BethChapter 40 free porn video

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August 9, 2017

Dear Ms. Diary,

At practice, Gracey told me on the sly that she and Liya had some important news, but that they’d tell us tomorrow at the house. I just nodded, though I was sure that I knew what their “news” was. Also, Coach told us that we’d be going out to a “nice” restaurant on Saturday night.

Practice this morning was good and fun, but exhausting. That was particularly true for the offense, both sets. Though Alex missed practice with a stomachache, Civia filled in admirably for her. The entire practice was devoted to counterattacks. That meant lots of running for the front lines and sweepers. Coach switched the two front lines’ center forwards so that Tonda could learn better how to play with Mia and Heather, and for them to learn Tonda’s style, though she has purposefully emulated Rhee in many aspects of her play.

In the post-practice gathering, Coach talked about the state tournament and the team that was our first opponent, giving the rundown given to her by her various contacts and “spies.” She excused the team but pulled me aside.

In a quiet voice, she asked “Are you going to be home this afternoon? If so, may I ‘surprise’ you with a visit?”

I thought hard for a couple of seconds, then said, “I ... we should be. Would you be able to give us a warning of when?”

She nodded. I nodded back, then caught up with Rhee and Heather. I wonder what that is about. On the walk home, I told them what had transpired. We discussed it and, as we were walking in the door, Heather said something that threw Rhee and me for a loop.

“I think Coach’s ... skullduggery is due to that guy with the microphone and parabolic dish.”


“You two could have missed him. I saw him only because I chased after the ball on that shot that I missed just wide. He was hiding under those old bleachers. I’d guess that he’s a spy for someone in the tournament.”

Suddenly, it all made sense to me. Coach was coming to tell us what her plan for the tournament is and we’ll be asked to pass it on.

Dad walked into the living room, nude, of course, his half-hard cock leading the way.

“Who’s a spy and on whom was he spying?”

“On us, of course,’ Heather said. “Which is why Coach will be stopping by this afternoon, sometime.”

“Uhh ... when?”

“We don’t know, but I asked her for a heads-up. Did you come in here with your half-hard cock in order to strip us poor, innocent young girls in order to have your way with us? If so, strip away!”

Dad just looked at me for a few moments, then at the others, then back at me, and shook his head in amusement.

“I suspect that I’ll be saying this a lot. You girls are going to be the death of me.”

“No, we aren’t,” responded Heather. “Unless by ‘death’ you mean “la petite mort,” in which case you are correct, and, hopefully, we will be the cause of your ‘death’ many, many, many times.”

I grinned at Dad, then squeezed Heather.

“Way to be, Girl! It’s not often that someone gets the best of Dad in verbal sparring, but you just spanked him!”

Dad shook his head with a smile on his face.

“You girls are just ... just so wonderful, from so many angles. I’m very glad that you five are in my life, and I would be even if we had never and would never do anything sexual.”

“Thanks, Dad. However, we’re still waiting to get stripped so that we might take a shower.”

“Come on, Dad,” Heather added. “You can do it in the bathroom.”

Heather led us up the stairs. It is so ingrained in her, now, that she began taking off her shirt when she set foot on the stairs but remembered before she had gotten even one arm out. Once we were in the bathroom, Heather had more directions for Dad. I smiled widely.

“Dad, we had a grueling practice, so we probably smell pretty bad. Why don’t you do the very-quick-and-dirty stripping of us. We’ll make it up to you. And us.”

Dad agreed and stripped us naked. Though he did the short version, he still put his hands on all the interesting bits of each of us.

“Come on, Dad.” Apparently, Heather is in charge today. “It will be a little tight, but you can wash all of us. Don’t you feel lucky?”

“Aren’t you just a little dynamo force of nature? Why do you think that I’d be interested in that?”

“Because you think young teenaged girls are hot, proved by that long, pointy thing sticking out of your groin. You love every one of us. Lastly, though it’s not in any way the last argument proving my point that I could make, it’s one of the most telling: You’d love to fuck all of us in the shower. You know, Dad, we’re going to need a larger shower if you’re going to join all five of us in here someday.”

“Oh, god.”

“It looks like there’s enough space in the bathroom to expand the shower to fit us all.”

Once Rhee and I joined Heather in the shower, Heather, dripping wet, stepped back out and pushed Dad toward the shower door via his ass.

At the door, Heather said, “Dad, I love your ass, but get it on in there and start washing Beth and Rhee. Start with their hair. Then get both those loofah things soaped up well and wash their bodies. I’ll be right back.”

As Dad stepped into the shower, Rhee said, “Did you get the license-plate number of the truck that just ran over you?”

“Isn’t that the truth?! I remember meeting a fairly shy Heather not all that long ago. What happened to that girl?”

“We were nice to her, told her we loved her. You were nice to her, told her you loved her. Look out, world!”

“Yeah. I’m not sure that the world is going to be happy with us, after we released the Goddess Empress of Doom from her prison in a cute, little pixie.”

From outside the still-open shower door came the words, “Come on, Dad. You haven’t even started on their hair.”

Dad gave it up for lost and washed and rinsed Rhee’s and my hair, then began scrubbing our bodies down with the loofahs, one in each hand, one loofah on each of our bodies, all while Heather took photos with her phone. Though we did not plan it, when Dad finished washing us, Rhee and I both curled into his chest; Heather got the photo.

It was so comfy standing there with my head angled downward on Dad’s chest, my forehead touching Rhee’s in a mirror posture, Dad’s arms around our waists, so my eyes were closed. That is why I did not realize what Heather was doing until Dad inhaled sharply. I opened my eyes to the top of Heather’s head moving back-and-forth below me. It took another couple seconds to understand what that meant: Heather was giving him a blow job.

I then heard a quiet “Oh, fuck” above my head. Since I doubted that I could relax while that was going on, I decided to help Heather. I tipped my head up and rotated my body so that I was facing Dad more, then reached up and kissed him. His lips met mine, partly open. We kissed passionately until I noticed Rhee watching. I gradually pulled away from the kiss so that Rhee could have a turn.

Since Heather had a monopoly on Dad’s groin, I ran my left hand down his back to his ass and began fondling and squeezing it. When I extended my reach to fondle his left cheek, I found Rhee’s hand already there, so retreated to his right cheek.

Dad released a long, guttural moan and pulled his mouth from Rhee’s, his head tipping back.

“Fuck, fuck, oh, god.”

Dad then attacked my mouth with his, driving his tongue in to search out mine. Rhee and I continued to trade off on Dad’s mouth, all the while playing with his ass. It probably took more than five minutes, but less than ten, for Heather (with minor help from us) to coax an orgasm out of Dad. When Dad began cumming, crying out incoherently, I tipped my head to watch Heather. Her head appeared glued to Dad’s penis as she milked the cum from him.

Dad finally grunted, “No more,” and Heather slowly pulled her mouth off his cock. She looked up at Rhee and me with a merry grin on her face, her eyes sparkling.

“I did it! I wanted to do it from start to finish. Thanks for letting me have that one.”

I grinned back at her.

Rhee said, “You know you’re going to get plenty more, right? You’re the most-illicit-looking lover he has, and he’s pretty crazy about you.”

“I certainly agree that I look like a 12-year-old, so if that is something that tickles his fancy, I guess I have something of an advantage. But he really loves Liya. She’s the one he wants the most. I don’t have a problem with that. I mean, I love you two the most. He belongs to all of his wives and girlfriends and all of us belong to him. I’ve really wanted to do that for three days, now, so I took it. You’re not upset or jealous, right?”

Rhee and I shook our heads. Rhee said, “Not at all. That was fucking HOT! I really liked opening my eyes to see your head bobbing on him like that. I just wish that there had been more that I could do to help his orgasm along.”

“Trading on your mouths was more-than-enough help,’ Dad said. “That ... situation was new for me. Now, I’ve got to wash Heather and then repay the favor.”

“No, you don’t, Dad. I’ve been wanting to do that. That was a freebie, no obligations. I want to keep the buzz I’ve gotten from sucking your cock. God, that was fun! I will let you wash me, though.”

“Go ahead, Dad. Rhee and I can start drying our hair.”

Once out of the shower, I picked up Heather’s phone and took a couple photos of Dad washing Heather, then set-to on the long hair-drying task for the two of us. While Dad was busy with Heather, I whispered in Rhee’s ear.

“Could you and Heather take Dad downstairs and convince him and Heather to brush out your hair?”

“Oh, god, that would be lovely. Absolutely! I take it that you’ll be writing.”

I nodded at her. “I’ve got to get caught up.”

“Dad seems like a hair-brushing kind of guy. It shouldn’t be a hard sell.”

That plan worked. Rhee got the exquisite pleasure of two people brushing out her hair and I got a large amount of writing done, particularly as Rhee brought lunch up for me.

At 3:26, I got a text from Coach that said, “10 mins.” I went downstairs to warn of Coach’s imminent arrival. We were all dressed and waiting in the living room when Coach knocked. When everyone was settled with refreshments, Coach started.

“Did anyone see the ‘spy?’”

I pointed at Heather. Coach nodded.

“Though I don’t remember who he is, I recognized him as being associated with soccer in some fashion. Given that he had a microphone, I didn’t want to tell the team the thoughts I had about Saturday’s games. Beth, I would like you, over the next couple days, to casually talk to all the team members, either in person or via some electronic method. You may use your henchgirls to help.”

I grinned at her, then at Rhee and Heather.

“What do you three know about our first opponent, Perrytown?”

Since both Rhee and Heather looked at me, I said, “They were the second seed in their local tournament and won it, but probably because ... Cortez’s primary striker was unavailable for the tournament. Perrytown squeaked the win in a shootout.”

“Yes. Perrytown is one of the two weakest teams in the tournament; Titusville is the other. They have a good offense and a mediocre defense. Well, mediocre for the state tournament. Had Cortez’s center forward been able to play, she would probably have ripped their defense to shreds. That defense is quick enough, it is just not highly skilled. I believe that Tonda’s line could run rings around them. However, since I’m not positive of that, we’ll start the starting O. If we can get a couple or a few early goals, then I’ll start putting the backups in, starting with you, Rhee. I want you as fresh as possible for the second game. I suspect that our opponent will be Sarnia, which seems to be a very good team with a reasonably potent offense. Their Achilles heel is, I think, what seems to be a capable, but slow back line.”

She left things there for a bit, and I worked through the possibilities furiously. I looked at Heather, who was staring at me with something of a blank expression, except that the corners of her mouth were turned up. Rhee, however, was grinning maniacally. I nodded at her. When I turned back to Coach, she was watching me intently.

“Have you got the Sarnia plan, Beth?”

“I assume that you’ve come up with the same idea, but I need one more piece of information.”

“The piece you’re looking for is that Smithville, Sarnia’s first opponent, is another very good team, unlike Perrytown.”

I nodded and began speaking.

“Rest our starting offense as much as possible in the Perrytown game. Assuming that we’re having no trouble by the middle of the second half, have Mia go in for Tonda, saving Tonda for the starting left wing against Sarnia. Then, from the kickoff, give Rhee, Heather, and Tonda free rein. Lobs and boots over their back line. While Rhee should certainly look for goals, she and I should look for the slashing wings. Sub Lissa in, particularly in first half to give O breathers

I scrunched up my forehead in thought for a few seconds, then continued.

“I think that we also loose Rathi on offense, so she should also sit a bunch during the Perrytown game. Haven is perfectly capable of being the rock in the middle of the field. Likewise, if we’ve got any kind of real lead over Perrytown, either at the half or, certainly by the middle of the second half, we should switch out the entire D, because we’ll be leaning on Ann and her crew against Sarnia with most of us focusing on offense.”

There was silence in the room for at least 30 seconds.

“That is precisely the plan that I formulated, but I have to admit that it took me a bit longer to come up with it than you did. Rhee, Heather, do you understand all the parameters of that?”

Heather looked at Rhee, pointing her chin at her, “You first.”

“Yup,” Rhee answered. “We blow the doors off as quickly as possible. Fullbacks and midfield look for streakers, long leads on counterattacks, use our speed as our primary weapon. Wings keep making runs into the box, Beth and I feed them. In a short field, rapid give-and-go-and-give-and-go; tiki taka but pressing. Press hard when they’ve taken it from us deep in their side; don’t let them have easy outlets; let Rathi vacuum up any poor passes and re-initiate offense immediately.”

Rhee volleyed it to Heather.

“Rhee covered it, though I think that, particularly in the second half against Sarnia, get Kanda and Dakota some game time. Let them get a taste of playing against what I assume will be better competition than we’ve been playing of late. I assume, Coach, that you have a plan in the case that Smithville wins.”

“I do. That’s actually easier, because it allows us to hold some cards in reserve, specifically what we might call our speed-demon line. Should we make it to the final, probably against Centerville, we’ll need an ace that they haven’t seen or heard of. Against Smithville, we would run our usual offense. I’m not sure what our ace in the hole would be if we have to play Sarnia. Beth, please think about that.”

I nodded at her, then said, “About Centerville. Would switching Gracey and Ann provide an ace in the hole? We might be able to get Ann’s rocket involved more readily as a right back than as the crux of the D.”

A slow smile crept over her face. “That was something I was pondering. Could you, and Heather, keep an eye peeled for her? One of her rockets early in the game, even if it’s only very close, should cause any team to be a little hesitant about doubling up on Heather.”

She then looked at Heather, who was smiling widely and nodding, then me. I nodded at her.

“Okay,” said Coach, “my work here is done. You three, please pass the necessary details on, starting with the O and the midfield, though, Beth, you start with Mia. You know what and how to tell her. She’ll be happy with center forward for much of the first game. You could also tell your other henchgirl that on Saturday I want to see the demon on the field that split time as our right back and center back against GV. She played a whale of a game.”

Coach looked at Dad, who had sat near us and said nary a word.

“This year’s team is the best I’ve ever coached, anywhere. They are, virtually to a girl, very bright, very sharp, and very dedicated. Your menagerie, Charlie, these three and Gracey, account for most of the cream of the crop. Beth has an excellent tactical mind and these other two work so well with her.”

“Thank you, Pam, for the compliment for my gene pool. We’re very proud of her, and all of her sisters.”

“No matter how we do this weekend, I am getting almost giddy about next year’s team. If I can find a good backup goalie, it should be a very fun season.”

After Coach had gone, I walked up to Dad and ran my hands up his belly, beginning the process of stripping him. As far as I could figure, none of his wives or girlfriends had stripped him since Liya’s spectacular show on Monday. When I got his chest bare, I spread a few kisses on it, then pulled his shirt off his arms.

I unbuttoned his shorts and unzipped them, putting my palm on his bulge as I did so. He was hard. When I ran my left hand down the back of the shorts, I immediately ran into bare ass, though my right hand was on his cloth-covered bulge. I wondered if he were wearing the thong that the Moms had gotten him. I let the shorts drop once they cleared that wonderful protrusion in his undies, so I knelt to take them off his feet. Yup, there was the “Our Man” on the bulge. While I was there, I kissed that exciting bulge.

“Rhee, Heather, I believe that I need help removing this tricky set of undies.”

They immediately joined me in kneeling before the incredible example of man that is my father. We all rubbed the bulge, eliciting a few moans from Dad and a couple from Rhee. The three of us carefully stretched the waistband over his cock and pulled the thong down his legs; he stepped out of it. Still on our knees, we three kissed and fondled his cock and balls.

Same as Beth
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Break To Innocence With Next Door Sister

Hi everyone this is Varun, I am reader of this site for a year. I have become a huge fan of this site, reading almost every story I can. I am inspired to write my real life incidents. I now pursue my final year engineering and this happened when I studied 12th standard. This is the story involves the relation between myself and Nithya (a neighborhood sis) doing her college. Forgive me for possible grammatical errors in my debut story. That was the new rent house my family shifted to, which is a...

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It Was This or Go to PrisonChapter 7

I drove all the way home in a daze. I honestly don't remember that entire trip. I wanted to pull over and park every few minutes so that I could bury my face in my hands and cry. I know that I haven't done anything to impress anyone this much. They must be really impressed with Erin and they are letting me go along for the ride. All I've done is to let them buy me new clothes, a hairdo and a car. That wasn't hard at all. And I happened to be up this morning so I made breakfast. I didn't...

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Shy Bex nearly fucked bbc

It’s always been a fantasy of mine to watch my wife Bex fucking another man. Especially a black man. I love the thought of her white skin touching his black skin. She’s always known I have this fantasy but has always just laughed it off but after a few drinks would agree going black would be her preferred option but then always says she would never do it anyway and I would never push her. Over the next few months we would often talk about black men while fucking and it was always a big turn...

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Dun and Dusted Part 3 Book 7 of Poachers ProgressChapter 4 Slavery and slaver

“There, on the horizon – India.” Captain Hands pointed to our left, larboard as sailors call it. I could barely make out the dark smudge but took his word for it. “Are we near Madras?” I asked, still peering at the supposed ‘land’. “No, we have another three days of sailing, and I will be spending most of the time on deck. It’s a tricky passage up the east coast of India. We have to navigate the Palk Strait, a narrow passage of water between India and Ceylon. The water is shallow with...

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Bring Your Master To Work Day Ch 02

Elle gave Master Dylan a guided tour of the office while Megan got Team TORA together for the next funtivity. Mostly this consisted of her trying to explain various office functions while calmly tolerating him sticking a finger in her mouth, reaching a hand up her dress. Or down her dress. It didn’t take long — the office wasn’t that big, and Elle wasn’t hot enough to distract him for that long. (She was one of the plainest girls in the office — a 7 at best, as the guys said.) Luckily, Team...

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A little story of love and betrayal

I don't doubt that reading a bank statement has bought unhappiness to many people. It's almost certainly a common thing, probably caused disasters far worse than my own. But that didn't help -- not one bit.I was just sorting through some papers on my wife's desk at home, trying to find whether she'd paid the phone bill or something similar, something quite ordinary and innocent. That's when I found it, lying there under a pile of bills and other things.A bank statement, from Barclays as it...

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Three good friends and my wife

Friday evening, as I came back home from my office, I found Ana wearing a bathrobe; she had black stockings on and stilettos.She kissed me and commanded I should have a warm shower.As I came back to our bedroom, Anita was standing there next to the bed with her hands in the pockets of the robe. She knelt down in front of me and pulled down he towel wrapped around my waist.She took my semi hard cock in her hand and she smiled.She then reached into her robe pocket and took out something. I looked...

2 years ago
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The Catalyst RebornChapter 39 Shaky Starts

BOB POV: Right now everybody is freaking out that our portal just up and disappeared. Greg is afraid, that because he threw a rock through it, he might have accidentally destroyed it! “Greg, Buddy, I don’t think you did anything by throwing that rock, but hit me on the arm! Look, your watch says exactly five minutes. Maybe it just disappeared so we don’t accidentally wander into it?” He took a deep breath, then sighed, looking all around, “You might be right. It might do that so animals...

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Nelson Enterprises CEO to Trophy Wife

Nelson Enterprises - CEO to Trophy Wife Thanks to his 3T machine - "Two-way Thought Transfer" - performing beyond expectations, Bill Nelson finds himself to now be in his bimbo trophy wife's smaller body and simpler mind. How will he handle this change and what are the lady's next social engineering plans for his company? Barb (as Bill) could not contain her excitement or laughter. "Did you see poor Bill as he rushed out of here for...

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For The Money

Samir was going back from his tuition class. It was almost night .A middle aged man waved his hands out of a car parked on the empty road side. He went near the car. Son I am drunk and cannot drive the car can you help me to go home” Samir knew driving which he learned from his uncle. He helped the man to get out the car and helped him to sit on the other side. He was drinking inside the car. Samir got behind the wheels and drove the man to his home on his instructions. It was a big villa in...

Gay Male
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Kevin and Denise Naked in SchoolChapter 9 Weapons and Arsenals

We arrived at Bob’s office at 3:15 and went up. His receptionist greeted us. “Oh, Linda didn’t say you’d have someone with you. She’s in room 410, go that way.” We went to the indicated door and on into the room. A middle-aged lady sat there surrounded by four monitors and loads of papers. “Hi, you’re Kevin, right? You didn’t mention a friend.” “Ah, forgot, sorry. I was rushing between classes. This is Denise Roberts and she’s one of the people I need to discuss with Mr...

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Casino du RoturierChapter 5

"Ladies and gentlemen, betting is now closed on our Revelation game. Direct your attention to the television monitors and we will begin playing." At that moment, a walkie-talkie signal went to the floor boss who sprang into action. "Folks," he said over the PA system, "you see before you three of the casino's honorees, three gentlemen brave enough to try for the big money. Unfortunately though, they lost... yes, that happens occasionally here... so they now must play our Revelation...

1 year ago
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The Aromas Of Youth 3 Young And Delicious

IAfter the bare-chest episode which Mandy probably thought had shocked her mother, I wasn’t sure if she would go through with our Saturday afternoon arrangement. She thought she held all the cards, unaware that while she played the role of bashful, hesitant virgin, all was not lost in my world because I had begun a sordid – yes, that’s the word – relationship with the far more accommodating Mrs Hubert.I phoned her on the Friday to check that we were still on for it and she gave me a quiet and...

Straight Sex
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I come into the house, I sat my purchase on the counter. It was lavalamp I had bought at an estate sale. A green lavalamp, retro, a hold on from the seventies. The woman who had owned the place disappeared sometime about two months ago. She had a collection of seventies décor. This lamp was cheap and I also thought they were cool. I set it up in the living room on the coffee table in the center of the room. The funny thing about it was it required no electrical input, no plug-in, no batteries....

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Fabulous Weekend

Trudy Below the waist, I'm all woman, plus a little bit of Greek boy. Above the waist, I'm like a boy. All of which means that I can't push my tits up or out, or flash them a little, in order to attract a guy. Fortunately, I get by without using them. Shaking my ass when I walk does the job easily. Five foot one, one hundred five pounds, green eyes; they tell me my eyes twinkle. My hair is blond, both head and pussy, but my mind is not. I keep my hair in pigtails, like a German milkmaid....

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My Sweet Elder Sister Anu

Hi this is sanjay from mysore. The following story is a real one with names changed.I hope u would like this story.I got courage to write this story after reading stories on this website. My name is sanjay. my family comprises of 5 members me,dad , mom, my elder eldest sister name is anusha.We call her anu.My present age is 24. This happened few years back. In the year 2003, ANU was studying engineering in one of the reputed colleges.My other sister was in 1 pu.In my home there are...

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Two honeymoons at a time

Hi all.iss readers. Let me introduce. I m revant. Working in software engineer, in Bangalore…I won’t u bore with my history.Its summer season, particularly marriages are happen here. It does in last April 10 2007. I got married…n send us for honeymoon to maritius.well we landed safely and rested in hotel.Moved to bed. She looks at me in fear. I was calm; n preceded the things n taking her in count. Not to give her idea what’s going on there. Crave ling slowly touched her parts from over cloths....

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Imaginary ManChapter 3

"I met someone," I licked my lips and Richard blinked at me across the small table where we were having lunch. "What does that mean?" he wondered and he'd only just sat down after kissing my cheek. I'd arrived early, like I was eager, but in reality I didn't want to be there. I didn't want to see my husband, not like this, and I'd missed him terribly. "He's a white man," I said quietly, while we pretended to look at our menus, sitting across from each other. "Okay." Richard...

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Lost Time Ch03

Willow smirked a little, her white lipsticked lips raised in a playful smirk, “Yeah. Yeah, I think so.” The two leaning against one wall, Willow with a coke in her hand and Louise with a glass of red wine stared across the party, past the various groups of people, talking, laughing, drinking and in costume to the the figure of Ms Williams, sitting alone, checking her watch as she too drank from a glass of red wine. “Why her?” Louise asked, glancing back to her daughter,...

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In a 1950’s style apartment a lovely woman with full breasts and natural curves to spare, a large woman, gets ready for bed in an absurdly short negligee. She is Giovanna, a brave and daring woman who knows her needs and knows how to please. She combs her raven and electric blue hair and then touches up her eye make-up.“Every good girl is always ready,” she says into the mirror. She notices out her window that a handsome neighbor from across the alley is watching her.He is strong in an...

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New School New Friends

When I heard the first call of ‘cocksucking slut’ from across the quad I cringed. Quickening my pace I pretended to ignore the group of boys as they laughed uproariously, howling and jeering, adding ‘ass-licker’ and ‘cum whore’ to their shouted invectives. I felt my face redden, imagining their pointed fingers as they identified and ridiculed me to the campus. I bristled with anger at myself for giving in, because I’d known what would happen. Just like my senior year at high school! When I’d...

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Wild Fuck With My Sexy Colleague

I am working in an MNC as Senior IT architect and I visit multiple locations worldwide with an assigned delivery manager because of the nature of my work. The story is about me and the manager with whom I traveled recently to Australia on a business trip for 3 weeks. She is Sunita, aged about 35 years. She works from a different location in India than me. So naturally I haven’t met her before and she was newly assigned to our project as PM. The plan was that we have to travel from our...

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My Changing Life The Diary

So if you read my previous stories on Breaking in The New House, you know that I am bi and the my wife and I are in a relationship with this gorgeous Black couple. Terri, the girl married to Chris, is a nurse practitioner and has asked about helping me develop breasts, since I have already been growing them due to gynecomastia. She has a practice where she works exclusively with women, so she knows a lot about growing breasts. I have agreed to this, as has my wife. The following is the...

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The Boys at Johns HouseChapter 81

I'd had a couple quickies throughout the day. In fact, I'd had six, so only Ivan and the Twins were left. I figured I might as well do a clean sweep. I found Johan first - but since I wanted a straight fuck, I didn't care which one it was. Thanks to the earrings, I could tell them apart when they weren't together. He was showing one of the guests to the East wing rooms - the wedding guests could crash anywhere they wanted on that side of the house. Since we were over there anyway, I...

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My Bucket List Four

“Take that dress off. No more clothes the rest of the night.”He didn’t have to tell me twice. I kicked off my heels and dropped the dress. Willis picked it up and hung it on the coat rack.“You’re stunning. You’re sparkling. How do you do that?”I said, “You mean 'How do you do that at your age?' And I’m not telling you. I’m not here to counsel you, Willis. I’m here to fuck you.”And that’s how we started fucking at his place. I stripped that bastard and left his damn clothes in a heap by the...

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BangbrosClips Layla London Has the perfect pokeher face

Tony and Phil are best friends who’ve been friends for a long time. Tony is trying to compete for a poker competition, so he as a lot of debt. So he spends a lot of time at Phil’s house lounging on the couch, eating pizza and hanging out with Phil’s girl friend Layla London. But there is a lot more going on. One day while Tony and Phil were playing a friendly game of poker, Phil’s girlfriend Layla London snuck in and gave Tony a sexy strip tease behind a wall where only Tony can see. It was...

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Public Incestuous PassionChapter 6 Sisterrsquos Naughty Choice

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this and to PAEUL for an idea used in this story! Melody Samuels What did I want? My Darkest Day’s Porn Star Dancing thudded through Flashing Glitter, the strip club. I was on stage, my hips swaying, my tartan, schoolgirl skirt dancing about my thighs. Men whooped and hollered around me. They showered me in attention. It was an exhibitionist wet dream come true. My pussy was on fire. My blood burned. It filled this emptiness my mistakes left inside...

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Woh Paach Raate 8211 Part II

Hai dosto mai rahul fir se aagaya hu.agar aap ne mere pahle story woh paach rate nhai padi hai to phele phad le nhi to samaj nahi aayega.fir bhi ak baar or intro de deta hu.mera naam rahul hai or mai m.p k chote se gaao mai rhata hu .mere umar 24 saal hai.or haa yeh baat hai ki muje aaj tak gf patane ki jarurat is liye nahi padi kyoki mere dosto k ghar mai kafi saman padhe hai or mai unhe pata hi leta hu.yeh story mai phele is liye bata rha hu kyoki mene jindgi mai keval shikha ki he seal thodi...

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Ein abenteuerlicher Spaziergang im Wald

Dies ist das Eigentum von piercedgirl98. Keiner hat das Recht die Geschichte zu kopieren, posten und als seine auszugeben oder umzuschreiben. Diese Geschichte darf nur kopiert werden, wenn man meine Erlaubnis dazu hat und meinen Namen dabei erwähnt. Viel Spaß beim Lesen! [/b]..........................................................................................................................................................................................Mit einem warmen...

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Hi, I’m Sarah, married to Ted who has posted several Tales of our exploits, with my permission of course, however with me having lots of time on my hands, due to the current situation, I thought I would start telling a few of my own and compile a “Sarah’s Stories” series. Obviously these will be written with Ted’s permission and a little help. Enjoy!!xEarly on in our relationship, which didn’t start until we were both in out thirties, we enjoyed the thrills of finding out exactly what flicked...

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Amy 4 Amilotta Delicatessa Windowshade Mackrelmint Ephraims Daughter Komoristocking

Amy 4: Amilotta Delicatessa Windowshade Mackrelmint Ephraim's Daughter Komoristocking by Amy Komori The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2010 Amy Komori. All rights reserved. Chapter One: I Love You, Pumpkin No more skating, no more stealing, no more smoking. That was the deal Mrs. Komori and I struck on the way home from the police station. Giving up...

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The first week of training

When I got home Mom acted like nothing was unusual. She made me do the regular chores and homework. We watched some TV and then my little sister and I went to bed. I was so disappointed. I was hoping Id get to be used again, and my cock was starting to hurt from being so hard. I thought about jerking my dick but decided against it. If this is what Mom wanted then Id follow her wishes. I was just about to drift off to sleep when my door creaked open. Mom was standing in the doorway. My...

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Converting the FamilyChapter 2 Mommyrsquos PussySlut

Note: An anonymous fan commissioned this story and allowed it to be shared. I merely penned this individual’s outline. Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! Billy Purvis It worked. I clutched at the remote I modified. It truly mind-controlled people. My body buzzed as I walked through the halls of my high school, my black-haired sister, Cali, walking on my right, her round breasts bouncing naked, a look of dreamy enjoyment on her face. On my left, the slender and blonde Vanessa, a senior...

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Court Record Chapter Three

Introduction: She had stumbled into his life and now it had gone where neither of them anticipated. MORNING Early light and early sounds of the woods started to make their way into the bedroom. Sarah and Clem were still tightly together, covered by just the sheet. It would seem during the night she had gotten too warm and moved the blanket down to the foot of the bed. Clem looked down at the sleeping young girl cradled beside him. She was remarkably pretty. Her head shared his pillow, her...

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