Horny Loving BrotherChapter 24
- 4 years ago
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"Bye Ken," Mary and Dannie called to their brother as he crossed the parking lot to the highschool. They waited for him to return their wave and then turned to enter the middle school.
"This is the sixth grade wing," Mary told her sister as she opened the door for her. "I'll show you to your home room and then I'll have to go to the eight grade wing after that so I can put my stuff in my locker and get to my first class."
"I'm not a little girl you know Mary," Dannie sighed as her hand gave her belly a quick pat.
"I know that," Mary said, giving Dannie a quick grin before she continued, "but you are my little sister and if I want to help you I will. Don't worry about it, Kenny helped like this two years ago when I started going here and it didn't kill me."
"So when do I get my own locker?" Dannie asked as she followed Mary down the hall, checking the room numbers against the one listed as her home room in the letter the school had sent her.
"Your home room teacher will assign you a locker here in the sixth grade wing - probably close to your home room. If you're lucky you'll know someone else in your home room and your teacher will let you share a locker. If you're not lucky the teacher will assign you a locker mate."
"In that case I hope I'm lucky," Dannie said as she shook her head hard enough to make her blond curls bounce."
"I hope I'm lucky too," came a familiar voice behind Dannie. The two sisters whirled around to see a grinning red haired girl looking grinning at them as she gave her own swollen belly a quick pat before she pulled her oversized shirt up so her round stomach wasn't as noticeable.
"Kathy," Dannie cried as she gave her friend a quick hug so that their bellies bumped together before they pulled apart. "What are you doing here? I thought you went to Jefferson Elementary."
"I did," Kathy pointed out, "but that was last year when I was in fifth grade. "This year I'm in sixth grade so here I am at Lexington Middle School."
"That's right," Dannie said with a sheepish grin. "I should have realized that we'd be attending the same school this year but I didn't even think about it until you mentioned it. By the way, you haven't met my sister yet. Mary, this is my bunk mate from camp."
"I never would have guessed," Mary said with a wry grin as she looked at as she looked down at the younger girl's swelling belly. With a quick look around to make sure no one was close enough to overhear them she bent down and whispered, "is it true you don't know if it was Ben or George who knocked you up?"
"For all I know it could have been both," Kathy said with a wicked snicker, "after all, I am carrying twins. Is it true that Ken is going to the high school?"
"It sure is," Mary said, giving her sister a knowing wink.
"So Kathy," Dannie said, suppressing a smile at her sister's wink, "do you want to be locker mates?"
"Sure," Kathy said with a casual shrug of her shoulders as she fell into step with Dannie as the two of them followed Mary. "Being locker mates may not be as much fun as being bunk mates back at camp, but now I don't have to worry so much about hiding things away from my locker mate."
"I was just thinking the same thing," Dannie said. "I can't wait to show you the little surprise Kenny gave me - actually he gave both of us one."
"I think I know what you have," Kathy said with a breathy whisper. "My dad actually bought them for Ken and he thought I'd like one for myself. I didn't bring it with me today because I wasn't sure where or how I'd hide it."
"In that case we can share," Dannie said, "I was thinking I'd rush through lunch and then find someplace to try it out. Care to join me?"
"Love to," Kathy said with a laugh. "What about you Mary? We haven't had a chance to get together yet."
"I think I can manage that," Mary said, licking her lips thoughtfully. "In fact I have an idea where we can go for all the privacy we want. Mind if I bring my locker mate with me?"
"I don't mind," Dannie said, "I like Linda and look forward to getting her in the action."
"Who is this Linda you're talking about?" Kathy asked.
"Linda is my locker mate and my best friend since the second grade or even earlier," Mary answered.
"Linda is also the one who helped Mary plan how to seduce Ken," Dannie pointed out. "Mary and I figure she's as hot for him as we are so we're planning to set them up for when we're too big to fuck him. That is if they can keep their hands off each other that long."
"In that case I think I better meet her if she's going to be fucking my Kenny," Kathy snapped with a quick smile that eased the sister's concern.
"I told you she wanted Ken as much as he wanted her," Dannie told her older sister.
"So you did," Mary said with a chuckle.
"Does Ken really want me?" Kathy asked anxiously.
"The way he talks about you you'd think he already had the ring and the date planned out," Dannie chuckled. "I don't think he's in a big rush right now, but once our big brother's done with us he'll be popping the question to you."
"Good," Kathy sighed, "I can wait. Actually I have to since I promised my dad and brother a baby a piece once these two are born."
"By the way, have you heard the latest on Beth and George?" Dannie asked her new locker mate.
"You told me something about them getting married about a month ago," Kathy said with a slight frown. "Has there been something since then?"
"Yeah," Dannie said. "It turns out George inherited some money, enough that he and Beth bought the camp. They're turning it into a resort that will be open all year - don't worry, they're still going to run the camp during the summer - but the rest of the year it's going to be a full season resort. Beth's working on a business degree from an internet college specializing in resorts and camps so technically she'll be running the camp in a few years, but the current manager is staying on for the time being."
"I wonder what kind of camp the two of them will be running," Kathy said with a mischievous smile.
"Not that kind of camp," Mary said with a soft chuckle. "I'm sure the two of them will be more than happy to fuck they're old friends - but they're not going to run the camp that way."
"I wonder what Jake had to say about all this," Kathy said thoughtfully. "After all, he thought Beth was his girlfriend and carrying his baby."
"Actually I know the answer to that question," Dannie said. "I've been e-mailing Jake's little sister Karen since I got home from camp."
"You mean... ," Kathy said hesitatntly.
"That's right, the little sister Jake knocked up about the same time he knocked up his mom," Dannie said with a nod. "It turns out Jake was so upset when Beth and George got married that he left the camp and returned home. Imagine his surprise when he walked into the house and found his old girl-friend's parents sitting in the livingroom with his pregnant mom."
"Embarrassing," Kathy said with a wry smile.
"It turns out Jamie's parents finally got her to tell them who the father of her baby was and they were visiting Jake's mother to talk about how to deal with the situation," Dannie said with a smile. "Jake didn't realize until too late that when he walked into the house he was walking straight into a shotgun marriage."
"How does his new wife feel about the situation with Jake's mother and sister?" Kathy asked.
"Well, it turns out that Jake and Jamie didn't have the means to live anywhere else so they're living in his old room," Dannie said. "For the first few days Jake was sneaking around the house so he could fuck his mother and sister without Jamie knowing it, but Jamie caught him with his mom about three days after the wedding - and got into bed to join them."
"No way," Kathy said with a bemused shake of her head.
"Yes way," Dannie said with a laugh. "It turns out that Jamie is a real slut and got so turned on by watching Jake fuck his pregnant mother and sister that she couldn't wait to join in."
"Sounds like that's going to be one happy horny family," Kathy said. "I almost wish I could be part of it - almost. Once things settle down I think I'll be just as happy settling down with Ken."
"Ben for me," Dannie said with a happy sigh.
"And Bill for me, he's Beth's brother, yes the one who knocked her up," Mary explained when she saw the confused look on Kathy's face. "Well, here's your home room. Linda and I will meet you for lunch, after we eat Linda and I will show you our secret fuck room and we'll try out Ken's presents."
"Sounds great," Dannie told her sister. "We'll see you at lunch then."
"Not bad," Dannie said as she let her fork drop to her tray with a clatter that caught the attention of the other three girls at the table.
"That's what you say now," Linda told her, "but in a week you'll hate it as much as we do."
"Good," Kathy told the older brunette as she took a quick look around the lunchroom to make sure no one was close enough to overhear their conversation. "If the food is that bad then we won't spend any extra time eating and we can have more time to enjoy ourselves before we have to get to class."
"Really," Linda said, giving Mary a quick wink as she spoke, "and how do you suggest we enjoy ourselves?"
"As if you didn't know," Dannie said with a chuckle. "Mary told us how you helped her plan Kenny's seduction."
"I did do that," Linda admitted with a quick blush. "Does this mean we're going to turn our lunch times into a foursome instead of a twosome?"
"Yes," Mary said as she finished her own meal and shifted her trash onto her tray before she got up from her chair. "And we better hurry if we're going to have any time to enjoy ourselves before our next class starts."
"So where are we?" Kathy asked a few minutes later as the four of them walked down an empty hallway.
"This is the shop wing," Mary said.
"Funny," Dannie said, "I don't see anything for sale," Dannie said with a little chuckle at her own joke as her friends groaned.
"No," Mary said, "this is the wing where they have all the shop classes. You know, wood shop, metal shop, auto shop, since these classes don't appeal to girls the girl's bathroom in this wing is almost never used."
Ken looked down at Linda and gave her a quick reassuring smile as they approached the front door of Kathy's house. "Are you sure you're ready for this?" he asked as he gave her shoulders a quick squeeze. "After all, I just popped your cherry about an hour ago and here we are about to walk into a house with two horny guys who want to fuck you." "I'm ready," Linda said with more enthusiasm than she actually felt. Her pussy drooled with anticipation of fucking Kathy's brother and...
While they were eating dinner Mary kept letting her eyes drift to the boys tables, first to the one where Ben sat enjoying his meal, then to the table where Bill was enjoying his between glances at his sister Beth. "Think he knows what you're going to tell him yet?" Mary whispered to her companion. "Who?" Beth asked peeling some meat from her drumstick with her fingers and hesitating before she popped it in her mouth. "Oh, you mean Bill. No, I don't think he has any idea what kind of...
As Dannie approached the beach and the dock she slowed down and caught her breath. Checking her watch she breathed a sigh of relief when she realized she was actually a few minutes early for her meeting with Ben instead of late as she had expected. "Ben?" she called as she neared the dock. "Over here Dannie," Ben called from a few feet down the beach where she could just make out his shape in the starlight as he bent over the eyepiece of his telescope. "I'll be with you in about five...
Dannie did her best to hide in the trees outside the grove as she waited for her turn with Jake. Usually she arrived early and enjoyed the show as Jake fucked the hell out of Beth, but this morning the show sounded very different. "What do you mean you're pregnant?" Jake demanded in a voice just under a yell. "How can you be pregnant?" "I'm not on the pill and you didn't wear a condom when you fucked the shit out of me every morning for the last three weeks," Beth's voice wasn't...
Dannie swallowed hard as the camp bus jostled over another pot hole and made her stomach lurch. To take her mind off her belly Dannie turned to look at the other campers in the ancient school bus. Across the aisle was one of the counselors from the camp, riding along as chaperone for the dozen campers. From the way Britney Smith was watching her Dannie was sure the counselor had noticed the way she held her stomach every time the bus lurched over an uneven section of the road. Of course she...
"How do I look, Kenny?" Dannie asked as she rushed into the kitchen where her brother was snacks ready for their expected company. "You look like a little slut who's hungry for new cock," Ken said glancing up from the bowl of pretzels to look at the skimpy halter top and short shorts. His sister's shorts were so tight that he could tell she wasn't wearing any panties. Not only that, he could see the wet spot in the crotch of her tan shorts where they outlined her pussy...
"Are you sure you have everything?" Ken's mother asked as she set her suitcase down and reached up to pat her dark blonde hair in place for the third time in as many minutes. "I'm sure, mom," Ken said with an exasperated sigh. "We have a weeks worth of dinners stored in the freezer so all we have to do is put one in the fridge to thaw during the day and then pop in the microwave when it's time for dinner. If we forget to switch something to the fridge I have more than enough money to...
Dannie was looking at the ceiling above her and rubbing the slight bulge of her belly when she heard the soft knock on the door. The blond haired girl sat up in bed and pulled her blankets up to cover herself as she turned to look at her older sister who was sitting up in her own bed before turning to look at the hall door as she called out, "Who's there?" "It's me," Kenny said through the door in his normal voice. "Mom and dad have both left for work so we're in the clear." "Come...
Ken followed Linda off the school bus and the two of them waited for the yellow bus to leave before they turned to cross the road to his house. Linda stepped off the curb first and she smiled to herself as she felt Ken's eyes on her ass as he followed her across the road and up to the door of his house. Without bothering to knock or ring the bell Linda turned the knob and walked right into the living room. "Hi Dannie," Linda called to her friend who was resting in the nearby...
"Wake up sleepy head," Beth said, shaking Mary to wake her up from the light doze the naked girl was enjoying. "What's up," Mary said, stretching with a yawn before she focused her eyes on the older girl enough to realize that she was already dressed in shorts and oversize t-shirt to cover the slight bulge of her pregnant belly. "It's the middle of the night." "And what better time to go out and meet the star gazer with the large cock and even larger lust?" Beth asked with a...
"What is taking so long," Ken muttered as he reached the wall and swivelled to face the opposite wall, taking in all the people in the living room as he did so. He saw Mary's blond hair, swollen belly, and milk dripping tits as she lay back in her father's recliner as her brother continued to pace the room. On the large blue couch he could see Kathy (her pregnant belly swollen even larger than Mary's because of her twins) lying on her back with her bare legs stretch across the laps of...
Hi, I am 20 years old and the heroine of my real life experience happens to be my cousin Riya who is also of the same age. Riya is so fair, chubby and sexy. She is a beauty and body-conscious person. She has perfect rounded melons and an ass to die for. It was the time of my vacation that she moved to a college near my home. I wished she would move in with my family but she decided to travel to her home every day which was around 30 km away. One fine day, a bus strike was called and she was...
IncestAs Mary slowly lowered her dripping slit toward Ken's pulsing shaft he reached down to hold his prick steady for her. "I'll take care of that, Kenny," Mary said, reaching down to intercept his reach and shifting it to her left breast. "Why don't you play with my tits? They're feeling left out right now." "Ok," Ken agreed, lifting his left hand to play with her other tit as he fondled the first one, enjoying the feel of the younger girl's soft breasts as her nipples popped erect...
"Do it, Kenny," Dannie said, gritting her teeth in anticipation of the coming pain. "Don't worry, sis," Ken said as held the head of his cock tight against his little sister's tight slit, ready to push it into her fuck hole and through her hymen. "I know you're a virgin so I'll try and take it easy so it doesn't hurt too much." "Really," Dannie asked as she watched her brother shove the head of Ken's prick push through her cunt lips. She could feel her fuck hole stretching...
Ken walked into the kitchen and caught a slight whiff of the chicken baking in the oven. It didn't smell like it had been cooking for too long and he set his bat and glove down on the kitchen table to open the door and check on it. "Mary?" he called as he retrieved his things and headed for his room. "When did you put the chicken in the oven?" "About a half hour ago," Mary said through the open door to the bathroom. "We should have an hour before we have to start the potatoes and...
Mary opened her eyes at the sound of the soft knock on the door of the bedroom she shared with Dannie. It took her a second to remember that it was Saturday morning and the person at the door could be one of their parents. She turned her head to look the other bed where she could see her younger sister's blond curls spread out on her pillow and her swollen belly under her blankets. "Dannie," Mary hissed, "roll over, someone's at the door." Dannie muttered something sleepily but managed...
Beth sat at her table and scanned the rest of the dining hall with a wary eye before turning to her own plate with a slight frown. "Mind if we join you?" Dannie asked as she set her tray down on Beth's left while Kathy sat down on the right. "Dannie, Kathy, I'm on monitor duty right now," Beth pointed out. "You really shouldn't be sitting with me." "There's no rule that says we can't join you," Dannie said as she scooted closer to Beth and gave her a quick smile. "Besides,...
"Would you look at that?" Beth asked as she led the two younger girls from her cabin into the grove where Jake waited for all three of them. "For once Jake's planned ahead. I guess that means he thinks you're something special if he decided to bring a blanket along for his first meeting with you." "You don't have to talk like I'm not here," Jake said as he looked up at the three girls from where he sat in the middle of the blanket he'd spread out on the ground. "Is this the third...
Ken paused at Dannie's door for a second before he eased it open so he wouldn't wake up his sister or daughter. From Dannie's bed he heard his sister's regular breathing as she slept. As he tiptoed over to his daughter's crib he heard a soft whimper as she woke up and he hurried the last few steps before Kendra finished waking up and called from attention from her exhausted mother. With all the skill he'd acquired over the last five weeks Ken changed his daughters wet diaper and held...
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Ken sat between Mary and Dannie on the living room couch as they watched the movie he and Mary had made a week earlier while Dannie was still at camp. "Wow," Dannie said as she watched her brother and sister fucking on the screen while her brother played with her slit with his left hand and Mary's cunt with his right hand, she reached over to stroke Kenny's prick as she continued. "This movie you guys made is really hot, but I bet I can beat it." "I don't know how that's possible,"...
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"George?" Mary called as she entered the nurse's cabin. "Hello? Is anyone here?" "In here," came a voice from the small office. "I'm just taking care of updates on some camper records, I'll be with you in just a minute." "No rush," Mary said as she closed the cabin door behind her and headed toward the door she'd heard George's voice coming from. "As long as we have plenty of time for a good hard fuck when you're done." Mary grinned at the startled look George shot her...
THE LOVING FAMILY By Lotta Drivel NOTES This is my first attempt at writing and I'm learning as I go. There will be further chapters, but don't be in a hurry for more. I'm from the UK, but the story is set in a fictional US town, for reasons I cannot remember. Any error comes from a genuine misunderstanding of US culture. The spelling is UK English, but I assume only a couple of morons will find that a problem. This story includes elements of consensual underage sex and incest....
It was a lovely evening. The sun slipped behind the trees and the lengthening shadows crept across the patio, plunging the secluded garden into twilight. The elegantly dressed young girl slowly arose from the sun lounger and, on long, coltish limbs, stiletto heeled, glided sexily through the open French windows and into the coolness of the drawing room. For a moment she stopped and leant against the door, resting easily in that totally feminine way, with a hip thrust out and a knee bent...
This is part 2 of the story, so you might want to read part 1 first. This story is fictional. All the names have been changed to avoid any similarity there could be with real events. If you don't like incest then don't read this story as there will be sister/brother action. I hope my english is not too bad as it is not my first language. ______________________________________________________________ In the morning we woke up by our parents who said good bye. They weren’t surprised...
Mom Gets Angry With Grown Up Pussy Loving Son blacklaceguy [email protected] The author wishes it to be known he does not condone incestuous relationships in real life, but recognises it is a common fantasy and one shared by many.? I'm Alex, 31 and a sales job that usually takes me places.? Normally, I'd be out on the road, but promotion meant I was mostly office bound now.? What's more, I was recently divorced, my ex kicked me out and I had to go down on bended knees...
My sex partner in this story is madhu who is whitey, with big soft spongy and attractive boobs. Her body too is well and so attractive. She is the first lady with whom I had a lovely sex and still having sex. Im also doing a social service for the women who wanted safe and confidential sex. Till now I have given such service to 5 women who really wanted such type of sex using a condom. So that im healthy. I had many episodes with madhu and the following story is one among them which is more...
Hi readers, its Sandeep back again with his remaining part….any readers who not read my first story please follow the link http://indiansexstories2.net/stories/Incest/horny_son_fucks_horny_mom_132533.html Without repeating my intro i continue from last story….My mom lying down hugging me & i am up on her. my dick is still in her pussy but becomes normal. We are in same position for about half an hour with satisfaction without a word. After that my Mom: sandeep, get up!!! I moved myself from...
IncestRuby Crocker was a single mother. Her husband had abandoned their family without warning. The excuse was 'I need to sow some wild oats'. The truth was Guy Crocker was a bum. He just didn't want to be responsible for being a husband and father anymore.Ruby had two c***dren to bring up by herself. She adored them so. It was the young parent's intentions to keep them safe and always loved. The mother wishes were that they remember only each other could be relied on. They were family and nothing...
Ruby Crocker was a single mother. Her husband had abandoned their family without warning. The excuse was 'I need to sow some wild oats'. The truth was Guy Crocker was a bum. He just didn't want to be responsible for being a husband and father anymore.Ruby had two c***dren to bring up by herself. She adored them so. It was the young parent's intentions to keep them safe and always loved. The mother wishes were that they remember only each other could be relied on. They were family and nothing...
Ruby Crocker was a single mother. Her husband had abandoned their family without warning. The excuse was 'I need to sow some wild oats'. The truth was Guy Crocker was a bum. He just didn't want to be responsible for being a husband and father anymore.Ruby had two c***dren to bring up by herself. She adored them so. It was the young parent's intentions to keep them safe and always loved. The mother wishes were that they remember only each other could be relied on. They were family and nothing...
Hye friends, this is sandeep from Maharashtra. I m posting my first experience on ISS how i fuck my sexy mom. M 23 yrs old living in village near d big city. I completed my Graduation & my father is govt servant so he often on tour very much. My mom Seema is housewife. She has a perfect figure 36 30 34.We r 4 in our family myself, mom, dad & my elder sister swati who is 8 yrs elder to me. Now she is married with 2 c***dren & settled in nearby city. My mom looks so sexy with perfect...
Hey Guys! I am back with the next episode of this series. The true start of what the title actually says ‘Horny Wife, Horny Life’. I hope you will love the sex adventures of shy but now bold Madhu. Madhu came back home after having sex with Om. Vijay came back home in the evening. Madhu did not talk to Vijay about the incident she saw. She had decided to keep it a secret and enjoy her life. She decided to be independent and not being shy any longer. Vijay went to sleep early that night. Madhu...
IncestHye friends, this is sandeep from Maharashtra. I m posting my first experience on ISS how i fuck my sexy mom. M 23 yrs old living in village near d big city. I completed my Graduation & my father is govt servant so he often on tour very much. My mom Seema is housewife. She has a perfect figure 36 30 34. We r 4 in our family myself, mom, dad & my elder sister swati who is 8 yrs elder to me. Now she is married with 2 children & settled in nearby city. My mom looks so sexy with perfect figure &...
IncestPam Fulton and her twin brother, David, had been working for several days now, cleaning out the downstairs bedroom. It had belonged to Steve, their older brother. Steve had gone off to college, and Pam was eager to get his room, since it was larger than hers, and easier to sneak back into the house if she was out too late with a boyfriend. Dave did most of the heavy lifting and moving, while Pam laid out the room's decor. Being very close, the kids laughed, teased and flirted a lot, arguing...
2003 © I am a dyed in the wool voyeur... no doubt you are as well. Not likely that any of us would be here if we weren't! However, I am not the type of person that finds his EROTIC EYE CANDY by peeping in women's bedroom windows for my sexual kicks. I don't drill holes in the ladies room wall nor do I peek up skirts by lurking at the bottom of open staircases. Do I gawk at gorgeous legs with an admirable fanny attached... or a pair pretty of tits and a lovely face passing by? OF...
The author wishes it to be known he does not condone incestuous relationships in real life, but recognises it is a common fantasy and one shared by many. I’m Alex, 31 and a sales job that usually takes me places. Normally, I’d be out on the road, but promotion meant I was mostly office bound now. What’s more, I was recently divorced, my ex kicked me out and I had to go down on bended knees to my mom for a roof over my head. It was with mixed feeling that I went back through...
Dannie let the needles of cold water hit her sensitive chest and shivered at the pleasure that shot down her spine as she let the stream wash away the lather from her shampoo. She'd hoped that there would be some hot water in the shower if she showed up before anyone else but she'd soon realized that there wasn't that much difference between an early shower and a later shower. As Dannie continued to hold her breasts under the cold stream from the showerhead she let her hands drop down to...
ok where do I start ok here we go I m a very horny guy that only like white woman so I watch porn every other night for hours and hours watching white women getting fuck with there black thigh high stockings on my turn on btw so anyway I was watching porn like every other night last night but I got really fucking horny by watching these white milf getting fuck so I got so damn horny and it was around midnight so I got in my car with a fucking hard on and I live 45 minutes away from hard rock...
Hey guys, I'm totally inspired by the hot stories I've read here. I'm from Germany, so I'm not a native speaker but I will try to deliver a nice story for you guys and girls. My name is Jacob, I'm 28 years old and I just moved to Berlin with my girlfriend Jessica. We decided to rent a flat in the fourth floor of a nice old house in "Prenzlauer Berg" a really nice quarter with a lot of young people who are either students or are already working. Opposite of our house lives another friendly...
BisexualBook Three: The Rogue's Passionate Harem Part 16: Epilogue - The Rogue's Loving Harem By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this. Chapter Forty-Six: Crowning Achievement Princess Ava – Echur, Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch My hands smoothed the smooth satin of my blue gown. It hung over the layers of petticoats beneath, giving my figure the shape of a bell, a tight waist that then flared out over my legs. I shivered, my small breasts...
Chapter Five: Loving Mom and Two Hot Sisters By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! “Yeah,” I agreed to Mom. “I'll give you dick whenever you want it. So don't worry.” Mom smiled as she was stroking my cock having woken me up with the usual fashion: sucking on my dick. Sleeping on either side of me were my sisters Jamie and Auburn. I had my little sister and her little titties rubbing into my right side and my big sister and her big boobies rubbing...
I was an average young horny guy, 5’9” with 7” cut cock and grew up with a brother and sister, younger than me but never seemed interested in sex play much. My mother, 5’, dark hair, slim, wore glasses and attractive of typical French ancestry and smoked a bit but I had not really thought of her in a sexual way much. She would sometimes ask me to wash her back at times but I never thought much about it as I never saw her small tits when that happened until one day after the female cousins...
This obsession wasn’t just limited to the computer. I was fantasizing about a number of women whom I knew- my teachers, my neighbor, my friend’s moms, my cousins but majority of my fantasies were about my aunt. My mother’s younger sister, she was married with two kids and lived in the other part of the country. Well, she was a really sexy MILF. She was about 5’6”, slim, with an ass to die for and breasts that weren’t too large but looked perfect on her body. Her nice black hair and her...
Introduction: So begins the sexual misadventures of Horny Hermione at Hogwarts. This is the plant that started it all. DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the Harry Potter characters. These stories are strictly for entertainment purposes. Dont sue me, I have no money. NOTE: So I rewrote this story trying to find some of my mistakes. I am looking for beta readers. If anyone is interested, please let me know. WARNING: These stories are just fantasies but well be dealing with mind-control,...
Hi all sexually unsatisfied men and women.I dedicate this story to you.I am Ram, south indian [email protected] fit, fair guy and horny always.I am a sex addict.I love woman totally.I am a unsatisfied guy.My life goes one watching all porn stars, masturbating, looking for a equally unsatisfied sweet women to spill all my hunger and lust.I admire everything about a woman top to bottom.Luck of my life hit me four months back.I found a women through a dating application.It was a big...