Legion of LightChapter 16 Altered Fabrics
- 2 years ago
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We made it to the Meditation Chamber right on schedule, and our session that morning was less an exploration and more of a reinforcement of our connection. We joined, briefly, merging into that many-minds-as-one feeling we had grown to recognize during its fleeting appearances.
I always felt sharper and more alive after one of these kind of meditation sessions, but this morning I could tell that everyone was feeling the same way, perhaps even more than normal.
Con had not joined us, which surprised me at first, but then I decided he just didn't want to risk revealing his surprise prematurely while we were connected. He was waiting for us at the Hall of Gifts, and once again had that 'my-tail-would-be-wagging-if-I-had-one' look.
"Good morning Con!" I said cheerily as we spotted him. "How was your day alone?"
"Very good, Dave!" He enthused. "Very good indeed!"
"Do you then have a surprise for us, as promised?" I asked.
"Oh yes, and I am working on more surprises for another day. Not today though, just the one today."
The way he was rattling on, I knew he was bursting to get started, so I turned him loose.
"Recently," He began, slipping into his 'Spock' persona a little. "Dave asked me to look at the possibility of piggybacking Earth cell phone technology on top of some of the seeker technology, in essence using the Light as a wrapper to conduct cell phone transmissions across the facets. This was achieved, and you have all seen the result of that."
Everyone echoed their agreement, and complimented Con on his efforts.
"When Dave received his replacement cell phone, he asked me about its power requirements, and that seemingly simple question led to this!"
He opened a cabinet door above the workbench he had brought us to. Hung on neat little pegs were a new set of bracelets.
"Please, one at a time, remove your bracelet and give it to me." He asked.
As each person handed over their bracelet, Con handed one back to them until everyone had swapped their bracelet for a new one.
"These bracelets, like the old ones, are hard wired to return you to Meadow, using the procedure previously shown. However these bracelets, Unlike your old ones, do not require a manual recharge from Davey between uses."
The entire Legion, to a person stood stunned in their tracks.
"You mean I can go to Meadow anytime I want, from anywhere I want?" Ginny asked.
"Yes, absolutely. You will no longer need Dave to give you a ride to work."
They actually applauded! I asked Con to take a bow.
"Please, do not be too appreciative yet." Con said. "This is really only an intermediate solution, which I hope to make obsolete itself once I've gotten a bit more progress on certain aspects of Light signature storage. I will probably need your help for that part Davey." He said.
"This is sort of a patchwork solution to a single problem, and will do while I work on more of a 'whole cloth' solution to several problems."
"Anything about the new bracelets we need to know?" Chet asked.
"Yes, the bracelets require about 5 seconds to recharge after each use. I hope to improve or eliminate that in the future though." Con said.
The entire group of us were chatting merrily, congratulating Con on his good work, when my new and improved cell phone rang.
"Dave McKesson." I said.
"That will be fine. See you there." I hung up and turned to the group.
"I've got to run home quick and pick up a delivery at Mom and Dad's. Once I've got that cleared up I'll meet you all back at the house afterwards."
"Good!" Con said, "We will meet you on Meadow!"
Everyone stood waiting, and only after they started looking at me questioningly did I remind them.
"Well, go ahead! You don't need me for this anymore!" I said, grinning like a banshee.
The group of them all reached for their bracelets with smiles firmly in place and one by one they disappeared.
I jumped into my room at home and very quickly switched into some clothes I had left there, an old Penguin Computing t-shirt and a pair of ratty jeans a bit too old and worn for anything but puttering around the house in. I threw on an old pair of canvas deck shoes, which I always seemed to have old generations of laying on the floor in the closet.
"Hey Mom!" I yelled into the house.
"In here Davey!" Mom yelled from the laundry room.
"Somebody has a delivery for me, so I'm here to wait for it."
"Okay sweetie!" She yelled back.
I only had to wait a couple minutes before the doorbell rang. I opened the door and saw a guy about my age, with glasses and a scraggly beard that just barely outdid my initial foray into unshaven status.
"Good morning. Are you David Alan McKesson?" He asked.
"Yes I am." I answered.
"May I see some ID please? I'm not supposed to release these" He said, indicating the box under his arm. "without proof of identity."
"Sure! I said, and while I reached behind me like I was pulling something out of my back pocket, I jumped my wallet from the top of the dresser back on Meadow where I'd left it this morning.
I showed him my driver's license and my government-issued private pilot's license, which also had a photo, a newer one than the one on my driver's license.
Happy, he handed me the box and asked me to sign a delivery completed form.
"You must have some connections man, these are not ordinary phones, these are what we call company specials. Already pre-assigned and no billing. Say! He said suddenly. Our company just get bought out by McKesson Telecom. Any relation?"
"Yup." I said.
"Wicked!" He said.
I thanked him, and once the door was closed, ripped the box open. Inside were eighteen cell phones, each wrapped in a sheet of paper with a name on it. Excellent! Grandpa had come through as promised!
I went upstairs and changed back into my gear, grabbed the box again and walked out to the top of the stairs.
"Bye Mom!" I yelled down the stairs, before jumping myself back to Meadow.
When I blinked into existence in the living room, I was surprised to see everyone sitting around, apparently waiting for me.
"Uh oh! Beware of geeks bearing gifts!" Mike said when he saw the package in my arms.
"Gifts indeed!" I answered back. "Con, do we need to go to your converter, or can I bring it here?"
"You can bring it here." He answered, so I reached out to the Hall and moved it from the workbench where we'd left it to an end table next to the couch where Chet was sitting.
I had left Con's sitting on top of the pile in the box, intending for him to go first, so I grabbed it and tossed it to him, calling out his name.
"Constantine Dedomena Fylakas!" Con grabbed the phone out of the air, and pulled the paper wrapped a round it off with a snap of the rubber band that had been holding it.
"Watch this process." I said to the room. "You'll all be doing the same thing in a minute."
Con fed the cell phone into the slot on the top of the box, the lower recess lit up and he reached in with his bracelet hand and picked up the new version that appeared there. As had happened with me, both the bracelet and the phone flashed in unison as soon as he did. I grabbed the next phone in the box.
"Fred Sabarte" I called out next, flipping the phone to him as I called his name. I slowly went through the pile, pushing the non-Legion phones over to the side as I encountered them. I grabbed the last of them and tossed it to Eru.
Each one of them went through the process as I tossed them their phone, until everyone stood in the living room, new, enhanced phone in hand.
"I've got more phones in the box for Ginny's parents, my parents, Fred's dad and Grandma and Grandpa Carson." I said. "There's even one in there for Grandpa A.J."
That consideration, that there were all these people who we wanted to have access to Meadow, and to us and our new home that set the course for the rest of our day, and the rest of the week. I had brought up the subject of a visit with Ginny's parents, and Mary had suggested a Sunday picnic or something similar. That seemed like an even better idea now. Everyone thought it was a a good idea, and with a consensus, I suggested we concentrate on getting things back to order here, get our groceries restocked, invitations extended, and since it was going to require so much Earth time, attention to whatever personal details everyone had that needed it.
Once everyone had gotten changed back into their regular clothes, I Ginny, Eru, Felicia and Cyrus volunteered to head up the shopping expedition. The Poole family van was deemed perfectly suited to hauling groceries, so I jumped the four of them to Cyrus and Felicia's house.
I jumped Fred back to his house, and with Mike, Arden, Chet and Alicia and Con left behind, I sat down to talk to them.
"Guys, I've kinda saved you till last on purpose," I said. "It bothers me that so many of us have family members who we have trusted with our secret, but I have never really followed up on how you felt about telling your parents. Arden, I've probably known you longer than anyone in Angel's Camp, outside of my parents, so let me start with you."
"Dave, I think if you had asked me this a few years ago, I"d have said no way. Not because they would betray your secret... our secret, but because we wold not have been able to give them the kind of concrete evidence that we can today. They would never have been able to stop worrying and wondering about what we were doing, or what might happen to me."
"The choice is yours to make then." I offered.
"I would like to tell my parents, and let them see the evidence with their own eyes. Thank you for being concerned about this."
"Alicia, how about your parents?"
"My parents, as all of you know, are kind, loving, and caring people. They want nothing but the best for me. They were and are terribly fond of Arden, and our engagement has made them as happy as I've ever seen them."
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The day was hot and the camera was heavy round my neck. Much heavier than usual with the 100-300mm Nikkor lens in place of the standard 50mm prime that had come with the camera. The lens weighed almost two pounds, more than double the weight of the camera it was attached to, the Nikon FG I had received earlier that year as my 18th birthday present. The camera was mine but the lens was on loan and expensive. Quite how expensive I am not sure but Dad had made sure that Mum did not find out...
First TimeFun Sex OutdoorsBy: Londebaaz Chohan This was the first meeting between Norton and Jill. They had met many times before but that was only an online affair and this was a real face to face meeting. Norton had asked her plenty of times to come see him for some fun time and finally it happened. They had decided to meet in the Woodridge coffee shop around 2 pm where they sat, sipping coffee and talking a lot about their lives, jobs, likes and the dislikes. Yes they talked a lot but it seemed like...
[Story] Farmer's Daughter Enjoys Being Topless Outdoors While Doing ChoresMother says to daughter, "Jenny, I know that you like to walk around the farm half naked when the weather is warm, but you are twenty years old now and shouldn't do that anymore. Your brother Jason turned eighteen recently and most likely interested in girls, so you are unnecessarily teasing him. I want you to start wearing a shirt beginning today."Jenny replies, "He's definitely interested in girls."Mother says, "How do...
My wife and I were spending a long weekend camping with a few hundred other people at a campsite used for outdoor pursuits . There was a challenge run over the week end for each area taking part and our area consisted of about thirty people. On the Saturday evening my wife suggested she could get one of the items required from a hotel which was about 15 minutes walk away and then said to me Chris a young man in early twenties would go with her. Knowing my wife I was sure she had something in...
Cheating WifesA talk, an apology, a spanking, then sex in the woods. Nothing like a teenage romance story gone naughty to arouse things. I was dating a very pretty girl back in my teen years. She had the sweetest little body, tits just right, ass cute and curvy, but we had done nothing more than just cuddle and kiss and a little feel play. One day in summer we were out riding around. My best friend had a family farm where we'd go hunting, cut wood, that sort of thing. I told her we should go and up on the...
First TimeSo I was inside looking around ya know the new house thing seeing where stuff goes so I turned the light on in the dinning room there was a sliding glass door no curtains yet guys next I found myself naked walking around playing I opened my eyes and found myself in front of the door. I looked out and it was pitch black I saw nothing no where I'm in a pretty private spot half of the yard is privacy fenced the other part trees so I got to thinking I should go out side by the pool so I put my...
MasturbationHow is all this happened, I do not know? But it happened, a period of our life that is etched in our memories for many years to come. That was three years ago and it lasted about six months ... Where to start to tell this story?It's as simple as complicated, so I'll start from the beginning and do the usual introductions.Married for fifteen years. Carla My wife is a small woman of 1.55 m, full of energy, blonde hair shoulder-length, always dressed, makeup and fragrance. It says the bubbly,...
Why is it that you really find out the real person you have been with after you marry them? I know a lot of partners keep secrets from each other. But they are only little white lies. Not this! Let me paint a picture for you. My wife and I have been together since high school. We have only been lovers with each other. There has never been anyone that has come between us. Well until now. Trust me it is not what you think. It wasn’t another man it was with another woman.Susan has been hanging...
Why is it that you really find out the real person you have been with after you marry them? I know a lot of partners keep secrets from each other. But they are only little white lies. Not this! Let me paint a picture for you. My wife and I have been together since high school. We have only been lovers with each other. There has never been anyone that has come between us. Well until now. Trust me it is not what you think. It wasn’t another man it was with another woman. Susan has been hanging...
BisexualMMMM/F) "Shit," demanded Simon, "What the fuck is he doing to her in there?" Simon was referring to the fact that he and I had both been brought outof our rooms by the moans of the chick coming from my frat brother Jamie'sroom across the hall. "Sounds like he's showing her one hell of a good time," I replied. "But it's one o'clock in the fucking morning," whined Simon, "I got aterm paper due tomorrow." "Dude," I said, peering past him and into his room to observe that hislight and...
(These events are from the viewpoint of Becky Whitman, the student/pregnant adulteress of Edward Font) Yesterday Lisa told me about her near-rape by Mr. Pressman. That asshole was going down. I hadn’t known Lisa very well until I though she wanted to hit on Mr. Font, but actually did want SAT help, and with us studying together I got to know her, and she’s sweet and nice. I couldn’t let her become scared of this jerk. “So all we got to do is get proof,” I remembered saying. ...
It had been euphoric, the warmth and softness spreading under his fingertips as he had groped and squeezed her, needing to feel her in his hand, his confidence building as he wanted more and more, cupping and freely playing with the swell of her breasts, much to her delight. As they kissed, his hand firmly pressing against her chest he felt her hand move down the front of his pants, tracing the smooth line of his feminine figure until it had come to his cock. He had moaned into the kiss,...