Nurturing Nubile NovicesChapter 3 Sue Suckumbs
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Dearest Eileen,
You made me feel so much better with your last letter that I'm writing again before I have another from you. I can hardly wait (I've said that before) until you're back home and with me. Are we oddballs? I mean, to think so much about sex? (Or is it just me that thinks about it all the time?)
I told you that I thought my cousin had done something to Sue. Well, now I'm sure he did. Mom left them alone when we went away and when we got back today I could tell just from how she looked. She has a kind of funny look in her eyes when she looks at him, sort of like she's waiting for him to tell her what to do next. And she acts like she's sore down there. (Were you sore after the first time?) I feel sick about it. Wasn't there some way I could have prevented it? I know you didn't value your virginity very highly but I value mine. There's no way I'll ever let a guy have that kind of power over me! I don't know how you could stand it, Eileen. Did you have to lie underneath him? Did you let him dominate you? It must have been just awful.!
Anyway, I have to find some way to help my little sister, to keep her away from that awful man. She's so young and innocent. She probably thinks that what he did to her is the way it should be. Uugghh!
Patiently (not really) waiting for your next letter,
My Darling,
I can hardly wait to see you (Hah! Feel is more like it!) again. My little pussy (only it isn't little any more. Not after what you did to it.) is starving for meat. Your hard meat. It wants to be all filled up. Keep away from that young stuff. I don't want to share you with them or anyone. You're not going to make me, are you? You're going to save it all for me? Oh well, whatever you'll do, you'll do. I know that. But I need you. Would you be mad at me if I let someone else do it to me? I haven't but would it bother you?
Guess what I'm doing. With a cucumber, this time. It's lots better than a banana because it's thicker and has all those little knobs on it. But what I really want is your big, hard hot cucumber. Oh oh! I gotta go. (I really mean cum!) All my love and stuff,
Bill went away for a week to visit Cathy, right after he had completed the triple devirgination of his precocious, submissive eleven-year-old cousin. Janine breathed a sigh of relief that her kid sister would be safe from that male monster, at least for a while. But she knew he was coming back and she was afraid that the artless and impressionable youngster would immediately be back in her cousin's lecherous clutches as soon as he returned.
"Would you like to sleep with me tonight, Sue?" They hadn't slept together for three years although, for a long time, they had slept in the same bed every night. "I'm feeling kind of lonesome lately and it would be nice to have my little sister to cuddle up to."
"Uh, sure Jan? I'd like that." Sue was surprised by her sister's suggestion but, after her thoughts of being snuggled up to, surrounded by her sister's larger, soft body, it was almost as if Jan had some of the same thoughts as she. It was already bedtime and both girls had just had showers so, hand in hand, they went to Jan's bed.
"Hey, Mom. Sue's going to sleep with me tonight.", Janine called out to her mother, downstairs. "So you don't have to tuck the baby in."
Both girls were wearing short nighties that came only midway down their thighs and neither had anything on underneath. They got in bed and Jan, immediately, moved close to her sister. At five feet five inches tall, the older girl was four inches taller than her sibling. She tended to be overweight and, in fact, her excess avoirdupois went a bit beyond plumpness. Her hips were already comfortably wide, her bottom somewhat oversized and her breasts... well, they could only be described as huge, despite the fact that she was barely thirteen.
"Have you got any hair down there yet, Jan," the younger girl asked as she placed her hand below her sister's convex belly. Sue was truly curious about her sister's stage of development and she knew that Jan's friend, Eileen, had a blonde hair there but her question was mainly an opening gambit to help her get more intimate with her buxom older sister.
"It's just starting to grow, Sue." Janine took her sister's hand and drew it up under her nighty to touch her fat pussy with its just discernible cover of soft fuzz. She was delighted by her sister's question, innocent though she assumed it to be. This was how she and Eileen had got started, by touching one another down there.
"Oh Gee, Jan! That feels real neat! I'll be glad when I start, too." Jan, who was lying on her side, lifted her upper leg so that Sue could have better access to her vulva and she shuddered with excitement from her sibling's gentle caress.
"Can I feel yours, Sue? I forget how smooth I used to be."
"Sure, Jan. Go ahead." With her free hand, the lewdly scheming subteen minx pulled her nighty up to her waist and spread her pudgy thighs apart. "Boy, you sure feel soft down there. Beneath the fuzz."
Janine stifled her sharp intake of breath when her sister's fingers rubbed over the fat lips of her vulva. Slipping a hand under the blankets, she quickly found her kid sister's hairless, adolescent quim and gently slid her hand over its bulging fleshiness. Carefully, because she didn't want to scare Sue, she caressed her sister's smooth, young vulva and was surprised when, as her fingertip strayed to the narrow slit, she discovered slippery moisture. And, as she touched the sensitive labia, Sue arched her hips, pushing her pussy firmly against Jan's hand.
"OH JAN!" the youngster cried out. "Oh, that feels good! Do it some more!" In fact, although it did feel good, her underage pussy was still sore from being so thoroughly diddled, the night before.
"Alright, Sue. But you do it to me, too.", and Janine turned from her side to her back and spread her heavy thighs wide. She'd have liked to throw off the blankets but there was always a danger that their mother might look in on them. In fact, just at that moment, Bonny opened the door a crack and saw her two daughters lying side by side and marveled that they were such good friends. She closed the door and the girls, who had been both holding their breath, relaxed.
Skillfully, the older girl rolled her sister's wet, slippery cuntlips and probed to find her erect clitoris. She heard Sue gasp when she rubbed the hard, little erectile and, with her other hand, she guided Sue's finger to her own, much larger, cum-trigger.
"Oh Jan! Oohhh! That's so good! You do this with Eileen, don't you, Jan? I've sort of seen the two of you doing it, I think?"
"Mmmm hmmm, Sue. And even better things. Would you let me kiss you there?"
"Oh, golly, Jan? I don't know? Will you want me to do it too? I mean, kiss you there?" She was playing the innocent and her older sister was eating it up, she thought. What would she say if she knew all that she, herself, had done with Bill?
"You don't have to, Sue. Unless you want to," and as she spoke, Jan's head ducked under the covers and her mouth closed over one of her sister's firm, round breasts. As she thrummed the fat, swollen nipple, Sue's fingers moved more rapidly over Jan's throbbing clit while her other hand grasped one of the buxom teenager's huge, soft breasts.
Janine's head progressed lower, her lips trailing a kiss along Sue's firm, silen skinned belly and then down between her widespread thighs. As her hot mouth closed over her sister's soft, wet and once fucked young pussy, her tongue began to play on the youngster's sensitive spots. From her clit to the slightly sore mouth of her vagina, back to her clit with a sloppy lick along the narrow slit, then back to the portal that had been so lecherously violated by their unprincipled cousin. Her tongue thrust into the narrow opening and, as it swirled around the tiny, ravished hole, Sue squirmed with pleasure. Her sister's hot tongue was not only arousing her intensely but also soothing the slight soreness that remained from being expanded and almost torn when her cousin had rudely demolished her virginity.
Posted: April 21, 2002 - 12:00:00 am All good things must come to an end and the college student's summer sojourn with his aunt and her nubile daughters was no exception. His amoral activities during his four-month visit did, however, have a lasting effect that went beyond the debauchment of his adolescent cousins and the first manifestation effect of this involved eleven-year-old Sue. Dear Dairy - I sure miss Bill. And Jan, too. Cept she's sposed to be home weekends. I think Mom guessed...
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THE SIBLINGS By Donna Dee My story actually begins when I was 14, so please bear with me while I set the scene. I wasn't tall, I wasn't fat, in fact I was pretty much your average schoolboy, the youngest member of an affluent family, but I wasn't spoiled, at least I never thought so. My father was an eminent surgeon, my Mother was his anaesthetist and they worked at the town hospital on a permanent evening shift, four until midnight, at least five and often six nights per...
I gave my best friend Alyssa a soft smile and then took a sip of my Diet Coke. It was Saturday night and we had just come back to my house from seeing a movie. “Well, I definitely don't have that problem.” We exchanged knowing grins and she spoke again. “It just doesn't make sense. I mean, he's so big in every other way, you would think that part of him would just be proportional to the rest of him.” “Well if that were true, he’d probably be dragging the ground.” She giggled between...
This story is a work of fiction, though it has some sense of base off of personal experiences. Oh she was such a gorgeous girl. Her face was pale, as the rest of her body was. She had a very light shower of freckles across her nose that had faded with age. Her nose wasn’t small, but instead rounded to match her gleaming large green eyes. Though, to most people having glasses hide to beauty of ones eyes, or crowded the face, but not her. Oh no, they brought out the round pattern of her body and...
I drove slowly past our home at exactly one o’clock. There was a car parked in the driveway behind Liz’s car; a black estate car that I didn’t recognise but even though there were not any taxi signs on it I suspected that it was Joe’s. I drove on by and went on a slow drive around the village and came back to our home. It was gone.I found Liz still in her bed. She was lying on her back with her head resting in her hands behind her; staring up at the ceiling lost in thought. “Everything okay?” I...
IncestReader comments, opinions and feedback are welcome. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Joan ushered the couple out of the the new home they had just signed a purchase contract for watching as they walked to their car and pulled out of the long drive...
Introduction: A quick and kinky lesbian fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...
Introduction: A quick and kinky lesbian fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...
It was almost a cliché. We met at a friend’s social gathering and, whilst neither of us expected such a result, it happened. At the party, even though we were in the company of others, we noticed each other and the attraction was instant. We engineered, solely by glances, that we ended up in the ladies’ cloakroom at the same time. No, nothing happened there but we did exchange phone numbers – albeit with shy smiles. I was too nervous to call – nothing like this had happened to me before. O...
Introduction: Another Joan story. Companion piece to Joans week as a Motel Slut This is a companion story to my earlier Joans Week as a Motel Slut. It is not a continuing story line and may be read independently. However, if you enjoy one you may enjoy the other.. Reader comments, opinions and feedback are welcome. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————- Joan ushered the couple out of the the new home they had just signed a purchase...