Maxine Stone s New LifeChapter 393
- 3 years ago
- 50
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August 8, 2017
Gracey and I traipsed upstairs to join the rest of the Go5. Dad was putting the finishing touches on Heather’s ensemble, which seemed to involve him rubbing her pretty little titties through her gray velour top, when we walked in the door.
“I daresay that I am just in time for my turn,” Gracey said.
“Yes, I’ve been killing a bit of time making sure that Heather’s top fits just right, awaiting your arrival.”
“I’ll just bet you have, Dad. Your first wife told me to tell you that you are required to touch every square inch of my skin in your task of dressing me. Additionally, I leave it in your hands ... to dress me in whatever order that you wish. However, except in rare instances for particular purposes and settings, you will not put a panty on me. When I am with you, I will be naked or commando. I want you always to have the quickest possible access to my pussy, which I have told you that you may have any time you want it. I’m so fucking turned on, Dad, that I wish that you could just bend me over and fuck me until you cum. Somewhat unfortunately, that will have to wait a while.”
Dad pulled her into him. “Oh, Gracey, all of you. I want you all so much. Thank you for wanting me in return. I truly am the luckiest man on the planet.”
Dad probably came very close to touching every inch of Gracey’s skin in the ten minutes that it took him to put three items of clothing on her. I told Dad that he could use the expedited version of dressing me since he would get to undress me upon our return. He did pull me into a clinch once he had my shirt on me, his hard cock bent against my lower belly, his hands gripping my ass cheeks while he kissed me hard. After he pulled my skirt up my legs and settled it into place, the six of us went downstairs.
Mom was still in the living room when we came down. She seemed to be surprised by something and looked carefully at all of us.
“Dear, the body language of you six suggest that you have a harem. I realize that you do, but you six might want to think about how you might keep from looking like an incredibly lucky man and his seraglio.”
Dad stared at her for a few seconds, gazed around at all of us, and, while turning back to Mom, shook his head.
“That might be difficult, as I’m still in amazement about this situation. Fortunately, as we’ve learned, some of our daughters are quite good actresses. Hopefully, they can ameliorate that appearance for me.”
We piled into the Trooper, the two wee girls in front, and headed to Gracey’s house.
On the way, Heather said, “Dad, you’re going to have to get covers for these seats. The upholstery is a bit rough on my bare butt.”
“Actually, Heather, I’m looking into a different vehicle, as it looks like we need seating for at least six if we don’t want this whole thing to come apart just because you two don’t have separate seat belts. When I find that appropriate vehicle, I’ll put whatever covers you want on it.”
“Dad,” I said from the right bench seat, “it’s too bad that there are no longer front bench seats. That would have worked best.”
“Yes, but it would also make it more tempting than it already is to play with the girl parts of the girl next to me on that bench seat. No, I think bucket seats are better, overall.”
“Liya, please grin at him for me.”
We arrived at Gracey’s to see both moms sitting on the porch.
Liya said, “Uhhhh ... wow? I wonder what that means.”
“Yeah,” agreed Gracey. “Maybe I should have worn undies.” She paused, then said, “No. Except in particular circumstances, my pussy will always be immediately available to Dad. If Mom notices and asks, I’ll just say that I didn’t pack enough, given that we stayed two extra days.”
We all piled out, Gracey and Liya grabbing their bags from the back of the Trooper, their moms met them in front of the truck. Liya hugged her mom.
“I’m glad you’re back, Mom. I’ve missed you.”
Mrs. Nadhi gently pushed Liya’s torso back and looked into her eyes.
“That’s new.”
“Oh, Mom. I miss you every time you go. It’s just that ... over the past few ... months, I’ve become more comfortable with myself, with my person. I am even becoming comfortable with my place in the world. I’m not sure exactly what that is, now, but rebellion against my only close genetic family no longer holds interest for me. I can tell you that I miss you, now.”
Mrs. Nadhi, still holding Liya’s arms, looked up at Dad.
“Nira, she’s been changing a lot – and rapidly – of late. Her confidence has been climbing nearly meteorically. Sandy and I have been as surprised as you, pleasantly surprised. She is becoming a very wonderful, lovely young woman. In fact, all of their personalities have been growing, with Liya’s and Gracey’s changes being most obvious. We think that it’s this group, this Gang of Five. They are feeding off each other, learning from each other, greatly accelerating their mental maturation process. The past two ... three weeks have seen incredible growth in all of them.” Dad nodded at Mrs. García as she walked up. “Sandy and I have always liked your two daughters, but we have come to love them as daughters, too, as the wonderful young women that we always thought were in there have been emerging. We think these five are going places.”
Mrs. Nadhi looked at Liya, again, then pulled her in. “Thank you, Aliyah. I missed you, too. Very much. I’m sorry that I’ve been gone so much recently and have been missing watching you grow. I’m afraid that my travel won’t be done for a while, yet.”
“That’s okay, Mom. With my own development of focus, of purpose, I have a better understanding of you and your career. I understand that you have a life outside of me and that, sometimes, that life requires you to travel, given your choice of career. I’m actually much more interested in hearing about it, now. I hope that we can make the time for you to explain your interest in cosmology to me. What little I’ve read seems ... interesting.”
With that, Mrs. Nadhi looked back at Dad.
“Who is this and what have you done with my daughter?”
“I told you, Nira, and I tell you this, too, Inez. It’s been a wonderful three weeks. They are still very obviously the same girls, but wonderful young women are rising in them. Inez, I wish you’d have seen Gracey in their second game on Saturday. She was a demon on the field. She stopped the spectacular Sanderson cold after Sanderson had beaten both Rathi and Ann. That was actually the first critical point in that game. I was so proud of her for you.”
From within Mrs. García’s arms, Gracey gave out a faux complaining, “Da-adddd.”
When both women looked at Gracey, then up at Dad, he said, “Yes. That’s new, too. I hope you two don’t mind. I really like it, coming from two girls that are almost as much my daughters as Beth ... and Rhee ... and, now, Heather. Our house has been filled of late with wonderful daughters.”
Mrs. García smiled as she looked at Dad. “Are you trying to steal our daughters? A one-night sleepover became three nights.”
“Aw, shucks. Sandy and I were hoping that you wouldn’t notice.”
“Charlie,” Mrs. García replied, “of all the people that either Nira or I know, you ... and Sandy are probably the only ones with whom I’d feel comfortable stealing our daughters. While I would miss my Gracey terribly, I know that she’d be very well cared for and loved. Might I at least negotiate for visitation rights?”
“Actually, Gracey, I don’t know why I haven’t thought of this, previously.” She looked up at Dad. “Charlie, would you and Sandy be willing to take her in should something happen to me? I certainly do not want her going to her father, and I wouldn’t trust most of what other little family she has. Your family is obviously now also hers.”
“Inez, while we don’t at all wish anything to happen to you, we would be more than willing to take her in.”
“Could the three of us sit down and discuss it sometime soon?”
“My schedule is pretty open for the next two weeks and if you wanted a weekday, Sandy could probably get away from the bank for a few hours.”
Mrs. García sent an obvious speaking glance at Mrs. Nadhi, then said, “Why don’t you two come in with me. Liya’s mom wants to discuss something with...” she smiled at them, “your dad.”
Liya and Gracey gave each of us hugs, then followed Mrs. García into the house.
Mrs. Nadhi turned to the three of us and looked intently at us. I turned to Dad.
“We’ll be in the car.” As we headed to the doors, I whispered to Heather, “You take front.”
Heather nodded and jumped into the front seat. I extracted my phone, quickly opened the voice recorder, and handed the phone up to Heather. “Please be surreptitious.”
Heather took the phone from me, pointed the mike at Dad and Mrs. Nadhi, and held it out the window against the windshield post.
[This conversation is copied verbatim from the recording on my phone. Because I do not know what visible reactions Dad and Mrs. Nadhi expressed go with which parts of the recording, I have left them out.]
“ ... two of them probably think that they’re pulling the wool over their mothers’ eyes, but we know that they’re sexually involved ... with each other. If they’re more comfortable ... learning ... new things ... at your house, we are fine with that. We both know that you and Sandy would never willingly allow harm to come to our daughters, so we are comfortable with whatever they get into when they are at your house.
[The highlighted “you” in the previous sentence was stressed only slightly more than the rest of the sentence, but it was obvious.]
“Apropos of nothing, my first-time experience with a male was with a 33-year-old neighbor. We had fooled around a few times, as chances allowed, until I asked him to be my first lover, though I was too timid at the time to put it to him just that way. My experience was radically different from most of the first-time stories I heard from friends and acquaintances. At the time, I loved that I had had such a wonderful time for my first time, but I came to appreciate it more and more as I progressed through my teenaged years and heard more first-time stories that came nowhere near the wonderfulness of mine. My first 25 or 30 times making love were with that man. It was glorious from the start, even with the initial pain, and just kept getting better as we learned more of how to please each other. I certainly would not have traded it for the various fumblings around in the backs of cars or in stolen moments in some secret spot that most of the others of my ... peers experienced.
“For some reason, I’ve found myself thinking back to that time of late.
“Anyway, the main reason that I wanted to talk to you was because I suspect that the girls will probably want to spend more and more time at your house ... for a variety of ... reasons. Both of them have benefited so much from the friendship of that menagerie of girls you’re supporting. Though Gracey is less ... ebullient than my Liya, they both always return from your house more ... settled than when we sent them over there. I wanted to make sure with you ... you and Sandy ... that you do not mind them underfoot so much. While Inez and I both miss them when they’re over there, neither of us can give them all that they want ... or should have. They don’t have fathers of their own and greatly look up to you as a surrogate ... actually, obviously, as their dad. They both love you very much and I’m happy to have them spend time with a man that treats them well, does not do things with them that they don’t want, like Gracey’s father did.
“Though we know that they love us, you may find it difficult to keep them out of your house, they seem to want to be there so much. And that brings me to the request that we have of you ... of you and Sandy. Actually, we have two requests, both involving the lodging of our daughters. Inez and I will both be out of town the entire last week of September, and we’d greatly appreciate it if they could stay with you during that time.”
“Of course, Nira. Sandy and I have both told both of you that they’re welcome any time. We’ve certainly got the space and, if you’re correct about their ... relationship, they’ve got their own bed to share in the spare room, which we think of as theirs.”
“Thanks, Charlie. However, I will be gone all of the next week, too. I’ve got two weeks at Mauna Kea. Whenever only one of the girls is at your house, the other pines. So, Inez and I would appreciate it if you’d have them for the two weeks that I’m gone.”
[I think that Dad nodded at her; there was no apparent verbal response in the recording.]
“Finally, I’ve just been notified that I have been accepted for a temporary appointment at the Canary Islands telescope. The university has already promised sabbatical if I win the appointment, so I’ll certainly be returning here when it is completed. The appointment is for six months.
“While the travel would be good for Liya, she’s at a crucial point in many aspects of her life and I’m certain that she would not want to go. In fact, she’d be adamantly opposed to leaving here for six months. Additionally, Inez has irons in the fire that overlap with much of my temporary appointment. With my acceptance confirmed, we will both be giving up our current rental houses and will be looking to buy a house together that would fit both of our families, though we might build one. We will be looking to move much closer to the university, which will get our daughters much closer to their friends. Inez is telling our daughters all of this now.
“Anyway, the long and short of this is that we would be very appreciative if you and Sandy could see your way to taking in both of our daughters for as long as six months, starting the first week of November.”
“Nira, we’d be happy to help in whatever way you require. Sandy and Carol and I have just recently gone through something similar with Heather, though not to this depth. Heather’s mother has granted the three of us power of attorney to deal with Heather’s schooling, which has been woefully inadequate to her needs. She’s currently auditing the Intro to Calc summer-session class. We’ll probably try to keep most of her schooling in the high school, but we have a meeting with the district on Thursday in hopes of convincing them to allow her to take math courses downstream of Calc at the university. She’s got an incredibly sharp mind.”
“Yes, I’ve heard some of that. That’s a good thing you’re doing for her, but nothing less than I’ve come to expect of you and Sandy. I was going to suggest that I ask my attorney to draw up papers for you, but if you’re willing, since your lawyer, and I assume that it was your lawyer that drew up Heather’s papers, has experience with just this sort of thing...”
“Absolutely. I can get her ... our lawyer ... started on that next week, right after Sandy and I can sit down with you two.”
“If it’s not too much trouble. It would certainly make Inez’s life easier, though she’ll be around sporadically during that time.”
“Ahh. Umm. Since you’ve shared something of private parts of your life, I guess that it’s time for Sandy and me to do the same. Carol, Rhee’s mom, has become ... Carol has become part of Sandy’s and my marriage. If that would be a problem with either of your daughters staying with us, you and Inez obviously need to know that.”
“Do the girls know?”
“Absolutely. While we had to tell them, anyway, as it would have been impossible to hide, we also owed it to them as friends and daughters in their own right.”
“Okay. Since the girls don’t seem to mind, we don’t, either. But, oh my, what an interesting array of relationships under one roof. You three, our two, and from tidbits that Inez and I have put together, at least Beth and Rhee. Very interesting.”
“Actually, Heather is part of the Beth-Rhee relationship, so everyone in the house has at least one lover. So far, it’s all worked out fine.”
“I’m very tempted to ask how you manage your ... relationships in that house, what with five impressionable teenaged girls present for at least some of the time. I won’t ask, as it’s none of my business. As I said earlier, neither Inez nor I have any concerns in that vein, but you should probably try to keep that knowledge from getting out of the family. I’m certain that some right-wing kook or other family meddlers would raise a stink if it were to come out.”
“That is our biggest concern. However, I mentioned this partly to segue into offering Carol’s house should either or both of you find a need for lodging in town while you’re between residences.”
“Oh. That would be incredibly helpful! I’ll be returning for a week around Christmas, and Inez will have quite a few blocks of 3-10 days where she’ll be in need of lodging. I’ll explain things to her; she and Carol can discuss it when you discuss other business.
“Speaking of which, I would like either to be involved in that same discussion or have an identical discussion with you ... two? Three? As Inez said earlier, I don’t know why I didn’t think of this before. If you two would be willing, like Inez, I cannot imagine any better foster parents for my Liya than you two.”
“Oh, Nira, as for Inez, we would be more than willing to take her in should the need arise. We’ve only recently told all the girls this, so I will tell you, too; feel free to pass it on. Sandy and I had planned on having more than one child, but Sandy’s difficulties with Beth suggested that she not have another. We have greatly appreciated having your daughters ... underfoot, as you said. They have filled, and quite admirably, our yearning for more children. And we didn’t have to change diapers to have them. We love them as daughters. All of them.”
“I’m glad for you two. Inez and I have been very happy that you’ve been involved in their lives. As I said earlier, neither of us can provide quite a few of the ... benefits that you provide them. Even before this recent spurt of maturation, the influence that you two and those other girls have had on them is nothing short of miraculous. I was dreading having one of ‘those’ teenagers, as was Inez. But we’ve gotten nearly model teenagers, particularly in the last six months or so.
“No, there’s no one else that Inez or I would have care for our daughters other than you ... you and Sandy and, now, Carol, though I don’t think that we should put her name on the legal papers. I was serious, Charlie, earlier. Neither Inez nor I would be bothered by whatever our two daughters get into while at your house, particularly not with your own daughter involved in similar relationships.”
[Because it came at the end of the discussion between the two of them, I know that Mrs. Nadhi had put her hand on Dad’s left forearm at some point in the last paragraph, and almost certainly in the middle of that paragraph.]
When Mrs. Nadhi turned toward the house, Heather calmly brought her hand palming my phone inside the truck and slipped it between the seat and the door to me. I took it, looked down at the face, turned off the recording, and closed the voice recorder.
“When Dad returned to the truck, I said, “Hey, are you trying to get another girlfriend?”
Dad turned and looked at me with a questioning expression.
“I saw her put her hand on you, though I realize that it was just your arm. We girlfriends think that you don’t need any more girlfriends. At least, not until we find another sister or two.”
I gave him a big grin, and Heather and Rhee laughed.
“That’s just what I do not need, another girlfriend. I’m getting to feel like I’m a kept man ... and kept around only for my cock.”
He then sent an exaggerated pout to each of us.
“Dad, we all love you,” Heather said, “but can you get us home. These clothes are beginning to feel stifling.”
Rhee and I cracked up, while Dad grinned at her.
“Oh, yes, dear one. We can’t have you being stifled. While I like looking at your pretty little titties in that top, I love looking at them, and playing with them, au natural.”
“Dad, if I thought that I could get away with it, I would let you do both right now, but I probably need to wait until we get home and let you take my shirt, and pants, off me. However, I’d really love to ride back home topless. And bottomless. But lookey here.”
I couldn’t see, but since Rhee cracked up, again, I could guess.
“Dad, don’t you want to lean over here while we’re still in Gracey’s driveway and give me a lick or two? I’m pretty sure that Gracey won’t mind.”
“I think maybe I’ll just get us home.”
“Okay. But I’ll hold this up so you can look at my pussy anytime you want on the way home. I might need more depilatory in the next few days. Do you want to help me with that?”
“Beth,” Dad said, “please throw her back wherever you found her. She’s evil.”
“Oooh! Just for that...”
I saw Heather’s head rise up. My suspicions about her action were soon confirmed.
“Pull those back up, Girl!”
Heather’s only response, that I could see, was to rotate her body so that she was mostly facing Dad. I unclipped my seat belt so that I could see Heather exposing her pussy at Dad. I leaned over her seat and looked down. She had her gym shorts below her knees and her legs spread a bit, her naked and bare pussy aimed mostly at Dad.
I heard Rhee unclipping her seat belt, so looked over at her as she skootched up to look in Heather’s lap. I caught her attention and mimed her moving Dad’s hand. She grinned that evil grin, her eyes lighting up. She nodded, waited for Dad’s hand to come off the gear shift, grabbed it, and moved it into Heather’s lap, moving it around a bit in there.
“Oh, god. You girls are going to be the death of me.”
“That may be, but you’ll die ecstatic, Dad,” responded Rhee.
Despite his complaints, he did not retract his hand, instead, rubbing his fingers lightly along Heather’s labia. Rhee and I kept our eyes locked on Dad’s hand, as he played with the pussy he had been offered. Heather’s head dropped back against the seat as her eyes closed and her mouth released a quiet little sigh.
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Friday night found me at home in the flat I'd shared with Phil, alone and with nothing very pressing to do for the first time since he'd died just a few weeks before. Everywhere there were memories, reminders of good times and bad times between us, souvenirs and mementos from things we'd done together, places we'd been ... Most of his clothes were still in the bedroom, of course, a tooth brush of his sitting in the bathroom, even his smell lingered round the place, I swear. I sat on the...
Part 3I could have kicked myself for losing that easily. And in front of Kate too... Then again, 20 hits in silence, how was I even supposed to do that? I convinced myself that round two's only purpose was to make sure I wouldn't end up with ten points. The blindfold was lifted and Kate stood in front of me."Does it hurt bad?" She asked, this time gently stroking my face. Her voice sounded more like she was curious than concerned, so I forced myself to smile and said"Not at all. He just caught...
Boy Interrupted By Charlese Le’Push July 2010 Characters: Anastasia is 44 yeas old, and youthful as if she were in her 20’s. With long straight red hair, green eyes, plump pouting lips and pale white skin. She is tall and lean, sumptuous thighs that are strong and supple. Initial impression of Anastasia soft spoken, stunningly beautiful and coy but once you get to know her in the bedroom she becomes a tenacious, seductress who knows what she wants and what you need. Thomas is 22 years old, a...
I had decided to send some hay and feed plus some human supplies to my mountain cabin. I don't allow motor driven vehicles on my land so it was a four day trip by wagon, although the horseback route was only about a day, but the wagons could not get up there by that route. We had five loads of hay, three loads of horse and mule feed and two loads of supplies for the cabin which had not been used for about twenty years. I also sent along a chuck wagon to carry bedrolls, tents and food for the...
Group SexIntroduction: I took advice from the advice I got and also decided to add some plot. Then I decided to say fuck it and disregard the plot of the books. Please, give me more criticism. It was a windy day at Hogwarts. Harry and Ron could hear the harsh wind howling outside the Gryffindor tower as they sat down for a game of wizards chess. They enjoyed the warmth of the common room, and the solitude of it so far. The roar of the fire their only companion as they battled for supremacy on the board....
Introduction: dangerous game to play As a marriage grows you eventually open up and tell stories about things that you would not ordinarily have told. This was the case with my wife. I had made the mistake of telling her about a gay experience that I had had earlier in my life. I had explained to her that the situation had happened against my will but that I had achieved orgasm during the act. Kathy, my wife, also opened up and admitted that in college that she had passed out and awakened when...
Dear Figaro,How are you? So glad you received my last letter and you enjoyed it. Things have been moving at such a fast pace I barely have a moment to myself. Not complaining though. Not sure I will get a chance to make it up to visit you this month unfortunately, between my writing course and making videos I just can't see it happening any time soon but it is on my to do list, promise.So after the screen test, I just settled back into my usual routine of writing, I was very anxious to hear...
Waking up to a New Life. Ch 5. By Matthew. I woke to the sound of nanny wishing me a good morning, while asking if I had a lovely sleep. Turning to face her, I suddenly realized the restraints were no longer holding my wrists secure, the earplugs no longer attached to my ears. But for some unknown reason I was still being tormented by that woman's voice reaffirming "I'm an effeminate sissy and always have been," Offering a warm smile I found myself asking, "Can I have a cuddle please...
The 60s were a great time. Booze, partying, marijuana and sex. And, of course, no bras. This is a story of my introducing my young wife to my fantasies and perversions. Sally was tall, slender, 18 years old a very innocent. I was in my 20s and not very experienced but had more than my share of hormones and dirty thoughts. Dirty and kinky and ready. It was a blind date and we went dancing with my buddy and his young date. It was at her high school so her parents were ok with it. It was a lot of...
Jean Grey was a mutant, a fact she had known since she was eleven years old. The year previous to that, her telepathic abilities had unexpectedly manifested themselves following the fatal injuring of her best friend in an automobile accident. The shock of her friend dying in her arms had triggered latent talents at an age where she was unable to handle them. They caused her to become withdrawn and depressed. It wasn’t until her parents had sought out the aid of Professor Charles Xavier, an...
Abby clung to me as we kissed. Our bodies touched from lips to pelvis and I could feel the wetness around her opening. Eventually we stopped kissing to breathe deeply, allowing the sexual tension in the room to return to a more controllable level. Mr. Johnson wanted something far more than controllable, but I kept that to myself. When we finally caught our breath, we laughed at our antics and settled into the hot water. It was heavenly. The hot and swirling bubbles massaged us all over at...
Alwyn and I were cooking breakfast together the next morning. Alwyn spoke up, "I'm curious about something, General Winterhorn." I was at the stove with my back turned when she asked the question. At first the name didn't register with me; I thought someone else must have walked in to join us for breakfast. But then I abruptly realized Alwyn was talking to me. I almost dropped my bacon pan in surprise. Alwyn continued on with a sly smile. "When you took over your country--why did you do...
If you’re reading a chapter in this series for the first time, please read the short Introduction for the background and set up. “Hey Jenna, check this out.” Jenna looked up and glanced across the counter. They had both been working the register near the end of a typical day, and Anton had been watching the monitors for several minutes now. There were a handful of kids in the store, and apparently two of them had decided to utilize the changing rooms for some fun. On the screen was a...
The holidays had arrived much much to early, and with only a couple of weeks left, I was busy trying to put it all together for Christmas. I had traveled to my place in the mountains to relax for a couple of days and my daughter and her family had come up for a visit. My family knew nothing of my penchant for men, as I had always held a respectable job, been a good family man, and since my divorce years ago, had been involved with several different women, but never remarried. The reason is that...
IncestCopyright © 1995 I took the little white packet from him. I set it in my open palm and stared at it long and hard. It seemed so small, so trivial. It was funny how such a little thing could relieve so much frustration. When I started going with Billy, I had to fight him every step of the way. It wasn't long, though, before he wore down my resistance and I discovered the joys of his wonderful hands. His fingers on my titties made me feel so good. The first time he sucked on my...
A One Sided Marriage By Donna Sash It really was a one sided marriage. I had been dating Shirley from my junior year in high school. She was a senior. During those early years she never let me forget that she was in front of me. I always had to come second in all our plans and thinking. It was a kind of dominance she had over me, but I was in love. Isn't that what always does it? That simple word: Love. What a man wouldn't do for a woman when he was in love. She got to go...
November 26, 1845 When we all finally managed to get out of bed this morning, I managed to drink one cup of coffee before I needed to take care of my morning necessaries. When I got up and headed for the door, Tess said, "If you're heading for the outhouse, I think Adam may be out there." "Why do you say that?" I asked. "I just looked into where he sleeps and he wasn't there. I don't know where else he might be." "Tess, I've been sitting here for a half an hour or more and he...
Ryan (Ryan Keely) is drinking her coffee in her kitchen when her stepdaughter Kenzie (Kenzie Reeves) sneaks in the laundry room. Once again, she has to change her wet sheets in the morning. Ryan starts to get concerned about her, she an adult it’s not normal that she wet her bed almost every day. After school, Ryan knocks at Kenzie’s door and sits on her bed. She tries to bring her concerns to her daughter, but she’s denied. Yes, she wet her bed, but not for the reason she thinks. She wet her...
xmoviesforyouI think I was 18 when I started working at the restaurant of a big nursing home in Amsterdam. As you can imagine, there were alot of old people there. But I never cared much for old people. I still don't to be honest. Most of my colleagues were women and most of them were mature, so I was never interested in them. I guess they reminded me to much of my mom, and I'm not one of those guys who has the hots for their moms. Fuck no. When I have sex and I'm about to come to quick, I think of two...
Hi, My name is Anirudh and this is my first contribution here. I am a regular reader of ISS. This is a real life incident that I am going to narrate. Before that, I would like to tell something about myself. I am 25 years old, 5feet 11 inches, medium built, well endowed down there. This happened around 3 months back. I had known Vinni for the past 3 years. She’s around 28 years of age, fair, tall and good looking. Over the past 3 years, we became good friends and got close. We used to work in...
Vanessa Cages stepson has been having some issues recently. The guy may just be going through a phase, but something is really stuck in his craw. His dad can barely talk to him anymore, and he is always in a bad mood. Vanessa hates to see her man or her stepson upset. The blonde MILF sweetheart will do anything to make them happy. So, she offers to give the young guy a talking to. Maybe a few words from his loving stepmom will do the trick. She makes her way into his bedroom and sits down with...
xmoviesforyouSexy Shower Surprise for Three Tasty Tight TeensI invite three tasty tight teens with me for a sexy shower session. Aless is a blonde beauty.Alessandra is as young as yummy. Still she is eldest of those three tasty tight teenies at me.The other two are s1sters. The slender sexy eldest has blonde cute curly long locks to look at.The youngest yummy is a brunette beauty, no boobies yet to speak of, but big nipples so to say.They have the same name, as both are called Love, the youngest in her...
Lyn looked so dainty in her short skirt that was well above her knees. It brought back visions of my school days when the senior girls would try to outdo each other for the shortest skirt. Her skirt was more like a wide belt than a short skirt.We had met her downstairs and my wife, Sue said, “You look lovely tonight Lyn. That skirt is very sexy. Did you leave your panties off like I asked?” and with this Sue placed her hand on her thigh. “Hhhmmm, you not only look good you feel good, honey....
CheatingGina Santo had lived on her own for several years. She left when she was sixteen because her mother’s boyfriend always put his hands on her. She told her mother, but she never believed her. At first, she liked the attention, but it was becoming a lot, and she had a boyfriend, but her mother’s boyfriend ruined that when he told her boyfriend, she was sleeping with him.He broke up with Gina and called her a slut. Gina’s mother found out that she was sleeping with her boyfriend. She threw her...
TeenISS ke sabhi readers or dosto ko mera namaskar khash kar ke unn ladkiyon aur aurato ko mera landd uttakar pranaam jo apne boyfrnd aur patti se khush nahi hai, aur landd ki talash me or apni chute gili karne ke liye is site par meri story padhti hain… ummed karta hoon ki meri aaj likhi ye daastan bhi aap logo ko aur bhi zyada pasand aayegi aur mujhe phir se bohot saare response milenge. My mail id is : dosto ye ek bilkul sachi ghatna hai jo aap ko bilkul madhosh kar degi aur aap bhi kehne...
Hi, this is Kiran back with my story. If any women would want to fuck like this then let me know on the mail id now coming to the story, I am Kiran from Hyderabad. I am very very horny and masturbate almost daily. I don’t have a girlfriend but was always looking for one so that I could have sex with her all the time. Things were not going well. I was becoming restless and was getting ideas to rape a girl just to fill my hunger and thirst. There were days when I used to masturbate from morning...
To the Manor Born By Maureen Davis Day One - Arrival I pulled into the driveway, silently cursing the poor road signs. It's not bad enough that the British drove on the wrong side of the road, but you had to be a lifelong resident, with family roots that stretched back into the Dark Ages in order to find your way around. I had arrived at Gatwick Airport at 7:30am this morning, bleary eyed with the combination of lack of sleep and nausea that can only be brought on by a...
Watching endless files of mostly amateur but very enthusiastic sex sharpened my memory for repeat performers, particularly any Casino staff or other local dancers or 'professionals' that might be regularly working for SP. Several girls started to become fairly familiar sights appearing in multiple videos and one particular girl on the nickel and dime blowjob circuit I recognized nearly right away, a good natured veteran whore with the working name of Tanya. Tanya, a lady of bargain...
My husband Mark frequently invites his buddies over to the house for either poker or to watch the big game on our 50" TV. On those occasions, I dress up in something sheer and revealing and serve the guys their drinks and snacks. My favourite outfit is a French maid uniform which has a sheer, white lace top through which you can clearly see my tits and big, dark nipples, a very short skirt that just barely covers my pussy, and black scanty-hose which are open at the pussy and ass.As I walk...
I’ve been to Paris several times before this, but only now do I understand why it deserves to be called the City of Lights. Maybe it’s the warmth of the gentle summer breeze, maybe it’s the lingering darkness of the deep red wine on our tongues, but more likely it’s the beauty of the girl on my arm who makes the Parisian night shine. As she turns to face me, I can see the flashes of the monuments going off reflected on her left eye, and the glow of Sacre-Coeur in her right. Raising her wine...
Present – Jens, Ben and others – The plan I pull Ben to the side and suggest, “Ben I have a great plan that should work.” Ben still argues, “Jens, the only logical thing is for me to leave...” I interrupt his crazy thought with a kiss, pull away and protest, “ ... Ben, you’re not thinking correctly! Even if you leave, the cabin and I will still be a target.” Then I lay out my plan, “So, we’re both going to leave. We’ll rent or buy a motor home, fill it with weapons and leave like we’re...
It was a beautiful day at the beach. I was with my boyfriend Chris, his buddy Mike and his girlfriend Amy . We spent the day enjoying the ocean and warm weather. The waves were just prefect to body surf in. More than once my bikini top came down riding the waves. I know Chris enjoyed the view and I caught Mike take a quick glimpse as well. After a few hours of the beach we decided it was time to go. I went home to get showered and then headed over to their apartment. We planned on double...
My old bf was pretty perverted. That was one thing I liked about him though. We would go in to this adult books store every once and a while. Usually to buy lube or a toy. One time when talking to the guy behind the counter, he told us we could preview a movie before buying it. We had to pay a small amount. He would put the tape into a player. We were to go to a numbered room in the back and we could watch the movie. Sounded interesting. I had never been in the back. But obviously my bf had. I...
Kneeling on the floor she scans the darkly lit room, there are candles flickering in each of the corners, the walls covered in heavy silks, add to the mood. A large four poster bed is against one wall, covered in furs, and a sturdy oak table at the other end, with hooks and locks on it's edges, a heavy beam above. She is not restrained in any way, yet she cannot move... a presence holds her there, a noise penetrates the stillness the girl cannot speak or move, She hears the figure stop before...
I woke up to a ticklish feeling in my cunt. I opened my eyes to welcome the sight of Dex trying to pull the buttplug out of my pussy. I realized that it was almost evening, I had lost the track of time. In a sudden tug Dex took out the plug and asked me to stand. As I stood up the cum ran down my thighs. Jim asked me to go and clean myself up quickly but I was not to latch the washroom door. As soon as I have completed washing my body, I saw Tom coming in and he handed me a phone. It was a...
Introduction: Sorry for the wait…. Here it goes Where R U now? flashed on Tres cell phone. He could tell it was Brittany. She was checking in from the far side of Orlando, in hopes of catching him with some free time. Still in Chicago, he texted back. Thinking of u. Then, just for effect, he added a smiley wink. He waited for a long moment to see if shed respond. After a few minutes, her reply winked back: Dying to see u. It had been that way for far too long. Both Tre and Brittany had...
With a start, she sits up from the bed, she’s alone. ‘Hmmm, I wonder..?’, she thinks. Grabbing her robe, that has completely come off of her as she slept, she wraps it around her, tying it as she gets off the bed and wanders into the living room. Walking right past him, she goes and sits outside. She reclines in the chair outside, pulling out a pack of smokes and her lighter, she lights a cigarette, inhaling and exhaling slowly. She enjoys the fresh air and her cigarette. He comes out when...
Donny rang the doorbell at Deanna's, thinking, well the hell is she? "It's Sunday, for Christ's sake, she is normally home, and she said that Chad fishes on Sunday mornings." Donny could not help himself. He did feel badly for poor Chad, but the lucky guy was getting to marry Deanna! Donny had little experience in sex, due to his small penis, so he did not understand the alpha male's urge for multiple partners. Donny was leaning more in the sub direction; he was perhaps a little too sensitive,...