Seeing a Great CountryChapter 8
- 3 years ago
- 24
- 0
August 9, 2017
Dear Ms. Diary,
At practice, Gracey told me on the sly that she and Liya had some important news, but that they’d tell us tomorrow at the house. I just nodded, though I was sure that I knew what their “news” was. Also, Coach told us that we’d be going out to a “nice” restaurant on Saturday night.
Practice this morning was good and fun, but exhausting. That was particularly true for the offense, both sets. Though Alex missed practice with a stomachache, Civia filled in admirably for her. The entire practice was devoted to counterattacks. That meant lots of running for the front lines and sweepers. Coach switched the two front lines’ center forwards so that Tonda could learn better how to play with Mia and Heather, and for them to learn Tonda’s style, though she has purposefully emulated Rhee in many aspects of her play.
In the post-practice gathering, Coach talked about the state tournament and the team that was our first opponent, giving the rundown given to her by her various contacts and “spies.” She excused the team but pulled me aside.
In a quiet voice, she asked “Are you going to be home this afternoon? If so, may I ‘surprise’ you with a visit?”
I thought hard for a couple of seconds, then said, “I ... we should be. Would you be able to give us a warning of when?”
She nodded. I nodded back, then caught up with Rhee and Heather. I wonder what that is about. On the walk home, I told them what had transpired. We discussed it and, as we were walking in the door, Heather said something that threw Rhee and me for a loop.
“I think Coach’s ... skullduggery is due to that guy with the microphone and parabolic dish.”
“You two could have missed him. I saw him only because I chased after the ball on that shot that I missed just wide. He was hiding under those old bleachers. I’d guess that he’s a spy for someone in the tournament.”
Suddenly, it all made sense to me. Coach was coming to tell us what her plan for the tournament is and we’ll be asked to pass it on.
Dad walked into the living room, nude, of course, his half-hard cock leading the way.
“Who’s a spy and on whom was he spying?”
“On us, of course,’ Heather said. “Which is why Coach will be stopping by this afternoon, sometime.”
“Uhh ... when?”
“We don’t know, but I asked her for a heads-up. Did you come in here with your half-hard cock in order to strip us poor, innocent young girls in order to have your way with us? If so, strip away!”
Dad just looked at me for a few moments, then at the others, then back at me, and shook his head in amusement.
“I suspect that I’ll be saying this a lot. You girls are going to be the death of me.”
“No, we aren’t,” responded Heather. “Unless by ‘death’ you mean “la petite mort,” in which case you are correct, and, hopefully, we will be the cause of your ‘death’ many, many, many times.”
I grinned at Dad, then squeezed Heather.
“Way to be, Girl! It’s not often that someone gets the best of Dad in verbal sparring, but you just spanked him!”
Dad shook his head with a smile on his face.
“You girls are just ... just so wonderful, from so many angles. I’m very glad that you five are in my life, and I would be even if we had never and would never do anything sexual.”
“Thanks, Dad. However, we’re still waiting to get stripped so that we might take a shower.”
“Come on, Dad,” Heather added. “You can do it in the bathroom.”
Heather led us up the stairs. It is so ingrained in her, now, that she began taking off her shirt when she set foot on the stairs but remembered before she had gotten even one arm out. Once we were in the bathroom, Heather had more directions for Dad. I smiled widely.
“Dad, we had a grueling practice, so we probably smell pretty bad. Why don’t you do the very-quick-and-dirty stripping of us. We’ll make it up to you. And us.”
Dad agreed and stripped us naked. Though he did the short version, he still put his hands on all the interesting bits of each of us.
“Come on, Dad.” Apparently, Heather is in charge today. “It will be a little tight, but you can wash all of us. Don’t you feel lucky?”
“Aren’t you just a little dynamo force of nature? Why do you think that I’d be interested in that?”
“Because you think young teenaged girls are hot, proved by that long, pointy thing sticking out of your groin. You love every one of us. Lastly, though it’s not in any way the last argument proving my point that I could make, it’s one of the most telling: You’d love to fuck all of us in the shower. You know, Dad, we’re going to need a larger shower if you’re going to join all five of us in here someday.”
“Oh, god.”
“It looks like there’s enough space in the bathroom to expand the shower to fit us all.”
Once Rhee and I joined Heather in the shower, Heather, dripping wet, stepped back out and pushed Dad toward the shower door via his ass.
At the door, Heather said, “Dad, I love your ass, but get it on in there and start washing Beth and Rhee. Start with their hair. Then get both those loofah things soaped up well and wash their bodies. I’ll be right back.”
As Dad stepped into the shower, Rhee said, “Did you get the license-plate number of the truck that just ran over you?”
“Isn’t that the truth?! I remember meeting a fairly shy Heather not all that long ago. What happened to that girl?”
“We were nice to her, told her we loved her. You were nice to her, told her you loved her. Look out, world!”
“Yeah. I’m not sure that the world is going to be happy with us, after we released the Goddess Empress of Doom from her prison in a cute, little pixie.”
From outside the still-open shower door came the words, “Come on, Dad. You haven’t even started on their hair.”
Dad gave it up for lost and washed and rinsed Rhee’s and my hair, then began scrubbing our bodies down with the loofahs, one in each hand, one loofah on each of our bodies, all while Heather took photos with her phone. Though we did not plan it, when Dad finished washing us, Rhee and I both curled into his chest; Heather got the photo.
It was so comfy standing there with my head angled downward on Dad’s chest, my forehead touching Rhee’s in a mirror posture, Dad’s arms around our waists, so my eyes were closed. That is why I did not realize what Heather was doing until Dad inhaled sharply. I opened my eyes to the top of Heather’s head moving back-and-forth below me. It took another couple seconds to understand what that meant: Heather was giving him a blow job.
I then heard a quiet “Oh, fuck” above my head. Since I doubted that I could relax while that was going on, I decided to help Heather. I tipped my head up and rotated my body so that I was facing Dad more, then reached up and kissed him. His lips met mine, partly open. We kissed passionately until I noticed Rhee watching. I gradually pulled away from the kiss so that Rhee could have a turn.
Since Heather had a monopoly on Dad’s groin, I ran my left hand down his back to his ass and began fondling and squeezing it. When I extended my reach to fondle his left cheek, I found Rhee’s hand already there, so retreated to his right cheek.
Dad released a long, guttural moan and pulled his mouth from Rhee’s, his head tipping back.
“Fuck, fuck, oh, god.”
Dad then attacked my mouth with his, driving his tongue in to search out mine. Rhee and I continued to trade off on Dad’s mouth, all the while playing with his ass. It probably took more than five minutes, but less than ten, for Heather (with minor help from us) to coax an orgasm out of Dad. When Dad began cumming, crying out incoherently, I tipped my head to watch Heather. Her head appeared glued to Dad’s penis as she milked the cum from him.
Dad finally grunted, “No more,” and Heather slowly pulled her mouth off his cock. She looked up at Rhee and me with a merry grin on her face, her eyes sparkling.
“I did it! I wanted to do it from start to finish. Thanks for letting me have that one.”
I grinned back at her.
Rhee said, “You know you’re going to get plenty more, right? You’re the most-illicit-looking lover he has, and he’s pretty crazy about you.”
“I certainly agree that I look like a 12-year-old, so if that is something that tickles his fancy, I guess I have something of an advantage. But he really loves Liya. She’s the one he wants the most. I don’t have a problem with that. I mean, I love you two the most. He belongs to all of his wives and girlfriends and all of us belong to him. I’ve really wanted to do that for three days, now, so I took it. You’re not upset or jealous, right?”
Rhee and I shook our heads. Rhee said, “Not at all. That was fucking HOT! I really liked opening my eyes to see your head bobbing on him like that. I just wish that there had been more that I could do to help his orgasm along.”
“Trading on your mouths was more-than-enough help,’ Dad said. “That ... situation was new for me. Now, I’ve got to wash Heather and then repay the favor.”
“No, you don’t, Dad. I’ve been wanting to do that. That was a freebie, no obligations. I want to keep the buzz I’ve gotten from sucking your cock. God, that was fun! I will let you wash me, though.”
“Go ahead, Dad. Rhee and I can start drying our hair.”
Once out of the shower, I picked up Heather’s phone and took a couple photos of Dad washing Heather, then set-to on the long hair-drying task for the two of us. While Dad was busy with Heather, I whispered in Rhee’s ear.
“Could you and Heather take Dad downstairs and convince him and Heather to brush out your hair?”
“Oh, god, that would be lovely. Absolutely! I take it that you’ll be writing.”
I nodded at her. “I’ve got to get caught up.”
“Dad seems like a hair-brushing kind of guy. It shouldn’t be a hard sell.”
That plan worked. Rhee got the exquisite pleasure of two people brushing out her hair and I got a large amount of writing done, particularly as Rhee brought lunch up for me.
At 3:26, I got a text from Coach that said, “10 mins.” I went downstairs to warn of Coach’s imminent arrival. We were all dressed and waiting in the living room when Coach knocked. When everyone was settled with refreshments, Coach started.
“Did anyone see the ‘spy?’”
I pointed at Heather. Coach nodded.
“Though I don’t remember who he is, I recognized him as being associated with soccer in some fashion. Given that he had a microphone, I didn’t want to tell the team the thoughts I had about Saturday’s games. Beth, I would like you, over the next couple days, to casually talk to all the team members, either in person or via some electronic method. You may use your henchgirls to help.”
I grinned at her, then at Rhee and Heather.
“What do you three know about our first opponent, Perrytown?”
Since both Rhee and Heather looked at me, I said, “They were the second seed in their local tournament and won it, but probably because ... Cortez’s primary striker was unavailable for the tournament. Perrytown squeaked the win in a shootout.”
“Yes. Perrytown is one of the two weakest teams in the tournament; Titusville is the other. They have a good offense and a mediocre defense. Well, mediocre for the state tournament. Had Cortez’s center forward been able to play, she would probably have ripped their defense to shreds. That defense is quick enough, it is just not highly skilled. I believe that Tonda’s line could run rings around them. However, since I’m not positive of that, we’ll start the starting O. If we can get a couple or a few early goals, then I’ll start putting the backups in, starting with you, Rhee. I want you as fresh as possible for the second game. I suspect that our opponent will be Sarnia, which seems to be a very good team with a reasonably potent offense. Their Achilles heel is, I think, what seems to be a capable, but slow back line.”
She left things there for a bit, and I worked through the possibilities furiously. I looked at Heather, who was staring at me with something of a blank expression, except that the corners of her mouth were turned up. Rhee, however, was grinning maniacally. I nodded at her. When I turned back to Coach, she was watching me intently.
“Have you got the Sarnia plan, Beth?”
“I assume that you’ve come up with the same idea, but I need one more piece of information.”
“The piece you’re looking for is that Smithville, Sarnia’s first opponent, is another very good team, unlike Perrytown.”
I nodded and began speaking.
“Rest our starting offense as much as possible in the Perrytown game. Assuming that we’re having no trouble by the middle of the second half, have Mia go in for Tonda, saving Tonda for the starting left wing against Sarnia. Then, from the kickoff, give Rhee, Heather, and Tonda free rein. Lobs and boots over their back line. While Rhee should certainly look for goals, she and I should look for the slashing wings. Sub Lissa in, particularly in first half to give O breathers
I scrunched up my forehead in thought for a few seconds, then continued.
“I think that we also loose Rathi on offense, so she should also sit a bunch during the Perrytown game. Haven is perfectly capable of being the rock in the middle of the field. Likewise, if we’ve got any kind of real lead over Perrytown, either at the half or, certainly by the middle of the second half, we should switch out the entire D, because we’ll be leaning on Ann and her crew against Sarnia with most of us focusing on offense.”
There was silence in the room for at least 30 seconds.
“That is precisely the plan that I formulated, but I have to admit that it took me a bit longer to come up with it than you did. Rhee, Heather, do you understand all the parameters of that?”
Heather looked at Rhee, pointing her chin at her, “You first.”
“Yup,” Rhee answered. “We blow the doors off as quickly as possible. Fullbacks and midfield look for streakers, long leads on counterattacks, use our speed as our primary weapon. Wings keep making runs into the box, Beth and I feed them. In a short field, rapid give-and-go-and-give-and-go; tiki taka but pressing. Press hard when they’ve taken it from us deep in their side; don’t let them have easy outlets; let Rathi vacuum up any poor passes and re-initiate offense immediately.”
Rhee volleyed it to Heather.
“Rhee covered it, though I think that, particularly in the second half against Sarnia, get Kanda and Dakota some game time. Let them get a taste of playing against what I assume will be better competition than we’ve been playing of late. I assume, Coach, that you have a plan in the case that Smithville wins.”
“I do. That’s actually easier, because it allows us to hold some cards in reserve, specifically what we might call our speed-demon line. Should we make it to the final, probably against Centerville, we’ll need an ace that they haven’t seen or heard of. Against Smithville, we would run our usual offense. I’m not sure what our ace in the hole would be if we have to play Sarnia. Beth, please think about that.”
I nodded at her, then said, “About Centerville. Would switching Gracey and Ann provide an ace in the hole? We might be able to get Ann’s rocket involved more readily as a right back than as the crux of the D.”
A slow smile crept over her face. “That was something I was pondering. Could you, and Heather, keep an eye peeled for her? One of her rockets early in the game, even if it’s only very close, should cause any team to be a little hesitant about doubling up on Heather.”
She then looked at Heather, who was smiling widely and nodding, then me. I nodded at her.
“Okay,” said Coach, “my work here is done. You three, please pass the necessary details on, starting with the O and the midfield, though, Beth, you start with Mia. You know what and how to tell her. She’ll be happy with center forward for much of the first game. You could also tell your other henchgirl that on Saturday I want to see the demon on the field that split time as our right back and center back against GV. She played a whale of a game.”
Coach looked at Dad, who had sat near us and said nary a word.
“This year’s team is the best I’ve ever coached, anywhere. They are, virtually to a girl, very bright, very sharp, and very dedicated. Your menagerie, Charlie, these three and Gracey, account for most of the cream of the crop. Beth has an excellent tactical mind and these other two work so well with her.”
“Thank you, Pam, for the compliment for my gene pool. We’re very proud of her, and all of her sisters.”
“No matter how we do this weekend, I am getting almost giddy about next year’s team. If I can find a good backup goalie, it should be a very fun season.”
After Coach had gone, I walked up to Dad and ran my hands up his belly, beginning the process of stripping him. As far as I could figure, none of his wives or girlfriends had stripped him since Liya’s spectacular show on Monday. When I got his chest bare, I spread a few kisses on it, then pulled his shirt off his arms.
I unbuttoned his shorts and unzipped them, putting my palm on his bulge as I did so. He was hard. When I ran my left hand down the back of the shorts, I immediately ran into bare ass, though my right hand was on his cloth-covered bulge. I wondered if he were wearing the thong that the Moms had gotten him. I let the shorts drop once they cleared that wonderful protrusion in his undies, so I knelt to take them off his feet. Yup, there was the “Our Man” on the bulge. While I was there, I kissed that exciting bulge.
“Rhee, Heather, I believe that I need help removing this tricky set of undies.”
They immediately joined me in kneeling before the incredible example of man that is my father. We all rubbed the bulge, eliciting a few moans from Dad and a couple from Rhee. The three of us carefully stretched the waistband over his cock and pulled the thong down his legs; he stepped out of it. Still on our knees, we three kissed and fondled his cock and balls.
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Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – Coral Isle, Jyou Sea I just came in my sister, Lasla’s pussy, and the possibilities before me were exciting. Both Lasla and my twin sister, Pyrriah,...
Shahnaz woke up late and noticed a message from Shabnam, 'ring me when awake.' She used remote to reply that she was awake. Shabnam knocked more out of habit than necessity and entered her bedroom. She was still dressed in her nightgown. Shahnaz lifted her duvet and Shabnam climbed inside and sat with her back on the soft headrest. Shahnaz moved quickly and put her head on Shabnam's soft, comfortable plump thighs. Shabnam ran her fingers through Shahnaz's hairs, "Shanu, I can ask the...
Garrett Jackson drank his morning coffee while sitting in the comfortable club chair in his living room. He had an unobstructed view of the city, but he wasn't focused on the scenery. Instead, he mused about his recent entry into a world of young white wives and their cuckold husbands.He'd been seeing Elaine, the tiny redheaded extrovert, for nearly a month. At first, they had only been intimate when Elaine's husband Paul was present and therefore able to watch. Lately, however, Elaine had...
[This is number 5 in a series, if you have not read the series it would be a good idea to use the author search function on to do so as this covers on from some characters that have all ready had some development] BRITNEY: POSHSLUT [PART FIVE OF THE BRITNEY SAGA] CHAPTER ONE: The Show goes On With a smile on my face a mile long knowing I was one up in my battle of wits against Victor, I slipped a soft hand down inside my red miniskirt. It was a good thing...
“Robin, since you seemed to like to show off ... I dare you to go into the kitchen. Remove the rest of your clothes, stacking them on a chair, and then coming back in here, and stay that way for one whole round.” Robin gasped, but not really shocked, she’d played dare games before ... it was only that this was really rather early in the game for such things ... but ... it seemed the alcohol was loosening everyone up rather rapidly. She debated about protesting, but even if she won, she’d be...
The following are compliments of Pete C. Start the day with a smile. After that, ... you can be your nasty old self again. A man walks in to the country store and asks the clerk for a package of condoms. The clerk asks “what size are you”? “I dunno” replies the man. Well the clerk tells him to go out back where there is a plywood fence with numbered holes in it. He is told to stick it in various holes to determine his size. Well, this big ‘ol fat girl sees the man heading out back and...
It was a get hot summer afternoon. When I returned home form a short day at work I found my wife outside in her 2-piece bikini taking in some sun. My wife is a very sexy woman who stands at only 4 foot 9 inches, but if you ask her she claims to be 4 foot 11 inches. She has a measurement of 34 D up top, 28 waist, 36 hips. She has long blonde hair, and drop dead blue eyes. I am 5 foot 11 inches, 200 pounds, and 8.5 inches in length. Grant it I may not be as big as some but what I am missing I can...
Cheating WifesScarlett Sage is lounging on her bed when she gets a knock on her window. She’s surprised to find Emily Willis standing there. She opens the window and Emily climbs in, telling Scarlett that she’s so happy she’s home. She got into a HUGE fight with her mom and she was hoping that she could stay with Scarlett for a couple of days. Scarlett is a little hesitant. They’re both 19, isn’t that a little old to be climbing into someone’s window?? Emily explains that...
xmoviesforyouJackie shut the bedroom door behind her and dropped the laundry basket abruptly, her hands flying to her mouth in shock, a load of her husband's clean underwear tumbling to the floor around her feet. She couldn't believe what she just saw as she was walking down the hall, yet she was sure she saw it clear as day - her teenage stepson Brett was in his bedroom totally jacking his dick to a family vacation photo of her in a bikini on the beach! She recognized herself instantly when she saw...
Well after my brother confronted me about being with 2 guys in their car in the drive way,my head going up and down. Going back to my room from my brothers room after realizing I was naked,and going to bed but was thinking too much to sleep. After sometime passed by,and my tossing and turning,I called over to my brother and asked him to come over,I needed someone to talk to. He came over in just his p.j. bottoms. I looked told him when he came in,boy his p.j's. were really sticking out,what a...
brendacd....mmmmm, i wonder about your "cuckold" hot ideasamgrant1865Want to hear, then?brendacdyes, plezzzzzzzzzzzzsamgrant1865Okay, I think first he needs to be stripped naked, gagged, and tied into a chair, so he has a good view. And his hands must be tied so that no matter how hard he tries, he can't get to his cock.He can listen, when I tell you to strip. And then after you have taken off all your clothes, I will tell you to strip me, too.And when you take down my pants, he can see my cock...
I lay there, trying my best to remain motionless, knowing that my cousin’s face is now just inches away from by hard cock. I can feel her breath hitting my dick which immediately floods my body with excitement. Then I feel it… what I have been waiting months for. Her slightly cold hand now wraps around the shaft of my cock and I hear her whisper to herself, “Oh my God it’s so hard.” I can now hear a very faint clicking noise. What could this sound be I thought? Then it hit me! My cousin is...
IncestI know you asked me for discretion, and I will honor that, but I have to get this out and off my chest. I was contacted by a female who I shall leave nameless on xham, (I'll call her Pinkie). We messaged several times back and forth, and eventually I clicked the friend request button. Time passed and no friends. OK, whatever, it doesn't always have to be. Well, that night she messaged me and said that she just realized how close we lived to each other, and wouldn't it be awesome if we could...
We relaxed in bed most of the morning. It was almost noon when I heard a belly growl and looked at Jessie. "Hungry," she said with a smile. We got up and threw the pancakes from breakfast away and made some sandwiches for lunch. Jessie had put on a pair of panties because she said she was still leaking. I put on a pair of boxers. That afternoon I wrote a couple of chapters in my latest book while Jessie watched television. Around four I got a call from Sheriff Langston. "Hey, Ray. Was...
BLACKMAILING JULIE Part I I knocked on the apartment door. There was a slight pause, and then it swungopen a few inches. I saw Julie's face, encircled in a blonde bob, appear inthe crack; as soon as she recognized me, her expression drooped. "It's me," I said, in an phony singsong voice, "time for aquickie. I have to be somewhere." There was a short delay, then the door slowly opened. I stepped inside, pushedthe door shut behind me, and immediately began unbuttoning my belt. "Hurryup,...
Mostly girls more than boys that 2-3 girls with a boy so there is 30 percent boys and 70 percent girls. The party was rocking but not so loud everywhere is girls in t-shirt, jeans, skirts. And 2 call girls in bikinis. Drinks after drinks lover’s already went into the corners and bedrooms and started having fun I was alone and many girls are alone waiting for they turn’s the calls girls now only in there panties and shaking they boobs. All are very hard now everyone are Fucking. I say one girl...
Blonde Hardbody Cadence Lux Is A Sexy Size Queen That Demands Attention! Knowing that Cadence won’t be satisfied by your average size pecker, Jules setup a special surprise for her to feast on today. Cadence is wearing a white see-through unitard with black thigh high boots as she stands in the sunlight and waits for her cocksman. She’s pleased to see that it’s Chris Strokes who’s joining her and Cadence doesn’t wait long to take his massive cock out and start sucking on it. Chris fucks her...
xmoviesforyouI love sex, but only a certain kind is guaranteed to make me a happy girl. You would have to kiss on my neck, you know the way. My headed all the way back, you roughly kissing and biting my neck. While your kissing on my neck your hands would find a way to my breast, the breast you love so much. Gently squeezing through my shirt. Of course you cant wait to to get my shirt off, and do so quickly. My 44E boobs entice you, taking one in each hand. You message my boobs and pull at my nipples....
“David, go to the bathroom and get the cream. Change in to your pyjamas as well. I need to talk to your Mother.” David could tell how annoyed I was and walked off. I quickly threw my clothes back on, knocked and immediately opened the bedroom door and switched the light on. There was a gasp and it took a few seconds for the buzzing to stop. “I said straight to sleep Betty didn’t I?” I snapped. I could see the anxiety in Betty’s eyes as I stood over the bed. “Give it to me” I demanded. Slowly...
SpankingOne hour later, Marie was feeling decidedly cranky. Her wrists were cuffed securely to her collar, held there by short lengths of chain, so that her hands dangled impotently at the level of her shoulders. Her ankles were hobbled by an 18-inch length of chain, enough slack that she could walk around, but only by taking ridiculous, mincingly short steps. And there was an uncomfortably large ball gag in her mouth, pulled cruelly tight and locked into place at the back of her head.But that wasn't...
BDSMI got a call from an old friend one night he said "are you doing any thing tonight" to which I replied "na nothing" "come round mine" "ok be there in about half an hour". So I showered and went round knocked on his door to which he opened naked "get naked as well" "what" was my reply "just do it""ok" I striped naked as well looked down at his cock fairly hard "your gonna enjoy this" he then went behind me and put a blind fold on me and pushed me into his front room. I stood there for a few...
Sexy American starlet Abella Danger demonstrates what dick sucking is all about in this saucy X-rated masterpiece. Check out the oral addict pleasing her man Alex Jones as she takes his massive thick cock beyond deep into that dirty throat of hers. The tight-bodied temptress is in a mischievous mood and decides to surprise her sweetheart with some intense oral, and watching this babe in blowjob action will blow your mind. Don’t miss one second of this 4K triple-x Only Blowjob premium porn...
xmoviesforyouDay Thirty-two - Thursday - Day one of our new life The phone was ringing. I didn't even realize we had hooked it up. The phone was still ringing. I slipped out of bed looking at the clock, five-thirty. "Hello." "Steve, I'm glad you're up. This is Gene and I really need your help. I heard you were not going on a honeymoon, so I knew you were going to be in town." "Gene, it's five thirty in the morning. Couldn't this wait till, oh, I don't know, maybe seven?" "No, no, it...
Hi mera naam vilson hai aur main neemuch ka rehine wala hu aaj main jo story sunane jaa raha hu vo sachi sex story hai aur meri hai ye baat unah dino ki hai jab main class padhta raha tha saal 2000. Mere ghar ke saath ek padosi rehta tha unki family mei papa mummy bada bhai aur behen rahte the uska naam sarita aur dekhne average thi mujhe pata nahi usko dekh ke kya ho jata tha meri sarita ke saath bohut banti thi hum ek dusare ke saath bahut friendly rahete the tab mujhe sex ke bare mei jayada...
As Ab had predicted, we reached the Green River before noon. He and I checked out the crossing and found the water was no more than a foot deep at the ford and the sandbars were firm. We crossed the river as easily as if we were traveling across the prairie and set up camp on the other side. The women started building a fire so they could fix us all a hot meal while all of the men saw to watering the animals. Then we turned the animals loose to graze. After we finished our meal, we just sat...
This story has been kicking around in my subconscious for years but it has taken a long time to get it on to paper. I will warn readers now that the story takes some darker paths latter on and hopefully some unexpected turns. Although still a work in progress the story arc is complete and hard to move. This is my first submitted story so please provide your feedback and input. I am a slut for public opinion. Special thanks to Rezai Balo for helping edit the story and bring it...
Introduction: This is a story that exist in a universe where slavery was not abolished and blacks are still property, it takes place in modern times. If this offends or use of the N word offends you then do not read this story. Tommy came home from work and was greeted by Catherine at the door. She took his briefcase and kissed him passionately. I have a surprise for you, she said. Really? Does it involve you and me in bed? Tommy asked. Well see she said as she grabbed him by the hand and led...
Hi 2 everyone who love ISS,,I am too a big fan & crazy 2 read stories on this site,,,,I am encouraged by reading all kinds of story so posting my experience over here..I am a good looking gal of 24 yrs not working ,so sometimes get bored @ home,,my lucious fig makes everyone near home mad to fuck & suck me harder & hardr,,,,,,i have a neighbor aunt about 35 yrs with 2 kids about 4yrs son & 8 months girl baby ,,,,uncle works for a bank since she is from banglore, she is very close to me & asks...
LesbianOne of the things that makes 21 year old Kate special is she’s a real daddy’s girl, and by that we mean she likes daddy cock. She lost her virginity to her stepdad on a camping trip when she was just 14 and that just stuck. During the day, this sweet and innocent looking girl is a receptionist at a school, which is great for her as she gets to see plenty of of DILFS (dads she’d like to fuck!) and you can just imagine her sitting there giving you a shy smile while her pussy...
xmoviesforyouI've always kept things simple. I've tried to ask very few questions, take things as they come, and often let everything ride on serendipity. I hated “should be” or “supposed to be”. Questions often stopped things in their tracks. Is it something to be proud of that Jenn was the only married woman that I personally knew that I ever caught myself fantasizing about? What should I have said when she asked me if we could go to my apartment during lunch? We were only supposed to have coffee, just...
Wife LoversRecord scratch, freeze frame, yup that is Danni Rivers. She just fucked her boss to get her job back, but do you know how it happened? Of course you do not! So, let us show you how Danni got here. It all started when she showed up at his house after getting fired a few hours before. After that, it is pretty straight forward. He tells her, you want your job back, you are going to have to do something for me. She reaches up, rubs his big boss cock, and then works harder than she has her entire...