KinksChapter 2 free porn video

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My second kink, I told you I have three kinks didn’t I? is my sister. I fancy her. I’m in lust with her. Her body anyway. I want to have sex with her. I want to screw her, fuck her brains out, play with her body. Unfortunately she doesn’t like me. She doesn’t know I fancy her and want her; she just doesn’t like me. She doesn’t hate me. Not any more. She did when she was much younger. Back then she seriously resented me. She had been an only child until she was seven and a half. Then she had a baby brother who took all the attention she had been getting.

Her resentment had faded over the years, so that now she was twenty-three and working, not a very exciting job, but working, she just ignored me. She still lived at home as she couldn’t afford to even rent locally, but for the most part she lived her own life and only rarely interacted with me or even with our parents. To be honest, she had only come out on my birthday trip because her on-again off-again boyfriend had been busy and Mum had twisted her arm. Not physically you understand.

So that evening, after I got home from school, I was both surprised and quietly pleased to find Joanne in the kitchen as I walked in.

“Oh, hi Jo,” I said. She glanced at me but said nothing. I shrugged and got my buttie-box out of my bag and put it by the sink for washing. I’d go and get changed then come and sort that out, as well as tea, afterwards. It was my job to prepare tea in the evenings, a job I actually quite enjoyed. I watched her discreetly for a couple of seconds, then went to get changed.

When I came down again she was still in the kitchen, sorting out a pile of washing. She did her own washing, but still used the family machine and usually put other stuff in at the same time. “Shirt,” she snapped at me as I walked back into the kitchen.

“It was clean on this morning,” I told her. “And I had a shower after games this afternoon, so it’ll do for a couple more days yet.”

She shrugged. Her boobs moved quite delightfully in my opinion under her tight shirt. She switched the machine on, then went back to her room, taking the rest of her stuff with her. I wondered whether she would be back shortly, but her bedroom door shut with a finality that suggested otherwise. I shrugged, disappointed but not surprised.

I had never seen my sister naked, never expected to. But I did want to. I had seen her in her swimmys and her bikini; and once or twice I’d accidentally seen her in bra and knickers. She had a figure I lusted over. She could be really nice and lovely, but more often she was just cool. But that body! And since Dad had already said he wouldn’t take her as a concubine, my hopes were raised just slightly above zero that maybe she would be mine.

As I got myself a mug of tea, the movement in the front-loading washing machine caught my eye. I watched it idly for a few moments, not really paying attention, just letting the regular movement catch my eyes and relax me while I thought about the day. For a moment, a pair of her pale blue knickers appeared at the front, before being whisked away again. I smiled, suddenly remembering back to my CAP test. It was the only thing I could now remember about it, that somehow a pair of knickers was involved. Though how and why I could no longer remember.

That’s where my third kink came in. At the time of my CAP test I had borrowed that very pair of knickers and had been wearing them. About once a month, sometimes more often, sometimes less, I borrowed a pair from either Mum or Joanne, and would wear them all day or all night. The softer, silkier fabrics always got me so turned on doing it and my wanks felt so much better. Yet I didn’t fancy Mum in the slightest. She was nice, but no way was she a MILF.

I was as sure as I could be that I hadn’t told the CAP tester that that was what I did, was doing, but the very fact that I could remember something about a pair of knickers, just not those ones, scared me a little. Made me think that maybe, just maybe, I had said something, or that I had somehow been found out.

I frowned, worried. Who reviewed the CAP tests? Surely they weren’t fully automatic? Someone must have seen or heard. I finished up in the kitchen and hurried out.

Three Saturday’s later, Dad stopped me as I was about to head out to town and the cinema for the afternoon. At least, that was what I had told him I would be doing. In fact I was just going to be hanging around the town centre with a couple of my mates.

“Have you got a few minutes Toby?”

I had a quick panic as I was wearing a pair of Mum’s soft knickers that day. The first time I had worn any since the CAP test.

I nodded slowly. “What’s up? I was going to meet Craig and Alex and go to the pics.”

He smiled and pulled me into the living room and sat me down. This slightly surprised me as that room was almost only used in the evenings, after our evening meal, to gather, talk and maybe watch TV.

“Have you thought about your concubines?”


“At some point you will have to pick four girls or women, to take as your concubines if you are picked up by the Federation. Confederation.”

“Uh. Oh. Yes. I suppose so.”

“Have you given it any thought?”

“Not really, no.” I had of course thought about taking both Mrs Clarke and Joanne, but knew that both were none-starters. First off, I suspected my sister would probably rather top herself than come with me, and second off Mrs Clarke would be a sponsor, not a concubine. Even if she wasn’t, she would never come with me. I was both too young and not good enough at maths. If she went with any student, it would be with one of the others, someone she could respect because they were good enough for her. No, both my two fancies were exactly that. Just fancies. Daydreams.

I shook them out of my head. “No. No thoughts.”

I must have sounded slightly down as he just smiled. “Don’t worry Toby, it’s not that bad.”

“I thought you chose at the pick-up. That’s what I’ve always been told.”

“And you can really believe the people who told you that?” Dad asked with a chuckle.

“Well, no, maybe not.”

“That might indeed happen if you get caught up in a pickup you aren’t expecting, but I’ve been doing some digging, and have found out we can create a pick-up. Not pre-empt one exactly, but sort of pre-order one.”


“We have to get a number of sponsors together, sponsors who have arranged all their concubines in advance. We then tell them where we are going to be, and when, and they arrange to pick us all up quick and neat and tidy.”

“Oh. Are you trying to do that?”

He nodded slowly. “I’ve been told I need ten sponsors minimum. With you I would have seven. I need to find three more. Four if you’re not interested.

“Okay. Yeah. Why not. So when would it all be?”

“Not for a while yet. You need, we both need to find our concubines. Four each. Well, three for me as I want to take your mum. I think I’ve found my other three, but I really need to confirm it before I make any hard decisions.”

“What about Jo?” I asked, curious as to how he would react if I suggested taking her.

“She’ll be safe. A friend of Hillary’s has said he would like to take her, and she’s agreed.”


I think Dad must have seen or heard my disappointment as he frowned at me. “You would not have been taking her,” he said sternly. “That would be just plain immoral and nasty. I hope you weren’t expecting to take her?”

Fortunately for me I could tell the truth. “No,” I said softly, “I wasn’t expecting to take her.”

He frowned at me. “But you wanted to, didn’t you?”

“Sort of. Maybe.”

“Hmm.” He frowned at me. “Well put her right out of your mind.”

“I already had.”

He stared at me for a moment longer. “Are there any girls in your school who you know would be a concubine?”

“Only three for certain, and one of those I wouldn’t choose in a month of Sundays.”

“Not if she were the only choice?”

I actually shuddered, and Dad laughed at my reaction. “What about the others?”

I shrugged. “Maybe. One’s okay but she would probably want to go with someone else. The other?” I shrugged and shook my head.

“Any older women?”

I must have blushed or reacted in some way, because he smiled slightly. “Who? A teacher?” His eyebrows went up as he saw my reaction, even though I tried my hardest not react. “Which one?”

I just shook my head. I could feel my face burning.

He laughed. “Actually, I think I can guess which one. Mrs Clarke by any chance?”

“No, no,” I gasped, my voice hitting a momentary squeak in my panic.

Dad just laughed even harder. “All right love, I won’t tease you any more.” He paused and his face went serious. “Let’s pretend, just for the moment, that it is Mrs Clarke.”

I started to shake my head, but he held up one finger. “Just pretend.”

“Mrs Smith,” I said.

“What? There is no ... Oh,” he smiled. “All right, let’s call her Mrs Smith. But in your head, you have to be thinking about the right person.”

“All right. What about her?”

“Would you take her if you could?”

I shrugged. “Don’t know.”

“Think about it. Think about her. Your ‘Mrs Smith’, if she was available as a concubine, would you want to take her?”

“She wouldn’t be a concubine,” I said. “She’d be like you and me.”

“A sponsor?”

I nodded.

“Okay, so you think she’s a sponsor. But if she were a concubine, would you want to take her? Would you like to take her?”

I thought for a minute. “Yeah. Maybe.”

He nodded. “Okay. If there was a choice between her and some of the other girls or teachers that you know have a CAP score that means they would be concubines, how high up would she come?”

I thought about everyone who I knew had a CAP card. “Probably top, maybe two. I can take four people so she would be in the top two.”

Dad nodded slowly.

“Now think about all the girls in your school. Apart from any you know have a sponsor’s score, how many might you be interested in? At least in thinking about? Don’t worry if you don’t know whether they have a CAP card, just think about the person.”

I thought, and began counting off in my head. Becky Miller. Robyn Taylor. Sharon Walker. Leah Walters. Hannah Robertson. Jackie Robinson. I started counting, twitching my fingers discreetly as I thought of names. Six so far. Janet somebody, wasn’t sure her surname: Sladen? Slavin? Something like that anyway. Taylor and Grace; they seemed to be close friends but I didn’t know their surnames. Sandra somebody with the stunning long red hair. Andrea Ledbetter. Stephanie Wilson. No, Watson. No, something else. Walters maybe? I couldn’t remember. Em Shoreditch. Didn’t know whether that was Emma or Emily. Or even something else. I started thinking slightly further afield than my own year, year thirteen. That blonde girl in the lower sixth, year twelve. And her two friends. That brunette from, I think, the fifth form, year eleven. Now she was pretty. Shame I didn’t know her name. I wasn’t really aware of any of the younger pupils. There probably would be some in year ten, and in theory there might be a few in year nine, the thirteen and fourteen year-olds, but it was too early in the year for there to be many. I sighed softly. I could think of a few pretty girls, but as I didn’t even know for certain if some of them were old enough I dismissed them. I quickly came up with a list in my head of about twenty girls, not that I knew, or was certain of all their names, some I only knew by sight. All of them pretty girls, none of them that I actively disliked for any reason.

“Maybe a couple of dozen,” I said “At most.”

Dad nodded slowly. “And would your Mrs Smith still be in the top two?”

I thought about it for only a moment. “Yeah. I think so.”

He nodded. “Have you included any girls or women that you know outside of school?”

“I don’t really know any.” I didn’t know any of Joanne’s friends, and I’d never been a member of the boy scouts or similar.

“Noooo,” said Dad slowly, drawing the word out as he thought.

He just sat, deep in thought for a long while, but when I started to get up and leave him to it, he waved me back into my seat.

“If I could find a few for you, would you consider them?”


“I don’t know yet. I’d like to get my assistant and her kids out. I wouldn’t be taking them, but maybe you could. The people, the sponsors, I have already got together, I think between us, have enough with probably no spares. I’ve been wracking my brains who I could find for you, if you couldn’t find anyone yourself.”

“Oh. Well I’ll have a look, but not many people have bothered taking the CAP test at all.”

“We should have done what the Americans did and made taking the CAP test mandatory. It might still happen, the government want it, but MP’s are in almost open revolt over it; and other related issues, so I’m not holding out much hope at the moment.”

I nodded, but didn’t say anything.

Dad gave a big sigh. “All right lad, off you go. Have a think about who you might like to take. Please. And I’ll do the same as well.”

I nodded and left quickly.

I thought about it for a couple of days. That Wednesday, just after lunch when we were about to go into physics, I approached one of the lads in the class. I knew he had a seven plus CAP score. We weren’t friends, but neither were we enemies. We simply didn’t move in the same circles. Physics and maths were the only classes we shared, plus form and therefore general studies. I had an idea he was doing German and French as his other two primary subjects.

“Bondy?” His name was Steven Bond, but everyone called him Bondy.

He looked at me. “Simply?”

My surname is Simpson, and it usually got shortened to Simple or Simply. Occasionally I might even get called Homer, but that was rare. Sometimes I got upset or annoyed, but I had grown a reasonably thick skin about it, so I let it pass.

“You got over seven on your CAP, didn’t you?”


“My dad reckons I should be starting to look for people who could be a concubine. Have you started?”

“I’ve finished. Almost.”

“You’ve got your four?” I asked, startled.

“Keep your voice down you twat.”

I glanced around but no one appeared to be taking any notice of us. “Sorry. You’ve got your four?” I repeated, this time much softer, almost whispering.

“Got three, and I know who I want for my fourth. Just don’t know how to ask her.”

“Oh. Erm. Who have you got? Who are you trying for?”

It was his turn to soften his voice. “I got the girl next door to me. She’s three years older than me and her boyfriend, ex-boyfriend, has said he can only take two and she’s not good enough.”

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Friend8217s Cheating Married Sister Fucked 8211 Part 1

Hi friends, I am Ram from Hyderabad. If anyone of you is interested in having sex with a stranger, then ping me. You are always welcome. My age is 24. Recently one of my friends met me after a lot of days. He lives in Dubai and I went to his house to meet him. When I reached Dubai, he came and took me to his house. His sister is also living in the same house and she also knows me. After reaching his house, I met with his sister also. My friend’s sister’s husband also works in Dubai. His sister...

4 years ago
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The B Train

I hated the commute to and from work, trains have always bored me and the forty-five minute journey to work and back was mind numbing. I’ve never been able to read on the train, and so I spent most of my time people watching. Wondering where people were going and what they would do when there. I had a fun imagination so that passed some time, but bored me too after a while. Today had been a good day at work, mainly due to the long liquid lunch we’d been treated to after winning a very...

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After party with Jeff and Thalia

We came off stage and Thalia sat at the table I the far corner they reserve for guests of the band. As she scooted out from the table, I got a quick glance up her short skirt. Her thick thighs were shaven, and they were fat and juicy. The dress was form fitting with a low neck line that revealed her slightly saggy tits. “ Thalia, “ I said holding her hands out as I “jokingly” eyed her over, “ if this man EVER treats you wrong, or doesn’t treat you …erm, right. You give me a call.” “Flattery...

2 years ago
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Black Panties Part 3

Black Panties Part 3 By Princess Panty Boy (This is how Part 2 finished off) The car stops in the mall parking lot, and I see Sandy open the door for me. "Let's go baby or do I need to pull your diaper down here in the parking lot and spank you in front of everyone," I get out and stand there with my legs together. I see Sandy smiling. "Does mommy's baby have to go potty? You need to call me mommy while were out so answer now baby girl." "Yes ummmmm mommy I have to go potty...

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Earths CoreChapter 15 Three Friends

Zax sat with his mother and Liz for two hours, until his father came back home. At which point, his father's reaction was slightly less emotive than his mother, but still very much caring. With his father, Zax sat for an hour longer, discussing the teaching of his Master, the progress of his cultivation and expounding about the members of his Martial household, though not getting into deep details. Keeping it all in a human's simple perspective, yet still sounding bold and...

2 years ago
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Innocence degraded

“When are we going to Skype that family in America Grandad?” Emma said.She was in her usual position, naked, astride his lap as he sat on the sofa, his cock buried deep in her cunt. Jack released the nipple he was sucking.“I’ll sort it out with your mother and father this weekend,” he replied, “l may be talking with Joe either today or tomorrow .”This situation with Emma had become routine. Every other day she would arrive, quickly undress, which didn’t take long in this warm summer weather as...

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The Preachers Wife Chapter One First Affair

Naked, Maggie stood in front of the floor length mirror in her bedroom. "Fifteen years," she said to herself. "Fifteen years ago today I graduated from high school. The class of 1969."She looked critically at herself. She was still slender and was more attractive than she had been in high school with character lines making an ordinary face interesting. Her breasts were small. Her nipples were no longer rosy red tips but were now brownish and wrinkled, the consequence of having given birth to...

1 year ago
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Gahri chudai 8211 1

Aap ko meri pahli kahani kesi lagi, to aage ki baat Haan to ab mai pramod bhaiya se hamesha chudane lagi hi ek baar bhaiya ghar par aaye par mai nahi mili to vo mera wait karne lage mummy or bagal wali anti ko market jana tha to vo pramod bhaiya ko ghar par chod kar market chale gaye or meri cousin sister ko bhi ghar par chod gaye aksar mai or neeta didi sex ki baaten karte the par maine apne or pramod bhaiya ke bare mai unko kabhi nahi bataya tha. Pramod bhaiya mera intzaar kar rahe the or...

4 years ago
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Nickies Coming Out

"Let's just say I'm having a little trouble walking today."Martha had no regrets. Every step she took reminded her of the fun she had over the weekend."I'm thinking Beth is having some of the same issues. We went to that frat party about 10 o'clock, and that was pretty much the last I saw of her."A smile came across Beth's face. "Those boys were very—shall we say—friendly."Having graduated from college only two years earlier, the girls fit in easily with the college crowd. And besides, no frat...

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Worship my cock you Cocksucker Gay

The building was a made of cinder block that had been painted several times, though not anytime recently. All of the layers of paint were worn and blistered and it would be possible for some individual with nothing better to do to count the layers. The last painting was two-tone with light blue on the bottom and then at the height of five feet the paint was white. There was an aluminum storefront window facing the residential street that had been installed during some iteration before this one....

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MOM’S IDEA of a little Fourth of July barbecue amounted to about thirty people gathered in our backyard gabbing and eating for six hours. Many of the people who were watching the game in the morning were also at the barbecue. In addition to ribs, burgers, and dogs on the grill, Mom had baked apple, cherry, and strawberry/rhubarb pies. Everyone who came brought food, too. It was a Midwestern spread that you can only dream about in Seattle. Baked beans, potato salad, deviled eggs, macaroni and...

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SisterInLaws Thong

It all began with several phone conversations with my newly divorced sister-in-law, Deedee. She would call and ask my opinion about different guys she'd met and before long our conversations turned sexual. We would talk about different things that turned each of us on. For example, Deedee likes sex best from behind, doggy-style and I am turned on by a fine heart shaped ass and also like that position the most, so we found we had similar turn-ons. Our conversations continued to get more and more...

4 years ago
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Recovery of a HeroChapter 8 The Hero Remembers

This story is a work of fiction only. Any chance resemblance to actual people or events is purely accidental. I remember that incident in Iraq quite well. It's one of my clearest memories. Five of us in a Humvee were going to one of the Iraqi government buildings where I was working on the computer network systems when we were ambushed. As we were driving down the road, an RPG exploded to the right of us. The vehicle was lifted off the ground on that side by the shock wave of the blast....

1 year ago
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Homecoming The Worst Week of My Life

Introduction: I fuck with my new boy toy during Homecoming week.. I last left you with telling you how I had found a way to control my jealousy. While at the same time, get some attention, especially when I went along with John when he was making personal appearances somewhere. If you need to know, more read my last story Becoming the Slut. I also told you about Adam the nerdy boy I had befriended at college. I had more or less seduced him at our apartment after school. I enjoyed it even more...

4 years ago
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Cabin Relief

It was the summer before my first year of college. I had reluctantly decided to go with my parents to our summer cottage by the Ohio River in western Kentucky. My girlfriend of two years had just broken up with me. She explained to me that she had wanted more room to explore other relationships while she went off to college. Fine with me. My parents didn't seem to mind that I had drunk myself into a stupor on our first night at the cottage. They seemed to be rather understanding of my...

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My Wife Tina Takes Care of Her Needs Part 2

My Wife Tina Takes Care of Her Needs Part #2 In part 2 Tina gets her third COCK that she needs and more The afternoon starts out with Tina calling Dave and John. John is the man Tina FUCKED on the hood of his car before work or where ever she can get it. When the evening was over Tina told me this story of her FUCKING John and FOUR of his friends. Because of me letting her FUCK so many COCK today she thought I would not mind if she already FUCKED a GANG of guys. She was getting FUCKED on the...

1 year ago
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The Plan Mom Daughter Housekeeper

I’m finally getting out today. It’s been four long years. I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Last year I signed up for a mentor program. I was hoping they cut my sentence in half. They did one better. They released me on my 21st birthday.My mentor, Mr. Jimmy Diamond talked to the parole board on my behalf. He should be pulling up in front of the prison very soon. He wants me to live with his family, until I get back on my feet. He is a pastor at his local church. He drove...

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He swung the car around violently on the deserted road and drove back to check what his headlights had lit up. It was late, very late, and he’d been drinking – but nevertheless he was certain his eyes had not deceived him.He pulled up by the kerb where the bundle of rags had suddenly moved as he drove past. It was raining heavily now and as he searched for some sign, he was getting thoroughly drenched.A slight movement made him turn quickly. And then he saw the eyes. Two large bright eyes...

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Sexy servant

Well this story happened when I was in Bangalore, last year. I am a bachelor and was staying alone. A woman of about 30 used to do the cleaning and cooking. She was not very attractive, but since I was alone, I used to fantasize about her. I decided to try my luck one day. When the house owners were away, I asked her to come and clean the room. She came in. I had on a thin tracksuit pygama and no shirt. She came in and started to sweep the floor. I noticed her young body and started to get a...

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DevilsFilm Syren De Mer Landlady Loves Young Black Men

Donnie Sins has recently moved to LA and is in need of lodgings. Finding an ad for rooms for rent he comes to a rich white lady’s house, Syren De Mer. Seems she inherited a huge house and needs to fill the rooms. Her favorite is young black men. It’s a great deal she offers and is even made tastier by the fact Donnie can get a break on rent if he simply lays some pipe on the old betty. No problem. This is one hot and horny granny that he soon finds his massive ebony blood bomber...

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The Party Maid

The Party Maid By Nancy Gaymaid Mistress had led me to a dressing room in the basement, where I was left alone to dress for my "coming out" party. In reality, this was a get together for Mistress and some of her friends, not a party for me. After several months of intense sissymaid training at the hands of this beautiful black domina, it was time for me to be put on display, and into service. I was terribly nervous and apprehensive about what would happen to me, but there...

2 years ago
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My secretary 3 home

Home You can tell John is angry the moment you come in through the living room door. 'You're late', he snaps, barely glancing at me over his glass of whiskey. He is wearing the baggy corduroys which allow his cock to stand fully erect without restriction. 'I'm sorry ...', You tell him, throwing off your coat. 'Gerry let me finish some dictation' 'Don't lie to me! ... is staring at you now, and his eyes are hard. You feel your nipples stiffen against the silk of your blouse. 'Gerry is the...

4 years ago
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The Driving Test Part 3

Where is he? I wondered. I ran a hand through my long black hair, myeyes fixed on the entrance to the pub. Alex had gone into there around ten minutes ago, and he should have been back by now. My hand fidgeted nervously with the buttons on my coat, as I felt the cool evening breeze caress the bare skin of my legs. A smirk played across my lips as my fingertips stroked playfully across the stockings I was wearing. Alex will be pleased, I thought. I’d decked out my voluptuous form with the...

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Daddy8217s Erotic Whore

“Hey, mommy. I need to go to college, i am running late. Where is my breakfast?” I shouted from living room. “Yes Raj, coming wait” his mom replied from bedroom. Meanwhile in bedroom, “Hey wifey, ignore Raj and satisfy my hunger” said my dad having a morning erect. “Baby, please let me go. Raj is also getting late. Let him go and then we can have our steamy session” my mom replied wearing her blouse. “Ok, i am waiting come soon” he said and gave a bite on her boobs. Mom comes down with her...

Gay Male
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"Fingercuffs". Okay, I admit it, its all my fault. I was the one who suggested going out for a drink. It was me who thought we could take Mark along as he seems a bit down just recently. It was also me who agreed to going back to his for a nightcap. I gladly accept all the blame for what happened next. Even if none of it was my idea. It had been a fun if low key sort of night. Just three friends hanging out in a local pub. Mark's a bit like me in his sense of humour. He doesnt so much...

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Drunk Bitch In Party

Hi again dear readers, thank you for all your lovely comments. I would like to tell you about this incident that happened in a party. After being gang-banged by the neighbor in front of my hubby, he started to pay even lesser attention to me than he used to earlier. Although I was not worried as I kept getting my share of sex from the other sources, but I had to show that I was getting more and more horny. We were supposed to attend a party organised by a drug company, where the other guests...

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Empyrian Final chapters

This is the CONCLUSION of the novel "Empyrian". I'm so happy to share with you the final chapters. Please make sure you've read chapters 1-46 before proceeding because otherwise you'll know how it ends! Go on, back up and start at the beginning like everyone else. Also, please, if you are reading the story, let me know what you think. This work has taken over a year and countless hours to complete. Your feedback is a must! Please, please leave a review so I know if someone is...

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The Sea Its Just Home

Free for public distribution, so long as distribution is free. Do not modify. Forty-two years had I walked the earth ... forty-two miserable years. All I could dream of, all I had ever dreamed of, were dolphins. The name's Matthew ... I've been ... well, all around. Born in South Carolina, raised in Hawaii, couple years here and there in Alaska, Texas, Oklahoma, Maine, and here now in Florida ... been through every part of the U.S., from the Pacific Northwest to New England to the deep...

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Meeting the Parents

This would be Bruce and I’s first out of town trip together to visit his parents. He had felt we were serious enough to introduce me after a few months, however I was constantly complaining that we weren’t having enough sex. He was so consumed with his job that I was left to my own devices. I resisted every opportunity to stray. How many times I’d see a cute guy on the way home and want to approach him knowing Brad was going to be at work or too tired, and instead I’d end up coming home,...

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Two totally different parties

Two totally different parties.Now for the truth part, all about myself and my life.I am Mrs Tina Jones, 48 and married to my one and only man, we have two sons, the oldest is 20 and the youngest being 18.We have had what you can describe as a normal life, live in a semi detached house, have one holiday a year. Even our love life was normal, would never do anything silly or crazy, but I suppose that was down to me, not wanting to try anything new, I could put that down to me not having a very...

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Tiny Way to Die

Hi all, so this is a story that I have brought over from This story was originally called "Tiny Way To Die," and it was originally created by a chap by the name of 'chaos'. Link to said story here: Now as for why I brought this story over from, well, I noticed that the original has been largely neglected by the site, only getting updated once every 3-4 months or so. I decided to bring the story over...

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TV Whore Attends an Adult Cinema Collared and Lea

I recently arranged to meet a Mature Dom Admirer at an Adult Cinema in Birmingham, which is about 2 hours from me and would be my first visit to this venue. We had been communicating for months but both of us seem to be determined to make this meet happen, Which was good. My instructions were clear and concise, He was experienced at this, He told me prepare and dress as much as possible, lock myself in chastity with my new pink CB device (A first for me) Plug myself. Drive down to Birmingham,...

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The Fall of the Lapine

A empty, quiet house is one of the most boring things someone can endure for long periods at a time without a good hobby. Unfortunately, Hollie was not one of those people to have many hobbies. A bit of an airhead, the rabbit was always one to get suckered into things she shouldn’t, or make a quick, snap of the moment decision that she should probably just ask somebody else about before hand. When left alone at home, her boyfriend off at a party with her brother for the night and nothing good...

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Surviving the DivorceChapter 2

It wasn't until months later that I learned the route to the wine country from San Francisco. From the time we left the curb at Dolores' house until we pulled up in front of a posh bed and breakfast near someplace called St. Helena, I saw only Patricia. We held hands most of the way, and we talked. I realized, somewhere along the way, that I enjoyed listening to her as much as talking to her. A distinct change from my usual mode. She didn't prattle or gossip. When she had something to say,...

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