Room 412
- 3 years ago
- 25
- 0
August 10, 2017
I held a towel out for Mom, who took it and began drying herself. Liya had a towel for Dad, although rather than handing it to him, she began drying him with it. Liya was very methodical, being certain to get every droplet of water off his body, particularly off his ass and groin area. While she was down there, she put his cock head in her mouth and sucked on it for a few seconds. When she stood, she directed him to sit on the toilet so that she could dry his hair. In thanks, when she was done, he pulled her into his lap, kissed her, and fondled her left breast for a few seconds.
Mom then said, “Just a reminder, ToC has a dress codes: two items of clothing each; no more, no fewer. One on the torso and one covering your crotch. That will be the dress for dinner, too, so that we can start ToC immediately after dinner. But first, most of us have clothing to try on. And, Charlie, you are not invited. You’ll get to see some of the items on Saturday night.”
Mom turned to us and asked, “Shall we go, girls?”
Not waiting for an answer, she walked out the door. We followed her to my room where the gob of shopping bags awaited us.
“First off, as Gracey requested, these five bags have short skirts and tops for each of you. I had a lot of fun finding just the right items for you five. Gracey, thanks for asking me to do that. While I was running these down, I had a few florid fantasies of various of you wearing these when you were with Charlie. I made sure that the waist bands of the skirts could be rolled somewhat should you need to have them be shorter for whatever reasons.
“Beth, as requested by Gracey, yours are shorter to begin with, so you’ll have to keep that in mind. They should really show off your lovely, long legs, but if you’re not careful, you could suffer a “wardrobe malfunction.” If you sit with your knees apart, you will be flashing anyone in front of you. Also, crossing your legs probably won’t work, as the skirt will probably ride up, and these skirts do not have much room for error. If you sit, you will need to keep your knees firmly together, unless, of course, only your Dad or other family members can see. Please model one for us.”
I peered into the bag with my name on it and pulled out a skirt in a lovely light slate gray. Oh, boy. Mom was not kidding. When I donned the skirt, had there been any sort of breeze, I would have been feeling it on my girl parts. I pulled out a pretty rose crop top to match it. Upon pulling it on, I found that it was tight and accentuated my breasts.
“Girl, you rock that! I’m feeling a desire to jump you.”
“Nuh-uh, Liya, I get first shot,” Rhee said. “Beth, you look sexy as hell!”
Rhee proceeded to feel up my breasts in the top. It was nice.
“Rhee, again as requested by Gracey, your shirts, if I got the sizes right, while covering you, will make your lovely breasts quite obvious. I hope that you’ll be okay with them. I would like to see how they look on you, so please put one on.”
At Mom’s behest, Rhee donned a pale gray short-sleeve, deep V-neck top that certainly accentuated her breasts. She paired it with a hot pink skirt that was quite short, though not as short as mine.
When Rhee looked in the mirror, she said, “Thanks, Mom, this fits Gracey’s bill.”
“Please try on the yellow one, though please change skirts before you do. Yellow and hot pink...” She shuddered.
Rhee grinned and stripped to her skin, putting on a medium gray skirt and then, the yellow shirt. Uh, wow! It had a high neck, so didn’t show skin, but the more-than-slight see-through aspect put the shape of her on display and did almost nothing to hide her nipples. I repaid the favor and fondled her, even sucked on her left nipple to get it hard to see what that looked like.
“Damn, Beth. I’ll have to have you suck on both before we go out in public with me wearing this.”
Liya asked, “You would be okay with showing those off like that?”
“Yeah, I wouldn’t mind. I don’t think that I could put my pussy on display like this, but my breasts ... I don’t have a problem with it.”
“Gracey was right, then,” Mom said. “So, Gracey, who ‘needs to get over it,’ you’re next. I have to warn you. You will have to ‘get over it.’ Try on the pink one first.”
Gracey reached in her bag and pulled out the twin to Rhee’s top, except in pastel pink and a different size. When she donned it, like with Rhee’s, her beautiful breasts were on distinct display. She matched it with a dark gray skirt.
“Gracey, I love it! As Dad says, your breasts are beautiful!”
Liya then one-upped me and sucked on both Gracey’s nipples, getting them to stand up proudly.
“Gracey,” Rhee said, “You make that outfit look fucking sexy. You will definitely have Dad ... and most other guys drooling.”
“Oh, god. I don’t know,” Gracey said. She then inhaled deeply and turned to Rhee. “Rhee, would you go outside with me, just for a minute or so?”
“Sure! Come on.”
The rest of us had to follow to watch Gracey test her own nerve.
“Liya,” said Heather, “you’ll need to be at the door for her when she comes in. She’ll probably be trembling, but exhilarated. If I were you, I’d be at the door like you are when she comes in.”
“Like I am? Naked?”
When Heather nodded, she stared for a few seconds, then nodded in reply. Gracey’s and Rhee’s “minute or so” jaunt became a five-minute walk in the neighborhood. As Heather predicted, Gracey was shaking, but sporting a large smile. As Liya promised, she was standing just inside the swing of the door when Gracey stepped inside. Gracey wrapped up her nude lover.
“Oh, god. That was both scary and crazy exciting at the same time.”
“You did well,” Liya said as she comforted her lover. “I’m so proud of you.”
Gracey leaned back to look Liya in the eyes, in a questioning manner.
“Yes. I know that you’re ... inhibited about certain things. Gracey. You’re attractive. No, you’re not Beth, but few of us can be as pretty as Beth. However, you’re cute, you have a nice bod, and beautiful breasts. You are also a demon on the soccer field. Look what you did to that Sanderson. All you need, Gracey, is more confidence in yourself. If you can get used to wearing revealing clothes like this, with the right mindset, that you’re attractive, worth looking at, you will become even more attractive. Confidence is an attractive feature in and of itself.”
Gracey looked at Liya for a few seconds, then pulled herself back into the full-body hug with Liya.
“I know you’re right. I’ll need help, though. Help like Rhee just provided.”
“I know you’ll need some help, and we’re all available to provide it. However, Gracey, I am charging you with a task, a multi-part task. The first part is that you wear that outfit every time you walk to my house for the rest of the month. The second part is that you will join me in asking our mothers’ permission to be naked in our houses. Finally.” Liya inhaled deeply, then continued. “Finally, you and I will visit the mall for at least an hour. You will wear that outfit and I will wear whatever of the outfits that Sandy got me that you want me to wear.”
I answered. “Gracey. You can do it. We’re all here to provide moral support. You’ve become comfortable being naked in front of Dad. Surely, you can become comfortable being clothed, granted in sexy, revealing clothes, but clothed, like this in public. I’m like you. I am uncomfortable with the idea of wearing clothes like this in public, but I will get used to it, with your help and with the help of the rest of my sisters.”
Gracey stepped back from Liya. The front door was still open and Liya was still naked, but Gracey was blocking view of Liya from outside. Gracey looked at me, then at Liya.
“I have become more confident on the pitch and here in the Williams house. You’re right. I need more general confidence. Okay, Liya, I accept your multi-part task. Of course, I’m going to pick the most revealing of your outfits for our mall walk.”
“I don’t expect anything else.”
Gracey stepped back into Liya’s arms and said, “What would you do if I suddenly left you exposed to the world in front of the open door?”
“Probably get out of view as quickly as possible.”
Heather walked around me and then Gracey and Liya to the door.
“Excuse me, girls.”
Liya and Gracey separated, then walked farther into the house. Heather walked the door closed but led the door so that her naked self was visible from outside. We all chuckled.
“Shall we go finish upstairs,” I asked.
Everyone assented and we trooped upstairs, Mom in the lead.
“Liya, I got you two skirts like the others, but I also got you a tight one. Please try that one on. It will go best with that silky pearl top.”
Liya rummaged through her bag and pulled out a carnelian skirt [I had to research that color online] and the aforementioned top. The two looked good together in Liya’s hands and even better on her body. The skirt came to mid-thigh and hugged her snugly, even indenting a bit at her crack. The top was beautiful, being variably reflective. Though it had a deep V-neck, it was loose, so that when she walked around in it, it gave occasional peeks at the inner parts of her breasts. The outfit was the most elegant one that we had seen.
“Oh, Liya, you and that outfit were made for each other,” Gracey exclaimed.
“Obviously, Liya,” Mom said, “you can’t wear panties with that skirt. You could shorten the hem a bit, as you cannot roll that one. I’ll be happy to help you with that, although I know that you’re perfectly capable of doing it yourself. That does look spectacular on you; that skirt was made for your ass. I’ll bet you cause Charlie to catch his breath.”
Liya threw her arms around Mom. “Thanks, Mom, for all this.” She stepped back a step, then asked, “How much shorter would you suggest? Two inches?”
“That’s about right, I’d guess. Given the snugness of it, much shorter and it will reveal your goodies to others if you sit.”
Liya nodded her head, then hugged Mom, again. Then her eyes suddenly went huge and her face lit up.
“Oh! Gracey and I forgot in all the excitement of today! We’re staying here for two weeks straight over September and October, right?”
“Yes, Dears, you are. Charlie and Carol and I are looking forward to that.”
“And then,” Liya continued, “we’re probably staying here for six months, MONTHS, while our moms are traveling and working elsewhere. Is that right, Mom? Are we really going to get to live here for that long?”
“Yes. Charlie and I have agreed to take you two beginning in early November. We’re very much looking forward to that, having at least four of our five daughters here for that long. Perhaps we could take a trip as a family; maybe over the Thanksgiving holiday.”
“Oh, that would be wonderful,” Gracey said, “but we couldn’t do that without Heather.”
“Of course not,” replied Mom. “We would figure out some way to take her, too. And, Heather, during the time that they’ll be here, we’ll try to have you here for as much time as we can steal you from your mother. So, please start thinking of workable reasons why you need to be here.”
Heather hugged Mom hard. “Thanks, Mom. I will. It’ll be wonderful having Liya and Gracey here for so long.”
“Yes, it will. Very wonderful. But now, it’s your turn. I went a little further on the wild side for you, for obvious reasons, but just a little. We all have to remember that these are for times when you’re out with Charlie and need to allow him quick access to your goodies. You know, in case of an emergency.”
There was much laughter.
“However, if you’re out with Charlie and one of us women, you can probably go a little more toward the risqué side. Given your predilections, Heather, I got two more-outré outfits for you, along with two less so. For one of the crazier outfits, you simply may not sit anywhere that non-family members can see between your legs. You also may not ride an escalator or be anywhere that someone may be able to look up the skirt.”
“Oooh. I want to see that one.”
Heather followed that statement with rummaging through her bag. Actually, she simply dumped the bag and rummaged through the small mass of clothing. Most of the pieces were in various shades of Heather’s best color, so ranged between Kelly and Forest. Paler or darker grays were often part of pieces or were the color of the outfit’s matching piece. “The” skirt was the palest piece, Kelly, and if our previous “short, short” skirts were only six inches from waist to hem, then this might have been five inches. On Heather, the waist was below her hips and I could certainly see why she was not allowed to sit in it. The matching piece was an airy button-down shirt of a soft dark gray with emerald accents. It had only two buttons and the tails ended before the skirt began.
“I think that you could get away with buttoning only one of those and you can probably pick which one. They will do different things to how the shirt hangs and you need to figure out what those are so that you can choose wisely.”
“Thanks, Mom. I’ll do that.”
Heather proceeded to button the top button, which was between her breasts. When buttoned, the tails moved extensively, covering and exposing large stretches of her belly. The bottom button was below her breasts and kept the tails more in check but allowed the top of the shirt to gap more. Depending on the height of the viewer, having just the lower button buttoned would reveal more or less of her pretty little titties. For taller people, like Dad, at least one breast was almost entirely in view at a time, with the right viewing angle.
“Oh, I wish we were going somewhere today. I’d really like to try this one out.”
“Okay, all,” Mom said, “it’s dresses time. There is a dress hanging in a garment bag in Gracey and Liya’s closet for each of you. You will need to divest yourselves of whatever clothing you’re currently wearing before you can try them on. I am fairly confident that I got all the sizes correct, but let’s make sure, although Heather has already tried on her dress and has gotten some action while wearing it.”
Gracey and Liya whipped their heads around to look at Heather, who looked a bit concerned. Liya picked up on that and reached over and pulled her in for a hug.
“Don’t worry, Heather. We’re not going to hate you for, I assume, getting some sex from Dad. You were here and we weren’t. With the two of us about to spend some significant time here, we’ll have the advantage. So, tell Momma Liya all about it.”
Heather grinned at Liya and said, “I was wearing it only on my arms ... Hang on.”
She extracted her dress from the garment bag and put it on like she had yesterday.
“I was wearing it like this on the ride home from shopping. Beth and Rhee thought that it would be funny to attack my pussy and breasts, respectively, on the ride home. They worked me close to orgasm but did not take me over the top. Not once, but four times! Unbeknownst to me, Beth had texted Dad ahead of time and when we pulled into the garage, he had me sit in the back of the Trooper with my legs hanging down, then told me to lie down after he’d taken the dress off me. Oh, that was with the garage door still up. He ate me to two orgasms. That was well worth the frustration caused by my lovers on the ride home.”
“I’ll have to remember that,” Gracey said, “if those two ever work me up without letting me cum.”
“Yeah,” Heather said, “they might be working you up so that Dad can pound you to finish you off.”
“Oh, God! Wouldn’t that be wonderful,” Liya said. “Beth, Rhee, you have my express permission to set me up for that anytime you want!”
“You’d really like that?”
“Oh, god, yes, Mom. I’ve already said that he can have me whenever, wherever, and however. All of my sisters share in that carte blanche with my body.”
“You are all that into sex?”
“Yes. It’s probably a good thing that we got that way with each other, and with Dad, as I’m sure that that sort of behavior with almost anyone else could lead to problems. Of course, we loved each other first, so, maybe we will be more selective with any others. If we ever have any inclination for others. Right now, we don’t. We want Dad and each other and have little interest in anyone else.”
“Would you be okay with Charlie joining in should he find two or ... no, one or more of you having sex?”
“He has carte blanche with all of us,” Rhee said.
“Hmmm,” was all Mom said.
We all stripped off, as Rhee says, whereupon Mom handed out the garment bags.
“As you will see, most of you could get away with wearing some foundational underwear with their dresses; one of you cannot.”
Heather pulled her dress the rest of the way onto her.
“Obviously,” Gracey said, “Heather doesn’t need a bra, nor should she wear one with that dress. I think that she could get away with a brief panty under that, but, if it were me at one of my more-confident times, I’d go without. Most of the time, though, I’d probably wear a panty.”
Liya turned to Gracey.
“May I give you another confidence-building task?”
“Yes, you may task me with not wearing underwear of any sort at Saturday’s dinner. However, if you task me with that, then you are not permitted undies of any sort, either.”
Liya pulled Gracey into a skin-to-skin hug and reached up and kissed her.
“That’s a deal, Love.”
Heather said, “Beth, Rhee, I think that we three should follow their lead. Are you game?”
Rhee immediately responded with, “Absolutely!”
I hesitated a bit, then said that I would.
Mom said, “Ooh. I’ll let you off that hook if you want off once you get your dress on, Beth. While you have the dress for which underwear would most ruin the lines, it is also the dress that would make it somewhat obvious that you weren’t wearing underwear.”
I spun to look at Mom.
She said only, “Try it on.”
With a little trepidation, though I’d seen it yesterday, I pulled out a gorgeous aquamarine, one-shoulder, longline midi. Once I pulled it on, I realized that it hugged my contours intimately. Not between my legs, but even a thin-banded G-string might show through the material.
Rhee just looked at me for a long while, then said, “Oh, fuck. That is gorgeous on you. You are gorgeous. I nearly always want you, but I’ll be hard-pressed to keep my hands off you when you’re in that.”
“Thanks, Rhee,” I said, ducking my head in embarrassment.
“Beth Gertrude Williams! Head up! Shoulders back! You are beautiful! Be proud!”
I reacted immediately, only realizing after the fact that I had done as Liya said, though I had a bit of difficulty with the last part.
Liya sent a big grin my way, then said, “If Rhee doesn’t do it before you walk into that restaurant, I will tweak your nipples so that they stand up. That would be a great entrance!”
“I’m sorry Momma Liya. Please keep on me.” I turned to Rhee. “I may be beautiful, but you are the one that’s got the sexy dress and you know it.”
“It’s not any sexier than yours. I just have bigger boobs.”
“And wider hips,” I said.
Rhee shrugged her shoulders and climbed into her dress, a black, ribbed, one-shoulder bodycon. I looked at Mom, who was wearing a Cheshire-cat grin. Gracey and Liya were just staring at Rhee.
“Yup,” Heather said, “Rhee will have the chins of every man in the place on the floor. Rhee, you’re pretty enough in a soccer uniform. In that dress, you could probably get nearly any hetero male that you wanted. I’ll bet that even that iron-willed Dad of ours will have difficulty in not coming onto you. With the ribbing, you could get away with wearing a panty. I’m glad that you already agreed to wear none.”
“You know,” Heather continued after a few seconds of silence in the room, “I’ll bet that even Dad would lose his ability to shackle his libido if that were even somewhat see-through. While we can see the general shape and size of your breasts in that, if we could see your areolae or the actual contours of your breasts, I think that even Dad might be reduced to tongue-hanging panting. Actually, I’d love to watch the reactions of men and boys if you were to wear such a dress somewhere in public. In fact, we should hunt up a dress like that and have you wear it somewhere where it would be physically safe for you to do so. You are so fucking sexy!”
“And watch this,” I said as I stepped over to Rhee.
I leaned over and sucked on and nipped her right nipple, then did the same to her left one.
“Oh, yeah,” said Liya. “That’s heart-attack city for any guys with suspect cardio health.”
Mom laughed heartily.
“I love it that all five of my daughters are smart and witty. You five, you make me such a very proud momma.”
Gracey gave her a one-armed hug and said, “Thanks, Momma.”
“You’re welcome. Now, quit stalling and climb into your dress. I hope you like it.”
Gracey unzipped the garment bag and pulled out a fuchsia, off-shoulder, cotton-blend skater dress. Her eyes went huge.
“This is gorgeous.” She turned to Mom. “You think I can pull off wearing this?”
“Yes, Gracey, you can. You have beautiful breasts ... and a lovely neck and strong shoulders. As soon as I laid eyes on it, I knew that it was yours.”
“Oh, Gracey,” said Liya. “May I help you with that?”
Gracey turned to look at Liya and nodded.
Liya unzipped the dress, took it off the hanger, and knelt with it so Gracey could step into it. When she did, Liya pulled it up her body, got her arms into the “sleeves,” arranged Gracey’s breasts in it, then stepped behind Gracey to zip it.
“Oh, wow. Oh, my. It ... my boobs feel weird in this.” She looked up and into the mirror. “Wow! That’s me?”
“Yes, Love, that’s you. Mom was right. This dress is yours. It was made for you. You make this fairly simple dress look so ... sexy. I feel like Rhee did about Beth. I want to make love with you in this dress.”
When Liya’s focus came up off the dress, Gracey was looking bashful.
“Graciela Gabriella Gutierrez García! Head up! Shoulders back! You’re lovely! Be proud!”
Huh. I am not the only one on whom that tone works. Gracey nearly stood to attention.
“Gracey, this dress is perfect for your breasts.”
I had to agree. With no straps, there was no distraction from her beautiful breasts. The acute, but deep-v exposed all of her cleavage, but almost nothing of her breasts; just the very tops of her orbs were visible above the material and, with a view from the side, just the slightest bit of inside boob was visible through the v. The three-inch band on each bicep, which was all there was to the sleeves, showed off her muscularity.
Gracey was seemingly mesmerized with her appearance, staring up and down her reflection, but mostly just taking herself in. The hem came to mid-thigh, exposing much of her strong soccer legs.
“I look good in this,” she said after some minutes of amazement.
“No, Gracey, you make this dress work,” Liya said. “This is what Dad and I see when we look at you.”
“Liya’s right, Gracey. This is the attractive young woman that most of the world sees when it looks at you,” Mom said, “though you do hide it reasonably well, sometimes. Gracey, as Liya said, confidence is attractive; it is sexy. You are wearing a dress that you think is sexy, so you transfer that quality to yourself, at least while you are wearing it. You are wrong. It is not the dress that gives you confidence, thus attractiveness and sexiness. You have it exactly backward.”
Gracey looked at Mom, who held her eyes. Then, though I was, somehow, expecting it, she surprised me by looking at me.
“Mom’s right. That dress simply shows off your attractiveness, your sexiness. Dad is hot for your bod, and this is why. Your bod is hot.”
“My ... bod ... is ... hot? Dad does seem to like looking at me. I know he likes my breasts...”
“No, Gracey,” Mom interrupted. “Charlie loves your breasts. He wants your breasts. However, the main reason that he loves them is that they are beautiful breasts attached to you. While he really loves your breasts, he loves many other parts of your body and this dress shows every one of those parts off, superbly. That is why this dress is yours. As Liya said, you make this dress work. Oh, sure, all of us, except, perhaps, Heather, could make parts of this dress work. But you are the only one of Charlie’s girlfriends that can make the whole dress work. This dress was made for you, for your body.”
After Gracey nodded emphatically at Mom, she turned to Liya.
“Come on, Girl, your turn.”
Liya nodded. She eventually extracted a black satin, ruched, bodycon mini.
“Oh. Oh, wow.”
She looked up and smiled at Mom, then couldn’t seem to get into it quickly enough. She pulled it on over her head. It tumbled down her torso, then crept over her hips and slid to its fullest extension, reaching to just above mid-thigh.
“Does it move enough on your hips and exquisite ass,” Mom asked. “If it doesn’t, then we’ll need to get you something else, because it’s short enough to cause at least minor wardrobe malfunctions if it cannot move.”
Liya swished the lower part to show that it moved freely.
“That dress really requires at least a bit of heel. I assume that you haven’t worn heels, before. Is that right?”
Liya nodded glumly.
“That’s not a problem. We can get you some wedge flats. You have attractive feet, so we should get something strappy in which to show them off.”
Liya looked down at her feet.
“Attractive? My feet?”
“Oh, yes. You have a narrow foot and long, narrow toes. That’s a perfect combo for a lovely, strappy shoe.”
Liya looked up hard at Mom.
“Seriously, Liya. You have pretty feet.”
Liya surprised all of us by breaking down. We girls quickly embraced her. Gracey began it.
“I’ve told you. We’ve all told you. Not only are you not on the wrong side of plain, you’re not even on the good side of plain. You are attractive. And, yes, your feet are even pretty. I’ve wanted to trade feet with you for a long time.”
In her gentlest voice, Mom ended it.
“Liya, look at me.” When she had, her eyes still leaking a bit, Mom said to her, “Starting from the floor, your feet are quite pretty. Your legs are shapely, and your ass is simply divine. Your tummy is flat, your shoulders and neck attractive. Saving the very best for last, you have one of the world’s very best smiles. When you let that out to play, your beautiful soul shines out through those beautiful eyes. You are going to have to give up on your dreams of attaining plain, as you’re much more attractive than that.
“Liya, there are many things that I’d like to see between Charlie and you girls. Just about the highest on my list is watching Charlie make slow, sensuous love with you, with your gorgeous smile beaming at him.”
Liya looked questioningly at Mom, who nodded once, strongly.
“The pizza should be here, shortly, so, please, get out of those dresses and hang them, as we have one more bag to open.”
We all carefully removed our finery, then looked back at Mom. Liya sniffled once, but she was on the mend. Hmm, I thought, I should do to her what she does to me when I get bashful or doubtful of my importance.
Mom pulled a last bag from the closet and began pulling clothing out of it. She did not even look at labels, apparently remembering which of us got which item. In a very short time, we were each holding a cotton T-shirt mini.
“Though Gracey did not specifically request such, it seemed to me that these meet her primary requirement of having your pussies immediately available to Charlie. While getting to your unclothed breasts is a bit more difficult, these shirts should, at least, provide nearly all the tactile wonderfulness of your breasts, even though covered. Certainly, Charlie seems to like rubbing Heather’s shirt for some reason.”
There was more chuckling.
“Go ahead, try ‘em on.”
Rhee’s was a lovely solid rust color, and her breasts were obvious in it. Even unexcited, her nipples were apparent. Heather’s was a pale gray. To make her breasts apparent, her dress was a size or two too small, but the tightness accentuated those titties quite nicely. Liya’s was a pink print with dark gray highlights, with the pink being somewhere between hot pink and fuchsia. Gracey’s was a lovely yellow-and-dark-gray print. Her breasts were obvious in it, but far from obscenely so. Mine was solid Egyptian blue with small scoops out of the hem on the sides so that more of my leg length showed.
“Those look great and should fit the bill for what is required of them. Dinner dress is ToC dress, so please come downstairs prepared for both.”
With that, Mom headed downstairs in her birthday suit, while we lovingly took off our new T-shirt dresses and began donning our skirts and tops.
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IncestThoughts Actually Cherie and Daphne are more alike than many people will ever realize. They've both lived on the street after running away from owners who couldn't handle them, or recognize the problems their 'bot's were facing at the time. They've both been forcibly recovered - by the same retrieval specialist - and have survived to this day because of it. And they both really like being fembots now - with all that entails. And if you ever get to watch them lovingly, intimately giving...
I went to the gloryhole in Newport a few weeks ago. I had planned to get there around lunch time because that’s usually when there are several guys in the arcade. This day there was only one car in the lot. I got to the booth I like and fed the machine, unzipped my pants and started stroking my cock. I was watching a bi movie and after several minutes I heard the door close in the next booth. I looked thru the hole and saw a guy feeding the machine. I couldn’t see his face. I stood up just in...
The letter slipped out of his lifeless fingers and floated down to rest near his feet. The letter left very little for one's imagination. His wife of close to thirty years had had an affair with her boss back in Dallas. And he never ever suspected anything was amiss! An incident came floating back from distant memory. Harry and Martha had been quite the party-going types and used to throw parties every now and then. Like all the parties given before, this too was a grand success. It was getting...
Hi Friends, I would like to share my real experience with you here. I am Amar, and I am from Hyderabad, age 22, here my story starts. I am doing my graduation in Hyd. I used to visit my grandma’s house, which is 300 kms away from Hyd. I don’t want to specify my place. There, in joint family, my grandfather used to work and my grandma and mother’s brother (mama or mamaya) used to run a shop general stores. I used to be there daily whenever I visit my grandma’s place. I used to help him in his...
This Friday, I’m going to be given a really good hard fucking whilst tied to a couple of ‘carpenters’ horses with the addition of three well upholstered planks to support my hips, middle and top of my chest and head. It’s not the first time Adrian has used this arrangement before, and then had two friends come in to breed me properly. I’m tied up, lying face down, naked, tits hanging toward the floor, ass held up, legs stretched well apart, so that a man can easily stand behind me, and then use...
I was enjoying a lazy relaxing morning, doing not very much at all. I’d showered, but not much more. I was sitting drinking a freshly made coffee, reading the Financial Times. I heard the door, and then my husband walked in. He looked serious. “You’re home early, I wasn’t expecting you until at least seven! Coffee?” I asked.“Please,” Hubby replied.I poured him a coffee, strong. Black. I placed it in front of him, lightly kissed him on the cheek. Then re-tying my silk wrap, the only thing I had...
By Systematic I felt a little weird around Kylie after what I’d seen, but I couldn’t avoid her. I could tell she was avoiding Miranda, and had been ever since their encounter in the locker room. I knew Miranda was hot for Kylie’s body, and Kylie had a weakness for Miranda’s tenderness and expertise. They wanted each other, but neither one knew what to do about it. Kylie was less tense in some ways and more tense in others. Less tense because what Miranda had done to her had drained...
I was asked a while back to write about the housewives of McKinney, Texas, an upscale bedroom community north of Dallas. I declined to write about the ladies, my close friends, out of fear that I might be discovered. I was assured that if I didn’t give their true names, no one would know. Still. I was hesitant to write anything because, you know, ladies talk.Then one of our group members decided she would start chronicling our discussions, so to beat her to the punch, I decided I’d write down...
NovelsFirst of all I am sorry for my English, my English is not perfect. Today I am going to tell you a great incident of my life, my name is Ankur Kumar Shrivastav, I am 23 years old. I am the only child of my parents. My father`s name is Mohan Kumar Shrivastav, he is 46 years old. My mother`s name is Anita Shrivastav, she is 43 years old, she does`nt look like a heroine but she beautiful enough to raise anybody`s dick. This incident happened 3 years earlier, When we were living in Gurgaon ( Haryana...
IncestIt seems that ever since I turned seventeen, I have been getting into more and more trouble with my parents. They keep telling me if I don’t change my ways they’ll ship me off to my uncle’s. They tell me he’ll put me in my proper place. I, of course, don’t want this since he lives in the middle of nowhere.I tend to like to stay out with my friends all night, and even drink a little. I haven’t been arrested, nor have I done anything illegal outside of underage drinking. I do skip school a lot, I...
First TimeGrace had stopped her narrative and refreshments were served. Then she was asked which scene of her paintings she wanted to enact out. With some trepidation she pointed to the scene of the woman being double penetrated and the third man peeing into her open mouth. She had visualized doing this with her own sons but if the pee was so awful to the taste and she threw up she didn’t want to do that with them. She wanted it to be an enjoyable experience for all participants. So this was a...
Jay’s POV is a lot similar to mine in a number of ways. To start with, we’re both really, really big porn fans. We both appreciate hot chicks, hot sex, and good camerawork. I guess one of the biggest differences between us is that while I try to cover multiple elements of the smut business, from reviews to production to webmastering, Jay’s got a pretty single-minded focus: banging beautiful women in premium POV movies.And that’s naturally what you’ll find at, which has been...
Premium POV Porn SitesFiction by Sue ALTERED STATES II ---------------------------------------------------------------- Inside of every tv there beats a faint wish that just somehow it could all come true, that he could in fact become a woman. Every day tvs walk down streets constantly looking at women, checking out their hair, their clothes, their walk, and mentally probing deep into the recesses of some unknown woman's mind. ...
I was singing a song by the Guess Who, in my head, on the drive from the airport to the Sheraton Saskatoon Hotel. Hoping that Burton Cummings was wrong about nothing ever happening in that small town. I exited the limousine as the driver retrieved my suitcase from its trunk. He thanked me for the generous tip and wished me a good day. I made my way to the Hotel’s reception desk to check in, to attend a conference being hosted by Hewlett Packard. The bank that I am employed at was beginning the...
HardcoreRestless, I wake up several times during the night, not accustomed to sleeping with someone beside me. She is spooned up next to my back when I awaken in the morning. "I need to wash," I say as I pull on my clothes, my shoes, and my belt. She follows me to the stream and watches me as I wash my face with a bar of travel soap and brush my teeth. "My mate Steve, strange things do. My mate Steve live many mountains far?" Sarbun asks. "I do come from far away, very far away, indeed," I...
"Hey Craig, you down there?" Matt Nelson called out as he started down the basement staircase. "I'm in back, Matt," called out a strong masculine voice from the bottom of the stairs. "Come on down." Quickly, the five-foot-eight teenager made his way down the stairs leading to the basement of the Longwood house. The room at the foot of the steps had been converted to a small apartment, complete with kitchenette and bath. It was exactly the kind of place Matt wished he had in his own...
Jenny had dried herself after her shower and was enjoying the freedom of walking around naked. She knew her relaxed and casual attitude was a real turn-on for Sam and enjoyed his eyes caressing every part of her as she went about her beauty chores. Jenny didn't really understand 'body-modesty' and wasn't shy at all. She couldn't comprehend those women who try and hide themselves with a false modesty and can't enjoy being seen naked. Most of all she detested the 'hip-wiggling' and tacky attempts...
Oral SexWhile you are riding a frail bicycle, you tend to keep your eyes on the road. At least I did, what with the threat of squirrels and rabbits throwing my ass in a ditch filled with water on the side of the road. With that threat removed, I was able to take a better look at the plants growing along the cracked blacktop. There were beautiful old trees with Spanish Moss hanging everywhere. If those trees had been white, they would have looked like a young woman in a bridal gown. That moss was just...
As our eyes met across the room, the sexual tension was palpable. The room full of people felt empty except for us. Having pulled ourselves out of bed only a few hours earlier, just to show our faces and see our friends, we decided we wouldn't stay too long. The drinks were flowing, the music was good and we were having fun... but I could tell you were distracted. The gleam in your eye as you bit your lip whilst staring at me was exciting me, and you knew it. I could tell that you were excited...
Quickie SexNo sooner had my head hit the pillow that night then I was dead asleep and in the middle of yet another erotic dream. I was shackled to a wall, my arms and legs spread. Naked, I was exposed for all the world to see and the cold stone on my ass felt good in contrast with the heat from the torches on the wall. I was nervous, but not scared. I didn’t know what I’d done to deserve being chained to the wall, but I accepted it, almost anticipated it. I heard cell doors open and Alex stepped in....
Skeletons in my closet chapter 18 Love returns and the fun begins We all laughed together. Keith then asked if we all were ready to go to dinner. Linda got up and whispered something into Keith's ear. Keith shook his head yes then said, ”Take Kate to the truck and you two stay behind as I want to talk to you both,” pointing to Megan and Sara. Linda took my hand leading me outside. I asked her what that was all about. She told me Keith was giving them both a lecture about no trouble...
The thundering sounds of the rain slamming against my window filters through my headphones as I listen to mellow music. Writing through flickering candlelight as the power suddenly fails. My thoughts they turn to a time, a time I speak not of, but write about. It had been a night, starting unlike the forceful winds ripping through this one. There was a gentle, almost ghost like mist flowing down the dark streets. It rolled in tides through the street lights crashing up against the tall trees. A...
Fictional story about a wife who strays and is found out. Consequences follow. Or perhaps a husbands dream?.Valerie and Steve were married just over 2 years ago. Val was a stunner sex on legs so to speak and Steve knew this. Steve often thought about seeing another man or men fucking Val. Never white always black. At times Steve would lie on the bed get his cock out jerking to images in his mind, of his wife being black fucked. Black cocks in her, her pussy getting stretched! At times more than...
The drive to Don and Carol’s isn’t far but traffic was snarled making the journey irritating. It had been an arduous work week for both Jean and I and we were looking forward to the evening as we always do to these special get-togethers.Jean and I are married, in our late fifties and began swinging about eight years ago. Jean is 5’ 8’’ tall, a slim blonde who could easily pass for 38. She has small breasts with large, erect nipples, an ass to die for and a multiple orgasmic pussy topped with...
My sister's boyfriend Jeff and I have become very good friends. He's been dating my sister Karen for over two years who by the way is very good looking. Any guy, included me would love to fuck her and that smoking hot twenty year old body of hers. From the first day Jeff started fucking my sister, he would give me all of the details of his conquest. As time went on Jeff tried to make it more pleasurable for me by leaving my sister’s bedroom door open, just so I could watch them from the...
Friends this is Shyam, 35 based in Pune. The experience I am going to share is about my friend VJ (26)and his lonely mother Vasundhara (47). This is a long narrative and hence will be as a part of a series. VJ and his family were my close neighbors at Ahmedabad before shifting to Chennai some 12 years ago. My friend VJ and his mother Vasundhara had settled in Chennai. His dad was employed in Abu Dhabi since last 4 years, used to visit once in 2 years. VJ has completed his graduation and was...
Incestperri was getting drunk and horny, and judging by the looks and the states of undress of those around her, so was everybody else. on the next turn, the guy next to perri had to lose his jeans, and in doing so, perri could make out the shape of his semi hard cock in his boxers. as he saw her notice this, his "in-betweener" started to visibly grow. perri, being only a few feet away, and never one to miss a chance at doing something dirty, pulled at her skirt and stuck her ass out in his...
What a relief, the journey from hell has finally come to an end and you will finally be able to relax in a few minutes when you have checked in to your room. You look at your watch with a mixture of amazement and dismay – 24 hours to get from Aberdeen to Cairo – bloody French Air Traffic Controllers, and British Rail, or whatever they are called these days, and Egyptian immigration! Still here now – the door is opened for you, suitcases disappear with the bell boy and your check-in details are...
Ye kahani ek garib ladaki ki hai. Pushpa ek garib ghar ki ladki thi jiske maa baap kaam karne wale the. Pushpa ko do bahane thi . Ek nanda aur dusri ka nam mamta tha. Dono bahane dhikhne me smart dikhati thi kafi handsam bhi thi.Parantu pushpa dikhne me jada sundar nahi thi. Gali ke ladke bhi pushpa ke taraf jada nahi dekhate the. Pushpa sabse chhoti thi. Puahpa bahut hi chhote kad ki aur dubli patli aur barik ladki thi. Bechari 25 saal ki hoker bhi 2o saal ki lagati thi. Uski dono bahane smart...
(Author’s note: This story is an official entry into the 2013 Literotica Summer Lovin’ contest. If you enjoy this little romantic tale, please make sure to vote and leave a comment if you wish. I also urge you to read all the other contest submissions, there is a lot of great talent on this site.) * * * * Heartbreak had faded, pain had ebbed. What had been the worst tragedy anyone could be asked to endure was behind me now, after more than two years. What lingered was the loneliness. And that...
Hai friends, en peyar Baskar. Vayathu 34 ennaku innum thirumanam aaga villai. Naan Chennaiyil vasikiren enidam niraiya panam irukum athanaal yentha velaikum sellamaaten enathu thanthai oru company vaithu nadathi varugiraar. Athil varum panathaiye eppadi selavu panuvathu endru theriyaamal irukiren pinbu enathu vaazhvil mathu maathu irandaiyum nandraaga anubavaikiren. Enathu thai thantahiyarai pirinthu chennai vanthu 5 varudangal aagugirathu aanal maathathirku selvirku panam vanthu vidum. Enathu...
That morning, Lila had chosen a red silk scoop-neck sweater over a black skirt, and in her heels she wobbled just a bit now as she approached the front door. She also had on a long black twill coat and driving gloves. Black thigh-highs with seams down the back, a garter belt and a shelf bra completed her ensemble. She had thought about a sheer black thong she liked a lot, but in the end she’d decided to wear no undies at all. She could feel how hard her nipples were under the sweater, and she...
Rae's words bounced around in my head as I drove home: "I thought it would be a kick to have Jimmy pay me to let my own husband fuck me." Was that an admission that she was fucking for money or was she jerking my chain? And if she was selling herself, what did that say about me? The thought was certainly on my mind the first night I saw her go into the privacy rooms with Jimmy and Billy and yet when she came home I had fucked her until I was exhausted. The very next night I had sat in...
After breakfast the next morning, we all sat and talked. "Daddy, thank you for making love to me, but I want to be true to Caleb, I hope you understand," Katy said. "I had been thinking of you that way since our last Halloween Party. That Supergirl outfit really fit you ... well," dad said. "Mom, I need to say to you that at that same party, I realized how beautiful my mother was. Katy even told that me to call her Louise a few times when we were making love. It was wonderful, but I...
Kara lied casually on the bed, an arm behind her head, her feathered brown hair rubbing against the pillow. Her red blouse was open and she was naked, her legs slightly apart showing her dark black bush. She was smoking in bed with a 1920s cigarette holder. Her body was thin, but her breasts were plush and laid nicely to the side. Her lover, Pete, looking a little younger but strong, with short-cropped dark hair, enjoyed lying with her. He let him make love to her as much as he wanted. She...
‘Kiss my cock.’ I heard as plain as day. I was sitting across from a client who wanted to know where the key’s to an old car were that he had misplaced. I stared at him and took some more notes. I crossed my long legs and he was visibly turned on. ‘I have never been to a psychic before.You are my first.’ He tells me with a smile. ‘Well, there is a first time for everything I guess.’ I say. I tell him to relax and I light a candle. There is a sexual tension in the air. I have never played...
It was a beautiful fall day outside and we just got back from riding the atvs. As we hit the front door I say "I'm going to take a shower." You say "I’ll join you."I remarked that for now, I’d like to shower alone. I see your disappointment before you go in the other room, leaving me alone. I get done shower get dressed and come out of the bedroom and ask you what is wrong. You are sitting on the couch and wont even look at me. That's strange do to the fact that ever since I moved in you have...
Straight SexHi guys and girls, I am Vivek from Nashik city. I am 5″10 long, average fairness and body. My story is real and starts with a Bus journey. I was once travelling to Mumbai by Bus as my Car was pending oil change and so I boarded the bus at early morning 6 AM which was almost completely reserved with only the long back seat empty. I saw 2 girls got the seat and 8 were empty. I somehow managed to get a seat there and this resulted in me in between these 2 girls. One was in corner of the bus, then...
At 15, Alicia managed to find every conceivable way to get in trouble. Most of the ways she found involved her new friend Melissa Foster. Melissa, also 15, just moved into the busy suburb 2 months ago. She quickly formed a friendship with Alicia that will live in town infamy. Today was certainly no different for Melissa and Alicia. On this warm mid October day they decided to cut school and enjoy what could be the year’s last decent day. They ditched school after homeroom attendance was taken...
What Dad had said to me was pretty surprising, but it didn't change anything, not as far as my thinking went. I recognized the strong feelings I had for Brenda, but it wasn't enough. I understood Uncle Bunny's attraction to Mrs. Connor, and I believed what Dad had said about Mama wanting Brenda as part of Uncle Bunny's family. I knew it wouldn't work, Brenda and me, the same way that Uncle Bunny knew it wouldn't work with Mrs. Connor. Mother and daughter both had the same problem. What...
Minxx Marii is having a hard time paying her bills, so she’s been dating guys who have a lot of money and will give her the cash she needs. Her stepbrother, Tony, figures out that Minxx is basically existing off a sugar daddy. When he overhears Minxx get turned down by her current man, he moves in on that. He bickers with Minxx back and forth, but ultimately agrees to lend her some money if she gives him the sugar daddy experience. Minxx agrees. Peeling off her shirt, Minxx shows off her...
xmoviesforyouOf the Adventures of John and Holly Part 42: End of the Beginning Looking back on it all now, Holly and I agree that this really marks the end of the beginning of our story. When you have heard the whole story I would think you would agree, but maybe not. You have seen our relationship up to this point. Part 41 leaves us at the end of the fall semester of junior year. Part 43 is going to pick up on graduation day. So we are going to fill in the gaps here. You know the sex life we...
I had known Tom for awhile now, we met at work. Over time, we all started to hang out. First a dinner, then bbqs on the weekends. He was married, and his wife, Jenny was a very attractive lady. So it was a surprise when she told my girlfriend that her and Tom had not had sex for years. “How could that be?” I asked my girlfriend, on the drive home. “I don’t know” she said, “but I think Jen is having an affair.” “She thinks Tom may even be Gay.” “Maybe Tom is just having an affair, too” I said....
Probably Bert Westwood and Delia Cooper were equally surprised at how well they adjusted to living in the same house. By Friday, when Delia was to accompany Dulcie to HMP Whitemoor, though it had only been a couple of days, Bert thought he'd miss her presence; she'd be away most of the day. Similarly, Delia had become quite an admirer of the old soldier. She ... who had never known anything more demanding or dangerous than those ... orgies ... listened as he spoke of the jungles of Borneo,...
FRANK WAS SITTING in the Qantas Club in the international terminal at Sydney airport, when he heard his name paged. He quickly stood up and walked to the front desk and there was the tall, athletic and beautiful Sandy, dressed sensibly for travelling, but still looking good. He greeted her with a gentle kiss, showed his membership card to the receptionist and then led her to his table. She accepted his offer of coffee and once she had drunk it they both got up and selected a few things from...
Sometimes in life we become so lonely that we are willing to do most anything to fill the void. Frequently we do things that are risky and foolish. Often our high risk actions come with unexpected consequences. Clair Davis woke late that Saturday morning. As she sat up she looked at the digital clock sitting on her nightstand. The red numbers displayed ten thirty."Richard?" She called out.There was no response.Clair remembered that her husband of fifteen years had left the evening before to...
Hi Folks, please vist my page here Please read and look at it. I f you like what I said and have, then send me an invite and the PM I ask for in my "About Me"Okay Here we go!Folks, the way I act in this story was requested by the person who asked me to write it for her. So if I seem a little brutal, that is what the person wanted in the storyA girl who I work with really flattered me. Sammie my supervisor, we get along well except for one time she berated me in...
A woman moved in the empty house next to my parents when I was seventeen. She was a nice woman, black haired and a nice smile. She walked up to my house to introduced herself to my parents and me. "Hello, I am Caroline Hartowski and I will be your neighbor for awhile now." My mom shook her hand and saw me looking at her. My dad, not paying attention to me, grunted a hello and walk back into the house. Later on Mom said to me, "Jonny, go help Ms Hartowski move in. She needs help." "Yes, Mom" I...
Love StoriesHi readers, this is poonam from lucknow. My husband is raj. He written a story birthday Gift .I had a sex party wit him And Suresh. He also allowed me to sex with any person. We’re really open and frank in case of our sex life. My husband always asked me to do whatever I want and to have whatever I want in my pussy. That happened a few days back when my hubby came home with four of his friends at work. They all were looking handsome and charming. I was serving them lunch and was wearing a...
ALERT: We need your help! These TS Labs updates are our way of putting out new stuff for you. Your feedback drives everything, so if you love it, please tell us. If you hate it, please let us know what we can do better. We’re counting on you so please tell us! On that note, here’s the latest scene. When Sophia visits her stepbrother Brick she quickly wins over his girlfriend Vivianne who ends up being seduced by Sophia! Late one night, Sophia sneaks into Brick’s room and convinces...
xmoviesforyou“Been staying out of trouble?” asked Malcolm. “Trying, trying,” said John as he slid onto his bar stool. Malcolm settled onto a barstool on the tending side of the bar and began to prepare John a gin and tonic. He already had a Manhattan in front of him. “Anita and I fooled around for a while, then I catnapped for a bit.” “So, where’s the lovely Anita?” asked Malcolm. “Probably with your wife, getting dressed. I decided I wasn’t all that tired, so I came down here.” John looked around the...
Moist and supple lips lightly brush my shoulder as you snug the last silken knot around my wrists. Two long stylish ties bind my hands behind me to the oak dining room chair you have me sitting in. You got me butt-assed naked of course, and I’ve agreed to let you tie me up, tease me, dance for me. I’d been thinking of you all day at the office and now…your near constant IM’s and sexy emails since mid-morning, flooding my laptop screen while snooping asshat co-workers kept trying to see, over...
Our story starts with Steve on vacation, sunning at the beach during his summer vacation, there is a party atmosphere in the air as the most of the students that have come to the beach on their summer break is there to do only one thing, party. Normally this early in the mornings most of the students was sleeping off the effects of their heavy partying the previous evening. This was the time that Steve and obviously the other inhabitants of the town chose to do their visit to the beach, the...
Hello Everyone. Welcome back to the 2nd sex encounter with Jyoti Bhabhi. This is how I fucked Jyoti bhabhi again, but I made her like Madhavi Bhabhi from TMKOC. I hope everyone has read my previous story regarding Jyoti Bhabhi. If not, I would recommend you to read that first as it will give you a brief idea and introduction to Jyoti Bhabhi Bhabhi. It would help you understand how our first sexual encounter was. I am coming back to this story. You all know how passionate I am about Jyoti...