BiomancerChapter 3: free porn video

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Mr. Tang was up the same time I was, the dirty look from the cold shower concealed a grin. “Whatever you did to me last night was worth the cold shower this morning. I feel years better than I have in ages. You will need to do laundry, a few loads from the look of it, that bed is a mess.”

“I’m glad, sir. Would you like an apple with your Cheerios?”

He laughed. “Do you ever eat anything besides that for breakfast?”

“I like it. Why change?” Pulling the single open box out from beside the other four family sized boxes, I filled two bowls.

There was a knock at the door while we ate our breakfasts. “I wonder who that could be?” Mr. Tang asked before taking a bite out of his apple. His lack of reaction took the worry from me.

“Morning, Nathan. Lu.” Greeted Sheriff Mallory, who was holding a silver and black traveling coffee mug. “I hope I wasn’t interrupting breakfast. May I come in?”

“Okay,” I shrugged, I knew that I didn’t have a choice.

Once back at the breakfast table, “Strangely, I find out that South Lawn’s quietest resident had become our noisiest. Helicopters, Federal agents, I even received a call from the Powers Regulatory Agency this morning.”

“Sorry.” I was in a way.

“Well, you do sound sorry, so I will accept it at face value,” Sheriff Mallory replied with no hint of humor. I gulped down my Cheerios, nervously. “They are kicking out the Fasools this morning. It seems that you are getting new neighbors, Nathan. I stopped by to let you know your rights and what we can and can’t or won’t do for you. So, listen up.”

I put down my spoon and gave him my full attention.

“What we can do is treat you like every other minor in this town. What we can’t do is go toe to toe with the Agency’s laws such as keeping you under surveillance bugging your house, computer, phones, person, dog, or anything else. They will know what color underwear you have on and if you washed under your pits every time you shower.” I grimaced. I had read as much, but listening to the hard facts, made it seem worse. The sheriff continued on for another twenty minutes, detailing what they could and weren’t allowed to do. Including taking me into custody if they thought I used my powers to harm others. I wasn’t allowed to destroy the bugs, since they were government property, anything else was fine.

“What I won’t do is come running every time you two have a pissing match. This is your home, you have the right and obligation to defend it. The how is up to you. As long as you are inside your own home, and someone is trying to force their way in without a warrant, you can use any means to defend it. Kapeesh?”

“Yes, sir.”

The older man pulled out a tiny notebook and pencil from his breast pocket. “Nathan, you don’t seem to be one of those Physical types. Would you be an Elementalist?”

At Mr. Tang’s nod, “Kinda,”

“What does ‘kinda’ mean? Are you, or aren’t you?”

“I’m not sure that anyone has a classification for what I do?” I shrugged, knowing that I needed to answer his questions unless Mr. Tang stopped me.

“What can you do, Nathan?” He still kept his face blank of all emotions, but the advice he gave was more than enough to get on my good side. Besides Mr. Tang seemed to like and trust him.

“I’m kinda a Life battery. I can suck it in and project it out.” His pencil tip broke.

Looking at the utensil, he set it aside and withdrew a new one. “And are you a Class V?”

“I wouldn’t know, sir.”

“The Agency seems to think so.”

The Feds could kiss my ass.

“Anything I should know? You know, for the safety of others?”

At My lawyer’s nod, “Don’t harm me, and don’t shoot me. My body sorta reacts on its own when I get hurt.”

“Would you be the one that is responsible for the cordoned off area in Chesterfield park?”

“I think so.”

“Think so?” Sherriff Mallory repeated.

“Is it the dead area of grass about six feet round?” I clarified.

“That would be the one. I’ll let the deputies know. On my side, that means you stand still and do whatever my deputies ask of you. They won’t do anything stupid and neither should you. Understand?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Good, also if any moron tries to pick a fight with you, you run away. We haven’t had a killing here since Mrs. Illerdale found her husband in bed with ... Never mind that. I don’t want to fill out any more paperwork after today about you. Is that clear?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Do you have any questions for me Nathan?”

“No, sir, I wouldn’t know what questions to ask.”

“If only my idiotic son had your head on his shoulders. Let’s take a look outside, I thought I heard the movers arrive.” They had, about ten minutes ago.

A few hundred feet away, a long blue and white semi was backed into the Fasool’s driveway. Eight movers were already busy with a sheriff’s car parked out in front keeping an eye on things. The old couple watched in dismay as their life abruptly was in the process of being relocated. The Fed, in her working blue polo and khakis, was talking to two other Feds while looking in our direction. After the two other Feds drove off with the Fashools, the woman looked over and then disappeared into the house.

“Is that the person who is your new liaison Nathan?”

“Yeah, the brunette Fed.”

“Try to keep your anger in check. It won’t do you any good.” I knew that, but sometimes I couldn’t help it. “Nathan, do you know what a “honey trap’ is?” The sheriff suddenly brought up, after seeing the Fed return to her car and bend over retrieve something.

“Sorta, it’s when they send a woman out to compromise a man, usually for the purpose of intelligence gathering.”

“Not just for that. Other things too. Look it up after I leave.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Don’t let that brain of yours go to waste, Nathan. See you around Lu.” The sheriff walked next door and spoke with the Fed while Mr. Tang ushered me back in.

My guardian didn’t stay long. He had a real job and other clients to handle and last night’s call was pretty spur of the moment. After he left, I wrote down everything the Sheriff advised. Both good and bad. Starting my summer vacation early like this sucked, but that was all I could do for now. Reading my biology text with highlighters and tabs at the dining room table with a twenty minute break every two hours was how I spent the rest of the day.

Thursday and Friday were the same with the exceptions of working in the yard, repairing the damage that and my nighttime manipulation of the Life field in the neighborhood.

Saturday, Mr. Tang arrived on my doorstep, briefcase in one hand and a box of doughnuts in the other. “Morning Nate.” My guardian arrived with a smile. That he brought his briefcase meant that lawyer stuff was going to be discussed.

“Morning, sir.” I led him to the kitchen table and took my seat at the right as usual. He sat in dad’s place at the head.

“The Agency made a mistake with these.” He pulled out the file that the Fed brought and opened up the cover. “I spoke with a friend, and she agreed. You have a very strong case.” There was no such thing as a ‘slam dunk case’

“Dad’s Certificate?” I still had troubles calling it a ‘death’ certificate.

“Yes, Nathan. Gregory is dead and we have the documents to prove it.”

“What about the rest?”

“You know, no one has successfully won a court battle against the Agency,” he replied with that enigmatic look which meant he was hiding something good.


“But that doesn’t mean that they haven’t settled out of court. And quite often at that.”

“Oh?” That was news to me. “What can we do?”

“First we get the death certificate that you need to live better than taking daily cold showers and subsistence living.”

Shrugging, “I’m used to it.” I was.

“But you needn’t be. With your permission, I will file on Monday with the Federal Court in Springfield.”

“What do I need to do?” I trusted him. Without Lu Tang I would have been on the streets the month after dad was taken.

“Sign where I underlined and initial where I ‘X’ed’. You might be called to testify, but that is doubtful. With these documents, the Agency admitted his death.”

“How long do you think it will take?”

“Depends if they contest it and how hard. Two weeks to a year for the death certificate, then the fun part of the major suit for withholding the information from his minor son for three years. There is no way that they can prove that your father was a threat in that condition.”

Taking a sip of coke, he continued, “I don’t want them to think they can delay Greg’s life insurance by filing both suits at once. We should wait until they acknowledge his death before proceeding with your lawsuit.”

“I trust you. Do what you think is best, sir.”

“Nate, when are you going to start calling me Lu?”

“When you aren’t my guardian anymore, sir,” I teased with a rare smile. This was good news.

Mr. Tang stole the sole Boston Crème, his favorite, and left me with the rest of the baker’s dozen doughnuts. Claiming he had a busy weekend ahead. my lawyer headed to the office to finish working on my behalf. He had spent too many hours and too much money over the years on me and I hoped to one day have a way to repay him.

Twenty minutes later, I was seated on the ground on an old patio cushion leaning against the Russian olive reading my Biology textbook and taking notes. Engrossed in my studies, I didn’t notice my pair of visitors standing ten feet away until Mrs. Moore coughed to get my attention.

Two pretty women with light brown hair, albeit too thin to be completely healthy, one mother, one daughter, stood there in white shorts and nice blouses. Cheryl looked very nervous, but Mrs. Moore was beaming with happiness.

“Thank you, Nate, for saving my life.” The tiny girl who was two months older than I was, yet stood an inch short of five-feet and weighed less than a hundred pounds, said in a rush.

“Eh? You weren’t dying or anything. I just helped some.” Maybe more than some...

“Nathan, Cheryl had uterine sarcoma. My family has a history of breast cancer. With the young age that she developed it, the doctors couldn’t stop it from spreading. Her odds were good with Chemo and surgery, but that meant my daughter would be in and out of hospitals for years. Cheryl nodded in confirmation of her mother’s words. The unusual cheeriness of both set me on edge.

“Nathan. Nate. The preliminary test that Dr. Rosenbalm did on Wednesday, returned cancer free this morning. Dr. Rosenbalm wants her to come back Monday for a retest. Her complete remission shouldn’t be possible and we have you to thank for it.” Tears ran down the older woman’s face smearing the light foundation.

My embarrassment levels were too high. I couldn’t speak if I wanted to. It took a few gulps of breaths before I could get out, “It’s okay. I’m just glad it worked.”

“Can you look and see if there is any more in her? I will do anything.” Cheryl’s mom seemed desperate.

“There are tiny spots floating around, but they are mostly dead and should be gone in a few days.”

“Are you sure?” Cheryl asked in worry.

I’d forgive her for doubting me. It was hard to believe. Still, I hated when people questioned what I said.

Shrugging, “Yeah, it will be gone in a few days. No worries.”

Dropping to her knees and avoiding the lower branches with the sharpened pointed needle spikes, Cheryl lunged forward knocking my book aside and hugged me with all her strength. Not that it was much, the cancer must have taken a huge toll over the past year or two and not just physically.

Half crying, half laughing, she held me as if I were her savior or something. Mrs. Moore stood where she was, holding herself back as if she wanted to join her daughter in the hug.

Awkwardly, I held my neighbor, the first girl to hug me since I was eight, until she calmed down. With a brief kiss on the cheek, Cheryl released me and stood, dodging the sharpened branches. She had played at my house when we were younger and knew the perils of getting stabbed by the spring growth of the Russian olive.

“Nate, can you come for dinner tonight? Five o’clock?” Mrs. Moore asked.

“Sure.” I just hoped that they backed off the gushiness.

“I’ll expect you then. Come on Cheryl, leave Nate to his studies.”

“Thanks, Nate. See you later.” Cheryl waved and the pair left by the front gate.

I had a sudden chill thinking of them telling everyone it was my fault and the Feds reacting.

Rushing to my feet, I chased after them and explained that I didn’t want the world to know of my Powers. “ ... Only bad things can happen once the Feds get word. Please don’t say anything. Please, Mrs. Moore.”

“You can do a lot of good. But we will keep your secret. I’ll see that Cheryl keeps her mouth shut too.” With that same eerie desperate smile as before, Mrs. Moore closed the screen door between us, watching me walk into the yard, unmoving.

This morning, despite the emotional drama, might have been my best in ages. I snatched a peanut doughnut from the box and returned to my place under the Russian olive. Biology was calling and I had a lot to learn.

Dinner at the Moore’s was strange. Mrs. Moore insisted that I call her Josie, I didn’t feel like it was right, but she insisted. Demanded really, and I gave in with bad grace. Cheryl made chicken breasts stuffed with ham and blue cheese while Mrs. Moore, Josie, sat with me and talked about my plans. I had none besides learning all I could about biology and anatomy. This was all too unexpected and too new.

With plainly seen ulterior motives, she suggested that I might want to visit the children’s ward at the hospital and read or just spend time with the ill children. That, I wasn’t comfortable with. At all. Too many would catch on too quick that I was the anomaly in their recovery and pooft, off to a lab I go. As Mr. Tang said, there were ways around my abilities and if the Feds were desperate enough, they would find a way.

“I’ll think about it, but not until I know more. Everything is too new and a little mistake could kill someone.” Josie dropped the subject and then asked if there was any change regarding my father?

“Mr. Tang thinks he can get dad’s death certificate. With that, I can get his life insurance released and pay off my loans.” Shrugging. “IF the Feds don’t fight it too hard. It could drag on for years or a month. He says it’s up to how the Feds want to play it.”

“And if you get the insurance money right away, then what will you do, Nate?”

“Still don’t know. The house needs a few things fixed and I need a better internet connection. Books, lots of books.” Mrs. Moore, Josie, didn’t offer any suggestions, believing that I needed to set a course for my life and live it.

Cheryl offered a few suggestions from the kitchen between preparation of dinner and sitting with us. Most were not feasible, since I was not allowed to enroll in college without a high school diploma and that wasn’t happening any more.

“Get your GED. Then you can enroll at the local college. It’s something at least and you won’t be home alone all day.” Cheryl offered, acting as if she solved world hunger.

I was sent home with a two dozen fresh baked chocolate chip cookies. First ones that I had in four years. Lying on the grass in the back yard and eating my cookie, I watched the sparse clouds pass by. GED and college. I did want to find out more about the human body and that was probably the best way now.

There was no way I would be getting an engineering job, even if I did get my degree at a real university. Winchester College would have to do, maybe a few biology classes to start. First, I would go back to the book store and get a GED guide and find a pretest online.


Sunday a small moving van arrived at the Fed’s house, followed shortly by a second from a different company. A tall, athletic blonde joined the average sized brunette living next door as my latest designated Federal stalker. She was in MORE perfect health than the first one. I didn’t think that was possible.

Sometime before noon, the blonde Fed with a short low ponytail, leaned against the chain linked fence wearing jeans and a flannel shirt with sleeves rolled up. “Nathan, do you mind if I come over and introduce myself?” the new girl asked cheerily, naturally full of energy.

Placing my bookmark, I closed the text. “Sure.” I went to get up to meet her in the house but she waved me off and easily hopped the fence with a hand on the top rail and her feet never touching as they swung parallel over it. Landing with grace, the blonde Fed brushed the dirt off her hands left from the slightly rusted top bar.

“Is that your attack tree?” she asked smiling. “Nathan, I am Lieutenant Veronica Lake of the US Army. I’ve been assigned to you as a watcher and bodyguard. Assistant too, if necessary, too.” Twenty-four-ish, about my height of 5’10”, pretty, not overly though. No makeup other than lip gloss, blue eyes, Nordic build, easy smile, along with a very friendly air. Lt. Veronica Lake was in excellent shape both emotionally and physically.

C-cup probably. I did my best not to stare.

I knew I was way outmatched in every sense of the word. “I need a bodyguard?”

“Someone thinks you do. I read that if you get hurt then a ‘Sphere O’ Death’ forms centered on you. Don’t you think that might be bad?”

Playful and sarcastic. Dealing with Lt. Lake wouldn’t be easy. “Okay.”

“Just ‘Okay’?” Seeing as how I wasn’t going to banter with her, she continued, “This is my card, it has my cell and email. I wrote my personal email on the back too if you don’t want the world to read it but then you would have to send it from a place not in your house.”

“You just admitted my house was bugged.”

“Your phones, your internet and probably a few bugs inside that ended up here and there when you weren’t looking. Not my doing or interest unless you are planning on Rampaging. Are you?” she asked with a smile.


“Why the look? Not everyone is out to get you, Nathan.”

I snorted in disbelief. She admitted that she was going to be my watcher along with the other Fed.

Sitting across from me on the lawn cross legged, she kept speaking when I only wanted her to go away, “Nathan, my job is to keep you safe and make things easier for you. May I have your cell number and email address?”

“I don’t have a cell and my email is [email protected].”

“No cell phone? I’ll requisition one for you. I do ask when you go to town or anywhere in public, please let me know. I can either follow at a discrete distance or tag along. I don’t mind driving or can ride with you.”

“But you need to stalk me, right?”

“It’s pretty hard to be a good bodyguard if I am not by your side.”

“I don’t think I need a bodyguard nor want one.” I definitely didn’t want a stalker.

“If you give me your word and keep it that you won’t leave the immediate neighborhood, I won’t peek in your windows or put a tracker on you. I would have used the front door this time, but saw you sitting here when I was exploring the property. I noticed that you have fences on both sides of you, but you don’t have one behind your property. Were your neighbors trying to keep you out?” she teased, changing gears in mid thought.

“The Moore’s have a pool. The Fashools used to have a terrier that died two years ago, they were afraid of the racoons eating it.”

“And the promise?”

“I’ll think about it.” Not that I had a whole lot of choices.

Not moving from her position, nor done with the conversation, she continued, again, “I read about your parents. Why were you not granted Scionship?”

She sounded genuinely interested. Maybe her report of me wasn’t complete. “The Agency never released his paperwork and has dad’s body hidden away somewhere. No paperwork, no body, no death certificate. According to the courts, he is still alive.”

“You are one of the tens of thousands of orphans in limbo. At least you have a nice house to live in. Your guardian is Lu Tang. How does he treat you?” she asked pleasantly and possibly sincerely. Her aura was different than anyone else’s I had met.

“Great,” I honestly replied. Never would I say anything remotely negative about Mr. Tang and all his work for me over the years. I owed him more than I could ever repay.

“That’s helpful. You were thirteen when it happened. How did you keep the house?”

It was no secret. “When mom died, she left me her life insurance. I’m using that to pay for everything.” It was supposed to be my college fund.

“But it wasn’t much was it? Sergeant Dubois’ report on the condition of your house...” She tried to come up with a polite way to say sparse. “Poverty stricken.”

That about summed it up. Mr. Tang and I had planned for five years with me paying all the bills and were still short by a few months without his help.

Changing the subject, the blonde Fed said, “I see you are studying biology. What will you do about school?”

Shrugging, “Get my GED. Maybe Community college if I can find the money.”

“I’ll make you a deal. The carpeting needs to be ripped up in my bedroom. You help me with that and some other chores around the house and I’ll help you study for the GED.”

“Thanks, but I’ll pass.”

“You’re missing out ♪ ... You have a phone in your house, right? Call me before you go to the bookstore to get materials or for any other reason at all. Even if it’s to bitch about being ‘stalked’. I’ll help you with what you will need. Or stop by and I will go with you.”

I shrugged at the noticeable lack of choices.

“Nathan it’s nice to meet you, Call me Ronnie.” Smiling, she stood, brushed off the back of her jeans and exited though the front gate. She did give me a knowing smile right before exiting the back yard, to acknowledge that she had caught the teenaged boy watching a pretty girl in tight jeans walk away. Even with my mind lost in the clouds at her overwhelmingness, I still was a healthy sixteen-year-old. My tell-tale-blush gave me away even with me ducking down pretending to reread the chapter on plant’s cell structures.

“He’s a nice kid.” Veronica Lake walked in the door of her new home for the next two years.

“He’s also a Class V walking, talking, death generator,” snapped Agent Dubois.

“Yet you were going to live with Nathan, so complain elsewhere. My job is to keep him healthy. Yours is to spy on his life to make his life miserable while quaking in your boots in case he does go ‘Rampaging’.

“Don’t give me that shit. You are ‘spying’ on him too,” her roommate accused snidely.

“It’s secondary and he knows it. And. I’m not a PRA or a cop. If you need me, I will be ripping up the carpeting. Nathan might stop by, if he does, holler please.” Knowing that talking to Agent Jessica Dubois or any Agency drone was useless, the Army Intelligence officer wasn’t about to waste time in fruitless debate. Besides, that room’s carpet and drapes smelled like old people on the way out...

I decided against the bookstore today. I did spend time on the internet reading up on the requirements for a GED. The test was comprised in four parts, Math, Science, Social Studies, and English. Taking the practice exam online, I aced everything but social studies. That I only got a seventy on. The questions on dates, I could only guess at, but those were memorization problems and not hard.

Monday morning the Fashool’s front lawn had rolled up carpeting and large black contractor bags lined up waiting for Wednesday’s garbage day pick up. Ronnie wasn’t kidding about ripping up the carpeting in her room. Probably other rooms too since there was a lot of it.

Eating my usual breakfast of Cheerios, a half an apple and a glass of milk. I saw my new ‘bodyguard’ run down the street towards our houses in skintight black running shorts and a dark green T-shirt with ‘Army’ in white blazoned across the chest. A half hour later after I finished cleaning the house and started laundry, a knock came at my door.

In a tight black T and jeans, the freshly showered bodyguard / stalker stood on my porch. “Hi, Nathan. Are you still interested in going to the bookstore today?” Ronnie asked with an early morning smile. One of those that said I’m happy to be alive and all is right with the world.

“I haven’t showered yet.”

“Anytime. Just let me know. I requisitioned your phone. It should arrive tomorrow sometimes. Hope you like black.” She waved and quickly walked across our shared lawns returning to her home.

Her home. That was odd to say or think. I wondered where the Fashools ended up and if they would be okay. Stupid thought. No, they weren’t okay. Both were dying and were just evicted out of their home. Fucking Agency and their stupid paranoia.

I did want to go to the bookstore this morning...




Putting my shoes on and grabbing my wallet, I walked next door and knocked. The Fed answered in khakis and polo, must be a uniform or something for her.

“Hello, Nathan.”

“Hi, is Ronnie here?”

“One second. She is upstairs, you can come in.”

Uncomfortably, I entered and remained in the front hall while the brunette Fed walked up the stairs. The house still smelled bad. Like old people and baby powder. The few times Mrs. Fashool asked me inside were mainly to help move things that were too heavy for the elderly couple. Mostly they kept to themselves and their church.

The Feds both came down together. What struck me as odd was that there was tension between the two and that the brunette Fed was not pleased at all with Ronnie.

“Let me get my purse. Be right there.” The Fed walked past while Ronnie went into the next room and returned seconds later. Pulling out her keys from a large olive green purse, she led the way to her jeep.

“I’ll drive. You can show me around town. I heard that you even have a genuine Drive-in-theater.” We did, one of the two in the state.

She had a solid green jeep with a soft top. The radio was a dead giveaway. Besides the cheap am/fm one, there was a large base attached below in the console.

“Yup, Uncle Sam provided,” she replied noticing my look. “Has all the bells and whistles, just a crappy radio. But free gas and insurance and no car payments. Best of all, it’s dry as long as it isn’t raining.” Tapping on the canvas. “Lowest bidder for after market tops and it shows.” Glancing at me after she backed out of the drive. “I won’t bite, you can relax.”

Ronnie was going to drive me crazy with her manic attitude. I tried to relax.

“How about directions to the bookstore and everywhere else. Is there a mall in town?”

“Clarkston has one, its twenty minutes away.”

“Point the way...”

She left the car running, and turned to ask me, “Did you take a pretest?” We had just pulled in the parking of Rider’s book store.

“Yeah, I sucked with the dates in social studies,” after a few seconds, I admitted to my lack.

“What else, any problems?”

“No, the rest was easy.”

“Those would all be the ones from your senior year government class you haven’t had yet. I know where to start.” Turning off the engine, she hopped out of the car faster than I had my door opened. Not for the first time, I wondered if she had a Physical Power and which one.

Grinning as if reading my mind, “Four years at the best Academy on Earth. You’d be amazed what good healthy competition can do for the body and mind. Come on slowpoke.”

“Ugh, it’s going to be a long day,” I murmured to myself.

Ronnie was decisive, at least. Five minutes, and she was holding two manual sized books, one a GED social studies specific book and the other a Government school book from the used section.

“My suggestions, my purchase. If I’m right, you reimburse me. If not, I eat the cost. What do you say?”

“I’ll trust you. I’ll pay,” I replied stubbornly.

“Up to you.”

The GED help book was more expensive than I planned but the text book was only five dollars, which mostly evened it out against the hundred-seventy-five dollars for the other.

South Lawn, Missouri, located near the southwestern border of the state, had a population of fifteen thousand people. There wasn’t much to see in the main blocks of downtown, but I dutifully pointed out the two banks directly across from each other, the police station, library and courthouse. Mr. Tang’s office was a couple blocks away and I gestured behind the Mrs. Friday’s Restaurant pointing out the location, even if it couldn’t be seen from 5th Avenue.

“Where is the mall?”

I was hoping to skip that. “Make a left at Pine Avenue, take that to Route 14 northbound.”

“Nate, what do you think of Jessica?”

“Who? Oh, her. Not much.”

“What do you think of me?” She asked with a grin, focusing on the road and the people crossing the street wherever they chose. Not too many but this was where the few offices our town were grouped together.

Same as Biomancer
Chapter 3: Videos

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He caught me in his wifes cloths

I do odd job's and I was about to do one for my wife's best friend Tina and her Husband Phillip. I went over and looked at the job. I told her it would take several days and that I could do the work while her and her husband were at work. That way I wouldn't be in anyones way. Well the first day of the job I showed up just before Tina left for work. Pillip was already gone. We chatted a while the she left for work. Tina is really very hot and I have wanted to fuck her for a long time. Sense i...

1 year ago
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Fucking my gay side bitch same day I fuck my GF

I had woken up and fucked my gf already. Pounding her pussy and cumming all over her thinking that i was done for the day but i couldn't be more wrong. As she got in the shower, my phone went off and i went ahead and looked at it to see a text message. I had been having gay sex behind my gfs back and we were supposed to only meet during the weekends, but this bitch was just too horny too wait. He sent me a pic of his ass, that i loved fucking, and asked me if i was going to fuck him or not....

3 years ago
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Maduras Anonimas Cap 04

El verano se acercaba a su fin y pronto tendría que comenzar a asistir a la escuela. Me preocupaba que pasaría si se realizaba una reunión y yo no podía asistir. ¿Perdería mi privilegiado lugar en el grupo? ¿Doña Elide seria comprensiva y me dejaría volver?Mis miedos se vieron materializados cuando mi madre me informo que le habían dado vacaciones y quería que fuéramos a pasar un fin de semana en la playa. Al principio me emocione al respecto pero cuando me dijo las fechas me di cuenta que...

1 year ago
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Lynn The Boss

Lynn didn’t remember much after seeing her boss in front of her except being taken back to his office and being sat on the couch. She assumed that she was going to be fired, this was the worse thing that could have happened. Her boss showing up seeing her being a cunt begging hole that was completely smeared with cock cream dripping from her face, chin, hair and tits, the rest drooling from her lips. Lynn had just passed the State board for certification and this was just the most sickening...

Group Sex
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How I Lost My Virginity To My Subway Supervisor

He was an interesting guy to say the least, he was 26 y.o, he was I think around 5’9, slender, scruffy facial hair, wicked farmers tan, I thought he was cute and rugged looking but he was in a relationship so I never really tried to pursue anything serious. He was a rather compulsive liar, looking back at it but 16 y.o me ate that shit up. Like the “fact” that he used to be a model, modelled a 2 mil dollar watch, which was given to him, and then stolen out of his very cheap 1998 Honda Civic...

4 years ago
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I Dream of Tweenie The Queen of the Sluts AwakensChapter 11

"Olivia, it's almost eleven o'clock. It's time to get your butt out of bed!" Lauren Hastings stood there in the doorway of her daughter's bedroom, waiting for her normally early-rising child, to get out of bed. "Come on kiddo, it's time to get up. You've slept away most of the morning. Rolling over opened her sleep eyes and saw her mother staring at her from the doorway. She'd been so exhausted after Steve left that Olivia momentarily couldn't remember if she'd put any clothes on...

1 year ago
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POVLife Jade Kush Smoking Hot Asian Babe Caught Swimming Topless

One of our producers spotted a hot asian chick by the name of Jade Kush going for a topless dip in his pool. He decided to confront her, and when he got a closer look at those tits he realized that was his neighbors daughter. He has been longing to see this teen vixen without her top on, and his dream finally came true. Our producer had the upper hand here too, since Jade did not want to get in trouble with her parents. He decided to keep his mouth shut if Jade offered her body to him. She...

2 years ago
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Stay With Me Tonight

Chapter One: The beginning.My first affair started so innocently. At the time, I had been married to my husband Erick for over twenty-four years and had been absolutely faithful. Of course, I had received plenty of offers from horny males over the years and, regularly traveling out of town for my work, I’d been tempted but had always laughed them off.I’d been very happy in my marriage to Erick who was a wonderful man, lover, protector and provider. I couldn’t have asked for a better...

3 years ago
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Escaping From a MurdererChapter 12

Margaret sat in Iain's front room and took a gulp of the whisky Shona gave her. "I'll look after it," Shona offered. "'Til your ready." Margaret downed the two shots and panted. "I can manage." "Ah know," Shona sniffed. "Ahh but ya've been through a lot," she was told. "Shock. Yer've had a big shock." Shona looked up at the solicitor. "Please." Margaret's eyes dropped and looked at the baby in her arms. "Ah want another bairn but Iain says no. Ah, for one...

3 years ago
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Time to Protect EarthChapter 12

I awoke, to find Sandy just beginning to stir. Some internal, deeply subconscious part of my mind, had woken me. Probably some ancient genetic ‘father instinct’, that alerted me to potential trouble. I quickly leaned over, and kissed her awake, nibbling on her ear lobes. As she came awake, she reached for the remote, and flipped on the TV. Then, she returned my kisses. I was a little disappointed with her response. I usually got her motor running hot very quickly, this way. “Sorry, TJ,” she...

4 years ago
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Sarah8217s Saga Of Incest 8211 Part 2

I apologize for the delay. Thank you for all your response, I appreciate it. If you have not read the previous parts of this series, I would suggest you go and read that first. Enjoy. Disclaimer: This series is a figment of my imaginations. All characters mentioned in the sex story are fictional. Any suggestions and comments are appreciated. Please don’t ask for personal details. I prefer my private life to stay private. Also, don’t ask for pics or video chat, such emails will not be...

1 year ago
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Big Red In Her Lonely Fortress

The First IncidentI wondered when I’d hear from Lynn Fortier again because she had told me to expect her. I didn’t know how long that would be; she had only said it would be “occasionally.” It turned out to be only a week. She was the executive director of my division, but I didn’t report directly to her. Except for the previous week, I had rarely spoken to her. She didn’t go in for a lot of socializing with her employeesAround three o’clock in the afternoon, she suddenly appeared by my desk....

Office Sex
3 years ago
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Sarge revisited

Given recent events (and the fact that it has been frankly a disgraceful length of time since I’ve blogged) I think it would be a good opportunity to update you all.Please do not be mistaken in assuming that because I haven’t blogged, I haven’t been ‘playing’, as that it not the case … at all! Also please don’t think that if you were one of those… erm… ‘players’ that you were in anyway ‘unblog-worthy’ because that may not be the case either (… may not).Unsurprisingly, one of my...

2 years ago
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I Couldnt Believe That Happened Part 2

My house was the "cool place" for my step-daughter and her friends to hang out with, once they got their drivers licenses, and wanted somewhere to have a good time. It seemed that they liked my personality, and liked the fact I was so laid-back and didn't get uptight about the dumb things most parents did.I'm certain though, that if they were aware that when my wife was at work overnights or on afternoon shifts, we crossed the line into territories that most parents and teenagers would not do....

1 year ago
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The Viagra Incedent

The Viagra incident – just a quick little story.After Jack and I were together for about five years, he started having some little problems with staying hard. To be honest, I wasn’t worried because it gave me a little break from time to time. My dear Jack could have a tendency to leave me with a pretty raw cunt some nights. I was getting more than enough sex as it was.He went to see a doctor friend who fixed him up with a bag of Viagra samples then, he told me about it. The doctor had given him...

1 year ago
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Stacys Mom

I have to say, sometimes being a stud gets trying. Yup, stud. Jimmy Elliott, 17-year-old pussy-poundin' machine; that's me. Hey, what can I say, I like pussy. And since I'm a big football dude at school, and a good student, and damn handsome-well, I get all the pussy I want. And yeah, most of the other guys at school hate my guts. Hey, who cares? The girls love me, that's all I care about. It's been like that ever since I first realized why my dick got hard. I lost my virginity at 12....

3 years ago
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chance meeting with a stranger

First attempt at a story if is fictional I hope you enjoy it and please excuse the spelling and grammar It was a strange day I had been back in the UK for a while waiting for my visa to be approved to go back to the Middle East.The company that was handling this was based in London and I had some more paperwork that they needed to assist the visa application.I purchased my ticket, waiting on the platform of the village station there was nothing to take my interest the train pulled in and I got...

2 years ago
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Mummy Ki Phati Hui Shalwaar

Mere mummy ki age 47 hai mast haighted hai gori hai mummy ki gaand bahot bahar nikli hui hai.Mummy hamesha ghar me tight leginn pehenti hai or short kurti mom ki tight leginn damage hi rehti hai kyu ki unki thigh bahot moti hai or jo leginn nhi phati rehti use mai phadh deta hu. Dosto ab mai story aage badata hu ek din mai tv dekh raha tha hall me mai sofe per baitha tha mom kuch veg katne mere samne ek chote se stool par aake baithi mom ne white kurti or red leginn pehni hui thi.Mai tv dekh...

2 years ago
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Hannah Montana Lets Get Crazy Chapter 1

“Let's get crazy, yeah just kick up your heels. Don't miss out, time to shout, always keeping it real. Let's get crazy!” Hannah Montana, teen pop sensation raised her hand the crowd and pointed at them as she finished her song, “Let’s Get Crazy”. “Goodnight Malibu!!” She shouted into the mike. Her voice reverberated through the arena and Hannah ran off the stage into the hallway behind, the screams of her fans following her up to her dressing room. She walked through the door into the...

3 years ago
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Black Mailing Mom

I had decided to skip school, I did not think any one would be home on this day. I wanted to stay home and look at some porn on the internet and wack off. I had seen my older sister naked this morning and it had me plenty horny. I went off like I was going to ride the bus, giving everybody a chance to clear out of the house, after an hour I came back home. I was in my room looking at the computer, when I heard some people come in the house. It was my mom, she was giggling like a school girl....

2 years ago
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Breaking In Holly

Jeff Dodge had the most remarkable life.  He lived with two women, and they all shared a bed.  It started about a year ago when he met his girlfriend Kate.  She was pretty sexual and bordered on being a nymphomaniac.She liked to experiment with all different ways of making love.  Her appetite was relatively high, and Jeff couldn't keep up with her desires.  Instead of cheating on her boyfriend with another man, she instead found a girlfriend.She wasn't a lesbian but had lesbian tendencies. ...

3 years ago
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My cunt destroyed by an old black man

My loving husband had taken me to a nice week end out from town.We went to the coast and he had hired a very comfortable hotel by the sea.After we checked in, both Victor and I went to the pool, because the afternoon was too windy to go to the beach.I was there lying in the sun, when I noticed an old black man was staring at me… or at my body…A while later I pay no more attention to him; as I lay there on a chair, closing my eyes. My loving Victor said he was tired and he went directly to bed...

2 years ago
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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 40

A nurse I recognized from the Cop Out came into my room."Hey Maxine, how you doing hon‭?" She was one of the nurses who had tried to ice me out after Sarah was killed. "I'm doing fine. I am ready to leave as a matter of fact.‭" "Trust me the nursing staff is ready to see you leave," she said it smiling one of those smiles that looked painted on. "Oh why is that‭?" "The phone won't stop ringing. Everybody in the world wants to know how you are doing.The nurses don't have time...

4 years ago
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My Beautiful Wife Priya 8211 Part 4

Hi guys! This is Nikhil again. Thank you again for the overwhelming response to my previous story. Those of you who don’t know me, I am a 29-year-old guy, married to a beautiful 27-year-old girl named Priya. This is the continuation of my previous stories (link given on top). After losing my virginity, I and Priya did not get enough chance to fuck again as both of us were day scholars in our college, and couple-friendly OYO rooms were not available during that time. However, we did have...

2 years ago
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Prostate Milking Endless Orgasms

if she wanted breasts.""Oh no. That's the amazing part. The more I dressed him the more femininehe became. By now I'd moved him her and her clothes into the otherbedroom. She wasn't happy with that but we came to an agreement; I'd milkher once a week and she would sleep in the other room with all herfemale clothes. I'd even started teaching her to flirt with a guy althoughI didn't tell her what I was teaching her or why. She really was becoming areal woman. She'd grown her hair and I taught...

3 years ago
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Stepsons revenge part 2

Note: before the story begins allow me to say one thing, it contains scenes of graphic violence, gore, sadism, torture and death. Consider yourself duly warned. So don’t bother reading this only to bitch about how apparently psychotic or sick I am because to be quite honest I just won’t listen. Enjoy :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It must’ve been a year since John and Suni killed Lorraine, and enjoyed...

3 years ago
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Friend of a Friend

     I had been seeing Jackie for about 8 months.   Our relationship was fantastic, we had so much in common, and neither of us wanted to really get into serious relationship.   It would have been difficult if either of us had, since she was married… and not to me.        Jackie was a beautiful woman, petite about 5’ 4”, nice 36C breasts, nipples that loved attention.   The chemistry between us was fantastic, our relationship, as well as being friends, was very lustful.   ...

Straight Sex
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If Only Ch 07

Sorry about the delay, but I wanted to make this chapter longer so I waited a few more days to post. Enjoy! —Dragon_13 As Cadogan set down the food, Kara inhaled the aroma and a memory came back to her, when her parents were still alive. She was sitting at the table, banging her fork and knife up and down in each hand in excitement. Today was her birthday, and whenever there was a special day her mother would cook tenderloin benedict for breakfast, as the hotel had served it for breakfast...

2 years ago
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The Gunny and LenoreChapter 46

17:50 Wednesday, November 13th, 1991 392 7th Ave San Mateo, CA 94401 It's nearly time, Jack Kostowe knew. Tonight, they were to have supper with two couples that had contacted them through the Oakland Yacht Club, inquiring about the berth the Joy Redux wasn't actually occupying. Jack and Deb had discussed possibly subletting the spot out, and she'd advised sounding the other couples out, first, over supper. Deb had done some research, and found both couples were partners on a wooden...

3 years ago
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Hypnotizing the Babysitter Ch 01

This is a chronicle of the most important two weeks of my life. First things first, though. I should warn you about this story. For, while the title is certainly accurate… and while this tale really IS about me hypnotizing the babysitter… and while it really IS about how this girl’s head was filled with all sorts of enticing and passionate suggestions… and while it IS about how these suggestions led her to engage in extremely arousing and exotic sexual relations with me… I feel obligated to...

1 year ago
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Kingdoms of Stink

On the Continent of Khal'ze, myriad kingdoms, tribes, republics, and empires exist. From the desert dwelling Automata of Enil, to the Witches of the northern mountains, and the Angels and Humans of D'er. One thing remains true amongst all of these multiple locations: The stinky and malodorous hold power, and those who aren't foul smelling serve. Here you will follow the lives of the varied people of the continent. Perhaps you will peer into the life of one of the foul smelling Vampire queens....

1 year ago
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Fantasy WeekendChapter 2

Originally written by 4Play and modified IT WAS FINALLY FRIDAY. It was to be our scheduled Fantasy Weekend! For several years in order to keep our sex life exciting, we had decided that twice a month we would engage in some of the kinkier aspects of sex. These nights turned me on far more than they did Chris, but she was willing to participate in order to keep me happy. I really like to play a very submissive role on Fantasy Weekend, and Chris, God bless her, found it difficult to really...

2 years ago
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Wizards LegacyChapter 17

If the coach turned out to be as lousy as everyone seemed to think, it probably wouldn't matter whether I played or not. I thought about quitting again, but quickly dismissed the idea. Not because I didn't want to, but because I didn't think it would be right to abandon my teammates. Football was fun, but it wasn't an obsession. Last season, I had considered it as a possible way to get a scholarship. Now, I really didn't want to play in college. With the money our birth parents had left...

4 years ago
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It was during a Wednesday nite supper this past April when Penny my wife of seven years, suddenly looked me straight in the eyes while calling me a GAY COCKSUCKER ! Instantly while I swollowed hard and quickly looked away from her, my worse dreaded fears in life had somehow just become reality! So as I sat there trembling with a bowed head, Penny told me all about the phone call she had gotten earlier that day from Mary! Yes the very same Mary who was the wife of my secret gay friend Robert and...

2 years ago
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Melissa And Julie

Melissa and Julie As I walk up the stairs to the slaves shared bedroom I hear a low moan comingfrom behind the door. Sneaking towards the door I push it open a fraction Ipeer through the gap, inside I see Melissa kneeling on the bed her arse inthe air and her face buried in the pillows with Julie behind her lapping ather pussy and arse. Frowning as I had ordered neither of them to cum todayas I had plans for the evening. Striding into the room I shout at the two ofthem, pushing Julie away and...

2 years ago
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I was a popular guy at my High School, mostly among the girls. Before I hit puberty I was a nobody, then my body changed and even more so my penis started to grow in size and soon it was well known around school that I was hung like a horse.The first once that suddenly showed interest in me, was the "slutty and easy" girls. None of them were very attractive, they all liked attention and got it from the guys by sleeping with them. At first it was fun to get their attention, but some of my more...

1 year ago
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London Trip

This is a true incident that happened two years back but still fresh in my mind. Feedback and comments are welcome on I was a 35 year old guy working in a senior position in a company in Bangalore. My boss Sana, about 5 years older to me, and I had to go to London on a business meeting. We both shared a good professional equation but personally we were very reserved. I’m 5’11 with average looks while she was about 5’6, fair and slim and I can ay she looks stunning or sexy but had pleasant...

3 years ago
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The SwitchChapter 3

I sneaked back into the house after leaving that night, hopeful that Mom might get ready for another visit from Dad, but she was downstairs watching TV. Obviously, she didn’t expect him home. I sat around, being quiet as a mouse, but soon got bored. I thought about Dad, and then Jennifer, which motivated me to get off my ass. I drove down to the store, got into the back loft in the usual spot, and waited. Dad came in ten minutes before closing time and sat at his desk. People came in and...

4 years ago
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Shimogga Friend

Hi this is Lakki from Bangalore and regular reader of ISS. I am submitting the story for you today please comment me on it.. I will send more like this kind of stories Hi it is Suma from Shimogga district. I am here by submitting my story as well as my friends who are did and still doing in day to day life with new inventions. These series are new to this field. I am Suma here I am narrating my own experience with my friend my cousins. I am well built with the figure of 34 32 32. well shaped...

3 years ago
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Brandi Protector of the Gateway Season 2Chapter 15

Anthony Marsters had only come to Antioch High at the beginning of the year. His parents had found a job in Antioch, and even though it meant spending his final year of school in a new town, everyone had agreed it was for the best. It generally took a year or so for students and new teachers to become accustomed to the unusual goings-on at the school; sometimes more, if they weren’t locals. It was rare for anyone to become consciously aware of the strange happenings, but after spending...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 386

Things happened while I was gone to Nimule; Andy and his group continued on the wall. When I looked at it before entering the embassy it was further along than it looked from the air. It would be painted tomorrow. Andy had not been fully on board with the project at the start, but as it progressed it was his baby. He had added things and started another project. The south and east wall of the embassy compound was a field stone wall 8 feet tall and 4 feet thick. The blueprints showed that...

3 years ago
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View to Die For

I guess that you could say that I was a pervert and she was a prick tease. I didn't have a lot of choice, what with being confined to this rotten fucking wheelchair and the window next to my computer, where I spend most of my time, just happened to overlook the back yard and swimming pool of her house. It wasn't helped by her sunbathing naked at every opportunity. To make matters worse she would apply sunscreen to her body in such a way that I had no option but to jerk off.I'm in this chair...

2 years ago
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The telephone startled me out of a deep sleep and I shot up in bed to grab it. This late it must be important, since everyone knows I get up very early to go to work. “Hello?” I rasped into the phone while glancing at the clock next to it to verify the time was indeed 1:30 AM.“Dad!” Sams voice, my 15 year old daughter Samantha said urgently, “you have to come get me right now!” “Get you from where hon? Are you in trouble? Where are you?” I asked trying to wake up and makes sense of the...

3 years ago
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Lauren a WellspringChapter 2

Flickering candles surrounded my bed. All were burning, except one, where Erica stood. She watched me, waiting for just the right time. I lay back. I shifted my body, finding a comfortable position. "Alright, I'm ready. I shall begin." I began muttering the words of the spell. They did not need to be loud. In fact, for this particular magic, a whisper was better than a shout. Erica needed to hear them, however. I reached the critical part. I closed my eyes and opened my perception. I...

2 years ago
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Downhill RacerChapter 2

Jackie was the first to awaken the next morning. She figured she could at least get the coffee made before everyone else woke up. Jackie started to pull on her pajama bottoms but then silently reasoned, "Manny isn't going to care and Trace got a good look at me dressed like this last night. I don't think it would be too brazen to just stay the way I am. Actually, this is not even as revealing as most of my swim suits. But it is kind of daring. Should be fun." Having made up her mind she...

4 years ago
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I Dream of Angels Part 3 The Promised Future0

Chapter 3 It was the first day after vacation, and everyone was following his or her morning routine. Angel and I were trying to figure out how we would survive the day without each other. “The tutor will be here at eight, and he’ll be home-schooling you for a few months while we figure out where you can go for a real education,” I said as I pulled on my backpack. “I’ll miss you,” she murmured while kissing me. We tried to ignore everyone watching us. My siblings, parents, and I...

3 years ago
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L is for Lap Dance

"Damn honey, you look beautiful!" Sometimes hearing it, you still don't feel or believe it, though the compliment is well received. In this case however, Renee' did believe it as she stood looking at herself in the mirror. Tall, or at least tall for a woman, Renee' stood admiring her long shapely legs. The black skirt she was wearing short, short without being obscene, but definitely sexy. She had worn no panties, nor panty hose. She ran her fingers briefly through her short brown...

2 years ago
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La Chatte Heureuse The Happy Pussy Ch 3

Chapter 3: A Tour of the Slave Quarters.“How many members are here at the moment?” I ask.“Six mistresses and twenty slaves, excluding those on the staff. There are also four members who belong to the Ladies caste who arrived with you this morning.”“I haven’t seen many members about the place,” I observe.“Everyone is busy working in the tower trying to finish the refurbishment before the weekend. Normally you would see the field slaves working in the gardens and around the buildings, but they’ve...

2 years ago
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Chote bahi ki wife apni wife 4

Hello dosto, kaise ho khas kar ke sab Jethani & Devrani. Aap ke patra mi le mujhe bahut khushi hui! To pesh hai agla part muje umid hai aap ko jaroor pasand ayegi to mai shuru kartha hun to aapne pada hoga agar nahipada to app please part 1,2,3 pade kaisey me nase me uske room me monica ke maammey ko daba raha thaa aur monica nashe me bol rahi thi bhaiya aap mare sath aisa nahi kar sakthe aap mere bade bhai kay samman ho choodo muje (live me )kisi ko pata chal gaya to mera ki ya hoga. To aab...

2 years ago
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A lone Human finds 3 very odd Elves

My name is Dalas. I grew up in a poor family in Southshore, and as soon as I was able, moved immediately to the great city of Stormwind to try and make a future for myself.I had never been very good with arms, nor had I felt the calling of the wild or the light, so that only left me with one choice; magic.The only question was, which kind would suit me better? The path of the Mage, who follows the "goodly" path of magic, or... the path of the warlock, controller of dark, ancient, powerful magic...

3 years ago
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Delta OriginalChapter 14 Esscos Surprise

Essco was thinking about his current circumstances as the desserts were being placed on the table. His attitudes and priorities had changed recently. He knew he couldn’t take his lovers home. His father would never approve. But he didn’t intend to leave them behind. Especially since he had found out that his lovely little Dye was carrying his child. He was equally amazed she carried Zan’s child as well. Essco looked at Dye, and she smiled that smile at him. He still couldn’t believe a woman...

3 years ago
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Jenns First Love

My hands were shaking with trepidation as I opened the letter from my top college choice. Unfolding the letter inside and reading the first line, I screamed in disbelief. I had been accepted!I would be attending Dad’s alma mater where he had been an All American hockey defenseman and Uncle Tim was the current coach. Little did I know that day how much of a role the connection to hockey would play in my life.A few weeks into the first semester, Uncle Tim called me and asked that I stop by his...


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