I cant tell no one
- 2 years ago
- 34
- 0
Other than the typical traumas associated with retail, I had succeeded in having a calm day upto when Teresa and Julio came in for the evening shift. As an added bonus, Stumpy chose that moment to take his rapid departure. This gave me two hours of relative peace to finish my shift. I even thought I’d take a chance to grab some lunch, while I read a boring bit of geochemistry.
“Hi, Kenny!”
Okay, maybe I’d take a chance to grab some lunch and skip the boring bit of geochemistry.
“Hi, Jenny,” I said to the vision in tight blue denim and white cotton knit who stood before me. “This is a surprise. I thought we were going to get together this evening.”
“Sherry stopped over during one of her breaks, and I thought that she and Kimmy needed some alone time.” She smiled at me. “Besides, I thought I could get a few things for the apartment, now. And then we’d have more time together later.”
“Well, I was just thinking about lunch. Would you care to join me and hear my tales of woe.”
Jenny glanced down at her watch and said, “it’s a tad late for lunch, isn’t it.”
“One doesn’t always get a chance to dine at appropriate times in retail. And after a busy day of not selling books, I’m hungry.” I added with what I hoped were sad, puppy-dog eyes, “I’d love a chance to eat my food-court slop with you rather than geochemistry.”
“Well,” she answered with a totally unconcealed grin, “since you put it so nice, I guess that I could grab a few million calories at the cookie place.”
“Good, I’ll let Julio and Teresa know where I’m off to.”
I didn’t even bother to try to resist the urge and reached over to give Jenny a peck on her cheek. For her part, she moved her head into position to receive it. “I’ll be right back.”
I walked away towards the back of the store where my two best associates busied themselves at their favorite pastime, good natured bickering while pretending that they were doing work. This particular time, they argued (in low voices thank heavens) over the cover models of the “self-help” magazines which they sorted ever so slowly back into order.
“I tell you that she is hot, Teresa.”
Teresa took the magazine Julio held and slipped it behind the plywood barrier which protected any young minds that may happen to pass on the way to the latest Fangore.
“Christ, you are so immature. She has the face of a horse with too much makeup besides. If it weren’t for all the silicon in her chest, you wouldn’t think twice about her.”
“So what? She’s got a nice body.”
Teresa sighed in frustration, “thanks to some plastic surgeon. Those phony udders don’t even feel right. The other night when my husband took me to Omar’s,...”
I cleared my throat to bring them back to reality before things got too obscene, which was always a danger with Teresa.
“Okay, you two. I’m off to lunch, so you can’t stay together anymore.” I pointed over my shoulder with my thumb back to the register. “Julio, you keep an eye on the front. Teresa, I want you to actually straighten the magazines.”
As she went at her task, Teresa glanced to the front of the store. “Who’s the cutie?”
“My lunch date.” Then I added quickly, “so don’t go getting any ideas.”
“Don’t worry about me, Kenny,” she pointed back to the front. “But you might want to get her away from Julio.”
I rushed away as she laughed at my sudden reaction to my plight. Not that I had anything to worry over, because 1) Jenny’s taste wasn’t as bad as I would’ve guessed with her choice of me and 2) Julio isn’t as suave as he thinks he is. Heck, he isn’t even as suave as I think I am.
Thus, without much ado, Jenny and I were seated together in the food court. While I tore into a half of a rotisserie chicken, Jenny nibbled at an extra large chocolate chip cookie.
She shook her head. “You can sure pack away the food.”
“Oh, ‘tis nothing. Besides, I’m told that it’ll catch up with me.”
“I hope not. I happen to like you the way you are.”
“Thanks, I think you’re pretty nice yourself.”
“You’re just saying that because I slept with you.”
“Maybe I slept with you because I really think it.”
“If you really thought I was nice,” Jenny wore upon her face what my father would have described as a shit-eating grin (though why a person eating shit would be grinning is beyond me), “you wouldn’t have slept.”
“Thppt!” I responded (you will note that I have finally found the energy to look up the spelling in -Bloom-County-). I also added, “Well, I was kinda wore out by someone.”
“Really?” Her voice was full of mock wonder. After giving me a chance to inhale a chicken leg, she asked in that same voice, “was she pretty?”
“Very pretty.” I took her hand and held it in mine. “Maybe the prettiest girl I have ever known.”
She turned and lowered her head to hide the slight blush forming on her cheeks.
“You’re just saying that.”
“Yes, I am,” I lifted her hand to my lips and kissed it. “But that doesn’t mean that it’s not true.”
Our conversation settled into more routine and mundane things, subjects that maybe we should have covered sometime prior to doing the sort of things that we had already done.
Back and forth, we traded details about our lives, families, and school days. I learned about her older brothers, and she learned of my little sisters, the obnoxious twins from the extremely bad place with the outrageous heating bills. We even shared the standard complaints about our own personal set of parents, but that soon turned into a contest of bald-faced lies about how awful they had turned our childhood.
“Not only did my father cast me out of home, he did it just because I didn’t tell him how much I liked his latest project despite the fact that it really sucked. I bounced twice when I hit the ground.” She rubbed her fanny for effect. “I had thought I had broken my tail bone.”
Not about to be beaten by that particular bit of solid biological waste, I responded with, “well my mom and dad not only made me clean up after my own birthday parties with just a pair of broken tweezers, they would also tie my hands behind my back and hire the Bee Gees to sing while I did it.”
“Ouch, you win, Kenny,” she said as I tossed the last denuded chicken bone onto the styrofoam plate. “Where did you get that warped idea?”
“Oh! Stories my father would tell me about what would happen to him and his brother.”
“You have an uncle, then?”
“Had. He died in prison.”
Realizing that I had just overdid the candor, I grimaced and hoped that Jenny wouldn’t pry any further than I had already disclosed. I really ought to have prayed as well; Jenny’s elbows hit the table with an audible thunk, and her chin simultaneously landed into the cup of her palms.
“What did he do?”
“Slipped on a bar of soap and landed on a sharpened spoon.” Her eyes made a slow transition from wide-eyed wonder to slited irritation. I formed my mouth into a frown and looked upward as if to concentrate. I decided at last on another suggestion.
“Made license plates?”
Naturally, the second guess had been as totally inaccurate to the sort of answer that she had wanted as the first had been. I was, however, prepared for the resulting response. I easily moved in time from her slap for it to miss.
“Will you quit playing with me!”
“Moi?” I gestured at myself with both hands. “Playing with you? I can’t be; I left my bat and glove at home.”
Finally, the months passed and the iron gate came down with a rattle and a clank. We were trapped in Mr. Slot’s; free at last. As Stumpy lovingly put away each Star Trek and Babylon 5 novel in Star Date order, I rushed around counting tills, slapping back misplaced best sellers, and pretending that the magazines did not look as if a kindergarten had played sand box in them. I, thus, made it to the Golden Calf Cafe in near record time. Jenny and her friend, Kim, weren’t there yet so I ordered...
If this were a love story, I imagine that I would have picked up Jenny right there and carried her to her bedroom. This, however, is not a love story (wink, wink), and I was neither capable of lifting her nor did I have a clue as to where I would have carried her if I were, in fact, about the size and shape (as being in condition) of Fabio. Instead, I got to my feet and, in a gentlemanly manner, helped my lady love to her feet. She held my hand after getting up and looked at me with the look...
The Saturday morning light came through a crack in the blinds. Wisely, it shone upon the beautiful, sleeping form of Jenny who was curled up asleep besides me on her bed. I leaned against my hand and watched her, from outside the sun beam. Peaceful and quiet, she glowed with life. Tears welled in my eyes as I thought about the night before. It had been a long time for me. A little too long maybe, but she... Never mind. Just succeeding in not waking her in the process, I got up from her bed....
Jenny and I walked into MacBurgerSlut’s hand in hand which I thought was peculiar behavior for a “first” date. Granted, we had already done the nasty (God, high school behavior is catching), but since we were playing first date we should behave accordingly, part of me thought. Fortunately, the reasonable part of me had already decided to just enjoy it. It was a “first date” at MacBurgerSlut’s after all. Holding hands was therefore perfectly and fittingly high school. The parking lot was...
I pulled up to the curb just as Jenny unlocked her apartment. She waited for me at the door. She was smiling. At me. “I don’t know what you see in me?” “Don’t worry about it, Kenny. Just get here and fuck me.” Two shakes of a lamb’s tail later, our clothes were scattered over the familiar ground of the foyer. Jenny and I were, however, scattered over the living room this time. All the lights were out, which relieved me of seeing Sherry and Kim. Kim. My thoughts shifted to moments...
It was Monday, my day off from the bookstore and my full day at the lab. This wasn’t as bad as it may sound. The rocks had already been ground into a fine powder, treated, dissolved, treated again, etc for a month. My work had reached a point limited to placing solutions into one machine, recording the results a few hours later, and moving the solution to another machine. I spent the rest of the day in the library looking for boring geochemistry articles from obscure journals or at my desk...
I was in the shower when the doorbell rang. I grabbed a towel and, without due regard to modesty, wrapped it loosely around my lower body. I left a trail of drips behind me. I made use of the front door as a protective block, however. I peered around the side to find Sherry (still in uniform) and Jenny. Jenny appeared to be crying. Modesty then totally neglected, I asked them inside. Other than my invitation, none of us spoke. Sherry placed a small overnight bag that she carried next to a...
We woke together, not in any sympathetic union built of meant-to-be-togetherness, but rather because a certain cat decided that we had hogged the couch for long enough and that he deserved his turn after a certain one of us (namely me) had finished the evening chore of placing a microwave spoonful of canned catfood in the bowl belonging to said cat and placing same on floor for the cat to consume before the cat preceded to hog the couch until bedtime which was I should add rapidly...
I woke the next morning alone. It didn’t surprise me until later when I noticed that the bathroom was not a mess. It was damp, but clean. Only then did it dawn on me like Archrimedes discovering specific gravity that I had a houseguest, who was at that point absent. I glanced in the mirror and decided that the stubble could survive an extra few minutes without causing much harm to the greater universe. This left me free to search for Jenny. I didn’t travel far in my quest; she was in the...
Suddenly, the clock started to belt out a little classic rock. Through the blurs of morning vision, I made out the time formed by the glowing red numbers on the clock’s face. I did a little quick math (the best kind). Coming up with a number I liked, I reached for the snooze bar. Inches away from the button, my hand hovered for a moment as something by Fleetwood Mac flowed from the small cheap speaker. It ended soon enough to be followed by something perky by the Byrds. I swatted the clock...
I was between lab and work. The early afternoon sun hung still high in a cloudless sky that was filled with a hazy blue. My rearview mirror was filled with the blinking red and blue lights of the local police. The police car was a car length and a half behind me going at exactly my speed, not that much over the limit. Still, if I were wanted, I were wanted. I pulled to the side of the road and shut the motor off. I left my hands at the classic ten and two positions while I waited. It wasn’t...
I was between the lab and work with about forty-five minutes more than I would need to get from one to the other. Naturally, this meant I would enjoy a double latte at the Golden Cafe and ‘enjoy’ the latest piece of earth shattering science in -Occasional-Papers-in-Isotope-Paleobathymetry-(University-of-East-Angleia): a speedball of sorts. Fortunately, for that last smidgen of my sanity, Liz was working. Fortunately for Liz, I hadn’t been in the mood to make an ass of myself for quite a...
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About ten years ago, Raymond, a guy I once chatted with on messenger, wrote me the following:“My sister Joy is drop dead gorgeous, and she always got the hottest looking guys. When she met Kevin she fell head over heels in love. Kevin is (in my opinion) a genuine hunk. He is 6'2 190 pounds and solid as a rock with piercing blue eyes and jet black hair. Joy and Kevin got married about 7 months ago. It was a killer bash at the reception. My dad went all out because he really liked Kevin (the...
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Debs was now a sex addict after sampling her first BBC and then a BBC gang bang and couldn't go a few hours without having an orgasm. She was taking vibrators to work just so she could slip into the ladies and bring herself off just to get through the day. When she got home she needed a fuck session before she could think of doing anything else. I wasn't complaining of course and I was getting sex everyday and Debs wanted more and more nasty, taboo and depraved role play and would cum hard with...
I was at work and the express had hired a new sectary for me I asked her I said hey crystal can u get me my papers please from my printer cause I was writing and needed to save time crystal walked over and bent over a little she was dark black I mean real black she had thick legs big booty nice thin abs big lard tits long blood red hair red lips bright green eyes panties hoes on red thong red dress shirt black dress suit and skirt crystal said it ok to stair I said im not im working she...
I turn the Tv off and go into the bedroom ,its very late and I am so tired I lay down and look over at her pillow and smell her lingering body lotion scent and smile and wonder what she is doing ,my cock stirs but Its too sore to jerk off again so I push the thought from my mind and drift off to a deep sleep.Something wakes me and I see a soft light when I first wake up after I clear the cobwebs I realize Lori is home and shes in the bathroom ..I hear running water and in a few minutes she...
You have been watching me through your window for years, watching me undress & put on my PJ's as I go to bed, watching me swim in the pool & walking my dog. You like my short shorts, my tiny tops, my long legs, my firm young breasts, you want me but you cant have me.I lay out to sunbath by the pool, the sun is warm, there is a light breeze, I think I am alone so i take off my top & bikini bottoms. The suntan cream feels nice on my breasts as i rub the lotion in to my supple young...
Hi, this is 24th story written under the pen name of Sultana Sinha. My real name is Aloke a 36 yrs old, married, Male from Patna, Bihar. Many readers mail me thinking I am a female. My reader with a request, to get it published on ISS forwards this story. If you like the story, please say so via mail or Hi I am Anjali, 28 years old married woman from Nagpur. I have a healthy sex life today. This is my story of losing my virginity. The story began 9 years ago before marriage. My parents were...
IncestIt was a foggy evening in the Town. Brad was walking beside the road that lead to a truck stop. He couldn’t help but wonder how the hell everything happend so quickly. Brad was 19 year old boy who seemed to be an ordinary child of an ordinary family. He was a dark haired skinny boy and had a bit of a feminine features. He was currently in no school as he was not admitted to any since he didn’t do well on the tests. He was living with his mother, enjoying the carefree lifestyle of a student who...
So its a Friday night and I'm ready to hit the town for a drink, I'm dressed to kill in a t-shirt and jeans not really looking for anything other than a drink. I walk to my local and order a beer knowing that some friends Will be here soon, well 3 beers later and still no-one is here i make a few texts and realise that they all are doing they re own thing tonight so I'm on my own till i spot a red haired girl at the bar, she seems to be on her own and she catches me looking at her and gives me...
A short 4 years later my life took an unexpected turn. My biological Mother was always the life of the party. She was amazing. I loved her dearly. She talked frankly with me about life and only ever gave me a wink and a nod because of my proclivities that included boys and girls and, on occasion, both at the same time. Every child should be blessed to grow up in such a sex positive environment. The cancer came on fast. She was always so strong, so alive. We got the diagnosis and a short 3...
Hi readers.. Thank you for finding my story which is not a past but present. Am 40 years old and am slim and fair complexioned guy. I don’t start my day without Yoga and exercise and follow a strict diet. From my teen, I have been a playboy, as out of experience I have learnt that am insatiable to females of all age limit. I have learnt almost every body language and most of the signs female can give to attract a man. But please be informed, all my encounters mostly are oral. I love to provoke...
What A JoyBy: Londebaaz Chohan Erin had some kind of emergency; she entered the Hotel room ahead of Nelson. Driving up here to this mountain top Hotel was also very eventful because they been playing all along. Nelson’s hand was stuck in her skirt and Erin was also busy with his cock in his jeans. Now they were more than ready for something excessively fun and joy. Erin was looking forward to a very hard and promised hate and grudge fuck for as long as Nelson could do it to her. With his...
I arrive at rogers and he invites me in. we have a cup of coffee before I ask to use the toilet. I go to the toilet with my bag where I change into white lacy panties and a short tight skirt. I return to the living room where roger is sitting on the couch in his bathrobe. his eyes light up when he sees me. I sit next to him letting my skirt ride up so that my knickers are just exposed. roger's hand touches my leg and begins to rub my thigh, slowly moving up until it is between my legs and just...
The Bundle of Joy by Karen Page "Here comes another contraction. Use it to push," instructed Sally. "Ahhhh," Penny screamed, pushing as much as she could. After fourteen hours of labour, she was coming to the end of the delivery. "You're doing really well," soothed Ian, Penny's loving husband. "It'll soon be over." "Oh shut up, you pig. You're the one that did this to me." "I know it's not easy," said the nurse, as they waited for the next contraction. "But try not to...
The Little Black Dress of Joy. By Tanya H. ONE. I first saw That Dress in the window of a charity shop in the high street of the town where I once lived. An ordinary Saturday, just after midday, I had just finished work, an undemanding morning clinic, and had a middling, pleasant walk separating me from my house and a shower. I was 26, single, dark haired, apparently easy on the eyes and working as a staff nurse in a small, private, outpatients unit on the edge of town. They called...