Bayonetta's AbuseChapter 12: Inferno free porn video

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The temperature gauge drew ever closer to the red line. A large trail of dust billowed behind Bayonetta’s GTO as it raced down the long dirt road. An occasional patch of trees and stretch of dry grass were visible here and there, but vegetation was increasingly rare as they proceeded into the badlands. If the pattern held, soon there would be nothing but boulders, scorched Earth, tall rock-faces and desolate canyons. The sun beat down on the yellow sports car mercilessly as Cereza and James cruised toward their destination.

They were both wearing shades, but only one of them looked cool. Bayonetta handled the wheel with one hand, seemingly bored as the engine roared and the car tried to keep up with the demands of her lead foot. It was probably a mild day back in the city, but in the middle of nowhere there were few places to hide from the sun’s blistering rays.

Despite the harsh climate, there wasn’t a hair out of place or a bead of sweat to be seen on the gorgeous Witchinatrix. Her black, latex curves gleamed in the late morning light as she stared straight ahead, her other hand reaching down to shift as needed.

James, on the other hand, was hot and clammy in his gimp suit; sans hood. His forehead sweated lightly despite the air rushing through the cars open windows. They were headed to some kind of showdown between the Umbra and Lumen. That much he’d coaxed from his beautiful Mistress and little else.

Bayonetta had been nervous the night before, but now she was a pillar of confidence and resolve. James glanced at the back seat where the tools of her trade her visible. A thick leather gun and utility belt with her large, double barreled Scarborough Fair handguns fastened in the holsters.

“So Roxy came through?” James yelled over the howling air and revving engine.

“Yup. She sent me the coordinates overnight. Good thing, too, because my backup plan sucked!”

“I’m just glad you have a plan. Where do I fit in?”

“You don’t. Your job is to stay hidden and observe. Don’t take it personally, but if you were captured by either side, you could endanger everything. This will be hard enough without an added liability.”

“Then why bring me?”

Bayonetta raised an eyebrow and shot him a stern glance, as if he should know better. “Because after what happened before, I’m never letting you out of my sight again.”

James smirked. “Alright, but if I see you’re in trouble, all bets are off.”

“Only fools rush in, slut! There’s nothing you could do against any Lumen, Umbra or demon. If I fall, you’re to run back to the car and get away while you can.”

“That’s not going to happen.”

Cereza chuckled. “What’s not? Me falling or you running away?”

“Neither” he insisted.

“How cocky. Am I starting to rub off on you?”

“I think anyone who lived with a Goddess long enough couldn’t help but be inspired.”

Bayonetta smiled and a splotch of red entered her cheeks. “Cheeky Cheshire ... Flattery will get you everywhere with me, but where we’re going, it will be of no use.”

The determined Domina stomped the accelerator and James held on for dear life as the car rocketed ahead.

James’ boots crunched in the sand as they plodded ahead at a swift pace. They’d parked the car a short distance back under a rocky outcropping. The shade served to hide it and prevent the vehicle from melting into the sand. The sun beat down relentlessly as they marched through brown and red wasteland.

“How far?” James asked, already perspiring profusely.

“About a mile and half, straight ahead.”

“I take it you want to surprise them?”

“The Lumen won’t be there yet, but one of my sisters definitely will. I’d like to keep them both guessing.”

“Aren’t the other Umbra capable of the same tricks you are? They could have seen or heard us coming already.”

“Mmmm, it’s possible, but not likely. Not all Umbra know the same tricks. Or are equally as skilled” she imparted with a wink. “Actually, now that you mention it...”

Bayonetta stopped in her tracks and closed her eyes. She raised her hands and spoke a few arcane words. Her gloved arms glowed a shiny purple and once she was done speaking, a light blue arc of light grew into a large bubble around them before dissipating into nothing.

“There. Now no one can see or hear us unless they’re within ten meters.”

James grinned as they began walking again. He studied her luscious, shiny curves up and down. There still wasn’t a drop of sweat to be seen. Not in her flowing black hair and not on her fair skin. Her face and the front of her neck were the only bits of her body not covered in gleaming rubber.

“How do you do that???”

“What? Magic?”

“Stay cool in the middle of a freakin desert!”

She giggled. “It’s another technique. A spell of sorts. Temperature regulation is elementary for us.”

“I don’t doubt it. The only time I’ve seen you sweat is during our marathon sessions.”

“Of course. I mean, I could prevent perspiration while I fuck your slutty ass into oblivion, but where’s the joy in that? Becoming a dirty mess is half the fun.”

James laughed in agreement. As they continued on their way, the conversation shifted to several pleasant memories and their plans for the future. For a little while, they both forgot they were headed toward something that could bring a screeching halt to all they held dear.

Twenty minutes passed quickly and James knew they were closing in on their target as their chit-chat died off and Bayonetta looked ever more guarded and locked in. Even though no one could hear them, there was no more talk. The assassin he’d grown to love was focused on the task ahead.

“There” she said pointing into the distance. A strange altar lay far away, down a steady decline to a stony plateau. The place looked like it was practically designed for strange ceremonies to take place, even though the altar itself was the only man-made structure he could decipher.

“That’s it, huh?”

“Yup, and this is as close as you get to it.”

Cereza took his hand and guided him to another outcropping; not unlike the one they’d left the car under. He could see the wide open rocky field and the altar below, but no one would be able to see him in the shade, as long as he stayed put. Bayonetta wasn’t going to give him a choice.

She closed her eyes and chanted, conjuring her witchcraft once again. A haze of orange light appeared around James’ form and then disappeared just as quickly. She opened her eyes and placed her hands on her hips.

“You can move five feet in any direction, but that’s it.”

James tested it by walking toward her and immediately ran into the invisible barrier. The unearthly force pushed back on him as he tried to proceed. His hands pressed against the field as he was held in place.

“Hey! No fair!”

“When have I ever played fair?” Cereza shot back with a sly grin. “If something happens to me, it’ll fizzle and you’ll be free.”

“Not even a kiss goodbye?” James asked, anxiety welling up in his voice.

“Relax” she answered, walking forward. “I’m not leaving yet.”

Bayonetta walked through the barrier and their mouths and bodies met in a long, deep, affectionate kiss. After a full minute of probing, sucking and low moaning, the two broke apart gently. “And this isn’t goodbye.”

She pulled back, folded her arms under her considerable breasts and gazed over her shoulder at the altar. “They probably won’t show until just before noon. They’ll want to perform the ceremony when the sun is at its peak. They practically worship it.”

James scanned the ground behind him before seating himself and resting his arms on his up-bent knees. “So now, we wait?”

Bayonetta drew her guns and began double-checking their condition. She raised her feet one at a time, inspecting her gun-boots as well. “Correct. We wait.”

Jeanne was thoroughly enjoying her tanning session as the sun bathed her body and beamed off the white latex of her costume. She was sprawled out on a towel in the center of a small encampment hidden high up in the rocks. A backpack with provisions, her gun belt, a long metal case and a radio lay not far from her body. She was half dozing, waiting for her spell-enhanced hearing to alert her to something other than a buzzard’s caw. Suddenly, her ear twitched and her eyes opened.

The crafty witch sat up, grabbed her binoculars and turned in the direction of the wide open landscape. She kept herself close to the ground as she studied the gleaming vehicles in the distance. They were still a long way off, but headed to her position at high speed.

Jeanne set the binoculars aside and picked up her radio. She brought it to her mouth and held down the send button.

“Stinger to Queen Bee, come in. I got a visual on the target. Over.”

A few seconds later, an authoritative voice responded. “Copy that. How many we got?”

“Five sedans. Estimate anywhere from a dozen to twenty of them.”

“We’re leaving now. Will be there as soon as possible. If you have a clear shot, take out Papa Bear. Otherwise wait for us.”

“Pfffft, I could handle these dorks on my own. There’s only one real sage, right?”

“That’s enough! Remember, he’s not the only potential threat. Follow your orders and keep an eye out for you-know-who. She’s up to something.”

‘Yeah, she always is. Tell me something I don’t fuckin know, Alexia!’

“Roger that. I’m on it.”

Jeanne set the radio aside before reaching over and releasing the metal fasteners on the long, thick, metal trunk. The case opened and a weighty sniper rifle was revealed. She unpacked it quickly, fixed the scope in place, adjusted it and loaded the weapon.

By the time she was crawling to the other side of the high-rise encampment she could hear the caravan pulling in near the plateau. She pointed her sights at where the cars were stopping, a couple hundred feet from the altar. Jeanne scanned the area for magic and Olvey’s powerful aura was made known to her instantly.

‘Whoa ... This guy’s for real. Maybe some help isn’t a bad idea after all.’

Before the Lumen cohort emerged from the line of black sedans, Jeanne could sense many barriers going up. One of them was incredibly strong, presumably around the sage. One medium one; his apprentice? The rest were weak, but serviceable. As they stepped out of the cars, all of them were protected. They weren’t taking any chances.

Two of the lower rank Lumen were carrying a long, thin object wrapped in a fancy blanket. No doubt it was The Holy Spear; the relic they’d gone to so much trouble to bring. Jeanne sensed no magic from it. She rolled her eyes.

The .50 caliber BMG round in the chamber was useless, especially against the sage, until the barrier around him was destroyed. Jeanne’s eyes narrowed in annoyance. Part of her wanted to abandon the plan, charge down the ridge and take on the fucker right now, but she knew that wasn’t wise. Alexia’s orders hung in her ears and she chose to heed them at the moment.

‘Damn. Looks like I’m sitting on my hands for now.’

Men in white robes shuffled around the altar as the ceremony began. Many of the acolytes were ringed around it, protecting Haydn as he recited the opening rites. The rest were guarding the relic or standing by with Father Olvey. The deceptively young-looking sage paced back and forth with his arms behind his back. His curly blonde hair waved in the breeze; his steely green eyes scanning the horizon.

It wasn’t his sight that first alerted him to impending trouble. As Bayonetta approached the altar, she knew her spell wouldn’t hide her much longer. She waved her hand to the side and the illusion faded with her gesture. The dazzling Dominatrix stepped into view, her powerful legs and shiny curves strutting ever closer. Several of the young Lumen gasped and pointed in her direction. Olvey sensed the aura of a powerful Umbra witch even before turning to see his opponent.

“Chant of fortification. Begin now and focus all your energies on me” he spoke over his shoulder to the five acolytes behind him. “As long as I stand, the witch will not harm you.”

The young men knelt, one by one, and spoke the words they’d been taught. They quickly synced into a unified chant and a faint white glow surrounded them. Olvey walked onto the desolate, rocky field to meet the interloper. His stony expression slid into a cocky smile as they grew closer.

“Bayonetta. Why am I not surprised?”

“Probably because I trashed your headquarters and fucked up your plans.”

“Are you proud of that? Defeating a bunch of initiates and taking a young woman prisoner?”

“No, but I’m proud of the video I left. Did you enjoy it?”

Olvey’s smile faded. “I have no use for such degeneracy.”

In the blink of an eye, Bayonetta drew her guns and shot a hail of gunfire in an arc at the stoic Lumen elder. The bullets ricocheted off his shielding and Olvey stood perfectly still. He didn’t even blink. Cereza knew it wouldn’t hurt him, but she needed to test the strength of his defenses. She placed her guns back in their holsters.

“And what about you?” she asked, striding toward him. “Are you proud of kidnapping? Brainwashing? Playing with people’s lives and coercing them to do your dirty work?”

“Throwing stones, Bayonetta? From that glass house you live in? How many sex slaves does your coven keep?”

Cereza ignored his taunts, stalking ever closer.

“That’s far enough” Olvey announced, withdrawing his arms from behind his back and raising them in a combat pose. A golden energy crackled around his robed form and four massive gleaming gauntlets materialized in the air above him. Each of them was taller and wider than Olvey by half. They shined in the midday sun, hanging over the sorcerer menacingly.

Bayonetta raised her arms to the sky, spoke in an ancient tongue and four black portals to the Inferno opened. From each one slipped a giant, gnarled, black fist. Each was comprised of slithering black cords; licorice-like hair wrapped around itself. They writhed and pulsed as they flexed in the air and waited to be called upon.

She placed her hands back on her guns and readied herself. It was impressive that Olvey could summon four just like her, but it was nothing she couldn’t handle. They would meet each other blow for blow as she dodged and weakened his shield with her guns. He would fall before long.

Olvey grinned and extended one arm behind him. A beam of white energy began siphoning from the group of kneeling, chanting acolytes to the glowing sage. Within moments, two more gauntlets burst into being, aligned neatly in a semi-circle above him with the rest.

“I was expecting at least three of you. Are the Umbra really so foolish?”

‘Uh oh ... If he can control all of those simultaneously, this could be rough.’

She drew her guns and aimed at Olvey, her body tensing as she anticipated his attack.

“It’s not too late to run, witch!”

Olvey’s gauntlets dove into action like a squadron of jet fighters descending from the sky in attack formation. Bayonetta’s wicked weaves leapt to meet them, clashing in mid-air as hellish corded fists and glowing gauntlets smashed into each other; but her forces were outnumbered. As the remaining two gauntlets sought her out, Bayonetta rolled to the side, dodging number five.

She rose, spun her body and kicked, calling upon a fifth weave temporarily. The corded counterpoint of her high heel boots erupted from a black portal and stomped the sixth gauntlet, sending it reeling. Now with a clear shot, Cereza immediately began firing at Olvey. Dozens of rounds ripped out of the chambers of her guns, firing from both her hands and feet as she jumped and twisted about. They pelted the protective field around him, weakening it mildly with each wave of ballistics.

Not content to rely on his mystical fists, Olvey chanted periodically and fired a searing beam of light at Cereza as she dodged and zipped around the battlefield. They were easy to avoid with her witch-time abilities, but she knew that wasn’t the object of his attacks. They were distractions so one of the--


As the thought occurred to her, one of the heavenly fists smashed into her side and sent the Witchinatrix reeling. She quickly dodged backwards, regained her composure and studied the field. She had to stay on top of those gauntlets or she was going to be in trouble. Her four weaves were keeping four of the gauntlets at bay, but she needed to be mindful of the other two at all times.

As number six approached again, she spun into another kick and sent the fist flying with her giant, demonic woven heel. It smashed into the fist that just hit her and they tumbled backward in a heap. With a little time bought, she charged forward, plowing gunfire into the steadily weakening shield of the Lumen. Yet Father Olvey stood perfectly still, smiling.

Bayonetta glanced behind him and scanned the row of acolytes. They were visibly laboring. Their bodies strained as they struggled to maintain their chants and the flow of energy to their master. She could attack them, but she didn’t want to finish them off, and it would leave her completely open to Olvey’s strikes. She paused her attack, her long black hair whipping in the breeze as she called over the din of battle.

“BE HONEST OLVEY! Are you going to kill five of your own just to match me?!?”

The sage balled his fist and the stream of energy from his subordinates intensified. The acolytes groaned as their bodies were sapped of mystical strength with even greater intensity. Olvey withdrew his gauntlets, rearranging them in a defensive fan around him. Two more gleaming fists appeared in a searing magical haze, bringing the total to eight.

“They may live. They may perish. They are prepared to die if necessary. That’s the difference between your order and mine! The Lumen do not squabble amongst ourselves. We take only that which we earn. We obey our elders and let their wisdom guide us. We build order!”

“Right, no squabbling...” Bayonetta answered as she side stepped slowly, her guns pointed at the super-charged sage. Olvey now surged with golden, pulsing energy. His eyes blazed pure white. “You just sacrifice your own people to your ambitious and call it the will of heaven! You do what you’re told and pretend it’s the only way. What a horrible thing it would be if anyone questioned your wisdom! If people chose to walk their own path.”

His eyes narrowed. “Today, the Lumen shall teach you the value of conviction.”

“Not if I teach you humility first, bitch-boy!”

Olvey screamed and hurled his weapons at the defiant Domina. He attacked with every bit of rancor and bitterness he held for the chaos breeding whores that polluted his world. “DIE, WITCH!!! JOIN THE REST OF YOUR KIND IN HELL!!!“

Wicked weaves and heavenly gauntlets clashed again, but now Bayonetta was severely outmatched. She dodged the first that swooped down on her, weave-kicked the second away and fired her guns on the last two. It was pointless. They plowed through the storm of bullets and smashed her in the face and chest, staggering her with incredible force as she grunted in pain and toppled over.

As they glided around for another pass, Cereza realized she could no longer wait to call upon one of her pacts. She had wanted to keep them in reserve until she faced off against the demon, but that was no longer possible. If she didn’t act now, there might not be a second battle.

She jumped to her feet, steadied herself and began reciting a dark hymn. Her body turned and twisted as she entered one of her patent pole-dance flourishes. Her breasts and ass shook, her voice echoing across the battlefield as she invoked the pact with the infernal demon Hekatoncheir.


The space above her exploded in black smoke and fire as a huge gateway to the void opened. If Olvey wanted a fist fight, he would get his wish. The six pitch-black arms of the giant Hekatoncheir emerged from the portal, each bearing spiked metal knuckles.

Four of them immediately intercepted the four free-wheeling holy gauntlets, seizing them and smashing them to the ground. The demonic fists held them down as Bayonetta’s other weaves kept the rest of Olvey’s armaments busy. The two remaining arms of the infernal demon lurched at the sage at Bayonetta’s direction.

For the first time, fear entered Olvey’s eyes. He shot burning beams of light at the demonic arms as they approached, but they glanced off, completely useless. Olvey attempted to free some of his gauntlets from their attackers, to no avail. He shot another beam at Bayonetta as she approached, her guns singing and the ammunition picking away at what was left of his barrier. He began to retreat in short backward steps.

The two spare arms of the demon crashed into his shield, punching it repeatedly. The glow of the barrier pulsed with each crushing strike, growing weaker as cracks appeared in the magic. Cereza continued to stalk forward, her guns emptying, reloading and firing again as fast as she could manage.

“You know what the thing about hierarchies is, Olvey?”

He didn’t answer. He was too busy siphoning energy and trying to maintain his defenses.

“Give enough time ... They ALWAYS--”




The final two blows from the arms of Hekatoncheir shattered the barrier and Olvey stumbled back on weary legs. Bayonetta leapt forward, spun in mid-air and delivered a mighty kick. The black, corded weave of her heeled boot shot out and crushed his midsection. The sage flew back, his body dragging through the rocks and tumbling over itself until it stopped in a crumpled, dusty heap. The acolytes who had been feeding his powers collapsed, either dead or unconscious.

Bayonetta strode forward cautiously. She watched him like a hawk as both their summoning magics faded away behind her. She leveled her guns as his body began to move. Amazingly, he rose, his pride getting the best of him even though he was utterly beaten. He staggered to his feet and took a weak looking stance. The powerful glow left his eyes, but they remained full of scorn for the Umbra.


The loud discharge of a .50 caliber round echoed through the rocky cliffs around the plateau. The massive bullet slid through the back of Olvey’s head and pinged off the ground.

Bayonetta stared in bafflement. She hadn’t pulled her trigger. She’d been so focused on her first real Lumen opponent in years that she’d forgotten another Umbra was standing by. What was left of Olvey’s face gushed blood as he slumped forward; dead before he hit the ground.

“Father Olvey is down!”

“Not just down! DEAD!!!”

“Vicar Haydn, what do we do?!?”

“That witch is a monster!”

“They have a sniper somewhere on the ridge!”

Haydn ignored his brothers and shoved aside the wellspring of emotions at having lost his master. He concentrated on the task at hand, reciting the words, drawing the runes and channeling all the mystical energy he could bring to bear. His white robe rustled in the wind as the summoning built to a crescendo. The ritual was almost complete.

Several of the acolytes were having second thoughts. One in particular began backing away from the altar, his hands raised at his sides. “Maybe we should run for it while we can?!?”

“Idiot!” He was hastily grabbed by one of his brothers and shoved back into formation. “If we don’t finish the summoning, we’re fucked! Our only chance now is slipping away while the witches deal with Marioch!”

“He’s right! The Umbra will take us, otherwise. Hold the line!”

“Protect the altar and the relic!!!”

The brothers formed up, buffering their magical barriers as strong as they were able. In the distance, they could see Bayonetta sauntering toward them.


The giant shell spat out the side of the formidable semi-auto rifle and bounced along the stone until it came to a stop. Jeanne observed the spray of bloody mist and the giant hole she’d punched in Olvey’s head from her well-hidden perch.

“Hahaha! One less spell-slinging dickhead to worry about!”

She moved her sights to Bayonetta and watched her rival realize the kill had been stolen from her. “It’s about time you wore him down! Was starting to think you’d lost your touch.”

She tilted her rifle to the side and zoomed in on the altar. Even without their leader, their shielding was too strong to snipe the conjuror. Jeanne sighed.

“Cmon Bayonetta! Deal with these dorks and let’s end this! We can wrap this up before the cavalry gets here...”

Jeanne continued observing until it became apparent that Bayonetta was in no hurry. She was taking her time. Stalking toward them. Taunting them with words and dance flourishes as she easily dodged the feeble attacks of the acolytes.

“What the fuck, Cereza?!? ATTACK!!! They’re almost--”

‘Oh shit ... She’s not going to stop the ceremony, is she?’

Jeanne swallowed. She trained her bullseye on Bayonetta’s head and thought about pulling the trigger.

‘Nope. She knows I’m here. She’s alert. She’ll witch-time around the shot, no problem. And I’ll be in trouble again. Or will I be in trouble for not trying to stop her?’

Jeanne abandoned her rifle, grabbed her binoculars and walked in a low crouch to the other side of her sniper nest. She could see the Umbra caravan in the distance. They’d be here soon, but not soon enough.


She tossed the binoculars aside, grabbed her gun belt and quickly strapped it on. Without another thought, she drew her custom Parabellum hand guns and leapt over the side of the nest. She laughed in giddy excitement as her body began sliding down the dusty ridge.

“Bingo, bango! TIME TO TANGO!”

It took a while to navigate all the way down the embankment. Her vision rocked and her body tumbled as Jeanne tried to steady herself down the steep decline. Finally, the ground leveled out and she entered witch-speed immediately. She took off towards the altar at five times the best pace she could manage without magical enhancement. Her body was a haze of white fury as she raced across the rocky terrain.

She closed in on the altar quickly. The first thing she noticed was that Bayonetta was gone. It was the last thought she had before a black blur flew out of nowhere from the side.


Jeanne’s head turned just in time to be absolutely crushed by Cereza’s wicked weave. The bulging black fist slammed into her upper body. Jeanne rag-dolled as the sucker punch clothes-lined her. Her lower body continued its momentum even as her face was stopped with blunt force. Her latex-clad form went end-over-end in an involuntary backflip. The white witch face-planted on the barren earth with a grunt of exasperation before she lost consciousness.

Bayonetta smirked and dusted off her gloved hands. She didn’t like fighting her own, but she couldn’t deny that was massively satisfying after all the trouble Jeanne had given her in recent times.

“What’s going on?”

“Why are the witches fighting?”

“Who cares?!? Better her than us!”

Cereza turned and began stalking back toward the altar once again. “Oh boys! Are you almost done playing with black magic? I don’t have all day!” She pulled her guns and aimed them at the closed ranks of the Lumen.

No sooner had she leveled her weapons than Haydn’s voice yelled in triumph. “Marioch! Lord of the second circle! MASTER OF DEBAUCHERY! I SUMMON THEE!!!“

Moments passed. Nothing happened. Wind whistled across the rocks and the Vicar clenched his teeth, wondering if he’d made some mistake. Then, slowly, a black smokey orb appeared, growing ever larger at the center of the plateau. It swirled and grew darker, bolts of lightning and claps of thunder erupting as it took on the character of a black hole. It continued expanding until the portal dwarfed the ones Bayonetta had opened earlier. This gateway to the inferno was huge and the creature that emerged from it was fittingly gigantic.

A red face with curled horns, bony spikes for hair, a piggish snout, jutting fangs and glowing yellow eyes pushed through the roiling black mist. A massive, muscular body followed, its red flesh searing with patches of flame. Black, sooty streaks were etched across its limbs and well sculpted torso. From manacles on its wrists and ankles, heavy iron chains were wrapped around its arms and legs. All but one of the demon’s appendages ended in clawed fingers and broad, cloven hoofs.

The final appendage drooped down from a wiry nest of black hair at its pubis. An incomprehensibly long cock and behemoth balls swung between Marioch’s legs, its girth equal to an average man’s entire body. It hung at least six feet from his crotch, in some sense proportional to his gargantuan height. The demon grinned as he stepped into the mortal realm, pleasantly surprised to be given free reign in the world between heaven and hell for the first time in ages. It would’ve been perfect, but for the accursed sun beating on his skin.

Same as Bayonetta's Abuse
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Joys Trip To Cancun Part 5 1 of 3

The Background In October Joy and I took a vacation to Cancun. I had never been there before but Joy had gone a couple of years before we met with her ex-husband. Her first visit there was fairly conventional, with a couple of trips to the downtown market, trying several of the more popular restaraunts, and taking a couple of day tours. She was already planning out our vacation so that we got to see as much as possible while we were there. We had been having trouble with our relationship lately...

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Foursome Fun

My wife and I regularly have friends over for dinner. Usually we wind up having a few beers while we laugh and joke about different things going on in our lives. This particular night my wife had a few too many wine coolers and was feeling pretty turned on. On several occasions she grabbed my crotch and ass when no one was looking. She made blatant references to her intentions of having wild sex upon everyone leaving. My wife was a wearing a summer dress and had removed her panties. She had...

2 years ago
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Stockholm Story Part 4

As some of you know "Stockholm Story" is half true and half fiction. I had great fun writing this chapter, because a lot of things mentioned here are based on experience, and even though they were confusing to me back then, now they just bring me a dirty smile.*****************Names of days changed but the quality of sex never. There must be something in seduction and climax similar to a drug. After a while, you can't do without. My eyes shone on every Azem's hint about the evening plans,...

3 years ago
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My Summer Boss 5

How did I become the luckiest guy on earth? The series of events leading to this moment seemed so totally impossible to the boy I had been not two months ago. She kissed me again and I felt her hands go to the clasp of my shorts. I flinched at her touch, not because I was scared or something like that, but because it actually hurt. “Eve I can’t. Not today, it um…it kinda hurts.” I said apologetically. “You what?” she asked incredulously. Then an impish smile piqued her...

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The Office Party

Still the office is a lot more relaxed than other places you’ve worked; you still get shocked about how easily the other girls talk about their conquests in bed, especially when the men work in the other departments, how they talk about whose good in bed and what size the men are…. And even how the girls talk about your boss Kim, you’re not sure if they were joking when 2 of them told you she’s just as happy bedding women as she is men and the fact that she doesn’t hide it either. One girl...

3 years ago
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Farmhouse Treasure 8211 Part II

Hi friends I wish you will love to read and enjoy the story, a sex fiction you can say but it is based upon facts of some of my client and their family doctor friend. Let me have your direct response about if it made you enjoy. If you need full novel contact me Girls in adolescence need support regarding sex so they are welcome to contact me for their personal problems and best ways to enjoy sex even before one is turning to get menses. There are many tribes who enjoy sex from 18 though...

1 year ago
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My Frist Time

I have to tell this stroy becasue to this day i can't help but look back and jack off to it! I was in high school and like most high school boys i was horny as hell! So one weekend i went with some older friends to a party at their friends house. It was a crazy night with alot of fun and Rock N Roll but the best part was the closet! So was jamming to Junkyard when my buddy grabs me and say "your about to great real lucky". He throws me into a big walk in closet and it was dark I have to say was...

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1120 from Euston

Milton Keynes Railway station has little character, it lacks soul. Few got off the Virgin 11.20 Euston to Glasgow train, and even less got on. The carriage that Dan was sitting in was only quarter full, so he was surprised when a stunning girl sat directly opposite him. He had watched her walk down the aisle with interest. He found all attractive females interesting. Some of the other male passengers turned to admire the sway of her hips as she passed them. She was long legged with a charcoal,...

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My Second ChanceChapter 23 Hiring a Coach

That night Blair got her parents’ permission to start working and the next day, she met us for breakfast after we did our weekly ride. Grandpa is nice enough to give Blair and me a ride into town. He drives a compact truck with a back seat. She is cramped back there but doesn’t complain. Before we go, I load the modified Norco into the box. Performance Bikes is our first stop. As soon as I come in the door, Daniel rushes out from the back, saying, “It’s great to see you again, Trent. I...

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The Ugly OneEpilogue

The shirt didn't fit, of course. I sighed and tugged at the sleeve. Angie looked over my shoulder. "I've been soaking your other shirt. Let me see if I can get the stain out," she said. I smiled at her in thanks before she headed into the motel bathroom. I took off the ill-fitting recent purchase and threw it towards our suitcases. "Daddy's scars are showing! Daddy's scars are showing!" I grinned and turned to face my teasing four-year-old. I put on my best gruff giant...

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Good Samaritan

Dalia Collins pulled her red sweater a little tighter, trying to ward off the late night chill as she walked across the parking lot to where she had parked her car. Behind her, the lights of Mickey's Place, the 24-hour Truck Stop where she worked, still shone brightly, the tables still filled with customers. It had been an extremely busy night for the 49 year old waitress, made more so by the fact that one of the other waitresses had called in sick at the last minute. "Yeah, I just bet...

1 year ago
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ManuelFerrara Slimthick Vic Big Booty Slut Slimthick Vic Shows Manuel All Her Curves

Blue-eyed blonde Slimthick Vic is ready to get RAW with Manuel Ferrara. The curvy stunner has “thick” in her name for a reason. Ferrara is able to put that thickness in motion and in his patented POV, hotel style. Vic is thick but she also vocalizes her passion with sexy high notes that Manuel draws out of her. She really lets loose when Ferrara finger-churns her pussy. Telling her “give me, give me, give me…”. You can hear the results as Manuel happens to be in a wide shot at moment of impact....

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Busted Axle RoadChapter 71

With two-a-days now under way, it was getting harder for Josh to fit work in around football practice. The practices where held in the mornings and evenings, to get around the peak of the August heat. Even so, it could get awfully uncomfortable in the mornings. When Coach Hekkinan finally called, "Showers!" Josh was glad to have the practice over with. He hurried to the shower; he was going to have to hustle to make it over to the C&SL office on time. He knew that Bruce was bringing a...

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my little runaway

Here is a true story, of a girl I had in high school. In the city I grew up in there were many parks, at the park we and my friends palyed in had a canyon next to with trees that came almost all the way to the ground, so in other words a great place to hide out. Me and my friends built this bad ass club house that had everything a teen would want. We had a toilet we found that we conected to a pipe that went into a storm drain, nobody could do #2 in there that was the only...

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The Neighbor

She was sitting in just her bra and panties relaxing when the door bell rang. She opened the door not thinking about what she was wearing. It was the neighbor down the street. He looked her over from head to toe before he asked her "Is your dad home? I need to talk with him." She told him he was gone for the day but she would have him call. Bob then came on into the front room. He pushed her to the wall and told her "You look very pretty and sexy in your skimpy underwear." She looked at him...

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No Means Im Not Easy 1

Joe was an old fashioned guy, old fashioned in that he didn't subscribe to the modern and politically correct tenet that when a woman says no she means NO! In his antediluvian mind no usually meant "I want to but I don't want you to think I'm easy" or "I'm scared someone will find out" or any number of other phony reasons. His sexual trail was littered with the women (and girls) he'd used and discarded after they'd said no. Obviously Joe was not a nice person but once his conquest...

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Life After CollegeChapter 2

I asked for a transfer to my home town and it was granted. I needed to get away and get a fresh start. I worked on computers so it was an easy adjustment. I was in my mid twenty's by then and a little more responsible. I dated but there was no one exclusive. After sowing my wild oats and then being married and being cheated on I guess I was a little gun-shy. I wanted a woman that I could love and that would love me but didn't know if it was going to happen. I wasn't big into taking chances...

3 years ago
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K is for Knothole

Craig had been working out in the yard, just having finished mowing the grass as he now began paying attention to a few stubborn weeds coming up in his flower garden. He knelt, his trowel already loosening the dirt beneath such one as he glanced up. Directly across from him stood a six-foot wooden fence separating his yard from the neighbors. As he glanced, he caught sudden movement through a fairly large knothole in the wood. Like a naughty little boy, he leaned in closer towards it. Across...

2 years ago
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Grains of SandChapter 13

A Master's Defense, the last step in attaining the masters level in the archives, was usually a dry, academic event. The presentation had a drab air of utter boredom to all but those who were responsible for giving their blessing, and even they had a glazed patina of ennui across their eyeballs. 'Usually' did not apply when one's name was Al-Taquir and the topic was "The Definitive Origins of The Tribe". Rather than the dining room in the ArchivesBuilding, the defense was to be...

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WildOnCam Valerica Steele Rides Chad8217s Hard Cock

Wild hottie Valerica Steele is not new to being mischievous and one thing this horny babe really loves is sucking a hard cock getting her spit all over herself as she bobs her head up and down the length of that dick! Chad makes her deep throat it all and Val just begs for more before letting Chad bend over that sexy little ass so he can stretch her pussy open with every inch of his cock. Val rides back loving how it feels when he completely fills her so deep. Val is not done sucking him down...

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Supergirls Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day

XXXXXXXXXXX I enjoy seeing what ideas other people come up with based on this, anyone is welcome to add chapters. I'm going to be focusing my writing on continuing the chapters that get the most likes, as a minimum chapters with 5+ likes get a sequel, chapters with 10+ likes get two and so on. Chapters with the most likes get updated first! XXXXXXXXXXX "30 girls in the last two months Alex, that we know of!" Kara can't help but look at her sister again, hoping for a different answer. Turning...

4 years ago
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Getting Out the KinksChapter 2 Staying for Dinner

"Good" Vicky said getting up. "Pam, go change out of your school clothes and set the table. Now don't forget that expense money Bill." Pam bounced up, grabbed her books and ran for her room. The butt that had been rubbing over my cock a few minutes before looked cute as she disappeared into her room. Does this girl do anything slow? I looked over at Vicky and said quietly. "Did you lose job again Vicky?" Looking over her shoulder from the stove she said just as quietly, "Yes. That...

3 years ago
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Alien InvasionChapter 15

This ambush was different because we had 10 new people along to give us a total of 22 shooters. We had so many because I wanted to be sure of adequate backup in case the new people contracted some new form of "buck fever" and froze when they should have been shooting. We went in with four flying boxes: HAF-1 and HAF-2 in case we needed firepower and HAF-3 and HAF-4 for overnight accommodations. It was a problem hiding that many of the flying boxes, but I thought that we did an acceptable...

1 year ago
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Missing panties Well kind of

'How does this make you feel,' he still kept his voice in check. She shrugged, but in no way became visibly upset. Luke couldn't exploit her in her state. Even though what she'd done didn't seem natural to him, there were far worse crimes in this world. As his finger felt their way around the various soft materials, he felt a stirring in his loins. A feeling that was unsettling in nature. In response, he placed the underwear back in the drawer and gently closed it. Luke walked casually around...

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Out of Control

*Author’s note- He, She, and respective names all refer to the body, regardless of who’s mind is in them. --- Josh could not believe what he was about to do.... “I can’t believe I let her talk me into this.” He thought to himself as he walked down the hallway of the clinic. “It would be weird enough to be switched for one day, but for one week?” Josh had always thought Jessica had the best body in the world. But that didn’t mean he wanted to be in it However, he found himself walking down the...

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___________________________________________________________ As I sat out at one of the picnic tables behind our office, having lunch with my friend Steve, we talked about our families. I had known him for many years and trusted him completely, so I told him about something very private that happened a couple days before. "I went home Tuesday in the middle of the afternoon to get some papers that I needed. As I passed Bev's room I heard some noises. I pushed the door open just a...

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Roomies Summer BreezeChapter 3

"Uh. Uh. Uh. Uhhh." Pam Maguire panted. Closing her mouth, she strove to breathe through her nose. That lasted only a few moments before she began to gasp for breathe again. She redoubled her efforts. Sand flew from under her feet. Her eyes were fixed on a striped pole ahead of her that indicated tide levels. She had broken into her sprint when she had judged she was about a hundred yards away from that marker. She held her arms at chest level, swinging them in time with the pumping of her...

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No Angel

I am no angel, and neither have I ever claimed to be one, but this was right on the edge of legality, at least as far as our present society sees it; evil... ? I don’t know, how do you quantify evil? I mean, I am not hurting anyone, am I? Her mother had said that she was a virgin, just turned fourteen, already started bleeding. The girl, herself, couldn’t tell me her age either, she was functionally illiterate – and I’m not certain that her mother was any better. The man of the house,...

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Jack and JillChapter 33

"Coach, I need to talk to you." "What is it, Hill?" "Could we talk privately?" "Sure. Let's go in my office." We went into Coach's office and I moved some stuff off a chair in front of the metal desk and sat down. He sat down on his side of the desk in a swivel chair with cracked vinyl upholstery. "What's up, Hill?" "Coach, I'm thinking of quitting the team." "You're what?!" He shot forward as he said this, leaning on the desk on both elbows. "Do you have any idea...

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The Meeting Part 3

My legs open, pussy soaked, my bruised nipple out, I look up and your eyes are glued to my pussy. You lick my lips... I smile. "Are you going to come in and join me?" I ask winking.Your chuckle ends with a groan as you watch me dip a finger into my pussy and lick it. My eyes close enjoying the taste. You come up to the couch and kneel in front of my open legs. You grab my stocking covered leg kissing up my thigh. Spreading my legs even more you rub your face in my pussy. i moan as i feel...

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New Neighbours Part 5

Later that day, as the previous week, Sarah appeared at my door. “Hi,” she said, “saw the film. It was good, very sexy. Are you busy Tom? Because I left my coat at Lizzie’s this morning and wondered if you would give me a lift over there?” “Sure,” I replied, as stuck for a sensible response as usual “is that all you want or do you have other plans for me again?” “Oh, you know me Tom. I’m always making plans. Would it bother you if I did?” What the hell is she up to now I wondered an...

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Gone FishinChapter 22

I started to laugh when we got back downstairs: Charlie and I were wearing the suits we had worn to the US Consulate. But many guests had arrived, and I said hello to Maggie, was introduced to her husband and presented Weena to both of them. But we didn't get to talk, for we were surrounded by the "delegation" from among the Finke jackeroos. But it wasn't for long. Some folks from the Resort began herding the guests into the room and we just stepped aside. I could see that some flowers in...

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A Spy Too FarChapter 2 AnneMarie

Anne-Marie lay back in the bath and thought about the days events. She had been pleasantly surprised at first meeting Tony, although when she had first seen him unshaven and in his sea going uniform, she was a little put off, but something about him she found very attractive. If she had to have a make believe husband, at least she thought, it was nice to have one who after a shower and a shave looked a bit dishy, and she would not have to pretend too much with him. The photographs she had...

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ExxxtraSmall Gina Gerson The Return Of The Slim Siberian Sex Addict

It’s been almost two years since we have seen GIna Gerson, and honestly we were craving some of that tight sweet russian pussy! Small girls are sometimes incredibly hard to find, so we had to search far and wide to reconnect with her. It turns out she was actually craving some long hard dick too! We flew her out to the mansion and let her get ready to be railed. She started off with a striptease showing off her tiny tits and airtight pussy. That thing has only gotten tighter as the years have...

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Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister Chapter 7

Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister Chapter Seven Beth's Family Beth prepared for the meeting with her family at her parent's anniversary party. She had done some crash studying, using all of the resources that Old Beth had left her. She knew her mom would be her biggest challenge since her mom was her biggest critic. The list of things that her mom constantly criticized her about was endless; her grades, sorority, Brad, not going to church, going to the wrong church, physical...

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BigTitCreamPie Sophia Leone Creampie Massage Therapy

Sophia Leone is ready for her massage. She’s naked and squeaky clean. Peter Green is a professional massage therapist but didn’t expect to be getting his hands on an amazing ass and titties. He’s nervous but continues his job willingly. She enjoys herself so much she wants him to massage her soaking wet pussy. He is surprised to say the least especially when she wants to suck his dick. He face fucks her and then even hops on the table himself so she can ride his hard cock.If...

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Raider and the Lost Lamp Ch 02

Clara was roused by an odd tingling sensation in her toes. As she began to stir, she realised that the fingers of her left hand were inside her vagina. She quickly removed them and pulled her hand out of her pants as she opened her eyes and looked around. It took her a couple of seconds to remember where she was, and she moaned when she realised that her entrapment hadn’t just been a bad dream. That odd tingling sensation was all through her feet now, and starting to creep up her calves. Clara...

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The Eighteenth Amendment

I walked up onto the boardwalk on a bright summer day, just heading to work. I calmly walked down the boardwalk as several others used it to get where they needed to go in New Jersey in 1928. Unfortunately for me, I needed to keep a close eye out. "Pay no attention to me, I'm just a simple man that operates a barber shop," I whispered, entering my place of work, wearing a white work shirt and tan pants. I walked in and shut the door. "Good," I muttered, strolling towards the back. I made my way...

4 years ago
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My Best Year So FarChapter 4

Margie and I made love whenever we could find a time that was convenient to both of us and sometimes when it was inconvenient. Well, I say we made love but as often as not it was just down and dirty animal-level fucking. I couldn't see any signs that our craving for each other's bodies was losing any steam. Every time felt like the first time except better if that were possible. One thing that weighed on our minds was how Davey would deal with it if he found out. What we were doing was,...

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Best of Friends Now and Forever Ch 05

This is the next installment of my Now and Forever series. I’ve received a lot of feedback on the last chapter, mostly from anonymous. I want you all to know that while I enjoy getting feedback of any kind, if you don’t include an email address in your message I can’t get back to you. Also, there has been a few requests for more ‘sex action’ between Alice and Jason. Please remember, they are still minors and I am very limited in what I can include with them due to literotica’s policies. This...

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My First Gay Time With Neighbour

I am not an author and do not claim to be, however i was told that my first time was a horny story so thought i would share. Everything i tell you is true except for the names i have changed them for privacy rights.I was 15 living at home with my mum, dad and brother. We lived a normal family life and all that. I was always interested in sex in both male and female. I had experimented with sticking different things in my arse and enjoyed the feeling, i had also always looked at the dicks on my...

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ReconnectingChapter 7

It was almost 8 am before I finally opened my eyes to greet the new day. Erika was resting on my shoulder, her face warming the nape of my neck, and her right hand covering my limp cock. As soon as I fully came to and realized her hand’s position, sexual instinct took over, and my member began its rise to the occasion. Within a minute it was throbbing against the weight of her hand, which also began to stir to life. Looking down, our eyes met and wide smiles spread across both our...

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Life With Alpha Omake Unexpected Visitors

The first indication I had that something was wrong came when the two security cameras at the cabin showed someone was poking around. The cabin cameras were low priority. Alpha monitored them, but just barely. One of her security systems would spare a few milliseconds of attention every five minutes or so to make sure nothing had changed. One camera's field of view included some of the driveway and the spot where we would leave our DC superheroines to wake up. The other camera showed the...

4 years ago
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The Menkaure Ring

You always loved Egyptian culture. Pharaoh, manuscripts, ancient buildings - you knew it all very well. That's why you decided to specialize in egyptology at college, and understand better their ancient religions, traditions, and how they developed over the millennia. You're 18 years old, and after you made your choice to specialize in egyptology, you also decided to use all the money you saved until now to make a trip to Egypt. There, you would visit all kinds of turistic points; but also,...

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New SecretsChapter 4

Rhea snorted. "If it causes any inconvenience? As if going home was just a wish," she muttered and we walked up the steps from the platform to speak to someone in charge; it was 3pm, and I had no idea how to get back to London. Rhea and I queued up at the ticket office, but the solitary member of staff had dozens of people in front of us and he was awhile sorting everyone out. Rhea was furious and undid all the ropes that marked out the queueing lanes in spite. I was tempted to stop her,...

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Bi foursome

We had a bi black couple Samantha and Ben over last night. She is about 4'5 200 lbs huge tits very dark skin hairy pussy. He is about 6'1 220 lbs light skin 8 in cock thick. We talked and had some drinks and flirted. After a few drinks me and his wife went to the bed room while my wife and him made out on the couch, we made out and felt each other for a while she was so wet I had 2 fingers in her while she stroked my cock n sucked my tounge. I moved to her tits nod sucked on her big nipples,...

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Jennifers ToesChapter 4

The meat was on the grill cooking and the four of us; Martha, Jennifer, Darnell and I were sitting on the patio working on a pitcher of martinis. Darnell was at his charming best and Martha was enjoying his company. Jennifer sat quietly and watched me to see how I was taking it. I imagined that she was thinking that suddenly I would jump up and holler, "No, I can't do this." When the pitcher was empty I got up and went in the house to refill it and Darnell followed me in. He moved up...

1 year ago
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Top of the WorldChapter 3

We started our return journey early in the morning, before the sunrise. Last night mom and I were so tired that by the time we had our dinner; we both were drooping. Although I was thinking about fucking my mom again during the night, as soon as I entered my sleeping bag I fell asleep. I didn't remember when mom came to sleep and got up only in the morning when mom actually pulled me out of my sleeping bag. We didn't have much food left with us and the remaining packs of biscuits were just...

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The Rocky Mountain H0 Club

A secret society which sounded extremely boring, in fact I would had know nothing about it if I hadn't found a letter on his bookshelf. I had no idea he was a member. I was at his house when an envelope caught my eye. It lookeded like a wedding invitation... gold on cream. I picked it up and saw that it was an invitation to a meeting of The Rocky Mountain H0 Club. The stationery was impressive, elegant. Inside the envelope was a card with a date and an address, a Villa or Chateau. I...

1 year ago
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New School New Opportunities Part 2

I saw on a Facebook page that there was a part time job going at the local mall. It was just a sales assistant at an electronics store. From the ad didn’t need much to any experience just reliable and organised. I had messaged about it and I had an interview with the store manager, a Bert Jones and it was today. I drove to the mall and found the store with relative ease. It was a decent sized shop, one of the bigger ones in the mall. I strolled into the store and up to the cashiers desk...

2 years ago
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Harry Brenda Debbie and Me

It was just another typical run of the mill Saturday, absolutely nothing exciting going on. I was sitting at the kitchen table, sipping coffee with Harry, my next door neighbor and talking football, and cars, especially cars. We were both restoring 65' Mustangs and each of us had parts that the other needed or wanted. He asked me if he could have the extra front lower valence panel that I had, and I asked him if I could have his extra set of wheel covers. I asked him if he could use the Gran...

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