Incredible ChangesChapter 489: How Did That Get There? free porn video

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“Sorry, pumpkin, but you’ll have to go through puberty like everyone else. No shortcuts,” I told Ellen. “I will do something I probably shouldn’t, but if it becomes a problem, I can undo it.”

“Ok. Can you at least put my arm back in, please? My hand is getting tired from holding it up,” Ellen asked.

That was easy enough. I didn’t do anything to block the pain. Ellen only grunted out in pain, but that was it. She sighed once I had reset her shoulder.

Reaching out from the place in my head to the implant, I saw that Ellen had dislocated both shoulders multiple times over the years. I knew how to fix it so she could still dislocate them in an emergency, but they wouldn’t pop out on a fall like what happened on her way here. It didn’t take but a few seconds to undo the damage from her twisting her ankle. She wouldn’t even know she did it, but I left the bruising. I ripped one leg off her spandex running pants since she wore boy shorts and panties. I used that to wrap her angle up like the brown stretchy bandages. I had to tear a hole in the material near the end to pull over her foot to hold it in place.

How did that get there? Did April do it?

When I looked in Ellen’s head, I saw that she had multiple places I’d seen in April, twins, and triplets. It was similar to what kids do when they link to people’s brains to think the kids are speaking when they aren’t. Ellen had multiple active, so I traced out those links.

I should have expected that, and it explains a lot.

Tracing out the active links took me to various predators for a mile around us. We had a curious bobcat slinking up to us. I got the vibe from the link that it didn’t want to hurt us.

“Come on, girl,” Ellen thought and said simultaneously. “It is ok. My daddy won’t hurt you.”

The bobcat still approached us carefully. The bobcat was ready to run if I twitched. It sniffed Ellen when it got near her and then began licking over Ellen’s cuts on her feet, arms, and hands. Ellen reached down to scratch the bobcat between the ears. It decided I could kill it without moving a muscle. Maybe it accepted that fact or somehow knew to trust Ellen that I was ok. Soon it had its tail pushed back against Ellen’s as it sat watching and listening around us.

Ellen was petting its head and back when she told me, “She’s one of the resort’s unofficial pest control employees. They found her as a kitten, put a passive tracker under her skin, and put out meat for her from time to time. The resort dumps rodent-attracting spoiled foods, or those about to spoil, in fifteen locations a mile from the resort perimeter. These locations are all in the woods. So far, they have attracted multiple feral cats, two bobcats, dozens of owls, and hawks. Rodents preferred not to deal with humans or the three-quarter-mile open space between the woods and the resort. The cats get what the owls don’t get at night or the hawks during the day. Only those that hitchhike in the incoming deliveries get loose on the property. This girl started following me as I tracked you.”

I didn’t mind, as long as Ellen didn’t.

I went back to doing what I had planned. I linked to April to get her permission to set up a way for Ellen to reach out to April in an emergency. She connected with April and showed me that April did that when I brought Ellen home after I adopted her. I made a similar connection to Ellen. I felt the love for me come blasting over the link.

“Welcome to the party line,” I thought to her over the link.

Ellen said out loud, “Why, Daddy?”

“Because of why you have a bobcat sitting between your legs looking for predators and threats. You connected to her much like the link I’ve had with April. You can reach out to April or me, and we can do the same for you. We aren’t reading your mind or anything, just able to communicate. I can’t explain it exactly, but you will get used to it. I am guessing this is how you can get animals to help you or why Sarah Jane walked out with you calmly, like the bobcat is sitting between your legs,” I told her. “I’m pretty sure your dad did it too. Someone told me that you and he were special. When the time came, I would understand why.”

It took her a few minutes to communicate with me over the link. It took her longer for April because she needed to find April first. It wasn’t an always-on link like April, and I have.

“Hey, Ellen, do you still feel all the angry like when you were hunting the last time?” I asked.

She thought about it and said, “Uh-huh.”

“I’m going to do something,” I told her.

I hijacked her link to the bobcat to send feelings of calm and relaxation. I couldn’t make a direct link to it. It turned to look at me and then started cleaning itself.

Well, I probably can, but I don’t want to.

I put a shield around all the places in Ellen’s head that weren’t linking to April or me.

The bobcat jumped away from us and started looking for threats. It climbed into a tree and laid on a branch, ready to pounce if needed. I noticed it never once looked at Ellen or me as a threat, but something had spooked it.

Ellen started shaking in my arms.

“It is ok. I’m right here, Ellen,” I told her.

She started shaking even more and crying. Over the link from her, I felt pure, raw, animalistic fear. I had to tell April it was ok because I was doing something with Ellen. I was checking on her Angries. It got too intense for April, so she filtered out Ellen’s intense emotions.

Ellen took a while to calm down. While she did, I felt something, and the bobcat’s ears started twitching around as it turned its head, looking for something it couldn’t see.

Tweaking my implant, I wireframed and made everything that wasn’t an animal wireframed and transparent with the place in my head. I added a light bit of coloring to distinguish trees, rocks, dirt, and other things that weren’t animals.

How long have those weapons been hidden away in that oiled hide inside that box? The wood is petrified.

With that change made to what I saw, we had a pack of coyote cubs, a female coyote, a raccoon, and a bear cub moving toward us. I reached out further and didn’t find any other bears closer to us than ten miles.

The bobcat started hissing at the bear cub and then took off chasing the raccoon.

The bear cub hurried up to us and started sniffing Ellen. It nudged her with its nose, and I felt Ellen’s fear. It did three more times.

“Go away!” Ellen screamed through her tears. “GO AWAY!”

The cub looked like someone shot it in the ass with how it jerked back from her, ran off, and climbed up in a tree.

I hadn’t seen coyote puppies up close. They sniffed but then ignored me.

One got between Ellen’s legs and started sniffing her crotch. It started trying to get its nose under Ellen’s torn part of her shorts, where I ripped them to wrap her ankle. The other two were sitting about a foot on either side of us. One of the other puppies came over to sniff.

The adult female coyote came over and picked a pup up by the scruff of the neck to get it out of Ellen’s crotch. It whimpered and moved off to the edge of the clearing where we were sitting. The coyote leaned in to start licking Ellen’s face. It didn’t stop until Ellen started giggling and then had to pee.

Ellen went around to pee in four different spots before moving over near the coyote pup. It got all her pee cleaned off, and it kept licking. It knocked Ellen down onto her hands and knees before moving up behind her. The pup didn’t know it was too small and immature to mount Ellen, but that didn’t keep it from trying. One of the others came over to start pulling on the tail of the one trying to mount Ellen.

All the coyotes scrambled for cover when the bear cub came down the tree. It moved over to Ellen, sniffed, and moved over her like it wanted to mount her. From my angle, it looked like it was in the right place to shove its dick into Ellen. The bobcat ran over to jump on the bear cub’s back. It moved away from Ellen as the bobcat chased it.

Ellen pulled her pants back up and came to sit between my legs.

“I don’t feel anything except being horny. I wish that coyote pup was older. No strings, no phone calls, no pregnancy, and no more Angries,” Ellen said.

I swatted her butt.

I pulled her back into my lap, got my legs over hers, and arms around her chest. I held her tightly to me as I released the shield I had used to block her connections I saw going to the animals. As I expected, she let out a primal scream. I felt the anger and raw energy built inside her as she tried to get free. I held her tightly until I saw that she had used up all her energy reserves and dislocated her other shoulder, trying to get free. I reset that shoulder for her.

“Ok. We’ve got this, Ellen. I think I can help you here. We need to work together,” I told her. “Close your eyes, lean back against me, and relax.”

Any time she got more energy from the food she had eaten earlier, she tried to get free, but it wasn’t happening. I rubbed her chest, between and above her tits, to calm her down each time. I slowly put her body to sleep but kept her brain awake.

“Don’t panic, Ellen. I am going to block out all your senses for right now. All you are going to have is me talking to you through our link and the Angries,” I explained. “Focus on feeling each of the connections to the animals, like you are hunting them or hunting someone that made them the equivalent of angry.”

Yeah, like that would work.

I tried for ten minutes before reaching out to the triplets. Five seconds later, Ellen could find each one. In a minute, she could identify what animal it was, how far away, and in which direction. Two minutes after that, she had the equivalent of knowing what was making them angry.

I don’t blame the bear for being angry. I would be pissed off if someone took me from my mom and relocated me to a forest hundreds of miles away. Yes, having your nuts clawed as you tried to mount the strongest alpha bitch in the area would piss me off too.

I fucked the triplets in our minds and let Ellen listen in. When I broke the link with the triplets, I started to wake up Ellen’s body. She screamed into my mind to stop.

It wasn’t for me to stop, but the coyote pup was getting her off by continuously licking her pussy through her shorts and panties as her juices flowed.

“Daddy, come on already. You make me tag along as you mind-fucked the triplets, and now this coyote pup keeps getting me off. It is the best I’ve ever felt, and now I want her brother, or dad, to mount me worse than anything,” Ellen told me.

Why do I have her little friend in my pocket? It wasn’t there earlier. I know better than to question it.

As Ellen went to pee again, I felt her reaching out to the animals around her.

“No. You will not get that bear back over here to mount you or you to mount it. The resort is likely to kill it on sight. Get on my back, and I will run us back. You don’t weigh much anyway,” I told Ellen as I pushed her little vibrating, self-expanding little friend into her hand.

Expertly, it disappeared inside her right before she got on my back.

With a sigh, we took off at a fast run. I adjusted what I could see to mark anywhere people, cameras, satellites, or anything else would view or detect how fast I was running. I didn’t hit anything until we crossed onto the running path to the resort. It hadn’t taken us long for me to run those ten miles back. I slowed to an average jogging pace until I got inside the resort. I kept jogging to the infirmary. I knew Ellen had bruises on her ankle, knees, shoulder, and chest where she fell trying to get to me.

“If you could give your daughter a little privacy while we examine her. We need her to remove her clothes to check her. She is at that awkward time where...” the nurse was saying as she tried to rush me out of the room so Ellen could get naked.

“Here, daddy,” Ellen said. “Can you go take a shower? You stink. Oh, I need some clean clothes. These stink with your sweat. Dee saw you carrying me in, so she is probably getting Camden to be in here with me.”

I kissed her on the forehead and turned to leave.

Camden handed me Gabriella and said, “You stink. You need a shower, and Gabriella had an accident. Ellen looks like she did, too, just not one that smells like Gabriella’s. You wash your daughter’s stinky butt. I will stay here with Ellen.”

Like that, they kicked me out of the room.

Gabriella did stink. She had crapped all over herself twice and did it again as I tried to get her clothes off. There was no point in saving her jeans or white t-shirt. Gabriella got into a box of Poo Berry, Grape Sports Drink, and fruit snacks yesterday. Today she ate a big bowl of sweet potatoes meant for her triplet siblings. After her nap, Gabby got some cookies filled with pink icing with pop rocks. She only ate the icing out of them. Somewhere she got a bag of candy and ate it until Camden caught her trying to give pieces to the triplets.

That is some seriously technicolored shit! I don’t think anything will remove the neon green, orange, and pink poop.

“No bath!” Gabriella said once I got her naked.

I took the weight suit off and then had to fight my sweat-soaked clothes. I turned on the shower and got the wash wand. It was easier to hose Gabby off with the wash wand.

Once I got her clean, I went to wash the sweat off me. Gabby got the soap and started on my legs. She didn’t know what to do when she got to my dick and balls. I watched her look at it, looked between her legs, looked at it again, and then tried to figure something out.

“Gabby, you’re a girl, and I’m a boy,” I told her.

“Oh. Ok,” Gabby said as she washed it.

Gabriella went around to wash my butt too. That was as high as she could reach, so I stood her on the bench to let her soap up the rest of me. She was giggling away happily. We rinsed off, got out, and I dried us off. I got her on the potty while I went to dress. She needed to go and hadn’t told me in the shower. What had been in her was cleaned out now. I helped her wipe her butt before dressing her in the new clothes we found on the counter. We had a date, and I was taking her to dinner.

After her colorful poop, dinner was rice, chicken, and Jello for her. I had surf and turf. Gabby tried a bite of steak, lobster, shrimp, and crab. She wasn’t sure she liked any of them. By the time she finished her dinner and mini-cupcake for dessert,

Gabby was wiped out.

I carried her back to Camden’s suite, got Gabby on the potty, found her some nightclothes, a pull-up, tucked her into bed, and read her a story. She was out like a light.

“David,” Bambi asked. “A little help here.”

In her room, I found Bambi’s pussy red and wet. She needed a dick, and I gave it to her until she told me she was sore. Camden came back later, and she was horny too. Camden hadn’t had much sleep, so it didn’t take long. I tucked her into bed before leaving.

I took a stroll around the resort and returned to the bushes from last night. I wasn’t in the mood to fuck right now, but I didn’t mind sitting back to watch the guys. One thing I saw right off is that the boys had short and thin dicks. Not sure how they were getting those girls off with something the size of my finger. I did see all the girls were getting creamed. None lasted longer than five minutes. It was funny to watch, though. After a few minutes, I got bored and headed to my suite to check on Ellen.

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Owning Aunt Bridgette Chapter 3

It wasn’t like they hadn’t seen her naked, she thought. The boys always found excuses to pop their heads into the bathroom while she showered or got dressed. On hot days, she was almost never full dressed, letting them see her in the skimpiest of cut-off jeans and bikini tops. Hell, she’d flash them her boobs or tits just because they asked any time. And they asked a lot, usually on movie nights when they’d compare her to the actresses on the screen. They’d seen men fuck her on more than one...

2 years ago
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Anything For Georgetown Part three

“This school has a reputation for being very good, and we want to uphold that. You’re not helping matters any by being mean to students and flaunting your sexuality.” “It’s a crime to be sexy? You sound like Brenda. I can’t help it if she’s ugly.” “But you can stop your behavior.” “And what if I don’t want to?” Houlihan was still sweating. “I went to Georgetown, you know.” This caught Monica off guard. “Really? That’s my top school! I so want to go there!” Houlihan regarded Monica for a moment....

3 years ago
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How a disgusting midget stole my beautiful young wife

Introduction: A depraved midget blackmails his neighbor into giving up his new bride. PART I Im going to be completely honest and tell the whole story, even though Im ashamed to admit any of it… It started about a year and a half ago, when Kelly and I had been living in our new house for only a few months. Everything was pretty great up until that point. Wed bought the place because we were thinking it was time to settle down and maybe have some kids. Kelly, by the way, was my wife. She was a...

1 year ago
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Owning Aunt Bridgette Chapter 4

The older woman’s pussy tingled. She knew it was wrong to let this kid who was half her age treat her this way, but that just made it hotter. She licked her lips and gave him her sultriest gaze, practically inviting him to rape her. “I told you, Dustin, I’ll do anything you want me to. All you have to do is ask, baby.” Her nephew spit in her face. “I won’t be asking for shit,” he snapped. “You’re my fucktoy slave and you’ll do as your told.” “I’m not your slave, Dustin,” Bridgette...

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Howe and Watson

“Her name was Kelly Simpson. She was a producer for a TV series that was shown on three different cable networks,” the tiny redhead informed Sally Howe. “Maze, how did you make the ID?” I asked. “Her ID card,” Sally said pointing to it hanging from her jacket. “I’m surprised you missed your chance to say ‘elementary, my dear Watson’,” I said. You do that at least once every shift. “The Shift has just started Marion,” Sally said. “She is such a smart ass,” I said to Maze the forensic lab...

1 year ago
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Sideshow Bobs Revenge

SIDESHOW BOB'S REVENGE Bart Simpson screamed. He was tied to a table, and the baleful figure of Sideshow Bob loomed over him, wielding a surgeon's scalpel. How had it come to this? At 23 Bart thought he had finally escaped from Bob, but no, here he was, kidnapped and about to die. "Don't worry, Bart, I'm not going to kill you. Death would be too easy. My revenge will be much longer lasting. Something humorous, and lingering. I believe you know Dr Nick?" "Hi, Bart." Dr Nick waved...

3 years ago
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Tommy and Georgette are holidaying in Mexico. Georgette goes into the bathroom early on their second day, shuts the door and looks out the window without turning on the lights.She sees a light go on in a bathroom window across the way and sees a man standing in front of the toilet. He drops his boxers and grabs his penis. He stretches the skin on the end of his penis outwards and then pulls it back behind his glans and proceeds to piss into the toilet.Georgette is amazed. She has never seen a...

Oral Sex
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Tommy and Georgette are holidaying in Mexico. Georgette goes into the bathroom early on their 2nd day, shuts the door and looks out the window without turning on the lights. She sees a light go on in a bathroom window across the way. She sees a man standing in front of the toilet. He drops his boxers and grabs his penis. He stretches the skin on the end of his penis outwards and then pulls it back behind his glans and proceeds to piss into the toilet. Georgette is amazed. She has never seen a...

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Owning Aunt Bridgette Chapter 5

At the moment, the boy was spent, face down on her bed, recovering from his marathon fuck session. Bridgette, still naked, straddled him, the warm mixture of his cum and her juices dribbling from her well-fucked pussy as she massaged her master’s shoulders. She alternated working the muscles beneath his sweat-slick skin with her hands with leaning forward to lick and kiss his shoulders. “Thank you, sir,” she murmured between licks. “Thank you for knowing what this slut needed and being man...

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Anything For Georgetown part five Monica is realizing what shes getting into

After Monica had left, Houlihan got up from his chair and changed into his sweats. He always brought an entire change of exercise clothes to work every day. He’d put himself in a precarious situation, but among the faculty and administration, Monica O’Toole caused mixed reactions. She was one of their brighter students, but her reputation baffled and even ashamed them. It was known that she was picking on Brenda Hartley, Brenda seethed under the verbal jabs, but hadn’t gone to school...

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Anything For Georgetown part five Monica is realizing what shes getting into

After Monica had left, Houlihan got up from his chair and changed into his sweats. He always brought an entire change of exercise clothes to work every day. He’d put himself in a precarious situation, but among the faculty and administration, Monica O’Toole caused mixed reactions. She was one of their brighter students, but her reputation baffled and even ashamed them. It was known that she was picking on Brenda Hartley; Brenda seethed under the verbal jabs, but hadn’t gone to school...

2 years ago
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The Stan Howard Show

****************************************************** Disclaimer: Ok this is inspired by a true story. It is even referenced in the story. Any resemblance of the characters to real people, living and/or dead, or other fictional characters from other stories is totally unintentional, yet coincidental. Yeah, that's the ticket. It's a coincidence. This story deals with some transgendered issues, and of course sex, so if you don't want to read a story about that, well, don't....

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Anything For Georgetown Part four the spanking and tickling scene

“So, Monica. You’re willing to do this?” “Well, yeah. I mean, it kind of sounds like fun in a way. The boys … well, they’re just interested in sex, and that’s pretty much it. They're all about sticking it in, and … I’ve not even had an orgasm. I don’t know if there’s something wrong with me … but …” Houlihan chuckled. “You’re young yet. To be honest, you probably won’t reach your sexual peak until you’re forty or so.” Monica frowned. “You’re kidding, right?” “No. Young men are reaching it at...

2 years ago
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How a disgusting midget stole my beautiful young wife Part II

Introduction: A depraved midget blackmails his neighbor into giving up his new bride. PART II As you can imagine, I was completely devastated. I couldnt believe my nightmare had gotten this far. The thought of my wife having full on sexual intercourse with that disgusting little creep was like pure poison in my heart. And yet it was all my fault. I kept telling Kelly how sorry I was. She was incredibly kind and said it hadnt been that bad, even though she said it was obviously pretty strange...

3 years ago
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Howe Watson 7th Heaven

The call came from Big Mac the next morning. “Watson, how about you and Howe meeting me in Queen City. Come down tomorrow and be prepared to stay a week at least.” “That’s a long time to stay if we don’t know what we will be doing,” I said. “You can always leave, if you don’t like what you hear,” Mac said. “I’ll talk to Sally and call you back,” I suggested. “Watson, I’ll just hold for you,” He said. “Did you hear?” I asked Howe. “Yes, what have we got to lose?” she asked. “You still...

4 years ago
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Anything For Georgetown part 10 Monica has some unwelcome news

The spring semester droned on. Monica found keeping up her self-confident persona a bit difficult. The sex with Houlihan was amazing and frightening at the same time. He’d finally satisfied her, bringing her to orgasm, the first she’d ever had with a man. But it was her first and last time. He’d made it clear that since she’d lied to him about having any more stripping parties, then doing the one in late December, was unforgiveable. Always, he held the threat of not getting into Georgetown over...

1 year ago
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Midgets Like to Pork Too

My wife and I went to have a beach vacation. We rented a nice condo right on the beach. My wife's sister and her husband was to join us but they had had a big fight and only my sister inlaw showed up. My wife, Lucy, was 43 when this story happened. She has black hair, big blue eyes, 5ft 6inches tall. She weighs about 130lbs, nice 32c tits. Her sister, Sandy, was 37, 5ft 3inches tall. Blonde hair with the dark roots, big blue eyes and 32c tits. Both women are fairly attractive. The first day...

2 years ago
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Bridget The Story of a trained Slave

Bridget - The Story of a Trained Slave by Lewis Chappelle with assistance from ?Alli?Chapter One -   Parts 1 - 5Part # 1Bridget could not remember much about her early life. She did know a little about her former master and mistress, an older German couple, who got her from her parents before she even started her first menstrual period. The couple trained her to be a good slave but, had done nothing to educate the young girl, who was now practically illiterate. She did not have aspirations or...

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Mera Intazaar Khatam Howa

Its inform to u all that, names change hen is story men, mera b, kion k men kisi ka be raz fash nahe karta! Hi, mera nam Tallal hy meri age 23 hay, mery jism men hal chal hony lagti hey, jab koi sexy aunti, married larki, ya virgin meri nazrung ke samny ati hy, men Pakistan interior area sindh sy hun, aj kal Karachi job search ker raha hun, mujhy ek shaks key yad bohat sata rahe hy, rat k 12 bajy hen, socha kion nay ap readers sy share karun Yeh jo story men share karny ja raha hun who ek sachi...

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Bridget The Transformation

Bridget - The Transformation Chapter One written by ?Alli? based on a concept by Lewis Chappelle Carefully, Bridget arranged the implements on the floor: the flogger, the cat o' nine, the cane, the leather belt, the large paddle - they joined the others in a neat, straight line across the floor. Everything had to be perfect when Adam, her Master, came home. Bridget worked quickly and smoothly, almost humming as she readied herself and the room. Her Master, the love of her life, traveled...

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Hema Soothu Sexyaaga Irunthathu

Hi friends, en peyar Gautham, vayathu 26 aagugirathu, naan Hemavai en nanban thirumanthin pozhuthu paarthen. Aval sema make up pottukonde chudithaar aninthukondu vanthu irunthaal, aval chudithaar aval mulaiyai maraikave illai. Iru mulaiyum kaiku adakamaaga sexiyaaga therinthu kondu irunthathu. Naan aval mugathai paarpatharku munathaaga aval mulaiyai thaan muthal muthalil paarthen. Haa, aval mulai azhagai rasithu irukum pozhuthu aval thirumbinaal. Appozhuthu thaan aval soothu azhagai paarthen...

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Hema Soothu Sexyaaga Irunthathu

Hi friends, en peyar Gautham, vayathu 26 aagugirathu, naan Hemavai en nanban thirumanthin pozhuthu paarthen. Aval sema make up pottukonde chudithaar aninthukondu vanthu irunthaal, aval chudithaar aval mulaiyai maraikave illai. Iru mulaiyum kaiku adakamaaga sexiyaaga therinthu kondu irunthathu. Naan aval mugathai paarpatharku munathaaga aval mulaiyai thaan muthal muthalil paarthen. Haa, aval mulai azhagai rasithu irukum pozhuthu aval thirumbinaal. Appozhuthu thaan aval soothu azhagai paarthen...

2 years ago
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Sex With Red Chudidar Girlfriend

Hello friends this is Sanjay I am a regular reader of this site going through a lot of stories I also thought of sharing an experience I had with my girlfriend recently and well to introduce myself I’m a doctor and completed my internship recently and this story which I am trying to share with you happened 6 months back when I was in my internship while working in my college hospital. I used to work in a private hospital for a night shift in order to earn money as a duty doctor and that was a...

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Sarah and Sister Theresa

" ... And thank you so very much for coming." Sarah said as she shook hands with Mrs. Anderson. As she closed the classroom door behind the woman, Sarah let out a sign of relief. She thought Mrs. Anderson would never finish. Saint Francis's Open House had ended almost a half hour ago, but Mrs. Anderson had to stay behind and go on and on about her precious little "kitten" and how Sarah should be spending more time showcasing her talents. It could've been worse, she thought, Jim Anderson...

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Harry Potter and Bridget Regan as Professor Regan

Bridget cried out and thrust her pelvis up against the mouth of her favorite student as she came. His mouth had been servicing her bits for the last half hour the teacher estimated. Time held very little meaning for a woman when she had a gorgeous young man eating her pussy. Harry’s tongue continued to stroke through her juicy folds while she arched her pelvis and grasped the back of his head with her left hand. Harry grinned mentally while his favorite professor shuddered and moaned...

3 years ago
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Humping with HowdyChapter 2

DETROIT, SEPTEMBER 1971 We handled the DPS paperwork without evasion, but again without clarification. Insurance is the only benefit where having a spouse matters, but it’s cheaper for two employees to be individually covered. We each claimed one on our W-2s. Don’t fool around with a 1040. My driver’s license is totally legit. We say we’re both from Normal, which is true. Our anniversary is the day of our interview. We don’t wear rings, but that sort of formality is optional these...

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BridgetChapter 2

When I went to see Bridget yesterday I was actually worried she might know what I was thinking by the expression on my face. I was still high on the fantasy sex I had with her the night before, as well as the orgasm she gave me, without her knowledge, of course. I thought she might take one look at me and know about my lusty play, of which she was the star attraction. Thankfully, if she did sense anything like that in my demeanor, she didn't seem to mind. She greeted me more joyfully than...

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Sayak Sex Story Didir Bodnam Ghochalam

Ghum theke uthe Maa er kache sunlam Sutapa di asbe. Sutapa di amar masir meye. Amar theke 3 years boro. Soddo biye hoyeche. Jai hok sunei mon ta valo hoye gelo. O alo. Dudin thaklo. Kothai kothai masir chhoto meye mane amar chhordir kotha uthlo. O nurse er chakri korto Berhampore posting. Onekdin or sathe kotha hoini. Sutapa dir kachei phn no. ta nilam. Phn korlam kintu porichoi dilam na. Dekhlam besh provocative kotha barta. Sune valoi laglo. Tarpor porichoi dilam. Girl frnd sonno jibone tobu...

2 years ago
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Didir Bibahitoh Bandhobi Keh Chudhlam Didir Bieh Teh

Hi ami krish kolkatai thaki age 25 ami ek jon computer hardware engineer ami amar prothom sex experience tah share korchi apnader sahtheh r setah holo amar didi r bandhobi jar naam soma ami didi bollei dakhtam prothomeh kintu ahkhon seh amar sex partner r tar figure tah bolleh di 28-30-38 ehbar asol gotnahtah bolli ami prothomeh soma keh khubh sonman kortam karon amar didi r bandhobi r woh der barir sahtheh amader khubh bhalo somporkoh chilloh prothom amar moneh wor protti chintah dharonatah...

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