Legion of LightChapter 16 Altered Fabrics
- 2 years ago
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We gathered the next morning at the house. The crew from Montecristo looking tanned and happy. It was going to be an early dinner for them and a slightly late breakfast for us, but we had done this sort of thing in the past month, 'meeting in the middle' of our time zones for a shared meal.
I jumped Eru, Con and I through first, and when we arrived, it looked as if a carnival was in progress. There were tables and tents and what appeared to be hundreds of people running around. The smells and sounds of cooking were incredible. Master Lev spotted us immediately.
"Welcome back, welcome!" He said with all the enthusiasm of a believer.
"Thank you, Master Lev. We are glad to be back. Please, you know the three of us already, allow me to introduce you to those you have not met."
I began jumping Legionnaires in, one at a time. I started with Chet and Cyrus.
Cyrus appeared to my left. "May I introduce you to Cyrus Poole."
Chet appeared on my right. "May I introduce Chet Alvarado."
"I can guess what place these formidable looking fellows have in your group!" Master Lev said with a laugh.
"You'd be surprised, I answered. These are versatile gentlemen."
I continued introducing the Legion, one member at a time, saving Ginny for last. When her turn came, I jumped her right into the crook of my right arm. She quickly slid in for a hug and a brief kiss.
"Master Lev, please allow me to introduce Virginia Parkin."
"Please call me Ginny." She quickly added.
"Of course Ginny, Welcome!"
"This is everyone. We would be happy to partake in whatever festivities it appears you have planned, but Ginny and I would like to sit down with you for a moment before anything official gets under way, if you don't mind?"
"Of course!" He beamed at us. Turning to a small knot of onlookers standing behind him, he called out.
"Preva! Would you please see to getting our new guests seated at the place of honor? They would enjoy something to drink, I'm sure!"
As the matronly woman he had addressed led the rest of the crew off to a large table nearby, Lev led us to a small cluster of folding camp chairs, very similar to what we would find back home.
"May I offer you something to drink?"
"We're happy to wait until we rejoin the others at the table, thank you."
I paused for a second, smiled at Ginny and reached for her hand. She placed hers in mine and smiled back.
"Master Lev, Ginny and I are a young couple in love, as I'm sure you've noticed."
"All the signs were there, yes." Lev said with a laugh.
"We are here today to invite you to our wedding." In Taluatan it translated more accurately as 'the uniting of our souls', but it meant the same thing for all practical purposes.
"Oh, wonderful! Congratulations!" Was his instant response.
"I have to apologize to you though. The wedding is only five days from now. I took far too long in deciding that I wanted you there to share our happy day with us."
"I appreciate your confidence, and I certainly would like to attend."
"We understand that all leaders sometimes must deal with politics," Ginny added, "and that there may be others among the Rhel who perhaps should be included in the invitation."
"I see you are as wise as you are beautiful, Ginny. This is true." Lev said with a sigh. "There are others I would do well to include. How many addition people will you allow?"
"I would like to limit it to five, including yourself. The people we invite must know that discretion is required of them. Not all who will be attending are aware of what we really are, or what we do. Just as all Taluatans do not know of all you do."
"I assume language and dress will be a problem?" Master Lev almost brought out into the open his acceptance of our endlessly repeated position that we were from another world, and not deities, spirits or any of the other more wild and exciting alternatives some of the Rhel had suggested. Being a good politician, he did not want to be overheard expressing his true beliefs, lest it drive away some of his supporters.
"Language will be. Dress should not, as long as you allow us to meet the people who will be included." I said. "Perhaps we will need to do a little re-arranging of the seating at the table of honor?"
That instantly became the official plan, and as we walked over to the table, Lev wanted to give me the names of the other four people who I should invite. I told him to look at each person in turn and think their name in his thoughts, I would call them out as he did.
His eyes went wide, followed by a crooked grin.
He thought back.
We were ushered to our seats at the main table.
"Rhellians, may I have your attention!!" Lev shouted into the lively crowd. "Quiet please!!"
An organized effort went through the crowd and it was soon much quieter.
"Spirit Master Dave has an important announcement!" Lev shouted to the crowd. He motioned to me, and enthusiastic applause broke out in the crowd as I stood.
This was a perfect time to use one of the new armor's tools, so as I stood waiting for the quiet to grow quiet again I threw a thought command to the suit.
A translucent, barely-there line of glistening blue light flickered into existence, running from in front of my mouth along my cheek to my left ear.
"Thank you all. Thank you for this wonderful gathering you have provided for us today."
My amplified voice rang out across the entire open field.
"It is a different gathering that brings me to you today. I have come to introduce you, my friends of Rhel, to Ginny, who five days from now shall become my soul-bonded mate."
Very wild applause and cheering broke out at that announcement, and it was a good ten minutes before they could quiet themselves again.
"Although it has never been done before, I have decided to honor our friendship by inviting a small number of those Rhellians I hold closest to attend the bonding."
That announcement sent the crowd into a real frenzy, and only my sending wave after wave of calming Light into them kept it from growing out of control.
"Of course Master Lev has just been informed of his invitation." I said. "But before you applaud, let me call the others up to join us here at the table. You may applaud them all together when they have been announced."
I reached out to Lev, seeing the person in the crowd he focused on through his eyes, and finding the name on the surface of his thoughts.
"Mor Grestain" I turned and looked first at each person before I called the name.
"Ia Sardic" Each time their eyes went wide as I made eye contact.
"Levella Ruk" Small spattering amounts of cheering did ring out, as those seated or standing near those I called reacted to the announcement.
"Brin Dolin" Lev must have saved him for last, knowing I would remember him on my own. He had been one of Lev's most stalwart allies, a party to all our previous visits, and the only one of the four already seated at the table with us. I sent a mental command to switch the suit out of comm mode.
The other three sudden celebrities made their way to our table, and with graciousness, several of the Rhellians who had been seated there gave up their spots. Everyone got handshakes from me and kisses on the cheek from Ginny. I thanked each of the departing three and asked them their names. As they found their way back into the crowd they were received as minor celebrities themselves for their quick generosity.
"Lev," I said turning back to him. "I yield back to you with only this simple comment. I"m hungry!"
This brought a belly shaking roar of laughter from Lev and when he was recovered he yelled at the crowd
"When the spirit is hungry, we must feed the flesh, the old saying goes. Let the feast begin!!"
The next couple of hours were interesting, fun, intriguing, and flavorful. The nearby waters, as they were back home, were a cornucopia of seafood treasures. We had crab cakes and shrimp, crayfish and mussels. There were strips of grilled and seasoned tuna steaks that were so far beyond Chicken of the sea that you couldn't compare the two. We finished off with a delicious sweet potato pie that was as good as any pie I'd ever had.
We were treated to performances by dancers and singers and musicians
Our hosts would have been happy to continue the revelry through the afternoon and into the night, but we were all operating on different internal clocks.
As we were making our goodbyes to the large crowd, I took the five invitees aside for a moment.
"I would like to meet with the five of you, and give you a brief preview of what we will be seeing and doing. I am thinking perhaps I will return the favor and invite the five of you to breakfast tomorrow?"
An enthusiastic and unanimous affirmative response sealed the deal and I arranged to meet them back here at the shrine at what would be eight in the morning, their time. This actually translated to 'the third bell of Drift'. Eru said he would be quite happy to give me the history behind the Talautan time nomenclature, but did assure me that it was for the most part based on nautical practices.
It was not quite noon when I got back to the house, and the first thing I did was call Grandpa A.J.
"Hello Dave! What can I do for you this afternoon?"
"hi Grandpa. How would you feel about hosting me, Eru and five guests for breakfast tomorrow?"
"What's the matter, the cupboard bare again?"
"No, the pantry is well stocked these days." I laughed. "What I don't have is the right time zone. These guests are East coasters too."
"Ah! Are they from near here?"
"Very near!" I laughed again. "They're our supporters from the Focus on Eru's world of Taluat."
"Close indeed! Damn!" Grandpa said, shaking his head. "Say! I have an idea..."
When I got done talking to Grandpa I was feeling a bit restless. The weird mornings recently had kept me from meditating or exercising. I decided I needed to go for a run.
I had been running as exercise for the past couple of months and had discovered that I enjoyed it. I also discovered two other things. First that my Legion mesh made for the perfect jogging gear, especially when I talked Con into making me a pair of Legion jogging shoes that were identical to the boot part of the Legion armor. The mesh was light-weight, sweat-proof and comfortable, as were the jogging boots. Second was the discovery that the firm but forgiving surface of the open areas on Obsidian was the perfect running surface.
I ran a lap that started at the doors to the Meditation Tower, down to and completely around the center ring, then up and around the Garden Ring, back down and around the center ring again, and up and around the Hall of Gifts ring, once again back and completely around the central ring, stopping once again at the front doors of the tower. All together it was an eight mile run.
As I ran, I sought the Light. As my understanding of the Light and my gift had matured, I had learned that everything physical had a Light component, what I was calling its Light signature. This seemed to hold true down to the cellular and molecular level at least. Certainly Ginny and I had found that true when we discovered our healing abilities. I was equally as certain that this was true for the atomic and sub-atomic levels as well. My instincts told me it was, but my senses were not yet able to 'lock on' to anything at those levels, so in my spare moments I worked on this.
I also worked on what I referred to as my Light enhancements. It wasn't something I discussed with the others, but I was slowly eliminating my need for the Legion armor as I developed my own Light substitutes. When Con had introduced the Mark II version, its enhancements included exo-skeletal power enhancements that allowed the Legionnaires to boost their strength, their speed and their endurance. I already had this ability, just based on pumping Light fuel into my cells, to power them beyond their normal human levels. Now I was boosting myself even beyond that by reinforcing the Light signatures of every cell in my body.
Beyond those muscle based enhancements, I was working on duplicating some of the Comm Gear functions as well. The public address mode I'd used was a perfect example. These kinds of modifications were very tricky, and I hadn't actually succeeded yet. They required my being able to build things out of the Light. I could do simple structures very easily. Con may have been built of Light and immaterial once, but it did not mean everything built of light had to be immaterial.
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Our morning began with meditation. The meditation chamber was the optimal location for that activity, so to save time I simply jumped us directly there. The hour seemed to vanish in a swirl of thought and emotion. I felt Eru make an effort at one point, and I fed him energy, as I had before. I felt something opening up between all of us, similar to what had once happened with Ginny, Con, Eru and I. I pulled in more energy once I could sense the opening and reinforced it. We finished the...
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By the time Saturday finally rolled around, I felt like we had gotten a lot of things done. Our food and other supplies had been restocked, we had the invitations out for our Saturday get-together, and Mike and his dad would be hosting at their house. We had decided to make it a lunch invitation. Thursday morning Dad called me and said the paperwork was completed on what he called 'the DeWitt Road property', referring to the warehouse and office facility that Dad had shown us, and that he...
Birds chirped, the wind moved through the trees, the nearby stream babbled its continuous confession. We collectively held our breath and waited for the reaction. Such a strange feeling déjà vu is... Chet's dad got it out first. "What the hell!" "Oh My God!" Mike's dad added. "Fuck!" echoed in simultaneous triplicate from Chet's three brothers. Everyone else just gasped. Chaos Bombs, gotta love em. "Dave, what did you do? Where are we?" From Arden's parents, overlapping...
With my work accomplished, I walked up to the house. The crew had been hard at work and the living room looked immaculate. I'm sure the entire house did. Alicia was walking through the living room putting out bowls of nuts and candy. "Dave!" She said when she saw me. "I put the box of cell phones you left down here up in your room for now, okay? They're on the dresser." "Thanks Alicia." I answered. "Speaking of cell phones." I said to myself, and I pulled my cell phone out and...
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The following morning started with Ginny and I being interested observers as Sylvia Porter and Whit Levine, disguised to look like us, took off for Angel's Camp in Ginny's GTO. First thing in the morning I had told Tony Herrera what I wanted. "I thought about this all night. I want these guys to know we know they're there, and that I want them gone. We need to show them that we have our own very good security, and that we can take care of ourselves." I got a big grin in response. And...
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The Human Tapestry Food and love are often interlaced, in our language and in our minds. “The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach,” “meals prepared with a mother’s love,” etc. What’s more appropriate than preparing a St. Valentines Day feast on the human body. Since I am a man, I have chosen a female body for my tapestry. And remember, things are often better when shared. So invite a gallery of friends. Let us begin. Decorate the woman’s mouth by inserting a pickle. Have the...
Introduction: Jessica finds out that she is to be this years Turkey-Girl unless she can find a replacement and fast!. Jessicas Thanksgiving Feast Story: #35 Copyright 2005 Written: December 14 2005 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: Piasa_Troll Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************************** Jessica came down from her room on Thanksgiving morning not bothering to dress since nudity was common in her house,...
It was a very tired and thirsty Corrine who greeted her Father as he entered the house. "Hello Daddy!"she panted. "How was your day?" John set down his brief case and hung up his jacket, before patting Corrine on her cheek. "Same as always sweetie, to many girls. They all know someone needs to be culled but no one wants it to be them." he sighed and ran his hand down Corrine's shoulder to her side and cupped her breast, tweaking the nipple. He gave a light chuckle. "So what have you...
** Greetings ???? ** THANKYOU WindySwimming for editing and helping me out. ** please comment and rate xoxo * Lisa walked hurried towards Skyline, a seventeenth floor building that had some of the most expensive apartments in the city. She checked her watch again. She was ten minutes late. It would take another five minutes to get to the tenth floor. Her heels clicked as she walked towards the elevator. She had worn a pale pink sundress which was demure but elegant. She carried a large handbag...
The doors to the village church were never locked, they didn’t need to be as there wasn’t any crime in the sleepy backwater village in the Dales. The young clergyman had only recently taken up the post, he was in his early 20s and fresh out of Vicaring School. The manse they had given him to stay in was at the far end of the graveyard from the church and a very comfy place it was too. As he was closing his curtains for the night he noticed a lit window at the church and assuming he had left the...
The doors to the village church were never locked; they didn’t need to be as there wasn’t any crime in the sleepy backwater village in the Dales.The young clergyman had only recently taken up the post; he was in his early 20s and fresh out of Vicaring School. The manse they had given him to stay in was at the far end of the graveyard from the church and a very comfy place it was too. As he was closing his curtains for the night he noticed a lit window at the church and assuming he had left the...
NovelsMy lover, Patrick and I never meet up and have the same kind of sex, unless you call playful the same. We also don't really have many patterns and habits other than a whole lot of kissing and sucking and rubbing and sighing and laughing and ... you get the picture. Actually, I'm getting the picture all over again too and it's doing nice glowy things to me. I keep our little bag of toys and sometimes I bring them, sometimes I don't. If they're there, we might remember to use them, but often we...
Straight SexHis brother, Cooper was 2 years old. Loved sport, about 2 feet taller and toned. HE was the pretty boy with blue eyes and blond hair everyone loves. Their parents were well off, and never home due to work. Essentially - the boys ran the house. Did what they liked, ate what the liked and when they liked it. They were both straight guys. ----------------------------- The car pulled up. Connor got out the passenger side with his school bag whilst Cooper lumbered his cricket bag from the...
The Sequel Story: #36 Copyright ©2005 Written: December 25 2005 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: Piasa_Troll Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************************** Jessica sat at the kitchen table bits of girl bacon left over from breakfast dribbling from her mouth, not sure if she had heard her mother correctly over the clang on the oven door being slammed shut with Lina inside to begin...
Story: #35 Copyright ©2005 Written: December 14 2005 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: Piasa_Troll Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************************** Jessica came down from her room on Thanksgiving morning not bothering to dress since nudity was common in her house, she was expecting to find her mother busy in the kitchen cooking up the traditional Thanksgiving turkey-girl they got from hill's...
Gary, my date & I arrived at the fuck feast party & we agreed to go & have fun on our own. It was quiet with not many there. Did my eyeliner nails & put my high heels on. I had said hello to Rosy who was by now being fucked hard on the bed with someone else squeezing her tits as she wanked him off. I went & joined her on the bed for kissing & squeezing her tits as she rubbed my arm. Someone else came & fucked her & then she got up & went away. I lay on...
I am 20 years old and recently my sister got married. Father is doing business. By nature of profession, he used come late in the night and go to other places twice in a month r so. After sister’s marriage, her father in law used to come to our home for all functions. There developed a relationship between mom and father in law. One day when they were enjoying, I entered the house and went to my room. I heard moaning sounds from my father’s bedroom. The door was not locked. I just went and...
IncestThe Forth at the Feast ?2007 by C. A. Smith[Note: The author of the journal from which this extract is taken was a meat girl named Tara. By international law,?fourths? — as they are commonly called — are exempted from formal education. Out of the nearly two billion fourths being raised world-wide as meat in the War on Overpopulation and Starvation, there are probably fewer than a dozen who can read and write. Tara was one of them. Self taught, she amused herself during the last years of...
Kate sat down at her dining room table. In front of her was a wide spread of fast food, Chinese, soups, pasta, pizza, whole milk, chocolates, whipped cream cans, and probably some other items you couldn't immediately see as it was all stacked. Weighing about 220 lbs, Kate was fairly pale but pretty. She was intentionally wearing a tight tank top that didn't cover her plump belly and shorts a little too small for her. Her long brown hair was tied back to not get in the way of eating, and she...
FetishThe conversation with Sadie was more straightforward than I had imagined. We had met three times after finding each other on an adult dating site and had come to like each other in more ways than one.Finding chances to meet was not easy, because although we both lived in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, I spent a lot of time on business in the neighbouring island, Tobago. For her part, Sadie was unavailable sometimes, for reasons she didn't reveal. Our second meeting had been for anal sex, because the...