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Editor In Residence

Philip Johnson


Greg lived next door to Laura and Wayne, her husband, who was in the late stages of colon cancer. He watched her as she picked at the few flowers she had planted and he marveled at how she, though as tall as she was, could bend down with ease as she pulled weeds. Laura wasn’t an especially striking woman, but at forty two she still had a firm body and youthful skin. Her auburn hair was cut short and Greg decided she now wore it that way for ease of care because so much of her time was spent seeing to Wayne’s needs. He was several years older than she was, but had always been the picture of health until that surprising and deadly diagnosis was made less than a year ago.

Chapter One

Greg made it a point to go next door and visit with Wayne, but two or three times a week was about all Greg could handle. His friend and neighbor was wasting away right in front of his eyes and no force on earth was going to halt the inevitable outcome. Not long after he had received the bad news of his impending death, Wayne had asked Greg to look out for Laura and he had started doing that by checking on her as much as on Wayne. He went out his front door and called to her as he approached the kneeling Laura. ‘Morning. Don’t get up on my account.’

Looking up she said, ‘Good morning Greg, how is the writing going?’

‘Oh, well enough I guess, how’s Wayne?’

‘A little better actually, the new drugs seem to be making it easier for him. He even went over to see his sister Nina.’

‘Actually I came over to see how you’re doing and to ask if there’s anything I can do for you.’ She stopped what she was doing and stood up, dusted her hands off on her shorts and smiled.

‘Thank you, care for some iced tea?’

‘If you have time, but don’t let me ruin your day.’

‘You never ruin our day, lets go inside.’ Laura was the picture of efficiency as she added ice to two tall glasses, poured the tea and added a touch of sweetener, making it just as Greg liked it. ‘You’ve never told me what your story is about or how far you’re into it.’

‘Well, I’m about halfway through and it’s my usual murder and mayhem. It starts in Maine and the story slowly unfolds and works its way west.’

‘Oh, that’s right, you spent a few weeks on the road going from east to west.’

‘And right now, the story is in northern Indiana as they make their way around the great lakes.’

Their idle chat continued until their glasses were empty and beyond, with Greg declining the offer for more tea. ‘Greg, I really enjoy seeing you, but you really don’t have to keep an eye on me, I’m doing okay.’

‘I know you are, but I promised Wayne that I’d keep myself available to you in case something did come up.’

She smiled and looked down at her empty glass, looked back up at him and said, ‘I know, he told me you two had a talk about me. I think he worries more about me than about what he’s going through.’

‘Of course, because he loves you.’ He saw a tear appear on her cheek so he reached over and wiped it away with his finger as she silently smiled at him again.

The smile disappeared again and her voice softened as she looked down again and said, ‘I know the new medication is helping him to feel better, but it will do nothing to stop the cancer.’

Greg reached across the table and touching her hand said, ‘I know, and I’m so sorry and I hurt for you.’

She looked up at him and said, ‘But Wayne is the one that is dying,’ and the tears flowed unchecked.

‘I know Laura, but there really is no medicine to help your hurt and that breaks my heart. I just wish there was something that I could do for you.’

She didn’t worry about her tears as she showed a small smile and said, ‘Just knowing you’re there for us…for me, helps more than you know.’ Then she stood up and said, ‘I better put myself together before Wayne comes home. I don’t want him to catch me crying. He sees that too often as it is and that just puts more on his shoulders.’

Greg stood up and she joined him as they moved toward the door. They shared a long embrace, he kissed her cheek, smiled and then as he walked out said, ‘Remember, I’m right next door if you need anything at all.’

‘Thank you Greg.’ She watched him cut across the lawns and then closed the door.

Greg didn’t see Nina, Laura’s sister in law, more than a few times a year, but when she called several weeks later, he instantly knew it was her and that she was delivering a sad message. Her voice was controlled, but he could hear the sadness and fatigue as she said, ‘Greg, Wayne is gone. He died a couple of hours ago at the hospital.’ The long struggle, the pain, the vomiting from the drugs, all of it was over for Wayne now. Nina and Laura could begin the long healing process. The nights of crying, the heartache and feeling of being lost and alone would slowly ease and be replaced with acceptance of Wayne being gone. All of the well meaning platitudes uttered by family and friends would be forgotten, and for Laura, a new routine would slowly emerge. Time really does heal all wounds, but that too is just another of those platitudes…strings of words spoken because silence didn’t seem appropriate.

Walt, Wayne’s older brother came in from the west coast for the viewing and funeral, and stayed a couple more days in the hopes that he could be some help for Laura and Nina, Walt’s sister, in some small way. They shared long embraces, soft words of comfort and many tears before he had to leave.

Greg kept his promise to Wayne and checked on Laura every couple of days. Like he had done every week or so before Wayne died, he checked on her again by going next door and having iced tea with her. They shared another long embrace and then as their own routine, they had tea at the kitchen table. It was where she was most comfortable and relaxed. The living room seemed too formal she had once said.

In a way it was like they were picking up their lives where they had left off so many weeks before. ‘How is your writing coming along Greg?’

‘Stop and start. It’s taken me a long time to get back into that frame of mind I guess.’ She smiled knowing just what he was referring to, but added nothing. My characters are now in western Iowa and on their way toward Wyoming.’ He knew she really didn’t care where his characters were, but it was something to say.

It was then that Nina came in through the front door and moved to the kitchen as though she knew exactly where to find her sister in law. ‘Hi you two, mind if I join you?’

‘Of course not,’ Laura offered. ‘I’ll get you some tea.’

‘Relax, I can do it.’ Nina was recovering from losing her brother quite well it seemed, or perhaps it was a show for Laura’s benefit. The three way conversation progressed, and Nina also asked Greg about his writing before she asked Laura, ‘Have you decided if you’ll go back to teaching English or if you’ll retire?’

‘I haven’t decided. I’m also considering just teaching part time if that could work out. You know substitute, or something like that.’ Laura’s new life would slowly take shape. Her grieving was long from over, but she had decisions to make and she now had more time to see to her flowers and her friends and family.

Chapter Two

Many more weeks passed, with Greg continuing his visits and because of that he was seeing more of Nina as well. Laura was going through her stages of mourning, and Greg watched her as she slowly recovered. She was smiling more and even laughed the last time he saw her.

One Saturday morning, just to make things different, Greg called her and invited her over for breakfast and coffee and she was there within half an hour. They shared their customary embrace and then settled at the table where Greg had already placed the food. They were almost done eating when he said, ‘You know Laura, I do believe you look the best I’
ve seen you in…well a very long time.’

‘Thank you,’ and she smiled before sipping her coffee.

‘A touch of makeup, a pretty, and I have to say, sexy top.’

‘Oh this isn’t so sexy at all.’

‘I guess it’s like beauty, it’s in the eye of the beholder.’ She smiled again, but added nothing so he said, ‘I’d like to ask a favor of you.’

She put her cup down and with a serious expression said, ‘Of course, what do you need?’

‘I need somebody to read a story I’m writing. You know, check the punctuation, spelling, syntax and so forth.’

‘But you have an editor and a researcher.’

‘But not for this other story.’ She gave him a confused look so he added, ‘I’ve been working on an erotic romance story.’

‘You’re what? Why?’

‘Just something I’ve been kicking around for a long time. Something I want to do for fun more than profit. I’d use a different pseudonym of course. Would you read it for me?’

Her cheeks flushed slightly as she said, ‘Greg, I’m sorry, but I don’t read erotica.’

‘Don’t misunderstand, it isn’t porn. Just…you know lovemaking or teasing. Things that we all…well either do or have done.’

She was showing a hint of a smile so he pushed ahead. ‘Just read a couple of chapters and see if it’s something you could stay with.’

‘But…I mean I know you so well and to…you know…I mean I wouldn’t be able to appreciate what you are doing.’

‘I’m sure not, but that’s perfect because you’ll focus on the structure and punctuation and not be distracted by the story. You’d be perfect. I know what you mean, so if you think it’s something you can’t do I do understand. I get into my stories sometimes and make obvious errors that I just seem to miss so I do need help.’

‘Okay, I’ll try a couple of chapters as long as you promise not to be upset with me if I bail out on you.’

‘Of course not. I’d be disappointed of course, but I’d understand. I’ll send them home with you on a flash drive unless you’d rather have me print them for you.’

‘On a flash drive would be fine. I can’t believe you’ve talked me into reading porn…sorry, erotica,’ and she smiled again.


‘But this will be our secret only right?’

‘Of course it will be.’

It was after dinner when Laura called Greg and said, ‘I’ve edited the first chapters.’

‘Really, so fast, that’s great. I’ll come over and pick them up.’

‘I’ll have wine poured.’

‘Fantastic, see you in a few.’

He let himself in the backdoor and found her pouring the wine at the counter. ‘Perfect timing,’ and she handed a glass of wine to him. ‘I think this calls for the living room. There’s something about sitting at a kitchen table and wine that seems incongruous to me unless I’m eating.’ He followed her to the living room and sat on the couch a couple of feet from her. She put her glass on the coffee table and paused before she smiled and said, ‘Reading that wasn’t as bad as I anticipated. Of course it’s just the start of the story too.’

‘That’s right, but I’ll bet you can get an idea where the story is going.’

‘Well I have some guesses, but there are several ways it could go.’

‘Wonderful, that exactly what I wanted to hear.’

‘But you’re right, your punctuation does need help.’

‘I know. Like I said, I get into my story and my fingers just get ahead of my brain sometimes.’

‘I’ve highlighted the points where I’ve added or corrected anything.’

‘Perfect. I knew we’d be great together.’

She smiled, picked up her glass and said, ‘That remains to be seen. I never would have guessed that you’d write erotica.’

‘There’s just a touch of pervert in me.’

‘As in most men,’ and she sipped her wine rather than look at him right then. ‘How much have you written on this story?’

‘About fifteen chapters.’ He pulled another flash drive from his pocket and asked her,’ Ready for a couple more?’

‘Sure. Nina will be here after while though, so I’ll read them tomorrow.’

‘Great.’ They put thoughts of his writing aside and talked until Nina arrived. Greg talked to her a minute, kissed her cheek, then Laura’s and then he went home, leaving the two of them to talk.

As Greg sat at his computer later, he thought about the chapters he had left with Laura. There was nothing overly suggestive or explicit for her to read, but the story had definitely moved ahead. He had to smile as he tried to picture her sitting at her computer reading what he wrote about over imbibing women discussing vibrators and men in general.

It was Friday afternoon before Greg heard from Laura about his third and fourth chapters. ‘Hi, it’s Laura. I’ve read the next two chapters.’

‘Great, thanks, ready for more?’

‘Um…I don’t know…maybe.’ That wasn’t what he was hoping to hear.

‘It’s up to you of course, so you just let me know.’

‘I mean, it’s a good story and I’ve enjoyed it, but…’

‘But if you’re offended by it we better stop.’

‘It’s not that I’m offended, it’s just…you know awkward. I mean to talk to you about it.’

‘Would it help to talk about it over dinner, say at Remo’s? That’s the only place I can think of that might provide a modicum of privacy.’

He heard her almost chuckle before she said, ‘Now wouldn’t that be something to have somebody overhear us talking about vibrators.’

‘That might be kind of funny. Okay, we’ll whisper or send notes back and forth. Okay, try this. Let’s go have dinner and then if we talk about it good and if we don’t okay.’

‘Okay, say in half an hour?’

‘Great, I’ll pick you up, bye.’ Once he was ready, he put two more chapters onto a flash drive just in case she said yes, grabbed his keys and drove next door.

Chapter Three

Laura was wearing cream colored slacks and a satiny top with fine brown stripes wrapping around her at an angle. Small heels and a deep brown beaded necklace. ‘Very nice Laura. Sexy too.’

‘Now stop trying to be so nice, I’m not sexy,’ but before he could reply she dropped her house key and bent over to pick it up.

He saw her slacks pull across her butt and he smiled as he stared. ‘I’m very impressed.’

She quickly straightened up and asked, ‘Impressed with what,’ she asked innocently.

He pretended that he hadn’t even noticed her trim ass, and just as Wayne had told her before he died, Greg said, ‘You bent over without even bending your knees. I can’t believe how flexible you are.’

‘Oh that. I work hard to stay flexible.’

‘It shows. I noticed your slacks fit you perfectly too.’ That was when she flashed red on her cheeks, but she said nothing, smiled and led the way to the door.

Remo’s was fairly busy, but they managed to get a booth by waiting a few minutes and letting the next couple go ahead of them. The only jeans that would be seen at that restaurant would be the stylish jeans worn with high heels by thin and very nicely adorned women. But on the other hand, very few ties would be found there.

Greg made sure they had wine to sip on right away and then they studied the menu. ‘You order first Greg, I’m still deciding,’ she said. He ordered the herb roasted pork, garlic potatoes and green beans, and she had too much on her mind so she said, ‘I’ll have the same,’ and handed the menu to the waiter.

‘How is Nina,’ Greg asked her for something to say.

She’s fine and asked about you as well. The three of us will have to go out one of these nights.’

‘I thought of that for tonight, but then that wouldn’t work, considering what we will be talking about.’

‘Greg…about your story.’

‘It’s okay if you need to stop.’

‘No. I know we were going to keep all of this a secret, but I told Nina about it and she read the chapters too, I hope that doesn’t make you mad.’

‘I guess not, did she have anything to say?’

‘Just t
hat she liked it a lot.’

‘I’m glad to hear that. So what…how was it for you this time? Tough on you?’

‘Not tough really but…’ and she licked her lips as she worked on how to explain her feelings. ‘I have a question first. How did you…how do you know what women talk about when their drunk and the subject is men?’

‘I don’t know, I just guessed. I mean anything could have been said, especially considering they were getting pretty juiced. Was I too far off track?’

Laura laughed and said, ‘I have no idea. I’ve never talked to other women about men when I was halfway to drunk.’ Then she recalled different parts of that fictitious conversation and stopped for a second. ‘They sure got down to the basics didn’t they.’

‘I guess they did, but they were all talk.’ He refilled her wine glass and watched her.

She made eye contact with him, tasted her wine again and then asked him, ‘Have you ever known any women like that?’

‘Two to be precise. Oh they weren’t very forthcoming with me most of the time, but I heard enough that I could fill in the blanks, and others would admit to what had been said…or even done for that matter.’

‘I mean it isn’t like I’ve lived in a vacuum, I know about vibrators,’ and then she stopped, flashed a quick smile and said, ‘I mean I’ve heard about them and so forth not that I…damn it you know what I mean.’

‘Yes, I know what you mean. Laura if this is too difficult for you, let’s stop.’

‘No, damn it, I’m not some naïve eighteen year old. I know about adult toys and erections and…’ and that’s when she realized she was talking too loud. In a softer voice she said, ‘I’m okay, I really am. Did you bring the next chapters?’

‘Yes, but I’m not convinced this is a good idea for you.’

‘It’s fine, it gives me something to do, to focus on. I’m not doing much teaching so this keeps my mind alive. You really are a good writer.’

As he handed the flash drive to her he said, ‘Thank you, it’s important to me that you like my work.’

‘Why is that?’

‘Because you’re very important to me.’

‘I’m glad. I guess it would have been okay to have Nina along after all, we’re handling this just fine. It’s still hard to look at you and not hear those women talking dirty. That it’s you that wrote all of that. It’s like…I know this sounds silly, but it’s like I have a window into your very private and intimate world. Like I was standing there as you wrote those words. It’s…I give up, I can’t come up with the right words.’

‘You’re doing just fine.’

‘Want to know one of my very intimate secrets?’ He was smiling and his eyes were dancing as she studied him.

She couldn’t help but return the smile, but she hesitated. I’m not sure…okay, what?’

‘I was sitting there in my skivvies as I wrote that.’ Her eyes went wide and she stared in silence.

His smile continued so she said, ‘You did not, now stop making it hard…making it worse for me.’

‘I’m telling you the truth. Sometimes in the morning I’ll get an idea and go straight to my computer before I lose the thought. That’s what happened with that conversation the women had. I didn’t even have coffee for the first hour in fact.’

‘Oh great, now how do I get rid of that visual? Now every time I read something I’ll wonder if you were dressed when you wrote it.’

‘The next time I write in my underwear I’ll…I’ll precede it with an asterisk.’

‘No, don’t do that. Just write okay?’

‘Okay. So Nina read all about the drunk women talking about men’s attributes and um…shortcomings.’

‘Yes. You even made both of us laugh a couple of times.’

‘Would you say I was reasonably believable?’

‘I didn’t ask Nina, but I’d say you were very believable.’

‘That’s good.’

‘Greg, will this story get a lot more graphic?’

‘Would you like it to?’

‘What kind of question was that, of course not. I was just wondering.’

‘No, not a lot more graphic, but there will have to be a few scenes of lovemaking or something like that.’

‘You don’t even know?’

‘Not yet, at least not exactly. I’ll continue to work out the details as I go.’

‘That surprises me.’ She needed to get on to another subject. ‘Greg, thank you for asking me to dinner. This has been very nice and of course I always enjoy your company, even considering the subject of conversation.’

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If you're under age, kid, scram! Twenty-three skidoo! Take a powder! Blow! Lam it! Don't understand what I'm telling you? I told you you were too young! Teasers by Vickie Tern None of these imagined excerpts -- or very short short stories -- are from actual stories I've ever read or written. As with Japanese Haiku, or short lyric poems, your own imaginations should feel free to fill them out with whatever situations or...

3 years ago
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My Wife Denies Shes A Tease

by aliveinpr My stories do not necessarily reflect my personal proclivities, desires, wants or fantasies. Please read and enjoy this fictional writing. Sandy and I joined the marriage population ten years ago. We base our happiness on being open with each other. We heard that the older the marriage, the more stale the sex life. This hasn’t hit us as we try to keep our sexual appetites honed with spontaneity and fun. One night, as we laid panting and cooling down from our second round...

3 years ago
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Swinging with the Neighborhood Tease

This is a marginal follow-up to the Shywife story published earlier, but it will stand alone. It is, however, more fun to read them both.Tracy decided Jennifer was the one. I had to chuckle because Jennifer had a nasty habit of trying to tease me into a state of constant erection. I’d never known if she was really serious about getting it on with me, but she always stood too close to me when we happened to encounter one another. Her welcome kiss always featured a tiny taste of her tongue, and...

Wife Lovers
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A Little Nylon Tease

Roger has an intense fetish for nylons. It's been with him since he was a little boy and seemed to start when he was given the opportunity to play with his mother's fully fashioned nylon stockings that were still in their striking, colorful boxes. They was something so alluring, almost hypnotic about their unusual appearance. They were like clothing you could see through and he wondered why that was so. Instead of being like a pair of socks that he wore, he could see through their film like...

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A Loving Tease

What a wonderful way to wake up on a Saturday morning! Susan was already awake, had taken a shower, and was dressed to kill. She greeted me so sweetly from the side of the bed “Good morning baby” as my eyes slowly opened and adjusted to the light of the room. She sat on the edge of the bed and stroked my thigh softly as I sleepily gazed into her sparkling eyes. Waking up to my baby’s sweet face and her tender touch instantly brought a sleepy smile to my lips. As her hand gently caressed my...

5 years ago
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Coming HomeChapter 3 Teasers

Three weeks dragged by, seeming like three years. We still got along great and had lively conversations over dinner, which seemed to be especially good lately, all my favorites appeared one by one, until I'd had my fill of them. We didn't directly bring up the subject of what had happened between us, but it was there anyway. Occasionally our eyes would meet and we'd fall silent, our mutual desire flowing quietly between us, until one of us pulled together enough willpower to break the...

2 years ago
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Auntie Emma The Prick Tease

With money not being a problem due to the earnings of Fiona especially and Alice whilst at Donald's warehouse I was able to purchase a three bedroomed apartment on the fifteenth floor of a new build plot right in the heart of the city overlooking the new shopping complex that was full of shops, restaurants, a casino and a few bars. The apartment was well overpriced at £400,000 but I had money to burn and purchased it with my card. We got the keys and went there instantly in a cab leaving...

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Auntie Emma The Prick Tease

Introduction: Names changed to protect the guilty By seven o clock the next morning wed packed up most of our possessions that couldnt easily be replaced in to three suitcases and headed in to the town centre. We stopped for breakfast in a café, and at nine o clock we were through the front door of an estate agents looking for a new flat. With money not being a problem due to the earnings of Fiona especially and Alice whilst at Donalds warehouse I was able to purchase a three bedroomed...

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GENTLEMEN’S CLUB RENDEVOUZNOT BASED ON A TRUE STORY IT IS FICTIONOne day, I woke up from a sexy dream and said to myself there is something that I want to do out the ordinary that no one would have never thought that I would never do. That fantasy is to visit a high-end gentlemen’s club in mid-downtown DC‘s business district. I have always been this ‘good girl’ always expect to do the right thing and follow the rules. Some say that I am somewhat prudish and on a conservative side. I want to...

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Extended Tease

I enjoy the times when my girlfriend, Shelly, ties me up and teases me. She's a lovely tall petite woman with long straight red hair. She has small rounded breasts with very large sensitive nipples. In return, I give her what she desires most, oral sex. She gets aroused when I suck on, lick, and nibble on her nipples. Sometimes the sensations through her nipples are enough to bring her to orgasm. When Shelly decides she wants to tease me, she dresses in her old Catholic high school outfit, a...

3 years ago
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A Swapped Life Chapters 2527

A SWAPPED LIFE, Chapters 25 - 27 A young male engineer goes to an engineering conference and gets swapped with a teen unwed mother who did not finish high school. Story discusses how the new woman makes new friends, and copes with motherhood, her new parents and sister, her former boyfriend, and eventually with love and marriage. Story also discusses the struggles of the new man, whose family and educational background did not give him the tools to fit into the world of men, and of...

2 years ago
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Teresa the Dirty Stripteaser

My Stepmother Teresa hadn't done much, it seemed, in quite a while, since her last experience documented in her other stories. She dressed pretty conservatively again, and all seemed quiet and placid in our lives.This peace was broken one day, however, when I was walking with Mum around the corner, past the local shops. There was a group of youths in their late teens hanging around outside the shops, and although I knew their faces from experiencing their nuisance making and petty vandalism in...

4 years ago
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Tortured Teresa the Dirty Stripteaser

My Mum Teresa hadn't done much, it seemed, in quite a while, since her last experience documented in her other stories. She dressed pretty conservatively again, and all seemed quiet and placid in our lives.This peace was broken one day, however, when I was walking with Mum around the corner, past the local shops. There was a group of youths in their late teens hanging around outside the shops, and although I knew their faces from experiencing their nuisance making and petty vandalism in the...

4 years ago
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A FlawlessTeaser

A JJ Submission Hi, all JJ back with a bang and this time around yet another mature narration. I think I am possessed or jinxed with the mature South Indian ladies that I am unable to come out of the mature series. I was a very horny teenager growing up. Horny, but nervous about girls my own age. I started to have a fascination about older women. I always envisioned any friend of my mother naked. I used to daydream constantly about my neighbors and would always dream up crazy fantasies where...

3 years ago
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Mom Teresa the stripteaser

My Stepmother Teresa hadn't done much, it seemed, in quite a while, since her last experience documented in her other stories. She dressed pretty conservatively again, and all seemed quiet and placid in our lives.This peace was broken one day, however, when I was walking with Mum around the corner, past the local shops. There was a group of youths in their late teens hanging around outside the shops, and although I knew their faces from experiencing their nuisance making and petty vandalism in...

1 year ago
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The phrase “Tease POV” could arguably be used to describe any good first-person perspective porno movie. The best films of the genre bring you ever so close to being there, putting you practically inside the porn stud’s shoes as he bangs away at the hottest poon in the world. Still, without the actual feel of a warm, wet mouth on your dick and some titties in your face, the greatest POV titles still amount to something of a tease. It’s a damn good thing they invented those silicone fap sleeves,...

Premium POV Porn Sites
3 years ago
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Twos a CrowdChapter 2

Where I wonder who I married nine years ago. There isn't much to tell about the next few days. I felt as though I were living under water. All senses were subdued. Even sounds seemed muffled. With the aid of sleeping pills I slept a lot, but the quality of my sleep was more that of unconsciousness. I couldn't complain, though — the sleeping hours took a huge bite out of my painful existence. While awake I worked, mostly. For once I was glad that my job was about numbers — solid,...

2 years ago
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Twos a CrowdChapter 3

Where I find out the true meaning of Public Relations. They say that in the end time heals all wounds. I don't know, they may be right. But it really is too easy to be right that way. I mean, how could they go wrong when they never tell how much time it takes to heal? In my case, two years obviously wasn't enough — as I found out in the lounge bar of the Belmont Hotel in Dallas, Texas. Even before the divorce was final I had moved to New York. I got the job and all the benefits — except...

4 years ago
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Twos a CrowdChapter 4

Where I discover that I can't kill the woman I married. I had been back in New York for two days when the package arrived. It lay at the centre of my desk and was the size of a shoebox. The address was handwritten. I knew the familiar curls, the generous lettering. Maybe I shouldn't open it, I thought, while my fingers were already opening it. The box was crammed with balled-up white tissues. On top lay the yellow piece of paper I had left on her chest while she was sleeping. It had...

2 years ago
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Twos a CrowdChapter 5

Where I wonder if I married two women or only half of one. Why can't I sleep — again? Hadn't my plan promised me it would all be over by now? After more than two years it should be, shouldn't it? My idea had been fool proof. She would show me what a dirty, cheap whore she really was and that would cure me forever — and her too. Like an insecticide it would kill all the damn germs that still infested my soul. I'd be clean and happy. At long last I would be ready to move on. And now look...

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Twos a CrowdChapter 6

Where I have to wonder if my wife ever gave up her jocks. While Myriam went on destroying every item she could get her hands on (including the bags), she took me straight through college. It was a story like a Swiss cheese. There were holes in it, which she could not explain. She only had second hand memories for them — things "Estelle" told her afterwards. Or things her body told her. She also heard stories from people who had obviously been involved — mostly the good-looking jocks who...

5 years ago
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Twos a CrowdChapter 7

Where Love once more pretends that it may conquer all. The next tennis evening I told Erica what had happened: first, the evening with Myriam (and Estelle?!) and then the afternoon meeting with her mother and aunt. Erica was silent for a moment. Then she said she had a hard time believing the personality split. I told her there was a lot of literature on that subject. And how the shrink had assured me it might be true. "But doesn't that make it just too easy, Bruce?" she asked. "Fucking...

2 years ago
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Twos a CrowdChapter 8

Where Erica tops my silly plan with an even sillier one. In the weeks after the surreal adventure in Rhode Island, I had a hard time focusing on my work. But as fate would have it (and won't it always?) there was a huge merger opportunity hitting us right then. The company concerned was not into software at all. They were large-scale brokers — they invested for big clients. Enthwistle was amongst them, I saw. Onslow had long since tired of getting his money via the indirect way of first...

3 years ago
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Twos a CrowdChapter 9

Where things don't get better before they do. My skull resounded with the painful throb of my pulse. I must have returned to consciousness, but it was a reluctant and scattered affair. I needed a while to understand the situation I found myself in. My body seemed numb; I could hardly move a muscle. The room around me was dark. It took me minutes to see the contours of furniture, the only source of light being a grayish square. It might have been a curtained window. I guess what I saw was...

4 years ago
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Twos a CrowdChapter 10

Where Onslow has several surprises for me — not all pleasant. The conference table shone in designer spotlights. So did the regiment of spotless designer glasses and all the pretty bottles of designer water. There were designer coffee containers and designer cups. There was also hot water for the pretty teabags in the precious wooden box. Earl Grey, I read. Ceylon and Oolong and China Blossom, names that took me away to exotic places. I was early. I knew I would be. I always liked to just...

4 years ago
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Twos a CrowdChapter 11

Where I find out that my circus always had a clown. I went to the office around eleven. My head still throbbed. I damned my stupidity — the drinking too. Charlotte was her own sparkling self. She smiled and her voice sang. There was a plastic quality to her that I had never noticed before. But it was a well-known kind of plastic. "Is Onslow in?" I asked. There must have been sandpaper down my throat. Her face lit up even more. "Yes, Bruce! He is even expecting you," she...

3 years ago
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Twos a CrowdChapter 12

An epilogue, really, but that sounds so pretentious, doesn't it? I sat in the inevitable chair, right across the dressing cubicles. It was a bit of a wobbly chair. Every cubicle was in use. I hate to go shopping with my girlfriend just as much as the next guy — especially for clothes. But still I grinned. For I knew there was something in it for me, too. A lot, actually. I was gathering credit points for a reward. And I collected them with a smile. The reason for my smile was in the...

4 years ago
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You Fucking Tease

"You're nothing but a tease, a flirt, you just like to play around and lead guys on," someone messaged me on the dating and porn site AdultFriendFinder."No," I replied, "I have actually hooked up with guys I met here, just very busy." And that is the truth. I work a full-time job and volunteer for a number of non-profits in my free time. When I make a date with someone it must be at least a week or two in advance, never on the fly."Fuck you, you lying bitch!" he replied. "You're just a fucking...

4 years ago
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Thankfully, at last, the final box had been unpacked. It was only when moving out of my parents’ house that I realized how much junk I’d accumulated. I was particularly pleased that my apartment was furnished and, therefore, I didn't have to transport furniture. Moving boxes of my personal stuff had been tiring enough.I’d been looking for something reasonably cheap when I saw an advert in the newspaper for what was called a mother-in-law suite. It seemed the lady had passed away some time ago...

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My Girlfriend Is Such A Tease

My girlfriend and I have been going out for over a year. She's the biggest tease on the planet. We'll be making out and getting all hot and heavy and she'll get me all excited, but then will say "she's tired or not in the mood." I have blue balls most of the time, because she never has sex with me. It's not like she's a virgin or anything. She's nineteen and just likes me to pleasure her. A few times after a lot of begging, she will suck my cock for a little while. Sometimes, I just get so...

4 years ago
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Cock tease

Written as a fantasy….Like a lot of young girls, I like to dress like my age. This is nice as I can move freely and do all the things I like to do. It does mean that, sometimes I get attention from much older men, and women, while I am out and about. And I like this as, now I know, I am a ‘cock tease’. I didn’t know that I was one until I overheard a few men calling me that as I went by – so I looked up this online. Well, I knew about cocks, and I knew I was a tease, so I wasn’t shy about being...

3 years ago
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Braless and stocking tease

Part one - Bra-less teaseI don’t usually wear a bra. I’m a student and also work part-time in a travel agency. For work I wear a uniform skirt, white blouse and jacket (although the jacket is rarely needed in the office). Most times I wear a camisole under my work blouse. For college I wear a variety of T’s and tops, unless I am going there straight to or from work. I particularly like wearing loose rather than tight tops. My boobs are 34B and quite perky so I don’t need any support and I find...

2 years ago
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TV Tease

TEASE "Ray," Tanya gave me her exasperated smile, "You're just a terrible Tease!" "Whatever do you mean, Love?" I smiled right back with mock innocence. "You know very well what I mean. For two years now, we've been talking Marriage, and for two years you've been putting me off with weak excuses and empty promises. Now I'm not giving ultimatums or anything, but a girl starts to wonder after awhile; especially a girl who's been as accommodating to a man as I have to you!" I had...

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The Office Tease

A collective sigh went around the place as Amanda arrived for work on Monday morning. Amanda Sinclair was nineteen years old and she was gorgeous, one of those girls who stopped men in their tracks, made them lose their train of thought. She was blessed in every department. At five foot six, she was slim but curved in all the right places. Spectacular legs, great tits and an arse to die for. Perfect skin of course, smooth and lightly tanned. Cascading brown hair, rich and wavy, framing a face...

4 years ago
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The Big Tease

We were lying side by side together, her in her sheer satin panties and sexy bra, both shocking pink, and me in my red tight underwear. We were slowly stroking each other all over but I was concentrating on her sexy ass. I loved the feel of her panties underneath my fingers as I ran my fingertips over her perfect ass. She was teasing me by rubbing and squeezing my inner thighs as well as my balls, through my underwear. "Fantasies turn me on, Dave. Yes, you know I love squirming, sweaty...

4 years ago
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Three Hour Tease

We had met on-line a couple months ago, after exchanging e-mails at first, then just lately phone numbers and after a few conversations, Gail and I decided it was time to meet. I was extremely nervous, as this would be my first meeting with someone that I had met through an on-line dating service. We met at a bar that I sometimes go to for happy hour, which was also convenient for her. Well, we had a blast. All the correspondence really paid off. Turns out we were both nervous but that quickly...

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