Club Paradiso
- 4 years ago
- 28
- 0
Cool autumn rain pitter-pattered on the cobblestone walkway as James hurriedly followed Bayonetta to her new lair. They jogged from the car park to the entrance of a classy looking, unfamiliar apartment building. By the time they reached the lobby their leather and latex clad bodies were glossy and dripping. It was almost refreshing after their time in the wasteland. The rain served to wash off the residual dust and grime of the desert.
The woman sitting at the front desk glanced up at them briefly and raised an eyebrow. She returned to her magazine as the couple moved to the elevator and Cereza pressed the call button. The assistant didn’t seem overly surprised at people dressed in fetish gear heading upstairs. Perhaps that was a common occurrence in swanky condos like these.
The route to the city and the neighborhood James now found himself in were, likewise, unfamiliar. Bayonetta had explained their situation on the way back. Given the gravity of recent events, it was time for them to lay low for a while. Since Jeanne knew the location of the old safe house, Cereza had prepared a second one.
As the sliding doors closed, she pressed her buxom curves on James, pushing him up against the wall. They kissed long and deep as the elevator hummed and sailed upward. Their eyes remained shut as their wet bodysuits gripped and rubbed one another noisily. James’ cock grew hard in the steamy latex prison as she sucked on his tongue and groped him all over.
The doors re-opened and so did their eyes. Bayonetta smiled and took his hand, leading him out of the elevator and down the hallway. Their boots sank into the lush carpeting as they made their way down the dimly lit corridor. After passing several doors, Cereza stopped, extracted her key and opened the way.
The smells of fresh paint and leather hit James’ nostrils as soon as they walked in. It was a giant, open air studio loft with a full kitchen and a staircase that led up to the second floor bedroom. The curtain-draped windows were large, providing an ample view of the city that would be marvelous when the weather was better.
A brand new leather couch and loveseat were present along with various other furniture that had recently been delivered. Boxes were everywhere, some opened and some not. No doubt they contained new kitchenwares, housewares, bathroom products, rubber bedding, fetish clothing, bondage equipment and sex toys. James knew Cereza’s priorities well by now.
“Wow! Definitely an upgrade.”
“I’m glad you like it” Bayonetta purred, watching him stroll further into their new home. “The walls, ceiling and floor have been soundproofed. We can make as much noise as we want, here.”
“Oh, my...” James said with a cheeky smile and a wink.
Cereza chuckled. “I’d say you’ve earned a shower and your choice of dinner after what we’ve been though.”
“Thanks. A shower sounds amazing. And as for food, how bout something Greek?”
“I’ll call it in while you get clean” she responded, moving to one of the large boxes and opening it. She pulled out a fresh, black, latex gimp-suit still lined in protective plastic. Bayonetta turned and held it up for him to see. “Enjoy your freedom in the bathroom, because once you dry off, I’m sealing you in this. I have new collar for you as well. And a new armbinder to try later.”
James grinned, his cock stirring again in response to her lustful demands. “Yes, Mistress.”
A long line of styrofoam food caskets were strewn across the coffee table; evidence of a decadent meal. James and his Mistress were lounging on the new leather sofa, relaxing with full bellies. Cereza was stretched out lengthwise, her boots abandoned on the floor. Her feet lay in James’ lap, receiving a firm, soothing massage from her obedient gimp. As the show they’d been watching came to an end, James looked over and saw that Bayonetta’s eyes were struggling to stay open.
“You talked a big game on the way here, but it doesn’t seem like you’ll be dominating anything tonight.”
The wicked Witchinatrix sighed in contentment. “Sorry, my love. I was riding high on victory. Should’ve known I’d be exhausted after that ordeal.”
“No worries. You need the rest and my ass could use a break.”
Cereza giggled. James released her feet and grabbed the remote from the coffee table. He pointed it at the entertainment center, navigating endless rows of streamable programming on their massive new widescreen.
“Isn’t it amazing? Now that there’s so much stuff to watch on-demand, people spend more time than ever just trying to decide...”
“So much crap to watch” Bayonetta remarked. “But you’re right, it’s silly how we end up scrolling endlessly. There should be a word for that.”
“There is a term for it.”
“What’s that?”
“The Paradox of Choice.”
“Hmmmm ... Explain.” Cereza implored, pulling back her feet and sitting up at the end of the sofa.
“It’s the psychological phenomenon that, the more choices you’re given, the less satisfied you’ll be with any decision you make. The opportunity cost of going through all those choices and making a decision combined with your heightened expectations, due to having so many options, means that, inevitably, you’ll be disappointed with the outcome. Basically, too much choice can be a very bad thing. I watched a famous professor give a great lecture about it once.”
Bayonetta laughed and nodded her head. “I like that. It explains so much about the modern world. And it tracks nicely with S&M.”
“How’s that?”
“Well, if too much choice makes people miserable, it follows that being given no choice at all will lead them to ecstasy.” Cereza’s eyebrows darted upward twice in rapid succession. She was being cheeky, yet there was a certain logic to it.
James grinned sheepishly and nodded. “I never thought about it like that. Definitely true for a certain segment of the population.”
“Mmmhmmm. Naughty bottoms and submissive sluts like you.”
He resumed his browsing, maneuvering through long lists of movies and TV series until he found something that looked appealing. “How bout this? Wanna watch?”
When no answer came, he looked to his right and found Bayonetta gazing into the distance. She was lost in thought.
“Helllloooooo? Earth to Cereza!”
“Hmmm? Oh, yeah, that’s fine. Play that.”
“Everything ok?”
“Yeah ... just a little distracted. I shouldn’t worry about it until tomorrow, but my mind keeps wandering to what I’m going to say.”
“To the coven, you mean?”
“Yep. After what went down, a statement is definitely needed.”
CerezaOnTop: Hey kiddo, you busy?
RoxTheCasbah: Never too busy for you! What up, B?
CerezaOnTop: There was a bit of an incident yesterday. You may have heard.
RoxTheCasbah: HAH! That’s putting it mildly! Everyone who went with Alexia has been really tight-lipped and touchy since getting back. What did you do??? Give them all a spanking?
CerezaOnTop: In a manner of speaking.
RoxTheCasbah: Dammit! I never get to see the good stuff!
CerezaOnTop: Trust me, it’s better you weren’t there.
RoxTheCasbah: Alright, but I want all the dirt later.
CerezaOnTop: Of course.
RoxTheCasbah: What can I do for you?
CerezaOnTop: I’ve prepared a statement. I want it sent out to all members with no exceptions. And I need it to be untraceable.
RoxTheCasbah: Easy peasy. Is that it?
CerezaOnTop: Yes, that’s all for now.
RoxTheCasbah: Send it to my home email, not my work address. And make sure it’s encrypted. I’ll take care of the rest.
CerezaOnTop: Understood.
RoxTheCasbah: You want it go out today?
CerezaOnTop: As soon as you can, yes.
RoxTheCasbah: Cool. I’m on it.
CerezaOnTop: Thanks, Roxy. I’m going to be off on a little getaway until things cool down. When I get back, we’ll do lunch and I’ll dish all the juicy details.
RoxTheCasbah: You better!
Alexia’s crop lacerated her slave’s ass over and over. The young man was bound on a padded spanking bench, his leather-clad body blending in nicely with the glossy black fuck-furniture. Only his ass and head were free from constricting leather and metal. His ass flap hung open as she slashed away at his reddened flesh. It was easy to picture Cereza’s face on those punished ass cheeks after what had transpired the day before.
The slave grunted and howled as her blows rained down. She varied the force, but few were gentle. Alexia’s cock grew harder with every blistering swat into his well beaten bottom. It jutted out from the unzipped opening of her shiny, blue latex bodysuit. Pre-cum drooled from her glans and her face was flush red. Alexia was giddy with lust and control. Lately, she couldn’t decide which she enjoyed more; beating him or fucking him.
After a few more particularly hard strikes she relented and tossed the crop aside. Alexia stalked around to his front, her boot heels echoing off the floor. She grabbed him by the hair and raised his head off the bench. The haughty brunette ducked down so they saw eye to eye.
“Why are you being punished, slave?”
“Because I didn’t make your tea properly, Mistress!”
“How many sugars do I take?”
“Th-Three sugars, Mistress!”
“You’re not going to forget again, are you?”
“No, Mistress Alexia!”
She dropped his head, seized her cock and stroked it up and down hungrily. She’d almost cum from the fear in his voice, alone. It was time to feed this bound fuck-boy his lunch. She had a half hour until her next meeting and she was going to enjoy every minute.
Alexia ceased her masturbation and turned toward the office door, already annoyed. “Fucking hell ... I specifically said ‘do not disturb.’ WHAT?!?“
The door opened a crack and a voice emanated from outside. “My apologies, Chief Matron, but a matter of some importance...”
“Oh, Lieutenant Katherine. Please, do come in.”
The tall, blonde enforcer entered and quickly shut the door behind her. The buxom woman’s latex creaked around her body as she entered. Her shoulder guards, arm guards and guns clinked with each step until she came to a stop. Katherine was no longer surprised to see Alexia with her cock out and enjoying a bound slave in her office. Such occurrences were common now, even among the Chief Matrons.
The Umbran Enforcer removed her cap and bowed before beginning. “Mistress Alexia, there’s been a communication from Bayonetta you should see right away.”
Alexia’s look grew concerned as she strode to her desk. “A communication to whom?”
The Chief Matron didn’t bother to zip herself up before leaning down and checking the terminal at her desk. She found the message Katherine spoke of immediately. It was from an anonymous source, yet marked with a high priority flag.
“My Umbran Sisters,
Recently a Lumen plot was unveiled due to fateful circumstance. The activities of Father Olvey were a threat to our entire order and needed to be stopped. Stopped they were by the actions of many valiant Sisters and our dominance in this region was maintained.
I have taken the extraordinary step of speaking to you directly about this matter without the approval of the Chief Matrons. I did this because I feel every Sister needs to know what happened. This was no minor operation on their part, but a major power play. Olvey and his sages successfully summoned a demon from the Inferno for the first time in hundreds of years. Their goal was to strip us of the enhanced abilities bestowed on us by Marioch; the one we call Phalleus. Thankfully, their end game was denied.
We all know the price of a witch’s power. The brutal and unending torment that awaits us at the end of this long road. I am no longer content to accept this as inevitable. I will harness the power of the Inferno to challenge the celestial order itself and, if need be, wipe it away completely. You may think this endeavor arrogant or foolish, but I would ask that you place your trust in me. I am doing this for all of us.
Finally, I must address the effects of Marioch’s power on the Sisterhood in recent years. I don’t need to tell you how it’s changed us. Our lust and desire for sexual conquest strengthens and drives us, but also blinds us in many ways. It has caused some sisters to cast aside their better judgment. To sacrifice compassion and consent to sexual frenzy.
The Lumen are willing to brainwash, kill and even sacrifice themselves in the pursuit of power. They have little regard for human life beyond how it strengthens their order. If we do not wield our power responsibly, we are no better. And I will not stand idly by if I feel any of my Sisters have become like our enemy.
You may not believe this, but it was not our power, our lust or our will to dominate that saved us on the battlefield. It was love. Without the clarity that love provided at the crucial moment, we might well have been weakened, defeated or worse.
Embrace love for your submissives and nurture their affection for you. If there is no romance to be found, at least abuse them lovingly and always care for them after. If they don’t enjoy our games, set them free. This is how we demonstrate the Umbra are worthy of the power we wield. That is how we prove we’re better than the Lumen.
Love may yet save each and every one of us. If, indeed, we can be saved.
Your Sister in Arms,
An avalanche of emotions descended upon Alexia.
Anger that Bayonetta had enacted her own plan without consulting Umbra leadership. That she’d sent this message without the Matrons approval and left Alexia and many other Sisters in an embarrassing mess the other day.
Relief that she hadn’t revealed what a fiasco the operation was or that Cereza had pretty much single-handedly saved the day.
Suspicion about her claims regarding Marioch and, even if they were true, what her real motives would prove to be. Only time would tell. Calling upon the denizens of the Inferno was a skill known by all in their order, but imprisoning a demon? For personal use? That was uncharted territory, even for the Umbra.
Alexia released her desk and straightened her back. “That will be all for now, Lieutenant. Thank you.”
The Chief Matron didn’t look back at her enforcer before strolling to the window. She was lost in thought with a hand on her chin. Katherine was glad she didn’t have to hide her grin. The armed blonde saluted and made her way out. The dutiful soldier was glad someone was re-asserting order into a coven that had grown far too chaotic.
The door shut and Alexia took stock of her bound slave. Despite Bayonetta’s massive presumption, the ring of truth resided in some of her words. When was the last time Alexia had shown her slut any kindness? Asked him how he was feeling? Did more than demand his total obedience and sexual servitude? The Chief Matron couldn’t recall.
Frustrated, she stalked back to the bondage bench and parked herself in front of him. She put her hands on her hips, her cock now hanging half-flaccid below.
“Slave, I’m going to ask you a question and I want you to tell me the unvarnished truth. Do not tell me what you think I want to hear. Just answer honestly. You will not be punished regardless of what you say. Understand?”
“Yes, Mistress.” His body wiggled in its bonds, his anxiety evident.
“Do you enjoy being my slave?”
“Yes, Mistress. Very much so.”
‘You already knew the answer to that one. Be more precise.’
The Chief Matron thought a few moments before speaking again. “If you could change anything about our arrangement, anything at all, what would it be?”
“Oh ... Ummm, it would be nice if I didn’t have to sleep in the cage all the time.”
Alexia smirked and her eyes narrowed. ‘I lined it with leather just for you.’
“And maybe I could pick what we have for dinner once in a while?”
The Chief Matron seized her girthy unit and resumed stroking it. ‘What, your birthday dinner isn’t enough?’
“ ... Perhaps we could cuddle from time to time?”
Alexia shoved her cock in his mouth, silencing him instantly. Her hips pressed forward and she burrowed her fleshy sausage in deep until the glans hit the back of his throat. His straining eyes peered up at her, confused by the sudden shift in tone. Regardless, he took up his task obediently, sucking away on her meaty shaft. She took hold of his head and started thrusting into his sucking lips eagerly.
The brown haired Goddess sighed. His baby blues kept peeking up, pleading with her as she fucked his mouth.
“I’ll think about it. Now suck me off, bitch.”
It was a beautiful day on the Bora Bora Islands, but then again, it seemed almost every day was gorgeous in this place. James had learned a bit about the region from promotional pamphlets available on their flight. The temperature rarely deviated above eighty five degrees or below seventy five. The dry season ranged from June to October. The rest of the year had lovely days like these broken up by periods of monsoon rain. The island’s economy was mostly tourism. If heaven existed on Earth, this might be it.
It had only been a matter of days between Cereza unveiling her “Bayonetta & James Go Tropical” plan to finding himself in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. They had a lovely villa many times bigger than a couple could possibly need, a private beach and many other accommodations within walking distance or a short cab ride from their island hideaway.
It was strange being in French Polynesia, a place that was as far as you could get from France where people spoke only French and assorted native languages. Stranger still that his first day in such a lovely place was being spent getting buried. Only James’ shoulders and head remained visible above the white sand. It had taken almost an hour to dig a hole big enough for him to fit in. Cereza had spent the last ten minutes filling it in around him; packing down the sand and making sure he couldn’t budge.
James looked up at his beautiful Goddess as she finished the job; sweeping more sand over his shoulders and upper chest. Leave it to Bayonetta to wear leather and latex to the beach. Her shiny, black latex bra barely contained her massive milkers. The garment almost passed as the top half of a two piece bathing suit, but not quite. Her leather skirt ran snugly down to her knees. The bulge in its front grew more prominent by the minute as Cereza sealed her slave in sand below her.
She pushed a few more mounds of the sparkling silt over his shoulders and around his neck, packing them down tightly. The deed was done. James was entombed in the Earth, aside from his protruding head. He couldn’t budge a millimeter and that put a mischievous smile on Bayonetta’s face. She collapsed beside him to rest a few minutes before enjoying his predicament to the fullest.
“We could be seeing the sites right now, scuba diving, deep sea fishing ... but your priority was burying me in sand and fucking my mouth.”
“Shush, Cheshire. There’ll be time for all that. This is a fantasy I’ve had for a long time and I wasn’t going to wait another day to indulge.”
“Fair enough. Did you bring any sunscreen?”
“You won’t need sunscreen in a minute when I’m plowing your face.”
“True...” he snickered. “You know, it was weird hearing you speak French earlier. I’m so used to your British accent. I like both, though. I bet you could make any language sound sexy.”
“Thank you, darling. I hope my French wasn’t too out of practice.”
“I wouldn’t know. I don’t speak a word.”
“Yes, especially when you have a giant cock in your mouth.”
James chuckled. “My god, you’re even hornier than usual! I’m in trouble these next two weeks, aren’t I?”
“You have no idea.”
Bayonetta rose, unzipped her leather skirt and tossed it aside. She stepped into view and turned to face him; her shadow casting over James’ head. Her thick cock was at full attention and her weighty scrotum hung below it. Her full, hairless package gleamed with a light sheen of sweat, appetizing as ever to James’ covetous eyes. The fat, meaty length that he’d serviced so many times before was ready for another round of debauchery. Cereza closed the distance to him and lowered to her knees in the warm, soft sand.
Cool autumn rain pitter-pattered on the cobblestone walkway as James hurriedly followed Bayonetta to her new lair. They jogged from the car park to the entrance of a classy looking, unfamiliar apartment building. By the time they reached the lobby their leather and latex clad bodies were glossy and dripping. It was almost refreshing after their time in the wasteland. The rain served to wash off the residual dust and grime of the desert. The woman sitting at the front desk glanced up at...
The woman sitting at the front desk glanced up at them briefly and raised an eyebrow. She returned to her magazine as the couple moved to the elevator and Cereza pressed the call button. The assistant didn't seem overly surprised at people dressed in fetish gear heading upstairs. Perhaps that was a common occurrence in swanky condos like these. The route to the city and the neighborhood James now found himself in were, likewise, unfamiliar. Bayonetta had explained their situation on the way...
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IncestFor the next few weeks Jacklyn learned everything she could about the occult and how best to reverse spells and incantations. "How did he do it?" Jacklyn groaned as she wheeled back in her computer chair, "If I just knew how he did it, maybe I could reverse this?" she said motioning down to her massive cleavage. "Think Jackie, think!" she said aloud, "What changed with that weasel!?" Jacklyn racked her brain, trying to remember every minute detail of Josh and their many encounters...
I felt the urge to create something disturbing and to challenge myself to write something I've never done before. Here's my first attempt at writing a story with male characters who interact sexually. They love each other, for a variety of reasons and in a variety of ways. * * * * * * * * * * “Put the knife down, Randy,” I said. He acted like he didn't hear me. I walked closer to him and clicked off the safety on her gun. “For God's sake, Randy, put the fucking knife down...
Hi this is Ravi, from Hyderabad, India. I am working for an MNC since last 6yrs and now market being sluggish we are not able to meet our targets and all MNCs are reducing headcount and there is a list being made in our company as well. Now I have certain cases active and I lost most of them and I have come to conclusion that if my last contract being negotiated next week is gone am for sure will be terminated. The D-Day has come and I was waiting outside the CEO chamber along with 3 of our...
“I’m ruined.” Looking at the screen, Ella saw that not just one but three of her biggest investments had all but crumbled with absolutely no hope of recovering. Even with all of her other stocks she would not be able to recoup her losses. She would need to sell her house, her property, her damn car and she would still be coming up far too short. Covering her face with her hands she cried quietly. “What the Hell am I going to do?” She frankly had no experience in any other fields, she was very...
FetishIt was when the call came, it is my father, he enquired about me and my husband and daughters and asked when am I planning to come down, it is three years since we met, I and my two daughters who are aged twelve and nine thought of spending this summer vacation with dad in cochin who is alone after our mom left us when I was only ten, my two brothers are married and staying in separate houses which are nearer to our ancestral house, my father is sixty one now. My husband is working in SBI...
IncestI was sitting in a bar having a beer one night.It was Friday night so it was pretty crowded.After chatting with the bartender for a little I started looking around the bar.I noticed three cute young women sitting at a table and they were looking my way.I smiled politely and they giggled talking between themselves. Then one got up and headed my way.I thought she was going to the restrooms,but she stopped and said "hi." "Hello" I said.She introduced herself as Mandy.I introduced myself. She said...
Tony safely and calmly exited the parking lot and pulled out onto the street. Where to Tony asked over the intercom. Dave pushed the button. “To Bill’s house.” Dezi touched my arm. “Tell him we can’t go there Bill.” “Why not?” I asked. “Because Pam is there.” I started to say. ‘You’re Pam,’ but I realized she wasn’t Pam. she was Dezerea Dave had heard, but he didn’t understand why she couldn’t go home. The stress and mental conflict between Pam being a slut and who she had always...
Hi every one my name is Pramod. I am from Kerala. Now I am working in Bangalore. I am 25 years. In our culture incest is forbidden sin. But it happens in my life it is changed me all of sexual thoughts in my life. I never thinks it happens in my life. This is not fiction. The names involved, excluding mine, have been changed for obvious reasons. But believe me, it is all true, though it happened a long time ago, when I was just a kid. When the situations changed in my life I am 17 and my mom...
IncestReina went home from work and tried hard not to sulk. She’d taken on this job as the Office Whore not because she wanted to, but because she needed the money. It had shocked her at first because she had no idea what the job would entail when she accepted it. But she’d agreed to try the job for a month as the pay was really good and she had bills piling up. And she thought the first day had started off well.The first task had been easy. Give Chad, her boss, a blowjob. Well she’d given him a damn...
Office SexShelby Carson wasn’t much of a drinker. Growing up as a teenager at the American embassy in Riyadh, alcohol had been a furtive business for adults and teens alike, available but not plentiful enough to trickle down to the merely curious. In Brownfield Mills, booze had been ridiculously plentiful, but by the time Shelby fully internalized that the BMPD were not the Mutawa, she hadn’t been tempted to do more than sip. She’d seen too many girls let alcohol lower their guard for them until they...
Laurie was allowed to have the gag out of her mouth as we went downstairs BUT to keep it moist Jeff did with it to her as I had done with it earlier to Angel, he put it in her cunt with the cum still in her for flavoring.Once we got downstairs Billy introduced Laurie & Jeff to his band & the stagehands & told them that she too was here for their entertainment with Angel. Jeff then pulled the ball out of Laurie's cunt & put it back in her mouth again.The audience was just...
All the events described here are real. The names have been changed.We were at my friend’s country house celebrating his birthday. His parents didn’t bother us and we felt free to do whatever we wanted. On the third day his mother came to visit us. When she made sure everything was all right she decided to return to the city. I asked her to give me a lift as I had some plans there for the evening. She agreed easily and soon we were driving home in her Lexus.The car was comfortable and the...
As the wine and beer flowed the bbq starts to wind down. Im still wearing the red satin and lace underbust corset, nothing else. MM has fucked a few ladies and i have licked everybody clean. I have not fucked as MM has not given his permission.Im walking indoors when MM grabs me kissing me with one hand between my legs fingering my pussy. Everyone saw me being fingerd which turned me on more than i can say. MM picks me lowering me gently on to dinning room table holding my legs apart."Desert is...
Most guys my age view Halloween as an opportunity to drive fast, soap windows, toss eggs, and uproot mailboxes. Raise Hell in general! This year I found myself escorting a four-foot-tall orange-and-black striped tiger to a costume party. The starting sophmore linebacker of the Central High Panthers held the hand of a six-year-old Tigger as we crossed the parking lot toward the grammar school auditorium. And I loved it! Erin entered my life two years ago. A damn drunk driver crossed the...
This is essentially a fictitious story based on personal experience from my youth. It contains some reference to u******e sexual encounters which are necessary to understanding the theme of the story which is how my fetish for nylons began and developed over the years. There's not much overt sex happening in this first installment but that will change in the follow up chapters. Unless you have a fetish for nylons, this story will probably not have much appeal to you.Billy was always a good boy...
Hayden Hennessy is justsmooththe liquor shes named after (and super sweet too). She gladly agrees to go through her preliminary interview naked, which we really liked a lot. Shes only 20 years old and is very excited to tell us all about her and get railed! She tells us a quirky story about how she lost her virginity, her lust for anal, and her passion to have all her holes filled whenever possible. Her cocksucking skills were that of a professional, lubing that cock up with her spit extra...
xmoviesforyouDorothy could feel the sunrise on her face. She cracked her eyes open and looked down. Leandra had fallen asleep with Dorothy left nipple in her mouth, sucking on it like a thumb. Dorothy smiled, opened her eyes and looked up at the blue sky but saw the end of a spear inches from her face. The spear was being held by a hunched over green creature. It was a little smaller then Dorothy but was very muscular. Its skin was a deep hunter green color. The skin looked slimy but was not dripping any....
Far from Green Hell, an asteroid without a corresponding solar system slowly made its way to a region called Ballard’s Expanse in Union galactic maps. The asteroid would reach this dense dust cloud around the year 5020. The asteroid was a wanderer on a course across the Galaxy for many eons. This big chunk of rock and ice was hollow and known as Sobody’s Seat. One of the fabulous Galactic Markets operated by this neutral and enigmatic civilization. Some claimed that the Golden were somehow...
We left the bar where Judy’s husband was basking in his glory at being recognized for his contributions to the company and being given awards. The plan was to meet up with him at another bar across town to continue the party, I figured we had at least an hour before we had to be there. After meeting Judy for the first time and realizing what a truly sensuous woman she is, I planned to take full advantage of our time together. My hand was still wet from her juices and my heart was beating wildly...
Wife LoversI smile and turn to kiss him as I feel him start to wake. He looks at me, making my heart skip a beat. I kiss him deeply, turning to face him. He growls playfully and rolls so he is on top of me, kissing my neck. I giggle then wrap my legs around his waist, moaning softly in his ear. he looks into my eyes, the deep black of his irises fogged over the way it gets when he is horny. I smile and kiss his nose, slipping out from under him and taking off toward the front door of his "house"....
I have the most incredible neighbors. I have so many stories, but I'll try to break them up. Hope you enjoy them. Warning: If you're easily offended by women peeing then don't read any further.The other day I was at the mall and ran into one of my neighbors. She's a little bit too skinny but tall and beautiful redhead (my fav!) and was with her two small c***dren. I don't really know her too well but said hi anyway. She smiled back and we exchange the normal pleasantries. I said her k**s looked...
Desert Heat – Pt 5Saturday, was cold inside and hot outside as usual. Ginger got dressed quickly like she did every morning, only this time she put on a halter top on under her regular top. She was very quiet again and I knew she was still struggling with what had been said last night about if one of the ladies went topless because of the heat, would the other. Ginger knew that Olga would and that the decision rested with her. Once we were out in the field, she again took her outer top off...
Just recently I was home for break, a chance to ease my mind and enjoy the days off. It was Monday morning around 10:30am when I received a call from Mrs. O, my neighbor. Mrs. O had called looking for me to help her out with hanging a big mirror on her wall and that she needed someone strong to do it. Me being such a nice guy, I agreed to go over and help her out for a little while. Now as an inside scoop, Mrs. O is this gorgeous blonde, has a great body, and has the sweetest personality. She...
MILFMy name is Fiona. For the past five years I've been away from home at University getting my phd in Psychology, my final paper was on the benefits of Hypnosis in Psychology. I'm sure that sounds very interesting and it was but ultimately I found the results just were not substantial enough except in certain circumstances and indeed in many cases it can be harmful to the patient to be forced to repress memories or feelings using hypnosis. For example ptsd it sounds like a dream come true to...
Sarah had been thinking alot about what had happened the evening before, it was one of her biggest fantasies and Adam had clearly loved it. Silently she wondered if she had maybe pushed too far too soon, but then she shivered as she remembered how he had exploded with pleasure the evening before and that he had confessed his love for her. This simple fact had affected Sarah more than she expected and she pondered how she would reward his love and the fact he had been so obedient this...
Ron had been telling me about Ronnie’s first time out for the night with Sue. The thing that stuck in my mind was when he repeated Ronnie’s description of her experience with one of the guys with a huge cock. I went home that night, and Sue and I made love several times. I just didn’t seem to be able to get enough.Next morning Sue asked, “You were overly excited last night?”The way she said it made sure that I understood that she expected me to explain. Initially, I was a bit lost for words but...
CuckoldMy name is Annie and I come from a conservative religious family where everyone goes to church each Sunday My name is Annie and I come from a conservative religious family where everyone goes to church each Sunday. So till I went to college, I hardly had much opportunity to be around boys much. Even at college, I only dated the nice guys, the jocks hardly even look at me. I'm too much of a nice girl!!! Sigh!!! But I recently found an evening job at a bar that pays decently even if the...
As she reached the bottom steps to go to the kitchen Amanda had already broken out the items that were in the brown bag and grinding the pills that were contained in the bag to a powder substance. She was kind of curious as to what the pills were but it is too late. She found the bottles that contained them but as she read the name of the pills she couldn’t make heads or tails of the name for the two separate pills. “Ok tell me what I can do to help.” Steph asked Amanda. Amanda stopped...
NovelsIt was in once such area that “Deathwalker" (aka Hugh Anderson) had managed to lure “Raven Rider” (aka Sally Morrison) with invented tales of his sexual prowess since joining the college. Truth be told, he was, in fact, a virgin. However, his carefully constructed stories, so intricate in detail, had enticed the second hottest girl of the house into going with him to this spot, where she was currently giving him his first (and possibly last) blow job. He lay, his head on the soil at the foot...
My name is Sam and I have been working in a prison for a few years now. I am a women but she was quite pretty for an older woman. One day I got a message for the secretary that Ms. Tucker wanted to see me after Work at 4 in her office. I was concerned all day as what I could have done. At 4 sharp I showed up at her door passing all the other teachers who were teasing me about the trouble I was most obviously in. I knocked at the door and a very stern voice told me to come in. I walked in to see...
InterracialClark didn’t outlive Beatrice by more than sixty days, as it happened. He put his affairs in order, sold off or gave away many things that he no longer wished to have, and then just ... wasted away. In fact, he even started drinking a bit, something that he had never done before, just to kill the pain. This man was a lifelong teetotaler, but fifty-eight years of age, he took to booze and stopped going to church at all. I got the impression that he wasn’t just lonely ... he was bitter that God...
I had the first night-watch on the Black Swan as we headed north to Fiddler's Green. The owner, pop star Basil Bundy, was locked in a cabin. Cleo, Marsha and a tearful red-headed woman called Ruby kept me company on the bridge deck, while Popeye went below to drown his sorrows. "You'll have to let the girls out of the bolt-hole soon!" whispered Cleo, snuggling up to my starboard side. "Yeah," agreed Marsha, as she rubbed her hip softly along my port quarter. "It must be getting...
This particular week in August we have family up from Los Angeles. It was my Sister-in-law Tori and her twin daughters, Heather and Bobbie. I asked " Ok, whatcha all want to do tomorrow?" "Go the the lake for a boat ride and spend the day on the water" was the answer I got. Cool !!! I said, as I really liked that idea because It was a relatively new lake , only a few years old and very few boaters, great landscape , plus fishing was awesome and I wanted to sun bathe. That...
Lord Stanley Professional Disciplinarian I recently transferred to England with the BBC and moved into a lovely apartment in a small town outside of London. My neighbour, Janine is a very nice attractive single lady and we were getting well acquainted but soon I would get to know a whole lot more about her. I do a lot of my work from home so I have a very flexible schedule so on a Monday morning feeling the need to release some sexual tension I walk down into the centre of town to a nice...