, which she did today. Here's what she wrote:If my school file said anything about this – and I’ve no way of knowing if it did – it would have recorded that I as “sexually active” from a young age. My first proper sexual experience was on the back seat of a car with a friend of my father’s when I was just 14. He’d taken me shopping, bought me a suspender...
Today I took my girl to see a Specialist Doctor, this Doctor carried out a number of tests on her, which seemed very similar in nature to the type of play that one might do with a T.E.N.s Unit.To sit there and watch the wires & electrodes be hooked up, then to watch her pull funny faces & start jumping around in the chair as the power was turned on started to have a reaction, These reactions were not on her ! Parts of me started to react, which I might say is the norm for me, she just...
I had an appointment for the doctor today, and I wanted to arrive early. When I arrived, the secretary had asked me to fill out these forms thoroughly. She asked me what kind of insurance I had. I gave her my Empire card out of my wallet. I had a seat, and started to fill the forms out to the best of my knowledge. About five minutes later I was done. I got up and gave the secretary the paper work. ‘Okay no problem, you can have a seat again Steve.’ I sat down and began to look at the new...
Well hello doctor" I say as I enter your surgery."Hi" you reply "What can I do for you today"I notice your firm breasts and feel myself flush a little and try to hide the fact that I am beginning to become erect as I reply " I have a small problem""Tell me what it is and let's see if I can help"I sit down opposite you and look deep into your blue eyes as I say " I have a mole on my stomach and I think it's changed shape""Ok then, let's take a look" you smoothly reply. "If you would like to lift...